794 posts
emily // 26casual arthurtv stan, absolute waffler, part-time writer of fanfic.i follow from my main blog; secret-rendezvous1d
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live-laugh-lenney · 8 hours ago
just here to say i love ur arthurtv fics, and am so excited for the rest of the locked in series (not rushing u btw it’ll be worth the wait whenever you update!!) ☺️☺️
ahh, thank you so much, lovely! <33
been a little bit down, mentally, recently so i've just taken some time for myself for a little bit but i'm slowly feeling better so i'm back to it now. chapter four should be with you guys soon. thank you for being so patient with me, it means a whole lot to me. x
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live-laugh-lenney · 2 days ago
ahh, thank you so much, lovely! so thankful to be included amongst these incredible writers. <33
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I am so sorry, my dumbass posted the answer to the ask before it was ready and when I tried to close it I think that I deleted it😩
Anyway.... here is the list in no particular order. And I'm sorry if doing the @ tags people.
@finchyclarkemd @roc-haze @lvrslvt3 @w2soneshots @inkk-tv @kar1nsworldx @pretendyoucantseeme @live-laugh-lenney @elhotchner
And these are the ones I really love that are for F1 (if anyone is interested)
@fangirl-dot-com @maxtermind @astonmartinii @pucksandpower
I hope you enjoy them! And I think I missed some people...but I suppose thats for the next post?
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live-laugh-lenney · 4 days ago
so i've just binged both 'it ends with us' and 'it starts with us' in the space of a week (which is crazy for me since i usually only read a bit of a book then put it down and never touch it again) and i'm in need of some new books to read if anyone has any suggestions! <33
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live-laugh-lenney · 4 days ago
Arthur mullet update
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live-laugh-lenney · 6 days ago
i think this is why i choose to make my own fictional world with fake characters based off of their looks and charactistics and not get too focused on their personal lives and get too invested… 👀
Damn it! Why is it that any fandom I am in, there is ALWAYS speculation about the persons relationship?
Can I not just enjoy the content without things getting weird😭🤦‍♀️
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live-laugh-lenney · 7 days ago
so a little backstory;
george and yn have been best friends since childhood, he’s invited her to record an episode of the podcast in london where it’s a little personal and bit more about george (whilst max is away!), she meets arthur and it escalates from there! x
if you guys wanna send in some boyfriend arthur/best friend george x female reader prompts for my new arthurtv fic them please doooo.
i'm in need of some fresh ideas to slot into what i already have started and i need some inspiration. x
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live-laugh-lenney · 7 days ago
if you guys wanna send in some boyfriend arthur/best friend george x female reader prompts for my new arthurtv fic them please doooo.
i'm in need of some fresh ideas to slot into what i already have started and i need some inspiration. x
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live-laugh-lenney · 9 days ago
well, the biggest problem today was NOT screaming kids.
half term has been rough this week for hospitalilty :((
i feel like i haven’t had a break from pretentious assholes or screaming kids, just constant stress every single day i step foot through the doors at work, knowing what i’m in for for 6 hours, haha. and today’s going to be great fun; sunday lunches, the busiest day, and there’s gonna be kids… everywhere.
just wanna stay home, be online here, and read my book with a cuppa and a blanket wrapped around me. :(((
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live-laugh-lenney · 9 days ago
half term has been rough this week for hospitalilty :((
i feel like i haven’t had a break from pretentious assholes or screaming kids, just constant stress every single day i step foot through the doors at work, knowing what i’m in for for 6 hours, haha. and today’s going to be great fun; sunday lunches, the busiest day, and there’s gonna be kids… everywhere.
just wanna stay home, be online here, and read my book with a cuppa and a blanket wrapped around me. :(((
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live-laugh-lenney · 12 days ago
what's your favourite platform roulette and why? i love them all but just curious xx
i think my favourite has to be the one when they go to cardiff. i think it’s just absolutely chaos, from the very start to the very end, and their typical banter and their usual platform roulette behaviour just seems to be so much more amplified.
but the cambridge one, where they ended up in shepreth and did the wildlife park for the majority of the video, is a close second… if not on par with the wales one.
the kings lynn one is also up there in the top three, too. just pure madness in the bowling alley… and it makes me wanna go bowling and to the arcades which is always fun. xx
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live-laugh-lenney · 14 days ago
GIRLLLL omg, I took a break off of tumblr for a bit and have just come back to find that the locked in fic has been released!! never been so excited istg, i literally used to be in your inbox all the time asking about it😭😭 can’t wait to read, i’m sure it’s amazing babe!!
welcome baaaack! <33
i’ve only posted three chapters so far but the response to it has been incredible, haha. i’m so glad that people are enjoying it; especially since it’s taken me a whole year to perfect and write and get ready to be posted.
chapter four should be with you soon, i’m just struggling a little with my health and work right now so i’m putting that first. headaches and hospitality do not go hand in hand, especially during half term, so i’m dealing with a lot right now but i’m hoping (on my next two days off from tomorrow!) to have the next part out. maybe even two parts to make up for the time… we’ll see. x
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live-laugh-lenney · 21 days ago
arthur looks so!!! incredibly boyfriend!!!!!! in those pics he posted today i think my brain short-circuited a little when i saw them
ohhh, i know! <33
he's looking better and better every time we see him, i'm telling you, ahaha. there has to be something in the air because the ukyt boys have been looking rather fine recently. x
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live-laugh-lenney · 22 days ago
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i’m gonna need arthur to dress like this more often in life because there’s something about him, in loose blue jeans and a zip-up, that makes me all hot under the collar.
this man knows how to rile up a whole minority of people and i am living for it.
