#finding Dan and colour is a time
an-internet-introvert · 5 months
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Dan and Pink 🩷🩷
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whoviandoodler · 1 year
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[Image description: a digital drawing of Thomas and Varian from Transatlantic from the waist up. They're touching foreheads with closed eyes and blushing. Thomas has wound a blue scarf around their necks with one hand and has the other in Varian's hair. Both men are wearing coats. The background is purple with pink flowers. End description.]
I am here to atone (drawing snuggles) for my past sins (posting sad fanart)
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baeshijima · 1 year
— hsr men in a royalty au
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INCLUDES : blade ; dan heng ; gepard ; jing yuan ; luocha ; sampo + gn!reader
A/N : what started off as a duke!blade word vomit became a hsr royalty au brain dump. sighs. also once again pushing my knight!reader agenda bc the lack of royalty aus with knight!reader is criminal.
genshin ver.
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imagine you're the personal guard for emperor!jing yuan, picked by his hand when he was still just a mere crown prince learning the ropes of what it meant to rule an empire. in truth, there's not much for you to do other than stand close behind when in public settings or indulge in his whimsical nature when in private and within the confines of the palace walls. in spite of that, you can't help but to wonder whether it's necessary to be his partner when he practises ballroom dances, despite never actually dancing in the banquets. well, who are you to question your duties, right?
there is no destination without a journey; jing yuan would know this best. having been thrust onto a pedestal from young, he's witnessed more types of people than he can count on his fingers: those who act nice in order to gain, those whose eyes cannot hide their contempt, those who are kind out of fear, those who act on behalf of others, those who hold respect without ulterior motives... he has seen them all. his view of the world grew dull, the predictability of those around him bringing only disappointment to the young heir. the days passed in a blur with nothing of note, other than a lingering emptiness which kept him awake at night and a passion which only emerges when sparring with his instructor. and so when he was told it was time to choose a personal knight after countless assassination attempts, he trudged through the halls with poise ingrained into his stride and a blank gaze reflecting his thoughts. but when he arrived at the training grounds to oversee the potential candidates his attention was immediately seized by another, his usually stagnant heart thundering. for the first time in his life, jing yuan discovered what it meant to want something as he watched you strike your training sword against your opponent, his world bursting into colours he never knew existed before then.
jing yuan sometimes finds himself envying those who can dance without care at banquets. he has an image to maintain in front of his people while you tend to be a stickler for this kind of thing, often refusing a dance in favour of maintaining your post. he supposes it's fine if you're both together, despite the numerous times he's imagined what it would be like to dance with you in front of everyone, as opposed to the privacy of the palace under the guise of “not becoming rusty”. but as he casts his gaze over to where you rest, having fallen asleep after a particularly thrilling game of starchess with your body tucked within the protective embrace of his ever-dutiful lion, he finds himself engraving moments like these into his memory and filing them away to look back on when nights to himself become a little too lonely for his liking. it's one of the many sides to you which only jing yuan has been privy to; one of which he takes immense pride in and vows to shelter from the danger which lurks around every corner.
(he will never let you know how your bright eyes is what set his once monotonous life ablaze in colour all those years ago — the aloof crown prince utterly besotted with a starry-eyed rookie knight. he will also never let slip how he still thinks back on the warmth he felt when you took his trembling, slumped form in your arms after he fought his stricken teacher all those years ago, the aftereffects of your touch still lingering on his skin even to this day.)
despite being duty-bound beside the impish emperor, there are times where you, too, are in need of some peace away from his scheming mind and watchful eyes. in these moments, you find yourself finding respite within the royal library built into the palace, a stack of books typically used as your makeshift pillow. and even if librarian!dan heng gives you a death stare from his designated place, you know he appreciates your company when he drapes a blanket over your shoulders and replaces the book pile with a cushion or two. although, you can’t shake off the feeling you’ve seen him from somewhere before…
for as long as he can remember, dan heng has always been on the run. from what? he’s not even sure anymore; it has been that long. it is but a mere shadow, a phantom which haunts him under the glowing sun and the gleaming moon. he can run — run until his body is weak and heavy with fatigue — but he can never hide, for it follows close behind and lurks around unseen corners. as unnerving as it may be, he has grown used to the chilling gaze and staying on edge. after all, no matter how far he runs, no matter how hard he tries to blend in, there is no escaping a shadow. maybe that is why he felt a churning sensation stir in his gut when he first met the emperor to discuss his newly appointed position as the librarian, whose gaze held an unfamiliar sheen of conflict veiled behind an amiable disposition upon making eye contact. amidst the eyes of the sun held a glint of familiarity, one which dan heng couldn’t put his finger on the longer he dwelled on the thought.
dan heng didn’t know what to expect when he first met you; you, the personal guard handpicked by jing yuan himself. with all the duties he’s sure keeps you busy, it wouldn’t surprise him if he never met you past the glimpses he catches here and there when in official spaces. perhaps that is why it came as such a surprise when you stumbled into the library one day, all bleary-eyed and attempting to stifle your yawns, and he could only watch in a daze as you pulled out a random set of books from the shelves, plop yourself down at the nearest table, set the books on the surface and slam your head atop the pile, your soft snores filling the once-quiet room. dan heng wasn’t sure how long he sat there staring at you for, but it was long enough to wake you up and inform you of the library’s closing hour when the day’s hues bled into the night. what he thought would be a one-time thing soon became a regular occurrence — a routine — and he has become accustomed to your unceremonious visits and wonderful laughter and draping the blanket he now keeps under his desk over your slumbering form and admiring your peaceful expression over the rim of his novel. it’s come to a point where he can no longer imagine a life without it; without you.
(sometimes he wonders whether you enjoy the time spent with him as much as he does with you, in which he cannot help but to compare himself to the emperor you have pledged your life and devoted your loyalty to. amidst those thoughts, dan heng finds himself hoping you would favour him over the shine of the empire’s revered sun.)
royal guard captain!gepard is someone you have always admired, ever since you were just a rookie knight trying to prove your worth amongst a sea of prodigal candidates like him. he is kind as he is strong, a formidable ally and a terrifying foe. however, you can't help but wonder whether you’ve done something to offend him, what with the way he sometimes avoids you if you happen to bump into each other amidst the palace grounds and speedwalks in the opposite direction with hasty apologies trailing behind him.
the landau dukedom. it is known for its military prowess and defending the borders, but infamous for the strict duke landau. as well-respected he may be by the nobles of the court, gepard only knows a strict man more like a superior than a father. it wouldn’t be a lie to say duke landau was just that; a superior — a teacher, one who viewed his children as either heir candidates or a foundation to bolster the territory’s military power. while it may be a strict method, the respect gepard holds for his father is undeniable, feuling his desire to make him proud and carry out his teaching in the name of the honourable landau duchy. he stuck to harsh training regimens, endured countless trials of tactics and wit, witnessed his elder sister begin to refute against their father’s suffocating hold upon returning from the academy, watched as she left the duchy to have control over her own life with a promise to keep in touch with him and their youngest sister. these moments were fleeting, passing in a blur until he entered the ranks of the elite, eventually promoted to captain as he remained steadfast in defending the borders.
it took gepard countless sleepless nights tossing and turning in his bed and a highly amused serval laughing at his predicament to finally understand his feelings for you. love was an unfamiliar concept to him. he knew of camaraderie between fellow knights (which was what he assumed he felt for you, but just a bit more… intense?) and familial bonds between family, so this new experience of his heart palpitating, hands clamming up, words stuck in his throat and an incessant heat clinging to his cheeks was unfamiliar, thus his avoidance. though that didn’t sit well with him, as a longing ache only seemed to replace it instead. and so, despite the apparent awkward flair his body language carried, gepard decided to follow his heart when it came to matters pertaining to you. he quickly came to discover your likes and dislikes, your miniscule habits when practising swordsmanship, the subtle cues you display when uncomfortable, the smile you showed upon seeing something you liked and the grin you displayed upon besting him in a duel. they were all segments which made up the very being you are, and the pieces which fit within his heart to establish this newfound love he holds for you.
(as your direct superior there are many things he notices when watching from the sidelines. among many, the one which stands out are the eyes which follow you — some gaze at you with envy, others regard you with awe, but there are a few which regard you in the same adoration he does. love and jealousy were never something gepard thought he would experience; not until he met you.)
with your role as one of the empire’s royal knights and the emperor’s personal guard, it comes as no surprise to be inflicted with injuries of varying severities. as a result, you are well-acquainted with royal physician!luocha through your numerous visits. you’ve come to find his pleasant visuals and soothing voice does wonders to heal your fatigue, even if he does tend to go a little overboard in his lectures when you come to him with less-than-fine wounds.
being able to wield elements and being able to use divine powers are two different things; one is widely accepted, the other is not. at least, that’s the case in the xianzhou empire. those born with the ability to use divine powers have fled into hiding, unwilling to be outcasted — or worse, executed — for being afflicted with the cursed power of the divinity. as such, having lived the majority of his life in concealment, luocha is no stranger to hiding his abilities. curse or blessing, it’s an irrevocable part of him. still, he didn’t want to stop helping others the way the nature of his powers could. and so he resorted to learning medicine. he soon became a renowned travelling doctor sought after for his vast knowledge, all of which garnered the attention of the emperor when he stopped by in the capital and was offered the position of royal physician. with little drawbacks, handsome pay, and a grand place to stay without needing to be on the run, luocha accepted and became the sole royal physician of the empire.
there was very little luocha found himself to be afraid of. with no one but himself to rely on, he’s crossed many bridges on his own without care. there was no need for such sentiment in survival. or so he thought. in all his years, luocha doesn’t think there was anything more terrifying than the day you were rushed in by a frantic jing yuan, your complexion sickly and covered in sweat and breathing laboured. as it turned out, you were poisoned, having drank it in place of jing yuan upon sensing something suspicious. he doesn’t recall anything making his heart drop as quickly as the situation then had, his mind blank yet frantic as he forced the panic-stricken emperor out of the infirmary and laid you on one of the beds. your symptoms were dire, he noted, and there was nothing in the cabinets suited for this kind of quick-acting poison. your condition was worsening, a pained furrow of your brows and haggard appearance being clear indicators. a bright glow then illuminated the room, and luocha came to the belated realisation he had used his abilities for the first time since concealing them, for the thought of losing you was far more torturous than his will to hide his abilities.
