#firefly rewatch '25
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tamsiblings · 16 days ago
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when simon is trying to tell his funny story it's obviously going a bit awkwardly (i maintain that this is because he was kinda put on the spot adhshs and then interrupted! like maybe it would've gotten better if you let him get warmed up smh @ jayne).
but also i love river absolutely grinning through it. other people are sorta of smiling encouragingly/politely, but river's smile is so WIDE and genuine. presumably because she can read her big brother's thoughts about the story and genuinely finds it funny and endearing.
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jandjsalmon · 4 days ago
For the ask game: 1, 18 (Riverdale), 32, 38
Thank you so much for the ask!!
1: The show I think I've rewatched the most
In that brief moment when we were trying to save Lockwood & Co, I watched it probably 15 times in a week. That seemed like a lot. And then I watched and rewatched Agatha All Along about 20 times over the past year. But if we're going "all time" I would say I've probably watched and rewatched Firefly and various series of Star Trek the most. We always have an ST on the go to put on in the background when we're doing stuff - so we finish a series and then start another and on and on and have been doing that for 25 years. So yeah. Star Trek.
18: My favourite episode of "Riverdale"?
I really enjoyed 'Season 4 Episode 7 - The Ice Storm,' 'Season 4 Episode 1 - In Memoriam,' and of course the only musical episode I acknowledge 'Season 3 Episode 16 - Big Fun.'
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32: A show I really recommend everyone to watch
I tell everyone they should watch Dead Like Me - because I love the concept of grim reapers just doing their jobs. I just finished 'Silo' and I LOVED it. People should watch that. And 'Fallout' was so fun. 'Lockwood & Co' deserved more seasons because it was freaking wonderful and the book series is perfection. 'Rick and Morty' is also SUPER good. And 'SouthPark is a comfort show.
38: An upcoming show I'm excited to see
The Last of Us Season 2, Andor Season 2, Stranger Things, the Final Season, Squid Game Season 3, Percy Jackson And The Olympians Season 2
Ask me from the TV Show Ask Game!
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ltwharfy · 1 year ago
"Bob's Burgers" Season 2 Episode Ranking Rewatch (Long Post)
So, I've been rewatching "Bob's Burgers" from the beginning and ranking the episodes using the spreadsheet that @babsvibes created! If you want to know why I'm doing this or how I view the 1-5 rating scale, you can check out my Season 1 post!
Now, on to Season 2:
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Average (mean): 4.22
Mode (most common ranking) : 5
I hid the director and writer name categories when I took the picture to make it easier to focus on episode ratings. I will share my director and writer rankings when I reach the end of this project.
Season as a whole thoughts:
I really enjoy Season 2! I know everyone's got their own take on when "Bob's Burgers" really hit its stride, and many folks say Season 3 or later, but I'm going to say that for me, it had already hit that stride in Season 2. It was consistently funny, and I was surprised by how many lines from it were just burned in my memory- some without me even recognizing the source. (For example, before starting this project, the line: "You know what's free? Loading. Freeloading!" popped in my head. I did not know where it was from- not even what show. It's Louise in "Burgerboss".) "Mommy doesn't get drunk, she just has fun." "Don't feed a guy a sponge, Bobby." I could go on...
Seeing all the familiar faces who started showing up also really made it begin to feel like classic "Bob's Burgers" to me: we've got Zeke! Darryl! Sgt. Bosco! Mickey! Tammy! Honestly, I always think there is something fun in watching all the pieces of something begin to fall into place to create something wonderful, and Season 2 gave me a lot of that feeling.
In my season 1 review, I noted that if "Bob's Burgers" had been cancelled after that season, I would've been annoyed because I thought it showed promise but I wouldn't've viewed it as a tragedy (Season 1 of "Bob's Burgers" is no "Firefly"). But, Season 2 was really the beginning of the time period when I would've been outraged had it been cancelled. (Thankfully, it avoided being a two season wonder like "Joan of Arcadia" or "Saved by the Bell (2020 Revival)")
That said, the show was still figuring out some of the characters (especially Bob) and the overall family dynamic and show tone, which lead to the few episodes I didn't enjoy that much, including the only 2 I've issued so far.
Some thoughts on particular episodes:
"The Belchies": I remember watching this episode when it first aired and feeling like the show had clearly leveled up- it felt like it was beginning to realize the potential I saw in the first season. For some reason, I specifically remember watching the end credits- with Cyndi Lauper singing "Taffy Butt" and JJ dancing- and knowing that the show was capable of being more than it had been in season 1. Also, this episode is really the first example of one of my favorite "Bob's Burgers" episode types which is "the Belcher kids and their friends have an adventure!" And one of the great things about Season 2 is that the kids gain a number of friends- Hi Zeke!
"Bob Day Afternoon"- After this rewatch thing is over, I may try to do a top 20 or 25 list and this episode may be on that. I love it! In particular, the scene where the kids cling on to Bob as he is trying to take the burgers to Mickey and the hostages is one of the best of the series in terms of improv and the humor of talking over each other. And if I ever don't laugh at the part of Gene's Robot College fantasy where he walks in on his robo-roommate performing "routine maintenance" it's a sign that I am dead.
"Burgerboss"- This was a really pleasant surprise! While I knew those first two were two of my favorites, I just thought this one was kind of good- but on actually rewatching it, I found myself laughing the whole way through, so it gets a 5.
"Dr. Yap"- I generally enjoy Yap the character, as well as Gayle, but the two things I really love about this episode are the Gene and Louise jawbreaker subplot (it's fun watching those two get into a ridiculous competition over something stupid) and the Prince of Persuasia. The Prince is such a great parody of that horrible "pickup artist" style, and I find literally all his lines hilarious ("Never make her pancakes. Force her to make you pancakes- in the middle of the night.")
"Bad Tina"- Another episode that might make a top 25 list. Both storylines- the introduction of Tammy and Bob's obsession with "Cake"- are A+. They had already established a number of Tina's core traits throughout the first two seasons, but now with the addition of friend fiction and Tammy, her best of frenemies, it feels like they've fully got Tina down and we get the first great Tina episode (and Tina episodes tend to my favorites, even if Louise is my favorite character).
Okay, now the episodes I didn't like that much:
"Moody Foodie"- Why did I give this my first (and so far only) 2? Honestly, I thought it was overdone and dry.
Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I actually enjoy the first half of the episode. Bob's nightmare about working in an office is hilarious to me as an actual office drone. The scene where he and Louise just start yelling "overdone and dry" at passersby is great. And the farmer's market scene at the beginning has some great family banter.
And then it goes completely off the rails in the second half. The second half of the episode is "Bob Belcher and his friends and family hold a couple of dudes prisoner" which sounds more like a WTF fanfic summary than an actual episode of the show. And it's likely that this episode bothers me more now than it did when it first aired. I think they were still figuring Bob's character out and if they had ended up making him more Homer Simpson-like (prone to anger and hare-brained schemes) maybe this episode wouldn't stick out so much. Similarly, I think that all animated shows struggle a bit with figuring out how grounded in reality they are going to be. if BB had evolved into a less grounded show, this episode also might not stick out.
But it does stick out, for me at least. I just found the second half of this episode more weird and disturbing than funny (although it still had some good lines- I enjoyed Tina translating "Wet Willie" into Spanish for Pepe). If the hostage taking was a shorter part of the episode, maybe I would give it a mixed-review 3, but it is basically the main plot, and I'd rather not rewatch it.
"Beefsquatch": I don't love the physical confrontation between Bob and Gene at the end, but what stops this episode from being a 2 is that really the worst part of it (in my opinion) is actually a pretty small part of the episode. And both of them realize they were acting nuts, and their motivations seem kind-of in character to me (Bob wanted the cooking segment to be a chance to promote the restaurant, Gene wanted his performance as Beefsquatch to be the center of attention). And I just enjoy some other bits in this. "More Scotch!". Louise first enjoying than getting burnt out by her involvement in Gene and Bob's prank war. And Gene's flashback to accidentally gluing his wiener to his remote control helicopter- followed by Louise's "accidentally on purpose!" and them high-fiving. (The high-five cracks me up so much! It's such a silly thing to high-five over!)