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live-laugh-lenney · 22 days ago
my guys and gals
boyfriend is making me stay up for the superbowl tonight (we're uk based, may i add, so it's gonna be a laaaaate one) so if you wanna come chat with me and keep me company and talk all things arthurtv and the boys and whatnot then feel free to do so!
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live-laugh-lenney · 23 days ago
feeling ###nosy if you feel like telling what are your current works in progress 👀
i'll give you a few sneak peeks below of some current wips! hoping to get these out as soon as possible; some are just taking a bit longer than others to work through. <33
as well as getting locked in posted, i've got another lengthy arthurtv fic started off, in the early stages (and i've left a sneaky peek down below here) where the reader is george's best friend and falls in love with arthur so i'm excited for that one to take off!
a lot has been started so hopefully they'll be with you soon but enjoy these sneak peeks! the prompts are in bold and italics! x
George was having a terrible day (for any reason) and he’s down and gloomy about it, but the reader (a friend of his) takes care of him and makes sure he’s okay and long story short they fall in love and end up doing it on his couch while Arthur and Chris are away.
"don't be mad at me."
"yn, please."
he caught the lingering side-eye that she gave him and a smirk toyed at his lips.
"i'll get on my knees and beg if i have to," he states and the hollow of her cheek became a dimple as she chewed on the flesh inside her mouth, "oh, i see how it is. you want me to beg, don't you?"
the cushions move beside her and she's jostled around as he stands himself up from the sofa and, suddenly, a wave of cool air replaces the heat from his body that he emitted. the television being hidden behind his body and he adjusted the t-shirt that had ridden up his body and had become untucked from his jeans. and she really can't look away from him when he's kneeling before her.
she tries to keep the annoyed look on her face... except... it was hard when he knelt down in front of her, hands flat on her thighs, with a look in his eyes that held a lot more than apologies.
"please, stop ignoring me. i can't deal with it," he whispers, his eyes are level with hers and his orbs are a darker shade than normal, and she can sense her own mirroring his demeanour, "i need you to look at me, i need you to talk to me, i need you to stop being so annoyed with me because i'm an idiot."
his fingers were dangerously close to a zone that would have her like putty in his hands, melting into the cushions around her, completely at his disposal.
"jesus christ," he grumbles lowly, like he needed a pep-talk with his mind to confess what he needed to say, "i need you, yn."
please can you write something with arthurTV and reader going through a dry spell and putting an end to it !!
placing a hand on her back, he retracts it quick once he realised she didn't hear him enter the room, her whole body jumping at the sudden appearance of his touch.
"jesus, arthur."
"i'm so sorry," he laughs softly, setting her mug of tea down in an empty space on her desk and making sure it was away from any piece of paper that seemed important, "i thought you heard me come in."
"i had my music on," she says and slips her headphones down from her ears, letting them hang around her neck and she leant over to pause the song she was listening to, "honestly, i thought you'd have gone home."
he moves to stand behind her so he could take in her desk; paper all over the place, scribbles and spider-maps on all of her ideas, chewed pen lids and ripped up post-it notes that weren't that important to her thought pattern.
"because i've been stuck in here all night with work on the brain," she frowns and he shakes his head, "you can go home, if you wanted. i'm not much fun right now and i wouldn't blame you."
"it's okay. i actually like being at your place as opposed to mine," he shrugs with a smile and presses a kiss to the top of her head, burying his nose into her hair as he laid both his hands on her shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze, "but you should take a break, lovie."
"i can't."
"of course you can," he says softly, digging his thumbs into the nape of her neck and giving her shoulders a soft massage, feeling how the tension building up in her muscles disappeared at his touch, "come on, at least come and have a little nap if you're planning on pulling an all-nighter."
"or, at least let me help you relax," he drops his head and he whispers the words softly into her ear and she can't help but let her head drop back into a position that collided softly with the back of her chair, "i miss you."
"i can't," she grumbles softly and looks at the way his face twists up in a quick look of frustration that was soon masked with a look of upset, "i want to, i'd love to, but i need to get all this done by tomorrow and i'm so close to being finished."
his lips press against her forehead and she closes her eyes at the soft touch grazing her skin, hands coming up the rest upon his hands that were still resting upon her shoulders.
for the last few weeks, she had been busy with meeting after meeting with brand-deal after brand-deal, talking with companies who were interested in her being the face of their products. spain, france and amsterdam had been places she'd spent three or four nights in, as part of a gifted trip she'd been invited on, and london had definitely been somewhere she had been excited to get away from.
she felt guilty.
she had been to all these amazing places for such amazing deals and opportunities, with new friends she'd met on the way, but she hadn't spent time with arthur. she hadn't been with arthur. and it killed her not to celebrate her achievements with him in a way they normally would.
