theforgottengreene · 5 years
anne with an e, 1x02 | tv quote starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred. warning for mentions of death.
did she run away?
i’ve been sent to take you home.
i’ll bring the money when i return. 
can i hitch a ride?
i can’t trust one word out of your mouth.
what if he’s lying dead in a ditch?
what if something horrible has happened and it’s my fault?
my years of torment and uncertainty are behind me.
it’s a family heirloom.
now, i’d rather be beautiful, but you can’t have everything.
i’m famished, actually. 
get away! you can’t loiter here! my little girl, she’s here. i came to fetch her.
were you out there all night?
what is the nature of your emergency? 
may i interest you in a poetic recitation spoken aloud with dignified emotion?
now, if you’ll please excuse me, i’m in the middle of earning some wages.
i’ve got a train to catch. 
do you want your money back?
i’ve come for you, i came all this way.
i had to come all this way because you didn’t want me!
i would appreciate it if you would leave me alone.
is this man bothering you?
please take your things up to your room.
how dare you sneak around listening to my private conversation? 
i wasn’t listening, i was sleeping.
i need coffee.
why anyone would worry over you is a mystery for sure.
it’s hard to believe she was sorrowful when she doesn’t seem to like me at all.
i don’t like this biscuit.
glad we didn’t find you in a ditch.
why would you send for me if you didn’t even want me?
do you never imagine things are different than they are?
oh, my hands are shaking.
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theforgottengreene · 5 years
Symbol meme starters.
Send one for my muse’s reaction! Feel free to alter context, switch muse’s positions, etc, as necessary. Contains some mild NSFW.
(chest) - for your muse to press a hand against my muse’s chest (hair) - for your muse to bury their face in my muse’s hair (backhand) - for your muse to backhand my muse (jaw) - for your muse to grip my muse’s jaw in one hand (lap) - for your muse to sit in my muse’s lap (whisper) - for your muse to whisper in my muse’s ear (bottom) - for your muse to rest a hand on my muse’s ass (or slap it) (undress) - for your muse to undress mine (may not be nsfw!) (pin) - for your muse to pin mine to a specified surface  (yank) - for your muse to yank mine out of the way of danger (bite) - for your muse to bite mine (palm) - for your muse to clap a hand over my muse’s mouth (throw) - for your muse to physically throw mine (piggyback) - for your muse to leap onto my muse’s back for a piggyback ride (nourish) - for your muse to provide my muse with food or drink (secret) - for your muse to reveal a secret to mine (specify the secret!) (discover) - for your muse to discover information about mine that they shouldn’t know (rescue) - for your muse to rescue mine from danger (promise) - for your muse to make mine a promise, whether they intend to keep it or not (lie) - for your muse to lie to mine (specify the lie) (confess) - for your muse to make a confession of truth to mine (command) - for your muse to give my muse an order or instruction, which may or may not be followed (hide) - for your muse to hide somewhere with my muse (sleep) - for your muse to fall asleep on mine (misc) - create your own/sender specifies! useful if something here gives you an idea that isn’t otherwise written.
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theforgottengreene · 5 years
(    *    & .    —    BILLIE  EILISH  LYRICS .