Random thoughts (stuff that doesn't affect the ratings):
-It was fun to see the introduction of the exterminator van being different each episode after seeing "Rat's All Folks!" for all of season 1.
-Peter Pescadero is back- and he has his correct face after that weirdness in "Spaghetti Western and Meatballs"! Has anybody written a fic about why his face changed? Like "Face/Off" but with Peter Pescadero (just one idea)?
-Generally, I try not to nitpick about continuity on the show that much. I think they do a really good job, especially by standards of animated comedies (but honestly, really all comedies). But it does bug me that there is a whole episode in a later season about how Louise can only poop in her home toilet when in "Synchronized Swimming" she poops in public pool. She named it Jezebel for crying out loud! It's Bob and Linda's grand-doody! JEZEBEL CANNOT BE FORGOTTEN!
Well, clearly I've been writing for too long and have gone crazy. See you when I'm done with Season 3, whoever may be reading these!
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pillowspace · 2 years ago
On April 13th, I decided to dedicate 30 days to watching animation since I don't often watch things. And now it's up, so in those 30 days, I watched (in order of started least to most recently):
Made In Abyss Season 1 - 13/13 - rewatch
Yuri Is My Job! - 3/12 (still airing) - dropped 🚫
The Owl House Season 3 - 3/3
Oshi no Ko - 5/11 (still airing, 5/5)
Kyousougiga - 10/10
Chainsaw Man - 12/12
My Hero Academia Season 5 - 25/25
The Deer King: The Promised Journey With Yuna - 1/1
Vinland Saga Season 1 - 24/24
My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising - 1/1
My Hero Academia: Make It! Do-or-Die Survival Training - 2/2
Kase-san and Morning Glories - 1/1
My Hero Academia Season 6 - 25/25
Vinland Saga Season 2 - 18/24 (still airing, 18/18)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 45/64
Somali and the Forest Spirit - 12/12
Given Movie - 1/1
Grave of the Fireflies - 1/1
Mob Psycho 100 Season 1 - 12/12
Mob Psycho 100 Season 2 - 13/13
Mob Psycho 100 Season 3 - 12/12
BEASTARS Season 1 - 6/12 - dropped 🚫 due to personal reasons, not quality. Might pick back up
ERASED - 12/12
My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission - 1/1
The Boy and the Beast - 1/1
Excluding MiA, TOH, and MHA due to prior attachment, my newly watched favourites from that were Vinland Saga, Chainsaw Man, and Mob Psycho 100!
Then also on a small comic side-note, which happened somehow:
No.6 - 35/35 (was already 25 in prior)
Chainsaw Man - 62/97
Vinland Saga - 16/201+
Omniscient Reader - 7/149+
My Hero Academia - 334/389+ (was already 325 in prior)
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lost-technology · 1 year ago
Rewatching "Millions Knives" today in order to get a chapter I was writing for my long AU fic that corresponded to some of its events somewhat-right. (It's the Rem Lives AU, so some things were, of course changed, but I still needed "mostly by canon"). The part of the episode where Meryl is happily freaking out over seeing all the green and flowers for the first time reminds me of me at 25 when I saw fireflies for the first time. I also had a lot of "Ooooh, greeeeeeeen!" when my fiance' brought me out to Pennsylvania for the first time. It is not like I hadn't seen green things, it's just that I grew up in southern Arizona and was not used to them - and the green that I was used to was scrublands and mountain pines, which is a different kind of green than broadleaf forests. So, indeed, I relate to Meryl Stryfe as a person who grew up in a dry, dusty desert seeing a humid, green-covered place where it's just everywhere and having a happy appreciation of it of nature and life in more abundance than you knew. (Although I will be the first to contend that deserts are also astoundingly beautiful).
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, March 15th
XANDER: Arrr! Careful, me mateys! These be fireflies spat from a volcano off the coast of Katmandu. Arr! LITTLE BOY: You're not a real pirate! Real pirates live on boats and don't look stupid! XANDER: (fake laugh) Oh, a salty swabbie! Maybe you be fishin' for the taste ... of me hook! He shakes his hook-hand in the boy's face. The boy is unimpressed. GILES: (calls) Uh, hello, Ahab, a little help please?
~~All The Way~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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take me back into your corner by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Giles/Jenny, M)
I wish I knew you when I was a kid by Madonnalal (Tara & Spike, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion, Chapter 416 by madimpossibledreamer (Ensemble, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure crossover, T)
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The Vampire's Daughter, Chapter 19 by PuellaPulchra (Spike/OC, T)
Straight to the Heart, Chapter 9 by QuillBard (Buffy/Faith, M)
A weapon of victory, Chapter 8 by FPBarbieri (Buffy, Tolkien crossover, T)
No Going Back, Chapter 17 by Tru2urheart (Willow/Tara, M)
Keep You Ghosted, Chapter 3 by hydranjenna (Buffy/Spike, M)
A Slayer of Nightmares, Chapter 2 by LJMouse (Buffy/Spike, InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale crossover, not rated)
A Different Path, Chapter 5 by Anaxilea (Buffy/Faith, M)
Horrorshow, Chapter 4 by vampbrat (Fanged Four, AtS Ensemble, E)
Slayer No More, Chapters 1-3 by jsaint34 (Buffy/Pike, T)
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Goodbye to Everything That I Knew, Chapter 25 by fortes775 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Afterburn, Chapter 24 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Forwarding Blue, Chapter 5 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG)
All Choseny's Lost Drabbles, Chapters 1-7 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG)
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What the Drabble? Chapter 98 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Glimpses of the Cellar Dwellers, Chapter 15 by Maldorana (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
X.X, Chapter 15 by Rea (Buffy/Spike, R)
30 Ways to Say I Love You, Chapter 15 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Dreaded Lurgi, Chapter 15 by SomeKindOfADeviant (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Forever and Always? Chapter 15 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Dawnster Drabbles, Chapter 15 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, PG)
We’re Having a Baby! Chapter 15 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Slowly At First, Chapter 10 by Gabby (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Bang, Chapters 1-14 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Enemies to Ghost Hunters, Chapter 15 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Balance, Chapter 15 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Triangles, Chapter 15 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: I Drew Buffy! by parawh0remal (worksafe)
Artwork: William The Bloody - Spike in Peanuts style by MattanzaMFedora (worksafe)
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Gifset: “Spikey” by clarkgriffon (worksafe)
Artwork: Tara MaClay by isevery0nehereverystoned (worksafe)
Artwork: practice sketches ft. cordelia by mistyintherivers (worksafe)
Artwork: Summerberg all day every day — Graveyard dates.... by pzyii (Buffy/Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: Spike/Drusilla by andremichaux (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Tara and Willow- Unruly Heart by Multifandom_Fanatic (0)
Fanvid: Willow | Willow Rosenberg (+Tara) [BtVS 27 Anniversary Celebration] by Taco_Id (0)
[Fandom Discussions]
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Oz fanfic idea by idle-flower
I’m noticing a lot of Faith-in-Buffy on this rewatch by inconsistentlywrittensoul
the scariest assassin in What’s My Line is just Woman With Gun by inconsistentlywrittensoul
Oz is such a slight presence in his first couple of appearances by inconsistentlywrittensoul
american high schools and extensive occult literature by jennycalendar
how male characters are handled in shows like Veronica Mars and Buffy by raisedbythetv89
I genuinely think that faith should’ve hooked up with willow in season 7 by thepunkmuppet
Very tired of the "Buffy didn't have good sex until she was with Spike" take by spangelmybeloved
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Spike and the first continued by multiple posters
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Groo Should Have Been the Guardian of The Deeper Well by Mr_Wind-Up_Birds
Approaching Seeing Red with first time watcher, please advise! by Vaethe_W
For those who watched the show as it came out, did anyone know that Spike would fall for Buffy early on? by Kindofaddictedtotv
Imagine if Faith and Kendra met by sadhungryandvirgin
Would've been nice to encounter more Watchers w/Slayer experience by primal_slayer
When a Slayer is called by RavenNight789
If Buffy hadn't gotten a haircut... by Tuxedo_Mark
In “Entropy”, how could Willow tell… by hthbellhop76
Xander’s speech to Dawn in a potential by Eagles56
The Body by UKMegaGeek
Anya in Empty Places by sazza8919
How would their human selves [of the Fanged Four] all interact with each other? by Ivy_2535
Into the Woods has weird implications? by SafiraAshai
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hospitalterrorizer · 1 month ago
wednesday - thursday
still need to work on music for that film...
