#first time writing for hogwarts legacy oh The Fear
hippogrifffeathers · 1 year
(i can't) reign it in : part 1
In the immediate aftermath of battle, the professors race further into the foundations of Hogwarts. They daren't focus on the dangerous pickling of magic in the air, or how empty wiggenweld bottles crack underfoot- all that matters is getting to MC and Eleazar.
They find them, but in a worse state than anyone could have foreseen.
or, read it on ao3!
the hogwarts legacy hyperfixation is here and i am indulging it completely.
There had been no time to find relief in Fig and MC’s escape, to yell parting words of encouragement or support (for what, none of the professors were still entirely sure), Matilda’s attention drew quickly away from the back of Eleazar’s head, the flutter of MC’s cape as they rushed deeper into the foundations of Hogwarts- and onto the swinging axe of an oncoming goblin.
The battle could have raged on for minutes or hours, it all felt the same fighting under the grounds of Hogwarts, blasting at goblins and trolls indiscriminately. 
She had greatly underestimated the threat of Ranrok and his loyalists, they all had.
All except Eleazar and MC, who were paying for the Wizarding World’s ignorance deeper below- out of reach of any further help.
‘Keep Hogwarts safe’ Eleazar has asked, but the entrance to Hogwarts was in one direction, and the broken bridge he and MC had crossed to greater depths was in another. Goblins were making a try for both, and five Hogwarts professors were all that stood in their way. They could keep both safe, and they would.
Torn between defending any further entry into Hogwarts, and pushing Goblins over the ledge they had been attempting to rebuild the bridge over, it was the resolve of faith in their colleagues’ abilities that kept them fighting. Hope they’d all make it through this battle. Any other awareness felt lost under the red and black glow of armour, decorating the every swing of a weapon raised against them, scattered throughout the battlefield.
Until it faded away.
Armour no longer glowing, glowing red eyes melting to leave room for confusion and shock, cries of outrage echo across the cavern. Rendered momentarily stunned by the loss of power had left their enemies vulnerable, and wands continued to fire upon them as the goblin’s tried to rally themselves for a second wave- there would be time yet for celebration.
Taking down the rest of their attackers was almost too easy by comparison, perhaps aided by the growing lightness that filled their chests, a mutual awareness had settled between them all, and palpable relief, an overwhelming pride.
As the last of the goblins fell, Matilda turned to her colleagues, all finally reunited and gratefully unscathed. She felt a grin grow on her features, sentiments mirrored on her colleague’s expressions.
“They did it.”
That impossible, elusive duo, who’d shared a bond closer than student and teacher. How could any of them have known that the new fifth-year would be pulled under Eleazar’s wing, the pair of them would spending the better part of this year keeping secrets and sneaking off of school grounds- Eleazar, who hadn’t smiled so brightly since Miriam was alive, and the hesitant new student who flourished in his company. 
The same hesitant new student, so new to magic, who had just crushed a rebellion right in its tracks and, with hope, stopped Ranrok.
If their professors felt pride, they could only imagine the way Eleazar would be glowing right now, and suddenly it wasn’t enough to imagine that paternal glow for themselves. They needed to see it.
It wasn’t enough to revel in their student and friend’s victory from such a distance, they needed to be there with them- to see their safety and triumph for themselves.
With nary a scratch between them, Matilda turned her attention to the chasm before the group, the long drop below, blocking them from following Eleazar and MC deeper into the school foundations. “What do we suggest then? Even the strongest of summoning charms won’t cross such a deep chasm.”
Abraham drifted into her periphery, a thoughtful look on his face as he considered the rubble around them, “It will be rudimentary, but I believe I know a charm that will do the trick.”
With a flick of his wand, stones began to levitate from the battleground around them, making their way past the group of professors. Mudiwa and Matilda attempt to school the minor discomfort on their faces, as the bodies of goblins slide off from the top of summoned stones, landing back on the ground with an unforgiving thud of flesh and metal. Instead, their gazes fixed ahead, as the collection of rubble continued to gather, forming a bridge- uneven, and without rails, but sturdy. 
“I cannot say how long it will hold, not when everything in the air feels so…unpredictable, but it will get us across. That’s all that matters.” As if to emphasise his point, Abraham took the lead, making the first steps across the bridge.
Without hesitation, the others followed, with nary a second thought given to the destruction they were leaving behind. 
They paid little attention to the lack of echo their hurried footfalls caused, just as they were all willing to dismiss the unsettling aura in the air- too much had happened already tonight, and their answers were still so few. They were no longer in their element- a message that could not have been made clearer, than by the broken bridge now before them, the grand stone guards that stood on the opposite ledge, defending swirling architecture of grandeur, an empty space within its walls- spikes in magic that hissed at them to stay back. Come closer. Enticing. Threatening.
Abraham’s words from earlier creeped into their minds, unpredictable.
For a moment, the five lingered, eyes on the long fall before them, the edgings of dread curling at their mind. 
MC and Eleazar had been here, stood in this spot- had they crossed the broken bridge? What of the statues, the empty space in the centre of the stonework?
Even now, after Eleazar had promised the truth, had confessed in his letter about Ancient Magic and Ranrok’s plans, so much felt unanswered. A mystery. 
All this, they could be patient for, would wait to hear the full truth- what Eleazar had dared not condemn to written word- but it didn’t solve the most pressing concern on their minds, the unspoken fear between them all, and they searched the empty hall for any clues.
Where were they?
MC, Eleazar, Ranrok. They had all been here, and now all that remained was dust and rubble, a fall to unforgiving stone below. The crackle of magic in the air so powerful it threatened to drown out anything else- how could anyone have made it through such an atmosphere?
Grips tightened on their wands, the beginnings of fear in their hold. This wasn’t supposed to happen. They were supposed to find Eleazar and MC here, and instead it was empty, with only the humming in the air to keep them company, an unsettling taunt of what if?
“Wait.” Head snapped around to look in the direction of the voice, pulling the other staff from their thoughts. Dinah stood to the side, away from the group, a sharp look of focus in her eye- the same that had reminded them she wasn’t always a Professor of Hogwarts, but was once an Unspeakable. She stepped aside, revealing a downward slope, an obscured pathway leading deeper into the foundations, “This way. They went this way.”
It was all they needed to hear. Following after Dinah, they treaded down the slope, and tried not to allow their gazes to settle on large, broken pieces of rubble, scorch marks that looked fresh. It became harder when the crunch of glass echoed between the group, attention focused on Abraham, who had frozen in his tracks. 
Carefully, he lifted one foot, revealing a crushed bottle under his shoe, dregs of liquid still clinging to the bottom. Their stomachs dropped at the familiar warm green shade- none more than Aesop, who had seen that configuration of smashed glass one too many times in his classroom, from careless students.
A smashed potions tube.
And in it, the dregs of Wiggenweld.
Suddenly, the heat of battle that had been warm under their skin became a stinging heat of panic, a fresh wave of frantic worry passed between them. Unspoken questions gave way to horrifying images, scenes of injury played over and over again. Ranrok was defeated, of that they were confident- but then why didn’t they feel reassured? 
“We must keep going.” Aesop’s tone broke through the cloud of worry, as he walked on, a gentle pressure on Abraham’s shoulder as he did so, “If there’s empty bottles of Wiggenweld here, we can only hope for the best.”
The staunch resolution was enough to bring the others to their senses, once again allowing Dinah to lead the way as they continued on, treading deeper still into the foundations. 
Ignoring the rubble became no easier, not now that they were attuned to spot the shine of potions bottles, and worse still, the occasional streak of crimson decorating the ground. Wand threatening to snap under her grip, Matilda determinedly looked away, trying to focus instead on the layout around them, on trying to listen for her friend and her student.
Around them, the magic lingering in the air threatened to become suffocating as they progressed deeper, becoming more frantic, unbalanced. Only Dinah seemed unaffected by the spike, only increasingly curious as they pressed on, rounding a final corner they stopped abruptly in their steps.
The scene that greeted them is terrifying. Flat planes of rock as far as they could see, the same broken rubble scattered in the foreground. Hanging in the air was an orb, bright and pulsating its glow. None of it meant anything, and none of it caught their attention.
Not over the sound of broken sobbing, the kneeling figure of their new student, alive- gloriously, thankfully alive- but curled over a body, as if protecting it, blind to anything else. The professors’ hearts stop at the sight of familiar silver hair, blue robes-
Eleazar, that enigmatic, bright soul- gone from them. Leaving behind a child, MC, someone they all knew had become something closer to him than his student, his mentee- his charge.
And now, someone who was alone in the rubble of battle, who had saved them all but at the cost of someone so close to them.
Another choked cry broke the professors from their horror, spurring them down the final slope and rushing across the broken planes of stone.
There would be time to mourn later, to lament all they had lost tonight. For now, there was a grieving child who needed their help.
It was impossible not to register the alarming strength of raw power that crackled in the air, even the smell of magic growing thicker still. As they stood just paces from MC, they almost felt foolish for ever having assumed this magic was just the after effect of battle, the magic in the Hogwarts foundations. The truth hadn’t hit them until they had gotten closer, it felt impossible, foolish to speak aloud, but made so much sense.
All this magic in the air, it was coming from MC.
It felt like a reminder, stronger than any other they’d seen on the way here, of just what they were dealing with. Confirmation of what this child had already done.
As they neared, MC gave no indication of hearing them. It was a contrast from the dutiful student they had become so accustomed to, the ever-attentive child who wouldn’t miss the slightest flick of a wand, now blind to the world outside of the Professor in their arms, their head bowed away from any sightline, sobs wracking their body.
Matilda took a deep breath before edging closer to MC’s side, to Eleazar’s body. They all knew what had to come first, but that wouldn’t make the process any easier.
“MC? MC, we’re here now,” Soft words fell on deaf ears, with not even a flinch as Matilda knelt in the stone next to MC, allowing her gaze to quickly sweep over as much of her student’s frame as she could see. “Do you think you can let go of El-Professor Fig?”
They were covered in blood and bruising, tears in their clothes remained the only indicator left of wounds covered up with vials of Wiggenweld. They looked less like the wide-eyed new fifth-year, with a world of magic and possibility at their fingertips, and more like a soldier, left alone on the battlefield.
Well, not alone.
Not anymore.
Carefully, arms wrapped around MC’s frame, mindful of any injuries hidden beneath robes and their hunched posture. Matilda’s heart breaks all over again as she feels the sharp shudder of their cries, the way they try to resist as she gently, but insistently, begins to pull them back.
The movement breaks them out of their stupor.
“No, no, nonono please, don’t- don’t,” MC’s strangled cry breaks through the tears, and none of them can feel entirely grateful MC is with them again, “He’s not, he can’t be-”
Her eyes sting, but Matilda won’t let the tears fall. Not now. 
“He’s gone. He’s gone, MC, and I know-I know it hurts, but you need to move back, we’ve got him now-” MC shakes in her arms, nonsensical protests continue to fall from their lips. Matilda keeps her grip steady, “We’ve got you both, but you need to let go-”
“NO!” It’s not the sharp yell that alarms the professors, not the painful, desperate denial in MC’s voice that causes the group to momentarily recoil in shock. It’s the tremor in the ground, the way the glowing orb above their heads had suddenly begun to pulsate. The air around them prickled. A warning. 
At the sharp spike in magic, three wands pointed instinctively up at the pulsing glow, protective over the group below. The absence of a wand drew their attention back, turning to face the fourth member of their group, confused at their lack of alarm.
Dinah wasn’t even looking at the unstable magic above them, her wand hand not so much as twitching to move. Even with the static in the air, she wasn’t concerned.
As if sensing her colleagues gazes on her, Dinah met their confused glance and shot the briefest look at the levitating object before meeting their gaze again, and shook her head. Then, once assured she had their attention, wordlessly looked away- her eyeline pointed, knowing.
And settling firmly on MC.
“He isn’t! He- No! Don’t- Don’t take him away!” 
Only Matilda hadn’t wavered despite the tremours in the ground, the magic spiking in the air- her hold on MC just as steady as before. And suddenly, the others understood what Dinah had already pieced together, the slight glow to the student’s skin only making it clearer.
Wordlessly, Aesop came closer, joining Matilda on MC’s other side. With an understanding nod between them, Matilda made a gentle retreat, making room for him to reach forward and place his hands over MC’s, where they had been resting on Eleazar’s. They shook under his steady grip.
“I know it hurts right now, and you’ve been so strong when you shouldn’t have had to be. It’s over now.” A hitch of shaking breath, another rumble in the ground, Aesop pressed on, “Let us take it from here. No more threats are coming, you did it.” Another breath, the ground stopped shaking, the crackle in the air settled to a dim hum, “Hogwarts is safe, you’re safe.” 
For a moment, he waits. Allows his words to break through the fugue of grief that wracked their body until slowly, MC nods.
Finally, finally, Aesop felt the hands under his grip relax, the accepting slump of MC’s shoulders as they allowed themselves to be pulled away from Eleazar’s body. Their magic calming (because that’s what this was, all around them, this magic- it was all MC, it had to be).
Aesop tried not to sigh too heavily with relief, to think too hard about what they had just witnessed. From the delicate way his colleagues approached himself and Matilda, it was obvious they felt the same way.
Proof, before them, of the magnitude of power this child held, of the ancient magic Eleazar had alluded to in his letter. 
Not in a container, like they had originally assumed- but in a student.
They all exchanged a look of silent, mutual agreement- they would talk about this later, not now.
Mudiwa approaches Aesop’s side, a nod to the shaking student beside him, where his hands now rested on their shoulders, almost in a side hug. He takes a second longer to squeeze them closer, register the first glimpse of their face any of them have gotten, the blood drying atop their forehead, downcast eyes he was sure would be red-rimmed and wet with tears. Their body still shook with grief under his hold, but their magic had settled now, their skin back to its usual pallor.
Slowly, he lets go, allowing Mudiwa to take his place, knowing he will be more useful with what is to come next. Wordlessly, he and Matilda rise to stand opposite Abraham and Dinah, Eleazar’s body lying between them all.
Mudiwa wastes no time, her arms wrapping around MC as she tucked their face into the junction of her neck and shoulder, murmuring reassurances in their ear. She didn’t mind the spot of dampness on her robes as MC cries, the fists clutching her clothes in ways that would only leave wrinkles- she is a professor, a mother, and she would offer this comfort a thousand times over.
Assured MC’s face was turned away, a soft ‘levioso’ passed between the four professors, as Eleazar’s body now floated between them. He looked peaceful at least, with no visible injuries to be seen. Whatever had happened, they hoped it was quick.
In his arms lay a wand- it was familiar, pale in colour with elaborate twisted wood, but they couldn’t place it. The sturdiness of their charm held, Eleazar’s hold on the wand didn’t so much as wobble, not even as Abraham took control of the spell himself. Silently, he and Dinah stepped around Eleazar’s body, between them all partially obscuring the sight from the grieving child.
Wordlessly, they waited. Tried not to watch as MC’s cries settled and they slowly pulled out of Mudiwa’s embrace, rising to stand on their own, body turned away from their professors, from Eleazar, away from further scrutiny and up- up at the glowing orb hanging over them.
Allowing MC the time to collect themself, the professors take a moment to properly survey the expanse of land. The main battlefield, if they were to guess. Scratch marks entangled with charred stone, other areas looked as though they had been subject to intense blasts of lightning. It was easier to look at those, than the drying specs of blood, the empty vials of potions they would guess were more Wiggenweld. The mysterious orb that responded to MC’s magic floated above them all, promising destruction as the slightest wrong move.
It all felt like a jigsaw puzzle, but with so many key pieces missing, and no easy place to start.
They have so many questions, so many concerns, and no time for any of them.
It causes a ripple of unease between them all, the practised way MC collects themself, bringing their breath under control, fixing their composure to turn back around and face their professors, shoulders back and hands braced in front of them, any indiction of the pain they were in, cut off.
They shouldn’t be so good at it, closing themself off like this. How much hurt had they successfully been hiding from their professors, their friends, over the course of this year? How much had their teachers missed?
MC doesn’t look at Eleazar, keeps their gaze on their professors, even as they finally speak. Their voice is rougher than usual, scratchy from crying maybe, weary with exhaustion. 
“I’m sorry about all…that.” Their gaze momentarily flickers down, hiding what almost looked like…shame? Just as quickly, MC’s gaze was back on them, any sign of their previous rumination, gone, “Thank you for coming, without you I don’t know what would have- if we would have gotten here on time.” Finally, their gaze turned away, looked out across the wake of destruction- but there was no fear or sadness there, not like one would normally expect from someone who had faced a long battle. Nor was there the curiosity extended their professors, no wonder for what had happened, for they had seen the worst of it it themselves. Been in it. They continued on, a hard edge to their voice. Unmerciful, detached. “He’s gone. Ranrok is dead.”
It was not surprising, but the professors still allowed the words to ring between them in a wave of relief, a confirmation of the news they had hoped for, had guessed was the case. 
Only Aesop and Dinah responded differently, a look of unease between them. That had not been the voice of someone who had taken their first life.
MC pressed on, the cold tone gone from the voice as their attention returned to their professors, eyes sweeping them with unmasked concern, “Are you all okay? His loyalists can be quite nasty.”
It was almost laughable that MC would be asking them that, after all they had just endured, and perhaps it would be a trifle amusing- if it weren’t so thoroughly depressing. 
“We are just fine, nothing we couldn’t handle.” Matilda, with all her patience and understanding, only smiled at her student, “I believe the more pressing question is are you okay?” MC opened their mouth, but Matilda continued on before they could brush any concerns off. MC had been doing enough of that this entire year, “We can get you seen once we’re back at the Castle. For now, we should all focus on getting back out of here.” 
For a moment, nothing was said, a frown marred MC’s expression as they thought. A baffling sight, this was by far the easiest question MC would face from a professor over this incident, what was there to think about?
Unexpectedly, MC’s face fell as they shook their head, eyes flickering back at the glowing orb behind them as they spoke, “I’m afraid I can’t leave yet, professor. There’s still so much to do- that I need to do. I need to secure the repository-” Repository, the glowing orb as a name then, “And make sure the security functions still work. It may take some time, you should all go on without me.”
Aesop scowled, go on without them, as though any of them would ever agree to something so ludicrous, especially under these circumstances. A biting retort on the edge of his tongue, Dinah steps forward and responds before he can. Likely for the best.
Dinah’s tone is full of knowing, as she meets MC’s gaze with matching intensity, “The repository isn’t going anywhere. You are the only person who can control it, am I right?” MC hesitated, and for a moment Dinah feared they’d remain frustratingly tight-lipped, before giving a small nod. “Then it can wait, until you have more energy,” Or, control over whatever this magic is, “For now, return with us to the Castle, and you can finish this another time.” 
MC’s hesitation was clearly written across their face, rebuff at the ready. Dinah put her final card down, “It’s that, or we’ll all wait here until you are ready to go.”
It was a harsh ultimatum, with Eleazar’s body still floating behind them all, and all eyes would be on MC as they go about the same ancient magic business they had fought so hard to keep a secret all year. Dinah waited patiently.
MC’s gaze wavered, flickering as they weighed their options.
It pained them to admit, but Professor Hecat was right, they were exhausted. Torn between feeling seconds from spontaneous combustion, or losing themself to a dead faint, they likely weren’t in the right space to be messing with any more ancient magic right now- especially not something as powerful as the final repository.
With a sigh, MC nodded their agreement, and Dinah tried not to let the relief show on her face. In truth, she wasn’t sure any of them could have stopped MC if they had insisted on persevering.
“Wonderful. Now, apparating within Hogwarts grounds isn’t usually permitted, but the lift on the charm should still be in effect, so if you stay with me we can use side-apparition. It’s quite nasty the first time, so fair warning.” Matilda offered an arm, palm facing upward, in MC’s direction.
