#first gen black dragon
vixensbrainrotts · 9 months
In another time — Shinichiro Sano
Content: Imagine
Warnings: mentioned accidents, rather derogatory language (from Shinichiro’s point of view) towards a homeless man
Tropes: non-canon content, non-canon Shinichiro
Summary: an alternate universe in which Shinichiro didnt choose his fate, but rather it was forced upon him
Vixen’s two cents: I love Shinichiro. I cant handle him not being there, this is my coping mechanism. Sorry if this is a little odd to read this isnt my normal writing style, i wanted to try something new. If you like this and want to see more, please let me know! Also remember that my requests are always open so if you have an idea, please tell me about it, id love to write it! Enjoy
„Stop Messing with your IV.“ Shinichiro grunts form his chair at the man occupying the hospital bed in front of him. The man on the bed does not respond, only continues to finger the IV insert in the crook of his elbow. Shinichiro sighs, shifting front in the uncomfortable chair and rests his arms on his knees.
The silence in the room was loud. It hung in the air like the stench of the dead. The light was the typical sterile hospital-blue, and the floors were the signature awkward speckled white and blue that every other hospital had.
The window to Shinichiro‘s right would have shown your average hospital park, with your average hospital park paths which weaved around your average hospital park trees and average hospital park ponds.
But none of that could be seen. It was dark; it was late; and most importantly, it was cold. Way too cold to be sitting in front of a homeless man who wouldn’t leave alone his IV. Out of the reflection of the dark window Shinichiro could see the man; the old, wrinkly, rancid lump of a life that he had most literally ran into earlier that day.
„The IV itches.“, it spoke. Shinichiro turned his head to look at him, an almost offended scowl on his face: „So what? You leave that damn thing or or else. I didn‘t drag you in here half alive just for you to die.“ The thing on the bed met Shinichiro‘s eyes and stared. Cold, hard, lifeless beads of black pierced his own eyes, and the air felt electric all of a sudden.
The clock that hung on the wall was the only source of noise, its everlasting ticking marking the endless spiral of time. Shinichiro counted the seconds he heard: three, four but he was sure to already have missed some: eight, nine, ten nevertheless he kept counting: fourteen, fifteen just to see for how long he could endure the daggers thrown his way: twenty-one, twenty-two. Some time around one-seventeen, one-eighteen his eyes started watering, and he gave in, blinking away the tears that had formed.
He heaved another sigh, once again shifting in the chair, this time slouching back and throwing his head over the edge of the backrest. “How are you even alive anymore?“ He grunted at the man, the angle at which he sat making the sound almost guttural. „In general I mean.“ Shinichiro knew the man was homeless; the clothes, the skin , the smell, it all accumulated to the one conclusion. Based on what he saw and sensed however, he could not fathom how the husk of a man sitting on the bed had managed to sustain himself in the first place.
“I’m cursed.” It grumbled back at him. And Shinichiro almost rolled his eyes, “Right.” A lunatic then. he thought, running another hand across his face, contemplating that it would have been better to run the loony over completely. “Cursed.” His voice was flat and unimpressed as it replied to the shrivel in the Hospital bed.
Another silence insued, but this time it was Shinichiro who was staring the man down with a you’ve gotta be kidding me expression. The man was avoiding his eyes, instead choosing to flit his gaze from one ceiling tile to the next. Shin counts the ticks again, and this time he could feel his blood pressure rising. He gets to around fourty-four, fourty-five before the homeless man spoke again.
“I can travel back in time.” Shinichiro didnt know what he was expecting, but this wasnt it.
“What.” It felt like the blood is his body froze, whether it was with rage or with confusion he didn’t know.
“I was naive when i accepted the curse, and now look! Im here. Ive tried to go back and fix it all so often, but it just wont work. I cant do this anymore. I dont want to. I’ve failed and now it’s all over.” The man keeps talking, his already rough voice now thinning into a whispered shout, his voice straining under the sudden stress as he fell into a hysterical spiral, rocking his body back and forth on the bed, his arms coming up to hug himself.
The monitors beside the bed beeped, and nurses came rushing in, flooding the room with a flurry of noise and movement, but Shinichiro remained sitting on the chair, staring down the stranger. Only when one of the male nurses asked him to please leave the room does he get up and remove himself from the room. Shinichiro cast one last look over his shoulder when he stood in the hallway to see the man being lifted onto a separate bed, and be wheeled out behind him into another direction, the nurse squad accompanying him running in perfect coordination.
Shinichiro stood there for a while, and he thinks he might have been offered a seat by a lingering nurse, but he wasnt quite sure. There were no ticks to count, so he didn’t know how long he was standing there. Too long probably. Numbly, Shin made his way down the average hospital stairwell and through the average hospital reception before exiting the average hospital doors, the click that shut the door finally easing his mind.
