#firli bahuri
sada-siva-sanyaasi · 2 years
jagadeka veerudu athiloka sundari - part six
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“I don’t really fight girls, you know.” Ajay, the prince from Sundarsi’s neighbour was quite a headstrong and arrogant one, and Aarya stared at him with disdain as he smirked, eyeing her up and down. Bhalla and the other prince sat outside the arena with a clear view of what was going on, and Bhalla glowered at Ajay, his blood boiling. 
“I’m not as generous as you. I fight little boys too, it builds their character.” Aarya smiled as Ajay’s smirk dropped, watching him pick up his sword. Bhalla watched them closely as the words of the princes rang in his mind.
Bhalla stopped when he heard hushed voices, turning to see the only two princes left talking to each other in a room. He looked around the empty halls and walked towards the room to hear better, eyes on the princes. “... she seems to hate him anyway, so that makes it better for us.” One of them, Haridev, said as the other, Ajay, nodded. “If we both win, it doesn’t matter if he wins or loses, she will choose one of us as her grooms. Mahishmati’s king is uselessly trying to get her.” Ajay laughed as Haridev chuckled along.
“Since I’m the host, I’ll let you make the first move,” Aarya’s voice snapped Bhalla out of his thoughts as Ajay scowled, charging at her. Aarya easily dodged his attacks, the sound of metal clashing against metal echoing in the arena. Anjasi and Sadhana watched from the other side, and Bhalla could tell for once they were cheering for Aarya’s opponent, who was not doing well at all. 
Ajay felt his anxiety spike as he saw himself lose against Aarya who wasn’t even trying that hard while cornering him, her moves precise and immaculate, and closed his eyes, his God stone around his neck activating and pushing Aarya away, making her skid back. Bhalla exhaled the moment he realised she didn’t fall down, and so didn’t lose.
Ajay smirked, his eyes glowing gold as Aarya straightened, her grip on her sword tightening. “You said you had no problem with us using our God Stones, so why not? Apologies for not warning you, our Lord Brahma blessed us with brains.” Aarya shrugged, the blade glinting in her hand and she flung it straight at Ajay, the metal piercing through the barrier he had made for himself and into his armour, hurling him across the arena.
Haridev beside Bhalla stood up, his eyes widening as he pointed at the throw, turning to Bhalla and then back towards the arena. “She- she pierced through Brahma’s magic? Without using any magic herself! She defeated him without using her God stone!” Bhalla smirked, leaning back as he glanced at him. “You realise you’re next, don’t you?”
“Lord Brahma blessed you with intelligence, but not the sense to know where and how to use it.” Aarya said as walked over Ajay while he struggled to pull the sword out of his armour. She smiled, leaning down to tug it out and pointed it at his throat, her smirk widening at the way he flinched, trying to hide his face.
“I believe your kingdom belongs to me now, doesn't it?”
Ajay gulped, staring at the sword as he scrambled onto his knees, nodding. “Y-Yes, yes Your Majesty!” He turned to his advisor and screamed, “Get the message sent across! We submit to Sundarsi!” At his statement, the God stone around his neck dulled and Aarya’s stone glowed brighter. Haridev’s breath hitched as he ran down the arena, stumbling and kneeling down beside Ajay in front of Aarya.
“I forfeit! We will submit to Sundarsi as well!” Aarya’s stone glowed so much brighter as Haridev’s stone dimmed, and she glanced at Anjasi and Sadhana with a smirk. “Well, this was supposed to be for my wedding and instead I got us two kingdoms. Isn’t that nice, Mantriji?” Anjasi just stared at Aarya while Sadhana bit her lip to contain her smile.
Bhalla walked down to the arena, his claps echoing as they all turned to him. He smirked down at the kneeling princes, raising an eyebrow. “For how much you both plotted to defeat and wed her, you look very comfortable on the floor. Also thank you, your incompetence means I win without having to fight my queen.”
The princes paled as they stood up slowly, backing away. Aarya spared them a final glance and sighed, waving them away. She turned back to Bhalla and tilted her head, frowning. “Who said you’re not fighting me?” Bhalla and everyone paused as she stared at him. “I’m not accepting you as my husband, Bhallaladeva. Not until you defeat me.” Her voice lowered as she stepped closer to him, her eyes twinkling. “And I really like the thought of having you under me. Mahishmati under Sundarsi sounds wonderful, you know.”
Bhalla stared at her, his gaze dropping to her lips as he lowered his head, getting closer to her. “Is this just a way for you to have me close to you? Because I promise, you don’t have to fight me to have my hands on you, I'll do it in a heartbeat.” She stepped away, not glancing at him as she walked back. “Pick up your sword, we should start.” 
Bhalla sighed and turned to Kattappa, taking his sword from him. “I fought many wars and conquered many kingdoms, Aarya. I’m so much stronger than the fool you just fought, you don’t have to lose to me like this.” He twirled his sword in the air as she just raised an eyebrow, motioning for him to start. Bhalla shook his head, relaxing his hand. 
“I won’t charge at you, Aarya. You go first.” Aarya nodded, raising her sword when one of her soldiers came running, bowing to her. “Your Majesty, they’ve returned!” Sadhana frowned, stepping forward. “Who has returned?” 
“Rudra’s troops, Senadhipati! After three years, they’ve returned!”
— — — 
Aarya raced through the halls, her heart beating out of her chest and tears bubbling in her eyes. She had left the fight with Bhallaladeva without a glance and could hear everyone running behind her but didn’t care. She wiped her face as she reached her courtroom, setting her hair and turning back to see Anjasi and Sadhana right there. “Do I look good?” She asked breathlessly, her voice shaky. Bhalla and Kattappa reached them then, watching as Aarya struggled to compose herself.