(there was no thought to the act, just sheer desperation to not let you die. it took him a long few days to realise that, all of which were spent looking after you by your bedside. he never spoke of how he cured you when you asked, eyes bleary with confusion on how you’re still alive, instead choosing to keep it to himself as he chided you for being so reckless. you will never know of the inner turmoil he endured, even praying to a deity he never once believed in to ensure your safety. should you sustain more severe afflictions, luocha has no qualms using his abilities again — if it means you live, he will make an exception.)
thinking about duke!blade, whose… less than pleasant disposition does little to help refute the fearful rumours surrounding his name. you've met him a handful of times when he visits the palace under jing yuan's summon or catching him at the odd banquet or two, and even back when he used to train with jing yuan before his visits suddenly ceased. even so, you find yourself doubting those rumours, especially when he seems to wear an expression akin to peace more often than he does of one resembling disdain.
the cold duke remains an enigma to those around him — even those who work under him. is it due to his quiet hostility? or is it perhaps something no one knows, such as a secret known only to him, his butler, his family physician, and the emperor? a curse; one of immortality where his soul is torn to shreds only to be stitched anew before he can succumb to the paradise known as death. it's a never-ending cycle, one which causes him to no longer track the days when they all feel the same. the days out on leading monster subjugations and expeditions are just a temporary means of escape — an outlet for his pent up frustrations to let loose without worry. no one knows what truly goes on in his mind, only ever witnessing or hearing tales of his brutal yet awe-inspiring deeds on the blood-soaked battlefields, and the origin of his adopted alias: blade. his true name evades him, having been discarded the moment he lost his humanity.
he has always noticed you. it was hard not to when the favour you received was blatantly obvious, even from when you were just a fledgling knight and he the young heir of his duchy. there weren’t many opportunities for him to talk to you, what with the way jing yuan always seemed to divert his attention back to their instructor when noticing his wandering gaze to your distant figure, and even more so after the curse struck him full-force and he stopped visiting altogether outside of summons and banquets. it wasn’t until he returned from a monster subjugation as the sole survivor did he first properly meet you. with his mind torn and body regenerating itself, he failed to notice someone rush towards him, an unfamiliar warmth encompassing his bleeding torso as his conscience began to fade. an unfamiliar ceiling and an unfamiliar room was what greeted him when he awoke, but a warmth he registered as familiar gripped his calloused hand. what met his gaze then was your dozing figure, your head smushed against the duvet beside his leg with even breaths giving way to your unconscious state. his typically chaotic mind was silent as he stared at you. it was an odd feeling, one which elicited a sharp inhale when you shifted in place, your grip on his hand loosening as you sought out a more comfortable position, before exhaling in relief when you resumed your rest. it was an odd feeling, but it wasn’t unpleasant. and, for the first time in his life, blade experienced what it meant to be at peace.
(while he never spoke of that incident to you again other than a brief thanks for giving him (unnecessary) medical attention, he found himself drifting towards you more frequently — whether it be conversing with you during those bothersome banquets, stretching out the time you escort him before he enters jing yuan’s office-slash-meeting room, sharing specialties from his territory during garden strolls, or even requesting you to spar with him. the victory from either side is sweet, but the strained expression he catches from notable figures is even sweeter.)
amongst the many you’re acquainted with, merchant!sampo is the one you’re most on edge around in spite of the years you have known each other for. it’s not that he’s a bad guy, but there’s something about his easy smile and ever-searching eyes and his words that always seem to form into something people want to hear which all seem… off. well, maybe you’re reading too much into his demeanour. after all, if he truly did have sinister intentions, you’re sure he would have acted on them by now — he’s had plenty of time to.
there’s a certain level of cunning one must have in order to survive. whether that be wits, deceit, getting one’s hands dirty, it doesn’t matter. they are all just a means to an end, after all. sampo has long since tread on the path of deceit, a game of cat and mouse with unassuming clients and authorities. but business is business, and what better way to make use of that than exploitation? disguised in a bar known as “masked fools” mapped across the globe sits a wealth of knowledge, hidden behind a secret code only known by those who covet wealth or revenge. it’s a fun pastime; the information-slash-mercenary guild receives money, the client has their request done. sampo quickly discovered playing the unassuming fool in front of the target only for them to discover they were the fool all along to be exhilarating. it was a rush like no other, even more so when he mastered the art of disguise and blended in with the crowd, building connections and biding his time as the airheaded merchant.
sampo admits, he was a tad hasty in his judgement of you. just a little. well, when compared to the ever-imposing figure of the royal guard captain chasing him down when he makes his weekly medicinal run for the palace’s physician, you weren’t all that impressionable at first glance. maybe it was the way you passively regarded him before walking off which led him to that belief, or perhaps it was the unassuming expression you always carried despite being the famed personal guard of the emperor. whatever the case, he was wrong. he realised that when his balance was tilted, back flush against the grass with your body pinning him down. the tip of your sword was against his throat and your eyes burned so brightly when asking what he was doing sneaking around a forbidden area to outsiders. he doesn’t remember what he said or did in response; all he does remember is the adrenaline rushing through his veins at the stern countenance you bestowed upon him. unconventional as it may have been, sampo thought you were the most breathtaking in that moment, a wondrous sight for his heart which only knew of cunning and deceit.
(it would be no lie to say money talks. in his line of business, it does all the talking. the only exception, sampo discovered, was when an ignorant fool attempted to hire him and have you… removed, to put it lightly. sampo couldn’t help the laugh which escaped him at the expression on the man’s face after his carefree refusal, a sound which ceased as he pointed his weapon to the man’s throat and demanded he spill the identity of the one who sent him. after all, a mere small-fry like him doesn’t have the ability to even dream of hiring someone against you — mercenary or assassin.)
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if you enjoyed this, then reblogs with/or comments are greatly appreciated !! <33
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moineauz · 21 days
𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 , small gifts tucked away in an envelope
synopsis: self explanatory, the little gifts he gives to you!
includes: various hsr men, not all
side comments: my first post in a longgg time, was made in a bit of a rush because I have other fics planned and request from my last event that I am still writing
extra: gn reader, fluff word count: 199
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𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 — He may be busy, but he will always find time to seek out silent and subtle beauties- in the form of flowers. Each flower is pressed with tender care, the colours still retained within the fibres of its petals down to its stem. Of course, beside the flower will be its name. He'll remember which ones your heart draws close to and which ones he'll grow. He promises you a bouquet, however, there is something magical in the pressed flowers he bestows you: now on display in a picture frame. A symbol of eternal affection, the kind that doesn't wither nor rot.
💌 gepard . dan heng . jing yuan . welt . luocha . argenti .
𝐓𝐄𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐆𝐒 — He is all for your well-being! Your favourite type and tea brand is knowledge safely stored in the back of his mind: with caffeine or without? Herbal? Spice or fruit? He'll know it by heart. Best expect a tea bag or two from your favourite shop perfect for your situation, be it a fruit punch to start the day or something to ease your daily stresses. He has your well-being in mind often, hence, consider this small action of his a piece of his heart. Whether he admits it or not.
