#first dream post. wahoo
junkmailmusubi · 13 days
Dream Log: The FRIDAY NIGHT 4-IN-1!!!
(mildly incomprehensible 'playlist dream' that was the aftermath of staying up Too Long)
Revelation Date: September 30, 2023
Part 1: Space Field Trip
-we were going on a field trip to some research station on another planet
-I was VERY excited about this. I could flaunt to all my internet friends that I'm In Space, Boy
-"it's just one window, how bad could it be?" immediately eviscerates everyone in the room
-first thing we did when we got there was start messing around on the weird architecture (which was perfectly fine, I guess?)
-our guide was explaining how this research center used to look just like a really basic apartment (but they did some really nice renovation recently!)
-dropped my pencil between the weird floorboard, when trying to retrieve it I discovered, "Uh Oh! Absolute Solver."
-as the floorboard is turning into a flesh carpet: "guys. guys please. run. actually, don't bother running. we aren't making it out of here anyway."
Part 2: The Grand Backyard Unfunny War
-started out as a thing between me + dad but quickly devolved into a full-on, literal Meme War
-see above, actual famous (dead) meme figures, like doge and the minions, were participating in this glorified food fight.
-I think the goal was to defeat enemies and be the funniest, but all we had were dead memes so it was pretty unfunny.
-I forgot a ton of this one but I remember the last thing I did before the next Part was make a distasteful penis joke.
Part 3: My Wretched Son. *dies*
-this Part was mostly some guy talking about this virtual raptor-possum-thingy he created + how much he hates him
-the possum-raptor had an account on some wiki forum for some reason??
-what's even stranger is that every post of his began with a header saying "I'm using your 2nd IP address!" (in bold like that too)
-later I was talking to some people on a Roblox knockoff about The Wretched Son
-conversation derails, eventually I say "one time I fell through the floor in Roblox."
-almost IMMEDIATELY after this I fall through the floor again. I thought this was the funniest thing in the dream. I still think it's kinda funny
Part 4: A Mad Filmmaker's Lab
-forgot a lot of this at the time of writing :(
-I was part of a. Very Strange theatre production, I think I was the main character?
-there were some uh. Characters. in the cast. such as: an abstract mad scientist guy + a floating, expressionless white mask
-forgot what the show was about, but I remember learning to freely zipline + that one of the props was a display case of gems and geodes
-"hey. quick question. why are we doing this again?"
-the crew explains the above through some freestyle rhymes explaining that if we don't do this, it will unleash L[???]rel (forgot the name), the Universe Destroyer
-understandably, I was very, very confused after that.
-looking back this dream might've been influenced by TADC.
0 notes
chrysalizzm · 2 years
[setting: post-thom | canon | characters: ant, dream, george, bad, sapnap | hurt/comfort | word count: 1.6k words]
four hunters manhunt moment amirite i feel like someone asked me to write this ages ago if u did sry it took so long :pensive:
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crispyjenkins · 1 month
mandalore the young cont.
original post/discussion here! it was just getting really long and i for one hate scrolling so far, so. here's this. have also added this au to my masterlist in my pinned post!
#i had a whole wall of tags and it didnt save! lets try this again#i am loving this. the potential for world building and the consequences of knowing more than you should (literally)
#i had forgotten that DW wasnt in peoples thoughts as a threat during the Clan Wars#and the idea that Pre was so far underground with the movement is a very good thing to remember as well! #on one hand you have this driven and spirited young verd that is inspiring Clans to start reassessing who they are fighting and why#on the other you have this clanless outsider that knows waaaaay too much about all the potential major players and is saying#that this major threat isnt really as gone as everybody thought and hoped. sith parallels out the wahoo for ppor obi#and hes standing there watching them all argue over his head about this threat that he KNOWS needs to be dealt with#he is seeing himself as pretty on par or above with the Old Guard in terms of mental age or prowess or large scale battles#so he sees them doubt him maybe even to his face and knows he'll need to get things started on his own
#and becauae everything in the galaxay has at least one person watching it from the outside... how quickly does the news of a jedi padawan#going off the rails on this mission get out? whos keeping track and who points fingers at the jedi for attempting to control the outcome#of the war of their historical enemies in their favor? the senate (read sith) want mandalore defanged before their war but what does it look#like the jedi want? how does the council answer for his actions? do they condemn or condone him? do they try to stay out of it?
#the world building potential of the Manda and the Ka'ra is delicious.#what does it mean to be a mando or darmanda? can you walk around and have people look at you and know you have failed in your oaths?
#and ouch! Obi-Wan considering the fact that he has never been allowed to be his own person.#from padawan to knight/master and then a general and councilor and sheesh. hes really never had the chance to see who he is as a person#outside of his responsibilities to everybody around him and right now hes a war worn adult in a war worn teens body#hes always had somebody else there. as a battle companion a teacher a student as somebody to protect and guard and guide#and now he has this entire culture looking at him and waiting for his next move. and im guess it still feels like less than a burden than#the care and raising of an entire child on his own. sure he had the temple resources and other jedi to lean on but anakin always looked to#him first to solve any problem or teach him something new or cuddle him after nightmares as hes trying to hide his own dreams#and grief and flounding to find his footing as an independent adult
#so right now hes looking around at the entire mando population and realizing thats he might need to reshape himself again for somebody else#to make himself what others need and knowing he can and will do it if it means saving somebody else
#and when exactly did he come back from the war? did he have satine die in his arms and see the ruin that is madalore after a pacifist reign?#does he see the potential for that ruin to happen right now if he doesnt succeed? where does he see himself in regards to the jedi?#has he considered the consequences of stepping up to be the Mand'alor to this culture he has never seen as his own?#has he let himself think about the choices he needs to make and how some things you cant always come out the other side the same as before?
(following the trend of each of these getting longer, this has hit just under 5,000 words, so just a heads up lol? so much world building is happening in this one)
sorry you had to rewrite so much! that last exchange was cursed, it seems lmao
it's so easy to write Obi-Wan as prescient, or the route I'm going with in Dha Kar'ta, so i think it's a fun change-up to have him knowledgeable for completely different reasons! I'm actually going to avoid visions almost at all for this Obi, but everyone else certainly won't know the difference, and he doesn't tell them otherwise (though he won't encourage it either. I do actually have a Naruto time travel where Nart pretends to be psychic à la Shawn Spencer, so that isn't the route I wanna go for this Obi). the consequences of knowing too much, indeed
hmmm many of these questions depend on how deep into Jedi and galactic politics I wanna go, and I'm not sure it's very deep at all. or at least, not very dragged out. i'll explain in a mo
SO first: yes, this Obi is from after Satine dies, in 19 BBY, maybe a month or so after, but before the bombing of the Temple so before Ahsoka left the Order. He was back on the front, no time to properly mourn, though he was doing his best, and was meditating on the whole war, but especially the Sith and their hand in everything that happened on Mandalore. It went deeper than Maul, he knew, had been going on longer than Maul and even Dooku, and it occurred to Obi-Wan that the Sith either wanted a Mandalore that will side with them but not be too much a threat, or they wanted them not a threat at all. He realised his hand in that, in helping put the New Mandalorians on the throne that led to the demilitarisation of the entire sector. Obi-Wan had practically teed Mandalore up for Dooku and then Maul's interference, and if the Republic won the war, he could all too easily see them doing another excision. won't get too much into it to save it for the fic, but he is mediating with something beskar, and he gets a lil too deep into the Force, and of course this is post-Mortis so...... 👀
so this Obi-Wan, back in time, is helping Mandalore to prevent any more Sith machinations in the future, to change the future for the whole galaxy, but even before he's Chosen, he realises he's also doing all of this for Mandalore. for his own hand in its destruction, for the Jedi's hand in the Excision, for his personal connection to Satine drawing Maul to it. it's for atonement, for reparation, and also because Mandalore deserves to be saved, and Obi-Wan is in a place he can help do that. it isn't just about the health of the galaxy, anymore.