His breath billowed up in front of him, the clouds of condensation rising slowly, wafting through the cold, crisp air before dissipating completely. His ears picked up on the noise surrounding him- the distant beeping of cars, the solemn crow of a bird in the distance, and most notably, the rain. It was raining now. How strange, he could have sworn it was a clear sky when he looked out the window earlier.
Shinichiro blinks a few times, the piercing cold making his eyes uncomfortably dry as he makes his way down the concrete stairs and towards his bike. It takes him a while to understand that he might have killed that man tonight.
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Takeomi and Shinichiro are interchangeable btw
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lonnie19 · 1 year
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l48yr1nth · 10 months
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noivern and swoobat are very similar when you think about it...........! swoobat feels like noivern's goofy cousin or something to me. love it!!
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Wakasa: Hey, Benkei. We've known each other for a long time, right? You've come to respect me?
Benkei: Sure, I guess
Wakasa: *holds up a bottle of sake* well, get ready to stop.
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naehja · 2 years
Benkei: Isn’t it amazing what siblings learn from each other?
Senju: I learned, and still learn, a lot from Takeomi and Haru because they have done, and Haru still does, so many mistakes.
Wakasa: *snickers* that's a way to think.
Takeomi: That's fair, I deserve it :/
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andromedas-wrath · 2 months
Hi! I saw your post and what you do/don't write and was wondering if you could write anything regarding male hotd characters x Tulley/Riverlands reader? Preferably Tully, they're my favourite house. I don't mind gen neutral but I am fem, either way is okay :)
Hi!! This is my first request (which I’m so happy about, so thank you!! I hope you enjoy! (Edit- yall this took me 3 hours omg.)
family, duty, honor- J. Velaryon
Word count- 2759 words
Summary: Jacaerys travels the river-lands, reaching Riverrun to get House Tully to declare for the blacks. They seem unwilling- until Lord Tully strikes a deal.
WARNINGS: slightly uncanon events, arranged marriage, 18+, speaking of war+violence, medieval customs, romance, p in v, vulgar language, unprotected, but lovey dovey!
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Jacaerys and his men had taken most of the Riverlands for the blacks- securing what seemed to be almost a victory- by blocking out the greens from the majority of the wetlands- it gave them a large upper hand in what battles were going to be.
They took refuge inside the castle of Riverrun, where the Tully’s resided. The large dining hall held many of his men. He stood before the men of house Tully, lord Grover, Oscar, and Kermit Tully all sat in their seats, advisors beside them.
Lord Grover sat on his throne, head propped against his fist, as he spoke, “What brings you to Riverrun, boy?”
Jacaerys remained diplomatic and cool, as he stood straight and replied
“My lord, I come on behalf of my mother, Rhaenyra Targaryen. If you vouch for her claim to the throne, you will earn protection, and be heavily rewarded.”
Whispers spread throughout the court, servants stopping to listen as Jacaerys never slightly turned his gaze from the lords.
Lord Tully licked his lips softly, sitting up straight on his throne.
“You mean to persuade my house, for gold dragons, for protection from whom?”, lord Tully hardened his gaze.
“With your support, my lord, you will have the protection of the men of the north, my men. Alongside that, my mother would gift your people a dragon.”
Lord Tully laughed, leaning back into his seat, a leg thrown over his relaxed one. “Hah! You mean to give me a hatchling, like you did to Lady Arryn?”
Jace’s gaze hardened, yet he remained calm. “No hatching my lord, Vermithor, a fine and aged dragon.”
The lord scoffed, “You dare try throwing a dragon- with no rider into this. You dare embarrass my house- with greybeards and unwanted dragons?”
Jacaerys smiled, slightly angered by the man’s insolence, before replying, “For now he lacks a rider yes, but I assure you, once we find a rider worthy of him, he will be a ruthless one- one who can fight for our claim.”
Lord Tully slammed his cane onto the ground, his grandsons watching him as he leaned onto it, meeting Jacaerys eyes with a dark scowl. “House Tully, will not have such idiocy thrown in our quarters.”
Jace’s jaw tensed, breathing out as he met the lord's eyes. “I mean no harm- lord Tully, I am willing to strike a deal to have your house’s power and land, to fight against the greens.”
Lord Tully’s advisor whispered into his ear, as his face somewhat brightened, as he leaned into his chair, a delighted look on his face, as he spoke, “Prince Jacaerys, it’s come to my attention that you are not betrothed.”
Jace’s gaze hardened, somewhat from surprise and oddity of the question. “I am not.”
Lord Tully turned to his grandson, Oscar. “Go fetch your sister, lad.”
Oscar looked between him and the prince, sensing a rise of tension, as he scurried off, footsteps heard against the cobblestone floors. Jace cocked his head, questioning.
“And just what do you mean- by asking me of my marital status?”
Before lord Tully could answer, Oscar walked back in, a girl trailing behind him, as the court went quiet. She was clad in her house colors, a dark navy dress, her hair done intricately into braids. She curtsied before her brothers, moving beside her grandsire as she sat in her throne next to him, as Jacaerys and her met eyes.