Fingers brushed against the palm of her hand, before sharply pulling back, as if shocked. The professors watched the way MC’s eyes had widened, sudden realisation in their eyes.
Matilda’s stomach swirled with trepidation. Another bump in the road…
“I-I can’t come with you, Professor. I’d nearly forgotten- how could I nearly forget- I need to tell the K- someone.” A pausing breath, “I need to update someone about what’s happened here. That can’t wait.”
The obvious secret keeping wasn’t appreciated, but Matilda knew when to pick her fights with students, and this wasn’t one of those.
“Very well, if this is something that can’t wait then so be it. I trust you know the way out of here, then? El-” Matilda choked on the name, and hoped MC failed to notice, but by the flash of pain on their face, no such luck, “The letter only told us to come to the foundations, it never mentioned an entrance.”
MC’s shoulders slumped at her words, and all too late the professors realised it was with relief, “Actually Professor I…I need to go alone. Perhaps it’s best for you to apparate out of here.”
MC prepared themself for the counterarguments, knowing this is one their professors wouldn’t so easily relent on, but neither would MC. It was bad enough their professors knew the location of the final repository, they wouldn’t allow the secret of the map chamber to get out too.
“You cannot be serious, we aren’t allowing you to walk through these battlegrounds alone.” Aesop tried not to roll his eyes, not wanting to risk looking petulant.
“Professor I can’t, I- nobody can know the entrance to this repository, or anything to do with this magic. I’m not changing my mind.” MC’s tone of fierce independence was almost enough to make their professors’ convictions waver on their own, stubborn in their desire to stay tight-lipped, and hide so many truths from those around them. Solely burdened with this knowledge.
Secrets upon secrets, even now.
Familiar frustration prickled under the professors’ skin, memories of artful question evasion and mysterious disappearings from Eleazar. For the better part of the school year, he and MC had been hiding under secrets and dealing with that burden alone- and for what, the professors could not begin to understand, even now, with so many fractions of these secrets revealed to them. 
But they were humble enough to know when they were in over their heads. 
Whatever this magic was, it was powerful. MC stood before them, robes torn and bloodied, brimming with barely-controlled magic, after taking down Ranrok, defeating countless goblins and trolls on the way. To stand in front of them and try to tell them how to navigate this situation, to act like the authority figures they technically were, felt wrong.
And yet, MC was still a child. They should be spending their time bonding with friends within the safety of Hogwarts walls, nursing headaches during long study sessions and gossiping happily with their housemates at mealtimes. Their biggest worries should have been the next essay for class, or whether their house will win the cup- not whatever this is.
It was unfair. Cruel, to deal a child such a damning card, burdening them with the weight of secrecy and power.
This child, their student. The charge of a beloved, now lost, friend. Incredibly powerful or not, they needed help, support- something they seem to have gone without for far too long.
But MC was willing to leave the repository for now, they had conceded that much- so now, it was the professors’ turn to compromise. They had to pick their battles.
A warm hand settled on MC’s shoulder, firm but easy to shake off if they wanted to. They didn’t. Abraham offered them a smile, “Very well then, if you insist on returning to the Castle alone then we won’t stop you.”
“Thank you Professor, I-”
“Ah, ah ,ah- I wasn’t finished.” He didn’t drop the smile, even as MC’s gaze narrowed into nothing short of suspicion, “We won’t stop you, but some of us will walk back with you- only to where we came from, no further.” He cast a critical eye at their robes, pausing to think before adding, “After Professor Sharp checks you are healthy to travel, of course.”
It was a small addition to make to his terms, but an important one. They had to set a precedent.
MC’s brows furrowed as they considered his offer, relaxing slightly when they seemed to find no trap in his conditions, “That sounds fair.”
“I am glad you’re not completely resistant to reason.” Aesop cut through, “Then I suppose you’ll also find it fair that you meet us in the Hospital Wing afterwards. Straight afterwards. No detours.”
If their past actions were anything to go by, should MC be left to their own devices they would gladly retire to their dorm room and assume a simple Wiggenweld would be enough to take care of their injuries, bypassing any formal medical attention at all. 
They may have gotten away with as much so far, but not tonight.
Clearly, MC had come to the same conclusion, exhausting any mental list of counterarguments with a heavy, and clearly reluctant, sigh. None of the professors could quite find it themself to feel bad about their student’s obvious reluctance, not when it was towards getting medical help.
Instead, Abraham gave a gentle squeeze of their shoulder in comfort, before clearing space for Aesop to come forward, wand poised as he let his gaze sweep down the torn and dirtied robes quickly, mentally preparing himself for any further action that might be necessary.
“You may feel a slight tingle, I’m afraid it’s been some years since I needed this spell. Try to be still, it’ll work quicker if you do. It’s not perfect, only useful for physical injuries, but it should be enough until Nurse Blainey can see to you.” MC nodded, but made no further movement as Aesop cast the spell, trying to ignore the painful familiarity of the wand movement, the murmured incantation he had cast so many times in his auror days.
He wasn’t there. He was here, deep in the foundations of Hogwarts, casting an auror-trained diagnostic spell on a child.
Magic fades from where the spell had wrapped around their frame, in their place Aesop is confronted with the damage that remains. He tries not to let the shock register on his face, not when he feels the heat of MC’s inquisitive eyes on him.
There’s so many red flags it sticks in his chest. Injuries that hadn’t healed completely, wounds that weren’t enough for even multiple Wiggenwelds to take care of- the idea of MC depending on so minor a healing potion when facing Ranrok didn’t sit well with him.
“There’s some lingering injuries, but nothing that should stop you from being able to see to whatever unfinished business you must attend to,” How tempting it would be, to lie and claim they were unfit to travel the rocky terrains back to the Castle, to ensure MC would leave with the staff, now. Regretfully, their student was as stubborn as they came, and no fool.
Aesop consoled himself by pulling out a vial from his robes, offering it to MC, grimly grateful that his auror instincts had never left him, “Drink this, to be certain. It’s a more potent version of Wiggenweld- it should take care of the worst of that ankle, at least.”
MC stared down at the deep gash in momentary confusion, as though they had forgotten it was there in the first place, before graciously accepting the offered potion, downing it in one with practised fluidity.
“Thank you, professor.” They nodded to Aesop, seemingly relieved as they tested their weight on the now gash-free foot, only to frown and let out a soft hiss of pain as their weight buckled.
Aesop wasn’t the only one to reach forward, acting on pure instinct, but it wasn’t needed. Just as quickly as they stumbled, MC righted themself, frowning down at the joint as though it was a particularly nasty exam question, before grabbing the ends of their torn cape, ripping a strip of fabric with little care.
The professors watched as MC brushed off the offer of help from Mudiwa, kneeling down to wrap their ankle in the fabric.
Tentatively, they rose and took a step forward. Then another. And another. Back and forth.
Pleased their binding worked, MC now faced their professors- who were trying their best not to make any further insistences about MC joining them right away in the hospital wing. They knew when not to push it.
“...Can we go now?” A sharp contrast to their earlier assured attitude, MC sounded almost insecure as they waited for someone to say something, to give them permission to carry on. Another painful reminder that this was still a child, one who seemed so much younger, more vulnerable, when they didn’t have the mask of ‘secret magic responsibilities’ to hide behind. Looking to their professors for help, for guidance in what came between now, and whoever it was they needed to speak with.
Matilda made an effort to keep her tone warm and reassuring, as she spoke up, “Of course we can,” Gesturing MC closer towards her and away from where Abraham and Mudiwa stood by Eleazar’s body, the smallest vein of relief running through her when his body was no longer in MC’s sightline, not unless they turned around, “We’ll trust you to lead the way. Professors Ronan and Onai will apparate and get a head start on us in the meantime.”
MC nodded, slipping easily into the role of group leader as they headed in the direction of the upward slope, towards the way out. They missed the exchanging nods of agreement behind their back before the professors parted ways, Abraham and Mudiwa watching after them even as the ‘pop’ of apparition took them away, along with the solemn figure of Eleazar’s body.
They had the head-start to take him to St Mungoes, where his body could be cared for appropriately. Hopefully, there would be enough time between that and when the Ministry officials started asking questions, that the professors could agree on what truths they would reveal, what they would keep for themselves, and what they would do about the many blank gaps they had- that only MC could fill, but likely wouldn’t.
Despite Matilda’s earlier offer for MC to lead the way, the arrangement becomes more of a reverse triangle formation, Matilda and Dinah on either side of their student, Aesop tailing in the back. They were all careful to hang back slightly, to keep MC in their sightlines- perhaps it was overkill, but they didn’t want to take any chances.
Their journey back continues in relative silence, the professors make no comment of the stone structure they had walked by earlier- not even as MC’s gaze fixes on the empty space within, watchful of the guarding statues as they turn the corner, proceeding further away.
Dinah spares a second glance at the structure, her gaze flickered between the void of space being guarded, and MC, then chancing a look below, where she knew that floating orb- the repository- would be found. She knew better than to ask- but the curiosity stabbed at her brain even as she turned away, wondering if she would be more content to forget what mystery they had just come across, than to live with the memories but never any answers.
No questions were asked about the bridge Abraham had earlier constructed, but MC had paused for a moment to test their own weight on the structure before deeming it safe enough to cross. 
Aesop bit his tongue, there were certainly far less dangerous ways to test the stability of something than standing on it.
As they crossed the bridge, it was hard not to admire the easy confidence with which MC traversed the uneven terrain, especially faced with such a drop to either side. They even had the time to pause and look back to their professors, to check on them, but after the third glance, seemed confident they weren’t going anywhere and didn’t bother to look again as they all stepped down from the bridge, and continued through the rubble of the former battlegrounds.
Which was fortunate, because it was hard to hide the fact you were keeping an eye on someone, when they were keeping an eye on you.
There was still a small limp to MC’s step, but they seemed determined to press on despite any pain they were feeling, so the professors resolved not to give it any further attention, not yet anyway.
Instead, they tried to focus on the other details, the slight glow of magic lingering at MC’s fingertips, the way their torn cape fluttered in the non-existent breeze- but all of it faded away as the professors caught sight of their face. The way MC stared out over the empty battlefield.
Eyes surveying the litany of bodies scattered across the ground, lying amongst the rubble- there’s no remorse in MC’s gaze, no alarm for the volume of violence that had occurred tonight. No fear or concern at all in their eyes.
At least, until there is a twitch of movement to their left. 
Before any of the professors can even blink, MC’s body is rigid, their wand raised in preparation as they watch for the twitch of movement, eyes calculating. A single body among the masses twitches again, rouses from unconsciousness. They see it at the same time MC does, a goblin still alive, and fast regaining awareness.
The professors would be proud of MC’s defensive skills, if it wasn’t so telling about what they had been through these past months, if it wasn’t for the glint of cold calculation in their eyes.
For a moment, everything is still- as though the air itself is holding its breath, waiting for whatever comes next. 
MC’s grip tightens on their wand but still they remain still, analytical. The air crackles with magic once again, a momentary distraction from the rousing goblin ahead, from the tension in MC’s frame.
Only Aesop catches it, the faintest glow of jet green- a colour that was impossible for him to mistake, that haunted his nightmares, one he’d hoped he would never have to see again. 
And yet he swears, for a moment, just a moment, MC’s wand glowed that familiar hue-
It’s over before he can get a better look. 
Underfoot, the ground shakes with the rumble of thunder, and then the goblin is gone. In a bright flash of magic, so quick Aesop could almost swear it hadn’t happened, the goblin had disappeared. 
No incantation, hardly any wand movement to speak of, and it was over.
He had seen it before, they all had. What now felt like days ago, but perhaps was mere hours ago or less, MC had battled their way across these foundations and summoned that same power to get themselves and Eleazar through. At the time, there had been no opportunity for their professors to stop and ponder on the incredible power- but now, having just witnessed it again, it was an effort not to ask anything further, to question just what MC was capable of.
Oblivious to their audience, or perhaps intentionally ignorant of it, MC lowered their wand and pocketed it with a smooth flourish, unperturbed by the magic they had just displayed, the life it had just ended. Not even casting a glance behind them, MC continued on.
Aesop exchanged an uneasy look with Matilda and Dinah, but neither of them said a word. So much had happened tonight, there was no telling just how much their young student had gone through, for the sake of one life perhaps it was not their place to judge. It certainly wasn’t Aesop’s.
The group continued on in silence, only the faint rush of running water and the crackle of stones underfoot to hold their focus, keep their thoughts from straying. 
It was hard not to allow their thoughts, their worries, to derail as the professors watched MC push forward. Despite only having the lead by a few paces, it may as well have been miles. They had all spent far too much time teaching teenagers not to recognise the signs of a wandering mind when they saw one, stray thoughts running unattended.
Matilda urged to break MC’s ruminating, whatever negative cycle of thoughts they had descended to, but the space MC had maintained between themself and their professors was no mere coincidence or case of youthful stamina. She would respect this boundary. For now.
The professors recognise it before their student does, the path where they had all crossed paths with MC and Eleazar, with little idea the magnitude of what they were about to face, but ready to do so regardless.
They’d had no idea what shape they would find the pair in, no idea this would be the last time they would see Eleazar alive, side by side with MC and exchanging quips with them as they battled trolls and goblins, nodding at them in thanks for their timely arrival.
Despite the pain in their chests at the memory, the way they wished they could have said goodbye, had even a minute longer with their friend- they recalled the way Eleazar had guided MC through the battlefield, had fought alongside them in perfect tandem as Matilda and Aesop found the pair, eyes watchful over his charge even as they disappeared round that final corner, onward to the final fight.
They knew Eleazar wouldn’t have changed a thing about what happened tonight, if the outcome would stay the same.
They would honour that wish, with everything in their power.
Ahead, MC slows to a stop and turns on their heel to face their professors, hands interlaced in front of them- the picture of composure, vehemence.
There was definitely no chance of MC allowing their professors to accompany them any further, then.
They offer a firm nod, but their foot kicks at a loose pebble as they talk, voice betraying their exhaustion, “See you in the Hospital Wing, then?”, and they are once again reminded that it’s a child standing before them, not a soldier- no matter how desperate MC is to convince them otherwise.
“Yes, as soon as you're finished. Whatever responsibilities you must attend to, make it brief. You can return after Nurse Blainey has cleared you, that’s the agreement,” Technically, nobody had said anything about clearing MC for duty, but Aesop figured it didn’t hurt to add, “Okay?”
MC pauses for a moment, something that would be fractional to anybody aside from their professors, before nodding their agreement, signing their agreement with a quiet “As soon as I’m finished.”- it’s as good a promise as they’re going to get.
With a final sweeping glance around the room, as though committing it to memory, each of the professors disapparate in a ‘pop’, empty spaces where they had been standing just moments ago.
For a moment, MC does nothing, eyeing the ground where the professors had just stood- their watchful gaze no longer burning into MC’s back.
Content that they wouldn’t be coming back, MC pulled their wand out from its sheath, gripping the familiar handle with surety as they kept their back to the exit of the cavern, walking away from the Map Chamber, and back into the deep foundations of Hogwarts. What their professors didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.
Their eyes scanned the rubble, the scattered bodies, for any sign of consciousness- any survivors. 
The Keepers could wait ten minutes more, if it meant the final repository remains a secret.
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A/N: Hi, hello there! Here is me and my newest obsession! I hope you will like this story and keep waiting for new chapters to come! I couldn't stop myself from writing for Hogwarts Legacy so... Please enjoy!
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“Oh, I didn't know we were expecting... guests?”
When a melodic and soft voice came behind them, Harry and pretty much everyone was only able to flinch at the sudden closeness and well, not expecting to see someone living in here. Even when Dumbledore told them that Harry's answers and also questions laid in here, none of them thought much about it. They thought they would be finding another object or some kind of relict...
Not an overly good-looking young woman.
“Uhm, hi... Do you live in here?”
“Well, I'm standing in the garden of the house don’t I?” Harry suddenly felt shy and blushed under the soft teasing of the woman, and she could only laugh gleefully as she looked at everyone briefly and frowned.
“All of you look so skinny... Come, I’ll prepare more food!” suddenly she was behind the group and an invisible force, alongside the strength of the woman, had pushed all of them inside the soft looking and warm, enormous house. As soon as they entered, they were shocked to see many magical creatures and trinkets around, with many pictures of people they didn’t really recognize. They stood there, not knowing what they were supposed to do when the woman appeared again behind Remus, startling him.
“Why are you all standing like that? Go on, feel at your home!”
“Are we sure that this is the strongest witch of centuries? She is too...
“kind and warm hearted...” The twins were indeed right, and Harry couldn’t exactly blame them after... seeing the other pure-blood families. With all that luxury and power, came arrogancy and they always had to expect the worst. When Dumbledore said that the woman who lived in that house was the strongest of all and had the purest of bloods ever known, that was enough reason for them to fear her even before meeting. They were ready to have a full-blowm fight...
But all they were met with was cakes and a hell alot of food...
As if she was waiting for them to come.
“Hehe, sorry for the way I look! I just came back from a run and had to clean the pottery at the back of the house!” the woman said cheerfully as she sat down and urged everyone to eat with a soft smile, energetic even after being left breathless, which eased the tension and even Sirius, the ever questioning man, started to eat. The house and overall ambiance of it screamed wealth and power, and though it would usually irritate him, Sirius looked around to see many drawing and pictures some left-over food and slight drawings on the walls, drawing that mist have once belongt to a kid...
All the signs that there was people living in this house, happy and alive, full of hope and happiness. Perhaps children that was adored by the parents, played with the child and let them explore everything... So different than any other family he had seen, just what a kid trully deserved.
But there were two things that bugged him, made him feel... strange. What was the reason of you being so different? And why did you look so much like his friend James?
“Miss Y/N... If that’s okay, I was meaning to ask a question...” he started after gulping his meat down and bowed his head in respect while wiping his mouth. You raised your head in confusion and gave him a nod.
“Oh, It’s been a long time since I heard that name... Surely, Albus is the one who told you?” you smirked teasingly and Sirirus did the same back, as he wasn’t used to hearing people use his first name. Daring, he thought while leaning back on his chair. The power that pours out of her is unique... Just what’s your secret?
“Yes, indeed he did... I didn’t know you two were close?”
Just like his ancestors, sneaky...
“Well, if you consider me teaching him for 7 years close... Then yes, we are close.” You weren’t stupid at the ways of Black family, how they sneakily tried to get what they wanted. Though you were aware how Sirius detested his own family, much like the man you once fell in love with, you had to be prepared.
After all, those closest to you were the ones who betrayed you once.
Flinching at the sudden excited yell of the two red-heads, twins as you expected, you were able to trully look at them for the first time since they came... And the shriek you let out was even louder than a screech of a Hippogriff.
“Red-heads?! Oh Merlin, what did I do wrong to deal with Weasleys again!” you fake-fainted at the sudden revelation, while the red-heads, all of them, looked at you confused. Just why the hell were you so scared of them? They weren’t like He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named after all... Right?
“Woah- Why the hell is she-“
“It’s probably because she is having war flashbacks from your ancestor...” A woman, who had fair blonde hair and many beauty marks across her face came down gracefully, with voice resembling the harps of heaven by how soft and calmly she spoke. She looked around for a few seconds and then went to the woman sitting at the head of the table, not without stopping to look at Harry who blushed under her intense gaze, yet smiled warmly at him with tears sitting at the back of her eyes at the resemblance he had, except the green eyes.
“Mum, it can’t be that bad...” she tried to comfort you, but since she didn’t know the amount of times you had been a victim to Garreth Weasley’s pranks, it was easy to say that.
