#first fluttering (of its silken wings)
narliearchive · 13 days
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first fluttering (of its silken wings) by thetomkatwholived [G]
What if the leaves were real? Charlie lives in a world full of Flutters, where his leaves follow him almost everywhere. Enter Nick Nelson, who hasn’t seen his Flutters in years.
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justghoulythingz · 4 months
curled smoke and gossamer clouds
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an au in which you and cooper howard get snug as a bug in a rug inside a photo-booth at the county fair.
pairing : cooper howard/afab reader
word count : 1.3k
warnings : sentimental horniness, finger banging in a confined space, desperate grinding, light praise kink, cooper being a genuinely kind, suave motherfucker. 18+, mdni
writing tag
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The photo-booth is a snug fit, perfect for two adults enjoying an evening straight out of their youth. You taste like cotton candy and he smells like cigarettes. A contrast that melts into one another smoothly, painting a picture of curled smoke and gossamer clouds.
His words are spun sugar in your ear, your laughter hoarse and secretive in his.
“‘Member the first fair we went to?” Cooper reminisces, tracing circles along your abdomen.
Your initial pose is looming, so you stare at the lens, anticipation for more (always more) of him beginning behind your ribs and spanning your limbs.
You make sure to smile before you answer, the timer moving faster than the leisurely pace at which you like to experience these moments.
Outside, you hear muffled conversations and the buzzing of insects. It’s industrious farm land and the pleasures of city life combined. An eight o’clock hue beneath the curtain. Summer.
Every day is a summer’s night with Cooper Howard.
“God, I was so nervous,” you finally reply, and the deep rumble of his own laughter tickles your backside.
His thighs flex. As they distract you, pressed so tightly to yours that they’ve started to stick, one of his hands slips through the dense humidity to caress the front of your hip.
You twitch. He grins, award-winning. Your heart demands an encore.
“Scared outta your wits by a harebrained ranch hand, were ya?” he teases, peppering kisses along your throat, the shell of your ear. Right where you feel the thunder of the ocean.
The second photograph captures your full-tooth smile, glancing toward the floor, his smirk buried in your throat.
“Who is this harebrained ranch hand you’re referrin’ to? Because I distinctly remember a very determined teenage boy who excelled at everything he put his mind to. Hell, you even got me t’talk. Remember how mousy I was?”
Your speech warms him, igniting a flame, a match struck by fingertips grazing the sinew of your inner thigh. You inhale as if sparks flew directly from its tautness. He speaks against your straining tendons, watching you swallow.
“I can still make ya squeak, darlin’,” he purrs, nuzzling the bridge of his nose into you. A fever passes on to the sweet softness of your lower belly, fluttering like the wings on the other side of this maroon curtain.
In retaliation, you roll your eyes and your hips, hard. Cooper groans, his other hand sliding upward toward the curve of your swathed breast.
“‘Sides, y’weren’t mousy. Jus’ selective. I felt pretty damn lucky y’chose t’have me in your winner’s circle. You were always someone I wanted t’impress.”
You sigh contentedly: charmed, transported, as the third picture snaps.
“Coop,” you breathe, lips ghosting his. He lifts the hem of your dress, its airy texture silken against the heat dampening your skin. “You’re a naturally impressive person. Never had t’try so hard.”
He roams the length of your body, squeezing you, dipping lithe fingers between your clenched thighs. Your underwear is like a glistening veneer of dew blanketing early morning grass. His dull nails split your supple folds through the white fabric, stroking you lovingly.
The gaze you’re met with is rife with affection, adoration, ardor. Witnessing how you unfurl within its grove; how alluring you appear, how beautiful he is; causes your stomach to seize. It clamps down around everything and nothing and suddenly thaws.
The tranquility of winter, then the newness of spring.
You moan quietly, tenderly. All for him.
He stiffens underneath the pressure you provide, solidifying the more noise you make, the more you squirm.
“I wanted to.” Cooper’s voice echoes that smoker’s rasp, an amorous break. “I already told y’that. I want to. For you- ain’t that what you want? A fella who aims for your sky an’ doesn’t miss a single speck?”
Instinctively, you swallow him whole with your outstretched pupils. He lulls and stimulates you, grip on his pant leg firm, yielding, firm, yielding.
He finds specks you neglected to name. Reaches somewhere beyond the pines and hits the overwhelming enormity of space. Somehow, he makes it seem attainable.
“I want you, no matter what sky you’re aimin’ for.”
The fourth and final still is as intimate as a carnation fastened to the lapel of a school boy’s jacket, restless as he waits for his prom date at the bottom of the stairs. Dodging scrutinizing glances from her parents. Complexion reflecting streaks of sunlight as he follows her descent, standing straighter, shoulders pinned behind him.
There’s no one else in the room.
You have your arms around Cooper, drawing him closer until whatever gap remains is filled entirely with avid mouths and Elysian Fields. You live and die as many times as you devour and bring him back, returning hungrily to the parting of his lips while he delves between yours.
“Well, right now,” he grunts against you, accelerating, shifting, sneaking digits inside your panties. “I’m fixin’ for you t’cum. All over this pretty, pretty dress.”
He slots a finger beneath one of your straps, eluding the shawl decorating your shoulders, and playfully snaps it against your kindled flesh.
“All over me.”
Words are trapped in your chest as you nod. Anticipation and longing hang in the expanse of tongue and cheek, lingering like a raw scratch in the throat.
You whimper, almost wounded, as he massages your panty line, pinching and fondling the elastic like he hasn’t already made an incredible mess of you. Like you aren’t about to be ravaged inside a very small, very public photo-booth.
You are his sole focus as he ultimately succumbs to your shared desire, jaw clenching and pointing toward the ceiling while staring you down the heavy lids of his eyes.
Panting, you spread as wide as limited room allows, scuffing one of your kitten heels on the ground below. It scrapes along solid surface, sending tremors up your calf toward the tingling of your scalp, pulled by the roots.
He nods out of encouragement, mouthing whispered praises of that’s it, baby, that’s it, dulcet tones making you wetter, your release steadily building.
Like he’s aiming for.
Holding you stable, Cooper’s opposite palm fastens to your lower back, clutching you, feeling the rigidity of your spine bump into his fingertips. Added weight shoots directly to your cunt, squeezing his middle and ring finger, coaxing a breathless moan from his lungs.
“Fuck. Yes. Gettin’ close. C’mon, sugar. Gimme somethin’ sweet t’taste.”
He throbs beneath you, undulating, thrusting the littlest bit upward. You salivate at the mere imprint of his intoxicating arousal, giving him friction as you rock back and forth.
Driving him deeper inside, his thumb swirls your clit and you dip backward, exposing the slender column of your throat.
Seizing the opportunity, he sinks his head into your open, thrumming chest, cleavage cushioning and hardening him further. Fingers work faster, applying ample pressure that gathers in your belly and blossoms, stemming to each and every inaccessible part.
Your strangled gasps, both of you attempting to keep these matters private, blend and bleed together as your orgasm plunges outside of you, gushing all over the digits that gradually still.
Cooper doesn’t wait for your heart to cease its racket. He leans away and leaves you empty, a stream of restrained essence draining from you and onto his lap.
He pops fingers into his mouth, one by one, including his thumb. Humming satisfactorily, he samples them like he’s on his fourth course. Then he offers you to yourself.
You observe him past a rose-colored haze, cotton-candy film. Gripping his wrist, you bring his center digit to your lips first, wrapping your tongue around its length, moaning as the salty summer air of you brushes your senses. Tar from his cigarettes mingle with what you originally picked up on, easing in like banter on a date.
Cooper reminds you that he loves you. Loves watching you enjoy yourself. Loves being the cause of it.
You return the sentiment, reluctant to untangle your body from his. You’ve already tangled up this booth much longer than necessary.
You are, however, excited to see how the pictures turned out.
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gardenofnoah · 1 year
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your god came to you bloody and you fell to your knees
a little priest au for my dearly beloved, for my signs of God and other Devils collab (which you should totally join!!!). i tried something a little different with the style of this one...let me know what you think <3
wc: 2k tags: smutty smut smut, sacrilege, reader is not human (fallen angel but not really)
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The old book told him that only those who had fallen from grace would be cast down from heaven. Angels ripped of wings–mouths that would never again speak of the divine. The abandoned blessings of a God that had so painstakingly created them. Purity and holiness strong-armed into something unsightly and obscene–an abomination of truly biblical proportions.
Yet there you were at Nanami’s feet. 
You’d slipped from the old wooden rafters, hitting the cobblestone below with a wet thud, like a calf falling from its mother’s womb. Wings still fully intact, fluttering uselessly behind you. Writhing in your agony, you crawled toward him. 
“Father,” you cried, dragging yourself toward him on splintered nail beds and bloodied palms, “Father–”
He took a step away from you, and then another–unsure of the scene in front of him, and weary of the unfamiliar coil in his chest–the one he’d been warned of, the black snake of temptation. But even broken and flailing in whatever viscosity you’d been covered in in your descent, there was no denying the pull of you that called to him. The realization that he may lack the strength he’d, until now, thought he had came distant and went on just as quickly as his eyes trailed over you. 
If it was a test from God, he’d already failed. 
The notion that you could be the image of gluttony before him carried significant weight–yet it was not heavy enough to keep Nanami from washing the film from you, however undevout it might have proved him to be. If every action had a consequence–if he was truly to be a man of service, after all–then surely to run his hands along your flesh, unmarred from the film of earthly sin, would not be such a bad thing. The consequence could not be so cruel if it was true that it was his duty–mandated by the oath he took–to extend his hand to you. That in doing so, he would not turn away from the God that he’d sworn his life to. Surely no angel could have fallen so far. Surely no angel would have come here to him. 
You spoke quietly and his body followed, like that of a moth to the light of a flame. You could not have been here to corrupt him—to touch your face did not burn him. 
“Father–” you croaked, quiet and rasped from your efforts, “please, it hurts–”
“Beloved,” he murmured back, wiping the thick sludge from your cheek, “what have you done?”
The water that trailed down your skin was enough to subdue you into a quiet, or maybe it was out of necessity–Nanami did not know if your silence was out of peace or of pain, as the drops crackled against your the film that encased you and dissolved it in a plume of foul smelling smoke. Unblemished you were underneath, and it was another blinking light to him–you could not possibly have been sent here to ruin him.
But as he raised the cloth to rid your wings of the slime, you let out a sigh as he touched the thin membrane, and he found himself chasing the sound. He’d only blinked and there you were, arched into his touch as he mouthed up the curve of your neck, panting and whimpering at the feeling of your silken wing under his fingers. Something called to him, a far away warning–and he dug his fingers into the flesh of his own thigh to break the spell. Bewildered, bewitched, blinking at you as if he’d only seen you now for the first time. 
“You are–” he swallowed thickly, fighting to come back to himself, “what are you?”
Blinking slowly at him, unperturbed. “You have a notion, Father?”
Like you’d called him to, he found himself moving in again–found himself stuck where he’d started, his tongue catching droplets that dripped from the wrist you’d slung over the rim of the basin. Something sickly sweet bloomed behind his teeth and told him he was damned. 
“You are no angel,” he murmured against your skin with as much certainty as could be mustered, “and yet–you cannot be a demon and remain in this house of God.”
His eyes snapped to yours at your snort, knowing at once that all along he had played to your hand. No longer were you a pitiful thing, scraping your knees against the stone to earn his mercy. Now, you held the answers, and he’d remain on his knees to beg for your indulgence. That he was sure of. 
“Do you speak only in absolutes, Father?”
Unwilling to bear broken proximity and equally unable to respond, your patience could’ve been a gift to him, if it hadn’t felt so oppressive. 
“I know that the path of righteousness is a clear one.”
Your responding laugh was a brand to the softest part of his body. 
“Father,” cooed in his ear like a secret, “your God could not be so kind.”
As you stood from the water, seemingly tripling in size and looming over him with wings outstretched, Nanami was bathed in the understanding that he was never in control. His eyes trained on every curve of your body, every droplet that trailed down your breast– knowing with certainty that what would follow would require his complete submission to you.
Knowing that you’d had it from the minute you’d called to him. 
“You ask what I have done,” your wings reached up and over the two of you, closing him into the world you commanded, “as if you have not called me here.”
All of the knowing you’d dangled above his head, now dropped unceremoniously into his own mind–the truth wasn’t nearly as devastating as it should’ve been. At once he knew he’d been the one to fall from grace. You’d merely come to collect his debt. And yet, he could not bring himself to grieve, as he’d never known a divinity like this one. On his knees, it was he who crawled to you, lowly bent to kiss your feet.  
“You will ruin me,” rasped and pathetic, against the arch of your foot. If he’d only looked up at your bared teeth, he’d have known how true the sentiment was. 
“No more that you have.”
He’d never again know an ache like the one in the pit of his stomach as you’d reached for him, and to go willingly only worsened it. Nanami made peace with the idea that if this was the hell that awaited him, he’d be cast down willingly. If the price for entry was a pleasure so sublime, he’d give every earthly penny he’d ever earned.
Settled over his open mouth, he drank from your sex like it could be the only thing to save him–the ache spread to his teeth and danced, burning, behind his eyes, but there could be nothing to thwart him from this. He’d never known an indulgence so human as this, yet the silken heat of your folds against his tongue was ingrained somewhere deep inside him, and every broken cry from your lips was something owed to him. Outside of his body, he was a voyeur to his own trailing hands, buried in the soft give of your flesh that he knew could not be human but felt that it was, until his fingertips met the slip of your wings and he was reminded again. 
A pleasure so sharp it could have been pain spread through him like you’d lit him ablaze, and he found himself closer to an edge he’d no reason to approach, as untouched as he was. And yet as he closed his fist around the papery thin flesh and pulled, it was as if he’d sunk himself inside you to the hilt. You rewarded him with a cry of the name he hadn’t yet told you and another obscene flood of arousal that flowed down from the corners of his mouth and soiled the neat fold of his roman collar. 
“More,” he groaned, pitiful against your heat, writhing in his own pleasure beneath you, “please, more–”
Suddenly you were gone from him, and mindlessly he chased you, stumbling across the stone beneath, still so damp from you–
“Does it feel good, Father?” he could only know the heat of your breath in his mouth, so close he could just lean forward and be swallowed whole by you, “your lust–the greed in your veins. Is this not what it means to be devout?”
“Yes,” he could’ve sobbed, head bowed forward like it was your forgiveness he’d sought after, “yes, please, I need it–”
Your chuckle was as patronizing as it was knowing, as it lit up everyone of his nerve endings. He knew he’d give you anything. 
“Bare yourself to me, then.”
The movement was unconscious and swift, and then he was splayed out over top the remnants of your arousal, offered up to you like a lamb to slaughter. Sweating, unable to still the incessant twitch of his hips in search of a pleasure only you could give him. Hungry in a way he’d never known in all of his years. 
Your appraisal could not have come without a price, and he closed his eyes to the shame that flooded him. But, merciful as you were, it was short-lived–you stepped to him and sank down, and you could’ve just as well reached inside him and pulled out the very matter of his being. 
It was an unbearable heat you sheathed him in—one that slithered up inside his rib cage and coiled around something raw and animalistic there, only to bring it to the surface and let it devour him alive. He writhed with it, unable to stop the curl of his spine or the snap of his hips into yours as he thought only of the wet silk of your insides. He could come up with no reason why he’d hoped so fervently for a heaven after death, when he’d been spared something far more luxurious, still alive. 
