#finn is smart
gayofthefae · 8 months
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And what if I said he held eye contact here before turning away as his smile fades because he was waiting for Will to say something else but he didn't. That it's almost expectant at first, not even quite asking "anything else?" That that's why it changes, why he doesn't look disappointed until the end of the gif - because he isn't yet. That he looks back up but Will is already gone, no eyes to even catch again anymore so his smile fades the rest of the way. That his smiles go from "and then...?" to "oh...my bad" to "damn..." That he closes his mouth, checks himself, catches himself, pulls himself out of the moment.
What if I said "yeah?" was urging him to keep talking and when Will just said "yeah" back and didn't elaborate Mike was disappointed and had to just go back to staring at the painting and thinking to himself.
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What if I said that he was looking up because he thought he heard a breath or something and maybe Will was gonna say something else but no...he was just looking out the window, after all.
What if I pointed out the way Mike didn't say a word the entire time, which is what you do when you don't want to dare risk interrupting and having the other person lose their confidence or change what they were going to say; you want to let them finish their fully transparent thought before they remember you're there, so you stay silent. That "yeah?" was the only acknowledgement or vocalization he made the entire time and I wonder if he regretted it because maybe it interrupted after all and maybe Will would have said something else, I don't know.
Maybe he didn't know what he wanted him to say. Maybe he did know and he was waiting, hoping he'd say it but it never came.
Wouldn't that be heartbreaking? If while Will was backing down from saying it, Mike was in anticipation, crossing his fingers behind his back, hoping he would?
Or maybe he didn't know at all. Maybe he just wanted him to keep talking until he found out; just wanted to keep getting to look at him like this while he did.
But he stopped talking. And the moment was over.
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I'm just- I'm thinking about him tonight.
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sickgraymeat · 1 year
Do you ever think about how when BMO plays pretend, they favor nomadic/loner roles like a cowboy, a hard-boiled detective, a traveling salesperson, etc., which is pretty in line with their directive from Mo. But when they really are on their own (eg in BMO Lost) they immediately, desperately establish a family from their surroundings.
And how one of those universal struggles of people, especially in the context of growing up (including but not limited to childhood) is dependence vs. independence. Wanting a hand to hold and wanting to be able to drop it at will. And how some people need to hold that hand less often than others, and how some people really don’t want to even when they really need to.
Finn and Jake get frustrated with each other and try to solve a dungeon separately, only to be met at every turn with a challenge that they can’t face without the other. Marceline travels for a thousand years and settles down here and there and picks back up because the people around her aren’t constant so she doesn’t want to be either. PB and IK each create an entire kingdom because they’re lonely, and neither of them feel whole because, just like the quarters of Ooo in Elements, living in those kingdoms is too much like living inside their own heads.
Every episode of Distant Lands is about characters who both resent and long for the versions of themselves they used to be— the versions who needed other people, the versions who could still insist they didn’t — and have to reconcile with the fact that they never really stopped being those people, but also that they can never really be those people again.
Every major character in the series is building connections and love and safety using whatever tools they have, and distancing themselves with equal effort. So they’re all kind of just alternating between playing cowboy and playing house, figuring out how to balance both and where they fit in between.
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maeo-png · 1 year
Of course it's fucking THESEUS
okay. i havent shut up about the greek myth aspects of Simon's story and i wont stop now. At first it was a statue of Persephone in the garden, with it's head replaced to be Betty, giving the implication that Betty is the Persephone to Simon's Hades, and it was Simon's status as an antiquarian. and now we've gotten Simon being a huge nerd and bringing up Theseus completely unprompted (so real)
a bit of context in case you need it, Theseus was one of those greek "legendary Heroes" (Achilles, Heracles, etc.), and previously King of Athens, but had managed to dodge most bad things that happen to Greek heroes. he was just stupid and i guess they took pity on him.
