#first aid care for sprains
fatsalpakistan · 2 years
First Aid for Sprains: Do I Use Ice or Heat?
First Aid for Sprains: Do I Use Ice or Heat?
Sprains are injuries to ligaments that hold your joints together and often result in severe pain, swelling, and bruising. The stretching and tearing within the ligaments can be uncomfortable and limit your range of motion. The most common type of sprain include ankles sprains, knee sprains and wrist sprains. If you roll your ankle or experience a sprain in another area, you might be wondering,…
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prompt: who did this to you? tell me now.
summary: when you end up getting hurt while out, you make it back home, but just barely.
genre: angst, hurt/comfort
characters: alastor, lucifer
warnings: talk of fighting, abuse, broken bones and getting hurt, being stabbed. essentially you’re hurt and they respond to you being hurt. blood and medical care by the characters too.
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you walked into the hotel, staggering in, barely able to keep yourself up. every breath your feeble body tried to drag in aggravated another part of your body, causing even slight breaths to feel like you were being punched again.
you grimaced as you found stability against the wall next to door, leaning against it, your head hitting the wall. you micro-adjusted yourself trying to find a spot where you could breathe, knowing if you didn’t you would pass out. you couldn't find that spot, and were near tears. you couldn’t breathe, everything hurt, your eye was swollen shut, and you didn’t know what else to do. you had to get to your room but the thought of walking up those stairs and then down the hallway to your room seemed more of a torture session then you just got through.
that’s when you heard the soft pattering of feet and you looked up to see wide eyes.
red eyes bore into yours as the momentary shock of seeing alastor stopped your brain from thinking about the mind numbing pain you were experiencing. you watched him tighten his grip on his cane as he slowly made his way over to you, like you were a wounded animal.
“can you walk?” he asked, sizing up your figure and waving the cane away.
“i’m not… sure. i… got here… okay…. but my rooms… far.” you muttered out, long pauses between words to catch your breath. he nods, a dark shadow passing over his face along with apprehension, before he shakes his head and approaches you holding out his hands.
“may i carry you?” he asks.
“what?” your shock at his question causing you to not fully register what he said.
“will you allow me to carry you up to the rooms. i’ll help you with whatever injuries you have there.” he says slow and careful.
“i don’t know if… you can carry… me.” you murmur. he smiles a bit more now.
“i’m stronger than i look.” he replies back easily. you wave your free hand at him, giving him consent to go ahead. he gently places his arm under your knees and in a swift movement your in his arms, your body searing as your injuries are jostled.
“fuck.” you moan out trying to breath. alastor stays still and waits until you’re breathing somewhat regularly. he then starts taking you up the stairs, heading the opposite direction from your room.
“my room…” you say pointing behind him.
“i know. we’re going to my room. i have more first aid supplies then what charlie put in the rooms.” he replies easily, not breaking a sweat or even seeming out of breath. his door opens and he gently places you down on a chair near the opening to the forest. you try and find your breath again as alastor quietly darts off and comes back with a box of medical supplies.
he’s quiet as he examines you and asks permission to take off your shirt. he quickly assesses the damage to your ribs, your ankle and your face. checking your hands as well and glaring at the wounds on your knuckles. he starts with your ribs first, setting them and then wrapping them, forcing your posture straight. had you not been just trying to stay awake, you would have blushed at how gently his hands trailed your sides, piecing you back together. next he hands you a cold pack for your eye. you hold it up as he wraps your hand in gauze and ointment. you switch hands as he treats the other one.
“i don’t think your ankle is broken.” he says, “but at the least it’s sprained horribly.” he pulls out a stabilizer and gauze. “this will hurt.” you nod.
“do you worse.” you mutter, finally able to take deeper but still shallow breaths. he turns your foot to face up and your eyes widen as you scream.
“it’s okay. you’re okay.” he says, his eyes wide and worried.
“it hurts al. it hurts.” you cry, tears running down your face.
“i know. but let me finish up. it will feel better.” he assured you as he reaches up and wipes your tears away.
“go ahead.” you whisper. he quickly puts the stabilizer against your leg and then wraps it with gauze. tears running down your cheeks as you keep still and silent.
“it’s done.” he says leaning back as you sit in the chair feeling exhausted.
“thank you… alastor.” you voice no louder than a whisper but you know he hears you as he nods. he packs everything up and then moves you to the bed that magically appears in the room.
“i have a room al.” you say, sitting against the pillows.
“i know you do, but you can’t do anything in this condition. so you’ll stay here until i deem it okay for you to leave.” his tone leaving no room for argument and you nod. “now, who did this to you?”
your eyes widen as your head snaps up at him. gone was the man you saw before, replaced with what you knew as the radio demon. the shift happened almost instantaneously. “it was nothing alastor. i just… fucked up.” you say looking off to the side.
“i don’t take well with lying dear.” he says, his hand hovering over your ankle as a warning. you look at him disbelieving and he just tilts his head. almost as if he’s saying ‘try me’. you sigh.
“it was an ex of mine. he worked for vox and i left him before i came here. he was abusive and i had enough. but he found me and he knew i was at the hotel. said i couldn’t get away from him, and that we were meant to be. and when i tried to get away…” you motioned to yourself. you hoped your words came across as truthful and sincere. you internally sighed in relief as alastor nodded, and sent his shadow off. moments later husk appeared and alastor murmured something to him. you saw husk’s eyes widen as he looked at you and then alastor.
“i’ll take care of it.” husk said, his gaze steely as he left.
“relax my dear. you’re safe now and we’ll help you recover.” alastor said, as you moved to lay down, him taking up an arm chair by the bed and procuring a book from thin air. you closed your eyes as guilt consumed you. you had told alastor the truth but not the full truth.
you didn’t tell him that your ex mentioned that him “giving to you what was coming” was from vox and was to be a message to the radio demon. you knew that alastor would withdraw after that and that would hurt you more than any other physical pain anyone could put you through.
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you quickly shut the door to the house, leaning against it and taking a breath. you looked down to your abdomen and got a bit woozy seeing the blood spread across your white shirt.
“damn it.” you mutter, feeling a bit foggy from the blood loss. you shake your head trying to clear it. you knew that lucifer was home and you could only hold onto the hope that he didn't hear you come in. you were getting ready to make your way to the bathroom when lucifer popped in front of you.
“honey! you’re home!” he says, looking mostly at the papers in his hand as you straightened up much to the protest of your body, trying to seem like you had not been stabbed maybe 15 minutes ago.
“i- yup!” you responded, your voice tight as you tried to cover your wound with your hand. you moved your jacket over it so that it couldn’t be seen either. lucifer looked up at you as his eye squinted at you. 
“are you all right?” he asks, coming closer to you, his focus on those papers in his hand all but forgotten. 
“i-i’m fine, luce.” you smile, it not reaching your eyes though. you clear your throat, looking off the left, trying to figure out a way to stop him from really observing you. “i know you said you wanted to show me those new plans for the hotel, let’s go check them out!” you say, changing the subject. hoping that worked. you didn’t want to worry him, nor tell him why you were hurt.
“okay…” he says drawing out the word and then motioning for you to follow him. you start walking behind him, every footstep jostling you and causing your wound to bleed even more, when you reached the three stairs to his study. he crossed them easily but you stepped up on the one and gasped, feeling searing pain in your side. your hand coming out to hold the wall so you didn’t fall. your breath rushing in and out of you like you had ran a race, as your head swam, your body loosing more blood. you see the red substance drip from your hand and watch it fall to the floor, blending into the red carpet. you look up and see lucifer standing there, his eyes wide. 
“what the fuck happened?” he cries, going to you and lifting you up, your hand falling from your wound and your jacket falling back, showing the slice through your shirt. he quickly makes a portal and gets you to your shared room. he gently lays you down on the bed, and dashes off to get some gauze. you try to get off the bed not wanting to ruin the sheets. he comes back to you flailing, trying to get up and pushes you back down, looking at you like you had completely lost it.
“the sheets…” you murmur, coughing and wiping your hand away seeing blood. “oh no.” you whisper and his eyes widen. he throws the gauze away and places his hands on your stomach.
“why didn't you tell me immediately?" he cries, shaking his head looking distraught. "i’m going to heal you, just... stay still.” he says closing his eyes. you grab his hand with the strength you had, though you felt all the strength in your body seemingly being siphoned just by laying on the bed. he looks at you, his eyes wide.
“it hurts you.” you say. 
“don’t care.” he says, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. before you can argue again, his hands glow gold and you body starts stitching itself up, cell by cell, inch by inch. you can feel it all. you cry out as lucifer healing you seems to go on forever. the few minutes it takes seems like hours, as your mind swims through a sea of pain and exhaustion. finally the golden glow subsides and lucifer drops to his knees next to you. you grab his hand as he rests his head against you. both of you trying to recover. you can barely keep your eyes open feeling them closing. you drift off to a dreamless sleep, almost like your body forcing you to rest. 
when you wake next you sit up quickly, looking around the dark room trying to find lucifer. your breath coming in short pants as you can't see anything but the darkness in the room.
“luce?” you ask, your voice hoarse and then you look next to you. lucifer was sleeping close by you. you sigh out in relief as you lay back down and brush his hair back from his eyes, kissing his forehead. “you saved me, again.” you murmur, gently resting your hand on his cheek, resting your forehead against his. his eyes open slowly.
“i’ll always be there to do so.” he smiles and sits up. 
“i’m sorry i woke you up.” you said as he turned to you, drawing you to him and situating you to straddle his lap. clutching you close.
“i was so scared.” he whispered, not like he was asleep just a moment ago.
“i’m sorry.” you respond back. your head slotting in between his shoulder and neck. he lets you rest there for a moment and then pulls you back to look at you.
“who did this to you?” he asks, his eyes steely as he cupped your face gently. you shook your head not wanting to say. “darling, who did this?” he asked, the tone of his voice sharper and more impatient.
“i-“ tears start running down your face. “you’re going to be so upset… and i don’t want you to be. i don’t want.. you to pull away from me again. it’ll make you do that and i can’t bare that lucifer. i just-“ you start talking quickly, your breaths coming quick as you hold on to his shoulders, looking into his eyes even as tears pour from yours. lucifer’s eyes widen and his eyes are misty seeing how upset you are. 
“i won’t. i promise you. i won't pull away, regardless of what you tell me. but i need to know who did this to you. tell me. now.” lucifer says, his voice firm. 
“i-they were masked. they looked like sharks?” you phrased the last statement as a question. “they cornered me in an alley and said that i needed to take a message to lucifer. that they knew how to get to you, and they could use me to do that and you needed to give them what they asked for.” you said as you recounted the tale with your eyes closed. you opened them when you felt lucifer’s claws digging into your hips. you saw his eyes had turned red and his horns were fully out. 
“and they stabbed you?” he ground out. you nodded. "that was their message?" you nodded again.
"that if you didn't do what they asked, they would hurt me." you explain, realizing near the end of the explanation that it probably wasn't needed. his eyes darkened as you spoke, and he moved you gently onto your side of the bed. he took a deep breath as he got up. he gently petted your hair and helped you lay down, his horns no longer out, but his eyes bright red.
“where are you going?” you asked, already knowing the answer.
“out. i’ll be back all right. stay here and go to sleep, you need it. i’ll be right back.” he says, a steely resolve in his eyes, and a gentle smile on his face. you nodded as your eyes felt heavy and fell asleep before lucifer even reached the door to leave. he straightened his jacket and walked down the hall. he had important work to take care of as he created a portal and stepped through it.
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hanjisungslag · 3 months
attack on titan headcanons #10
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synopsis: how the characters react when you, their s/o, gets hurt. 🩹
characters involved: eren, mikasa, armin, jean, connie, sasha, reiner, bertolt, annie, levi, erwin and hange
notes: i am cooking up a storm, so watch out for that & also hit double digits!!
☆ eren jaeger
oh.. you got injured in training? poor babyyy☹️
he’s super sweet and gentle with you.
if anyone tries to go near you though.. he’s super scared they’re gonna accidentally hurt you😭.
so he’s always at the edge of his seat ready to rescue you if needs be.
he gets all of your food, water, clothes, bandages etc.
then the nurses catch him doing it and have to YANK him off of you, once again.
☆ mikasa ackerman
so incredibly caring and concerned 🤍
she was the one who found you on the expedition with a broken leg
she refuses you to the hospital
lets the nurses do their jobs (thank god)
she really wants to be able to help nurse you back to health as well though..
she gives you the next best thing aka massages.
she literally comes in everyday and gives you 3 massages minimum a day
she’ll also sleep in the hospital with you most days.
☆ armin arlert
nothing less than an angel.
for however long you’re in the hospital, he’ll bring you flowers
in there for 3 weeks? new flowers every week.
in there for a week? new flowers every other day.
reads you books every night to help you sleep
sleeps there EVERY single night
always gives good morning and good night kisses
keeps you updated with what’s going on with everyone and training to make sure you don’t miss out.
makes sure to surprise you by bringing your friends there too!! it was a super sweet surprise.
when you’re sleeping, he goes around asking nurses if they need help😖.
☆ jean kirstein
he has to hype himself up before going to see you in hospital because it just breaks his heart.
but being able to see you, hug you, know that you’re being taken care of makes him feel wayy better.
he’s just happy to see that you’re not too badly injured.
just a sprain from training!
he likes to draw things for you from the outside
or you guys draw together.
yk that cute game where one person draws a squiggle and the other person has to make into a drawing?
yeah, you guys do that. and it’s frickin adorbs😡
☆ connie springer
you went to do some late night training by yourself
and cornelius found you on the ground. in a lot of pain.
he rushed you to the first aid
fastest anyone has EVER seen that man run
you got cleaned up but had to take a break from training until you were better.
definitely tries to make you laugh all the time
even with your injury, he still wants to see you happy and smiling 🤍
☆ sasha braus
aw bless her cotton socks.
your injury wasn’t fatal enough to warrant a hospital stay
but the nurses said to stay home and rest up!
you had to take care of your scar
in her own time, sasha headed over to first aid to ask the nurses how to help you properly☹️.
you literally do not lift a finger!!
she does everything for you, like cleaning it up, wrapping it up etc.
and she’s really good at it and all…
☆ reiner braun
he’s like a scared little boy.
he’ll sit by your side and tell you it’s all okay
but when he’s alone.. HE GETS SO UPSET
sometimes he’ll take ‘bathroom breaks’ just to pull himself together because he hates seeing you in this state :(.
really affects his everyday life
but he hides it well.
BIGG celebrations as soon as you’re out of hospital
is literally like a servant, will get you everything and anything you want.
☆ bertolt hoover
he bakes you cookies for being so brave☹️.
he stays with you all day long until the nurse finally tells him he has to go.
it breaks his heart leaving you but he gets up bright and bloody early to see you in the morning
like i’m talking the second the hospital opens up.
☆ annie leonhart
she’s not nervous,
your injury wasn’t fatal or anything.
she’ll still visit you, of course ;)
she also makes sure to tell you how brave you are
since you are scared of hospitals.
she’ll giggle at your wimpy-ness though.
like you were getting patched up and you were just like trying not to scream
and she was just standing there chuckling at you.
☆ levi ackerman
so so so scared, secretly.
he has lost one too many people
but to lose you? that would completely and utterly BREAK him.
it was a pretty gnarly injury as well…
which was rather terrifying for both you and him
but he’ll keep a cool persona around you.
if he’s unable to visit due to work, he’ll ring the hospital and asks how you are.
he’ll always make time to come see you though, no matter what!!
☆ erwin smith
he hears from his assistant that you’ve been put into hospital
he runs STRAIGHT over and makes sure to comfort you.
he’ll stay till dark when you’re asleep and pay the nurses a visit too
he asks them to take extra good care of you.
if he’s unable to see you, he makes sure to call you up every single day
or at least have SOMEONE come check on you.
☆ hange zoë
hange has seen it all at this rate
but doesn’t seem to heavily affected.
they’ve never really had anyone close to them be extremely injured
they were sooo scared though :(.
it was really sad for everyone to see hange’s energy so low but
they couldn’t help it!!
all they could think about was their poor love in hospital :(.
when they’re around you though, they try to stay positive! and tells you all about their work to keep you both distracted.
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puddingyun · 5 months
sensitive . ݁₊ ⊹ k.ys
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yeo x reader
18+ mdni
: 1.6k words, childhood friends, smut, dacryphilia, handjob/blowjob :
day 6 of fff24 ♡
Yeosang had always been softer than other guys you knew. He didn't care for the ugly parts of growing up - the playground fights, the bitching and backstabbing, the grazing of knees and spraining of ankles - and instead preferred the quieter, more beautiful things. He liked playing video games by himself, watching dust motes dance in the sun, and sipping on strawberry-banana smoothies when everybody else was seeing who could down the most malt chocolate shakes without puking. 
It had always been quietly presumed that he would grow out of his softness when he got older, replace his naïveté with a little harshness and sharpen the gentle parts of him. This never happened, though. When he was younger, Yeosang had been the boy who needed a kiss to his knee before a band-aid could be applied, and now that he was older he still needed a kiss to his bruises before he could forget about their dull ache. As much as some people liked to turn their noses up at those parts of him, you couldn't help but find it endearing. He was sweeter than anybody else you knew, the same way a bruised peach was sweeter than a firm one. 
Even this afternoon when you'd been walking back to his place in the snow you could feel his hand holding on tight to yours each time you walked over an icy patch, scared to slip and hurt himself. Each time you glanced over at him and saw his rosy cheeks you were reminded of his clumsy caution when he was younger, tiptoeing when everybody else would run. 
You could hear him in the shower from where you sat on the sofa, his soft sighs interrupting the water drumming against tile. You turned down the sound of the TV and listened to him from afar, all of his faint sounds and movements filling the apartment like a radio show playing from next door. 
"I'm sleepy," was the first thing he murmured as he stepped out of the bathroom, dragging his feet along the floor on his way to the sofa. He sat down beside you with a long huff and then slowly leaned into you, his face pressing into the crook of your neck so that you could feel his breath on your skin. "Aren't you sleepy yet?"
"Only a little. I just wanted to watch TV for a while," you replied, raising a hand to run your fingers through Yeosang's hair. When your nails scratched his scalp you felt him melt into you even more, moving to wrap his arms around you. "You okay?"
"Yeah, just tired," he mumbled, withdrawing his face from your neck to see what it was that you were watching on TV. You watched the way he blinked slowly, trying to figure out what was happening in the middle of the episode he'd just walked in on. He was sweet and fuzzy around the edges the way you'd always known him to be. 
"Hey," you whispered, smoothing some of his hair out of his face. "C'mere."
He was only a little curious when he turned his head back towards you, lips parted and ready to ask what was wrong. When you leaned in and pressed a soft peck to his lips his expression quickly changed to a smile, hands holding onto your waist tightly as he chased after your lips, kissing you again and again and again until you were breathless. 
"I thought you said you were tired," you teased, kissing the space between his eyebrows.
"I am, but..." he started and just as quickly trailed off, his cheeks flushed and hands wandering up beneath your top. 
"But what, Yeo?" you asked, already smirking. As though on cue, Yeosang blinked twice and his eyes turned shiny with tears, glimmering in the low glow coming from the TV. 
"We could kiss more," he mumbled, thumbs dragging along the skin beneath your breasts as though testing the waters. You watched, amazed as always, as his eyes remained a pool of unshed tears even as he tried to blink them away. They stayed there, not spilling or going away, and Yeosang's cheeks only turned darker the longer you went without answering.
"Okay," you replied finally, smiling at his relieved expression. You pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips and laid a hand on his chest. "Lay back."
Yeosang did as told, obedient and malleable as always. You placed your hands on his shoulders and your legs on either side of him so that you were pressed together, his arousal from the kisses you'd exchanged already obvious. Slowly, so slow it ached, you leaned down and kissed him again. This time his tongue swiped against your lips, hot and needy, and when you opened your mouth to let him in he groaned low in his throat. 
His hands explored while your tongue licked into your mouth, pushing up your shirt only to travel back down to your hips before his blunt nails were digging into your ass, pulling you closer to him as though you weren't already as close as you could get. You took his bottom lip between your teeth, sucking and letting go with a soft nip that made Yeosang moan. When you pulled back a string of saliva connected your lips for a second before snapping and disappearing. You giggled, watching as the first tear rolled down Yeosang's temple. 