I usually shy away from having Obi-Wan leave the Order, no matter what AU I'm throwing him in because I believe in the fundamental goodness of the Order and the people in it, and Obi-Wan is fundamentally a Jedi, one of the best, one of the best. however, in this case, I don't think he can have his cake and eat it too. if Dooku had to leave the Order to accept his countship, then Obi-Wan would have to leave to become Mand'alor. Jedi are (supposed to be) politically neutral, and Obi-Wan is all too aware he'd nullified his own neutrality the moment he decided to go for Keldabe to find Jango.
one of my favorite... tropes? in time travel fic is Obi using his future fellow councilmembers' access codes to get into things he shouldn't, and he certainly knows how to work the Order's internal systems in his favor, so he
wait so i was gonna have him go in and tender his resignation from the Order directly into the systems, and backdate it for before the Mandalore mission, so that anything he's done on Mandalore so far cannot be blamed on the Jedi BUT WHAT IF he just. deletes himself. like completely. from admin to the Archives to the crèche's own internal systems to the Shadow's private servers, Obi-Wan Kenobi was never a Jedi, was never a Temple bastard, was never Qui-Gon Jinn's padawan. his mission records are all in Qui-Gon's name now, his medical file simply doesn't exist, his crècheling clan is listed as simply having been a person short compared to other clans that year. he goes so far as to delete comm histories with him or mentioning him, it's like Obi-Wan Kenobi just doesn't exist anymore.
he does this first thing after leaving Jango, he spends the entire week back to Mandalore ensuring he's been completely erased from absolutely anything relating to the Jedi, and then uses his future councilmember knowledge (and lessons from Quinlan) to erase himself from Republic systems, too. any planet he'd helped as a padawan will suddenly have no records of him as having been there with his master, so the senate or Order can't subpoena them for the info, though Obi-Wan knows he can't have gotten everything (such as any planet not in the Republic, or who don't have holonet access to their files, or both, like Melida/Daan), but he figures he's done enough to absolve the Order if anyone comes knocking about what he's doing.
he buries his lightsaber in the deserts of Mandalore, not knowing that in his old future, he'd have done the same on Tatooine.
so as far as the Jedi are aware: Obi-Wan went on a mission with Qui-Gon that (predictably) went to hell, got separated from his master for weeks to months, then suddenly changed, at the same time their Jedi with the highest prescience collapsed due to his visions, which have also changed. Obi-Wan left Qui-Gon behind to hightail it through the Mandalore sector, and Qui-Gon couldn't catch up or find him, and then Obi-Wan disappeared from anyone's radars for two weeks. then Qui-Gon senses him reenter the Mandalore system, right before breaking his training bond with him, and the Order wakes up to Obi-Wan completely erased from their systems like he never existed in the first place. everything is going so so wrong, and yet. and yet.
and yet the Force is telling them all that this is right, that this is the least Dark course of action, that whatever Obi-Wan is doing is indeed the Will of the Force
so the Order mourns one of their own, and tells Qui-Gon to let him go. and then the Order ups their cyber security because what.
i think he leaves an unsigned letter/comm message for a few people. Bant, Quinlan, Mace, Feemor, his old crèchemaster, Yoda, maybe Jocasta Nu. it's short, basically thanking them for their hand in his upbringing (Feemor hasn't even met him before so is very confused by this), apologising for leaving abruptly, but to follow the Will of the Force, he had to leave; the first part of the message is all the same, but ends with little individual notes. he apologises to Madam Nu for fucking with her archives and hopes she can one day forgive him; he asks her to keep her friends close and to mend the tension between her and Dooku, that Obi-Wan should not know about. He tells Yoda that the future is always in motion but they must move with it; he asks Yoda to meditate on his dwindling lineages and learn to accept all that he cannot control. He reminds Quinlan to wear his gloves and asks him to thank Tholme for looking out for him when Qui-Gon wouldn't or didn't; he thanks him for their years together, and asks him to check in on Feemor every now and then. He apologises to Mace for all the shatter-points he likely caused and will continue to cause, and suggests he put a permanent reminder in his comm to remember to refill his migraine prescription that sixteen year-old Obi should not know about. He asks Bant to look out for a young Togruta initiate that will join in seven years, and suggests Bant might like the healer track rather than the knight corps; he thanks her for being his longest and most dearly-held friend. He thanks his crèchemaster for realising his visions were more than dreams (which will inadvertently lend credence to that theory for why Obi-Wan changed so suddenly), for supporting him when Bruck was at his nastiest, and for always being someone he could turn to even after he became a padawan. For Feemor, Obi-Wan apologises that they hadn't had the chance to meet before then, and for the relationship they won't have anymore; Feemor has no idea who this message is from, until he starts hearing the gossip that Obi-Wan Kenobi has left the Order again. He too mourns never getting to know his padawan brother.
and Obi-Wan sends Qui-Gon a message, of course, thanking him for his teachings, apologising for "leading him on" as an apprentice, leaving and coming back so many times only to permanently leave this time. he reminds Qui to reach out to his friends and his support system, asks him to at least consider talking to a mind or soul healer about Xanatos (knowing that once it gets out that Obi-Wan is a planetary leader, it will likely badly trigger Qui-Gon), and asks him to at least try and mend his relationship with Dooku, though understands if that's not something Qui-Gon is willing to do. asks him to keep Satine safe, but to deeply think about why the Republic is so intent on helping her faction, and why Qui-Gon had questioned so little of the New Mandalorian ethos.
so by the time Obi-Wan finds the Old Guard, he's broken from the Order completely, has buried his saber, has broken his training bond, has cut his braid. I think he shaves his head entirely to let it grow out at the same rate, because the padawan cut is *Eliot Spencer voice* Very Distinctive. he paints his armour white for, yes, his men, his vod'e, but also for cin vhetin. he can't be the man he was before, nor the teen he was before, neither are who Mandalore needs, and as long as he can stay true to his morals and upbringing, he will be what Mandalore needs him to be.
okay now onto the Manda vs. the Ka'ra vs. the Force. the Force is a scientific concept of an energy connecting absolutely everything in the universe, and the Jedi have a religious view on the scientific concept. for both purposes, the Force just is. I really like the idea of other non-Jedi ideas just being different aspects of the Force, different religions and cultures based on the same scientific concepts. for Mandalorians, their "aspect" of the Force is the Manda, the collective souls of every Mando'ade that's ever marched on. just what it means to be Mando'ade has varied greatly through history, and is varied between different groups even now, but none of that changes what the Manda is, which is an aspect of the Force only Mando'ade can touch. sort of like their beliefs of it being separate from the Force have made it so?