It spread like a slow moving poison until it consumed him entirely. The vice of you around him, the wings that still caged him in–it coated every synapse in his brain, dulling every other sense but to feel, and every other thought but to take, though he could hardly call it a poisoning if he’d drank from you so willingly–
“Is it so awful to give in to temptation, Father?” 
The time for morality had been long gone, and Nanami could only shake his head, moaning broken praises and half prayers to a God that watched on in horror, and still he could not think of a single reason he’d ever denied himself this pleasure. He’d never–he’d never–
“Give yourself to me,” you purred in his ear, taking great care to drag the edge of a feathered wing tip over the curve of his throat.
With only one more devastating roll of your hips, you shattered him completely–body lurching up in search of the comfort of yours, only to be met with wings that pinned him in suspension, dangling him in some blessed agony he’d hoped to never leave and to never experience again, for all it did to turn him inside out. Visions of the true divine came to him in a burning revelation–answers to questions he’d never uttered out loud came and left him as he spilled himself into you until he was reduced to the most basic function of dragging shuddering breaths into lungs that could seemingly no longer expand. 
When he opened his eyes to find himself alone, he could feel no surprise. Nor was he startled to hear a now familiar, echoing laughter against the halls of the cathedral as he let out a low curse and dragged his naked, aching body off of the cold stone. 
It was another unearned indulgence to allow the smile to spread slowly across his face as he pulled his robes back into place.
Perhaps he believed in acts of God after all. 
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welcometololaland · 1 year
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Round Up - Part 3
Thanks to everyone who participated this week. The theme was: rec a feel-good fanwork (a fanwork that gives you the warm fuzzies). If I've missed any, please let me know.
Disclaimer: This is a compilation of works i've been tagged in or which appear in the #fic rec friday tag relevant to the weekly theme. The recommendations below do not represent a personal curation of works. Please read at your own discretion. Heed tags and ratings on each individual work. Keep yourself safe, friends!
911 Lone Star (Part 3)
GIFS (part 2)
tarlos in the loft by @lutavero
tarlos leg touches by @lutavero
tk/tarlos set by @ronenrubinstein
TK 'feral cat turned domesticated' Strand gifset by @lutavero
TK and social media by @tailoredshirt
TK Being Grossed Out by Owen by @lutavero
tk doing background shit by @maxbegone
TK sleeping on Carlos' arm by @whattarush
TK Strand him, him, him gifset by @maxbegone
tk strand terms of endearment by @lutavero
the 126 + tarot cards by @rafael-silva
The 126 "Barbie" posters by @maygrant
the 126 celebrating each other by @guardian-angle22
the 126 in color by @ayan-sukkhapisit
the women of the 911ls by @rafael-silva
there will be another by @3416
francesca by @lonestardust
to build a home by @velvet-lnk
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Fan art
Comic by @petricorah
Ignition Point by Yuu_chi
Check Please!
The Haus Official Ship Names (and fic) by @sweatersinthesummer and read by various.
The Mechanics of Poetry written by @omgericzimmermann and read by @cottagepodfics
Due South
With Six You Get Eggroll by @cesperanza
God of War: Ragnarok
Fan art
prodigal son - a sort of epilogue for God of War Ragnarok by @stil-lindigo
Away Childish Things written by @letteredlettered and read by @thirdeye1234
Depollute me (pretty baby) written by firstaidkit and read by rosezain
First fluttering (of its silken wings) written by @swiftlythebest and read by @sweatersinthesummer
Fan art
Cat variant Loki by @wolfpup026
this is our time now by fallingintodivinity
showing characters are in love without actually saying it by @runnyeggsnham
My Hero Academia
Could I but teach the hundredth part written by terra_incognita and read by Annapods
Loss and recovery written by capcapnk and read by sisi_rambles
Too much at stake but too late to change written by Chrome and read by sisi_rambles
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vulpes-fennec · 2 years
Eggnog: Sugar and Spice (Feysand) 🎁
**Also written for Feysand Month 2022 Day 16: Mating Bond** @unofficialfeysandmonth2022
Summary: A series of fluffy/smutty ACOTAR winter one-shots! 12 stories for the 12 days leading up to Solstice (December 21).
Feyre and Rhys get drunk off eggnog and have some…crazy dreams. Dreams that involve the Hewn City.
Warnings: Smut, vaginal sex/fingering, consensual somnophilia, voyeurism kink
Read: Masterlist | AO3
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Feyre and Rhys held back-to-back meetings with the council of governors in the morning. Attentively listened to the public comment during an afternoon Court session at the Hewn City. Wrapped up their presents for the Solstice party in two weeks. Took six-year old Nyx on an evening flight over Velaris. 
After such a long day, soaking in a hot bath together and drinking copious cups of warm eggnog seemed to be in order. The spiced, sweet and creamy beverage was delicious, but Feyre feared she may have had too much to drink. Her movements were sluggish as she changed into her silken, silvery nightgown and slipped under the covers. 
Rhys didn’t seem to be faring any better. The powerful High Lord of the Night Court was a surprising lightweight. He’d only drank two cups, but was swaying slightly as he cleaned his teeth. 
“Feel like doing anything tonight?” Feyre asked Rhys suggestively as he climbed into bed with her. 
Rhys sighed. “I would love to, Feyre darling, but this eggnog has me spinning. Pray I don’t wake up with a hangover.” 
“That’s alright, Rhys. I’m pretty tired, to be honest,” Feyre soothed him with a peck on the cheek. “Though Elain made such a delicious eggnog. She says she used Helion’s recipe. I should ask her to send us some for the Solstice party.”
“I don’t recall Helion’s eggnog being so strong,” Rhys muttered. He pulled Feyre closer, draping his leathery wing over the both of them. “Elain must have been quite heavy-handed with the brandy.” He managed to kiss her forehead before drifting off to sleep. 
She was back in the Hewn City, with the Court of Nightmares in its regular throes of revel before her. Feyre was positive she was dreaming. One: Cassian, Azriel, Amren, and Mor were nowhere to be seen. 
Two: she was wearing the skimpy black dress from her first visit to the Hewn City. The two shafts of glittering fabric were draped over her breasts, cinched at her waist with a belt, and left flowing between her pale, bare legs. The very same black diadem with diamonds sat on the crown of her head. 
Three: there was only one throne in the room. And she was the one sitting on it. But then the massive stone doors at the end of the hall swung open. 
There he was: Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court. His beautiful face was cruel, yet elegant. He wore a simple black tunic and black pants, needing nothing more to remind the revelers that he was their High Lord. For the power that rippled throughout the room said enough. Even after seeing him millions of times, Feyre always felt her heart flutter at the sight of her mate.  
“Feyre darling,” he purred, sinking to his knees once he reached the dais. “My High Lady.” Feyre crossed her legs, noticing Rhysand’s violet eyes flick up and down her body. Taking in the sliver of bare hips and waist that signaled she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. 
“Come.” Feyre curled her index finger, tugging on the bond between them. When he stood next to her, Feyre leaned closer and asked, “Is this a dream?” 
“Yes, darling. Both of us are dreaming the same dream.” 
Feyre blinked, contemplative. The dreams they’d shared before were short: flashes of night sky, glimpses of her human hand, a snippet of nightmarish memory, the view of the desolate woods. But this was different. This felt real.
Almost real. As Feyre focused hard, flexing her mental muscles, a platter of golden apples appeared on the feast table. Golden apples, straight from the apple tree in the mansion her family had lived in before hard times. She gasped delightedly, looking up at Rhys. “I just did that!” 
Rhys smiled gently. “Though it’s rare for us daemati to dreamwalk, it is not impossible. Let’s see what else we can do.” 
After some mental strain, Feyre managed to create a miniature snowfall. She also dimmed the faelight, inviting more shadows into the darkened hall. Rhys snapped his fingers and a series of constellations dusted across the ceiling.
“We’re missing a throne. Let me make one for you.” Feyre chewed her lip, trying to remember what the Hewn City thrones looked like. 
Her concentration was broken when Rhys tilted her chin towards him with a finger. “Well, where’s the fun in that?” his violet eyes glittered. Oh. Oh. Feyre caught on to his meaning.
“I suppose there is space for two here,” she smirked, getting up from her seat and gesturing for Rhys to sit. 
Rhysand sat and did not hesitate to tug Feyre down onto his lap, his hands gripping the bare skin of her waist. Feyre straddled his legs, feeling his hard, impressive length rub against her clothed crotch. “We’ve barely done anything, and you’re already hard for me?” Feyre teased, threading her hands through Rhysand’s cobalt-black hair. 
“What can I say? I’m always ready for you, darling.” Rhys swept her lips into a decadent kiss. He fingered the edges of her delicate dress, nails scraping gently over the curve of her hip. “Not wearing anything underneath? How naughty.”
“It’s all for you.” Feyre unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt, practically salivating at his sculpted chest. “You’re mine, Rhys,” she hissed possessively as she traced the whorls of his Illyrian tattoos. Rhysand’s skin heated as he ravenously watched Feyre touch him. 
“You’re mine, Feyre,” he affirmed, gripping her hips more tightly. “My beautiful, powerful mate.” The column of Rhysand’s throat bobbed as she left a trail of kisses and love bites up the side of his neck. Feyre sent a burst of pleasure down the bond as she ground against him. 
“Tch, tch. Pay attention to our court,” Rhys chided.
“But I want to kiss you,” she whined. 
Rhys placed one final kiss on Feyre’s lips. “I’ll reward you handsomely if you turn around.” The twinkle in his eyes had her scrambling in his lap, turning to face the crowd.  
Well, it was hard paying attention with his right thumb and index finger lightly stroking her inner thigh. Feyre swallowed audibly, trying to school her expression into neutrality as arousal pooled between her legs. 
Perhaps it was because it was a dream, but Rhys could not recognize any of the faces. Organized chaos had ensued in the hall: drinking, dancing, feasting, bawdy singing, and the occasional fucking in dark corners. The Court of Nightmares had always been a place for debauchery, and he had always watched them from the dias. But tonight—in this dream—he would join them.
“Pretty, pretty Feyre,” Rhys murmured into her ear as he buried his face into her golden-brown hair, breathing deeply. Pear and lilac notes under the spicy scent of her arousal. “Whatever am I going to do with you on my lap?” 
“You could touch me more,” Feyre said breathlessly.
Rhysand didn’t answer. He only slipped his left hand under the shaft of her dress, making lazy circles just below her breast. Some male satisfaction ebbed through him when Feyre moaned his name softly, her hands gripping his thighs. He smiled like a smug cat.
It harkened back to when she sat on his lap for the first time, listening to Keir prattle on and on about courtly matters while Rhysand pretended to listen. Except this time, Keir was nowhere to be seen. Rhys did not wish for any interruptions to their pleasure, therefore the Hewn City’s Steward did not exist in the dream. 
“Do you remember the day I wore this dress?” Feyre asked, sensing the trail of his thoughts. 
“Yes.” Rhysand’s tone was dark. He cupped Feyre’s breast under the fabric, playing with her nipple and drawing out another moan. “Perhaps we can finish what we started that day.” 
Feyre shivered in anticipation. “I’ve always wanted you to fuck me on the throne.”
Rhys’s hands stilled and his violet eyes darkened in response. “Then we fuck until the sun rises.” 
The drums and song picked up, and so did the circling of his fingers that left Feyre craving for more, more, more. Was the shift in music Rhysand’s doing, or her’s? It was wild and thrumming, a heady complement to their desire intermingling through the mating bond.
Rhysand held himself with tight control, allowing only heavy breathing and the strain of his pants to reveal his arousal. Feyre, on the other hand, was barely restraining herself. Every time he nibbled her earlobe, every time his hand skated the underside of her breast, she writhed in his lap. When Rhys’s fingers curved around her thigh, she finally whimpered, “I need you, Rhys.”
Only in the dream world could Rhys push aside the panels of Feyre’s dress, displaying her breasts in the open air. Only in a dream world could Rhys slip his fingers inside her, drawing out a wave of fresh slick out of Feyre. In front of everybody.
Feyre moaned, throwing her head back onto Rhys’s shoulder as he fingered her with long, luxurious strokes. She bucked her hips, trying to drive him deeper within her.
“That’s it, darling,” her mate cooed tauntingly. “Make a mess out of my lap.” Rhysand continued to slowly stroke Feyre’s wetness, occasionally curling his fingers to bring her closer to the edge, then slowing down when she tightened up. Winding her up, but never letting her come down.
“I want to ride you, Rhys.” 
“Go ahead, sweet one. Let them see what a perfect pet you are.” His words dripped with dangerously sweet venom. 
Rhys’s pants magically disappeared as Feyre got up. Her inner thigh muscles stretched with a slight ache as Feyre readjusted herself to rest her knees on the throne’s cushion, straddling Rhys. She was so heady with desire, the lewd sound her pussy made as she sank down onto Rhysand’s hard shaft didn’t even embarrass her. 
This was what she and Rhys had subconsciously wanted along. Years of making love and fucking in all ways imaginable never quite scratched the itch of being able to lose herself into pure pleasure at the Court of Nightmares.
Feyre bounced on his cock to the rhythm of the drums echoing over vaulted ceilings while her mate continued to murmur praises and palm her breasts. “Rhys,” she moaned, allowing him to pepper kisses down her neck as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m so close.” 
“Yes, darling,” he mumbled, half-dazed between kisses. “Keep going. You’re perfect.” 
“Show them how their High Lord fucks their High Lady,” she gritted out. “Show them how good you make me feel.” She leaned back, the new angle allowing his cock to brush against her clit with every thrust. It was an effective move. Within moments, Feyre came with a wail. 
Feyre vaguely heard Rhys saying “it would be my pleasure” before snapping his hips up into her still throbbing core. 
She lurched forward with a garbled cry, struggling to balance on Rhysand’s thighs. “Do you see them, Feyre?” Rhys said into her ear lowly. She could only mewl in response, for her head was lolling forward as Rhys rutted into her. “Eyes up, Feyre darling.” Rhys wrapped her long, golden-brown hair in his hand and tugged back, forcing Feyre’s head up.
Only in a dream world could Rhys fuck her in front of the entire Court of Nightmares with abandon. 
Rhysand’s power rippled throughout the room, altering the fabric of the dream. Feyre clenched around Rhys when nondescript members of the audience turned their heads to watch them. 
To watch Feyre’s breasts undulate with Rhys’s thrusts. The panel of fabric between her legs thrown back, revealing the faint outline of his cock in her gut. Their High Lord’s jaw clenched with focus as he pleasured his High Lady, whose pale cheeks were flushed pink and her blue-gray eyes half-lidded. The black liner around her eyes smeared with tears of pleasure, her red-lipped mouth opening in a wanton moan. It was utterly perverse. And yet, Feyre only grew wetter by the second.
Rhysand chuckled, rubbing her clit with just a smidge more pressure. “My pretty mate loves it when others watch. Let them see how you come around your High Lord’s cock.” It was too much: the delightful pinch of pain on her scalp, his seductive voice, his cock driving into her, the hungry expressions in the audience. 
“Rhys!” The tension building up in Feyre’s core released as she sobbed, leaning back against Rhys as she trembled on her new throne. Rhysand wrapped a hand around Feyre’s waist and palmed her breast with the other, holding her still as he thrust hard once. Twice. 
