#first it’s forehead boops now it’s snoot boops
haleigh-sloth · 2 years
I love the nose boop AND the intermingling hair lol 😆
Second time Hori did that too
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Personal space means nothing for them
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
I think I may have successfully taught Holly Mop her first "trick."
I've been verbally 'booping' her nose more often than usual, primarily because she keeps shoving her snout in my face, checking me over for migraines.
So whenever she started snuffling my forehead, I'd ask, "can I have a boop?" and boop her on the snoot.
Well, the boop request has now evolved into me saying, "can I get a boop?" and Holly Mop bopping me on the nose. It started out as her just sort of cracking her tiny fuzzy head against mine, but after realizing this was not conducive to healing migraines, she has now started excitedly licking my nose whenever a boop is requested.
And you can't just say "boop?" No, it has to be "can I have a boop?" and then she'll launch herself at my face and lick me squarely on the nose, tail wagging frantically because Mama has asked for a boop! Holly Mop has booped Mama!! Request fulfilled!!!
You can tell she thinks it's funny too, because she always scoots back lightning fast with this big tongue-lolling grin on her face, just full of all the Shih Tzu chuffs and sneezes as she sits back on her haunches like ho-ho, I got you before you got me, I am so clever.
It's very sweet. I love her.
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cheezy-selfships · 1 year
Bowsers snout looks so extremely boopable. I want to do a lil boop and then when he's distracted from that, follow that boop with a quick smooch on the same spot. Just look at this face.
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Boop the snoot, plant a smooch, and then plant another one on his forehead.
And I am also 1000% certain that the great King Koopa would fall down in defeat after receiving kisses for the first time. His knees get all jiggly and down he goes, a giggly mess, defenseless against the power of more smooches that shall fall upon him now that he's closer to his human
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malka-lisitsa · 11 months
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The winter months are coming soon, the chill in the air, and on the ground has started to reach Lizzy's little paws and ears every morning. Her fur has started to thicken, growing in her winter coat, the kits are getting that bit fluffier as the weeks go by.
It's becoming more and more appealing to Lizzy lately, to be close and tucked in under her mother for extra body heat and comfort, she doesn't go out as often, or for as long, like she did in the summer.
That's okay. Her kits will follow her wherever she is.
Lizzy might be one of the slightly clingier girls? Especially now with all that disgusting rain going on outside, she really doesn't want to leave her mama alone. Everywhere she goes, Lizzy wants to sleep on her or under her, she's a warm and cozy home, she needs nothing e l s e.
When Lizzy wants Katherine's attention, she boops her face gently with her snoot, little nuzzles and bumps that are impeccably gentle and sweet- the screaming has settled d o w n, the gentleness of Fall has really settled in today.
'Mama,' She doesn't get a choice, baby is stepping around her legs to make herself comfortable. 'Mama... mm. Yes. Is, my mama, yes...'
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Their first winter. Luckily, they have shelter. A nice home, with a nice warm fire place. But most of all they have a mama with a very fluffy coat... and like kits do, they've instinctually been more cuddly with their fluffy mama.
So as Lizzy scampered over and played hopscotch over Katherine's legs, the mama fox situated so Lizzy could cuddle up and curl up for a nice warm nap together.
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A couple of sweet and soft licks to the kit's forehead, and she nuzzled the baby's chest and settled in to continue sleeping comfortably.
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Do you remember?
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Request: How about a tony stark x reader where tony had a surgery or something and he’s all looped up on anesthesia and doesn’t remember anyone - cue intense heavy flirting with the reader and also him teasing the rest of the team - also maybe a little bit of the morning after???
Pairing: Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warnings: Fluff.
Tony Stark Taglist - @patheticallysentimental @raspberrymama @ladyeliot @boop-le-snoot @make-a-memory-drink-it-up @loveisallyouneed1125 @ownsmyheart @anthonyjanthony666 @downeyreads @the-secret-thief @getlostsquidward @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @elemephstudies @mycosmicparadise @feetoffthetablee @vibraniumwing @simpingsnax @damntonystarkandhissmile @stronginawayjbb @goreadabookorsmthn
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @littlegasps @suchababie @another-stark-sub @supraveng @kahlanmars @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @fyreball66 @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry @chickensarentcheap @dontmindmyname123 @old-enough-to-know-better73 @buendiabebeta @princess-jules47
A part of you was blaming yourself for letting it happen in the first place.
Had you not engaged Tony in the stupid conversation while fighting, the bad guys wouldn’t have gotten to him and knocked him out.
Technically he started it, as always.
And now, he had a minor head injury but Dr Cho had him under observation while you paced about the length of the med-bay, full of worry. Ignoring Steve’s reassuring words as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.
Helen walked out informing you that he was fine, letting you and Steve go inside to meet the genius, billionaire who looked smaller than usual while he lay in bed, eyes shut. It was quiet, almost too quiet now that the usually talkative Tony was asleep, it was weird to see him like this, without the snark.
“Tony, you probably can’t hear me right now but, I’m sorry this happened. I’m so glad you’re okay, I don’t know what I would’ve done if something were to happen to you. I actually—”
You heard him mumble something as he stirred awake, tiny frown lines appearing on his forehead before he winced in pain.
“Who is it?”
He croaked, opening his eyes slowly before focusing on you as you appeared in his line of vision.
“It’s—its me, Tony. (Y/N). How are you feeling now?”
“Floaty. When did you get here?”
His speech was slurred as he tried to sit up, thanking you absentmindedly as you offered to help. You turned around to take a seat back on the chair but he grabbed your hand out of the blue.
“You flirted back.”
“Before, back on the field. You were flirting with me before everything went dark.”
The unfinished banter came back to you as Tony blinked at you with wide eyes, a small grin growing wider on his face.
“Yeah, I was. Again, I’m so sorry this happened.”
“I’m not! Although…if you’re looking for making it up to me, I won’t say no to a sponge bath.”
Steve cleared his throat awkwardly, letting you know that he too was in the room, witnessing the scene unfold. Tony’s grip on your hand tightened as he slowly stroked the back of it with his thumb, brown eyes imploring yours.
“I’m pretty sure it’s the medication talking, Tony.”
You couldn’t stop your cheeks from burning as you shook your head in denial.
“It really, really isn’t. You’re blushing. You’re cute when you blush. But you didn’t answer yet! The hospital gown’s backless you know.”
“Okay, I’m gonna leave you two alone. Glad to see you’re alright, Stark.” Steve muttered, wanting to leave the room as soon as possible to avoid revealing his flushed cheeks.
“Now that I got you all to myself. What do you say, (Y/N/N)?”
“I think you should rest, Tony. We’ll talk in the morning, okay?”
Reluctantly, you let go of his hand and stood up, avoiding those doe eyes purposely or you were sure you would’ve caved. As interesting as this was, you knew he needed to rest.
“Wait—aren’t you gonna tuck me in?”
The next morning, things were a bit too quiet with knowing looks and smirks from the rest of the team sent your way. It was like being back in your school with your friends teasing you about having a crush.
Surprisingly that included the man in question as well.
“Ah, there she is! Morning, (Y/N).”
Tony smiled, sporting a bandage to his forehead but otherwise carrying that usual charisma.
“Morning Tony. How are you feeling today?”
“Why?” You frowned, pouring some coffee for yourself.
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
“About me flirting with you?” You smirked, very aware of the fact that Nat was probably having the time of her life eavesdropping on the conversation.
“No. I’m still waiting for my sponge bath.”
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monstersandmaw · 3 years
Tell us more about your inquisitor!! I would love to hear about him(?) and Dorian
Ok, here's the second of the two asks I got about Ciúin thank you thank you thank you (His name is pronounced like 'queue-inn'). I've talked about him a fair bit before, but I'll do a new post now for the sheer, self-indulgent fun of it! Thank you.
He, like Lein, means a huge amount to me for all sorts of reasons not really related to the game itself, and he's one of the few characters of mine who really does live rent free in my head all the time. His story has had a few versions over the years, but here's my latest 'canon' version, as of 2021.
(I've also written for him before, and if you want a sfw angst-fluff-fest story with him and Dorian, you can read that here on my AO3) Also the immeasurably talented @hanatsuki89 drew him for me and you can find that here Alright, here he is. For tonight's other post with more photos, see this one.
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And a close up (please ignore the horrible Skyhold pyjamas):
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Ciúin is quiet, reserved, and a bit gruff, but he has an affectionate heart and will laugh freely around people he feels close to. Outside of the limitations of the game's hair options, he has very long, black hair that falls almost to his waist, and no side-shave.
He's actually a quarter Tevinter, with his grandfather being a low-ranking (now-disgraced) Tevinter magister, who fell in love with an elven slave and risked everything to free her instead of selling her when he fell on hard times in the Magisterium, and had to sell almost everything. She was taken in by Clan Lavellan, and her son was born a few months later. Ciúin tends to keep his heritage quiet on the whole, given the distrust in the South of Tevinter in general.
His half-elven father died when Ciúin was quite young, and he was sort of raised by everybody and nobody in the clan after that. He helped out where it was needed most, and slept alone near the halla most nights. He’s a spectacularly good rider and loved caring for the halla. His Red Hart mount with the Inquisition is called Conker.