"Are you okay?" you asked, even though you already knew the answer. Yeosang nodded, flustered, and sniffled. You felt him grind his hips up into you, eyes fluttering shut as he did.
"Yeah. I just like you a lot," he admitted breathily. He looked beautiful, lips slick with spit and lashes wet with tears he hadn't yet shed. You leaned in and kissed along his jaw, right up to his ear, and then kissed down his neck, stopping your trail only to bite down on his skin. "Fuck-"
Yeosang's moan trailed off into a whimper as you sucked on the skin until you'd left behind a dark, splotchy hickey there, the indents of your teeth still visible around it. You glanced up at Yeosang and noticed that his temples were both wet now, glistening each time he blinked. You pressed a quick kiss there, tasting the salt of his tears on your lips, and then moved to position yourself between his legs. 
"Are you going to...?" Yeosang asked quietly, his voice wobbly and his hips bucking up into nothing. 
"Do you want me to?" you asked, smiling when Yeosang nodded. "Okay, baby."
He was only a little squirmy when you pulled down his sweatpants and underwear to reveal his dick, already hard and leaking precum against his tummy. You smiled, leaning in to kiss the base while you watched his expression twitch from the slightest touch. 
His soft panting rose to a string of moans as you took his dick in your hand, rubbing your thumb against the frenulum and watching how more precum oozed out of him. You couldn't help but smile as you began to stroke him, each movement wetter than the last. Even now he was sweet, his cheeks wet when he lifted his head to look down at you. It was all you could do not to shove your free hand in your pants and get off to the sight of him.
"Fuck, that feels good," Yeosang moaned, thrusting up to meet your movements so that he was fucking your fist. His abs tensed with each movement and then spasmed with each little hiccup and sob that managed to escape his lips. Leaning down to suck on the head of his dick you watched him press a hand over his mouth to contain his noises, moans muffled as you flicked your tongue against the head of his dick. 
"Cum whenever you want, Yeosangie," you reassured him, eyeing the hand balled into a fist at his side. With each stroke of his dick you twisted your wrist a little, watching how fat, hot tears escaped Yeosang's eyes with each blink. He threw his head back and moaned loudly, dropping his hand from his mouth to let his sounds out into the apartment. You giggled, leaning down to kiss down one of the veins that ran along his cock.
"That feels - fuck - that feels so good," he sobbed, voice strained as he fucked into your hand. "Can I really cum whenever?"
"Of course, love," you hummed, kneading at his thigh with your free hand. "Whenever you want."
This was all the permission he needed, because as soon as you put his mouth back on him he was spilling his load on your tongue, whimpering and sobbing as you sucked him off through his orgasm. Even as you lifted your head and swallowed what he'd given you he was still hiccuping, tears rolling down his cheeks like a waterfall. Except this waterfall wasn't thundering or dangerous, it was meek and sweet. 
"Good?" you asked as you moved back up to kiss him once more, the taste of cum and tears and spit all mixing to create an odd but familiar flavour. 
"Mhm," Yeosang sniffed. He smiled up at you. "Now I'm really tired."
"Let me go take a shower then we can get into bed," you assured him, stroking his hair out of his face to kiss his forehead. 
As you stood, you glanced back at Yeosang, his face all messy with tears and his nose and cheeks pink, and felt your heart (as well as something else) throb for him. 
You really did love how soft Yeosang was.
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moodriingz · 6 months
Waiting Room | Q. Hughes
Summary | Reader works for the Canucks’ socials and has an unrequited crush on Quinn. Based off of Waiting room by Phoebe Bridgers.
Pairing | Quinn Hughes x reader, Elias Peterson x platonic!reader, reader x oc
Warnings | unrequited love, angst, moving on?
Author's Note | Oh my gosh this ended up so much longer than intended, so buckle in it’s a long one. I thought about trying to shorten it but I had so many ideas about what to include. I was also so nervous to write this one that it took me forever to finish. Also thinking of writing a part two, but let me know what you think. Please send in requests for other players!
Part two
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If you were a teacher, I would fail your class
Take it over and over 'til you noticed me
“This is why you are the best person ever,” Quinn said as you carried an insane amount of coffee for some of the team and the Canucks social staff.
“Oh, it’s no big deal I always just pick some up when I get mine,” you say as you almost drop the lattes from your hands. “I’m going to find Elias and drop his off and then head to my desk. See you at practice.”
“Y/N how did you know I didn’t get the chance to pick up my coffee?” Elias asked with a smirk. “Or did you just get extra so it wouldn’t be obvious you love to get Quinn’s coffee?”
“Goodbye Elias! I’ll see you on the ice in a bit!” You shout as you walk down the hall to the social media office.
You set down the last two coffees on your desk, go through your emails, and write down some ideas for content before your morning meeting. 
“Y/N you have to stop buying his coffee, you're just torturing yourself,” Megan says as she sets her bag down. “But please don’t stop bringing me coffee because I never have enough time to get some myself.”
“Ok Megan I’ll keep that in mind, but I don’t get it just for Quinn, I also got it for Elias today,” you say with a blush covering your cheeks.
“Yeah alright. Let’s go get this meeting started.”
If you were a waiting room, I would never see a doctor
I would sit there with my first aid kit and bleed
After the meeting with the rest of the social media and communications team, it’s decided that you have to go on the ice to capture content today. Usually, you can just film from the bench, but your boss wanted some trending content that required you to skate with the team. The only bad thing about filming on the ice was your awful case of clumsiness.
You were filming content with Brock when you tripped over your own two feet. Normally, you’d laugh it off after getting up, but your left foot twisted under your body. 
You wince as Brock helps you stand to skate off the pain but yelp the second you put your weight on the foot. Quinn watches as Brock’s hands are on your waste and immediately skates over the second you cry out in pain.
“Are you ok? What happened?” Quinn asked, putting your arm around his shoulders to support you as he took you to the bench.
“I-I’m fine. I just twisted my ankle as I fell,” You say looking into his worried eyes.
“Ok, let me take the skate off, and then we can go to the trainers and get you ice,” Quinn grimaces as he takes the skate off and sees your ankle already swelling.
“It’s probably just a sprain, but we need to get ice on this ASAP. I’ll take you to the trainers, let's go,” Quinn says standing to help you up.
“But what about practice? You guys have your East Coast road trip coming up, and I’m not going to be the reason you skip out on practice,” You say trying to figure your way to get ice or wait until Megan comes to help. 
Truthfully though, you don’t want him to take you because the way Quinn is taking care of you makes you fall harder for him.
“Don’t be crazy. Practice is almost over and they won’t miss me for the five minutes it’ll take me to make sure you’re ok,” Quinn says as you nod reluctantly. You feel your blush coming back and know you’re never going to get over your silly crush on Quinn Hughes.
I want to be the power ballad that lifts you up and holds you down
I wanna be the broken love song that feeds your misery
The next night the Canucks lost to the Flyers with just a game left before the two-week road trip. The loss was hard following Christmas, and Quinn was beating himself up over the game. You found him after finishing up your content for the night and he finished his interviews. He tried to smile at you, but it looked like a grimace from how tight his lips were.
“Hey how are you,” He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” You say sheepishly.
“Yeah, I guess. Are you busy tonight? I was hoping we could hang out at my place and watch some movies,” Quinn’s question surprised you. You’ve only really hung out in group settings or when the team went out after a game.
“I’m free, let me just finish wrapping some stuff up and then we can go,” You say with butterflies forming in your chest. 
You go and find Megan and tell her everything that happened with Quinn.
“Shut up you’re going, right?” She asks.
“Yeah of course I am, I think I’d be stupid not to. I’m just nervous,” You respond. 
“Don’t be. He asked you over for a reason he must not hate you.” Megan says practically pushing you out the door.
You nod and go back to find Quinn talking to Elias while he waits for you to come back. 
“Hey ready to go?” You ask.
“You’re replacing me for our movie nights?” Elias blurts out of jealousy.
“No, not completely replacing you. I just didn’t want to wallow alone. Plus I figured Y/N would be free,” Quinn says nonchalantly. There’s a pang in your chest because not only is this a tradition with someone else, but that he just assumed you’re at his beck and call. You both arrive at his apartment after a silent drive from Rogers arena.
“Do you want anything to drink?” He asks, swaying back and forth. Is he nervous? Why would he be? It's not like this is a date or anything. This is something he always does with Elias. 
“Can I just have water?” You say quieter than intended. You felt small and out of place in his apartment.
“Of course. Do you want to pick out the movie? I figure you should do the honors for your first movie night,” He says as he pours your water. 
You think for a second and immediately know you should put on your favorite rom-com 13 going on 30. It’s kind of a comfort movie and you might calm down with something familiar. Once it’s pulled up he sits down with you on the couch.
And I can wish all that I want, but it won't bring us together
Plus I know whatever happens to me, I know it's for the better
He told you he’s never seen the movie as he sits down and watches intently until the birthday scene.
“Man, I feel so bad for that Matty kid.”
“Why,” you say, keeping your attention on the tv.
“His unrequited love with Jenna,” He says it so plainly like he’s toying with you for your confession.
“Yeah unrequited love is the worst,” You say finally looking over at him.
“Why do you have feelings like that for someone,” He chuckles at the idea. You realize he doesn’t know that you have feelings for him.
“No. I did at one point,” You say, and the subject is dropped. You watch the rest of the movie and he orders you an Uber home. You realized that night that your crush needs to end no matter how hard it is.
And when broken bodies are washed ashore
Who am I to ask for more, more, more?
Quinn seems to be in a much better mood from the loss the night before. But you want to avoid him at all costs today. Your boss asks you to do something with him later. There’s nothing you rather do than work with Quinn, but You want to stay in your boss’ good graces.
She asked you to shoot a video with a concept that had been performing well on socials with other players. You find Quinn before he steps out for practice to let him know you’re following him for the day.
“Hopefully you can keep a better balance than you did with Brock,” He chuckles.
“Yeah I’ll try my best not to fall today,” you say with your signature blush covering your cheeks.
“Well if you do I’ll catch you. Can’t have my favorite staffer breaking something.” Oh, he must be playing with you. Your face is completely flushed and you give a court nod before running to the restroom to calm down.
You start to think over your last couple of conversations. Had he been flirting? Or giving you more attention than usual? You think about how he rushed to your side and left practice just to help you even if it got him in trouble. You think about his smile when you bring his coffee. You think about last night how he was so tuned into unrequited love.
“No Y/N there are bigger things than a silly little crush. You have to go do your job.” You say to yourself in the mirror. After your pep talk, you go out on the ice, shoot your content quickly, and then go back to your office to edit. You tell yourself that you need to stop focusing so much on Quinn.
But you're breathing in my open mouth
You're the gun in my lips that will blow my brains out
The Canucks win the next game, and before you can make it into the locker room to shoot content Brock stops you.
“Y/N! Are you coming out with us tonight?” He asks. You can see Quinn’s head pick up waiting for your response.
“Yeah, I can. I just need to film a couple of the post-game interviews and then I can leave,” you say excited for a drink.
When you all arrive at the usual bar you head straight up to the bar. You give a once-over of the crowd and how many people are there tonight. You go find the boys at their usual table. And you find Quinn’s eyes already staring at yours. 
“I think I’m going to go dance,” You tell Elias before turning around to head to the dance floor.
“Where’s she going,” Quinn asks Elias, watching your retreating figure.
“Going to dance. Are you going to replace me there too?” He jokes.
“Haha, very funny. I’ll be back in a bit,” Quinn says as he leaves to find you.
Of course, you’re in the middle of the crowd and once he finds you’re already making new friends. Quinn laughs to himself because you’re so sociable unlike him. 
“Are you ok if I join you,” Quinn says leaning in. You can only nod and note his proximity but brush it off due to the crowded area.
He dances close to you as music plays over the speakers. His energy and presence make you feel alive. He follows your moves as you’re face to face and you never want this night to end. However, at the end of the song, he notices your glass is empty and offers you another drink. You nod and follow him back to the bar.
“Aren’t you going to order something?” You ask after he only requests your drink. He shakes his head no and gets closer.
“I figured I’d be the designated driver to take you home tonight,” he says with his breath hitting your ear. The alcohol already going straight to your head makes the room spin and gives you confidence.
“Usually I only take guys home after the third date,” You joke, instantly regretting it. He laughs it off and says that you need more water instead of a drink. Even though you’re tipsy you remember that this crush is going to hurt you regardless of how he feels.
I want to make you drive all night just because I said maybe you should come over
I want to make you fall in love as hard as my poor parents' teenage daughter
At the end of the night, Quinn keeps his promise as he ushers you into his car. You’re giggling as he pulls you towards safety and you say goodnight to all of the team.
“Goodnight Pettyyyyy,” you slur and yell as you get further from him. He just waves and chuckles. 
“Get her home safe Huggy,” Elias shouts back drunkenly.
“Will do. See you tomorrow,” Quinn says finally getting you in the car.
“You know my dad used to drive my mom back from bars back in the day,” you say once he starts driving as you stare out the window.
“Oh yeah?” Quinn chuckles at your drunken state.
You feel so grateful that he decided to take you home. You hate taking Uber, especially after drinking. You take note that the bar is nowhere close to your apartment and his place is on the other side of town. It wasn’t an easy thing for him to do, but he did it without you even having to ask. Maybe your unrequited love isn’t so unrequited and you fall asleep in your bed hopeful for what the next day could contain.
She'll be the best you ever had if you let her
The next morning was rough to get out of bed, but get excited when memories of Quinn going out of his way to bring you home come back to you. You get ready and go to the coffee shop you always stop at with a pep in your step.
Once you get to the arena you go straight to the locker room as usual except you stop right outside of the door when you hear Elias and Quinn talking.
“So you and Y/N,” Elias said with a suggestive and teasing tone.
“Nothing happened between us. She’s sweet and all, but I’m not into her that way,” He says quickly. Your heart shattered and you turned around to leave before you could be caught.
You drop your things off at your desk and run to the restroom to let out a good cry. After a minute or two you compose yourself before going back to your desk and delivering the coffee like nothing happened.
You hand Quinn's coffee and he thanks you with his usual stupid smile like he didn’t say anything ten minutes ago. You give Elias his coffee and leave the locker room without saying a word. Little did you know, Elias followed you out and caught up to you in the hallway.
“You heard him didn’t you?” He asks you with sad eyes.
“Yeah, but it’s ok I knew this would happen. I’ll be ok. It’s just going to be awkward on the plane because we always sit together for roadies,” you say with a sigh.
“Sit with me,” Elias says simply and you just look at him perplexed. “I’ll just say I wanted my own movie night with you.” You nod and tell Elias you have to go for your meeting before you all leave.
I know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it’s for the better
You walk into the plane after your meeting and you finalize some posts to be uploaded while you’re flying. You see Quinn watching you expectantly for you to take your unassigned seat next to him. However, You miss the surprised and sad gaze he has after you walk past him to sit with Elias.
Elias always sits near the back of the plane, and Quinn knows you hate sitting so far back. He hears you and Elias pick a movie to watch during the flight and he gets jealous. It’s small but Quinn always wanted to do that on flights with you, but you always were more interested in reading or sleeping. 
“Do you want to watch 27 Dresses? Isn’t that your favorite?” Quinn hears Elias ask you and Quinn scoffs. He knew even before you came over to watch a movie that 13 going on 30 was your favorite move. That’s why he watched it before he invited you over so he’d have good commentary for your movie night.
You grab Elias’ hand as the plane lifts and apologize and say it’s muscle memory. You always get nervous on planes but Quinn always calms you down. You and Elias have fun for the rest of the flight. Watching movies even though it was something you wanted to do with Quinn. But you know getting over your crush is for the better. You and Quinn wouldn’t have worked out anyway.
Know it's for the better
Know it’s for the better
Know it’s for the better
The next day you wake up in your hotel room after letting yourself sleep in a little bit. Even on road trips, you would make a point of getting Quinn’s coffee. But you decided now that you know he doesn’t feel the same, so you didn’t see the point in doing it anymore. You come down from your hotel room and see Quinn in the lobby. 
“Oh hey, I was just going to wait for you to come back from getting coffee for everyone,” Quinn says sheepishly.
“Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to set an alarm and overslept. I can’t go today because I have to go meet the Blue’s social team before the game to go over rules for the game,” You say with little emotion.
“Oh ok, that makes sense. I guess I just see you at the arena,” Quinn says sadly.
“See you there!” You say with a smile leaving the lobby. This was the first time you felt like you could maybe get over Quinn Hughes.
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
The team returns from a successful road trip and you feel energized, which rarely happens after traveling for two weeks straight. You and Elias became good friends over the trip and now realize there is a lot more to your work than just Quinn.
After your meeting, you and Megan are talking about your plans as you settle back into Vancouver.
“You should let me set you up,” Megan blurts out, cutting off your list of chores.
“What? Who would it even be?” You’re intrigued where she’s going with this.
“My friend Evan just got out of a relationship a couple of months ago. I feel like you guys would really get along. Plus it could be good for-”
“You know what I’m in. Can you send me his number or something?” You decided you were ready to move on.
“Yes! I’ll send it right now. I'm so excited.”
You go to the ice to get ready for some practice content. Quinn is out first and gives you a weak smile. You feel a mixture of butterflies and your heart clenches. You missed Quinn. You haven’t had a full conversation with him since you all went out. Even though you’re trying to convince yourself to, you don’t know if you’ll be able to move on from Quinn Hughes.
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it’s for the better
Your date with Evan is today and you’re excited. You feel giddy all day thinking about the prospect of dating again. Your boss lets you go home early because you’ve finished your content and are ahead of schedule. As you walk out to your car you see the team going back to the locker room from practice.
“Hey Y/N are you coming out with us tonight? It’s nothing crazy we just wanted to go out to celebrate the road trip,” Brock asks 
“I would love to, but I actually have a date tonight,” You say with a grin and blush on your face.
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it’s for the better
There’s a couple of wolf whistles from the team when you tell them your plans. Quinn’s heart drops at the idea of you going out with someone else. He knew you guys hadn't talked a lot during the trip, but he just figured it was because you were busy with work or tired. He didn’t think it was because you started talking to someone.
He sulks as he gets ready to go home, and can’t stop thinking about who your date could be with and what you’re doing. He knows you look great no matter what you wear, but the idea of you dressing up for some other guy makes him uneasy. 
Quinn gets home and thinks about texting you, but what would he even say? “Good luck on your date hope you have fun” when he prays it goes badly so he has a shot again? He thinks about texting you to not go on the date, but knows it’s not his place and you might not feel the same way.
Instead he texts Elias if he wants to hang out. Elias comes over and immediately notices his sour mood. 
“What’s got you so down?”
“Nothing I guess I’m just in my head,” Quinn says.
“Is it about Y/N? I thought you said you don’t have feelings for her,” Elias says as a joke knowing Quinn would never admit it out loud.
“I didn’t think I did, but I’ve really missed her over the last couple of weeks and it made me think about her a lot. I just don’t know what to do,” Quinn says with his head in his hands. Elias is shocked at his revelation and doesn’t know what to say.
“I doubt the date is going to be that great. Tell her how you feel after,” Elias says and Quinn just nods his head. 
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it’s for the better
You get ready for your date and get even more excited as it gets closer to your date. You know it might not go anywhere with Evan, but you’re just proud of yourself for trying to move on from Quinn.
You go to meet Evan at a restaurant downtown, and give him a hug when you see him. You quickly notice he’s the complete opposite of Quinn; he has brown eyes instead of Quinn’s blue eyes. Evan’s hair is light brown and barely has a wave vs Quinn’s dark brown curls. 
You quickly take note that Evan is more talkative and has a bigger personality than Quinn. He doesn’t seem to like silence and is always asking you more questions about yourself even as you try to look over the menu. Then you realize that if you truly want to get over Quinn, you’ve to stop comparing Evan to him.
That's when you guys hit it off. You realize he’s really funny and also understands your humor. You both have a lot in common too. You can’t stop smiling throughout the rest of the night. 
Know it’s for the better
Know it’s for the better
Know it’s for the better
After your dinner you both don’t want the date to be over just yet so you decide to take a walk down the street to continue your conversation. You have no idea how long you guys have been together, but haven’t gotten bored of each other for the night.
You stumble across an ice cream shop, and both note how much you love ice cream. And even though it’s freezing outside you both decide to get some to end the night. After you finish you both decide to call it a night and He walks you back to your car.