Anne shook her head playfully and brought you your tea, the one that would always calm you down, just like how you liked it from what she saw her father doing. And as you slowly calmed down from the sudden panic attack, you grumbled cutely into the cup when Harry’s voice cut you in the middle of telling one of the many pranks Garreth did...
A question falling from his lips, one that you always dreaded to answer., and one that he was curious about after something inside of him itching to make him ask it.
“Miss Y/N... Who was your husband? We didn’t hear much of him and... You didn’t tell us his name either.”
“Yeah, were you two also in Hogwarts together?” You gulped the last bit of the hot liquid as you thanked your daughter, watching as she put them in the kitchen while her eyes didn’t leave a certain tall, red-head and you inyernally gagged and groaned under your breath. All of our immortal lives, she didn’t care about anyone and now is interested in... Garreth’s descendant? Really?
“We... Well, me and my husband met and started dating in fifth year and when the school ended he decided that he would never return back to his family and their dark ways, the pure-blood family and all that shit you know? He asked me if I wanted to go in hiding, after everything we went through, accepted to hide and change our names... And I did, gladly even. Though he was put in Slytherin, he always said that it was because of his heritage and that he always expected it. To be honest, if I hadn’t seen the green robes... I’d have thought he was a Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.” You said softly, thinking about all the adventures and pain you went through with Ominis. It was no easy route, the one you chose to take. But it was worth it, because in the end, both of you were able to move past what was given to you and rather you both chose to be who you were.
Though, it came with a greater cost... A cost that forever wounded you.
Harry watched as you lost yourself in your mind, a longing look settled in your eyes as your finger slowly played with your wedding ring.
The ring you once shared with your husband.
And unknown to you, the sight broke Harry’s heart more than anyone’s.
He never really understood why he suddenly felt at home, as if this... You and this house was all he could ever ask for. There was a strange beating of his heart, as if something was squeezing it, pushing him further to know something... to realise something.
A picture of two people... Two people he didn’t remember much except some blurred images behind his eyelids. A red-head and a man with glasses... Right next to that frame, another man he always saw frequently in his dreams. A man who had milky eyes and blonde hairs...
And in both pictures... you were hugging them close to your chest with a happiness he never saw someone ever having.
“Harry? Are you-“ you noticed his eyes being stuck at something inside the living room and as you turned around to look at what it was, you widened your eyes at the pictures of your family. Pictures where your husband, children and grandchildren were all laughing... Alongside with two people Harry probably knew the best.
A shaky sigh left your lips, tears coming at full speed at the realization of you finally having to explain everything to the boy you failed...
Just like your children who you failed to protect as well.
“Miss Y/N... What is your true name? Your husband’s name?” he gripped the table thightly as Sirius and Remus’ hands found his back under the worried eyes of his friends and he turned to look at the matriarch, you,straight in the eye while Anne rubbed your shoulders, hanging her head low at what was coming and how hard it must be for you.
But you didn’t care anymore. You already failed, what was to come from this anyways?
The least that would happen was that he would try to fight you... which you wouldn’t mind, if it meant you wouldn’t see the pain that was caused because of you.
You have the same fierceness of my husband, dear boy... So much like him, so much like your father...
“Do you wish to know the ones that was forced upon us? The ones that no longer define us, or the new path, new life we chose to have?” you gave a sad, understanding smile at the boy as he slowly had come to realize everything slowly, putting all the puzzle pieces together.
All the pictures of his once family in your home, all the pottery and the little workshop behind the house, they way you knew a lot... About everything. Maybe he didn’t want to accept, or he did since he was finally having a family slowly, but though he might come to regret his decision... He needed you to say it to his face.
“Mum... We can’t hide it from him or anyone else anymore... He deserves to know.”
“I know dear... I know...” you smiled at your sweet daughter as she looked at you worriedly, consoling you in her mind as she talked to you softly while her own set of milky eyes stared at the young boy... The boy who also heard everything through the gift that was passed in your family.
“Both... I want to know both, everything you had been keeping to yourself.” With a nod, you brought some water to him as he gulped it down fast and gave the first part of his request as everyone’s eyes widened at the revelation.
“My husband’s name was Ominis Graunt, direct decendant of Salazar Slytherin and I am the direct decendant of Merlin...”
“No way...” everyone let out at the same time, knowing very well the name that haunted almost all the wizarding world... Even more than the Blacks or Malfoys.
The Noble House of Gaunt... Direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin. The people who lived to torture muggles.
How could their friend be rwlated to those... monsters?
Everyone slowly stood up, a hand on their wands before they were seated back by an invisible force and when they looked around, they saw the green shining eyes of Anne, as she used magic without any wand or hands. “Easy, boys and girls... Listen to the rest of the story.”
As she protected Harry and you, from the judging stares of people, she stood behind you two protectively as you summoned one of the many pictures you had taken of Ominis while he was busy doing what you forced him to do but in the end enjoyed doing it, “pottery”, and one with James as he attended Hogwarts for the first time.
And Harry wasn’t stupid to not realize his baby pictures too, even if he didn’t know much about the rest.
“And...?” He came closer to you with shaky hands, barely holding onto the frame and trying to keep himself from hugging you. You gave a smile to him as you showed the Potter family insignia you and Ominis once created as a joke and showed it to everyone in the room. A chorus of no way’s and shocked gasps found your ears but as you held the last person that was left of your family...
None of them mattered.
“I think you already know the answer, sweet boy.” You caressed his cheeks, and one beauty mark that resembled Ominis’ softly as he closed his eyes and leaned towards your warmth.
“Just please....I need to hear it...” Harry begged but couldn’t stop himself from hugging you when you uttered the last part with tears.
Tears of both pain and joy, caused by your single decision.
A decision you would always curse yourself for doing.
“We are Gaunts by the eyes of many, sweet Harry, but we chose to be Ominis and Y/N...Potter.”
And if it was worth anything, you looked at all the people on the table who had wide eyes just like the plates in front of them, and as you stared at your James’ once best friends with an apologizing frown... You knew that a simple hug and reunion wouldn’t fix everything.
You were cursed for a reason, for making a dumb decision and naively believing that you, Ominis and Sebastian were safe from... everyone.
And because of that, everyone had to pay the price with their lives... As The Potters' Legacy slowly died down...
But if Voldemort wanted it to happen, to erase every track of your blood and what you and your lover wanted to achieve...
This time, he would have to pass through your dead body before he touched even a single hair on Harry’s head.
You didn’t have anything to loose after all, and you would do anything to keep the legacy... safe.
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galathogwarts · 1 year
The Stars Will Always Shine Here ✰ Chapter 1: Back at Hogwarts ✰
Also on ao3
Chapters Masterlist
Summary: After the events of fifth year, you missed your friends in Hogwarts. You were excited to see them all back, not having to roam the castle all alone. You thought after last year, the rest should be easy. Well … not necessarily. Between nightmares that are hunting you through the nights and the fear of unrequited love from your best friend Sebastian, there are also goblins planning to bring you down and secrets that awaits to be discovered. But you have now something you did not have at the beginning of last year, a strong and loving group of friends who would do anything to make sure you survive this year.
Hey everyone :) welcome to my very first fanfic. Im so excited to share it with you all! So I could not wait to finish it completely before publishing it so hopefully it should be okay. A few quick notes before reading:
Major spoilers for Hogwarts legacy, if you have not completed the game and don’t want to be spoiled continue with cautious.
English is not my main language. I really really wanted to write beautifully and creatively but it is hard to do in my own language, let alone in English. So this won’t have the most engaging or well written story, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
This story will contain all kind of plots. The first chapters are heavily focused on character relationship, especially Sebastian and MC. It might be a little slow until we get to the juicy parts.
I’ve changed some stuff from the main plot, like Sebastian killing his uncle.
Please please please give me feedback! If there is something I can do to make the story better I would love to hear it.
that’s all for now! Enjoy :)
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You felt your legs trembling with excitement as you walked towards the kitchens. It felt as if you were going mad, but you have been thinking about this very day since the beginning of summer.
Today is the day, you thought. The day you will finally see all of your friends back at Hogwarts.
You met some of them during the summer. You spent some weekends at Poppy and her grandmother’s place. Poppy’s grandmother was a nice grey-haired woman who liked telling you stories about a variety of magical beasts. You will forever cherish the cold summer evenings, with her and poppy sitting with cups of hot chocolate under a blanket on the floral sofas. The fire in the fireplace crackled in the background while Poppy’s grandmother told you stories about Unicorns, Puffskeins, Hippogriffs, and Graphorns.
You also joined Adelaide and her uncle a few times, each visit you met them at a different place like Maureween Lake and Poidsear Coast. Sometimes you would camp at different sites, and Adelaide and you would stay up late lying on the grass watching the stars.
You even met Natty before her trip to Uganda, though she had been reluctant to go there since the memories were too painful, she agreed at last. You had a fun day at Hogsmeade, drinking butterbeer and talking endlessly about previous adventures and future ones. After that evening you hugged and cried, declaring you will miss each other ‘very much so’.
But there was a trio you did not have the pleasure of meeting this summer. Oh, how you missed the soft eyes under the light brown fringe, and the kind words Anne has written to you all summer. You also missed the pale boy with the light hair who even though could not see, was the most observant guy you ever had the pleasure of knowing. And oh, how you missed the freckled boy with the playful smile. You missed his brown-eyed gaze, looking at them intently when he spoke. You missed his little gestures that showed he cared about his friends. Just thinking about him made your heart skip a thousand beats.
They have been somewhere with Anne, Sebastian’s great attempt of mending things back with her. Thanks to you, by the end of last year Anne agreed to try to reconcile with Sebastian and work on things, which was what they were doing this summer. Ominis joined them as he was also in the need of reconciliation with Sebastian, though with him it was easier. You did exchange owls with him, and Sebastian sent you postcards from different places he traveled to. But you missed their faces, their voice, their presence.
You reached the entrance of the kitchen, your trail of thoughts cut off.
“Good morning, everyone!” You said cheerily as you entered the kitchen, trying to suppress the feelings of longing to see your friends again. A few house-elves smiled at you and mumbled good morning, while others shot you suspicious looks. House elves did not really trust wizards. You could not blame them, of course. They have been taught to blindly obey their owner’s commands and did not know kindness from wizard-kind.
“You look surprisingly happy today.” Said Laxton, the head house elf. He was shorter than the others, and white short hair covered his head. When you started to come to the kitchen as summer started, he was nice to you. You had to prove yourself to the other house elves but you knew without his approval nobody would even look at you. You appreciated Laxton’s trust, and in return your brought him foraging goods you found in your adventures.
He was a kind house elf who listened to your stories while you helped the elves cook. At first, they declined any attempt of help you offered, but you convinced them cooking soothed you, and it let you do something in this big empty castle. Laxton let you help, and you exchanged stories. You about your friends, and he about his dream to travel around the world one day and taste all kinds of food.
But now, he was staring at you with his big eyes, a smile on his lips. He put a plate in front of you as you sat down.
“I told you I can fetch myself my very own breakfast!” you exclaimed. You knew it is stupid, as for the entirety of last year you ate the food they cooked. But you did not want them serving you when you were here all alone. Besides, now that you had befriended them you felt quite uncomfortable being served by them.
“I know. But today is a special occasion. Are you excited to see all of your friends being back here?” He asked, going back to prepare some things for the evening feast.
You nodded and took a bite from the food, a smile crawling on your face.
Laxton smiled too. “I believe you are excited about seeing a particular boy?”
You suddenly felt your face warming up, and were sure your cheeks were turning red. “W-what?”
“You know, the Sallow boy. The one you spent all last year with, and the one you haven’t quit talking about the entire summer.”
“I-I did not!” You declared. But you did, and knew it very well. Sebastian Sallow has been hunting your thoughts for a very long time now. You fancied him, very much so to be honest, but knew nothing can happen between you two. He probably considers you as a friend and nothing more.
Laxton just smirked “if you insist. Now finish eating and get ready, your friends shall be here before you know it.”
“Sorry, all taken.”
After hearing the door being shut, Ominis sighed. “Sebastian, you cannot banish all first-year students from sitting here.”
Sebastian, who has been spreading on his seat, head under his hands against the window, just smiled to himself. “Sure I can! It is my privilege as a sixth year.”
“No, Sebastian, You don't have a privilege.”
“Oh, but I do.” he argued.
Ominis shook his head in disappointment. “If y/n was here, she would have put you in place.”
The atmosphere changed at the mention of your name, and Sebastian lost all the playful spirit he had seconds ago. His heart skipped a bit. Actually many beats. He has been yearning to see you all summer, but he knew you couldn’t come to visit them. You had not even know where they were, and Sebastian was not going to tell you either. Merlin, he missed you so much. He missed hearing your voice, seeing your bright big smile, your good-humored spirit, the wrinkle around your eyes when she laughed, and your-
Stop it, Sebastian. He thought to himself. Do not cross that line.
But Merlin knows how badly he wanted to.
“You are doing this again.” hummed Ominis.
“Doing what?” Asked Sebastian, his brow furrowed.
“Whenever I mention her name, you go silent for a while.”
Sebastian felt a blush appearing on his cheeks, thanking god Ominis can’t see it. “No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I just don’t have what to say.”
“Really? The Sebastian Sallow doesn’t have anything to say?”
Sebastian sighed. “I am a man of a few words.”
“Ha!” snorted Ominis.
“I guess I just …” Sebastian felt suddenly shy, a feeling that was very unfamiliar to him. He knew for sure a red color climbed up his cheeks, and he was glad Ominis could not see it. That thought was not much of a comfort though, as he remembered Ominis does not need to look at him to know how he feels.
Why he reacted this way, though? He guessed it was just the fact he hasn’t seen you for months.
“Sebastian Sallow is lost for words. Never thought I would see the day.” Said Ominis, and Sebastian chuckled.
Ominis smiled. “I heard that. It was unintentional.”
“Sure it was.” said Sebastian unbelievably.
“You miss her too, don’t you?”
Sebastian instinctively nodded. Then he said “Yes, I do. Very much in fact.”
“Why exactly didn’t we tell her where we were this summer? And what we have been doing? I mean, she helped you reconcile with Anne last year.”
“I know, and that’s why.” Said Sebastian.
“I don’t follow.”
Sebastian sighed. “She has been engaging in my mess all of last year. And not just mine, any other Buffoon who needed help, she just couldn’t say no. I knew if we get her in she would stress herself out to help us. She just lost professor Fig and she needed a break.”
“Shouldn’t it be her decision? I mean, I am inclined to agreeing with you. But perhaps we should have left the decision for her to make.”
Sebastian scoffed. “I promised myself this year I would keep her safe.”
Ominis smiled. “When will you tell her?”
“I just told you, I’m not-”
“Not about this, about the other thing.”
“What other thing?” Asked confused Sebastian.
“That you are completely and madly in love with her.”
Sebastian was taken aback. He scanned the surrounding before he returned his stare to Ominis who sat in front of him, a sly smile on his face. “I am not-“
“Save it.” Said Ominis lifting a hand up. “You are convincing neither me nor yourself.”
He was right, Sebastian knew that. But he didn’t allow himself to feel this way, not after everything he had put you through. You should be with someone better than him, kinder than him, even if that thought made him feel like dying. But damn, it was hard not to feel that way. Every time you smiled at him, or called him ‘Seb’, he felt his heart skipping a beat without him wanting to.
He was both excited and terrified of seeing you again. And the more the train sped up towards the castle, the latter feeling took over the first.
The day went by so slowly. You kept moving your gaze to the ticking clock but it felt as if it wasn’t moving at all. Maybe it was the anticipation that made time moves like someone casted Arresto Momentum on it.
At last, the evening finally crept by and you heard the carriages bringing the students towards the castle. You were already in the great hall, waiting to welcome your friends.
And finally, after a few moments there they were. You saw Poppy and Adelaide talking and laughing, but they stopped when they saw you. They ran towards you and you wrapped them both into a hug.
“I missed you, girls!” You said to your dorm roommates, who were your true friends since last year. The room felt so empty without them, and the nights were so much more boring without your late-night talking. You were so excited to not wake up to an empty room the next morning, or fall asleep to the sound of complete silence.
“We missed you too!” Said poppy.
“So so much!” Added Adelaide.
You let go of the hug and looked at your friends. “It was really boring here without you.”
Adelaide smiled. “It was boring without you too. I was so excited when you came to spend the weekend with me and my uncle. He is still very fond of you since you saved him last year.”
You blushed. “It was nothing.”
“It was not nothing. And I’m so grateful for your help. But why didn’t you come to stay with us for the whole summer? I told you, you are more than welcome.”
You smiled shyly. Truth be told, you did not want to feel like a burden, like a lost girl who has nowhere to be. No parents, no mentor … No, don’t think about Professor fig. You said to yourself the thing you told yourself all summer long. It was too painful.
“I know, and I’m thankful. But Hogwarts feels like a home to me.”
“Well, my grandmother was very happy you came to visit us too. And you know you will always have a home at our place.” Said Poppy and squeezed your hand.
You teared up. “Come on, girls. I swore to myself I wouldn’t be a crybaby today.”
“Oh, did you now? Making promises you can not keep?” Said a voice from behind Poppy. You froze in motion, scared to move your gaze toward the person who was speaking. You did at last, and saw a familiar smile, messy oak hair and a pair of brown eyes looking at her playfully. Oh, I could stare at his eyes all day. You felt your heart beating strongly against your chest. You could not resist the urge, and let your legs lead you to where he was standing, and when you reached him, you slid your hands around his waist pulling him into a hug.
You laid your head on his shoulder, as you couldn’t stop the tears from coming. You were yearning to feel the comfort of his warmth, the welcomeness his arms offered you quite a lot of times last year. He hesitated for a moment before he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. He definitely grew taller this summer, and more muscular.
“I missed you.” You said with barley a whisper.
He gulped. “Me too, crybaby.”
You released him from the hug and hit his arm jokingly. “Shut it, I’m being emotional over here.”
He held his arm as if actually hurt, but smiled at you.
You looked to his left and saw Ominis, and then started to whale again. You wrapped your arms around him and cried “Ominis! I missed you too!”
After a minute, Sebastian started to peel off your hands from around Ominis. “Hey now, don’t choke him. We do want him to make it to the seventh year.”
“I missed you guys so much!” You exclaimed and brought your hands together.
“We did too.” Ominis smiled at you.
“I’m starting to forget why...” Joked Sebastian.
You hit his arm again, playfully.
“Ouch! You became strong.”
She smiled. “I had some training last year.”
Sebastian couldn’t help himself. All of the talking and convincing he did all summer went out of the window when he saw you, and when you wrapped your arms around him.
Oh, how he missed your smile, the smell of the meadow you had from spending time in the forest. You also smelled like Vanilla, which he guessed was from the time you spent in the kitchen during the summer as you mentioned in one owl. Ominis was right. He hated the fact that he was, but he can’t deny it. He was absolutely, completely, and madly in love with you.
“How is Anne?” You asked, bringing him back to reality with a tender voice. “We exchanged owls for a bit this summer but I didn’t want to bother her too much.”
“You didn’t. She was actually ecstatic whenever she got an owl from you.” Said Sebastian. “She is good, as much as possible.”
You nodded. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help you find-“
“I told you,” Sebastian stopped you. “Don’t apologize, you have done more than enough.”
You nodded but he could see you were not convinced. He was right though, you had done more than enough. You got yourself involved in dark magic, which you were repelled by and tried so hard to stay away from. You hated dark magic, but you did anything for him, including believing in him that he would make the right decision in the end.
And he let you down. Only thanks to you, things did not go downhill completely.
“Well, I’m excited to start the new year!” You said smiling. “The castle felt so empty without any of my friends.”
“I knew you would miss me.” Said a voice and Garreth Weasley appeared a moment later.