He was an apprentice with the Clan's blacksmith (hence choosing June’s vallaslin, the Dalish god of craftsmen) before his magic developed quite late at the age of 14, at which point he reluctantly began to train with the Keeper in his spare time so that he didn’t lose control of his magic and hurt someone. He found he had to become her First when he was 19, since they had no other mage and he was pretty talented.
As is the case for many Dalish clans, his clan was attacked a fair bit by opportunistic humans, which made him wary of them, but they continued to trade and interact anyway. Unless his life depends on it, he rarely uses his magic (unlike Dorian, who will happily use it for everything), preferring to do things by hand. Vivienne finds this provincial and endearing, and Dorian is somewhat confused, but they can both see that Ciúin’s not going to change his ways…
He's panromantic and demisexual, and before he unwittingly falls for Dorian, he's only ever had one relationship.
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More miscellaneous facts include:
His vallaslin (tattoos) go all the way down the centre of his chest, branching out towards his shoulders, and down over his hip bones as well. He also has a similar design to the one at the centre of his forehead going right up his spine, from the small of his back into his hairline. He will freely admit that the most painful bit to have done was his lip and throat.
Prefers savoury to sweet, and doesn't like fish
Hates ale and beer but enjoys liquors like brandy, elven fruit spirits, whisky, etc. He's a truly miserable drunk though, so it's best if he sticks to his limits.
Gets on really well with Bull and the Chargers, and ships Scout Harding and Professor Kenric really hard.
He's very, very unapologetically Elven about a lot of things, especially about his beliefs/religion, though respects people with different beliefs. For example, he admires that Dorian considers himself Andrastian while simultaneously loathing the hypocrisy of the Chantry and all it stands for.
Ciúin's 28 at the start of Inquisition
He's surprisingly nervous of mabari (who adore him, especially the one Cullen acquires in Trespasser), but he kind of wants to adopt one anyway
At Skyhold, he helps Blackwall with his carpentry projects - making June puzzles for the children of Skyhold - when he gets (or needs) a moment to himself. He can also be found in the forge quite a bit, making new weapons and armour for his friends in the Inquisition.
Can't cook. Don't ask him to. You'll get charred sludge.
Any more questions, please feel free to ask. I will literally talk about him (and Lein) until I keel over.
I'm also probably going to do some writing based on my gameplay, so if that's of interest (it'll be a 'Lavellan x Dorian' story with lots of plot and ambient description because it's me), please also feel free to let me know. If not, thank you for tolerating this long post about my Dalish elf.
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^him scowl.
Also boop the halla snoot for good luck if you made it to the end of this post :)
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heyiwrotesomethings · 5 years
Bad Break
Shinobu Kochou x Fem Reader
Warnings: Sexual suggestions, but no smut.
(Y/n) suffered a pretty substantial compound fracture when a demon twisted her arm until it cracked grotesquely. Luckily, one of the two demon slayers who had joined her on the mission managed to get her out of there before her arm could be completely ripped off. The third member of their ragtag team managed to behead the miserable creature and once the dust settled they jumped into action, carrying (Y/n) off to the Butterfly Estate for immediate emergency surgery.
When the team arrived, (Y/n) was on the edge of passing out, occasionally jolting awake from pain of her arm being jostled. Aoi met them at the entrance and led them to a sterile room, where (Y/n) was set down with care. Aoi ushered the two other demon slayers out and Kanao began prep for surgery. Sweat collected on (Y/n)’s brow, her eyes clenched shut and teeth gritted together as her uniform top was removed and antiseptic washed over her battered arm. She could barely take it anymore when she felt a cool hand brush her hair off of her sticky forehead. (Y/n) willed herself to crack one eye open to see the blurred, but recognizable figure of the Insect Pillar herself staring back down at her. “Shinobu, hi.” (Y/n) croaked out a greeting, trying to sound like she wasn’t in immense pain, but the strained gasping tone did little to convince anyone, least of all Shinobu. “Hello, love.” Shinobu answered in her usual sweet tone. “You’ve really gotten yourself in some trouble this time.” She continued to talk as she put together a tray with all manner of tools on the bedside table. “This is a very bad break, and you’ll need to be put under before we can push the bone back in place and sew everything back up.” She explained, knowing you’d feel better if you knew what was going on. “Okay, I’m ready whenever.” (Y/n) then groaned and inhaled sharply. Even her girlfriend’s butterfly light grip on her wrist felt like torture. “Or you know, the sooner I don’t have to feel this the better.” She quickly muttered in a harsh exhale. “I know you must be in a lot of pain.” Shinobu cooed, her other hand coming into view with a large needle. “I’m going to inject the anesthesia now and Kanao will hook up an IV to keep a steady flow going throughout the procedure.” She leaned in close and gave a gentle kiss to (Y/n)’s temple. “I’ll be here when you wake up, I love you.” “I love you, too.” (Y/n) replied, her jaw clenched tightly, making the words come out sounding a bit harsh compared to the tenderness in which Shinobu had just spoken. Soon (Y/n) felt her eyelids become heavy and she was out like a light. *** The surgery had taken a little over seven hours. Bone fragments had splintered and needed to to tweezed away, taking up a lot of time. Shinobu was just glad there was enough bone to save and set back into place. She much preferred her girlfriend with both arms intact and a little extra work was worth keeping that a reality. Shinobu looked on as (Y/n) continued to breathe easily, a large cast encasing her arm. Unfortunately, (Y/n) would have a jagged scar running the length of her forearm, but with physical therapy she should regain full mobility of her wrist, hand, and fingers within the year. Shinobu mentally cursed the demon that did this for probably the thousandth time within twenty-four hours. It just had to be her dominant arm too, Shinobu’s favorite. Well, this could lead to some interesting physical therapy exercises later. Shinobu thought with a smirk. Shinobu suddenly leaned closer to (Y/n) when she began to stir. Shinobu smiled when hazy (e/c) eyes found her own. “Hi sweetheart, are you coming out of the anesthesia fog okay?” She asked, booping the bedridden girl on the nose. Shinobu was mildly surprised with the offended scoff that came from her girlfriend. “Jus’ whodoya think you are?” (Y/n) glared, looking more like a sleepy puppy than anything. “Excuse me?” Shinobu smiled. “Oh don play coy withme. You just took my nose I felt it. Now give it baaaack.” “Oh dear,” Shinobu hummed. It seemed that the effects of the anesthesia were lingering a bit. She debated with herself on whether or not she should play along, but the pout on (Y/n)’s face was so cute, it would be a crime not to tease her a bit. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. For you see, I found it first.” “Tha- whu- come on! You already have a very cute nose, you don’t need another.” “Hmmm a compelling argument, but I really like this one so I think I’ll keep it.” Shinobu said, holding her fist out as if something was clutched within her fingers. (Y/n) went to grab the extended fist and winced, looking down at her tightly bound arm for the first time. “What is this?” She tapped the cast and gasped at the knocking sound that reached her ears. She looked up at Shinobu with tears in her eyes and startled her girlfriend with the sad breaking of her voice as she spoke. “My bones are out! I- My nose wasn’t enough? You had to steal my skin too? I thought you loved me, but you’re just taking my organs to sell on the black market!” “Honey, it’s a cast. I didn’t steal your skin.” Shinobu chuckled warmly. “Here you can have your nose back too, I’m sorry I took it.” It was all fun and games until (Y/n) started crying, even in this loopy drugged up state, Shinobu hated to see (Y/n) cry. “Thank you.” (Y/n) sniffled. “But what about my bones?” “(Y/n), it’s a cast. I promise your bones are under your skin where they belong. The cast is for protection while your arm heals.” “You promise?” “I promise.” “Shinobu, I love you.” “I love you too.” “I love you even though you stole my nose.” “I’m so lucky.” Shinobu smiled. (Y/n)’s eyes slipped closed and she was soon asleep again. Shinobu placed a soft kiss to the girl’s forehead. *** “I got your nose~” Shinobu teased. She had snuck up on (Y/n) while she was doing her physical therapy exercises and greeted her with a boop to the snoot. “Argh, Shinobu! Can you please stop teasing me about that, it's been three weeks!” (Y/n) blushed and tried to return her attention to her current task. “Oh, but you were so cute. It’s not often I see you act so childish.” “Ughhh whatever.” (Y/n) sighed in frustration when her fingers failed to grip correctly and the tool fell from her grasp. “I feel like I’m getting nowhere with this. If that demon hadn’t distracted me, I wouldn’t have gotten into this mess to begin with. Now my arm is basically useless. I can’t even make a fist properly.” “Don’t get discouraged, these types of injuries take time to heal. You can’t expect to be a hundred percent after only three weeks.” “I know,” (y/n) sighed, “Doesn’t make it suck any less though. I do everything with this hand.” “Oh believe me. I know.” Shinobu replied with a smirk that did not go unnoticed. “I wasn’t even thinking about that!” (Y/n) yelled in embarrassment. “Thinking about what? Care to enlighten me?” Shinobu teased, wrapping her arms around (Y/n)’s waist. “Just forget it. You know what you were implying!” (Y/n) grumped, leaning into Shinobu’s touch nonetheless. “You know, if this exercise isn’t working for you I have something else in mind you could try.” Shinobu whispered. “Well...” (Y/n) stopped to clear her throat. “You’re the professional. I’m willing to try whatever methods you have to recommend.” “Excellent, come with me and I promise you won’t regret it.” Shinobu spoke sweetly and began to tug (Y/n) along with her. “I certainly hope not, you might regret it though.” (Y/n) laughed, placing her limp fingers over Shinobu’s hand.