The Ship of Theseus or "Theseus' Paradox", which I'd imagine all of tumblr knows by now, but if you don't, is the question on whether if a ship, specifically Theseus', is still the same ship after having all of its parts replaced exactly. To me this makes for such an obvious connection to Simon. Simon's story factors around identity, first and foremost. (yknow. "I Remember You" and all that?) The concept of not knowing what you are fundamentally was originally Ice King's thing, as his previous life as Simon was essentially history. But now that's being brought to Simon. and Simon has the lucidity to process what that means for him.
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milarepas · 2 months
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Maduro saying he will build two maximum security prisons, to make them “reeducation, farming and work centers”
He's going to build concentration camps for people who oppose him. THEY ARE GOING TO KEEP KIDNAPING PEOPLE WHO OPPOSE HIM AND JUST SEND THEN THERE TO RE-EDUCATE THEM this is insane.
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Chavistas are targeting people who were in the pacific protests, they are marking house by house all the people who participated or who think differently. How can people who are outside of Venezuela see this and do nothing, IT'S LITERALLY HITLER IN PERSON, HE'S MARKING HOUSES AND TAKING CHILDREN TO CONCENTRATION CAMPS.
A 13 year old girl was arrested for committing "terrorism" crimes A 13-YEAR-OLD GIRL.
Don't fall for the lies of non-Venezuelans trying to explain to you what's happening here, this is not about ideologies, IT'S A DICTATORSHIP THAT NEEDS TO LEAVE NOW.
Our real elected president is EDMUNDO GONZÁLEZ.
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ofthebrownajah · 9 months
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From Marcus's Instagram
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markantonys · 2 months
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henclair · 1 year
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pretending there’s a holonet twitter equivalent
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reverentwormpriest · 1 month
shinji has never used chapstick in his life he probably gets like 6 hours a sleep on average and does not use lotion has the dryest skin known to man and there are always eye krispies in his eyes but kaworu still showed up and was all like you are worth killing myself for i love you
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popomegranate · 1 year
I’m actually screaming that I was right about Simon never actually understanding that Betty gave up everything and Simon took and took and took.
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paintingformike · 2 years
when finn said that “you’re my superhero” was a genius line...i feel like giggling and kicking my feet cause it really was a genius line
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instantpansies · 7 months
toast spotted jumping on a trend months later super rare sighting!! my redhead sons with adhd and self esteem issues <3333 (leaf coneybear from 25th annual putnam county spelling bee and norm the robot from phineas and ferb) (i love them so much)
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ummm lines under cut (also norm saying damn but he would never say that in real life)
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@imabiscuitinthousandworlds a different style for you
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riderofblackdragons · 4 months
Day 24: Struck By Lightning
I'm finally all caught up! And with a week left, lol. But here, this is part of no established AU, and never will be, I have full confidence that something this stupid probably happened in canon.
“Kol,” Elijah called, exasperated. “Kol!”
His younger brother (youngest, now, and didn’t that just hurt Elijah’s heart? Little Henrik, dead…) ignored him, instead trying to climb higher in the tree, his sword held above him. At the rate, Elijah felt he’d have to climb after him, which he did not want to do.
“Stop encouraging him!” Elijah’s head whipped around to their siblings, Niklaus and Rebekah both laughing on the ground as they watched Kol.
The idea was either Niklaus’ or Kol’s, originally. Elijah hadn’t been paying enough attention at the time, braiding Rebekah’s hair for her, trusting that Finn would be able to look after their brothers for five minutes. Except that apparently, Finn had done his own thing, and left their more chaotic siblings together.
Hence why Kol was now climbing the tallest tree they could find, covered in as much metal as they could find on such short notice. Where he’d even gotten half of it, Elijah wasn’t sure. But what he was certain of was that just because their mother had said they were immortal, it didn’t mean they should be testing it out like this!
It was a heavy storm, too. Elijah was certain it was going to cause lightning, and thunder, and the danger only increased his efforts to get his brother down, before he got struck. Of course, it seemed that being struck by lightning was Kol’s goal, as he climbed higher, waving his sword around.
Honestly, sometimes Elijah wondered why he didn’t just leave them to their own devices. Right, because they would come running to find him soon enough, having messed up enough that they needed him to fix it for them. His siblings should be lucky that he loved them, Elijah thought, because they’d be in big trouble if he didn’t.