He took in almost every detail he could, her soft features, the way she held herself- it made him swallow hard, before he turned his gaze back to her grandfather.
Lord Tully smiled, a hand motioning to her. “This, is my granddaughter, Y/n. My third-in-line heir of House Tully. She sits here today, a maiden, unbetrothed.”
Jace’s gaze turned from confused, to almost knowing, as he looked between the lords. He held his tongue, as he kept a careful expression.
Lord Tully smiled, “We will take on your- proposition, your gold dragons, grey beards, dragon- if, you take my granddaughter's hand.”
The hall erupted into gasps- whispers- all sorts of muffled noises, as he saw her eyes widen, her gaze falling to her lap. His heart beat in his chest, as shock struck him. He spoke diplomatically, yet fueled with emotion. “Is this some type of joke, Tully? You think that marriage is what it takes- for our support? You mean to throw your granddaughter at me and expect me to agree?”
Lord tullys expression changed, his smile dropping, as his voice dripped venom. “Then Riverrun will have to turn green.”
Jacaerys' face paled as Lord Tully made his threat. His heart began to beat faster and a cold feeling crept through his veins. He didn't want to make more enemies, and the idea of House Tully siding with the Greens was terrifying. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, the girl's face was expressionless, but her eyes gleamed with something he couldn't quite place. He looked back to the lord, his fists clenching so tightly that his knuckles turned white.
Lord Tully sat up, “So now my prince, I must request- take my granddaughter's hand- or leave.”
Jacaerys' mind was a storm of thoughts, his heart and mind battling each other. He couldn't take his eyes off her, his emotions in turmoil. They needed the Tully’s, for they could not win this war without their support. He hesitated, his breath hitching for a moment, before he replied
"I'll take her hand."
Her and her brother’s eyes met, as her mouth gaped slightly open, gasps and whispers spreading through the castle, before lord Tully let out an amused laugh, standing on his cane, pulling her into a side hug. “What a glorious day for Tully history!”
The room erupted into cheers, as Jacaerys gaze locked onto her form, as she squeezed out of her grandfather's grasp, running up the stairs and away from the attention. Jace felt his body move after her, as he followed her down the torch-lit halls.
He found her, standing as she looked out the window, watching the rain. He approached her side, as she turned to meet his gaze. He finally managed to break the silence.
“I wanted to speak to you.”
She nodded softly, turning back to the window. “I assume, this isn’t of your heart’s desire.”
He looked out the window, thinking of how to reply. “It’s- not what I imagined when I thought of taking Riverrun,” he paused “It’s unexpected, is all.” He met her gaze once again, as her face was lit by the torches.
Her gaze hardened slightly. “I never expected, to be auctioned off as such. I, am a lady, I have always been told “Family, duty, honor”, for it is what drives house Tully, my prince.”, she met his gaze, turning to him. “If that means that- I must marry you, then I grant myself to you.”
He met her gaze, taking her hand, his larger hand holding her hand to his lips, as he placed a whisper of a kiss over her knuckles. “If it helps, I never imagined this either.”, he fiddled with her hand. “But I am not against having your hand, my lady.”
Her face slightly softened, a soft flush covering the tip of her nose and the apples of her cheeks. “I never imagined you to be such a gentleman.”
He slightly grinned, cocking an eyebrow, as he spoke lowly, “Do I seem so cocky, my lady? How you ail me.”, he teased.
She smiled, and he swore his heart increased double, if not triple. He took in her soft expression, and for a moment, he didn’t feel so guilty about being okay with having her all to himself. She caught his gaze, as they both were lost to eachothers intense analysis.
He felt a wave of confidence, as tucked her stray hairs away from her face, whispering, “I never knew tullys for their beauty, until you, my lady.”
She shivered beneath him, her eyes fluttering, as she whispered. “I wish you to call me by my name, as I should call you yours.”
His breath caught, as he softly smiled. “Y/n. A pretty name, fit enough for your beauty.”, he rested his hand on her face.
She met his eyes, as a soft recognition of want- desire was felt between them. He slowly moved towards her, limits of inches between them, as they could almost hear eachothers hearts beneath their own touch.
She moved her own hands to his face, pushing soft curls away from his face, as she whispered, “Is it wrong for me, to desire your lips upon mine?”
He froze for a second, looking between her eyes, taking a shaky breath as he took her all in. He finally spoke,
“No.” His thumb caressed her cheek. “It’s not wrong, for I long for you too.”
She met his gaze with a small smile. “Then, if I’ve heard right, Velaryon men are men of action.”
His gaze darkened, as he closed the further distance, pulling her close to him, as he leaned down, whispering to her lips, “You’ve heard correctly my lady, for we also have little patience.”