now I haven't really talked about this before, but from the beginning of me writing Mandalorian related things, i've separated Ka'ra from ka'ra, which was a little bit me misremembering there was another term for "stars", and then it became it's own thing. kar, meaning "star", with it's plural kar'e or kare, to me, means physical stars, the way we'd call our sun a star. ka'ra, uncapitalised, is the more poetic and/or spiritual "stars", the way we might say something is "written in the stars", which actually aligns with how jate'kara is spelled; for my writing, i've used this form for Mandalorian Force-sensitives being Star-touched ka'ra-touched. Ka'ra, capitalised, is that "ruling council of fallen kings", the Mandalorian myth and it, the way I've always interpreted it, is a separate part of the Manda made up of specifically the souls of every Mand'alor already marched on. So, Tor Vizsla could have joined the Manda after death, but not the Ka'ra; make sense? all that ka'ra vs Ka'ra worldbuilding was done very early in my writing for star wars, and has since expanded to include the idea of the Manda as something separate, and I would now actually consider Manda-touched over Star-touched to describe Force sensitive Mando'ade, because that's really what I think Mandalorians would consider causes their supernatural powers: ancestors rather than the stars.
so what does that mean for this fic? the Manda is directly influenced by all those that consider themselves Mandalorian, Force-sensitive or not. it is, however, not affected by New Mandalorians, unless they worship the Manda in some facsimile, and I think many, many, many do not, not the way they were raised to. this worship looks different for every clan and every individual, and I've always interpreted it as more of a broad spiritual practice across the whole culture rather than a religion, per se, the way a real-world broader culture might pray at shrines at New Years even if individuals themselves or their family aren't religious. this is what I'm referencing when I say the Will of the People: the alive Mando'ade and their choices and emotions affecting and influencing the Manda, the collective amalgamation of every passed-on Mando'ade, and it's when these two are in tandem that they "pick" a Mand'alor. HOWEVER, such a pick is also up to the Ka'ra, the Mand'alor'e that have all marched on; to one day enter the Ka'ra themselves, a Mand'alor must be "picked" by both the People/the Manda, and the Ka'ra. Tor would be "picked" by a significant part of the People and the Manda, and so would Jaster have been, but (according to me, myself, and i, obviously), only Jaster had been chosen by the Ka'ra. Pre is "Mand'alor" only in name, only in a tenuous loyalty existing in House Vizsla and Death Watch, not even by the Manda; just simple human (et al) loyalty. Jango had a weaker "pick" from the Manda than Jaster did, but was picked by the Ka'ra, meaning if he did not declare himself dar'manda (even just internally; I don't think he's ever said it out loud), he would have joined the Ka'ra after death; if he ever reconnects with himself as a Mandalorian, I like to think he'd have that chance again. Canon Jango, though, who went on to make the clones? Absolutely not.
what does this all mean for Obi-Wan? he'd spent weeks inadvertently drumming up support in the people and therefore the Manda, and maybe most haven't really looked at him and thought "sure I'd follow him as Mand'alor", but they have looked at him and thought "that one has mandokar, that one wants what's best for Mandalore, that one is touched by destiny". I dunno, man, like. Obi-Wan is their hope before he is their leader. That will make all the difference when he does end up uniting them. His searching out Jango had made Jango finally confront that he feels dar'manda, until then he hadn't really lost the Ka'ra's support, but that severs that connection. and now the Ka'ra are without a Mand'alor, but look at that, there's a mandokar'la little idiot right there, already strong in the Manda, already rallying hope and purpose, already so invested in the nurturing and the future of Mandalore, how could the Ka'ra not choose him?
I posed the question previously whether or not Mando'ade can tell who has been chosen to be Mand'alor, and I think I've ironed out what that'll mean for this fic. non-Force sensitive Mando'ade will have this sense when near their Mand'alor, a subconscious and inherent trust in them, and indeed, some will be disturbed by this and fight it. that's alright, that's their right. Some never clock this extra sense, some are aware of it always, some just chalk it up to "gut feelings" and the like. The more spiritual or religious Mandos maybe put a little more stock in this feelings, I think especially goran'e and other spiritual leaders, but the fact that the Manda can technically pick more than one person at a time (like Tor and Jaster, and then Jango), this extra sense isn't a perfect indicator of a properly chosen Manda'lor.
now. what about Force sensitive Mando'ade? Well, the Manda is an aspect of the Force, and is in fact how said Force sensitive Mando'ade connect to the Force, by going through the Manda, first. their relationship with sensitivity is inherently different from others in the galaxy, at least those that connect to it directly. they are the ones that can sense or see if someone is chosen by the Ka'ra, depending on their sensitivity. Some see the ghostly line of previous Mand'alor'e stretched out behind them (like the Avatar cycle lmao), some see a wavering crown of stars around their head, some just sense there is a duplicity (/neutral) to their Force presence that doesn't exist in anyone else. how common is Force sensitivity in Mandalorian space? not fuckin very. Jaster had three in his entire faction of aprox. 2 million (fanon number), at least that were aware they were sensitive. Jango only had a few more, and only because he had gained a couple hundred thousand more followers before Galidraan. so i'll make the nearly-arbitrary number that Force sensitive Mandos are 1 in 1,000,000, across the entire sector. by some calculations, in the whole galaxy at around the time of the Clone Wars the number of Force sensitives is 1 in 5,000,000 but these calculations do not generally include societies and species with a near or 100% chance of Force sensitivity, because we simply don't have the data for it. does this all make Mandos slightly more likely to be Force sensitive than others, by my own numbers? sorta. which i'm making an issue of underreporting, based on Mandalore not being a part of the Republic, and also contention with the Jedi and Sith; they don't consider those Manda-touched to be Force sensitive, and with the way I've built this, they aren't exactly wrong.
for the purposes of this story, there are maybe eight Manda-touched Mando'ade in the Mandalore system at this time, and all but one are goran'e. that single non-armorer is part of the Old Guard. I have the roster for the Old Guard decided, so I'm debating whether the Manda-touched one is Cort Davin (a journeyman protector), or one of the women. Instinct wants Vhonte Tervho, but I have plans for her to be related to the goran Obi-Wan got his armour done by, who I wanted to be one of the seven Force sensitive armorers, soooo. lmao how fucked would it be if Isabet Reau is the Force sensitive one? I like the angst of that, since I definitely do not plan on redeeming her, but I kind of want the only Old Guard that can sense Obi-Wan is Chosen by the Ka'ra to be really quiet and accepting of it, while everyone else is arguing. hmmm I have an unnamed Wren as part of the Guard, that I haven't fleshed anything out for yet; perhaps them?
okay I think I've solidified what it makes a Mandalorian, at least for the function of this fic. it is tied to the Resol'nare, and following it, which does allow those who had Chosen Tor Vizsla as their Mand'alor to technically still be following the Resol'nare, and are therefore not dar'manda. at least not for that. but part of the reason the Resol'nare is even able to determine who has a Mandalorian soul, is because they believe it does. Those alive and those dead influence the functionality and reality of the Manda, which also allows for those pre-Resol'nare to still exist in the Manda. What causes someone to become dar'manda, if they are technically following the Resol'nare?
maybe it's reductive, or over-simplified, or maybe even too broad, but it makes sense to me and allows for many many different types of people to still fail, and this is obviously not the only way to become dar'manda, but one thing that will always strip someone of their Mando soul? treatment of children. caring for children. not harming children. this allows many of Death Watch to still maintain their Mando souls, but still be fucked up awful people in other ways. It allows even True Mandalorians to have lost their souls and not realised it because they otherwise adhered to the Resol'nare, because they'd chosen to interpret "defending oneself and family" and "raising your children as Mandalorians" to not include other peoeple's children. Or maybe they were abusive in the belief they were caring for their children. This would also make every single one of the Cuy'val Dar dar'manda, which I think is a fascinating concept.
to answer your question directly, no, one cannot look at someone and know they're dar'manda, even the Force/Manda sensitive ones. one will only know in death, whether or not they have a place in the Manda.
