#like maybe I’ll cancel the study abroad / find a job so I can continue seeing my physicians / get health insurance lol
cloudsourcing · 2 months
also to be fully transparent: I am supposed to be studying abroad for my fall semester of school but I am on the verge of cancelling that because of how scared I am regarding my test results for a medical procedure I had done a few weeks ago and this random bill I got for that procedure that I thought I had paid in full. I feel as though I have no answers for how to navigate this life and don’t know where to reach out to for support. All I know is that this is scary and that I want to be okay. I want reassurance that there are answers to what I’m experiencing and that things will be okay.
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riannazabalaa · 4 years
A Floor for Comfort
Restrooms are a place for maintaining one’s personal hygiene, not for crying out my little weary and tired heart. “Rianna Mariel Zabala, Rank 1” was something I always wished to hear, not to actually earn the title but to feel as if my name actually meant something rather than just ‘another honor student’. And when another revelation day came and the same name kept popping up for first place, the last cubicle of the girls’ restroom became my place of comfort where I would dramatically slide down the dirty floor and bawl my eyes out while hoping no one could hear me. There would always be a little voice at the back of my head, sounding like she’s trying to fight back tears, that would always wonder when her time would come; I still do wonder everyday. But waiting is a gift, a superpower many have given up on, and it’s something I hope you wouldn’t let go either.
3rd grade was magical. Playing the lead role in “Connie, the Bossy Fairy”, discovering that you could actually sing well without falling flat, and garnering praise while juggling everything behind the scenes were definitely the highlights of that year. It gave me a sense of what I actually wanted to do in life: work in the entertainment industry. It was sad to bring that dream up to anyone I loved years later because it was continuously shot down as the stupidest idea one could ever have, it was even sadder to realize that no one had my back. I had tried manipulating myself into saying that I had potential to be a doctor, an engineer, or anything worth someone’s time. Nearly a decade in being an honor student proved that I did have the grades and the potential for those careers, but the thing I significantly lacked most was the passion to pursue any of them. So as I continued trying to find a possible job option, I still held on to my actual dreams.
I tried. I tried so much that I would discreetly cry in the cubicles around three times a week. I tried pushing myself to enter things I knew I could do to go for what I really wanted in life. But alas, I was rejected more than I could ever remember. The reasons were always the same. It was always because I lacked potential. And that little voice at the back of my head would always murmur, “They don’t even know you! How on earth would they know that?” Because of that, the journey to make myself known would always be cut short by another person getting that opportunity because they simply wanted it. I wanted these chances so much more than anyone could ever want something, the feeling was that strong. I pushed the best of my abilities to achieve them but to no avail, I was another sore loser. I could remember my broken sobs when I wasn’t selected for the national academic competition or an in-school singing contest. Those are just two out of the hundred, thousand, maybe million rejections I have faced. But as others would’ve given up at this point, I still chose to hold on to the unknown path of my dreams even if there isn’t any road. I was still endlessly carving that path for myself.
Restrooms then became bathrooms and college was slyly eyeing me in the corner. My whole 12th grade was just a complete mess of my near adulting phase. There were college applications lying everywhere, especially on the bathroom floor. They were soggy, not because of the faucet water, but because of my endless tears. Many would wonder why I would even cry when there’s so much I could do with what I have but I cried because I felt that there was absolutely nothing for me to do. This was probably the most painful moment I ever had on my grandmother’s bathroom floor where I realized that I had no dream, a practical one that is. I had the strongest envy for aspiring lawyers, doctors, and many of various professions that were considered enough to be called realistic. I was extremely jealous of children whose parents had the financial ability to send them to study abroad, a dream of mine. I was sad because I felt that I’ve burned myself out excessively to only find out that I had been working towards an empty void of nothingness. But the deepest, most secretive parts of me knew that my hurt was never for zero reward. I still held on because I knew that there was something in front of me lurking that I had to keep my grip on to finally see because it’s the bravest thing I could ever do for myself. 
When you’re reading this letter, I hope you’re in the last cubicle of the girls’ restroom where the cleaning supplies lie, sobbing for the very first time in that same spot. I hope that after this you’ll pick yourself up and cover your eyes when you go out. I hope you cancel your plans for the day because you need to take care of yourself and eat a bowl of whatever you have at home that day. I hope that you finally get some sleep, because feeling sad and frustrated is okay. Not being hard on yourself for not getting that opportunity is even better. These are things beyond your control and it takes strength to accept them. All you need to be doing is to keep trying, no one will blame you for doing so.
Right now, I’m still lost but in reality, who isn’t? Don’t worry about your college applications because I already sorted those out and though I’m not a fortune teller, I can assure you that you will be just fine, everything will be alright, and your time will definitely come. When you feel exhausted from being repeatedly in pain, I’ll tell you that to be great is to go through so much more hurt than most people out there; then slowly by slowly, the restroom floor won’t be your comfort anymore. Life is hard but I’ll be the first one to ever say to you that you are here and your dreams will forever be valid; you are valid.
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 4 years
Aftertaste : Strawberry and Cigarrete (KSJ)
Summary : You were a daycare volunteer who saved his precious child. Without knowing, you made yourself into a no harm list. You can’t step out of that list. Not because of your appearance, but your scent. A sweet scent that bring out his desire.
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Author POV.
You were a happy soul walking along the street alone like always.Working as a volunteer could be exhausted sometimes.But you loved it as along as they are kids. You were a volunteer in a daycare.You worked there as a part time job since it paid well.Desperated for money because you were poor as hell.
Yeah ended about your background and continued this story. Where were we? Oh , walking along the street.Baggy shirt and a legging with glasses hanged around your nose bridge, you carried a grocery bags toward the daycare.
Today was one of the kids birthday. You decided to throw a little birthday party for her.Your day was smooth sailing so far or so you thought.You was humming the song when the car horn abruptly appeared. The kid was in the middle of that road.
“Watch out!” You dropped everything and saved him. The owner of that car got out and shouted at you with frustration,but not today. 
“Be careful next time idiot! Are you trying to murder this poor child? What a dickhead you are.” You actually screamed back toward him.Seeing the phone in his hand was enough evidence for that. He was careless himself.You helped the poor soul and start walk away only to heard him cried.
"Noona is my hero."His spirit has been lift up by an ice cream in his hand. You bought it for him.Both of you arrived the day care. You introduced him to the kids in your class. They were having fun with the party.
Time skip
"Y/N ah someone want to meet you." Your coworker entered the room. Talking about the man who waited outside for the kid you brought here.
"Thank you for your kindness ma'am."The two guards took the kid away.
‘Rich kid isn't he?’ Little do you know that day of saving a boy changed your life forever.On the other hand,after the kid arrived his house.His father/the boss/the king of crime/the alpha scolded at his guards.
"Appa you should see noona. She is a hero and pretty."And his son didn't stop talking about you for the whole week.
Week later : present time
You are in the daycare like always. Teaching the kids about clock and how to read the time.Then you get a call from someone.
'Miss we would like to meet up...'
Here you are.In the coffee house for someone to meet you.Can you trust that person,you don't know. You don't even know why you accept their request to meet up with you in the first place.The same guards from last week arrives with the boy.He run from them and cling his body onto your leg.
"Noona my Appa want to meet you." Oh shit,did I get myself into a trap or trouble.Arriving the house full of men in black isn't something you expect.
"Take a sit first,our boss will come down soon." 
What makes it less tension is this boy on your lap still talking with you. He becomes a good distraction.He brings his plushy and throw it in my lap.Insisting that it’s soft and you should play with it.
“Appa!” You expect his father to look like an old man who is around his late fourty.You eyes follow the boy presenc until it reach a young man.Holy crap, what a young gorgous face.‘Is this his father?’You scream in your head.
“Well I would like to thank you about the incedent last week.”
2 days after you find yourself standing in front of the same huge mansion.You aren’t sure why you accept the deal.Is it because of that stack of money or his handsome face that you get lure by it.
“Welcome again miss y/n.”The guard smile and open the door for you.The other one has already pick up your luggages.All of sudden you become a personal nanny for his son and also the tutor as well.
‘Well you see,he has a little problem when he attend the school...’ You still remember what he told last time about his son.You make sure to note every details about him.
“Noona...my noona is here!”The boy runs toward you from the other side of the room just to cling himself on your leg.You wonder why he loves your leg so much.
“Hi little boy,you already know about me being your nanny right?”He nods.
“Well then,would you like to introduce youself a bit,dear?”
“My name is Kim Hansu.You are miss Y/N,my noona.”You chuckle with what he says.
Taking care of Hansu was an easy task.He was well behave for a while week. When I start my lesson,he would put full attention to me and study hard.I swear if I have a child,he will be a model from that boy/girl of mine.
“So what is 4+2 again?”
“6!″ He answers.He is a bright kid.I always need to find something more difficult to ask since he catch up really well.
“Good boy,now free time.”He smiles and suddenly climbs up my lap.He burry himself in my chest while playing his toys.I decide to write a little report for his father.
“Hansu-ah want anything for lunch?”I ask him,but no answer.I glance down into my lap.Seeing the boy sleep peacefully,I decide to make him a sandwich.I gently lay him on the sofa and live the room.
“Umm well,can I umm use the kitchen please?”I ask one of the guard outside the house.They look confuse,but nod.I don’t know who to ask since mr.Kim must be at his work place and to use kitchen in someone house without permission seems to be rude.
I finish the sandwich and go out to check on Hansu.He is still asleep.I then continue to write the report and his schedule for the next lessons.Finishing everything,I send the report into mr.Kim email.
“Time to wake him up.”
Jin POV.
It has been a week that Y/N enter my house.I didn’t get to see her and Hansu much since the work in the company was really hectic.I am reading the report that she gives to me right now.To my surprise,she works better than I expect.
“Sir the meeting in the afternoon has been cancled.Mr.Choi has to attend his business abroad.”My secretary come in and report the schedule.This is the time I can go home early.I am excited to see my boy.
“Boss you are early today.”The guard greet me while I walk inside my house.I ask them to report what happened today.The story they tell me make me surprise.
“So she asks you guys whether she could use the kitchen?”I ask again to make sure that what I hear was right.They all nod.I chuckle and take them by surprise.
“What a peculiar girl.”I mumble and enter the living room.The sight of my son munching up the sandwich while laugh along Y/N story is the first thing greeting me.This is beautiful,he’s cute.Well she’s also cute with that smile,her laugh is gorgous and her scent..
What just happened to me? I never think anything like this toward any girl before.Also why my wolf try to pick her scent right now?After I have Hansu,I actually shut my wolf scent when it comes to mate.How the hell it alert now?
‘Listen to me idiot!’He speaks.It’s been a long time since I speak to my wolf.
‘I hate that you shut me like that.Also stop ignore me.This is important dude.’ I try to ignore him and go pass the living room to the kitchen.When I walk pass them,I scent something sweet.It’s really sweet that I can feel it taste in my mouth.Is this strawberry?I didn’t eat them before I come here so how?
‘I say listen to me!’This time that guy shout with angry voice.I startle a bit and decide to listen to him.‘What is it? Speak before I shut you again.’If he stand next to me,he will roll his eyes and sigh.
‘You see that girl there?’He speaks.
‘Which girl?You mean Y/N?’I ask back.
‘She’s the only one in your house so who else.Well I’ll be quick since you don’t really like me talk to you that much.’
‘You know yourself.’
‘Shut it.The thing is believe me or not she’s our mate.’Wait what?Is this guy that horny.I know I didn’t have relationship or even a quick sex as a relief,but it was only like 2 months.
‘Are you kidding?She is not our mate dude.That’s Hansu nanny.’
‘No she is.’
‘Is not.’I start bicker with him inside my head.He is going to make my head explode soon.
‘Explain to me why we scent that strawberry thing and feel like it’s in our mouth every time when you passed by her?’The question get me off guard.I also wonder why as well.My mind blank and everything turn silence inside my head.
‘See?That’s my point.I won’t argue with you anymore,but beware.Anyone can claim her before you did.If that happen,I’ll control you for the rest of your life.’With that he disapper.
Author POV.
During the dinner,it is more akward than usual.Jin take a glance at y/n a few times while he eats.Y/N doesn’t catch his stare,but she feels it.She decides to avoid.Thinking that maybe it’s her mind plays with her.
“Appa you were early today.”Hansu speak while munch up his steak.It is his favourit menu so Jin request the maid to do it three times a week.
“My schedule get cancel so I get to see my boy today.”He reply with his gentle voice.That side make y/n surprise and feel the warmness from him.She never see it before and witness this now make her heart skip a beat.
‘What a wonderful father.’She thinks and continue to eat.When she finish,she picks up her plate and Hansu.Walking into the kitchen,she wash them.The maid quickly enter the room and stop her.
“Miss no need to,It’s our job anyway.”
“No it’s fine.At least you cook for me and that must be tired.”
“It’s our job m-”
“But usually you cook for two at most,now you have three.Let me help you so this will clean quicker and we both can depart to rest up.”Y/N continue to wash the dishes.The maid sigh in defeat and join.
All of the that isn’t out of Jin sight.He watches the scene by the door.Leaning his body to the door frame and continue to watch will be up next.He doesn’t notice that his face lit up with the smile all the time.
“Appa I want you to tell the story today.”Hansu shake the tip of his shirt.You and maids turn their face toward the voice.Seeing Jin make you glance down to the floor.He pick the boy up and carry him out.
“I think he likes you.”The maid who dry the dish up speak witha smile.Making you eyes widen with shock until red blush color her face.She chuckle and leave the room.
“Boss never hire nanny.No matter how Hansu beg him to do it or even his friends beg him.You must be special that he decide to accept what Hansu want.”
“It’s nothing really.I just save the boy from car accident.”You reply.The maid smile brighter than before.When everything done,she walk out and leave you a sentence to think.
“You are special miss.If not he wouldn’t care of your action at all.”
Her words leave you think all night.Were you that special? You couldn’t believe that a person like you would be that ‘important’ to him just because you save his son.It is something that a decent human would do,isn’t it?