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airheadandco · 5 years
Hmmm how bout something with Silken thread and Velvet rose?
A romantic date
When Silken Thread had proposed Velvet Rose to go out on a romantic evening in the countryside, he had a radically different idea of what it would entail.
Sure, the scenery was nice, the night was warm and quiet and the place was filled to the brim with friendly spiders... But in his book, a romantic outing didn't involve treasure-hunting nor death traps. And as far as he was concerned, they shouldn't involve running for his life in an abandoned castle. All things considered, the big boulder rolling closer and closer to Silken and him was probably a dealbreaker.
"Silken?" he called between two heavy breaths. "If you have an idea that would be the right moment!"
"Oh! Right!" she said, strangely unphased by the situation. "Sorry I was looking at the murals. They're still oozing with magic! I wonder who built them... I'm sure they were a master of–"
"Oops... Sorry, darling! Hang on!"
There was a flash of light and everything turned to black.
When Velvet opened his eyes, the boulder was gone – which was an incredible improvement. He took a second to analyse the situation. He seemed to be in a corridor, pretty similar to the one he'd been running not so long ago. He moved a bit to get a better understanding of the situation. He was on his back, his head on Silken's flanks, which was admittedly very comfortable. He just had one thing to check.
"Silken Darling?"
"Yes?" she hummed.
"Are we dead?"
"Hum... I don't think so... Wait let me check." There was a knock on the wall out of his field of vision. "Either we're not dead, or being a ghost is way more disappointing than I was led to believe..."
Velvet giggled. They were alive. All in all, things were as good as the situation permitted.
"Yes, dear?"
"Why are we here again?"
"It's a surprise!" she said with a bit of nervousness in her voice.
"You said that before," Velvet let out quietly, "but why did we have to go here to get it?"
"That's part of the surprise..." she admitted, clapping her hooves together in embarrassment.
"And why did I have to come...?"
"That's... also part of the surprise..."
Velvet sighed, defeated. "Well, I guess I shall have to trust your judgement."
"I'm sure you'll love it!" She kissed him on the forehead, bringing a smile to his face. "You'll see it's amazing."
"I'm sure it is, darling," he said with a smile he hoped looked confident. He just wished there was not any more trap on the way to it.
Life, however, had other plans, and he had to risk his life a few times on the way to Silken's surprise. Fortunately, his marefriend was incredibly adept at saving them.
"Are we close yet," he whispered, dusting his clothes off the dust the previous trap rooms. "I admit I grow tired of these contraptions... What were they trying to protect here?"
"Oh! That's an easy one!" she said, her attention focused on some inscriptions on the wall. "The ponies outside!"
"Wh– What? What do you mean?"
Silken Thread went closer to him and helped him remove the few specs of dust still on his person. "They weren't protecting the treasure. They were protecting the ponies outside from what was inside."
"What are you trying to tell me?"
"Well– Oh! You sneaky pony! Almost made me spoil the surprise!" she accused with a wry smile and a boop on his snoot. "You'll see when we reach it!"
"Wait! Silken what–"
"We're almost there!" she declared, running toward an empty corridor. "Follow me!"
"Silken wait!"
But it was already too late, the mare had already disappeared in the shadows. With a resigned whimper, Velvet followed.
Finding his way in the darkness was easy for the batpony. How Silken managed to do it was a mystery. She never seemed to complain about the obscurity and sometimes he wondered if she didn't have a few ancestors of the same species as him. He let the thought slide and focused on the way in front of him.
The corridor wasn't long but he couldn't help but wonder what was at its end. If his echolocation was to be trusted, it was a big room filled with cobwebs... and no traces of Silken.
"Da–darling?" he called as loudly as he dared.
"I'm up there!" Silken answered enthusiastically from above his head.
"Are you okay?" he said, trying to understand in what situation his marefriend had put herself in this time.
"Hunky-dory! I found your surprise!"
A skittering noise rose from the ceiling not too far from the mare. A feeling a dread slowly took hold of the batpony. "Silken, darling whom I love with all my heart, what is the surprise?"
"It's her!" she declared, before realising that she was in no position to anything. "Oh wait... give me a second..." Her horn suddenly lit up, temporary blinding him. "It's her!"
Velvet protected his eyes from the light long enough for his eyes to adapt. In a corner of the ceiling, in the direction Silken indicated with her magic, something was moving, apparently bothered by the sudden illumination. It was big, at least twice as big as a pony and it was slowly descending toward him. It didn't take long for Velvet to understand what it was, but he was still shocked when he saw her.
It was a giant silk spider.
"Do you like my surprise?"
"Silken dear, get us out of here now please!"
"You sure? Don't you want to talk to her or something?"
"Right away!"
There was a flash of light from Silken's magic as she teleported out of the cocoon she'd been trapped in, a second one when she appeared next to him, then a third when she teleported them both out. Velvet felt his legs give up and he honestly couldn't fault them. He collapsed in a heap.
"Are you okay?" Silken asked worried, rushing toward him.
"What were you thinking?" the batpony simply said tiredly.
"You didn't like my surprise?" she said, her ears lowered in shame.
"What?" he said, turning toward her with genuine surprise. "Of course, I did! It's the biggest silk spider I've ever seen or even heard of! She's magnificent! No that's not the issue."
"Oh?" her face lit up as suddenly as it had darkened.
"You cannot invade her lair like that! She thought you were food! She could have eaten you if she had been even a bit more hungry!"
"You must first build some trust and bring something to appease her. Like a small snack or a mate. They usually count as both now that I think of it..."
"Now I wonder if I have something big enough to satiate her in my basement..."
"I can teleport us back and forth and..."
Velvet interrupted her with a hoof lovingly placed on her shin. "Silken, my love, we both know you can't. Not without exhausting yourself to the point of sickness. Remember last time you got carried away with your magic." The mare sheepishly scratched the back of her head, remembering the last time she had been too reckless with her spells. "There's no need to rush. I need to find some kind of sweet for her so we can gain her trust... and I need to prepare a room for her in case she wants to come with us... Also I should ask that strange raccoon if he can swindle a giant spider in town..."
Silken merely nodded, happy to see the batpony so invested in the project.
"Hum... Silken?"
"Yes, Velvet?"
"Next time, let's just eat in a nice restaurant..."
"Sounds nice."
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danganronpaposts · 6 years
Shy! s/o giving an eskimo kiss to the DRV3 boys?
Such a cute ask ^u^
·        He accepts it willingly
·        With the fact that you are shy, outwardaffection is rare from you
·        You take him by surprise
·        "oh?"
·        You just giggle
·        "nothing" you say whilstrubbing your nose against his
·        He smiles kindly at you
·        He gives you an eskimo kiss back
·        It's so cute
·        Gonta loves eskimo kisses
·        You give him an eskimo kiss, and Gontatakes that as an invite to shower you with them
·        He actually prefers eskimo kisses tolip-to-lip kisses
·        He finds them much more fun andenjoyable
·        But he likes the name 'butterflykisses' better
·        He is also quite shy
·        So he jumps back in surprise at firstthe moment you touch his nose
·        He saw you coming, but was expecting akiss
·        Then you missed his lips?
·        He was a bit confused on what was goingon
·        "What's wrong?" you look athim, a bit rejected
·        "ohh, sorry, uhhmm, what wasthat?" Shuichi manages to try to question without sounding rude
·        "An eskimo kiss, you brush noses.If you don’t like it it's fine"
·        "N-no it's fine, you just caughtme off guard, haha."
·        Shuichi tried to quell the awkwardnessof the situation, feeling bad he made it that way
·        An uncomfortable silence settlesbetween you
·        Shu, trying to make it up to you, leansover and brushes his nose against yours
·        You face brightens up and you returnthe kiss
·        He finds it absolutely adorable andhilarious
·     ��  He finds it's adorable you are too shyto actually kiss him,
·        But an eskimo kiss fits you:
·        Soft and sweet
·        If you are uncomfortable with actualkisses, he has no problems giving you eskimo kisses
·        Just he seems to always mess it up
·        It began with him reciprocating yourkiss with a tap on the nose
·        "I booped your snoot!" beforeerupting into laughter
·        Then it grew to him booping your snootwith his snoot.
·        Forget gentle brushing of the noses,Kaito never misses an opportunity to bump his nose with yours
·        All romance was gone at that point
·        Now it's just a snoot booping game.
