#find jobs abroad
isa-ah · 1 year
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Last Push for Immigration
We're slated to leave at the end of November, and for everything we've managed to save, it's all going to travel expenses. We need help putting a down payment on somewhere to stay!
$455 / $3000
Kofi • Commissions • $ruckusthekid
I'm more than happy to work for it, and any help is appreciated. We're applying for asylum (where might be changing, Portugal resources are getting really slim), & our goal is to help other trans kids out of the country once we've figured out the process.
Thank you so so much for the support we've already received, and I'm honestly really excited to show y'all how it all goes down.
See ya soon!
More information about us, if you want it:
As a trans couple, my husband and I are really feeling the pressure to get out of the United States. We thought we could skim by where we are until we could leave, but he's been goaded by local police as they humiliated and condescended him in a back room for being trans, and I had my ID confiscated for saying male, and upon trying to get it reissued as female, I was kept after hours in the state trooper's office and surrounded by all residing cops left in the station as it was processed. We don't feel safe, if you can believe it.
We've flown by the seat of our pants a lot. We've been kicked out, homeless, manipulated and hurt by a lot of fucking people over the last five years, and we've always managed to make it work. I assume the same can be said for this; even if we don't get the money we need before we leave, we'll figure something out when we get there.
It's not ideal, having to do things like this, but we're in the middle of nowhere, in a food desert, and I have a highly restrictive diet that's really difficult to afford as it is. We've been trying to save for over a year now and only scraped up $2k with help. It's on par, if not over $1k each for us to fly, with our baggage & cats.
I'm doing my fuckin best and I'm willing to work for anything we make here, I'm just floundering to support us and get this together too with how absolutely shithole rancid the economy is.
No one owes us anything, there's no pressure to donate or commission me, but it would be an enormous pressure off of us to get this put together before we leave. Please.
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siwym-archive · 1 year
worst nightmare is going abroad and the only bread they have looks like this
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when it should be like this
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cloudsourcing · 2 months
also to be fully transparent: I am supposed to be studying abroad for my fall semester of school but I am on the verge of cancelling that because of how scared I am regarding my test results for a medical procedure I had done a few weeks ago and this random bill I got for that procedure that I thought I had paid in full. I feel as though I have no answers for how to navigate this life and don’t know where to reach out to for support. All I know is that this is scary and that I want to be okay. I want reassurance that there are answers to what I’m experiencing and that things will be okay.
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herawell · 8 months
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alloutshirt · 1 year
read 100 pages of an actual book in the last few hours which is about 100 more pages than i did in almost a year :)
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gloria-gloom · 1 year
so it seems like the day i feared most has arrived at last (the day to learn german)
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angstics · 2 years
do not watch my chemical romance live videos. you will start creating plans to go to australia
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yakamozarda · 1 year
It is funny to say "hey so yeah the winter depression combined with burn out and a lot of stress fucked me over and i felt like i was gonna abuse whatever i could get my hands on if i stayed in that country longer. This is why im back" so i just say "uwu gap year" and it works the same!
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casiavium · 1 year
Wow that's a lot of interesting items you've told us about! Now tell us your credit card information! (joking ofc)
jokes on you I don't have a credit card :p
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quenthel · 1 year
i spend 2 days not working and get anxious bc i have so much to do before my move in 2 months but without rest i cant work so its a shitty vicious cycle i hate itt
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ladyjmontilyet · 2 years
i'm struggling so much with in person college again
i'm too tired when i come home to do any work and that's if i even have enough energy to make it into campus in the first place (and even after several weeks of iron supplements after finding out i was very anaemic)
i loved being 100% online in my first year
if anyone has any recommendations for 100% online undergraduate courses please send them my way. i got a First Class Honours in my first year and now I'm getting Cs and Ds on the rare times I'm actually able to finish something.
i currently have minus €2 in my bank account (-€450 debt overall) so idk if i'd be able to afford anything more expensive than an Irish education but... if anyone has any ideas i'd love to hear them.
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anyab · 2 years
What if i dropped out this year what do i do for the rest of it
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
I just had an idea and I’m honestly mad that this didn’t come to me before
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How to Get a Job Abroad Before Moving | Tips for Finding Employment Oppo...
Are you dreaming of working abroad but not sure where to start? This video shares valuable tips on securing a job overseas before moving. We've got you covered from researching employment opportunities to networking with professionals in your desired industry. Don't miss out on this essential advice for finding work abroad and kickstart your international career today!
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briwates · 5 months
I wish I had a crystal ball to predict what consequences some of my choices would have but alas
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justaholeinmysoul · 5 months
Sometimes I wonder are native anglophones(especially americans ) blind of their privileges or are we rest of the world too compliant and submissive? Because sometimes I don't think they know they get advantages compared to other nationalities(and sometimes this goes beyond their idea of race it's the nationality only and speaking English that glorifies them in people's eyes)
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