‘  don’t  you  know  i’m  no  good  for  you ?  ’
‘  nothing  ever  stops  you  leaving .  ’
‘  i  could  lie ,  say  i  like  it  like  that .  ’
‘  don’t  you  know  too  much  already ?  ’
‘  i’ll  only  hurt  you  if  you  let  me .  ’
‘  call  me  friend ,  but  keep  me  closer .  ’
‘  nothing  is  better  sometimes .  ’
‘  let  me  let  you  go .  ’
‘  i  just  wish  you  could  feel  what  you  say .  ’
‘  i  know  you  too  well .  ’
‘  if  ‘ i  love  you ’  was  a  promise ,  would  you  break  it  if  you’re  honest ?  ’
‘  i  don’t  wanna  be  you  anymore .  ’
‘  losing  feeling  is  getting  old .  ’
‘  only  you  know  the  way  that  i  break .  ’
‘  if  we  were  meant  to  be ,  we  would’ve  been  by  now .  ’
‘  all  i  see  is  him  right  now .  ’
‘  go  ahead  and  watch  my  heart  burn  with  the  fire  that  you  started  in  me ,  but  i’ll  never  let  you  back  to  put  it  out .  ’
‘  your  love  feels  so  fake .  ’
‘  if  i  could  get  to  sleep ,  i  would  have  slept  by  now .  ’
‘  when  you  call  my  name ,  do  you  think  i’ll  come  running ?  ’
‘  so  good  at  giving  me  nothing .  ’
‘  when  you  close  your  eyes ,  do  you  picture  me ?  ’
‘  you  should  see  me  in  a  crown .  ’
‘  your  silence  is  my  favorite  sound .  ’
‘  i  like  the  way  they  all  scream .  ’
‘  i  think  you’re  pretty .  ’
‘  i’m  not  your  baby .  ’
‘  where’s  my  mind ?  ’
‘  what  an  expensive  fate .  ’
‘  my  v  is  for  vendetta .  ’
‘  thought  that  i’d  feel  better ,  but  now  i  got  a  bellyache .  ’
‘  i  wear  my  noose  like  a  necklace .  ’
‘  i  wanna  make  ‘em  scared .  ’
‘  don’t  be  cautious ,  don’t  be  kind .  ’
‘  i  don’t  belong  to  anyone .  ’
‘  by  the  way ,  you’ve  been  uninvited .  ’
‘  why  so  sad ,  bunny ?  ’
‘  call  me  calloused ,  call  me  cold .  ’
‘  you  better  love  me .  ’
‘  i  would  hate  to  see  you  go .  ’
‘  i  hate  to  be  the  one  that  told  you  so .  ’
‘  you  just  crossed  the  line ,  you’ve  run  out  of  time .  ’
‘  sorry ,  sorry ,  i’m  sorry ,  sorry …  sike .  ’
‘  wake  up  and  smell  the  coffee .  ’
‘  is  your  cup  half  full  or  empty ?  ’
‘  i  love  it  when  you’re  awfully  quiet .  ’
‘  you  don’t  have  to  keep  it  quiet .  ’
‘  i  know  it  makes  you  nervous ,  but  i  promise  you  it’s  worth  it .  ’
‘  i  promise  you  it’s  worth  it  to  show  ‘em  everything  you  kept  inside .  ’
‘  too  shy  to  say ,  but  i  hope  you  stay .  ’
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theforgottengreene · 5 years
Avengers: Infinity War  {Sentence Starters}
“Only if I die.”
“I just feel you.”
“Really? Tears?”
“I don’t feel so good…”
“My only curse is you.“
“Kick names, take ass.“
“Families can be tough.”
“How many did you see?“
“He’ll die alone… as will you.”
“I hope they remember you.”
“Did you do it? What did it cost?”
“I like your plan. Except it sucks.”
“That means get lost, Squidward.”
“Yes. That’s what ‘kill you’ means.”
“A small price to pay for salvation.“
“A simple spell, but quite effective.“
“You should have gone for the head.”
“It’s alright. You could never hurt me.“
“Oh, we’re using our made-up names.”
“Why was she up there this whole time?!“
“What does this monster have to mourn?“
“You kill, and torture, and you call it mercy.”
“Does this chattering animal speak for you?“
“Please, I don’t wanna go. I don’t wanna go—!”
“The hardest choices require the strongest will.“
“You’re not the only one cursed with knowledge.”
“Well, if I’m wrong, then what more could I lose?“
“You may think this is suffering. No… it is salvation.”
“My movement… is so slow… that it’s imperceptible.“
“I stopped listening after you said, ‘We need a plan’.”
“Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine.”
“You sure you’re up to this particular murder mission?”
“’Undying’? You should choose your words more carefully.”
“I know this is not a competition, but I’ve been through a lot.“
“Well, he’s never fought me. —– He’s never fought me twice.”
“I don’t know what’s.. I don’t… I don’t know what’s happening.”
“Tell me she’s lying. ASSHOLE! TELL ME YOU DIDN’T DO IT!”
“Alright, let me ask you this one time: what master do you serve?“
“I’m sorry. Earth is closed today. So pack it up, and get out of here.“
“I’m not looking for forgiveness, and I’m way past asking permission.”
“He may be on the team. I don’t know. I haven’t been there in a while.“
“All my life I dreamed of a day, a moment, when you got what you deserved.”
“You failed. And do you want to know why? Because you love nothing. No one.”