That guy. Thought Sebastian. He had to watch you and him whispering and giggling in potions class all of last year. It was unbearable. He felt like Garreth casually flirted with you, as he himself did, which scared him more since he did it because he had feelings for you. He suspected Garreth had feelings as well, but he hoped with every ounce of his body he was wrong.
“Garreth!” You exclaimed, a little too enthusiastically if you ask him, and wrapped your arms around him too.
Garreth smiled and returned your hug. “Missed you, potion partner.”
She smiled after she broke the hug. “Me too.”
Don’t be jealous, Sebastian, he told himself. You don’t have the right to.
But Merlin, it was stronger than him. His emotions always were.
“Any hugs left for me?” Said Natty.
You gasped and a moment later hugged her tight. “Natty I missed you! I haven’t seen you all summer! How was your trip?”
“Very fun, and very interesting. I missed all of you though.”
“We did too! Come on, Poppy and Adelaide are over there, they would be so happy to see you.” You said and took Natty by the hand towards the two Hufflepuff girls.
“So, Sebastian,” said Garreth. “I heard you are Slytherin’s seeker this year too.”
“I am. And the best one if may I add.”
“Don’t be too cocky now. I am the captain of Gryffindor, and sorry to tell you, but we will have no mercy for you. This year the cup shall belong to Gryffindor.”
Sebastian smiled. “In your dreams, Weasley.”
“My dreams often come true, Sallow.”
“Alright everyone!” Said the principal. “Take your sits by the table, the sorting ceremony will start soon.”
Later that night, you sat on your bed while brushing yout hair. Poppy folded some of her clothes and sorted them into different piles while Adelaide laid down in hers, fiddling with her wand.
“I’m so happy you girls are here, it was quiet without you.”
“We are happy too!” Said poppy, smiling. “I missed you girls, and this place.”
“So y/n, speaking of our late-night talks, how are things going with Sebastian Sallow?” Asked Adelaide.
You blushed. You remembered the way you talked about him last year, and the night you finally admitted to her roommates you have a crush on the Slytherin boy.
“There is nothing going, really.”
“Why not?” Said Poppy, pouting. “I’m pretty sure he returns your feelings.“
“Well, I’m not. Not really. And he is busy with his sister I just don’t want to add more to his plate.”
“We just want you to be happy.” Said Adelaide.
You smiled. “I know. And I am. Those feelings will probably go away.”
“If you say so.” Said Poppy, unconvinced.
“They have to.” You whispered so low, only she could hear.
You didn’t know when you fell asleep, but you woke up to the sound of Adelaide’s and Poppy’s voices.
“Are you okay?” Asks Poppy nervously.
Adelaide started patting your brow with a towel. “My poor girl, you are sweating.”
“What happened?”
“You started mumbling and then crying,” when Adelaide said it, you instinctively moved your hand to your cheeks, feeling a wet trail of tears. “And you sounded terrified.”
You sighed. “They are back.”
“What?” asked Poppy, a confused look on her face.
“Since professor Fig died, I have been having nightmares. They were absent for a while now, but it seems they have returned.”
“Nightmares?” Asked Poppy, shocked.
“Don’t worry, at least this time I don’t remember them. Most of the time they are so vivid, they burn in my head.”
“Blimey! It … sounds dreadful, y/n.�� Said poppy.
“Oh, well … just one of the numerous side effects I guess.” She was frustrated, but did not want to keep the girls up for too long. They did not look as if they were going to let it go so smoothly, though.
“y/n, you have to do something about those.” Said Adelaide, sitting beside you and petting your back.
“Don’t worry,” you smiled at your friends. “I shall go to the hospital wing tomorrow. Perhaps the nurse will have a fix for me.”
“Okay.” nodded Poppy. “Can we do anything else for you? for the moment being?”
You just shook your head. “No, thank you though. Let’s all just go to sleep and try and get some rest.”
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 2 coming very soon because Chapter 1 is the weakest I have written and I'm excited about the next one <3
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purplewitch156 · 2 years
I'm so glad you view this the same way! <3 I'm extremely happy that amazing Harrymort authors are still writing and posting. I'm sending all the good vibes and love! You keep us going! <3
Also, purp, please post all you want about Hogwarts Legacy! It's your blog, you can post whatever you want, and I'm sad to hear you are uncomfortable about it.
I'm playing it as well, I even bought a PS5 beacuse of it, so I can have it early (I had a PS4, but I was like... I ain't gonna wait until April, come on :D), so yeah. I only did not post about it because I still haven't finished it, I'm savouring it make it last longer, so I don't search on it, to not to have spoilers haha.
But seriously, it's so amazing. The first time I 'walked' through Hogwarts, AND the first time walked from the castle to Hogsmead ON FOOT I was simply amazed, and I adore this open world, and all the details, and the clothes.
To be honest, the trans character (to me) is very unnecessary in it, and seems so 21th century thinking instead 19th, but very well, I can move on from that. It's still doesn't make them 'happy' as it seems, so.
Also, all this boycott and shit, and it's still pushing records everywhere. Harry Potter is still strong, and will be. You can't erase this kind of impact.
I personally like that they included a trans character because trans people aren’t new. They’ve been around as long as humans have. It’s just that the dominant viewpoint tends to ignore or erase them. Same thing was true with homosexuality. The queers didn’t just pop into existence one day; they’ve always been here. It just took society a really long time to change and finally go: oh my god, of course you’re here; of course you’re valid; of course you’re entitled to a spot at the table. It just feels like a modern issue because that’s where we’re at. And I love how her character was presented. No explanation. No big reveal. She’s there because she’s there. She’s there because people like her exist. It reminds me of how the creators behind Arcane treated sexuality. There is no judgment or right or wrong. It is simply another layer to the character. It’s just like saying this character is short and this character wears glasses. Another layer to make them fuller and more developed. What would a society look like if people were free to be who they are and free to love who they love without fear and without consequence? And I love that. I love it when writers do that.
The game is so much fun! I’ve been the same, wandering around with my mouth hanging open. The art design is outstanding. I can’t get over Hogwarts and how diverse and intricate the architecture is. I keep staring at the ceilings. lol
And the only reason I’ll stop writing tomarrymort is if I stop finding joy in the process. I’m just grateful that there are still readers and writers and artists who continue to engage and find joy in it too.
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skitter-kitter · 3 years
Fic Masterlist
Most of my fics are listed here for the sake of organization! (Last updated 7/3/21)
New Beginnings
Technoblade (the streamer) is sent into the Dream SMP, and must rely on Dream to survive in this new world. (Set during Tommy’s Exile!) Lots of angst and codependency! There are currently four parts out of this series.
MimicVerse Knockoffs
A series of stories inspired by Subl1m1nals own series Mimic Verse, wherein an evil version of Technoblade takes his counterparts place. Tommy is the only one who notices Techno’s change in personality, and tries to prove to the rest of their friends that this is not their Technoblade. (Set outside of the Dream SMP!) Lots of angst and hurt/comfort from Subl1m1nal, and a ton of angst and pain from my series.
i will be changing soon
An SCP AU based on the Sleepy Bois Inc. Family Dynamic! Centered on Techno! A fair amount of angst and violence.
certain things will never go back to how they used to be
A fic based around Sam, Quackity, and Dream’s mentality during the first day of Quackity torturing Dream. Angst, with some blood and violence. 
phantom home
A character study based around Sam and his relationship with Las Nevadas and Pandora’s Vault. Lots of angst, and some pseudo-fluff.
bodies in the basement
A Sam-centric character study based around his torture of Ponk, Tommy’s death, and his relationship with Quackity. Angst, blood and violence! Read the tags!
A Quackity-centric fic about 3 times Sam helped Quackity and one time Quackity helped Sam. Lots of angst and violence, but with a happy ending!
indulging in you
A soulmate AU based around Schlatt and Quackity, and the impact that their soulmarks have had on one another. Angst and a character study! 
One Day (One Hour)
A Schlatt-centric fic about Schlatt being stuck in a time loop after his death. Lots of angst and manipulation from Schlatt!
the greatest sacrifice
A character study of Skeppy during his day trapped in the Egg, and what caused him to turn so apathetic toward everything he used to love. Angst, hurt no comfort!
A Single Orange Rose
A Fundy-centric fic based around Fundy and Dream’s marriage. Angst with a healthy dose of unhealthy relationships!
our home in hell
A fun fic based around Technoblade and Quackity both being raised in an illegal hybrid fighting ring. Lots of fluff, (because I lost motivation to write the chapter where the angst starts up) but a lot of violence and children getting hurt.
A Tommy-centric fic based around five times Tommy got hurt, and the one time someone helped him. A lot of angst with some comfort at the end!
our patchwork family
A fic based on egare’s ( @elpalaccio ) chaos, she politely knocked, based on the mystery of where Tommy was staying while Quackity was dealing with Technoblade. This is a mix of a Tommy and Sam character study, with some angst and humor thrown in!
pawn to e8
A fic based on egare’s ( @elpalaccio ) chaos, she politely knocked, wherein Quackity is a shapeshifter and after the failed execution he is forcibly recruited by Dream. The original has a lot of angst and found family, and my fic carries the angst train by giving Quackity’s POV of his breakdown in chapter 11.
Best Friend
A Glatt-centric fic based around the idea that he’s forgotten his life before death, but unlike Ghostbur he is not remembered for the “good” he did in life. Lots of heavy angst!
evolution of the smartest
A Pokemon AU that centers around Technoblade and his journey to becoming champion! 
in my heart, in my hand
A Sapnap-centric fic wherein Quackity has been dead since Technoblade’s execution. Lots of angst and grief and major character death!
open arms
A fun cracky fic based around “what if Quackity proposed to all his enemies (and friends) and they had family reunions every few months”. Tons of fluff and fun! Oh also some Fundy angst lol
you could be happy
A Hogwarts AU that centers around Technoblade, a mis-sorted Hufflepuff, and Dream, a Slytherin, and their quest to find a spell to control others. Angst, with a character getting caught in a blizzard!
three of a kind
A fic inspired by dappledleave’s healing: achieved underground, a Quackity-centric fic based around his time in Pogtopia! Since it’s all Quackity’s POV I decided to do a character study for Schlatt, George, and Fundy from healing. Just some general angst!
your worst fears come true
A Sam-centric fic based around Wilbur’s revival, and Sam’s hesitation to kill the intruder at the time. An exploration of what would happen if Tommy died a second time in Pandora’s Vault. Lots of angst and completely canon divergent.
Love and Loss
A fic based around the theory that Sir Billiam III and Sheriff Sherman Thompson are brothers, and that John John is the Butler! Some fluff and some angst, plus some canonical major character death!
A Techno-centric AU series where Technoblade joined the Badlands after the Red Festival! Mild angst!
heart and soul
A study of Techno’s relationship with the staff of Hypixel. Fluff and found family!
Star Wars
A fun peek into a “Maul trains Ezra” AU! Lots of angst and canon divergence!
Family Reunion
An AU wherein the Bridger’s take refuge with the Rebellion, after they believe their son has died. After fifteen years, they reunite with their son, who has become Maul’s apprentice in their absence. Lots of angst and feels!
a better version
A canon divergence of the “Visions and Voices” episode wherein Ezra manages to convince Maul to help him save Kanan and Sabine. Lots of angst and canon divergence!
our final night alive
A character study about Maul and Savage and brotherhood. Lots of angst, as is typical with these two.
nobody to love
An AU where during "Visions and Voices” Maul sees Savage’s ghost among the Nightsisters. Fairly short, but lots of angst.
fantasies of a better future
A fic inspired by @doorsclosingslowly​ ‘s fic Your death is a number but I cannot count that high which is a Savage Lived AU on angst steroids. My fic is an imagining of the reunion between Savage and Maul, before said scene was written! Lots of angst, as per usual.
acidic words
A fic about Dathomirian’s tattoos and how their meanings change in a world filled with soulmate-identifying marks. Some angst!
keep breathing
An AU wherein Ezra is found by the Inquisitors at a young age. Some fluff and angst, and a surprising amount of found family content!
legacy of kings
A fic based around the Haunted Dark Saber Theory (anyone who uses the Dark Saber can see/is possessed by the past users) wherein Maul becomes the Mand’alor, fights his former master, and loses his brother, all in a matter of hours. Mild angst.
standing on forgotten memories
An outsider POV of a Maul getting de-aged fic. Some angst and some vague mentions of Maul’s childhood.
the most honorable thing
A fic about Maul finding his way to the World Between Worlds, and saving his brother. Some angst with a happy ending!
Cardooine Chills
A sickfic with Savage taking care of Maul. Some angst and hurt/comfort.
Marble Hornets
heresy of heresies
Tim timetravels back to his childhood. Angst.
squeeze you empty
An Alex Lives AU wherein Liu Woods finds him in Rosswood Park. Blood, injury, and angst.
handfuls of dust
A sequel to squeeze you empty wherein Masky reunites with Alex. Angst.
who controls the past controls the future
Alex is stuck in a time loop based around the day Tim kills him. Angst and violence.
hold me close
A platonic soulmates AU. Lots of angst.
a smile, a hug
A fic about Masky being the Dad of Slender Manor.
flowers blooming, lungs aflame
Hanahaki Disease is a symptom of Slender Sickness. Angst.
a flare in the night
A fire starts in Slender Manor. Some mild angst.
time heals no wounds
A fic about Sally and playing with the “a traitor in Slendermansion” trope. Lots of angst.
Harry Potter
just send me home
An AU wherein Harry is a seer working for Voldemort. Lots of angst and violence. Read the tags.
Buteo Jamaicensis
A Hawkfrost character study. Heavy angst and hurt no comfort.
hand in unlovable hand
An AU of Into The Wild wherein Firepaw loses to Brokenstar, and is held captive by the Shadowclan leader. The fic is set many, many moons later and deals with the consequences of Firepaw being missing during that time. Lots of angst and major character death.
Déjà Vu
A fun Ashfur character study based around his time in Starclan and how he feels about Hollyleaf and Hawkfrost. Some angst and blood.
A fic about Hawkfrost being chosen for the New Prophecy quest instead of Brambleclaw. Lots of angst with a sprinkling of Riverclan loving Hawkfrost.
omitted from history
A fic about Feathertail meeting the original founders of the Clans. Some angst and fluff.
Tangled: The Series
Factory Reset
A fic about Varian getting his memory wiped during “Rapunzel’s Return”. Lots of angst.
Weeping Angels
A fic wherein Varian gets trapped in the amber instead of Quirin, and Quirin goes on a quest to the Dark Kingdom to free his son. Angst and emotional hurt no comfort.
love languages
A fic co-authored by my friend i_am_not_a_bird about the soulmarks of Rapunzel, Cassandra, Varian, Eugene, and all of the Brotherhood! Lots of angst, as per usual!
Axiom of Maria
A fic wherein I finally got Moonstone!Cassandra and Varian to team up against Rapunzel after four months of planning. Some angst, but mainly it’s a character study.
Gravity Falls
It’s Called: Freefall
A fic based around a Bill Wins AU, and a Dipper from that universe timetraveling back. Hopefully, to fix things. Lots of angst and violence, some character death.
burn you right up
A fic inspired by Child_OTKW’s Broken and Lost, a fic about Reverse Falls and how Weirdmageddon went in their universe. My fic was my own imagining of their childhood before the fic happened. Lots of angst and unhealthy relationships.
Missing: Heather Chandler
A fic inspired by cipherdoodle’s The Ballad of Heather Chandler, my fic is set directly after Heather and JD go on the run and their resulting conversations. Lots of angst.
36 Questions
fondness is just another word for regret
A character study about Jase’s thought process during the two-year time skip. Mild angst.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
i’ll be by your side (even in death)
A character study about the relationship between the Player and Partner Pokémon after the Player’s “death”. Some angst and hurt/comfort and complicated relationships.
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ilove-cedricdiggory · 4 years
Remus Lupin and the Professor
Part 2 ❤️
I woke at the sound of my alarms, both magical and muggle. I wasn't really leaving anything about today up to the chance of tardiness.
Slipping on my clothes, feeling slightly strange not needing to put on my yellow hufflepuff robes and matching tie. I had woken slightly earlier than I'm sure I needed to, wanting to make sure that, if I forgot anything, I had plenty of time to fix it before classes started.
I quickly found myself in the Great Hall, moving to the teachers table - finding it already full of plenty of breakfast items. Sitting in my seat, I placed a few things on my own plate, enjoying that I could eat in a comfortable slow pace. I watched as the room slowly filled with students, the morning risers in a much better mood than the others.
"If I remember correctly, Miss. Smith, you were one of the sulky ones back in your day, were you not?" Minerva's voice filled my ears as i chuckled lightly, nodding my head slightly..
"You know, for a hufflepuff, you really aren't a morning person." Sirius' voice rang in my ears as my head laid on the table, attempting to get any more sleep before classes.
"Oh yeah, Siri. Hufflepuff discrimination. Not all of us are exactly the same you know. We do have characteristics and qualities that make us different." I mumbled out to him, glaring at him through a small hole in my eye.
"You know I'm only joking Ry. We know tons of hufflepuffs and you're the only one we let into our group. There has to be something special about you." He continued his teasing, eating a grape from his plate.
"You and I both know, the only reason you guys let me in the group is because Momma Potter would skin you each alive if she found out you guys were making me feel left out at school." James nodded his head at that one, but wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Come on, you know I didn't have to be told by mom to hang out with you. You're practically my sister."
That part was true, just like my own statement. My parents lived next door to the Potters, but they were both gone quite frequently, leaving me with the Potters. I was a year younger than the Maurauders, meaning that James protected me a bit more, therefore meaning the others did too.
"Practically your sister? I'm wounded. Here I was, telling everyone James Potter was my brother but to you, I'm only practically. I'ma tell momma." I teased, pulling out a quill and spare parchment, acting as if I was writing to his mother.
.."Momma P, I am in deep distress as I write to you. James is going around telling everyone I'm basically a stranger to the family. I don't know what to - HEY! James Potter, give me my letter back!" I laughed as he quickly tore the note to shreds, glaring at me. "You're gonna get me a howler, you go sending her stuff like that. I treat you better than the boys, and that's saying something." I laughed, nodding my head in agreement.
After their first year together, James was always bragging about the other boys to anyone who would listen, especially to us. I had heard so much about them, I practically knew them as well as James. What he had failed to mention was how attractive one in particular was. Although I would ask a few questions if he had written home each day telling me just how attractive his roommate was. But, when the three other boys floo'd into our living room later that summer, I found myself dreaming about the Remus Lupin standing in next to the fire place, shaking his hair free of the black dust that littered it.
"I can't really say you're wrong. Although, I bet I can say that - out of the five of us, you'd prefer me and my sour morning mood in your morning class than any of the boys." I laughed, smiling at the older woman.
"Now, now, that's not true. I do believe I could put up with Mr. Lupin before I could your morning grouchness." My breath caught in my throat as I heard him step closer, hearing his name brought up.
"What about me?" His voice rang in my ears, shaking me at my core. I hadn't heard it in years, 5 years to be exact. It was deeper than it was the last time we spoke. It was almost as he had gained more control of himself, even his voice.
"I am just reminding our lovely Miss. Smith about her horrible morning mood back when you both were students." She smiled fondly at him and I, watching as Remus took the seat next to me now.
"I do believe you're right. She was a bit of a hassle in the mornings then, wasn't she." I closed my eyes, begging the tears to not slip from their home.
Clearing my throat, I forced a smile onto my face and looked at my old professor. "I am so sorry to cut this short, but I simply can't wait to get to my classroom to prepare for my first class. If you'll excuse me." I quickly stood, waking as normally as I could to the end of the table and out of the teachers door, turning to the side and taking a deep breath.