·        He finds it just as amusing as Kaito
·        He goes along with it
·        He teases you for being brave enough toinitiate an eskimo kiss, but too shy to initiate a real kiss
·        He brings this up every time you kisshim
·        "You missed" he will teaseafter you brush his nose
·        This puts you off a bit, and you stopinitiating any kisses
·        He notices this
·        So he begins initiating the eskimokisses
·        Teasing is just what he does
·        So he will still tease you
·        Like Gonta, he finds it absolutely adorable
·        He enjoys the soft and sweet nosebrushes from his shy s/o
·        He lets you initiate as many eskimokisses as you want
·        When he initiates a kiss with you, hemixes it up
·        Sometimes he pecks you on the forehead
·        The cheek
·        The lips
·        He may give you an eskimo kiss
·        Or he may pull the romance card
·        Starting off by touching his foreheadto yours
·        whispering sweet things to you
·        He then slowly brush his nose to yours
·        He moves slow, but eventually your lipstouch
·        With Amami it can be ether cute andsweet, intimate and romantic, or hot and steamy
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*screams of horror* oh my god, it’s my art!
i got bored and tried to draw my ides with this base from this post and im sorry in advance if my art breaks your screen
rambles about them under the cut, if anyones interested 
so from left to right....
first there's Pessimism, aka Rose -A combination of my anxiety and my depression -the Ultimate Drama Queen. I make one small mistake? "Oh my god, how could you, now we're all going to die and it's all your fault!" like, with the leg in the air and everything, hand draped across forehead. Actual drama queen. -either No Chill™ or So Chill™. Basically, the embodiment of that one post that's like, "me: *does something inconsequential* My Brain: "You Fucked Up You Fucked Up You Fucked Up!" Me: *does something horribly bad* My Brain: *sitting in a lawn chair with sunglasses, sipping a drink" "acknowledged." -Tries to be Edgy™. Just ends up looking adorable. -Internal Screaming™ is their Mood™ -"I don't care," they say caringly, as they care a lot. -actually really fashionable? most of the time? like, they're part anxiety, and im always terrified about how i look to other people, so that shows through in them. they always dress their best. their eyeliner is always On Point. -"I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color."
then there's Intelligence, aka Quinn -a Nerd™ -you thought Rose had no chill? this boy has No Chill™ -he’s the cause of my love of Biology, especially herpetology. this boy is a reptile nerd and is not afraid to show it. will bombard you with cool facts about snakes, if you give him the opportunity. -pretends he doesn't care. actually cares a Whole Lot about his fam. -Quinn: hey, you should be productive now. Me: hmmmmmm how about No™ Quinn: *internal screaming* -He always wants to learn new things. He's the driving force behind my passion for learning; the voice in the back of my mind telling me to study, or go on a wikipedia binge -the Ace-est Ace to ever Ace (thomas gave him the ace tie and he loves it) -Very Good at remembering random, odd factoids that i've learned throughout my life. can he remember the Important Things i spent hours studying when i need him to? that is a No. he Cannot. -is quite witty, and actually makes a lot of puns. It takes a quick wit to come up with so many puns, and he prides himself on his Quick Wit. the Master of finger guns.
-tries,,,, so hard,,,, to keep me on a consistent schedule so i can get work done,,,,,, but Thomas' Treat Yo Self mentality often undoes those schedules
Then there's Imagination, aka Celeste -Self Care? what's that? they only know staying up around the clock to finish a project -you see that face they're making in the picture? that's the face they make whenever im in bed, or at school, or anywhere else where i can't easily be creative, when they're about to spring a load of Inspiration on me. but when im sitting at the computer? staring at a blank page, the cursor's blinking driving me insane? yeah, no, sorry, they Cannot Work -"Hey, here's a new idea!" Me: cool! can i have some Motivation to work on this? Celeste: some Whot -wakes me up at FIVE AM with new ideas -when they do decide to work, they're actually really cool, especially when im being really productive -a Broadway Geek. will spend ten hours singing showtunes if given the opportunity. they're the reason i always get so many broadway songs stuck in my head -works with Rose when i'm writing angst (and those two are terrifying when they work together, and always end up with me crying), and works with Thomas when i need to write fluff (and i always end up with like ten thousand cavities as a result)
and finally, Optimism, aka Thomas -a Pure Boi -Can do no wrong -(can do wrong, that's just what he wants you to think, this Boy is mischeivous as all heck) -my ability to see the best in everyone and every situation, my determination to get through the bad things and find brighter tomorrows, and my refusal to give up, no matter what. -screams for ten minutes every time i see a dog. i got to pet a little corgi the other day, and i was sobbing and he was sobbing and everyone was sobbing and Quinn was Done™ -super romantic, Can and Will spend hours just gushing with me over Keegan -an unending source of light, even during the darkest days. he's always there to remind me of what's good in my life, when i'm feeling down -loves snakes so freaking much. he and quinn will often have moments where they'll just Geek Out over snakes, and Quinn will tell thomas all sorts of snake facts and thomas will just gush about how adorable they are and how much he wants one as a pet. one of their main arguments when im wondering whether or not to keep going is "you can't get a snake in the future if you give up now! imagine the snoots! you've gotta boop the snoots! -loves to sing. unfortunately, he'll usually pick one song that he likes to sing over and over, and that's how most songs get stuck in my head. also loves to dance, but im not a very good dancer and neither is he, and he usually ends up tripping over his own feet and landing on the floor -acts like he's on a Constant Sugar High. no one can calm this boy. he has No Chill™ -actually none of my sides have Any Chill which actually makes a lot of sense
mmmmmm anyway this was weird and rambly but i liked the way the drawing came out and wanted to write abt my sides so,,,,,,,, yall can just ignore this
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kaibuntsu · 7 years
The Accursed Scritches
I came from the darkest depths of the underworld. The people of old feared me; the sound of my tail brought weeks long nightmare to those who heard it rattling. The people of old feared me so immensely they gathered their best monks to seal me inside a sad, tiny, claustrophobic little box! It’s where I live for four hundred years. Every few decades, someone would find that box, open it, and temporarily released me from my prison. I eat their soul as thanks. Even trapped in a small box, I am still feared.
But you... I don’t get you.
I came out as usual: pratically exploded out of that stupid box, heavy serpentine body dropped with a jaw-shaking thud, thin black mist perspire from the crevices of my scales. My sleek long fangs bared as I hissed, my six arms spread, brandishing each of their sharp claws.
“Well, hiya!” you said. I expected you to scream, not this. “Damn, you’re a big one.” 
You had a smile on your face. A big bright one. Why? What is wrong with you?!
“Can I touch your snout? The snoot?” You reached your hands out to me and touched me on the chin.
“The what now?” I asked, but then your fingers started to do the thing. You curled your fingers back and forth, their odd blunt tips scratching my chin, and I--
I was a puddle of black misty goo...
It’s been a little over twenty days, I still haven’t eaten the soul of the human that released me. The curse is hitting you clearly, but for some reason you don’t seem affected. It’s not the first time I decided to play with my food first before eating it, but even my presence and influence alone should’ve rotten the will to live of anyone cursed for releasing me from the box. And it never took longer than a week!
Why are you still able to make terrible puns and laugh like a hyena?!
This needs to stop. You ability to shrug off the curse is almost divine, I don’t trust you.
I silently climb up the willow tree behind you while you’re reading at the park. My long serpentine body hugs the trunk while my arms scale the branches and pull me up. I am going to strike in from above, my jaws are prepared to swallow you whole. I will enjoy hearing you scream and beg for your life inside my belly before you ran out of power to scream and die a slow, painful death as I return into the box and await my new food.
Wait, what’s that noise? I look up.
Oh shit, shi--!
The branch I hang from snapped under my weight--which should have been ghostly light--have I gained some corporeal weight during my years of being sealed? To make matters worse, you saw that. And now you’re snorting and trying to stifle a laugh.
“I’m not--pffff--’m not against dreaming big, but I don’t think you’ll ever cut out as a bird, my dude,” you snicker.
“Silence, puny human!” I growl, embarrassed. I hate that I feel this way and you get to see it.
“Aw...don’t be mad. I was just joking,” you coo, closing your book so your hand can reach out to my snout--no, don’t!
And I’m a puddle of slime again...
Two months now. I’m still unable to eat you, you bastard. And the curse still hasn’t affected you either. Why...
I don’t care. My goal is and always has been to eat you whole and send your soul to the depths of hell. It’s getting embarrassing. Back in the underworld, I was some sort of a mob boss. Now I’m an incompetent imp who can’t even scare people right.
I peeked your chat last week about volunteering at a park with the duck pond in it. Different park from the one I tried to eat you from a tree. You sure do love parks, though. You’re even willing to work unpaid just to clean that park’s duck pond. I may be a snake demon with six arms, but I do recognize and admire dedication when I see one. Still, doesn’t stop me from wanting to consume your soul; you still released me from that box.
As you clean the pond, ducks floating around you minding their own business, I slither underwater. I can see the ugly knee-high rubber boots you wear while picking up trash buried by the mud. Worry not, human, I am going to relieve your suffering from wearing those ugly boots when I drag you to the middle of the pond where it’s deeper. My tail is already coiling around you leg.
And then I yank! Hard! You fall into the water, the ducks screech and swim away in panic. Now die, you carefree scum! I pull you in, intending to drown and eat you underwater. I can breathe down there, water will not make me choke.
Your head breach out of the surface and I hear you cough. “Dude! What the hell!” you yell. How the hell can you still breach and catch a breath?
I, uh...am ashamed to admit that...the water feels deep because I flatten my whole body underwater. It’s shallow enough for you to be able to pop your head out of the water; when you sit down, the water reaches up to your chest. Damn my faulty sense of depth!
“If you want to swim, you could’ve asked me to take you to the private pool. Or the beach,” you continue to scold me, but I can see you are not angry.
I hate chlorinated water and I most absolutely hate the sea water. You literally will have to throw my cursed box into one of them if you wish to torture me. Fresh water, though, I love it. That’s why I wanted to drown you and eat you there. But the pond is too shallow!
I scowl but I say nothing. If I tell you to shut up again, that’ll just make me appear weaker. To my surprise, you give me a warm humble smile. You reach your hand out again, cupping my face. The suddenly, your face boops my nose!
