#first battle royale game
skippudippu · 3 months
when ally beardsley said “my heart’s so dumb…it’s too big”…………..never ever felt more seen
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cutecapybarapics · 6 months
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hibiscusangel15 · 9 days
Battle Royale is more brutal than I was expecting. Usually when I go back to watch the origin of a trend (death tournaments/matches in this case), I'm a little underwhelmed, but that wasn't the case for this.
It's still really good. Highly recommend.
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R.I.P. Annabelle Cane and Hezekiah Wakely.
You both would have loved Hollow Knight's Deepnest. :(((
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bachirasbodyguard · 1 year
What do you think happened in wild card
I have no idea, and I don't think the mangakas have thought about it either and I don't think we're ever going to get to learn what actually happened. I think that wouldn't actually be a bad choice story-telling-wise - it's fun to leave the reader wondering. And it lets you think about Kunigami in very different ways - either as "Oh no poor little baby he must have gone through something horrible" or "It could not have been that bad, this is just soccer, you fucking edgelord".
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rosiegames · 7 months
Maybe it’s time to return to single player 🙄
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theowlhousefanboy · 2 years
Please Save The Unreal Series of FPS Games!
This is grave news, for on this day, December 14 (15 in some regions), 2022, Epic Games has made the completely shocking and inane announcement of delisting and ending online multiplayer support for the beloved multiplayer arena FPS duology Unreal Tournament 1999 and Unreal Tournament 2004 alongside their singleplayer-centered predecessor Unreal and its expansion pack Return to Na Pali on Steam and their Epic Games Store, with their GOG fates in an unclear state (as of this writing). In return, they will deem Unreal Tournament 3 X, which is a contested title in the series, as a free purchase onwards while promoting the arguably more popular yet extremely controversial Fortnite in the usual helpful manner, so to speak.
This may be a bit too demanding if not sounding pathetic, but to anyone reading this and are most likely affected by this shake-up however recently or not, *please save this veritable trilogy of quality singleplayer and multiplayer gaming from the hells of abandonware, loss of love and support from dedicated fans and makers, and, in the vein of fandoms, the feared overratedness of battle royales, unpolished AAA titles, and other such flawed gaming concepts!* It would truly mean a lot if they will be preserved from the meanness of time, age, and trending relevancy, for I and others can only do this since we don't have the capability for petitions, protests, and the like. Spread the word, people, for until then, we drift and hope...
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dirtyoldmanhole · 1 year
gunter slowburn fic excerpt ~ this is right after the events of the Vallite King when corrin's brought gunter back from the brink, and he's still touch and go in the healer's tents, only recently arriving back into consciousness.
naturally, ryoma decides to pay them both an unplanned visit.
"Give me one good reason why this traitor is still breathing."
Raijinto was flickering rather ominously in the dim light, unsheathed.
"I wonder that myself." Gunter murmured soullessly, so quietly to be inaudible.
A holy rage-fire of possessiveness bubbled in Corrin's heart, and she took a step so bold toward Ryoma that he visibly blinked at her, distracted from his target.
"Please stand down, Brother. No violence, not here."
"... Right. Healer's tents, sure." To her greatest relief, he sheathed the lightning-sword instantly. Out of the very corner of her eye, she thought the old knight's lips twitched in grim humor at how meekly the samurai backed down.
"That still leaves the matter of this cretin." Ryoma's face hardened into stone when she bristled instantly. "Need I remind you he killed Scarlet? Almost killed you? Betrayed you? Almost killed all of us?!"
"I will talk to you about that, Brother." She tried to remain coldly diplomatic, biting down uglier words to match his shouting. "-- We will, I promise. Reparations will be made. But not now. Ryoma, he is recovering from death."
Corrin emphasized the last words with laced warning. Ryoma gave her a cutting glare in response. It was plainly written on his furious expression as to what he was thinking, only too polite and trained in Hoshidan stoicism to say it out loud.
He should have stayed dead.
"Dears, dears dears, if you are not a patient or a healer, this is not the time to be here." One of the older healers, a thin but severely dressed lady clapped her hands at Ryoma. The red-armored samurai all but jumped at the crack of sound, though Corrin thought it was more at the sheer audacity of his authority usurped. "You are disturbing our wards."
She didn't have to look at Gunter to know he'd be amused at the drama playing out by his feet, too. Corrin risked a discrete step closer to him, her hand searching for his, hidden by the bedside from the others. His immediate warmth from knobby fingertips that rubbed over hers soothed her like nothing could, and she stood a little straighter, her hand clasped in his.
Ryoma was muttering apologies that were trying not to morph into excuses to the healer, and the good lady was having none of it.
"Is this a mission critical discussion, fearless swordsman?"
"Out you go."
"Yourself, yes."
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devileaterjaek · 9 months
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ervona · 1 year
bg3 has everything for me. two fucked up knights who are women? I didn't know how I was starving oh Minthara and Lae'zel my beloveds
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roaringheat · 1 year
Logged on to Apex and felt an immediate joy just from seeing the lobby
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doritofalls · 2 years
Sometimes I forget that kiyo is 17 years old, to me, he looks like he's 30 something (more to do with his personality and life experiences than his appearance)
i see what you mean honestly. with kiyo there's the double play of the general trend of anime featuring high schoolers that absolutely don't look like high schoolers and his backstory making little to no sense without some young sheldon tomfuckery afloat. because just realistically, there's no chance he coulda done all that the age he supposedly was and with the time frame he supposedly had. his backstory would work more for someone however many years post-grad, who had several years to just roam the land and do research. but then again, this Is danganronpa so the suspension of disbelief is fully and completely required, and with the twist in mind it is quite feasible to think any of the contestants could be older than they are in-game. not to mention that their wacky backstories get a possible pass for the same reasons.
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bloodyknucklesforme · 2 years
No one told me that playing Warzone involved getting beaten to death in a basement.
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aggressionbread · 2 years
I thought first soldier was gonna be discontinued next week and I was gonna play it one last time to say goodbye but it was actually today 😢 maybe it's better this way...
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maverickflare · 2 years
i do think incineroar’s design/gimmick is really neat and interesting but her first two evo’s are so Cat Shaped that it feels . disconnected? like if incineroar was her own line/separate pokemon i would like her a lot more
i also hope sprig is biped but i would REALLY like her to be a mix of like . decidueye/delphox. bc i like decidueye’s druid rogue vibe n delphox’s firefox sorcererness….
considering the context of litten being one of the pkmn given to professor kukui in the anime + the introduction of the battle royal dome in sun/moon + the shtick with the masked royal i think that incineroar fits into the setting rlly well especially as a starter final evo like....she was destined to be there.
i get why it could feel off but bc of everything else surrounding the game tht she was introduced in i think it reads perfectly okay in context ? idk. that is subjective.
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kurogamu · 5 months
First Time Playing Fortnite!
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