💌 dr ratio . blade . luocha . dan heng . gallagher
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giamee · 11 months
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ཐི♡ཋྀ featuring -> luocha, blade, dan heng, jing yuan, gepard landau, welt yang
ཐི♡ཋྀ contains -> soulmate!au, no warnings just fluff (?) and maybe a bit suggestive for welt. ALSO LUOCHA'S IS SO ANGSTY AND FOR WHAT IDK IM SORRY
ཐི♡ཋྀ gia's notes -> ok so you know that soulmate au thing where the moles on ur body are where ur lover in a past life kissed you the most? yeah. i opened star rail for the first time in like 2 weeks today cos i rage quit after getting silver wolf while trying to build pity for luocha and then i did the story quest thingy and brainrot happened. sorry for being gone for so long. have this <3 (ppl who requested stuff two months ago i see you i hear you i'm just a slow writer)
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ LUOCHA has a particularly noticeable mole on the right side of his neck. with his high collar and serious expression, that remains another guarded secret of his that is privy to only his own searching eyes, a secret that raises colour in his cheeks at the insinuation of its placement.
having spent more time around the dead than the living these past few months, love and human connection is not exactly an occurence that can happen naturally within his profession.
and for the most part, that's alright.
yet there are some lonely nights where luocha finds his gloved fingertips grazing the dark spot on his neck, wishing that he could be graced with the same tenderness in this life that he had received in his previous one. if he closed his eyes and concentrated hard enough, he could almost feel the ghostly brush of a pair of lips against his cool skin, the feathery sensation sending a soft shiver down his spine, accompanied by the distant giggle of a past lover in his ear before it slips his grasp and he rolls onto his side in frustration.
that damned spot might as well be placed directly over his heart, considering the amount of influence it held over him.
he could only hope that his dreams tonight would reunite him with the figure that haunts his conscious mind too now, and continue his fruitless search to find them once again in his waking realm.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ BLADE has moles on his chest and back littered amidst the scars that mar his porcelain skin. always a skeptic, the man has never been one to believe in the fanciful stories of soulmates destined to be, sneering in the face of such notions as fate, preferring to keep his head resolutely on his shoulders and feet planted on the ground.
and in some sense, he's right.
because when he met you, in this current life, you joined him in his rejection of a perfect other half. and then, slowly but surely, you had wormed your way into his heart, and his insistence on not having any such thing as a soulmate seems like such a flimsy rebuttal to the way you gaze at him in adoration, fingers trailing in your lips' wake as they brush over each individual mark on his chest.
he tries not to shiver when he feels your warm lips descend upon the skin of his back, your fingers tracing the faded marks that depict his life story with a silent promise that you'll be there for him, and to count every mark on his skin with tender care.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ DAN HENG often finds himself staring in wonder at the moles which litter his arms. starting from his wrists, there is a dusting of them that creeps all the way up to his shoulders, placed upon his skin with such deliberate care that it's almost a foreign concept to him.
in the later hours of the night, he allows himself to muse over the possibility of a soulmate, a lover in a past life destined to find him again, trying to solve the mystery of their identity by peering at his arms as if their face is etched into them.
and when he meets you, he feels breathless all over again as your hands interlink with his own, clasping them so fervently that lightning practically runs up his spine as your lips reunite with his skin, once again staking their claim as you make your way from his wrists to the rest of his body.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ JING YUAN bears his mark with pride, the distinct spot residing comfortly underneath his eye, attracting his attention to it every time he paises to study his reflection.
he wouldn't call himself a vain man, so he appraises that one mole before continuing on with his day, but it's not until you have his face cupped in your palms, and your eyes study his features with an intensity he had not felt until now, that you mention that he has two other moles on his face, albeit fainter.
and you make a point of reaffirming their existence at every chance you get, with you and jing yuan's morning routine involving your lips brushing against the faint mole on the apple of his cheek and bridge of his nose before landing a last one underneath his eye.
those only serve as a mere guidline, though, as you do not hesitate to pepper the rest of his unblemished face with kisses as your symbol of affection.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ GEPARD does not know what to think of the moles that litter his collarbones. they're rather prominent, and if he lets himself think about them for too long, he'll start blushing.
even the thought of someone kissing him there makes his brain short circuit, so the sensation is definitely one that he will have to get used to with you.
the slightly sadistic part of you revels in the way his blushing face hides itself behind his hands when you kiss him on those marks, a muffled boyish giggle escaping his lips at the ticklish sensation of your lashes brushing against his skin when you lay your head against his chest.
you decide to place a few additional marks for his next life when you kiss the backs of his hands, until your lover relents and reveals his face to you once more, letting you place a final tender kiss to his lips.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ WELT finds the little triangle of moles on his hipbone more humorous than anything. there's a certain intimacy to their placement that surpasses the more innocent and easily visible marks a person may have been granted by their soulmate, and he fonds himself wondering what kind of person his soulmate is for there to be the most frequent place they kiss.
and it's a pleasant surprise, really, as to how right it feels when you see those marks yourself and giggle, continuing their tradition by dropping a kiss to each in quick succession before grinning up at him with a smile so endearing that welt finds himself desperately committing the scene to memory.
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 IF YOU LIKED THIS, TRY: bound 2 fall in love!
honkai star rail masterlist ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
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phanchester · 2 months
since there are so many data nerd phannies i decided to make a compilation of all the spreadsheets i could find - lmk if i missed any or if you want me to add any additional details <3
last updated: 30/06/24
actively updating spreadsheets
dan and phil uploads from 2021-2024
dan and phil’s upload schedule from all their channels with days and dates
amount of days in between videos in each channel
pie charts of days of the week they upload
made by @ahappydnp 
everything dan and phil related
all of dan and phil’s video links from all their channels from all their accounts (including super amazing project, snapchat, vine, tiktok and more)
all of dan and phil’s radio shows, including reuploads and playlists, as well as the dan vs phil, fan war and internet news if available for each show with misc clips and written recaps
all of dan and phil’s liveshows, including some written recaps and the app where it was originally posted
all of dan and phil’s vyous including the question they were answering
all of dan and phil’s collaborations and video features (even if they were in the background), including the channel they were originally uploaded on 
all of dan and phil’s interviews
all of dan and phil’s merch, including originally shop links and links to the phandom wiki which has further information
all of dan and phil’s professional photos as well as some fan photos, including the event, photographer and platform
the dates and statuses of each of these videos (lost, archived, unlisted or public)
made by @stillarchivingdnp
dan and phil 2024 upload stats
each of their 2024 videos with channel, upload date, upload time in uk, length, sponsor and editor/s (if applicable) with an accompanying colour-coded calendar
(for amazingphil videos) whether dan featured and (for dapg videos) whether it was gaming/talking and who tweeted it
interactive part where you can see the time period between two videos
averages, maximums and minimums for times between uploads, upload times and runtimes with accompanying graphs
percentage of videos with other editors, with pie charts for all channels and each channel
made by @dnpbeats
all or nothing: dan vs phil season 2
all of the games for season 2, with the year they played them and the results with and without all or nothing coming into play
how often all or nothing came into play and who suggested it
the general impact of all or nothing
made by @organized-chaotic-disaster
dan and phil saying “i love you”
when dan and/or phil said ily
the video and timestamp from when they said ily and whether it was prompted
pie chart of dan or phil saying ily
made by @ahappydnp
games where one of them decides the winner
date and link for each video
overall winner with the winner for each round
breakdown of the amount of times each of them have won each round and the percentage phil has won
made by @dnpbeats
dan and phil 2024 upload schedule
upload date for each video, with the day of the week and approximate time it was uploaded in cst, including the most common and second most common upload day for dapg
days between each upload, including the longest gap, shortest gap, average gap and first and second most common gap for dapg
a colour-coded calendar displaying the upload schedule for dapg and amazingphil
made by @kat-aa
completed spreadsheets
all or nothing: dan vs phil season 1 with a great accompanying document with further details and analysis of the data
all of the games they played, with the year they played them and the results with and without all or nothing coming into play
how often all or nothing came into play and who suggested it
the general impact of all or nothing
made by @organized-chaotic-disaster 
youtuber tours
(not necessarily dnp but it includes them!)
120 different tours, including the creators, names, dates, countries, links (if available) and producers (if applicable)
each tours’ venue capacity range, average and total attendance
individual tour show breakdown with city, state, country and additional notes
data on each venue’s capacity, number of tours, and which youtuber went to each venue
data on each country’s amount of shows, broken down into states and cities
made by @stillarchivingdnp 
gamingmas 2023 schedule
all gamingmas video titles from 2023
the time each video was uploaded in gmt
made by @cactuslester
spreadsheet screenshots in posts
listening trends in all or nothing
scatter graph for the correlation between track number and number of listens
analysis of the data
made by @serendipnpipity
analysis of dnp’s letterboxd ratings and movies with part 1 and part 2
(pt 1) rating distributions for all the movies they’ve rated, including details about which movies one rated higher than the other, and which movies they rated the same
(pt 1) a list of their five-star movies
(pt 1) a list of movies one logged but not the other
(pt 1) cute little misc notes about the specific movies and dates
(pt 2) ratings broken down into genre, studio and franchise with accompanying bar charts
made by @philsrosesweatshirt
views on post-hiatus dapg videos after specific time frames
i believe this is a work of progress!
video titles with the dates and months, along with details of whether they were sponsored or had external editors
view count after 24 hours, 48 hours, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 months and 6 months
made by @goldenpinof
favourite dnp tour song statistics
years phannies started watching vs the year they joined the phandom represented in a bar graph
favourite dnp tour song in a donut pie graph and a bar graph
favourite song vs year joined represented in a bar graph
made by @serendipnpipity
terrible influence: the tour trailer video analysis
all the videos that appear in terrible influence with additional notes
the list sorted by date, view count and channel specifics
timestamps provided for each clip, both in the video and where they appear in the trailer
made by @emojackolantern
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simplydnp · 2 months
I thought they'd already used a red heart on twitter?
yes, anon, you are correct. it was a birthday tweet from dan to phil.
