#first time I’ve ever drawn his ugly ass
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when I tell you that when he waddled his ass back to johns evil lair to stitch up his face flap, she was laughing her ass off
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so i herd u liek pain?
Welcome to Machi rereads FMA: Volume 11
I am not emotionally prepared to address these panels
i love that hohenheim’s face is covered in the photo riiiiiiiight up until it isn’t
Pinako looks so much like my own grandma in this panel; also the corkboard in the background of that second text bubble is so masterfully done
why not both?
it’s such a small detail but I love that Breda is using Ed as an example here? If the 12 year old can do it, so can you!
fake Breda so sinister uwu
this chapter cover is so fun, which is the cOMPLETE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THIS CHAPTER IS
I think this is the first time we ever see Pinako interacting with Ed alone? Big grandma energy.
ilu xiao mei
ed’s gentle lie here, but she knows him too well AUGH
he’s such a dweeb i love him so much?????
i love that 80% of their relationship is founded on fucking with ed
I’ve seen someone else point this out before, but the way the highlights on Al’s face are drawn like tears here, hhhhhowwwwwww dare youuuuu
the deliberate censorship here is so fucking funny
go read the giving tree right now
get his ass Winry
this entire sequence of ed trying to get 100% notoriety in the hit video game final fantasy 12 is phenomenal, but the sfx “Snappity” combined with the ugly af stroller is the icing on the cake
mustang having the time of his life, and hawkeye breaking the fourth wall is A+
ed negating scar’s destruction energy is so fuckin cool
the extras in this volume are so choice
no top tier tiny weirdos this volume. Instead, I give you a brief collection of some good good devastatedwards (if I included every one from chapter 43 we’d be here all day)
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Thoughts on Trigun Stampede
I can see why this new (reboot-retelling-reimagining-prequel?) show may be divisive for fans of the OG ‘98 show. But for me it’s an improvement on the ‘98 version in a lot of ways (not all ways, but many).
The OG anime was the VERY FIRST anime I ever saw besides a few episodes of Sailor Moon or Pokémon that I may have caught while babysitting. I saw it in high school (2003-ish?) after a friend of mine cos-played Vash for an anime convention.
While I really enjoyed the show (specifically Vash’s arc and character), there was LOTS I didn’t like and it informed my hot-and-cold opinions on anime for a long time.
I adored Vash; I loved the world building of the planet and concept of the PLANTS; I really loved the dynamic between the 4 main protagonists. The music was bad ass. The thematic questions of when is it okay to choose who lives and dies (and whether humanity deserves to be saved) were excellently developed, and the Christian imagery was *chefs kiss*
But the show irritated me in a lot of ways too. I hated what I dubbed ‘face-changing’ when the animation style would shift so suddenly from serious to exaggerated. I found the character design of most of the villains (and Milly if I’m being honest-not her character, her design) to be largely ugly. The animation was stilted and the frame rates were sooooo low even in big fight scenes. And Knives I felt was under-utilized as a villain and his conclusion a bit rushed.
I re-watched the OG before I started watching Trigun Stampede and my opinion stayed pretty much the same (with the added exception that I found Vash’s objectification of women- facade or no- early in the show to not fit tonally with his overall character and was a bit squicky).
But now I’m watching the NEW version and….I’m SUPER digging it. Almost ALL of the things that I disliked about the 98 version have been removed or improved upon and MOST of the things I liked have remained or been updated.
The story has less filler overall. One COULD argue that it is ‘rushed’ but with the announcement of a second season, I really don’t feel like things from before have been removed, just delayed until a later part of the story. The show is more tonally consistent throughout, something I found jarring in the OG.
I feel like the villains, especially Knives, are legitimately threatening, and in some cases are given sympathetic backstories which made them more fleshed out. I appreciated, for instance, Vash being given a history with Monev/Rollo. It made that fight more meaningful since they had a connection to each-other beyond ‘I’ve been told to kill you’.
I still really enjoy Wolfwood as a character here, and am enjoying seeing more of his past. His relationship with Vash is still extremely gripping/endearing. Love the use of Needle-Noggin again.
I think they’ve done something smart with Meryl by giving her development beyond learning to love Vash. She starts out naive here, which is NOT how she is in the OG, but she’s still as driven. I think by shifting her development over 2 seasons and almost treating this season as her ‘backstory’ she’ll be more interesting and three-dimensional for it by the time the show concludes. Not that I disliked her in the original, I just found her more bland than Vash, Wolfwood, and even Milly, as she was a more static character.
Let’s talk about ANIMATION. As stated above, I have no nostalgia for the animation of the original. I found the face-changing off-putting, the secondary character and villain design outside of the main protagonists to be hard to even look at (I’m not including Vash, Wolfwood, Legato, Knives here as they all have excellent and unique designs) and the actual quality to be cheap and stilted.
While I DO think that the OG hand-drawn animation could be a bit more unique and expressive at times in its shadows and lighting (think Vash and his blue glowing eyes in silhouette), this updated CGI animation has almost everything else in its favour for me. No face-changing or off-model characters! Clean, crisp lines! Dynamic and fast-paced movement! Clear and unique characteristics coming across in weight and mass and angles! Beautiful set dressing! Fantastic colours everywhere! Energetic camera tracking! Jacket!
I will say that one thing I keep going back to as something the OG does slightly better is Vash himself. I think he’s just a tad TOO soft-spoken in this version and his comedic and goofy facade has been lost a bit. He’s still fundamentally the same person as the original and he’s so engaging and sympathetic as a character- that remains the same if not better- but I feel his ‘spark’ may have been lost a bit in the re-telling. I’m glad they kept his original voice actor for the update, and I like his more mature performance here.
I’m of two minds on his redesign as well. Part of me loves the new arm and jacket and fluffy hair, and part of me wishes he had a bit more ‘presence’ on screen. He seems…smaller, somehow? His facial expressions are just right, though! He has that ‘older-than-they-look' softness about him that really comes across in his eyes and voice. I’m excited to see if season two continues to bring back more elements of the original character (sleeker, more inconspicuous arm design, and buttoned up coat, for instance).
Overall I’ve enjoyed revisiting Trigun in general, and I’m happy to have a production that has taken something that I loved but saw as flawed, and polished it up a bit and made it shiny and new.
9/10 would recommend.
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Small Victories ➤ Levi Ackerman

Summary: The special training course you opted into was fast paced, exhausting, and downright brutal. Even so, you were determined to become a sorely needed field medic for the Survey Corps, knowing it would most likely lead to your demise.
You couldn’t lie, a part of you also just wanted to prove to Captain Levi that you were far more than just Titan bait…
You knew, going into this, you’d be on the front lines. Commander Erwin had informed you the day he went over your file that you would be stationed close to the Special Ops squad; where you were needed most.
You knew that, and yet, as you watched a soldier’s flailing legs disappear into the 10 meter’s mouth, heard his deafening screams piercing the humid air, smelled the irony scent of blood, you couldn’t help but feel like you’d been in over your head.
Perhaps Captain Levi had been right about you.
“All you medic types are the same,” he’d told you the first time he’d ever met you. “Self sacrificial, stubborn, and fucking stupid”
It was then that you decided you would prove him wrong.
You leaned over a fallen comrade, clinging to life despite the gaping chunk taken out of his thigh. He couldn’t have been older than seventeen, openly weeping for his mother as his body trembled.
I can’t leave him, I can’t leave him, I can’t leave him.
The rumbling of titan footsteps shook the ground beneath you, but you knew you’d lose your nerve if you turned to look at them ambling towards you. So, you opted to keep your face set as your hands worked on instinct.
His eyes were wide and pleading as he searched your immediate surroundings for any sign of the Special Ops Squad. You’d been separated from them when you saw the kid, amidst all the chaos, nearly lose his entire leg to a four meter titan.
You were grateful they’d taught you how to slay the ugly bastards, but you could hardly perform your medical duties while killing the titans that were heading straight for you.
And if you didn’t stop the bleeding soon….
“You’re alright, you’re gonna be fine,” your assurances left your lips like a mantra while you wound thick, cotton bandages over his thigh.
“They’re coming…they’re coming straight for us,” he wailed.
“Let them come, but I’ll be damned if you’re gonna give up when we’ve still got a fighting chance” you snapped, tying the bandage as tight as you could. “You’re gonna have to lean on me and use your other leg. I can’t carry you to the cart like this” you informed him.
By now, both of your clothes were soaked in his blood. As he hobbled to the abandoned cart, where your horse was waiting to pull it, you could practically feel the titans on top of you.
You could picture their smiling faces, eager to devour you.
The boy, who’s name you learned to be Asmund, scooted as far back onto the cart as he could with his busted leg. Hope bloomed in your chest as you tossed your supply bag beside him.
You were going to make it.
He was screaming again, but not for the sorry state of his leg. He was screaming your name, urging you to hurry because there was a titan directly behind you and if you didn’t get your ass onto the horse it was going to-
You felt its fingers wind themselves around your shoulders, upper arms and torso. It squeezed you in its palm, causing your eyes to bulge and silencing the scream that sat poised on your tongue.
You were done for, you knew that much. All that was left to do was close your eyes and think of him, the man who would, no doubt, blame himself for the loss of your life.
The first time you’d offered to help the Captain with his paperwork, he’d scoffed at the notion and told you to leave him alone.
You brought tea the next time, and he finally allowed you the allotted space in his office, giving you your own personal stack of papers to date and check.
“Your lack of sleep is going to catch up with you, Captain” you’d told him as you dipped your pen in the ink well. “You’re pushing your body too far when you only allow it a few hours’ rest. I’m surprised you’ve made it this long without fainting, truthfully”
You worried for him the way a spouse would worry after their partner, but you never wanted to admit that to yourself.
“Yeah? So what?” he paused his furious pen strokes to level you with a glare.
“You should take better care of yourself,” you murmured gently.
“You should mind your own damn business” was his curt reply.
You weren’t certain if it was the reflection of the candle flame or the shadows on his face playing tricks, but you could have sworn you saw a blush rise to his cheeks.
“Nice work!” Petra commended you with a slap on the back and a grin on her face. Out of Levi’s Squad, she was by far the most welcoming.
“Yeah, you almost beat my time. Too bad I’m far more skilled than anyone here” Oluo smirked from his seat against a tree trunk.
You’d done well for yourself in training, only having two years to complete your cadet training rather than the usual four granted to everyone else. You were much older than them, as well, and stuck out like a sore thumb. So, admiring your handy work in the form of slain titan dummies, you were rather proud.
“You used too much gas,” Levi drawled, coming up to kick at one of your near empty canisters.
His eyes were narrowed as he glared at you, waiting for a proper response.
“I’m sorry Captain, I..I guess I hadn’t realized how much I’d been using” you winced as his glare sharpened.
“You didn’t realize, huh,” he circled you like a predator, eyeing your taut form as he did so. “Perhaps you’ll realize it when you’re halfway down a disgusting titan’s gullet. Perhaps you’ll realize when you’re stranded in the middle of an open plain and crushed under one of their feet”
He stopped, suddenly, directly in front of you. He was so close you could make out the dark circles under his eyes and the lines at his brow.
“A stupid mistake, I can always count on that from you” he spoke your name as if it were an insult. All the while, his face showed no sign of anything but irritation.
You hated that you cared so much about what he thought of you.
“I’ll do better next time” you whispered, voice hoarse.
“Outside the walls, there won’t be a next time!” his volume had grown steadily, as he was all but shouting now. “You get careless and then you’re dead. You get yourself killed out there, and we lose you, and then that’s another fucking life…wasted”
The others had enough sense to ditch this situation when it first began, which had left you and Levi by yourselves between the trees.
He quickly turned away, crossing the grounds swiftly enough that you barely had time to analyze what the hell he’d just come out with.
The Captain cared about all his soldiers, you assured yourself to quell the pounding in your chest.
It probably meant nothing.
You heard your name again, this time from a completely different direction.
.. The titan’s jaws were just below you as you dangled from its grasp. You couldn’t move, you couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t even think of anything besides the smell of the gaping mouth you were about to be shoved into.
And Levi, your Captain, a man who was so gentle if you could just break through the tough outer shell he hid behind.
He was calling out to you, desperation you’d never heard from him before apparent in his shouts.
You caught a glimpse of him, swords drawn and determination set in his grey eyes. He was fast, but you knew he wouldn’t be fast enough.
You accepted this as the hot tears fell slowly down your cheeks.
.. “I enjoy your company, Captain Levi” you confessed to him from your seat at the other side of his desk. The paperwork lay abandoned in front of you, as you had far better things to look at than the ink on those pages.
Levi coughed and nearly dropped his pen at your sudden proclamation. His eyes had grown wider than usual, and he outright refused to look at you, acknowledge what you’d said.
“You don’t have to say anything, I understand” you spoke slowly, solemnly. “It’s just..you aren’t like anyone I’ve met before. You try so hard to shut people out with your harsh words and constant glaring, but you care far more than you let on. I think, I think you’re the first person in this damn regiment that actually gave a shit about me”
You noticed his knuckles had turned white with the force that he was gripping his pen.
The expedition was tomorrow; you might never get a chance to tell him this.
“Maybe in another life, maybe if we had more time, maybe….we could have loved each other” you pushed the seat out from under you, standing straight as a pin.
Once the words had left your lips to hang tensely in the air between you two, you were unable to gather enough nerve to look at him.
“I just wanted you to know that, in case something happens to me when we-“
“Nothing’s gonna happen to you” he rasped, head bowed over the page, pen still gripped in his hand.
“How can you be so sure?” you smiled sadly.
“Nothing’s gonna happen to you, because I….because I won’t let it”
The conviction laced in his words left no room for you to doubt him.
You’d done your duty, left with no regret about stopping to help that young cadet that had an entire life ahead of him.
But you did regret leaving behind the Captain, leaving him with your awkward confession and never, ever getting to find out what his lips tasted like.
As you fell into the titan’s mouth, you thought Levi probably tasted like the tea he drank.
Everything ached and burned when you came to. Your eyes blinked heavily at a dark ceiling, your lips parting slightly as the warmth from the sunlight streaming in soaked into your cold skin.
You must have been back home, back inside the walls. The thin, white sheets and itchy cot you were laying on was enough to know that. How could you have possibly made it back?
The titan ate you, didn’t it?
“I told you,” you jumped at the figure beside you, groaning as your body protested the sudden movement.
You turned your head slowly, shocked and incredibly relieved to see none other than the Captain himself sitting on a wooden chair beside your bed.
His body was hunched forward, arms folded over his knees and shoulders pulled forward. His eyes immediately softened when you smiled at him, and he let out a ragged breath.
“How?” was all you could manage to choke out. The familiar stirring in your chest had become an erratic rhythm of pounding and fluttering.
“I almost didn’t make it in time,” his gaze fell to his lap. “You were in its mouth by the time I made it to you. If I’d sliced its jaw open a moment later, you would have been down its throat” he squeezed his eyes shut, as if the memory was replaying before him.
You sucked in a breath, wondering just how far he’d gone to ensure your safety.
“You saved me….when anyone else would have thought it to be a lost cause. You didn’t give up on me..” you trailed off as your vision began to blur with unshed tears.
The silence that followed was deafening.
Just when you thought he’d take his leave, he spoke again.
“I don’t know what love feels like, but I know that I don’t want to fucking lose you”
All that brutal training, all those insults when you’d made careless mistakes, all those nights spent filling out paperwork at the same desk, they all finally had meaning.
How could you not have read the signs before? How could you have not noticed the subtle way he cared for you?
You reached a shaky hand forward, grasping his calloused one in a gentle caress.
“You don’t have to,” the promise in your eyes when he finally spared you a glance grounded him.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” he stuttered, a fierce blush over his pale face. “I’ve never been good at this bullshit” he muttered.
“We can learn together..if you’d like to move forward with this” you bit at your lower lip, face hot and heart lodged in your throat.
Levi’s lips curved up into the tiniest smile you’d ever seen, but it was a smile nonetheless. A small victory.
“Fine, just…don’t tell Hange. They placed a bet with Erwin, and I don’t wanna give them the satisfaction of winning….”
** did tumblr always have this stupid word block limit bc that's whack. I tried to make this as gender neutral as possible without being vague, hope y'all enjoyed !! **
#attack on titan#levi ackerman#captain levi#levi x y/n#levi x reader#gender neutral reader#reader insert#aot fanfiction#snk#shingeki no kyojin#levi x you#levi one shot#survey corps#aot angst#angst with a happy ending#romance#hange zöe#erwin smith#special ops#levi squad#we love a bold confession the night before an expedition where we almost kick the bucket
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RP meme from Reddit 4/20/22
“ I grew this crystal from scrap copper and vinegar. It's called copper acetate, and it took 7 months to grow.” “Still makes more sense than religion.” “Wow, it even grew a hair!” “Why the gloves?“ “I don’t think you’re lying. But I still don’t believe you.” “So you specifically took the peanut butter, that got confiscated on the plane, just to use as a dip for the airplane cookies they serve?” “Don't expect perfection from yourself. Just always do better.“ “One manslaughter is another man's laughter.” “How many hours of sleep have you lost to this one?“ “I’m going to be thinking about your missed opportunity while trying to sleep tonight.” “When you get older, a tactical wank is waiting a really long time between wanks so you can save that dick energy for your partner.“ "The way I raised my eyebrows slightly after asking them their favourite type of cheese might have been a little too much. What a useless, stupid motherfucker I actually am. I deserve to die alone." “A girl whistled at me when I had my shirt off during summer when I was 17. I'm still riding that high and I turn 30 this year.“ “Why you feeding the wildlife?“ “That’s a big ass chicken.” “Looks like a big, angry warrior chicken.” “That’s a really well-drawn cat for a kindergartner.” “Who wants a co-worker’s leftover meat anyway?” “This is the future! The apex of sandwich making! Your grand kids will be eating this futuristic Mother of a sandwich!!!” “What is the best strategy for eating this?” “Yeah the bread needs to be convex not concave, give me a Christmas ham covered a layer of bread 1 slice deep, just a fucking sphere.” “I make a sandwich I like to call the triple bacon deluxe where I push a bacon bit into the middle of an unsliced loaf of whole wheat.” “ Must the sapling bear fruit the moment it rises from the earth?” “ I want to fight that fucking asshole that did this.” “ I’m writing this down for my therapist.” “ For a long time now I've had the sense that I just don't belong on this world any more.” “This douchebag knocked up all of my cats.” “ Yeah, if I was a cat I would follow him around.” “ Someone traveled back in time to create this I swear!” "Dude, that's not a dog. I don't even know what the fuck that is." “ The first things our ancestors did was breed the human faces out of dogs to make them more palatable.” “ Yeah, I couldn't eat something with a human face on it either.” “ No such thing as an ugly animal!” “ So that's what Japanese people's private parts are made of!” “ Whatever that is, you’re not supposed to see it!” “ I'll give you two carrots for that.” “A handful of seeds, take it or leave it.” “Is this the future?” “ Potato politics are universal.” “You can't tell where green ends and blue begins - therefore colours don't exist.” “ What a color blind IDIOT” “ Yeah why don't you just see colors, STUPID” “ If I ever need to quit somewhere I hate, I'm going to microwave butter lovers popcorn and salmon for 50 minutes before i walk out the door.” “ I never liked eating paper towels, but you're saying that if I microwave them, they'll get salty and tasty?” “ Take sex at face value: sticking a slim organ used for urination into a flesh pocket permanently covered in some (varying) amount of bodily fluids between the only 2 waste disposal “openings”.” “ Feel sorry for any innocent bystanders!” “ Not the fluids you expect to get hit by when you see someone laying on train tracks.” “Could someone tell me what breed this kitten is?” "Just shoot it and burn the corpse." “The worry is child kidnapping.” “ A signal is received from space. Scientists spend the whole thing panicking about it and the military goes on alert and there's panic and chaos and then someone deciphers it and it's a recipe for potato salad. Then the potato salad becomes self-aware and a renegade soldier thrown out of his top grade position of chief tough guy is forced to fight the mayonnaise covered menace.”