Know It’s for the better
Know It’s for the better
Know it’s for the better
“I hate to say it this way, but I didn’t think I could have this much fun on a date,” Evan says looking down at you.
“No me too, but I had an amazing time.”
“Do you want to go out again soon? I don’t know what your schedule looks like, but-” Evan rambles on and you decide to cut him off.
“I would love to. I’ll let you know when I’m free,” You say with a smile.
You get in the car and can wipe the grin off of your face as you drive home. You get ready for bed and almost want to text Elias, but know he’s with the team and didn’t want to interrupt their fun. 
Know it's for the better
I never grew up with you
And you’re not my waiting room
The next day you go into the office with your smile still wide. You see Megan in the parking lot and walk in together telling her about your date. 
“You were so right, me and Evan got along so well. He’s great. We’re going on another date too” Megan squeals and tells you she’s so excited for you. 
Little did you know that Quinn was nearby and heard everything. You spot him not thinking much about it and he gives you a small smile. You realize that your life will continue on after your crush on Quinn and you’re ok with that.
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roseyodditea · 6 days
Just Fix It - Wriothesley x gn! Reader
Summary -> 1.2k words. Your repair work is interrupted and then ruined by The Duke himself.
Warnings -> Swearing, Minor injuries.
A/N -> I love the idea of being a mechanic in Meropide. lmk if it's actually interesting to anyone that isn't me and I can write more. I'm just testing the waters with this one lmao
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For the first time in a long time, the halls of the Fortress of Meropide were quiet. The consistent and loud clanging of heavy machinery was absent, much to the pleasure of a lot of the prisoners. However, prisoners that were close to the elevator could hear the shouting of the scariest man under the water and the most stubborn person to probably ever exist. The shouts of The Duke and you, the head mechanic of the Fortress. 
“Get down from there!” Wriothesley shouted at the top of one of the large presses in the production zone where you stood, 10 feet in the air. His tone was half amused and half frustrated.
“You aren’t my boss! I don’t take orders from you!” You chuckled, standing in triumph on top of the machinery, holding nothing but an angle grinder. “I am literally your boss!” You let out a scoff. “I am an employee of the Fontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering. I am on loan to you, bitch.” A few of the newer prisoners looked away in fear as you insulted The Duke, not understanding the dynamic between the two of you.
“How much longer do you have on the repairs?” He rolls his eyes, trying not to laugh in front of others.
You scoff and return to cutting off some of the warped metal of the old press. “Not too much longer. I’m just cleaning up some metal that’s causing some of that god-awful screeching. I could fix it faster if you stopped distracting me.”
“Just hurry up and fix it. You’re wasting my precious time.” “What, you planning on dying soon, old man?” You snort to yourself and duck as a wrench is thrown dangerously close to your head, the guards and prisoners in the production zone moving to quickly leave now that metal was being thrown around. You put down the angle grinder and stand up, looking down at Wriothesley. “Say that again.” He looks at you with that cocky smirk you’ve grown to love and picks up a hammer from the toolbox you left on the ground.
“Careful there. That’s heavy, you might throw out your back trying to toss that all the way up here.” You taunt and hold your arms out wide, making yourself a bigger target. 
Wriothesley was throwing the hammer when the high-pitched sound of someone clearing their throat caused your blood to run cold. “Need I remind you both of the strict safety procedures we have in place?” Sigewinne’s voice immediately caused you to panic, looking away from Wriothesley, not realizing the hammer had already left his hand. You were about to say something when the hammer flew towards you. Panic ran through your body as instinct took over, dodging backwards, but losing your footing and falling off of the top of the machinery. Before you fully realized you were falling a ramp of ice emerged and broke your fall, but causing you to catch your wrist as the transition from ice to metal flooring caused you to roll. You didn’t even try to get up, a throbbing sensation in your wrist overpowering you. Two sets of footsteps approached you quickly. Sigewinne grabbed the wrist you landed on and furrowed her eyebrows, your body relaxing now that you knew you were in good hands.
“It’s just a sprain. It should heal just fine in a month” Sigewinne went to grab one of the first aid kits always kept in the production zone. She took out some wraps to help stabilize your wrist when Wriothesley grabbed it from her. 
“I’ll take care of it. It’s my fault they got injured in the first place.” He nodded at Sigewinne and she took that as an order to leave the both of you alone. He took your wrist in his hand and began to gently wrap it. “I’m sorry. That was stupid of me.” 
You tried to ignore the pain in your wrist and chuckled. “Yeah, it kinda was.” You watch his hands move around yours shockingly delicately, his brows furrowed in concentration as he looks down at your hand. “It’s really not a big deal. This isn’t the worst sprain I’ve gotten from climbing on equipment like that. I should have expected it.” Wriothesley shakes his head. “Stop that. This is serious. I hurt you and now you can’t work.” “Oh come on. You have plenty of other mechanics at your beck and call that will come to fix this and do it safer than I would.” You were met with silence, Wriothesley still focused on your wrist, refusing to look up into your eyes. “Unless you have a personal attachment to this one?”
“How bad does it hurt?” He tried to push down the lump he found stuck in his throat, but it still made his voice crackle in a way you hadn’t heard before. “Oh my god, you do have an emotional attachment.” You move your wrist closer to your body. Wriothesley doesn’t seem to notice and moves closer. “Just tell me how bad it hurts. I can get you some medicine from the infirmary, or I can-” “Oh shut up.” You pull him even closer, but this time he notices. Neither of you make any move to back away from each other. “I’m not worried about my wrist anymore. Something more interesting came up.” Wriothesley finishes wrapping your wrist, the support lessening your pain. He wraps his fingers around your wrist and you feel a chill creeping up your arm, his cryo vision glowing subtly as he tries to soothe the inevitable swelling. “I find your company enjoyable. You bring a sense of fun and light I never could afford to have in my life until recently. And the fact that you’re willing to consistently make the trip down here to this damp metal prison means a lot.” He sighs and shakes his head. “And for some stupid reason, I got wrapped up in the moment and threw a hammer at you when you were already in a precarious situation without any sort of safety harness on.” He fully sat down instead of just awkwardly crouching over you.
“And who’s fault is it I wasn’t wearing a safety harness?” “Mine. I’m your boss and I’ve been letting you get away with not wearing one for far too long.”
You let out an exaggerated groan. “You’re not technically my boss. You don’t even sign my paychecks.” “Can’t you let me have anything?” He lets a playful smirk grace his face, the chill making you forget all about your pain. “You’re one of the few people I trust with half the old equipment in this prison. What am I going to do for the next month while you’re healing?”
You moved to rest your head on his shoulder. “You know I’d make a good supervisor.” You wiggle your wrist out of his grip and slide your arm to hold his hand, not minding they were still ice cold.
“For me or other mechanics?” He asked with a hopeful tone in his voice, leaning in slightly.
“I think you know that answer.” You lean in the rest of the way, placing a quick and gentle kiss on his lips. 
“Hmm. I‘ve never heard of that supervision strategy.” “You’re a fucking idiot”
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thatstonedwriter · 7 months
⋆。˚ 「 X-tremely Dangerous 」 ⋆。˚
◉ Sinopsis; their s/o comes back with serious injuries after an intense day of extreme sports
◉ feat; poly Fizzmodeus, Stolas, Blitzø
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── ˙•˚∘✮🌙ᯓ🪐˙•˚∘ ──
It had been an awesome day. You'd kicked absolute ass during the Field Day event, and were so excited to run home and brag to your partner(s) about it! There was just one small hiccup- your injuries were really bad, but you didn't want your partner(s) to worry. Unfortunately, it's a little late for that.
Fizzarolli and Asmodeus were so excited for you! Although, if you're coming home to these two with bruises and, god forbid- broken bones? They want names. Luckily, all injuries resulted from a good time, so there were no hard feelings (at least from you). While Asmodeus patches you up, he and Fizz listen to you excitedly talk about your day. The two are impressed- not just by your physical capabilities- your competitiveness, passion, and sportsmanship are all admirable qualities. If you do end up having a sprain or fracture, it's just an excuse for Asmodeus to cater to your every need while Fizzarolli snuggles up to you. While, of course, they worry for your physical safety, Fizzarolli and Asmodeus are excited to see you so passionate! Because of your injuries, you may be unable to participate in Field Days for a while. In the meantime, while you're waiting to heal, laying in their arms is a nice way to relax.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Stolas is worried sick when you come home with such severe injuries. He knew you were headed out to a Field Day event, but that couldn't have caused these injuries right (it did). Stolas barely knows first aid, so he calls a doctor to do a home visit for you. For the next month or so, no strenuous activity- doctor's orders. Once you've been taken care of, Stolas brings you to the bedroom, where he fusses over you constantly. Do you have enough blankets? Here, he'll have someone refill your water. Have you taken your pain meds? It's a bit much, but his concern is appreciated. When Stolas gets over his initial worry, y'all can relax in bed, cuddling to your heart's content. While Stolas has plenty of hired help, there are some things he'd prefer to do for you to show that he cares. That includes helping you get cleaned up, attempting to make food, and changing your bandages. Honestly, spending the next month like this doesn't sound horrible, especially since you've got Stolas' undivided attention.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Blitzø is so bummed he didn't get to join you. Games?? He loves games!! At first, your injuries don't really register to him. Blitzø is so used to dealing with cuts and broken bones while working, but when he sees you struggling to walk or notices you can't use your hand, he gets concerned. Blitzø is pretty good at first aid, so expect to be sat down on the couch while he patches you up. He grumbles the whole time about how you need to be more careful- but he's impressed by your commitment to the bit. Unfortunately, the extent of your injuries means you're gonna be bench for a bit, but not to worry! Blitzø is great company. Y'all spend lots of time on the couch binging reality TV and indulging in your favorite snacks. Blitzø orders everything to be delivered so y'all can stay comfortable. As you heal up, I think he'd make a lot of comments about how cool your new scars are and that you look like a badass.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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lushrue · 21 hours
im absolutely enamoured with your writing, especially the hockey 141!! but omg, simon saying that ‘he didn’t want to be the reason you didn’t land a jump and injured yourself’ makes me desperate to know what would be their reaction if the reader did actually injure themself either during training or an actual competition?
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oh, they would for sure be at various levels of freaking out. all four of them are making their way down to the ice as soon as they can, no matter if it’s a competition or just one of your training sessions.
price would be the most level-headed, i think. after all, his team gets hurt all the time on the ice, usually worse than the twisted ankle and sprained wrist reader ends up with. still, it’s you we’re talking about, so it’s a bit harder for him to keep his composure. he’s going into first aid mode, testing your range of motion and asking where exactly it hurts. probably screaming at somebody to get you an ice pack to keep the swelling down. “can’t move it all the way to the right? alright, dove, just hold it still for me.”
ghost is kinda paralyzed. he’s not really good with injured people, never has been. he’s more of a “brush it off and keep going” kinda guy. but when it’s you, he’s resisting any and all attempts to downplay it. there’s the slightest twinge of pain when you put weight on it? nah, you’re staying seated until he can carry you off the ice. he’s for sure gonna treat you like you’re dying. “everythin’ feel alright, lovie? don’t worry, we’ll get ya some help.”
soap is by far the most panicky out of all of them. he’s on his feet as soon as your ass hits the ice, yelling for you without a care for who’s watching. that’s his bonnie, ye ken? it’s almost funny, the way you’re telling him to calm down when you’re the one who’s injured. he’s torn between palpating the injured area to gauge the severity and treating it like broken glass. finally, you manage to snap him out of it enough to get him to help you off the ice. “can ya walk, bonnie? can ya feel yer legs? oh…it’s not that bad?”
kyle is a nice balance between ghost and price, giving you some tender care while keeping a level head. he’s reassuring you, especially if you’re teary-eyed from shock or pain. he’s the most gentle with you, his touch feather-light over your injury as he takes it in. the first thing he does is get you warm, helping you limp off the ice and get settled on the benches. all the while, he’s cooing comfort in your ear to keep you calm. “i know it hurts, pretty. ‘s alright, kyle’s got ya.”
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sunflowersatori · 11 months
kiss it better - pt. 2
sukuna x nurse!reader
contents: modern au, f!reader, sukuna is just a guy™️, it's your weekend off but ofc he's gonna bother you, some swearing, innuendos
word count: 2.5K
a/n: people seemed to like the first one so here's part two (which was supposed to be about the same length but I definitely let get away from me), i know i made him ooc at the end there but i really just wanted him to be so whipped its not even funny ((also i apologize for the un-aestheticness of my posts i will try harder in the future 💀))
You were laying on the couch relaxing when your phone began to ring, the number for your building's intercom system on the screen. It was odd, you weren’t expecting any company until later today, but you shrugged it off and picked up anyway. Maybe it was a package you had forgotten about.
You should have known better. 
“Hey sweetheart.”
You immediately frowned as Sukuna’s voice came through the speaker, “What do you want?”
“Well I found myself in need of a little TLC and I was nearby, so…think you can patch me up?”
“Why me??” You rubbed your temples to quell the headache you knew was coming, “Can’t you go bother some other nurse?”
“Aww but you’re my favourite.”
There weren’t many options. You knew that if you hung up now he’d just call his twin brother to be let in and still come bother you. Yuji lived a few floors below you with his boyfriend Megumi, coincidentally another nurse. You’d run into Sukuna coming to visit when you were arriving home from a day shift, which unfortunately meant he’d found out where you lived.
You let out a deep sigh, “Fine.”
His reply was cut off by you buzzing him in, effectively dropping the call.
Soon enough there was a knock on the door, and you went over to open it, letting Sukuna smugly saunter into your apartment.
“You do know it’s my weekend off right?”
“Why do you think I’m here and not at the clinic?” he asked, eyes flashing knowingly.
You knew that he knew. Your coworker had texted you last night telling you that the “big sexy broody man with the tattoos” had come in asking for you, and she’d told him you had the weekend off from work. This also meant that he had gotten in a fight last night, and this morning.
“Is it like a sexual thing? Are you a masochist or something?” You wondered aloud as you went over to grab your first aid kit.
You could nearly hear the smirk in Sukuna’s voice when he replied, “I’m not, but if you’re asking after my sexual preferences I’d be happy to give you a few demonstrations.”
“Stop that. I’m just trying to figure out why you’re willingly going out and getting beaten up like every night,” You said, and brought your supplies over to the kitchen counter.
“That’s hurtful,” he came over to lean against the counter next to you, “you think I’m not winning all these fights?”
“Need I remind you that just a month ago I was relocating your shoulder?”
“Just took a hit at the wrong angle sweetheart, besides, like I told you back then, the other guy looked worse than me.”
You shook your head, “Just show me where you’re hurt so I can kick you out and go back to relaxing.”
Sukuna held out his hands for you, which you could see had blood on them - not a rare occurrence - and a few knuckles looked to be split.
“I told you I needed some TLC, so where’s that tender loving?” he crooned with a grin.
You took his hands and examined them, “Right now you’re lucky that I’m even giving you care.”
The injuries were surface level, so you didn’t have to worry about setting any breaks or sprains, and just got straight to cleaning him up.
“So, what does such a pretty nurse do on her weekend off?”
“I have some friends coming over later. We’re all going to get ready and go out to a bar,” you replied as you carefully wiped the dried blood off his hands.
“You don’t sound very excited. Need me to come along and make things more fun for you?”
You could practically hear the leer in his voice, but you chose to ignore it.
“No,” you frowned,” I’m excited…I am. I’m just tired, and going out isn’t really my thing…but we haven’t gone out together in a while because I’m always on night shift, and they really wanted to go…”
Sukuna was staring at you when you looked up at him. You couldn’t pin the expression on his face, but the scrutiny made you blush a bit so you quickly looked back down to his hands. Normally it would have taken a lot less time for you to bandage his injured knuckles, but you needed to make sure that when you were done you didn’t still have a blush on your face.
If he noticed that you were a bit slow today, he either didn’t care or didn’t comment. Knowing Sukuna, it very well could have been both. The man was probably enjoying the extra attention.
“You’re all done,” you said, stepping back once everything was clean and wrapped.
He stood, taking a look at the work and giving you a lazy grin.
“What a good job, see this is why you’re my favourite.”
He suddenly stepped closer, trapping you against the opposite counter. As had become the norm since he’d dislocated his shoulder, he gently took your chin and tilted it up so you were looking at him and leaned in close.
“Thanks sweetheart.”
It still made your heart race every time he did it, but you tried your hardest to compose yourself and slipped out of his reach.
“Alright, alright, now go,” you started pushing him toward the door, “I have a hot date with a couch in about two minutes.”
“Any chance I could get in on that?”
You closed the door in his face, but you could still hear him laughing as he walked away from your apartment.
As you threw yourself on the couch you noticed how warm you felt, and you couldn’t help but think about how nice that broad chest of his would be to lay against.
You groaned and shoved your face into a pillow.
Hours later, you’d luckily shaken off your flustered thoughts, but sadly for you, your mind had other things to worry about.
You clenched a glass of water in your hand as you looked out at the crowd, knowing your friends were somewhere on the dance floor. The outing had been fine at first, but now you were too hot and it was too loud, and there were too many people around.
You needed some space.
There was a small porch in front of the bar, so you decided to step out onto it, hoping the cool night air would do you some good.
Just as you had taken a calming breath, a body slammed into yours and you lost your balance, causing you to tumble to the sidewalk hard. 
You were vaguely aware of two men fighting right next to you, but your brain was still more concerned about the initial sting of hitting concrete.
“Hey knock it off!” You heard a familiar voice shout, bringing things back into focus.
“Can’t you see there’s other people around that might get caught in your shit?! Look what you did to this girl.”
When you looked up, it was to see Sukuna standing between you and the two guys fighting, who had paused to size him up.
“Why the fuck do you think we care?”
Sukuna's only reply was a solid punch to the man’s jaw. The guy went flying to the ground, and the other one figured it was probably best for his health if he left, so he made himself scarce.
“Hey,” you heard Sukuna’s voice, much softer this time.
You looked back over to find him crouching next to you, a hint of concern in his eyes.
“You okay?”
You nodded, and winced when you tried to shakily stand. Your knee was skinned, and some bits of rock and gravel had dug into your palm and forearm, but other than that you were alright. Nevertheless, Sukuna took your good arm and pulled you up.
“Want me to take you home?”
You nodded and he led you to his car. You managed to remember that you should probably let your friends know where you went, so you sent a text telling them you weren’t feeling well and that you were heading back to your apartment. 
Sukuna was quiet on the drive, hands clenching and unclenching on the steering wheel and occasionally glancing over at you. Something was bothering him, that much you could tell, but what it was, you weren’t sure. It didn’t take long to get back to your building, and then Sukuna was walking you up to your unit, keeping a hand close to your back to support you if you needed it.
You turned to him once you reached your door, “Thanks for getting me home, and helping me back there.”
“It was nothing sweetheart, I’m glad nothing else happened.”
“Yeah, anyway I should..probably..” you motioned to your door and moved to push it open.
“You’re not gonna let me come in?”
You froze, “What, why?”
“Because you’re hurt,” he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You gave him a dry look, “I am a nurse you know, I think I can take care of myself.” 
“But you shouldn’t have to.” 
His words caught you off guard. The sincerity, and the way he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked the slightest bit embarrassed.
“You’re always taking care of people…let someone take care of you this time.”
You couldn’t help but stand there in silence for a moment, weighing his words, but something tugged at your heart, and you pushed the door wider so he could come in too.
“Okay. You can come in…I’m just gonna shower first, and wash up. I’ll be out soon,” you said, and headed off to your bathroom. 
You let the hot water sink into your skin as you thought about what Sukuna had said, wondering what it was he was thinking. Once you were out and changed into more comfortable clothes you returned to the kitchen. Sukuna was rummaging around the cabinets and mumbling soft curses, somehow having managed to change into sweats and a t-shirt. 
“First aid kit is top left…where did you get those clothes?”
“I ran down to Yuji’s while you were in the shower,” he said over his shoulder, “Being a twin has its perks.”
He found the first aid kit and pulled it down, turning to give you a smirk.
“Come sit sweetheart,” he patted the counter in front of him.
You padded over and pushed yourself up to sit on the counter and face him. He seemed to be digging through the contents of your first aid kit.
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
He shook his head and tsked at you, “I bring you home and offer to take care of you and this is how you thank me? I’ve been watching you do this for a while now, I think I have some idea of what to do.”  