"Rylee." His voice rang through my ears again, causing me to stand as straight as I could. "Mr. Lupin." I greeted, keeping my eyes from his entire frame, not risking it. "Rylee, come on." His voice was soft, much like his voice on my own first day, only many years ago..
I had bid goodbye to the boys, following the rest of the first years onto the boats. I hated that I had to be separated from them, especially James. I hadn't been nervous like this in a few months, the last time being when I met the Maurauders for the first time. I was absolutely terrified of how I would be placed. I didn't want to let anyone down. My parents, the Potters, James, and all of the boys were happily placed in Gryffindor, keeping their legacies proud.
I, on the other hand, was fearing my placement. I knew none of them would be mad at me, no matter what house I was placed in,but my mind did so much damage on it's own - it didn't really matter what reassurance I got from my family, I thought they would hate me.
Being so caught up in my head, I didn't even realize we had already stepped foot into the castle. I was over thinking so much, I missed the view of Hogwarts from the boats. Cursing myself mentally, my feet followed the rest of the first years as we waited for the large doors to open to lead us into the room filled with so many others.
As I walked in, my eyes scanned the room, in desire need to see my brother. Soon, my eyes landed on the four boys, all of them waiving at me. I nervously waved back, smiling a tense smile.
Listening to name after name called, I chewed on the skin surrounding my nails, a terrible habit of mine I had for years now. Soon enough, I glanced around to see myself standing alone, looking up as the sorting hat screamed the house of the student before me, "RAVENCLAW!" Cheers were heard from the table littered with blue robes. The boy smiled widely, walking as quickly as he could to his seat.
"Rylee Smith." I took small, shaky steps to the stool, sitting down on it. Before the hat was placed on my head, I took one last look at the four boys sitting at Gryffindor's table.
"Ahh, ahh, you're quite the student." I heard ring through my head. I bit my lip, listening to it's voice. "You are a nervous one, aren't you." I furrowed my eyebrows at this - weren't all the first years as nervous as I? "Some were, some weren't. It changes with each student." He reads my mind, duh. "You're entire family in gryffindor, eh? I see a lot in you, I really do. You can be brave - but only when you need to be. Incredibly smart, I can tell. Your ambitions are set..hmm. But one thing shines true with you. Yes.. you're heart sits with your loyalty. It doesn't waver, not at all, I can tell. I haven't seen a heart like this, well, sense Helga herself." My eyes widened under the hat as I gulped nervously. But what about James? He would be so ashamed to be associated with anyone other than Gryffindor, and the rest of the Maurauders, I'm sure. "I see one house meant for you, a house I haven't seen one made for quite like this sense it's creator. One that I say shone even stronger with that statement. I'd be incredibly wrong if I didn't say..."
"HUFFLEPUFF!" Rang out through the room, vibrating with it's sound. The hat was taken off my head as I heard the cheers coming from the table of yellow. But, before I took a step to them, my feet were carrying me into the arms of my brother. "I'm so sorry, I really am. You must hate that I'm hufflepuff, you just must. All of you." I sniffed, hating that I let them all down.
"Hey, hey." I was pulled at arms length, listening to James speak. "Rylee, I don't hate you, none of us do." He spoke, looking down at me, "Right boys?" He didn't even have to look up before they were all nodding in agreement. "Ry, in all honesty, if you weren't put in hufflepuff, we'd have thought the hat would need a check up. You're the most loyal person we all know. Hufflepuff just got the best first year in the entire class, and that's all you." Remus was speaking now, having come out from behind James. His voice incredibly soft and caring. The three others nodded their head to agree, before James pulled me back into his arms.
"Now, if you don't go sit with your house so we can all eat, I think I might have to send mom a letter and tell her you're not eating." He laughed softly, kissing my forehead gently before pushing me softly towards my table. I nodded, waving at them slightly before moving to sit down in the spot saved for myself, greeting a few of the hufflepuff's.
"You've gotta give me a chance to talk, Ryle's." That nickname, that stupid, stupid nickname that almost had me coming undone before him. "Like I told Minerva, Mr. Lupin, I do need to prepare myself for my first class. I will see you around." I quickly side-stepped the man before rushing off to the Herbology space, scolding myself for letting the tears fall as I went.
I made myself presentable for each of my classes, attempting to ignore the fact that he was here, wanting to talk to me. I had shrugged him off for years. I had fought off speaking to him sense their funeral. I didn't speak much to him before then either, refusing to come round' James and Lily's house for holidays in fear that he would be there. I was family, but so was he. I could never and would never make James choose between the two of us, but I never made it awkward for us all either.
The day of their funeral was when I saw him again. He was standing there, his body looking far worse than every single one of the full moons combined. I knew mine was too. I wanted nothing more than to walk up to him and let us both find comfort in each other like we did so many times. It wasn't really sexual between the two of us, at least, we never had sex. I had wanted to wait until after school before I had sex. But, we always comforted each other in a way I used to think only soulmates could. But, it turned out, we were further away from soulmates as two could be. He showed me that.
At the end of my first day, I found myself walking to the kitchens, much like I did in my school days. There was one thing that would always be there to comfort me like none other - baking. I had been in the kitchen so many times as a student, many of the house elfs had grown to expect me many times a day. Only, back then, I wasn't just baking for the comfort of it, but to make most kids in Hogwarts my notorious Snickerdoodles.
If there was one cookie I prided myself on, it was my snickerdoodles. They came naturally to me, being as good as ever with my first batch of them. Once I had begun sharing them in my age, I had plenty of students requesting them from me - from all the houses.
Entering the kitchens, I was met with the eyes of the elfs that I had honestly grown to love. "Rylee! Rylee's back!" It had taken just about all seven years, but I had convinced most of them to use my first name.
"Hey guys, I've missed you!" I said, greeting most of them before they let me to the oven. "We know what you're here for. You help you's self." I laughed, nodding at them and pulling out the ingredients to make the cookies.
"Rylee, Rylee, please tell me you have another batch." One of my closer friends from Slytherin was following me to my next class, begging in my ear. "I told you I did, but I gave you some this morning Lux. I don't even know how you could go through them that quickly." I stated, looking up at him. It was only my third year, but I had grown to meet quite a few people through my cookies.
"Leave me alone, Lucius." I heard, turning in my spot to see the man picking on a girl with vibrant red hair, a girl through a specific set of four people I recognized quite quickly. I excused myself from Lux, watching in horror as he pulled out his wand. I found myself stepping in front of the girl, my own wand now in my hand as I glared at the fourth year.
"She said to leave her alone, Lucius." If there was one thing I would be more than happy to do, it's stand up to my friends..or strangers... "Ah, the hufflepuff. Lovely to see you, love. If you'd kindly move, I was speaking to a different readhead." I stood my ground, my eyes as sharp as I could make them. "Lucius, now." Lux had now moved to stand next to me, the look on his face sharper than I had seen on him.
This caused the man to lower his wand and scoff, rolling his eyes. I placed my hand on my friend's arm as a thanks, but quickly moved to check on the older girl. "I told you she was off limits." I heard from the boy before all my attention was on the girl.
"Are you okay? I'm sure you had that, but I can't stand it when he does that to people." I growled, reaching into my bag to pull put the batch of cookies I had told Lux about. "Here, have one, it helps." I placed a cookie in her hands, smiling as she took a small bite. "Who are you? Holy Merlin these are good." She took a bigger bite from the cookie, causing me to smile at her delight. "Oh, sorry, I'm Rylee." I said, smiling at the slightly taller woman.
Her eyes perked, widening at me. "You're the Rylee? Snickerdoodle, Potter next door living, Hufflepuff Rylee?" I flinched at the association, sighing but nodding at her. "That's me." I said softly. "James talks about you so much, all of the boys do. James is always bragging to us about these stinking cookies, saying how amazing they are and rubbing them in our face. I never believed him - none of us did, but merlin they are good. He goes on and on about how he misses them, and you." I kicked the ground, biting my cheek at that.
"He said you've been avoiding him sense your first year. He didn't know why though." I nodded again, looking at the girl. "Yeah, after I was put in Hufflepuff, I didn't think he would want to be associated with one, or the rest of the boys, so I left him alone. He didn't put up much of a fight so I thought he appreciated it. But, here, you take the rest of this batch. Give them to him, and the boys. Tell them I miss them, please." I whispered, smiling at her.
"Oh, shoot, Tan!" I said, stopping a girl in the hallway. "I'm sorry, Lily, but I've gotta ask her about her potions exam." I said my goodbye's quickly, thankful for the excuse, and rushed to the sixth year. "Did you do well? I remember you telling me about it when I dropped the cookies off."
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olderjustneverwiser · 5 years
Say You’ll Stay With Me Tonight (Draco Malfoy)
Y'all, I don’t know where the hell this came from.
I’ve been all up in my Draco feels, and this came out. It’s literally just an excuse for me to tell Draco that he’s not a terrible person. It’s funny, though, because Draco is the first person I ever wrote for years ago. Guess I’ve come full circle.
Also I love these two and want to write everything about them.
ALSO, I added in the deleted scene from the movie because fuck it, Draco deserved better and I’m giving it to him.
Warnings: mentions of PTSD, talks of death, mentions of suicidal thoughts.
Set after the Battle of Hogwarts. Slytherin reader. As always, thanks to @moresvuheadcanons.
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The war was over.
After years of fear, hatred, and death. After countless late-night, hushed discussions between your parents, strange men in black robes visiting your home and the rise and fall of Him, it was over. The wizarding world could breathe a collective sigh of relief as you all stood in the Hogwarts courtyard, overlooking while Harry Potter defeated Voldemort, once and for all. There would be no third coming of the great Lord Voldemort. He was gone, reduced to dust and a heinous memory. 
Most cheered the victory, while others looked on mourning the fallen. Some, mostly ministry officials, went right on to their work; rounding up the remaining Death Eaters and counting the dead. Students hugged friends in celebration, while others cried for the ones they’d lost too soon. You, however, had only one mission: finding Draco.
The two of you had fought the second half of the battle side by side. You had grown up together, it seemed only fitting that you would most likely die together in the carnage. Yet by some stroke of luck, you both had survived. At least until Voldemort came back from the forest, Potter’s limp body hanging from Hagrid’s hands. 
It killed you to see Draco walk to His side. Deep down, you knew he was only doing so because of his mother, but it hurt all the same. You wanted so badly to call out to him; beg him not to go, but the green emblem on your school sweater made you a prime recruit for Voldemort, so you forced yourself to stay quiet and hidden. All you could do was silently will Draco to stand up for himself, to stay and fight, but ultimately you had to watch as he walked away. However, just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Potter jumped from Hagrid’s grip, and you watched as Draco tossed him his wand. 
That was the last time you had seen Draco, and given that he had helped Harry Potter right in front of Voldemort, it was safe to assume Draco was dead. The thought alone filled you with dread unlike any you’d ever felt.
You roamed the corridors, ignoring the stares of passersby. You knew you were a spectacle; your fellow wizards and witches were judging you based simply on your House at the school you fought to protect only moments ago. Never mind the fact that you had fought a war primarily based on judgements and prejudice. You fought for the light, for Potter; you were even prepared to fight against your own parents, yet people still only saw you as a Slytherin, child of a Death Eater, a bad person. 
You forced yourself to stop thinking about that and focus on the task at hand. Eventually you reached the Great Hall, thankful you didn’t see his body among those that had been found. You looked for people you were friendly with; Lovegood, Blaise, but no one knew where Draco was. The feeling in your gut only worsened as you worked with your former classmates until late into the night, with no sign of Draco Malfoy. 
It had been a week since the battle. 
Countless hours listening to reports of bodies found in the wreckage at Hogwarts. Reading about Azkaban sentences and acquittals and how the school was rebuilding. Learning that the Malfoys were cleared of all charges and seeing their photo in the Prophet gave you some relief in knowing that Draco was alive, but you decided to keep your distance for a while. Let him decompress. Things had become strained between you since your sixth year, and the last thing you wanted to do was bombard him.
But, you were restless and needed to see him. 
After a week of hiding out in your home, you apparated to the manor. As you made your way to the huge double doors, memories flooded your mind of your time here. Learning to fly with Draco in the backyard. Studying constellations on clear nights. Dancing in the vast ballroom of the manor at a Christmas soiree Narcissa put on in your fifth year.
Your thoughts were interrupted by one of the large doors swinging open before you even made it to the door knocker and you were greeted by a house elf, who seemed to remember you. 
“He’s in the study,” you heard the house elf squeak out as he let you in, then quickly disapparate. It had been years since you’d set foot in the manor, but the memories of its long halls and hidden rooms were still clear in your mind. Following the dark hallway, you remembered running through these halls with Draco as children, playing tag without a care in the world.
Oh, how you’d wish to go back to those simpler times. Before all of the chaos and despair. 
You shook those thoughts away as you neared the entryway of the study. It was eerily quiet, the only sound the faint crackling of a fireplace. You crossed the threshold and saw Draco, or at least part of him. He was sitting on a large sofa with his back to the entryway, his platinum hair the only part of him you could see. You thought it best not to sneak up on him, given everything he’d been through over the past couple years, so you stood back and called his name as softly as you could.
Before you uttered the last syllable, he was on his feet, wand pointed directly at you, with a look in his eyes that you could only describe as pure fear. 
“Oi! It’s only me, mate. It’s okay.” You held your open palms up in surrender, waiting for him to realize that you weren’t a threat. He slowly lowered his wand, shoulders sagging just enough to let you know he was okay. You stepped forward cautiously, until he set his wand on the seat next to his.
“How’d you get in?”
“Your house elf still remembers me.” He nodded once, just barely, and once again took his seat on the sofa. God, he looked thin. He’d always had a slender frame, but he never looked this sickly; not even when you had fought by his side only days ago. His cheekbones and chin were more pointed than ever, and the dark circles under his eyes has never been more pronounced. Even his hands looked thinner. 
Guess that’s what living with the embodiment of evil for a year does to you. 
“Where’s Narcissa and Lucius?” You asked, taking your seat in the plush armchair next to the sofa. 
“Left the country on holiday. They wanted to ‘get away from it all,’ as they put it.”
“And they left you here alone?” You questioned. Draco only shrugged, his eyes never leaving the flames of the fire across from him. 
You weren’t looking at the fire, though. Instead, your eyes were on him. This wasn’t the boy you’d known. The boy you’d loved since you were twelve. This was a ghost of him. You suspected the boy you loved had been dying a slow death ever since Voldemort had come to him with an offer he, quite frankly, could not refuse even though he’d wanted to. 
What do you say in this situation? 'How are you?’ 'What’s on your mind?’ Everything that came to mind seemed stupid and pointless, so you settled for staying silent. 
Thankfully, Draco broke the silence before you had to. “Have you heard from your parents?”
“Are they alive?”
“I’m not sure.”
“That doesn’t bother you?”
“They would have murdered me without a second thought if they knew I was fighting for the light so no, not really.” Your eyes fell to his left forearm; he was fiddling with his sleeve and it had rolled up just enough to see the very bottom of the Dark Mark. 
Draco noticed you staring and lifted his sleeve even more, allowing you to see the mark in its entirety. It was an open secret in Slytherin that Draco had taken the mark. He never talked about it, but you all knew it was there. Still, to see it for yourself; to see that ugly stain on his skin made your stomach turn.
“I’ve thought about trying to cut it off, you know,” he said, so nonchalantly he could have been talking about the weather outside. However the weight of his words hit you like a freight train, and you felt the breath being sucked out of your lungs. You were at a complete loss for words. Do you tell him that it pained you to imagine a world without him? That even though things had gotten so strained between the two of you, you couldn’t bare the thought of losing him like that? Do you tell him that, in spite of all the bad he had done, you had always seen the good he could have been, given the chance?
“Draco, what-”
“It’s-it’s not like I want to not be here anymore. I’m just tired. Tired of looking at this bloody thing and being reminded of all the pain I’ve caused.”
“I’m willing to bet you didn’t have a choice.”
His eyes snapped to you, and you noted the shine of fresh tears threatening to spill over red-rimmed eyes. “You don’t know what I’d been tasked to do. I let them into the school, I was supposed to kill Dumbledore, I-”
“So, why didn’t you do it? Kill him, I mean.” You already knew the answer, but you wanted to hear it from him. 
He hesitated, trying to keep his voice steady while tears trickled slowly down his cheeks, “I never wanted this to happen. I thought I did, when I was younger. But, I never wanted people to die, I never wanted any of it." 
"Draco, you’re just a boy who grew up with an ego the size of the moon and a terrible role model for a father. You weren’t a bad person growing up, you were just an ass with a legacy to live up to. And as far as this death eater shit, I know you wouldn’t have done it if you had a choice. It was your father’s actions that brought you to that point, Draco. I’m sure of it.” You paused as a tear of your own escaped, but you continued on. “And, when it really mattered, you helped the light. Or did I just imagine you hexing Death Eaters next to me, or tossing Potter your wand?”
“So, you’re trying to say that I’m a good person, even after all of this?”
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far.”
He chuckled, actually chuckled at your last statement. “Thank you.”
“You know I meant every word,” you replied, hoping he believed you. Once again, silence fell over the room, only this time it was a calm, comfortable one. You wanted to stay with him; hell, you’d stay forever if he would ask you to, but you weren’t sure if that’s what he wanted. You sure as hell weren’t going to ask to stay, so you stood to leave.
“Well, now that I’ve stroked your ego and raised your spirits a bit, I think I’m going to go,” you said, a test to see how he’d react. You stepped over his outstretched legs to leave, but he grabbed your hand, his skin icy even after sitting by the roaring fire.
“Stay, please?” He whispered, just loud enough for you to hear. The pain and loneliness he was feeling was evident in his voice, and of course, you weren’t going to say no. 
So you nodded and took a seat again, this time on the sofa right next to Draco. You expected him to let your hand go, but instead he laced his fingers with yours. You felt a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as the two of you looked on at the fire.
In that moment, you felt peace, and for the first time in a long time, you felt that maybe, one day, all would be well.
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j-reau · 4 years
okay JJ, i was wondering how you write your aus and put your characters in so man aus so well? If that's the right word for it? I was always in awe on your Hope with how every verse was different but she was always still Hope and it's the same thing here with all of your JJ aus. Please tell me your secrets.
AHHH. First of all thanks. Seconddddddd, I feel like this is a matter of RP style preference for me? I was literally just talking to a friend earlier today about how more than anything, I prefer not to write alongside canon. I like to let the show be the show and then take the characters and do my own shit for RP. For JJ, I do a little more canon stuff but on Hope and on Veronica I’d much rather take the character given to me and see what they’re like in other settings. It’s why I always plot first and give every partner a little arc. It’s just how I like to do things. So with that in mind, I guess my “secrets” as you call in them in regards to AU are this. 
1. Decide what shapes your character. What makes them who they are? What parts of their past determined how they do things? What is the core theme of their character if you watered it down to one sentence or one paragraph? As an example, for me Jennifer Jareau was shaped by her desire to repress her feelings as a kid in the wake of her sister’s death. That taught her to always watch how other people felt and taught her to manipulate. She got into law enforcement because she wanted to help people and that skill set of hers was useful. Over time, it strips away her emotions more and more as things happen to her. 
2. Take JUST THAT CORE and put it in an AU setting. Going with that example, when I write JJ in a super power universe or mutant thing, I think “what would cause her to repress her feelings in that same way?” Oh, maybe her sister’s death was related to HER powers so now JJ has learned to repress her own as a result. Then, maintain her role in law enforcement, etc. 