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at the time... whew. it was a lot. universe shifting. rules being rewritten. it was a big deal. thing is, birthday tweets between the two of them have always pushed the line of sappy, and, generally, we let it slide. we didn't want them to ever stop the sweet birthday tweets. cause they're not really just for them, they're also for us. and, for me at least, it was always a little bit like... birthdays are private yknow? it's their things. so even though we went wild over the heart, there's plausible deniability there; it's a birthday tweet. they almost exist in a vacuum--never talked about by them after it happens. it absolutely set the tone for the year, even if we didn't know how much at the time.
but this, today? oh boy. oh god. alright.
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they're both wild. but this is another level. firstly, phil's tweet. that is an extremely public declaration from one phil 'i dont cry' lester. he hardly ever shares those moments and experiences with us, so admitting it at all was like wow okay this is serious. the attempt to downplay the emotions but also hit harder with 'danny' like an overly fond nickname can save it. catastrophic. phil tends to keep all that close to his chest. but instead, he chose to broadcast it for all of us. he could've told dan (who was absolutely sat next to him) this. and i bet he did. but i bet he also needed people to know. everyone to know. as he posted it to both twitter and youtube.
and then dan. self-admittedly bad at taking compliments. known for talking extensively. always down to snark/self-depricate. replies with a heart.
no minced words. no disregarding praise. and not even a black one like he usually does. it's orange. on theme and in our face! the next closest colour to red.
he didn't have to say anything. but we once again find ourselves witnessing another intentionally public response. specifically chosen.
what does it mean? ask them. but it's fucking loud.
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cursed-frog · 25 days
A Slightly too long / in depth documentation and analysis of the unofficial Dan and Phil colouring book by shout magazine
Alright buckle up chuckle fucks because this book is simultaneously a very nostalgic and strange time capsule of how the public saw them. Circa 2015-2017
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We start off with the book cover, showing up what's in store, from the credits, most of the pictures that you see are from their Instagram because of copyright or something so you probably won't find anything original.
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OK so, first colouring page I can't even look at directly because the faces freak me the fuck out, It's genuinely so creepy, and they have made no effort to stylize them, only just add some quirky text bubbles and background patterns.
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Next page is a full spread of them which looks slightly better, from the wellies they're wearing this might be a still from when they were at a BBC radio festival, overall better but still souless.
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For the third page we have a Tyler Oakley cameo and our first non colouring activity. This actually made me cackle so fucking hard because the thing is basically asking you to write your own self insert YouTuber quiz role-play. Iconic. As for the art, what can I say, they look like soy jacks.
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Nothing to say other than the word 'tops' only bar gave me a good chortle.
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OK. This fucking page. The art is fine Phil kinda looks like a piece of crumpled paper, but the real weird shit is the would you rather because this is ODD
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Most of it is fine, but, I REALLY FUCKING HOPE THAT THE HAMSTER THING IS ABOUT PHIL'S CHILDHOOD HAMSTER BREEDING. JESUS. Also, some of these have nothing to do with them? wym nandos?? With the sock's thing too... Generally icky page.
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Moving on, we see the writer struggling to find stuff to talk about, so they just tell the audience to just put something here that reminds you of them. Eh?? OK I guess
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Their eyes. Wow. And a crossword puzzle, cute.
ok next pages I don't really have much to say about, they're fine
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The ick that this page gave me hurt my soul
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and that's it, I love documenting history.
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sunny-fox · 1 year
Random thought from yesterday:
Pet! SAHSR (Self Aware Honkai Star Rail) AU
Notes: reverse isekai, characters turn into animals, Astral Express Crew, Caelus and Stelle are twins, kind of Cult! AU?
Dutch Rabbit! Pom Pom who pretends that they don't like being petted. They don't look at you when you pet them, opting to stare at random things around them, but they move towards you slowly and secretly, a few steps at a time. They nuzzle into your palm but pretend that they didn't afterwards by ignoring you multiple times when you call their name. Pom Pom does try to nip at your fingers if you ruffle their fur too often, thinking that you're trying to mess up their soft fur. If Pom Pom is feeling particularly friendly on some days, they might even let you hold them for hours (they usually lie still in your arms for about 5 minutes before squirming to get away). March will start complaining and pawing at your arm though, as it's her spot on other days.
Cocker Spaniel! March 7th who loves following you around your house. She's quite energetic, often bringing her toys to you, pleading for you to play with her through her gaze. You do play with her, but it's impossible to do so every 10 minutes, what with your work and everyday duties. March gets bored when you can't play with her, lying on the floor and looking here and there for something else to play with (that isn't her toys). Don't be surprised when you return to the living room and find your bags turned inside out, belongings undamaged but strewn across the floor, Himeko picking them up and piling them together for you. March wants you to think of it as revenge for not playing with her (>:3).
Siberian cat! Dan Heng who prefers resting on cat trees than interacting with the others. He'll swipe a paw at anyone (except you) who dares invade his personal space, though he acts more lenient towards the other pets. He watches you from his special spot on the cat tree every time you walk around the house doing chores or just going from one room to another. Sometimes Dan Heng does follow you just like March, but if you tell him that he's practically tripping you every step you take, he quietly leaves and goes back to his spot. If March is following you as well, Dan Heng will paw at her back, telling her to follow him to the living room. He'll ask for help from Welt if she doesn't listen.
Maine Coon! Himeko who's just like the mom of the group. She's mostly calm, but will gently nip at the younger pets' ears or swipe a paw at them - claws retracted, of course - if they misbehave. Himeko likes it when you brush her fur. Eight to nine out of ten times she falls asleep when you do so. She has to have her fur brushed weekly if not daily - she'll bring her comb to you and purr to let you know. Himeko will curl up next to you if you let her sleep on your bed, guarding you throughout the night, nuzzling against you when you wake up screaming (or not) from nightmares.
Bernese Mountain Dog! Welt who's really calm and quiet. He rests his snout on the edge of your bed each morning so the first thing you see when you wake is a pair of honey-coloured eyes staring right back at you. Please pat his snout as a good morning; he'll feel so happy if you do! As mentioned above, Dan Heng asks Welt for help when March insists on running in circles around you: he picks her up by the scruff and takes her away. Welt likes to accompany you on walks at night, treasuring the precious time he gets to spend with you. There's this one time when you took a photo with Welt and put a pair of toy glasses on his snout. He seemed to love those glasses a lot after that.
Raccoons! Caelus and Stelle who are disappointed that they can't go dumpster diving in your house. You can't have garbage strewn around your house, after all. You caught them red-handed during their first few attempts after arriving at your house. When you leave your house, they'll try to dig through the trash cans again. March and Dan Heng try to stop them, with March tugging on Stelle's tail with her mouth and Dan Heng standing on his hind legs, trying to pry Caelus off the can. Eventually you prepared a huge box for the troublemaker twins and hid new toys or snacks in it, underneath old clothes and colourful, hollow plastic balls. That seemed to satisfy their interest in dumpster diving, albeit briefly. Caelus and Stelle still try to climb into trash cans whenever they go on walks with you.
Even though Pom Pom was a rabbit, Dan Heng and Himeko were cats, Welt and March were dogs, and Caelus as well as Stelle were raccoons, they often stuck together like a family. Pom Pom likes to make Welt's back their personal couch. Welt won't move at all unless you pick up Pom Pom or Pom Pom climbs off his back. Himeko plays with March to distract her from turning your house upside down when you're busy. Caelus, Stelle and Dan Heng lie in a cuddle pile during naps. Sometimes March, Himeko, Welt and Pom Pom join them too. You're quite puzzled as to why they love each other dearly, but hey, it's nice to see them acting like family, no?
Had a lot of fun writing this :D
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theaquamarinearchives · 2 months
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[ forget you ― dan heng & kaeya ] "the day i needed you the most was the day you weren't there at all." cw. gn!reader, angst with no comfort, amnesia, established relationships, mentions of alcohol & drinking (kaeya)
aquamarine's findings. another old blog repost (i'm just getting through all of my old works tbh, just assume it's an old blog repost from here on) // past me said "i'm not sorry" in the notes
DAN HENG didn't quite know what to expect when welt texted him about your situation. his own partner in an accident? he knew that he should have been persistent and gone with you and march 7th. he should have fought to go with you, he should have- he should have done a lot. after a few painstaking days of you being trapped in a comatose state within belobog's hospital with every visitation request denied, dan heng decided that he had more than regrets about this.
he spent his days and evenings restless, pacing his room with every thought rushing through his mind; would you survive? would you hate him? he figured you had every right to despise him. no amounts of time spent with his head in documentation, tracing over booklets of planets and history books regarding the aeons could ease his mind.
dan heng felt guilt, as if he only had himself to blame for standing there so quietly as you and march excitedly announced that you were going to belobog on behalf of himeko. march chimed in that you'd use it more as a shopping trip and whilst you laughed it off, dan heng silently wished he could go just to protect you. you were capable but he was anxious, losing you was the last thing he wanted.
this feeling would eat at him for as long as the doctors tending to you kept rejecting the astral express' visitation requests. he wanted to see you and now it felt as though he had to pay the price - another price... wasn't he paying enough already? his heart could rot from the amount of guilt he withheld inside of him, not daring to utter it to the older members of the crew. it could break his ribs, tear him open but he'd refuse to mention it.
miserable, dark grey clouds covered belobog's usual sunshine, painting the city in a dull appearance that could only match dan heng's numb emotions as the astral express crew navigated the streets of the city, finally on their way to see you. in march's bandaged hands - she'd taken the lesser of the injuries, coming back onboard the express with a few scrapes - was a beautifully wrapped bouquet of flowers, a bittersweet get-well-soon gift in light of the news that they'd receive along with their permission from the doctors; you had amnesia and they were still testing what you remembered from the accident.
he was nervous - no, he was far more than nervous. it showed on his face the moment they all solemnly shuffled into the tight hospital room, grimacing as they brushed against each other to gather around your bed. except there wasn't a form of excitement on your tired face but rather a look of confusion. welt cleared his throat first, eyes darting to look at dan heng's sudden loss of colour that drained from his face.