He came at the third thrust, releasing the damper on his power as he did. The hall shook, wine spilled, and darkness swirled. Feyre gave into the exquisite rush of power, allowing ice to frost over the seats, flames to erupt from the braziers. The Court of Nightmares dissolved into nothingness as the world spun on its axis. Stars exploded silver light into the darkness. There was only Rhys and Feyre, Feyre and Rhys, two souls in the void. The bond between them glowing hot and bright… 
Feyre awoke with a gasp. 
Silvery moonlight streamed through the bedroom window, wrenching her away from her dream of the Hewn City. Snow glittered on their windowsill. The stars dotting the indigo night sky were halfway through their nightly journey, indicating she’d been asleep for some time.
But the air was thick with the scent of arousal. 
Feyre looked down to see she was sitting upright on her knees, on Rhys’s lap, her silk nightgown bunched around her thighs. Rhys was breathing hard behind her, and his cock…his cock was buried in her pussy. 
Her mate was leaning against the headboard, his shirt unbuttoned just as she’d done so in the dream. One of his hands was under her nightgown and squeezing her breast, the other wrapped around her waist. Just as he’d done so in the dream.
“Oh shit,” she whispered, putting her hand over her mouth in shock. “Were we doing that in real life, too?” 
“I believe so, darling. I guess we unintentionally ended up having some fun tonight.” Rhys gently eased Feyre off him, and she whimpered at the cold, gaping emptiness beneath her. He massaged her sore inner thighs, easing the tightened muscles when she lay down. 
Feyre was silent for a moment. “I never knew we were able to do that. That was…indescribable.” She turned to Rhys, her blue-gray eyes glimmering with starlight. “Sorry, I should have warned you…I have strange dreams whenever I drink.”
Rhys laughed softly as he smoothed her hair. “It’s alright, darling. It was quite an experience. And I’m pretty sure it’s the damn eggnog,” he muttered wryly. “I do think we need to ask Elain for more next week.” 
Notes: Feyre and Rhys have especially skilled mental powers…I think that means lucid dreaming is very, very possible with these two.
Tags: @unofficialfeysandmonth2022, @feysand-month, @the-lonelybarricade
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bunniefleur · 3 days
Between Worlds: The Princess of Twisted Realms
Prologue 7
Book 1: Chapter 1
Morning: Ignihyde Dorm—Night Raven College
Golden rays of morning sun streamed through the towering, arched windows of Vivian’s room, casting a soft, amber light over the intricately decorated space. Every corner of the room reflected an understated elegance—soft hues of blue and silver weaved into the tapestries and furniture. The room’s enchanted climate control maintained the perfect temperature, with a faint scent of lavender and mint lingering in the air, calming and sharpening her senses simultaneously.
Vivian stirred beneath the silken sheets, her mind slowly transitioning from the blissful silence of sleep to the reality that awaited her. The tranquility of the room clashed with the lingering tension in her chest.
A familiar presence hovered just above her. Teddy, his wings shimmering faintly as they caught the morning light, nudged her cheek gently, breaking through her drowsy haze.
"Good morning, Vivian," Teddy’s voice resonated in her mind, the telepathic link between them carrying warmth and affection. His expressive eyes, usually full of mischief, reflected concern this time.
Vivian blinked her sapphire eyes open, her fingers instinctively reaching to stroke Teddy’s shimmering mane. "Good morning, Teddy," she murmured, her voice soft as she began to wake fully. "How did you sleep?"
Teddy gave a small, reassuring nod, though his gaze didn’t lose its edge. "I slept fine. But you—you're tense. More than usual." His sharp eyes caught the small furrow in her brow that even sleep hadn’t entirely smoothed.
Vivian’s smile was brief and tired as she pushed herself to sit up, her long, wavy blonde hair cascading over her shoulders. "It’s just nerves. Today’s our first real day of classes," she said, the weight of her words lingering in the air.
Teddy perched beside her, his small wings still as he watched her. "You’ve faced far worse than a classroom, Viv," he said, his tone light but with a gentle undertone of concern. "It’s not like you to get worked up over something like this."
Vivian’s fingers traced the emblem on the blue knit vest hanging on her chair—the emblem of her family, one she wore with both pride and caution. "I’m not worried about the classes," she admitted quietly. "It’s the people. I just don’t want to deal with anyone right now."
The soft chime of her custom tablet cut through the room, its sleek screen glowing as it projected the day’s schedule. The interface was simple and elegant, yet its presence was a reminder of the precision and expectations tied to her every move.
"Our first stop is homeroom with Professor Trein," she noted, her fingers brushing over the tablet’s surface. "Jack and Epel are in my class." Her voice grew quieter, contemplative. Those two weren’t just classmates—they were part of the key group she had sworn to avoid.
Teddy fluttered up, his tiny form drifting lazily around her. "Well, you survived orientation without drawing too much attention. You’ll be fine." His voice was reassuring, but Vivian could feel his underlying worry for her.
"Maybe," Vivian said, though her tone was less certain. She rose from the bed, moving with deliberate calm as she dressed in her uniform. The crisp white shirt, blue knit vest, and blazer felt heavier than they should. As she adjusted her Ignihyde armband and stepped into her blue Mary Janes, she couldn’t shake the weight of her identity.
Teddy stayed close as she dressed, offering quiet reassurances, though neither of them spoke much. The silence stretched on, filled only by the gentle hum of the enchanted climate control system. When she finished, Vivian paused for a moment, looking at herself in the mirror. Her reflection stared back, every detail meticulously in place, but beneath the polished exterior, she couldn’t hide her unease.
"Let’s get this over with," she muttered, adjusting the collar of her blazer one final time. Her heart raced, despite the calm expression she wore.
As they left the dorm and stepped into the bustling hallways of Night Raven College, Vivian felt the shift in the air almost immediately. The students, engrossed in conversation, seemed to quiet as she passed. Eyes followed her—some curious, others wary. The murmurs began almost as soon as she entered the corridor, whispers trailing in her wake like a shadow she couldn’t shake.
Here we go again, she thought, her mental voice laced with resignation. She kept her gaze straight ahead, refusing to meet the stares of those around her.
Ignore it, Teddy responded softly. It’s just curiosity. That’s all. You’re a new face, and... well, you’re you. His teasing tone tried to lift her spirits, though both knew the truth behind his words.
Being me is exactly the problem, Vivian thought back sarcastically, keeping her eyes straight ahead as she navigated the labyrinth of hallways. She could feel the weight of stares pressing down on her from all sides, each one silently questioning or judging. The burden of her royal lineage, her magical prowess, her reputation—none of it was something she could shed.
When they arrived at Classroom 1-B, the door was already open, and several students had already taken their seats. Professor Trein stood at the front of the room, his sharp eyes behind wire-rimmed glasses tracking the students as they settled in. Jack and Epel were among the first to arrive, both seated closer to the front, looking lost in thought.
Vivian hesitated, just for a moment, before choosing a seat near the back of the room. She hoped the distance would offer some semblance of anonymity, though she knew better than to expect it. As she sat, her tablet and pen materialized on the desk with a soft shimmer of magic, automatically syncing with the enchanted blackboard at the front of the room.
Despite her best efforts to stay focused, she could still feel it—that subtle but ever-present awareness of being watched. It was as if every student in the room, whether intentionally or not, was attuned to her presence, waiting to see what she would do next.
This is going to be a long day, she thought, though her expression remained impassive.
Teddy settled on her shoulder, his wings fluttering softly as he gave her a nudge. Just stay calm. Let them watch. Eventually, they’ll get used to you.
Vivian didn’t reply, but inwardly, she hoped Teddy was right. As much as she longed to blend in, her very existence seemed to defy such a simple wish. The day had barely begun, and already the weight of being "Vivian de Alcantara" felt heavier than ever.
Homeroom: Classroom 1-B—Night Raven College
The air shifted as Professor Trein strode into the room, his black robes flowing behind him like a shadow. His every step exuded authority, and the quiet rustle of his papers seemed to still the low hum of conversation among the students. "Good morning, class," he began, setting his books on the desk with a practiced, almost ceremonial precision. Beside him, Lucius, his ever-watchful feline companion, slinked across the surface of the desk, his sharp eyes mirroring the discerning gaze of his master.
The students straightened, the atmosphere thick with the weight of expectation. Vivian mirrored the others, her posture already perfect, her fingers resting lightly on her custom tablet. The sleek surface hummed faintly with magic, ready to capture every word. Trein wasted no time diving into his usual opening: a speech that was as much a tradition as the school itself.
"As first-year students," Trein began, his voice steady and unwavering, "you are expected to adhere strictly to the rules of this institution. Night Raven College is not a place for the weak-willed or the undisciplined. You are here to excel, to rise above mediocrity. Academic excellence is not merely encouraged—it is demanded. Your actions, both in and outside the classroom, reflect on the reputation of this school, and any disobedience, tardiness, or negligence will not be tolerated."
Lucius punctuated the end of Trein’s words with a sharp, commanding purr, his eyes narrowing as they scanned the room, searching for any hint of dissent. A collective murmur of agreement followed from the students.
Vivian, still as ever, kept her attention fixed on Trein. Her expression was neutral, but inwardly, she recognized the weight of his words. In this place, appearance and reputation were everything. No room for error, no room for vulnerability—qualities that felt all too familiar in her world. Her goal was simple: stay unnoticed, blend in, despite everything that marked her as extraordinary.
But even in the quiet corner of the classroom where she sat, Vivian could feel the subtle pull of attention. Jack’s cautious wariness, Epel’s almost childlike curiosity—she could sense it all, though she kept her gaze forward and her focus sharp.
"As students of this institution," Trein continued, his tone brokering no argument, "you must strive to uphold the values that have been ingrained in this academy for generations. Discipline, knowledge, and integrity. Your schedules have been designed to push you, to ensure you grow into capable magicians. Do not waste the opportunity you’ve been given. And for those attending practical classes, remember: come prepared. Any failure to follow these expectations will result in immediate disciplinary action."
Jack, sitting closer to the front, absorbed Trein's words without so much as a flicker of doubt. His disciplined nature kept him in check, his thoughts methodical and sharp. Though he had heard plenty about Vivian’s reputation—her supposed genius and nearly unparalleled magical prowess—his instincts told him to keep an open mind. She didn’t appear arrogant, nor did she carry herself with the air of superiority he had come to expect from others of high status.
She doesn’t seem like the type to flaunt her status, Jack mused, his eyes flicking briefly to where Vivian sat in the back. But someone with that much power? There’s got to be more to her. Better to stay cautious.
Epel, meanwhile, had a harder time keeping his curiosity in check. His gaze wandered back to Vivian every few minutes, the image of her sitting quietly at her desk conflicting with the stories he had heard. In his mind, she was almost larger than life—a prodigy in both magic and combat, a figure nearly as skilled as the crown prince himself. But seeing her now, sitting quietly, her expression calm and composed, threw him off balance.
She doesn’t look as intimidating as I thought she’d be, Epel thought, chewing his lip. But legends are tricky. You never really know what’s true until you see it for yourself. I wonder if she’s as skilled as they say.
There was something almost ethereal about her, a quiet confidence that seemed to draw people in despite her efforts to remain in the background. Epel felt a mix of awe and apprehension. Part of him wanted to approach her, to test the truth of the stories, but another part hesitated. He wasn’t sure if he could handle the truth if it turned out she was as extraordinary as the rumors claimed.
Trein continued his lecture, driving home the importance of discipline and academic rigor. His voice never wavered, a testament to his years of experience in handling students both eager and reluctant. "You are here to learn, not indulge in frivolous distractions. Every assignment must be completed on time and with diligence. Any failure to meet the expectations set by this academy will be met with the appropriate consequences. Is that clear?"
Vivian remained calm, her pen moving fluidly over the tablet’s screen as she took notes. She kept her expression neutral, her attention seemingly focused on the lecture. But her mind wandered to Yuu, to the strange energy she and Teddy had detected earlier. The mystery still nagged at her, a piece of the puzzle she hadn’t yet solved. She wanted answers—needed them—but for now, she had to play the role she’d chosen. The studious, quiet academic. Nothing more.
As Trein finally concluded his speech, he looked over the class once more. His sharp eyes landed briefly on Vivian, a flicker of recognition passing through them before he continued his survey of the room. "You have ten minutes before your first period begins. Use your time wisely."
The students began to stir, the tension of Trein’s lecture easing as they adjusted in their seats or pulled out their materials. Vivian remained still for a moment longer, letting out a small breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Teddy, perched on her shoulder, fluttered his wings slightly, the faint movement enough to remind her he was still there, still watching over her.
That went well, Teddy whispered through their telepathic link. What did I tell you? They’re all just curious.
Let’s hope it stays that way, Vivian replied silently, her gaze drifting to the enchanted blackboard as it synced with her tablet. The last thing we need is anyone suspecting us.
She glanced around the room, feeling the weight of eyes on her again. Jack’s steady gaze, Epel’s not-so-subtle curiosity, even Trein’s brief acknowledgment. She could feel them watching, waiting, as if they expected something—anything—from her.
But as always, she gave them nothing. Only the quiet, unassuming image of a girl who wanted nothing more than to focus on her studies.
The day was just beginning, and already, it felt heavy.
Passing Time: Classroom 1-B—Night Raven College
As the students began to gather their things, Vivian rose with her usual grace, her tablet still in hand. Every movement she made was fluid, almost ethereal, as though she were gliding rather than walking. She caught sight of Epel’s lingering gaze and, after a brief moment of thought, decided to offer him a small, polite smile—a calculated gesture to appear more approachable.
It backfired spectacularly.
Epel’s breath hitched as soon as her smile met his eyes. All the stories and rumors he’d heard about her seemed laughably inadequate. Vivian’s smile wasn’t just beautiful; it was entrancing, almost otherworldly in its warmth and charm. He felt a rush of heat in his cheeks, the unmistakable bloom of a blush spreading across his face. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat reverberating louder, urging him to take a step forward, to say something—anything. But his tongue felt heavy, and his mind blank.
She’s even more incredible than I imagined, Epel thought, struggling to maintain his composure amid the chaos of emotions swirling inside him. No wonder people talk about her like she’s a legend. That smile… how can someone look like they were from a fairytale? But… His gaze faltered, dropping for a moment as his thoughts grew more conflicted. How could someone like me ever approach someone like her? She’s in a completely different league.
His frustration only deepened his blush, and his hands clenched slightly, fighting the overwhelming urge to look away in embarrassment. The realization that Vivian could be so close yet feel so unattainable was almost painful. She embodied everything the rumors had promised and more. The desire to speak with her, to connect in some way, grew stronger—but it was weighed down by the reality of their differences.
From his seat nearby, Jack watched the brief interaction with a seemingly neutral expression, though inside, he wasn’t quite as unaffected as he appeared. He prided himself on staying grounded, never getting swept up by surface impressions or idle rumors. And yet… there was something about Vivian that disrupted his usual calm.
Jack’s thoughts echoed in silence as he replayed the moment in his head. His brow furrowed slightly, trying to make sense of the unfamiliar feeling creeping up on him. It’s no wonder she’s got everyone’s attention. But there’s more to her than just looks. She doesn’t carry herself like someone who’s trying to impress people, but it’s clear she knows the impact she has. His eyes narrowed slightly as he continued his quiet observation. She’s hiding something—or maybe she’s just more complicated than she lets on. Either way, I’m going to keep watching. Maybe I’ll figure out what she’s really here for. No one’s that perfect.