“Rage and vengeance, anger, loss, regret… they are all tremendous motivators.“
“I’m the only one who knows that. At least, I’m the only one with the will to act on it.“
“I don’t want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?“
“Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something and I eat one of you, I’m sorry.“
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
Awesome Sites and Links for Writers
Just about every writer out there has several go-to websites that they use when it comes to their writing. Be it for creativity, writer’s block, to put you in the mood or general writing help. These are mine and I listed them in hopes that you’ll find something that you’ll like or find something useful. I’ve also included some websites that sounded interesting, but I haven’t tried out yet.
Spelling & Grammar
Grammar Girl – Grammar Girl’s famous Quick and Dirty Tips (delivered via blog or podcast) will help you keep your creative writing error free.
The Owl – is Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL), an academic source from Purdue University (which is in West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.). It’s contains plenty of grammar guides, style tips and other information that can help with your writing, it’s especially great for academics.
Tip of My Tongue — have you ever had trouble of thinking of a specific word that you can’t remember what it is? Well, this site will help you narrow down your thoughts and find that word you’ve been looking for. It can be extremely frustrating when you have to stop writing because you get a stuck on a word, so this should help cut that down. 
Free Rice – is a great way to test your vocabulary knowledge. What’s even better about this site is that with every correct answer, they donate 10 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program. So, please disable your adblock since they use the ads on the site to generate the money to buy the rice.
HyperGrammar – is from the University of Ottawa (a bilingual public research university in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) that offers up a one-stop guide for proper spelling, structure, and punctuation. Being that this comes from a Canadian university, that means that they use standard Oxford English Dictionary spelling. Basically that means you’ll get British English, which differs slightly from formal American English.
AutoCrit – the AutoCrit Editing Wizard analyzes your manuscript to identify areas for improvement, including pacing and momentum, dialogue, strong writing, word choice and repetition. It also provides a number of other writing resources as well. It’s not free, but they do offer 200 characters for analysis at no charge. It’s $29.97 per month or $359.64 for an annual membership. 
ProWritingAid – is another automatic editing tool that analyzes your writing and produces reports on areas such as overused words, writing style, sentence length, grammar and repeated words and phrases. They offer a free sample, but you have to make an account to try it out. It’s $3.33 per month ($40 annually, or less if you purchase a longer license).
Writer’s Digest – learn how to improve your writing, find an agent, and even get published with the help of the varied blogs on this site.
Paper Rater – uses Artificial Intelligence to improve your writing. It includes grammar, plagiarism, and spelling check, along with word choice analysis. The basic version is completely free, but they do offer premium subscription for people seeking more advanced features. If you’re interested it’s $14.95 per month or $95.40 per year if you decide to get it.
Syntaxis – it allows you to test your knowledge of grammar with a ten-question quiz. The questions change every time you take the quiz so users are sure to be challenged each time around. It definitely helps writers know if there’s something that they need to brush up on.
Word Frequency Counter – this counter allows you to count the frequency usage of each word in your text.
EditMinion – is a free robotic copy editor that helps you to refine your writing by finding common mistakes.
Proofreading for Common Errors – this is a simple tutorial on proofreading your writing by Indiana University.
BBC – has a section for helping you with your skills, especially in writing, from grammar to spelling, to reading, to listening and to speaking.
Copyscape – is a free service that you can use to learn if anyone has plagiarized your work. It’s pretty useful for those that want to check for fanfiction plagiarism.
Plagium – is another a copy detection system, that provides a very similar service to Copyscape and uses Yahoo! rather than Google to perform its searches. Just keep in mind that searches for simple text up to 25,000 characters remains free of charge, but any larger requires credits to be purchase.
Write or Die – is an web application for Windows, Mac and Linux which aims to eliminate writer’s block by providing consequences for procrastination. It lets you try it for free, but the desktop version is available for $10. The Write or Die iPad app is $9.99 in the App Store. If you’re really old school, the original web app can still be launched with its modest settings.
Written? Kitten! – is similar to Write or Die, but it’s a kinder version and it’s completely free. They use positive reinforcement, so every time you reach a goal they reward you with an adorable picture of a kitten.
Fast Fingers – offers you an easy way to improve your typing skills. It’s puts you through a quick typing game that tests your typing speed and improves it at the same time. It’s also a great way for writers to warm up.
Information & Data
RefDesk – it has an enormous collection of reference materials, searchable databases and other great resources that can’t be found anywhere else. It’s great to use when you need to find something and/or check your facts.