Trouble like being hit by their brother whilst they were busy laughing at him, as was what happened now. Kol got his wish, the lightning striking him before Elijah could even draw breath to yell at him again. He flew from the tree, the metal surrounding him sparking, little bits flicking off of him, as Kol landed right on top of his siblings.
Neither Rebekah nor Niklaus were laughing much now, Elijah noted in the back of his head. They were yelling a lot more instead, both at Kol, and for Elijah, so he could be mad at Kol.
Although why they seemed to think they were off the hook for this, when Elijah knew full well that they had been egging Kol on with this idiot plan of his, he had no idea. Even if it had backfired on them now, with Kol slamming into them, the electricity from the lightning still flying off of him, zapping their siblings, Elijah saw no reason to exclude them from his disappointment.
They were old enough to know better, in his opinion. Suddenly being invulnerable to the stupid things their brains could come up with was not a reason to do it, and Elijah told them so. If he’d obeyed the stupid thoughts in his head when he was their age, like they were doing now, Kol would have been tossed into the fire, and Rebekah’s hair would be much shorter (from the same fire, incidentally enough).
He could feel Finn’s smirk, despite his older brother not actually saying anything. The way their younger siblings’ faces started scowling at something behind Elijah gave it away, and so, he promptly included Finn in his scoldings as well.
After all, he’d trusted Finn with Niklaus and Kol, and had expected his brother to keep them out of trouble. And instead, what did Elijah find? Two idiots climbing a tree, and Finn was off writing love letters to Sage or something like that.
Elijah had managed to get Niklaus down, thankfully, but Kol had ignored him, and it was for this reason that he was getting the brunt of it. Not too much more than the others, though, Kol was still smoking after all, and a fall from that height couldn’t have been much fun, regardless of how immortal they were.
Finally, Elijah sent them off to think about their actions. It wasn’t much, but it did work on the younger ones, even though he knew Finn wouldn’t be taking it to heart. His older brother would be more than likely to compose more sonnets to Sage, instead of thinking about his actions, but Elijah couldn’t force him to do anything. It was the perils of being his younger brother, after all, despite all the responsibility he held in regards to the rest of the family.
Sometimes, Elijah really hated that he’d been born the second son, and that Finn held him accountable for things that happened before his birth. It would be a lot easier if Finn either listened to him, Elijah reckoned, or if his brother at least didn’t actively go against him whenever he could.
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liquidstar · 1 year
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after a long pause i finally finished my newest oc batch ^_^ this time for owl feather: the scholar's guild. the members are more or less different types of academics, or just nerds, with their own different niches. as usual, more specific info+closeups under the cut <3
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Name: Mercury
Name Origin: The planet named after the messenger god
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 28
Guild rank: Guidmaster
Weapon: Caduceus
Ethos (Power): Aileron (Enhanced speed and levitation)
Flaw power is based on: Her evasiveness- Though her power has evolved (the levitation) once she became guildmaster as she became a pillar for her guild, and successor to the former guildmaster.
Notes: I can be your angle... or yuor devil
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Name: Keid
Name Origin: A star whose name means eggshels
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 19
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Chicken sickles
Ethos (Power): Computative prognostication (He can calculate the outcome of events in his own head, but he can’t see outcomes beyond the one he calculated)
Flaw power is based on: His overly cautious and ruminative habits, though he tries to play it off like he's way more chill and not constantly existentially overthinking
Notes: But which came first...?
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Name: Alasia
Name Origin: A star whose name references Idalion Tablet, one of the oldest known contracts
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 15
Guild rank: 2 star
Weapon: Shovel
Ethos (Power): Erudition (Psychometry- The ability to read the past of any object by touch)
Flaw power is based on: Her extreme curiosity, while her inquisitiveness on it's own can be admirable she can often get obsessive about it.