tomorrow. tomorrow. tomorrow...
i had a funny dream today, i scarcely recall it, we were in a sort of plaza, my gf and i, it was desert-y feeling, i think it was because of all this stuff i've seen around, this like, southwestern futurist looking stuff, like, brass, modernist structures, weird metal sculptures, it all reminds me of that show firefly. which also, that stuff appearing at all around places we go makes me want to rewatch that show but i would feel like such a dork... anyhow the dream, it was some new place in vegas like that, we were in a clothing store, my gf saw a jacket, a leather motorcycle jacket, this grey color, distressed, the sleeves flared out though, she wore it, i said, you're like noah dillon now, and she was like, haha. it turned dark, in the store, it became a sort of family diner, my gf was somewhere else, but i had to do something in the diner, but i couldn't, and everyone found me offputting. i remember there were these little shapes projected on the walls, dayglo flowers, there was live music, it was so weird. all the metal was this rusty color, and everywhere had it. it also reminded me of venice, there were waterways, for no reason. something about all these bizarre shopping zones that are popping up across the city, it's hard to call it gentrification, even. not that it isn't, i guess, but some of these aren't displacing people even, it's hard to tell who they're for, they feel like ill thought out investments into a class that might disappear at this point, email job nouveau riche? idk. those like, wework offices get little office buildings, one of these things has an urth cafe, it's all around big buildings that have only stored things and now there's these places for 'professionals' to congregate. the two that really must have spurred this dream on are right by the ikea. little spending-zones characterized nearly entirely by this nervous sense they carry in their design that they're a place you can be, of particular character and atmosphere. despite not being that, at all.
i shaved my body today, also. it seems as though my friend whose birthday i wanted to dress up for has contracted a sinus infection, so she's going to be out a while i think, i hope she gets okay soon, this might cancel those plans entirely though, so that outfit will need to find its place elsewhere, if i can't wear it out to the strip. i also imagine i'll repeat it, it's kind of a funny thing.
i did some music stuff today, i was talking to my friend about the album she worked on, i said i liked it and she did a really good job mixing it, and she shared this crazy thing they did on it, basically just using flanging on a narrow band to make it move, to liven up a digital sound. and this was revelatory to me... and it's so intuitive, but basically before i got out of bed, she said this, and then it made me get out of bed, to go try this out. i think it does something pretty useful for me, it adds a bit more movement in a way, and on some narrow bands (i'm using it to extract two little ranges, sometimes, instead of just one narrow band), this makes things sound a lot more active in the songs i'm putting it on, or not a lot more active, but there's a weird subtle thing going on pre-distortion and then through all the distortion it just seems to be part of the sound itself, rather than a weird modulation on a couple bands. i wonder about cutting the bands out of the dry signal, to help them come out more, but that might draw too much attention to them. it's so insane how much time effects and comb filter effects and pitch effects can do subtle things to make these digital things i mess w/ sound more physical. i'm eager to try this out on something like this one song i'm really fond of but feel frustrated by the guitars on. it helps to have this quality of something sort of swimming in the sound, if it's not gonna be perfectly real there's going to be this other weird modulation that helps create a texture you're unsure of.
i watched a video that made me want to mess with breakbeats again, i thought about that after the goreshit show. i wanted to mess with stuff being off the grid here:
here's something i was listening to. curiously enough, there's tabs for this song, i ought to try learning it. i also played guitar a bit today, i do it every day, not really in a focused way just kind of doing stuff to keep at it, get used to playing some songs, some rhythms and things. i love the bit in this song where the guitar kind of walks down on the power chords, it's super dramatic, which is what i really like about this kind of music, the weird way it can work in drama, and then go back to parts that are sort of nonsense-y feeling.
i also went searching for a font today... the one i could find closest to the necco logo...
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this isn't gonna be anything but i wanted to see what it looked like typeset that way. i think it's a good look. i want to mess with it some more, that might be what i do for the next album. maybe just for the single though, who knows. i'm rather fond of it though.
worst youtube video ever appeared in my recs:
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we don't need a video essay about a guy whose art speaks for itself so strongly... i know this stuff really just ends up being for fans of the work i think but idk, being spoken aloud i feel like video essays can have a tendency to color thinking more than something you read might, something you read feels less received when there is something as received/easy to absorb as a youtube video. i mean i do watch video essays also, it's just that this particular species of video essay that like, i don't know, it's down to the kinds of titles chosen. you can generally tell when it will be like that or won't be.
here's this:
i think about this frequently. this is one of the best recordings of music ever i think. i sort of wish they went this far more often. i know it's against the ethos of the band basically, (mimi supposedly took a lot of convincing), but there's something magical about those extremely forlorn lyrics at this speed and with this attitude. this was a halloween gag but there's a whole unique emotional reality outlined here i think. it's super crazy.
the original is also a favorite (ofc). i used to listen to this daily in highschool. these days it doesn't feel so necessary. but i still love it. it's such desolate music. it reminds me of finding a dried up and hollow bit of wood out in the desert, bleached by the sun, sandy and small. i found one once, in our garden, as a kid, it had two holes through it that made me think of eyes so i carried it around like it was a creature. i don't think i named it, i never named anything, i just knew that it was and interacted with it as a friend of some kind. eventually i lost it. but i really really liked him.
