#fire emblem lueur
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dailyfigures · 1 year ago
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Alear ; Fire Emblem Engage ☆ Intelligent Systems
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thefigureresource · 11 months ago
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Alear [Fire Emblem Engage] 1/7 scale from Intelligent Systems coming February 2025.
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jujuwarrior99 · 4 months ago
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This took me WAAAAY too long to finish but here's Alear!
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lapisalatus · 1 year ago
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Alcryst doesn't know what he should do. He thought he should be alone after what had happened with Lueur. But Céline has other plans. She steps in to try and help him. With her intervention, he begins to see things in a different light. And then he realizes, there could be a chance for him.
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oatsmealdotcom · 2 years ago
OoooOOOoo Fe in Genshin pt 3?
oh yeah I am sooooo normal for this au. Drew another fav of mine, Alear/Lueur. Too me Lueur sounds cooler and fits with Fontaine more imo.
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tracing-in-gold · 6 months ago
*slams hands on table* EMOTIONAL DAMAGE is my love language. 🤣🤣🤣
Also sorry in advance for blowing up your dash... f(^_^;)
-why Gregory/Griss: his Master's degree in Sheer Audacity and Shit Talking was a thing of beauty! I may have issues with some of FEE'S writing, but his "Your Divine Dragon's a fraud LOL >:D" had me *rolling*. One order for Alear, RAW WOUND, EXTRA SALT!
Griss's going feral when Alear tries to empathize with him by suggesting Zephia was manipulating him? Way to stab his pride back!
Even Gregory had that angry cat vibe! Mauvier tells him to go away in his A (*edit: C) support? Gregory gets all snarly bc *his* Mauvier already did that, took away his choice to save him, fuck that if he ever leaves his friend and brother again!!
Greory's Supports with Alear shows him worrying that Alear will be used! (;A;) Finally, his notebook page says "Gregory is the Older Brother type". Basically the Divine Dragon told me my instinct was right, who am I to argue with a god? Looool.
Past!Alear--->AU Lueur. My precious blorbo. *INHALES.meme*
Lueur needs siblings that can read him and speak out when shits gone down. In his Elyos, that's Gregory---> Gavril.
-YES, there are more siblings! Loved and/or loathed. >:3
- in my AU story, past!Alear--->Lueur, to clear up any confusion.
I took things about Alear and just... tilted them a little:
-Alear became a Divine Dragon through Lumera's adoption? Lueur is Lumera and Sombron's child. Yeah. >:3c Even in parallel Elyos (Para Elyos) it's a big WTF. Lumera has passed and Sombron ain't talking. Also, he chose not to have any more children after Lueur. No in-story explanation. Still a complete shitbag of a father though.
-Incessant titles! "The Divine Dragon! ❤️" (please just say Alear!)---> "Hey, Loony Lu-Lu (derogatory)". Watched the Xenologue siblings for the vibe.
-Despite being born half-Divine and half-Fell, Lueur's Fell powers came out first. The Divine Dragons called him a *defect* for that. Lumera was leaving with little Lueur to see the Eastern Dragons when they got ambushed and she died protecting him.
-Alear has friends to do Wake-up Duty? Lueur has Gavril/others to do Sleep Duty, bc Bad Things happen in Elyos when Lueur Sleeps too deeply... and when he wakes up too fast...
-Alear's afraid of Corrupted to the point of triggers? Lueur makes near flawless and *powerful* Corrupted. It's the one thing all his family agrees about for him. But when he makes more than three? Instead of having a mindless army, Lueur's mind gets lost, he's too deeply involved in the process to stay coherent or command anyone. He's useless that way. At least, if anyone cares about Lueur surviving the process afterwards...
-Also, being born to Divine Dragons but then raised as a *Fell* Dragon? (Yeah I watched FE Fates, that irony was delicious!)
- Sombron saw power in Lueur as a child but you can bet he's bitter that he took in the other side's defect. And took it out on Lueur.
-Ultimately, Sombron considers every child of his a *disappointment* in one way or another. Lueur is the only one who is both disappointment and *defect* though.
-Sombron also got kneecapped in the last war and is nursing his wounds. So his children have had run of the house Gradlon for the last 1000 years.
-To the point Lueur used to call Diamant Demir, his oldest brother, "Papa" for a few years before Sombron's visits and training. And if anyone thinks that Big Brother won't use that to his advantage...