“We’ll have fun in the water next time, I promise.” You nuzzle me! And thanks to you, I am now a puddle of black misty goo again, except this time, I’m in the water, so my goo particles split up like oil on water.
I can no longer take anymore breaks! As soon as we get home from your volunteer work, I aim to eat you at your home. No more stupid schemes to eat you in the most horrifying way possible! Your home is where you’ll die!
I barge in in the middle of your bath time and you yelp in surprise when I slam the door open. My body slithers in a speed of a sprinting cheetah and wraps tightly around your naked wet body. For once, your eyes widen as you stare at me. Is that fear I finally see? Good.
“No more playing around this time!” I growl straight at your face, a drop or two of my saliva sprayed onto your face, but the shower water washed it away. “Your soul is mine and I will consume it, to be strong and finally able to break away from this binding curse! Don’t you dare foil me again this time! Embrace death!” My mouth opens wide, lower jaw unhinges so I can swallow you whole. I am about to eat you and you get to see it face first. No one else gets that honor. I’ve always eaten them in a way that fuels horror stories.
“So it’s time already,” you mutter. There is no fear within you.
No. I was wrong. There is, but you’ve hidden it so well I missed it. Yet, it isn’t fear caused by my presence. Something greater has caused you fear.
I pause, mouth closes, and I notice you looking confused. I, too, am confused--confused of what could’ve made you afraid that is not me? “What do you mean by that?” I ask.
The expression on your face drops. Your wet hair makes you look more pitiful I almost feel sorry. “Oh, it’s nothing,” you smile it off. It’s fake. What is this? You must have seen me getting annoyed because you continue, “Don’t worry about it too much. Just know that I’m happy I get to know you. You always make me laugh. I thought I won’t be able to laugh, but with you around, I just can’t stop smiling from ear to ear!”
“I shouldn’t make you happy!” I snap. I can’t accept what you said. “I am supposed to instill fear in your heart, that is how I drain the will to live from my prey! But you...you’re different. Something’s wrong with you.”
Your expression continues to drop. It...it hurts to look at. “You can say that, I guess.” You look away, I feel like you’re trying to avoid saying something. “Being eaten you doesn’t sound as bad, though. I don’t feel that scared for some reason.”
A growl escapes me. “Who is making you afraid that is not me?!” I sound almost like I am jealous (frankly, I sort of am) but I need to know!
“It’s not ‘who’, it’s ‘what.’” You sigh; I can feel your body becoming limp in my constriction. “Okay, look, I really like you, I feel like I shouldn’t say this. But because you’re such an important person to me...I guess you deserve to know.” Your voice cracks and you pause, composing yourself.
I am an amalgamation of confused, worried, sad, and...sympathetic. Nobody has ever made me feel that way. In fact, I shouldn’t be feeling this way--you were my food.
“Before we met, my doctor said I probably have about less than a year. Possibly faster, possibly slower. That sucked, you know, like what’s the point anymore? Like, what if it’s only less than half a year left? But then you showed up.” You look up and smile again, but the smile was...sad. “It’s weird, isn’t it? When you show up, I thought, ‘Oh, is this how it’ll end?’ and I suddenly feel better. I dunno... I guess if I’m gonna leave this world, being consumed by a snake monster would be pretty cool.”
I’m quite sure you’re crying at this point; your face is flushed and your eyes red, but the shower camouflaged the tears possibly streaming down your face. I find myself loosening my body around you, but not yet away. You need my serpentine body to lean against. My stomach feels...full. As if I had eaten a continent’s worth of souls.
Bony, corpse-esque arms engulf you in an embrace, you lean into my chest, seeking comfort in its thin faintly greenish skin. This is a gesture I have never done before. I have chosen not to eat you, until the time is right. I nuzzle my snout against your forehead.
I do not turn into goo this time...
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derenyanai · 6 years
Ashes of the Old World Session Branch 13-B Part 1
Time: Sometime after Session 12 Characters: Zealous Terminator
Starting things off for the hell of it, Zealous, You're in Anxe, a city known for being really tall and built out of mostly towers, the excited comradery and celebration of the populace is fairly loud after the wierd spider invasion has been fought off recently in part thanks to your "friends" , Your "friends" are currently having to deal with tarnocks trial coming up, something about a guard going missing, as you might have been told by uncle ashara, either while he was drunk or slightly less drunk, either way you have free reign to explore, what do you do? 
"Hm, I wonder where everyone is at right now?" I wonder quietly as I step through a door, looking about himself to get an idea of what the whole place looks like at this time of the day. At this very moment, I felt like actually exploring the library for some books on famous wrestlers. Hopefully I can find some interesting lore.
The library is a dusty bastard, people with pointy hats and vaguely important looking educational based cloths filling these halls, probably from various schools and colleges, while not a large buidling its pretty sizable and presumably chock full of books on various subjects, >Roll some hot saucy Investigation check to look for your desired books
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While few books you find have the term "Wrestler", You find atleast five in total revolving around arena games and pit fighting, One actually going into a specific biography about one of these participants in these games "Sexy Fred" detailing how sexy he was and the force at which he ripped opponents in two and danced beautifully after victory, two of the books have two different accounts by two seperate authors about the start of competive fighting stating there own home town as the start of it, contradicting each other atleast every respective chapter, The remaining two are ledgers holding lentghly lists of known "wrestlers" or "arena fighters"
"This sounds fun." I stated as I flipped through the pages, "This Sexy Fred sounds quite livid." After few minutes of reading into it, I had already begun to form ideas in my head. This... "arena games" and "pit fighting" sounds like something I should look into. I turn to the nearest coneheads which are also deemed as guardians of the library. "Hey, where can I find pit fights?" I ask.
The nearest conehead, A halfling with freckles all round thier face and bright orange hair almost going down to thier feet, confusidly looks to Zealous, she looks tired trying to determine if shes even awake after just glancing at him for a couple seconds, with the only immediate response being, "....what?"
"The pit fights, the arena gaming, the place where Sexy Fred fights at. Can you point the direction out to it for me, please?" I ask, growing mildly concerned for the exhausted ginger in front of me.
"...Finals coming up and I'm already hallucinating" The ginger halfing shakes her head, as if trying to disprove to herself that Zealous is even there "....And you're still there, Hello, sorry I don't....I don't know what your talking about, I don't know a fred, Is he a friend? I can check the ummmm...Lost and found....no thats....you can't put people in there, no"    The tragic lack of coffee in this time becomes violently apparant
"If you are taking history finals, you are failing it terribly, my young fair madame!" I shout at the librarian as I waved at her. "Sexy Fred is somewhat of a gladiator I hear. Never mind, is your elderly one or a supervisor around?"
"No they're at the college, they make me buy books they wrote and the libraray sells them here, 50 gp is fucking bullshit, course requires it too, they only reference ONE FUCKING PAGE, I just wanted to learn astrology dammit, The fuck is an algebra" Ginger Halfling has started crying
I sigh out of exasperation. I do not know why this young lady is telling me her troubles with school and finances. I just want directions to a pit fight, or an arena. "Right... I don't know what an algebra is either, but if it's important, you might as well learn it." I stroke my orange beard out of frustration. Right then, I might be best be off to find a place that sells or gives information about maps. Wait, I am at library. I slap my forehead and began to search for maps.
Yeah don't even roll for that, they got maps, theres even a large sign saying MAPS, at the reception desk
I pick up the map and began to look through them for locations of the pit fights and arena games. I am on a mission ladies and gents! Zealous Terminator is coming!
There is actually several in and around Anxe, Roughly Thirteen competing ones in the lower city tier, Three in the mid city tier and one large one in the highest tiers
Assuming I am already on the lower city tier... I am going to go ahead and visit one of the thirteen pit fights then work my way around from there. Hm, I wonder if I should be concerned with Tarnock's trial? I should be looking for evidences to help him break free. Oh well! TO THE PIT FIGHTS! 
I ran as far as my tiny little legs can take me.
The Richard Butter Slam, Is the fighting pit you come up to first, it looks a little bit in disrepair, wooden boards covering atleast two destroyed windows,
A small line out front, A bugbear with yellow spots, A father and his five children, An elf, and various more nameless npcs  large bouncers standing at the door 
I sure hope these bouncers don't recognize me. By their sizes, I should be able to slip by easily between their legs!
?????.....why are you worried about them reconizing zealous?
You'll never know if I need a code or password to get into the fight club.
(Look at this fuck forgeting the first rule of fight club) That has nothing to do with being reconized, but i suppose if you wanna slip in without being noticed by bouncer senpai you'll half to make a sleath check
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The Bouncers notice Zealous-Kohai very shortly paying very little mind untill looks like hes doing a sneak , closing thier legs before he can walk underneath them "Hold it, where you think you're going?"
I look up and then chuckled uneasily, "Erm.... inside?" I said.
"If you watching get in back of the line, Or are you looking to get messed up?" The bouncer grunts
"Look at me and tell me what you think?" I point to my mask and my outfit, surely it is painstakingly obvious! "I am here to MESS someone up."
>Roll the better of intimidation or persuasion
"................" The bouncer is having the hardest time not laughing "You Serious??? HAHAHAHAHA" welp there he go, doing a laugh
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Can I do a punch to make him change his mind?
