It’s The End of the World As We Know it |Closed|
Most in the general public thought it was a goddamned Halloween prank. Zombies were a shoe-in for the biggest holiday draw, but something had gone wrong. Horribly wrong. Someone, somewhere, had taken the prank and gone further with it. Whether it was the outbreak of the superflu that had everyone paranoid, or something else altogether, no one knew.
But it went to hell surprisingly fast. All those intelligent minds that had been at the top of their class had failed to prepare for something the magnitude of the superflu.
Or the fallout that came after.
They'd called the Marines in to guard the city center and capitol building. The National Guard had been dispatched as well. Seemed the government wasn't taking chances, given that most were out with the flu.
John had done his part, remaining at his station, and watched as civilization fell apart. And it did, one panicked and infected person at a time. Too soon, he was fighting for his own survival. Too soon, he was watching men and women he'd survived armed combat with falling to the hands of those who had risen from the dead.
Chaos and anarchy ensued. Nothing made sense anymore. Things that were supposed to have only been fictional and fake were taking over and creating a world of blood and death. No one could be trusted. No one was safe.
Months passed, and the survivors became fewer and fewer. Cities had been overrun by the dead, driving those who wanted to remain among the living out.
He'd survived, though only by chance. Falling back, John had found himself with a small group of survivors. The numbers dwindled, and as they reached the outskirts of the city and ventured further beyond its boundaries, those they'd saved became fewer and fewer.
Atlanta wasn't a refuge. There was nothing there for them. Word had reached the ragtag survivors that Washington was the way to go. The heads of state were there, which meant a cure could be a possibility.
So they packed up and began the trek to what had once been the country's head.
Eventually, it was just one. As with all things, injuries and illness were running rampant. There was no medicine and barely enough supplies for those traveling.
Tired, dirty and road-weary, John continued on. It was all he could do.
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[text] She lost it. She completely lost it. She said her uterus was attacking her bone marrow. //from Jim
[Text: Jiminy] Callie is such a drama queen.[Text: Jiminy] Tell her I will be there with pain pills in a few minutes.
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+ 3 are being hunted
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"What? Are ya going to tell my ma or old man on me?"
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((heeey sorry i haven't been on in like 2 weeks, i have 6 replies drafted that ill get to. sorry UuU;;
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theforgottengreene · 9 years
Char and Jim
Send me a pairing and I’ll tell you...
who puts pizza bagels and captain crunch in the shopping cart: Charlotte does. Sometimes she gets hungry in the middle of the night and she’ll either make those or sit on the counter and eat a bowl of Captain Crunch.
who forgot the rule about putting foil in the microwave and subsequently caused a small fire: Charlotte. But she had been very drunk at the time. Jim wasn’t happy about it because they had to get a new microwave.
who sleeps naked: Neither.
who sleeps under 3 blankets: Jim, but only back when they were sleeping in separate rooms. Roommates couldn’t exactly sleep in the same room, and he had taken the oldest room in the apartment.
who has a huge crush on Billy Joel: Charlotte totally had a crush on Billy Joel as a teenager.
who gets drunk and breaks shit: Jim. It’s always on accident though. He’s not very stable when drinking.
who’s a closeted anime fan: Jim. Charlotte hears him sneaking out sometimes just to go watch it. She knows it’s on the DVR, since he won’t watch it around her, she just doesn’t say anything.
who initiates sex at inappropriate times/places: Deoends on the time and the place. Charlotte does it sometimes when she comes in from tour at the ass crack of dawn, Jim sometimes in the middle of the night.
who’s afraid of Slenderman: Both, but neither will admit it.
what their wedding song will be: Ed Sheeran’s Thinking Out Loud
what their biggest fight was about: Charlotte’s ex-boyfriend showed up on Jims birthday while they were having a big party for him. Jim thought Charlotte still had feelings for her ex since he obviously still had feeling for her. Charlotte thought he was being over dramatic and jealous for no reason.
why they work together: Opposites attract.While they like some of the same things, games, music, food.. They also differ. Char is more of a going out person and Jim is more of a homebody. They tend to blance each other out.
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IC Jim x Char ship meme
Send me a Ship and I’ll tell you..
who’s the cuddler: "Jim is. He is the cuddler. Though, i don’t really argue with it."
who makes the bed: "We have a rule in place. Last one out of the bed, makes it."
who wakes up first: "Normally me, but sometimes he gets up before I do."
who has the weird taste in music: "It’s not weird tastes if the music is good!"
who is more protective: "Jim, definitely. He’s just a very protective person."
who sings in the shower: "Me, even though it is horribly off key. Beth is the singer in the family."
who cries during movies: "I guess it depends on the movie. But probably me." (Jim does too, just fyi)
who spends the most while out shopping: "I do. But I have so many people to buy for."
who kisses more roughly: "Don’t let him fool you, this is most definitely all Jim."
who is more dominate: "Once again, Jim. If we’re talkin’ a certain situation anyway."
my rating of the ship from 1-10: "Can i rate it past ten?  Cause that’s what it would be. He’s my guy."
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fxartheliving · 10 years
findxthemxsavexthem started following you.
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   "And who are you stranger? If you're here to          steal from me, it's not going to happen."
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findxthemxsavexthem replied to your post:Rattle the Cage || Jim & Sawyer
Man, I’m dying. It’s perfect, I’ll try to reply soon >_<
Why thank you! But nah brah, take your time! No need to rush. Sawyer ain't going anywhere ;P. 