Days by days,you feel something out of ordinary.The feeling growing in your chest isn’t suppose to happen like this.Not when you are a nanny and he is your boss,the father of this boy.
However,can you deny the fact that you fall for him? You can’t,but you try.You try your best to behave normal so does Jin.That guy also face and fight his feeling as well; even though,his wolf told him you were his mate.
May be because of your presence in this house for a long time,your scent change.The scent is a mix of strawberry and cigarrete from those guards and himself.He doesn’t know why that make him addict to your scent even more.
Today you ask Jin’s permission to take Hansu out of the house.He agrees without a second thought.Well that guy trusts you so much.It’s to the point that he let his 2 loyal guards become your personal guards.
“Hansu want an ice scream.”He speaks with bubbly voice.You can’t defeat this boy order.Not when he put that cute face and beg.You walk toward the ice scream shop and order it.
“You guys want some?”You ask the guards.They walk silently behind the two of you the whole time.You think that must be a tiring job.Following around people.
“We’re good ma’am.”
“You look tire though.At least we can take a rest here and you can order a drink for yourself.”They don’t know what to reply,but don’t want to refuse your kindness either.
At first it’s akward.The guards won’t speak anything.It takes time for them to warm up and start talking with you.You don’t like to treat them like a workers.Let them feel like they’re with a friend at least with you.
“Excuse me guys,I’ll go to the rest room.You can stay here.”You stand up and leave the table.Hansu want to follow you,but you tell him to stay with the guards.
All the way to the rest room,you feel like someone follow you.You step inside the rest room.After you finish,you walk out.However,someone push you back in. Gripping on your neck tightly as if they want to tangle you.
You move desperately in his grip.When you can free yourself,you stomp toward his feet and decide to run.Arriving inside the shop,you pay the bill and leave the mall as soon as possible.
“Hansu want to stay.”
“Let’s come next time.”
“But I want to..pwease?”Oh that baby voice.You decide to take him to the park. Remember there is a place for him to drain his energy.
Time skip
“He fall asleep in the class.”One of the staff hand him toward me.I grip onto his body and carry him in my arms.One of the guard try to reach out for his body to help me.I tell him it’ll wake him up anyway if I’m not the one who hold him.
“You were such a great mother.”With her words,I blush. 
“Well I’m just his nanny.”
“Then he must love you so much.He can’t stop talking about you.”She smiles. Finally I bid her a good bye and we all go back to the mansion.
Seokjin is cooking the meal today since he wants to surprise his son.He didn’t cook for awhile so his skill might be rusty.Hansu always love his meal.He prepare the dish and everything.
You without knowing enter the living room.Your foot step alert Jin that both of you’re back.Jin come out to greet both of you.When he arrives,your eyes widen. Seeing him in something which isn’t a suite make your heart burt with flame.He is indeed charming.You think of it and start blushing.
“Y/N are you okay?Do you have fever?”He walks closer to you.You step back until your thigh hit the sofa.He gently put his hand toward your forehead.Staring at you.His face keep coming closer and closer.
“Appa..you’re back?”Hansu voice interupt you both.Jin pull himself back and walk to Hansu.Picking his son up,he tell his son what is waiting for him.
Hansu eyes lit up with excitement.The meal goes on smoothly.Hansu tell his day to his father.You like always report Hansu bahavior.Jin nod along before sontinue his meal.
“Also you can call me Jin if you want.”
“Is that okay for you?”
“Of course,you’re my son teacher and a friend of mine anyway.”
You feel delight yet upset at the same time.‘What did you expect him to say y/n?’ You scold yourself in your head.When he calls you friend at least that should make you happe.Why are you sitting here upset?
“You don’t need to wash the dish.”
“It won’t be fair if you work only,will it?”You continue to clean the dish.Scrubbing then until it shine,you wash the bubble out with tap water.Jin notice something around your neck.A red mark strech around your skin.
“Who hurt you?”The question make you startle.
“N..no on..one”You stutter.He step closer until there’s no gaps between you both. Trace his hand down the line.His touch dance around your skin.Giving you an electric shock.
“I hate liar so don’t do it and answer.”He whisper.This time with his deep husky voice.It impact leave your body shake.Your breathe get caught up in the throat.
Without warning,you feel something like a plush touch your lips.Eyes glance down to see his lips on yours.Your eyes widen.He doesn’t seem to flinch and continue to taste your lips.You eyes then slowly close and lips chase the rythm of the kiss.
“Strawberry...” He mumbles.
He start trailing down from the lips to your jaw line.Moving smoothly down the skin of yours which flushing red.When he arrive your neck line,he keeps sucking on the same spot.
“We should stop.”The sense in you suddenly kick in.You push him with the best strength you have.You are panting and face blushing with crimson red.He doesn’t look different.You both glance up and meet each other eyes.
“I’m sorry..y/n.”He speaks like he regrets it.Apart of him want to claim you so bad while the other part pull him back.He shouldn’t be like this.He shouldn’t throw himself on you.
After the incident,you both let a week passed without talking to each other.Jin start burried himself with the work at the company.Hansu seems upset that his father didn’t have time for him again.
For you,you try your best to focus on Hansu.Taking care of him and teaching him well.You know why Jin acting like this.To be honest,you didn’t dare to face him either.
“Hansu-ah I’ll be in the kitchen for a moment.”You tell a little boy who is working on his exercise that you give.You walk through the door into the kitchen.Picking a glass of water then leave.
“Hansu did you finish your work?”
“Yes noona,I fi-”He didn’t finish his sentence when all of sudden a gun shot throught window.You quickly rush to the boy and pick him up.
“Are any of you outside.Please come and help!”You scream.Two guards enter the house with the guns in there hand.Pointiing to the window.
“Please take care of him,I’ll inform Seokjin.”You hand a boy toward one of them. Hansu cry out with fear.
“We’ll protect you.Be a good boy ok?”You rush to the phone around the the TV.You pick it up and call Seokjin immediately.
“Who is calling?”It must be his secretary,you think.
“Please I need Seokjin right now.I’m his nanny.”The line then reach to Jin in no time.You explain what happen.Hansu sobbing voice can be hear ieven though it is a fade noise.
“I’ll be there.”The line end and you check Hansu.The guard hand him and you calm him down.Waiting for Seokjin to present in the house.
The sound of the engine alert you that he arrives.The door brek apart,bangin to the wall.Jin waltz into the living room.Seeing Hansu cry in your arms,he reaches out for his son.
“Shhh appa is here...it’s ok now.”He calm his son whose sob get quieter.
Jin look around the room which turn into a mess.Glasses shatter everywhere. Bullet holes presents here and there.He wants to scream at his guards so bad,but he keep his temper.The fear of Hansu break down again stop him.
“I will talk to you both later.Leave.”
His guards shiver from his command.The voice of Alpha with that amber eyes making them obey without hesitation.You look at Jin.Noticing his shining amber eyes.You want to ask what’s wrong, but you afraid it will make him mad.You then look at Hansu and then ask the boy.
“Are you alright dear?”Asking with your voice soft like an angel while petting his head.He nod and you can feel the vibration of his head.
“Good boy.Big boy doesn’t cry remember.”You try to cheer him up.
Again you glance at Seokjin.His breathe hitch while stare back at you.He doesn’t sure whether it’s his temper or your face this close to him that make his breathe irregular.
“You have something to tell me right?”You ask.Don’t dare to push his button.
“I think it’s the time for you to know.”He sigh.His eyes turn into a regret one. Showing you how upset and embarrase he is right now.
Both of you walk into his bedroom.He close the door and lay his son down onto the soft matress.You sit on it beside him.When he sit down,he makes sure he leave some space between you and him.He doesn’t want you to be scare.
“Well you see that scene downstairs.Also I already tell the reason I didn’t bring Hansu to a normal school.”You nod along his sentences.
“Actually I have a more specific reasons for that.”You look at his serious feature. 
“And is it relate to what happened awhile ago?”
“Yes indeed.”He glance down to the floor.He doesn’t know how to tell this story. However,you need to know.You just got into this mess minutes ago because of him.You deserve a right to know.
“We aren’t a normal citizen and you could see from the first time.Huge mansion along with guards and maids might be normal to rich family.Perhaps we aren’t only an ordinary ‘rich’ family.”He stops.He feel the hesitaion for the next thing he says.
As if you can sens his feeling,you reach your hands to him.Softly caress his to make him calm down.An electric spark through his body so does your.You both try to ignore it.
“I won’t judge you if that is going to make thing easy for you to tell me.”H look at you again.Searching your eyes to see you tell a truth or lie.
“We’re a mafia.”Your heart stop for a moment.The shiver run down your spine and he senses it.His wolf also howl in agony.Preparing you to leave this place without mating you.
“A..mafia?Like a mobster with cliche dealing,killing and...”
“Yes but we aren’t that low.We have rules and we didn’t like to put innocent people in danger just like those.”He explain how his worlds work and all.You try to keep up with the new information you just get from him.
“And like I say we aren’t normal.I mean it.”
“And how you guys aren’t ‘normal’?”
Hansu was playing in the playground.It was around the noon and all the kids got their free time.
The boy was playing by himself.Sitting on the swing,he played alone like always. He was a quiet boy and didn’t feel good to be around a lot of people.The other kids found his behaviour weird so they didn’t like him.
He got tease and bullied everyday.That day was the last day he could put up with it.
“Leave we don’t want you to play around here.”
“A weirdo like you deserve no one to play with.”He sighed and left.He didn’t want to have problem with anyone.However,one of the kids picked his last straw.
“How sad, no friend and what else....no mother?”Jin get called to the school by the principal in the middle of his meeting.
He came to pick Hansu up.They informed that his beloved son got in a fight.When he arrived,he witnessed his boy fangs.Blood dripped down from the side of his mouth.That day,Hansu bit his classmate arm.
Jin found out that Hansu had problem with the kids in school and he couldn’t control his wolf yet.The anger would make his wolf took over and acted out. Hansu begged him to quit the school and Jin did it.
Afterward he assigned a tutor or took Hansu to the darecare.Sometimes the maids and guards  in his house would take care of the boy for him.His friends would come to play with the boy if they had time.
“Thank you for save him.I appriciate it.He can’t stop talking about you after that incident.It seems like he already bond to you.Wolf bond tend to be a strong one especially for him who have no parrents since the beginning.”
“But you are his parent,aren’t you?”You ask.
“No he is my god son.I just take care of him for the sake of my dead twin brother.”He asnwer with honesty.Your heart break with this sad cliche story.This man in the dark world he live,he still take care of a pure boy to grow like good kid af of he’s an angel.
“I understand if you want to leave.I’ll take care of your salary and all.I will need you to have body guards for awhile unti I clear this mess.After that you can be free all you want.”
Jin speak with an upset tone.He knows he doesn’t want you to leave.He wants you to stay.Despite his feeling,he can’t force you.It’s your life so it’s your choice to decide whether to leave or stay.
You on the other hand have a fight in your head.One side tell you to leave while the other tell you to stay.You can’t decide this filling that mixing up in your chest. You feel numbness crept all over your body.
“Appa...Appa...”Hansu rubs his eyes.He slowly awake from his sleep after tireness from crying.
Seeing the boy fragile body wrap around his father.Seeing how naive he was, how this boy grow up into an innocent child in this kind of environment.you come up with your decision.
“I will stay.”
Your decision that day really make Jin shed in tears.After listening to his story and go through things that rough,he has no hope for your presence to be still by his side.
He makes sure to protect both of you.For you,your life is normal.After incident nothing bad happen yet.You can enjoy your time with Hansu.Feeling a little sad when you need to quit the daycare,but you visit there sometimes.
The guards always stick around you and Hansu.Jin order them too.However,you want them to not feel akward as well as Hansu.You talk to them casually like friends and let them get to know Hansu.They turn into basically another babysitters who help you.
“Hansu want to go to toilet.”A little boy shake the hem of your shirt.You let him go with one of the guard.He beg to sit on the guard neck.
You with another guard,walking inside the store.It’s nearly Jin birthday and you want to surprise him.You don’t really know what to pick,but you follow Hansu opinion.The guard also help you for that.
Twenty minutes pass and none of them come back.You start getting worry. Getting the gift inside the bag,you with the guard immediately leave.The guard then get into the restroom to check.
“Hey are you okay?”With that voice,you bang into the men restroom.There are no one inside,lucky.
“I’m sorry...*cough..ma’am.”He coughs out blood.Your face drain all color.You all get in the car.Taking him to the mansion.
“You can’t go alone.”
“No you guys need to stay here.I think I need to inform the police.”
“But master will be mad.He doesn’t like police to...*cough*”The guys still cough out.You wonder what he has got to become in this state.
“I call Jin.Can we think of anyway to find Hansu?”You try your best to stay calm. You need to think wise and being panic isn’t going to help.
You let the other guards work on tracking Hansu.Yourself hop onto the cars and drives to Jin company.One the other hand,he is in the middle of dealing.You call him before arrive the face,but he didn’t answer.
“God damn,pick it up Jin...please.”You feel like crying right now.Everything hits you. ‘No focus.’ You keep that in your head.
Running into the building is the first thing your instinc tell when you arrive.You can’t even wait for the elevator so you run up the stair case.Reaching his dealing,you knock on the door.
“I hope you reconsider the deal.Thank you for coming today,Mr.Cha.”Jin bow to the elder.The screen then fade black.When he open the door,your face appear which make him startle.
“Why are you here?What happen with you?”He asks worriedly.
“Hansu..he got...huh...kidnap.”He brings you inside the room.Locking the door, you start explaining everything.
“Hello...my old friend,how are you doing?”The screen turn on all of sudden.Jin face turn into an ager one while his fold his hand into a fist.Knuckles turn white like no blood running.
“What with that face...I thought you want to see your boy?”
The man step aside and reveal Hansu.His heart shattered into pieces when he sees his boy tied up with the chair.Blood running down the little guy head.He is unconsious.
“Remember my deal and you can get the boy,48 hourse from now...”With that,the screen fade black again.
48 hours or he won’t see Hansu,no more.
“Anything yet?”You ask the team.You really want to reach for the police.Thinking again,you can’t do that since it’ll be a risk for Jin not only a threat for that guy.