"they don't remember," he whispers to himself, as if no one else was around him. he takes a moment to lean back on the wall, "they don't remember me."
it takes welt's hand on dan heng's back to guide him out of the room shakily but nothing feels real anymore. all the memories, chaste kisses and moments where dan heng had done more than warm up to you in light of his past and previous life. you remembered none of it, not an ounce of the love he'd grown comfortable enough to give you, nothing.
dan heng's legs feel weak under him as his heart tears apart. perhaps this was a clean slate in terms of his regrets in protecting you, he could have done better and now he has a chance to wipe it all clear for you - you're not angry at him but he knows it's because you simply don't remember what happened.
he'll protect you better this time, more closely and not taking his eyes off of you. maybe one day, he'll tell you about the relationship the two of you shared; the kisses under the stars and the nights curled up together reading your own books. he would still love you. he'd always love you.
it felt like a fever dream when amber came to find KAEYA while he was on a commission for the knights. he hadn't been drinking on the job when the brunette arrived nor had he consumed any that morning... so how come she was spewing nonsense about you being seriously injured on a commission?
the cherry on the top? you didn't recognise a single person who'd visited you on bedrest. not jean, not barbara, not mika or lisa, not even noelle. and as your partner, kaeya was terrified by that prospect. you saw noelle and jean daily, always in cohorts with them - hell, you would see lisa sometimes more than you saw him, thanks to the busy nature of his rank.
if you didn't remember them without a sliver of recognition, would you remember him? he found it hard to breathe the whole way back to the city of mondstadt with a restless young brunette at his side and - begrudgingly, kaeya hadn't even invited him along - the owner of the dawn winery. diluc was equally as pained to hear of your accident from amber and who was he to not be there during possibly one of the most painful times of his brother's life? he'd done him wrong before, multiple times and perhaps he had tried to brush their brotherly relationship off but he was his brother, his found family. now, he needed him.
there was only so much dread that could consume kaeya's tall body. the peaceful sounds of mondstadt no longer soothed him on his walk to the city like it usually did after a commission, no. in fact, it was killing him. he wanted to hold your face in his hands, his breath fanning over your lips as he stares into your hands. he wanted to see that beautiful smile of yours again, the way you roll your eyes at his drinking antics.
what was he supposed to do if you had forgot about him too? amber says you'd taken heavy trauma to the head. amnesia... amnesia is what ruined his life this time? not family issues and abandonment, not a family death and the awful grip of guilt and anger... amnesia. memory loss. something that had so bitterly taken his beloved from him. you'd been the first person kaeya had truly warmed up to since he drifted away from diluc. the first person to see his true sides, to see his sheer raw emotions.
kaeya had had plenty of time to prepare for this endeavour on the way into the city, knowing the chances you'd forgotten him were plenty high with how you'd forgotten the other knights. yet to hear you utter the words "who are you?" with such an innocent look to your face, overridden by confusion, it shattered his heart. his lungs felt like he was suffocating and he almost wanted to choke out 'your partner' into the air but he doesn't.
instead, with the reassuring touch of diluc's calloused hand on his shoulder, kaeya forces a weak smile onto his face, sun kissed skin glowing in the golden light of the sunset that breaks through the open window in your room as he clears his throat to reintroduce himself to you, "i'm kaeya."
his voice cracks, a dead giveaway to those in attendance that he was struggling with the reality of this. because of you, he'd lacked to drink as much on the evenings but now... diluc was already preparing to drag his brother away from the taverns, muttering curses that drinking was not the right coping mechanism. he'd be at his brother's side even if the latter reeked of wine.
kaeya would love you all over again, he'd spend so much time with you it would be suffocating if only it meant you fell in love with him again. a second chance to right his wrongs, to kiss those lips again. you were his, he wasn't going to let you fall into the hands of anyone else. he'd fix this.
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the archives' notifications. @bisexuawolfsalt, @lovingluxury, @auroratumbles, @ryuryuryuyurboat, @soleillunne
@zamorazz, @zworllyx
© theaquamarinearchives 2024 ; reblogs appreciated. do not re-upload, translate, etc. my works on any platforms or feed any of my works to ai.
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h3wi · 11 months
"how to get your crush to like you back in 3 easy steps"
or: dan heng likes you. march knows.
dan heng x f!reader. pining fools and idiots in love. march is close to having a metaphorical heart attack. cliche shoujo stuff.
"you have a crush on her."
"i absolutely do not."
march fixes dan heng with an unimpressed gaze. "you are literally so obvious, don't even try and deny it again."
obvious? he's obvious? dan heng tries not to panic. in a poor attempt to salvage the unsalvageable, he says, lamely, "...i don't know what you're talking about."
graciously preserving the little dignity he has left, march ignores him. she claps him on the shoulder sympathetically. "don't worry, i'm a pro wingwoman. i accept payment in the form of desserts."
dan heng's right eye twitches.
1. show interest in their interests, pay attention to them.
that's easy, he thinks to himself. he always pays attention to you, it comes naturally to him. he knows how you prefer your coffee with a dash of milk and honey, not too sweet. he knows how you always start books but rarely ever finish them unless they were "really good and checked all my boxes!" and could go on thesis-worthy rants about your favourite ones. he knows how you like to keep succulents on your table and give them all ridiculous names like "king coin of doge land" and "a rad little guy".
so easy, in fact, that he feels the most confident he's ever been as he strides across the room over to you. you’re fiddling with something, looking vaguely nervous as you talk to march.
"good morning." he greets, eyeing the newest project you seem to be occupied with in your hands. a crotchet dragon, how nice. he knows exactly how to keep the conversation going now—
"what's cookin', good lookin'?"
his brain short circuits.
what is he supposed to say to that? were you flirting? does he flirt back? was it just a phrase? what's cooking-?
"but i'm not on cooking duty today."
dan heng watches your face freeze in confusion. his face feels like stone. to the side, march looks like she’s about to strangle him.
"...uh huh."
an awkward silence hangs in the air. dan heng wishes he was a statue.
— a failure, cut your losses and move on.
2. compliment something they’ve put effort into.
“please elaborate.”
“say something you like about her.” march takes a bite of her parfait (courtesy of dan heng), “but it has to be something she put conscious thought into. it shows that you notice the little things, and it makes her feel good about herself which makes her feel good about you. bam! two birds with one stone.”
dan heng only feels more confused. “but i like everything about her.”
even with the sweet treat in her mouth, march looks like she tasted something sour.
“so do i compliment her on everything i can think of?”
“no, no. you-“ march heaves a sigh, “pick one. just one.”
when he sees you in the archive room, he notices the now completed crotchet dragon in your hand. he decides that this is the perfect time to redeem himself.
“it’s well-made. i like the teal colour.” he says, and mentally congratulates himself for not messing up right off the bat (again).
“thank you, it’s, um, actually supposed to be the dragon you summon.”
“oh.” dan heng’s mind had been so occupied with march’s plans and you that he didn’t even make the connection. he feels just a little stupid.
“…and it’s for you.”
“oh.” a gift from you? and it was made exclusively to represent him, with hours of effort? he is in shock.
he must have taken too long to answer, because you notice the hesitation. flushing with embarrassment, you say “it’s a little much, huh? sorry.”
dan heng doesn’t manage to get a word in (because he would love to have the crotchet dragon, thank you very much!) before you scurry out the door. it clicks as it shuts, his outstretched hand reaching for nothing but air.
— i don’t want to call you a dumbass, but you’re kind of being a dumbass.
3. find time alone with them.
“i’ll help you with this one. but when you’re alone with her, you’re on your own.” march looks mildly concerned, “…will you be ok?”
“of course.” he says, and it’s merely bravado.
“right, well, i managed to convince mr. yang, miss himeko, and pom pom to visit this café with me—you’re paying, of course—it’s a rare opportunity so make full use of it, ‘kay?”
alone on the express. with you. no one else. no big deal, he tries to convince himself.
they keyword is ‘tries’, of course.
when the time comes, he gathers all the courage he has and, hopefully nonchalantly, asks you to watch a movie with him with a mini projector march had lent him beforehand. you agree, and it’s the first hurdle cleared. no mishaps so far.
“i’ll make you coffee, the way you like it.” he offers, and feels a flutter in his chest when you smile. if he could, he would bottle the feeling you gave him up and ration it throughout the rest of his life.
“i would love that.”
he gets to work, prepping the sugar and honey as he waits for the water to boil. the conversation between the two of you comes easily, as if the recent incidents didn’t happen at all, and dan heng feels the familiar serenity that comes from being in your presence. it was quiet save for your conversation, and the backdrop of stars outside the train seemed to be even more mesmerising than usual.
but of course, not everything goes according to plan.
the astral express, which had been sailing through the stars so smoothly, lurches from sudden turbulence. you bump against the kettle when you try to stabilise yourself and knock it over. boiling water spills all over the counter and onto the floor.