i should go to sleep now,
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robyntheredhead · 3 months ago
2024 Watch List 🎬✨🎩
January 6th - Champions
January 7th - Good Grief
January 12 - Anyone but you
January 13th - What If (S2)
January 15th - bottoms
January 15th - the lobster
January 19 - first daughter
January 19 - mean girls (musical)
January 27 - Strays
January 28 - Helluva Boss (S1-2**)
January 30 - Poor Things
January 31 - Percy Jackson (S1)
January 31 - Candace against the universe
February 1 - Rescuers down under
February 1 - Hazbin Hotel (S1)
February 5 - Past Lives
February 5 - Orion and the Dark
February 9 - Old Dads
February 9 - M3GAN
February 10 - the hating game
February 19 - Upgraded
February 21 - Lisa Frankenstein
February 24 - Bridgerton (s1-s2)
February 27 - Queen Charlotte
February 29 - The Holdovers
Match 1 - Drive Away Dolls
March 2 - Oppenheimer
March 2 - The Cat Returns
March 4 - Robot Dreams
March 5 - Madame Web
March 6 - American Fiction
March 6 - Zone of Interest
March 8 - Anatomy of a Fall
March 8 - Ricky Stanicky
March 10 - Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó (short)
March 18 - Irish Wish
March 24 - Prince of Egypt (musical pro shot)
March 26 - Ghostbusters frozen empire
March 30 - Flee
April 1 - Avatar the Last Airbender (2024)
April 5 - Invincible (S2)
April 23 - Civil War
April 30 - Challengers
May 4 - The Idea of You 😡
May 5 - the Bad Batch (S3)
May 13 - Fall Guy
May 31 - X-Men 97
June 4 - hit man
June 6 - the Garfield movie
June 12 - Eric (show)
June 15 - Inside Out 2
June 16 - Bridgerton (S3)
June 25 - the Bikeriders
July 7 - Thelma
July 14 - Interview with the vampire (s1-2)
July 14 - Ultraman: Rising
July 17 - Twisters
July 25 - Deadpool
July 26 - Deadpool and Wolverine (10pm 25th)
July 27 - Shmigadoon (s1)
July 27 - Fly me to the Moon
July 29 - a family affair
July 30 - Migration
August 4 - Modest Heroes: Ponco Short Films
August 4 - Maboroshi
August 5 - Trap
August 10 - Batman: caped crusader
August 15 - It Ends With Us
Sept 7 - Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Sept 14 - Kung Fu Panda 4
Sept 14 - the king and I (animated)
Sept 15 - the last timbit
Sept 23 - Transformers One
Sept 28 - the wild robot
Oct 16 - Saturday Night
Oct 25 - venom the last dance
Nov 4 - Here
Nov 5 - Time Cut
Nov 6 - Legend of Vox Machina (s3)
Nov 8 - Grave of the Fireflies
Nov 16 - Hot Frosty
Nov 23 - Arcane (S2)
Nov 25 - Red One
Nov 28 - Babes
Nov 29 - Our Little Secret
Nov 30 - Spellbound
Dec 4 - Gladiator II
Dec 9 - the Merry gentlemen
Dec 10 - trailer park boys: standing…kitties
Dec 13 - Moana 2
Dec 17 - Wicked
Dec 21 - Helluva Boss (S2*pt2)
Dec 23 - That Christmas
Dec 27 - Nosferatu
Dec 28 - Squid Game 2
Everything I watched for the first time in 2024. A big jump from last year which was almost exactly 70.
A few things are listed ‘twice’ (usually shows broken between seasons) if I considered them to be separate viewing experiences. Ex: Helluva Boss s1-s2a is one entry because I binged it, but season2b is listed separately because I watched them monthly as they were released.
(Also this is copy pasted straight from my notes app where I kept track, so the format is a little inconsistent, but I guarantee no one cares about that)
Also I watched a LOT of critical role this year, plus YouTube in general, and rewatches of some of my favourites
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happyocelot · 3 years ago
2, 25, + 26! 👀
2. favorite fic of the year
How could you make me choose?! I don't wanna play favorites between the lovely people on tumblr, so I'll link some older ones. You might not have read them yet, and some of them are pretty old, but please give them a shot!
Operation: Wooing the In-Laws by atomic muffin. "All I can say is that it made perfect sense in my head at the time and I have zero regrets." Uzumaki Hyuga Naruto, on the day of his wedding. Or: How one Uzumaki Naruto convinced every single member of his significant other's clan to adopt him. Or maybe he was the one to adopt them. No one can really tell.
The Pied Piper of Konoha by Egusi Soup. At the Chunin Exams, Naruto learns he has a rep in Mist. Tazuna really should stop drinking before he tells a story.
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men by Lucillia. When Naruto decides to skip past the Kage Bunshin and picks another jutsu to learn from the Forbidden Scroll, Madara - who'd dearly love to kill the brat - is left scrambling to salvage his plans.
In the Wake of Sunbeams by matchaball. Through thick and thin, siblings look out for each other. After all, adventures and mishaps are best when shared. (oneshots for Sunshine Siblings Week)
The Gravity of Absence by matchaball. In the deeper corners of her mind where she could never lie to herself, she knows what's really missing is her heart. [Tenten-centric, slight NejiTen] 10 moments after Neji's death.
Room to Spare by EvilFuzzy9. Nine jinchuuriki sharing an apartment. What could POSSIBLY go wrong? [A long-requested spiritual successor to three separate one shots; drabbles, crack]
number one girl: by Kid Al. /"Hey, y'all go on ahead and celebrate without me, alright? I'll join you guys some other time. It's late and, well… I've got a date with my number one girl tomorrow."/ In which a sixteen-year-old Konohamaru spends the day with his young cousin, Mirai. After all, who else could his number one girl be? - One-shot. Focuses on family fluff. Some implied pairings present.
The Recessive Gene by the point. For Hinata and Naruto, it doesn't matter if Boruto and Himawari have blue eyes. For the Hyuga, it is another matter altogether. NaruHina one-shot.
A Way With Words by NaniMok. Minato stumbles upon a gloomy Hyuga and decides to strike a conversation with her. Naruhina based Oneshot.
Scars by Awkward Inc. "It's not fair." She whispered, Hinata's eyes never leaving his hands. They were so ridiculously soft, not a single rough spot to the touch nor visible to the eye.
Close Proximities by Camomile Tea. She found out that Naruto wasn't quite familiar with the term 'personal space'. /NH, fluff./
Trip the Light Fantastic by firefly. Being forced to choose between remedial dance lessons and probation is one thing, but it's another thing altogether when your dance partner is someone you can't stand. Neji. Ino. Crackfic.
Bumpy Rumpy Tumpty by Maimaktes. Sai did not stop at reading Icha-Icha. He annotated it. He did research on it. He drew theories out of it. When he started using said theories to psychoanalyze people, Yamanaka Ino knew she had to step in, in order to avoid a bloodbath. Gen, InoSai-ish.
For Every Season by Shawny Wong. It started in the spring with laughter. It grew in the summer under her touch. By the time it was winter, Naruto finally figured it out. NaruHina. Oneshot.
Inamorato by firefly. Nobody told Tobi that out of all the calendar holidays, Valentine’s Day was the last one to be passionately celebrated in the company of seven homicidal men. Crackfic.
Just a Piercing by firefly. It's a late night at the Sabaku household, and Shukaku decides that he has a few demands he wants met. The story of how Gaara got his first piercing, and how Temari and Kankuro were forced to be the cosmetologists to do it.
There's more in my favorites pages and bookmarks pages! Hope you like these!
25. best movie you watched this year
I didn't watch too many this year. :( Too much work-related stuff. I want to rewatch Home Alone because of all the drama that popped up around it on tumblr during Christmas. Lol.
26. best songs you listened to this year
I listen to a lot of them on youtube while driving home from work, but I don't remember all of their names...
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tamsiblings · 11 days ago
also i'm very interested in the wardrobe shift that starts happening around this time for simon. at the end of jaynestown, we Very Briefly see him in a sweater for the first time. most out of gas, he's back in his dress shirt and waistcoat, which has been akin to his Uniform, but here in ariel, we see him in a few sweaters (dress shirt) still tucked underneath, as well his Fancy Uniform and his Doctor Uniform. and to my recollection, after this episode, i don't think we Ever see him in one of his waistcoats again. though he's still neat and put together (and his button up dress shirts do still make appearances, on their own or underneath something), the shift does a lot to Subtly suggest he's starting to fit in a bit more on serenity.
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introvertguide · 4 years ago
Saving Private Ryan: Hollywood’s Who’s Who of White Male Actors Between 25- and 50-Years-Old from the 90s
After rewatching Saving Private Ryan (1998), I realize that there is a true parade of great actors that only Spielberg could have pulled together. The director likes to keep his movies historically accurate and the army was still segregated at the time, so it would have been predominantly white male soldiers that landed on the beach at D-Day*. Due to the focus in the film, there was a casting call for actors who could play the part of a white soldier between 20 and 40. The result is extraordinary. I want to make a list and see if you can remember where each of these actors shows up:
*Let it be noted that there was an all black battalion that landed (the 320th Barrage Balloon Battalion) and I invite people to learn more about them at https://airandspace.si.edu/stories/editorial/protecting-beaches-balloons-d-day-and-320th-barrage-balloon-battalion
Tom Hanks: One of the main characters searching for the titular Private Ryan. Hanks was perhaps the biggest actor of the early 90s with Philadelphia, Apollo 13, Forrest Gump, and Toy Story. I had grown up with this man being a comedic actor so I was always shocked when he played a serious role. This movie wrecked me and it was largely due to the part of this man. 