“Do you remember the face of that guy who give you a wolf bane?”You ask.
“Yes ma’am,he was..around this and with the mask cover his face.His eyes glow like red with a tatto on his neck...”He tries to remember the picture of that day.
Jin is in his room,talking to no one.He blames himself for everything.He is frustrate with everything.Staring at the grey painted wall with the clock that ticking make him feel sick.His head is mess up and washing his face didn’t help.
36 hours left
Searching and searching,there is no clue where is Hansu.No one in the house dare to sleep.Not when the boss is growl in anger inside the house.You decide to go and check him.You drag your lifeless body with two feets of yours and approach his room.Getting closer and closer,you can hear his voice.How it’s agony and tired.
Entering the room through wooden door,you see a mess.Everything has been wreck by a man who is now sitting on his bed.Two hands graps tightly on his head.The fresh red stream run down his muscular arms.
“Jin...Seokjin...”You look at him with fear.Instantaneously,you pick the kit up and start applying his wound.Cuts and bruises are all over the place.
“You shouldn’t..”
“No this is my fault..mine.”He speaks with a tired voice.It will crack up and cry any time.Everything in the room turn into silence mode and get more and more tense.
“I swear to my brother to protect him with my life.I’m an idiot,a loser.”Hitting his point,he cry out.
The man can’t bear this stress and fear anymore.Not when his little boy,his pup,is in danger and shit like that.The phone ring.Jin is going to throw it when you stop.You decide to pick up the call and answer the caller.Opening the speaker.
“Hyung you finally pick up.”
“Uhhh who is this?”
“You’re not hyung?Eh..this voice,are you Y/N?”
“Yes..”When you try to ask him,he cut off.
“Great,can you please get this call to him.Nice to meet you by the way,I am Jungkook.”Hope lit up in Jin mind,his eyes shine once again.
“Jungkook-ah....I need your help.”
24 hours left
“I will find my little buddy,don’t worry and stay calm hyung.”Jungkook assure his brother before working on the screen.
The guards know who he was.Seeing his presence make them feel relieve. Jungkook is alliance of Jin and he’s good with hacking.That’s all you know. Other things,you are goinf to find out now.
“That son of a bitch seriously put a high fence.Aye those two,insert the code I give you.”The guards beside him follow his instrustion.
“Did Hansu wear the watch?”Jungkook ask out of the blue.
“Uhuh he always.”You answer.
“Then that’s great.”He smile like a maniac while typing a lot of alian language into the computer.He looks like a psycho,you won’t lie.Regardless,he’s our only hope right now.
“What’s with this guy an his stupid deal....wanna get our groups.I’ll tell this to Namjoon hyung once I leave here.”He still types the mass numbers and letters on the computer.Coming to the last line,the click sound appear in thin air.
“Ready to get your boy?”
6 hours left
“Uhhh can I call the police, at least for support?” You ask them. Everything in the van is silent. No one speak. Jungkook has a laptop on his lap while the guards listen to order. 
“Things is going to get messy and we don’t want to drag those men to mess it up even more. Also, we have our guests on the way.” Jungkook sentences make you frown. Wondering who are they. However, seeing Jin face with a little relieve, you sense that they are going to be good helpers. 
“I thought you will abandon this annoying kid.” Hearing the voice, your memory of that day kick in.
“You! That idiot man.” Everyone shock after you outburst and point at the guy who kidnapped Hansu.
“And you are that brave girl. My plan would have completed if you hadn’t saved the boy.”
“What’s going on here?” Jin whisper toward you. You immediately explain him. His blood boiling even more after you finish the story.
“And also, where’s our deal, Mr. Seokjinssi?” Jin grit his teeth. Jungkook is on the van with some guards. He insists to not get inside, but he will handle other things.
“500,000,000 Million dollars, enough for you?” Jin approach the guy with a thick suitcase. The guy open and see stacks of money. His eyes glow up, but immediately become dull.
“But I want your gang, I think it worth more than these money.” 
“Get Hansu to us first.” You speak. You don’t really know where does the braveness come from, but you want Hansu to be back in your arm. The footsteps then aproach you and Jin.
The little boy finally in front of you guys; however, He was beaten up. Cuts and bruises are al over his body. The poor boy is nearly unconscious, while those guys drag him into this place.
Jin can’t control himself anymore and start punching the man. The fight start and other members enter in. Both Jin members and that guy’s members fight in the warehouse. You find a chance to pick up Hansu.
Gun sound appear in the air and everywhere gets bloody. You only see this as a chance to get Hansu, so you find a way until you reach the biy and pick him up. However, something is behind you nape. A cold mental touch harshly and leave the sting. Making you fall from your feet.
“Y/N!!!” He triess to reach you, but he can’t. Now you are on the floor with the gun in front of your face. Hearing the click sound, you tighten your embrace toward Hansu.
“Hansu, noona love you.” The boy sense something bad is going to happen and he cries. 
“You son of a bitch!” 
You feel nothing. The sound disappear. You open your eyes to see Jin in front of you. His eyes change into bright amber, fangs come out of his mouth and claws appear from his hand.The sight of his state should make you feel scare yet you feel nothing like that. You feel safe and sigh out with relieve.
“Do you want to control this gang that much?” He turns around and see the face of that man full with fear. You look around and see the states of his members. They are the same as their boss.
“Leave here.” He speaks and give you to one of his guard. 
Jin POV. 
After Y/N and Hansu get outside with my guard. The fight begins again. However, this time everything become messier. I slash, bite and snap every single being that is in my way; even though, their men keep flooding inside.
All of sudden, those men die. The sight of their body disect and randomly goes to different corner of the room make everyone stop. Blood stream down from the wall and some trickle down from the roof.
Dark magenta eyes appear from afar along with the navy blue eyes. I know who are those people. Thinking of them, I sigh out with relieve. I need to thank Jungkook later then.
“You need to thank me later, I was having a good nap at home.” A voice appear.
“I see my lovely god son and I’m really not happy about it. Who did it hyung?”
“Quit asking and help me.” I demand and the figures appear from the shadow. Yoongi and Taehyung approach me with their guns and bombs. 
Their body are covering with blood. Yoongi carry a wooden box. I’m wondering for awhile until he approach the ‘boss’ of this group. Gripping his neck up from the floor, the man whimper. 
“I’ll leave....I will...”
“Useless, answer me, who hire you to follow him?” Yoongi ask.
“And I want an honest answer. You want to just disappear from here after what you have made, right?” Taehyung play with his knives. That guy can be a psycho sometimes. To be honest, all of us are.
“Enough with the talk then. Sleep well.” Yoongi chop of his head after Taehyung finish speaking. 
His members look at the scene with the horror face. They all try to run for their lives. However, every side of the warehouse close down by someone. The sound of panting and groaning in pain are echoing inside. 
This is the end of them.
Author POV.
Let say everything finally end. Hansu is safe so does Y/N. Jungkook contacted Taehyung that day. Luckily, Yoongi was also with him; discussing about new work from Namjoon.
The others knew about Hansu in no time and after a week, they all visit Hansu. Namjoon and Hoseok made sure the news wouldn’t reach police. Jimin with Taehyung played with Hansu all the time. The little boy recovered from trauma quicker than the doctor expect.
“So hyung, I heard you found your mate?” Hoseok ask Jin.
“Of course hyung, she is beautiful and brave. However, poor her, she needs to deal with this old man.” Jungkook tease.
“Well when you ready send me the card. I’ll make sure I’m free to go to your wedding.” Jimin lit his cigarrete.
“I need to be the best man though.” Jin roll his eyes after Taehyung sentence. He sighs and just shut them up by changing the topic. Sadly, the topic begins again when you step into the scene.
“We are ba... oh, I’m so sorry.” You walk into the room with Hansu in your embrace. Jin walk toward you two and take Hansu from your embarce. Everyone there watch their biggest brother have a sweat moment with his future wife.
“Ahem..Ahem... Hyung, we are here.” Hoseok and Jimin clear their throat on purpose. You immediately look down.
“You guys make the girl startle.” Yoongi, who usually don’t join the tease, speak.
“Aish stop before I kick you guys out.” Jin reply with irritated voice.
“Not try to be disrespectful, but I’m still your boss.” Namjoon claim and walk toward you. He starts introducing himself and everyone in the room. The chat last long for awhile before everyone seperate. Bidding each other a goodbye.
“Now it’s our time.” Jin backhug you and kiss your cheek. Your cheek start blushing. Your body feel hot all of sudden. Jin do nothing, but chuckle with your reaction.
“Ready to eat?” He whisper.
“Jinssi...you...” You flush even more and hit his arm. He laugh and then speak again.
“What do you think? I mean the dinner. Hansu is going to be down here soon.”
‘It’s the time you idiot!’ The wolf scream in Jin’s head. Jin sigh and tell him to shut up.
‘This is the time bro. Before the kiddo wake up.’
“You look...so serious. What’s up?” You ask.
“Uhhh the thing is...you are my...mate.” You give him a puzzled look. Trying to understand what’s the meaning behind that.
“What is it? What are you trying to tell me?” You ask again, but Jin only sigh. He doesn’t know how to explain it.
‘Maybe it’s not the time yet.’
‘Explain idiot, before I take control.’ His wolf growl in his head. Making Jin feel dizzy.
“Huh it’s...I....” A voice interrupt him.
“Noona...please be my mom. Appa just ask you to be my mom. You are his other half and I want you to be my mom.”
“Hansu...” You are now speechless.
‘Great you just et the kid ask her instead of you. What a coward.’
‘Shut it, at least it will help her to easily accept us.’ Jin talk back to his wolf.
“Please, accept me.” Jin beg you this time. His voice is soft yet showing how desperate he wants you. 
“If noona don’t accept, I’ll cry.” 
Hansu eyes start welling up with tears. Gosh, you feel like you have been attack by these two. However, you can’t deny your feeling especially after everything that happen. You really love Hansu like your real son. You can sacrifice anything to keep this boy happy. And, you’ve already accept Jin. 
“Hansu...call me eomma from now alright.” Hansu look at you with his eyes widen. Suddenly, the boy runs to you and you lift him up. 
“Eomma, I love you.” The boy hug you tight. Burrying his face into your neck. Jin also doesn’t waste his time and hug you. Turning you around, his lips connect with yours. Both you savor the moment for awhile until Hansu voice appear again.
“Appa I’m hungry....” Jin seperate from you and take Hansu with him. You chuckle and follow both of them into the kitchen. 
Helping a mafia child seems to not bad huh
Hi every bypasser, I’m back. Finally I got my blog back. I hope you enjoy this one. I rush through this fic before my ideas disappear so I’m so sorry if you spot lots of mistakes. Thank you.
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bunnyswriting · 5 years
That Darn Smile
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Paring: Raihan x Reader
Content level: Just some cute fluff
Notes: Ooooo first story, wow I’m rusty lol. This got a lot longer than planned, but it’s no biggie. Anyways! Quick dragon man story, just some cute stuff, nothing major so far (also I had no beta reader and wrote this in the middle of the night)
It hadn’t been all that surprising to you when you got a sudden call from you good friend, Leon. The Galarian Champion had been your friend for quite some time now, ever since a trip you took to his home region six years ago to study under Professor Magnolia.
What did surprise you, however, was when you got in call and heard how frantic he was. You managed to calm him down and ended up getting into a video chat, knowing he found it easier to explain things to you when speaking face to face.
He explains it all to you: the upcoming finale of the Gym Challenge and the chairman who’d gone rogue and nearly destroyed to entire region by summoning an ancient legendary pokemon.
“Luckily there was a very talented young gym challenger with me- his name’s Victor, he’s more or less Hop’s rival. He was able to capture Eternatus but these last 24 hours have been absolutely…” he trailed off, trying to find the right words.
“Exhausting?” you offered with an understanding smile, leaning on your desk as you looked up at your floating rotom phone.
“Yes! And the Gym Challenge finale is still going to happen today, I’d never cancel it- but we have no idea what to do about the chairman. He’s turned himself in, as well as the majority of his staff who the police are considering his co-conspirators,” he continued on, taking off his signature sports cap and pushing his purple bangs back.
You mulled over everything he’d told you in your mind and sat back in your seat, glancing over when you heard a curious cooing noise besides you. You turn your head and meet the eyes of your trusted Dragonair who slithers besides you and lays her head on your shoulder.
You smile gently as you run a hand down her side before speaking again. “So, before you continue, let me guess what you’re going to say next. You’ll explain that there’s no one else to take on the position of chairman at this moment in time and you’ll need at least a temporary replacement until you can find someone to permanently fill the role. You’re coming to me, as both a friend and professional, in the hopes that I can perform the duty of chairman due to my experience running the Indigo League here in Kanto for the last two years,” you rattled off, and once you saw the somewhat-shocked look on Leon’s face, you knew you’d hit the mark.
A grin slowly makes its way onto his face and he quickly nods, “that’s exactly right, (name). Professor Oak’s already reached out to Magnolia in order to recommend you, and so has Juniper after your studies and work in Unova. So… will you do it?” he finally asks, and you can hear the slight desperation in his voice. 
You’re his best option right now.
“Well... it is the off season for the league in Kanto right now and the majority of our gym leaders are on vacation. I’ll still have to find someone to take over for me while I’m gone, but that shouldn’t be too hard, I’m sure I can get in touch with Oak’s grandson,” you mused, tapping a finger to your chin as you seemingly thought aloud. 
You glance back over at Leon and sigh, clasping your hands together with a cheeky smile. “Well Lee, just book me the next ticket out of Kanto and you’ve got yourself a temporary chairwoman.”
The man looks like he could practically jump up and out of his seat with excitement and he grins wildly, “Yes!! I won’t be able to thank you enough for this, (nickname)! I’ve already checked the tickets, there’s a flight at the airport just outside of Celadon city in a few hours, think you’ll be able to make it in time?”
“Oh it’s no issue, I can call a cab within the hour. I’ll be in Galar before you know it, you just go and get ready for that battle of yours, champ,” you assure him, excited for what’s to come.