Vivian, completely unaware of the silent emotional storm she had stirred, continued toward the door, her outward demeanor as calm and composed as ever. She was all too familiar with the way eyes followed her, how people watched her every move, but she had long since learned to master her expressions. The polished exterior she showed the world was a shield, keeping others at arm’s length. Here, at Night Raven College, vulnerability wasn’t an option.
As she exited the classroom, her mind shifted to the tasks awaiting her, compartmentalizing her thoughts with practiced efficiency. Yet, despite her focus, she couldn’t entirely shake the feeling of being watched, dissecting every smile and gesture. Every move had to be carefully controlled—this was a game of chess, and she had no choice but to play.
Perched comfortably on her shoulder, Teddy took in the entire scene with barely concealed amusement, his sharp eyes noting every flustered expression and reaction with gleeful precision.
Oh man, look at those two! Teddy thought, snickering quietly. Epel’s face is practically a stop sign! If he gets any redder, we might need to call the fire department for a color code emergency! And Jack? He’s over there like he’s trying to calculate the meaning of life! I’m pretty sure he just needs a good cup of tea and a hug!
Teddy ruffled his feathers, bursting with laughter at the sheer absurdity of it all. Vivian, you’ve really outdone yourself this time. You’re like a walking, talking charm spell, and you don’t even know it! What’s your secret? Do you have a magic wand hidden somewhere?
He relished the chaos her presence caused, his mind racing with funny scenarios. I should start charging people for commentary on this stuff—Oh! I should write a book! “Teddy’s Guide to Surviving the Dazzling Princess: Tips on Recovering After Getting Flustered!” He paused, chuckling to himself. Chapter One: If you think impressing her with your favorite vegetables will work, that’ll just make her wonder what’s wrong with you! Just don’t bring up Brussels sprouts—trust me on this one!
Amused by his own musings, Teddy shifted his position slightly, nestling himself more comfortably on Vivian’s shoulder. He could already tell this wasn’t the last time he’d get to watch a scene like this unfold. While Vivian remained blissfully unaware of the effect she had on others, Teddy was more than happy to sit back and enjoy the show.
With a final chuckle, Teddy settled in, content and ready for whatever came next, while Vivian moved forward, blissfully unaware of the whirlwind she had left in her wake.
Passing Time: Hallway—Night Raven College
Vivian stepped out of the classroom, her footsteps soft against the polished stone floor, yet each step echoed through the labyrinthine corridors like whispers of history. The gothic architecture of Night Raven College loomed above her, casting intricate shadows from towering arches, their dark elegance a reminder of the ancient magic embedded in the walls. The cool, enchanted air brushed against her skin, carrying the faint scent of centuries-old wood and the remnants of powerful spells long past.
As she moved deeper into the school, the vibrant hum of student life surrounded her. Whispers filled the corridor, a ripple of curiosity that intensified with each step she took. It was a chorus she had grown used to—the blend of awe, envy, and uncertainty, like a wave crashing around her as first-year students craned their necks for a glimpse.
"Is that her? The Crown Princess?"
"She's a prodigy, right?"
"Forget that—she’s the CEO of Nightingale Innovations! How’s she even our age?”
"And the Scepter of Hercules… how much power do you think it has?"
Their voices buzzed like insects at the edge of her awareness. Her posture remained impeccable, her expression serene—a carefully practiced façade she had perfected after years in the royal court. Every movement was deliberate, each glance calculated, as if she were performing for an unseen audience that was always ready to pounce on any slip.
Is this what it’s always going to be like, Teddy? She reached out with her thoughts.
Teddy’s voice filled her mind, light with humor. What, the constant fan club?
Vivian resisted the urge to sigh aloud. Being under a microscope, she corrected.
A chuckle resonated in her thoughts. Tomato, tomahto. Think of it this way—everyone’s watching you because they expect something amazing. You’re practically a living legend to them.
Or, she countered, they’re waiting for me to fail.
Well, yeah, that too, Teddy’s tone was matter-of-fact, but playful. But failure’s more fun with an audience. Besides, what are they going to do? Boo? I bet if you handed out enchanted cupcakes, they'd worship you. Who doesn't love a good pastry?
Vivian stifled a smirk. Pastries? Really?
Trust me. A magical cupcake is diplomacy at its finest. One bite, and suddenly you're "Princess Vivian, the Savior of Breakfast."
And here I thought politics was more complicated than baking.
Depends on who’s doing the baking.
Despite herself, a sliver of warmth curled inside her, though she kept her expression calm. Around her, the attention grew thicker, palpable as a physical force pressing in on all sides. The glowing sconces cast an eerie, flickering light, their ethereal flames licking the stone walls. The students' stares ranged from open awe to sharp jealousy, yet none of them dared to speak directly to her.
As she entered the second-year section of the corridor, the atmosphere shifted. Gone were the idle whispers of first-years—these students were more experienced, their gazes less curious and more calculating. They didn’t stare as openly, but she could feel the weight of their scrutiny. It wasn’t admiration—they were assessing her. Evaluating. Judging.
And standing near a marble pillar, observing her every move, was Riddle Rosehearts.
His crimson eyes locked onto her with an intensity that cut through the murmurs of the hall. He was composed, his uniform immaculate, his posture rigid—yet something in his gaze was sharper than it should have been. Suspicious. Calculating. It was the look of someone accustomed to order and authority, now faced with a presence that disrupted the delicate balance he had so carefully crafted.
That smile... His thoughts betrayed him, surprising him more than he’d ever admit. He quickly averted his eyes, the color rising to his cheeks. Focus, Riddle. You're better than this.
He tightened his grip on the leather-bound book in his hands, the only outward sign of his inner turmoil. Why is she really here? With her intellect, she doesn’t need this school. It doesn’t add up. This has to be about power. It’s a strategic move, not education.
His eyes darkened as the pieces of his theory began to align. I’ll be watching you, Vivian de Alcantara.
Vivian felt the weight of his scrutiny without needing to meet his gaze. It was a familiar sensation—the same sharp, penetrating look she had grown accustomed to in the royal courts. He wasn’t just watching her, he was analyzing her, searching for weakness. Years of royal training kept her expression serene, her pace unhurried, but internally, her mind whirred with thoughts.
Yeah, I see him, Teddy’s tone lost its usual humor, adopting a more serious edge. Riddle Rosehearts. He’s got that “head-of-the-rules” vibe. You know, the type who probably keeps a spreadsheet on everyone’s mistakes.
Plotting my demise, most likely, she mused.
Either that or preparing an overly detailed lecture on the rules. Don’t let him ruffle you. You’re twice as smart and ten times more fun. Plus, I bet he’s never heard of pastry diplomacy.
Vivian’s eyes remained forward as she passed Riddle, her face betraying nothing. His gaze followed her until she disappeared down the corridor, but her mind was already shifting to the next challenge.
The third-year section was darker, quieter. Fewer students wandered these halls, but their presence was heavier, their silence more discerning. The flickering blue flames cast long, eerie shadows, lending an otherworldly quality to the space. These students didn’t gawk or gossip—they watched in silence, their attention sharper, more dangerous. Here, she wasn’t just being observed—she was being measured.
They’re watching you closely, Teddy noted. Don’t worry though, they haven’t figured out the secret weapon: strawberry tarts.
Vivian’s lips quirked ever so slightly. I’ll keep that in mind.
The whispers in this hall were different, too. Quieter, but filled with more malice.
"They say she’s on par with the Crown Prince…"
"She’s here to take the throne, isn’t she?"
"Why else would a genius like her waste time at Night Raven?"
Vivian tuned out the words, but they clung to the air like poisonous smoke. Speculative rumors were nothing new, but the third-years’ words had more bite—colder, more strategic. They weren’t merely curious about her; they were wary.
Pastry diplomacy, Teddy’s voice cut through the tension again, this time teasingly. A well-placed cupcake and they’ll be singing your praises.
Noted. The lightness in his tone eased the tension in her shoulders as they approached the towering doors to the third-year classroom. Massive and intricately carved, the wood thrummed faintly with ancient magic. Beyond those doors awaited the real test—not just of her status, but of her abilities, her intentions, her strength.
She paused, taking a steadying breath.
You’ve got this, Teddy’s voice was filled with unwavering confidence. Brains, magic, and snacks—what could go wrong?
Vivian straightened, brushing her fingers against the cold handle of the door. The whispers behind her faded, the weight of Riddle’s suspicions slipped away, and the tension from the third-years dissolved into nothing. She was prepared for whatever lay beyond that door—whether it was judgment, rivalry, or something far more dangerous.
As she stepped inside, the classroom fell silent, all eyes turning toward her. But Vivian de Alcantara was ready.
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mcgnagallsarmy · 3 months
Top 10 Nick x Charlie fics I’ve read (June 2024)
Don't Believe Him by 7ate9
When Charlie tells his study group he's dating Leed's rugby star Nick Nelson, they don't quite believe him. It's embarrassing to go with them to the rugby game, with their voices in his ears telling him he's mad, but Nick is always there to prove those voices wrong, even when he doesn't even know they exist.
first fluttering (of its silken wings) by thetomkatwholived [G]
What if the leaves were real? Charlie lives in a world full of Flutters, where his leaves follow him almost everywhere. Enter Nick Nelson, who hasn’t seen his Flutters in years.
Let it Out and Let it In by 7ate9 [M]
Nick was the last person to see Charlie Spring before he went missing. They spent the afternoon together, and Nick kissed him goodbye and watched him walk away. Charlie never made it home. In the wake of his disappearance, their friends and family have to deal with the fallout. Nick is holding out hope for Charlie to come back, because he doesn't know what he'd do if he doesn't.
look now, the sky is gold by kissmeinnewyork [T]
“Your mum’s been texting me.” Charlie can just about make out Nick’s bemused expression over his shitty student halls wifi connection. “She’s been doing what?” In the days after Nick goes to university, Sarah Nelson looks after Charlie like he's her own. (A collection of stories about found family, empty nests, house keys and Nick, Charlie and Sarah).
Narlie Waves by waveofyou [E]
A Heartstopper California AU where Nick (31) and the HS crew we know and love live in SoCal. Charlie (29) leaves his London office to work in San Diego for a year. Nellie makes a new puppy bestie. Nick is adorable teaching little first graders. Charlie looks hot playing the drums. Nick looks hot surfing. They…ahem…enjoy Nick’s pool…and shower…and balcony. The boys weirdly get snowed in at one point. In Southern California, go figure. Nick helps Charlie see that he's deserving of big, loud love from a certain golden retriever person. Charlie helps Nick to trust that his love is not conditional, that he's safe to fully express himself. A leaves falling, flower petals swirling story of queer love with a spectacular ocean view 🍂🌊🍂 ⚠️ This is NOT a slow burn. They feel the spark, follow it and make fire Any explicit sections are denoted with “🍂🔥🍂” Any triggering flashback, panic attack or detailed eating disorder moments with “🍂⚠️🍂” …so they can be skipped and the story still enjoyed- I’ve written it so no major plot is lost by skipping these sections Alternates between Charlie and Nick POV ♥️
now i've read all of the books beside your bed by thetomkatwholived [T]
Tara smirked. “Yes, Charlie Spring. Isaac is one of his best friends. He posts booktube videos.” “Booktube?” Darcy rolled her eyes. “Get on the internet, Nicholas! Youtube videos specifically about books. Isaac has a really great channel. Awesome queer recs.” She handed an earbud to Tara, and they both huddled around her phone. Or, Nick sees Charlie for the first time in years in Isaac's video and maybe that crush he thought was dulled comes back in full force. At least he can get all the recommended books at the new bookshop in town…
The Quarantine Chronicles by CJShips [T]
Inspired by the Heartstopper Mini-Comic: The Haircut, aged-up Nick and Charlie navigate pandemic life. I hope to make this a series of vignettes, but I wrote this first chapter as a stand-alone. Come on Charlie, just get here Nick begged internally, raising a hand to scrub his face. … Irrational thoughts that he’d been walling off for hours began to break through. What if Charlie’s flight had been re-routed? Or not taken off at all? Or what if the flight had arrived at SFO but for some reason, Charlie wasn’t on it? What if the United States sealed its borders and Nick became trapped in a different country from the most important person in the world? … For the first time since he and Charlie moved to San Francisco eight months ago, Nick wondered if it was a terrible mistake.
We Just Keep Going by agreatwave [M]
“Nothing’s wrong, nothing happened,” He reassures. “I just want to come home.” “Charlie - ” “I just really want to be with you tonight,” Charlie interrupts. Nick’s heart skips a beat. “Is- is that ok?” Charlie asks when Nick doesn’t respond immediately. This, more than anything, sets off an alarm in Nick’s head. It’s rare, these days, for Charlie to question things like he used to. OR When another long term couple breaks up, Charlie needs reassurance. Nick is more than happy to give it.
the wedding dance by steelknuckles [G]
Nick has two left feet, so he's lucky to have Charlie to guide him during their wedding dance. If love was a piano, it would be every note from top to bottom.
you only stay by peaceoutofthepieces [G]
“Ben talked to you at the cinema?” Nick interrupts, his voice shaking. His eyes are wide, and he grips Charlie’s hand tighter. “When did you talk to Ben?” “Oh.” Charlie looks down. “Uhm, outside, just before I left. After you’d gone back in.” He glances up in time to see Nick’s expression go pained, and he reaches his free hand over so he can grip Nick’s and squeeze back. “What did he say?” Nick asks quietly. “It doesn’t matter,” Charlie tries, but Nick’s kicked-puppy look only strengthens. “He just—it was the same thing about denying his feelings and being a dick about it. Telling me he never liked me, but I was pathetic enough for him to feel sorry for me. Usual Ben things.”
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sweatersinthesummer · 9 months
2023 in review
2023 was a fruitful year for creating! I divide my time mostly between three fandoms - Harry Potter, Check Please, and Schitt's Creek, and the works I created (or participated in) this year reflect that.
A little bit of a misunderstanding (Check Please, G, 10k words, zimbits)
Welcome to Schittsmeade (also a podfic) (Harry Potter, T, 3400 words, Drarry)
Check Please
[Podfic] All I Want is You
[Podfic] *bleep* Late Night Radio
[Podfic] Welcome Aboard the Samwell
[Podfic] Even Doubt Can Be Delicious (multivoice)
[Podfic] Pucks and Recreation
Harry Potter
[Podfic] The Last Coffee by kbrick
[Podfic] As Etiquette Demands
[Podfic] Nobody Tells You How
[Podfic] The Full Monty by magpie_fngrl
[Podfic] Kiss on cheek: one galleon by magpie_fngrl
[Podfic] Never Miss a Day Again
[Podfic] remember me
[Podfic] Nothing But You On My Mind
[Podfic] Can't Fight The Moonlight
[Podfic] Just a Touch of Your Love
The Call of Sweet Things [PODFIC] (multivoice)
Red, White, & Royal Blue
[Podfic] More Than Brick and Mortar
[Podfic] Getting Clinical
[Podfic] We were supposed to find this
[Podfic] Call me Old Fashioned
Schitt's Creek
[Podfic] Love, David
[Podfic] Celly
other fandoms
[Podfic] first fluttering (of its silken wings) - Heartstopper
[Podfic] in my soul - Stranger Things (just a little bit part)
[Podfic] respite (wanna give you forever) - Stranger Things
If I weren't lazy, I'd count up how many hours I recorded, but alas, I am lazy. Well, maybe the above list disproves that, but in any case, I don't feel like counting it. heh.