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This is not at all me projecting or anything but I was wondering if u could do headcanons based on him having an arts major gf dragging his ass to a museum. At first he’s probably super disinterested and :// but he sees his gf so excited and he’s like- okay fine I guess this is cool
omg I love this idea?? i think you’re talking about levi so I hope you will like it! it’s the first time that I’m writing something in a modern world and I love it
“Levi ? Do you have any plan for this afternoon?”
Standing in front of the door,you watched Levi slowly looking away from whatever he was doing (probably paperwork) ,nodding to let you know that no,he didn’t ,and then going back to his business.
“Okay perfect ,then get ready in 2 hours. We’re going to the museum. »
« Yeah ok...What ? »
But when he looked up again to ask you more questions,you had already left,knowing that,if you stayed ,he’ll try to find a way to avoid it and stay home.But you really,really wanted to go see this new exposition that took place in one of the part of the museum. And,museum dates were pretty romantic.
As you walked toward him,you tried to avoid the cold glaze your boyfriend was sending you. You knew that Levi hated museum ,and hated going outside even more.The only time you’d managed to drag him with you , he left almost immediately,saying that he « wasn’t going to stare at stupid walls full of ugly drawings for an hour ». Which was pretty sad,because you were studying art,and wished to be exposed on one of these « stupid wall » one day .
« I thought you wouldn’t come » you said while giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.
He mumbled to himself,his face looking more annoyed than ever. He,in fact,thought about not coming,but because of his work,the two of you didn’t spent much time together the past weeks,and he was thirsty of your company.
« Can you at least look a little less...bored ? Please ? I’ve listened to you talking about tea for hours without protesting,so please give me at least 3 hours of your time to let me show you my passion. »
« You like when I talk about tea. » he said,trying to keep up with how fast you walked.
« This is what I made you think »
He looked at you,his brows furrowed,not catching your irony until you started laughing and winked at him.
After a few minutes ,the two of you,one full of joy and excitement and the other one trying his best not to sight,finally arrived to the museum .
"There's barely anyone in there y/n,Levi said after you entered,are you sure we're allowed to be there ? You know,maybe we should go back and come back later..."
"Oh no,don't try this with me,i know you. We're not leaving . And,mister I-hate-space-of-culture , if it's empty ,it's because i checked the time were they were less people,so you could enjoy the museum and not stress over other humans."
Levi looked at you with surprised eyes,even after all these years he wasn't used to being cared for. He mumbled something that seemed like a "thank you",and followed you through the galeries.
You kept stopping every two seconds,looking with amazement to the things exposed . Levi knew that you were coming here pretty often,sometimes spending a whole day in the museum, and he thougt that,after all this time,you probably knew all the artworks and would be bored of it . But each time your eyes were seeing a painting,they shined and it felt like it was the first time you were looking at it . He was more amazed by you and how you shone standing there,in your element,than by any stuff he could see in here. He still didn't understand what you found interesting in these drawings, but,just for being able to look at you,his favorite piece of art,a little longer, he'll give it a try .
As the afternoon went by, Levi slowly seemed to enjoy being here. His grumpy face let place to a more relax,almost smiling,expression. He listened to you talk about artists,ways to paint and colors for hours,without complaining and looking even a bit interested. He asked you questions about "who painted this ? what is it about",and your heart was almost exploding of happiness .
"See,it wasn't as horrible as you thought it be"you said when the two of you finally came out of the museum,as the sun slowly set.
He was lost in his thougts,biting his lips without noticing it.
"You know..."he started after a few minutes."I saw that they're was some sort of...expedition ? exposition ? "
"Yeah yeah...There was a paper saying that there was going to have one next week,maybe we could go"
You stopped,mouth open in a "O" because of the shock. Levi Ackerman,the moody man you had to drag with you,wanted to come back to the museum ?
"Who are you and what have you done of my boyfriend?"
He blushed a bit and looked away from you,walking faster ,seeming to regret asking you that.
"Tch. Forget about it."
"No! Please Levi,i was joking" you said,trying to keep up with how fast he walked."I'd love to go to the museum with you"
He stopped walking,waiting for you to rejoin him.
"Can you repeat what you said to me earlier ? About these "stupid drawings with no meaning and who easily could have be drawn by a child"? Are these the same drawings you liked so much you want to go look at them again next week ?"
"Saints y/n ,shut your damn mouth. I still can decide to stay home."
But in the dark,you could easily see him smirk.
#attack on titan#levi ackerman#levi ackerman headcanons#aot hcs#captain levi#levi headcanons#anime#levi ackerman x reader#levi ackerman x you#levi aot#levi x y/n#levi x mc
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Brainrot Kinktober 10/27
the best medicine
Squirting: Sugawara Koushi x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Skdkfkf a lot- angst if you squint, post breakup rebound sex kinda, recreational drug use bc it’s me who wrote this and every day is 4/20, sex under the influence so if you count that as dubcon oops, fingering, I wrote this for myself tbh so if you hate it oops, oral sex (f. receiving), Suga is a gemini, he is a menace, uhhh and yeah- squirting... I’m sorry I’m horrible at tags. It’s smut.
Word Count: 1.9k
A/n: yes you get this a day early bc my anniversary is tomorrow and bc @super-noya is taking a break. Be grateful... also I didn’t expect to make it this far into ktober without a train wreck so this is a good feeling. ☺️ enjoy yet another self indulgent piece.
Brainrot Kinktober Mlist
The best way to get over someone is by getting under someone else. But that’s not why you texted Suga to come over. He was going to help you numb the pain of your breakup in a different way- the both of you getting insanely high. That was your ritual. Whenever one of you got dumped, the other would bring their stash, and you’d drown your sorrows in several bowls. After all, no one likes being high alone, and what else are best friends for? If anything, he’d be there to listen to you vent.
“I’m not going to say I told you so if you don’t,” he said as he walked through the door of your apartment. Before meeting up with you, he had just gotten stood up for the third time by another girl he was seeing. Taking his shoes and jacket off, he handed you his stash box. You blew a raspberry at him, bounding toward your room. You’d already had the lights low, and your speaker blasting music for the optimal vibe- which just so happened to be “all men-and the girl that stood Suga up- are trash.”
You sat on your bed as he came in behind you, grabbing your bong from its place on your shelf and sitting on the other side of the bed. Slowly and meticulously you had started to grind a portion of the quarter he had bought over.
“So what even happened,” he sighed as he began to pre-roll a few joints for you both.
“You sure you want to know?” You gave him a raised eyebrow.
He winced, getting the hint.
“Okay, maybe I don’t,” he laughed.
You hadn’t been with your now ex long, but it was no secret to any of your friends that you weren’t very happy with him in regards to your sex life.
The first few billows of smoke filled your bedroom from your lips, ending in a cough as you passed your bong over to Suga.
“God I hate this thing,” he chuckled, sparking the glitter encrusted glass. He took a feel inhale, the sound of the bubbling popping in your ears.
“So ugly,” he blew out. A light cough escaped from his lungs as he examined your piece.
“Fuck off,” you laughed back, snatching it from his hands. “It was my birthday gift from Yachi, and I happen to love it- she decorated it all on her own.” As you rubbed the cold glass with pride, a plastic letter popped off, sending you both over a barrel with giggles as you tried to gain your composure for another hit.
You shifted yourself to a more comfortable position on your stomach as you changed the song on your phone to something more mellow, reaching down in front of you to grab your snack stash below you before finally fully settling in and taking a few more hits, letting the familiar feeling of fuzziness overtake your senses.
Once both of you were comfortably numb, you moved the box in between you two, scooting closer to Suga for warmth. He tossed the hem of his flannel over your feet, the soft fabric somehow feeling even softer as you fixated on the texture in your inebriated state.
“Was he really that bad?” He sighed, sitting up next to you and grabbing another handful of Cheeze-Itz. Your trance on the plaid pattern broke as you felt your stomach drop just a little thinking about your ex.
“I mean… I never…” you trailed off a bit, body pricking with an uncomfortable embarrassment that was definitely harshing your high.
“I never came once. Literally 3 months of my life, and I didn’t.”
“Yikes,” Suga breathed out. He didn’t know exactly what to say, the drugs in his system impairing his normal supportive demeanor. You could tell he felt bad for you, but at the same time, he wouldn’t remember any of this come tomorrow morning.
“Well you know, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else…” his voice wavered, taking a drag of a joint he had left sitting in your ashtray.
“You’re so gross,” you huffed, giggling at him. “That’s not true anyway!” You flopped backwards on your bed, laughs softening as your head hit your pillow- your foggy head resting mere inches from his as he shifted to accommodate your new position.
“It would be if you were under me.” Smoke plumed from his mouth in a few rings as he stretched to lean back into your mattress.
There was a still silence for a second, but it felt like hours. He looked over at you with low eyes through the LED tinted haze. As red and glassed over as they were, they were still the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. He was too gone to notice you were staring back. Without warning, he sat up, hooking a leg around you and taking hold of your wrists, looking down at you with lustfully hooded eyes.
“What if,” he started, a lazy smile enveloping his face.
“What if I made you cum? Would you be over him?”
You were entirely too high to comprehend the question, let alone protest it- especially because it had been something you’d wanted for so long. It couldn’t be real, he was just off his ass… there was no way this was happening… right?
You simply nodded at him, mouth agape- giving him the go ahead. His grin widened, pleased to be given the chance.
“Let’s get those pretty eyes rolling, then,” he breathed, lips already moving against yours, trailing kisses down your neck and chest, slowly sliding your leggings down and away from your body. You arched your back into him, making haste to pull his shirt over his head and toss it somewhere in your bedroom. Suga pushed you back, a wash of confusion blanketing your face as he stood at the foot of your bed.
“This is about you right now,” he chuckled, kneeling down and grabbing your ankles. “If you’re not too fucked out afterwards, then maybe we’ll get to me.”
What a tease. But his words were velveteen against your ears as your core started to heat with desire of what it would possibly be like to be able to get to him.
His motions were fast but everything around you felt slow. Propping your legs up and apart, he gave one last glossy-eyed look at you. Your jaw was slacked with anticipation as he brought his fingers to your mouth. You coated them with your own spit, just enough to wet them a little, never once taking your eyes off of Suga. You traced his every move as he lined his slicked digits up at your poor, neglected slit, which was already soaked in anticipation of him. Slowly, he sunk in one finger, then another. You were already clenching your walls at the mere feeling of friction.
“Greedy are we?” He laughed, slowly adding in a third finger, filling you completely. Your long drawn out moan was response enough to him as he started to move, slowly curling them against you. You began to move as well, begging for more friction only to have your bottom half pinned into place by Suga’s free hand. The swimming feeling in your head made you feel even more sensitive to his touch, as jagged breaths left your lungs.
“Stop squirming, baby,” he cautioned. “I’ve got you- I promise.”
“Please, just… please don’t stop,” you said, barely above a whisper.
You were met with a jolt of wet heat as he attached his mouth to your core, fingers still slowly pumping as he wrapped his lips around your clit. Even in your fuzziness, your hands found his hair, grinding your hips against his mouth and face, trying so hard to get all of the friction you could as he fucked you on his lithe fingers. A string of curses left your lips as he removed his fingers from you and plunged his tongue inside, swirling it up and then around your clit again.
He detached from you, hooded eyes and a lazy smile spreading across his face as he watched you writhing under his touch. You whined in disapproval, only to be pulled down by your ankles and into his lap on the floor. He placed lazy open mouthed kisses to your own, sloppily dragging his tongue anywhere he could make contact, the taste of your arousal meeting your own tongue.
Humming against your skin, Suga took the lead, hands roaming your body as he twisted you to sit in his lap, back against his chest. He lifted your chin to look at him, shakily breathing as one of his arms found his way between your thighs, lithe fingers tracing against your slit, slowly slipping themselves into you, walls eagerly swallowing them in pleasure.
“I’m going to start moving now, okay?” he said softly, eyes stuck to yours as he curled them in and out. His other hand snaked around your waist, pressing down to your abdomen as you arched your back at the change in pressure. A gargled moan caught in the back of your throat as he sped up, pistoning his fingers directly into the soft, spongy flesh in your core.
You could barely form any coherent words- lips sputtering half praises and soft gasps as he guided you, the butterflies welling in your stomach set to burst through. Goosebumps were pricking your body as he whispered in your ear.
“You’re doing so well, sweetheart. Does it feel good?”
You nodded, the fuzziness in between your eyes coupled with the building pressure in your lower half gave way to a dizzying sensation, a squelching noise coming out from your walls. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat as you grabbed at his wrist, feeling the familiar approach of your high, but even stranger, the burning feeling of having to go to the bathroom.
“I’m going to…” Suga cut you off as he clasped his lips over yours again, fingering you faster and bringing his thumb to your clit. Your screams were muffled by his kiss, a wet release streaming from you as Suga removed his fingers to flatten his palm against your sex, rubbing as fast as his hands could against your clit.
As you came down, you clutched onto him tightly, shaking in the realization of your wetness soaking his jeans. You let out a deep sigh, ears ringing as you entered the earthly realm yet again.
“Never knew you were a squirter,” your best friend teased, helping you out of his lap and up onto the bed.
“I didn’t either,” you panted out.
He raised an eyebrow, scooting up next to you in bed. Your fingers twisted at your t-shirt, fumbling to throw it back on and feeling his eyes on you, still lingering in the heaviness of the smoke that was dissipating in your room.
You looked at him longingly through the vapors, fingers tracing the details of his face as you both lingered in the reality of what just happened.
“So,” Suga sat up, taking your hands in his. “You think you’re over him?”
You nodded.
“But I don’t think I’ll be over you anytime soon,” you said softly.
He sparked up another joint, pulling your face to his as he blew the smoke into your mouth, sealing it with another kiss.
“You don’t have to be,” he smirked. “We’ve got all afternoon if you want to stay under me…”
You definitely did.

Brainrot Kinktober Taglist (if ur url is bolded, check ur privacy settings!): @ukaic @definitelythotful @shrimpypenis @nonexistent-social-life @crushingonsuga @revolutionary-chocolate-cake @right-shoe-jpg @sugawara-sweetheart @nxynxy @aoba-baby @arianna20 @scorpiosanssexy @ceo-of-daichi @dinosaurtsukki @turquoiselace @nonamemaximum @omibaby @chokemelevi @bokuakadaily @haikyuuangst @cutie-aesthetic-palace @whet-ones-write @superdepressedhoe @iwachanswh0re @crushzone @kiseox @mysticalroadnightempath @toobsessedsstuff @trouvelle @kodzu-ken @elianetsantana @sonyaroses-blog @tsukkisbitch @mrs-kuroojinguji @tendousfingers
#brainrot kinktober#haikyuu smut#haikyuu fic#haikyuu writing#haikyuu Suga#Suga x reader#Sugawara Koushi#haikyuu x reader#Suga smut#hq x reader#hq smut#hq fic#hq writing#hq x fem!reader#haikyuu x fem! reader#tw drug use#tw drugs#tw marijuana#tw dubcon#haikyuu x you#hq x y/n#haikyuu x y/n#hq x you
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hello stranger | reader x changbin |
WELP here it is, my totally self indulgent reader x binsung fic that has developed into so much more than I expected!! thank you lovelies for hyping me up to write more of this story ily!! hehe we are indeed in for a spicy, angsty, and fluffy time!! You can read part 1 here
Part 2
Paring: self insert, female reader x seo changbin, female reader x han jisung
Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, smut, angst,
Tags: (of this part) college au, rapper!jisung, rapper!changbin, artist!reader, established fwb!jisung, explicit language, oral (f receiving), that good, good makin’ out, sub!reader, cockydom!jisung, on that note, jisung being horny as hellll, the cutest bestfriend!felix there is, changbin’s flirty ass, a sprinkling of angst, ro being in her fanfic writer element uwu
Word count: 3.1k
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
han jisung: you like the performance?
you looked stunning.
where did you go? i couldn’t find you. i even stayed after.
me: oh really? just for me?
han jisung: you left something at my place last time, I was going to give it back to you.
me: that’s why you wanted to see me? i don’t believe you.
han jisung: are you doing anything right now?
╚ ——————————————— ╝
Against the heat of your sweating body on the matted quilt, a winter chill seeped in through the wooden windowsill, dusty with age. Had you not been burning with heat, you would have been freezing. Fistfuls of the quilt filled up your hands, and your fingers dug into the fabric hard enough to make your nailbeds change color. You hadn’t even noticed that you had been slightly grinding into his mouth.
“you taste so good baby,” Jisung’s breath swirled into your swollen clit.
A tiny squeak escaped your lips at the sensation.
Both of his arms had curled under your legs to pull them farther apart, lending his nails to dig lightly into your skin. He chuckled out pridefully onto your sensitive bud, the vibrations heightening your arousal. Jisung kissed gently into you with the luxurious sounds of your excitement and his saliva mixing on his lips. His eyes held a mischievous green haze as he would look up at you with his big brown eyes, flattening out his tongue to lick at you in thick, agonizing lines. At last, he would suck and on your clit, flicking his tongue around it sporadically, as if he was giving every nerve ending his complete attention.
The way that he would suck on your clit was unreal.
As if to balance yourself, you raked one of your hands instinctually through his nearly black strands.
“Ji--” You choked out half of his name, too weak to summon the rest.
You were impossibly close. With eyes scrunched up a little, they rolled up from his taunting gaze to your ceiling.
On the shitty paint job up there, there was a crack. It was an ugly crack at that: the kind that was browning from water damage and segued into other tinier veins. Your apartment was old anyway. It wasn’t uncommon for old apartments like that to have cracks in the ceiling.