The two of you exchange goodbyes and as soon as you end the call you jump up, bounding around your house and making all the necessary preparations. You pack a luggage bag of makeshift clothing, toiletries, and anything else you might need for at least two weeks of being abroad. You call Blue, Oak’s grandson, and let him know that you’ll be needing him to fill in for you for a little while- he has no issue with this, and accepts the job in his regular cocky fashion.
Before you know it you’re up in the air, your Dragonair settled into her pokeball on your hip, and you stare out the window and watch clouds and ocean go by as you imagine all that awaits you in Galar.
After a not very brief five hour flight you’d touched down in Wyndon airport, just a few miles north of the actual city itself. As soon as you step out of the plane and take your rotom phone off airplane mode, you’re bombarded with a sudden rush of notifications you hadn’t been able to receive while up in the sky.
You skim all your messages, a few were from Blue letting you know all was alright in Kanto, a few were from your family and friends wishing you a safe landing, and the more recent ones were from Leon letting you know he wouldn’t be able to pick you up from the airport himself.
You momentarily wonder why, but when you look around the sudden realization hits you.
Every person in the airport around you is glued to their phones, watching the little screens with excitement.
The Gym Challenge finale match was underway, it’d started as you were approaching Galar.
You reread Leon’s message and see he’d assured you that a friend of his would be there to pick you up instead.
With a shrug of your shoulders, you pat the pokeball on your belt to let your Dragonair know all is okay, before heading onto baggage claim to retrieve your luggage.
Minutes later you have you bag in tow, lugging it towards the exit. You walk out curiously, smiling as soon as you feel the bright sun on your skin, the crisp air refreshing you after hours of being cooped up. 
Curious, you glance around, searching for whoever might be here to pick you up. Leon never specified which friend it’d be picking you up, all he said was a ‘friend’, and if he wasn’t in the middle of a very important battle right now you would’ve already called him with questions. 
However, it doesn’t take you very long to figure out who your guide will be. 
Down the road a bit you’re able to spy a tall lad jogging in your general direction. His skin tone was on the darker side, and his fashion sense was rather flashy- with a bright orange bandanna around his head and a slightly oversized dragon themed jacket covering his torso.
You recognized him quickly; Raihan, Galar’s very own dragon tamer, and Leon’s longtime rival.
You decide to make it a bit easier for him and meet him halfway by walking towards him.
“(Name), hey, I’m-” he begins, but you’re quick to cut him off and spare his breath.
“Raihan, no need to introduce himself, as a fan of dragon-types there’s no way I wouldn’t know who you are. Also you’re a friend of Leon’s- or should I say rival? Maybe both,” you reply with a bit of a laugh.
Now that he’s standing before you you’re able to fully realize his height- and he practically towers over you. He looks down at you with a bright grin and you can practically feel the energy emanating off of him, but his eyes are what catch your attention the most.
They’re a striking and almost electric blue, and you don’t quite realize that you’re staring until he points it out himself.
“Enjoying the view, sweetheart?” he asks with a confident smirk, and you blush as you avert your eyes to the ground. 
He laughs a bit, and you pout at how he finds your embarrassment amusing. 
“Hey now, no need to be shy, I’ve heard a lot about you too- mostly from Leon, he thinks you’re a genius,” he explains, which makes you glance back up at him.
“Wait really? What’s he said-” you ask, interest piqued, but you’re cut off by a growling noise.
Your face flushes when you realize the noise came from your own stomach.
You and Raihan make eye contact before bursting into laughter, yours being a bit more shy as you wrap an arm around your stomach.
“I guess a five hour flight will leave your fuel tank pretty empty, huh?” you mutter, shoulders slouched.
A hand gets placed on your shoulder, making the blush on your cheeks somehow even redder, and you glance up to see Raihan smiling down at you, “no worries, happens to the best of us. I know a great cafe nearby, we can swing by for a bite to eat and maybe watch Leon’s match- if it hasn’t already ended, he tends to wipe out the competition.”
“Does the competition which gets wiped involve you?” you ask with a bit of a cheeky look, grinning when you see how the comment took him aback.
“Hey now, there’s a reason I’m the eighth gym leader, I’ve nearly beat Leon on several occasions,” he retorts, quick to defend his pride.
“Oh I have no doubt, you’ll have to let me see those dueling skills of yours,” you suggest, patting the pokeball on your hip.
The smile on his face is infectious, and you find yourself smiling up at him in return at no time.
An hour later you’re sat atop one of the hills in northern Wyndon, the stadium out in the distance. The sounds of the crowd can be heard miles away, but that’s not your main focus right now.
No, your focus is the bombastic and confident man before you, who’s in the midst of telling the story of a rather exciting battle he had not too long ago. You’d been getting to know each other and already blended rather well, being a little more than friendly right off the bat.
“- so there I was, two pokemon left- my Gigalith and Duraludon. The bastard I’m battling is getting cocky, thinking he’s so clever with a team of fairy types. Clearly he’d forgotten that my star gigantamax-er is half steel. So I gigantamax, Duraludon grows to the size of a skyscraper, and I whip out the move Max Steelspike!” he explains, reliving the story with such vivid energy that you feel like you’re there watching the battle yourself.
“Do you wipe the rest of his pokemon?” you ask with a smirk, his energy contagious enough to get you incredibly invested.
“I wipe the rest of his pokemon!” he exclaims and you giggle, laying back and leaning into the grass.
Raihan takes out his rotom phone and flips it open, letting it float above both of you as he takes a seat beside you. “Smile for the camera, sweetheart,” he says with a wide grin, bearing those sharp canines of his.
You blush upon hearing that little nickname but decide to just go along with his request, putting up a peace sign with one hand and giving a closed eye smile. 
You hear the audible click of a picture being snapped and the phone floats back to him and he grabs it to quickly show you the photo. “Oh, this is a good one, definitely getting posted, you look adorable,” he teases you.
“You don’t look too bad either, handsome,” you reply smoothly, feeling comfortable enough to flirt with the renowned ‘dragon tamer’.
You notice a slight jitter in his movements, your little comment catching him off guard, but he’s quick to bounce back with his confident personality. “Well that’s a change- earlier you could barely stare at me without getting as red as an Applin, now you’re flirting?” he muses, putting his phone away as he lays down in the grass next to you.
Your eyes meet and you get to stare into his, still a bright blue in spite of the setting sun.
“Ah well, I’m think I’m past the initial intimidation. You have a bit of an… overpowering presence,” you admit, giggling a bit as he quirks an eyebrow at you..
“Is that so?” he asks, folding his arms behind his head as a grin settles onto his face.
“Oh yes,” you murmur with a nod, turning your head to face him, “but I’ve gotta be careful with how much I feed that ego of yours. If I compliment you too much you might just end up exploding.”
He feigns hurt and and clasps a hand to his chest, gripping the front of his jacket, “oh, sweetheart, you wound me!” he exclaims dramatically, moving his other arm and wrapping it around your shoulders, tugging you closer to him.
You recognize this tactic, he just wants to make you flustered and get a rise out of you, but you refuse to give in. In fact, you decide to one up him.
“I wounded you? Oh I’m sorry, maybe this will help,” you reply, leaning up in his arms and planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.
Now you’ve got him.
He stutters over his own words momentarily, and you’re able to see the faint blush on his cheeks.
A smile quickly replaces his shocked expression though, and you find yourself grinning back all the same.
You didn’t know how long you’d be in Galar, but so long as he was around you knew you’d be just fine.
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seriestrash · 7 years
Joyeux Noël
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❄ Day Ten ❄
A/N: **Complete AU** Another one!! I know!! Junior year!! Riley and Lucas have never met!! Lucas doesn’t even live in America!! More ballerina Riley!! Angela!! GM Hurricane never happened!! As in Shawn and Angela have never had a reunion!! The rest will be explained in the fic!! Maybe!! I hope!!
Summary: After studying abroad for the beginning for her Junior year, Riley finds herself stuck in Paris over winter break. Topanga reaches out to an old friend who lives in the city and Riley finds herself on a Parisian adventure. 
Word Count: 7052
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Riley Matthews is in her junior year of high school and since the school year began she’s been studying abroad in Paris. This opportunity came about when Riley’s two closest friends, Maya and Farkle sent an audition tape to a prestige ballet academy on her behalf. 
What started as a way for the clumsy child to learn some balance, turned into a passion for the brunette and ever since Riley’s very first dance lesson she’s ate, slept and breathed ballet.
Although Riley adores her new school and wakes up every morning for class and rehearsals like she's the luckiest and most unworthy girl alive, she has been  looking forward to a break. Not from dancing, Riley was constantly dancing and Christmas wouldn’t stop that but she was looking forward to spending time with her family and friends whom she misses dearly. 
A cruel twist of fate sees all the brunettes hopes for a Christmas in New York shattered when all flights out of the country were cancelled on the day before Christmas Eve due to severe weather which was uncharacteristic for this time of year. 
Riley spends a very upset phone call to her mother at the airport as she tries to sort things out. Eventually Topanga concludes that there’s really nothing she can do but wait for now.
“Honey, there’s nothing we can do but wait and hope the weather clears up in enough time to get you on a flight home for Christmas.” Topanga says sympathetically. 
“But Christmas Eve tomorrow.” Riley frowns. 
“I know, Riley.” Topanga is upset too over this. “But there is literally nothing we can do. I’d rather not have you home for Christmas than fly in dangerous weather. I’m sorry.” 
“What am I supposed to do?” Riley questions. “School is open for the holidays but it will be me and the groundskeeper.” 
“I will call Angela. I’m sure she’ll be happy to have you stay with her until we can get you home.” Topanga says. 
Riley lets out a groan. “But mom, I don’t even know her.” 
“Riley she was my best friend growing up, she was like a sister to me.”
“But the first time you spoke to her since before I was born was when I first arrived in Paris.” Riley challenges. 
“And I’ve spoken to her regularly since.” Topanga understands her daughter is upset but she still doesn’t appreciate the attitude.  
Eventually Riley hangs up the phone call with a sigh. Riley has her bags and finds somewhere to eat at the airport whilst she waits for Angela to collect her. Riley had never met Angela in person, she only knew her from stories and she heard that Topanga had reached out to her after they got Riley enrolled in school. Cory and Topanga has asked if they could list her as an emergency contact being so close and all. Angela was surprised to hear from her old friends but happy to accept. 
Riley’s sulking at the airport when she recognises the woman approaching her from old photographs of her parents. 
“Riley?” Angela asks as she reaches her. 
“Yep.” Riley sheepishly waves. 
“You look so much like your parents.” Angela says with an amazed expression. 
After Angela gives Riley an awkward hug she leads her to the car and helps load her bags. They set on their way and Angela tries to fill in the awkward silence. 
“I know you don’t really know me but your parents and I have so much history.” she says. 
“From what my Uncle Shawn’s told me you could have been my aunt.” Riley says and it comes off ruder than she meant it. Part of it was her sticking up for her uncle because she knew how heartbroken he was when Angela left and part of it was just from Riley’s distaste to the whole predicament in general. Still she apologises. “Sorry.” Riley says. 
Angela gives her a small smile and lets it slide knowing Riley is upset. “And from what your mom has told me Shawn’s married your best friends mom.” 
Riley is quiet. She never thought of if that way, if Shawn ended up with Angela he might never have become a father to Maya. 
“You’re married now aren't you?” Riley questions more politely as she was trying to make up for being rude. 
“I am. For about six years now.” Angela smiles. “Jerry is in the military so he’s away quite a bit but I was brought up by a military father so I’m used to it. We have a nine month old daughter Margret or Maggie.” 
"Is Jerry home for the holidays?” Riley asks as she continues to try and make nice with her estranged could have been aunt. 
“He is.” Angela wears a big smile as she drives. “He got in a few days ago.”
“How lovely.” Riley grins. 
“My godson Lucas also lives with us and he’s only a year older than you.” Angela explains. “His flight tonight back to Texas was also cancelled so he’s in a similar boat to you. I know it sucks but at least you’ll have some age appropriate company until you can get home.” 
“Lucky me.” Riley lets out a breath and the remainder of the car ride was quiet. 
Riley’s boarding school is in Paris but not within the city limits so she’s seen a few of the main landmarks Paris city has to offering day, during her first week there but that’s about it. 
Angela lives in a lovely apartment on the outskirts of the city. Riley can admire the beauty of the architecture around her without even having to have any known landmarks in sight. Although the beauty was something Riley enjoyed it wasn’t enough to life her mood.
Riley enters the quaint looking apartment to discover it’s actually rather spacious inside and breathtakingly beautiful. There’s a continuous flow of timber herringbone floorboards, pure white walls and ceilings with detailed skirts and trims and lovely plush furniture to dress it all up. Not to mention the Christmas decor was stunning throughout.
“Your home is beautiful.” Riley says in awe. 
“Thank you.” Angela says with a proud little grin. “I’m an interior decorator so I did it myself.” 
“You're very good at your job.” Riley says with a sweet smile. 
“Thank you.” Angela says again with a softer smile. A many holding a baby comes out to greet them. Angela introduces her husband and daughter before she goes on to show Riley around the apartment, pointing her in the direction of the bathroom etc. 
“You’ll stay in Lucas’ room. I’ll change the sheets for you now but you can get settled.” Angela leads the way. “There’s a small balcony off the room. There’s no view of the eiffel tower but I still find the street pretty to look at all the same.” 
“That’s lovely but I honestly don’t mind sleeping on the sofa.” Riley is genuine. “I’d hate to put anyone out.” 
“Don’t be silly.” Angela says with a kind smile. “You’re a guest and I know Lucas  won’t mind crashing in the living room for a few nights.” 
Riley nods and Angela knocks on the door, she quickly deduces Lucas isn't back yet. Angela explains that Lucas is hardly ever in when schools out because he favours the outdoors so much. 
They enter the room and Angela insists Riley put her bags down whist she strips the bed. Riley does just that and takes a moment to look around the room. It has the the Parisian fixtures the rest of the apartment had but it’s dressed liked a typical boys room. 