-Divine and Fell Dragons live in uneasy but functioning diplomatic relations. Gavril's bestie on the Divine side is...Prince Nil. *cackling*
-Worship, prayer, offerings and devotion (from love or fear) have a real effect on Dragon powers in Para Elyos. I couldn't see the effect of it in-game other that social rules, so it's a little tweaked here. Cue multiple Fell cults instead of just to Sombron!
-there are Emblems, but they're used more against Dragons bc they're kind of OP already??I'm not familiar with FE as a whole, so I'm speedrunning so many FE Let's Plays on YouTube. RIP my sleep schedule 😭😭😭
-Lueur's only bright spots of happiness comes from being around regular people: helping out, protecting. As long as he doesn't use dragon powers, he's accepted by most people. He's still so very shy and stilted when it comes to people who aren't Gavril. He is loved, he just doesn't believe he's worthy of it... *quietly sobbing*
-One Divine Dragon that likes traveling and being around regular people is Lady Veyre. When she meets Lueur, they hit it off... And they're not siblings in this world! *cough Romeo and Juliet*.
AU Lueur has grown up knowing: his Divine family fears him, his Fell family consider him a potential tool for their own goals, his own powers kill others/create fear/drive *him* mad. And he's the youngest of several ambitious siblings --that's about to have a succession crisis, courtesy of Father of the Year, Sombron.
I cannot wait to crack this AU story open. The sibling dynamics alone... with power and agenda behind them too.
Except Gavril: Miss him with that shit, he's here to point and laugh. But anyone tries anything on his baby brother, he'll skin 'em alive with his teeth.
Plus, the story got so big that Rafal is one of the secondary POV characters. Who else is going to tell Alear to wait, don't trust this Lueur guy just because he's an alternate YOU, he's still a Fell Dragon that's twice the reckless curiosity and heroics are you even listening--!
There will be unfriendly fire! And maybe some Rafal whump, how well can he dodge Divine war magic while flying, for uh, reasons...? *cough*
Thank you, @elysianstars for the ask and the chat! Also everyone should check out their stories on AO3!
So hi, you mentioned that you're writing an Engage AU and I'd love to hear about it, if you want to talk about it?
Hi hi! First of all, I gotta squee over you bc I've read your FE Engage fanfics on AO3, so yay! Thank you for your awesome fics!! 🥰
So, my au? *sweating* it started with a troll thought, "What if Gregory had been born one of Alear's siblings? They would be Fell (fail) Dragons together, lol." BUT! Past!Alear deserves to have his sibling relationships! Then I thought, "it would be so fucked up bc of Sombron." BUT what if Sombron wasn't able to completely control his children the way he did in Main and Xeno Elyos?
Also, I'm satisfied with past!Alear's canon portrayal, but wanted to explore his personality and possible relationships if he had his siblings. Hence Lueur the Loony, the Loser, the *defect* (beloved), my target (with Alear) of so much pain and comfort and emotional/physical whump!
It snowballed from there. I had so much more written but my phone ate it. 🥲 I can certainly throw open the floodgates of squee in the morning, if you still have the time. Thank you for your ask!
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yanderefairyangel · 2 years ago
Why does Alear simply refuse to die in Engage's main story ?
Alright, so as we know now, Alear got killed a total of 3 times. 4 if you count the DLC. So, why is it that they somehow come back each time ?
While Fire Emblem loves Westernian settings, they are full of references to their own culture, such as the dragon worship and references to Buddhism. So how does it links to Engage ?
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Well, Alear despite being a fully established character is still an Avatar and Avatar is a notion taken from Hinduism/Buddhism, as one of the incarnation on earth as a deity/spirit. Alear is treated as such by their Allies because of their status of Divine dragon, echoing themselves with the irl practice of shintoism that includes worshipping dragon as powerful being capable of protecting them.
We also have evidence that reincarnation is implied to be a thing in Engage with this picture
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Where Veyle and Mauvier encouters a little girl implied to be Marni's reincarnation. In comparision Alear was ressurected several times.
However, i'd like to point out something about Alear's several "ressurection"... is that they never come back in the same form.
In the begining of the game, the screen will ask you to choose between two forms/apperance/姿 /sugata. An avatar is an incarnation whose form differs in the context of the Samsara/the circle of reincarnations/transmigration.