“watch out!”
not wanting you to be scalded, he grabs your arm and tries to push you away with his back towards the spillage. but his foot steps on the water and he slips, falling forward.
the two of you land on the floor in a heap, inches away from the spill. pure reflexes allow him to minimise the impact of your head meeting the floor by using his other hand as a cushion. he thinks he has bruised his knuckles. he has sprained his wrist.
the thought of the compromising position doesn’t even cross either of your minds. you crawl out from underneath him, and, perceptive as ever, notice when he rubs his wrist and winces.
“dan heng! are you ok?” you fuss over him, hands flitting over his wrist. dan heng feels like he would have enjoyed the attention more if he wasn’t so disappointed that his plans were disrupted. it had been going so well, he mourns. he watches as your back disappears around the corner with promises of finding the first aid kit.
it’s hard for the previous tranquil atmosphere to come back when you obviously felt bad about his wrist (even thought he assured you it was alright and not to worry), and his plans were derailed. the both of you work together to clean up the mess, which took some time, and try to enjoy the movie, but the momentum was lost.
— …
“what do you mean all my plans went bust? i worked so hard to convince pom pom to come with me!” march looks at you in horror.
“i don’t know! i thought you said you were a pro at this! i tried the pick-up line, i tried giving him a gift, and i even spent time alone with him, nothing worked! am I just inept at this love thing?” you shake her by the shoulders, tears of frustration on the edge of falling. march could only feel wronged.
“oh my god. you’re both idiots.”
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an-internet-introvert · 4 months
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Phil and Orange 🧡🧡
(Feat. Dan)
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lorebeth · 11 months
HSR Headcannons
Hiyaa these are quick notes I think that different Honkai Star Rail characters would do or behave like ALSO IF YOU THINK IT'S OOC THAT'S FINE SHSKAHF I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS SO MUCH ANYTHING THEY DO IS REAL TO ME ❤️
Characters: Blade, Dan Heng, Gepard, March, Serval, Kafka
-He holds your hand when you cross the road (it seems like something he would do just absentmindedly, if you bring it up he won't do it again).
-He likes to take you places you've never been to, as chaotic as his person is, I think he really likes the more calmer days and enjoys finding new places with you, albeit he's also looking to run away from the authorities at the same time...
-I am a firm believer that Blade watches all types of movies, even romcoms. You enter the living room and see him watching '10 things I hate about you' and he's genuinely into it thinking about how he relates to a character.
-He has matching phone accessories with you. Kafka makes fun of him whenever he comes to work with a bright coloured pompom hanging out of his pocket.
-He is quite chill when you bring him little trinkets, he might not know what you're supposed to be doing with such an oddly shaped item, he might even stare at you blankly, but he knows the object reminded you of him and that makes him happier than he'd like to admit.
Dan Heng:
-He likes to smell you (THAT SOUNDS SO CREEPY). He loves the smell of your shampoo and has decided to buy the same one as you, however he didn't like it because March caught a whiff and made fun of him for weeks with you in earshot.
-He likes when you doodle on his hand with a pen or a marker. He also let's you do his eyeliner because you recenctly only realised he had one eye done and the other not, seeing as you start to do this more often, he buys more eyeliner and different colours for you to experiment with. (Although you both agree he looks better in red.)
-ABSOLUTELY 100% LOVES YOUR MUSIC! At first he didn't because he thought it was weird, but you eventually start catching him humming your favourite songs and you start to slowly make him play lists and organise an entire library of his and your favourite music together.
-He has matching plushies with you, you guys switch them every night and act like divorced parents who have to switch kids every weekend.
-He eats all the food in the fridge and you see him with his mouth dirty and can't help get too mad at him when he says he hasn't been in the kitchen all day. Other than his crimson cheeks, messy mouth and embarrassed eyes, nothing tells you more of his crime than his horrible acting skills.
-When he goes out, he likes to bring you back something, honestly anything. He once brought back an entire couch because he heard you needed a new one that fitted the aesthetic of your living room.
-Think golden retriever, you shall receive golden retriever.
-He likes when you praise him, it gets him happy and excited, a little shy and he just acts like he has just received the best present in the world, however it backfires when he compliments you as well. Your face heats up and even if he can't tell, he knows from your expression and attitude he got to you more than you let him see.
-She’s 100% tried to steal your clothes and you catch her every single time.
-She is so bad at hiding the fact she steals your clothing that whenever you walk into your room, you INSTANTLY sense your favourite sweater was taken hostage.
-Obviously she loves you and gives you fashion advice, but only when she’s ready will she let you borrow her own clothes. For her, this is an extreme act of love and trust.
-She totally takes your phone and blows up your storage with 100+ pictures of her or you sleeping, your phone almost shut itself down on multiple occasions 😭.
-Likes to try bake you little sweets from different planets. Due to her past, she cannot remember where she is from, so her love language is giving you things from other planets or your home planet, especially through baked goods! She’s either a cooking pro or she burns down the entire Express. It’s a 50/50.
-Loves hearing you sing. You sound like Gepard? It’s okay! She has her best smile on to encourage her lover!
-She 1000% stole your musical instrument (if you play one) and tried learning it for you if you don’t have a guitar.
-Not everything with her is musical, but she finds it does help when she’s cooking, cleaning, working in her shop, she even has a playlist that has your name on it and is full of songs that remind her of you.
-She shows you baby pictures of Gepard and Lynx. You’ve never ONCE seen her though. Kinda sketchy. Just ask Gepard and suddenly you have millions of cute chubby little Serval’s everywhere!
-That one fangirl who waits for Serval or tries to catch a glimpse? Not anymore! All the windows are now only see through on the inside and Serval has taken extra measures to keep her and your life private from her groupie. Will tell the girl to knock it off if you’re extremely uncomfortable.
-She has the passwords to every account you’ve ever made on any platform. She doesn’t go through any of them but she likes that you share that with her, she in turn lets you go through her email. That’s all she has. 🙁
-She caught you wearing her uniform once and just stayed at the door watching you say her signature catch phrases. 11/10 embarrassing, 100/10 her thinking it was cute as hell.
-She doesn’t really have time for dates or anything of the such, but whenever you really need her, desperately, she’s there instantly. Sometimes you use your trump card when there’s a creepy bug and she catches it ONLY TO THROW THAT MF IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION.
-Has a pet snake. I genuinely am a firm believer she has a pet snake that she named in your honour. If you like snakes or not, you will have to feed it when she’s gone. 🙁
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mistyacorn · 1 year
childish love
sypnosis; gepard embarrasses reader, so reader embarrasses him back. what children…
pairing(s); bf gepard + gn! reader ⟿ featuring; established relationship, playful gepard, cheeky and immature reader ngl, childish love, big fluff
❀ wc; 1,681
a/n; hi! this was so cute to write, gepard is my favourite and he’s such a cutie . it’s not a short read but i don’t think i’d consider it a long read either. in between hehe. ty for reading!!
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You, Dan Heng, March and Selee have been invited to visit Bronya, the new supreme guardian, in her new office. The four of you are guided inside by a Silvermane guard, who tells you to stay close and not get lost - especially since the building is getting renovated at the moment.
As you travel through the many long hallways and flights of stairs together, Selee starts her small rant about the ugly carpet choice in the building. March and her get into a deep discussion about why and why not green should be the colour of the carpet. The guard leading you clearly does not want to interfere in this debate, keeping his eyes straight forward and walking further and further ahead. And Dan Heng is, well… uninterested.
You’re at the back of the pack, paying more attention to the different boxes and crates that are being moved around you. There are some guards standing about, chatting noisily as if they aren’t on duty. Another guard is stacking three large crates on top of each other, working hard to transport as many as he can efficiently. There’s also a sheepish looking guard scratching his neck as he’s being scolded by a blonde man- hey! It’s Gepard!
You eyes light up at the sight of your boyfriend. Gosh he’s hot when he’s being fierce… Suddenly you’re swooning over him, not noticing that the group you were with were walking further away from you. Your feet don’t move as you simply stare towards his direction.
When you finally snap out of it, you turn to see that your buddies and the guard are long gone. Oops. You decide to find your way to Bronya’s office yourself, how hard can it be?
You advance down the hallway you’re in, stop at the end and find yourself with two choices. Left or right? A second passes before you randomly choose right. Right is always right, after all!
And so that is your strategy for the next seven turns, making mostly right turns and occasionally a left. After your eighth corner, you stop and huff unhappily. You aren’t… lost, …just-
“Exploring are we?” A voice sounds from behind you. You turn to see none other than Gepard, your boyfriend, who has an eyebrow raised and his arms crossed as he approaches you. “Or are you lost, dear?”
You narrow your eyes. “I am not lost! I’m just- um.. admiring the hallway that’s all.” You spit out a lie, to which Gepard raises his eyebrows mockingly to.
“I just watched you walk down seven different hallways, each time looking more confused than the previous one.” He informs you. “So, you’re lost.”
You can’t save yourself from that. “Whatever. It’s not my fault this stupid building has a thousand stupid hallways that all intersect for some strange reason!” You complain, crossing your arms.