NOW what does this mean for New Mandalorians?? well, by technicality and the way I've set the Manda up, one can interpret the Resol'nare in ways that could align with New Mandos. Perhaps they interpret "armour" as more than specifically "beskar'gam", maybe they wear armourweave or other protective fabrics. Maybe they interpret "defending one's family" as putting down arms instead of raising them, in order to create a peaceful future for their children. I think there are plenty of New Mandos that technically tick off all the boxes, and believe in themselves and their fellows so much that the Manda is like "yeah sure why not, we'll make that count". I think some tenants are more easily... bent, like swearing to the duchy in place of the Mand'alor, but I think an easy one New Mandos miss, is "speak Mando'a." I think many New Mandos were all too quick to switch to Basic for everything except religious and spiritual ceremonies, and I think those already in the Manda would find that very hard to forgive. I actually get into this a little in Dha Kar'ta very soon, but for this fic, i'll have Satine not outright outlawing Mando'a, but it is socially heavily discouraged. you're not allowed to speak it in the palace unless in aforementioned ceremonies, you cannot fill out paperwork in anything but Basic, you're not allowed to use Mando'a titles (including Mand'alor), you're not allowed to teach it to your children. no outright like. punishments for speaking it in public, but if your kids are caught, there are repercussions, including investigation into how else you're raising your kids, and if you're found to be doing anything else, they can take your kids from you. not every New Mando agrees with this, of course, and go about adhering to the Resol'nare as best they can in secret, but so many do give up the language by convincing themselves it's not as important as the other tenants and, well, the duchy hasn't steered them all wrong yet, has it?
okay so on the subject of what the outside galaxy is seeing. I like the headcanon/trope/idea of like. the one thing all factions of Mandalorians agreeing on is fuck everyone else. oh, the New Mandos will emulate the Core and the Republic, but they aren't the Republic nor want to be, and this animosity extends to keeping as many internal Mandlorian issues just that: internal. no faction can keep news from leaving the system or the sector, obviously, but there also isn't a lot of interest in Mandalorian news? "oh look all the Mandos are fighting again", except that's been the standard for like. actual thousands of years. I like when fic have people outside the sector not evening knowing there are different factions, so I'll be doing that here, too, and I like the idea of non-Republic sectors having their own holonets, separate from the Republic one. so like, if Obi-Wan happens to go a little viral during his mad dash to Keldabe, that would be on the Mandalorian holonet, not the Republic one, so even if Obi-Wan was visibly still a Jedi (and he wasn't), actual news of him wouldn't reach the Mid and Inner Rims until like. possible years after it happens.
could this maybe be expedited by Sith machinations? absolutely, though I'm not sure I want to go that route, since I don't think the Sith are overmuch interested in Mandalore at this point, at least not in any hands-on capacity. I'm unclear on whether them funding Death Watch is fanon or not, but it is a headcanon I subscribe to, and I think they'd have stopped funding DW after Galidraan, to cause worse infighting and prevent DW from gaining enough power to actually restart their imperial conquering days. Palpatine has been senator for about ten years by this point, but has very little political power overall, and Demask would be looking basically anywhere but Mandalore at this point in time, both of them having written it off until they actively need something from the sector. if anyone had clocked Obi-Wan as a Jedi, this all would have gone very differently, news would have spread much further and quicker and I think undoubtedly would have reached Palpatine, but since I have Obi-Wan just... cutting ties to anything Jedi, news of him remains in-sector. is this perhaps unrealistic? maybe, but I kind of want to focus on Mandalore and not worry about galactic-wide politics for once, lmao, actually very much like Obi-Wan is doing. however, he will clock a lack of Sith interference and thinks That's Very Weird.
haven't decided how he finds Palpatine out yet, but I think it'll have to do with his Manda senses being different than his Force ones, maybe the Ka'ra even gives him a few tips or gifts to sense Sith since they've allied and fought with them so much in the past. regardless, that'll be after he's become Mand'alor and united the clans.
now to actual plot progression! Obi-Wan meets up with the Old Guard, they don't know what to make of him other than "he's kriffing weird. and young. and creepy. and probably Manda-touched." whatever other verd is Manda-touched will see him blessed by the Ka'ra, which causes them to look inwards more closely and realise they trust Obi-Wan inexplicably, which means they're blessed by the Manda and the Will of the People, too. they wonder if Obi-Wan has noticed, if any of the other Old Guard have noticed. they are one of a few that notice Obi-Wan sneaking back out while everyone is arguing.
Vhonte Tervho is another. She's at this lil summit to represent clan Tervho, tho isn't the clan head, because her ba'vodu, a Manda-touched goran, had sensed she needed to be at the summit. said ba'vodu is of course the armorer who reforged Obi-Wan's armour (need to find a name for them hmm), who had told their clan they were to cease fighting until their new Mand'alor called on them. Vhonte sees Obi-Wan, realises at the same time as everyone that he's the Kih'Manda, the Mand'ika that the entire system had been gossiping about for weeks, and she thinks of what her ba'vodu said. she looks inwards, like they had taught her to, and finds, yes, she trusts Obi-Wan, just like she used to trust Jango. And, well, her Mand'alor is obviously leaving to go do something, and she isn't going to let him go it alone.
the Manda-touched verd doesn't go with them, wanting to see what comes of this, but they already know Obi-wan is Ka'ra Chosen. they will come when he calls.
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beatcroc · 7 months
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a year!!! as of today i have now been drawing these funny little pizza freaks, to the exclusion of almost everything else, for!!! an entire year!!! i wanted to do a nice group shot/lineup of everybody to compare to when i first started trying to draw them because oh boy were they bad. i never even posted most of them anywhere because they were so bad. but im posting them here, now, to see how everything's changed/evolved.
this is probably the hardest time i've ever had trying to figure out how to work with a style, but we got there eventually; i'm pretty happy with the handle i've got on everybody now...dont let ur memes be dreams. lots of unimportant journaling and idle thoughts abt it below.
older pics
the first one is the VERY first time i drew them, before i thought i was going to actually have any interest in drawing them [lmao]; it was just the one isolated image, for my friendserver, to illustrate the funney message, so there was no attempt to make it Good or actually understand anything going on w/ the designs or style.
second is the original run of practices sketches to start trying to figure them out for real; done after i started having ideas for the comics and such and realized oh god maybe i am actually gonna draw fanart for this. [again, lol, and lmao.]
third one is the first pt art thing i posted on here. there were a couple weeks of sprite studies between this one and the previous image. the one on the top right wasn't part of that post i just threw it on as space filler; i'd intended to shift to doing Sprite Redraws But Stylized to explore tings more, but that was the only one i did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
individual characters
peppino: by far the hardest dear god. bro what ARE your shapes how DOES your face work. jesus christ. everything i have trouble with this style for, peppino has it in excess. i draw in polygons! i need consistency! and that is the last thing this kind of style is concerned with. they are made of squarshy clay and i do not understand how to mold them. i was really hoping trying to learn this game's style would GIVE me that kind of flexibility for fun exaggerated facial expression but i don't think much came of it in the end 😔. anyway on the bright side all this means once i got peppino figured out a little bit everybody else clicked way easier.
fake peppino: honestly i never did anything with him on purpose except for how his eyes work + the perma-smile thing. i figured ok hes supposed to look weird and off model so whatever happens with him happens. and it did. and it kept happening. it is still, in fact, happening.