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At the begining of the story, 1000 ago Alear was a Fell child with full red hair and red eyes. When Sombron slew them, Lumera then proceeded to heal them for 1 000 years transfering her magic/life energy to them at the cost of her life.
Why is it important ? Well, when Lumera holds dying Alear, Alear tells her how they wanted to be a "virtuous dragon" not necessarily a Divine one, but Lumera told them that one day "you will be reborn" and that's what reincarnation is : a rebith. The ring of the Connector isn't just a birthday present, but a re-birthday present. And then, they were reborn 1 000 years later... as a Fell dragon/Divine Dragon hybrid, with blue hair, one blue eye, claded in white, capable of wielding the two Divine dragon weapons, Libération and Wille Glanz capable of casting their blessings like Lumera did... you get the idea.
Now brief transition to Veyle. In chapter 18, Sombron says this :
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"She denies who she should be, how foolish"
Sombron is refering to how Veyle denies her Evil dragon form since he says "arubeki jishin no sugata". sugata is refering to the outside appearance and jinshin meaning "self". Arubeki meaning "should be". In other words, that Veyle is denying the appearance that shoudl be her legitimate self. Trust me, that little bit about conforming to the appearance/form is going to make more sense later on.
When Alear awakens, they don't remember anything and if you watched stuff like Sailor Moon, then you know that a reincarnated person lose their memories of their previous life. That's what happens with Alear. They can't remember anything but their name. That said, there is some nuance about Alear's amnesia as they do have many times sense of deja vu : the Corrupted triggering their memories, the dragonic crystal, their dragon stone, Veyle has implied by her theme taking the bridge of the opening with the lyrics being "赤の記憶燃え上がり/the red memory burning brightly", Lumera's death as Alear ended up talking in hiragana at some point (yes, I replayed it and Alear ends up switching to hiragana at some point for the first time she died, like how they used to speak in the past) etc.
They do regain their memories at some point...when Sombron kill them for the second time that is. And they do come back, once again but this time, in the form of a Corrupted.
Then they die once again and came back in the form of an Emblem thanks to the miracle.
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As an Emblem they have reached the final state of their own journey to become "light" as indicated by their name, Lueur. They achieved the dream that they used to have in their past life as a Fell children. Alear's several death being sort of a purfication journey : going from their sinful life as a Fell child to a more virtuous one as a Divine dragon.
It's however not a sign that Alear's has reach enlightment yet since Alear can still be considered as prisonner of the Samsara due to the bad ending where Alear is reborn, this time as a Dark/Red Emblem. And while we don't know about how Alear would live after their death, seeing how they are an Emblem, they might end up reaching it. Anyway, Alear becoming the "Fire emblem" is showing how they went from a weak glow to a radiant light, thanks to the image of the intense light generated by the Fire, as well as what connects people together : hope.
But that's not all. And that's actually very important after all to point that Alear is the Avatar because the player choose Alear's appearance after this happened, after Alear's first "death" as a Fell child meaning we, the player are the one choosing the form in which Alear's soul will be reborn as (even if it ends up affecting the previous events). We, the player, are the one determining Alear's new form since the begining of the game takes place after their "first death" hence we have a hand in Alear's reincarnation. It is the player that can choose Alear's legitimate form, the one Sombron is talking about for Veyle. She is not our Avatar so we can't change her nature nor determine her form in any way. For Alear however we can.
As for the DLC, if you recall, if we choose one Alear's gender, the other will be the Alear of the other world, the one born as a Divine dragon biologically.
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That's just as I was saying, even in the DLC, while Alternate Veyle is slightly different genetically from Veyle*, her form/essence is essentially that she is still a fell Dragon, while in Alear's case, choosing one gender/form determines the nature/essence of the Alear we choose.