Riley takes it upon herself to step out onto the balcony with pretty iron balustrade. Riley admires the view as she’s looking down at the street she meets the confused gaze of a handsome boy around her age. Riley wanders back into the room and helps Angela fit new sheets to the bed even though she protested about it. Riley insists and they finish it together. 
It’s not long after that a new voice flows through the apartment. 
“Angie? Jerry?” He calls. 
“Lucas, honey I’m in your room.” Angela calls back. 
“I could have sworn I saw someone on my-” Lucas reaches his door and spots the stranger standing beside his godmother. “Hello.” 
“Hi.” Riley says sheepishly. 
“Lucas, this is Riley,” Angela introduces. “Do you remember how I told you about my friends from high school, Cory and Topanga?” Lucas nods and Angela continues, “This is their daughter.” 
“Oh right. Nice to meet you.” Lucas nods politely but he’s still confused. 
“Riley’s flight home to New York was cancelled so she’s going to stay with us until she can get home.” Angela explains. 
“I’m sorry.” Lucas says genuinely. “What brings you to France in the first place?”
“I go boarding school a little bit outside of the city.” Riley says and she’s starting to feel nervous after meeting so many new people. It’s beginning to sink in that she’s essentially staying with complete strangers.
“Don’t be modest, Riley.” Angela nudges her arm gently. “Riley’s a dancer,” She turns to Lucas, “And from what her mothers told me she’s a very good one.” 
“Cool.” Lucas says with an intrigued smile. 
“Well I’ll let you two get acquainted.” Angela says. “Riley, if you need absolutely anything I’ll be in my office so don’t hesitate to ask, alright?” 
Riley gives her a small nod and with that she disappears down the hall. Riley and Lucas stand there awkwardly for a moment before Riley quietly says, “Sorry for stealing your room.” 
“It’s okay.” Lucas chuckles. “Sorry you’re missing out on holiday time with your family.” And he genuinely was, Lucas could tell Riley’s mood was definitely down about it. 
“You're in the same boat.” Riley says. 
“I guess.” Lucas shrugs nonchalantly and it strikes Riley as odd. 
“I don’t know if you have a laptop or whatever but you can use my computer on the desk to video chat with your family or friends or something.” 
“Thanks, that would be great actually.” Riley smiles. 
Lucas nods too with a grin of his own and again they’re just standing there awkwardly. Riley gives Lucas a funny look and realisation suddenly crosses his face. 
“Right,” He laughs nervously, “I’ll leave you alone now. I’ll be in the living room - AKA my new suite - if you need me.” 
“Thanks again.” Riley says. “If you want your room for anything feel free to kick me out.”
“It’s all yours.” Lucas says. 
“Thanks.” Riley repeats.
“You’re welcome.” Lucas smiles and Riley gives him another funny look and it elicits another goofy chuckle from him. 
“Right, I was going. Bye.” Lucas shakes his head and quickly makes his exit from the room. 
Riley brushes off their strange encounter and sits herself at the desk against the wall in the room. She switches on his computer and is thankful there was no password that would mean she had to awkwardly call for Lucas to come back and tell her. 
As the screen loads Riley finds herself smiling at the desktop picture. It’s Lucas and two other people taken selfie style. There’s a girl with beautiful tight brown curls kissing his cheek and another boy on the other side wearing a silly pout. 
Riley loads her own messenger and calls Maya without caring what time it was for her in New York. Riley was just hoping some FaceTime with her best friend would be enough to lift her spirits.
The blonde answers within the first two rings. It turns out it’s only a little after 10pm back home. Maya had been filled in on the news of Riley’s flight cancellation by Topanga and she’s been just as bummed out about it as Riley. Well maybe not as bummed since she was at home with her family for Christmas but she was still missing her bestie like crazy. 
The girls quickly enter a sulky conversation about their misfortune and how much they miss each other. Riley pleas for Maya to apply to art school in the city so they can be close to each other and Maya says she doesn’t regret for a second helping Riley with this opportunity, she just hates that it’s so far away. 
Before they know it it’s hours later and Riley feels worse about things than before. Maya is interrupted when Katy comes into her room saying how it’s almost 2am. Maya begs for five more minutes and Riley apologises on the other end of the line. 
It’s only moments later that Riley’s interrupted by a faint knock on the door. She says come in and Lucas pokes his head through. 
“Sorry to bother you I just wanted to get a change of clothes.” He says. 
“Of course.” Riley says. “It’s your room.” 
“Thanks.” Lucas smiles and he walks in view of the camera on his way to the closet. “I’m also here to tell you that there’s some dinner ready if you’re hungry.”
“Now who is that?” Maya questions after having seen the Texan cross the screen. 
“She does know I can hear her right?” Lucas laughs nervously as he takes some comfier clothes from the drawers in his closet. 
“Yep.” Maya says and she’s wearing a grin that Riley can see on the screen. 
“She’s just bolder than most people.” Riley laughs nervously too and gives Maya a look pleading for her to stop. 
“Right.” Lucas laughs again as he makes his way back out of the room. “Like I said there’s food if you’re hungry.”
“Thanks but I’m okay.” Riley half smiles. “But I’ll still come out and say goodnight. I’m kind of tired after today.” 
“Understandable.” Lucas nods and with that he was gone. 
“Well staying in Paris can’t be that bad if he’s there.” Maya chuckles. “Do explain.” 
“He’s Angela’s godson, he lives with her... I don't know why.” Riley shrugs. “But I can’t talk about it because it’s rude and I have to go.”
“Conveniently!” Maya sends a knowing look through the camera. 
“Love you, Peaches.” Riley says with sadness in her heart. “I miss you.” 
“You too, Riles. Hurry home.” The blonde wears a sad expression too. 
“If only I could have a say in that.” Riley frowns and shortly after they end the call. 
After politely excusing herself from dinner Riley retreats back to Lucas’ room and changes into something sleep appropriate before flopping down on the fresh bed sheets. As Riley sinks her head into the pillows the covers give off a relaxing lavender scent and Riley wonders if all of Angela’s linen smelt this lovely. After another quick phone call with her parents, Riley passes out for the night. 
She wakes early the next morning as her natural body clock is used to very early rises at her dance academy for morning training. Unable to fall back asleep, Riley wanders into the main of the living room. She spots Lucas still snoozing on the sofa and despite how comfortable he looked, Riley still felt guilty for putting him out. Riley reaches the kitchen and finds Angela fixing baby   Maggie a bottle. 
In a soft whisper Angela asks Riley how she slept and tells Riley to help herself to anything she’d like for breakfast. Riley thanks Angela and makes a few goofy faces at the baby because even in a sulky state she couldn’t resist a babies cuteness. Riley has a piece of fruit and a glass of water and she quietly chats with Angela over breakfast. By now Riley had softened up to the idea of getting to know her mother’s high school best friend and she found it interesting to learn about her life since parting ways with Shawn and her parents, the move to France and everything in between. 
After Jerry wakes and quietly takes the baby, Angela excuses herself to do some work in her office but tells Riley that Lucas can take her out today if she pleases. Riley smiles at the offer but had no intentions of taking it. Riley says she might go for a run and Angela tells her to be safe whilst she’s out. 
Whilst Riley’s out on a run she sticks close to the building as she was unfamiliar with the area. Back in the apartment, Lucas finally wakes up. Angela’s in her office and Jerry was enjoying some quality time with his baby after being away on base for so long. 
Lucas casually approaches his room and notices the door is open. He cautiously peaks through and notices his room is vacant and the bed is neatly made and everything. With a confused expression Lucas continues to casually look around the apartment before deducing that Riley wasn’t in. He very well could have just asked Angela where she was but he didn’t want to come across as weird for wondering. Lucas uses this opportunity to get himself some new clothes for the day. 
When Riley finally returns she’s managed to work up a sweat even despite how cold it was out there. Even though there was bad weather around the airport, they were lucky the weather wasn’t dangerous within the city. 
Lucas is sitting on the sofa ready for the day, his temporary bedding has been packed away. He greets Riley as she passes and she’d rather be anywhere else as she felt pretty gross from exercising. Lucas says he had plans with some friends from school for lunch and invites her along. Riley politely rejects and says she didn’t feel like doing much. It was evident she was still bummed about not being able to fly home. Lucas doesn’t bother her any further and Riley retreats to Lucas’ room to prepare for a shower. 
After Riley freshens up she changes into her usual ballet practice ensemble but before beginning her routine she takes the time to check in with her parents even though it’s very early for them, they sadly tell Riley it still looks like no flights will be getting out until after Christmas. After ending the call, Riley’s hit with a new wave of disappointment so she begins going through her usual practice routine, the same kind she’d be doing at home if she was there. Dancing always made her feel better. Riley uses music on her phone and headphones for focus as she repetitively goes over her steps. 
Riley’s in her own little world for hours as she continues to practices her ballet. Even though it was tiring, Riley enjoyed it thoroughly. She’s still tuning out the world with her headphones and she doesn’t hear Lucas knock on the door multiple times. After three loud knocks and no response, Lucas figures Riley must be out so he opens the door. Lucas is surprised to find Riley was in fact in the room, her back is to him as she’s gracefully standing on the tips of her toes, she still hadn’t even registered Lucas’ presence. Lucas got caught up in the moment and he was fascinated with her graceful swaying as she switched between the five basic stances. Riley then pirouettes and as turns she notices Lucas and very embarrassed, she stumbles out of her usually perfect spin. Riley pulls the headphones from her ears and Lucas is apologising profusely. 
“I’m so sorry.” Lucas says. “I knocked a few times and you didn’t answer so I assumed you were out-” He stops as he was speaking very quickly. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay.” Riley says and her heart is racing faster than usual. “I couldn’t hear you, you spooked me.” 
“Sorry.” Lucas says again. 
“It’s fine.” Riley assures him. “Did you need your room for something? I can go.” 
“No, it’s fine.” Lucas is smiling goofily. “You can keep doing what you were doing I was just coming to get a video game to play in the living room.” 
“Are you sure you don’t want your room?” Riley questions. “I can warm down in the living room and you can play your game in here.” 
“I have friends over and as sure as I am that they would enjoy watching you warm down I think I’ll let you have the privacy of the room.” Lucas chuckles and immediately he regrets his words. “That sounded creepier than it should have, sorry.” 
After embarrassing himself, Lucas finds the game and hurries out of the room. Riley closes the door and stretches again. She shakes any lingering tightness off and lays lazily on the bed. Riley spends sometime watching videos on her phone and texting her friends back home. Riley didn’t particularly feel like doing anything other than sulk about being stuck in Paris and practice her ballet and since she’d already rehearsed she was left with sulking. 
Riley didn’t want to leave the room or talk to anyone especially since she knew Lucas was in the living space with friends so she suppressed the hunger building inside her until her stomach was too loud to ignore. Riley has no choice but to surface from Lucas’ room and cross the living room en route to the kitchen. Riley keeps her head down as she walks into the room and four sets of eyes, including Lucas’ are glued to Riley as she crosses the room. She hears someone say “Miaou” (Meow - A French catcall) followed by Lucas telling him to shut up. Riley ignores it other than a polite smile she points at no on in particular as she hurries along.
Riley makes it to the kitchen easily enough but by the time she pulls something out of the refrigerator there are four teenagers around the kitchen island. Lucas is wearing an embarrassed and apologetic expression and the other three guys have flirtatious and intrigued smirks. 
Riley laughs nervously as she places her snack on the counter. 
“Riley this is, Oscar, Nolan and Pierre.” Lucas awkwardly introduces. “They wanted to meet you...” 
Riley gives a small wave as she feels nervous under the gazes of these relatively attractive strangers. 
“Bonjour, Ma chérie.” (Hello, my darling) The one introduced as Oscar says. “Est-ce que tu es aussi doux que tes yeux?” (Are you as sweet as your eyes are?)
After Riley stares blankly at Oscar, Lucas questions if Riley knows French and she shakes her head still nervously smiling. She understood a little French but not too much. Riley didn’t really need to, her classes are in English and she rarely ever left campus.
“At this point I’m not sure she speaks at all.” Nolan says in a dreamy French accent and Riley can’t help but nervously chuckle. 
“Or maybe she’s weirded out by the riffraff bothering her.” Lucas eyes them. 
“Riley is such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” Pierre says with a crooked smirk. 
“Okay, I think Riley’s probably just going to want to eat her snack in peace.” Lucas clears his throat. 
“Riley.” Jerry says from the doorway and everyone turns to find him holding the baby. 
“I was just about to take Margret on a walk to the park near by, care to join me?” He gives the brunette a knowing look. 
“Sure. Thanks.” Riley smiles and accepts his offer even though she really didn’t want to, but escaping sounded like her only option right about now. 
 Lucas gives Riley an apologetic look as his French friends seem disappointed she’s leaving. 
“Nice meeting you.” Riley says quietly and quickly as she takes her snack to go. 
Jerry chuckles about it as they make their way to the park. He explains that the French are stereotyped as flirty and those three certainly don’t help debunk that. 
 Riley sits on a park bench with Jerry, Maggie is in the stroller in front as they chat. Riley learns a little more about Jerry and his position in the military and where he’s currently stationed. Riley enjoyed his company and the conversation. 
Later they return to the apartment as the baby needed a feed and Angela texted to say she missed her. Riley’s thankful that Lucas’ friends seemed to have left whilst she was out. 
Riley gets roped into a conversation with Angela as she feeds Maggie. At first Riley just wanted to lay in bed and do nothing with the rest of her Christmas Eve but the more she got talking the more interested she was with what Angela had to say.
Angela was talking about why she moved to Paris, it had to do with being close to Jerry but she also fell in love with the city as a child after her family spent some time there when her father was stationed away. She also mentions how she knew The Friar family from a stint she did in Austin Texas with her father as  a child, she met and befriended Lucas’ mother before she had even met Riley’s parents or Shawn. So that’s why she ended up being his godmother. Angela also explains that Jerry and Lucas’ father were deployed together before Lucas was even born and they have been great friends ever since. It was actually Lucas’ parents that set Angela and Jerry up on their first date. 
“And the rest is history.” Angela says after a lengthy conversation. 