Bib Me – it makes it easy to create citations, build bibliographies and acknowledge other people’s work. This is definitely something that academics will love. It’s basically a bibliography generator that automatically fills in a works cited page in MLA, APA, Chicago or Turbian formats.
Internet Public Library – is a non-profit, largely student-run website managed by a consortium, headed by Drexel University. Currently this online library is inactive, but it’s still full of resources that are free for anyone to use, from newspaper and magazine articles to special collections. Just keep in mind that it’s not up to date, since they stopped maintaining it on June 30, 2015.
The Library of Congress – if you’re looking for primary documents and information, the Library of Congress is a great place to start. It has millions of items in its archives, many of which are accessible right from the website.
Social Security Administration: Popular Baby Names – is the most accurate list of popular names from 1879 to the present. If your character is from America and you need a name for them, this gives you a accurate list of names, just pick the state or decade that your character is from.
WebMD – is a handy medical database loaded with information. It’s not a substitute for a doctor, but can give you a lot of good information on diseases, symptoms, treatments, etc.
MedlinePlus – is the National Institutes of Health’s web site that contains information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand. It also offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free. You can use the site to learn about the latest treatments, look up information on a drug or supplement, find out the meanings of words, or view medical videos or illustrations. You can also get links to the latest medical research on your topic or find out about clinical trials on a disease or condition.
Mayo Clinic – is a nonprofit medical practice and medical research group.
World Health Organization (WHO) – is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health. Its current priorities include communicable diseases, in particular HIV/AIDS, Ebola, malaria and tuberculosis; the mitigation of the effects of non-communicable diseases; sexual and reproductive health, development, and ageing; nutrition, food security and healthy eating; occupational health; substance abuse; and driving the development of reporting, publications, and networking.
Google Scholar – is an online, freely accessible search engine that lets users look for both physical and digital copies of articles. It searches a wide variety of sources, including academic publishers, universities, and preprint depositories and so on. While Google Scholar does search for print and online scholarly information, it is important to understand that the resource is not a database.
The Old Farmer’s Almanac – this classic almanac offers yearly information on astronomical events, weather conditions and forecasts, recipes, and gardening tips.
State Health Facts – Kaiser Family Foundation provides this database, full of health facts on a state-by-state basis that address everything from medicare to women’s health.
U.S. Census Bureau – you can learn more about the trends and demographics of America with information drawn from the Census Bureau’s online site.
Wikipedia – this shouldn’t be used as your sole source, but it can be a great way to get basic information and find out where to look for additional references.
Finding Data on the Internet – a great website that list links that can tell you where you can find the inflation rate, crime statistics, and other data.
Word References
RhymeZone – whether you’re writing poetry, songs, or something else entirely, you can get help rhyming words with this site.
Acronym Finder – with more than 565,000 human-edited entries, Acronym Finder is the world’s largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initials.
Symbols.com – is a unique online encyclopedia that contains everything about symbols, signs, flags and glyphs arranged by categories such as culture, country, religion, and more. 
OneLook Reverse Dictionary – is a dictionary that lets you describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept. Your description can be a few words, a sentence, a question, or even just a single word. 
The Alternative Dictionaries – is a PDF, that contains a list of slang words in all types of languages, such as Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Norwegian and many, many others. There use to be a website, but it’s not there anymore and this is the next best thing I could find.
Online Etymology Dictionary – it gives you the history and derivation of any word. Etymologies are not definitions; they’re explanations of what our words meant and how they sounded 600 or 2,000 years ago.
MediLexicon – is a comprehensive dictionary of medical, pharmaceutical, biomedical, and health care abbreviations and acronyms.
Merriam Webster Online – the online version of the classic dictionary also provides a thesaurus and a medical dictionary.
Multilingual Dictionary – it translate whatever you need from 30 different languages with this easy-to-use site.
Writing Software
Open Office – why pay for Microsoft products when you can create free documents with Open Office? This open source software provides similar tools to the Microsoft Office Suite, including spreadsheets, a word processor, the ability to create multimedia presentations, and more.
LibreOffice – is a free and open source office suite. It was forked from OpenOffice.org in 2010, which was an open-sourced version of the earlier StarOffice. The LibreOffice suite comprises programs to do word processing, spreadsheets, slideshows, diagrams and drawings, maintain databases, and compose math formula.