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Send me a ❤ if you think I’m quality
Mun Talk;
-wiggles-  awwwwwwww! Thank you so much for this hun. ;w; I am a potato compared to you.
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findxthemxsavexthem replied to your post:I thought I was doing what I was supposed to do...
what’s wrong, love? :(
I'm upset about something that I really shouldn't be upset about which makes me more upset
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aliceinwalkerworld · 10 years
+ findxthemxsavexthem
It was late, who knows what time it actually was. Not like time really mattered anymore. Alice didn't even know what her age was anymore for sure. She used to keep track, but ever since Woodbury and the Governor went mad, none of that seemed to matter anymore. She was on her way back to camp when she heard a twig snap nearby. But it was dark. She loaded up her shotgun and pointed it all around her, waiting to see if something was going to pop out at her or not.
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Rattle the Cage || Jim & Sawyer
He awoke with a splitting headache, dry blood crusted in the hair on the back of his head, and distant laughter buzzing in his ears. 
Groaning, Sawyer tried to reach a hand back to gingerly probe the wound throbbing in his skull, only to realize a split second later -- with gut-dropping alarm -- that his hands were bound together. And his ankles. His shirt was gone, along with his shoes. Cool night air (hadn't it been mid afternoon only a few seconds ago?) made him shiver, his back scraping against rough tree bark. His bonds were made of something hard and thin, cutting cruelly into the flesh of his hands and feet. Wire? Plastic? Couldn't tell. Couldn't see. There was a fire nearby, too bright. 
The last thing he remembered was kneeling by a stream, gathering water to boil back at his camp to make a stew for the rabbit he had caught in one of his snares. A twig had snapped to his left. Cleanly, deliberately. The instant he turned his head, hand springing automatically to his gun, someone had come up behind him and knocked him flat. 
It filtered back in bits and pieces, fragmented images. A blow to the back of his head. The vague, bleary sensation of being half-dragged-half-carried through the woods. A burlap sack over his head; whoever these guys were, they didn't want him to know where they were taking him.
Then, for a long while, nothing. 
Laughter. Who was laughing? How many? Sawyer blinked hard, dimly making out a few shadows here and there. Men sitting by the fire, chuckling raucously about something in a way that made his skin crawl. Movement here and there. The busy but controlled, hive-like movement of a camp. 
His eyes began to adjust, and the picture that emerged was beyond chilling. Close to a dozen men, maybe more, ranging from their early twenties to late fifties. All moving freely, unencumbered by bonds of any kind, in sharp contrast to the women all grouped together on the other side of camp.
The sight of them stopped Sawyer's heart. Cages. They're in fucking cages. 
He almost couldn't believe his eyes. Actual kennels, the kind used for dogs travelling on airplanes. Not just individually, either. Most were crammed with two, even three women, their heads hunched low with their legs bent up close to their ears. They were all naked, mottled and bruised skin gleaming mutely in the firelight. Eyes downcast. Silent. Expressionless. Far-away. A mishmash of dirty dishes and cups were scattered around the cages, along with a bucket whose purpose Sawyer could only unpleasantly suspect was to act as a toilet.
The smell of cooked meat hit Sawyer all at once, along with the sizzle of something in a pan over the fire. Still reeling from the nauseous sight of the captive women, the smell made his stomach twisted painfully. A wave of saliva pooled in his mouth so abruptly that he damn near choked on it. 
Don't panic, he warned himself, swallowing it back down. Don't move. Don't make a sound. Think. Watch. Listen. Remember your training.
But it was impossible to fight the sudden rapid fire of his pulse as a fresh wave of crude laughter broke out among the men, laughing about something Sawyer couldn't and adamantly did not want to hear. They had covered this in basic -- being captured by the enemy. There as a certain protocol here, steps that could be taken in order to escape and evade, but for the life of him, it was all Sawyer could do to keep his breathing steady. 
Movement at his side. Close. Freezing, Sawyer's peripherals made out the dark shape of someone stirring next to him, barely more than an arm's length away. He turned his head slowly to avoid detection, stunned to find another man tied up next to him at the base of a tree. Their ankle bonds were actually connected by a thick bicycle chain, immediately dousing any and all hope of slipping noiselessly out of sight. 
The other man was young, but aside from his dark curly hair devoid of greys, it was impossible to tell through all the bruises and old blood marring his face. Like Sawyer he was shirtless and missing his shoes, and practically every square inch of exposed skin had been horribly assaulted. 
Either he had severely pissed someone off, or it was the same welcome Sawyer could expect. 
"Hey," Sawyer murmured, barely letting his lips move. "Hey -- you alive, man?"
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blackxsheepxmerle · 10 years
"Hell if I care."
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"Yes..." She mused before letting out soft sigh,"I ain't got t' trust ya t' know yer good mate'n material." Dante bluntly stated,"Yer built t' last from the looks of it.... and Ya ain't to hard on the eyes."
He raised an eyebrow and shrugged a bit when she affirmed she didn’t trust anybody. He parted his lips to retort, but she continued and he had to laugh at her comment. “Lots of babies?” He repeated, still laughing heartily, before catching his breath. “So you don’t trust me but when the time comes it’ll be okay to make some babies with me?” He asked in a joking tone. “Somebody will have to repopulate this planet, huh?”
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