And because podficcing didn't keep me busy enough, I also started binding fics. But you can read about those on my binding sideblog.
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rumbelleshowdown · 1 year
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Author: Rose Daughter
Prompts: Sleeping curse. Playful banter. Different fairytale AU.
Group: Final
Pages of Reverie
Belle knows she’s asleep.
Her head has become a fuzzy place, coherent thought eluding her at all junctures. It’s an odd, unpleasant feeling; trying to remember how to remember. She can seize tiny shreds of memory, if she concentrates.
It all began with a tome, she knows this as well. It was slotted between a bookshelf and the library wall, discarded and forgotten. Inexplicably, there wasn’t a speck of dust on its surface, pristine as though it had been bound only yesterday. There were peculiar symbols etched into the cover with swooping flourishes of gold, the corners of its pages curling up like beckoning fingers.
She’d had an hour to spare before she needed to busy herself with Rumplestiltskin’s tea. What was the harm in one quick look? The moment this thought cemented itself, both she and the book hit the floor.
And that is when the fog had swept in, cloaking first her body and then her mind. It’s as though the Dark Castle has been the dream all along, and this new room materializing beneath her feet is the reality that always has been and always will be.
There’s an orchestra playing a graceful waltz, made indiscernible by the chatter of a crowd. Above the grand staircase hangs an ornate clock, framed by brass filigree. Belle doesn’t know why, but it is imperative that she flees before the stroke of midnight.
The face of her partner shifts into focus. She hadn’t even realized she’d been dancing.
It is a handsome face. Maddeningly familiar. Warm, amber-flecked brown eyes. Silken waves of graying hair. His features are lined with decades of laughs and scowls. He disarms her so severely, she trods hard on his foot. His lips split into a grin.
“Forgotten the steps already, dearie?” The prince asks in a rich brogue. “That’s quite alright. I’ll show you again. Now, it’s two steps backwards, one to the right, and then–”
He steers her across the floor smoothly, imitating the gliding hands of the clock. Each step she takes sounds like a teacup settling into a saucer. She notices, awed, that her slippers are made of glass.
But the tinkling of her steps is soon drowned out by a chime that reverberates throughout the entire chamber. Midnight. The prince gives her a forlorn, but understanding smile. His mouth ghosts over hers in a chaste, farewell peck as that same thick mist floods the ballroom.
Before her eyes, the dancing couples congeal into the trunks of gnarled oak trees, the chirp of the violins giving way to birdsong.
By the time the mist clears, her glass slippers have turned into boots of supple leather, mottled with the mud of the mossy, overgrown trail. As she treads along, the wind toys with her red cloak, making its hem flutter like the wings of a cardinal.
“Lost, are you?”
The voice comes from the thicket of trees. A man. At least, she thinks it’s a man. His canines are too long, his eyes wild and blazing, the whiskers along his jaw looking razor-sharp. When he tilts his head a certain way, Belle swears she can see two wolfish ears pricking from the top of his head.
“I’m…I’m going…” Her words taper off. She doesn’t have the slightest idea where she’s going.
He bucks his chin into the air as if to catch a whiff of her scent on the breeze.
“Wander off the path and you may get eaten, little darling.” One corner of the man’s mouth pulls up towards the high slant of his cheekbone. “Stay on the path and…well, the most ravenous of beasts may still try to steal a bite.”
He flashes through the brush and onto the trail, upon her in a single blink. He noses at the hood of her cloak, inhaling softly. His hands caress her body as though he were sculpting it from clay; forming first the curve of her hips and then her waist, before resting at the small of her back.
“I’m sorry you’re lost, poppet,” he burrs, creasing his brow in mock sympathy. “I’ll help you find your way out of these woods, if you’d like. I only ask that you let a starving old wolf take a small bite. Let him have just a taste. So he does not grow too hungry on the journey.”
His hands voyage upward now, easing her hood down and gathering her hair in his fists. His nails feel like claws against her scalp. The wolf ducks his head and kisses her. He kisses her like he means to devour her, his tongue tracing the seam of her lips until she allows him entry with a faint whimper.
She feels molten at her very core, and she is only vaguely aware of the world forging into something new.
Her hair is no longer being tugged on, but there is still an unusual weight to it. There doesn’t seem to be an end to it, in fact. It cascades down her back and past her hips, and knees, and ankles. It’s so long, she’s standing on it.
The forest has solidified into limestone walls, a rounded tower filled with lavish furniture rather than lush greenery. Her hair, interwoven with delicate ribbons and blossoms, spills over the window ledge like autumnal leaves from an aspen tree.
There is an insistent yank on the braid, but no pain reaches the crown of her head. And the prince, the wolf – no, a knight heaves himself over the ledge, landing on bended knee on the cobbled floor. He looks up at her, his shaggy, silver-streaked hair backlit by the mid-morning sun.
His breath comes in staccato pants. “My kingdom for a seventy-foot ladder.”
It is mere moments before he is kissing her knuckles, and then her jaw, and finally her parted lips.
And so it goes; the dreams twisting into new and magnificent shapes. The limestone tower becomes one of dark sandstone, massive straw bales piled high from floor to ceiling. The spinner sits at a wheel, feeding long stalks of straw through his nimble fingers. She watches as he works the straw into a fine golden thread that writhes and dances in the dim candlelight. The rickety wooden stool wails in protest when she melts into the spinner’s lap, seeking a forefront view of this artistry. She, however, shows no resistance when his lips find her neck, his teeth grazing her pulse point.
And as her restraint crumbles away, the tower walls go with it, opening up to a sprawling meadow, overwhelmed by wildflowers. There is a long table dressed in embroidered white linen and bestrewn with mismatched crockery. At the head of the table sits the imp, looking especially eccentric in his emerald brocade and jauntily-tipped hat. She scarcely has time to spoon the sugar into her tea before his mouth is ravishing hers.
The dreams loop and shuffle. The chime of midnight, the raking of claws, the weight of her elongated tresses, the kisses that grow more desperate with every revisit. Belle finds herself being pawed at by the wolf, and then tangled in the spinner’s golden thread, and then whirling across the ballroom in the arms of the prince. These realms reprise and overlap until they bleed into one all-consuming euphoric crescendo.
And then it ends.
It’s as jarring as being thrown from a horse. Belle wakes with a violent cough, retching on the remnants of some bitter fluid. There is no pair of lips pressed to hers, but instead the rim of a glass vial. She blinks. The real world looks strange now, far too permanent. Stranger still is the face hovering just above hers.
He looks like he might be biting back a laugh. He tuts at her, one brow quirked.
“Now, what trouble have you gotten into this time?”
Belle cannot answer. What was a disorienting blur to her sleeping mind is now striking in its clarity. These princes, and wolves, and knights. The same face, the same honeyed brogue, the same crooked smile. Who they were all along.
“Your eyes are still glazed over, dearie.” He taps one charcoal-black nail against the bulb of the vial. “Am I going to have to pour another one of these down your throat? I hope not. They’re a terrible nuisance to brew.”
“W-what happened?” She sits up with some effort. Rumple had, at some point, moved her from the floor to the settee.
“It would seem curiosity has once again killed the cat. Immobilized the cat, at the very least.”
The accursed book lies splayed open at his feet, and he prods it with the toe of his boot.
“What even is it?” she asks.
“Not a what, but a whom. It’s a….creature of sorts.”
“Not like any creature I’ve ever seen.”
Rumple gives a derisive scoff. “I’d have thought such a well-read girl would be more receptive to the…unconventional.”
He continues, “There are as many diverse souls in this world as there are grains of sand on a beach. Some feed on magic, some on memories. The nastiest sort gorge themselves on misery and fear. In my time, I’ve even come across an infuriating little beast that seems to subsist on nothing but raspberry cakes and tea.” Rumplestiltskin's mouth curves into a teasing, lopsided smirk. “But this insidious thing…feeds on desire.”
He twitches his fingers and the book is consumed by a plume of lilac smoke.
“When it senses its reader is unfulfilled – that they desperately hunger for something – it latches on and induces a deep sleep. Therein lies your greatest desire. It weaves dreams that appeal so singularly to the yearning of your heart that you’ll never be able to wake yourself. Then it simply feeds on you until you wither away,” he explains. “You’re lucky I can brew a potion that counters all manner of sleeping curses.”
Belle has heard very little after ‘greatest desire’. The two words resonate between her ears with a sense of stunned comprehension.
Rumple giggles, mischief personified. “How frightfully quiet you are! With the cat’s curiosity unsated, did it settle for your tongue? Perhaps I should have left you to your beauty sleep after all.”
“It was hardly beauty sleep,” she mutters, trying to dispel thoughts of his elegant fingers in her hair and his teeth nipping at her throat.
“Is that so? I imagine your pretty little head was awash with grand libraries, rose gardens, and wardrobes of satin gowns.”
“You’re being awfully presumptuous.”
“As are you. The foolish desires of mortals are my bread and butter. Do you really think that your mind is any more of a labyrinth than the rest? My, my. Presumptuous and conceited.” He shakes his head with a theatrical reproof. “So tell me, poppet, am I right? Was it libraries and roses and all that frivolous nonsense?”
“….yes, that’s exactly what it was.”
“Ah!” He clasps his hands together. “You make it too easy, silly girl. I could conjure all of that with a flick of my fingers, you know.”
“Yes, I’m quite sure you could give me all of my desires.”
Something in her tone makes his facade flicker. The words are too charged to be outright dismissed as banter. His expression is boyish in its bewilderment. But he recovers quickly, as always, shooing her away with a feigned sneer.
“If you don’t trot yourself down to the kitchens and fix my tea, the only thing I’ll be giving you is an extended holiday in the dungeons. A thirsty man is not a generous one.”
Belle does not immediately turn to go. She pauses, ruminating on Rumplestiltskin – the prince, the wolf, the knight, the spinner, the imp, the man.
As she lingers, his eyes do not stray from her. His face, a terrible fright to many, is so soft in its exhausted, amused affection.
Belle smiles to herself.
The living realm is truly none too different from that of her dreams. And she’s seen how those end. 
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raelly-writing · 1 year
Heartsick (Thancred/WoL, 5.0)
Short thing. I've wanted to revisit this idea for a while, but struggled with the weirdness that is writing dreams.
Pale moonlight spilled into the room, casting her in its soft glow.
“To good friends,” Viana said as she raised a wine glass to him.
Was that what they were?
Something in his heart tugged at the notion, a foolish longing for that which lay beyond him. How easily his resolution to not admit to what lay deep in his heart became muddled with a simple touch - his hand brushing over hers, bare skin against skin, as he took the glass from her.
"To good friends," he echoed.
Twelve, she looked ethereal bathed in the moonlight. Or was it the light of the mother crystal that had wrapped itself around Her champion like the finest of silken dresses?
Unprotected. Vulnerable. Relaxed.
Marred by the closely guarded sorrow he saw in her smile and eyes.
It mirrored what he hid in his own heart. Wonder if she too felt the bitter taste of regret on her tongue?
For those they have lost…
“I miss you,” he rasped out.
Viana tilted her head to the side, a rueful smile on her lips. “Then why did you leave me?”
An invisible force pulled at him, threatening to tear him away from her once more. Quickly, he reached out for her, drawing her closer as the stars danced around them, crowning her head. “I had no choice,” he whispered. “But you found me. You always seem to.”
She laughed softly as she slipped her arms over his shoulders, stardust twinkling in her dark green eyes. The sounds of the victory celebrations below them faded away - nothing else mattered than them, here and now.
Always drawn to her light, like a hapless moth to flame. Leaning forward, he heeded that call and slanted his lips over hers. There was no taste of bitter regret lingering on her lips, only the sweet satisfaction of her soft sigh of contentment as they together fell back against the rooftop, hidden from the view of the people below. Moonlight silks slipped between his fingers as he bared her body to his questing hands, and by the gods, in his arms she was as though made of fire.
He lost himself in her and her warmth, the divine light of her blessing burning away the black ice in his heart, leaving him adrift with just her amidst a sea of stars-
Thancred jerked upright, one hand shooting out to his side to grasp the familiar hilt of his gunblade.
No threat met his vigilant gaze - not even the flutter of wings from a retreating pixie. In the serene stillness of the Bookman’s Shelves he could hear the distant tinkling laughter of the winged menaces, most likely up to mischief somewhere else in the manor.
Sighing, he fell back against the bed and stared blankly up at the roof. He was in the guestroom of Urianger’s home. Il Mheg. The First.
Far away from the Source.
Thancred clenched his jaw as he screwed his eyes shut, but it did nothing to dispel the lingering fragments of the dream. A stubborn, familiar longing ached in his heart. 
Four years had passed since he last saw her, and still he could perfectly recall that brief smile they’d exchanged, right before the Exarch’s call had hit them. One moment he’d been there, and the next…
Unlike his dream self, he did taste the bitter regret on his tongue as the memory inevitably brought others to the surface - of quiet moments they’d spent together, her wry chuckles and dry quips to his habitual flirting, the intense look in her eyes when they were in the midst of sparring… Those memories were more soft around the edges, but no less dear to him. Despite it, his heart was a knot of conflicting emotions he did not want to untangle and examine further. Exhaling slowly, he rubbed his hand over his face.
It was just homesickness. And concern for a dear friend that had been left alone amidst a raging war.
Nothing more.
His heart and dreams be damned.
“That’s what is for the best, after all,” he murmured into the silence of his room.
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kumeko · 2 years
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A/N: For the Goddess Messenger Zine vol 4! Look at me writing a pure romantic drama, it’s been a while. Inpsiried by AlzzziMi/status/1310535382270791680/photo/1 on twitter, one day I want to write a fic for every one of their Claudeleth pieces.
It is early dawn when Byleth wakes. She has always woken up early, the habit drilled into her from her days as a mercenary. Her father would shake her shoulder, his hand gentle as he roused her from sleep. It’s time to go, he murmured as the sun peeked through the trees. There was a contradiction in Jeralt, in how his hands were gentle with her while unflinchingly cutting down his enemies. His lips tugged into a small smile as she quietly got to her feet.
Now, though, there is no father by her bed when she stirs. Instead of a blue sky, she’s greeted by a blue canopy. The sun sneaks in through stained windows, lighting up a mansion of a bedchamber filled with luxuries that are a far cry from her days in the woods.
The greatest treasure in the room, though, is the man sleeping next to her. Byleth shifts her body slowly, trying not to wake him as she turns to watch him. Claude has always slept cat-like, easy to wake, as though he is afraid someone will come for him in his sleep. When they first slept together, she was not surprised to find a dagger under his pillow. She is certain it is from his time in Almyra. She is equally certain he will dodge the question if she asks.
She did not mind it during the war. Now, though, Byleth wishes this skill would disappear. It is rare to find Claude entirely still, his mind quiet. It is rarer still that she gets to gaze down on him uninterrupted. His dark hair splays across the pillow, his hands curling into the bedsheets. There is something almost innocent about his expression like this, like the schemes leave him when he sleeps.