After pulling out what he needed, he took the arm with the scrapes on it and wiped it, being careful not to press too hard. He wrapped it in gauze, which wasn’t totally necessary as the scrapes weren’t too serious, but you simply let him continue without a word otherwise.
He cleaned the gash on your knee as well, this time picking out a bandaid and gently smoothing it over the spot.
“Almost done,” He said, getting down on his knees in front of you. He was tenderly holding your leg. Ankle in one hand and calf in the other.
“What are you doing?”
“Proving a point” he said softly, and leaned in to press his lips against the bandaid on your knee.
“Maybe you should kiss it better.”
“Why would I do that?”
“A kiss always makes it feel better.”
He looked up at you, “Better?”
You nodded and he rose, standing between your legs and leaning into your space with his hands on either side of you.
“Does it hurt anywhere else?”
His voice was low and gentle, and he was looking at you like you were the most precious thing in the world.
You took a deep breath and pointed to your face. 
Then you were being kissed, soft and sweet, and Sukuna’s hands were cupping your face as if you might break into a thousand pieces if he laid one finger wrong.
Your hands gripped his shirt, tugging him closer and he obliged. His hands slid from your face and down your back until he had them under your thighs and he was tugging you closer. 
“Hold onto me,” he whispered against your lips, and after you wrapped your arms around his neck he picked you up easily and walked over to your couch. 
You leaned into another kiss, letting him sit down on the couch with you in his lap as you gently threaded your hands in his hair. He kept you close, kissing you tenderly until you were both out of breath and had to pull away.
Neither of you went far, not wanting to let the moment die by putting distance between you.
“So…” he murmured after a moment, “you gonna kick me out sweetheart?” His hands were on your waist, thumbs lightly stroking your ribs.
You shook your head as you traced your fingers over his cheekbones, then followed his tattoos down the line of his jaw and to where they were just barely peeking out from the neckline of his shirt. Your eyes blinked slowly, and you began to realize how tired you were.
“Hey,” Sukuna took your chin in his hand and tilted your face to look at him, “you falling asleep on me?”
“No,” you pouted, but of course your body decided that that was the perfect time to yawn.
Sukuna snorted, “Sure. C’mon, it’s bedtime.”
He easily lifted you again, and after prompting you for directions he managed to get you to your bedroom and tuck you in.
“Alright sweetheart, I’ll be on the couch if you need me,” he said, brushing your hair away from your forehead so he could place a kiss there.
Before he could move away your hand reached out and grasped his shirt.
“Stay here.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to-”
“Noo…don’t go…” You whined and tugged his shirt more, interrupting him.
He sighed and took your hand, pressing a kiss to your palm, “Okay sweetheart, okay. Just let me shower real quick and then I’ll come back, promise.”
You nodded, and he tucked you back in before going off to shower. Even though you were teetering on the edge of sleep, you desperately wanted to stay awake long enough for him to come back.
A few minutes later, he was walking back into the bedroom, turning off the light as he did. He came around to the opposite side of the bed, and you felt it dipping behind you as he got in. A strong, tattooed arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you back against his chest.
Sukuna sighed as you settled in, “You have no idea the things I’d do for you, do you sweetheart?”
He was stroking your cheek, but you were already asleep in his arms, so he simply pressed a kiss to your head, and settled in to sleep himself.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
Summary: Eddie takes care of Steve’s bat bites instead of the other way around. Eddie left unscathed after they defeated Vecna, and Steve could no longer ignore the pain from his wounds. Eddie takes care of him.
Eddie closed his eyes tightly as he lay on the ground, waiting for the bats to bite into his flesh. It never came. He opened his eyes to find Dustin leaning over him and scowling.
"The bats are all dead, dumbass," Dustin said. "And I think my ankle is sprained."
"Shit! Why the hell did you follow me?!" Eddie yelled as he jumped up.
"Because I love you, and I wanted to stop you from doing something stupid!" Dustin yelled.
"By also doing something stupid?!" Eddie asked.
"Well, I may be smart, but I'm also stupid!" Dustin said.
"So, we both agree. . .we're both dumbasses!" Eddie screamed.
"With really big hearts," Dustin said softly.
Eddie rolled his eyes and helped back through the other side of the gate. Eddie set him on the couch and helped wrap his ankle.
"I love you too, man," Eddie said. "You're like the child and pet I never wanted."
"Thanks," Dustin said sarcastically.
When the others got back through the gate, they all watched as it closed behind them, and then Steve turned to them. He put his hands on his hips.
"I thought I told you not to be a hero, Dustin," Steve said.
"It wasn't me. It was Eddie who bought you more time!" Dustin said.
"He wasn't supposed to follow me!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Seriously, Eddie?" Steve asked.
"What?! You can't spank me! You're not my real mom!" Eddie yelled.
"Let's just go get the others and get the fuck out of here," Steve said, sighing and pinching his nose.
"We can't go to Nancy's house. The cops will be waiting for us there," Dustin said.
"Steve’s house it is, then," Robin said.
When they picked up Max and Lucas, they were alarmed to find Lucas's face bruised to hell.
"Jason," he explained as Steve drove away from the Creel House.
"Fuck! Sorry, Lucas," Eddie said.
"It's not your fault. I'm sorry that I ever followed that psycho in the first place," Lucas said.
"And I'm sorry that I wasn't more supportive of you playing basketball," Eddie said.
"And I'm sorry that I have to sit here and listen to this dumbass conversation," Erica said.
They gathered in Steve's living room, where Robin began telling them how she got frustrated when they were killing Vecna. She told them in great detail about how she grabbed the axe from Steve’s bag and split Vecna down the middle. While she was talking, Eddie noticed Steve slip away. He made sure that everyone was watching her before following Steve. He wasn't sure why he did it, but he felt like he needed to. He found Steve leaning over the sink in one of the upstairs bathroom.
"You okay, man?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay, I'm fine," Steve said.
"Well, you said okay and fine right next to each other. You're leaning heavily against the counter there," Eddie said.
"It's nothing that I can't handle," Steve said, wincing.
"Except from what I saw of this group, you guys tend to do things together," Eddie said and then paused, tilting his head. "Oh, it's because you're so used to doing things by yourself. You sit in this big empty house, all alone. How many times have your parents left you all alone here? Left you to do things on your own?"
"Man, for someone who's misread me completely earlier, you knocked it out of the ballpark with that one," Steve replied, sniffling.
"What do you mean?" Eddie asked.
"You misread the situation with Nancy all wrong," Steve said. "She cares about me, but she doesn't. . .not anymore."
"Shit, man, I'm sorry," Eddie winced.
Steve sighed. He took off his jacket and then struggled to take off his shirt. Eddie came by and helped him take off his shirt. Eddie winced at the road rash on Steve’s back and arm.
"You also completely misread me too," Steve said. "I mean, I knew as soon as I told her that it wasn't Nancy I wanted."
"Has anyone seen these?" Eddie asked. "You got a first aid kit or something?"
"Down there," Steve said, pointing to the bottom left cabinet.
Eddie pulled out a big first aid box and whistled at the sight of it. He washed his hands, grabbed a wet rag, and began to clean the wounds. He looked for any signs of infection and pulled out little bits of Upside Down debris as he dragged the rag as gently as he could across his skin. Steve still shuddered and winced, though. He grabbed the antibiotic ointment and began to slather it across Steve’s wounds.
"So, this other girl that you're interested in," Eddie said. "Is it Robin?"
"Ew, no," Steve said.
"Should I be insulted on her behalf?" Eddie chuckled.
"It's not a girl that I'm interested in," Steve said.
"Oh. . .Oh! Well, that's cool, man. I don't judge," Eddie said. "It would be weird if I did, though, considering that I like guys too."
"Uh, Eddie, I'm not wounded there," Steve said.
"Shit, man, sorry," Eddie said when he realized how low on his back his hands had dipped.
"I didn't say stop. You're really good with your hands," Steve said.
Eddie blushed as he continued to massage his backside. Eddie stopped when he saw in the mirror that Steve was closing his eyes and biting his lip. He refocused his brain and remembered what he was doing and washed his hands again. He wrapped up his wounds carefully. His hands drifted to the dirty bandage around his middle.
"I should take a look at these too," Eddie said.
Steve turned around to give him better access. The bites had bitten low, and Eddie winced. Any lower and they would have. . .Eddie did NOT want to think about that. Steve gave him the nod to go ahead and do whatever he needed to do. Eddie unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down slightly. Jason Carver, think about the fact that he's hunting you down, Eddie thought. Anything other than this. He did the same with the bat bites: washed them, looked for any sign of infection, and put on some fresh bandages after putting on more oinment.
"I don't think I would be able to take a shower, but I feel gross so a rag bath would have to do," Steve muttered.
"Can you even bend down?" Eddie asked.
"I have been having some trouble in that department," he said softly.
"Then it looks like I'm going to have to wash you down, big boy," Eddie said. "That is, if you really want to get clean."
"Can you wash my hair first?" Steve asked.
He looked so vulnerable in that moment as if he were asking Eddie to do something sacred. Eddie cupped his jaw, smiling and flashing his dimples in soft, closed smile.
"Sure thing," Eddie said.
"There's a shower chair in the closet," Steve muttered.
Eddie pulled the chair up to the sink and gathered his shampoos and conditioners together. He pushed Steve gently into the chair and tilted his head back to run water over his head with a cup. Eddie tried to focus on what Steve instructed him to do, but it was difficult when Steve’s throat was so exposed and he was gazing at Eddie with his gorgeous hazel eyes of his. Eddie ran his fingers through his hair as he began to massage his scalp. Steve closed his eyes and moaned. Eddie cursed mentally. Focus, Munson. After he finished washing his hair, Steve gave him a look so soft it made Eddie's insides melt. Steve placed a hand on his hip.
"Thank you for doing that," Steve said. "I've never let anyone do that for me before."
"You make me sound special," Eddie said. "A guy could get used to that."
"You are special, Eddie," Steve said and pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Dustin told me that it was a big deal for you to give me your vest. You could have given me your jacket."
"You are a big deal, Steve Harrington," Eddie replied softly.
Steve pulled him down, so now he was straddling his leg. He grasped the back of Eddie's neck and kissed him. Eddie eagerly kissed him back before pulling back as he remembered how injured Steve was. He placed a quick peck on Steve’s lips before standing up.
"If we continue any further, we're going to have a problem," Eddie muttered. "Let's get you clean. I think I'm going to need a shower after this."
"A cold one?" Steve asked teasingly.
"Fuck off," he laughed. "Remove your damn pants."
"You're going to have to remove my shoes," Steve said.
Eddie got on his knees and started to wonder if Steve wanted him in the position, but then he took off his shoes along with this socks. Eddie gasped.
"I didn't think about you walking around down there without any shoes," Eddie said. "Gonna have to clean your feet, too."
Eddie helped him slip off his pants and started with his feet. One of his ankles looked bruised. He was going to have to wrap that. Steve coughed awkwardly and began to pull at his boxers. Eddie raised his eyebrows.
"Don't worry, I'll clean that," Steve said, blushing. "It's just starting to feel uncomfortable."
"Gotchya, it's not a problem," Eddie said. "It feels a lot less sexual than it should be. It feels more. . ."
"Intimate?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, is it weird that I like it?" Eddie asked.
"I like it too," Steve said. "And when I get better, I am so returning the favor."
"You going to wash my hair too, Stevie?" Eddie asked.
"Definitely, and from here on out, you are the only other person who is allowed to wash my hair," Steve replied.
"Right back at ya," Eddie grinned and kissed him.
It really was very intimate, and it was almost scary how much he loved it. He's never had a relationship like this. Well, he's never had a relationship at all because who would want to date the Freak? Turns out, it was Steve Harrington. What the fuck? He smiled in disbelief and looked up at Steve. He leaned his head against Steve’s chest, the only part that wasn't injured. Steve sighed and wrapped his arms around Eddie. Suddenly, it was like all of Eddie's problems faded away. He hadn't been dragged to an alternate dimension. He hadn't been framed for murder and Jason Carver wasn't out for his blood. All was good in Steve Harrington's arms. The door burst open suddenly, and Eddie hugged him tighter to protect Steve’s bits. It was Robin. She stood in the doorway with wide eyes.
"What the fuck? Okay, I just came in here for the first aid kit for Lucas," she said, grabbing the kit. "And when I got back, everyone is going to be fully clothed. I want to talk about your intentions towards my best friend because he's been used for sex before and as his best friend - "
"Robin! He's tending to my wounds," Steve said, blushing.
"I'm sorry, did a bat bite you on your - "
"Right! Leaving!"
"You're going to need some clothes," Eddie realized, laughing. "I'll get you some."
"Grab yourself some too," Steve said.
Once he helped Steve get dressed and wrapped his foot, he started undressing for his shower. He made it into a show for Steve, making music with his mouth as he dramatically pulled off an article of clothing. Once he was naked, he wiggled his ass at Steve and popped his foot at him before hopping into the shower.
"Don't make me laugh," Steve giggled. "And do you have the letter M tattooed on the bottom of your foot?"
"It's a W, for Wayne," Eddie replied.
Once he was showered, he wrapped an arm around Steve’s waist and walked them to his room. He laid Steve on the bed.
"I am so wired," Eddie said as he hopped around Steve’s room.
"There's a bookshelf in my closet," Steve said.
Eddie opened the door and gasped.
"There are books!" Eddie said.
"Jocks can read, you know," Steve said sarcastically.
"That's not what I meant! I was just pleasantly surprised!" Eddie said quickly, and Steve laughed. "You were just messing with me, weren't you? You dick. Hmm, there are a lot of mysteries here. I prefer science fiction and fantasy myself, but I do enjoy a good mystery every once in a while. Ooh, I see a couple of romance novels here. Steve Harrington, you naughty boy."
"Uh, they're not mine," Steve blushed.
"Yeah, sure, okkkay. Oh! A book about cats solving mysteries! Yes!" Eddie said.
"I actually just picked that up from a thrift store," Steve said. "Haven't read it yet."
He crawled into bed next to Steve and leaned against the headboard as he cracked open the book. He pulled Steve to his chest and began to read. A moment later, Robin came to check on them and popped her head into Steve’s room. She smiled. They were fast asleep in each other's arms. Her best friend was in good hands. Robin turned and started heading back downstairs.
"I guess this means that I'll be looking after the kids," she muttered.
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redroomreflections · 14 days
What They Left Behind
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary :The Avengers and U.S. Government have been trying to take down a privately owned medical company named Visage for years. On a mission gone wrong, Natasha discovers something in the remains. With its existence, she uncovers a dark truth. The Island meets A.I. Artificial Intelligence.
w/c: 8.2k
Icy fingers wrapped around the doorknob in the darkness. The dimly lit porch light allowed her to find her way inside. Natasha pushed the door open gently, hoping it wouldn't disturb the silence encompassing the cozy apartment. Her footsteps creaked against the old wooden floors the more she shuffled down the hallway. Natasha stumbles through your shared space, one arm clutched to her side, the other carrying all of her belongings, as she headed for the bathroom. She didn't pay attention to the gash on her thigh, or the limp in her walk, as her targeted area became more apparent. She used her bad arm to support the extra weight she was carrying as she tried her hardest not to drop everything. Ignoring the pain in her side to bend over the bathtub, She sets everything down gently. She drops her bag outside of the tub, making sure not to jostle anything she was carrying, as she rushes out to the linen closet. She grabs a bunch of towels, a spare blanket, and face towels. She's not thinking straight right now. Her mind is a jumbled mess. She checks the thermostat, turning the heat to a higher temperature, before deciding she's satisfied.
Her next raid is the small bar in a corner of the dining room. She's careful not to get blood anywhere. There's a half-empty bottle of vodka that she plans to drown herself in. She steps lightly, peeking into the closed door of your bedroom, to find you fast asleep. She returns to the bathroom, placing the blanket inside, tucked nicely and neat before leaning against the counter. She rids herself of her jacket, hiding her pain behind a grimace, as she checks her arm. It's not broken. Probably a sprained wrist.
She twists her body around towards the mirror to inspect her face. There's a cut just above her right eyebrow. She bends slightly to reach into the cabinet for a first aid kit. One you reminded her to buy after this same scenario happened one too many times. Next are her pants. She has a more challenging time removing them as they're ripped and the blood from her fresh wound has dried. The stretch material sticks to her legs and she has to maneuver her body to kick them the rest of the way down. She almost knocks the vodka bottle over, using her quick reflexes to catch it before it drops to the ground. She peeks over to the tub, finding that nothing has changed, as she opens the bottle. She approaches the sink, stretching her legs across it, to inspect the cut. It's deep. Probably has glass in it but it's nothing she can't take care of. She takes a sip of the vodka, and then another, and one more before she begins to feel the familiar burn in her throat.
She rifles through the first aid kit for a pair of tweezers before she sighs. This is going to suck.
You kick the heavy blankets from your body, taking a harsh breath, as you drift in and out of sleep. You flip to your back, hoping to cool off as you toss and turn. It's warm in here. Warmer than you're used to and you know that can only mean one thing. You sit up, looking for any sign of Natasha before you come up short. Her side of the bed is still cold, your phone doesn't have any messages or missed calls, and nothing seems to be out of place. You stand, opening your bedroom door, to see the bathroom light on. That's weird. You look down at the ground, spotting a few drops of blood, a stark contrast from the dark maple wood. You hold your breath in anticipation of what you're about to see. You've been in this position dozens of times before. Often, you could stomach it. it's a part of her job. Natasha is sitting on the bathroom counter, struggling to wrap gauze around her thigh with one hand when you enter.
You immediately jump into action, pushing her hands aside, as you tear the gauze the right way. You glance at her face, taking note of all of her injuries, her bloodshot eyes, and the barely filled bottle of vodka. Natasha watches you, waiting for you to say anything, as she leans back.
"You didn't call," You say finally.
"I was busy," She answers.
"Too busy to call your wife?" You grip her leg a bit tighter than necessary but when you notice the way she tenses, you release it. You're not angry. Not really. Just scared. Whenever Natasha is away on a mission too long you get nervous. That she won't come home. That the last time you saw her would become forever. She knows this. "You skipped debriefing and medical."
"Had to get home to you," Natasha coughs once you're done patching up her leg. You rest your hands on the counter on each side of her. She can see the worry in your eyes. She leans over, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead before she pulls back.
"Your face?" You reach up to inspect the cut and she catches your arm. Only then do you realize she's holding her other one to her side. "Natasha, what happened?"
"The usual," She dismisses softly. "I, um, I have something for you." She tilts her chin towards the tub. You turn slowly, peeking into the bathtub, finally noticing the small, sleeping child wrapped up in one of Natasha's t-shirts. You drop to your knees, your eyes scanning over every single part of their tiny body, as you try to come up with a question. You can't see past the layers of dirt and sod on angelic features. "It's why I skipped everything." She answers.
"H-how old is she?" You reach out to brush your hand over matted and tangled curls. Eyes flutter at your touch but she doesn't move.
"He," Natasha corrects and you turn to her. "A boy. He doesn't speak much. Won't tell me his name or anything else. I found him hiding in one of the lab rooms of the places we raided. They were making some kind of drugs or doing experiments. It's not quite clear. There was a fire and he was the only one left. We think that maybe he wandered over there and his real family is out there looking for him."
"and you brought him home," You tsk. You don't know what to make of this situation.
"I didn't know what else to do," Natasha admits. "I wasn't leaving him at the compound. Giving him over to Ross? Not happening. I just I don't know."
"He probably has a family somewhere," You mutter. You shake your head.
"We can look for them but I couldn't," Natasha doesn't finish her sentence but somehow you know. She has such a big heart and she wouldn't have brought him home if she didn't think this was the best option. The child in question stirs but never awakens.
"In the morning I can make some calls to a couple of friends, see what I can find out, and go from there," You stand, wiping your hands against the fabric of your cotton shorts. "Are you okay besides the obvious?" You ask.
"Y-yeah I'm fine," She nods. She beckons you over with her left hand and you oblige. "I missed you." She speaks low and this time the butterflies in your stomach increase tenfold.
"I missed you too," You kiss her lips. "I need to get us some blankets and pillows." You look around the bathroom. You busy yourself with cleaning. "He's sleeping peacefully right now. He's in a new place and I know in the morning he might not be so calm. If we move him he might wake up and I don't want him to be alone when that happens."