noise/ette: somehow, for every bit that peppino was the least natural thing i've ever tried, these two worked pretty much right off the bat. i still don't understand it, seeing as pretty much all the things at play for peppino are also at work for them. i think the new sketches are actually a little worse than older ones but not enough that i care.
gustavo: really funny bc i drew him on model twice and just went 'okay, cool nice, easy, um. he doesn't have any fucking legs?' fortunately he was the only one i had a strong idea for how to stylize him [square] and it worked exactly as i was hoping so wahoo.
brick: is an animal and therefore 5000x easier and more natural for me to draw/stylize than anything else in the cast. that is Just a rat bro. i can draw a rat.
gerome: i think the funniest one here. the most drastic and least necessary change imo. i was gonna have him be really small at first, like smaller than the noises, but then i just... didn't. he's just peppino-sized now. also i gave him like. actual human facial structure, which is funny bc in most cases i'd do anything to avoid, but it works well for his being A Rock to give him some angles and definition like that+ to differentiate his vibe from the rest of the cast who are all very squishy. also since he is essentially Just A Head it's good to emphasize that too ig.
john: i only drew john a couple times but he gets to be here because i like him. and because most of the stuff i applied to gerome was readily applicable to john, though i did try to keep him a little more uncanny because he is a Huge And Lanky Freak. i hate that he is barefoot btw but idk how to make his color balance look right with shoes.
pizzahead: i did not want to put him on here honestly but i Have drawn him a handful of times and more importantly i didn't know what i was gonna do with john's pose if i didn't have him there to be glared at. the only thing that's different with him is giving him wider-bottomed pants, which i got from when i tried to draw these guys in clone high style [i never posted that one either][i will eventually]
snick: he gets to be here because 1. he's like 6 lines 2. i like him and 3. ive scribbled him a few times offhand and it went pretty well
there are some guys missing because those are guys i didn't draw enough [or at all] to have gotten comfortable with them. sorry
i would have Liked to shade these but for the time being i have accepted that my grasp of light/shadow has decayed to the point im not going to be happy with anything i try there, so For Now i am working on my presentation with flats i guess. gerome has a shadow only because he's shaded like that ingame and looks naked without it
anyway if you are still reading [hi?] i get to shamelessly plug now. i'm over the hill of my pizza run now, and while i still have plenty of things i want to make here, most of the bigger more in-depth ones have passed. pizza tower was the first thing in THREE YEARS to get me out of my oc groove to doing fanart, and once i am done with my ideas here i will be going right back to it. if you like my art or how i write characters/interactions you should check out my oc/webcomic blog @jamverse . i can't promise people who like pizza stuff will be terribly into my designs, but i can guarantee i treat my guys with the exact same sort of tone i handle the pt guys with. and hell, i've mentioned it a few times before, but like 70% of my characterization for fake pep is just copied off one of my characters, so if u are going to miss him... he will still be there in spirit >;p
and if you dont care about any of that and are still reading thank you anyway. actually making these comics + seeing how shockingly well-received they've been has done a lot for my confidence, and for seeing that my kind of stuff IS something people enjoy :')
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changanomaly · 2 months
some old twitter requests from around late December 2023! they're definitely rough but idk they took like like 10 minutes each so I think that's fine. there's a Brott comic I made for fun from these requests but I'll post it a bit later
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Geoff and Emma (TD2023) being siblings (it's one of my fave hcs)
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An (older) Duncan knowing Zee before the competition starts
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First Canon Queer Couples Double Date (I know Mkulia isn't canon but sigh I can dream and the person rqing did too)
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Scary Girl!
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Manitoba wahoo
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Courtney broken violin scene :(
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aphellos · 3 months
may i request 3 headcanons you have about yone and aphelios' friendship in heartsteel 🥺 ...
yaay wahoo! I've not read through a lot of your posts so I'm sorry if some of these don't align with your own! but id also love exploring their friendship more if you're up for it! 😳
I'd like to imagine that, in their earlier days in the music scene, they were either mutuals or knew each other in the online scene/forums at the time, since we learned they knew about each other's work in their interview and phel was the one who asked Yone to join! Being younger and an indie artist just sharing work from his room, Aphelios probably learned a lot about the industry's inner workings through Yone, and unfortunately how brutal it can be watching Yone's burnout in real time. No matter what, he would be sure to comment on posts and boost Yone's work when it was shared, and would reminisce about getting to see his mixing live one day. When Aphelios had his surgery he probably had a bout of inactivity for a looong time, but slowly returned posting his wips or tracks, maybe catching up with Yone's posts he missed.
Because of their age difference and respect he has for the other, Aphelios changes the way he types when communicating with Yone specifically. it's a lot more formal and with less internet terms/slang, he might even use formatting. But emoticons and emojis will still slip in here and there. He tries to be on his best behaviour around his producer too with less goofing off to prove he's working hard because he cares how Yone sees him and respects his opinion... and that making music together is basically a dream come true. If he doesn't go to Alune, phel is asking for Yone's opinion on beats or choices in his tracks. Sometimes he'll accidently send them at the ungodly hour he was working, but he'll try and cover himself with a bad excuse like the internet or reception must have been down until then. With all this in mind, I think it's difficult for Aphelios to talk about anything else but music with Yone. It's what brought them together and where they are in the band now, but really if they are friends then he needs to try and take an interest with other parts of Yone's life. It's just a little difficult. He'll bring up work things before talking about the weather...
Whenever caught in one of his Harmless pranks or bullying the other members of the band, Aphelios' instinct is to act completely innocent or justified in his actions. It's the worst with Yone, where he'll try and use Yone's secretive favoritism to his advantage - and the mentioned before good behaviour he always has with work to either slacken his punishment or in the rare occurrence of getting away with it scot-free. Does the threat of Yone's disappointment dissuade his actions? No, it only motivates him to get even better with hiding his tracks. Yone is, of course, the second-least likely victim to his schemes (the first being Alune.)
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bug-decal-kissing · 7 months
Hey friends!
Prison Cube, by Fluffyerflame, was updated today, with 4/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Alternate Universe - Personality Swap, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, hurt/delayed comfort, Angst, Slow Burn, Threats of Violence, Action & Romance, Psychological Trauma, long term imprisonment, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Lawful joke (Alternate Universe), Unreliable Narrator, POV Third Person Limited, Prism thinks he knows more than he really does, Scrabby knows WAY more than he lets on, Scrabby is a smug asshole, Prism Has Anger Issues, Orbo Is NOT An Asshole In This, Theres Too Much Orbo Slander, Hurt/Comfort, Trigger Warnings Will Be In Notes If There Is Any, Emotionally Repressed, Author has no clue what theyre doing, Cosmic Owl is Chill as Hell"
You can read it here:
COSMIC OWL TIME YESSSSSSSS <33 Scarab's slow horror as Cosmic pulls out more and more games is so funny; God forbid a man have a hobby/j AND MORE PRISM LORE WAHOO !!/pos
NSFW works are below the cut :].