You hadn’t really recognized it before.
Why haven’t I noticed that before?
“fuck, you’re so wet for me, aren’t you?”
“Mmhm.” You focused back on his lapping tongue, feeling the tension build once more. “ ‘M close.”
Jisung quickened his pace, sucking harder and rubbing the tip of his tongue over your mound. You could even feel the little haughty smile on his mouth when your hips jerked up toward him.
As you neared your orgasm, memories fogged your eyes, you let them roll over and over, relishing in how good it had all felt. Suddenly you wanted nothing more than to feel filled up hopelessly deep inside.
“f-fingers” Your whispers begged.
Jisung obliged, sliding his index and ring in to pump in and out of your walls.
Perhaps you had made it up to feel better than it was in your head.
You came a couple minutes after, limbs shaking under his teasing while he helped you ride out your high, tongue still circling around your clit. Shallow inhales filled up your lungs as you calmed your body.
You didn’t remember it feeling like that...you remembered it being...unreal.
Jisung lead kisses up your stomach before giving a couple fleeting kisses to your breast, smug as he always was.
“-Felt good?”
Little aftershocks still tugged at your body. “...As always Ji.”
“Mm. Good.” He beamed widely with the pearly white grin that had drawn you to him in the first place. “I’ve been thinking about this all day.” Jisung tugged his boxers down, letting free his properly hardened member, veiny and tip dripping with his eager pre-cum. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
Jisung prowled over your body, stretching out your legs up in front of him.
Your thighs shook in his hands.
“Jisung, wait--”
“--What is it?” Worriedly, his eyes widened looking down at you.
“...can we give it a sec? Can you give me a sec?”
His puzzled expression gave you his answer.
“I just fucking came Ji, can’t you give me a damn minute to settle down before we go at it again?”
His mouth formed a little “oh” then he slid down to lay beside you, brows crossed slightly. “...you’ve never asked for this before.”
“just shut up and kiss me alright?”
Jisung nodded, bridging the gap between your faces and the mess of pillows under your heads.
When Jisung wasn’t trying to fuck you, he was actually a decent kisser. Against your better judgement, there had been times when you would let your mind linger over these kisses that you had wished he had given you more of. His mouth was warm, and tasted slightly of your arousal from before. Jisung’s tongue asked for permission on your bottom lip, which you granted entrance. He leaned himself further into you, moaning breathily into your mouth. Just because you liked how he would whine for you, you pulled at his lip with your teeth.
You don’t know why your eyes had opened, but there it was again. The crack.
How long had it been there?
╚ ——————————————— ╝
“I just can’t believe you, Y/n.”
Felix’s voiced echoed though the empty alley, your favored shortcut to campus. Dumpsters covered with snow lined the road riddled in potholes. In each hole, melted snow had leaked in to turn to ice once more. Felix had already slipped three times. Both of your arms linked together to make him feel better.
“How many times are you gonna make me apologize? It ended up being fine anyway.”
“When I say to text me when you get back, what are you supposed to do?”
“Text when I get ba-- “
“--Text when you get back!!!” The little puffball on Felix’s hat bounced in his frustration. “You couldn’t even text me to tell me that something had happened? Do you know how nervous I was?”
“Felix, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Does that do it?”
Your adorable companion grimaced at you, unamused. “I just think that I’m more astonished that you actually stayed over. What the hell did he offer to you? Food? Money?”
“Felix!!” You shoved him away from your body in your dramatic shock. “How dare you think that I would stoop that low!”
“You know how I feel about Jisung.”
“He’s not Jisung...that’s for sure.”
“You know about them Y/n. You yourself have said that they’re all the same.”
“Cocky, overzealous dickheads who know exactly what to do with their mouths?”
Felix rolled his eyes coupled with an annoyed groan under his breath. “You know that’s not what I mean.” He huffed out his breath into the freezing air. “His presence didn’t nauseate you?”
“I was tired. I honestly don’t remember falling asleep, I only remember waking up before the sun came up and leaving.”
“-Didn’t even say goodbye? See you again? Your phone number?”
“I don’t plan on seeing him again.”
“You don’t?”
“He...looked at me weird.”
Felix let out a flabbergasted pshhhh, which turned into a startled little gasp when his foot caught the ice. As always, you were there to catch his falls.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That he looked at me weird! What the hell else is it supposed to mean?”
“Care to expand?”
It had been four days. Four days that had felt much longer than four days. Four days since he had looked at you like you like you were the only person to ever live and breathe. You knew what was in his eyes. It was something you hadn’t truly felt on your body for a long time.
“You’re perfect.” He had said to you, barely knowing more than your name.
In your lusty haze that night, you had said something about being all his.
You barely knew more than his name.
In the days after when you recalled the whole night, searching for answers to why you had said what you had, no explaination pieced together. You hadn’t belonged to anyone in such a long time, and you certainly didn’t belong to him.
He had asked to know you better, but you kissed the words away on his lips before he could say any more.
Your body shivered placing the memory of his fingers tracing up and down your back as you had studied his features, the two of you still connected.
You turned to your friend, “No. Because there isn’t anything more to talk about. He looked at me weird, and I’d rather not see him again.”
“~Oookay then~” Felix nuzzled into your arm. “You working today? Can you make it Chan’s after? We’re gonna play some Smash and there’s a new DLC!”
“-Can’t make it, I’ve got some projects to work on.”
“School or the other kind?”
“Both. My new paper should be coming today.”
“Suit yourself...but we’ll miss youuuu.” The peppy blonde squeezed hard where he held onto you, only to have his feet fall out from under him on the ice.
You quickly softened his fall, holding his body up before his butt would hit the concrete. “I don’t think that I’m the one that you should be worrying about ‘lix.”
╚ ——————————————— ╝
From your favorite corner of the library, the sun would shine the brightest at sunset, and luckily, often your scheduling would let you see it. Sometimes you liked to think that you owned it in this little corner on the fourth floor. Better yet, it was situated near the stacks of old newspapers and periodicals so seldom did this corner see anyone else other than you.
The shelf was nestled near to one of the floor-length windows which overlooked the skyline. At this time of year nearest to the aftermath of Christmas, the city lights were still peppered with greens, reds, yellows and blues. You thought to yourself that there was nothing more magnificent than the way the sky would fade from the color of blood oranges to the depths of the ocean with the dawn. You had painted it nearly a hundred times, but each time you were left unsatisfied; it was impossible for your hands to recreate something so unique.
Standing this close to the glass, you could feel the winter cold emanating off of it.
“--Beautiful right?”
His voice had startled you, and for a moment you had thought that you had imagined him.
“‘Kinda thing makes me wanna write.”
He walked up right next to you, hands in his pant’s pockets. A billowy looking black hoodie wrapped around his body and his gaudy silver chain peeked from under his collar. You shouldn’t have expected him to look directly at you. He still wouldn’t give you the pleasure until you demanded it.
Silently the two of you stood watching the sun dissipate beyond the horizon for what seemed like hours. Just as you remembered, his massive aura was nearly suffocating. There was something new however: the scent of rosemary and cedarwood which hung around him.
At long last, he muttered, “You didn’t give me a chance to see you off.”
You swallowed dry. “What are you doing here?”
“You gonna answer my question first?” From the corner of his eyes, his stormy pupils teased you.
“You first.” You straightened yourself best you could.
“My roommate goes here. I was looking around for him. Your turn.”
Changbin took his hands out from his pockets to intentionally twist the silver rings around his fingers.
“I work here.” You answered, opting to finesse your way out of answering his question by answering yours.
“Huh. You’re a librarian?” He scoffed out a single laugh. “Why do I find this slightly ironic...considering where we met.”
“I just move stuff around. Ever heard of a part time job?” You clenched out the words between your teeth.
“Oh believe me, I have. Got a few myself. It’s what I get for choosing music over school.”
“How honorable.”
“I’m a man of honor...as you know.” His eyes finally cast down at you.
Frankly, your memory must’ve been shit, because he looked even more unreal than you remembered.
“Actually, I’m kind of glad that I ran into you here. What a coincidence, huh?”
“--Sure.” You quipped.
Changbin tilted his head with a growing smirk. “Knees feeling better?”
“They’re fine.”
“Good thing that I was there to help you.”
“You don’t have to pretend like you’re talking about my knees Changbin.”
You turned to walk away, only for him to twist himself around into your path.
“You’ve got me.” He rose his arms up in defeat. “Since I didn’t get your number, I didn’t get the chance to tell you--” Changbin’s body mass leaned ever so slightly closer to you, his dark eyes glossing over with that same confidence that he held so naturally. He breathed into your ear, “I really enjoyed our time together.”
His words send a shiver down your entire body that you prayed he didn’t see. You took a hand flat to his chest to remove him from your space.
“D-don’t you have a roommate that you should be finding?”
“Libraries are big places. Plenty of places for me to get lost...”
He advanced again, cupping a hand to the side of your face and rubbing his thumb into the soft of your cheek.
There he was, looking at you again like that. Had it not been addicting, you would have been terribly annoyed by it now.
Changbin tilted his face nearer, his lips just barely grazing over yours. Something about his scent made you feel like you were enchanted.
“Have you been thinking of me as much as I have of you?”
He sucked in a sharp inhale, then sealed your lips with his. He took both sides of your face in his hands, holding on you with such a dire grip it was as if he felt like you would melt into nothing in his hands. Every run of his lips over yours was different from the last; but the way in which he poured himself into it all was the exact same. He used his full weight to push the two of you into the metal shelf, bracing the back of your head so you wouldn’t get hurt. Changbin pressed his body into you fully, nearly engulfing you with his broad chest. There was nothing else in his kisses besides pure, unadulterated desire.
Four days since he had kissed you. Four days that had felt much longer than four days.
Hesitantly, your hands twitched at your sides, deciding to hold him back. You hadn’t noticed, but his own hands had fallen from your face to cascade down your arms to wrap them around him himself. Under the fabric of his hoodie, you could feel every single curved muscle. Before you could explain it, your fingers traversed all around the expanse, drawing in all the pieces that your brain hadn’t thought to commit to memory. The second that you did, he smiled into your mouth.
“So you have.” His husky tone spilled into your ear after he gently broke from your lips.
Changbin moved to kiss at your pulse at your neck, leaving you to tremble under his fluttering movements. Your teeth bit into your lip as to not produce a sound; your fear of someone walking round the corner only made you more anxious and thrilled. He pulled the collar of your sweater down to increase the pressure of his mouth, drawing little whimpers from your throat.
“Changbin, what are you--”
Before he could do any more damage, he pulled back, putting your collar right back in place. Between the two of you, your exasperated little gasps filled the air. Slowly, he run his thumb over your slightly swollen lips.
“I meant it, I’d like to get to know you more.” He swept your hair back with a couple fingers.
“I was planning on not seeing you again.” You gathered up your will again.
Changbin tsked, “That wasn’t how you kiss someone you don’t want to see again.”
You pulled his hands from off your face. “I should be going. And you should too.”
“You’re unbelievable.” He scoffed with disbelief.
You really were. Just from kissing him, you had felt how inexplicably wet you had become. Every part of your body ached for just a little more, and you could have it. But you wouldn’t let yourself. He didn’t own you.
“Need me to show you to the stairs?”
“No.” He spat out the word. “Don’t walk away from this.”
“Who are you to tell me what to do?”
“I thought that I just made myself pretty damn clear.”
“--As did I.”
“No, you didn’t.”
Changbin strode up to you, the little thin chain on his pants swaying.
“Give me your number.” He said in earnest. For once, you saw his confidence falter.
“I said, I don’t plan on seeing you again.”
“--Then I’ll give you mine. You don’t even have to use it and I can’t reach out to you, how’s that?”
“You’re acting like I’ll want to.”
He exhaled out cooly, “Why the hell else would you kiss me like that?”
Why did you kiss him like that?
You reached out from your back pocket to slide out your phone. “Don’t expect anything. I’ll probably just delete it after long.”
He typed in the numbers, then grinned, announcing, “I doubt that.” Once done, he pulled your collar back up just a little bit higher to fix how it had become askew on your frame.
He sighed with finality, toying with his rings once more. “I think that I’ve been lost in here long enough.”
╚ ——————————————— ╝
han jisung: are you doing anything right now?
Your pencil clicked down to your desk with a wooden little thunk. The state of your room was a mess; not like he would have cared. Back at your desk, you glanced down at your unfinished sketch and the scattering of watercolor paintbrushes and paints. During the late hours of the night, your brain would get hazy, and your inhibitions would likely smear like the little pools of blue watercolor accidently spilled on your desktop.
Your tired fingers typed out the word “no.”
Outside of your tiny window dusty with age, you could still see a bit of the twinkling of lights on the cityscape. During the night, they looked like a rainbow of stars reflected upon the night’s ocean.
Your tired fingers deleted the word “no”, then opened a new message. For a moment, you hovered over the keyboard.
[01:49] CB
You really were unbelievable.
me: are you doing anything right now?
#ahhhh i have utterly fallen in love with this concept#and this changbin holy heck#feedback is always appreciated too 💕#stray kids#stray kids smut#skz#skz smut#stray kids imagines#seo changbin#changbin smut#seo changbin smut#han jisung#jisung smut#han jisung smut#changbin x y/n#changbin x reader#jisung x y/n#jisung x reader#changbin x female reader#jisung x female reader#stray kids oneshots#stray kids imagine#stray kids drabbles#kpop smut#kpop imagines#kpop oneshots#kpop drabbles#lee felix#stray kids angst
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lust. [intro]

pairing: vampire!felix x afab/gen. neutral! reader
warnings: not sure honestly, this is just an intro! if you see anything that needs tagging, please let me know!
proofread? no
a/n: hello! this is a new series i’ve been wanting to start this past week! basically, i couldn’t decide on writing a vampire or werewolf felix au, so i’m having you guys decide! once i finish writing the werewolf one, a poll will go up, and i’ll let you guys decide what i write! eventually i might write both but yeah! please leave feedback in my askbox or the tags and let me know if you enjoyed! (another note i do plan on these eventually having smut, so you’ve been warned!) please share as well, enjoy your day/night!
the things you have been told of blood-sucking creatures called vampires have been mostly true. however, we do have differences, and we blend right into the world around you.
vampires became a thing, really, when the first vampire made a blood oath with the Devil himself, and cursed him and his children with an unquenchable thirst for human blood and superhuman strength.
however, he only cursed them.
the children, however, were angry with their father. and, instead of talking it out with dear-old-dad, the children figured out how to make others join in what they felt was a constant suffering. though, that plan backfired when second and third generation vampires during the victorian era figured out how to co-exist with humans and not be thirsty for blood for long periods of time.
however, not every vampire liked that, or felt the same.
so, the vampire rulers at the time, in the 1800s made a force of sorts to deal with it. that’s the force that pretty much felix had grown up in, during the day playing video games and doing online university, and spending his nights fighting or dealing with the rogue vampires.
however, he did not expect himself to be protecting a human from a rogue vampire gang full time until they were dealt with or until they were bored of them.
and that’s how you got here, sitting on this vampire’s couch, wondering why the fuck you thought it was smart to call a vampire who this man called a “rogue” a “man who’d never get pussy” because you were annoyed at him during your last shift. definitely not how you wanted to start your summer, to say the least.
“do i really have to stay here?” you said, looking around the messy living room which only had a couch, a yellow coffee table (that was not matching the ugly read carpet), and a TV that stood on the ground.
“it was either me or a guy with a wife and three kids, and i can’t be able to guarantee the kids accidentally won’t confuse you for a snack.” felix said, trying to set up a air mattress for you to sleep on.
you groaned loudly, slumping into the couch. “am i ever allowed to go out? it’s too dark in here...” you look around, each window has the shades drawn.
“no, you’re under witness protection.” felix said, finally getting the mattress up finally, celebrating mentally. “you can open the blinds but it can’t be in this room, it would hurt me more then you.”
“I thought the windows here protected you?” You said, turning your head and perking your eyebrow up.
“Not really.” he said. “I’m a broke college kid who goes to school on his computer. The landlord won’t replace the windows no matter how much the regulations change and require him to do so.”
you sigh. “when can I then?”
“when i go to work.” felix said. “then you chill out there and you’ll get social interaction for the day that isn’t me.”
you groan again. “what can i do here then?”
“play video games, practice your cooking skills, catch up on sleep, something like that.” he said again, finally finishing the air mattress. “i recommend sleeping, i got a 7 hour watch shift tonight and those seats at work are not nap worthy.”
the vampire called felix was endearing, he was incredibly handsome. however, his way of un-life of sorts was close to driving you mind.
however, you agreed. a nap was definitely something you needed from the past two nights you just had. maybe you could properly sleep today, finally.
felix handed you a fuzzy blanket, a small smile shown visibly. “enjoy your nap, y/n. i’ll be in my room if you need anything.”
and just like that, he was off to his room.
another thing, this man was incredibly endearing. it was driving you mad, for certain. he may have seemed to not care, but he does.
you just hoped his job wasn’t going to be like this ugly ass carpet.
#skz smut#skz angst#skz fluff#felix x reader#stray kids smut#eventual smut#stray kids angst#stray kids fluff#felix smut#felix fluff#felix angst#idk how to tag this sorry#felix supernatural au#vampire!felix#vampire!felix x reader#lmk if i missed or should add tags!
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feet on the ground [f.w.]
word count: 3381
warnings: none
a/n: this is based on, and a counterpart/continuation of @ickle-ronniekins 's head in the clouds — thanks for the inspo babe, this one is for you
Fred Weasley was not happy. Sure, he had made a lot of questionable, or as other people like to say 'bad', decisions in his life, but taking Care of Magical Creatures was one of the worst. Yes, it made Hagrid ecstatic, and that's always a good thing to see; yes, it's useful for his future business. However a hellfire-cracken the size of a shoebox was making him rethink his choices.
For the lack of a better distraction, he focused on digging a hole in the grass with his trainer as Hagrid’s rumbled instructiones flew over his head, missing both ears and zooming away into an indifferent oblivion. George is taking this already, he looked to George, who was quite enchanted with his partner, and thoroughly enjoying it, couldn't we have split up? He kicked the dirt lightly, startling the girl next to him.
Neither Fred nor his Slytherin partner were thrilled with each other,but misery loves company, so it might be for the best.
"How's the weather up there?" said his partner, who was crouching eye — er, shell-level, with the creature, but keeping her distance nonetheless. Her hair waved and flickered on her shoulder as she bounced on her heels.
"Immaculate, thanks for asking." he said, not wanting to get closer to the scorpion-lobster lovechild from the asshole of hell. "Y'know Hagrid said those things burn, bite, and sting, right?"