Natasha doesn't say a thing. She agrees. She knows this is your way of feeling useful. She's thrown something big at you. You have every right to be upset and yet you're not. She stands on solid ground again, testing out her leg, to find that while there's still some pain she can walk just fine. She keeps watching over the little boy as you gather blankets and pillows for a makeshift bed. Sleeping on the bathroom floor wasn't on your itinerary for tonight but that could change. You make quick work of cleaning up the blood through the hallway before you return to the bathroom. You make everything as comfortable as possible, gesturing for Natasha to lie down before you help her keep her leg elevated by a bunch of pillows. You turn off the lights, making sure to at least keep the hallway light on to act as a nightlight. You're conscious of Natasha's injuries as you lie your head against her chest. Her heartbeat is soothing. It reminds you she's alive and real. Not that you needed it to.
"What if we can't find his family?" Natasha wonders aloud.
You don't have an answer for her. The question is heavy on your mind too. You fall asleep thinking of every scenario in which you'd be able to keep him. You don't want to get your hopes up.
The morning comes quicker than you would have liked. Your back aches and your hips hurt, and you don't feel Natasha under you. You wipe at your face, feeling around the covers, to find the spot by your side empty. You lift your head, looking around the bathroom, with big green eyes looking at you from just a few feet away.
"Hi," You muster up words as you sit up.
The child doesn't say anything. He simply watches your every move.
"Did you sleep okay?" You ask. You can faintly hear Natasha in the background. She must be in the kitchen. The little boy nods. "That's good." You move to scoot a bit closer but stop yourself when you notice he tenses. "No. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. My name is Y/n. What's your name?"
The boy shrugs. Okay, you're glad he understands English. You're also starting to understand how difficult this will be if he doesn't know his name and he isn't willing to speak.
"Do you have a name?" You question. You almost smack yourself at asking such a dumb thing until he shakes his head. "Oh. okay. I, um, okay." You take a deep breath. Natasha's voice gets a little louder and his eyes dart over to the door. "That's my wife, Natasha, she brought you here. Do you remember that?"
He nods. That's good.
"Are you hungry?" You ask him. "I can make chocolate chip pancakes. Would you like that?" You ask and he nods again. You stand, holding out your hand for him to take, and he does without hesitation. You walk with him out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. Natasha's on the phone, seemingly a bit angry, as she paces. She spots you and your guest, waving her hand to say hello before she turns away. Her attention has been pulled elsewhere. She knows he's safe with you either way. You look down, noticing the pout on his face at Natasha's lack of enthusiasm. "I feel that way too sometimes." You say. You help him to sit on a stool so that he can see both of you.
You look around the kitchen. You don't have much food that's interesting to kids. You and Natasha live quiet lives and really only have the necessities. Your house is not bared but it's certainly not equipped for a child. You look over at him as he waits patiently for your next move. He's so quiet.
Natasha moves to kiss you hello before she lowers her phone to speak.
"I'm on a conference call with Steve and the rest of the team. They're trying to find some of his family." She whispers before exiting the room.
You bend over to look into the fridge deciding on pancakes and eggs for this morning's meal.
"You like eggs right?" Again your question is answered with a shrug. You make enough breakfast for the three of you. Your morning coffee is all you want so you put on a pot for that. You lean against the counter, looking over at him, as he occupies himself with walking his fingers over the cool marble. He's clearly bored. He looks utterly adorable with his messy hair and curious eyes, and he's swimming in Natasha's t-shirt. The sleeves cover his arms and the rest of his body. Hopefully, it's keeping him warm. "How old are you? Do you know that?"
He lifts his head when he realizes you're addressing him. He holds up three fingers.
"You're three?" You confirm and he looks at his hands in confusion. He takes his hand, using it to push up one more finger, before showing it to you. "You're four?" You ask and he nods again. "you just had a birthday?" You take a wild guess and he nods again with wide eyes. "Okay, that's good, um happy birthday." You try to figure out what to ask next. You rifle through the drawers, hoping to find a pen and paper before he stops being so willing to talk. "Did you have a party?" He shakes his head. "Okay, did you have a cake or presents?" He furrows his brow at this. Did he know what any of those things were? Suddenly you're not so sure.
You reach over to the stove, turning it off before you fix him a plate of food. You don't want to make any of this feel like an interrogation. He's still so little and with having a traumatic night he could be forgetting key details about his life. You cut the pancakes into tiny pieces, before putting syrup on the side. The eggs are scrambled as you feel like that's the safest option for a child. You place it in front of him before you step back. You don't watch him, opting to make yourself and Natasha a cup of coffee as you wait. You turn around to find he hasn't touched anything. His fork lies in the same spot beside the eggs. He's looking at the plate as if he's never seen any of this stuff before. He takes his hand, dipping his finger into the syrup, before licking it with his tongue. The sugary sweetness is good and so he dips it again.
"You don't want to try your pancakes?" You approach him. He stops his licking to look up at you. "They're good I promise." You take a pancake, dipping it into the syrup much like he did before, and you take a bite. Reluctantly, he tries it too. Then he gestures for you to try again. It's a back-and-forth tactic that tends to work with all your patients. This one included. Not that he's one of your patients. He's a lost little boy with nowhere else to go. "You know, we're going to have to figure out something to call you." You inform him. This time he points to you. "You want me to pick?" You ask and he nods. You put a finger to your chin not noticing that he's trying to show you his wrist. Surely you could think of something.
Before you can come up with something, Natasha returns to the kitchen. You pass her the cup of coffee, standing beside her, as she drinks from it.
"So, I found out he's four, he's never had pancakes apparently, and he just had a birthday." You inform her.
"That's good," She nods. "The team is still a bit unsure where and how he got into the lab but they're searching every database and working with police to figure out where his family is." She looks over at him as he eats his eggs with his hands. "For now I think he's here. You don't mind do you?"
"No, of course not, I think we're friends," You gesture over to him. "He's going to need clothes though. He can't just walk around in your clothes."
"I can go," She offers and you stop her.
"I can go. You're still injured. What you can do is sit on the couch and keep him entertained while I grab him a few things. He's on the small side but sizes should be true." You instruct.
"You're going to leave me here alone with him?" She looks terrified.
"Natasha, you came here alone with him." You remind her.
"Right, you're right," She relaxes. "I can do it. It's just like babysitting Lila and Cooper."
"Right," You kiss her cheek. You step over to the little boy, as he finishes his breakfast before he looks up at you. Something about his gaze and the way he seems so compliant unsettles you. "Hey, I'm going to step out for a little bit. Just going to the store. It'll be about one hour. I know you can't tell the time but if you think it's too long you can ask Natasha and she'll call me on the phone. Is that okay?"
He nods, puffing up his chest before he looks over to Natasha. It's his own little act of bravery. He feels safe with both of you. You don't want to test that and so you move fast. You don't waste time getting dressed and brushing your teeth. You're prepared well enough to go out.
Natasha is still in the kitchen with your guest when she notices the mood change. His lips curl into a pout, as he fiddles with his hands, his eyes flashing back and forth to the door.
"She'll come back," Natasha breaks him from his thoughts. He looks at her with a serious expression. "She tells the truth always. Until then would you like to watch some TV?" She suggests and he shrugs. Of course.
Natasha dumps the plates into the sink before taking him over to the couch. He climbs up, sitting all the way back against the cushions before he looks over at her expectantly. It takes her a few seconds before Natasha finds an acceptable kids' show. Dora The Explorer. She sits down right next to him and patiently waits for your return.
You never thought shopping for a child would be on your to-do list. You're in one of the aisles at Walmart, looking through their toddler clothes, when you find yourself dissatisfied. You're a psychologist, you know a decent amount about kids, but you never knew how hard it would be to shop for them. Especially when the boys' section doesn't have as much available. You gather a few t-shirts, ones with dinosaurs, ones with trucks, and even some with funny sayings on them before you collect the bottoms. It's still pretty warm outside but you grab an assortment. Next are the socks and the underwear and before you know it you've migrated over to the toy aisle.
You message Natasha to see if she agrees and she texts back with a photo of herself and the little one watching TV. Something inside you shifts. Seeing a photo of the two of them. The way he's curled into Natasha's side and how comfortable he is with her. You two shelved the idea of children. At least for a few years. Work is too crazy for a child. Natasha with her long missions and you picking up more cases at work. You're on track to own your own private practice. Everything's falling into place. Having a child would change things. Besides, you can't keep him. He probably has a family and people that love and miss him.
You receive another text from Natasha agreeing that he needs toys. You'd be happy to give them to him. You grab a few things that you think he'd like. Next is groceries. There's not much food at home, and you're definitely spending more than you anticipated, but you need it.
On the way home, you make a few calls.
First is Herbert Messing. He's a detective and one of your old college classmates. You check in to see if he's heard anything about a missing child.
"I haven't, not one that fits your description," Herbert denies. "Surely if he was truly lost someone would be looking for him by now. Send over a picture or bring him to the station."
"I can send a picture but bringing him to the station may be tough," You sigh. Natasha would be upset at you for texting and driving. You quickly send a picture at the red light. "I um, I think since it's technically Avengers business Ross might be on the case and..."
"And I know how snoopy he can be," Herbert sighs. "I'll see what I can do on my end but I make no promises."
"Thank you, love you a ton, bye." You hang up quickly. How could this little boy not have a family looking for him? Was this one of those rare cases where he's so far from home it'll take a while to find him?
Either way, you're not handing him over to Ross.
Back home, Natasha is drifting off to sleep on the couch. The little one is still full of energy. He wants to tap her and ask her where you are. It's taking you longer than you said. You're right he can't tell time but it's beginning to feel like an eternity. He watches Natasha's face to make sure she is sleeping before he slides down from the couch. He tiptoes to the bathroom, then the kitchen, and finally the bedroom. Some of your clothes are still tossed about and there's a robe on the bed. He steps over to the bed to drag his fingers along the fabric. It's scratchy but soft. He likes it. He pulls himself onto the mattress, covering his entire body in the robe before he falls asleep.
Less than a half-hour later you arrive back home with a dozen bags. You struggle the entire way into the private entrance before you manage to unlock it. You drop the bags near the front door to go find Natasha. She's asleep on the couch. Alone.
"Natasha, "You tap her. "Natasha." You say again and she sits up quickly. "Where's the little one?"
She makes a face of confusion before she looks around. "Fuck." She shakes her head. "Such a rookie mistake." She berates herself.
"The door was still locked so I doubt he left." You don't panic. You're the calm one. He can't be too far. You check the bathroom while Natasha checks the kitchen. You're running around your bedroom when you notice something is out of place. You walk closer, realizing it's him, fast asleep wrapped up in your robe. "Nat!" You call causing him to open his eyes. He whimpers, a sound sort of like a happy puppy reuniting with his owner, as he sits on his knees. Somehow you understand him. "I'm sorry. I took too long but I brought presents." You say and his eyes light up at the now-familiar word. Natasha walks into the room with a hand on her hip.
"I can't believe I fell asleep." She mutters and you wave her off.
"It happens," You say. "I think the little one would like to open his presents."
"Oh, yeah, we can do that." Natasha holds her hand out and he takes it. He's so willing to do everything you say. So far, he's perfect. Almost too perfect. You know Natasha has noticed it too. He moves and reacts as if he's been conditioned or programmed to. He doesn't really seem to oppose anything. Top that with not being familiar with pancakes or breakfast or even birthdays and presents. You don't know what you're dealing with.
You drag the bags into the living room where you pull out the toys first. All three of you sit on the floor, Natash pushing the coffee table aside so that you can have more room. The first thing you pull out of the bag is a fire truck toy. It's long and red and has a couple buttons to press. He simply looks at it.
"Has he ever played with a toy?" Natasha poses the question and you're having the same train of thought. She pushes it, showing him how to play with it and he seems interested enough. He crawls over to the toy, tapping it with his fingers, before turning it over. Natasha presses a button, causing the toy to light up, and the siren to sound. He doesn't like this at all. Instead of the happy reaction both of you were hoping for he backs away and doesn't stop until he's pressed against the couch.
"You don't like this one?" You ask remaining calm. Keep your voice soothing. Natasha calls it your doctor's voice. He shakes his head. He claps his hands over his ears. "It's too loud." You explain to Natasha. She flips the switch effectively killing the siren.
You try another toy, a ball, passing it to him to see his reaction. He turns it over his hands. He likes it.
"I talked to Herb," You say when he seems occupied enough. "There's nothing out there indicating he's a missing child. I called a couple others that I know and everything came up short." You inform her.
"On my end too," Natasha says. "They're doing a bit more digging into this lab. Visage had their hand in a lot of crooked pots. I don't know." She bites her lips.
"What's wrong?" You ask as you keep an eye on the boy.
"I don't know the whole thing was just too easy," Natasha shrugs. "It's a mission. Just like any other. We go in. We fight. We get out. Of course, there's always potential for them to torch things or destroy things. The lab was destroyed. Set on fire. There were these pods. I don't know what to call it. They looked like tanning beds or something but I- I can't describe it. Like it was out of a movie or something. It can't be a coincidence that he was left behind." She looks at him with a hard gaze. "He couldn't have just wondered over."
"Do you think someone left him on purpose?"
Natasha doesn't answer. She doesn't know truly.
"Well until then we have to give him a name to call him." You mull it over. "I don't want to keep calling him the boy."
"Do you have anything in mind?" She questions.
"I was thinking something simple but not like David or Jacob," You shake your head. "How about Micah?" You ask and his head turns towards you. Almost as if he's decided it's his name too.
"Would you want that to be your name?" Natasha catches his attention. He blinks at her offering her no indication that he agrees. He points to you.
"Yes," You nod. "My name is Y/n. Her name is Natasha. Your name could be Micah. Is that good?" You attempt to help him understand. He nods enthusiastically. Suddenly as if he just realizes something, he reaches into the bag and pulls out a white graphic tee with a colorful astronaut on it. He holds it up.
"I think he wants a bath," Natasha takes a wild guess. Micah looks down at himself and then back to the shirt.
"That's right it's yours," You encourage. "We could take a bath. Then you could wear it. How about that?" You smile. He nods again. You grab a few of the bath items to use as you all travel into the bathroom. Natasha makes herself useful by running the bath water. She adds a capful of your favorite bubble bath. You move to help Micah with his shirt when he slaps your hand away. His breathing increases and he backs away from you.
Natasha tilts her head, wondering what warranted that reaction, but you're not as confused.
"I'm sorry," You apologize sincerely. "I know you're a bit messy and we wanted to take a bath right? Did you want to take your shirt off alone?"
He shakes his head no. That perplexes you. Had something bad happened in the bath?
"It's not too hot," Natasha shows him by dipping her hand in. He looks to her and back to you.
"I could get in with you?" You try. He seems almost surprised by this. His shaking hands drop to his side. "There are bubbles so I won't see anything. I could show you how to bathe. It's fun."
He nods. You help him with his shirt this time before you strip yourself down to your t-shirt and underwear. It's not the most appropriate outfit but you needed to get him clean. You climb in first, before helping him in. It's then you notice the dark ink on his wrist. It's a branding of sorts. A tattoo. You look to see if Natasha saw. She has.
"He has a tattoo," You speak. You're sure now this company was up to more than any of you are ready for. You use a bit of soap to scrub against his skin to find it still there. Before Micah changes his mind you get to work scrubbing him quickly. He sits still, not showing any emotion, as you clean him. His hair is another story. It's more of a task to wash. You talk to him about your childhood dog to distract him. "Cookie was her name." You smile reminiscently. "She was the most loyal dog I've ever met." You say and he follows your movements with his eyes. "Tilt your head back." You use the cup Natasha gives you to rinse his hair. A little water gets to his face and he flinches. "Oh, I'm sorry," You reach for his towel and clean his face free. His hair is long and now that it's untangled it flows down his back.
"All done," Natasha holds out a towel. She helps him out, wrapping him up tightly before she sniffs him. "You smell good now." She grins before giving him thumbs up. When you step out to grab your own towel, he walks over to you and sniffs. He turns back to Natasha to give her a thumbs up. This causes her to give a belly laugh. "He thinks you smell good."
"Good to know." You nod. You run to your room to get dressed in dry clothes so that you can help Natasha. You come back and he already has the shirt, new shorts, and socks on his feet. He continues to rub his hands over the shirt, as if unfamiliar with the fabric before he drops them to his side. "It's cotton." You say before you bring over a brush for his hair. "Natasha's going to brush your hair."
He glances at her before nodding again. That would be fine. Natasha is gentle and quick. She makes sure not to pull too hard as she detangles. He stands patiently, his eyes trained on a speck on the floor, as you clean the bathroom. Natasha's phone rings in the distance and a small noise erupts from his throat.
"It's okay, it's just a phone," You furrow your brow. You go and grab it for Natasha and read the caller ID to her. "It's Steve." You trade Micah for the phone. He frowns when she leaves the room to take the call. "Micah, can I ask you some things?" You dip your head to catch his eyes. You take him to your bedroom where you help him onto the bed.
He keeps his hands in his lap.
"Did you have a family where you lived?" You ask. He doesn't seem to recognize the word. "Okay, a Mommy or Daddy?" He tilts his head. "A Mommy?" You guess and he shakes his head. "Do you know what that is?" He shakes his head again. "Okay, um," you find yourself fumbling a lot. All of your years of studying straight out of the window. "A mommy, some people call them Mama, is the woman that takes care of you. They feed you. Bathe you. Give you hugs. They make you feel safe. They keep you safe."
He presses his finger to your chest. Your heart breaks and is fixed back again at the gesture.
"I-I am not your Mama," You find yourself saying with a tinge of sadness. "I didn't give birth to you." You whisper. "Did you get lost?" You go through your list of questions. He either nods or shakes his head.
No. He doesn't have parents. No, he didn't get lost. Yes, he lived in the lab. Yes, he played games. No, he doesn't remember things from before. This leaves you at square one. You're thinking back to the bath, how afraid he was. The tattoo. Your mind flashes to every single SciFi movie you've ever seen and you're jumping to a big conclusion.
"They want us to bring him in for testing," Natasha tucks her phone into her pocket. "They have clues but Helen Cho wants to do some DNA testing."
"Natasha I think we should discuss what I think he is," You tell her.
"No time we need to do this now," She searches for her keys. "They're following a lead and we need to chase it before it runs cold." You know what she's doing. She's distancing herself. It is what she does to prepare herself from getting hurt. You know your wife better than anybody. From the moment she decided to bring him home you know she fell in love. You stand to stop her, gripping her by her forearms, to keep her in her place.
"Don't do this," You plead with her. "Don't check out yet. He still needs us no matter what happens. For all we know it's just testing. We know there's still a slim chance he may have a family and we can help him reunite with them."
"He doesn't," Natasha husks. She pulls you out of the bedroom noting how closely he's watching you. "They don't believe he ever had any or that he does but it's so complicated."
"So that trumps my theory of him being some sort of alien or supernatural being," You say. She frowns. "Don't knock it. It's not the craziest thing we would see."
"You're not too far off from what we've been thinking," Natasha looks over to him. "Tony and Steve are going to tell us when we get there."
"Guess we're taking a trip." You sigh.
So much for a peaceful day.
The car ride to the compound turns out to be a completely new experience for Micah. He shields his eyes away from the natural light, and turns his face into your side, as he sits in the backseat with you. Maybe you should have put sunglasses on the list. You think you're more nervous than Natasha as you pull into the garage of the compound. You opt to carry him in with Natasha by your side. You’re welcomed into the lab, walking through familiar glass doors, to find the team all gathered.
"Great you're here," Tony claps his hands. "Now we can hand Kyle Xy over to Ross or the FBI and let them handle things."
"What does he mean?" You look to Natasha. You sit with Micah in your lap, not pushing him away, as he hides his face in your chest.
"Well, I'll let Helen do the talking," Steve says and Helen Cho stands. She's a geneticist and sometimes the go-to scientist for the rest of the team.
"So, we got a hold of Visage's old files," Helen begins as she clicks a button on the tiny remote in her hand effectively powering up the projector. Sam turns off the lights before going to sit in his chair. "Turns out one of their biggest cash cows was the process of cloning. Basically, they transfer the DNA of a human's somatic cell into another cell that's had its nucleus and DNA removed. Then that cell grows into an embryo and as we know forms a child."
"Like IVF?" Natasha questions and Helena moves her head from side to side.