Notes: She's an archeologist <3
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Name: Dimidium
Name Origin: Exoplanet whose name means "half"
Pronouns: He/She
Age: 22
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Double-ended flail
Ethos (Power): Vice-versa (Healing and reverse healing)
Flaw power is based on: His simultaneous obsequiousness and brashness- Two extremes that she fluctuates between in a way that's both unpredictable and unhealthy.
Notes: Generally stoic either way so it's hard to tell...
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Name: Navi
Name Origin: Informal name for γ Cassiopeiae- A navigation point for Apollo 1
Pronouns: He/they
Age: 19
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Arm
Ethos (Power): Kefi (Energy direction- He can channel his energy into powerful attacks into his weapon of choice, which they designed to be their own arm)
Flaw power is based on: Their over-zealous nature. Though passion is a good thing, their ferventness can absolutely make him lose track of himself.
Notes: A weaponsmith who’s figuring out more technological approaches
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Name: Talitha
Name Origin: A star system, whose name means "Spring"
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 13
Guild rank: 1 star
Weapon: Plastic wand
Ethos (Power): Metamorphosis (Magical girl transformation. She can shoot beams out of her wand now.)
Flaw power is based on: Her extreme tendency for escapism, especially in idolizing fantasy.
Notes: She's a magical girl 💖💖💖
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Name: Misam
Name Origin: A star whose name means "wrist"
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 28
Guild rank: 5 star
Weapon: Wrist blade
Ethos (Power): Rigor (Enhanced precision)
Flaw power is based on: Their surprisingly to-the-point, often cold-blooded nature.
Notes: Nerds can be cool too, guys.
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Name: Perwana
Name Origin: An exoplanet whose name means moth
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 27
Guild rank: 5 star
Weapon: Lantern
Ethos (Power): Callous luminance (Physically palpable hard light, created from her lantern)
Flaw power is based on: Her tenancy to place the burden of guidance onto herself- Literally a guiding light for others. Mostly in regards to erudition, the symbolic connection between illumination and knowledge. She wants to illuminate everyone. But this can be at the cost of herself.
Notes: These are her summer clothes.
#finn's ocs#finn's art#oc references#YAY finally posted them#the smart guys set....#i was excited for this set regardless bc they all have their own like specific reasons theyre in the scholars guild#like different things theyre following. except for arguably talitha but shes like. a baby#shes more geeky than nerdy. but she would hang out in their huge library a lot and just sort of ended up joining#mercury herself is obviously the leader but her thing is moreso about spreading the message of the previous guildmaster (minerva)#while keid is more of a philosopher (so good at rumination might as well make a passion of it lol)#and like i said alasia is an archeologist (and historian!). and i describe navi as a blacksmith bc thats the title theyd be given-#but hes more of an engineer. doing cool new innovative things. so they and alasia have this sort of future/past passion thing#dimidium is a medic lol but bc of the way her power works its a bit more complicated#when i say reverse healing i mean he can literally just make you worse. Injury Power.#misam is like the edgiest of the batch for sure but dont be fooled theyre still more nerd than edgelord#the reason they can be so ruthless is because theyre very calculative about their choices#not in the same overthinking-type way keid is but in the sense that they can be a bit... ends justify the means?#not that they dont care about ethics at all but unlike keid they wouldnt get caught up in them#the most direct approach is the best one and all that. theyre a utilitarian.#(misams top was also more risque at first but i decided to have them button up a bit lol)#and perwana is an acolyte (aco-light. lol) in the sense that her goal really is just to spread knowledge#shes the most similar to mercury in that sense which makes her probably the first candidate for the next guildmaster rn#bc thats also the thesis statement of the guild itself!#they have a big open library for a reason. well. mostly open#but thats them :)
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petwifed · 4 months
young sansby as finn and flame princess….. hmmmmmm
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icekingandbetty · 1 year
i'd like to think that f&c showing simon dead in every other universe so far is less foreshadowing and more stressing the point of how rare and lucky the situation he's in back in his ooo is. like just being alive there and then is pretty miraculous but he's that and in contact with his daughter (who is alive and happy) and a group of friends who- while they can't fully understand his distress and grief- love him!
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markantonys · 1 year
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