Even though Riley was intrigued by Angela’s story she was happy to get a moment alone again. 
Back in Lucas’ room, Riley flops down on the bed again with a heavy sigh. She thinks about all the things she’d be doing at home if she was there. It honestly didn’t even feel like Christmas Eve for her.
Riley sits up again and her eyes wander around the room. She had looked at it briefly but she hadn’t really looked at it. Riley notices the sports memorabilia pinned to the wall and the first place ribbons from different sporting events. Riley picks up a framed photograph on the table beside the bed. It’s a picture of Lucas and the same boy from his computer desktop background, the only difference is they look much younger. 
“That’s me and my best friend Zay from back in Texas.” Lucas says and Riley jumps a little in place as she hadn’t notice him standing in the open doorway. Lucas apologises for sneaking up on her.
“Sorry.” Riley says as she puts down the photograph. “I wasn’t snooping, just looking.”
“It’s alright.” Lucas seems genuine. “We’re six in that photo, my mom took it at the country fair one year.” 
Riley gives him a sheepish smile. “I saw him and another girl in your computer background, is she your girlfriend?” Riley questions. 
“No!” Lucas chuckles. “That’s Vanessa, Zay’s want to be love of his life.” 
Riley gives him a confused expression and Lucas just laughs. “It’s a long story.” 
And then there’s a lull in conversation. Lucas laughs nervously realising he was the one that approached her. “I actually came here to give you something, I’m not just hovering like a creep.” 
“What?” Riley crinkles her brows. 
Lucas steps out of the doorway and into his room, he rests a paper bag on the bed and takes out its contents. “I know you’re kind of bummed about spending Christmas without your family but it doesn’t have to not be Christmas for you.” 
Lucas shows Riley a Santa stocking, it has her name embodied at the top. “Angela had one of these made for me last Christmas and since we’re both here I didn’t want you to miss out.”
“You got this made for me?” Riley is surprised but touched. Lucas shrugs innocently and passes the stocking to Riley. The brunette lets her fingers traces over the lettering for a moment before saying, “Thank you, Lucas, that’s really sweet of you.” 
Lucas is smiling wide and Riley’s phone beeping on the bed interrupts the mood. It’s a text from her mom with a photo of their full apartment with grandparents and all and a message that says everyone loves and misses her. The text wasn’t intended to upset Riley rather than make her feel included on what was going on but she still put her phone down with a sad expression. 
“Is everything alright?” Lucas questions after noticing her mood shift.
“It’s just a picture of my family, everyone’s starting to arrive at my families apartment back in the city.” Riley musters a fake smile.
“I’m sorry.” Lucas says genuinely and he didn’t like her being so upset. 
“It’s not your fault.” Riley says. 
“Just because you’re upset about not going home doesn’t mean that being here has to be a bad thing.” Lucas perks up as he tries to redirect her mood. 
Riley gives him a dubious look. 
“Where’s your favourite place in the city at night?” Lucas asks. 
Riley shrugs. 
“Come on, anywhere.” Lucas says. “I’ll take you after we have dinner.” 
Riley shrugs again. “I don’t have a favourite place I’ve only been to the city once when I first got here and never at night.” 
Shock crosses Lucas’ face. “You mean you’ve been here months and you’ve never seen Paris at night?” 
“No.” Riley says seriously. “My school is a little way away from the city, I did a quick peak at the eiffel tower before settling into my boarding school but that’s about it. We have strict curfews so I’m never out at night and I use my weekends for extra training.” 
“So you’ve basically spent four months practicing...” Lucas very poorly mimics one of the stances he remembers Riley doing earlier. 
“I’ve practiced a little more than that.” Riley folds her arms defensively. 
“I think it’s cool.” Lucas holds his palms out trying to calm the situation. “I’m just surprised you live so close to one of the most beautiful cities in the world and you’ve hardly even seen it.” 
“I’m here for ballet, not vacation.” Riley says simply. 
“Well right now you kinda are since it’s Christmas and all.” Lucas gives her a look. “So if you want to get changed into something warm, dinner will be ready soon and I’ll take you to my favourite spot.”
“Fine.” Riley very lightly shrugs. 
“Good.” Lucas smiles and again there’s an quiet lull which results in Riley giving Lucas a funny look. 
“I need you to leave so I can do that.” Riley laughs nervously. 
“Right.” Lucas chuckles too. “I’m hovering again, my bad. I’ll see you soon.” 
With that he quickly exits the room. Riley changes into something warm and surfaces for dinner. She enters the living room and finds Lucas on the sofa. He’s happy to see Riley’s holding the stocking she made him. Lucas helps Riley secure it to the fireplace with the rest of the household stockings. 
They both make their way into the kitchen where Angela and Jerry are joyously setting the table and baby Maggie is happily sitting in a highchair close by. Riley greets them with a soft smile and the group settle for dinner. 
They enjoy a lovely meal that both Angela and Jerry prepared and Angela tells Riley a few stories of past Christmases she had with Riley’s parents and she even shares a story of one Christmas she spent with Lucas’ mom as a little girl. 
Instead of feeling sad about things, Riley decided to enjoy the stories as she laughed at her parents crazy antics and she shared some of her own crazy Christmas stories with the group. 
“Same old Cory and Topanga!” Angela says in a fit of laughter. “You’re honestly so much like them both.” 
“You mean completely weird?” Riley laughs and Angela does too for a moment but she softens and says with a smile, “No, wonderfully unique.” 
“Thanks.” Riley says wish a smile pointed at the table. 
After dinner wraps up and Riley says goodnight to Maggie before she’s put to bed and she and Lucas head out for whatever he has planned. 
Out on the street the air is cold but Riley is dressed accordingly. True to form there is a nervous tension between the two teens as they walk. 
“Sorry about my friends today.” Lucas finally speaks up after five minutes of silence. “We go to an all boys school so they act like they’re starved of female company.” 
“Do you board?” Riley asks. 
“No.” Lucas shakes his head. “It’s not a boarding school, so I don’t know what they’re always complaining about.” Lucas laughs. 
An elderly couple approaches Lucas and they ask him something Riley can’t understand but the Texan answers so eloquently in fluent French. It appears he was giving them directions.
“Joyeux Noël.” Lucas says with a smile as they elderly couple walk off with lovely smiles on their face. 
“You speak French.” Riley highlights. “Is that something you’ve picked up since living here?”
“My grandma was actually born here in Paris so I understood bits of it growing up around her so it wasn’t hard to pick it up once I moved.” Lucas explains. 
The conversation lightly goes back and forth for a while before Riley takes a moment to speak her thoughts aloud, “It’s so bright out here you barely even notice it’s night.”
“It’s called the city of light for a reason.” Lucas smiles and he ushers Riley forward. 
“I thought it was the city of love?” Riley trips as she walks but recovers quickly. 
“Are you coming on to me?” Lucas turns to Riley with a smirk. 
She rolls her eyes with a smile and Lucas chuckles. “Some call Paris the city of love because of how romantic it is but it’s known as the city of light - or La Ville Lumière - because of it’s pivotal role during the age of enlightenment or rather their use of gas lamps in the 1860s, a time when the streets were filled with over fifty thousand gas lamps.” Lucas says as they stroll. 
“You’re kind of a geek.” Riley laughs surprised.
“It’s not hard to want to learn about this place.” Lucas smiles. “The origin of the name aside I think it’s know as the city of light for this.” 
As they round the corner Riley catches a glimpse of the eiffel tower, it’s still some distance away and not in perfect view but it’s completely lit up and twinkling with thousands of lights. Riley’s quite literally at a loss for words as she stares up at this breathtaking wonder. 
“Pretty, huh?” Lucas looks to her with a smile and all Riley can do is nod. 
“Can we get closer?” Riley asks. 
“Sure, my favourite place is right by it.” Lucas says.
Lucas leads Riley closer to the tower and they end up walking along the rivers edge and Riley’s eyes are dancing around at the beauty of her surroundings. He leads her closer and finds his favourite bench for them to sit on. 
RIley’s still taking in the beauty of everything and it takes Lucas a moment to win back her attention. 
“Thanks for not letting me waste my time sulking.” Riley says with a small smile. 
“I honestly can’t believe you’ve been here for months and hardly seen any of the city.” Lucas says. 
“I’ve been very focused on my ballet.” Riley shrugs. “It’s a huge honour to be accepted into the school I’m in and I need to prove I’m worthy of my place.” 
Lucas goes on to ask Riley about her life as a ballerina because it honestly fascinated him. Just stumbling upon her practicing her positions had him mesmerised. Riley explains how she was a clumsy child and her parents enrolled her in ballet to teach balance and poise and it turned into a serious passion for her. She goes on to explain how her best friends back home secretly applied to this school on her behalf and she's going on half a scholarship so she takes her schooling and dance very seriously. 
Lucas asks questions and listens to Riley’s answers with such genuine interest. Finally Riley lets the conversation fall to a quiet lull and she sheepishly turns to Lucas, “Can I ask you a question?” 
“Sure.” Lucas nods already suspecting he knew what she was curious about. 
“How come you live with Angela and Jerry?” Riley asks. 
“My parents are fine, if that’s what you're worried about, they’re both alive and well back in Texas.” Lucas gives her a small smile and that made her feel relieved. 
“You don’t have to explain.” Riley shakes her head realising it was probably a very personal thing to pry into. 
“It’s okay.” Lucas smiles before continuing, “I was a bit of an angry kid, I got into a lot of trouble back home. By the end of freshman year I’d been kicked out of two schools and my parents were struggling to deal with me so they shipped me off to Paris to live with my godmother.” 
Riley is surprised by his answer even though she didn’t really have any ideas in her mind. It was the idea of Lucas - whom to this point has been soft and geeky and polite to Riley - could be trouble enough to be kicked out of two different schools. 
“I wasn’t doing too well in the small town life but I straightened out. Angela has been terrific and Jerry is really great when he’s home too. I’m doing well here.” Lucas smiles. “I’m not like secretly dangerous or anything like that so you don’t have to be worried.” Lucas laughs nervously and that comes from his own embarrassment about past behaviour. He also didn’t particularly like that part of himself being exposed to perfectly lovely new acquaintances. After Lucas told her he realises he could have easily lied and made up some sugarcoated version but for some reason the truth came out so easily. A truth that took him eight months to tell his closest friend in Paris.
“I wasn’t worried.” Riley says with a small but genuine smile. 
“Good.” Lucas matches her small grin. 
“So how long have you been here in Paris for?” Riley questions. 
“Since the summer between freshman and sophomore year... So about a year and a half.” Lucas answers. 
“And do you miss Texas?” Riley asks. 
“I do. I miss the country and my Pappy’s farm and I really miss my best friend, Zay.” Lucas says. “I can see now how we were a bad influence on each other but since we’ve kept in touch and we’ve both matured I really miss him.” 
“And your parents?” Riley asks cautiously. 
“Ah, yeah.” Lucas bops his head and Riley could tell that was a whole other can of worms. “I do miss them a lot now but things are little strained between us. I hated them for the longest time after they sent me away, even after I settled and began enjoying school and life here. I was so petty I didn’t even go home for Christmas last year... Honestly they’ve come to visit me once since I move into Angie’s and I haven't been home since they first sent me away.” 
“I’m really sorry.” Riley frowns. 
“I guess that’s why I wasn’t too bothered about missing my flight home.” Lucas shrugs. “As much as I love Zay, I was dreading the awkward family reunion.” 
“Don’t you want to make things right with your family though?” Riley questions. “As weird as it is you said you missed them. Don’t you want to work through that?” 
“Maybe.” Lucas shrugs again. “It’s hard, my dad is a military man and unlike Jerry he’s not warm or fuzzy in the slightest. It’s hard to break through that.”
“What about your mom?” Riley asks. 
“I speak to her on video chat a lot. She’s my mom you know.” Lucas says with a sheepish smile and Riley nods. 
“How about this?” Riley turns her body to face Lucas. “Since we will both hopefully be in our hometowns by New Years lets make resolutions together early.” 
“Okay...” Lucas gives her a dubious stare.  “What did you have in mind?” 
“I’ll make a commitment to enjoy this beautiful country I’m in and not let ballet and school consume me.” Riley says. “And maybe you could try mend bridges with your dad?” 
“Yeah.” Lucas nods. “I think it’s about time I do that.” 
Riley smiles. “You know having to stay behind hasn’t been the worst thing in the world.” 
“No?” Lucas asks with a smile. 
“No.” Riley shakes her head. “I got to meet Angela, she was my moms best friend for so long, she’s like a piece of my History I didn’t know much about.”  
“Angie is great.” Lucas nods with a smile. 
“I guess you haven't been too bad either.” Riley laughs. “Even if you do just creepily hover.” 
“I’m trying to be friendly!” Lucas laughs. 
“I’m just kidding.” Riley lets her laughter tapper off. “It’s nice to know I have someone in here Paris I can talk to.” 
“You don’t have any friends at your school?” Lucas questions. 
Riley laughs nervously. “They’re even more crazed about ballet than me and I didn’t think that was possible.” 
“Well you have me now.” Lucas nudges her arm. “And maybe when you get back from New York I can show you some more of the city on your time off.” 
“I’d like that.” Riley says. “As long as I don’t get too distracted from ballet.” 
“You can spin your way through every notable landmark if you like.” Lucas laughs. “As long as you’re enjoying what Paris has to offer.” 
“Thanks Lucas.” Riley smiles sweetly. “For everything.”
“Joyeux Noël.” He smiles too. 
“What does that mean?” Riley questions. “I heard you say it before.” 
“It means Merry Christmas.” Lucas explains. 
“Oh.” Riley says. “How do you say it again?” 
“Joyeux Noël.” Lucas says it slowly. Riley tries to repeat what he said but fails miserably. Lucas chuckles at her attempt. “Maybe once we’re back here in the New Year I’ll help you with your French too.” 
“Am I that bad?” Riley frowns. 
“Tu es mignon.” (You are cute) Lucas says with a smile and Riley stares blankly at him. “We can work on it.” He chuckles. 
“Well, Merry Christmas in English for now then.” Riley giggles. 