A new work, Let Me Love You, Just Say You Want It by BoneySecrets, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Comfort No Hurt, Comfort Sex, Masturbation, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Sex, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, a bit of breeding kink, Scarab hating on his body, Prismo is a sweetheart, post cannon, Dildos, Masturbation in Bathroom, Wet Dream, Intersex Scarab, Caring Prismo, Kinda sub-space, New forms, Exploring bodies intimately, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sleepy Cuddles, First Kiss, Blooming Love, Vaginal Fingering,Rough Oral Sex, forming trust, Cock Warming, Alien Biology, Gift Giving, Hormones, Multiple Orgasms, Multiple Sex Positions"
You can read it here:
HAHA SCARAB IS IN LOOOOOOVE AND HE HATES IT >:]/silly I love when Prismo is like 'If you won't love yourself I'll do it for you :]' He's so real for that <3
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sssammich · 6 months
fanfic writer questions
Thanks for the tag, @foibles-fables
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
i'm at 122 right now (wahoo!)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
794,634 (i am on a mission to 1 million in the next couple of years)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
well i've been around many a fandom block, but i'd say for current brainrot:
supergirl (mostly supercorp, but i have a smattering of rare pairs because women, amirite?)
swan queen
bumbleby (i also still have so many rosebird dreams i'll get there someday)
makayuro (with a smattering of rare pairs also because women, amirite?)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
well unsurprisingly, ever since plopping down on supercorp fandom, the numbers have been from there. but shoutout to my victorious fic from 2012 holding strong lol
evergreen, closest i get, not for nothing, you've got mail, and one way or another
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes yes absolutely!! sometimes i am late and sometimes i just leave it in there so i can have it stay unread but anyway i try to respond and i appreciate everyone who sends them to me. i have historically been a oneshot writer so it's been nice also to get comments on wips!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh shoot angstiest ending?? well i think i would say my supercorptober ficlet about memory loss of sorts might tick that (it ends kinda idk open but not bad, i will say)
but then there's also this one old soccer RPF i wrote that's more, idk, poetry than any real fic about one of them leaving lmao
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the happiest ending? i mean all of them, i reckon. if they end up together or have a promise of together then they count lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
uhhh none that i've seen? i mean if it's in the comments, no? but if it's elsewhere, then also no? i have been fortunate in that way
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
uh i reckon comedy smut for now (read DickFic here) but the day is young and my doc is empty so who's to say
but i have dreams for some sad smut because i'd like to develop the range LMAO
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
surprisingly, i do not. what i instead do is just little spin through five fandoms at any given time and just confuse myself that way
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
unfortunately yes. twice now. once was for my victorious fic that was used for a 5th harmony RPF lmaooo
and then on thanksgiving weekend, the first chapter of Crepe AU was posted by an anonymous for a The Wilds ship (but my friends rallied to get it taken down so i didn't have to send a takedown form to ao3 while i was traveling home)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope but that would be totally rad
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i love fic writing group work so yes! i have a series of sad angsty women that i have with my best friend in my revue starlight fandom, and then, of course, @sideguitars and i have 'humans in the storeroom' (that reminds me it's my turn to write the next part smh)
i also like jumping into writing sprints or writing exercises with folks (like a round robin)
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
let's not do this, i shan't pick amongst my children
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
so far all my wips are things i wanna finish and will do my best to finish. i have a couple of retired wips that will just sit in my ao3 forever and i have made peace with them, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i wanna say characterization, pacing, emotional resonance, and a simple and natural writing style maybe
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action?? plot??? proper AUs lmao
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i do not because i find i butcher it and also then i cringe lmao
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh written for but never posted? hermione/ginny
posted for? god probably All My Children (bianca and maggie) when i was like a teenager hahahahaha
20. Favorite fic you've written?
sorry no can do i love them all because i wrote them and there are so many things i enjoy about them. but i will say that the writing events circuit i've done this past year (supercorp bigbang, bumbleby big bang, and swan queen winter solstice) are born out of a lot of labor of love and i'm really proud of the work i've done for them.
and not for a writing event, but i am also extremely proud of re:live for mayakuro fandom-- that one makes me think that if i never wrote for that fandom again, that that's a really good fic to end on)
No-pressure tags, of course: @sideguitars, @eqt-95, @fazedlight, @luthordamnvers, @vox-ex, and @waytooinvested
(yall have probably done this before but here it just in case!)
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jolapeno · 1 year
Tagged by the lovely @wildemaven
1 - Are you named after anyone? no, but my mum had my name picked out before i was born and it's somewhat unisex. i cannot tell you more.
2 - When is the last time you cried? four hours ago at a wholesome compilation on youtube, i am the biggest crier on the planet. and the easiest. something good happens, i cry. something bad, i cry. i get stressed or angry, you got it - i get teary hahaha. i also cried this morning because my dog gave me his paw when i was sad and i cried into his neck because he's my best friend hahaha.
3 - Do you have kids? nope.
4 - Do you use sarcasm a lot? i am british, so yes.
5 - What is the first thing you notice about people? eyes. always eyes. and then, their smile if y'know, it's a positive exchange.
6 - What's your eye colour? a very light blue, sometimes a touch icy, sometimes a bit grey-ish. they're the prettiest post-cry hahaha.
7 - Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings, i legit write hea and am terrified of scary movies (i have to look them up before i go)
8 - Any special talents? i don't think so...
9 - Where were you born? uk, i cannot tell you where - i'd have to maim you.
10 - What are your hobbies? writing, reading. podcasting.
11 - Do you have any pets? i have one corgi doggo.
12 - What sports do you play/have you played? haha, none in a really long time. I've had knee surgery and i cannot do impact sports now because of a lack of cartilage in my bones. but i used to play badminton.
13 - How tall are you? I'm 5'6”
14 - Favourite subject in school? media studies, i feel i should say english, but i hated it at school so much. i just never got what was happening and i still don't but, here we are.
15 - Dream job? write in some capacity for a living, which i now do so, wahoo.
tagging: (anyone who wants but i'm gonna pick a few so, here ya go) @guyfieriii @yeyinde @halfmoth-halfman @eowynstwin @frenzycrazy
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love-songs-for-emma · 6 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💛
OMG ty adrey!!! i love any excuse to share my music!!!!
1. With A Little Help From My Friends (Remastered 2009) by the Beatles :3
2. death bed (coffee for your head) by Powfu & beabadoobee
3. How To Never Stop Being Sad by dandelion hands
4. Sitting, Waiting, Wishing by Jack Johnson
5. Ocean Man by Ween
This was not apart of the task but im using this as an excuse to talk about these songs below the cut:
1. Beatles songs fill me with such warmth. Hugs. My sister loved them sm and anything my sister loved, I loved. She was ten years older than me. I was raised on the Beatles. Plus they remind me of my beloved emma ( @love-songs-for-maria ) and her family/her mom. My second family being a Beatles household is so nice c: I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends :')
2. There was a time period where i could Not stop listening to this song. I started making art about it back then; this is absolutely reminding me to finish it omg. Also, this song actually /sampled/ beebadoobee's song "coffee," it's not just like a song they made together. So check out "coffee" for a song about healing that makes me CRY and also feel like I'm being HUGGED. Love u beebadoobee
3. Wow. What a classic. How To Never Stop Being Sad was my ULTIMATE cry song when I was like 13. I still think about some of lines (it reads more like spoken word/poetry with backdrop) more as How To *Stop* Being Sad, yknow? Motivational. Like "Become a background character to your own motion picture" -> Be the main character in your life. Take up space. EXIST. ♡
4. The album this comes from, "In Between Dreams," sounds like childhood. Like sitting on the lil fold down square seats in the back of my dad's old lil red pickup truck as we drive to other side of the island to go dirtbike riding with my mom and brother. It's also become something I dont /have/ to associate with that. I got a vinyl record of it when I was about 15/16 and used to play it while dancing around the front room and making breakfast (various friends and partners over the years there or not). It's also mine. My solo drive peaceful music. Sittin, Waitin, Wishin :)
5. This is the sound of the Spongebob Squarepants Movie ending. That's it. That's what it is. First credits song. One of the rare movie endings where the credits actually go SO HARD and I actually prefer letting them play out. I watched this movie a billion times since it came out when I was a kid. The end credits when this plays show waves crashing and it looks like you're surfing and reminds me of Hawai'i, which is where I was still living when it first came out and I'd watch the DVD endlessly!! Perfect song. 0/0 notes. Ocean Man, Take Me By The Hand, Lead Me To The Land That You Understand
Lastly,, I probably would have skipped a song if I didn't like it bc I've been unliking a lot of my Liked Songs on Spotify lately so that my shuffle on Liked Songs is better and bam! There's the payoff! Didn't even skip one for this ask! Wahoo!