"So do I.” she said sarcastically, still keeping her gaze tied to the monster. “I'm not going to touch it, I'm just looking. You're aware we need to sketch it, label its parts and write an essay about it later?" Fred shifted his weight from foot to foot restlessly.
"Yes." his nostrils flared.
She pursed her lips and, after a moment of silence, said: "I dare you to touch it."
He crossed his arms. "I am not taking dares from you. We met three minutes ago and I haven't enjoyed a second of it."
"What's up your ass?" she turned to him, still crouching. "Actually, I don't care. Just don't take it out on me." The creature clicked their — tail? — pincers? — their something.
"I wasn't—" she raised an eyebrow and he fell silent, and looked away.
"'m not very thrilled to be here." he mumbled. "And that ugly death trap isn't making it better. Can we start over?" he asked, sighing and tiredly sweeping his left hand through his hair, and offering his right to her.
She took it and pulled herself up, then promptly smoothed out her skirt, shook his still proffered hand, and introduced herself.
Unlike his messy untucked shirt, her uniform was pressed down to the socks and her shoes held no traces of mud. It gave her a calculating, and slightly cold aura, as if she was drawn with a set of rulers and a compass. She was probably more geometrical than anyone who had ever taken Care of Magical Creatures.
"Fred." he said, even though she knew.
"Well Fred, we will be working together on this Blast-Ended Skrewt for the next few weeks, so that 'ugly death trap’ is our son you're talking about." she chided with a smile that better belonged on a sly fox rather than a girl.
"You sound very attached to it." he shot back. An idea, a thought, a silver of a notion that this might be fun slithered along the floor of his skull.
"Him.” She corrected with her pointer finger in the air. “And it's called being a good parent." she lightly jabbed him in the chest.
"Okay then. Go pet your son." Fred smirked.
They turned toward the beast which was playing in the grass like a puppy. It seemed to be wiggling its tails.
Her eyes narrowed: "Which part is the head?"
"I don't know. We should probably figure it out, since the other side shoots flames." he said in an amused tone.
"It's supposed to be a sucker, so it might be the penis-looking side." he chuckled, but when she turned to stare at him expectantly, his red eyebrow jumped in question. A breeze ruffled their hair.
"Go on then, don't be shy, we need to compare." she said flatly.
He burst out laughing so hard, a few people around them turned to stare - quite a dangerous thing to do at the moment seeing as some of the beasts started snipping. A yelp sounded from afar, and Fred laughed even harder.
At least his partner is funny.
"Seriously though, this thing is going to fire-fart on us soon and we need to figure it out."
“You don’t feel better in nature?” her tone piqued as she turned the pages of a book. Their desk was covered with them, during the first of their many study meetings.
“No.” Fred played with his quill, spinning it through his fingers. “You do?”
“I feel clearer, especially near water.”, thump, she shut her book and discarded it.
“How come?” he balanced on the back legs of his chair, eyes darting around.
“I don’t know. It’s not a thing I question.”, flip, flip, flip, “It just lures me out of my head, and makes me feel a little more real, like I’m aware of my own existence. Sharper, yknow?”
Fred shook his head.
“I don’t have a need to get out of my head, it’s great in there.” he joked. She snorted and passed him a book with a piece of paper sticking out.
“Don’t you? You seem to be in there a lot though. I think you think too much.” Fred chukled, “That’s something I've never been told.”
“Then it’s about time.” she threw his way, but she had yet to look at him, Fred noted. The idea of her as geometrical played around in his head. “Try it next time. People exist a little sharper sometimes. It stops you from feeling like you’re going to float away.” her eyes finally flickered to him like two needles of her compasses, and shot him down. His chair hit the ground.
Before Fred had a chance to say something else or roll her idea around in his brain, she passed him a piece of parchment with a soft order to, “Write.”
His diagram of their unnamed child was much neater than hers, but his illegible handwriting distracted from it perfectly.
"That is not a t."she said, her hair almost electrified from stress-combing it with her hands.
"It's obviously a g." he chirped, but his tone sounded worn down all the same. She squinted at the paper with her mouth open for a moment, then gave up.
"How are you still this peppy?" she asked as her gaze lazily rolled itself away from the books. His tie was completely undone and being used as a bookmark, his shirt unbuttoned and ruffled like his hair, ha, carrot head!, but he took no note of it as he balanced on the back legs of his chair again. Every so often, a clank would sound amid their conversation when the chair struck against the stone floor and his feet hit the ground, before he leaned back again.
"What are you talking about? I'm knackered." he yawned.
She looked up, and her thoughts leaked out of her head. The scenery through the window behind him was gorgeous, lit on fire by the dusk— oversaturated reds and pinks which lined the dark purple clouds.
With a loud tap on the library floor, the front legs of Fred's chair touched the ground and his head covered the sun perfectly, giving him a golden lining and making his orange hair melt into the background. The clear lines of his face looked almost chiseled in contrast to the haziness behind him.
A weight settled in the center of her torso, an iron bowling ball rolling between her stomach and her heart. He was handsome. She knew this. But she used to know it the way one knows they should drink water when they’re thirsty. Knowing you needed it after you drink him in, swallow, and sign, is another story.
She felt a warm metal line grow out of her chest, like a vine towards the sunlight, enter his chest and settle.
For a few moments she imagined it. She tried to note the dragging sensation of warm iron and let herself be pulled to him. She imagined the ball rolling in his center, and all his squirming being in an attempt to adjust it instead of just staying awake.
Then she blinked. Took in the real scene. Despite being exhausted, she felt tranquil in their little corner filled with books and a few very ugly sketches. She picked one up.
“Are we allowed to call his head a dick?” She questioned, but Fred just yawned and shrugged. His chair tipped back again.
“You’ll hurt yourself.” She said flatly, words moving from line to line like trains with the shittiest track designs ever.
“The thrill keeps me awake.” he closed his eyes, hair still a burning red. She didn’t dare look at the Sun for too long. Her eyes tried to follow the words. The ball rolled.
He slid another sketch towards her. “I think we should use this one.”
She put the first one aside, their hands brushing as she took the new parchment. She heard the scraping of his chair on the floor as he moved closer until his collarbone pressed against her shoulder as he leaned over to point. The body heat he was emitting only reminded her of the weariness her body carried. It also refashioned her bowling ball into an anchor slowly sinking through her stomach, tickling her insides on the way down.
The sketch was neater and much simpler than others, no more than a handful of black lines on a yellowing parchment.
“This part is the head.” Fred pointed out. “I think. It looks weird and there isn’t exactly a good reference for a randomly cross-bred demon.” He seemed so focused on his drawing that she got the feeling he was avoiding her eyes intentionally. Stupid, really. They’re both just tired and have a lot of work.
Look at me.
He didn’t.
She banished all her stupid silly thoughts, and tried to turn to the books for the next few hours.
Fred stayed circling warmly on the edge of her orbit, moving around her but never looking, never acknowledging her as anything other than a voice and a pair of friendly working hands. The silly stupid thread she felt earlier vibrated. She didn't bring it up for fear they wouldn't finish all their work if she were to derail the conversation, so she waited until the end of their study session.
However, when the anticipated end neared, his chair hit the stone the last time and when she turned to him, Fred was lying on his arms on the table, asleep. His outline was as bright and as sharp as ever, but his face was soft and smooth from relaxation, like a marble statue melting. The anchor in her stomach lurch up at the sight, but she swallowed it down, smiled, and laid her head on the table too.
Another sunny afternoon had George almost skipping to his quirky partner. And Fred was glad, he liked to see his brother happy and loved teasing him for being in love even more — but he still hated the bloody beasts. He was thankful for George's efforts to cheer him up, but Fred refused to move out from under his personal gloomy cloud, choosing to carry it alone instead, the way one would an umbrella.
As soon as George mentions his partner, he knows it's time to leave him to his beloved, as he does, with minimal mocking involved (—but come on!).
As Fred approached her, he saw her roll her eyes. Funny. Something about knowing she's as un-excited as he is made his chest swell up with what can only be described as the sudden understanding of the real depth of companionship between you and a stranger, an acquaintance, a friend. I might not like this, but I am not alone.
"They're four feet long already. Your future sister-in-law," said his partner, gesturing to George's love with her head, at which Fred smiled warmly, "said we only get to work with them for another class. I think she might cry." His clouds stopped thundering.
"Don't be rude." he replied but did not sound angry in the least.
"I'm not. She's a nice girl and God bless her for being passionate about this. We need people like her, otherwise the rest of us would have to care as well." she reasoned.
"There's that warm and welcoming Slytherin care I've heard all about." he said sarcastically.
"Rude. Gingers truly are soulless." Fred got nudged in the ribs.
"Oi yourself!" she flipped her hair and flashed her foxy smile. No, it's fox-like. "Don't start things you can't finish."
"Well, I'm ready to be done with this thing." he looked pointedly at the snapping creature reaching out to them like a baby in a cot.
They received their instructions from Hagrid to feed, entertain, and check the health of the creature and set off to work. After a few minutes of silence, Fred spoke.
"I think there's something wrong with this thing." he squinted.
"Him." She corrected, "He's our son."
"Well I think our son is pregnant." Fred’s face soured.
“No way." she replied, kneeling closer to the beast than she'd ever dared before. "How do you know?"
"A hunch?" Fred shrugged his very nicely shaped shoulders. No! "I'm not sure. It did eat three times as much as the others. It should be a lot fatter."
"He." She absent-mindedly corrected, trying to get a good enough look.
"He doesn't look sick but he's being weird." he squatted next to her, bouncing on his heels.
"Maybe he's lonely. We both ditched a few times." She bumped her knee into his. "I dare you to touch him."
Fred laughed as he turned to her. "I'm not that commited of a father. You do it."
"Why me? You need to do something too!" she whined as their son approached in a rather puppy-like gait, as if he was going to rub against their legs, and Fred's gaze slipped off her, like that day in the library.
"I'll do whatever you want.” he paused "Within reason, of course."
"Touch him."
"Within reason."
"Fine." their dark-shelled son stood before them now, but they were not as hesitant this time. The beast looked at Fred with either his head or his stinger (how is it still not clear?).
Slowly and shakily, her hand reached out. She almost withdrew it, but it already made contact with their son's back and he made a sound similar to purring, which was both surprising and unsettling. Her face bent in disgust as her entire palm pressed against his black shell, gleaming maroon in the sunlight.
"Ew. He's slimy." she detached her hand to see a catran-like substance coating it. "How is he slimy?"
Fred's nose was scrunched as well but an amused gleam flickered on his face nonetheless. “Disgusting.”
"Well, I did it." she complained, trying to wipe her hand on his arm, but he rose to his feet quickly, laughing.
“Keep that to yourself.” Fred warned, trying to avoid her swift attempts to use him as a rag.
“Come on!” She whined. “We’re in this together. If I have to be gross then so do you.” she jumped up after Fred.
He felt weightless as he maneuvered around her and the clawing beast that still purred by their feet, and he realized how warm the sunlight was. His little cloud was gone. In that distracted second of their impromptu three-creature quickstep, she wrapped her clean hand around his hand and pulled herself closer to him.
She grinned from ear to ear, and Fred felt her wet, cold hand sliding down his shoulder. She wiped a few times down his arm and chest with a wickedly satisfied look in her face as he wondered why he didn’t mind it so much. His eyes danced over her face the way his trainers had over the grass mere seconds ago.
“What?” she asked. Wait, she was speaking.
“Um, nothing.” his face rearranged itself from a goofy smile (What?) and he looked at his stained shirt. Before he even had time to comment, her voice made the center of his stomach tighten.
“Do you think he'd lick one if she asked?” Fred followed her gaze to George, looking as dreamy as his partner who was purring back at their Blast-Ended Skrewt. Sunlight covered them too.
Her hand still held onto him.
Fred sighed, both amused and lightheaded from a new discovery threatening to unveil its face in his mind. George laughed so loudly it reached Fred’s ears, and he responded, “Yes.”
“Would you lick one for me?” she batted her eyelashes.
“Absolutely not.” he said without missing a beat.
“What kind of a father won't even lick his own son?” she put a hand on her chest, faux-horrified.
“I still think our son is pregnant.” he said, grinning at her.
“What kind of a father won't lick his own pregnant son?” she humored.
“You're making this worse than it has to be.”
Her eyebrow rose as she offered: “You can always do this alone?”
“No.” something ugly and covered in spikes spun in Fred's stomach.
“Well then,” she said smugly, as if she knew, “you need to start cooperating.” She tugged on his arm with her hand that was there the whole time. Her arm slid around his as she pulled him along, and Fred adjusted his collar with his fingers. When did they get so far away from the group?
“You don’t pet him, you don’t groom him with your tongue like a cat, what do you do? I haven’t seen you change a single diaper!” she over-exaggerated. “I’m basically a single mother!”
He laughed and apologized, feeling lighter and sharper than he had all day.
His future sister-in-law was wrong. They worked on their loving, puppy-like hell scorpions for three more classes, and had another one in a classroom, correcting their essays. During that class, they found out that their son really was pregnant, at which they laughed all the way to the Great Hall.
Fred felt something heavy rolling over his intestines when he thought of the end. It wound itself around his organs until his lips dropped. Nevertheless, he grinned at George (who definitely saw through him), and, with his chin up like a proud lion, departed from him to sit next to his partner, one last time.
He thought about her more often than he expected to, and he feared he might have to stop soon.
As he slid next to her, his metaphorical tail curled closer to him. She beamed brightly at him, and offered her closed fist.
“You ready, partner?”
No, he curled his fingers with a smile, I don’t think I am, and bumped their hands together.
“Doesn’t have to end? Didn't you listen?” she asked him incredulously as he caught up with her. He couldn’t say he has, as his ears buzzed deafeningly loudly since they received their O.
Maybe she had a point when she said there were moments when people felt more defined as he was more sure than ever that he existed in the corridor leading to the Care of Magical Creatures classroom, as his limbs filled with lead at the way she spoke.
“I just thought if you—” his mouth shit on its own. “You know—”
“Holy shit, you really didn’t listen?” but this time she laughed. “Hagrid said we can pick our own partners for the next project.” Her arm curled around his own, “So unless you want to dump me, we march on.”
Whatever heavy thing has been making his stomach a winter home the past week flew off to their summer residence.
She definitely had a point about grounded moments, because when her hand squeezed his arm, the lead leaked out and the awareness of every part of his body slammed into focus.
And Fred smiled back.
She smiled promisingly at him, his heart stuttered, and his sneakers sunk into the stone beneath him.
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tell us more abt the hannibal and black sails parallels pls
Okay, first off, I am so sorry this took so long!! I’ve been moving and shit has been so busy.
Second, yay!! This question. Now I have an excuse to ramble.
Okay so, the two shows do have a lot of similarities. The big one you notice right off the bat is that both have an extremely codependent relationship at the center.
There are a ton of ways the Flint-Silver and Hannibal-Will relationships parallel, like, they both talk about melding minds with another person, being monstrous, reveling in being monstrous, being made complete by an unlikely source, personas/playing roles/person suits, knowing yourself more completely next to another person, darkness as a source of freedom, something beyond choice/being drawn inexorably into a person’s destructive orbit and being forever changed by it. They deal with the nature of truth, both have supernatural elements, both have religious imagery connected to one half of the ship (Flint and Hannibal both compared to god).
Also, both shows end with an impossible choice and, ostensibly, tragedy; and they both have open endings that are interpretable based on what you want to believe.
But at a certain point, the similarities end and the two shows veer off from each other. Namely, the dynamics between the two ships are fundamentally different in a lot of ways, and it's more interesting to look at the ways in which they don't parallel. At the end of the day, the biggest one is that Silverflint is not anywhere near as destructive, whereas for Hannigram, mutual self-destruction is sort of the name of the game. Silverflint may be as codependent but I think the important addition of either Madi or Thomas or (ideally) both, helps make the relationship a lot healthier. If they would actually just talk to each other and work some shit out, it could be great. This is of course contingent on whether you think one or the other could compromise. (The compromise being that they come to some middle ground between Flint giving up the big picture Cause for personal happiness, or Silver throwing in genuinely with the idea of revolution and it being worth the risk of the people most important to him.) The end tragedy of Black Sails sets us in a spot where it doesn’t seem like either Flint or Silver are willing to do so, but perhaps one or the other could grow and change (with helpful mediation, as stated.)
Whereas Hannigram, well. It’s rooted from the very beginning in gaslighting, manipulation, and a completely skewed power balance. It’s absolutely like, this person has done so much bad shit to you, they’ve killed people you love, they’ve sent people to kill you, they’ve lied to you, isolated you, made you fundamentally doubt what kind of person you are etc. But still, you literally can’t cut them out of your life because nothing is ever going to compare to the experience of having them around even if it’s, most often, largely a negative influence. Like, damn. So dark, so unhealthy. They’re the zero-sum game.
For Will it’s: you love this terrible, terrible thing and you hate yourself for loving it, but also can’t deny it and it makes you feel alive. And for Hannibal, Will’s really the only person who can understand and accept him, but also is uniquely positioned to be able to lie to him, manipulate him in return, and be his utter ruin. They both tried to cut each other out and it didn’t work. So, can’t live with him and can’t live without him. That’s why we end with a cliff dive (impossible choice), Will can’t abide the thought that this thing that is objectively terrible, this ugly thing, is the thing he wants desperately, but he also can’t give it up. So it’s like, “let me try to do my last little bit to society by throwing both our asses off of this cliff b/c we’re both terrible.” Will is so interesting b/c he is at all times living in both the dark and the light and has trouble reconciling these opposing drives. It’s a function of his magic empathy.
(I think they’re metaphorical cliffs also b/c like.... there are no cliffs in Maryland jsyk. What is it with these shows that I like and Metaphorical Cliffs. Edit: I have been corrected there are some cliffs in Maryland but they're not as absurdly high as the ones in Hannibal.)
Anyway, let’s do the one-to-one and talk about Empathy and my Mirrorball boys first. Silver and Will are both extremely good at reading people, seeing what they most need to be, and shapeshifting into it. They both have the ability to shrug on different personas as easy as changing clothes. HOWEVER, the way in which they view this ability is very different. For Will, it’s a curse, he literally cannot turn it off, can’t stop himself from doing it, and it torments him. And I think for Silver, he also does it unconsciously and can’t help himself, but it’s not a torment in the same way. It’s rooted in survival and is an acquired skill that a very intelligent mind learned in order to stay alive. Though I would say they could commiserate on their mirrorball tendencies getting them into trouble/in over their heads.
As for Flint and Hannibal parallels? Well Hannibal is the unrepentant monster who revels in wickedness and largely views the rest of humanity as inferior. He’s having an absolutely excellent time murdering and cannibalizing folks, and the only real thorn in his side is Will Graham and his inability to kill Will b/c Hannibal loves him.