Matt Damon: Not going to spoil anything, but know that Damon’s character is important. Fresh off of Good Will Hunting (1997), this role basically cemented Matt Damon as part of the Hollywood elite. He would go on to be part of the rebooted Ocean’s franchise as will as the action drama Bourne trilogy. He is on the walk of fame and this role is part of the reason why.
Vin Diesel: This was actually a major acting breakthrough for Vin Diesel. He is part of one of the most intense scenes during the search for Private Ryan. Diesel had only been in his self produced movie, Strays, at this point. He actually became known for his tough voice, which was eventually used as the character of Riddick and in the Fast and Furious films. Diesel is now considered one of the sexiest men alive and a major theatrical draw.
Edward Burns: Another actor that had only done personal projects before this film, Burns had written, directed, and starred in The Brothers McMullen (1995) and She’s The One (1996). Burns was actually accused of selling out somewhat since he was known more for his independent projects. He continued to act in romance roles as well as make indie films. 
Tom Sizemore: Well...although Mr. Sizemore does a good job playing a “tough” in films like Born on the Fourth of July, Heat, Black Hawk Down, and Pearl Harbor, it has become apparent that he will take just about any role offered to him. He has since played in some of the most horrible films I have ever seen. It has also become apparent that he had substance abuse problems and was accused of domestic abuse. Back in the 90s, however, he was the man to call to play a tough as nails soldier.
Giovanni Ribisi: Never really a leading man, Ribisi was perfect for an ensemble cast. The characters he plays tend to either be dumb or sneaky while pretending to be dumb. What can I say, he has a certain look and sound that translates to “unintelligent.” American audiences knew him from TV shows Friends and My Two Dads as bumbling. His role in Saving Private Ryan was exactly what I expected as well.
Ted Danson: This one came out of nowhere. Danson had played Sam on Cheers in the 80s and was dealing with some issues in the 90s. He had cheated on his wife with Whoopi Goldberg and then done a strange movie promotion for Made in America where he dressed up in black face. He was actually not very popular in the late 90s and this was a first step (being part of a widely recognized ensemble cast) to getting back into Hollywood’s good graces.
Nathan Fillion: Since this is Tumblr, I probably don’t need to tell who this is, but I generally have to explain a little background in real life. Fillion is a nerd culture icon due to his role in the show Firefly and the film Serenity. He was also in perhaps the greatest internet series, Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, of all time. His small and rather funny part in Saving Private Ryan was really his big break since he had only been known for a role in the soap opera One Life to Live until that time.
Paul Giamatti: One of my favorite actors from his roles in Sideways, American Splendor, Cinderella Man and 12 Years A Slave, Giamatti had pretty much done small character roles before Saving Private Ryan. Thinking about it, this was a small character role as well. But after this he went on to be an Academy Award nominated and Golden Globe and Emmy Award winning actor.
Adam Goldberg: More of an all around artist, Goldberg is a character actor, filmmaker, musician, and photographer. He plays a slick talking soldier that gets into the absolute worst situation in a scene that I sincerely cannot watch. Well, I have seen it but generally find myself busily looking elsewhere on my last couple of watches.
Barry Pepper: This man is a very interesting actor for me because he has been in some of my favorite movies (The Green Mile, Saving Private Ryan, We Were Soldiers, and True Grit). He has also been in some of the worst movies ever made including Battlefield Earth, Seven Pounds, and The Lone Ranger. He plays a very interesting religious sniper and he seriously rains down the pain from above. Pepper’s good roles outweigh his bad ones (and his role in Battlefield Earth is hilarious) and this movie is great.
Bryan Cranston: This was back when Cranston was just an unknown character actor, long before he was Walter White on Breaking Bad and even before he was Hal on Malcolm in the Middle. He shows up at the very beginning for about 30 seconds and was cast more for his authoritative voice than his acting chops.
This is truly an ensemble cast since there really could be no lead. The follow up show called Band of Brothers really focuses on the idea that these soldiers all had to be strong and any weak link could result in extensive casualties. Saving Private Ryan is an intense film with many powerful roles. I talked to my mom after she watched with my dad and she really emphasized that it was a good movie. I agree with her completely. 
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thegayfromrulid · 5 years ago
All 30 teas
1. Rosehip tea: Which book did you love when you were younger? 
It’s a book called The Comic Book Kid and it’s super cheesy and pretty wild, but it’s a precious book to me because my sister has dyslexia and hated reading but would LOVE when I’d read aloud to her. It was always that book. And we read it over and over and over. 
 2. Oolong tea: Which book series could you read again? 
Percy Jackson or Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. 
 3. Rooibos: What is one of you favourite books? 
A book called Thr3e by Ted Dekker. It’s a thriller and...HOO BOY THAT TWIST.
4. Strawberry tea: Tell me about your first kiss, if you had one. 
I wish you could see the grimace on my face. I was forced into a corner in the high school hallway of building 05 and I was peer-pressured into kissing my then-boyfriend. He was an ass. See below for more details sksksk. 
5. Apple tea: Tell me about your first break up, if you had one. 
Same guy as above sexually harrassed/abused/assaulted me for years and then finally I meekly asked my parents for help after he’d forced me into an engagement. I showed up at his house, shoved a ring back at him, said I wanted out, and when he asked me inside to talk about it I walked back to my dad and new kitten and changed my life for the better. 
6. Earl Grey: Which countries have you visited? 
Germany, Italy, Hungary, France! I did have a layover in Iceland but I don’t think that counts haha. Also technically, I lived in Germany. 
 7. Chai: Where do you want to travel next? 
Either Japan because I would love to see the temples or Israel to go back to my roots and see some of my family! 
8. Darjeeling: What languages do you speak? 
Fluently- English and French. I also speak some German, Spanish, and Japanese.
9. Hop tea: Do you have a favourite tea? Which one? 
I am a sucker for peach tea. I have a peach problem. 
10. Herbal tea: Which person would you chose to travel the world with? 
Difficult here because I promised my ailing dad I’d see it with him but I also would be the happiest man alive to take @disasterbikirito​ with me. 
11. Nettle tea: Are you jealous on a person? Why? 
Extremely. I won’t say who. But their parent is so loving of them being trans and I long for that so badly I feel sick some days. 
12. Ice tea: Do you miss somebody? Why? 
Mr. disasterbikirito. Because he’s the love of my life and corona is keeping us very far apart and I feel homesick for him. 
13. Yellow tea: What shampoo do you use? 
That cheap VO5 stuff but I mix it with something called City Detox by Aloette. 
14. Peppermint tea: What is your favourite gif at the moment? 
Tumblr media
15. Ceylon tea: Do you have a song you like, but have bad memories with? 
Not one particular song, but Panic! at the Disco songs remind me of an ugly breakup because my partner at the time really loved Panic and would play it after we made up from a fight. 
16. Hibiscus tea: What is a song you can always hear? 
Steppin’ Out by FLOW
17. Flowering tea: What is a movie you can always watch? 
Ella Enchanted don’t @ me it’s art. It’s art ok. 
18. Pu-erh tea: What is a book you can recommend to others? 
I usually recommend Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. It’s SO good ya’ll are sleeping on this! Ignore the movie, enjoy the books!!! Please!!!
19. Turkish tea: What is your favourite cake? 
I like strawberry cake!! Or cake with strawberries on it! Strawberry things!