Now, one thing about the DLC is that while the two Alear are acknowledged to be different person, they still shares a existence as pointed out by Isekai Alear calling our Alear their "片割れ/kataware". And the translation indicates :
one part or fragment of something broken synonyms 
one part or member of a pair, a group, or a set of something or some people
one of the bodies resulted from the split of another one into many parts synonym
So rather then us being allowed to choose who is "the surviving twins" as I saw some people thinking when meeting Isekai Alear, it's more like this : the two Alear are one soul and when we choose one of the Alear for our adventure, it get splitted into two, with the Alear we choose being the body in which Fell Alear will be reborn as while the other part of the fragment ends up being the other Alear. After all, many of us have pointed out how despite being the opposite of our units, the Alternate units still shared some common points when it comes to personality and in the case of the two Alear, like the two Sombron and the two Mauvier, they have the most similar personality. Besides in their A support when Alear ask Nel if she view them as the same existence as their other self, Nel answer this :
"No. You are yourself. Even if you shared the same name and the same eyes".
And rather then being a commentary about how Alear shares similar physical feature with their other self, I fee like she is actually refering to how they have the same gaze and from there we can deduce that their soul are rather similar. After all, when Alear meets Isekai Alear they tell them how they feel like helping them would put them at ease and as if they were regaining something they abandonned long ago. This might also explain why none of the DLC character with the sole exception of Gregory noticed that they had different body : their sole remain similar. Gregory himself mention that the only thing he sensed to be different was their essence. And if you sticked around my blog, you know that my personal theory is that Fell children in Elyos are splitted as a pair of twins in XenElyos... well, this can actually explain my theory.
Anyway, back to the less speculative field, as I mentionned, since the Alear are two fragments of a same soul ending up in a different body, this means we, the player get to choose the incarnation of Alear : if we choose that F!Alear will be a Fell dragon, then M!Alear will be born a Divine dragon in XenElyos and if we choose that M!Alear was a Fell dragon, then F!Alear will be the Divine dragon of Fell Elyos. We the player, via choosing Alear's gender, actually end up choosing whether or not they will be a Fell dragon or a Divine one. That said, if Alear managed to become a Divine dragon that saved the world unlike their counterpart, it's possible that it's because their counterpart was already born "light" and therfore didn't add to go through the whole circle of redemption/purification our Alear went through to achieve their dream of becoming a hero. The other possiblity is that they aren't prisonner of the Samsara because our Alear have sins to atone which might not be the case of Isekai Alear.
Disclaimer : Alright, those are based on my interpretation of the events of the game, but since I am not buddhist or have some knowledge, please feel free to correct me !
*In the Fell Xenologue, the Mage dragon tribe was victim of genocide by Xenobron, with Zelestia as a sole survivor meaning that Alternate Veyle's mother couldn't be a Mage dragon. In the main game, Zephia was the one responsible for the rampage, but it was only her village that was touched, all the other Mage dragon still were alive, hence how Sombron could mate with them to have his kids.
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etymology-of-the-emblem · 1 year ago
The Allusions to Wine in Lythos
I must preface that this post's main advertised material is not the result of my own research, instead based on a page on the Japanese website pegasusknight. As suggested there, it seems that the names attached to Lythos are meant to have a common naming scheme like the other kingdoms in Fire Emblem: Engage, with it taking names related to wines.
Vander is the steward to the Divine Dragon Alear. The name is a shortening of the Greek name Evander, carried by a figure in Roman myth. It is said that he founded the Roman city of Pallantium, which has been suggested to have become Palatine Hill.
In Japanese, Vander's name is ヴァンドレ (rōmaji: vandore), romanized as Vandre. It has been suggested that this is derived from Vin Doré, a wine that contains 24-karat gold dust.
Clanne is an apprentice to Vander and twin brother of Framme. The name seemingly is derived from the Irish word clann, where we get the word clan. The word was also historically used to refer to someone's followers, appropriate for Clanne and Framme's fervent attendance to Alear.
In Japanese, Clanne's name is クラン (rōmaji: kuran), romanized as Clan. It is possible that the name comes from the Japanese wine brand Arugano Clan (JP: アルガーノ・クラン; rōmaji: arugāno kuran).
Framme is an apprentice to Vander and twin sister of Clanne. Framme is a Norwegian and Swedish word that can mean "at the front of", possibly referring to her being one of Alear's first allies in the game. It could also take from the Irish frum fram, referring to a loud noise or uproar; this could be based on her overexcitement and her emphasized loud voice.
In Japanese, Framme's name is フラン (rōmaji: furan) romanized as Fram. She may get her name from Cabernet Franc (JP: カベルネ・フラン; rōmaji: kaberune furan), one of the most common black grapes used in wines.