“Merry Christmas.” Lucas laughs too and the conversation falls to another lull but this time not awkward or weird, they’re just quiet as they look at each other.
End Notes: Another long one!!! I honestly didn’t think I had it in me, especially this late in ficmas!!!! Anyways I liked this one!! I hope you all did to! I got to write more ballerina Riley which I didn’t do in the nutcracker one shot so I am happy!!!! 
Only two more days left! If you have any more prompt ideas send them my way because i’m still trying to decide what to write for my last two days :) 
Here is the anon that inspired this!!! Thank you so much anon I actually wish I had enough time on my hand to write an entire multi chapter story around this concept!!! Beautiful!! 
Tumblr media
Until tomorrow my loves!!! xx
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andthisisthewonder · 7 years
Amendments - Part 2
I got a few requests to continue, so here’s part two to my enemies-to-lovers/fake marriage fic. Part 1 can be found here.
The phone on his desk buzzed, indicating an internal call. Peeta held up his finger, cutting off Seneca Crane mid-sentence, and hit the intercom button.
“Yes?” Peeta asked.
“Katniss is here with lunch,” his secretary replied. “I told her you were in a meeting, but she insisted.”
Peeta fiddled with his tie, the only sign that his fiancée’s name had triggered a nervous reaction. Negotiating deals worth millions of dollars was easy compared to a face-to-face conversation with Katniss.
“Please, send her in,” Peeta said.
At least this was a good power move. He’d focus on that. Sending Seneca away before their meeting was over would remind Seneca that he was lucky Peeta had agreed to a meeting in the first place. Peeta’s time was valuable, much more so than Seneca’s, or at least, that would be Seneca’s impression. Next, Peeta would ignore his messages for at least a week before agreeing to meet with him out of the office.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Peeta said in a tone that clearly said, I-don’t-give-a-fuck-if-you-do. “I haven’t had a meal alone with my fiancée in almost two weeks.”
This was true, although work was the culprit for only about half of these missed dinners.
He wanted to blame Prim. She had flown in for a brief visit, squeezing it in before her junior year of college started. Her next visit would be for the wedding in October.
Peeta had hoped having another person in the house would thaw Katniss’s icy behavior, but it hadn’t done much. For three nights, Katniss had stayed up long after Prim went to bed and woke before Prim or Peeta made it downstairs. He wasn’t sure if she had slept on the couch or in her bedroom, but she had carefully orchestrated it so Prim never noticed.
Prim’s visit was only for a few days though. The rest of the time, Katniss had either already eaten or she was out with Annie or Johanna by the time he arrived home. Finally, she was making a conscious effort to fit in and make friends all while completely ignoring him.
Two weeks ago, Peeta had driven home from his father’s retirement party with anticipation buzzing under his skin. He’d had to remind himself several times to watch the road as his gaze kept straying to Katniss’s thighs. As soon as they arrived home, Katniss headed upstairs without a word. He followed her, just in time to see her take a left at the top instead of a right. She disappeared into her bedroom and didn’t emerge for the rest of the night.
He had foolishly believed that something had changed between them after their hook-up in the bridal suite. Maybe something had. If anything, she seemed to loathe him even more.
“Of course,” Seneca said, standing up.
The door opened, and Katniss glided in on her four-inch heels, holding a bag of Chinese food.
“I hope I’m not interrupting,” she said.
She was good at this when she tried to be. He should have her barge in on meetings more often.
“Of course not.” Peeta glanced at his watch, surprised to find that it was quarter to two. “I’m glad you brought something. I haven’t eaten yet.”
“Why am I not surprised?” Katniss set the bag of takeout down on Peeta’s desk. His gaze immediately dropped to her chest. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Seneca do the same. He clenched his jaw and with a curt goodbye, dismissed Seneca before Katniss could introduce herself.
Jesus. He needed to have a talk with Cinna about these dresses. The cut seemed to be getting lower while the hem grew higher. Katniss wore a black cardigan, but it did nothing to cover up her breasts. He was pretty sure she wasn’t wearing a bra.
Katniss pulled out two containers of food, setting one in front of her, and the other to the side of Peeta’s paperwork.
“What’d you order?” he asked.
“Boneless spare ribs for you.” As soon as she heard the door close, she shoved the container off his desk into the waiting trash can.
Peeta rested his hands on his desk and gave her a stern look. “That was mature.”
“Sorry. I thought wasting money was your idea of fun.”
Peeta sat down. He had known this was coming and there wasn’t much he could do about it other than let her complain. He didn’t have to make it easy though.
“Care to elaborate?” he asked.
“You bought Prim an apartment.”
He sighed. He knew she’d be upset, but he didn’t understand why. There had been a problem, and he had fixed it. Really, she should thank him.
“I take it she called you?”
Katniss marched around the desk. He spun to the side, and her legs bumped his. “She gave me the grand tour, actually. Floor to ceiling windows. A giant kitchen. A jacuzzi bathtub.”
Peeta couldn’t resist. “Was it not to her liking? We could remodel anything she wants.”
Katniss slammed her hand on his desk, rattling the cup of pens closer to the edge. “That is not the apartment of a twenty-year-old college student.”
“It is now.”
“What were you thinking?” She perched on the edge of his desk and rubbed her forehead. “She can’t stay there. I won’t allow it.”
He scooted closer to her. He rested a hand on her knee, but pulled it back at her death glare. “Where else is she supposed to go? I assume she told you the situation.”
“She did,” Katniss said. “What I don’t understand is why I didn’t hear about it until after you dropped a quarter of a million dollars.”
“You think that apartment only cost a quarter of a million? That’s so cute.”
She kicked his leg, and he grabbed her ankle, pulling it into his lap.
“It’s not like she sought me out to confide in me.  You were cooking dinner the night before she left, and I found her outside,” he said.
He had found Prim crying with her cell phone clenched in her hand. He could have snuck away. She hadn’t noticed him yet. But some weird urge to fix whatever was bothering her made him clear his throat. She explained that the three girls she had planned on living with had kicked her out of the group for some other girl who had decided at the last minute not to study abroad. According to the group, Prim was too uptight and obsessed with studying, and her request that they not throw parties during the week hindered their social life.
Prim didn’t have a back-up plan. There was nothing left on campus, and she couldn’t afford an apartment on her own. With only a few days before she returned to Boston, she needed to find another set of roommates with an available bedroom.
Peeta was confident she would have found something eventually, but she probably would have ended up in a bad neighborhood with even worse roommates. Besides, she didn’t need that kind of stress at the beginning of the school year. He was pretty sure Katniss was using part of her weekly allowance to pay Prim’s rent anyway, so what difference did it make if he spent the money all at once? After Prim earned her bachelor’s degree, she planned to remain in Boston and attend medical school there. Peeta’s solution made perfect sense. He’d buy her an apartment, a nice one, not too far from campus. Now her living situation was taken care of until she finished medical school, however many years that took. She didn’t have to worry about shitty roommates anymore. And when she was in the mood, she could definitely throw a killer party.
“Neither one of you thought to mention it to me?” Katniss asked with narrowed eyes.
He rubbed circles over her ankle, but her expression didn’t change.
“She asked me not to say anything. She didn’t want you to worry.”
“I’m her sister. It’s my job to worry.”
“I offered my help, and she took it. I knew she’d tell you eventually.”
“And what help did you offer exactly?”
His hand traveled an inch up her leg. He wanted to replace his fingers with his mouth. He wanted to kiss a trail up her thigh and find out if she had gone sans underwear with this dress too.
“I told her I know people in Boston, and I’d find her something quick.” At Katniss’s glare, he continued, “I do know people. I know a realtor.”
“You can’t bring Prim into this.” She threw up her hands  to demonstrate she could barely comprehend what “this” was. “What if we have a fight? What if you want to get back at me?”
He let go of her leg and stood up, once more crowding her personal space.
“I’ll just take away your allowance.” He swiped his thumb over her chin, and she batted his hand away.
“I’m serious, Peeta. What if one of us decides to break the contract? I can’t have Prim kicked out in the middle of the semester.”
While her words scared him, he kept his expression playful. There was an out included in the contract. He could cancel it at any time, send Katniss on her way with whatever money she had already received plus a small lump sum. If Katniss backed out, she’d lose everything.
“I wouldn’t do that,” he said. “No matter what happens between us, that apartment is Prim’s until she no longer needs it.”
“I don’t believe you.”
He rolled his eyes, unsurprised at her cynicism. “Then write up one of those amendments you’re so fond of. We’ll add it in.”
Katniss pursed her lips as she considered this option. His hand dropped to her knee, but this time she didn’t shove him away. He grabbed her other knee too, gauging her reaction.
“I’m not going to kick your sister out onto the street. She can stay there until she graduates from medical school. I promise.”
Katniss tugged on his tie before letting the silk slip through her fingers. “What do you get out of it?”
“Besides a lucrative piece of real estate I hope to make a profit on when I sell it in a few years?” He skimmed the tops of her thighs before settling at the hem of her dress. “I was hoping to make Prim’s sister happy.”
She studied his face. “Are you trying to manipulate me?”
“No. I might be trying to punish you though…” He pressed a soft kiss beneath her ear. “It’s impossible to focus on work when all I can think about is going down on you.”
If she was surprised or turned on by his words, her face didn’t reflect it.
“That’s not my fault,” she said. “As CEO, you should be more focused on the workplace.”
He couldn’t help it. He was tired of fighting his attraction to this beautiful, infuriating woman. Her anger from earlier seemed to have dissipated. He might as well try.
“Maybe if you let me touch you, I could finally focus.”
She slipped her hands underneath his blazer, and he was transported back to the bridal suite. He didn’t understand why she had gotten cold feet or why she had been avoiding him, but maybe she had changed her mind again.
“Is that how this works? You spend an obscene amount of money on my sister, and I fall at your feet in gratitude?” she asked with a tilt of her head.
“No. I want you to touch me because you want to. Not because you’re grateful or worried or feel obligated.”
“I don’t understand you,” she said.
Before he could ask for clarification, she pulled him into a kiss. He sucked on her tongue as he dragged his knuckles over her chest, his thumb catching her nipple through the thin fabric of her dress.
“You’re not wearing a bra, are you?” he asked.
“Course not,” she mumbled against his mouth. “Trashy girls don’t wear bras. How else are we supposed to find ourselves a rich husband?”
He laughed. “I’m pretty sure you were wearing a bra when we first met.”
“I’m surprised you noticed me with all those half-naked women offering you lap dances.”
He cupped her cheek and brushed her bottom lip with his thumb. “Of course I noticed you. How could I not?”
She ducked her head and focused on pulling off his blazer.
“Are you sure we should be doing this in your office?” she asked.
A thrill ran through him. He wasn’t sure what she meant by “this,” but he wanted to find out. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I can do whatever the hell I want now that I’m in charge.”
“Can you?” she asked with a smartass smile. She slipped off the desk and with a hand on his chest, forced him to take a couple of steps back. “I’m pretty sure you need permission.”
He knelt down in front of her, never breaking eye contact. “Katniss, can I please go down on you?”
She curled her fingers into his hair, forcing his head back. “Are you sure? Lunch is getting cold.”
“You mean your lunch is getting cold. Mine’s in the trash.” He ran his hand up her thigh, lifting up her dress, and kissed the skin he found hiding beneath. “I guess I can fish it out later.”
“That’s a sight I’d love to see. Peeta Mellark picking food out of the garbage.”
“I guess you’re rubbing off on me.”
She let go of his hair and backed up into his desk. He looked up, expecting a teasing smile and a carefully crafted insult, but he found a scowl instead.
“What?” he asked.
She shook her head before stomping toward the door. He stood up but remained behind his desk, not wanting to go after while sporting a hard-on.
“Katniss, wait! What did I--” The slam of his office door cut off the rest of his sentence.
He sank into his chair, dazed at the sudden change in mood. What had he done wrong now? He had said much worse things to her over the past few months, he was sure of it. And she always had a snide comment to fire back.
Unless there was a grain of truth in what he had said. Oh, fuck. She had told him she grew up hungry and neglected. It was possible she had dug through the trash as a kid trying to scrounge up something to feed herself and Prim.
He immediately called her cell. It rang and rang and rang. He tried over and over again for the next few hours.
Eventually, her cell stopped ringing and cut directly to voicemail. He didn’t accomplish a single task for the rest of the day.
When he arrived home that night, he was surprised to find Katniss’s car in the driveway. It didn’t mean she was home though. It was possible Annie or Johanna had whisked her away.
It was half past six, earlier than he usually came home. He hoped to catch her before she hid from him, although the sound of his car often sent her skittering upstairs. To his surprise, she was at the dining room table eating dinner.
The barely there dress was gone. She wore skinny jeans and a green tank top, a sign that she planned to stay in for the rest of the evening. Her hair was woven into a thick braid that hung over her shoulder, a style he loved but wouldn’t allow for important dinners or parties. He must have stood staring too long because she spoke first.
“Your dinner’s in the oven. It shouldn’t be cold yet.”
He glanced at her plate. She was eating chicken parmesan over angel hair pasta, the meal he had requested Sae prepare for him. Katniss often told Sae not to worry about her and made her own meal. Eating the same thing was pretty rare.
“Thanks. Would you mind if I join you?” he asked.
She shrugged. “It’s your house.”
This was either an indictment or an admission of defeat. He couldn’t tell from her tone. He pulled his plate out of the oven, surprised to find steam still rising off the chicken, and sat across from her.
“Katniss,” he began. “About lunch today…”
“The caterer called,” she interrupted. “Everything is all set for your mother’s birthday dinner tomorrow night.”
He suppressed a groan at the reminder. Tomorrow was his mother’s fifty-ninth birthday. She had insisted on having dinner at Peeta’s house, so she could show off the new CEO to her friends. Peeta’s parents, Rye, Graham and his wife, Finnick and Annie, and a handful of Mrs. Mellark’s closest friends were coming to celebrate. He shuddered to think what next year would bring. While his mother privately agonized over her age, he knew she’d turn the milestone into a gigantic celebration.
He took a bite of the chicken and hummed in pleasure. “This is delicious.”