Scrivener – is not a free program, but it’s certainly a very popular one. It's great for organizing research, planning drafts, and writing novels, articles, short stories, and even screenplays.
OmmWriter – is for Mac OS X, a free simple text processor that gives you a distraction free environment. So you can focus only on your writing without being tempted or distracted by other programs on your computer. They are currently working on a Windows version of their software as well, so keep an eye out for that if you’re interested.
FocusWriter – is a completely free full-screen writing application designed to immerse you in your writing. It keeps your writing space simple and clean without sacrificing functionality. It includes a daily goal tracker, work count and time spent writing. There’s also spell checking, real-time feedback on variables like word and page count, and tabbed document browsing. It's available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Q10 – is a free portable distraction-free writing tool for Windows. The interface includes nothing but a tiny bar at the bottom that displays the character, word, and page count—you can toggle the bar off for a totally distraction free workspace. 
Evernote – is a free app for your smartphone and computer that stores everything you could possibly imagine losing track of, like a boarding pass, receipt, article you want to read, to do list, or even a simple typed note. The app works brilliantly, keeping everything in sync between your computer, smartphone, or tablet. It’s definitely a useful app for writers when you have ideas on the go.
ScriptBuddy – is a full-fledged screenplay software program. It handles the proper screenplay format automatically, so you can concentrate on your story. It is easy to use and the basic version is free.
TheSage – is a free application, which is a comprehensive English dictionary and thesaurus that provides a number of useful and in some cases unusual search tools.
Sigil – is ideal for e-book authors because it's a free EPUB editor with a stack of essential features.
WriterDuet – is a collaborative screenwriting app for working with writing partners in real-time. It also lets you copy text written in Fountain, or other screenwriting programs (Final Draft, Celtx, etc.) and paste it directly into WriterDuet with the correct formatting most of the time. They offer the basic version for free, WriterDuet Pro ($9.00 monthly, $79 yearly and $199 lifetime) and WriterDuet Premium ($299 yearly). WriterDuet works on Mac, Windows, Linux, Chromebooks, iOS, and Android. It gives identical page counts on all devices, and PDFs.
ZenWriter – is a program that gives you an open, peaceful place for composing your thoughts without any distractions. It’s a fullscreen text editor that offers customizable backgrounds, music, and a nifty word count at the bottom of the window. It’s not free, but it does offer a free trial for 15 days. It is available for Windows, and after the 15-day trial period you can choose to purchase it for $17.50 if you want.
WriteMonkey – is a Windows writing application with an extremely stripped down user interface, leaving you alone with your thoughts and your words. It is light, fast and free. It’s also an portable app, so you can stick it on a USB drive and use in on whatever computer you happen to find yourself at.
YWriter5 – is a free word processor and is designed for Windows XP, Vista and beyond. It's a small but very comprehensive tool which helps you to plan your story. It breaks your novel into chapters and scenes, helping you to keep track of your work while leaving your mind free to create. You can set up deadlines, for instance, and the program’s Work Schedule report will let you know how much you’ll have to do, each day, to finish on time. You can even enter your characters, locations and items and freely organize them into scenes. This definitely sounds like it’ll be useful for NaNoWriMo writers.
Kingsoft Office (WPS Office) – is an office suite for Microsoft Windows, Linux, iOS and Android OS. The basic version is free to use, but a fully featured professional-grade version is also available. This software allows users to view, create and share office documents that are fully compatible with dozens of document formats, including Microsoft PowerPoint, Word and Excel. In other words, the format is similar to a Microsoft Word document (.DOC or .DOCX file) and supports formatted text, images, and advanced page formatting. Kingsoft Writer documents can be converted to Microsoft Word *.doc files in the software.
Creativity, Fun & Miscellaneous
National Novel Writing Month – is one of the most well-known writing challenges in the writing community. National Novel Writing Month pushes you to write 50,000 words in 30 days (for the whole month of November).
WritingFix – a fun site that creates writing prompts on the spot. The site currently has several options—prompts for right-brained people, for left-brained people, for kids—and is working to add prompts on classic literature, music and more.
Creative Writing Prompts – the site is exactly what it says. They have 100+ and more, of prompts that you can choose from.
My Fonts – is the world’s largest collection of fonts. You can even upload an image containing a font that you like, and this tells you what it is. Just keep in mind that not all of the fonts are free.