Shit fam give a go >roll your attack
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The bouncer is hit in such the right spot to spit out a whole Electrum piece, The other Bouncer is looking with concern "Lenny, We talked about this don't eat coins"
"No thats from....way back I don't.....look fucker just go in ow" Lenny bouncer grimaces
With a prideful grunt, I walk into the fight club! As upon entry, what do I see?
Zealous should be able to gaze upon, A bunch of chairs and tables filled with people, Surrounding a platform created by just having a bunch of crates pushed together, there is what looks like a fishing net at each side of the crate platform, This building clearly wasn't intended for this kind of activity but was makeshiftedly turned into it.
There is two people fighting inside the platform currently one with a club and the other punching him real hard, loud cheering from the crowd
I have urges rising inside me, warrior's blood boiling, screaming me to join in the fight. However... I think I am going to look around or hear anyone talk about this... "Sexy Fred". I walk about in the arena, also looking for something to eat. I am not just being here to revel in the fight, I am also here to eat food and pick up on the lead on the guy as well.
There is alot of Butter stands like selling whole sticks of butter, in The Richard Butter Slam arena, As well as barrels of ale, Bread stands, A stand deep frying bread using ale, wierd stuff
Hm, I think I am in mood for some Buttered toast and a glass of ale.
Costs about 12 copper in total, most of the price coming from the butter, its not very expensive down here and thats probably because everyone is poor as fuck
I SHALL TAKE THAT! Upon after purchasing them, of course. 
pffft, alright the conversion rate of gold to copper is 100 Cp per Gp, so...math that out, or just pretend its pennies to dollars if that helps. The stand (user) owner happily gives you your change and hands you your food
Nice! I grabbed dem food and then walked toward the table nearby and began to eat them as I watch the fight! I am totally secretly studying my next possible fighter's fighting techniques.
I'm just realizing zealous is probably the richest fucker in the room....Anyway! Yeah the two fighters are distributing a whole wallop to each other, While the club wielder have the clear damage advantage the fist fighter is moving around to dammed fast,making it hard to land anything on him, sliding around each swing and bopping the club wielder's nose, after a couple good snoot boops Club user finally collapses onto the platform, an announcer shouting, "Ohhhh! and thats another win for Legs Leviticus, The Club Conroy is going to be mad about that when he wakes up"
"END HIM!" I shout from the chair, shaking my fist violently as I spew butter and bread from my seat.
Legs makes his way to the end of the platform looking down at Zealous "What is with this....Sassy lost child?"
"I AM ZEALOUS TERMINATOR!" I shouted from the distance.
"Well you aint gonna be shit after I'm done with you" Legs motions upward with his thumb as if to challenge Zealous, Club is being picked up and dragged away by staff
"THAT'S A CHALLENGE I SMELL. I SHALL TAKE YOUR CHALLENGE!" I shout and charged toward the clearing, entering the ring by doing some sort of acrobatics for a dramatic entry.
Take a wild guess on what you're going to >Roll
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You look like your about to make a glorious  amazing and majestic flip entry, Right up untill you hit into the fish nets you've apparantly completly fogotten about, Legs seems concerned motioning to where Club is being carried out, theres apparantly a small flap where in fighters enter and leave the platform
I hurriedly remove myself from the net to face the Legs more properly. I also make mental note that there's a small flap in case I should inspect it. "Alright, just... give me a second here." I muttered quietly as I attempt to get myself upright.
Task is simple enough not to require a roll, since the net is fixed to the crates and the cieling, There is very little way to get tangled, inless you break it
Nah, no need to break it. Anyway! I get into the clearing and face the Legs more properly. I size him up from the ground, assuming he probably got a huge size advantage on me?
Apparantly yes, standing 6 feet tall and having him some pointed ears, legs starts stretching his legs
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I point up toward the Legs and shout out in a mighty prideful cry, "ARE YOU READY TO GO BACK TO YOUR MOMMY FOR SOME COOKIES AND MILK!?"
"SOMETIME LATER TODAY SURE, BUT NOT BEFORE I TEACH YOU SOME TABLE MANNERS" Legs exclaims stomping his legs onto the platform floor
Oh boy Combat start, Roll some crunchy Initiative, mostly just to determine who goes first
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Good Shit, >roll athelics to grapple
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The legs to fast to touch as they hop out the way of your grab attempt, His turn
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Seeing you leaned over he reels one of his legs backward and strikes it forward, this misses, but shortly after his other legs comes trailing behind, but this has about the the same success, zealous turn
I tackle and wail on the remaining leg he has on the floor!
0 notes
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Summary: The other woman. A title you loathed the most & a title regrettably stuck with your name given that Tony Stark was having his cake and eating it too.
Warnings: 18+, smut, extra marital affair, angst.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Square Filled: Secret romance
Word count: 1200ish
A/N: Written for @avengersbingo The fic does not end well, apologies.
Tony Stark Taglist - @raspberrymama @ladyeliot @boop-le-snoot @make-a-memory-drink-it-up @loveisallyouneed1125 @ownsmyheart @anthonyjanthony666 @downeyreads @the-secret-thief @getlostsquidward @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange​
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder​ @ladyacrasia​ @agustdowney​ @swaggysposts​ @littlegasps​ @little-baby-vixen​ @another-stark-sub​ @supraveng​ @kahlanmars​ @marvelgirl7​ @disappointmentofthefam​ @pandaxnienke​ @tom-hlover​ @just-the-hiddles​ @fyreball66 @asmigurub​ @avantgardium-leviosa​ @imerdwarf​ @gladiosamicitias
Tags are open. Send me an ask or DM if you wish to be on any of these lists ;))
“God I missed you Tony.” you sighed, turning your head the other way to let Tony devour the expanse of your skin as his fingers hastily pulled the zipper of your dress down and nearly yanked it off of your body.
“As much as I missed you? Not a fucking chance baby. Turn around.” 
He pressed your front to the harsh, cold tile-covered bathroom wall while pushing your hair to one side to attack your neck, his hands wandering down your sides before stopping to pull your hips back. Hearing the clink of his belt and the sound of his fly open, you couldn’t help but wish he’d spent some time just kissing or making out rather than getting right down to business.
Giving you almost no time to adjust, he roughly stroked your walls before driving into you and began slamming his hips against yours at a brutal pace. Your hands slipping against the surface, failing to grip onto something as his thrusts sent you lurching forward with every snap. 
“Slow down.” You mumbled over your shoulder while the grip he had on your hips tightened, bruising into your skin.
“There isn’t time. You wanna get caught?”
His words hit you rather hard.
It was a risk you’d both been taking for the last three months. Sneaking around to fuck every chance you got then covering up your tracks and going about living your lives. The rush of it all felt exciting at first, now the only prime emotions you felt were guilt and regret. 
To the outside world, Tony Stark was happily married to his assistant-turned-company CEO Pepper Potts, a perfect relationship ending in a perfect marriage.
The truth couldn’t be further away from reality though, you were an old friend who’d come back into his life all of a sudden, a drunken confession at a social gathering that had led to an unexpected night filled with such passion neither of you could make peace with it being just a one time thing. 
You kept finding your way back to each other, greedily exploring each other’s bodies, generously helping each other reach heights of ecstasy before returning to the ‘real world’. 
It felt like opening a jar of cookies only to have the jar snatched away just as you were reaching for your favourite kind. Having the jar within your reach yet never getting to enjoy the cookie. 
“Cum for me baby.” Tony growled in your ear, forcing you to act like you were in the moment with him while your mind was tackling all of the emotions that were threatening to show.
He spilled into you with a groan, coating you walls with ribbons of cum while you recovered. You were on birth control so there wasn’t a question of pregnancy, though every so often your mind wandered to hundreds of ‘what if’ scenarios where you’d imagine starting a family with the man you were hopelessly in love with.
Tony helped you clean up and get dressed, even placed a sweet kiss on your lips while you resisted the urge to make him stay just this once. But truth was he wouldn’t, he could not. 
“Alright I’ll head out first.”
“Are we still on for the weekend?” you asked, a glimmer of hope you were living for that promised an entire weekend and not mere fifteen minutes. 
“Of course. I’ll see you later baby.”
Seeing your morose face he felt a pang of guilt which made him step closer and place a tender kiss to your forehead, your demeanor crumbling further but you still didn’t let it get to the surface.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you this weekend sweetheart.”
“I’ll hold on to that promise.”
The gentle rise and fall of Tony’s chest against your cheek was almost lulling you to sleep. The familiar scent that was so distinctly Tony surrounded you - one of your favourite things ever, but your intrusive, obsessive thoughts kept you wide awake as you stared at the wedding ring that lay on the side table. 
A painful reminder of your reality. 
“I can hear you thinking baby.” A small kiss on top of your head was placed before he hugged you closer, rubbing your back soothingly.
“Why won’t you file for a divorce?” you voice quiet, almost reluctant knowing this was definitely going to disrupt the calm that had fallen over the two of you.
“Are we doing this again?”
You sat up to look at the man, letting the sheets fall revealing your naked body to the expensive hotel suite while he did the same, sighing and rubbing the sleep off his eyes.
“You never answer my question.”
“Because my answer hasn’t changed. You know I can’t.” Tony’s doe eyes filled with a kind of desperate pleading and sadness that was expecting you to be the bigger person here and understand.
“There’s something else isn’t there? Tell me.”
“What n-no there not—”
“Just fucking tell me Tony!” you didn’t mean to yell but you needed to know.
“She’s pregnant.” Tony sighed.