"Sort of only the embryo isn't implanted into a woman's uterus," Helen clicks again and a grainy picture appears on the screen. "They were cloning humans. As I mentioned they keep the embryos in incubator-like pods for growth. The embryos grow at rapid rates according to their set time. Like a microwave of sorts. Only they're cryogenic chambers meant to keep them in stasis until the hosts need them."
"And who are these hosts?" You're trying to keep up.
"Other people. Humans. People with money or anyone willing to pay a pretty penny." Helen answers
"So what? it's illegal surrogacy?" Sam throws out and she doesn't respond.
"They were using these clones for medical reasons," Tony explains." It's one of Visage's biggest money-makers. Even more sinister than we thought. Basically, these billionaires pay a lot of money for a clone and their doppelganger is made with perfectly healthy organs and such. If they get sick or old or injured they use the body parts or organs for themselves. "
Micah shifts in your arms to peek over at everyone.
"So he's a clone?" You tilt your head.
"Essentially yes," Tony folds his arms under his chest.
"And what do they do with the clones once they get what they want?" Steve questions. He's not a fan of cryofreezing after being victim to it.
"They freeze them again or keep them in stasis," She clicks another photo showing the naked body of what seems to be a grown man as he's hooked up to an umbilical cord. The pod is filled with water as he floats. Micah runs from your lap to the screen. His breathing increases as he looks up at the screen. Does he remember something?
"Hey, kid, you recognize this? Tony asks. " Kid?"
"He doesn't talk," Natasha speaks for him.
"Can he?" Steve questions.
"Medically speaking, yes." Helen answers. "He's choosing not to."
"Selective mutism," You describe. "It happens for a lot of children with an anxiety disorder that visits the clinic. After something traumatic they stop speaking in certain situations."
"Would he be able to have an anxiety disorder all things considered?"
"I don't know," Helen admits. "For all intents and purposes, he is a normal child. He may not feel pain or emotion like one. Think of him as a robot if you will or a newborn infant. They released him too late."
"What do you mean too late?"
"The records we found and the tattoo on his wrist," Helen points. " Would indicate he already belongs to a host family. A wealthy diplomat and his wife. Their daughter needed a heart transplant due to a defect. She died before they could do the procedure."
"Is that not the same as having a baby to use for its sick sibling?" Steve points out.
"I'm inclined to say yes but..." Helen doesn't finish. "We were looking to run some tests on his organs and his brain."
"Did you contact this family?" You ask as Micah continues to stand at the front of the room.
"We did but due to privacy and status, they were unwilling to cooperate," Tony sighs. "They don't want to be caught up in something so out there. Crooks they are. We asked the if they would want to take in the boy."
"And what did they say?" Natasha sits up straight.
"They said that he had no soul," Helen says matter of factly. Micah looks up to her upon hearing those words. "That he's not real and they were washing their hands of the entire situation. They lawyered up. If the government comes after them they're willing to fight but they don't want a child that's not real to them."
"Jesus," You curse. "So what now?"
"I say we run the tests and hand him over to Ross," Tony throws his hands up in mock surrender. "We already have our hands full with everything else around here. No way can we take in a child."
You look over at Natasha pleadingly. No way would you be able to give him up. Natasha remains quiet. Has she changed her mind?
"We've set up the lab and can have tests back in a couple of hours."
"You're going to poke and prod a little boy?" You find yourself getting angry. "Run your tests on him and what? Throw him to the wolves because you have too much on your plate? How are you any better than those other people? Than Visage?"
No one says a word.
"We're not equipped to keep him. We don't know what can happen or how he will turn out," Steve begins so you stand in anger.
"Unbelievable," You shake your head with tears in your eyes. You can't stand to see this. You won't. You rush out of the lab and out to the courtyard. You need some air. Natasha follows you with a scowl on her face. Micah simply stands. Was he to follow you?
When she locates you, you turn away from her.
"Y/n," Natasha attempts to touch your shoulder and you yank out of her reach.
"Why did you bring him home?" You try to wipe the tears from your eyes. "Why did you do this? I was perfectly fine and I knew it could be something and..did you hear them talking about him? He doesn't have a soul? No emotions? They talked about him as if he wasn't even human. As if he isn't a child. A baby." You stop yourself from sobbing. You swipe angrily at your face.
"I know," Natasha sits next to you.
"It's only been a day but Nat," You whimper. " I can't stand by and let them do that." You shake your head. She remains silent.
It's Wanda that interrupts your moment together.
"They're ready to do the testing," She gauges your reaction. You can't really be mad at the teen for relaying the message. It was just a few years ago she was in the same predicament. "For what it's worth I think he would like you there."
You nodded. He would. You stand first, then Natasha, and you cradle her hand in yours. You could do this. You follow Wanda to the lab where she stands. Micah is seated on one of the metal tables. He's still in his astronaut shirt and red shorts. His expression is blank but his eyes follow every single person in the room. Tony and the rest of the team stand on one side of the room. You and Natasha on the other. Your fingers are pressed against the glass, watching in anticipation.
"Ross is on his way," Tony mentions, and your finger twitches. You've never wanted to commit a crime more than you did now.
You watch in trepidation as Helen Cho inspects the tattoo on his wrist. She holds out his arm as another scientist prepares to take blood. You don't turn away as the needle pricks his skin. You narrow your eyes when you spot the tiniest flinch from Micah. He could feel that? Almost like pain. Though he doesn't blink or move again. They take blood. They poke and they prod. Finally, they have to do tests on his brain.
No one else seems to see it but you can. The unease on the little boy's face as he allows them to attach chords to his head and his chest. There's one almost like a helmet and that's when you see it again. A flinch. He's been in this position before you deduce. He was birthed and grown in a lab. He knows what this is like and he doesn't like it.
His lips move almost as if he's mimicking a word but you can't quite make out what he's saying. It's over sooner than you know it. Next is another contraption that resembles an MRI machine.
"Keep still, 007." One of the scientists instructs him. They're calling him by the tattoo.
"His name is Micah." You mutter to yourself. You can feel Natasha's soothing hand on your back. Even then you can't calm down. As if by magic, you can feel another presence. You turn your head just slightly to find Ross and a few of his henchmen as you like to call them. They're strapped with guns and army gear. "You don't need all of that for a child." You find yourself saying aloud.
Ross's challenging expression sends chills down your spine. "You may think so but we don't know what we are dealing with. It's just a precaution." He explains before he approaches Tony. They converse quietly and you turn back to watch.
Micah's tiny hands are shaking and his lips are moving again. His head is moving even though he's been instructed to keep still.
"What's he saying?" You ask and Natasha removes her hand to step closer to the glass. "Nat, he doesn't like it in there." You inform her. "Let me go get him." Natasha doesn't want to be the one to stop you but she'd rather herself than someone else. You don't move just yet.
"No," You can hear a small voice. "No." He cries again and you know it's Micah. "Mama!" He yells and your heart soars. "Mama!" He screams at the top of his lungs. "Mama!" He screams again as he thrashes against the table. This stops everyone in their tracks. Even Ross. You rush around them, straight into the lab, and right over to Micah as he continues to cry out for his Mama. For you. He chose you. You don't hesitate to pick him up, pulling all of the wires from his body to toss them on the floor. Micah sobs as you cradle him to you. The only thing on your mind is him as you comfort him. You don't care who is watching. Your only priority is him.
"I'm real," He whispers into your neck. "I'm real." He repeats over and over. As if he’s trying to convince himself and you.
"I know, Micah, I know." You shush him. You can hear the cocking of a gun and a groan of pain behind you. You turn quickly to find Natasha has stripped one of Ross's henchmen of his gun, pointing it at his head while holding his arms behind his back.
"You even think about touching her and I will kill him," Natasha threatens everyone around you. Her voice is pure venom and you know she's serious. What have you gotten into? "I will kill you all."
"We just want the child." Ross raises his hands. "That's what we came here for."
"Y/n, do you really want to put your wife in danger for this?" Tony seems so chill about all of this. Suddenly he's going from a friend to an enemy. "Are you willing to risk her life for someone you just met last night?"
You feel the deep-seated guilt as your eyes travel around the room.
"I'm real," Micah sobs again and you let tears fall from your own eyes. "Mama." He pleads and your heart practically falls out of your chest. You can't let him go.
"He feels pain," You manage to say with a shaky breath. "When you poked him with that needle you noticed it didn't you?" You ask and the scientist looks away. He's too afraid to get involved but that's all the answer you needed. "He has emotions. You can see from how hard he's crying that he has fucking emotions." You growl and he whimpers again. You kiss his head before trying to calm yourself. "You can't just take him."
"He's property of the United States Government," Ross reminds you.
"Call your boss," Natasha demands. Ross begins to protest but she stops him. "Call him or I start shooting." She wraps her thumb tighter around the gun.
Ross dramatically sighs before pulling out his phone. He waits impatiently before the phone picks up. He looks perturbed as he gives a general explanation of what is going on.
"Let me speak to him," Natasha gestures and he looks at her as if she's crazy. Then, as if he was also asked to speak to Natasha, he passes the phone to her. He acts as if this is the most troubling thing he's ever seen. "Hi," She says roughly. "I can't let you do that." Natasha challenges. "You see you owe me a favor. Let's call it even." Natasha says. "You get your guys to go home. I keep the boy." Natasha stops to listen, glancing over at you before she looks back to the phone. "When I take him home you don't come after us. You don't try again later. You leave him." She clearly instructs. She releases the gun. Lowering it to her side. She slides the phone back to Ross.
He takes it, hoping to come out victorious, only for there to be a frown on his face again. He nods his head a few times, giving a yes every other minute before he finally hangs up.
"Wrap it up boys, he's going with them," Ross sighs. "This isn't over Romanoff." He says before they storm out. The henchman reaches for his gun and Natasha points it at his head again. How was he expecting to get that back?
She watches them leave, making sure they're a safe distance before she steps over to you.
"Is he okay?" She asks and you nod.
"Micah, sweetie, can you let me look at you?" You ask as you set him down on the table. His eyes are wet and his face screws into a big pout.
"I'm real," He comments again. You nod while fixing his hair.
"You are real." You say. "Nat, what do we do?"
"We live our lives as usual," She says and your eyes flash to hers. "The favor is in. I called it. Still have to keep watch. They're going to come after him eventually."
"Nat, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to be-"
"For better or for worse right," Natasha shrugs. "If you truly believe everything and you want him we can keep him."
"He's not an animal," You remind her. She silently scolds herself.
"I know I just... I brought him home and I want him too." She ultimately admits. You nod. You could live with that. You pick him up again, walking around the forgotten wires, to exit the building.
"Tony, you're dead to me," Natasha doesn't even look his way as she walks with you. Her eyes scan the area, making sure no one is going to stop you, as you head towards the garage. When you're at the car, you climb in, buckling him in, before Natasha turns with a gun drawn to whoever has been following you. "Wanda!" She curses before she tucks it away. You step out of the car to come around.
"I want to go with you," She insists.
"We're just going home," Natasha says.
"Bullshit," Wanda argues. "You're running."
Your eyes dart to your wife. You know but even still would she admit that to Wanda?
"Wanda, you're sixteen," Natasha says.
"So," Wanda shrugs. "I don't want this family if you're not there."
There's a silence where you and Natasha think it over. Wanda would never forgive you if you said no.
"Get in," Natasha relents and you all jump into action. Wanda hops into the front seat and you in the back just as the rest of the team enters the garage. Natasha starts the car and drives as fast and as safely as she can. She continues to your apartment where you all enter. "Pack your things quickly. Don't take what you don't need." She says. She grabs a few duffel bags while you head to your bedroom. Micah is left to sit with Wanda. You pack important papers, passports, documents, and other things.
Micah slides down from the couch over to the toys you left out. He taps at the fire truck, before pressing the button, not flinching this time as the siren goes off. You step out of the bedroom to see him so calm.
Were you really doing this?
"You ready?" Natasha exits the bathroom with a bag full.
"Y-yeah," You nod before going to grab your own packed bags. You rush the kids out of the door and down the stairs again. That's the last you would see of your apartment.
Three months later... "Mom, he's refusing to come inside again," Wanda calls out as she sets the table for dinner.
"Again with this boy," You shake your head as you turn off the stove. "Where's Natasha?"
Wanda shrugs. You wipe your hands on your jeans to exit through the backdoor. You're about to give Micah a light scolding when you spot him in the grass, picking something, not aware of your presence. He looks up as the back door slams. He gives you a wide smile. His cheeks are dirty, he's not wearing shoes, and his shorts have grass stains. Even still he looks adorable.
He runs over to you with something behind his back.
"What you got there, buddy?" You ask as you kneel down. His smile grows even wider.
"Present, Mama." He says before he holds out his hand. Small yellow flowers that he picked from the grass. It's the best present you've ever received.
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live-laugh-lenney · 28 days
Arthur tv one shot were yn does some kind of martial art (defo not specific to me 🤭) and they get injured in a comp and he takes care of them?
thank you! xoxoxo
loving and caring, worried, boyfriend!arthur has me swooning.
arthur remembered it vividly.
the way yn unexpectedly cried out loud once her foot laid flat on the mat beneath her feet, the way she fell to the floor clutching her knee in pain, the way her opponent stepped back out of shock and the way the room fell silent apart from the sobs that came from deep within her chest that bounced off the walls and echoed around the room.
he stood from his seat beside her coach, worry coursing through his veins, his stomach knotting with fear because he'd never seen her in such a vulnerable position before. and as he took timid steps toward where she was curled up on the floor, worming his way through the gaps of those who had rushed to her aid, he could hear her muttering soft profanities and they tried to stretch her leg out.
"i'm her boyfriend, can i sit with her?"
he didn't really know why he had asked that question; he was going to sit with her, and hold her hand, whether they allowed him to or not. he dropped to his knees beside her head, one hand cupping the back of her head whilst his other reached to hold onto one of her hands, a shiver running through her once she felt the familiar touch.
"this hurts so bad," she cries softly, eyes squeezed shut because she couldn't bear the look at those who were creating a fuss around her, "i don't know what happened. i went for a kick, it felt fine, but-"
"let's not worry right now, okay?" arthur says softly, using his thumb to wipe away the tears that were soaking her cheek, tendrils of her hair sticking to her skin from the moisture, "we'll get you checked out at the hospital, yeah? i think someone's called an ambulance."
"no," she frantically shakes her head and it's the first time she opens her eyes, full of tears and panic and arthur's sure he felt his own eyes collecting moisture because he hated seeing her in such a way, "i'm fine, it's just a sprain, i'm sure of it. i didn't do anything harsh to make it break or twist it. i've done that move thousands of times, arthur!"
"i know, i know," he says, watching as a first-aider stretched out and bent up her knee to see any damage that had been done, her winces and groans of pain enough for them to realise she'd done something major enough to require a doctor's opinion, "it's best to get checked, lovie. i'll be with you the whole time, i promise."
"the whole time?"
he nods quickly and she lets out a deep breath through her mouth, a gulp being swallowed back as she looked at where the source of her pain was coming from, no redness or bruising to make her worry but she knew it was something that would keep her from competing for a while.
once the ambulance had arrived and she'd been taken to the nearest hospital to get checked out, pumped full of antibiotics to keep the pain from worsening and to help keep her swelling at bay, she felt a little more at ease. relaxing a little more when she was attached to all the monitors in her own ward, awaiting for her x-ray results, feeling a little drowsy but wanting nothing more than to go home to her own bed and her own home comforts.
arthur stayed by her side, the entire time.
even though she insisted he went home for a little bit, because she didn't know how long she was going to be waiting for, he insisted on staying with her. he didn't want to leave her alone, no when she was so vulnerable and scared and unknowing of what was happening to her knee.
"remember the night george cracked his fat head open?" arthur asks, filling the silent room with something other than the whirring of the machinery and the beeping of her heart monitor, "and we sat with him the entire night whilst he had his head stitched up."
"when chris went for a spin on the wheelchair he found and he nearly ended up in the hospital himself?" yn snickers and arthur laughs out loud, shaking his head at the memory of halloween the previous year, adjusting his seated position in the chair beside her bed, "the man's eyebrow grew back bushier than ever."
he leans forward in his chair and reaches for her hand, squeezing it softly, eyes focused on the pillow that was keeping her knee bent at a more comfier angle than laid flat out, the way she kept wiggling her toes to make sure she still had movement.
"i'm sorry for this," she mutters and he shakes his head, "seriously, i am. you could be back home right now, streaming or doing a video, not sat in the hospital with me and my stupid knee."
"i don't mind," he insists, "at least i know you aren't by yourself. you're my girlfriend, i'd drop everything for you, lovie."
she scrunches her features up and smiles at him, and she squeezes his hand back in response, letting her head drop back against the pillow behind her head.
"it can't be much longer, surely," she wonders and arthur looks at the watch on his wrist, "how long have we been here?"
"a couple of hours, at least," he informs her, "shall i go and find out?"
a sprain.
she was certain it was more than just a simple sprain, given the pain she felt when she first set her foot back on the ground in the gym, but she couldn't have been happier to know it wasn't a break or a fracture or a twist in her knee that required extensive surgery and a lot of physiotherapy to get her walking again. yn was sent back home with antibiotics to treat the swelling and the pain as well as with the strict rule of staying off of her feet for a couple of weeks...
... and arthur insisted she stayed with him.
half of her belongings were at his house, anyway; pants and socks to keep fresh, she could wear his tees to bed, and he had fresh stock of her shampoo and conditioner as well as her favourite body scrubs and washes so it wasn't necessary to stop off at her house. the only thing that felt daunting was the steps that were needed to get to his front door.
"i'll just carry you in the foyer," arthur says as the uber stops outside of his apartment complex and she rolls her eyes, "i'm not having you walk on it. not so soon after it's happened."
"no," he holds a finger to her lips and she frowns in his direction, "i'll leave your crutches in the reception area and i'll come back and get them when you're settled upstairs. let me look after you, please."
"fine," she huffs and he exits the car, running round the back to help her out of the other side, letting her lean all of her weight on him, "i'm not an invalid though, arthur."
"i know," he smiles, closing the door behind them as the uber drives away back down the road, "i just want to look after you, okay? let me take care of you." xx
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stuckonmain · 1 year
request/writing idea!!
could you do a oneshot/headcannons(whichever you prefer) for a reader who acts as the teams medic?
Sounds like a plan!
On the Job
2012(ish) Turtles x reader
Platonic, and I say 'ish' because I was kinda picturing 2003!Don and Mikey, and 2012!Leo and Raph, as well as mentioning some 12 series specific villains/events.
Work count: 5.1k
Warnings: Non-graphic descriptions of injuries, mentions of blood, mentions of the film 'Twilight'
  “How the hell is it that you are somehow injured to the point of being near death yet again?!” You snapped at the turtle that had perched on your fire escape.
  Raph flushed, looking mildly embarrassed somehow despite his unwavering grimace of pain.
  You sighed and opened the door, slinging his arm over your shoulder to lug him to the couch.
  “Sorry.” He grunted through his wince as you set him down as gently as you could. “I can explain-”
  You smiled ruefully. “No, no…lemme guess. Ya got mad- probably at Leo, though it could also be Mikey- and stormed off to go fight crime on your own. And now that you’ve sprained your ankle and busted your lip, you’ve come to me so that you don’t have to return home with your tail between your legs.”
  He looked surprised, raising his brow ridge at the amount of accuracy.
  “Dude you did this like…just last month.” You sighed, and he mouthed ‘oh’, reaffirmed that you were indeed not a stalker.
  “Well…you’re the medic.” He shrugged, smiling weakly.
  You scoffed. “Wrong. Donnie is.”
  “Donnie once strapped me to a table and threatened to saw my plastron open.” Raph scowled. “And I don’t care that he was joking- I don’t trust him with medic privilege anymore.”
  “But Don knows more than I do about how to fix you up.” You said, grabbing the first aid kit.
  “Well…I like you better.” Raph grumbled, crossing his arms.
  You tried to resist smiling at that. “Flattery will get you nowhere.” You lied.
  Raph rolled his eyes. “It’s not…I’m not trying to….whatever, just do your thing, would ya?”
  You snorted. “Sure, King Raphael.”
  “Please?” He added, and you sighed.   “Okay, okay. Fine. Just stop getting hurt, would ya?”
  “Well…it’s sorta in the whole ‘ninja vigilante’ job description, genius.”
  You smiled ruefully, and began to wrap his ankle. “Yeah, I know. Maybe I just don’t like seeing you injured. But still…I’m glad you trust me to patch you up, dork.”