3. Consider what CHANGES. In a universe like X-Men, law enforcement is probably not going to be the good guys. So what does that change for JJ? JJ is a good person, she advocates for the under dog. I can’t see a world where she’d join a more fascist group. So now you have to say if she’s on a police force that is harmful to mutants, hiding her own mutant powers, what does that mean? Etc. This came up BIG TIME when I was shaping my Hope in Hogwarts verse. Because Hope is a werewolf. I determined that being different from all of her peers and in fear of her own power and legacy is a core of who she is. But in the HP universe, being a werewolf is seen as a sickness. So that DRAMATICALLY changes how Hope is perceived. She’s not seen as a powerful being who other kids would want to be friends with. She’s a pariah. So it makse Hope quite a bit different but it keeps her core character elements. 
Lastly, I’d say when it comes to AUs there are two effective routes to take. There’s the route where you alter the events so that your character’s back story is the same but fitted to that new universe (like making JJ’s sisters death about her powers) OR there’s the route where you alter your character because the events they’d have had in canon are gone (like making Hope a pariah because she’s a werewolf instead of a hero). I find that a lot of people have trouble when it comes to adapting their characters into AUs because they get really focused on “well in canon my character has X ability” or “in canon having THIS love interest made this person who they are.” But I think it’s really important, if you want to effectively write flexible AU verses whether they’re verses for your doc or on the spot verses for a partner, to really never say no. Throw all of canon out the window. There is NOTHING you can’t justify as a writer. It’s just a matter of how. Yes having that ability might be part of who your character is, but if you take it away, how can you create the same problem for that that that thing  did but in a different way? If your character had a traumatic even in their past that would change in a different universe, is there a different traumatic event that does fit that universe tha tyou can give them to have the same effect? OR without that event, how is your character different? Would your character never date a villain? Well then what can you have happen so that they do? What would have to happen? Would they have to see them at a moment of weakness? Learn why they do it? Become a villain themselves? Etc etc etc. 
IDK? Maybe that explanation makes no sense but for me it’s about just always making it happen. Understand the building blocks of your character, and then move them all around like they’re paper dolls. If you take one block out, who do they become? If you have to adapt them to X universe, what about the blocks changes? How can you design the blocks in different worlds? I HOPE THAT HELPS??????
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riveir · 4 years
wishlist plots & aus.
i’ve been meaning to do this for a while but because i’m a person that really strongly prefers plotted interactions and also runs into problems with actually getting those more developed things going, i figured compiling wishlist stuff and stuff that comes from my own brain might be helpful. i’ll keep this linked in the pinned post if anyone ever wants to draw from it for a starter call or whatever, and to also make it easier for me to find if plotting ever hits a road block.
peace corps. this would technically fall under the umbrella of one of river’s canon au verses, the one in which he lives but is in the less realistic scenario where he rejects his parents’ wishes and goes ahead and joins the peace corps. this could be a really good way to get muses from two different canons / universes / etc. to meet, because the organization brings all these people together into one group sent to work somewhere overseas. river works as an english education teacher, and where they’re working can be totally open. could be used as mentioned before, but also as sort of a stepping stone for river to start a life beyond the states / open up opportunities for him that will take him away from home, etc etc. just a fun way to take him out of his usual settings and throw him in a new place under new circumstances, whether your muse is in the corps with him or if they’re just in the same place and they meet under different circumstances.
political dynasty. rather than holding a high position with goldman sachs, river’s father has an influential political position ( like a diplomat or foreign ambassador, which could explain river living years of his life at least somewhat abroad ), something that would put the family under a microscope on a national scale. could be a very kennedy-esque thing where politics is sort of just like the family business and river would be expected to carry that mantle as well ( which, obviously, he doesn’t really want ). this could go a number of different directions because the barkleys would be considered high profile individuals: bodyguard stuff, danger stuff, etc. i’m open to anything here, this would just be the groundwork to set up some conflict that would be more specific to your muse and their circumstances, since this is pretty adaptable on river’s end. i’d also be willing to write river older than i usually would ( as a younger adult ), because i think being nationally known would change his circumstances a bit and yada yada i can elaborate on that more if anyone asks, if we wanted to go the route where river himself is the political figure, probably a junior congressman or something. he could pretty controversial, as mental health advocacy and gun control would probably be two of his biggest agendas / two of the most important components of his platform.
modern royalty. similar to the above, but rather than coming from a political family, river comes from a monarchical family. obviously not based in the united states but could open up similar plotting opportunities as listed above. for one example he could still be attending a traditional university, and could open up opportunities for your muse to be a classmate of his ( as a friend sure but maybe there’s some benefit your muse could gain from making friends with him or something shadier like that ), or maybe you’re super annoyed that he’s there because like who cares about the royal family and why does he get so much attention, or maybe your muse knows he hates the attention and it gets to a point where he actually has to be fearful about it and there’s some way your muse can help him out.
fake dating. this is a jam of mine always. river could have several reasons of his own to be in a fake relationship, and this could work especially well in another au like the political dynasty or modern royalty scenarios, but it could totally come more from your muse’s end as well. it could also be a thing where river’s parents are trying to set him up with your muse if that would make sense, because that’s a very wasp-y rich people thing to do. 
period aus. this one is super open but river could work really well for this type of thing, especially because his family is so old fashioned in a lot of ways and very traditional in how they expect their family to be and how they expect river to be and all that. also could work super well for this letter writing plot i have in my wishlist tag.
ghost!river. this would have to be plotted for sure because the way river’s “ghost” canonically manifests is as an extension of the other person; he exists to give them advice or as their moral compass/conscience or something like that. it can be different depending on the muse, but he manifests at their own will and serves some sort of purpose for them. he’s more of a guiding force of some sort rather than an actual ghost coming back to reveal new information or anything like that. he wouldn’t do anything that the other muse wouldn’t think he would do, and wouldn’t tell them anything they didn’t already know. the exception to his in river’s canon is when the protagonist has a near-death experience and sees river in the afterlife and they have an actual conversation as two separate entities, and that could definitely be something i’d be up for, too.
champagne problems. this song off of evermore has enormous river energy. from the genius description of the song: “’champagne problems’ tells the story of a woman who shocks her would-be fiancé and their loved ones by turning down a marriage proposal right before christmas ... the song depicts ‘longtime college sweethearts [who] had very different plans for the same night, one to end it and one who brought a ring.’ the song implies that the protagonist has a history of mental illness, which the town subsequently stigmatizes in their gossip surrounding the failed proposal.” river could be either of the people in the couple for obvious reasons ( either the wealthy person from the well-to-do family all expecting the proposal, or the person who breaks it off and is subsequently - or, maybe, already is - the subject of that gossip ). the circumstances of the breakup can vary depending on the specific relationship between the muses: maybe they were really in love and had a great relationship but the influential family just had too much influence and pressure, maybe the stigmatization and gossip was a bit too much, maybe neither of their hearts were really in it and it was just an advantageous thing that appeased the big family but the other person ultimately just decided they couldn’t go through with it. as i am with everything i’m totally open here. it also totally doesn’t have to match the exact circumstances and can just be based on the general idea. ( in the same vein, here’s a link to some cool folklore-based plots )
apocalyptic danger. or to be honest, any sort of scenario that creates a life or death (or near life or death) situation for one or both of our muses. in all honesty i just love raising the stakes.
musician or actor river. even though it’s not my favorite alternative path to explore for him to seriously pursue acting or music as a career, it could open up some potentially cool dynamics that i’d be down with. maybe river plays piano in a bar or restaurant or whatever at night during college and your muse loves open mic night. maybe they’re doing a show together in college or maybe even out of college if i think it would make sense that river could get to that point in life. maybe river’s actually achieving some level of success and has some degree of notoriety. idk this is just an option that could be cool if we develop it enough ( cause like i said, without that development and specificity to our muses i’m not as into this route for him specifically)
childhood best friends to lovers. ( or some variation ). self-explanatory, just my favorite trope. some wishlist stuff here.
wishlist post #1: “i just want a plot where it’s two rich kids who live in neighboring estates and their families always throw parties together and they have vacation homes in the same spots and their elite parents are too busy to notice when they sneak off to fuck in that second guest bathroom that no one uses or get high in the back library and makeout”
wishlist post #2: “give me a we broke up because i had to move away because of school and we knew we couldn’t do long distance but oh my god i’m home for christmas and you’re still beautiful and we’re wine drunk slow dancing to the sound of elf on the television and you smell like hot chocolate and i miss you so much please don’t let this end again plot !!!!!”
wishlist post #3: “someone give me “you live in the apartment across the hall and you’re so fucking hot but i get so awkward around you even though you act completely normal and i stutter every.time. you’re out of my league anyway but then one night my stupid roommate locks me out and i forget my key and you see me sitting the hallway so you invite me in. and obviously i say yes but holy crap what is happening” plot pretty pls”
wishlist post #4: “au where it's a blind date gone wrong/really awkward first time/two people who just get off on the wrong foot but keep on running into each other and then slowly fall for each other”
wishlist post #5: “give me best friends who harbor feelings for each other . they’ve acknowledged the feelings but they don’t do anything about it , because the friendship is too precious . and when one of them is finally ready to say “ fuck it, let’s take the risk ” , they see the other making out with another person”
i also always just want more college things and things in pre-established canon universe aus ( all linked in my pinned post, but including hogwarts, gossip girl, legacies, riverdale, etc ). i’m also always down for plotting ships.
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blacknerdproblems · 5 years
“You don’t know a thing about our story, tell it wrong all the time”-Jamila Woods
Artists are the main source for preserving history and amplifying voices. I lack the statistics on the amount of art in this world that discusses topics such as racism, gentrification and the systemic dismantling of public education. What I do not lack, is the ability to recognize my story when I hear it. Jamila Woods’ Baldwin is a song of my story, and likely your story too.
Let’s take a picture walk, shall we?
1. Baldwin. James Baldwin to be exact. The video opens with a quote that I read as a call to action.
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Jamila wants us to know upfront that what is ours is ours for the taking. Our ancestors have paved the way, mommas and daddies have made a way… pick that crown up and lift that chin up. This here, this is our story. Her very first line is going out to every mouth that has spoken ill of Black folks and marginalized people of color. “You don’t know a thing about our story, tell it wrong all the time.” Okay, now we not only know who she’s talking about, but who she’s speaking to. Colonizers, listen up. Black folks, celebrate & listen. Word.
2. Font is everything. As soon as we see Jamila’s name, we know where she’s taking us.
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Oh, okay sis. We setting the scene in Hogwarts, huh? Black Hogwarts, honey. We about to get these lessons, some books & somebody gonna get read. Baldwin shows us that magic is more than just a notion…
The magic is in Black folks thriving while surviving. Jamila’s words say it all.
“Somebody’s daddy always laid out on the street and for what? (What) We on the street and for what? Your precious lethal fear Your precious lethal fear”
These lyrics juxtaposed with beautiful, beaming educated Black folks is more magical than anything Rowling could ever write. Jamila’s Baldwin teaches us that Black survival be a whole ass house by itself. Black survival’s crest shine like soul glow, regenerates as any good Doctor would and is powerful in legacy. This entire video shine like James Baldwin’s toothy grin.
Read on here. [x]
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bigheartedsky · 5 years
Lost Minds | Prologue
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Pairings: BTS x OC
Genre: Demon AU, Angst, Romance
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Manipulation, eventually Violence, Psycho games
Summary: Waking up in a beautiful, princess-like bedroom sounds like a dream, right? For Lamia it was more of a nightmare not knowing where she is and how she got there. Who are those people that put her there and why can’t she remember anything? Why did they put her in this room and why was she wearing this awfully beautiful evening gown to bed…? Will she ever regain her memories?
a/n: The prologue is not that angsty yet but it will happen don’t worry. I promise! This is the first time in years that I’m uploading a story and the first time using Tumblr for this! I was very lost with all the functions and getting back into serious writing but the amazing @uwugalore helped me out so so so much and also worked as my beta reader for this! Thank her for being such an angel and helping out a Tumblr-newbie like me :) 
Masterlist | Lost Minds Masterlist 
Going ON to Chapter ONE~ (see what I did there?)
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“And this years International Book Award in the category Thriller goes to…Lamia Moon! Congratulations!”
This was it.
The moment she’s been dreaming of and fearing at the same time. Walking up the stairs in her fancy dress - that she couldn’t breathe in - being the center of attention. Her heart was beating at the rate of a dragonfly flapping its wings. A sick but happy feeling was swelling up in the pit of her stomach making her feel like vomiting and jumping out of happiness at the same time. She couldn’t hide the big smile creeping on her face.
Don’t fall. Don’t fall. Don’t fall., She kept thinking to herself walking in heels for the first time since graduation.
Lamia has never been a public person.
She liked being lowkey - just writing at home by herself, drinking a cup of tea, listening to music and enjoying the time alone. Events like these always made her feel anxious and out of place. Like being a sunflower among roses. Not quite as beautiful but very loud in presence.
She felt like she disturbed the perfect picture just not being able to fit in quite right even if she tried to look like them. Her appearance then feeling more like an act - a mask if you will - hiding her true feelings of just wanting to run away from this place as fast as possible and hide from this world. Anxiety hitting her right in the stomach everytime.
She always preferred a good book over a party. Perhaps that’s why she ended up as a writer in the end and not as the police officer her dad would have loved for her to be and continue his legacy. He was never really a fan of her wanting to be a writer but seeing the way he looked at his daughter that moment - accepting her award and holding a short speech of appreciation towards him and everyone else that helped her along the way - he couldn’t have looked more proud.
The next day her picture was all over the news. She thought she looked awkward in every single one of them. Cringing at all the headers she read them out loud.
“Mysterious writer finally going public” – “Moons face reveal” – “Author of popular Thriller books finally showing her face”
Placing the newspaper on the table she scoffed in disbelief.
“Is it really THAT important what I look like? People seemed to buy my books just fine even without knowing my face so what’s all this hype about…?” She complained folding it. Her father takes it chuckling at her remarks and looks at the picture.
“I think you look quite beautiful. And don’t forget: most people are superficial. I wouldn’t be surprised if you sell even more books now.”
Lamia just rolled her eyes at him shaking her head with a smile.
“You have to say stuff like that. You’re my dad!”
This morning everything began. A letter arrived in the mail looking very unusual. Almost like it was straight out of Hogwarts with a wax seal and the address written in old-style handwriting.
She was intrigued.
They both made jokes about Lamia getting her Hogwarts letter a little bit too late. Being 28 years old and by far no student anymore.
She opened it way too curious to wait until she got to her home office. Inside was a handwritten letter in the same beautiful old-style handwriting like on the envelope. It read:
Dear Lamia Moon,
You’re hereby invited to attend the annual costume party hosted by BTS.
“BTS?”, she thought out loud. Her dad read the letter looking over her shoulder.
“Ohhh! Seems like now that you won an award you got an invitation too.”, he said rather impressed but highly displeased at the same time.
“What is this?”
He looked at her and sat down again. The atmosphere became heavier as if he was hiding something from her. He knew she wouldn’t just leave the topic alone. He knew if he wouldn’t tell her she would find out another way eventually.
This was one of his biggest fears - having her involved in this weird case. Because she would never give up until she found out everything involving the mysteries around it.
She was his daughter after all.
Knowing all this he tried to sound as uninterested and bored as possible hoping it would kill her curiosity.
“It’s pretty well-known amongst us at the police station. Every year after this party people make weird reports.”
“Weird reports? How so?”, she asked even more curious about it all.
She’s always been fascinated by weird cases her dad told her about. Many of them even used for her books, changing them enough to not cause any damage for her father or the people involved in them.
“Well… people report their friends or family members missing just to take those reports back shortly after - telling us it was just a dare or that the person showed up again and just got too drunk to find the way back home. All of them had friends that attended the party but in the end their reports were 9/10 times just a stupid dare or made too early. It’s actually not that unusual after such a huge party. We always put extra staff on duty for the day of the party and the one after. It’s really such a pain dealing with those kids.”
The police man seemed exhausted even talking about this. He obviously wasn’t a big fan of this party for his own reasons. Then he looked at his daughter and smiled but she was too deep in her own thoughts to notice.
“But that you got invited means you reached the level of success needed for them to notice you. That’s impressive, Mia. You really made it.”
His eyes were full of pride but it changed a second later to worry.
“If you decide to go there please take someone with you. And take your pepper spray, okay? I don’t trust all these successful, rich people. I would really prefer you not going...”
“People go missing you say?” She didn’t pay great attention to him ever since he told her about the reports.
He knew that.
He immediately noticed when something was just too tempting for her, Lamias curiosity winning over her sense of responsibility. Something about this whole party felt so wrong. Like there was more to the reports than just pranks or drunk people getting lost. She sensed the all too familiar feeling of inspiration swelling up inside of her. Her fingers already tingling with the desire to write her thoughts down. Heartbeat slowly increasing and indicating her growing excitement for this story.
This could make a great new story. Why does it have to be a party though…? I feel anxious just thinking about it. I should take a look at that party for research still. They say to wear a mask anyways. Like an old costume party, huh? Well, even if there’s actually really nothing weird going on, taking a look for research can’t hurt. I’m just way too intrigued by this. And seriously…what could possibly go wrong?
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Going ON to Chapter ONE~ (doesn’t rhyme 100% but oh well)
Lost Minds Masterlist | Masterlist 
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strivingscribe · 7 years
Badgered ~ Chapter 2
Badgered by  MsMoon
Chapter 2 ~ Orientation
Chapters: 2/?
Chapter Navigation: 1, 2, 3, 4,
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: N/A thus far
Relationships: Possibly a lot of OCs…and OCs with main characters. 
Summary: It’s a new year at Hogwarts, and the Potions professor is having a hellish time. Not with the students, mind you. It’s the ridiculous new DADA professor that’s a badgering experience.
Notes: Phew… Well, I wanted to add this chapter relatively quickly after posting the first. The first chapter is very short. So, I feel like this is very necessary follow-up.
Now if you’ll excuse me. I have to write a paper about documents exchanged between native Americans and the American government :| Truly thrilling.
11 year-old Cygnus bobbed her left knee as she peered through the window in their compartment, watching the other families mill about. She could not contain her excitement! And her twin brother Corvus was simply sitting there next to her with his eyes closed! Usually, she could rely on Corvus to understand her moods and be her sounding board (or the other way around), but he seemed overly bored with the entire process.
 "Really, Corvus. I don't know how you can sleep at a time like this." she muttered.
 "Who could possibly sleep when you're shaking the whole compartment?" Corvus asked, his eyes still closed.
 Twin siblings they may be, but you would never find two children so dissimilar in appearance or personality. Cygnus was the baby girl of the family, and like their old brother Scorpius, could have been a clone of her father. She thought she was even a bit pale in comparison to him as her hair was nearly white. Father had always smiled and told her she looked as divinely elegant as grandmother in her youth.
 Corvus on the other hand, though pale in complexion, had ebon black hair and rich brown eyes. Grandmother often said he acquired his features more from the her side of the family. Not that the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black had disapproving features; far from it! Like all Malfoys, the twins did have sharp features, but Corvus's chin was perhaps a little more broad and rounded. Today, they were both dressed in elegant but neutral black robes.
 "It's just too exciting!" Cygnus whispered. "And why aren't we moving yet?"
 "Sister-dear, really. This is what comes from your over-eagerness. You were the one who encouraged Father and Mother to depart early, you hurried us all onto the train as soon as it arrived. Now we're settled and ready and for what? To watch everyone else blather about." He sighed and shook his head. "You asked how I could sleep, but the true question is how can you stay awake?"
 "I hardly slept all night!" Cygnus beamed.
 “Damn your chipper attitude, woman.” Cygnus had no idea why he kept calling her ‘woman’…it was like he was deliberately trying to mimic Father, but only when he wasn’t present.
 "The train hasn't even moved, and already you're damning your sister." Scorpius's voice came from the door as he smiled at his siblings.
 "Have you settled into your compartment, big brother?" Cygnus asked. She noted that Corvus had opened an eye to survey Scorpius, but almost immediately shut it and returned to his fake rest.