I think Hannibal is the absolute beast that Flint fears himself to be. And though both are presented as the “destructive orbit” or “intoxicating presence” and both perpetrate great violence... well they’re on opposite ends of the spectrum as far as how they view those behaviors. Flint is drowning in guilt constantly, hates that he has to be this monster, the persona of the dread pirate Captain, and that he’s losing more and more of his humanity every time he does some heinous shit. Whereas Hannibal is a “happy little duckling,” literally feels zero guilt about his heinous acts. Hannibal’s playacting a real man in a lot of ways while Flint is playacting a monster. So, Flint wears a monster suit and Hannibal wears a person suit.
Anyway, I could go on and on about this. The way they use supernatural elements, the way characters embed multiple meanings in subtextual dialogue, how well quotes from Silverflint can transfer to Hannigram and vice versa. Oh the way each show deals with like, queer issues, disability issues. etc etc ad infinitum
But I’ll let this be it for now, lol. If you wanna hear me ramble more, let me know~
#fictionandmusic#thoughts#hannibal#black sails#hannibal spoilers#black sails spoilers#hannibal/blacksails
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Perhaps you’re feeling bored at home or, if considered an “essential” worker like me, you need a little fun and stress relief. Here is my masterpost of fic recs from my two years of reading so far. Maybe you’ll find something new, or reconnect with an old favorite. Either way--
Enjoy! 😷💕
Reylo Fics that Deserve All the Love
Near Kinsman by englishable
Englishable is just one of the best writers I’ve encountered in fandom. This historical western mail order bride AU is top notch quality.
The Masochism of Self-Defence by greyorchids
The Reylo dynamic in this Boston PD AU is steamy, but also heartfelt.
So Much Thin Glass by walkingsaladshooter
Never knew I loved modern day Gothic AUs until I ran across this one.
Heaven Forbid by DarkKnightDarkSide
I was stunned by the author’s creativity in this Priestlo fic. So smutty. So... inventive 😉🔥
Sonder by deathbyhumidity
Two strangers passing each other by on the train. Soft, dreamlike, somber, poignant. Modern AU.
And Still I Would Remember by Inmyownidiom
A Victorian era AU of two souls that parted and come crashing back together.
So, You've Decided to Glamour a Human Girl. by selunchen
Faeries AU! Ben, a fae, and Rey, a human. Shenanigans ensue.
Live Long, and Prosper by SaintHeretical
For the Reylo Trekkies. Hell, even if you don't do Star Trek, read this. PHENOMENAL.
Mr. Solo & Miss Wellfound by LinearA
“Regency/Victorian AU, Ben sees Rey's stockinged ankle by accident.”
Diyari by Nervoustouch
Modern archeologists AU. Snarky banter with dashes of Indiana Jones, The Mummy, and Sahara vibes.
Drawn to the light of your burning sorrows by Kyriadamorte
The Mothlo AU you didn’t know you needed. Both gritty and soft.
Crown Glass by RebelRebel
Fantasy AU, with lots of beautiful imagery and engaging character dynamics.
Kohelet 3:16 (Call Me A Cab) by LinearA
NYC Jewish Leia and Ben. Skillfully layered plot, nuanced characterization. Smut is HOT.
By the Shores of Varykino Lake by hipgrab (merrymegtargaryen)
Unhealthy dynamics, definitely read the tags. “There’s a lot of fucked-up-ness”, in the author’s own words. But it’s good writing. Fair warning.
Let Me Put My Darkness In You by ArdeaJestin
Canonverse. Hux is an insufferable, pompous ass and Kylo Ren writes terrible, melodramatic poetry.
Wintertide by Zabeta
Whimsical and primitive in turn, this lives up to the style of a true fairytale AU.
The Forty Thieves by PoetHrotsvitha
Peaky Blinders/Gangsters AU. Rey starts as Ben’s bartender and ends up as so much more.
I Said to My Soul, Be Still by LinearA
Dark!Rey takes her man. 🥵🔥💕
Hux's Rousing Pep Talks by Riels_shorts
This fic is hysterical. It’s not Reylo, and I don’t care. My list, my rules.
It's All I Can Do To Leave You Alone by TazWren
Office AU. Silly, spunky, with a bashful Ben.
Sip the Honey Sweet by dietplainlite
Anne of Green Gables-esque/Edwardian era AU, the title really says it all.
The Pull to the Light by HarpiaHarpyja
Entrancingly macabre. This modern/fantasy/monsters AU catches your attention from the get-go, and never lets you off the hook.
lay then the axe to the root by sciosophia
All the Bronte goodness, plus smut.
The Golden Age by TourmalineGreen
Golden Age of Hollywood AU in which Ben is a jaded actor in serious need of an image fix, in the form of fresh-faced actress Rey.
Never Be Your Curse by Kate_Reid
Kylo Ren is a go-go dancer in this AU. That was enough to get my attention 😘
Gallows God by Killtheselights
Bursting with deliciously grim imagery, an intelligent take on Norse mythology.
Thunderstorms, Clouds, Snow, and a Slight Drizzle by aNerdObsessed
Who doesn’t love an ugly sweater Christmas party? Ben Solo, that’s who. All the nostalgic wintertime feels in this modern AU.
Though My Soul Has Set in Darkness by englishable
It’s not long, but it’s good. A lyrical dive into the mindspace of child Ben Solo. A true gem. Also not technically Reylo. Still don’t care.
I Dare You by tinylittlebrain
Daredevil Kylo has pissed off ER doc Rey Kenobi for the last time. Spicy!
stuck in colder weather by redbelles
Professor Ren stops grad student Rey from biking home in a snow storm. And takes her to his home. You can guess where this goes 😉
Between Sky and Sea by nessalk
Serious Indiana Jones vibes with a Caribbean flair. Painstakingly researched, and moments of true beauty and joy.
But Before Tomorrow by Kate_Reid
Such good writing. Canonverse.
The Sword of Prince Hector by englishable
Exploration of what redemption might feel like for Ben, canonverse.
if compassion be the breath of life, breathe on me by Victoryindeath2
All the angst and unknowns that we were left with in the wake of TLJ are soothed in this canonverse piece.
build a ladder to the stars by redbelles
An exploration of events post-Crait. Fantastic, beautifully written.
nor are we forgiven (which brings us back) by TolkienGirl
Both Kylo and Rey get to see what life would have been like if they both got exactly what they thought they wanted after TLJ. Fascinating read.
Forsworn by Erulisse17
This Mando/ST crossover has everything you could want--action, witty banter, space romance! So much fun!
Reylo Favorites & Classics
One Shots
59 Minutes by delia-pavorum (literaryminded)
For Science by KyloTrashForever, ohwise1ne
He Made It Through the Wilderness (somehow he made it through) by LovesBitca8
light carries on endlessly by lachesisgrimm (olga_theodora)
Grey by ocjones
The Idiot's Guide to Flirting by Violetwilson
High School/College AU
I Caught Fire by KyloTrashForever
Mountain Springs High School by animal
Epithumia by pontmercy44
Soul Searching by OptimisticBeth
Office/Workplace AU
Sensual Storytime by andabatae
The Food of Love by LovesBitca8
Historical/Dystopia AU
Hiraeth by Ferasha
a manner of virtue by neonheartbeat
The lamb's thirst by animal
Wanted by Inmyownidiom
She Who Would be Queen by sasstasticmad
go i know not whither and fetch i know not what by voicedimplosives
Knot My First Time by KyloTrashForever
variations on a theme of you by diasterisms (Reydar)
i will be the wolf by diasterisms
Sky Marked Souls by AnonymousMink
The Death of Kylo Ren by nymja
World In My Eyes by sasstasticmad
i'm always in this twilight (in the shadow of your heart) by diasterisms
Catch Me I’m Falling by violethoure666
Sword of the Jedi by diasterisms
You'll Be the One to Turn by postedbygaslight
Dark Crown by Violetwilson
Harry Potter AU
Nocturnal Studies And Other Peculiar Magic by WaterlilyRose
Otherwise Modern AU
Pretense by Celia_and
Insta-heart by slipgoingunder
Serotonin and Dopamine by pontmercy44
The Elusive Mating Dance of the Porgus Adorabilis by andabatae
Hanging by a Moment by crossingwinter
WAR DOGS by fulcrumstardust
miles from where you are by Mooncactus
Charcoal by luvkurai
Stay by jeeno2
coarse and rough and irritating by frak-all (or_ryn)
Blades Crossed by the-reylo-void (Anysia)
Embers by sciosophia
Mitan, Midi by animal
Janus by englishable
Say My Name by Graendoll
Thank You for The Music by hipgrab (merrymegtargaryen)
darling, so it goes by akosmia
This is the Sign You've Been Looking For by RebelRebel
Broken Things by midnightbluefox
One-Night Stand by delia-pavorum (literaryminded)
The Rebel Side of Heaven by jeeno2
On The Bumpy Road (To Love) by violethoure666
we could plant a house, we could build a tree by Like_A_Dove
I’d Like My Obituary to Hint at a Sequel by Violetwilson
Only If You Want To by Violetwilson
Not Reylo, Still Awesome
Gingerflower/Gingerrose, Armitage Hux/Rose Tico
Between Sand and Sea by Brit Hux-Tico (birchwoods01)
If Ever I Would Leave You by Weddersins
Her Yellow Rainboots by Weddersins
Merrical, Cal Kestis/Merrin (Jedi: Fallen Order)
The Stars Alight by FlyingMachine
Heavy Ice by FlyingMachine
Caltrilla, Cal Kestis/Trilla Suduri (Jedi: Fallen Order)
No One Else by xanderwilde
call it what you want by xanderwilde
tear you to pieces by xanderwilde
Dramione, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter Universe)
Now Is A Gift by SenLinYu
Sex and Occlumency by Graendoll
Zutara, Katara/Zuko (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
oracle bones by an orphaned account
Fics by Me
Virtue Ethics
Reylo College AU (completed)
Dr. Ben Solo, adjunct philosophy professor and part-time martial arts instructor, discovers a young woman in his Intro to Philosophy course whom he thinks may not actually be enrolled at the University.
Reylo Role-reversal canonverse AU (WIP)
Scourge of the galaxy, Kira Ren, is tasked by the First Order to eliminate the last of the Jedi. When she captures hotshot podracer Ben Solo to extract Luke Skywalker’s location from him, things do not go according to plan.
This Dance of Light, This Sacred Blessing
Snapshots of a modern Reylo AU. Smutty, prosey one-shot.
Listen Up, Kid
Canonverse Reylo Post TLJ one-shot
The ghosts of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren's past are back to haunt him with a vengeance. A well-meaning, familial kind of vengeance. Or, A Star Wars Carol.
Ben’s Body
Reylo Modern AU (completed)
Rey is an up and coming sculptor specialising in human shape and form. Her new next door neighbour has a body to die for and she's determined to preserve it in marble forever. Now she just has to convince dashing and reclusive Ben to model for her. Preferably naked.
Growin’ Up
Reylo High School AU (completed)
Ben Solo was supposed to only be ruining his own life with his bad decisions. Rey Niima was just trying to pay attention in class. Both get stuck in detention.
Seven Texts, 2 AM
Reylo Modern AU, smutty one-shot
Ben has good reasons not to have sex with his neighbor, Rey. She has other ideas.
Song of the Forest
Reylo Fantasy/BatB/Fairytale AU (completed)
Once upon a time, a girl with an unknown past appeared on the doorsteps of a lord’s manor, and now the forest at the edge of the lord’s property is calling to her.
A Season of Frost & Warmth
Modern Reylo P&P AU (completed)
When Ben shows up to a Halloween party with no costume, it only confirms Rey’s certainty that he is the world’s biggest jerk. Until it comes to light that maybe... he isn’t.
Follow Me Home
Modern Werewolf Reylo AU (completed)
Rey gets stone drunk and brings home a big cute husky she found in an alley. The next morning, she finds a naked man built like a fridge sleeping on her living room floor, and no dog in sight.
The Gentleness That Comes
Reylo Modern AU one-shot
Underground boxer!Ben is resigned to his life of violence, until he meets a pretty new bartender one night.
Unlikely, Unbidden, Unbound
Gingerflower canonverse AU (WIP)
General Hux is imprisoned by the Resistance when the First Order falls. He had known his death was coming, it was simply a matter of course. He’s disappointed to learn the Resistance has other plans, and an unwavering policy of giving people second chances.
@thereylowritingden @reylofic @nancylovesreylo @grlie-girl @lilia-ula @greyforceuser @tazwren @mhcalamas
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When I read this ...Sander saying this to Hanna, also feels like he is saying it to himself as well about Robbe...now that he's gonna be raising his baby alone...

And then there's Robbe, in the first chapter, within moments of setting his eyes on Amelia goes: “I want to move back in.” ...“...Now I know how I want to be involved. I want to be here. Every day. Living it with you. Being here for both of you. Relieving some of your worries and stress. Taking on some of the responsibilities.”,,,, already a dad.🤍
The selflessness and love that is so inherent to Robbe couldn't have peaked more, he is such a giver<333 and I can't stop thinking how Sander's heart must have been bursting with love in that moment. Robbe is so right for him :') he is even beyond what Sander could think of.
I love your Robbe so much ❤️•́ ‿ ,•̀
This could get long...you have been warned. 😆😍
The one thing that becomes abundantly clear in my fics (and on my tumblr) is that I LOVE Robbe. He is by far my favorite character in all of Skam, and there's a reason for that. I am drawn to a very specific type of person. My family jokingly calls it "the boy scout," but essentially I find kindness and goodness attractive. There's a reason Captain America is my favorite Avenger and that I cried when Sam "I'm the most amazingly, wholesome, good person on the planet" Wilson became the new Cap. (Seriously, ugly crying, I love Sam Wilson.) I adore Peeta. He was my favorite character from day one, and when that goodness was destroyed in Mockingjay, I cried angry tears. She ruined the most loyal, honest character ever. Alec in The Shadowhunter Chronicles--his defining characteristic is that he's a protector, fiercely loyal. He didn't kill a demon until he was 19 bc he was out there defending Jace and Isabelle instead. Sure, he can be a sassy ass, but goodness literally pours out of him. Any time Magnus describes him, it's like he can't comprehend how honest and wholesome he is. It's literally what attracts him at first--shock at this enigma of a Shadowhunter. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point.
Back to Robbe, so canon Robbe is like this for me. He never spoke ill about his mother or MI. All he did was love and support her. He never pretended to like Jana, and he immediately felt guilty for messing things up for Jens. He suffered a shit ton more homophobia during season 1 and 3 than the other Isaks, which is why his internalized homophobia was so deeply rooted (and why he did make a few bad choices - faking it with Noor, the slur). He actually liked Noor--as a friend, and that's why he tried so hard to make it work, and why they stayed friends afterward. And here's the big one for me, he BROKE UP with her before pursuing Sander. Sure, the pool kiss happened first, but it wasn't planned. He did not purposefully cheat. He manned up and didn't ghost her. For me, that was HUGE. And then we get to Sander. He biked around in the cold for over an hour, only to be pushed away. He broke up with Sander, not bc he was afraid of his MI, but bc he was told it was better for him, that he needed to stay away. Admittedly, his fear, shock, and misinformation led to illogical thinking, resulting in breaking up with Sander over text, and who would have thought Moyo would be the one to clear that up (whoo!). But the second he realized he was wrong, that he'd made a mistake based on incorrect info, he fixed it. He reached out. He called. He texted. He went to visit him. He didn't wait for Sander to need him, to reach out to him. He was actively pursuing him, all while thinking it was over bc he screwed up. All of this is what makes Robbe so special to me. He isn't perfect, but he always acts with a kind heart. None of this has been negated or challenged in later seasons. His fierce, loyal devotion to Sander is all over insta, and he literally glows with pride.
Now to my Robbe in "I Want it All," he's not perfect by any means, not like the Robbe in "Color of Love." I think that one was a little too one-dimensional, mainly because it was all seen through Sander's rose colored glasses. "I Want it All" was actually difficult at first because I usually write from Sander's POV, and it started with Robbe. I find it much easier to think like Sander and just gush about him. Having to be in Robbe's head made things more challenging, but what I've found as the story has progressed, is that Robbe's amazingness is still obvious, BUT we can see that he's flawed. He's (unintentionally) been awful to Sander. Many times. He allowed the Broerrrs to affect their relationship; he was a total ass after the kiss; and he completely ignored his own physical and emotional reactions to Sander, immediately followed by flaunting a completely inappropriate and awful boyfriend in his face, however unconsciously. I'm personally convinced, and since it's my story, I can state it as fact, I guess, that Robbe's jealousy chose Carlos to purposefully punish Sander for proposing to Hanna. It was a rebound, just not in the traditional sense. Granted, he's completely unaware of all this.
Somehow he's still the most caring, supportive, loving friend. One of my personal favorite moments is when he's taking care of Sander during the pregnancy. That's such a selfless, loving thing to do, and he's doing it by choice, not because anyone asked. He recognized that Sander was struggling to balance everything, and he stepped in. To me, that's love. It's unconditional, and that's what drives Robbe. He loves Sander unconditionally, and it's completely unrelated to romance. Even before he realized he was in love with him, he always gave Sander what he needed--a partner to raise his daughter with, companionship, laughter, help around the house, little presents that represent how important Sander is to him, etc. Apart from recognizing the meaning of his and Sander's feelings, he's completely in tune with him and always has been. We're not there yet, but imagine how heartbroken and utterly awful Robbe will feel when he realizes just how long Sander has been waiting for him. We got a glimpse of it in ch. 5, but our poor boy is going to judge himself rather harshly.
The dynamic is so different between them because Robbe is oblivious to his feelings, and Sander is not. What Robbe does and how he acts is completely out of love, no strings attached. He has no ulterior motive. That's what makes him so kind and sweet. Sander's actions, at least in this last part, are always tainted by his unrequited love for Robbe. He loves him. Always, but his disappointment and frustration get in the way. His choices and actions take that unrequited love into consideration, and because of where they are in their lives and the miscommunication, he actually acts against his own interests and feelings to try and protect himself. It's a very interesting distinction when you think that the one who is romantically in love with the other is the one in a serious relationship with someone else while the oblivious one hasn't really dated and only got a boyfriend after the proposal. Ouch. I'm not attacking Sander here at all because I love him too, and it's my fault he did all this; but my clear, obvious preference and love for Robbe and his absolute kindness and goodness, really shines through here.
Anyway, this really was long, but I do love Robbe. He is my favorite, and chances are any future fics will continue to make that obvious.
#did I just analyze my own fic? yikes#i want it all asks#i want it all#my asks#robbe ijzermans#sobbe#robbe appreciation post#probably way more than you were looking for
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Spider-Man is forced to fight the Sinister Six while he’s sick, which leads to his enemies making unexpected discoveries about their arch nemesis.