Your boyfriend stifles a laugh, covering his mouth in attempts to hide it. It’s obvious to you though. You glare at him and smack his arm, clicking your tongue. “Shut up.” You mutter. “I’ll find my way there sooner or later, watch me!”
You’re just about to storm away to god knows where when Gepard grabs your wrist gently to stop you. “You’re an idiot. I’ll take you there.” He suggests.
You want to reject his offer, after all, you want to prove you have some sort of directional skills. But on the other hand, you probably will end up getting to Bronya’s office the next day if you do so. You sigh and turn back to the boy, who has an expectant look on his face. He knows exactly what you’re thinking, of course.
“Fine.” You huff, and Gepard swears he can see the gloomy cloud above your head. He smiles softly and pokes your cheek. Then he puts his hands on your shoulders, turns you around and guides you forward.
“This way, sunshine.” He says, walking beside you. The two of you walk down a couple more hallways with him leading you. You also go up a flight of stairs, the same stairs you had passed earlier, when you were navigating this place yourself.
“You know, you could have made it to her office earlier,” he points out, blatantly teasing you, “if only you actually read the sign..” He gestures towards the wooden sign on the wall beside you. It reads ‘Supreme Guardian’s Office’ with a very clear arrow printed, pointing up the stairs.
Just then, from behind you two, three guards walk past quietly. One guard accidentally laughs aloud, earning smacks from the others. They dash away, but you two knew they had heard Gepard’s comment.
Your face burns and he notices this as you two continue to walk. You can see him glancing at you from the corner of your eyes so you shove him in the arm. Furrowing your brows, you look away from him.
His eyes are on you and he laughs to himself softly at how adorable you are when you’re embarrassed. I’m going to get him back, you think to yourself.
A short walk later, you two finally arrive at the hallway heading to the office doors. Down at the end, beside the doors, stand two guards in the Silvermane uniform. Something clicks in your brain, and you immediately have an idea.
“Well, it’s right down the hallway,” Gepard says, gesturing with his head. “Go on.”
You grin cheekily and turn to him. “Wait, why don’t you walk me to the door too?” You do your best innocent face, adding a “please” afterwards.
Your boyfriend sees a clear sparkle in your eye, and he senses you’re up to something. Yeah, you’re cute, but.. “Why?” He questions.
“Because.” You quickly make up something on the spot, “I just… need you to help me get into the room, in case the guards over there don’t allow me to go in, you know?”
He looks a little confused so you add, “Plus, you’re my boyfriend.” (Damn you pulled the boyfriend card. Respect.)
Gepard doesn’t really know what to do. He has more duties to attend to, but you looked so eager to have him go with you. And he doesn’t move so… you decide for him.
You grab his arm and pull him forward, dragging the tall man down the hallway with you. “Woah!” He nearly trips following you, “Okay, okay, slow down!”
Now you pull him by your side and cling your arm around his, smiling happily and continuing your walk with Gepard confusingly trotting alongside you. He doesn’t know now but he probably should have escaped then…
When you reach the door, your boyfriend greets the two guards politely with a nod. Then he turns to you. “Okay we’re here. Go in.” He says quietly, motioning to the door with his ocean blue eyes.
You smile sweetly. “Okay, thank you baby~!” Your voice suddenly rings loudly, in this quiet hallway. “I told you you didn’t have to, but you’re such a sweet boyfriend for bringing me all the way to the doorstep!”
Gepard’s eyes widen, and his cheeks instantly turn pink. The guards at the door are wearing masks, but you both know that they are hearing every word and watching every move you guys make.
“Well, goodbye for now!” You batt your eyelashes sweetly at him, a grin on your face. The guards may see your smile as a normal one but Gepard sees the teasing glimmer in your eye. You jump up and hug him tightly, and he hugs you back in confusion.
“What are you doing??” He whispers into your ear.
Your grin grows wider as you whisper back. “Just thanking you.”
The boy is more confused than ever as you pull away from the hug, eyes still looking straight into his. What are you up to?
“What’s that baby? You want a kiss goodbye?” You giggle as you lie loudly, making sure the guards could hear you.
Gepard’s eyes widen again. No no no no what is she-
Before he knows it, your lips are on his, kissing him ever so passionately. He stands there with wide eyes for a second, before gently putting one hand on your cheek and pushing you away slightly.
“Babe, not now.” He mutters, clearly embarrassed from his red cheeks and ears.
You blink. Yeah right, you’re not getting off this easy.
You immediately crash your lips back onto his again, knowing that Gepard is most definitely dying of embarrassment right now. Hah! Revenge rocks!
Meanwhile, your boyfriend is struggling to push you back, and his mind is racing. He loves your kisses, he wants to kiss you back.. but- the guards are watching, he can’t! Oh, but your kiss… NO! But your lips….
At this point, you’re nearly making out with him. And unconsciously, Gepard finds himself kissing you back. You feel a sense of satisfaction, as though you had accomplished your mission in embarrassing him back. Slowly, he actually starts falling deeper into the kiss, basically forgetting about his fellow guards nearby.
A minute of kissing (making out) later, he snaps back into reality and he pushes you away. To Gepard’s dismay however, the guards were both already gone. He sighs heavily as he closes his eyes, already knowing that soon, the rest of the Silvermane guards will know about this… event. On the contrary, you were grinning proudly, nodding your head in approval.
“Thank you, babe.” He stares at you, his voice low, his eyes saying ‘fuck you’ and his tongue rolling the inside of his cheek in annoyance.
You smile, and plant a kiss on his cheek. “Now we’re even.” You giggle at his expression as you turn around to (finally) enter Bronya’s office.
“I love you~!” You sing aloud, before opening the door and entering.
Your boyfriend watches as the door closes behind you, face still warm from embarrassment. He sighs and turns around to walk down the hallway again.
Of course, he can’t stop himself from smiling ever so slightly as he thinks of your last words. He’s too in love with you too.
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© mistyacorn do not plagiarize or repost please, just enjoy it ykwim
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giamee · 2 months
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╭─────────────────────── ( 🎐 )
even though you don't talk, they'll still find a way to listen
› 〉 📂 .ೃ | mute reader, jus some fluff really, bit on the short side
requested by @/anon
╰─➤ 💌 ₍₁₎ ok i should nawtttt have used this colour scheme im squinting like a rat at my screen tryna see what i'm saying. the title is 'cigarettes out the window' (shoutout tv girl) if u couldnt read it which i do not hold against u
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ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 GEPARD.
it's simply in his nature to look out for others, to ensure that everyone is alright. and when he meets you, he's thrown for a loop a little. because you are fine.
the first time he sees you is in serval's workshop- you're just leaving, and something compels him to make sure that he speaks to you, even if it's for a few fleeting moments before you leave and he most likely never sees you again.
it's a simple question of how your day is, but you simply offer him a small smile before ducking past him, scurrying out of the door that he held open.
he's puzzled at first- maybe it's something to do with him? did you not want to talk to him? but then his sister explains that you're mute, and now he feels like a fool.
and thus begins his attempts to talk to you.
he writes you little notes to begin with. luckily for him, you're a regular at serval's shop, always seemingly having some device or another broken and in need of repairing. serval rolls her eyes at the pair of you- at gepard for being an idiot (you can still hear, you don't need notes), and at you for your attempts to run into her brother as often as possible (those machines weren't really broken).
despite this, it was somewhat amusing to watch the pair of you attempt to flirt with each other. and somewhat cute when your attempts worked.
you kept each and every one of gepard's notes to you, as redundant as they were. his handwriting was a little scruffy, and if you looked at them hard enough you could spot the little tremors where he tried to make the lettering neat.
a special treat was when he decided to add little doodles to them. it was anyone's guess as to what they were supposed to be- you were pretty sure that one of them was supposed to be you- and your heart warmed amidst the chicken scratch and stick figures.
you decide to write your own note back to him. in the top right corner is a little sketch of him, on a similar level to his own creations, that you hope he'll appreciate alongside the note.
you give it to him along with your best smile, mentally capturing the look of joy on gepard's fave at your little gift to him. you were gone by then, shyness overtaking your urge to stay, so you could only imagined his face when he realised that what you had written to him was a formal request to take him out on a date.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 DAN HENG.
for dan heng to open up to someone new, several criteria have to be met.
for starters, he had to be at least a little bit comfortable around you. receptive, but not too probing or overbearing. rational, but not judgmental. open, but not too much.
in many ways, he was like a cat. you had to let him come to you.
and luckily for you, you seemed to fulfil those criteria.
as one of the newest additions to the astral express, you were in some sort of in-between phase of being one of them and a stranger. you communicated in your own ways, but you found yourself withdrawing to your room. it was overwhelming, this new environment.
it was only natural that you felt more drawn to dan heng more than anyone else. he had similar qualities to you- more introverted, tended to keep to himself. and, as you later found out, you both had a tendency to burn the midnight oil.
it became almost routine to run into him when you're both up late, wandering the astral express for some peace of mind. brief encounters with little nods sent your direction gradually evolved into longer moments spent basking in each other's presence, mostly in silence. but not always.
you both had your reasons to be up late- on the nights where dan heng looked more frazzled, a certain look in his eye, is when you began to piece him together.
he'd lend you some information of his own volition occasionally, telling you about the nightmare he had, recurring or not. there was just this certain quality to you, a look in your eye that made him feel like you truly did listen to him.
and he wouldn't trade your late-night rendevous for the world.