Lumera is the Queen of Lythos and the Divine Dragon Monarch. Lumera is the Sicilian word for "light". In Japanese, Lumera's name is ルミエル (rōmaji: rumieru), romanized as Lumiere. Lumière is the French word for "light". Additionally, there are two notable wineries called Lumiere: one in California, one in Japan.
Alear is the Divine Dragon and child of Lumera. Alear is a Spanish word that can mean "to alloy, to mix and combine (typically to make less pure)" or "to ally". These could relate to the Engage mechanic, combining oneself with the Emblems. Alternatively, it could be based on Alear being a mix of Fell Dragon and Divine Dragon.
In Japanese, Alear is called リュール (rōmaji: ryūru), romanized as Lueur. Lueur is a French noun meaning "glimmer, glow". This maintains a light-based name scheme with Lumera, though it has a weaker quality, indicating them not being 100% Divine Dragon. The start of the name likely ties to the Japanese word for a dragon, 竜 (rōmaji: ryū). It has also been speculated that the name is derived from Bordeaux supérieur wines (JP: ボルドー・シューペリュール; rōmaji: borudō shūperyūru).
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yusuke-of-valla · 2 years ago
So @ravenoftheskyes and I have an AU where all the Fire Emblem FeMCs live together as roommates at university and now that she’s beaten the Fell Xenologue we’ve decided
Lumera is a librarian and the college and she’s dating Sombron (we r so sorry for having to do this to you babe)
She was done after the first date but then they went to his place and found his six kids he’s clearly fucking abusing (Alear, Lueur aka M!Alear, Nel, Nil, Rafal, and Veyle) and is only putting up with him to make sure they’re ok because Sombron’s one of those weird tech billionaires obsessed with having a bunch of kids but not like. Actually taking care of them so calling CPS directly is gonna be hard because money
Rafal had a twin sister but she died because Sombron sucks and Alear and Lueur feel so bad about it because they’re the oldest (they are 13)
So at some point Alear is at a science presentation with Lumera and is revealed to be like. A fucking prodigy genius and she was already really bored with school so she ends up enrolled in university and she is 13 and stressed about it and stays at the sorority with the other FeMCs because Lumera was also a sister and she’s tight with Byleth so if anything goes wrong she knows Byleth will tell her
Everyone after seeing Alear for five minutes: I would die for you, child
Byleth and Robin end up finding out about Lumera building a case to get Sombron’s kids away from him
They come back one night and discover that Shez, Corrin, and Kris have just. Kidnapped all the other children with some help from Corrin’s siblings
They took the kids to the supermarket and let them buy whatever snacks they wanted and then ordered pizza for dinner so it’s chaos
Luckily Robin planned for this and Lumera ends up with custody of all the kids
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year ago
星 is a reference to Marth's incantation "輝け" which is also referenced in the opening song. The name of Lythos inhabitants are linked to the sky : Sora/Lumière/Lueur. It's also tying to Lumera and Alear's theme of being named after words of the lexical "light". Also, Marth's name in JPN is romantized as Mars. Hoshi/星 means both starts and planet.
守 is a reference to Celica's incantation as well 守れ.
承 = acceptance. Sigurd's incantation spell is 伝えよ/convey which indicates from the person to who it is conveyed/provided an acceptance or a decline. Since the opening is talking about love when it comes to that, I think it's a reference to Sigurd's love for Deirdre. Remember that one of the Engaged line is "if this love is a crime"
放 is also a reference to Leif's incantation. Probably choosen because of his role in Tharcia.
Lyn and Roy is also a ref to both their traits in their respective games and their power as Roy's Emblem gives you the ability to create a fire while Lyn's ability is to throw a storm of arrows to sweep the ennemy across.
碧 can be read both green/緑 (midori) but you can also read it ao (blue)/蒼. Might refer to the turquoise used as the gem for the rings and the Renais hair color
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I can't say for sure but Corrin's code seems to write itself like that
I can't remember where I saw this but I think it might have a link with the specie of dragon Corrin turns into (I need to check it for sure.)
Analysis of Emblem Rings Designs
In Artbook, each ring is coded with a Japanese character, and I will analyze it meaning and connection to lord. So if I don't know what it means, or I misinterpreted it, please correct me.
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Marth's ring resembles his tiara from Mystery of the Emblem (1994), but with the layers reversed. It is decorated in his standard pattern.