He pressed his lips into her plush ones, as he felt a spark between them, as if all breath was lost to her. He placed a hand behind her head, not prince-like of him no, but all he felt was a pure, pure desire for her, and he didn’t care who they were. She whimpered into him, as a hand grasped his cloak, pulling him impossibly closer.
He felt as if he was swimming in the depths of a dream, her noise urging him further, as his hands explored her soft body, clutching her dress in his hands, finding anything to pull her closer.
She pulled away for air, gasping as she met his eyes, her once bright eyes, darkened with desire. She spook, breathless.
“My room- a stride away.”, she whispered out.
His gaze darkened, his heart beating in his throat. Images of them- in her room flashed through his mind, as he nodded, speaking lowly.
“Lead me, pretty one.”
As she closed the door to her quarters, he was on her in a second, pinning her against the large wooden doors as their lips met in a heated dance. He tangled his fingers in her hair, as he angled her neck open, for his mouth to mark her. She whimpered as he sucked, leaving marks all over. He groaned out, moaning against her.
“You’re mine for the taking.”
She pulled his head away slightly, panting as she whimpered out, “the bed, please Jacaerys.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, as he carried her to her large canopy bed, laying her down on the soft covers, climbing above her and pinning her down, holding her close, as his eyes studied her.
“Gods- I have never seen such a sight as you.”
She sat up, holding his face, speaking softly, “Remove my dress.”
He felt a jolt of heat and desire run through him at her request and didn’t need to be told twice. He helped her sit up, his hands going to the laces that held her dress on her body. Slowly and gently, he untied the laces, revealing more and more of her skin to him. He took his time, his eyes roaming over the newly exposed flesh, his fingers brushing against her skin in the process. Her dress fell off the bed, as she laid amongst the sheets, her nude body shown to him.
He shuddered out a groan, as he simply stared. He was new to all of this- contrary to many thoughts of him. He was a soldier, a dragon rider, yes- but he was not familiar with a gift from Aphrodite- such as her. The mere sight of her sent blood straight to his hardening cock.
He quickly removed his garments, as he climbed on top of her, caging her, his muscular body holding her carefully, as he pressed a scorching kiss to her lips, his hands wandering over her body.
His touch was nervous- gentle, but filled with the need to memorize your curves, everything.
She spoke up, differed from her soft moans, “Gods- I need you Jacaerys- I can’t take this.”
His heart skipped a beat at her words. The urgency in her voice, the need and the desire in her eyes - it was almost too much for him to bear. His own lust and need for her were almost overwhelming, and he knew he couldn’t keep her waiting any longer.
“I’m here.”
He reached a nervous hand down to her heat, watching her reaction, as she swiped a digit through her wetness, as she whimpered. He groaned alongside her, teasing her by accident, before she grasped his hand, and lead a finger into her softly. He groaned, feeling how she took him in, held him so close. He slowly moved his finger, thriving off her noises, as he slowly humped her leg. He huskily spoke, groaning.
“Gods- you hug me so good- can’t imagine how it will really feel.”
She moaned from his talk, shivering. She uttered out a response. “If you keep speaking like that- I won’t be able to keep you away for much longer-“
His cock jumped, as he groaned. From that, he stopped his movements, turning her head towards him. “Do you want me, pretty thing? Want to feel me?”
She moaned in response, meeting his eyes with frequent nodding, and pleading. “Gods yes- just take me now-“
And with that, he pulled his hand away, earning a whimper from which he smiled, he pushed her legs apart, settling between her. He noticed her nervous expression, as he kissed her lips slowly and softly, pulling away to meet her eyes. “Do you want this?”, he spoke softly
She nodded softly, biting her lip. “Im a maiden, Jacaerys.”
He smiled softly, holding her hand. “I’ve never done this either- I want to learn with you.”
She nodded, as he looked down, positioning himself, as he slowly inched in, groaning as she took him in. They both moaned together, trembling.
“Gods you’re- amazing. Never thought it would be this good.”
she whimpered, holding his hand tight. He noticed her tense, as he stopped, meeting her eyes, “are you alright? I can stop-“
“No- no please don’t-“, she uttered out. “You feel- you’re huge, Jacaerys.”
He shuddered, moaning from her praise, as he started to move. “Keep talking like that and I won’t last long-“
They moaned in unison as his movements progressed in speed and depth, his hands trembling as he held her hips, slapping noises echoing across her chambers.
He met her eyes- and that’s where he almost came down. She looked angelic, her eyes stuck on him, her face twisted in pleasure, as her arms wrapped around his neck, her legs pinned behind his back. He pressed his lips to hers in an instant, quickening his pace. She moaned into him, speaking, whilst meeting his eyes.
“Feels so good- gods- I’ll give you an heir, anything you want-!”
And that's where he felt like he almost died. Giving her an heir- fueled him faster, making him groan, his hips snapping into hers as he sucked hard on her neck, popping off as he whispered.