Chapter 2
Doc Oc’s notoriously dull and empty lab was filled with bodies and excitement that evening. The Sinister Six piled eagerly into the large room as Octavius dumped a bloody, unconscious Spider-Man onto one of the examination tables. An uproar of cheers and laughter followed.
“The spider is finally squashed!”
“Is he still alive? No way he’s still alive.”
“Heart’s still beating, according to the computer.”
“Who cares? The little bitch finally got what was coming to him.”
“I wanna break his other leg. Can I break his other leg?”
“Now, now, listen, my comrades.” Octavius rose above the group on his metal limbs, tapping a glass against a bottle of champagne until the room fell quiet. “Before we continue, I think a win this spectacular deserves to be celebrated accordingly.”
Using the prehensile pincers at the ends of each tentacle, Otto poured and distributed the alcohol with ease, and everyone raised their glasses.
“A toast to us, the greatest super villains to ever grace history!”
“Here, here!”
“And a toast to Spider-Man! The biggest, most obnoxious pain in all our asses—vanquished at last!”
Laughs and shouts preceded the communion. After downing his drink, Otto wiped his lips with a grin.
“And as the leader of this great and glorious team, I am nothing if not giving to my loyal followers. Since you all deserve personal retribution for the many, many grievances this wretch has inflicted upon us, I promise each of you at least two minutes of reparation time to do to Spider-Man whatever you feel he deserves. Once we wring his throat dry of whatever information he possesses, he’s all yours. So long as I get to deal the final blow.” He chuckled. “Well, if he survives that long, anyway.”
“I’ll snap off all his fingers!”
“I’ll gag him with his own webbing!”
“I’ll pop his head like a grape!”
“I’ll zap him ’til his heart stops, then zap it back to life, then zap him dead again!”
“Revenge is sweet,” Octavius concurred, walking around the table to stand behind Spider-Man’s head. The rest of the Sinister Six went silent and gathered on either side of the fallen hero, with Rhino at his feet. “But first,” Doc continued, reaching forward with one of his mechanical tentacles. The tips of the metal prongs pinched the fabric at the top of Spider-Man’s mask.
“Let’s have a look at our arch enemy’s face.”
In one quick yank, the mask peeled off the hero’s head. Six pairs of eyes absorbed the bruised, pale face lying lifelessly before them—the face of their sworn nemesis. A face none of them were anticipating. Gradually, the grins and snickers faded away, replaced by furrowed brows and puzzled glances.
“Wait…” Electro said, breaking the long stretch of silence.
“I’m…confused,” Scorpion added.
“Is he—does he look—?”
“Like…a kid?”
Everyone’s gazes rose to Octavius. The brilliant scientist looked between them and Spider-Man bewilderedly, his mouth hanging agape.
“I…” he began, rolling the hero’s head to the side. An ugly gash marred his left cheek; dried blood was smeared all the way to his hairline. “I don’t…understand.”
Spider-Man had the soft, innocent face of a child. It was the kind of face grandmas couldn’t resist pinching and puppies just had to lick. His hair was a wild mess of brown curls that was sticking up all funny because of how long he’d been wearing his mask. He severely lacked the sharp, signature features that defined man from boy. Hell, he even had acne: tiny constellations of it dotted across his chin and forehead. No way was he considered a legal adult by the state of New York yet.
Spider-Man was no man at all. Spider-Man was, in fact, a Spider-Kid.
Otto lifted his eyes to the others. He didn’t know what to say.
“It’s not him,” Scorpion suggested.
Sandman scoffed. “What do you mean, ‘it’s not him’?”
“Maybe this isn’t Spider-Man,” he said. “Maybe the real Spider-Man sent a double. Someone to stand in his place while he’s busy or whatever to keep us at bay.”
“Spider-Man’s despicable if he’s sending some kid to fight his battles for him. Doesn’t sound like his style.”
“I don’t know! I’m just brainstorming here! I mean, you saw how pathetic he was today. Spider-Man normally puts up a better fight than that.”
“Yeah,” Electro said nervously. “Maybe it’s not him.”
“He was sticking to things and shooting webs and mouthing off just like the real Spider-Man always does,” Shocker retorted. “I’m pretty sure this is him.”
“Silence!” Octavius shouted, holding up his fist. He turned to the large screen on his right. “Computer, run biological and forensic diagnostics on Spider-Man.”
A series of beams and lasers scanned across the hero, gathering and analyzing information. About a minute later, a robotic voice spoke up.
“Facial and DNA match confirmed,” the A.I. replied. “Subject is Peter Benjamin Parker. Born to parents Richard and Mary Parker on August 10th, 2001. Age: fifteen. Address: 42-42 80th St, Queens, NY 11373. Current occupation: Intern at Stark Industries and sophomore high school student at Midtown School of Science and Technology.”
Stinging disbelief pricked all of them. Rhino’s jaw fell.
“High school?”
It was strange to finally be able to put a name and face to someone they had all known only as a masked caricature for so long. Peter Parker. Peter. And yet, the face still had everyone reeling to the point that the name hardly registered. Otto slammed a metal arm against the table.
“Shut up, all of you!” he spat. “Computer, relay back all the biological data you’ve gathered on Spider-Man.”
“Confirmed,” the A.I. said. “Subject’s current heart rate is 52 bpm. Subject’s current blood pressure is the 79mmHg. Subject’s current temperature is 105.8 degrees Fahrenheit.”
“None of those sound normal,” Sandman said with a snort.
“Relay DNA findings,” Doc Oc barked impatiently.
“Confirmed. Subject’s DNA is mutated and abnormal. Subject’s blood emits low levels of gamma radiation. Subject’s genome is human combined with an unidentifiable species of arachnid.”
Everyone’s eyes snapped up at once. The realization drizzled over them like baleful mist.
“Oh my god,” Sandman breathed. “It’s him.”
“You mean he’s actually part spider? Gag!”
With a scoff, Electro stepped away from the table, cupping his hands against the back of his neck. “You’re kidding me. You’re shitting me. You’re telling me this is the person I’ve been trying to kill this whole time? This is the guy I’ve been frying like a mozzarella stick?” He kicked a trash bin across the room. “Dammit! I do a lot of bad things, but I’d never knowingly hurt a child!”
“Spider-Man is just some fifteen-year-old high school brat?” Rhino said, pouting his lip. “Geez. I can’t believe we just beat the shit out of some kid.”
“Spider-Man is not just some kid!” Otto roared. “Who cares about his age! Have you all suddenly forgotten how much this bastard has antagonized every last one of us? How he’s foiled our plans and ruined our lives again and again for the past two years?”
Sandman pressed the heels of his hands to his temples. “Oh my god. Does that mean I’ve been beating him up since he was fourteen? My niece is three years older than him, and I can’t imagine putting her through what I’ve done to him!” He squeezed his eyes shut and bowed his head. “What kind of monster am I...?”
“I broke his damn leg,” Shocker said distraughtly. “And I enjoyed it.”
“Hell, guys…this is so messed up…”
Five members of the Sinister Six stewed in a sauna of shame and guilt. Octavius refused to join them.
“You spineless morons! All of you! Our enemy lays defeated in front of us, yet you choose to wallow in remorse! We should be celebrating! Nothing has changed! He’s young—so what? That doesn’t undermine all the frustration he’s caused us, or our glorious victory over him! Come on, now! Raise your glasses with me! To the Sinister Six! Guys...?”
Nothing he said could wipe the queasy looks off all their faces, or the guilty stickiness he felt in his own gut. Everything—all of this—it just felt wrong.
Sandman stood over Spider-Man and gingerly placed his hand against his forehead. It was startlingly hot and damp with sweat. “Computer, why is Spider-Man’s temperature so damn high? What’s the cause?”
A couple seconds later, the A.I. pinged. “Confirmed,” it said. “Subject has a norovirus infection. It appears subject has been infected for at least twenty-four hours. Norovirus is commonly diagnosed as gastroenteritis or the stomach flu. Symptoms include fever, cramps, dizziness, lightheadedness, and nausea.”
A groan swept through the room. Scorpion crossed his arms against the table and buried his head between them.
“He’s sick. That’s why he seemed so sluggish and off during the fight. Because we were beating up a sick kid.”
“Shit. Last time I had the stomach flu, I didn’t leave my bed for two days. He really thought he could take us on in his condition?”
“Not like we really gave him a choice,” Shocker murmured.
“The little punk probably didn’t even think twice about it,” Sandman said miserably. “After all, his dumbass adolescent brain is still developing.”
Rhino sulked. “Yeah, as long as we didn’t permanently damage it...”
The Sinister Six fell into a dreadful silence.
At that moment, Spider-Man coughed. The group jumped and gasped, automatically assuming defensive positions with their fists raised, weapons drawn, and muscles coiled.
Spider-Man coughed again, his head lolling to the left, but he didn’t wake up. A collective sigh passed everyone’s lips. Electro went lax, his hands falling to his sides.
“So…um…what the hell do we do now?”
Scorpion frowned at him. “What do you mean?”
“Like, what do we do? We have him here, beat to a pulp. What are we going to do with him?”
For the first time, Spider-Man was at the complete mercy of his most powerful enemies. And for the first time, none of them wanted to chop off his head and impale it on a spike.
Sandman gazed across the bruises on his face, the road burn striped across his limbs, the bloody puncture wound in his chest. His swollen leg, his black eye, the charred fabric and flesh. He hadn’t allowed himself to take all the damage in for what it was until now. A truly abominable and grisly sight.
“He won’t survive long if we just leave him like this,” he said quietly.
Again, all eyes rose to Dr. Octopus. Otto grimaced between their pitiful looks, their reluctantly pleading stares. Pathetic! he wanted to shout, but he couldn’t find the will to conjure the word—any words.
Soon enough, he felt his own callous facade melting away. He sighed.
“I…I suppose keeping him alive is in our best interest. For now.” He cleared his throat and pulled the goggles off his face. “I’ll clean and treat his injuries as best I can. At least to the point that they’re not life-threatening.” He waved his hand dismissively. “Go—get some rest, all of you. We’ll, uh—we’ll regroup in the morning.”
The Sinister Six exchanged nervous looks with each other, then turned back to the face of the half-dead fifteen-year-old in front of them. Hesitantly, they filed out of the room and up the stairs, shooting a couple anxious glances over their shoulders before climbing out of sight.
The room was eerily quiet now that it was just the two of them. An evil scientist and an unconscious super-child in spandex. The only noises were the beeps from the monitor on his right and the kid’s shaky, labored breathing.
“You’re really something, you know that?” Octavius scoffed. “Of course, now that we’ve finally bested you, this is what we end up with. This is what you are.”
With a thought, the claws at the end of one of his tentacles reconfigured into large shears. The material that made up Spider-Man’s suit was tough, but with a few strategic cuts and snips, Doc was able to tear through and peel the clingy fabric off his body. Now that he was stripped down to nothing but his boxers (which had tiny cartoon Iron Men on them, a sight that made him snort, despite his efforts not to) the devastating harm they’d inflicted upon him was painfully evident. The ratio of undamaged flesh to damaged flesh was sickeningly skewed toward the latter. There was so much to tend to, he wasn’t sure where to start. And it wasn’t like his doctorate had been in medical care.
“We really did a number on you, didn’t we Spider-Man?” Otto murmured. He looked back at the screen. “I mean…Peter. Peter Parker.”
The name felt salty on his tongue. He didn’t like how it humanized him, transforming the famous vigilante from vexing public figure to baby-faced teenager. He’d always dreamt of unmasking the scourge that was the elusive Spider-Man. Now he wished the day had never come.
He left Peter’s side to grab the medical kit from under the sink. Then he got to work, undoing the damage they had reaped.
“Computer, summarize what you’ve gathered on Peter Parker’s personal life.”
Roughly four hours later, Octavius flopped into a chair by the kid’s side, exhausted. He had treated all the wounds he had the capacity to treat, hooked him to an I.V. full of fluids and electrolytes, and was now monitoring his steadily improving vitals. The kid was a suture-filled, burn cream-lathered, bandaged-up mess, but at least he was on the mend instead of his death bed. Seemed like a good time to take a break and do some research on the person behind their friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
“Confirmed,” the A.I. responded. “Compiling personal file.”
A slide with pictures and lists regarding Peter’s life materialized on the screen.
“Peter Parker was born in Queens, New York and still lives there today. He lived in a house in Forest Hills until 2005, then moved into the apartment complex he currently lives in now.”
“A house in New York City?” Otto scoffed. “How lavish. Why the downsize?”
The A.I. enlarged a photograph—a man and a woman holding a bright-eyed, squishy-faced toddler sporting a familiar headful of brown curls.
“Peter’s biological parents, Mary and Richard Parker, died in a plane crash in March of that year.”
A knot formed in Otto’s gut as he stared at the happy family portrait. “Oh,” he said.
“Orphaned at age four, Peter was then adopted by his aunt and uncle, May and Ben Parker. They couldn’t afford to live in the house in Forest Hills, so they moved Peter into their apartment nearby.”
Another picture floated up, this one of a different couple hugging a slightly older version of the curly-haired toddler. After that, a series of images flashed across the screen—young Peter at Central Park, at a science fair, at the zoo, at home, on the subway, on the Brooklyn Bridge, passed out on a couch. With each new picture, he got bigger, older, but not by much. Sometimes his aunt and uncle were with him. Sometimes he was with others his age. Sometimes he had on glasses as thick as windshields. His smile was wide as the sun and just as bright.
In the last picture, he was standing next to Tony Stark, holding an upside-down certificate congratulating him on his acceptance as a Stark Industry’s intern.
“Barf,” Otto muttered, but he couldn’t displace the warm, uneasy feeling he got when he looked at Peter’s smiling face. He really was just a kid. A young, dorky, stupid kid. A kid they’d beat into the dirt ten times over.
“Last year, May Parker became Peter’s sole guardian.”
Octavius blinked, his shoulders tensing. “What happened to the uncle? Ben Parker?”
“Ben Parker was murdered last April by an unknown shooter. The culprit was never caught.”
Octavius swallowed, staring at the photograph of Spider-Man’s uncle. Then he turned back to the mummified teenager on the table beside him. For an instant, something he never thought he could feel for the spider-themed superhero brushed his heart.
With a huff, Otto stood from his chair. “Come along then, arachnid,” he said, lifting the kid and the I.V. stand in his metal arms. “Let’s find you a more comfortable spot to rest.”
It was well past 4am by the time Octavius slumped into his own bed.
#spiderman#spider-man#spiderman fanfiction#spiderman homecoming#Spider-Man: Homecoming#spider-man: far from home#spiderman ffh#avengers#mcu#marvel#sick fic#peter parker
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The New World; Series Pt 2
Okay so this is my first time writing a fic and obviously will be my first series but I’ve just rewatched TWD for like the 17th time and my obsession with Daryl has reached new levels. I hope that it isn’t too shit and that you guys actually read/like it. Thank you in advance for baring with my average writing but I mean, how else will I learn? Anyway, enjoy!
Sonia x
Set pre to early season 1, back story for when the world ended.
Part 2 of ??
Summary: Y/N Grimes is Rick’s younger hot headed sister. When Rick gets shot and falls into a coma, Y/N’s world ends. Y/N Finds herself at a quarry near Atlanta with her nephew carl, sister in law Lori and her best friend Glenn where she meets her new family including the equally hot headed redneck Daryl Dixon. Over time Y/N and Daryl begin to form a friendship, finally allowing one another to open up to someone and maybe finding someone they can actually love.
Warnings! Slowish burn but the feels are there from the start, swearing, A little angst.
Words; 1774
This part focuses more on Season 1 Episode 3 ‘Tell it to the frogs’ We have a little reunion and start to explore Daryl and y/n’s relationship a bit more. - Sorry in advance if there are any errors, I didn’t really edit it properly
Like every morning, you were woken up by the sounds of your friends talking outside and the morning light forcing your eyes open. You rose, got dressed and stepped out of your tent your heart jumping when a big figure grabbed your shoulder suddenly, without warning.
“Jesus fucking christ, Daryl. A little heads up that you’re behind me next time? Shit.”
The ends of his lips curled into a small smile that made your stomach flip with butterflies. The power this man had over you already was immense. “M’ goin’ huntin’, shouldn’t be too long. Let Merle know if he gets back.” And with that, he was gone, not even giving you a chance to respond, his crossbow over his shoulder, hastily making his way into the woods. You couldn’t help but stare until his figure finally disappeared among the trees.
You looked over and saw Carl getting his haircut by Lori. He locked eyes with you and mumbled a plea for help. You shook your head and laughed at his suffering face. Catching on to the end of their conversation, you sat down next to Shane who was cleaning his gun.
“Frogs, plural”
“Why do we need ‘Frogs, plural?’” Carl questioned
You zoned out for a second, looking off in the direction Daryl had headed. Your mind suddenly racing. What happens if he comes across a walker? What happens if he comes across lots of walkers. Did he have a gun or just his crossbow? Why did he go alone?
“What do you think, Y/N?” Shane’s voice broke you from your silent panic.
You just stared at him for a second and he read your confusion, he knew you had a habit of zoning out. “Cajun style kermit legs, what do you think?”
“Oh, gross. No thanks.” Your face contorted with the thought of eating frog legs cooked by Shane. “You can keep your frog legs, I’d rather eat dirt.”
Your conversation was halted by the sudden sound of a car alarm.
“What the fuck?” You questioned, your eyes focusing on Shane.
“Talk to me, Dale?” Shane leapt from his seat and made his way over to the RV
You stood next to Shane, your arms crossed protectively across your chest.
The car sped up the hill suddenly screeching to a halt, Glenn climbing out of the drivers seat instantly being hounded by questions and yelling.
“My sister, is she okay?” Amy asked glenn over and over.
“Yes, she’s fine, everybody is. Merle not so much.”
Your stomach dropped quickly at the thought of Merle not being okay. What would you tell Daryl?
You turned and shuffled quickly towards your tent, climbing inside and finding your water bottle. You sat down for a few minutes, taking steady drinks. Poor Daryl you thought to yourself. You knew what it was like to lose a brother. You were drawn from your thoughts by the sound of a truck pulling up. Exiting your tent again you made your way over to Lori and Carl, placing your hands on the boys shoulders.
Everyone was reuniting and for a second, everyone was happy. You felt Carl’s shoulders begin to shake as he started sobbing. Lori knelt down and comforted him as he cried again for his dad.
“How’d y’all get out of there anyway?” Shane asked
“New guy, he got us out”
“Hey helicopter boy, come say hello. Guy’s a cop, just like you.”
You looked up at Morales’s words and felt your knees turn in. Tears filled your eyes as he stood there in front of you.