Even now, with the battle behind them, there are schemes. She wonders if it will be like that when they grow old, if when the grey reaches his temples, he’ll still have a trick up his sleeve. If she’ll always catch that mind whirling with the next plan, the next step, his body trying to keep up with the grand dreams he has envisioned of the future.
It’s peaceful now. Birds trill, greeting the rising sun. Outside, bakeries and smithies start their day. Claude mercifully stays asleep. Byleth resists the urge to run a hand through his silken locks, to brush his jaw and watch him shiver. His reaction would be a temporary pleasure soon followed by the hard edge of reality.
When he wakes, they will have to return to their duties and tasks. He is the King of Almyra. She is the leader of Fódlan. Between them, there is a country to rebuild, borders to open, people to heal. There is no time to rest. There is no time to think. And there is certainly no time to lay in bed, watching the sunrise.
It is more than she expected. Claude was raised a prince and lived a Riegan, but Byleth has always just been Byleth, a commoner in every way, shape, and form. Leading a mercenary troop was all she had expected in life.
Now she is a symbol, a goddess reborn. Now she is not Byleth, never just Byleth. People look at her with expectations and dreams and hopes, people look at her as though she can change the path of history and carve out the injustices in the world.
Byleth fiddles with her ring. When she’s troubled, her fingers are drawn to its warm metal. She loves the weight of it, the way it slides across the skin, the way it reminds her of the string connecting her to Claude. When it gets too much, she just has to touch it and she is home.
A breeze picks up. The curtains billow, fluttering like wings. Byleth smells freshly baked bread and smoke. The earthy scent of the forest, the grimy smell of dust from the road. If she inhales deeply enough, she imagines smelling the salty sea. Even deeper yet, a dozen spices she doesn’t know the name of, a little piece of Almyra smuggling its way into Fódlan.
The wind travels. Byleth stretches her legs, feeling a familiar trill running through them. She has never been in one place for so long before. A wanderlust fills her, urges her to get moving. Surely, they could both take a small trip. There are plenty of competent people around them—Lorenz at the very least would enjoy the opportunity, if not the chance to one-up Claude again. It’s not like they have to go far or long.
It could work.
There’s a soft groan as Claude stirs. His eyes crack open, his gaze unfocused. Automatically, he turns to her, his hand reaching forward to tangle in hers.
“’morning,” he murmurs, his voice thick with sleep.
“Morning.” Byleth leans forward, brushing his hair out of his face. Her own hair covers him like a curtain. She remembers the wind. “Let’s go on a trip.”
“A trip?” Claude blinks, forcing himself to wake up. His hand squeezes hers gently.
She nods. “Just the two of us.”
“That…” Claude stares at her in surprise before breaking into a smile. “That would be great.” He reaches up, his fingers tangling in her hair, his hand forcing her closer as he kisses her. The sun hits him and it’s like kissing molten gold, like the sun touching the sky.
Byleth has always surprised him. Ever since that first meeting eight years ago, Claude has been on his toes around his former professor. Her prowess in the battlefield, her strange connection to Rhea and Sothis, her abilities and hair colour—whenever he thinks he’s getting used to her, she throws him for a loop.
That hasn’t changed after they were engaged. For all of Byleth’s skill in war, she has very little in relationships, and it has been entertaining watching her bumble her way through with various degrees of success.
Or maybe it is ‘complete’ success, since he finds each fumble endearing. His life has always been teetering on the edge of perfection, on diligence. Claude has to predict as many possibilities as he can when he takes a step, when he picks a destination, when he chats with a dignitary. If Byleth fears failure, she never lets it show. If she makes a misstep, she doesn’t seem to care. Her expressions are honest, her gestures genuine, and he can only hope to one day reach her freedom.
In the meantime, he makes do with what he can. Their private movements together, their stolen kisses and lingering touches. Life is the interlude between long journeys from Almrya to Fódlan, the time spent in one royal house or the other before they must once more separate. One day, he wants to build a house right at the border, half in one country, half in the other. Byleth will probably never know how much he hungers for her, how much desire thrums under his skin like a drumbeat, but he has a lifetime to show her.
And today’s vacation is supposed to be a chance to do just that. When he had kissed Byleth, accepting her offer, he had imagined something soft, something luxurious. He had not imagined them traipsing through small villages dotting the border of their country, a work trip in the guise of a break.
Even now they’re in another nameless village. Claude is certain there isn’t a map that marks his location. A cool mountain breeze blows and he fights back a sigh as he takes in the dirt paths and wooden roofs. “This isn’t quite what I had in mind, Teach.”
Byleth frowns, looking more puzzled than upset. She fiddles with her ring, a tick he noticed she does whenever she’s trying to figure something out. “Did you want a different village?”
“It’s not the village that’s the problem.” Claude chuckles. He gestures as the official looking men and women approach them. “I thought this was a vacation.”
“Oh.” Byleth is contrite. “I thought it would be efficient. We can tour the country and check damages while also going on a trip.” She waits a beat. “It’s also a good excuse if anyone asks.”
“That’s true.” He doesn’t deny her words. It’s not a bad strategy. It just isn’t one he was prepared for. Though, in all honesty, he should have expected it. Byleth is a practical woman, after all. Even her gifts have some useful application.
Byleth picks up on his disappointment. “I thought you would like that.”
“I don’t hate it.” He carefully picks his words like a climber picks footholds. “A warning would have been nice, though.”
“Hello!” Fortunately, the town’s officials arrive, interrupting the conversation. It’s a gaggle of five elders, dressed up in their finest wools.
A woman in a grey tunic steps forward. Her eyes are sharp despite her white hair and wrinkled skin. ‘Greetings, your majesty.” She curtsies. “I’m Rosemary, the village head. It is an honour to have you here.”
“That’s fine.” Byleth shakes her head dismissively. She has never liked the trims and dressing of royalty. He wishes there were more like her. Perhaps they wouldn’t have had a war if there were.
Rosemary turns to him and curtsies once more. “Duke Riegan.”
“He is now the King of Almyra,” Byleth adds, smiling softly.
He waits, but she doesn’t add anything else. There have been barely any mentions of their engagement back in the royal palace and as far as his spies have told him, few knew of the true nature of their relationship.
The ring on his finger feels cold and heavy.
As expected, they are given the royal treatment, down to the room they stay in. The village head furnishes a guest bedroom. Every surface is covered in flowers. Candles light the room romantically, the town’s speciality in goat cheese is placed on a table in the center, and there’s a small basin filled with warm water to wash their faces.
Byleth already feels stuffy as she enters. It’s a small mercy that for once she isn’t wearing her proper robes and instead her old mercenary fatigues, she could not imagine making this trip otherwise. Her mouth is tired from pleasantries, her hand still curved in the shape of a handshake. Even during her days as a professor, she hadn’t really enjoyed social activities, but they had been bearable since her students were just as casual as she was.
Claude whistles softly as he looks around, his mood improving. “Nice digs.”
“It is.” She glances at the bed and for a moment, it’s six years ago and she’s travelling with her father. “There’s only one bed.”
A shadow flickers across his face, an expression that disappears before she can read it. His lips tug into a familiar smirk and he clasps his hands behind his back as Claude sidles close and leans toward her. “What, getting shy, Teach?”
Byleth flushes lightly. The promises in his waggling brow and sly smile drag up memories. “No, I…just old habits.”
“It’s been a while since I travelled with someone.” Byleth studies his face—it’s impossible to tell he had been bothered at all. Then again, she has never been adept at that skill like he is. Brute honesty is the only way for her to get answers. “Is something wrong?”
“Nope.” He’s still smiling. It’s genuine, but not entirely. Part of her is disappointed; even now Claude likes to keep his secrets. There’s a wall between them, one that she can never quite scale or break down. She doesn’t know how.
There’s a knock on the door. He turns to open it. Rosemary steps in, her hands clasped in front of her as she bows slightly. “I’m sorry for interrupting your rest.”
“It’s fine,” Byleth replies. The only thing waiting for her are questions without answers. A distraction is more than welcome.
“What happened?” Claude asks. She can tell by his relaxed posture he already knows the problem. Of course he does.
“We’ve had trouble with a group of bandits nearby.” Rosemary’s eyes are clear as she looks at them. Byleth wonders if she’s been waiting to ask this question since they stepped foot in the town. “Unfortunately, no one here is able to handle them and they’ve been blocking off our supplies.”
Byleth doesn’t hesitate before nodding. “We’ll handle it.”
“Really? Thank you, your highnesses.” Rosemary smiles. “I’ll prepare a map in the morning with their location.”
Only when the woman leaves, the door slamming shut behind her, does Claude turn to her with a wry smile. “More work, huh?”
“I’m sorry.” Byleth sighs, her shoulders drooping. “I might not be good at planning vacations.”
“That’s an understatement.” Claude grabs her hand and pulls her close. He presses his forehead to hers and smiles. “But I don’t mind.”
She doesn’t see any shadows this time, but part of her fears he’s just gotten better at hiding it.
Claude has always been a light sleeper. In a royal household, between actual assassins and imaginary shapes in the wind, you had to be. His uncle had been killed in his sleep, throat slit. Another poisoned. Battles for the heir apparent are a constant, no matter how old or how distant the candidates are. He learned to sleep still, to keep one eye open and ear to the sky.
With Byleth, he forgets all of that. When his arms wrap around her, when his chest presses against her back, he forgets everything. Her pine scent washes over him as he falls asleep, her soft hair tickling his neck, and he’s out like a light to the sound of her heartbeat. It’s a deep sleep. His mother would be ashamed.
As soon as she leaves the safe cage of his arms, he’s back to old habits. Claude wakes up at the crack of dawn, the spot in front of him still warm. He stares at the emptiness for a second, the impression left by her body, the way his hands can still feel the smooth expanses of her skin. Ever since her disappearance during the war, he feels like he’s spent most of his life chasing Byleth’s shadow. Then he looks up to find her half-way dressed.
“Where are you going?” he asks. He doesn’t need to hear the answer, he already knows.
This isn’t the first time he’s woken to an empty bed. And despite his hopes, it won’t be the last.
“To get the bandits,” Byleth replies, her voice clipped as she snaps on her jacket. There’s military precision to her movements, an efficiency borne from years with Jeralt. Her pants slide on, then her belt. It takes only a minute and she’s already ready to leave.
Claude sits up, running a hand through his hair, chasing the sleep from his eyes. The blanket falls off his chest and pools in his lap. To her credit, she doesn’t react. “They said they’d get the map ready in the morning.”
“It is the morning.”
He laughs. “They didn’t mean this early in the morning.”
She purses her lips, annoyed. “It’s better to deal with these things quickly. They’ll catch wind and be harder to deal with later.”
He doesn’t doubt that. Her experience in this is still greater than his—a five year absence still hasn’t changed that. “You were going alone?”
“I didn’t mean to wake you.” She flashes a smile before glancing at the door. “So the map won’t be ready?”
That isn’t the point. Claude studies her profile: determined eyes, strong jaw, straight back. She’s a warrior at her core. The people call her a goddess, a reincarnation of Sothis, a second coming of Rhea. If she is a goddess, she is one of steel and blood. There’s a country near his where they worship such a warrior, a goddess who dances over skulls and wields a sword in each of her many hands.
He finds in Byleth the image of that goddess.
But unlike that goddess, who can do her work alone, Byleth is still a human. For all of her powers, she can get injured. She can get killed.
Claude does not think he could survive that heartbreak.
“Give me a second, I’ll get ready.” He clambers out of bed. Her eyes draw lower and lower before she snaps her head away and Claude feels a brief surge of pride at the reaction. Maybe he’ll tease her a little later, see how far he can go before she pounces.
“Are you sure?” she asks, gaze pointedly away from him.
“You don’t know where to go right?” Claude grins, pulling on his pants. “I have an idea where their camp might be.”
Surprised, she turns to him, forgetting his state of undress. “You do?”
“Yeah. There were some odd signs of activity when we flew over.” He puts on his shirt, feels the hard round edge of each button before he snaps them in place. Looking down, he can’t see her expression as he says, “You can rely on me more, you know.”
Quietly, she replies. “I know. I do.”
As usual, Claude knows exactly where to go. They ambush the bandits and dispatch them quickly, springing out of nowhere like a pair of ghosts. If those ruffians didn’t pray before, they do now; quickly, silently, under their breath, in loud curses and sobbing pleads. Their skills are wanting and they fall before her sword like a pack of cards.
By the time they get back, Rosemary has already set up a celebration. They are dragged from house to house, street to street. Rings of flowers are dropped over their heads and petals float in the air. A little girl kisses Claude on the cheek. An old woman offers Byleth an apple.
Claude smiles and laughs the entire time, enthusiastically dragging Byleth with him as they are presented with all of nature’s treasures. His hand stays twined in hers, their fingers interlaced. He looks happy.
She might not be as adept as he is, but Byleth can tell that he’s partially faking it. He’s still upset about this morning, this small grievance she doesn’t entirely understand. Was it irritation that he woke up? Annoyance that he had to go out with her, since she didn’t have a map? Disappointment?
Most likely, it’s none of the above, but she can’t stop the small niggling in the corner of her mind. When she is around him, she is keenly aware of the places she lacks,
Still, even with that, there are things she can do. Claude wants her to rely on him. And she does—his strength in politics, his warmth when she’s stressed, his smiles when she’s tired. In ways big and small, he has become her rock, her center, and she feels his pull like the tide does the moon.
Byleth does lean on him—but then she remembers her father, his absent smiles, his tomorrows and next times. The words Jeralt never said, never got a chance to say. The gaps in her knowledge she has had to piece together on her own. Actions aren’t enough, sometimes. Sometimes things need to be said, experienced.
In the evening, there is a bonfire. Big and bright, it lights up the night sky. Sparks fly, small embers like fireflies into the night. Villagers pen in the town square, clapping in time with the music. Couples dance around the flames, twirling in a language she cannot even hope to replicate.
It is a language Claude knows, though. They stand side by side watching the dancers and her hand seeks his. The pads of his fingers nicked from countless arrows. His ring is warm and calming.
“Byleth?” he asks, looking down.
Sometimes Byleth forgets how much taller he is now. Her head reaches his chin. “Do you want to dance?” She rubs his ring. “I don’t know how—teach me.”
It’s more an order than a request, but his smile broadens all the same. “I get to be the teacher this time,” he teases her, pulling her along as he positions them closer to the flames.
“You’ve been the teacher for a while now,” she corrects.
He kisses her in response.
He had imagined it. That is all Claude can think of, as he spins Byleth around the fire, as she steps on his toes and apologizes before stepping on his toes once more. She’s biting her cheek, focused on the dance, but she’s smiling and she’s happy and maybe it was just in his imagination after all.
Hilda had told him, many times, that he was prone to overthinking. She’d roll her eyes, pat him on the back, and tell him maybe use that noggin of yours a little less? Sometimes things are exactly as they appear to be.
Claude still maintains that it isn’t the case, that it is better to overthink than underthink, but today he is willing to concede the point.
Byleth twirls, her green hair glowing in the firelight like a beacon. Her skirt swirls like a hurricane, pulling him toward her. It could be pitch dark and he knows his eyes would be drawn to her, that his eyes have always been drawn to her. Even when she first appeared all those years ago, impassive as a rock, he had been drawn to her like a moth to the flame.