“Fuck- I’ll give you as many as you want- gonna make sure it sticks-“
Their moans pitched higher, as he started to whimper, his head falling into her chest. “I can’t last much longer- you’re too tight-“
“Come down with me- please-“
His movements turned sloppy, as he quickly pressed his lips to hers, his hips stilling, as they moaned into each other's mouths, his seed filling her.
He pulled away, kissing her cheeks, as he pulled out slowly, both groaning from the loss of contact, as he slumped beside her, pulling her into his chest.
She rested her head on his chest, looking into his eyes, with a breathless smile, which he met with a bashful smile.
She smiled, fluttering her eyes shut, speaking, “Quite improper for a prince, bedding his wife before they are married.”, she teased.
He flushed softly, pulling her closer. “You’re saying you didn’t like it?”She laughed softly, shaking her head.
“I’ve never felt more loved, Jacaerys.”, she met his eyes.
They both melted into each other, naked bodies embraced under the might of the gods, old and new.
Houses intertwined for family, duty, honor, and more importantly, love.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 3 months
Today is the day baby toman fought and won against the 9th gen black dragons, toman's first victory!
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thvkei · 1 year
can we have the hug thing for the first gen of black dragon plsss?<333333333
tokyo rev; how they hug !
including. shinichiro, wakasa, benkei, takeomi.
notes. my babies. thank u so much for giving me a reason to write for them😖
part one. jjk ver.
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‘ shinichiro is touchstarved. he doesn’t just hug—he holds. he cradles. he worships. each time his arms wrap around your waist and his head falls against your shoulder, new stars align in the sky. after every hard day, he’s inspired to pull you close, to touch you, to show you just how much he missed you. shinichiro hugs like it will be his last. ‘
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‘ wakasa’s touch is soft and lazy. his feelings are not. no amount of pawing at your hips, or pressing his weight against you could ever convey the want you instill in him. it’s raw. adoring. he just wants you to see that. to feel it. and he wants others to see and feel it too. ‘
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‘ benkei is well aware of his strength. in a relationship, not only will he use that strength to protect you at any cost, he’ll also use it shamelessly to show how much he fucking loves you. wether that be straight up throwing you over his shoulder, or lifting you up to kiss your lips, this man never hesitates. never. not when it comes to you. ‘
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‘ with takeomi, you’ll always be treated like the queen you are. he’ll make sure every need is met, especially physically. he’s always there to remind you how much he craves every part of you. dragging you in by the waist, locking his arm around you neck. you name it. just say the words. ‘
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© thvkei 2023 | likes and reblogs r alwys appreciated! ૮꒰ ྀི◜๑◝ ꒱ა
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toaarcan · 6 months
This is one of my favourite details from Pokemon Gen V:
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On the left, Ghetsis' Hydreigon from Black and White.
In the middle, Ghetsis' Hydreigon from Black 2 and White 2.
On the right, Iris' Hydreigon from Black 2 and White 2.
(Specifically, that's the Challenge Mode one- in Easy and Normal mode, it knows Charge Beam and doesn't have the Wise Glasses, and in the rematches it has this set and the only difference between Easy/Normal and Challenge mode is the levels and whether it has the Wise Glasses or not)
Ghetsis' Hydreigon in the first game is a Special Attacker, at Lv.54. We also know it has a Speed-raising nature, in case it wasn't scary enough already. Most likely Timid. It has pretty much perfect coverage.
And then, his Hydreigon in the second game is... different. It's a lower level, weighing in at Lv.52 (though it does go up to Lv.56 in Challenge Mode, for what it's worth), and it's now a Physical Attacker. It's carrying a Life Orb, so it damages itself every time it attacks in exchange for higher power, and whether Ghetsis has actively given it this item on purpose, or the item isn't canonically there and it's just meant to simulate Hydreigon having a Bad Time, it nonetheless sends a message. Its moves are the powerful but very inaccurate Dragon Rush, the fairly strong but also inaccurate Rock Slide, Crunch (which isn't really relevant here), and Frustration, the move that gets more powerful the more the user hates its trainer. It all adds up to create the image of a Pokemon that attacks in a frenzy, frequently missing its moves and harming itself when they do connect, and loathing its trainer so much that it can channel that into a 102-power move.
And then, after you finally beat Ghetsis and he goes catatonic after being twice humbled by a teenager with a hat, and you make your way up Victory Road, and beat the Elite Four, you meet Iris. And the first thing she sends out is a Hydreigon with the exact same moveset as Ghetsis' one from the first game (if you're playing Challenge Mode or rematching her).
We know that Ghetsis was arrested at the end of Black and White's main story, and he only escaped because the Shadow Triad came to break him out. And Alder and Cheren would've had to be pretty dense to let him keep his Poke Balls on him. So I think it's highly likely that Ghetsis lost his original Hydreigon at the end of the first game, and it was given to Iris to take care of. Ghetsis got a new one between games and this one just fucking hates his guts. He treats it badly, and it hates him in return.