 "Of course. Sorry I can't sit with you two, but—”
 "Oh, bah. You wouldn't want to sit with us anyway." Corvus grumbled.
 "We understand, of course." Cygnus gushed making her brother gain a bit of color.
 "Well, if you need anything, you know where to find me, right? The train should be fully loaded soon, and then we'll be on the move."
 "We'll be fine, but thanks, Scoro." Cygnus said, whispering the nickname. Scorpius only nodded with a smile before closing the door and leaving.
 Cygnus sighed at her still inanimate twin before looking about the cabin to see if anything could be tended to in order to kill time. Father had said that the food on the train was abysmal, and thus sent them with their own lunch and snack packs. Corvus had situated them on the seat across from them so that they would be easy to reach. Their luggage was, of course, already well secured. There really was nothing to do but wait.
 If she was being entirely honest, she would admit that her nervous energy wasn't just from the excitement of going to Hogwarts.... she almost feared her place there, and finding out what it would be. It was easy to see the house her brothers would fall into. Scorpius had already been in Slythern for ages now, and Corvus would no doubt be joining him.... but after hearing their parents talk about it, she truly couldn't profess any enthusiasm for falling into that house. She had confessed that to her mother a few nights ago. She was afraid that thinking to refuse Slytherin would place her into the dreaded Gryffindor! Her mother had taken her hand and brought her to Father's office. Mother had explained their little talk to him.
 Father only smiled at her lovingly and said, "Swan-love, it isn't as though we haven't known you may not fit in to the house of Slytherin for a long time."
 "You have?" She asked drearily.
 "You're nothing like your brothers, and there's little doubt that you would be torn to shreds from your housemates vying for position." he announced. She hung her head a bit. "But you'll still be our baby girl, no matter what house you're sorted into. You most certainly have the brain power to land you in Ravenclaw quite easily." He had said with a smile. "And if it's Gryffindor..." He sighed and smiled. "Well, Sirius Black was sorted into that house, and he's one of us, isn't he?"
 "From the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, to boot." Mother had reminded.
 Cygnus stared between her parents in awe. "Wow..." She murmured. After that, she had been fairly encouraged... especially after she had gotten big hugs all around.
 Corvus sighed, pulling her out of the memory. "I hate these black robes." He grumbled.
 "Only because it blends in with your fabulous hair so well." Cygnus sniffed.
 "Whatever. Tonight we'll be in Slytherin green."
 "Well.. you will."
 Corvus blinked at her. "Huh... I never thought about it, but you probably won't be in Slytherin with us..."
 "It's probably for the best." Cygnus pointed out. "Father said I might not survive the in-house scheming."
 Corvus nodded thoughtfully. "True." Then he smiled at her. "You would look spectacular in Ravenclaw blue."
 Cygnus smiled back, glad for his understanding. A few seconds passed and Corvus was pretending to doze off again. Cygnus stared out the window. Ravenclaw blue? Yes, that would be a good compliment to her coloring. Not as good as Slytherin green, but her chances of earning her way into said color was improbable at best. Still, blue won hands down over the hideous Gryffindor red. She hoped she would never humiliate her family in such a way. She laughed inwardly, wondering what the founders would think if they knew their legacy was being weighed in the balance as a fashion statement.
 The sound of the door sliding open brought her attention away from the window. A girl her age with long red hair and warm brown eyes eyed the two occupants. When no greeting came from the intruder, Corvus opened an eye before narrowing it at her in a glare. It looked ridiculous.
 "Uh... sorry for interrupting, but... there are very few seats left open, and I was wondering if you had any spare room?" the girl asked, glaring back at Corvus.
 "Oh! Yes, of course!" Cygnus gushed, reaching over and taking their lunch and snack packs from the opposite seats. "Please sit with us! My brother keeps nodding off, and I'm much too excited to sleep. I would love the company." She said, as she put the lunch packs on her lap. The girl smiled and sat down across from Cygnus.
 "My name's Lilly, by the way." She said with a smile. Well, she was smiling at Cygnus. Corvus had opened both eyes to alternately glare between Lilly and Cygnus, which meant he was being ignored by both girls.
 "Oh, what a pretty name." Cygnus whined softly. "Much better than mine. I'm Cygnus." she said drooping.
 "...Cygnus?" Lilly asked in obvious sympathy and clearly confused.
 Cygnus nodded. "It's a family name... My twin here is Corvus. Don't mind him, he just doesn't make friends with people easily or quickly." Cygnus said with a smile as she waved off her brother. Corvus glared at her momentarily before settling back with a sigh and staring off at the empty space in front of him.
 "Yeah, he doesn't strike me as a people person."
 "He can be, when he wants to. He just likes to make sure he doesn't waste the effort on people he doesn't know." Cygnus said with a shrug. "Silly if you ask me." She gave her undivided attention to this new person now. "Oh, I love your hairpins!" She said, gushing softly so as not to disturb her twin.
 Lilly tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear self-consciously, but smiled at the compliment. "My Dad got them for me." She said.
 "Oh, my Dad got me some things too. He calls them 'vanity pieces' because it's all jewelry and hair things and such." Cygnus said with a smile. "But, I can't wear any of them till we get to our houses tonight. He charmed them so that they can switch colors to whatever house I get sorted into... since, well... we're not really sure where I'll be. He didn't want to buy me a bunch of things that I may never want to wear."
 Lilly smiled. "That's clever." She said. "Dad just assumed that I would be in Gryffindor." She said with a shrug. "But I guess none of us really know where we'll be."
 "Oh, I knew where my brothers would be long before they got sorted. It's Slytherin green for them."
 Lilly blinked. "Albus is in Slytherin too."
 “Albus Potter?” Corvus asked, his voice hard. For an 11 year-old at least.
 The two girls paused, Lilly thrown slightly at the intrusion in the conversation, and Cygnus because if that were true, it meant that Lilly was THE Lilly Potter....
 "Yes..." Lilly answered slowly.
 "Hm. I thought I recognized you." He said, before settling back and closing his eyes again.
 The two girls blinked at one another, wondering where that left them. Cygnus finally decided that it really didn't matter who Lilly was related to. She had been very nice after all.
 "He's so odd." She said, shaking her head with a sigh.
 "Sorry..." Lilly murmured looking away.
 "What for?"
 "Well... for not properly introducing myself?"
 Cygnus smiled brightly. "Oh, but you look just like your mother, so it's easy to recognize. If anyone should apologize, it should be me. But I look so much like Father, I assume everyone knows who I am."
 Lilly looked at her for a moment before cocking her head to the side. Her eyes darted up to their luggage in the rack before rounding and returning to Cygnus. "Malfoy?" she breathed in awe.
 Cygnus beamed. "Explains the strange name, doesn't it?"
 Lilly chuckled. "I suppose."
 "Is that alright?" Cygnus asked, momentarily worried that the Potter/Malfoy feud may have carried over to this generation without her knowing it. "That I'm a Malfoy, that is?"
 Lilly smiled softly, her eyes seeming to warm up again. "Does it matter that I'm a Potter?"
 Cygnus smiled back. "Not at all. I think I'm going to like you."
 The two girls ended up talking the entire trip. They barely even noticed the scenery outside as the train sped on its way to Hogwarts. Lilly found out that Cygnus loved to swim and ride horses, but that she felt a little lost in her family. Cygnus told her how her grandparents always scolded her over her posture, saying she was too timid.
 "Now, Cygnus, you are the swan of the family." Cygnus said, trying to mimic Grandmother. "You must hold your head aloft and your shoulders must be squared back. We are Malfoys and we do not lack in confidence." Lilly had laughed at Cygnus who tried to hold her chin sky high and press her shoulders back dramatically. It almost looked like she was about to leap and flap her arms or some other silly interpretive dance.
 Cygnus discovered that Harry Potter wasn't just the hero of the wizarding world, but he was his daughter's hero as well. Not because he was dynamic and heroic, but because no matter how high up in the wizarding world he may be, he was never too busy to climb trees or read aloud before bed. Lilly also liked to fly, but that was supposed to be a secret. Evidently, she and her dad would sneak out to fly together, but they had to keep it a secret because Lilly was ‘too young’ by…well… by someone’s standards. She never had said who exactly objected to the notion.
 By the time the girls stepped off the train, they were friends. The castle loomed ahead, and they both knew that it wouldn't be long before they would officially be Hogwarts students.
 “Lilly?" Cygnus whispered leaning in to her friend as they waited just beyond the great hall.
 "... Will you still be my friend... even if I end up in Slytherin?"
 Lilly smiled at her. "Don't worry, Cygnus. I'm from Gryffindor stock. We're a brave type. I'll be your friend no matter what house we're both in.”
 Cygnus smiled. "I feel the same way. Houses shouldn't be the way we label everyone."
 Lilly nodded in reply, and may have elaborated, but then the grand doors were opening... and it was so much to take in. Cygnus could barely breath from the grandeur of it all. Two wizarding wars could not diminish the magnificence that was Hogwarts.
 "I shall call out your names and you shall sit beneath the sorting hat." The speaker may as well have spoken in another language for all Cygnus heard. She was too busy searching out Scorpius at the Slytherin table. There he was! Oh, her brother looked fairly dashing in his Prefect robes... well, they weren't very different from normal robes. But she was biased, and Scorpius always looked dashing.
 Cygnus jumped as the first person was sorted. A golden-haired girl she hadn't met from the train leapt off the chair and scampered happily over to the Gryffindor table. Perhaps it would be better to pay more attention. She forced herself to watch as each student's name was called, then the hat sorted them into their houses. If the wait for the train to leave the station had been long, the wait to get to the M's seemed an eternity.
 "Malfoy, Corvus."
 Corvus smirked, tossed a wink over his shoulder at his sister and sauntered over to the chair. Cygnus sighed inwardly envious, but smiled at him approvingly. If only she could be so confident. There were whispers among the tables, but none so much as the Slytherin table. The hat hadn't been on his head for five seconds before it declared its verdict.
 Cygnus gave a little jump and actually clapped along with the other cheering students.
 "Malfoy, Cygnus."
 Cygnus made sure her chin was as level, high as it needed to be and her shoulders were straight, just like Grandmother had taught her. She wafted over to the chair and perched daintily, placing her feet together and to the side. The hat was placed upon her head, and immediately, the evaluation began.
 "Oh my... my my my my my. Such a bright child."
 "Thank you." Cygnus whispered with a bashful smile.
 "Yes, but the mentality I see here is nothing like the mark left on you by your family name."
 "Yes..." She responded, lowering her eyes a bit. "We assumed that would happen."
 "hmmmm." The hat pondered. "You are quite intelligent... but, you do not peruse knowledge for the sake of knowledge."
 Cygnus's brow drew up as she pondered that assessment. ‘Well.. I suppose that is true.’ She had never considered herself madly intelligent anyway. Still being told she was bright right away was quite the compliment. The hat seemed so good at seeing through to the heart of the matter.
 "Such a lovely child. You are very brave in matters of the heart.... you give your love quite freely, but without a thought of what you may get in return."
 Cygnus pouted slightly, as was her habit when she thought of things. She kept her gaze downward, feeling there was no need to respond to that. Love and the act of loving was hardly something to reward. It wasn't as if the people around her were difficult to love. Even Grandfather was easy to love, and everyone always complained about him for some reason. Then again, of her entire family, Cygnus was the least noteworthy. She was average or passing in most of her pursuits and private studies, and that was a high praise.
 Cygnus's eyes popped open wide, staring blankly ahead. Had she heard right? Hufflepuff? She was a Hufflepuff? She slid off the chair, fingers numb and arms so cold… barely noticing Lilly's cheerful, encouraging smile. The heated whispering that surrounded her grew to exuberant proportions, making her feel as though she were surrounded by vipers.
 "Enough!" Headmistress McGonagall shrilled firmly, regaining order. "You may sit with your  housemates, Child." She said.
 Cygnus nodded politely and wandered over to the Hufflepuff table. She tried to ignore the girl she sat next to, since she had made a show of trying to edge away from Cygnus.... She kept her eyes lowered, her gaze on the empty plate in front of her. There was no way she could meet either of her brothers' eyes.... Outwardly, Cygnus seemed demure and resigned, but inwardly she was in torment.
 Hufflepuff. The one house that had not even made it onto Father's list of possibilities. It was bad enough that she wasn't in Slytherin... but Hufflepuff?
 No doubt that was Lilly, joining her family at the Gryffindor table.
 Why? Why had she been put into Hufflepuff? No Malfoy ever... It wasn't even possible to consider it... And yet here she sat. She, Cygnus Violetta Malfoy... the Hufflepuff.
 She vaguely heard the hat call out a few Ravenclaws and wondered why she hadn't argued that she was intelligent! But it had said she was brave too... brave of heart. And she had started thinking about how much she loved her family. Had that been it? What had been the deciding factor?
“There she is!” The cheerful cry brought Cygnus out of her reverie.
 It was bright and early the morning after she had settled in, and the storm had long since blown past. Cygnus was very eager to get down to her classroom and survey it. She had rushed through breakfast almost tripping herself. The halls were empty and terribly quiet, which only seemed to increase Cygnus's giddiness.
 But now, she had been discovered. She looked up to find the Headmistress coming her way with a kind smile on her face.
 Minerva McGonagall had been an elder in the community when Cygnus had been a student. It shouldn’t be too surprising to see the touches of white had bled through, silvering her hair entirely. If grey hair was the sign of wisdom and knowledge was power, then McGonagall was certainly a goddess.
 “Oh, Child, how good it is to see you again.”
 Cygnus smiled, taking the offered hand. “It is my delight, Headmistress.”
 “Oh, Gracious. Minerva, my dear. You must call me Minerva. And I am the one who is delighted.”
 “I shall pretend that it isn't solely because I am saving you from teaching Potions yourself, Minerva.” Cygnus replied with a grin.
 McGonigal chuckled as she fell into step beside Cygnus. “Well, I do suppose you are saving us that chore for the year.” she said. “Now that you've spent your first night back, I must ask if your rooms are to your liking?”
 “Oh, yes of course. I felt terribly spoiled as they are quite grand.”
 “Nonsense. Considering all of the work you will be doing, I believe you shall earn them. Now you shall not hesitate to come to me if there is anything you need, yes?”
 “I’ve little doubt that everything will go smoothly. I've been watching my grandfather and learning to mimic him. He's also given me pointers on how best to intimidate others. If the little whelps get out of line, I can pull some Malfoy charm on them.”
 Minerva chuckled. “Malfoy Charm. Is that what you call it?”
 “Charm? Pride? Disdain?” Cygnus shrugged. “Why does there have to be a difference?” She asked with a sigh.
 Minerva laughed out loud at that. “Now, I'm here to tell you that there will be a staff meeting the day after tomorrow, and you are to attend. It will be at 9 AM sharp, but as I recall, you always were an early riser.”
 “Guilty as charged.” Cygnus said, stopping and turning to face the Headmistress. “Will you be requiring anything specific from this? You did already receive the copy of my syllabus, didn't you?”
 “Oh, no it isn't anything like that, my dear. And, I received your syllabus, as you well know. I distinctly remember flooing back with a five-star approval.”
 “As do I, but there are some moments that we all enjoy reliving.”
 Minerva shook her head. “No, the meeting is more to aquatint the teachers with one another, and introduce new teachers. It helps for us to let you know what to expect.”
 "There are very many things one will never learn in a book." Cygnus said with a heart-felt nod. How many things had she been better prepared for simply for listening to one of her elders?
 “Indeed. And you are not the only new face we have on staff.”
 “Yes. He has asked to keep this all confidential, at least until term starts, but we will have a new DADA Instructor as well.”
 “I see. I suppose I'll be meeting him tomorrow morning then.”
 “Indeed you will. I assume you are off to survey your new classroom?” Minerva said with a little grin.
 “Guilty again.” Cygnus said with a self-conscious chuckle.
 “Well, make sure to review all of the stores. I'm sure I ordered everything you'll be needing, but a second pair of eyes never hurts. Now, if you'll excuse me, I really must be off. Horrid this time of year before the children all arrive.”
 “Oh, our poor Headmistress.” Cygnus cooed. “If you should need anyone to share tea and apple pastries with…”
 “I shall not hesitate to summon you, dear.” Minerva said with a parting smile.
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official-ilvermorny · 7 years
Ilvermorny Sorting Game: jaunty-green-moose
Hogwarts House and why you feel an affinity: Slytherin. (a) I admire/envy/aspire to ambition, resourcefulness, and class. (b) I literally just used the words “admire,” “envy,” and “aspire” to describe why I find certain traits appealing. (c) I often find myself falling into the traps of Slytherin: elitism, devotion to empty tradition, cowardice, casual deception, slightly Machiavellian aspirations, misrepresenting myself to charm others, and a horrible fear of inadequacy. (d) But I also see some of the better traits in myself: some sophistication, a useful knack for avoiding conflict, violent loyalty to a small group, a grounding connection to the histories of my family, city, and ancestral cultures, creativity in a crisis, and real curiosity about the nuances of morality, mortality, love, legacy, and ambition.
Patronus: Irish wolfhound Wand details: 9.5” elm, unicorn hair, supple
Which class would you most like to take at Ilvermorny and why?: Ancient Runes. The idea of protective warding fascinates me, which might have something to do with crippling anxiety and depression, or maybe just with my love of coziness. Which is your greatest goal in life: to become, to love, to learn, or to do?: To become. Do you follow your head or your heart in decisions?: Generally, instinct and intuition more than either. It’s summer break! What is your ideal way to spend it?: If I could, I would fix up my grandpa’s ‘67 Shelby, pack up some warm socks, a blanket, and some Whitman, and just drive as far as I could. But I can’t do that, so the next best option is what I’m doing now - studying foreign short stories at a New England university, huddled in a sweater and scarf with a cup of mint tea (because this part of the country has been enfolded in the sensuous embrace of hypothermic death,) binge-watching old horror movies before class, wandering around in the rain afterwards, and slowly coming down with a cold. Do you prefer to learn hard facts, or to think about abstract concepts?: Abstract. You find a wounded creature, and when you approach it, it lashes out at you from fear. Do you fight back or continue to try to help it?: Depends on how dangerous the creature is. Self-preservation comes first, and then of course I might not even have the right skills to help it (I’m certified in human first aid but I’m not a vet), but of course I’d want to help it if practical. How does your anger manifest?: Chilly passive-aggression, private guilty tears later.
How does your happiness manifest?: Blissful silence. Tea instead of coffee. How does your sadness manifest?: Forced cheerfulness, a physical feeling of cold and a need to be holding a cup of black coffee in my hands, the occasional strange look maybe. Usually I don’t betray myself until I’m alone in the dark. What do you do when stressed?: To be fair, I’m pretty much always stressed. But in a bad moment, I usually try to get to some trees. Or if that’s not an option, to a fireplace and some chamomile tea and transcendentalist poetry. How do you spend your free time?: If I’m not trapped by homework, I might go for a long walk or drive, find a park or a forest where I can just be quiet and think about things. What extracurriculars do you engage in?: School newspaper. Fiction writing club. Dead Poets Society. Ski club. Outdoors club. GSA.
Bullying: Arrange to be around  the friend when I know they might meet the alleged bullying victim, so I can see if the rumor true. If the friend were verbally abusing someone, I’d call them out on it as politely as I could, privately, and try to keep the friend away from the victim. If it were physical, I’d snitch to an authority figure, because I’m 5'3" and weak as hell. If I didn’t see anything, I’d keep snooping a little while, ask some other people for info.