“Holy shit” was all that came out of your mouth before you saw carl running past you
You’ve never seen the boy run so fast as Rick pulled him to the ground in a hug. Picking him up and walking to Lori. Your heart swelling with love as he let go of them and his eyes found you.
“Oh my God.” He uttered as he grabbed you and you finally allowed your knees to drop. He held you up as he hugged you, tighter than you have ever hugged before. You had him back. The only thing that could keep you calm. Your big brother was alive.
That night you sat around a fire and listened to Rick talk about his experience. Waking up in the hospital only to find the world had fallen apart. They spoke about Merle, how he was handcuffed to a roof in Atlanta, how T-Dogg had dropped the key, how they would have to tell Daryl.
You couldn’t think about it anymore, you pushed yourself off he ground and leaned down, placing a kiss on Carl’s forehead and hugging your brother one more time for the day.
You walked over to your tent and went to sleep for the night. As usual, the only thing on your mind was Daryl but tonight, it wasn’t the usual thoughts of what it would be like if you were together. Tonight they were thoughts flooded with worry.
You scrambled for your clothes in the morning, pulling on some blue jeans and a black tee, pushing your way out of your tent and over to your group. The sudden sound of screaming had you running before you could even register what it was, pulling your knife from its sheath you sprinted towards the sound.
“Carl?” You yelled, Lori’s voice followed yours with the same question as she and rick ran behind you.
Lori grabbed him, “Nothing bit you, nothing scratched you?”
You ran with rick and the others to the source of the screaming. A lone walker feasting on a big deer. A deer with bolts in its side. The men began to beat the walker, forcing it to the ground before Dale cut its head off.
Sudden rustling drew you from your thoughts as you watched the bush intently.
“Son of a bitch, that’s my deer” the southern drawl all too familiar. “Look at it all gnawed on by this, filthy, disease bearin’, motherless, poxy bastard.”
You followed him back into the camp as he yelled out for his brother, “Merle! Get your ugly ass out here, got us some squirrels”
“Daryl, slow up a bit, I need to talk to you” with the words that Shane said, your stomach began to churn.
“Bout what?”
“Bout Merle, there was a problem in Atlanta.”
“He dead?” Daryl asked, you could see the panic etching his face slowly.
“Not sure.” Shane answered
“He either is or he ain’t” obvious venom dripped from his words as he stared at Shane, waiting for his next answer.
Your eyes turned to Rick as he stepped in suddenly, “no easy way to say this so I’ll just say it.”
“Who the hell are you?”
“Rick Grimes”
“Rick Grimes” Daryl mocked “You got something you wanna tell me?”
“Your brother was a danger to us all so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked to a piece of metal”
Before you knew it, things escalated. Daryl threw the squirrels and pulled out a knife.
Within seconds the knife was on the floor and Shane had daryl in a choke hold. You couldn’t control yourself and you threw yourself at Shane, hitting his back, “Let go of him” You were grabbing at his shirt trying to pull him off when Glenn grabbed your arms as you struggled against him.
“Fucking let him go Shane or I’ll cut your fucking hands off.” At this point Glenn was forcing his hand over your mouth to shut you up and you finally complied when Shane let Daryl out of the choke hold.
You stormed off to your tent so you wouldn’t react again. Thoughts raced through your head. Why the hell did you do that, what on earth possessed you? You and Daryl had hardly spoken and yet you were suddenly threatening one of your closest friends just so he would let him go. Get your head on straight Y/N, Daryl’s gonna think you’re a crazy bitch now.
About 30 minutes later, Rick headed over to your tent to check on you, you had calmed down at this point but you were still pissed at Shane. “I’m taking, Daryl, Glenn and T-Dogg back into Atlanta to get Merle.”
“Okay, I’ll come.”
“No, I want you to stay here.”
You snapped “What the hell is with everyone thinking they have say in where I go.”
“I want you here in case something happens, You’ve taken care of Lori and Carl since the start and I need to know you will protect them while I’m gone.”
Your eyes softened as you shot him an apologetic look. “Where’s Daryl?”
“He’s in his tent, packing his bag.”
You squeezed ricks shoulder and found yourself walking to the edge of your camp, to Daryl’s tent.
“Hey, are you okay? I’m sorry about your brother.”
“Why the hell would ya even care? Just leave me be” He was obviously hurt and his tone stung you.
“Geez okay, sorry for checking on you, prick.” You mumbled the last word walking away before his hand grabbed your shoulder, sending chills down your back as he quickly pulled away.
“M’ sorry. Thanks for checking.”
You just looked at him but your face eased out of the scowl you had before hand.
“Why’d ya jump on Shane like that before? I thought that asshole was your friend.”
“Yeah kinda. We grew up together, he Rick and I. He’s just kinda always been a part of my life ya know. When I thought I lost Rick, he became an even bigger part and I think seeing him dismiss your brother like he was nothing riled me up because I know what its like to lose a brother. I was just lucky enough that mine came back somehow.”
Daryl never broke eye contact with you, watching as slight tears stung your eyes when you thought about losing Rick. “You’re gonna find him. He’ll be fine and you’ll bring him back.” He just continued to look at you as his mind raced with thoughts. This was the longest that you two had spoken, you were actually telling him something about yourself and something in his chest felt like it was on fire. You reached out and he flinched slightly, you put your hand carefully on his shoulder. “He’ll be okay Daryl, You’ll be okay.” You gently squeezed as you turned around to head back towards your tent.
You heard him barely whisper “Thanks.”
“Come back in one piece please.” You whispered back, just loud enough that he could hear you and the fire in his chest grew.
#daryl dixon#daryl dixon x reader#daryl dixon x you#daryl dixion imagine#daryl dixon x grimes reader#you x daryl dixon#y/n grimes x daryl dixon#y/n x daryl#y/n x daryl dixon#twd#twd fic#twd series#twd fic series#the walking dead#the walking dead fic
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The Unexpected Reward - Chapter 13
Summary: Natsu and Lucy go on a job together, but what they bring home is something neither anticipated. Forced to make a life changing decision, they have to adapt quickly, but that's never easy, especially given the circumstances. As they work together on their toughest adventure yet, they find themselves drawn to one another, in ways they never realised. Nalu/cute/fluff/multi-chapter.
This chapter contains mature content (at the beginning)
Let the angst commence!
Along the murky path, a dragon slayer and his flying cat made their way back to the city they called home. It'd been a long trip, the boy, tired and achy, couldn't wait to finally get back to what was familiar to him.
It'd been a mission like any that requested him specifically, explosive with lots of fire and usually it would have been right up his alley. This time, however, the sense of longing had deterred his mind and in the end it'd just been one incredibly long and tedious job, he couldn't wait to finish.
His thoughts on this dark night always lead back to the one person that mattered most to him, his best friend and partner, Lucy Heartfilia, who he missed dearly. Going on missions just wasn't the same without her. Through the dark nights he often found himself awake, wondering how she was doing? How she was coping with the baby? What they'd both been up to in his absence?
A whole three weeks it had been since he'd seen her, smelt her fresh scent, or touched her soft skin and the yearning in his heart had grown stronger with each passing day.
Being away from them for this long had really brought home to Natsu just how much everything had changed. It was hard to remember a time before Lucy, a time where it had been just him and Happy going on adventures, scouring Fiore for Igneel. But it was in doing just that, that lead him straight to Lucy.
Years had passed since then and lots had happened in that time, some good, some bad and some horrifically ugly… But they were still going strong, stronger than ever and Natsu often wondered what else the future would bring their way? What would be next in store for them?
Disrupting his thoughts, a sense of relief flowed through him and Happy at the sight of their home in the distance and picked up the pace until they were outside the wooden front door. Quietly creeping in, Happy's first port of call was the kitchen to look for some fish, which he gratefully found and started munching on. Natsu, ignoring his growling stomach, laid his bag down on the chair in the living area and bid Happy goodnight before making his way up the stairs.
Once he got to the top, he saw that Haru's bedroom door had been left ajar and ever so quietly peeked in, smiling at the little one who was tucked into his comforter and sleeping soundly. Natsu had missed his little boy whilst he was away and couldn't wait for morning to come so that he could greet him properly and see his sweet face.
Reaching his own bedroom, Natsu's nose was flooded with that intoxicating scent he'd missed so much and the sight that graced his eyes took his breath away. There she was, the beautiful blonde was fast asleep, covered by one of the many blankets she'd insisted upon having, cuddled up to the pillow that he usually slept on.
After undressing, Natsu ever so carefully got into bed next to her, removing the pillow and replacing it with himself. Sighing contently, he cuddled up to her and inhaled her scent, before settling down and falling into a restful sleep.
The wintry sun peered through the bedroom window, blaring it's brilliance over the two young adults who were still cuddled up to one another, revelling in each others warmth.
Blurry and unfocused eyes opened to glance at the not so squishy pillow she thought she'd been cuddling, only to be met with chaotic pink hair, hard, ripped muscles and beautifully tanned skin that she envied so much. A rush of excitement ran through her, Natsu was home! She'd missed him so much and she was having a hard time containing herself. Taking in his impressive body, she lightly traced her fingers over a few new scuffs and bruises along his chest and abdomen, concluding he'd probably gone overboard again.
Her eyes drifted further until it reached that tantalising 'V' in between his hips leading down underneath the blankets where she could no longer see. A little idea popped into her mind and she smirked wickedly as she made her way under the blankets, coming to rest between Natsu's legs. He was still fast asleep, exhausted no doubt from his trip, but she knew of a way to help him relax.
Wetting her hands, she grasped his morning wood and ever so slowly moved her hand up and down, anticipating his reaction when he woke up. After a few movements of her hand, Natsu's eyes shot open and immediately looked down to the area he felt something touching him.
"Lucy?! What're you-?"
Stopping mid sentence as she tensed her hand at the base, trapping the blood pulsing through his cock, creating such delicious pressure. What a sight that was to wake up to, his beautiful and sexy girlfriend jerking him off with her hand, making him feel amazing first thing in the morning.
"Shh… Just lay back and enjoy it. I'm sure after such a long mission, you've been desperate for this…" She crawled up to his face, and kissed him fervently, foot manoeuvred over his leg to keep rubbing his shaft as she used both hands to hold her weight above him. "…I know I have."
"Is that so?" A lazy smirk played on his still drowsy but handsome face, eyes concentrated on hers while her foot continued to do wondrous things to his nether region. "By all means, continue… I'm not gonna stop ya!"
"Good." She said, returning to her original spot between his legs, replacing her foot with her hand once again and slowly began to tease him with long, soft strokes, never taking her eyes off his. "Hmm… I think I'd like to taste you now."
Without any hesitation, she encased her juicy lips around him, pushing forward as deeply as she could without gagging and pulling back up again. Satisfied to hear a quiet moan escape his lips, Lucy increased her speed, watching his face contort into one of pure pleasure, gritting his teeth and grunting every time she used her tongue to swirl around the tip before delving back down.
Natsu certainly hadn't expected any of this. Seeing Lucy's mouth wrapped firmly around his cock after three weeks of no contact with her whatsoever, made his hair stand on edge. She was so good at pleasuring him, she knew exactly what he liked and what he didn't and took great care in making him feel good.
"Lucy… You're amazing…" He trailed off, the tension increasing and fastening that coil that was raring to force itself out.
Lucy could see he was getting closer and wanted to take him over the edge, to release all that tension from weeks of build up. Turning herself on just thinking about it, she reached down to her own core and began to touch herself, moaning onto his cock, giving Natsu a full show.
"Fuck me, you're so hot!" He growled, wanting to touch her and share the amazing feeling she was giving him.
"Fuck you? Is that what you want, Natsu?" She smirked, not waiting for an answer as she came to straddle his hips, grinding her soaked core against his hardened member. His only answer a groan, his hands going straight to her thighs and hips, wanting to touch every inch of her sexy body. "Where should I put this?" She teased him, wiggling her hips on his erection.
"Inside you, Lucy…" His voice rasped, straining to get the words out. Natsu's dark eyes were hooded but they never left hers as she carefully positioned him with her hand and pushed down all the way to the hilt.
Groaning in unison, Lucy's head fell back, relishing in the intense feeling of his penis pulsing against her velvety walls, stretching her to the point where it stung slightly. It wasn't unpleasant though, if anything it added to her pleasure, making her mouth fall open and letting out a guttural moan. She enjoyed this position, it allowed her to take control and please herself at her own speed.
"So good…" She mewled, raising up before coming back down again, then repeating it until she found a rhythm that worked for her. "Oh, I've missed you, Natsu!"
Lucy was other-wordly, Natsu thought as he watched her ride him. Her voluptuous chest had begun to spill free of the confines of her slinky night dress, and her hardened nipples were peaking through the thin fabric.
Not being able to stop himself, he reached up to tweak them, knowing it was one of Lucy's sweet spots. She grunted and gasped, placing her hands on his chest and began to grind down on him, the friction building up a storm inside them both.
Wanting to feel more of her sultry body on him, Natsu pulled Lucy forwards and attacked her mouth, making her groan loudly from the harshness of his teeth biting her bottom lip.
It was easy in times like this to forget that they weren't alone in the house and with his sensitive ears picking up on one tiny whimper from the bedroom down the hall, signalling a certain little someone was about to wake up.
Taking matters into his own hands, they would need to finish this quickly and the speed Lucy was going, as incredible as it was to just lay there and watch, wasn't going to be quick enough. Smirking up at her, he grabbed both of her ass cheeks and stilled her movements, finding her unimpressed pout just too cute.
"My turn now." He growled into her ear and bent his legs behind her to give himself better leverage.
He held Lucy down to his chest and ever so slowly raised his hips to make sure it was comfortable before pulling back out. Welding their lips together he thrust into her, hard and fast, causing her to cry out into his mouth. Luckily, it muffled the loud yell of ecstasy that was enough to wake the whole of Fiore, let alone anyone within the perimeters of the house. Tangling his hands into her hair, he held her head against his, taking in the euphoria that filled her eyes with each thrust of his hips.
"You feel so good, Natsu!" She was breathless, and could feel her own end approaching, tensing tightly around him to create even more friction. He reached his hand down to her small clit and began to stimulate it whilst fucking her rampantly from underneath. Her eyes began to water, rolling into the back of her head as the pressure became almost too much.
"Finish with me, Lucy…" He groaned, on his last legs he couldn't hold back much longer, and within seconds was cumming deep within her, gripping her hips as the ecstasy took over his form, emptying himself with slow, small jerks.
"Yes, fill me up…" The wind being knocked out of her lungs as he suddenly thrust hard one last time, snapping the cord that had wrapped it's way around her sanity.
Arching her back and gripping the sheets beside Natsu's head, Lucy pushed her ass down onto him and rode out her high, clamping around his sensitive tip until she flopped onto his front. Breaths were heavy, but that didn't stop her from reaching his lips once more, melting against him in a softer, sweeter kiss than before, filling her heart with such warmth and comfort to have him home at last.
"Welcome home, Natsu!" She said between kisses, making him chuckle.
"By the way, I missed you too, Lucy." He said, grinning like an idiot, remembering what she'd said amidst the passion, making her blush slightly. Sighing, he felt all the tension in his body melt away with her back in his arms.
An incoherent babble reached Natsu's ears from down the hall, making him smile. "I think Haru's awake?"
"He is? Good, we've gotta surprise for you! You're gonna love it! Wait here!" She said excitedly, hopping off of him and running out of the room. Natsu looked to the door she'd just gone out of quizzically. 'A surprise? Hadn't the way she'd woken him up been surprise enough?' He wondered, sitting himself up and waited patiently for her to return.
A few moments later, Lucy re-entered the room with Haru in her arms with wild hair and a toothy smile, he grinned in a way that strangely resembled Natsu and reached out for him. Natsu's matching fanged grin spread wide across his cheeks as he took Haru from Lucy and gave him the biggest cuddle.
"Hey, buddy! Did ya miss me?" Natsu held him up so he was eye level with Haru and continued to ask random silly questions to the little one, receiving little babbles as answers.
"Haru, tell daddy what you've learnt while he was gone?" Lucy said, trying to encourage the baby. Haru giggled then looked to his curious father who was waiting for him to do something. "Go on, tell daddy!"
"Da… Da…"
Two little words came out of the baby's mouth and Natsu's own mouth fell open in shock. Did he hear that right? Had Haru just said his first word? His sensitive hearing had never failed him before, so why would it now?
"Did you just say Dada? Your first word is Dada?!" Natsu went silent for a moment, conjuring his thoughts.
"Da Da!" The baby said excitedly, clapping his hands together.
Natsu's face lit up when he heard it again, he definitely heard that right! "Ha! I win, Luce! He said my name first!" He jeered, turning to Lucy and sticking his tongue out at her, sniggering at his triumph over his partner.
Lucy deadpanned initially she hadn't realised it was a competition, but quickly began to chuckle, it was a typical Natsu reaction, she should have known better. "He started saying it not too long after you left actually, maybe it was because he missed you." She stated, smiling at the beaming grin on Natsu's face, clearly delighted Haru had said his first word, regardless of what it was.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here to hear it, little guy. But I promise I'll be here for the next one! Maybe your next word could be Happy?" He said, laughing at Lucy's unimpressed face.
"Happy?! What about Mama?! Mama's much easier to say than Happy!" Natsu was sure he saw a vein pop in her head, she was so easy to wind up, he didn't really need to try sometimes.
"Aw, come on, Lucy, you'd be pleased all the same if it was!" Natsu did have a point, but she was about to put that to the test.
"Well, then you'd be fine if it was, say… Gray or ice then?" She teased, raising her eyebrows at him as he went silent, not liking the sound of that.
"No son of mine would ever speak such filthy words!" Natsu held the baby close to his chest as if to hide him and covered his ears, offended she could ever suggest such a thing.
Lucy shook her head and chuckled, standing up to go downstairs. "You're such an idiot sometimes!" She said turning to walk out of the door, "You hungry?" She asked, not needing the boy to answer, knowing he'd follow her if food was involved.
Happy, who was already awake, was sitting on the table with his freshly caught fish laid out in front of him, his mouth watering and about to chow down when his seemingly sex-crazed companions and sprog emerged from the stairwell. "So you finally decided to stop touching each other and get up?" Happy said, clamping his jaw down on a slimy fish.
"It was Lucy's fault, she made me do it!" Pointing directly at the poor girl who was glowing a bright red.
"Natsu! Don't say it like that, not in front of Happy! You don't know who he might tell!" She couldn't help but hide her face in her hands as she made her way into the kitchen, distracting herself from the embarrassment obvious in her cheeks.
"Anyone who bribes me with fish, usually…" Happy shrugged nonchalantly as Lucy's mouth dropped open. If that was the case, then the whole guild probably knew the details of her and Natsu's sex life. "Speaking of which, I'm outta here!" He chirped, flying out of the window, giggling at Lucy's even redder, flushed face. She was going to kill that cat, that she knew for certain!