Hopefully this one will be looked after properly now that Ghetsis is completely nuts and unresponsive.
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Kidnapper: I have your partner. Shinichiro: What? I don't have a partner… Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face? Shinichiro: Oh my god, you have Wakasa.
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lonnie19 · 1 year
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milkyboiiiii · 1 year
taiju (+ anyone else u want) s/o finding out he's in a gang (their reaction n' how it affects the relationship)
𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫!?!
(Taiju Shiba, Chifuyu Matsuno)
Warning: a little angsty in Chifuyu's
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𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐣𝐮 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚
He's a little surprised you didn't notice. Like...you're really just now finding that out? You didn't seem to mind that he was in a gang. It came with a lot of benefits for you, always have Inui or Koko to gard you when Taiju wasn't able to. No one seems to dare mess with you because of your boyfriend being the infamous Taiju Shiba, leader of 10th Gen Black Dragons. Koko and Inui quickly become your best friends.(but that's a hc for another time)
There are times you worry about Taiju. Him being in a gang means he can get seriously injured but he reassures you he's "undefeatable" and that "no one can even land a punch on him"
𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨
You were shocked when you found out Chifuyu was in a gang. He was so sweet and kind, how could he be a delinquent? Chifuyu, the same Chifuyu who reads shoujo manga with you? Is in a gang?
It took you a while to get used to knowing he was in a gang but after a while you get used to it. Even though you get used to it you don't fully approve of it. The nights he comes back home covered in cuts and bruises always leaves you in tears. Seeing the man you love so, so much come home so beat up just hurts in a way you never felt before.
You clean his wounds using what you had in your little first aid kit holding, back tears. He's smiling telling you stories from the recent toman battle. He was smiling till he looked at you...you had looked so worried and so hurt.
"Hey...what's wrong love?" that's when you start to break out into tears.
"You keep coming back home after these fights all beaten up and I get so worried about you 'fuyu. I'm just worried I might loose you" he rubs your back as you hug him, crying into his shoulder "hey, hey, I'll be ok love. I'll try and get beaten up less the next fight. I promise"
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malanasims · 1 year
Taylor Swift Eras themed Legacy Challenge
i wanted to put together two of my favorite things: the sims and Taylor Swift. so i came up with this 10 generation legacy challenge in which each generation is inspired by a different album. I created this challenge for the sims 2 ultimate collection since that is the game i normally play, but i am sure it can be adapted for sims 3 or sims 4. i also implemented the traits project for ts2 but you can easily do the challenge without it using different personality points. i set up this challenge so that each generation alternates genders but you can switch that up. i also chose first names for each generation based on references of the album. also some of the writing is very cheesy and has a lot of references because why not go crazy. this is my first legacy challenge so if you have any critiques let me know. the rules are not strict and cheats can be used as its a story-based challenge.
Debut- Gen 1: Mary
“Take me home where we met so many years before. 
We'll rock our babies on that very front porch: After all this time, you and I”
You grew up in a small town where everyone knew each other. Your parents never had the greatest relationship and your mom was always with her best friend. Since birth you and her kid have been inseparable. Will you fall into the same patterns as your parents…or will you find a place in this world?
LTW: reach golden anniversary
nurturing, jealous, loves the outdoors, great kisser, family oriented
marry your first love
have 2 children (at least one son)
formal wear is a little black dress
Fearless- Gen 2: Stephen 
“You played in bars, you play guitar
I'm invisible and everyone knows who you are”
Your parents raised you well but something about the fact that they only ever knew each other scares you. You want to get out there and make a name for yourself. You know no ones coming for you on their white horse. You’ll have to be fearless to become a superstar: but for now all you have is your mothers eyes and her old guitar.
virtuoso, charismatic, irresistible, ambitious, non-committal
LTW: become rock god
go on at least 5 first dates
have at least one daughter
date a fan
Speak now- Gen 3: Emma
“When Emma falls apart, it's when she's alone
She takes on the pain and bears it on her own”
You often felt overlooked by your rockstar father. He was always busy and you spent most of your time with your mother until her mysterious disappearance. You feel like you grew up too fast, and now you love to travel back to your youth and fantasize about castles and dragons. So you become an actress; a character. Will you break out of your fathers famously destructive patterns, or will you regain your balance on the tightrope and break out before fire can catch you?
LTW: Become Icon
natural born performer, childish, bookworm, shy, hopeless romantic
your first love doesn't work out/ you break their heart
have at least one son
have a strained relationship with your father but a good relationship with your mother
meet your true love at a party and then never see eachother again
Red- Gen 4: Bobby
“How you took the money and your dignity, and got the hell out
They say you bought a bunch of land somewhere
Chose the rose garden over Madison Square”
You grew up in the starlight of your mothers fame. You two were always close but after suffering from the tabloids and the camera flashes you decide this life is not for you. You move out of the Angel City and start anew. Your mother has given you some funds and you build up a family home. You tell everyone you left because the city wasn’t right for you… but maybe it was partly to run from your playboy/girl ex who you know was trouble. Now you spend your life painting and searching for your muse. Will you stay paralyzed by time or finally begin again?