If anyone read this to the end, thanks for sharing these memories with me. :) Much love, always. I'll send this out to a few peeps, but if anyone wants it sent to them specifically so they too can be involved and/or ramble on, DM me/let me know! MWAH
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catilinas · 1 year
just watched gladiator with my dad for the first time last night... there was a dream that was rome... LITerallY there WAS. wish there had been more conspiring (there should always be more) and maybe a teen weeny bit more historical accuracy. but yeah. good movie. thanks for posting about it so much i finally got around to watching it. any more Rome movies that are Good and Not Bad???
wahoo!!! literally there was a dream that was rome you could only WHISPER it anything more than a whisper and it would vanish it was so fragile!!! honestly i enjoy the Lack of accuracy in gladiator a fair amount like. there was a DREAM that was rome. doesn’t the film end w maximus like telling the senate to make rome a republic again. like what. i think they were going for things other than accuracy. unfortunately i know of zero good rome films. literally none. i feel this is a common theme in me answering asks but i really just don’t watch many films. do recordings of plays count because the rsc 2017 production of antony and cleopatra is Out There and also reaaaally good. also the rsc 2017 julius caesar. and the bridge theatre 2018 julius caesar. ALSO i have just remembered the film pompeii (2014) which i watched in latin class once and. it is not good. it is in fact very bad. it ends in a way that is. baffling. tragically hilarious. the plot is like. what if we kissed (and then also died) in the eruption of mount vesuvius…… and we were both horse girls (gender neutral). watch it if you want to have Some sort of experience
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cerealmonster15 · 11 months
WAHOO ok desktop is being weird about some of the colors BUT i remember you sent the bisexual hearts when i looked on my phone 🕺
💙 a ship that you like, but disliked at first
floyd/riddle teehee. probably didnt help that initially i just didnt like the octavinelle boys dsklfdsj they upset me LOL. but i came around to them and i def came around to the ship! i think u already saw when i posted it but i talked about them At Length in this post w/in game examples bc i Love To Talk lol :3
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💜 a crack ship
ok i dont really have one bc tbh at best i just have some rarepairs but not really crack ships,,, but i feel like a Funny Crack Ship would be like. idk. grim/lucius LOL cat4cat.... i am pretty sure grim says once or twice that he and lucius understand each other and that lucius is a BITCH or something kgsjfkldsjklf
🩷 a ship that you like, even though it could never work in canon
#girlhelp so many twst ships like. both could work so well and also would never work bc everyone has allergic to feelings disease LOL but also i mean, twst has no romance in it so i guess technically none of them would work in "canon" 🤔🤔🤔
BUT if we're going off more like, reach ships lol.......... hmmmmmmmm HMMMMMMMM i mean i could make a case for like any ship i like really LOL but 🧍‍♂️ perhaps my beloved rarepair cater/jade jfkdslkfds just bc they live Very Different Lifestyles and only interact a handful of times... but i can dream 😌
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tbh they probs still have a better chance than florid would LOL but. yknow. i can and did already make a case for florid 🕺 I COULD MAKE A CASE FOR THEM TOO JUST. a shorter one LOL jklfsdjklfdjs
[send heart thingies]
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peninkwrites · 11 months
trick or treat!!
Oh do I have a treat for you!! (maybe idk)
This is a bunch of snippets from a fic I started and never finished way back in. idk, December 2020?? January 2021?? Long time ago lmao. It was basically gonna be a fic about Tommy torturing Connor and the aftermath of that working title "Violence for Violence's Sake is the Rule of Beasts." you know. from the tumblr post abt a dream someone had about obama? yeah. working title bc i couldn't decide if it was silly or not lmao.
(this is quite a bit so it's goin under a read more wahoo)
“What do we do with him?” Tommy looked to Techno for guidance, for instruction.  That was different too.  Tommy always had a plan, one he would run into without hesitation. “I think we’re gonna have to take him with us.” Perhaps even worse, Tommy’s one hesitation hadn’t been concern for Connor, for the damage he might cause, but instead he worried about what Dream might think.  Technoblade wasn’t worried, exactly. It was more so just an observation. A curious thing to show just how much Tommy had changed.  Tommy wasn’t free of blame or violence before all of this, he wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, to prank and threaten and go perhaps too far, but this was something different. Connor was inconsolable, utterly at a loss for how he got into these circumstances, to the point that he didn’t even try and run away anymore.  He could only plead for mercy.  “Don’t hurt me– I-I don’t want to die!” “You’re not gonna die, Connor. Come with us and we won’t kill you,” Tommy all calming and kind. Techno can see it in his eyes, Tommy reveling in the power that came with showing mercy because he knows he can take it away, because he knows Connor is entirely in his hands. It wasn’t just the physical torture, it was the humiliation. It was the cruel demands, the dragging Connor along by a rope, treating him like something less than human.  That was enough to make Techno hesitate. He got over it, perhaps a little too easily. Tommy forces Connor into the pit thinking about Dream’s calm words “how about you get in the hole, Tommy?” -The hypocrisy of Tommy calling Tubbo a monster -Later- “we didn’t go too far, did we?” If Technoblade were anyone else he would’ve intervened more harshly right then. But he wasn’t. And Techno didn’t see the problem with what they were doing. Techno could maybe understand Connor.  He was all but a stranger to Tommy, a stranger who was living in his old house. That dissonance explained Tommy’s lack of empathy to an extent, but Fundy?  Fundy was an old friend, an ally in the first revolution, one of the people who was angered by Tommy’s exile, and yet Tommy showed no mercy.
Techno realizes the problem isn’t what they’re doing, it’s the fact that Tommy is the one doing this. It’s just not him. And his reasons are clearly warped. “You’re pushing somewhere I don’t think you want to go, Tommy.” “Is that so?” Tommy snapped.  “You’re the one who said nothing good happens to heroes, so, guess I decided I’m not gonna be the hero anymore,” he froze, different words coming to mind, let’s be the bad guys.  “Not like it matters.” “You’re becoming like Dream” Tommy snaps, gets in his face “shut the fuck up you don’t know anything about me how dare you say that-“ “How did it feel? When you told Connor things would be okay as long as he obeyed you?” “What?” “Because I don’t think you were concerned.  I don’t think you were trying to make him feel better. How’d that feel, Tommy? That rush of power? Did you feel like you were in control?” “What if I say it did, huh?!  What then?” Tommy dares him to keep arguing, even as he looks terrified, like he expects Techno to retaliate with something worse. "Means there's probably something wrong with you. Maybe Dream did something to your head worse than... than you calling him your friend." Tommy looks crestfallen. "Don't say that. Please. Please, don't say that to me."