 Her hand returns to his as she steps back into place. Byleth breathes deeply as she slows to a stop, the dance over. It’ll be a while still before the flush on her skin disappears. “Thank you,” she murmurs, giving him another one of her slight smiles, a waning moon that always appears on the edge of disappearing.
“Want another?” he asks as the music picks up again, loath to let her go.
“A drink first.” She wets her lips. “I’m parched.”
Sometimes, being human was a bother. Claude squeezed her hands once before reluctantly pulling away. “I’ll get it.”
Startled, she looks at him with wide eyes. “That’s fine, I’ll—”
“Think of it as my thanks for the dance.” Claude smiles lopsidedly. “It’ll be a minute.”
Byleth purses her lips, considering it before acquiescing. “I’ll rely on you,” she says, echoing his words from the morning.
He laughs. She’s so obvious sometimes. It’s utterly refreshing. Part of him wants to kiss her, but if he does, then no one’s getting a drink. Slipping away, Claude heads over to the long banquet tables laden with fruits, berries, entire roasted pigs, delicate chicken dishes, and more. It seems like too much for a simple ‘defeat the bandits’, but he can understand the need to celebrate.
It is the little things in life that make it worthwhile.
When he returns to the fire, Claude spots her standing by herself, her back to the fire. She’s fiddling with her ring, sliding it on and off. Part of him fears that she’s debating between taking it off or keeping it on. A bigger part of him knows that’s irrational.
At least, a bigger part until he steps closer and hears her mumble, “Was it a mistake?”
Her ring slips off.
“Claude?” Byleth’s gaze flicks between the stiff profile of her fiancé and his white-knuckled grip on her arm. This is perhaps the most emotional she’s ever seen him. No one will ever call Claude stoic, but his emotions have always been kept on a tight leash. They only see what he allows them to see, like a gardener pruning his flowers.
She’s only seen his emotions spill out of him thrice—once when she returned from her absence. Another when they finally ended the war. The third when they’d exchanged rings.
And now, a fourth time. His feelings overflow, a tempest she can feel, as Claude pulls her off the main street. It’s only when they’re finally alone that he finally stops in his tracks. His hand is still gripping her wrist tight.
“Claude?” Byleth repeats, stepping forward to look at him. It’s too dark to read his expression, especially here. There’s only a flickering lantern three houses down and it casts shadows that she can’t see past.
“I…” Claude turns to her, then away. He runs a hand through his hair. “We…”
It’s the first time she’s seen him speechless. Claude always has a word on his tongue, always has something witty to say. Yet now he fumbles like a child and something in her unravels at the sight. Gently, she pries his hand off her wrist and intertwines their fingers instead. “What is it?” she asks encouragingly.
“We…we need to talk.” He doesn’t pull away, but his hand is stiff and her heart sinks.
“…us.” Claude looks at her now. “What was a mistake?”
“Huh?” Byleth flushes as she remembers—had he heard her then? Embarrassment fills her and she ducks her head. “That’s...”
“I understand.” She hears a shift in his voice and before she can ask, there’s a hand in front of her. “I’ll take it back.”
Byleth stares at his hand. “You’ll what?”
“You don’t have to worry about it. These things happen. I’ll take the ring back and—”
This time, she can hear the heartbreak in his voice. It echoes the sound in her chest. Immediately, she recoils, stepping as far away from his hand as possible. “What are you doing?”
She still can’t see him clearly. Maybe she never has.
“Taking the ring back.” For once, there isn’t a hint of jesting in his tone, no matter how badly she wants to hear it.
“I don’t want to give it back,” she snaps, a fury growing within her. His decisions are a mystery to her and she’s tired of it. “Why are you always like this?”
He freezes. “Always like what?”
“Making decisions on your own. Hiding your feelings.” Byleth balls her hands into tight fists, wanting nothing more than a bandit to hit. “You never explain anything. We’re not at war anymore. You don’t always need a plan! You can at least tell me what they are!”
Claude flinches. “I’m not that secretive.”
“You are.” She pleads, “I can’t tell what you’re thinking sometimes. And it scares me.”
“That…you scare me,” he replies softly. “You say I’m the one acting on my own? No, that’s you, it’s always you. You act like you’re still a mercenary, and you’re not. You act like you’re alone, and you’re not.”
She freezes.
“You’re not,” he repeats, softer now. He steps forward now and she can make out the furrow in his brow, the soft droop of his lips, the slump in his shoulders. “I’m with you. I’m always with you.”
And just like that, her fury calms. Byleth might not know Claude as well as she’d like to, but right there, right then, she knows him perfectly. She knows his fear. She knows how it mirrors her own. Years ago, his arm had wrapped around her shoulder after Jeralt’s death, a warm reminder that the universe was not as empty as she feared.
Death isn’t the only thing that can take away a person.
She steps forward, meeting him in the shadows. Her arms wrap around him, pulling him close. He flinches, startled, but doesn’t back away. Standing on the tips of her toes, Byleth presses her forehead to his. “Claude.”
“Yeah?” he breathes and she remembers that warm breeze that had started it all, the spices she could not name. She couldn’t, but he could. Whatever she couldn’t do, he could. And wherever he failed, she could give him a hand.
“You’re with me. I know that.” She closes her eyes. “I forget, sometimes, that I don’t have to do things on my own. It’s an old habit. It’s hard to stop. I’ll try.”
“You don’t—”
“For you, I’ll try. Just like I wanted to make this vacation for you.” She opens her eyes now. This close, she can just make out the lashes on his eyes, the dim light barely outlining them. “I thought I had made a mistake planning it. It’s full of work. You always seem troubled. Did I make a mistake?”
His lips part as he gasps softly and his arms go around her now, squeezing her tight. “It wasn’t. It isn’t.”
She smiles, her fears released. “I’m glad.”
“And I…” He chuckles weakly. “You’re right, old habits are hard to break. I can’t promise no more schemes but...none from you. You’ll always know what I’m thinking.”
“That’s all I need.” Byleth relaxes.
“And the ring?”
“You can pry it off my dead hands,” she replies smartly.
Claude laughs. It’s pure and honest and a wave of relief fills her. “As long as you don’t die before me, I’m game.”
“You’re not allowed to die before me either,” she murmurs.
“No, I suppose not.” There’s a pregnant pause before he looks up at her. Their foreheads are still touching, and she can almost feel his look like a physical thing, like it jumps through that connection and into her core. Electricity fills her. “Hey, Byleth, want to know what I’m thinking now?”
For once, she doesn’t need the words.
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swiftlythebest · 2 years
12 & 29!
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Lolz, so many! Okay, conservatively, 16. But that’s excluding two fics that are probably done and I’m hoping to either post soon or at least won’t be adding to. But yes, there are maybe too many WIPs just chilling in my docs.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Ah, this requires me to actually remember specifics of my writing…
I think something from first fluttering (of its silken wings). Spoilers for that fic! Probably this moment towards the end of it:
Now Charlie was confused. “Then whose is the blue one?”
“Charlie.” Nick stepped forward, now in that too close territory. “The blue one’s mine.”
At Nick’s words, the leaves and flowers dive-bombed down, swirling all around them, pushing them even closer. Nick just smiled as Charlie stumbled into his arms, the blue heart floating over his head.
That moment feels very cinematic in my head and was the payoff of a lot of words of tension.
Send me some AO3 wrapped asks!
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blahblahblaw18 · 2 years
The Sound of Familiarity
I was sitting in the Global Reading Room in our university and working on my history assignment. sitting, there plying at my keyboard, taking down notes, underlining important points and highlighting keywords when my mind randomly starts buzzing with the tune of some long-forgotten music. At first, it is a faint hum of the tune and then it became more and more pronounced. Taaanaanna na na na na... 
and then it grew louder and louder and then so loud that it is no longer in my head, it has forced itself out of the shackles of my mind and is now resonating out of my laptop. the faint, intangible hum has wriggled out of my body and is now a song. like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon. and it now presents itself before me, the butterfly of the song, flashing the wings of its ostentatiously beautiful lyrics on the faded screen of my laptop.
"Akkare Maathadi Pooje Maadi Anthovne Maadevaaaa... Ughe! Ughe! Elu Male Myaleli Kunthanavva...."
What is the name of the song? ...what is it? is it elu male myaleli...? no, it doesn't seem like it. must be hange kuniro hinge kuniro? And i glance at my screen, scenes from a film keep changing in quick succession. the image of a distinctively strong man of dusky complexion, ruffled hair, and stern expressions is constant in all photos. Shivanna. and then like the apricity of the morning sun, enveloping the body in a blanket of warmth, my mind is embraced tightly with memories from a past, long lost and forgotten. they hug me. and i scramble to hug them back, it is a long, tight embrace. 
"Beta zara is taraf aajao" 
"en akka? - uh haan didi-"
And like a tree recoiling at the strike of lightning, i crack back into consciousness. I move aside to let the didi sweep the carpet underneath and i am pulled out of my lucid dream and yanked back into reality. I glance out of the window and I see the flagpole- the silken flag majestically fluttering away. Elu male myaleli is still resonating from the laptop as i continue to stare at the flag. for once, this feels like my flag. my flag, my country, i belong here. This place, this college, the people, the trees, the building are all mine. it is my college and this is me. 
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i-am-not-a-writer · 13 days
The Yellow Spider and the Monarch Butterfly
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Once upon a time, in the heart of the royal garden, there lived a humble yellow spider. Though small and unremarkable, it had spun a web of breathtaking beauty — a delicate masterpiece, shimmering under the soft glow of the moon. The strands of silk stretched between the roses and ivy, glinting like silver threads in the night. Yet, for all the web’s grandeur, the spider itself remained unnoticed, a creature of little significance in the grand tapestry of the garden.
One night, the web caught an unexpected visitor: a Monarch butterfly, its wings vibrant and shimmering like stained glass. As it fluttered through the garden, it became ensnared in the spider’s silken trap. The butterfly’s wings thrashed against the sticky threads, causing the entire web to tremble. Sensing the disturbance, the yellow spider stirred from its slumber, creeping out from its corner to investigate.
Slowly, carefully, the spider approached the trapped butterfly. The Monarch’s wings glistened in the moonlight, even as they struggled helplessly against the silk.
“Help me, please! Don’t eat me!” the butterfly pleaded, its voice fragile with desperation.
The spider paused, its many eyes reflecting the beauty of the butterfly’s wings. For a long moment, it said nothing, simply admiring the vivid patterns and rich hues. Finally, in a soft, almost regretful tone, it replied, “I wish I could help you, but the silk has tangled too deeply in your wings. I fear there is no way to free you.”
Despite the dire circumstances, a strange bond began to form between the two. Each night, they would talk — the spider drawn to the butterfly's grace and beauty, the butterfly finding comfort in the spider's quiet presence. Their conversations stretched through the darkness, each word weaving a fragile thread of friendship. But as the days passed, the butterfly grew weaker, its wings losing their strength.
One fateful morning, as the first rays of sunlight crept into the garden, a human wandered by and noticed the Monarch’s plight. With pity in their heart, the human reached out to free the butterfly. The yellow spider, desperate to protect its web — its home, its creation — scurried forward and bit the human's hand in a futile act of defiance.
With a swift, careless motion, the human tore through the spider’s intricate web, ripping apart the delicate threads that had taken so long to build. The butterfly, now freed from the tangle of silk, fluttered weakly into the air, its beautiful wings beating one last time under the human’s gaze.
But for the yellow spider, there was no triumph. Crushed in the chaos, it lay motionless among the ruins of its web, watching as the butterfly soared for just a moment before disappearing into the light of day.
And so, the spider's masterpiece, its web, was lost — torn apart in a fleeting gesture of mercy — while the memory of the butterfly’s final flight lingered like a ghost beneath the garden's roses.
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sugarakis-p2 · 3 years
All knights and days must die Ch1
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Sequel to Shigaraki's New Mate <link ch3
Mothman Shigaraki is the new king and he has so much on his shoulders and wings. Nothing better than to use Ur (Aka Ur Name x reader) to relieve his stress as he plots to destroy the Order of the Azure rose and Light. F/M
The story generated enough interest I'm doing the sequel to Shigaraki's New Mate. I write plot heavy stuff so for me to become focused on any new chapters I normally require one of two things: hundred hearts or one comment. One comment is all I need because, reader, your that special to me :) I count stuff from my AO3 which is why this is here today! Hey, the story you never asked for! But now you need right ;)
I know most people use y/n for your name. Its Ur Name from now on, but rest assured you are the one being thoroughly used by Shigaraki.
Warning: Hard Dom smutty moth Shiggy, knotting, cumflation
Chapter 1
Your eyes flutter, body sore and aching.
Groaning, you look around and are confused as to where you are. Naked body shivering from the cold. You look down to see your filthy form is bruised and battered as well. It's hard to see in the dim cave. The coals in the hearth of the fireplace have died down to smoldering coals. Remembering, you groan at how you shamefully enjoyed that monster defiling you. The Mothman creature had violated you, and it was not the romance you had wanted your first time to be.
From what your older sister Maude has told you, it was more realistic and pleasant than a prostitute's experience. The riches in the cave are dazzling but ultimately meaningless. They are all hoarded by a creature who only values them as decoration. There is no way to spend it or send it home. The nest is cold without the Moth creature's slumbering form. You wonder where he went? In your sleep, you vaguely remember him speaking to you in your own language. Broken or not, he clearly understands, and it's what saved you.
The silken canopy and the fur-lined nest provide little heat. With a groan, you stand to feel something trickle down your legs. Looking down, you moan in misery. Blood and jizz from the creature are running out of you. Cautiously you place your foot on the polished earthen floor and jerk it back. The red and golden smooth clay is freezing, but you must risk it to stoke the flames. On tiptoe and whimpering, you run to the health and add wood. Using a stick to stir the fire. Using one of the sticks to set alight, you see there are holders and light a few. Your toes are going numb, but the rest of you is starting to warm up. Using water from a jug, you rub down your body and wash between your legs.
You yank at one of the dusty bolts of clothe and wrap yourself in extravagant silk. It feels nice, and with enough layers, you are starting to warm up. It's frightening here alone; you almost wish the deadly Moth creature was here if for no other reason than to not be alone. In a house of starving people, you're alone and not. You get used to the grumbles of stomachs and the siblings too tired to talk, but this was truly alone. You wrap some fur and cloth around your feet and go exploring.
You go the direction you think you came in and soon realize you are in a maze of tunnels. It's getting scary as your torch is starting to dwindle. You want to make your way back, but you think you passed that same column twice now. Desperate, you ask the darkness for help. "Hey, is anyone there? I'm lost and can't find my way back." You do this for several minutes, your hope dwindling with your light. Then you hear it. A faint scratching sounds, followed by a distinct shouting voice. You follow it to a bathroom, a nice one, with genuine tiles!
But you don't have time to admire it. You hear the shouting coming over in another room. It's a privy and a relevantly nice-smelling one, considering most never get cleaned. You raise your torch to see the wall behind the covered toilet is being chipped away by something metal. It breaks away to leave a big gaping person-sized hole. A wooden shield lands on the lid, and a woman dressed like royalty walks in with a glow stone lamp.
"That's better, although the smell is overpowering. Help me find something to hang over this hole. Don't want either mate knowing." The woman says as she runs into the other room, coming back quickly with a tapestry, you see a sconce and move promptly to help the woman. "Grab that side," She grunts as you both struggle to cover the hole she had just made.