  He yawned and punched you lightly on the shoulder. “Wouldn’t trust anyone more.”
  You rolled your eyes and handed him some ibuprofen pills before sitting on the couch next to him.
  “Wanna watch a movie while you procrastinate on telling your brothers that I had to save your shell again?”
  “Yeah,” He murmured sleepily, swallowing the pain meds.
  “Hm. ‘Kay, Twilight it is.” You grinned. 
  Had Raph been even slightly more alert, he probably would have protested, but at this point, the adrenaline of the night had caught up with him. So instead of protesting, he rested his head on your shoulder and watched the movie about glittery vampires.
  You smiled and wrapped a soft blanket around his shoulders. Maybe it was sorta annoying and stressful how often Raph got injured, but you had to admit, it was pretty nice hanging out with him like this. And it was also sorta nice to know he trusted you to take care of him.
  He yawned and put an arm around you. “Hey (Y/N)?”
  “Yeah Rafa?”
  “Thanks for doing this for me. It…well, it really does…y’know, mean a lot to me and stuff.” He whispered before fading into sleep.
  You smiled and hugged him back.
  “Hey (Y/N), is it normal to have the world sorta…sorta spinning n’ stuff?” Said Mikey.
  You stared at him wide eyed. 
  “Angelo, buddy, pal, you just got thrown into a fucking wall!” You screeched.
  “So that’s like…noooot normal?” Mikey said slowly.
  “Ai ya. You are so lucky that Raph and Leo don’t need my backup right now.” You muttered, more to yourself than to him as you dragged the injured Michelangelo off the battlefield.
  You’d come along today to kick Foot Ninja butt and smash robots, not treat concussions. But apparently Raph wasn’t the only one under the impression that you were suddenly team medic. God, where was Don when you needed him?!
  “(Y/N)...my head hurts.” Mikey whispered, clutching it in his hands, before seeming to notice his change in location. “I-I mean, I’m totally mondo, bro! Lemme go back to fighting! I can’t let my bros down (Y/N), seriously-”
  “Shut up Mikey, you probably have a concussion-”
  “S’okay, I can still fight good! I’ve done it before, seriously-”
  “Ah, so you’re delusional too…” You said, pretending to write it down.
  “(Y/N), really man-”
  You sighed and dropped the act, as your nonchalant attitude clearly wasn’t working. “Mikester, you fight great. But your brothers are fine. It’s just a few Footbots, nothing they haven’t handled before, and besides, you took out a heck of a lot of them before you got wall-thrown. You really even their odds! But now you're injured, and the best thing you can do for your brothers is take a break!” You exclaimed, propping him up against a wall a block away from the fight.
  He frowned, brow ridges knit together. “You sure- oohhh did someone just stab my eyes with a glowing sword bro…?”
  “Nah man, that’s just the streetlight.” You said gently, unpacking the first-aid kit that you were lucky to have had the foresight to bring along, and mentally ran through the concussion tests you knew. 
  You tapped Mikey’s hand and ankle at the same time. “Okay. Where am I touching you?” You said.
  “Uhhh…my hand.” He mumbled out.
  “Nothing on the ankle?”
  Shit, okay, he’d failed that test…
  You swallowed and read the instructions for another one off your phone.
  ‘1. Tap the bridge of the patient's nose. 
They will begin to blink, but should stop after 2-3 blinks. 
After more than 3 blinks the subject is considered concussed.’ said the article.
  You tapped his snout gently, and he blinked in shock. 
  One blink, two, three, four, five- uh oh. 
  “Okay…you’re officially concussed, Mikey!” You said weakly.
  “Ohhh…that’s not good, is it, bro?” He moaned.
  “No... Look, I’ve got this bag of ice, I’m gonna hold it onto your head, okay?” You said, making sure to speak as calmly and clearly as you could manage.
  He nodded, before groaning in pain at the movement. You eased the ice onto his forehead as gently as you could manage, and grabbed some pain meds out of your first aid kit.
  “Here, swallow these.”
  He complied.
  “Woah, what’s going on here?!” Said a voice from behind you. 
  “Don!” You grinned, spinning around to see the familiar turtle. He was by your side in an instant, studying Mikey himself.
  “He’s got a concussion.” You sighed.
  “Ooh, that’s…not ideal.” Don winced. “Look, I’ve gotta grab the Shellraiser- I’ll pick you up in a minute, Mikey. In the meantime, stay with the medic and don’t do anything stupid.”
  “I’m not the medic-” You argued.
  “Aren’t you?” Don frowned, pointing to your first aid kit.
  “Well even if I was -which I’m not- I have a name, dude.” You protested, but he had already darted off to grab the car. You sighed and mumbled something about those ‘dang teenagers’ as if you weren’t also one.
  “S’okay (Y/N), I believe in ya! You can be medic if you set your mind to it…”Mikey grinned loopily.
  You facepalmed. “No, that’s not what I- augh. Whatever. Sure, Mikey.” You sighed.
  “Anytime, dude.” He said, giving you a weak thumbs-up.
  “Is he okay?” You said, frowning as Mikey lay passed out on the cot in Don’s lab.
  “He’ll be fine. He was lucky to have you there though, it would’ve been way worse if he’d tried to go back to fighting the way you said he wanted to.” Don shrugged, smiling. “So, good job, Team Medic!”
  You frowned. “Whoa whoa woah, no. Donnie, you’re the team medic.”
  Don shook his head. “No, I’m Team Scientist. I only have an arbitrary understanding of medical stuff- I’m more of a ‘mechanics’ guy. And occasionally chemistry, nowadays, but y’know.”
  “So you think I  -Me, an untrained ametuer- would be a better medic than you, a full fledged genius scientist?!” You said indignantly.
  “Well…yeah, you have basic first aid training, which is more than even I have, and you’re great under pressure- Um…do you not want to be?” He stammered awkwardly. “See I just figured …the more the merrier, right? But if you don’t want to, obviously we don’t have to do that…it’d just be nice to have someone else, I guess…” He continued, fiddling with his duffle bag strap anxiously.  
  You sighed, running through the mental pros and cons list. 
  On the one hand…It would mean more safety for the boys, finally getting to use your medical training, and a  bit of pressure off of Donnie- who already shouldered the huge burden that came with the title of ‘Scientist/Engineer/Argument Breaker-Upper/Mechanic/Chemist/Ninja’.
  But on the other hand, it was a huge responsibility. What if one of them got injured so badly that you couldn’t help? What if you were at school or work or on vacation or something, what would they do then?
  Well…then again, Donnie was still there and able to help. And plus…you’d be the medic, not the doctor. You weren’t sure you could handle long term stuff, but if you were just the first aid…well actually, that didn’t seem too bad. After all, you were already Raph’s personal human first aid kit, and that was only mildly stressful, so maybe doing the same for the other brothers wouldn’t be too terrible?
“Well- I mean, I guess you have a point, what with how often you guys are injured…” You said, considering it. “It’s a huge responsibility, but I guess so long as I have you as backup, Dee…”
  Don blinked. “Wait…so you’ll do it?” He said.
  Eh…sure why not.
  “You know what? …Yeah, I guess so.” You said finally. “But only if you promise you’ll help me out, genius.” You decided, holding out our hand to shake on it.
  He grinned and shook it weakly. “Thanks so much, (Y/N). You have no idea how helpful this is.” He said, relieved.
  You smiled despite yourself. “Hey, wouldn’t want the world’s best scientist to deal with even more shit than he has to, right?” You said, only half joking.
  He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well best is a strong word...”
  You chuckled at his reaction. “Well, you’re certainly the best I know, Don. I’m honored that you trust me with something like this, seriously.”
  He smiled, suddenly shy. “Hey, thanks for agreeing to it. This is super helpful- and you’re the best candidate by far.”
  “Gasp, better than Casey?” You said in mock surprise.
  He chuckled. “Way better than Casey.”
  “You know, one time I stubbed my toe, and his go-to instinct was to chuck a hockey puck at it to, quote, ‘get the blood flowing’. So I guess you’re right there.” You mused.
  “Dude! I WAS HELPING!” Yelled Casey, summoned by the sound of shit being talked about him.
  “We’ve been over this Case’- YOU INJURED ME MORE!” You yelled back, and Don doubled over laughing.
  “Oh yes, I’m glad my suffering amuses you.” You said, falling against the wall dramatically.
  “S-sorry-” Don wheezed as he leaned on his staff to straighten his posture, very obviously not sorry.
  “Y’know what?! It totally does amuse me!” Casey sassed, tossing his hair just as dramatically.
  “You guys are so mean.” You said, faking a voice crack as you pretended to wipe away tears.
  “Hey (Y/N)? I’m sorry I ruined your chances to fight.” Said Mikey a while later.
  You looked up from your math homework. “You’re awake?” You said, surprised. Don had estimated that it would be another hour or so before he regained consciousness.
  “Uh…apparently. How long was I out?” He mumbled. 
  “Just a few hours, dude. How’s the head?”
  “...Hurts.” He said, cringing. “Aw, man.”
  “D’you want me to dim the lights a bit?” You offered. The lab’s lights were already dimmer than usual, but you did have Donnie’s extremely bright desk lamp on for your homework.
  “Maybe?” Mikey grunted. “Is everyone okay?”
  You complied and turned off the desk lamp, leaving the room shadow-y but not fully dark. 
  “Yeah, everyone’s fine, Mike’.” You nodded. “You’re the only one that got injured, and that’s just ‘cause one of Shredder’s goons threw your head into a wall.”
  “Okay, lame! What a buzzkill.” Mikey whined. “Thanks for patching me up.”
  “No problem!” You said firmly.
  “It kinda was though, ‘cause I messed up your chance to fight…isn’t that why you were so angry about having to treat me?” Mikey mumbled, looking away.
  You cringed, remembering how you had indeed complained. “Aw, Angelo- I…I didn’t mean it like that. That was the stress talking more than anything else, and besides- that’s how I act around Raph, y’know? All like…sarcastic and begrudging because he alway gets hurt for dumbass reasons. I guess I kinda forgot that you’re…not Raph, you know what I mean?” You shrugged, trying to ignore the burning wave of regret and embarrassment that was washing over you.
  “Kinda?” Mikey said, still not meeting your eyes. “So does that mean you’re not…mad at me?”
  “Of course not.” You said, scooting your chair up next to his cot. “You didn’t do anything wrong, dude, how could I ever be mad at you? Ya did good today, Mikey, you know that?”
  “You think so?” He smiled, looking up at you- almost shyly, as if he didn’t believe it….you made a mental note to compliment him more often. 
  “I know so, genius.” You grinned, punching him lightly in the shoulder.
  “Hey! Hitting the sick dude? Not cool brah!” He grinned, punching you back.
  “Oh hey- we ordered pizza a bit ago! You feelin’ up for a slice?” You suggested, remembering how Leo had set some aside for whenever Mikey woke up.
  “Uh no duh?! Of course I want pizza! Where is it?!”
  You laughed, standing up. “Okay, I’ll go get it for ya, dude. Good job today bro.”
  “Ditto, mondo-medic!”
  “Oh boy, a new nickname. How tubular.” You grunted, smiling good naturedly before you ducked out of the lab.
  Now you were used to Raphael showing up on your fire escape. But tonight, there was a turtle on your fire escape who not only was not Raphael, but was also one of the least likely people to ever show up injured, ever.
  He rapped on the window. “Hey, (Y/N)!”
  “Leo? What the hell are you doing here?” You shoved the door to the fire escape open, and let him in.
  “Thanks.” He rasped, limping into the living room. “Sorry to bother you, (Y/N). I just…needed some help from someone who isn’t one of my brothers, and…y’know, the medic.”
  “What happened?” You said, taking in his all-black getup. “What’s with the goth makeover? …And your voice being raspier than usual?”
  He chuckled nervously, and it faded into a cough. “Uh…y’know, Karai stuff?”
  You blinked. “...What?”
  He rubbed the back of his head. “Look, it’s a bit of a long story,” he smiled awkwardly, “...But Karai and I may have sorta…y’know, committed arson…?”
  He said it as if it were something like ‘Karai and I cheated on a test’ or ‘Karai and I got a parking ticket’.
  “...Leo?!” You said, staring at him in awe.
  “Look that’s unimportant-  The issue is that I think I knocked my bad knee out of it’s socket while we were running away, and obviously inhaled more smoke than I should’ve-”
  “Why the fuck were you commiting arson?!” You exclaimed, cutting him off.
  He sighed, fiddling with his katana’s strap. (-oh wait no, that was a…seatbelt? Right, he was in an emo phase, apparently.)
  “I mean I understand the urge- who hasn’t been tempted to start a fire, all that or whatever- but you?!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands into the air wildly. “Like, I’d expect this from Raph or Casey but…you?!” You continued, not even sure what to say.
  He opened his mouth and closed it. “Uh…”
  You sighed and sat down on the couch, shaking your head. “And you fucking hurt your bad knee…agh. Leo…”
  He sat down next to you, staring at the floor.
  “...No.” You grunted, staring at the ceiling. “The couch is for people who don’t commit arson. You get the Stool of Shame.”
  “The Stool of Shame, dude.” You reiterated, pointing at the rickety old tin seat in the corner that, based on the size, you were pretty sure was made for elementary school children. 
  Leo swallowed in embarrassment, but limped across the room to uncomfortably perch on the tiny stool.
  You stifled a smirk at the visual of the gothed-out Leonardo staring at the ground in shame, fidgeting with his hands as he sat in the much too small chair.
  “Do you feel ashamed?” You said flatly.
  He nodded. 
  “Good. You should be. Arson is bad, Leo, and we both know that you know that it’s bad.” You said, standing up and walking towards the kitchenette to make yourself some tea.
  Leo nodded again, rocking side to side on the chair anxiously.
  “D’ya want mint tea or green tea? Ooh, and there’s also cherry coke I think in the fridge.” You added absently.
  “Uh…green is good, no milk?” Leo said slowly.
  “Cool cool. You mentioned smoke inhalation?” You said, putting the kettle on.
  “Alright. How’s the throat, then?” You said. You’d been reading up a bit on throat injuries after Leo complained lightly about his long-term injuries acting up, and if it was bad then, you had a solid hunch it would be way worse now.
  “...Well, I mean…It…hurts,” He shrugged, shifting in the Shame Stool as he tried to downplay the ramifications of his dumbass choices.
  “Shocking.” You said, turning back to preparing the tea.
  “Look, it was an accident!” He said defensively. “We didn’t plan on the alarms closing the East exit, that didn't happen last…time…oooh.” He winced, realizing his mistake a second too late.
  You slowly turned back towards him, feeling your eye twitch.
  “Ya wanna say that last bit one more time Leon?” You said as evenly as you could manage.
  He gulped, but met your eyes. “...That didn’t…happen…last time.” He said in a small voice.
  “Last time.” You repeated.
  “LAST TIME.” You said, louder this time.
  Leo cringed. 
  You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself. “So your knee is re-injured and your throat is hurting.” You mumbled, listing the symptoms in the hope that focusing on the task at hand would keep you from flipping out at him. “And you’ve fucking done this…twice…” 
  He coughed, as if he wanted to say something, but held his tongue.
  You made a sound of frustration. “Okay, more than twice?”
  He nodded, brow ridges knitted together as he stared at his feet.
  “You are…so lucky that I don’t have Splinter’s phone number.” You hissed.
  He nodded again. “You’re right.” He said in a small voice.
  “Yeah, I know I’m right!” You snapped, stirring two tablespoons of honey into his tea aggressively. Some of it spilled on the floor. “Unlike some of us, I’m not an idiot!” 
  You sighed, walking across the room to hand him the mug. “Lemme go get the first aid kit. In the meantime, you have about two minutes to think of a good explanation for this.”
  “Yes sensei- uh I mean (Y/N)! Yes (Y/N).” He nodded, flustered, and saved himself from meeting your eyes by taking a giant sip of tea.
  You rolled your eyes and left the room to grab the first aid kit.
  When you came back, he was gagging on tea.
  “Is something wrong with it?” You said flatly.
  “Nah, it’s- it’s fine! Maybe a little too much sugar-”
  “When will you learn that your actions have consequences, Mr. I-just-inhaled-tons-of-smoke-fumes? …Heh. It’s honey, soothes the pain.” You said, smiling.
  “Oh. Okay then.” He mumbled.
  “So if your knee is dislocated, I’m gonna have to shove it back into place, which is gonna hurt like hell, okay?” You warned. “I do have some pain meds, but obviously they’re not exactly professional- just the drugstore over-the-counter stuff.”
  He nodded and accepted the pills. 
  “Cool. Now…why the hell were you committing arson, Fearless Leader?” You sighed, sitting against the wall next to the Stool of Shame.
  He shrugged. “Well…first off, it wasn’t like, random- It was Shredder’s stuff. Karai, Shinigami, and I were burning Shredder’s stuff.  Secondly, Karai was gonna do it whether I participated or not! I had to come along to keep her safe!”
  “Karai’s a tough girl, Lee. She doesn’t need you to keep her safe- plus, she’s older than you. If anything, she should be keeping you safe, right?” You said gently.
  “(Y/N)- yeah she’s tough! But like…she’s not exactly as…well, y’know, stable as us!” Leo tried to explain. “I mean, she’s had a tough life, and only recently started therapy- and even then, she can’t really be forthright with her therapist because she’s gotta keep all the mutants and gang stuff secret- And so maybe I just wanna be there to keep her from doing something impulsive and hurting herself!”
  You glanced over at him, and he broke eye contact in favor of taking another sip of tea.
  “So then…you know exactly how I feel, huh?” You said softly.
  He blinked. “Huh?”
  “Feeling worried about someone who matters to ya doing impulsive shit and getting hurt?” You prompted, shooting him a half-hearted smile.
  His eyes widened. “...Oh.” 
  You patted his shell. 
  “I…I’m so sorry, (Y/N), I didn’t think-”
  “That I have feelings? I know, I know, I do tend to go for the emotionless robot vibe.” You joked, putting your hand on your heart dramatically. “But beneath the layers of deadpan stares and blunt comments…I hurt…” You swooned. 
  Leo chuckled, shoving you lightly. “Alright, alright, laugh it up…”
  “But seriously, Leo.” You said, leaning on the wall again. “It’s scary when you go out there and get hurt. You’re one of my best friends in the universe, and y’know…I don’t like seeing you get needlessly injured. Karai’s a big girl, let her handle her own problems. Maybe try bonding with her over…I dunno, bubble tea instead of arson, you know?” You chuckled.
  He smiled, leaning back. “Alright, you’re right.”
  “Now…look. All the nice feelings stuff aside…” You said, studying his knee. “I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to call Don about this one. I don’t exactly trust my ability to do this without causing a fracture.”
  “Aw, (Y/N)-”
  Over the past few months, being the team medic had grown into a more comfortable position. You actually felt you were helping, and more importantly, it was kinda fun! 
  However, all of that was under the watchful eye of one Donatello Hamato. He was far more useful in terms of the steps after first aid, and you weren’t too sure you’d be able to trust yourself as a medic just yet without his minor help- that’s to say, he was a nice safety harness in the risky rockwall that was being an ametuer medic.
  So when you lost said safety net, you weren’t 100% sure how to react.
  It had been a normal night of waiting in the lair while the turtles went on a normal patrol until it wasn’t.
  There was a flurry of movement in the tunnels, a yelp, and the siblings were storming into the lair in a panic.
  “Lab! Now!” Leo cried.
  Mikey was tearful, Raph panicking, and Leo’s face was trying to be stoic and failing. Your gaze shifted to Don, who hung from Leo and Raph’s shoulders, unconscious.
  You threw the lab doors open, and Raph laid Don down on the work counter before sinking to the floor in a stunned silence.
  “Wha- What happened?” You said, trying to bite back your panic. Right, pressure, pressure, I’m- I’m good under pressure, be chill (Y/N)-
  Leo paced the floor. “Ambush. Tigerclaw and co. Didn’t think they were gonna be there… I-I didn’t know-”
  You patted his shoulder. “Of course you didn’t, Lee, take a deep breath- What happened to Don?” 
  “They got him in the shoulder.” Mikey supplied.
  You stifled a ‘Ya think?!’ and tugged on some latex gloves. You approached Donnie, biting your lip nervously.
  There was a… a lotta blood. He was losing it by the second. 
  “How long has he been bleeding?” You asked, your voice coming out so much calmer than you felt.
