#finding her brother was a high priority but she blundered into him by accident
Tag Game: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words
I was tagged by @emsondraeling but I’m making a new post because it was getting lengthy.
The implant nestled at the base of Jame's skull is still humming with energy from the fight, biotic energy lacing between her fingers as she flexes her hands.
I’m writing a Mass Effect AU of the Kencyrath, okay, leave me alone.
For a less obscure cast of characters and a much more obscure setting, here is the latest line of my Indexing AU of Vox Machina:
As it stood, they were a Hansel, a Gretel, a Thousandfurs, a Boy Without Fear, and a Pied Piper, driving down the highway eighteen miles over the legal limit with no specific destination in mind, and Vax had decided to add to the chaos by flicking through radio channels at random.
I don’t know anywhere near that many people who write, sooooo @aethersea, @cthulhu-with-a-fez, @viciousmaukeries, @executeness, @editoress, and idk @maelace.  If I tagged anyone who doesn’t write, I’m SO sorry, and to everyone I doubtless missed, please consider yourself tagged anyway, my brain is not working today.
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