20. Green tea: What was the first movie you saw in a cinema? 
The first one I can RECALL is the Veggietales movie Jonah. If that doesn’t count, I want to say Finding Nemo. Because both scared the shit out of me as a kid for the *exact same reasons.* (I have a very intense fear of being swallowed/in something’s mouth don’t...don’t ask). 
21. Blueberry-Muffin tea: Tell me a memory, which makes you smile. 
When I was a very very young child, I lived out in Kansas in the US. My mom woke me up one night and scooped me up in her arms and took me outside to catch fireflies with me. It’s one of my favorite childhood memories. 
22. Panda tea: Do you have pets? Which one? 
I don’t personally have pets but I’m in weird college phase where I both have moved out and live at home still so my parents have two kitties named Angel and Sock and they’re sweeties.
23. Butter tea: Show / Tell me about one thing i your room you find awesome. 
Ahhhh! Back up in my room I have a jar filled up with foreign currency- some of which is no longer in use! I didn’t collect it all myself but various people have given me foreign coins and I treasure them not for worth but for the thought of them coming from somewhere else. 
24. Hot chocolate: Do you have (a) stuffed animal(s) sitting in your room? Which one(s)? 
I brought a narwhal named Tyrone with me to my parents house. Back in my room, I have a strawberry bread loaf cat (Strawberry Blonde), a pudding cat by @chibinekoichi (Strawberry Purrfect!), a big blue Yoshi, and a little Bananya my mom gave me because “it looked like anime.”
25. 24 flavors: What is your favourite word? 
“Caoutchouc.” Look at it. Look at that word. I love it. Ahhh. 
26. Jasmin tea: Can you draw / paint? Wanna show me something? 
I can draw better than I can paint. Some of my digital drawings are on @eugeocraveschurros. But to be nice, I’ll show you something old and cringey xD
Tumblr media
27. Kombucha: What do you order on a pizza? 
Usually a super supreme or a chicken bacon ranch- both with extra sauce, of course. (And yes- I will also eat pineapple on pizza. Cry about it.)
28. Cloud tea: Which movie do you want to watch next? 
I want to rewatch Promare maybe alsdkjfjg. 
29. Gunpowder tea: If you had the chance: would you go to space?
Hell yeah I would. 
You did not specify the free question. 
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mythirdparent · 5 years ago
Six Million Dollar Man/Bionic Woman Chronological List
Started rewatching the shows, and wanted to watch them in order as they aired. Couldn’t find a list like this online, so merged the two EPGuides lists into one. If anyone else wants it, here you go:
SM = Six Million Dollar Man
BW = Bionic Woman
SM Specials
SM S01.   1-0                 07 Mar 73   The Moon and The Desert SM S01.   1-0                 20 Oct 73   Wine, Women and War SM S01.   1-0                 17 Nov 73   The Solid Gold Kidnapping
SM Season 1 SM 1.     1-1                 18 Jan 74   Population: Zero SM 2.     1-2                 25 Jan 74   Survival of the Fittest SM 3.     1-3                 01 Feb 74   Operation Firefly SM 4.     1-4                 08 Feb 74   Day of the Robot SM 5.     1-5                 22 Feb 74   Little Orphan Airplane SM 6.     1-6                 01 Mar 74   Doomsday, and Counting SM 7.     1-7                 08 Mar 74   Eyewitness to Murder SM 8.     1-8                 15 Mar 74   The Rescue of Athena One SM 9.     1-9                 29 Mar 74   Dr. Wells is Missing SM 10.    1-10                05 Apr 74   The Last of the Fourth of Julys SM 11.    1-11                12 Apr 74   Burning Bright SM 12.    1-12                19 Apr 74   The Coward SM 13.    1-13                26 Apr 74   Run, Steve, Run
SM Season 2 SM 14.    2-1                 13 Sep 74   Nuclear Alert SM 15.    2-2                 20 Sep 74   The Pioneers SM 16.    2-3                 27 Sep 74   Pilot Error SM 17.    2-4                 04 Oct 74   The Pal-Mir Escort SM 18.    2-5                 01 Nov 74   The Seven Million Dollar Man SM 19.    2-6                 08 Nov 74   Straight on 'til Morning SM 20.    2-7                 15 Nov 74   The Midas Touch SM 21.    2-8                 22 Nov 74   The Deadly Replay SM 22.    2-9                 29 Nov 74   Act of Piracy SM 23.    2-10                13 Dec 74   Stranger in Broken Fork SM 24.    2-11                20 Dec 74   The Peeping Blonde SM 25.    2-12                10 Jan 75   The Cross-Country Kidnap SM 26.    2-13                17 Jan 75   Lost Love SM 27.    2-14                19 Jan 75   The Last Kamikaze SM 28.    2-15                26 Jan 75   Return of the Robot Maker SM 29.    2-16                02 Feb 75   Taneha SM 30.    2-17                23 Feb 75   Look Alike SM 31.    2-18                02 Mar 75   The E.S.P. Spy SM 32.    2-19                16 Mar 75   The Bionic Woman (1) SM 33.    2-20                23 Mar 75   The Bionic Woman (2) SM 34.    2-21                20 Apr 75   Outrage in Balinderry SM 35.    2-22                27 Apr 75   Steve Austin, Fugitive
SM Season 3/BW Season 1 SM 36.    3-1                 14 Sep 75   The Return of the Bionic Woman (1) SM 37.    3-2                 21 Sep 75   The Return of the Bionic Woman (2) SM 38.    3-3                 28 Sep 75   The Price of Liberty SM 39.    3-4                 05 Oct 75   The Song and Dance Spy SM 40.    3-5                 12 Oct 75   The Wolf Boy SM 41.    3-6                 19 Oct 75   The Deadly Test SM 42.    3-7                 26 Oct 75   Target in the Sky SM 43.    3-8                 02 Nov 75   One of Our Running Backs Is Missing SM 44.    3-9                 09 Nov 75   The Bionic Criminal SM 45.    3-10                16 Nov 75   The Blue Flash SM 46.    3-11                23 Nov 75   The White Lightning War SM 47.    3-12                30 Nov 75   Divided Loyalty SM 48.    3-13                14 Dec 75   Clark Templeton O'Flaherty SM 49.    3-14                21 Dec 75   The Winning Smile BW 1.     1-1                 14 Jan 76   Welcome Home, Jaime (1) SM 50.    3-15                18 Jan 76   Hocus-Pocus BW 2.     1-2                 21 Jan 76   Welcome Home, Jaime (2) BW 3.     1-3                 28 Jan 76   Angel of Mercy SM 51.    3-16                01 Feb 76   The Secret of Bigfoot (1) SM 52.    3-17                04 Feb 76   The Secret of Bigfoot (2) SM 53.    3-18                08 Feb 76   The Golden Pharaoh SM 54.    3-19                15 Feb 76   Love Song for Tanya BW 4.     1-4                 18 Feb 76   A Thing of the Past SM 55.    3-20                22 Feb 76   The Bionic Badge BW 5.     1-5                 25 Feb 76   Claws BW 6.     1-6                 03 Mar 76   The Deadly Missiles SM 56.    3-21                07 Mar 76   Big Brother BW 7.     1-7                 17 Mar 76   Bionic Beauty BW 8.     1-8                 24 Mar 76   Jaime's Mother BW 9.     1-9                 07 Apr 76   Winning Is Everything BW 10.    1-10                14 Apr 76   Canyon of Death BW 11.    1-11                05 May 76   Fly Jaime BW 12.    1-12                12 May 76   The Jailing of Jaime BW 13.    1-13                19 May 76   Mirror Image BW 14.    1-14                26 May 76   The Ghosthunter