It felt like a punch in your gut, a sinking feeling you wanted so badly to be gone and yet felt like you deserved. 
Tears gathered in your eyes that you made no attempts of hiding, a numbness took over as you covered your modesty with the sheet that had fallen in your lap. You felt shame and anger as sobs racked your body. 
“Honey please—”
“Just don’t.” 
You got up, halting Tony’s attempts to console you and began to dress, the room distorted and blurred by the water swimming in your eyes. The need to get away from it all stronger than the pull of the man currently working on ways to get you to stay. 
“We were so stupid. So fucking stupid for letting this get so far.” You mumbled, clumsily wiping your tears only for fresh ones to follow as you looked around for your purse.
“Don’t say that. What we have is—”
“We don’t have anything! I’m the woman you’re fucking on the side while enjoying your perfect married life Tony. I’m the other woman. The other woman who is in love with you knowing I’ll never get a happy ending because you already have yours. Goodbye Tony.”
Gathering your things, you took whatever little self pride you had and walked out, hailing a cab before Tony could catch up and try to change your mind. 
Your apartment seemed strangely empty as you entered, though you lived alone. There was so much anger and hurt inside you that you felt the need to materialize it somehow. 
Grabbing the first thing you saw in your kitchen, you threw it on the floor just like your heart had been crushed in a million parts. 
You had smashed your favourite cookie jar to pieces. 
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First of all, congrats on 1.2k followers!! And, from those prompts, can I get something with "watching the other wake up" with Tony Stark? Thank you!!
Caught you
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A/N: Thank you for requesting anon! ❤️
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: 18+ fluffiest!
Requests & Challenges
Tony Stark Taglist: @raspberrymama @boop-le-snoot @ladyeliot @make-a-memory-drink-it-up @loveisallyouneed1125 @ownsmyheart @anthonyjanthony666 @downeyreads @the-secret-thief @getlostsquidward @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @elemephstudies @mycosmicparadise @feetoffthetablee
Everything Taglist: @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @littlegasps @suchababie @another-stark-sub @supraveng @kahlanmars @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry
Tags are open folks! Send me an ask or DM if you wish to be added in any of these lists :))
Tony Stark had a habit of slipping out of bed way before you woke up and that wasn’t a secret.
You understood to some extent, but you’d had enough one day. It wasn’t exactly pleasant waking up every morning all alone while your live-in boyfriend sipped on his third or perhaps fourth cup of coffee in that sacred lab working on things meant to either save the world or destroy it.
A plan was hatched to catch him before he awakened and began his day.
You woke up thanks to the alarm you set on your watch, just in time before it could disturb the silence.
Tony had never looked so peaceful and at ease as you turned to face him. Features relaxed, no worries of the universe troubling the frown lines on his forehead, no sassy quips and comebacks coming out of that smart mouth.
He looked so serene, beautiful.
That lasted only a couple of minutes, to feast your eyes upon the sight before those brown doe eyes stared back at you, a smile making it’s way on that handsome face.
“Hi creep.”, “Hey insomniac.” “I mean I know I look good, but watching me sleep? Really?” “Am I not allowed to?”, “You are. Well now that the three of us are awake..” “Three?” Of course.
Sometimes you’d join him in the lab because you couldn’t fall back asleep, not without his arms around you anyway.
The technical jargon he mumbled under his breath, sometimes to FRIDAY and the cool air conditioning of the lab often lulled you back to sleep in no time.
There was a couch in the corner and a soft blanket kept especially for you which would find it’s way over your body after your eyes would eventually close listening to Tony.
“Now I get to watch you sleep honey.” “And you thought I was the creep!”
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1.2k Prompt list
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Typical Stark
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Request: Enemies to lovers prompt for Tony Stark by @agustdowney​ Hope you like this one babe ;))
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, sass, fluff.
Word count: 1400ish oops?!
Fall Prompts Masterlist
Tony Stark Taglist - @raspberrymama​  @ladyeliot​ @boop-le-snoot​ @make-a-memory-drink-it-up​ @loveisallyouneed1125​  @ownsmyheart​ @anthonyjanthony666​ @downeyreads​
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder​  @ladyacrasia​ @agustdowney​ @swaggysposts​ @littlegasps​ @little-baby-vixen​  @another-stark-sub​ @supraveng​ @kahlanmars​ @marvelgirl7​ @disappointmentofthefam​  @pandaxnienke​ @tom-hlover​ @just-the-hiddles​  @fyreball66 @asmigurub​
Tags are open! Send in an ask or DM if you wish to be in any of the taglists ;))
“Would you hurry up?” you whispered, looking around the room to make sure the guards hadn’t returned, gun at the ready in your vest, just in case.
“Why? You got a hot date?” Tony asked, not really wanting to know the answer, just a natural retort that escaped while his fingers flew over the keyboard in front of him as he retrieved data from the computer and backed it up on his drive.
“Even if I did I wouldn’t tell you.”
“Aww why? You know how interested I am in your sex life.” His snarky comeback making you clench your fists to stop yourself from slapping that smirk off of his face.
“Would you just—why don’t you hurry up so we can be on our separate ways? I have no intentions of fighting with you.” you huffed, not missing Tony’s shrug.
Why did Rogers send the two of you for this mission? Sure you were in an unknown city, which Tony just ‘happened’ to be in. The man could have handled it all by himself with all the gadgets he kept boasting about, but no, the Captain seemed to have sensed the hostility between the two of you and wanted the dynamic to be more amicable. Somewhere deep down you wanted the same, but given how he got your goat on every occasion, it was hard to say the least.
“All done Miss (Y/L/N). Let’s get outta here.” Tony spun around to face you, waiting for you to take the lead, you were covering for him today after all.
The guards were easy to dodge but apparently one of the cameras wasn’t, and Stark got in its range of vision, triggering the alarm and alerting the entire building. It didn’t take long for heavy footsteps to sound through the floors as heavily armed men ran in search of the imposters.
“Goddamn it Stark! We had this.” You cursed, running up the fire exit towards the rooftop hoping for a quick escape as Tony tailed behind, already winded from the climb.
Your eyes scanned the surroundings for a place to hide, at least jump into while Tony typed something on his watch. Six men burst through the doors and fired in your direction as you dodged every bullet before firing from your own shotgun, bringing two of them down successfully as your bullet hit them in their kneecaps. A few moments later, a swooshing sound pierced the air as you saw Tony’s Mark XIV flew down and enveloped Tony’s form in a fashion that temporarily managed to halt the ongoing combat.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had a fucking suit?” you yelled as he blasted the remainder of men with his repulsors before walking over to you and taking off the ground, leaving you to grab onto his neck over the armor like a rescued ‘damsel’. You kept yelling and he kept ignoring and in turn, neither of you noticed a man firing a small device onto the suit with precision that stuck on just in time before the building went out of sight.
“I think we’re about to crash –” you managed to scream before Tony’s suit gave out and sent the two of you plummeting down towards the gravel covered road. He somehow maneuvered the fall so that he landed on his back and held you tightly against him, protecting you as the impact made the suit fall apart in pieces around him while you screamed before the hit knocked the wind from your chest.
Your eyes opened gingerly, unsure if you two had made it alive before Tony’s rapidly rising and falling chest reaffirmed you that you had. His grip on you hadn’t budged, the metal embrace now replaced with a shirt covered one.
“Yeah all good. Are you hurt?” His voice came out muffled due to the still intact faceplate as you managed to roll off of him, Tony glanced at his watch that was smashed to pieces before removing the plate manually, revealing a bloody nose and a cut to his forehead.
Your ribs smarted as you stood up dusting the dirt off your clothes, your gun missing and arms sporting small cuts and bruises. Once the initial shock wore off, your anger resurfaced and began storming away from Tony while he was too busy getting his bearings to notice.
“Hey! What about my suit? It’s offline..I-I need to get it-” he called out but you cut him off after turning around fuming.
“That’s your lookout Stark. You didn’t even think to tell me you had a suit on standby. This whole fucking operation was a waste of my time. You could’ve just done it all by yourself but no here you are behaving like a typical Stark.”
You muttered the rest of the walk, not caring if Tony was actually listening, which of course he was, he hadn’t seen such a strong reaction from you ever. A part of him was amused but most of him was afraid so he decided to follow quietly. Looking back every so often to make sure no one was on their tail.
“Um..Where are we going?” Tony tried after a few breaths when your rage-filled stomping was replaced with a brisk walk.
You came across an empty woodshed shortly after, that would have to suffice by the time you called for backup. Making yourself comfortable in a dusty corner after sending your location details to Natasha you glanced sideways to see what your ‘teammate’ was up to.
Tony was pacing about fidgeting and muttering something to himself just outside the woodshed.
“Would it kill you to sit still for a moment?”
“Oh we’re speaking now?”
“Never mind.”
Rolling your eyes, you slammed your head back to the wall of the shed with too much force as it resulted in tears springing into your eyes. Clenching them shut you prayed the team would extract you as quickly as possible because it was starting to get dark outside.
“I’m sorry (Y/L/N)” Tony whispered, his voice meek enough for anyone to miss but thanks to your super sharp hearing, you caught the unexpected apology.
“Definitely hearing things.” You muttered, eyes still closed.
“I just—I said I’m sorry okay? I shouldn’t have put you in unnecessary danger. I fucked up.”