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salsadifragola · 2 years
some life updates n shit (positive)
Hi hi!! its been a while since i posted any original art or some of my regular ramblings, but some stuff happened and i wanted to share with yall that follow me for content (or shitposts idc, or maybe ur a friend who hasnt heard of me for a while, hi hii!!)
well first of all, ya boy got accepted into college!!! wahoo!! im gonna do animation and im so very excited for it!! but that also means that i will be, for the next few months until i start classes, preparing a lot, i wont go deep into it but it will be a lot of shit to get done lol, also it means that i will be accepting commissions far less frequently (something like one every few months instead of multiple every month) art as a whole will be slower than it usually is, with school being my priority my free time will most likely be dedicated to art for myself rather than working on commissions for someone else
second of all, i plan on opening a shop!!! it will be very small at first, i only got a few sticker designs so far and i will be test printing real soon (havent decided where to set up shot yet tho, im torn between etsy and big cartel) i plan on eventually expanding into pins, keychaind and more!! if all goes well, i will be attending comic con experience in são paulo by the end of the year!!(HOPEFULY WITH THE SHOP!!! IM ALREADY LOOKING INTO GETTING THE TABLE RESERVATION)
this year i have a lot planned, maybe not all goes as i want it to go but i will do my damn best to get as right as possible!!! i want to save up some money so that i can realize my dream of visiting friends in the US and going to tfcon some time in 2024!!
so yeah, lots of stuff happened and im very happy with it and wanted to tell just everyone abt it!! thank u a lot if u read this i love u so much mwa mwa
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LAST ONE WAHOO, @lavenderlevetan 3/3 “twos not divisible by 3”
70: are you very critical of your own writing? how much do you find yourself editing (either during the writing or after the fact)?
VERY FUCKING CRITICAL. Holy hell imposter syndrome my beloathed. I’m surrounded by talent and y’all are intimidating. I edit a lot I think, after writing. I tend to add at least 10-20% more words LMAO, as well as rewording stuff
74: are you a planner, pantser, or planster?
Hang on I have to Google something. Reading this description, I think plantser with pantser tendencies. I get a basic idea, at least a few events, and then just go for it
76: what is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
Oh god idk man. Lighthearted, I’d say make them decently likable if you want them to be compelling. If they’re evil and annoying or evil and boring, that sucks. One dimensional and/or annoying characters are no fun. Give them some pizzazz. BUT. On a serious note, also be careful to avoid harmful stereotypes. Queer villains are fun—don’t make them your only queer characters. That kind of thing
80: do you try to put themes, motifs, messages, morals, etc in your writing? if so, how do you go about it?
Yes! I tend to mostly use specific themes that go along with the main story theme. It’s hard to explain. Road trip = sunlight and warmth and nature themed allegories and freedom. There in the garden = dark and spooky and gothic and blood and animalistic. You know? Morals I don’t usually use intentionally but I’m not Aesop /lh
82: “proper” punctuation or all lowercase?
I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I need my proper punctuation (in 98% of cases). I don’t necessarily have a reason outside of it makes it easier for me to read in regards to when sentences end kind of?? BUT!!! I think stylistically, all lowercase can be a SUPER FUCKING COOL option. Favorite example is dancing in the moonlight by our own summersociety / @candle-lion when it comes to Birdie’s POV, it’s just an incredible choice in my opinion!! It’s fitting that the beast is “simpler” more “animal” you know?
86: which season best matches the mood of your wip(s)?
Fall. I’m an Autumn bitch. I tend to write stuff being in Autumn without really thinking about it
88: if you could have another author write your wip for you (bc we all dream of this occasionally), who would it be?
Hey would you like to take a stab at there in the garden? Or @candle-lion or @sapphicriley I know any of you three would do an incredible job with the concept, I think!! Also @suwunnysideup maybe it’s just me but I think you would absolutely knock the apocalypse au floating around my brain just out of the park
92: first, second, or third person?
Third person! I don’t hate first person necessarily, but for some reason I prefer my fics third person. Novels in first person are cool tho, that doesn’t bother me
94: do you prefer dialogue or description?
Description. I think I tend to talk in a way that’s kind of awkward, and it translates into making my written dialogue awkward. The amount of times I go back and change it to sound more real and human before I post is unreal. Description is more fun to me, and I get to fuck around with metaphors and whatnot
98: what don’t you like about your writing style?
See above. Dialogue is icky
100: open question to the writer.
I’m not sure what this means. I’ll just use it to say I love you and this was fun, thank you for giving me something to do LMAO
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bigkickguy · 1 year
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Please feel free to judge me - I was working with the made up rule a character can only show up on the board once! Otherwise this board would be 30% Dante 30% Yusei and 30% Lee
out of this board I have put a lot of rotating time into some of these, and basically almost none for others? They all add up in my mind! I am just matching themes or min maxing with what I want for my favs in most of these In descending order of how much I think of them + some notes below:
Yusei x Kaito (5ds x Zexal) - i have thought about them for years, they were just my favs from each series! I have rewritten like 4 crossover stories for them in my mind and have been since i first watched zexal. I just think they should build robots in a garage together, the ultimate romance. They both try to do everything themselves so now they can battle it out over who gets to put more of the world on their shoulders (they still would not share lol)
Dante x Oersted (Devil May Cry x LiveALive) - this one is more recent but i like the idea of this a lot with post game Oersted! Dante is a character very connected to love as a theme, him meeting Oersted who is just sad and needs to know love can be good in his life? Yes. This is just thematic min-maxing and a lot of 'I can fix him'. I also think it would be hilarious if Oersted gets summoned or something and is just like tired and refuses to do evil shit again cause he's growing. Dante got called to get him out of there and is just like, 'uhh you ok dude?' and he becomes Oersted's wacky wahoo dream man.
Kaiji x Akagi (Kaiji x Akagi) - this is somehow in #3, but i also had like a solid year they were all I thought about. It's a grey area of crossover validity because they were in a side gag manga of all of fkmt works crossing over? I think it still counts! A lot of people are into this I don't need to go into detail.
Mob x Gai (mp100 x Buraiden Gai) - buraiden gai is short and fkmt writes people being dehumanized by big rich organizations really well. It was a take on how shit the private juvenile detention centers are and Gai gets falsely accused and then busts out of the Worst one. (Describing that cause I assume more people have watched mob than they've read that!) This is a min-maxing of love and positive vibes because I need good things to happen for Gai. He's also got a very unique thought process and I think him and Mob hanging out would be hilarious. Gai would just be like 'i can punch faster than light' and mob would be like 'oh wow that's cool! I'm psychic!' and levitate something and Gai would lose his shit on the spot.
Luna x Angela (Virtue's Last Reward x Library of Ruina) - I am very emo over both of them and they both deserve good things and to be respected as people and not treated like they're tools or disposable. I think Angela can be angry for Luna and Luna can be soft for Angela. This is mainly a thematic min-max though. I LOVE BOTH OF THEM AND I NEED BOTH OF THEM TO GET TRATED BETTER BY THE WORLDS THEY ARE IN!!! Ultimate for this chart, both 'I can fix her' and 'I can make her worse' at the same time!
Ike x Kalas (Fire Emblem x Baten Kaitos) - I thought about it once cause I just think about crossovers for fun to pass the time when I can't sleep sometimes now it hurts. I feel like this is just a side grade of Ike x Soren, they feel emotionally similar to me. Specifics are pretty different but that's the fun rotating part :)
Akane x Aiba (Zero Escape x Ai the Somnium Files) I'm not going to lie I needed to fill out this board originally, but now I've been cursed with the idea of them hanging out. I want them to be the protagonists of a crossover game so badly!! They could be the ultimate crazy energy team up!
...I am getting tired of typing these out and I have thought about them probably only once or twice past making this chart after this point. I assume no one will read this anyway :)
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