 Amortentia: Woodsmoke, damp crushed leaves, and antibiotic cream. Which Ilvermorny House do you feel a strongest affinity to and why?: I wish I could say Thunderbird, but the reason I like to be outside and travel and wander is because most of the time I feel trapped by my own feelings, and I want to run. Being scared and sad isn’t the same thing as being an adventurer, so I’m going to have to say Pukwudgie instead. On the most literal level, I want to go to med school and spend my adult life running a private OB practice in a quirky, remote, preferably haunted small town without good hospital access, before buying an Adirondack great camp, restoring it to Jazz Age glory, and opening a B&B with complimentary ghost tours. The sappy explanation: I’m a sad, stupid kid and most of what I do is an attempt to fix myself and comfort my similarly sad friends. Maybe I’m wrong, though, which is why I’m sending this in.
Oh, I can tell that we would be great friends, jaunty-green-moose!
From your answers, I’ve deduced that you would be offered a place in both Horned Serpent and Pukwudgie: Horned Serpent for you obvious interest in intellectual matters (school newspaper, fiction writing club, etc.) and Pukwudgie for the fact that you seem have a strong affinity for emotional things (reading poetry, taking long walks to think things through, etc.). While your interests seem to fit into the House of the Horned Serpent, your actual personality clearly points towards Pukwudgie and that’s the direction I would guide you in. I believe that it would give you the comforting home that you appear to be in search of.
~ Scarlett Baines, Horned Serpent Prefect
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Earlier this year I actually sat down and tried to write out one of my daydreams. It’s from my ‘Harry Potter’ universe and I did change some things to make it fit better as a fanfic and not just a play by play of my daydream (Binns is in this story, but in my daydream it’s a nameless, faceless entity), and I couldn’t get all the details that are in my brain written down or this would have been just too much, but yeah. Helena is one of my main paras, everyone else just kinda exists around her.
Chapter One
 The early hours of a day 1000 years before September 1, 1991
In his core, Cuthburt Binns did feel guilty about what was needed to be done. Stealing two young children from this castle without their parent’s knowledge or the children’s complete understanding was an awful thing to do, especially in a time where death and torture at the hands of magic- fearing muggles was a very real possibility, and would be the most obvious, most heartbreaking conclusion for their parents to draw. It was necessary though and so pushing his guilt aside he left his quarters in search of Helena Ravenclaw and Edmund Slytherin.
Slytherin’s son was the first to be found in the school kitchens,
“Good morning Professor Binns.” The eleven year old spoke to Binns as he entered.
“Good morning Master Slytherin.” Binns responded “may I borrow you for a moment?” Edmund shrugged,
“Sure, it’s not like I have anything else to do besides help prepare the school.” Binns smiled,
“Wonderful, by chance would you happen to know where Miss Helena Ravenclaw is? The matter I must discuss concerns the both of you” Edmund shook his head,
“I haven’t today, but knowing Helena she’s likely in the owl tower or looking at some animal of the game keepers.” He hopped down from the stool he was sitting on.
“I’ll help you look.”
They found the dark haired witch in the owl tower stroking a tawny owl who was cooing softly under her touch. Binns cleared his throat causing Helena to jump, and turn to them.
“Oh! Hello Professor Binns, Edmund.” She said, “Sorry, I thought you were my mother trying to get me to alphabetize another bookcase for her.”
“Good morning Miss Ravenclaw, if you have a moment I have something I would like to discuss with you and Master Slytherin here. If of course you have a moment.” He said, chuckling lightly at the owl who was batting at her hand, upset it was no longer the center of her attention.
“Of course Professor Binns.” She whispered to the owl who hooted and flew off into the rafters.
The trio made its way out of the tower and into the professor’s office. Once seated, he began to speak,
“First of all I need you to listen to everything I have to say before asking questions. I know that what I’m about to say sounds unbelievable, but I swear on my magic it is true.” An air of seriousness took over the room, even at the young age of 11, both Helena and Edmund where well aware of the risks of swearing on your magic, a small lie could drain you of your power, a big one could kill you.
“I am what is known as a Master Maj of time.” Helena’s eyes widened. He smiled at her, “I see you have heard of it.”
“Of course, my mother has told me stories, but I was never sure if they were true or not. I thought there were none left.” Edmund coughed,
“Sorry, but can someone catch me up?” Binns nodded,
“In short, I have the ability to transport myself or others across the boundaries of time, in my case, it is limited to exactly 1000 years in either direction. Which is why you are here. In 1000 years, in the year 1991, a young boy is about to start at this very school. At a young age this young boy lost his parents in an attack against the darkest forces of evil, but remarkably survived the killing curse. It was thought that this was the end of the terror that plagued the land, but it was not. The darkness is returning to his world, and he is the one prophesized to be the only one who can end it, but this prophecy, there is a second part, not spoken by the seer who spoke it. Every prophecy is connected to fate and it is the fates themselves who spoke it to me. Please listen closely,
The Eagle’s young daughter and the son of the Snake,
Will return when society shakes, for seven years
To guide and help, defend a legacy proud,
End the lies that rule that world.
I cannot explain the prophesy to you, as I do not know what it means, I do not know the outcome of what will happen. I only know what I know because I can see what happens exactly 1000 years from my present day, tomorrow is 1000 years and a day so the future is always a mystery to me. Does that make sense?” “Yes I believe I follow you.” Helena nodded, Edmund looked a little more uncertain and unsure, but he too agreed.
“I think the part that makes the most sense is the first line, the Eagle’s daughter and the son of the Snake, I can say with much confidence that that is you. I believe that this prophecy is asking me to send the two of you 1000 years in the future, to go to school with this boy, and help him defeat the Dark.”
“Ok, if you hadn’t vowed on your magic I would be laughing at you right now, but how do you know that you are to send us now? Why not next year? Or the year after?” Edmund asked. Binns smiled,
“I don’t know for sure, but I do know that in the last couple years for them, the presence of dark magic has been getting stronger and stronger. Sending you now also makes sense because magic has advanced so much over 1000 years, that if you are to attend school with them, starting next year, you would be very behind. If you wish to wait, I understand, but I do feel as though this is the right time. You would of course have to try and keep your true identities secret, especially you Edmund, unfortunately, the name of the Slytherin family will be slandered over the next 1000 years.” He looked at the children, waiting. After hearing all his information, they looked far older than their eleven years.  Helena leaned over to Edmund and whispered something into his ear. He nodded then whispered something to her. Having come to some sort of agreement they turned back to Binns.
“Professor, we have decided to go, what you have told us is incredible and unbelievable., but we do believe you. It seems as though our purpose there is not clear to any of us, but we do indeed have a purpose.” Edmund spoke for the two of them. Binns smiled,
“Very good, I suggest you collect your wands, you can leave immediately.”
“Can we tell our parents?” Helena asked. Binns looked at her,
“I’m sorry, but this is something that needs to be kept quiet. I’ll meet you back here in 20 minutes.”
Helena was making her way to her bedchambers where her wand and all her new school supplies were, when she saw her mother in her classroom preparing lessons. Taking a deep breath she walked into the room. Her mother turned,
“Ah, Helena, wonderful I have something for you to do…” before she could finish Helena had thrown her arms around her mother’s waist. Taken off guard it took Rowena a second to return the embrace.
“Ok, what do you want from me?” She asked her daughter suspiciously. Helena broke off,
“Nothing, I just want to tell you I love you.” She said as she darted out of the room. Rowena watched her daughter confused, before shaking her head and smiling, “Anything to get out of chores.” She mumbled. The next morning after an entire night of searching the school and all the surrounding areas looking for her daughter, a shaken and distraught Rowena Ravenclaw wondered if something else was at play.
Edmund had gotten his wand and was making his way back to Binns’s office when he turned a corner running into his father.
“Careful lad.” Salazar Slytherin huffed, with no real heat behind his words. “You need to be in one piece for the sorting tonight.” Edmund laughed, “Yes father, I’ll be careful. I promise.” Salazar clapped his hand on his son’s shoulder. That night as he called his son’s name in the Forest by the school, he wondered if those words had had a different meaning.
Standing by the lake, Binns took the hands of the two children.
“Traveling forward will not be too rough, it is when you return and you cross over your own timeline that the ride will be bumpy.”
“We will return though?” Edmund asked, slightly nervously. Binns smiled,
“This is my talent, I can collect you at any time, just speak my name and I will hear you. I would prefer you stay, and I will return in exactly 7 years.” This seemed to pacify Edmund.
“Are you ready?” Binns asked.
“Yes.” Was the unanimous response. There was a flash and the children felt themselves hurtling through the air, like traveling by portkey, only faster, much, much faster. Then it stopped.
Helena opened the eyes she hadn’t realized she had shut. They were still by the lake, only it was… different. Looking around her she saw a huge stadium that had not been there before, and the castle, her mother’s beloved Hogwarts was bigger than ever before. Turning her head back she caught Edmund’s eye. His eyes where the size of plates as he took in his surroundings.
“Welcome to 1991 children.” Binns said, “and if I’m not mistaken, here is your escort.” Helena followed his gaze, wondering what she was supposed to be looking at, before she spotted what was almost a glistening haze coming across the grounds.
“’Is that you? As a ghost?” Edmund asked. Binns smiled,
“It seems so, I guess I never truly move on. This is where I must leave you, good luck.” And with that Binns, the living one, was gone in a pop. The children turned towards the ghost.
“Come along, I have already given the headmaster a watered down version of what has happened.” He led Helena and Edmund towards the school while explaining that Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster, and Professor McGonagall, the deputy head had been told that two students who Binns had seen leave in the past while he was still alive, would be arriving that day. He said he had not told them why, or who the students where, or even how they had arrived, and he suggested they stayed mum on the matter.
 The school was so much bigger, Helena thought with awe as they climbed stair case after staircase, until arriving at the entrance to what had been Godric Gryffindor’s office. It wasn’t that more rooms had been added, but it seemed more like they had expanded making her feel small. The trio ascended the stair case and found themselves in front of a large door. Edmund reached out and knocked. Helena’s heart was racing in her chest, and when she heard the voice call out for them to enter, she felt like she was going to be sick. She and Edmund cautiously entered the room where was seated an elderly man in bright purple robes and the longest white beard Helena had ever seen. Across the desk from him was a strict looking witch with dark hair tied neatly in a bun, wearing a long pair of emerald robes. The old man smiled at them, his eyes twinkling.
“So these are Binns’s guests from the past. Most unusual for you to turn up like this, but having felt that wave of powerful magic as you arrived, I have no doubts of his truthfulness. I am Professor Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, this is Professor Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Head. And you are?” Edmund opened his mouth first,
“I am Edmund Sl…OW” He yelled as Helena pinched his side.
“Edmund Slough? I see, welcome to 1991.” Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling, like he knew they weren’t going to tell the truth and was ok with it. McGonagall seemed to be less pleased but to her credit, she kept her mouth shut. Dumbledore turned to Helena, “And your name, my dear.”
“Helena Reynolds.” She responded, quickly trying to think of a name she would remember easily. Dumbledore smiled “Welcome to Hogwarts. I understand you were due to begin your first year?” Receiving nods he continued “Professor McGonagall will take you to Diagon Alley to get some supplies, and tonight you will join the rest of the first years to be sorted.”
                  Chapter Two
Professor McGonagall, Helena found, was not unlike her own mother. A little strict and harsh, yet under the façade a kind, considerate woman. Diagon Alley had been incredible, the Diagon Alley of Helena and Edmund’s time had been scarce, very expensive, and with an element of fear as it was not well hidden from muggles who may want to cause harm to magical folk. The first stop had been Gringotts Bank where McGonagall had told them that they would be able to take some funds from the Hogwarts vault for basic supplies as she assumed the two children had no money, however she allowed them to talk to the Goblins privately, and was surprised to hear that there were some frozen accounts that they had the rights too and would she maybe be so kind as to wait in the lobby while the Goblins took them to the vaults. McGonagall knew that there was something about these children that was being hidden from her, but for some reason she trusted them. They seemed familiar for some reason and she mulled over this while she waited.
A quick magical blood test was all it took for the Ravenclaw and large portions of the Slytherin family accounts to be unsealed. They learnt that as Helena was the last of the Ravenclaw line and no heir had come after her, they had been frozen in her name with written instructions not to be released to the bank as was customary for accounts that had not had any transactions in over 500 years, the goblins now understood why and promised to not tell the secret. The Slytherin account was not fully frozen. As Edmund had uncles and cousins, they and their descendants had had some rights to the accounts and family fortune, as Edmund learnt he had had no heir. However, they learnt that Salazar Slytherin had left his own personal fortune for his son, and that account had remained frozen for 1000 years. When they reached the vault in question, Vault 10, Edmund was pleased to learn that although he could not get to the main Slytherin fortune, and the Slytherin title had long been passed down to new owner, his father’s personal fortune was plenty enough to support him in this time period.
Although they duo did not need wands, they did have to replenish all of their school supplies, buy all new textbooks and get new clothes. As they were approaching the Leaky Cauldron to floo back to Hogwarts. McGonagall slowed,
“I don’t know if this allowed in the Hogwarts of your time, but we do allow our students to have a pet, either a cat, rat or an owl if that interests you.” Helena’s eyes lit up while Edmund shrugged,
“I’m not bothered, but Helena will probably want to.” McGonagall pointed towards the Magical Menagerie.
“I’ll wait here then.” Helena all but sprinted inside, followed by Edmund. Looking around, and realizing that for the first time all day they were alone he turned to his friend.
“So… this is crazy.” Helena nodded, looking up at a tawny owl, not unlike the one she had been looking after that morning 1000 years in the past.
“I’m amazed at how they’ve just accepted it, and that they aren’t asking so many questions, it’s almost like they knew.” She said. “’Anyway I’ve been thinking about this whole thing. Professor Binns said that we’re supposed to, I guess, help this boy defeat the Dark? We don’t even know his name.” She picked up the cage with the owl she had been admiring, “I think I’m going to get this one.”
That evening, Helena and Edmund stood in the entrance way with Professor McGonagall waiting for the other first years too arrive. McGonagall had told them about the Hogwarts Express, but that as they where already at the castle, it would make sense for them to just join the other first years when they arrived. There was a loud knock on the door and as it opened Helena and Edmund saw Hagrid, a man they had been briefly introduced to earlier surrounded by a gaggle of children their age, he ushered them inside and Helena and Edmund slipped into the crowd.
“Welcome to Hogwarts. I am Professor McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress and head of Gryffindor House. In a few moments, once we are ready, you will be led into the Great Hall where you will be sorted into your houses. They are in alphabetical order: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Your house will be like your family, good acts will earn you points, misbehavior will lose you points for your house, at the end of the year the house with the most points are named the champions.” Helena glanced at Edmund, meeting his eye she tried not to laught, it seemed his father and Godric Gryffindor had gotten their way after all. Her mother and Professor Hufflepuff had been against the points idea claiming that it promoted inter-house rivalry, while Slytherin and Gryffindor thought it would support and encourage creativity and kindness between students. She did wonder how they were to be sorted, as the founders where no longer around to hand pick students. McGonagall left the students while she entered the Great Hall and they began to talk among themselves.
“Well, look here, the Boy Who Lived has come to Hogwarts.” A pompous voice rang out. Silencing the group. A boy with the blondest hair Helena had seen in her life approached a shorter boy with unruly black hair. He stuck out his hand, “Draco Malfoy. Heir to the Malfoy family, a friendship between us would be most beneficial.” The black- haired boy didn’t lift his hand,
“Harry Potter, and I think I can choose my own friends thank you.” He said cooly. Malfoy seemed momentarily shocked before covering himself by turning to the red head next to Harry and begin belittling him, insulting his family, the Weasley’s in front of everyone. Helena turned to a blond girl standing beside him.
“Do you know what he meant by ‘The Boy Who Lived’ sorry only I’m new to this world.” She said choosing her words carefully.
“When Harry Potter was a baby, his parents were murdered by a Dark Lord whose name we don’t say, he somehow survived the killing curse and I guess Draco thinks that means he would be a powerful friend. I’m Susan Bones by the way.”
“I’m Helena Rav… Reynolds. This is my friend Edmund Slough. Wow that incredible, but I bet he doesn’t want to be constantly reminded of it.” Helena was pretty certain that they had just found the boy they had been sent for. Susan nodded.
“Say, I didn’t see you on the train or the boats.” She commented.
“Oh we live nearby, the headmaster agreed that we could just come straight here instead of going all the way down to London to take the train for nine hours.” Edmund covered for them. “What house do you think you are going to be in Susan?” Susan’s face brightened at the question.
“Hufflepuff. My family has been for generations. People tend to want to be in Gryffindor which I don’t get since both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are perfectly fine, and Hufflepuff has the best community.”
“What about Slytherin?” Helena prodded having noticed the omission.
“Every single dark wizard has come out of Slytherin. I suppose it wasn’t so bad at the beginning, but now…” She shuddered. “Believe me you don’t want to be a Slytherin.” Edmund’s face fell, and Helena saw the hurt in his eyes. It was then Professor McGonagall entered the room again and told them to follow her. Even having lived at Hogwarts for all her life, Helena was still amazed at the Great Hall. The tall ceilings with the difficult charm work that allowed the outside sky to be seen, work she knew was her mothers, the house banners flying proudly, the long table with so many students, at least twice as many as in her time. Helena’s heart filled with pride. This school was her mother’s greatest achievement and seeing how it had blossomed was amazing. Edmund leaned over to her,
“I see they got the hat working.” Seeing the ratty hat on the stool at the front of the hall, Helena grinned. Gryffindor had been dedicating months on that hat trying to find a way to continue sorting the students once the founders where gone.
“When I call your name you will come to the stool and be sorted into your house. We will start with Abbot, Hannah.”
Hufflepuff got the first student of the year, and Helena clapped when the second, Susan, made it into her desired house. Edmund scowled when Draco Malfoy was placed in Slytheirn. McGonagall moved quickly down the list until she reached,
“Potter, Harry.” The hall got quiet. The boy Helena now knew was Harry made his way onto the stool. It was about a minute later when the hat cried out,
“GRYFFINDOR”. The Gryffindor table broke out in their loudest cheers yet. After the clapping quieted down McGonagall called out,
“Reynolds, Helena.” Helena’s heart thumped in her chest, she actually hadn’t put a lot of thought into her house. Had her mother been picking she would have been a Ravenclaw, no doubt, but now, she wasn’t just at this school to learn, she was here to help Harry Potter, and so Gryffindor would make that easier, and as Susan had said, Hufflepuff wasn’t a bad house and Helena knew she would be happy there. She climbed up the stairs, took her place on the school, and her world plunged into darkness at McGonagall dropped the hat over her eyes. She heard a voice enter her head.
“Ah, Lady Helena Ravenclaw, I’ve been waiting for this day for some time. Disappearing as you did was not very nice. Your poor mother was beside herself. She has a message by the way, she says to be careful and not do anything too stupid. Now where to put you… Ravenclaw would of course make the most sense, and you would do very well there, very well indeed, but you are not here for your normal school experience. No… there’s one place for you of that I’m sure, yes, you must be in GRYFFINDOR!” Helena smiled as she hopped off the stool, ignoring Edmund’s stare, her applause was not as loud as Harry’s had been, but enthusiastic and welcoming all the same. It was only a few minutes later when McGonagall called out,
“Slough, Edmund.” Edmund climbed up to the stool and had the hat placed on his head.
“Ah, Lord Edmund Slytherin, a pleasure to meet you. Your father was not impressed with your disappearing like that, but as long as you stay safe he will forgive you. It is unfortunate, yes, that your family’s name no longer stands for what it once did, but before now there was no one who knew of the severity. You and Miss Ravenclaw will make a formidable team and I feel as though sticking together is the best thing you can do, so although your father will hate it and Godric will roll with laughter on the floor, there’s nothing for it but “GRYFFINDOR!”
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