“I’m very much capable of defending myself against any danger Stark. What you should have done is taken care of this operation all by yourself since you had your fancy toys.”
“I always have backup in any operat—“
“Then why the fuck was I called for this mission?” You yelled, finally looking at the man who looked like he’d just been scolded, eyes cast downward, shoulders sagged and mouth opening and closing without any actual words coming out.
“I insisted you accompany me today. I—I’ve always admired your combat skills, you’re quite a remarkable woman.” Tony’s admission left you speechless, you hadn’t expected this answer at all.
“You’ve ‘admired’ my combat skills?”
“That’s what I said.” Tony muttered, avoiding eye contact.
You didn’t know if it was the exhaustion finally setting in or the situation but you laughed, shaking your head at a realization unknown to present company.
Typical Stark
“You really have a thing for women in power don’t you?”
“What makes you say that?”
“Why else would you hire Natasha as your hot-shot secretary all those years ago? Insist I accompany you today? Why are you with the great Pepper Potts then!”
That little disdain in your voice over the last one wasn’t unnoticed by Tony.
“Well you’re right about the first two.”
“Pepper and I aren’t together.” Tony stated, matter-of-factly, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Why, she got tired of having a relationship with Dum-E instead of you?” You regretted saying this the minute it left your lips because Tony’s eyes met yours with a look of heartbreak that had you internally curse yourself.
“I—I’m sorry Tony, that was unnecessary. I didn’t mean to—”
He dismissed you with a wave of his hand, resuming his pacing as the silence stretched longer. 
“Well if you ever need to talk, or a drinking buddy.”
You waved your hand towards him offering him a small smile in hopes that he’d consider your attempts of making nice.
He chuckled giving you a curt nod, still a little embarrassed about his confession, but internally deciding which bottle of whiskey to crack open later today at the tower if you’d join.
Typical Stark.
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I have a fluffy smutty Part 2 in mind already!
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Typical Stark - Part 3
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A/N: Part 3 of Typical Stark, I fell down the rabbit hole okay. Also this gif! Unf.
Fall Prompts Masterlist
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: Tony feels, making out and light smut.
Word count: 1450ish... I couldn’t help it!
Tony Stark Taglist - @raspberrymama​  @ladyeliot​ @boop-le-snoot​ @make-a-memory-drink-it-up​ @loveisallyouneed1125​  @ownsmyheart​ @anthonyjanthony666​ @downeyreads​
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder​  @ladyacrasia​ @agustdowney​ @swaggysposts​ @littlegasps​ @little-baby-vixen​  @another-stark-sub​ @supraveng​ @kahlanmars​ @marvelgirl7​ @disappointmentofthefam​  @pandaxnienke​ @tom-hlover​ @just-the-hiddles​ @fyreball66 @asmigurub​  @avantgardium-leviosa​ @imerdwarf​
The entire elevator ride down, your head was swimming with what had transpired just minutes ago; not that the elevator ride was long, just one floor below Tony’s penthouse. You stood in a corner far away from Tony, eyes fixed on the floor as you were confident that he could still convince you to spend the night if you’d meet his puppy brown eyes.
The tension was thick enough to be cut with a knife as Tony who had insisted on ‘dropping you home’ after making sure you were well fed post drinks.
He walked you to your bedroom door silently, though his mind was as equally loud as yours, hoping, praying you’d change your mind and invite him in, though not necessarily for sex, he didn’t want the date to end.
“Good night To—” momentarily your eyes went wide when you were met with Tony’s face just inches away before he crashed his lips against yours, taking you by surprise.
The kiss felt different, needier yet pleading, softer than the previous one at his place yet urgent. He held your face with one hand while his other slid around your waist to pull you flush against him, turning your insides to mush. Like an automated response, your arms went around his neck, his grin victoriously against your lips.
“We should sleep Tony.”
“Mhmm. My point exactly.”
“I meant in our separate bedrooms.”
You mumbled, lips still reluctant to let go. Tony’s reputation of being such a hit with the ladies becoming clearer, he was an addiction. An addiction you were safe from all these years but now found yourself willingly giving into.
Tony stopped after a few moments before his blood rushed to other regions that were demanding attention, his erratic heart threatening to beat out of his chest positive you could hear it as your foreheads touched and breaths mingled.
“I’ll see you Tony.” Giving him a little shove you turned the door knob, body flushed and mind still lingering on that little kissing session.
“Good night!” you stepped in and shut the door on Tony’s expectant face, grinning like an idiot knowing he was probably doing the same on the other side. 
Next morning the common area seemed unusually silent as you entered with some extra pep in your step after having a rare eight hour long sleep. 
Sundays normally meant breakfast with the team either takeout or a delicious spread prepared by the super soldiers however, this morning there wasn’t a soul in the kitchen and no food to satiate your grumbling tummy.
“FRIDAY where the hell is everybody?” You frowned, opening the refrigerator to get some orange juice. 
“Mr Stark has arranged a brunch for the team Miss (Y/L/N).”
“Oh he didn’t mention anything to me last night. Did he say where?” 
“Right here.” 
Tony’s voice made you jump and whip around to find him standing right behind you wearing his famous black tank top and sweats, hair a glorious mess, features relaxed and happy. 
“So I’m guessing you sent the team away to make out with me some more?” 
You questioned, grabbing a glass and pouring some juice in it before leaning against the breakfast counter. 
“A part of me did, yes. But that’s not the whole reason. I wanted to make you breakfast without having to share my awesome cooking skills with the team.” 
Tony admitted, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly before gesturing to the array of ingredients laid out neatly on the opposite counter. 
The gesture was so touching and sweet, and so Tony. To say your heart didn’t actually flutter at that would be a lie. You felt proud to have brought out this side of Tony’s that nobody ever got to see. 
“I think this is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” 
“Well it’s not all for you. I’m starving too.” Tony smirked and sauntered over to the cabinets collecting things he would need before you gulped the rest of your juice and joined his side.
“Do you want me to help you?” 
“Considering I only know how to make omelettes, I would say yes please.” 
He leaned in, almost a shy smile on his lips as he placed his hand on your waist and kissed your temple. The simple act made you blush, the whole domesticity of the situation unfamiliar and yet so right. You boldly went for his lips right after but Tony backed away making you frown. 
“Miss (Y/L/N) I’m trying to prepare a meal here, are you trying to take advantage of me?” 
“Well not anymore.” You mumbled, faking dejection.
The omelettes were watery and under seasoned however you didn’t have the heart to point it out especially when Tony watched you take the first bite with such earnest eyes, it made you wonder if he was the same guy so notoriously famous for being a narcissistic playboy.
After clearing your plates you placed them in the washer, soon to be joined by the man who had held himself back while you ate, while you walked into his apartment the night before, when you kissed for the first time and the time he’d followed you back to your place. 
Tony had you caged in between his body and the counter, his crotch pressed up shamelessly against you, arousal quite evident against your butt as his fingers teased the bottom of your sleep shirt, his breath hot and shallow on your cheek. 
At this point you wanted him as much as he wanted you. Discarding your top somewhere Tony groaned when he found you without a bra almost making you impatient to know what his reaction would be once he found out you were commando as well. 
“So gorgeous.” 
His hands roamed everywhere, his touch sending your senses into overdrive as your own hands weaved behind to pull on his hair while he nibbled on your earlobe, kneading your breasts and pinching your hardened buds.
Travelling south, his fingers lingered over the waistband of your shorts a second before slipping in, an involuntary ‘fuck’ escaping his lips when he was met with your mound instead of panties. 
“You’re killing me sweetheart.” 
Your head rolled back on his shoulder as his fingers stroked your folds, testing and teasing before finding your bundle of nerves, your hips pressing forward, desperate for more friction as you whined. 
You gripped the counter till your knuckles turned white, holding on for dear life as Tony rubbed lazy circles against your clit, knowing exactly how to drive you insane, your breathy pants and whined music to his ears. 
“Tony...don’t be a fucking tease.” You whispered, turning your face to steal a kiss but he wasn’t having it, instead he bit your shoulder, his expert fingers picking up their pace granting your wish.
Your pornographic moan filled the empty kitchen when he dipped a finger inside your slick, soon joined by a second, massaging your walls and stretching you out all while marking your neck with hickeys, bringing you closer to orgasm with every plunge and every brush against your clit. 
Knees threatened to buckle as the familiar coil inside your belly tightened, eyes shut in pleasure, you were sure if Tony hadn’t held you up against his body you would’ve sunk to the floor. 
“Cum for me baby. I got you.” He groaned, lips pressed against your ear, rubbing tight circles with his thumb while his fingers found the spot inside your walls that had you screaming profanities, insides turned to jelly and the coil snapped as you came hard. He kept stroking your walls to prolong your high, his erection poking at your behind. 
Blood rushed to your cheeks as you opened your eyes, legs still trembling as you watched Tony lick his fingers clean, something so dirty yet sexy about it. 
Facing him fully, your fingers grazed over his tent lightly, a little wet stain on his sweats from pre cum letting you know he was commando as well. Ghosting your fingers over the waistband you watched Tony’s eyes flutter shut, instead of finishing him off, you decided to tease him.
You didn’t bother to put your shirt back on as you strolled away from the man, leaving him utterly perplexed. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” 
“Am I invited?” 
You simply hummed in response, chuckling to yourself when you heard Tony’s footsteps running across the floor to catch up. 
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Check out Part 1 and Part 2 here! 
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