LTW: become visionary
artistic, eco friendly, night owl, loves the cold, loner
Have an on and off toxic relationship
Move out of your parents house
Settle down with someone nice
Have 3 children (at least one girl)
1989- Gen 5: Love
“You searched the world for somethin' else
To make you feel like what we had
And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad”
You grew up secluded from the world, surrounded by your mothers paintings. Your mom loved the environment but you couldn’t wait to get out of the woods and explore new places. Somewhere along the road, you fell into a rabbit hole of insanity: mascara running in the bathroom and rose gardens filled with thorns. You blow money and string lovers along. You have fantastic delusions until your wildest dreams turn into nightmares. Will you accept the help from your family and abandon your affinity for screaming, crying and perfect storms? Or will every day continue to be a battle?
LTW: Become space pirate
Insane, unstable, diva, adventurous, jealous
Join the adventurer career
Have 3 loves at once
Have children with multiple people (one must be boy/girl twins)
Lose money in poker
Reputation- Gen 6: Burton (the name is so bad help)
“I don't like your kingdom keys
They once belonged to me
You asked me for a place to sleep
Locked me out and threw a feast”
Yeah, your mother may have done a number on you, but who's counting? Maybe your twin sister… Everything you did, she just had to do better. In the wake of your mother’s madness, you turned to dancing. You found peace in swaying as the room burnt down. Your twin sister on the other hand hated how you were lit up every room you walked into, but you couldn’t help it. There's nothing she hates more than what she can't have… so she turned to sabotage. Just when you think that your life is perfect- you're at the top of your career and you finally found love- your sister starts a rumor that you cheated on your love. Your reputation as a famous dancer goes down in seconds. But to your surprise, your lover isn't reading what they call you lately and your relationship is stronger than ever. Will you get revenge on your sister and become exactly what you despise, or sit back and let karma take over?
LTW: Become world class ballerina
Party animal, irresistible, social butterfly, hot headed, unlucky
Be enemies with your twin sister
Never be unfaithful
Have a bad reputation
Have at least one daughter
Lover- Gen 7: Cornelia
“I’d be a fearless leader, I'd be an alpha type
When everyone believes ya, what's that like?”
You've always known you wanted to change the world. Who cares if you were overlooked and discouraged. Snakes and stones won’t break your bones. You never had a big family as your father walked away from his. Sometimes it gets lonely trusting the wicked, and your loyalty was often a fault. You turn to politics to combat your feelings of helplessness, but no one takes you seriously and you feel lost in the light. You have to start from the ground up with the help of your best friend. You start to build your picture-perfect life: the kids, the lyrical smiles and the power. Will you drive away your lover by searching for their dark side, or will you put aside your ways and find the daylight?
LTW: Become mayor
Good, easily impressed, brave, unlucky, perfectionist
Fall in love with your best friend
Have 10 best friends
Have children (at least one son)
Folklore- Gen 8: James
“I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting
I didn't know if you'd care if I came back
I have a lot of regrets about that”
You grew up trying to meet the expectations of your politician mother. Everything had to be picture perfect, even your private life. So she set you up with the daughter of one of the most powerful families in town, Betty. At first you are skeptical, but over time you fall for her integrity and affinity for old cardigans. Along the way you begin to feel stuck, tired of the sensual politics and your mother’s watchful eye. That's when you meet August -the polar opposite of Betty- and some part of you has to know what she is like. You meet in parking lots and dive bars, but after Betty finds out, you realize that summer is dwindling. In wake of losing two girls, you turn to writing: poetry and sad prose. You get lost in your stories, but once you start to gain traction, you can’t help but wonder how different your life could have been. Will you rekindle your wild flame with August or go back to the peace you felt with Betty?
knowledge/ romance
LTW: Publish 5,000$ best seller*
Great kisser, coward, bookworm, brooding, commitment issues
Fall in love with Betty
Fall in love with August
Confess to cheating on Betty
Write novels
Move into a cottage by a lake
Finally choose the one girl
Have at least one daughter with her
Evermore- Gen 9: Ivy
“And the skeletons in both our closets
Plotted hard to fuck this up
And the old men that I’ve swindled
Really did believe I was the one”
You always resented your father because he abandoned the good life for a cottage in the woods and his stories. You don’t want that; you want power and wealth. You don't need love, just a fancy car. So you turn to crime, because it’s easy for you; you love the gold rush. You con men and no one will ever prove it. You marry rich men and inherit their money when their time runs out. But then one day you meet your match, a fellow criminal, and wonder if this life will really bring you happiness. But you realized this a little too late, and now you're forced to drink your husband's wine… but he was the wrong guy. Will you leave the life of crime behind or will you stay frozen in time?