  “Half an hour? Maybe?” Leo said helplessly. 
  Half an hour and still bleeding… so so much…
  I’m definitely not experienced enough to handle a transfusion operation, so- just gotta stick with Don’s emergency med stash and- and stitching-
  He was pale. You didn’t know that scales could be pale. You swallowed the bile in your throat and opened the drawer of sterile equipment. 
  Needle and thread, needle and thread, needle and thread… Your brain chanted unhelpfully as you tried to locate them. 
  Hydrogen peroxide, disinfect the wound-
  You soaked a cloth with the hydrogen peroxide and cleaned the gashes, and his breathing sped up. Understandable. You were confident that it stung.
  Wincing, you continued cleaning. 
  “Is he- is he okay?” Raph whispered from the floor.
  I- maybe?! No?! I- I don’t know, I’m just- ah-
  “He will be.” You said firmly, as if you weren’t mentally spiralling.  You tried to focus on the repetitive motion of cleaning the wound.
  You swallowed and reached for the needle.
  Raph tracked your actions, and, eyes going wide as he realized what you were planning, covered his mouth in horror and discomfort, no doubt picturing the feeling of stitches in his own shoulder. Huh, you hadn’t expected Raph to be squeamish, ha. Oh god you also sorta wanted to throw up-
  “Leo, we should get Raph outta here before he hurls!” Mikey said, as if he wasn’t feeling just as freaked out. 
  “Actually, all of you should probably step out so I can focus.” You said, hoping to end the performance anxiety and pressure all the pressure all of-
  “Are you sure?” Said Leo. 
  “A hundred percent.” You said firmly.
  Raph bolted out and Mikey followed.
  Leo shot Don a final nervous glance.
  “He’ll be okay.” You said, faking stoic confidence. “I promise.”
  He nodded, and followed his brothers out of the lab.
  You swallowed nervously and got to work.
  “Oohhh…” Don moaned.
  You were really glad he was conscious- but you were not glad that he had chosen to wake up before you finished stitching his skin back together. 
  “Shhh, it’s okay-” You tried to whisper, but Donnie’s eyes shot open.
  “Oh my god….why does my shoulder feel like- eugghhhh….” He groaned. “Tigerclaw…”
  “You’re on the best pain meds in your collection, but uh….” You mumbled guiltily. “I wasn’t quite finished with ya.”
  Don gave a double take as his eyes traveled up to his half-stitched mess of a shoulder.
  He gave a weak sound of discomfort and nausea.
  You took a deep breath and smiled weakly. “Uh…did I fuck it up?”
  “No…it looks…ha…great.” He said with a laboured breath. “Well, obviously not great, but like- you know- solid stitchwork…”
  You winced. “Aw Don, don’t strain yourself by talking…”
  “I’m-...I’m okay.” He insisted despite the weak warble of his voice. “See? I told-...I told you we’d need a medic that isn’t me, remember? Looks like I….picked the right person, huh?” He smiled.
  You gave a weak sound that might have been either a laugh or a sob. 
  Your hands trembled in their blood-stained gloves, and you tried to ignore it as you continued stitching.
  His breath hitched everytime  you pierced his skin, and you tried to ignore the involuntary- and illogical- guilt at hurting him.
  “How ‘bout- y- Ahem. How about you?” He said softly.
  “Huh?” You hummed, pulling the largest wound closed at last. 
  “Are you okay?”
  You drew in a shaky breath and tried to keep your hands from shaking. “I mean…I’ve been better,” You deadpanned, although your heart was clearly not in it.
  “Ditto. Hope I don’t look too much like Frankenstein’s monster once we’re through with this, eh?” He chuckled, but it died in a whimper of pain.
  You cringed. 
  Don’s smile faded, and he glanced at you. “Seriously though…are you okay?”
  You sighed, wringing your bloody hands. “...Are you sure I’m the best person for this job?”
  “Do you….do you not want to be?” He asked.
  You shrugged noncommittally. 
  Maybe you didn’t. What had these past few months been if not stressful? Maybe April was better for the job. Maybe you didn’t want it.
  No, that wasn’t true. 
  Admittedly, fixing Donnie’s wounds yourself was far less scary than it would have been to wait outside with the others, unsure if he was getting better or not. And you maybe-sorta-liked being the one Leo went to when he hurt his knee, the one to comfort Mikey as he dealt with feelings, the one to fix Raph up when he did dumb shit as per usual.
  Yeah, you liked being a medic. What you didn’t love quite so much was the grimace of pain on Donnie’s face as he worried about whether or not the person he trusted with his life even wanted to help him.
  You sighed and began bandaging his shoulder. 
  “...I do, Dee, I guess I just worry is all…’Cause what if I do something wrong? This is far more high-pressure than like…a math test, y’know?”
  Don frowned. “Well you’re doing great right now if it makes you feel any better…”
  “Oh yeah? Thanks.” You smiled. “You taught me well, genius.”
  “Nah, I never showed you all the procedures and stuff- that’s all you, you know.” Don smiled, closing his eyes. 
  You glanced down at the bandage, realizing that he was right- you’d learned this in a life guard training lesson a few summers ago. Huh.
  “Besides, can you imagine like- Mikey or Casey or someone being in charge of this? I’d end up even more injured than before!” He chuckled.
  “I mean…I won’t argue with you there…” You snorted.
  “Anyways, I trust you, (Y/N). I know that I’m in good hands.” He said with another smile.
  “You sure? ‘Cause these look more like zombie hands or somethin’ to me,” You joked, holding up your blood-stained gloves. It was a true testament to Don’s hidden unhinged-ness that he burst into laughter rather than scolding you for the joke that you admittedly realized was in poor taste.
  “It’s just…ketchup, don’t worry about it!” He quipped through his laughter.
  “Mm, yeah, totally!” You grinned, tossing the gross gloves into the trash before washing your hands.
  “Well Don…I think you’ll be okay. D’you want me to go get your brothers?”
  He nodded. “Sounds good. And (Y/N)? Thank you. For everything.”
  You smiled, punching him lightly on his good arm. “Hey, I’m just doin’ my job.”
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Would you do a fanfic about mc hurting them selfs ( brothers +dateables)
* accidentally* I should have made this clear (sorry I didn’t)
No worries at all! I just felt like the two options were drastically different, so I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing.
Okay, so MC accidentally hurts themselves. It's a bit long but I didn't want to make two posts, so this is the brothers and the dateables all together. Thank you for the request!
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Warnings: MC gets hurt, mentions of blood, sprains, and other such injuries. Mentions of the events of lesson 16 in Belphie's part.
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Immediately locates the first aid kit. Acts completely calm and collected. His actual level of concern varies depending on how bad the injury is. If it’s serious, he will be secretly worrying about you, but he doesn’t want you to know.
Protective. Not only does he care very deeply about your well being, you are under his care and he takes that responsibility seriously.
However, he’s also aware that you have somehow managed to injure yourself. MC, he cares about you, but he has to insist that you be more careful. Lectures you, of course, but catches himself before it gets too long winded.
Whatever you’ve managed to do to yourself, he’s surprisingly gentle about taking care of you. For instance if you’ve cut yourself, he cleanses your wound and bandages you up with a soft touch. Even allows his fingers to linger on your skin for a moment, which gives away how worried he really is.
You hurt yourself? How’d ya manage that, MC? Are humans normally this clumsy?
Acting like he’s not concerned, but he’s actually very worried. Clumsy or not, you’re his human and he’s going to make sure you’re okay.
Takes action. Did you sprain your ankle? He carries you to your room. Cut yourself on something? Bandages you up. He’s muttering the whole time because he’s worried about you, but he’s actually pretty good at taking care of you. Asks you about how you're doing while you're healing.
Thank him and he’ll get flustered, brushing it off like it’s no big deal. You think this is the first time he’s had to take care of someone who hurt themselves? Hello, he has five little brothers. Still you know the truth which is that it’s different with you. His blush confirms it even more.
Panics immediately. What! You’re hurt! What should he do? How can he help you? Please tell him you’re okay, MC!
You have to talk him down at first. Let him know that you’re okay, that it’s a minor injury. Give him some directions. Tell him what you need and he instantly scrambles to get you whatever you need. Bandages? Ice pack? The entire first aid kit?! He’s on it!
Once he’s calmed down a bit, he gets serious about helping you. Gets blushy about touching you while applying bandages and the like, but powers through it because he’s worried about you.
Checks in with you to make sure everything is healing okay. Tries to be subtle about watching you carefully to make sure you don't have another accident, but you are absolutely onto him. It's pretty adorable, so you don't mind.
Another competent one who stays calm. Has plenty of knowledge about the best ways to treat various injuries. And if he’s not sure, you can bet he has a book all about it.
Depending on how bad your injury is, he will either get really focused on taking care of you or he’ll tease you a little bit. Honestly, MC, how did you manage to do this to yourself? Good thing he’s here to make sure you’re okay.
He’s definitely worried about you, but it’s hard to tell because of his confidence. However, he doesn't want you to think he doesn't care and he will tell you directly that he wants you to be more careful. Scolds you gently before taking the opportunity to flirt with you, though subtly.
Keeps track of how you're doing. Makes sure you're healing well and correctly, depending on the type of injury. If you've done something like sprained your ankle and you can't really go anywhere or do anything, he will stay beside you and read aloud to you.
Panics at first. His darling MC is hurt? Thinking about it makes him want to cry. He’s completely transparent and honest about how worried he is about you.
Isn’t paralyzed by his concern, though. Depending on how bad your injury is, he either takes care of it himself or he gets Lucifer. If it's more serious, he will stick by your side, staying close and being overly attentive.
A minor injury he can handle. Makes sure you’re comfortable while he administers first aid. Gets cheeky and kisses it better for you. Probably kisses it a couple of times before kissing your cheeks next. He just wants to make you feel better!
Pampers you of course. As long as you’re injured, he’ll do extra things for you until you’re healed. If you have to wear some kind of medical device, you can be sure he will make it adorable somehow. Whether its cutesy band aids or bedazzling a set of crutches, he's going to make sure you look fabulous, injured or not.
Due to the fact that Beel has injured himself multiple times while playing sports, he knows exactly what to do. He’s not freaking out, but there is no doubt he’s concerned about you. You can tell by the serious look on his face.
He’s so careful with you. If you can’t walk, he carries you, cradling you close to himself. If you’re bleeding, he cleans your wound, gently wiping away the blood and bandaging you up.
Tells you that you need to be more careful. You’re a fragile human, after all. He might get clingy for a bit, watching over you to make sure you don’t hurt yourself again. Gets protective and chases away anyone who seems like they're going to bother you.
Until you’re healed, he makes sure you have plenty to eat. You can’t heal if you’re not eating right, MC. Makes sure you’re getting plenty of food and staying hydrated.
Sighs in exasperation to hide how worried he is about you. Due to his particular history with you, he’s especially concerned about you hurting yourself. Even if you’ve forgiven him, he hasn’t forgotten that he was the one who hurt you in the past.
He will enlist other brothers to help him take care of you. Major injury? He’s going to Lucifer. Can’t walk? Let Beel carry you. Just a small cut? Sends someone to get the first aid kit then applies the band aid himself.
Wants to tell you to be more careful, but doesn’t feel like he can. Instead he tells you that you should rest while you’re healing. Make sure you get enough sleep, MC.
If you catch on to how he’s feeling guilty, let him know that you trust him. Ask him to help you while you’re healing. Seek him out while you’re taking it easy, napping with him or just resting next to him. It will mean a lot to him.
Makes a fuss no matter what kind of injury you have. He is not okay with a human exchange student getting hurt in any way. Even if you try to explain that it was just an accident and it was your own fault, he won’t listen. Don’t worry, MC! He will make sure you are okay!
Realizes he has no idea what to do. Has to ask Barbatos for help. With his butler’s instructions, he takes care of you himself. Applies ice packs or bandages as needed.
Depending on the severity of your injury, he may insist you stay at the castle while you’re healing so he can keep an eye on you. Sprained ankle? You can be sure he’s going to keep you close. Paper cut? Okay, he’ll let you go back to the House of Lamentation. But know that he will be following up on your progress.
You might think his concern is based on his sense of responsibility for you. However, you soon realize that’s just an excuse for him to fuss over you. He’s genuinely worried because he cares about you and he will tell you as much in a quiet moment.
You won’t be able to tell, but he’s deeply concerned about you. Doesn’t let it show and takes care of everything you need no matter what kind of injury you have. He can do basic first aid, but he can also do more advanced things if needed. He stays calm and his touch is gentle. You can count on him, MC.
While he’s taking care of you, he asks you to be more careful. He says it so kindly you almost can’t tell that he’s scolding you. This is how you know he’s worried even if he doesn’t show it.
Will use his portal ability to check in on you while you’re healing. Makes you tea that has special healing properties. Brings you your favorite dessert to go with it. Makes sure that you have everything you need.
When you’re fully healed, he will confess that he was worried about you. Tell him that you knew despite his calm reaction and he’ll be grateful that you understand him so well. He hopes you know just how important you are to him.
He remains calm, but you can see the concern on his face. He doesn't mind letting you know how he's feeling, but he also wants to be there for you. He will reassure you that everything is going to be okay.
Easily takes care of whatever you need. Has no problem bandaging you up or taking care of any other such injuries. He knows exactly what to do and he's very efficient at it. Please don't worry, MC.
Insists that you let him cook for you. You need plenty of nutrients now to heal properly. He'll mother you quite a bit - cooking for you, making sure you get enough sleep, checking in on you constantly. He'll even tell the brothers to leave you alone so you can get better quickly.
All of this indicates to you how much he cares about you. If you ask him to simply stay with you, he will stop everything to be by your side. Will hold your hand and chat with you. He'll tell you to be more careful, though he says it with a smile.
If you're seriously injured, he will drop everything to make sure you're okay. He's ready to cast any number of healing spells on you. Let him take care of it, MC.
He'll be really serious at first, asking you how you managed to hurt yourself like this. Especially if it happened while you were doing magic, he will launch into a bit of a lecture on magical safety. Tell him he sounds like Lucifer and he'll start teasing you instead.
Once he's satisfied that you're going to be okay, he loses his serious demeanor and jokes with you to lighten your mood. You can still tell that he's concerned, especially when he keeps an eye on how you're healing for a while. Might even insist that you stay at Purgatory Hall during this time.
Ask him to teach you all the healing spells he knows. He'll do it, but he's onto you. Don't think that knowing healing spells means you don't have to be careful! Seriously, MC, just promise him you'll stay safe.
Freaks right out. Especially if you're bleeding. Even though a sprained ankle is a more serious injury than say a small cut, the blood makes him anxious. Hold on, MC! He has band aids! Wait right there!
Brings you a box of brightly colored band aids. Also brings Simeon. He wants to make sure you're going to be okay. Puts the band aids on for you, but has Simeon double check that there's nothing else wrong with you.
If you have a serious injury, he'll be so worried he won't leave your side. You'll be fully aware of how concerned he is. Stays beside you even if he's too tired to stay awake and falls asleep sitting up.
Might leave you just long enough to grab some cookies he baked earlier. He wants to cheer you up with some treats. Will check in with you periodically for some time after you've already healed.
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Even more ROTTMNT headcanons: Small movie spoilers if you still haven't seen it
Leo demanded to be carried everywhere after he got injured 
Raph and Casey agreed because they felt guilty 
Mikey agreed because he would do anything for his brothers
And April and Donnie agreed because Leo kept bitching about his legs hurting
Leo’s little bag is filled with medical supplies (because you can pull medic Leo out of my cold dead hands)
When the boys were younger they would roughhouse a lot and it wasn’t uncommon for one of them to start bleeding
And Splinter (bless his cold lazy heart) got tired of his kids interrupting his tv show to ask for medical aid
So he asked the group of boys “who wants to be the medic” and Leo volunteered because he didn’t know what that meant and he thought it sounded cool 
At first, it was really boring and he kind of wanted to switch with Raph but after a while, he realized how important a medic is on the battlefield so he stuck with it
This ended up working out perfectly because Leo works well under pressure  
Don't get me wrong his brothers do too but Donnie has a terrible bedside manner 
Mikey freaks out at the sight of blood
And Raph fainted the first time he saw a broken bone 
Donnie still knows the basics because he refuses to admit that Leo knows more than him 
And Leo used to use him like a practice dummy and he would explain what he was doing and why he was doing it 
Donnie would have complained more but it was interesting to see Leo genuinely passionate and focused 
And he would never admit this but he learned a lot from Leo during those sessions 
Leo has little to no time to himself because Raph is clumsy and cuts himself once a week
Mikey always sprains something when he’s practicing his acrobatics
Donnie burns himself or shocks himself or cuts himself once a day in the lab
And April is incredibly accident prone
So it’s not uncommon for Leo to hear a crash a thud or glass shattering and then someone yelling “Leo get in here”
And even though he loves his siblings very much he teaches them how to take care of minor injuries after being pulled 4 different ways for a month straight
Mikey has the record for most broken bones in the family
April is a close second
and Donnie is right after her (his bones are very brittle like chips) 
After the movie, Leo is right behind him
Splinter used to do all his own stunts so he’s broken a few bones
And Raph’s bones are the size of Donnie’s arms so he’s never broken a bone
Even though Leo is a great medic he’s a terrible patient 
He hates sitting around and doing nothing 
It doesn't matter if both of his legs are broken you will find him somewhere in the house either playing video games or eating snacks
And every single time they find him splinter always complains and says “if only you had this much energy when the dishes needed to be washed”
And next thing you know Leo is back in the bed complaining about how bad the pain is 
Donnie is just as bad but he’ll usually be in his lab messing with something 
Mikey is a decent patient because he’s full of energy but he usually stays put and doesn’t complain that much 
April and Raph are angels sent from above they stay where they’re supposed to they don't complain and when they’re healed up they don't push themselves 
Splinter kind of just lays there and rests he doesn't really eat he barely drinks water and if he didn't have a heart monitor attached to him the group would think he’s dead
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everlarkism · 6 months
You voted, I delivered! Just a small drabble of Katniss getting injured while hunting and Peeta takes care of her. Short and sweet, I apologize for my rusty writing, it’s been a while.
Katniss returned home with a few scrapes on her hands and a limp after a hunting session. Usually she had an animal with her, but not this time. She was on a trail with a lot of tree roots that were above ground, took one wrong step and tripped. Once inside, the bow was hung up on a rack and the quiver of arrows were resting against the wall.
“I’m home.” She exclaimed, walking into the living room and leaned into the doorway. Peeta was folding a page in his book and getting up to greet her.
He furrowed her brows, noticing Katniss had no game with her. “No luck?”
She sighs, shaking her head,”I fell. I could always go back out later.”
“Are you alright?” His voice is full of worry as he gently takes her hands into his own, but pulls away as he sees her wince. Katniss turned them over, revealing the small scrapes on them.
Already, the boy was heading to the bathroom for the first aid kit. “No way you’re going back out there, Katniss.”
Katniss sighs, carefully making her way over to the sofa and sitting down. Why did she even bother to argue? This girl could have a bruise, and Peeta would be worried like this - but that’s the thing she liked about him, he always cared for her. He just never wanted to see her hurt in any way possible.
He returned to the living room and crouched down, placing the first aid kit on the floor. “Do you think you fractured your ankle?” He asks, starting to remove her boot and sock.
“Peeta, I swear I’m fine.”
Her ankle was swollen and not bent at an odd angle, so it must’ve been a sprain - nothing more. He still ended up wrapping it with an elastic bandage so it could reduce the swelling at least. Once the foot injury was dealt with, he sat on the cushion next to Katniss and asked to see her hands. She laid them flat, palm upwards so he could examine. There ended up being splinters, which he carefully took out with a pair of tweezers and disinfected the scrapes then bandaged them up too.
“Didn't know you were a doctor and a baker.” Katniss teased, a smile forming on her face. “But thank you, Peeta.”
“Learned from the best.” He replied, packing away the equipment,”We take care of each other… It’s just what we do.”
“So, doc… What do you suggest now?”
“To rest.” Peeta gestures to her bandaged ankle,”You’re not hunting until that is healed, I’m afraid.”
“Are you saying you’re going to be the one to hunt?” She jokes.
“I’d never dare to take the Girl on Fire’s place.” He shook his head with a chuckle,”Now let’s get you to bed, hm?” Peeta stood and carefully picked Katniss up in his arms, bridal style.
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