"i've been really horrid, haven't i?"
i'm currently working on a best friend george x boyfriend arthur fic, too so here's a little something from that one!
“Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we never met? If I never came out that day?” George wonders, “I think my life would be quite boring.”
“I think my life would be even more boring,” YN laughs softly, “you’d still have all of this. You’d still have the podcast, the Tiktok, the Youtube channel, because the charisma that you have would have brought you this kind of life, anyway. The only exciting thing about my life is the fact that you’re my best friend.”
“That’s rubbish,” he shakes his head and sets his mug down on the table, “I think, one way or another, we’d have still ended up in each other’s lives. Just, not as soon as it happened. We were bound to have met eventually, whether it was that day or not.”
The office door opening brings YN’s attention away from George and to the brunette standing in the doorway, wearing a shirt that was almost identical to her own, a nervous look on his face once he realised he’d interrupted something. George’s head turned to follow where her eyes were looking, hand coming up top to wave the other guy in, allowing him to come and join them.
“Arthur, this is YN.”
“Hi,” Arthur smiles sweetly, extending his arm and his hand in an opportunity to shake her hand. To which she gladly mirrored, extending her own arm towards him and wiggling her fingers, their palms connecting in a soft yet hearty shake, “George has told us all so much about you, already. It’s nice to put a face to the name.”
YN couldn’t lie… Arthur was cute.
The handsome-kind of cute with the chiselled jawline hidden beneath the faintest amount of facial hair, shaggy brown hair with a fringe that covered his forehead, lips so pink and soft with brown eyes that held a lot of depth and emotion and she found it hard to look him in the eyes as she said her hello’s yet she found it difficult to look away from him when she finally gained the courage to make eye contact. 
“I mean, you’re all over George’s Instagram so it’s nice to finally meet the guy who he seems to enjoy the company of. I’m not sure whether I should be jealous or not,” YN teases him softly and Arthur lets out a breathy laugh, shaking his head and looking to his feet, “I love your t-shirt, by the way. Considering we don’t know each other, we’re matching today.”
It took Arthur by surprise when she stood up and he saw, in full, the same Natural History Museum logo printed across her chest which matched the same one printed on his own chest, just on different coloured cotton. 
“I seem to attract nerds, don’t I?”
and i also have a prequel started for this fic here!
“Meet me in the bathroom.”
YN felt his warm breath wash over the skin of her neck, the smell of orange juice hanging in the air from the Sex On The Beach he had clasped in his hand with a soaked straw that had been chewed upon with each sip he sucked up, a shiver running down her spine as butterflies bounced around the inside of her stomach. His arm snaking around her waist to pull her closer so he didn’t have to shout or speak loudly over the music bumping in the air, her black flush to his front, her body tensing underneath his touch.
All night, the two of them couldn’t stay away from each other.
From the moment she had walked through the door to Simon Minter’s birthday party, later than the time she told them she would be there, he was attached to her side. The first one to say hello to her, the first one to greet her with a kiss on the cheek, the first one to offer her a seat in the booth and the first one to take her jacket and place it with his so it wouldn’t get lost. He sat beside her in the booth that himself, George, Chris and Arthur Hill had taken their place in for the night and he brought her her drinks throughout the evening, refusing to take one off of her when she offered to buy a round. He kept a close eye on her everytime she got up to dance with Talia or Faith, watching every movement she made when a song they loved came on because he didn’t want anything to happen to her, always weary of where she disappeared off to when he took his eyes off of her for a brief second… only to let out a sigh of relief when he saw her standing at the bar as she topped up her drink.
No one else existed in his world when she arrived. His conversation with George dwindled out when he watched her walk over to them, his attention moved from making Chris the butt of his jokes when she joined in the conversations, and his behaviour changed now that she was amongst the four of them. 
The sexual tension between the two of them almost suffocating.
He nods and drops his hand from where he had placed it upon her hip, slowly dragging it down her body and letting his fingers trail slowly down her thigh and just beneath the hem of her dress, and she felt her knees wanting to buckle under his soft touch.
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live-laugh-lenney · 24 days ago
just wanted to come and say you’re so underrated and may you get an absence of reposts and likes. everything you write and post is a work of art! so, so cute and well written :).
also you seem to be an overall sweet person!!
thank you, that’s so kind of you! <33
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live-laugh-lenney · 24 days ago
Lol, thanks for the answer about them going to the Super Bowl! I'm on holliday and haven't been catching up on insta, mainly on here, so it's not been great 🤭😅
you're welcome, haha.
i'm excited for all the superbowl content we're going to get with bach and george. <33
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