Anjasi nodded with a small smile and Aarya smiled back at her, relieved. She opened the doors and they walked through, looking around. Bhalla noticed a troop of men on their knees, tired and worn out as they waited for their queen’s orders. 
“You can stand up, it’s alright.” She said, and they all stood up. She looked through them all, her smile vanishing as she searched them over and over. Aarya stepped back, tears filling her eyes as she looked at the oldest of the troops, biting her lip. “Where… where is Rudra? I was told his troops were here, where is he?”
He sighed, looking down. “We lost him a year ago, Your Majesty. He died a warrior’s death.” Aarya closed her eyes, tears spilling freely as she crumpled to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. Bhalla stared at her, feeling his chest tighten and the sir leave his lungs as she continued to cry, everyone else staring at her sadly.
He stepped forward, kneeling down beside her and taking her into his arms, shushing her gently. He didn’t know who Rudra was, but he understood enough to know that he was the man Devasena talked about, the one who held Aarya’s life and heart in his hands. Aarya refused to wed anyone for this man, and just as she did it, she found out he was gone.
Kattappa stared at his king with wide eyes, realising that the cruel ruthless man he had seen in front of him all these years was softening for this queen. The same man who got his brother and nephew killed, his sister-in-law imprisoned and countless kingdoms enslaved was weak for a woman who didn’t reciprocate. Somehow that made Kattappa pity him all the more, the king who supposedly had everything he could ask for but not what he craves.
Aarya’s cries stopped suddenly and she pushed Bhalla away, her eyes dark with rage. “Don’t you ever touch me unless you want to be killed. Return to Mahishmati and forget everything you know about Sundarsi, Bhallaladeva. You have a day.” She stood up and wiped her tears, storming out of the courtroom. Anjasi followed her and Sadhana dispersed the troops, turning to Kattappa. “I apologise for our queen’s behaviour, Kattappa. Please don’t think too much of it. I suggest your king gets ready to depart soon. I’ll be going now.”
Bhalla stood up, the tear stains still on his armour as he looked in the direction Aarya left. He turned and walked off to his room, Kattappa following him. “Your Majesty, we have to-” “We’re not going anywhere, Kattappa,” Bhalla cut him off, his gaze hard. “We’re not leaving until she agrees to become my queen. And I’ll do whatever it takes.”
— — — 
Aarya stared at the moon from her temple, eyes dull. Three years she had waited for Rudra even though a part of her knew it was in vain, and the moment it turned out to be true, her heart just sighed. She cried for all the time lost and spent hurting and waiting for Rudra, but felt an odd sense of relief knowing it was over.
“I had spent so long waiting for him, haven’t I? At least it’s over now.” She whispered, leaning back on a pillar. The statue of Mahadev smiled kindly at her, her God stone glowly softly as she felt warmth enveloping her and lulling her to sleep.
“You look beautiful in the moonlight,” Bhalla’s voice shook her awake and she looked up at him, watching him stare down at her with an unreadable expression. “What are you doing here?” She asked, straightening as he sighed. “I am here for you, of course.” Aarya scowled, standing up. “I told you to leave.” “And I told you,” he glared at her, backing her into the pillar and placing his hand on the side of her head, trapping her. “I told you I was here to make you my queen. Just say yes, Aarya, I’ll give you the world.”
“I don’t want the world, or to be your queen. What made you ever think I’d say yes to you? Becoming your queen is effectively turning my kingdom into your slaves, and I’ll die before I let that happen.” 
“You’re so beautiful but so stubborn, aren’t you? I don’t want your Sundarsi, I never did. I just want you. Be mine, that’s all I want.”
Aarya’s breath hitched in her throat as Bhalla leaned towards her, his breath fanning on her lips. The distance between them reduced as Bhalla got closer to her, but before he could do anything he got pushed back. He looked at Aarya and saw her God stone glowing, the idol of Mahadev staring at both of them with glowing eyes.
Aarya blushed red, pushing her hair out of her face and clearing her throat awkwardly. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered, holding her ear as she looked at the idol. Bhalla laughed, the sound so carefree and relaxed it made Aarya turn to stare at him. “You apologise to the idols too?” He laughed loudly, holding his stomach as he doubled over. “Why? You know someone who does?”
Bhalla’s laugh went down as he looked away, nodding. “He did. Bahu used to do that a lot when we were young. He cried in front of Durga Maa’s statue a lot of times, and would go and talk to her a lot as he grew up.” Aarya stared at him. “He knew you hated him.”
Bhalla turned to her as she looked at the idol. “Amarendra knew you hated him, just didn’t anticipate it was enough to get him killed. We met when I went to Kuntala, and he talked to me about it as he wanted my permission to wed Devasena.” She sighed, turning back to him. “He loved you though, and felt bad that your mother spent more time with him than she did with you. He wanted to always tell you that, and told me he would once he and Devasena returned to Mahishmati.”
Bhalla stared at her, watching as she stepped closer to him. She raised her hand, resting it on his cheek and brushing her thumb softly against his cheek, wiping the tears that he didn’t know had fallen. He leaned into her touch, closing his eyes and she pulled him closer.
“I should go,” he whispered, taking her hand in his as he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. Aarya closed her eyes and Bhalla stepped away, staring at her one last time before he walked away. She turned to the moon and sighed, playing with the God stone on her hand.
“What’s happening to me?” She whispered into the night and felt her stone glow, warming her up.
— — — 
Kattappa frowned as Bhalla approached him and stood up. “Is everything okay, Your Majesty?” He just nodded, looking outside to the temple. “We’re leaving tomorrow, Kattappa. Get everything ready.” “But I-” “I’m still going to make Aarya mine, I’m not letting her go. But I have something else to do first,” He turned back to Kattappa, a lopsided smile on his face. “I need to free Devasena.”
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