After five attempts, both managed to get it secured and you lose the cloth covering you. The other girl has a much weaker upper body than you. You can't help but notice the left side of her shoulder has burned symbols running down. You wonder if the whole left side is like that all the way down, but it's rude to stare, so you push it out of your mind. Sighing in satisfaction, she turns to you.
"Well, now that's taken care of time for introductions. My name is Lyra. I'm a mate to the one they call Dabi. Now you," She instructs like you're some kind of dullard. Maybe this is just how rich people act? "I'm Ur Name, but everyone just calls me Ur. Before I was forced here, I helped as a farmhand on our turnip farm, but I am an excellent seamstress. I have no idea what my mate is or what he's called. He's pale, red eyes, tall, scars around his face, with wings that look like an owl's face with red eyes," she gasps at your words. She looks concerned for a moment and then delighted. "White hair but bluish fur collar and groin? She asks. You nod confirmation.
"Oh yes, I made it. That is Tomura Shigaraki; he's the new king. Can't say I envy you. That one is mean, the cruelest. Anyways, have you seen scrolls?" Lyra asks. After what you have seen him do to girls that were too noisy, yes, you can believe this despite how sweet he was between your legs. "I haven't seen any scrolls. I'm lost, and my light is going out. I need to get back before that creature shows back up. I don't know what the rules are, and I'm worried it doesn't like females misbehaving," you say frantically, hoping to move along this conversation. "Oh, I have no idea the layout of this place. I came here because I need to find some scrolls. They are important to humanity's future," Lyra says urgently. "Right now, I'm concerned for myself. Can you search with me? I really need the light and to hurry?" She narrows her eyes at you as they rack over your nude form. You feel judged and embarrassed. You wrap the cloth around yourself quickly.
"Damn, I assumed that because you weren't as pretty as the others in the past, you might be a hero. This is most unfortunate because I'm no hero either. We'll have to see if you are smarter than the others in any case. Listen closely because I'm going to tell you how to survive the night if you get caught. You'll know because he'll loom over you, making nasty teeth clacking noises. Fall to your knees, look away from him, and raise your palm to him, then say Toga or Dabi's, mate. As a warning, Toga seems friendly but never forget she will try to eat you no matter how friendly she seems. Also, if you meet a man that calls himself Master, grovel before him and remember which room you saw him in. If you survive the night again, then I'll help you escape. Alright, here's my lamp. I can find my way back to my room. My den is on the other side of that commode. The lamp isn't free. I want a blanket. Good luck to you." She says, disappearing to the other side.
She at least left the lamp at your feet, yeah for a price, you think. You decide you didn't like her for basically calling you ugly and treating you like a fool. Sighing, you grab the lamp and bar of soap. You scrap on the wall, and it does leave a distinct greasy film, perfect. You won't be walking in circles anymore.
The familiar glitter of the bedroom is just ahead. You run to the rest of the way. Panting and relieved you don't see the Mothman here, that was until you heard screeching behind you. Your breath catches as you spin to see the pissed-off pale face chittering and looming over you. Large dark brown wings are vibrating. The flashes of red are an ominous warning of your fate if you cross him. You fall to your knee, raising your palms, eyes squeezed tight, and screaming "Dabi's mate" repeatedly. You can feel the tension pullback in the room as he stops chittering and stares at you.
Taking in the sight of you with a lamp and a bar of soap. Yes, he can see it. This is somehow Dabi's mates' fault. The one he doesn't like, the only one he can remember, the bitch he's sure had help poison the others. His new little mate has been too obedient for it to be anything else. Fucking human tongue is too difficult for him to speak, so he will have to either talk to Toga or call on Dabi's mate to translate the rules. He really doesn't feel like dealing with either of them. He's already annoyed. He needs to relieve some stress before he adds more. His little mate is perfect for this. It's the least she could do for also being a source for his irritation.
He snatches you up like a rag doll, making you yelp in fear, leaving your cloth wrap piled on the floor. He forces you on your hands and knees in the nest. You can feel his dry lips and feelers brush over the top of your ass. With a pleased rumble, he wraps an arm underneath your hips and lifts your pussy to him. You moan as you feel his tongue wiggle and suck at your sore entrance. You get a distinct feeling this will be a nightly thing. His invasive tongue goes deep as he slurps and licks, adding his clawed thumb, you squirm. He's careful fingering you. He doesn't want his fun to end early. Pulling his thumb in and out with his tongue, he uses his index fingers to rub over that little rosebud that brings you to heat quickly. The tingles he's sending through your loins make you drool.
His tongue twisting over your hot and soft spots. Aggressive with his mouth, already his cock is growing and hard from his plush groin. Leaking and angry, he wants to feel that pulse and drink your sweet honey. The splash down his throat is the signal he needs to bury himself entirely in your tightness. A few times, he slips and licks high. He doesn't care. He will use that hole next if your pussy is too ruined and he's still not satisfied.
It's likely to happen with the day he's had. He's going to need to take out a lot of stress. He can feel the heat and squeeze, telling him to be ready. You scream, twist, and kick your legs at the intense orgasm he's pulling from you. It doesn't matter how much you struggle. He's so strong he holds your quivering sex firmly to his mouth. Sweetly keening as he slurps and gulps down your sweet nectar.
He gives a lewd smacking of his lips as he pulls away. Putting you back on your knees, he roughly spreads your legs. Grabbing your hips with four fingers, his claws lightly prickle at your skin.
"Mate," He rasps and chirps. It is the only warning he gives you. He thrust himself violently into you too quickly. Making you growl in pain as tears threaten to spill. You are still sensitive from cumming on his mouth. You don't dare try to move away. You straighten your legs and push back. It hurts, but you know it won't hurt for long if you help yourself. You spit on your fingers and rub your clit as he bucks and flaps above you. He gives a chirp and growl of approval. His pace is cruel as he humps you like a bitch. Your nice ass is bouncing off his hips the way he likes. You're so soft and tight. He loves the sight of seeing his length coated in your juices drip in and out of you. He's going to knot without mercy. You make the sweetest little whines as he pumps you. He knows his throbbing cock is going to quickly release all his tension in you.
Looking between your tits, you can see the bulge he's creating moving back and forth between your pelvises. You look away, not wanting to think of what that monster cock is doing to your insides. Oh, god, he's feeling good until he suddenly inflates and splashes your pussy white with his hot cum. He growls as he continues to violate your insides. Humping until his knot goes soft enough to yank out. You scream and cry, it feels like he was trying to rip your tender cunt out.
"Mate other. Knot other," Shigaraki hisses. Mate other? Other what? Another person? You didn't think you were a poly person, but if they are willing to take some of the pain of the monster dick off of you, well then, you're happy to share. To your horror, the lines himself up to your puckering hole. You whimper. Your older sister did not tell you how to prepare or avoid this. Otherworldly your sister, but even you doubt she had to deal with a creature with a knot.   "Wait!" you plead, clutching at the nest. Shigaraki doesn't.
Growling as he sinks slowly into you. The sensation difference makes him pant, and he loves both, but he will need to use both to decide which he likes better. Shigaraki snarls when your body refuses to take his soft knot. He pushes more demanding. You writhe and cry. He doesn't mind. All females do that with him at some point. Building up a wad of saliva that he spits on his knot and your soft hole. Viscously, he pushes harder until he slips in with a yelp. Your ass is sucking him in as he bucks hard. His knot is preventing him from being able to slide in and out of the tight rim of your ass.
Hunching over you as he pants next to your ear. His wings are buzzing and raining dust over you. Shigaraki's soft collar absorbs your heat, the scent of lemon and dandelions helping you feel good again through the pain. He grabs your hand and shoves it back to your clit. You whine, his hand not leaving but helping you play and dip into yourself. This would be amazing if you weren't so frightened of his hands. Grunting as he thrusts deeper, you groan as you look over to see his grimace, fangs bared and drooling. The flapping increasing as he drives deeper. The searing pain in your ass doesn't feel good, but the way he's helping with circling your clit is helping you chase your orgasm.
With his pinky sticking out, he helps increase your pace to match him. Forcing you both to moan in unison. Your pussy clutches at nothing as your ass squeezes at the base of his cock. The exquisite feeling making him keen as he feels the tight knot of relief begins to come undone. You cum hard and scream. Shigraki's knot inflates again, pulsing as he releases loads of cum that usually gets wasted dripping out of your pussy. Daring to look between your breasts again, you wail as you begin to look pregnant with his cum and knot.
Finally, Shigaraki feels de-stressed. After this, he will have to deal with Dabi's mate while you are covered in his scent. Dripping from your slutty holes.
For now, he's going to make sure his sweet mate gets 'aftercare,' a new word he learned from his Master.
Chapter 2
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faegirly · 3 years
Mel Medarda x Councilwoman Fem Reader - Valentines Oneshot
the fateful night finally arrives, but you find yourself hesitating at the door of Mel's room. only when she call to you does your nerves ease and all the words you need to say fall into place....
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it wasn't the first time you'd seen Mel Medarda, your girlfriend and fellow council seat owner, awash in a shower of moonlight, her rich dark skin bejewelled with the scattered silver light of the stars high above the city, the golden hue of her eyes replacing the light of the sun in your world, but standing at the door way with held breath, heart thudding wetly in your ears, it was hard not to feel lightheaded from just being in her presence. graceful, strong, ethereal in beauty and everlasting in her determination to get exactly what she wanted.
Mel was everything, and the adoration for all that she was burned a blush under the skin of your cheeks, but before you could lift your hand to push the door further open-
"How long are you going to peek from the window? We aren't pinning for each other in silence from across the councilroom anymore." Mel smirked, glancing at you over her shoulder while removing her earrings and setting them on the white vanity she sat before.
your heart leaped into your throat, a breath catching and making you cough from the shock of it, and again, before you could get a word in, Mel laughed softly as she rose from her seat, pulled up her silk nightrobe and beckoned you into her room with a slight incline of her head, revealing the smooth lean line of her neck from beneath the curtain of her tumbling dark hair, "Come now, Councillor. This has long been as much your room as it is mine."
finally, a knowing grin lifted the corner of your mouth, and after taking a breath you stepped inside, closing and locking the door behind you, commenting as you strode across the room towards her, "I was just making sure that lost puppy of a scientist had finally left you be."
another melodic lugh fluttered from Mel's lips like a butterfly finally catching the wind under its wings, "He has a name, you know. At least give him that."
"Never, not when the only name that should said beside yours is mine." You muttered as you reached her, hand sliding around her waist to pull her closer til your lips brushed with hers, their silken skin making the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
the black councilwoman's eyes glimmered in the soft light of her chambers as she rubbed her hands back and forth along your shoulders and whispered, "I'm really starting to enjoy how possesive you are with me."
your heartbeat quickened the longer you gazed into her eyes, glimpsed her gently bite her lip and relaxed into the touch of her soft hands against your neck but after a short breath, you managed to reply, "Well, you're all I care about. How could I not be?"
"Your duty should be to Piltover."
"My first will always be to you, Mel." You confessed, words weighted with sincerity as you held her brilliant gaze. "Piltover of course but you... you are my everything."
hearing it again, even after so many times, made Mel's heart dance gently under her chest. she pushed out a breath but could feel the heat of a strong blush warming her cheeks lifted with an unshakable smile.
"You are the most wonderful girlfriend in all the world." Mel whispered before finally taking your face in her slender hands and kissing you softly, slowly.
you hummed and held her waist, tilting your head to deepen the kiss as the moon finally appeared from behind a stray ribbon of dark cloud, spilling a bowl of silver light over your bodies, illuminating your intertwined frames until, at least from afar, you were like a candle dancing in the gently teasing wind, burning white hot with the love you had for each other.
kissing Mel was like sinking into a river of velvet, and with a hum you pressed more into the irresistable tenderness of her body against your own. as her arms wrapped around your neck, and your fingers slid up to brush against the coils of dark baby hairs at the bape of her neck, the world seemed to fall away. Piltover, Noxis, and all the lands beyond you all vanished til it was just you and her, and even when you finally pulled away from one anothers lips, the feather-light imprint your bodies pressed against eachother remained in the small sliver of air between you.
as you laced your fingers with hers and squeezed her hand, you chuckled to yourself and admitted, "I'm almost tempted to make a scandal of our relationship. Imagine the uproar that would happen should all of Piltover find out that two of its ruling councilwomen are madly in love with one another."
the tall dark skinned woman threw her head back to laugh at the image in her mind, her waves of curled dark hair bouncing ariund her shoulders, the golden adornents winking like the stars in the sky beyond your balcony. you bit your lip and giggled behind it as you watched her laugh and then shake her head as she added, "Poor Heimerdinger might finally keel over from shock. not to mention Jayce."
"He'd be stunned into silent for a week."
"More if we're lucky. Oh, and dont get me started on the rest of the city. Having rumours of our relationship spread through the streets like shimmer would be chaos."
a final laugh rolled out of you like a wave lapping up onto a sandy shore, but after a sigh, you dropped your eyes, squeezed her hand again and muttered, "Who says... it has to be just a rumour?"
that caught Mel's attention. she blinked quickly as if to refocus her vision, searching for the answer in your expression like she'd done countless times before but for once, you were unreadable. her heart jumped up so suddenly the ground beneath her feet seeked to shake as she asked, voice a little tight with apprehension, "What do you mean?"
and at last, the moment you'd been rehersing for weeks, the reason you'd hesitated to admire her at the door, the reason you'd been so determined to keep Jayce's attempts at wooing her over unsuccessful, was finally here. your insides seemed to ignite with panic and adoration, an inflammatory mix that seemed to erupt as rising tears in your eyes.
Mel's golden gaze trembled then too, her thumb quickly rubbing the back of your hand but just as she parted her full lips to ask what was wrong, a diamond ring held in a gold lined box sat in your palm in the small space between your bodies.
the words you'd practiced evaporated as you watched her expression shift at lightening speed, and when her sunrise-shaded gaze finally met yours, all you could say was, "... be my wife, Mel Medarda. as I will be yours. to rule Piltover beside for as long as we both shall live, and to love and cherish and honour for even longer."
there was a beat of silence and then...
"Yes." Mel replied, her dark cheeks lifted once more with an undying smile as she too lifted her own small box that held a similarly stunning ring inside. a shuddering laugh tumbled from you both as she finished, "Since I was going to ask you the same thing."
there was no greater light than the love that shone between you then. not the sun, moon and stars together could match the sheer brilliance of your smiles that quiclly spilled into rich laughter and then brought you together into another kiss. together, united as you always had been as women, councillors and now as wives, you could feel the future for you and Mel unfolding at your fingertips. everything was within reach now: your endless love, Piltover and all the world beyond it. all of it could be yours and with Mel at your side, all of it was possible.
the kiss seemed to last forever and when you finally pulled back to watch her slide your ring onto your finger and then as you did the same to hers, your body seemed weightless, shimmering with the invisibility of a perfect dream.
"I love you." Mel smiled, golden gaze gleaming with adoration and truth.
and without even thinking, you took her dark hand in yours, lidded eyes sparkling as you adored her ephervescent face, and replied, "I love you too, Mel Medarda" before pulling her close enough to feel her heartbeat find rhythm with and then fall into step with your own.
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