DaFont – has lot of fonts as well, most of them are completely free to download. However, some are demo versions or are only free if you used it for personal use and not commercial use.
Story Starters – this website offers over one trillion randomly generated story starters for creative writers.
The Gutenberg Project – this site is perfect for those who like to read and/or have an e-reader. There’s over 33,000 ebooks you can download for free. 
The Imagination Prompt Generator – click through the prompts to generate different ideas in response to questions like “Is there a God?” and “If your tears could speak to you, what would they say?”
The Phrase Finder – this handy site helps you hunt down famous phrases, along with their origins. It also offers a phrase thesaurus that can help you create headlines, lyrics, and much more.
Storybird – this site allows you to write a picture book. They provided the gorgeous artwork and you create the story for it, or just read the stories that others have created.
Language Is a Virus – the automatic prompt generator on this site can provide writers with an endless number of creative writing prompts. Other resources include writing exercises and information on dozens of different authors.
Background Noise/Music
SimplyNoise – a free white noise sounds that you can use to drown out everything around you and help you focus on your writing.
Rainy Mood – from the same founders of Simply Noise, this website offers the pleasant sound of rain and thunderstorms. There's a slide volume control, which you can increase the intensity of the noise (gentle shower to heavy storm), thunder mode (often, few, rare), oscillation button, and a sleep timer. 
Coffitivity – a site that provides three background noises: Morning Murmur (a gentle hum), Lunchtime Lounge (bustling chatter), and University Undertones (campus cafe). A pause button is provided whenever you need a bladder break, and a sliding volume control to give you the freedom to find the perfect level for your needs and moods. It’s also available as an android app, iOS app, and for Mac desktop. If you go  Premium it’s $9 and you’ll get 1 year of unlimited listening to their audio tracks and access to three more sounds: Paris Paradise, Brazil Bistro and Texas Teahouse.
Rainy Cafe – it provides background chatter in coffee shops (similar to Coffitivity) AND the sound of rain (similar to Simply Rain). There’s also individual volume and on/off control for each sound category.
Forest Mood – is background noise of the forest.
MyNoise – is a website with multi-purpose noise generator that is completely free. It helps you to focus while working in a noisy environment or to help settle your anxiety and it’s also useful in cases of insomnia or tinnitus. It has so many sounds to choose from: Fish Tank, Clockwork, Gregorian Chants, Traffic Noise, and so on.
MyNoise: Online Fire Noise Generator – is also from NyNoise, but it’s a short-cut link for those that only want to hear the sound of fire crackling in a fireplace.
Snowy Mood – is a noise generator that plays sounds of boots walking through snow on an endless loop. It’s simple and straightforward, and perfect for those days when you feel like being snowed in.
Noisli – is a background noise generator that helps you to drown out annoying noises in order to create your perfect environment for working and relaxing. You can mix different sounds together, such as rain and a train or fire and the night sound of crickets or with the waves at a beach. 
Purrli – is a white noise generator that recreates the sound and the presence of a cat purring next to you.  
Ambient Mixer – is a free online audio mixing tool in which you can create and edit your own ambient music or background sounds. You can even listen to other people’s mixes such as Gryffindor Common Room, Riding with the Winchesters, Mr. Tumnus’ House, A Day in Camp Half-Blood, and so on.
8tracks – is an internet radio website and everyone can listen for free, well it use to be completely free. Unlike other music oriented social network such as Pandora or Spotify, 8tracks doesn’t have commercial interruption (that’s if you get 8tracks Plus). Users can create free accounts and can either browse the site and listen to other user-created mixes for as long as they like, and/or they can create their own mixes. It’s a perfect place to listen to other writer’s playlist, share yours or find music for specific characters or moods. Note: Joining is still free, however you’re now limited to 1 hour of free listening for each week (or more depending on how much people like your mixes, but I’ve been told the limitation is for those in the US only). If you want unlimited access it’s $30 per year or $5.00 a month.
Playmoss – with 8tracks no longer having free unlimited listening and no commercial interruptions many people looked for an alternative and Playmoss is what 8tracks use to be. Playmoss is free to join and it has all the same basic features that 8tracks has, only with extra goodies like unlimited skips, able to see the entire tracklist before playing, start at any point in the playlist, see how many playlists contain a certain song and even collaborate playlists with other people.