LTW: Gold digger
Kleptomaniac, genius, charismatic, mean-spirited, rebellious
Go into the criminal career
Marry a rich sim
Fall in love with a criminal and have an affair
Have a son
Midnights- Gen 10: Snow
“And I don't dress for villains
Or for innocents
I'm on my vigilante shit again”
You knew your mom wasn’t the most ethically-correct person. You like to think you inherited her better half; but that isn’t entirely true. You are determined to be different, so you become a spy; you get the satisfaction of working for the good guys and the pleasure that comes with great wars. Being a spy is difficult though, and you never know when things could go wrong. You are constantly burning files and deserting old lives. But you’re a mastermind, nobody can deny that. You finally meet your perfect person, but it's hard concealing your true occupation from them. You have money and respect… But can all of that pay for someone to just know you?
LTW: Become head of the SCIA
Perceptive, disciplined, loner, proper, daredevil
Join the intelligence career
Move homes at least twice
The rest is up to you since it is the last generation 
*50 new LTW mod can be found here
if anyone decides to do this challenge tag me! i'd love to see it
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naehja · 2 years
[Halloween night]
Wakasa: Benkei, we need more candy.
Benkei, carving a pumpkin with Senju: What? There’s only been, like, four kids. And Senju.
Wakasa: Yeah, I know, but i was hungry.
Takeomi: I told you that Benkei should have been the one to distribute candies :/
Wakasa: I'm forced to wear a costume. I CAN have candies too.
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the-ninjago-historian · 7 months
Post Series Jaya Doodles and Headcanons!🌊⚡🌊⚡🌊⚡🌊⚡🌊⚡🌊⚡🌊⚡🌊⚡ (Bonus Next Gen Headcannons!👀)
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Happy Valentine's Day everyone! 😁💖 I worked really hard on this. So I hope you all enjoy! Headcanons are below the cut! - ✒️🐉
1) They have a HUGE wedding. Many friends and Family come. And I headcannon that Jay has a very big extended family so that's a lot!🤣
2) They move into the old lighthouse and fix it up/fortify it. It eventually becomes a small rest stop for ships.
3) Nya runs a mechanics shop for boats and water craft there. And Jay has a shop to sell salvage, drift wood, and knickknacks. He also does a little inventing on the side. Although it doesn't usually end well. Lol. Name ideas for their shops would be appreciated!
4) They have a LOT of kids. Five to be exact. Ray, Maya, Ed, and Edna are very proud grandparents. The kids are, in order from youngest to oldest, Piper, Ren, Wynn, Raine, and Poe. Currently I only have a design for Poe. (Seen above.) But the rest are coming. I can assure you. I'll provide some descriptions in the meantime!
Poe: Pictured above! He's very calm and charismatic. And while he's a good fighter and pirate hunter, he enjoys quieter hobbies such as painting. His main weapon is a harpoon.
Raine: Very light skinned. With curly silver hair. (Her hair color is caused by her unique elemental power, Storm!⛈️) She's a little in the small side. But still sturdy and a real fighter. She's a tough cookie! Raine eventually becomes part of the Next Gen Ninjas.
Wynn: Light skinned, with black curly hair. Always wearing a pair of flight goggles. (He's an inventor like Ed and Edna.) Eternally curious and questioning.
Ren: He's got red hair like Jay, and tan complexion like his mom. Ren's got an explorer streak and loves charting new islands. He plans to sail to the other side of Ninjago's oceans someday. He's almost never seen without Wynn. The two are inseparable.
Piper: The baby of the family! She has blonde hair like Libber. She may be little. But she's brave. Not too much on her currently. But she will have a bigger role to play in the future.
5) Cole LOVES their kids. And is very protective of them. (Like "would give his life for them" kind of protective.) He practically treats them as though they were his own. He's their bestest uncle, besides Kai.
6) Raine has a mix of both Nya and Jay's element. She's the master of Storm. She's the first case of a merged element in Ninjago history. And when she was young, it was VERY unstable. Raising a super powered baby was NOT easy.
7) They are pirate hunters. For reasons...🧞‍♂️ Anyway! Their family is known for keeping the coasts of Ninjago safe and sound. Especially their oldest boy Poe, who's shaping up to be a great pirate hunter.
8) They own a flying ship! They needed a way to get to shore fast and since they didn't have the Bounty, Nya and Jay just built one of their own. It's smaller but just the right size for them. And it's called the Storm Rider. It's even got cannons for taking down pirate ships!
(P.S. Two quick things! One, these headcanons are related to a fanseason I'm working on called Ninjago: New Genesis. So that's why they don't line up with Dragons Rising. And two, yes. I noticed Poe's eyes are miscolored in one pic. They're supposed to be brown. I didn't notice until after I finished.😂)
(Tag List: @only-lonely-stars @hydroelectricjaya😁👋)
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