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𝜗𝜚 honkai star rail masterlist
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astralexpressarchives · 9 months
The Renheng Iceberg Explained
Alright so there's this renheng iceberg on twitter that I was recently informed about. I'm wayyy too deep into the lore so I skipped to the bottom and everything there was stuff I was already more than familiar with.
So I figured why not put all this information to some use and make a post explaining the more obscure items on the iceberg and leaving out the self-explanatory ones, doing my best to reference as well as possible.
Blade gazing at Imbibitor Lunae statue
This was a hidden interaction where you could find Blade standing near the statue of Imbibitor Lunae at the scalegorge after revealing Dan Heng's vidyadhara form. He says he is 'mourning for folly' and asks you if Dan Heng is happy. You can watch a video about this here.
Good friends who are bad for each other
This is Kafka's description of what she knows about Blade and Dan Heng's history in her companion quest. This answer is a "truth" in her game of truth and lies.
"Apparently, they used to be good friends... Well, good friends who were bad for each other. Bladie forgot nearly everything, so he doesn't remember well. Together, they did something bad — something terrible. It led to horrific consequences. That's the information I managed to piece together. Bladie refused to tell me the details."
Dan Heng gets nightmares about blade
We see this in-game in the cinematic leading up to the Xianzhou questline. This is also suggested in the Only Silence Remains lightcone description.
Matching Jade Ornaments
Referring to this idea.
There is also a vidyadhara egg that says:
"You edge closer to the pearlescent shell and have a dream in which you are a Pearlkeeper who rides the waves, and travels across the ancient sea with your true love. The time you have spent with your lover is full of happiness, but the time of hatching rebirth is determined by destiny. You secretly put a jade pendant in your mouth so your lover can recognize each other in the next life."
And considering that DH:IL 4 story has him refusing to speak during the entirety of his interrogation, death sentence, and final verdict, it definitely leaves room for imagination.
Bracer Lore
This one encompasses a few of the other ones on the iceberg, too. Really, it's worth reading the entirety of the Passerby of Wandering Clouds relic set lore. Keep in mind all relic sets are in chronological order of head/gloves/body/feet. The bracer also mentions this part about 'That owner also once shared company and drinks with the unnamed, the two of them simply gazing at the moon with no words exchanged.' This has an interesting meaning in CN that tells us this drinking was an engagement ceremony. People thought this must be a typo but, despite many tickets from people, their only response has been that they're unable to comment further. They still haven't changed it as of patch 1.4.
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Dan Heng polishes and gaze longingly at Cloud Piercer
A recent addition in patch 1.4 where Pom-pom now says:
"Passenger Dan Heng often carefully maintains and polishes his spear. Although the Express is very safe, it seems that he is not willing to drop his guard. Hmm, Pom-Pom can tell that when he polishes his spear, there isn't just alertness in his eyes, but a glint of longing, too. Don't underestimate me, Pom-Pom had dealt with all kinds of different passengers!"
I'm sure by now everyone knows that cloudpiercer was made by Yingxing (Blade).
You can see screenshots of this interaction in this post.
Mirror Inverted Colours
Apparently, a big part of CN character design focuses around the concept of inverted colour palette designs for ships. Because Blade and Dan Heng share inverted colours, this is considered a good sign for the ship as it indicates they were most likely designed together.
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Danmei Coded
Danmei is the CN genre for mlm. It has a lot of stereotypical tropes that are very common in this genre and apply to renheng also. My personal opinion is that renheng is very similar to something written by Meatbun in particular - this is a danmei author who wrote erha, yuwu, and casefile compendium. The associated tropes are:
Lovers to enemies back to lovers angst timeline often including misunderstandings involving tragic betrayal
Black/red character x white/blue/green character
Under the moonlight
Amnesia and/or reincarnation themes
Protag did something that made everybody turn on them + complicated political drama plot
Redemption in death/isolation/retreating from the world at the end
Waiting frankly ridiculous amounts of time to be with the lover again
One character pursuing the other character literally
One character considered dead or demonic in some capacity, the other is ethereal and godly
Mortal x immortal
Afterlife/spirit realm shenanigans usually involving fractured souls as a result of torment
Contrasting personalities + others don't think they should get along/are bad for each other (usually the deviant personality is considered to be corrupting the noble/revered personality in some way which often involves a rebellion)
Mirrored Ultimates
Their ultimate animation sequences are very similar with close eyes with weapon - open eyes - attack.
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And both of their ultimates take place in different versions of the same location:
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Vidyadharas can't identify items belonging to their past yet Dan Heng got the bracer, jade pendant(?), and cloud piercer
There is an NPC named Lingling in the alchemy commission who is responsible for assisting in vidyadhara hatching rebirth. She collects the personal belongings of vidyadhara who claim that they want to keep the items for their next life. She says that:
From what I've seen, most Vidyadhara lack emotions fresh after their rebirth, and are unable to understand the sentiments of their previous selves. Not a single one has ever been able to identify which one of these items used to belong to them.
This is a big indicator that DH = DF and that their romance will be continuing in this life, too. We know from Passerby of Wandering Clouds relic set that Dan Heng is still in possession of the bracer because of the line: "His fingertips could still faintly feel the temperature from the other."
The stars always accompany the moon
This is a reference to their names in CN where the Xing in Yingxing means moon and the Yue in Yinyue jun (Imbibitor Lunae) means Moon. Their ship name Xingyue means Star and Moon, which is often why you will see them referred to with the Star/Moon emojis as well as the sword/leaf emoji.
Blade came to see Dan Heng blushing when Xiyan asked him to act the character in his story
This is referring to this video on weibo where Dan Heng is talking to Xiyan. You can see the characters in the crowd then Dan Heng starts blushing. The next time you see the crowd, Blade has arrived third from the right.
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"Eternal Regrets of a High Elder" and "Dreams from a Past Life"
These are arias from the Cloudcry Songbook written by a Vidyadhara named Lingjie who reincarnated into Chunfen. Lingjie was an opera singer and apparently a big fan of Dan Feng and his romantic life.
My friend wrote the poem analysis of both of these arias. I would strongly recommend reading her translations.
TW: These translations do include mentions of a new leaked poem. Some of the content is NSFW.
Dan Heng named himself "Dan Heng" due to the "Dan" character carved by Yingxing/Blade
We know that Vidyadhara do not usually name themselves based on their past lives as they have no attachment to them. The other iteration of Dan Heng was named Yubie for example. Dan Heng's name in CN is  丹恒. The Dan 丹 means red/pellet/powder/cinnabar. You can see Dan is inscribed on his spear that Yingxing made for him, thus the logical conclusion is that Dan Heng saw the inscription and chose it as his name.
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The Star of the East (Jupiter, Wood Star)'s god is Ying Xing, and their guardian beast is Azure Dragon/Canglong/Qinglong
This one is the only one I didn't understand when I first saw it, so I had to request the help of my CN knowing friends to figure it out.
Yingxing's name is 应星 (where the 星 means star).
The CN god of Jupiter Taisui Xingjun 太岁星君 is known as Yin Jiao 殷交
Jupiter is the planet associated with the Chinese wood element, known as the wood star
Azure Dragon is known as Canglong or Qinglong in CN. This is the guardian of Jupiter (the wood star).
Blade's fansong equates Yingxing with 听星 (judging star) which is an alias for Taisui Xingjun
You can read my friend's explanation of the relevant line in the fansong below.
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Dan Feng's crime was inspired by Chang'E, the moon goddess for stealing an elixir of immortality and Yingxing was inspired by Hou Yi, a mortal and husband of Chang'E (he was given immortality but didn't, this parallels and contrasts Yingxing's immortality)
So there's actually a bit more to this. I'm going to just use my friend's explanation here:
According to Shang dynasty’s Guicang, It is said that there is a moon maiden who escaped to the moon after stealing an immortality pill. This story was eventually given more details: The moon maiden became known as Heng’e 姮娥, who was the wife of Hou Yi - the hero who shot down the 9 suns. Hou Yi was given an immortality pill/herb as a reward, but Heng’e stole it and flew to the moon. In some versions, upon finding out, Hou Yi tried to shot down her to prevent her from floating to the moon, but he hesitated and ended up choosing not to in the end because he still loved her. In the moon, Heng’e stayed in a palace called 廣寒宮 (the Vast Palace of Coldness) and cursed to be separated from her husband, alone with only the moon rabbits and the immortal osmanthus tree forever. Later on, her name was changed to Chang’e 嫦娥 because Emperor Wen of Han’s name was 劉恆 Liu Heng, and so the 姮 Heng part of her name became a taboo. The interesting here is that 姮 (Heng’e), 恆 (Liu Heng), 恒 (Dan Heng) are all alternative ways to write the same character, 姮, which originally means moon, Heng’e. In addition, we also have a lot of official artworks depicting Dan Heng with the moon and osmanthus flowers:
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Yeah so I think that just about covers everything. I left out the ones that were self-explanatory but if anyone is still confused about any of them I can try to elaborate further in the replies.
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