His code in Artbook is 星, means Star. I don't know what it symbolizes?
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Celica's ring and design are characterized by three lines, and in her ring, a space is placed between them, which gives consistency with her design. In addition to the presence of Mila's logo.
Her code in Artbook is 守, means Protect, or Defend. I don't remember the Echoes plot well, but it may symbolize her role in the plot.
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Sigurd's ring design appears to be a stylized form of his cloak.
His code in Artbook is 承, means Acquiesce. I don't know what it symbolizes?
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Leif's ring design is consistent with his design patterns taken from the fourth series of the TCG.
His code in Artbook is 放, means set free, release, fire, shoot, emit, banish, or liberate. It symbolize his role in the Thracia plot.
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Roy's ring design is taken from his headband design and the Binding Blade.
His code in Artbook is 火, means Fire. It may symbolize his affinity.
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Lyn's ring design is taken from her belt design, and the silver motif has a stylized combination of Mulagir and the metal in her belt.
Her code in Artbook is 風, means Wind. Like Roy, it may symbolize her affinity.
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The spiral shape in the twins' ring is similar to the style of their bracelets, while the three gems may refer to three beads in Eirika's belt, and the gem shard to Ephraim's cloak. A group of gems on the middle side may indicate multiple small blades next to large blade in Siegmund and Sieglinde.
Their code in Artbook is 碧, means Blue, Green, or Azure. It may refer to twins in general.
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A gold portion of Ike's ring may refer to a yellow stripe of his design in Path of Radiance, a silver portion to his arm armor in the Vanguard class, while a portion surrounding a gem vaguely resembles Lehran's Medallion, referring to the role it played in the plot.
His code in Artbook is 蒼, means Blue. It refer to the first character of a Japanese title Path of Radiance, 蒼炎の軌跡 (Path of the Blue Flame).
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The portion surrounding the gem may be a stylized form Micaiah's brand, while a portion on both side resembles wings suggesting of Yune's bird shape. Like Lehran's Medallion, the orange color in Micaiah's ring refers to Yune and the role she played in the plot.
Her code in Artbook is 光, means Light. It may indicate the names of her classes and skills.
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Lucina's ring resembles her tiara, while the part surrounding the gem somewhat resembles one of the parts of Falchion's design, while the color of the gem is similar to the mysterious glow that appears in Falchion.
Her code in Artbook is 覚, means Awakening.
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The portion on both sides resembles the clasp of her cloak, while the gem resembles a dragon stone.
Unfortunately, I couldn't recognize her code in Artbook. Maybe someone else might recognize it, here are two pictures.
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Byleth's ring design resembles their ring from 3H, or their arm armor, while the segments between the gem at the bottom and top may indicate the pattern on a male's chest, and the two segments at the end may indicate both male's and female's pendant ribbon.
His code in Artbook is 導, means to direct, guide, lead, conduct. It symbolize his role in the 3H plot.
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gzeidraws · 2 years ago
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Christmas themed Alears 🎅
Happy Holidays!
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mewkwota · 2 years ago
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“Take Your %#*^ing Time”
So, that new Engage DLC is coming out soon.
(Luckily??) Alear is a polite and patient person.
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zefirart · 2 years ago
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14 days left until Fire Emblem Engage! Can’t wait!!!
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lapisalatus · 2 years ago
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The war in Elyos is an unpredictable one. No matter what they do, they can never predict what will happen next. Twin dragons Alear and Lueur are happy that they will not go through this war alone. With every twist and turn, they make new allies one after another. They are sure that they will make it to the end as long as they have their allies by their side.
No matter what happens, they will make sure everyone makes it through all the way to the end. Alear and Lueur are determined to help their allies reclaim Elyos from the Fell Dragon's reign of terror. They promise that they will make sure no one is lost.
But is that a promise they can really keep?
Role Swap AU Male and Female protag are twins Alear = male Lueur = female
Chapter 1 Summary:
After waking from their 1000 year sleep, Alear and Lueur are thrust into a war that threatens to tear Elyos apart. Along the way, they make various allies from all kinds of backgrounds. During a resting period, they try to find time a way for everyone to relax. However, things come up and they have to prepare for another battle.
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hwangdahlia · 2 years ago
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just cleared engage yesterday!
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roc-fanartblog66 · 2 years ago
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Emblem Engage!!
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