SM Season 4/BW Season 2 SM 57.    4-1                 19 Sep 76   The Return of Bigfoot (1) BW 15.    2-1                 22 Sep 76   The Return of Bigfoot (2) SM 58.    4-3                 26 Sep 76   Nightmare in the Sky BW 16.    2-2                 29 Sep 76   In This Corner, Jaime Sommers SM 59.    4-4                 03 Oct 76   Double Trouble BW 17.    2-3                 06 Oct 76   Assault on the Princess SM 60.    4-5                 17 Oct 76   The Most Dangerous Enemy BW 18.    2-4                 20 Oct 76   Road to Nashville SM 61.    4-6                 24 Oct 76   H+2+O = Death BW 19.    2-5                 27 Oct 76   Kill Oscar (1) SM 62.    4-7                 31 Oct 76   Kill Oscar (2) BW 20.    2-23                03 Nov 76   Kill Oscar (3) SM 63.    4-8                 07 Nov 76   The Bionic Boy BW 21.    2-7                 10 Nov 76   Black Magic SM 64.    4-9                 21 Nov 76   Vulture of the Andes BW 22.    2-8                 24 Nov 76   Sister Jaime SM 65.    4-10                28 Nov 76   The Thunderbird Conection BW 23.    2-9                 01 Dec 76   The Vega Influence SM 66.    4-11                12 Dec 76   A Bionic Christmas Carol BW 24.    2-10                15 Dec 76   Jaime's Shield (1) SM 67.    4-12                19 Dec 76   Task Force BW 25.    2-11                22 Dec 76   Jaime's Shield (2) SM 68.    4-13                02 Jan 77   The Ultimate Imposter SM 69.    4-14                09 Jan 77   Death Probe (1) BW 26.    2-12                12 Jan 77   Biofeedback SM 70.    4-15                16 Jan 77   Death Probe (2) BW 27.    2-13                19 Jan 77   Doomsday Is Tomorrow (1) SM 71.    4-16                23 Jan 77   Danny's Inferno BW 28.    2-14                26 Jan 77   Doomsday Is Tomorrow (2) SM 72.    4-17                30 Jan 77   Fires of Hell BW 29.    2-15                02 Feb 77   Deadly Ringer (1) SM 73.    4-18                06 Feb 77   The Infiltrators BW 30.    2-16                09 Feb 77   Deadly Ringer (2) SM 74.    4-19                13 Feb 77   Carnival of Spies SM 75.    4-20                20 Feb 77   U-509 BW 31.    2-17                23 Feb 77   Jaime and the King SM 76.    4-21                27 Feb 77   The Privacy of the Mind SM 77.    4-22                06 Mar 77   To Catch the Eagle BW 32.    2-18                09 Mar 77   Beyond the Call BW 33.    2-19                16 Mar 77   The DeJon Caper BW 34.    2-20                23 Mar 77   The Night Demon (aka Daemon Creature) BW 35.    2-21                30 Mar 77   Iron Ships and Dead Men BW 36.    2-22                04 May 77   Once A Thief SM 78.    4-23                15 May 77   The Ghostly Teletype
SM Season 5/BW Season 3 BW 38.    3-1                 10 Sep 77   The Bionic Dog (1) SM 79.    5-1                 11 Sep 77   Sharks (1) BW 39.    3-2                 17 Sep 77   The Bionic Dog (2) SM 80.    5-2                 18 Sep 77   Sharks (2) BW 40.    3-3                 24 Sep 77   Fembots in Las Vegas (1) SM 81.    5-3                 25 Sep 77   Deadly Countdown (1) BW 41.    3-4                 01 Oct 77   Fembots in Las Vegas (2) SM 82.    5-4                 02 Oct 77   Deadly Countdown (2) SM 83.    5-5                 09 Oct 77   Bigfoot V BW 42.    3-5                 15 Oct 77   Rodeo SM 84.    5-6                 16 Oct 77   Killer Wind BW 43.    3-6                 29 Oct 77   African Connection SM 85.    5-7                 30 Oct 77   Rollback BW 44.    3-7                 05 Nov 77   Motorcycle Boogie SM 86.    5-8                 06 Nov 77   Dark Side of the Moon (1) BW 45.    3-8                 12 Nov 77   Brain Wash SM 87.    5-9                 13 Nov 77   Dark Side of the Moon (2) BW 46.    3-9                 26 Nov 77   Escape to Love (aka A Matter of Love and Death) SM 88.    5-10                27 Nov 77   Target: Steve Austin BW 47.    3-10                03 Dec 77   Max BW 48.    3-11                17 Dec 77   Over the Hill Spy SM 89.    5-11                18 Dec 77   The Cheshire Project SM 90.    5-12                01 Jan 78   Walk a Deadly Wing BW 49.    3-12                07 Jan 78   All For One SM 91.    5-13                08 Jan 78   Just a Matter of Time BW 50.    3-13                14 Jan 78   The Pyramid BW 51.    3-14                21 Jan 78   The Antidote SM 92.    5-14                22 Jan 78   Return of the Deathprobe (1) BW 52.    3-15                28 Jan 78   The Martians Are Coming, the Martians Are Coming SM 93.    5-15                29 Jan 78   Return of the Deathprobe (2) SM 94.    5-16                30 Jan 78   The Lost Island SM 95.    5-17                06 Feb 78   The Madonna Caper BW 53.    3-16                11 Feb 78   Sanctuary Earth SM 96.    5-18                13 Feb 78   Dead Ringer BW 54.    3-17                18 Feb 78   Deadly Music SM 97.    5-19                20 Feb 78   Date With Danger (1) BW 55.    3-18                25 Feb 78   Which One Is Jaime? SM 98.    5-20                27 Feb 78   Date With Danger (2) BW 56.    3-19                04 Mar 78   Out of Body SM 99.    5-21                06 Mar 78   The Moving Mountain BW 57.    3-20                25 Mar 78   Long Live the King BW 58.    3-21                06 May 78   Rancho Outcast BW 59.    3-22                13 May 78   On the Run
SM & BW Specials SM & BW S03.   3-0                 17 May 87   The Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman SM & BW S03.   3-0                 30 Apr 89   Bionic Showdown SM & BW S03.   3-0                 29 Nov 94   Bionic Ever After?
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attractdistract · 6 years ago
third verse, same as the first. keeping track of what we’ve watched on movie night.
[1] Tiger & Bunny: The Beginning
Tiger & Bunny: The Rising
InuYasha the Movie #3
Mobile Police Patlabor 2: The Movie
[5] Blood: The Last Vampire
Fairy Tail Movie #2
Naruto Movie #2
Big Fish & Begonia
Grave of the Fireflies
[10] Kakurenbo: Hide and Seek + mystery extras
Your Name
InuYasha the Movie #4
Tales from Earthsea
Naruto Movie #3
[15] AKIRA rewatch
Kamen Rider x Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen
Afro Samurai The Movie
Bleach Movie #2
Cannon Busters eps. 1-4
[20] Grey: Digital Target
Cannon Busters eps. 5-8
Porco Rosso
Lupin III: Farewell to Nostradamus
[25] Cannon Busters eps. 9-12 (final)
Bleach Movie #3
Legend of Crystania OVA
Wrath of the Ninja
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman
[30] Legend of the Millennium Dragon
Silent Mobius 2
Naruto Shippuden the Movie
Initial D: Legend 1 - Awakening
Initial D: Legend 2 - Racer
[35] Initial D: Legend 3 - Mugen
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OVA
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OVA - Egypt Arc
A.D. Police
Sol Bianca OVA
[40] Goku: Midnight Eye
Tenchi Muyo! The Daughter of Darkness
Samurai Shodown: The Motion Picture
Ronin Warriors
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stormysummerskyed · 6 years ago
Rewatching the Firefly series. 