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
I was getting pretty fed up with links and generators with very general and overused weapons and superpowers and what have you for characters so:
Here is a page for premodern weapons, broken down into a ton of subcategories, with the weapon’s region of origin. 
Here is a page of medieval weapons.
Here is a page of just about every conceived superpower.
Here is a page for legendary creatures and their regions of origin.
Here are some gemstones.
Here is a bunch of Greek legends, including monsters, gods, nymphs, heroes, and so on. 
Here is a website with a ton of (legally attained, don’t worry) information about the black market.
Here is a website with information about forensic science and cases of death. Discretion advised. 
Here is every religion in the world. 
Here is every language in the world.
Here are methods of torture. Discretion advised.
Here are descriptions of the various methods used for the death penalty. Discretion advised.
Here are poisonous plants.
Here are plants in general.
Feel free to add more to this!
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
Violent/Painful Starter Pack
🤜 - Punch my Muse in the…
You choose.
👟 - Kick my Muse in the…
You choose.
🔧 - Beat my Muse with a…
Baseball bat.
Wooden plank.
Broken bottle.
Brass knuckles.
You choose.
🔪 - Cut my Muse in the…
You choose.
🗣 - Tell them…
“You’re worthless!”
“I never loved you.”
“I hate you.”
“I never want to see you again!”
“You’re disgusting.”
“I wish you were never born!”
“You ruin everything, just like always!”
“You’re nothing but a burden.”
“I wish you were dead!”
You choose.
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
I know, I'm awful. But I will be on to do things when I get back. I have a job interview today, so wish me luck!
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
So, when we started staying with my uncle in May, I was 166 pounds. I am now down to 153. This is exciting for me because that's 13 pounds I've lost so far!
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
For all you filthy icon hoarders...
Send a symbol for…
🌟- One of my favorite icons 🚫- One of my least favorite icons 🐑- One of my muse being cute 🐉- One of my muse being beautiful/handsome 🎩- One of my muse being silly ⛈- One of my muse being sad 🌶- One of my muse being angry 🥈- An icon from a random AU/verse 🎲- An icon I use frequently 🛵- An icon I don’t use very much 🚜- An icon I haven’t used at all 🏘- An icon from another RP blog (if applicable) 🏦- An icon that was given to me 📸- A thumbnail I used/have used 🎞- A thumbnail I have not used 💸- A random icon you click on without looking!
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
What was your muse’s first thought when they saw or met mine?
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
Reblog this 
if you think OC muses should be treated with the same respect as canons. 
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
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Yes, yes we get it. Stop panicking.  It’s unseemly.
It’s the Dragons!
Hey, you got the door working.
Did you come to take them away?  I keep their bags packed.
When did the annex get a doorbell?
He’s a Dragon in a man costume?
He is a lawyer.
I have Jasmine tea.
Oh Jasmine!  Yes please.
Damn.  This was on my bucket list.
Is he trying to be like me and do the cryptic banter thing?
Preaching to the choir, bub.
You’re not a Librarian.  You’re a thief.
You people don’t appreciate art.
Oh not, it’s not dangerous.  But I think I am.
A little criticism.  Since I’ve been back, the Librarians seem a little evil.
Is he eating my extra cheese, double pepperoni?
Hate the apple, not the Librarian.
How bad can evil ______________ really be?
The real you, is a coward.
Interesting lecture from the guy who can’t decide if he’s going to be a thief or a Librarian.
I did choose.  Once.  I chose a side in a very complicated… I chose.  No good came of it.  And over the years, I chose again.  And again.  Each time, a little hope.  Lots of blood.  But nothing really changed.  I finally learned my lesson.  And I came here, just to do my work, alone.  Because why choose?  Nothing… nothing ever changes.
Because practical applications are more fun then theories.
Did you say 6?
She writes a lot in this little notebook and I pay attention.
You run around like a half wit clown.
What is going on with this day?
Is that word even in your vocabulary?
Are you ill?
Last thing we need right now is an evil you.
He’s already the worst version of himself.
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
If I hadn’t tried, I’d actually be the monster you think I am.
I’m out of practice being a person.
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
Guardians of the Galaxy Roleplay Sentence Starters
"You'll die! Why are you doing this? Why?"
"Well that's just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told me that."
"Well I tell you what, that's gonna wear real thin, real fast, bud."