Natsu had lost interest in that conversation ages ago, more engrossed in catching up with Haru instead. However, the longer he tried to interact with him, the more he realised something seemed a little off.
"Hey, Luce?" Gaining the blonde's attention from the kitchen, "Something's wrong with Haru, his face just went all red and I think he's gonna-" And then it happened, vomit everywhere… "…Puke…"
The horrific stench of baby vomit invaded Natsu's nose, almost making him gag. The substance splattered all over the floor and table looked and smelt like congealed, off milk mixed with whatever else was sitting in the little one's stomach.
Not understanding why he suddenly felt so terrible, the baby began to cry. Tears flooded down his puffy cheeks and his high pitched wailing rung through Natsu's ears, getting louder and more shrill every time he retched and brought up more vomit.
"Whoa! Where did all that come from, little guy?" Stunned by how much had just been ejected from the little one's mouth, the dragon slayer turned him around and aimed his head towards the bowl that Lucy had placed in front of them to catch the vomit that seemed to keep flying out, upsetting Haru even further. "I know it's not nice, but there's no need to cry. It'll pass soon." Natsu spoke soothingly next to the baby's ear, stroking his back tenderly to try and comfort him.
"I don't understand, he was supposed to be getting better, not worse! Wendy even used her healing spell on him, so why hasn't it worked?" Lucy had walked over to where Natsu was sitting and placed her hand on the baby's forehead, feeling his temperature rising again. "Maybe I'll take him to Porlyusica this time?"
"Hold on… What do you mean Wendy's healing spell hasn't work? Was Haru sick while I was gone?" Natsu asked, trying to work out what had gone down in his absence, while still occupied with trying to catch the contents of Haru's stomach.
"Yes, Haru has been sick for nearly a week now. I tried at first to help him on my own but because his symptoms were getting worse, I asked Wendy to come and heal him yesterday. His symptoms improved instantly and I thought whatever sickness it was had gone." She said, pointing to the little one who was still retching, however, only bile was coming up now that he'd emptied his stomach completely. "But obviously not…"
"Oh… I still don't understand why you kept that to yourself, I could've helped." Natsu looked at Lucy in shock, confused about why she wouldn't tell him something like that.
"You were on a job, remember? And I didn't know when you'd return so I just got on with it." She stated, tilting her own head in confusion while attempting to clean up the mess on the floor. It's not like she had any way of contacting him so she'd dealt with it on her own. "As I said, he's been completely fine since yesterday, so I didn't think there was any need to worry you."
"That's not the point, Lucy! If he's been this sick for that long, then you could've sent someone to come and get me, I would've returned home in a heartbeat." He expressed, feeling saddened that his son had been unwell and he'd not known about it or been there for him.
"I wasn't going to do that over a little sickness bug. You can't just abandon a job because of something like this, it would ruin Fairy Tail's reputation, you know that!" Lucy could feel herself getting a little bothered by the situation. She'd tried her hardest to look after Haru on her own and now it felt like Natsu was disregarding her efforts. "And for your information, I was perfectly capable of looking after him on my own!"
The tone of her voice was sharp and defensive, enough to make Natsu stop in his tracks and think carefully about what he would say next. His intention was not to upset Lucy, that's for sure. He simply wanted to understand why she'd decided to do this on her own, why she hadn't asked for help and kept him in the dark.
"Lucy, I never said you weren't, that's not what I'm getting at here…" Natsu's voice turned low and soft, barely a croak. He reached out his hand to grasp hers and squeezed firmly, caressing the soft skin of her palm. "Haru is my son too and I should have been there to help. I would go to the ends of Earthland for him, so one measly job can stuff it for all I care. As for Fairy Tail, Gramps would understand. Family always comes first, Luce… Always."
Lucy stared at him, trying to find a way to justify her actions but she couldn't argue with that. He was right, family did come first, but she simply hadn't wanted to bother him. She felt the responsibility had landed on her shoulders and she needed to deal with it. Now, looking back, maybe she had needed help. Having not fully recovered from all those sleepless nights spent trying to comfort the unwell infant, it'd been a difficult week for the both of them.
It'd definitely taken its toll, her mind had a hazy feel to it, like a dense fog was clouding her better judgement and the exhaustion making her irritable and grouchy. The initial excitement and adrenaline rush of Natsu being home had settled now and after their little morning fun, she felt more tired than ever.
"Forgive me, Natsu, I didn't mean that. I'm just a little tired, this past week has been difficult to say the least. Last night was the first time I'd gotten any real sleep since Haru became sick." She said, leaning down to kiss him, showing her sincerity.
Natsu accepted her greedily, placing one hand to rest on the base of her hairline, he put his forehead to hers and smiled. "No need to apologise, I'm home now so we can work this out together." He looked down to Haru, who had stopped crying but was now just letting out small whimpers, obviously still in a lot of distress. "Let's go see Porlyusica, she'll know what to do!"
"You're having a shower first! You have puke all over your legs and it stinks!" She chuckled half heartedly at his predicament. He looked down and realised the smell that was making him feel queasy was coming from him and gagged. He jumped up and ran to the shower while Lucy got herself and the baby ready to visit Fairy Tail's medical advisor.
Practically sprinting all the way to the guild hall, hoping Porlyusica would be there, they crashed through the door, out of breath and panting, gaining the attention of everyone present. The baby's wails thundered through the hall and Lucy just couldn't get him to settle, no matter what she tried.
"Is everything okay, guys? What's wrong with Haru?" Mira asked, walking over to them.
"He's sick Mira, really sick. Is Porlyusica here?" She breathed, struggling to catch her breath still.
"Yes, I'll go and get her, wait here." The take over mage was quick to fetch the old woman, before returning to the bar with Porlyusica following behind.
"What do you both want? I was in the middle of something." She scorned, a scowl ever present on her wrinkled face.
"Sorry to bother you, but Haru is sick and we didn't know who else to go to." Lucy pleaded, hoping the healer wouldn't turn them away as she'd been known to do. The blonde was prepared to get on her hands and knees and beg in front of everybody if she had to.
"Bring him to the infirmary and I'll take a look at him." The older woman sighed, immediately taking Haru out of Lucy's arms once they entered the room and laid him on the bed.
At first glance she could see just how sickly the child was with pale, mottled skin and flushed cheeks that were hot to the touch. His breathing was heavy like he'd just been for a run and he had little beads of sweat trickling down from his hair line. There was no doubt that he was in some sort of pain too if his cries were anything to go by.
"When did this start?" She asked, getting to work with her different instruments set out beside her.
"A fever came on about a week ago, then gradually more and more symptoms showed up. When Wendy came to heal him, it seemed to disappear for a day or so, then about an hour ago he vomited and now he's like this." Lucy said in a bit of a panic as she took a seat next to the bed with Natsu, grabbing hold and squeezing his wrist until it turned red, causing him to wince.
"If Wendy wasn't able to heal him, then this is no ordinary ailment. I imagine her spell simply treated some of his symptoms for a little while, but didn't actually cure him." Porlyusica said, as she finished checking the little one over. She had an array of potions and medicines in the cabinets behind her, it was what she specialised in after all, and retrieved a few to show to the anxious parents. "These potions will help relieve some of his symptoms much like what Wendy's healing spell did, but they are not a cure, just a temporary measure until I can figure out what's wrong with him."
"But what is wrong with him? If it's not a normal illness, then what the heck is it?" Natsu asked, completely baffled by what could be causing Haru so much discomfort.
The healer straightened herself up and placed her thumb and forefinger on her chin. "He's showcasing symptoms of an infection or virus, but without actually having either. Then I can only conclude that there is something else that has invaded his body, causing his immune system to fight back like this." She picked the baby back up and handed him over to Lucy. "From what I can tell, it's most likely to be too much magical energy overwhelming his system."
"Wait, what? Excess magic? But he can't use magic yet!" Natsu's face grew more and more confused the longer he thought about it. Her diagnosis really hadn't explained anything. "How did you come to that?!"
Perplexed as well, Lucy's usual sharp mind had been fogged by weariness, a better explanation than that was needed if there was going to be any hope of her or Natsu understanding. "Um, I don't get what you're trying to say either, do you mind elaborating, please?" She asked, rubbing the babies back as he started to grumble whilst trying to get comfortable.
"It's simple really." The healer walked back over to the table to start clearing away what she'd used. "We live in a time where there is an abundance of ether-nano all around us, and as part of a very complex system we absorb and expel that ether-nano keeping a steady flow of magical energy within us, your body does this automatically. But, some babies are born without that automatic system, causing them to absorb more ether-nano than they should, which slowly overwhelms their small bodies, making them sick. It isn't all that common and can have serious consequences if not dealt with efficiently, but it is something that the body will learn to do over time. All you have to do is help him expel it."
"Er… I only really understood the last part of that to be honest..." The slayer smiled sheepishly, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck. "Do you mean like train him or make him jump or something? Scaring him works when he has hiccups!"
"No, Natsu that isn't what she meant! And how the hell do you train a baby to use magic? He's not even one yet!" Lucy facepalmed her hand at his comment. Trust Natsu to come up with the 'sensible' idea… "Isn't there some sort of medicine you can give him?"
"No, although Natsu wasn't too far off with his scare tactics suggestion." The healer said with her poker face.
"Seriously?!" Lucy's face scrunched into one of disbelief, while Natsu just grinned at her.
"I'm always serious and you should be too with what I'm about to tell you. This isn't something to take lightly and neither of you are going to like it, but you must remember this is no ordinary sickness that you can treat with some potion…"
Stopping dead in their tracks, both of their faces dropped at her warning, neither liking the sound of that. Returning their attention back to the healer, she continued. "You'll have to force it out of him. In the right circumstances, a child with enough magical energy gathered within them can be forced to expel it as a way of protecting themselves from danger. All you have to do is-"
"Put him in danger…" Natsu finished for her, hearing Lucy gasp in horror. He could feel her eyes burning into the side of his head. "Am I right?"
"Yes, Natsu. It's the only way. The quicker you do it, the sooner Haru will recover."
The slayer had a feeling it was going to be something like that, how else would you force it out? Lucy could barely believe her ears, how on Earthland did that old woman expect them to do that? Did she realise what a tall order that was? With nothing more to say on the matter, they left the infirmary and walked back outside, stopping just a little ways from the guild.
Holding the baby close to her, Lucy remained quiet, she didn't have any words right now that could convey how hopeless she felt. Her mind was all over the shop, they would have to put poor Haru in danger and essentially scare the magic out of him. How were they going to do this? And just how much danger? Lucy didn't really want an answer to that, Porlyusica had said it wouldn't be easy and now she understood why.
Natsu's voice pierced through her erratic thoughts and she looked over to where he was standing. He looked just as troubled as she was, his own internal battle taking place. They'd gone to Porlyusica for answers and that's exactly what she'd given them, but neither had expected this sort of outcome. What were they going to do?
"I don't know if I can do this, Natsu! How're we supposed to pull this off? Why couldn't he just have a cold or something?" She whimpered, her worry becoming too much too bare.
Poor little Haru was sick enough, he didn't need his own parents to put him through any more. It wasn't fair, he was just a baby! Tears entered Lucy's eyes and began streaming down her pale cheeks, the panic setting in.
"Hey… we'll figure this out, I promise." Natsu cupped her cheek and wiped her flowing tears away, her head nestling into his warm hand. "I know it's hard, Lucy, I'm not going to pretend it isn't, but Haru needs us to be strong for him right now. He's counting on us to make him feel better." He moved his hand down to rest on her collar bone and stroked it reassuringly, an empathetic smile playing on his lips.
She couldn't help the sniffles and whimpers that slipped out as she tried to smile back at him. Lucy was surprised by his maturity, she certainly hadn't expected him to take it so well, considering what they had to do. Natsu's words rung true though, this was for Haru's sake and the sooner they did it, the sooner he would be back to normal and that's what mattered.
"You're right, he's suffered long enough, let's get this over with." She said, tired and strained eyes locking onto Natsu's, the fear still prevalent.
A pang of guilt settled in Natsu's chest as he thought about how tired Lucy looked. She'd dealt with this far longer than he had and she'd done it alone. He admired her courage to pull through such a task with barely any sleep, but then that was Lucy for you.
"I guess, the question now is how are we going to execute this? Obviously we can't put him in any real danger, just enough to get him to react to it." Lucy knitted her brows together as she tried to push passed the worry to think of a plan.
"I have an idea, but you're gonna have to put your faith in me, Lucy. Regardless of how much you want to run to him, you must stay out of the way." Natsu's face turned serious, all light from his eyes had gone and had been replaced with the fire burning within him to get this right. "My magic is more aggressive than yours, so it'll work better for this."
"I-If you're sure, Natsu. Lead the way." She spoke timidly, following behind him.
Deciding it best to do it while they were still outside, Natsu woke Haru gently and placed him on a nearby tree stump. Standing out of sight of the baby with Lucy not far behind, the slayer took a deep breath, then used his dragons roar to blow fire a few metres away from the infant. The idea was if Haru could feel the heat of the flames, it might spur him to protect himself from the oncoming danger.
They waited to see if they could get a reaction from the child, but there was nothing. It seemed after being around his destructive fire dragon slayer father, Haru had become accustomed to seeing flames, and barely took any notice of them.
Clenching his teeth, Natsu could kick himself, he should have known better than to believe it would be that easy. He could feel his body tense and his heart pick up speed as he took it one step further. Using his roar once again, he blew flames around the tree stump, trapping the baby in and reluctantly watched as the little one attempted to escape his blazing prison.
Lucy's eyes widened and instinctively took a step forward, but Natsu held out his arm to stop her from coming any closer. This needed to work, he didn't want to have to keep doing it, upsetting Haru over and over again until the infant was too weak and sick to defend himself.
"Isn't that a little close, Natsu?" Lucy uttered her concern from behind the fire mage, trying to control her own rattling nerves.
Unable to find a way out, Haru finally began to cry, escalating quickly to loud wails of distress, begging for his mommy and daddy to come and save him. But that's all it was, just lots of tears, he made no real attempt to protect himself and now it was starting to really worry Natsu. Would a baby as young as Haru know even how to defend himself? And how much further could he go without actually burning his son? He had impeccable control over his magic but fire was still fire and it was dangerous.
"Dammit! It's not working!" He didn't want to have to do this, but with only one option left, it was their last hope. "They need to be closer!"
"Closer?! But they'll be on top of him, surely you don't mean-?" Her voice quivered with each word spoken, her eyes wide with horror as she realised what Natsu was about to do.
"It's the only way, Lucy." He sighed, turning a little in her direction but not meeting her eyes. He didn't want to see her expression, to see how much this was hurting her because it was hurting him just the same.
With nothing more to say, Natsu looked back to the baby and extinguished the flames around him. Hearing his cries turn back to soft whimpers, Haru darted his little head around in search of his parents, but he couldn't see them anywhere. His bottom lip was quivering, frightened and alone, Haru let fresh tears fall from his eyes, rubbing them with his fists until they were red and sore.
Lucy felt her heart break little by little with every pained tear that slipped down her sons face. This was the most horrific thing she'd ever had to endure. All she wanted was to run over and give him a cuddle, to let him know that they were right there and that he wasn't in any real danger, but for his own sake she couldn't, she had to just stand there and watch.
"Please, let this work!" Natsu whispered to himself as he let flames slowly creep along the ground, making their way towards the scared baby.
As soon as Haru saw them again, his wails returned, even louder and full of anguish this time, making it even harder for Natsu to keep his resolve. It pained him to see what his flames were doing to his son, the terror in his eyes as they got closer, the urgency in his cry when they began to lick at his delicate skin. Hearing his heart pound loudly in his ears, the determined father pressed forward before he changed his mind, encasing the baby in his flames. The cries of the petrified infant began to sound more like an agonising screech, haunting Natsu to his very core.
If this didn't work, the pink haired boy didn't know what he was going to do. How much more danger could he put Haru in before it had any serious lasting affects on him or worse, it caused him actual harm?
Lucy was still trying to fight every fibre of her being not to run over there and rescue the little boy. She felt her legs go weak from hearing his desperate pleas for help and trembled from seeing the fear in his bloodshot eyes.
She'd said she trusted Natsu and she did, with absolute certainty, but being witness to him doing this was painful, it was physically hurting her in a way she'd never been hurt before. How much longer could he keep this up? How much more could little Haru take before he wiped himself out?
"Natsu… Please…" She whispered, his ears had picked up her quiet plea, but chose to ignore it for now. They were so close, he wasn't about to give up! She took a step forward, towards the dragon slayer, not willing to watch any more of this, she spoke a little louder this time. "You can stop now, it's too much…"
"Lucy, we can't give up yet, this needs to work!" He said, determined to see this through, determined to make Haru better.
She let hot tears fall freely down her cheeks, as she turned back to the little one who looked just about ready to give up. Enough was enough, she couldn't watch any more of this. With her heart racing and her body quaking, she put one unsteady foot in front of the other and pushed herself as fast as she could to the tree stump, scooping the baby up into her arms and held him to her chest. The fire still present, began to burn her clothing through to her skin, and as much as it hurt, she didn't care. She would take it for the sake of comforting Haru.
Natsu, so focused on the task at hand, had been too slow to react to the flash of blonde hair that'd shot passed him. Lucy had run straight into the fire, his fire and by the time he'd extinguished them, it was too late.
She was on her knees grimacing, trying to remain strong for the teary baby in her hold. Unable to move, Natsu just stared. Stared at the girl who'd grunted out in pain as his flames charred her skin, stared at the baby who was crying in sheer terror from the flames that had engulfed him. Was he wrong to have done that? He'd been so certain it would work and now it'd gone so horribly wrong.
When he reached them both, the overwhelming guilt punched him straight in the gut at the sight of singed skin across her chest, along both arms and up to her chin. The horrific smell of burnt flesh permeated the air and the burns that decorated her tender skin looked incredibly painful and would begin to blister and scar if not treated soon. Haru, however, didn't have a scratch on him, which Natsu was thankful for.
"N-Natsu… I'm s-sorry, I-I just, I couldn't bare…" Her voice wavered through gritted teeth, wincing from the movement of looking up at him. "...I-It hurts so badly…"
"I know it does, Luce, hold on and I'll take you to Wendy." He bent down and ever so carefully picked her up, carrying her trembling body and the little one back to the guild.
#Nalu#fairy tail nalu#natsu dragneel#nalu fanfic#nalu fanfiction#nalu smut#nalu baby#nalu child#lucy heartfilia#Natsu and Lucy#natsu x lucy#natsu lucy#happy (fairy tail)#fairy tail#fairytail#fairy tail fanfiction#fairy tail 100 years quest#fanfiction#fanfic#Smut#nalu#daddy natsu#fairy tail 100 year quest#nalu family
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