Here comes my totally random commentary! 1) I forgot how Firefly opens with all the lasers and explosions of Mal and Zoe in what we later learn is the battle of serenity valley. For some reason I always think it opens with Wash and the dinosaurs. "grrr!" 2) "We've done the impossible and that makes us mighty." 3) "You know why we're not going to die? Because we're so very, very pretty. We're just too pretty to die." 4) I always loved how the opening scene cut from the noise and confusion of the battle to the silent and slow movements of Mal and the crew in space. It made for an very impacting opening sequence. 5) "We will rule over all this land and we will call it... this land. -- I think we should call it your grave. -- Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!" Classic Wash 6) "Oh motherless son of a b--" totally going to steal this
7) Out of all the sci-fi shows I've watched, I still think the Serenity is my favourite ship. She's a beauty! 8) Firefly also gets all-time-favourite theme song   "You can't take the sky from me." 9) "I don't believe there's a power in the 'verse that can stop Kaylee from being cheerful." 10) 1/? Plot threads that never got answered before Firefly was cancelled that I'm still annoyed about -- what was Inara running away from when she joined Serenity's crew? 11) 2/? Plot threads that never got answered before #Firefly was cancelled that I'm still annoyed about -- who the hell was Sheppard Book??? 12) Malcolm Reynolds calling Crowley out on his BS long before Dean Winchester came into the picture 13) "I got a share in this job. Ten percent of nothin'. Let me do the math here. Nothin' and then nothin' carry the nothin'--" Classic Jayne 14) "Jayne, your mouth is talking. Might want to look to that." I always forget how much I love the dialogue in this show. 15) Zoe: "Sir, we don't want to deal with Patience again." Mal: "Why not?" Zoe: "She shot you." Mal: "Well, yeah, she did a bit." 16)  Mal: "Anyone gets nosy, you know, just... shoot 'em." Zoe: "Shoot 'em?" Mal: "Politely." #lols Always loved the Mal / Zoe dynamic. 17) I love how they made Simon out to be sinister and creepy in the first few scenes he was in. Great misdirect for the real bad guy later 18) Mal: Did you send word to Patience?" Wash: "Yeah, but ain't heard back yet. Didn't she shoot you once?" Mal" "Everyone's making a fuss!" 19) Mal: "She's a whore." Kaylee: "The term is companion." Mal: "I always get those mixed up. How's business?" Inara: "None of yours." Mal you were kind of a jerk sometimes. Lucky Inara could hold her own. 20) Book: "Captain, you mind if I say grace?" Mal: "Only if you say it out loud." 21) oh man I forgot all the !drama! in the first ep.  And Kaylee is the one who ends up getting shot during the stand off with the Alliance agent 22) Jayne: "Move out of the way." Book: "You're not killing this man." Jayne: "Not right away." Classic Jayne 23) Simon talking about River and what happened to her 24) "Can we maybe take a vote on the whole murder thing?" Wash trying to be the voice of reason 25) "Got me a boatload of terribly strange folk making my life a little more interesting than I generally like." Gotta love Mal's way with words. 26) Mal: "Now you only gotta scare him." Jayne: "Pain is scary." Jayne logic 27) Great characterisation with Jayne's loyalties to Mal being a bit of a grey area. Willing to take a bribe and betray the captain? Or is he? 28) REAVERS!!! 29) they did such a great job of making the Reavers this ambiguous yet horrifying and credible threat throughout the eps and into the movie. 30) "You're lost in the woods. We all are, even the captain. Only difference is, he likes it that way." 31) Ah yes now I remember how much the UST between Mal and Inara drove me crazy. 32) Mal telling Simon that Kaylee was dead and then laughing about it with the rest of the crew on the bridge while Simon was in a panic running down to save her #badman 33) Mal: "I do believe that woman's planning to shoot me again." Jayne: "Here's a concept I've been working on. Why don't we shoot her first?" Wash: "It is her turn." Totally Reasonable Conversations. 34) "One of those will feed a family for a month. Longer, if they don't like their kids too well." Mal's understated sense of humor is a great aspect of his characterisation. 35) "I did a job and I got nothing but trouble since I did it. Not to mention more than a few unkind words as regards to my character. So let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid." 1/? reasons not to cross Mal. 36) "You don't know me son, so let me explain this to you once. If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me and you'll be armed." - Mal Honor among the outlawed
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pixie-mask · 2 years ago
What’s Up With Me
re-started: 1/8/25
updated: 3/14/25
Unamed future novel/webcomic 🎇
Gif & Image sets🎇
Kurokochi manga photos
Kizaru Egghead manga photos
Learning Japanese
Joxer in comics
Stray Gods uploads
Captain Boomerang/Digger Harkness reading
Catalogue original characters
Unicorn Overlord rapports
Tumblr media
firebuug palette roulette
Valentine's Day project (hopefully)
Tumblr media
✍🏼Writing ✍🏼
Fan Fiction
The Quarry
The Liveblogging of Travis & Laura // ch 1 of 10(ish)
9 Lambs-a-Bleating // ch 0 of 20(ish)
((Fic Edits/Rewrites)) x1-3
Hazbin Hotel
A Flock in Hell // ch 6 of ?
Stray Gods
Natural Ornament
Locked and Tangled
((Apollo & Oracle fic))
Grace's Birthday Commemoration
🔹Beloved Lost Girl // ch 0 of ? 🔹A Goddess Sleepover // ch 0 of ? 🔹While the Girl's Play // ch 0 of ?
One Piece
Firefly // ch 0 of ?
Worth the Weight
Sour Lemon // ch 1 of 3
The Doll and the Cogwheel
Apathy to Shine
Comic/Novel Ink project 🎇
Tumblr media
Evil West
GrimGrimoire Once More
Yakuza 5
One Piece Warriors 4
Sayonara Wild Hearts
The Collage Atlas
Detective Grimoire
Vampire Therapist
Cafe Enchante
One Piece Odyssey
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Tumblr media
The Mermaid
What Moves the Dead
Who Censored Roger Rabbit?
Bendy and the Ink Machine: Dreams Come to Life
Manga & Comics (up to what I have)
A Man & His Cat
New Suicide Squad
The Yakuza's Bias v1
Dandadan (up to current chapters)
Tumblr media
One Piece
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer [ 0 / _13 ]
Ousama Ranking [ 0 / 23 ]
Sasaki & Peeps [ 0 / 12]
Eternal Boys [ 0 / 24 ]
Delicious in Dungeon [ 0 / 24 ]
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End [ 0 / 28 ]
The Daily Life of a Middle-Aged Online Shopper in Another World [ 6 / 13 ]
Scavengers Reign [ 0 / _12 ]
The Legend of Vox Machina S2 [ 0 / 12 ]
The Legend of Vox Machina S3 [ 0 / 12 ]
Jentry Chau vs the Underworld [ 13 / 13 ]
Invincible S3 [ 8 / 8 ]
6. Beetlejuice (the animated series) Season 1 [ 0 / 13 ] Season 2 [ O / 8 ] Season 3 [ 0 / 8 ] Season 4 [ 0 / 65]
Xena: Warrior Princess Season 1 [ 0 / 24 ]_(rewatch) Season 2 [ 0 / 24]_(restart) Season 3 [ 0 / 22] Season 4 [ 0 / 22 ] Season 5 [ 0 / 22 ] Season 6 [ 0 / 22 ]
Movies & Specials
Miraculous Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie
Invincible: Atom Eve
Orion and the Dark
Emesis Blue
Ne Zha 2
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Tumblr media
🎬GIFs (& Image sets)🎬
Monkey King: Hero Is Back
Inn Fight Wukong Animation Appreciation
Xena: Warrior Princess
Season 1
> Callisto
Season 2
> Girls Just Want To Have Fun
> Warrior...Princess...Tramp
> Intimate Stranger
The Sea Beast
Bayonetta 3
We Are As One Let's Dance Boys x3
One Piece: Film Red
Kizaru Fujitora Tot Musica synchronization Music Video/Movie song set Mini-Sunny
One Piece Live Action
Kuro stalking Kaya
One Piece
Kizaru-Egghead Arc
Wolf Creek
The Monkey King Reborn
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
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