" I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am that you've accepted me despite my blunders. It is good to once again be among friends."
"This dumb tree is also my friend."
"I have lived most of my life surrounded my enemies. I will be grateful to die among my friends."
"Aww, what the hell, I don't got that long a lifespan anyway... "
"Well now I'm standing. Happy? We're all standing now. Bunch of jackasses, standing in a circle."
"We've already established that you destroying the ship I'm on is not saving me!"
"That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life."
"Finger on throat means death!"
"They got my dick message."
"His people are completely literal. Metaphors go over his head."
"That dude there. I need his prosthetic leg. "
"God knows I don't need the rest of him. Look at him. He's useless."
"Well, supposedly, these bald bodies find you attractive, so maybe you could work out some sort of trade."
"That's for if things get really hardcore. Or if you wanna blow up moons."
"You just wanna suck the joy out of everything."
"Who put the sticks up their butts?"
"I am going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy."
"Fine, but I can't promise when all of this is over I'm not going to kill every last one of you jerks."
"See, this is exactly why none of you have any friends!"
"Oh she has no idea. If I had a blacklight, this would look like a Jackson Pollock painting."
"You got issues."
"He thinks I'm some stupid thing! He does!"
" I didn't ask to be torn apart and put back together over and over and turned into some little monster!"
"When I look around, you know what I see? Losers."
"You're an imbecile."
"I can't believe I got taken down by a raccoon."
"Raccoon? What's a raccoon?"
"Ain't no thing like me, except me!"
"We're just like Kevin Bacon."
"I live for the simple things... like how much this is going to hurt!"
"Dance-off, bro. Me and you."
"I like your knife, I'm keeping it."
"Oh, I was just kidding about the leg. I just need these two things."
"He said that he may be an... a-hole. But he's not, and I quote, 100% a dick".
"Well, I don't know if I believe anyone is 100% a dick."
"Let's see if you can laugh after five or six good shots in your freakin' face!"
"Creepy little beast!"
"I don't learn. One of my issues."
"Look at this thing. It thinks it's so cool. It's not cool to ask for help! Walk by yourself, you little gargoyle!"
"Hooked on a Feeling, Blue Swede! That song belongs to me!"
"Hold on a second, you're being serious right now?"
"I can't believe I'm taking orders from a hamster."
"You're a good looking girl. You should try to be more nice to people."
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
 over  the  past  couple  of  months  i’ve  noticed  a  little  drop  in  activity  in  the  walking  dead  community,  so  i’m  going  to  put  together  a  masterlist.  if  you  are  a  twd  canon,  original  character  or  multimuse  blog,  then  please  reblog  this  post.   you  may  also  reblog  if  you  have  a  twd  verse.  added  bonus,  if  you  could  put  in  the  tags  which  of  twd  characters  you’d  like  to  see,  would  be  perfect.
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
If anyone would like to do a thing, like this or shoot me a message!
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theforgottengreene · 7 years
The Lost Greene
Walking was the last thing she wanted to do, but the last car she had died on her and finding one that would run, and wasn’t picked apart, was hard. The sun was beaming down on her. She was hot, tired, her body ached and she was dirty. She knew she would have to stop soon to cool down some before she ended up passing out. Her stomach grumbled, causing her to pause. Guess she was hungry too. ‘I should probably eat something.’ She thought then looked around. She spotted a store, dreading what could be inside, but walked over to it anyway. She checked the door, glad that it opened with the light push she gave it. She whistled loudly to get anything’s attention that could be there. Not hearing anything, she went inside completely and began to clear it.
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When the store was cleared, not seeing any biters, she spotted a few things that still looked edible and took them. Figuring this would be a good place to stay for the night, she made a spot behind the counter and started eating, taking her time since she’d been spreading out her food to last longer and it had been a while. She thought about her family in moments like these. The quiet moments that her dad enjoyed. The ones that never lasted long with her and her siblings around. She thought about her dad. How they didn’t always get along, but she knew he’d do anything for her. She thought about Shawn and the stupid pranks they would play on each other. About Maggie, who she never kept a secret from in her life. About Beth, who always seemed to be a bright spot no matter what.
Grabbing her water bottle, she took a sip only freeze when she heard something outside of the store. She closed it and set it down gently, pulling out her gun as she slowly looked over the edge of the counter. “Maybe it won’t be such a good idea to stay here.” She muttered to herself
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