“You like it?”
“Sae always does a great job, but this is amazing.” He took another bite and then gestured at her plate. “Do you not like yours?”
“I do.” She tugged her plate closer as if worried he’d grab it from her.
They both ate in silence for a few minutes before he broached their lunchtime argument again. “Katniss, I really need to tell you--”
“Annie and I are going to the spa tomorrow morning. Is that okay?” she asked. “Just to get our nails done for the party.”
“You could get a massage,” he said. “Or a facial. Whatever you want.”
She shook her head and looked back down at her plate. “No, that’s fine.”
He couldn’t read her, and it was driving him crazy. She was acting much more subdued than usual. He didn’t like this watered down version of Katniss, so quiet and submissive.
He should have put that in the contract: Don’t change. No matter what idiotic thing I say, I like you just the way you are.
He probably should have added in a reminder for himself: don’t be a fucking coward. He didn’t push the issue about lunch or her strange behavior. He just sat and ate his dinner, and when she offered to clear his plate, he let her.
The next day, he walked out of the office at five o’clock on the dot, the earliest he had left in months. He needed enough time to get home, change, and make sure everything was perfect for his mother’s dinner. While he no longer cared about making his mother happy--honestly, he preferred to do the opposite of what she wanted--he knew she’d complain for years to come if he didn’t get tonight right.
He didn’t see Katniss when he came in, although he wasn’t surprised. She was either getting dressed or supervising the caterer. He went straight to his bedroom and stopped short at the sight of a framed picture of him and Katniss on his nightstand table. While guests weren’t allowed upstairs, he didn’t want Katniss’s separate bedroom to be obvious. He wouldn’t put it past Rye or his mother to snoop around. He had mentioned this to Katniss earlier in the week, and of course she had taken care of it. Her current book was on the other table, a few hair ties and bobby pins scattered next to it.
He knew if he checked his closest, he’d find her dresses hung up and her shoes in a careful line. He imagined her room empty of her personal effects, the bed made and waiting, as it hadn’t been slept in for months.
“Do I pass your inspection?” Katniss asked from the doorway.
Four inch heels. Perfectly manicured pale pink nails. A green dress with a lace overlay, two thin pieces of fabric crisscrossing over her lower back. Her hair was up, as usual, this time in a braid around the crown of her head.
He wanted to apologize for making her believe she had to ask him questions like that, for making her believe that she needed anything extra to stand out. He wanted to apologize for the heels and the weekly manicures and the dozens of bobby pins jammed into her hair.
Instead, he said, “You look gorgeous.”
She rolled her eyes. “Annie helped.”
“Do you think we can talk before dinner?”
She was already halfway out the door. “I’ve gotta get back to Annie.”
Peeta sighed and jumped in the shower where he tried and failed to keep from touching himself to the thought of bending Katniss over his work desk. After he dressed, he went into the kitchen to double check that the caterers were all set.
“Peeta!” Sae waved at him from behind the island in the center of the kitchen. While he had hired a catering service to make dinner and serve it tonight, he had trusted Sae with dessert. “The cake is all set. I’ve handed it off to the lady in charge. I think her name’s Effie.”
“Thank you,” Peeta said.
“I wanted to thank you for letting me take last night off on such short notice,” Sae said, grabbing Peeta’s hand.
Peeta froze, but Sae didn’t notice his surprise.
“My granddaughter's visit was a last minute surprise, but Katniss assured me it would be okay. She said she’d make sure you ate.” She patted Peeta’s cheek. “She’s such a sweet girl.”
“Yeah, she really is.”
“Have a good night.” Sae smiled once more before leaving through the back door.
Peeta stared straight ahead as he tried to work out what exactly had happened last night. Sae must have called Katniss to ask for the night off, not wanting to bother him at work. Of course Katniss would say yes, and Peeta would have too, if they had asked. Rather than order takeout or make something else, Katniss had prepared the meal Sae was supposed to. It wasn’t as if she was covering for Sae. She must have known Peeta would find out about Sae’s night off sooner or later.
He returned to the living room, intending to go upstairs and demand a conversation, but the doorbell rang.
Great. His mother was here.
Dinner went surprisingly well. Katniss was friendly and talkative, although she mostly stuck by Annie’s side. Whenever Mrs. Mellark sent a pointed question her way, she took it in stride. Peeta could tell Katniss was getting frustrated, but somehow, she kept on smiling. Finnick jumped in a couple of times with a joke to alleviate the tension. Peeta would have to thank him later.
It was after dinner, while the guests were sipping coffee and tea in the living room, that everything went to hell. The doorbell rang, Katniss answered it, and Cashmere walked in.
To Katniss’s credit, she greeted Cashmere with a smile before leaving her standing in the foyer. Mrs. Mellark was the one who hugged her and led her to the other guests and practically shoved her into Peeta’s lap.
“Sit next to Peeta,” Mrs. Mellark said, indicating the nonexistent space next to him on the couch.
Peeta stood, jaw clenched. “Yes, of course, please take my seat.”
He perched on the arm of Katniss’s chair and placed a hand on her back. He tried to silently convey that Cashmere’s appearance was not his doing, but Katniss wouldn’t look at him.
At some point during the conversation, Katniss disappeared. Fifteen minutes later, when a server announced it was time for dessert, she was nowhere to be found.
Peeta promised he’d be right back and they’d have cake as soon as he located Katniss. He assumed she had hidden upstairs for a few minutes of quiet. He checked his room first. Empty. He tried her room next. The door to the attached bathroom was closed, so he knocked.
“Katniss?” He waited. “Are you in there?”
The sound of the bedroom door quietly clicking shut startled him. He turned to find Cashmere.
“Now is not a good time,” he said.
“I should try again later then?” she asked. “Wait until you’re married?”
“Listen, I know we had our fun--”
“You didn’t seem to mind sleeping with me behind your fiancée’s back a couple of months ago. What’s changed?”
Peeta yanked on his tie. It felt like a noose around his neck, slowly constricting his airway. Once everyone left, he’d change into a pair of sweatpants, help Katniss pull the bobby pins out of her hair, and then they’d talk. He knew he could fix it if she would just give him the chance.
“I don’t want to be that guy anymore,” Peeta said. “I’m going to be faithful to my wife.”
“I seem to remember you saying that you had no interest in marriage for at least another five years,” Cashmere said. “Something’s changed.”
“I don’t know what to tell you or how to explain. Things are just different now.”
She walked over to him. He wanted to move away, but he stood his ground.
“I thought it’d be you and me walking down the aisle. I was waiting for you,” she said.
His heart sunk. He had never intended to lead her on or hurt her. He had made it very clear to her on more than one occasion that he was only interested in sex. “You know we weren’t like that. I told you--”
“I’m in love with you,” she said. “How could you not see that?” She grabbed his hands and laced their fingers together. “It’s not too late.”
The door opened, and Cashmere jumped away from him. Katniss stood in the doorway, her face empty of emotion.
“If you two are finished, it’s time to light the candles,” she said.
Cashmere had the decency to bow her head as she walked by Katniss and out the door.
“That wasn’t what it looked like,” he said.
“It doesn’t matter. Are you coming?”
She turned to head back into the hallway, but he grabbed her wrist. “Wait, I--”
“What do you want me to do?” she demanded. “Should I make a scene downstairs? Kick Cashmere out? Or do you want me to keep quiet? How do you want your fiancée to react?”
“You can react however you’d like. I’m not in charge of you.”
“Are you sure?”
He pulled her closer. “You’re not my pet.”
She yanked her hand away. “Don’t touch me. Let’s just go downstairs and finish this party.”
Fuck. She had no reason to believe he hadn’t been about to hook up with Cashmere. The only proof he had was his word. No wonder she couldn’t stand him. She thought he was still sleeping with Cashmere at the same time he was trying to get her into his bed.
He went downstairs and stopped short at the sight of his mother talking to Katniss. He couldn’t hear the conversation, but he could tell Katniss was close to snapping. Her shoulders were rigid. Her mouth was a thin line. He started toward them to interrupt whatever was about to happen, but he was too late.
Katniss threw her drink in Mrs. Mellark’s face.
“How dare you!” Mrs. Mellark screeched, catching the attention of everyone in the room.
Peeta didn’t stop. He threw an arm around Katniss as soon as he reached her. He tried to lead her out of the room, but she pushed him away before disappearing into the kitchen.
Everyone stared. For whatever reason, no one moved to get his mother a towel.
“Peeta, your fiancée is the most reprehensible girl I have ever met. She--”
“Hold that thought,” Peeta said. Before he went after Katniss, he shot Graham a look, and his brother nodded. As the kitchen door swung shut behind him, he heard Graham announce that cake was being served in the dining room.
Katniss’s empty wine glass was on the counter, but she wasn’t among the servers who continued to work and pretend that they hadn’t overheard everything. He went out back to the patio where he found Katniss standing by the pool, her heels kicked off into the grass.
“Hey,” he said as he approached.
She shot him a death glare, and he stopped a couple of feet away. He put up his hands. “Look, I’m not mad.”
“I don’t care if you’re mad! Maybe I’m mad. Maybe how you feel right now doesn’t matter. Did you ever consider that?”
“No,” he said in a small voice. He couldn’t remember the last time he had worried about someone else without first considering himself. “What did she say?”
“Besides the fact that she thinks I’m trailer trash and Cashmere would make a far better wife?” she demanded, fists clenched at her side. “I believe her exact words were ‘you can put lipstick on a pig, but…’”
Anger burned in his throat. He finally gave in and yanked his tie off. “I’m sorry, Katniss. I’m so sorry.”
“Why didn’t you propose to Cashmere? She would have said yes.” Katniss shook her head. “Wait. Never mind. I forgot you wanted a business arrangement, not a marriage.”
“Yes, I originally asked you because I wanted someone I could control.”
She froze, surprised at his honesty.
“I wanted to continue sleeping around and having fun and doing whatever the hell I wanted. But I also asked you because I like you. Because if I had to live with someone for two and a half years, I wanted it to be someone who made me happy.”
“You are the most selfish person I’ve ever met.”
She turned away from him and stared down into the pool, the water turned a soft blue green by the underwater lights.
“Do you want a boyfriend?”
This was the last thing he wanted to give her, but he couldn’t stand knowing she was absolutely miserable, and that he was the cause. Back in California, she’d been stuck. In a job she hated, in a shitty apartment, supporting her sister, and putting everyone else’s needs before her own. But she had been happy. He could see that now when he compared the way she looked at him tonight to the smile she had given him from behind the bar top all those months ago.
He didn’t just want to touch her. He wanted to take care of her, make her happy. He had thought she was trapped by her obligations, but at least she had chosen to take responsibility. Here, she didn’t have a choice. She had to bend to his every whim.
“What?” she asked.
“A boyfriend. I could bring the landscapers back. Hire one full-time.”
“Are you offering to pay someone to have sex with me?”
“I didn’t mean…” He sighed. “I just meant, if you wanted to see someone, you could. I know you’d be discreet.”
“That goes against the contract.”
“Fuck the contract. I wrote it. I can change whatever I want. Do you want a job? Do you want to go to school? Is there something you always wanted to do, but never had the time or money to pursue it?”
She looked down at the ground, at the grass peeking between her toes.
“C’mon, Katniss. I can’t imagine being a bartender was your ultimate dream.”
She shrugged. “I’ve always liked plants. Sometimes I thought about being a florist.”
“Okay. We’ll figure out what you need to do, and you’ll do it. Take classes. Get a license. Whatever has to be done.”
“You’re right. I’m really, really selfish. I’m way too selfish to let you leave now.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “But you could. If that was what you wanted. You could leave now and keep everything: the money, the clothes, the jewelry. I’ll sign Prim’s apartment over to you.”
“I don’t understand you,” she said. “I signed the contract. I could walk away, and you wouldn’t have to give me a thing. You could tell Rye whatever you wanted. Make it my fault. Keep your job safe. Why all these changes now? Why offer all this?”
“I think I’m in love with you,” he said, moving closer. When she didn’t back away, he took her hands gently in his. “I’m sorry for the heels, and the nails, and policing every little thing about you. I don’t know why I was trying to turn you into the perfect little housewife when you’re so much more than that.”
She studied him for a long moment. “I do like you, you know. When you’re not being completely awful.”
“So you like me like seventy-five percent of the time?”
“That’s a little generous.”
He smiled, relieved that she had calmed down enough to deliver this little jab. “I swear to you that Cashmere and I were only talking upstairs. I haven’t touched anyone but you in almost two months.”
“Sucks for you,” she said. “At least I have a vibrator.”
He pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest.
“I’ll do whatever you want me to. Please, just stay a little longer. Give me another chance.” He pressed a kiss to the side of her head, and she relaxed against him.
“Okay,” she said.
He leaned back so he could see her face. “Does this mean I should call the landscapers or…?”
She rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. “You really are a dick.”
The back door opened, and he turned to find his mother huffing a few feet away, her light blue dress stained a deep red.
“Peeta, I believe your fiancée owes me an apology.”
He wrapped an arm around Katniss’s shoulders. “Her name is Katniss, and I believe it’s the other way around.”
Mrs. Mellark’s eyes widened. “She has ruined this dress!”
“Dad will buy you a new one.”
“That’s not the point, she--”
“Either apologize or leave,” Peeta said. “Don’t came back until you figure out how to treat her with respect.”
“You can’t talk to me like that. I am your mother!”
“Happy Birthday, Mom. Have a good night.”
Mrs. Mellark spun around and stormed back into the house.
“Katniss, whatever happens next, whatever you decide to do, please don’t ever be nice to my mother.”
She leaned against his shoulder and laughed. “I can definitely manage that.”
After they said goodbye to the remaining guests, Peeta led Katniss upstairs to his bedroom.
“I’m burning this dress,” she announced as she dropped face first onto his bed.
“It’s that uncomfortable?” he asked, unbuttoning his shirt.
“It’s the lace. It’s rubbing the underside of my arms raw.” She flipped over and lifted her arms to demonstrate.
“No more lace. Got it.”
She yanked the dress off over her head and threw it in his general direction.
“You’re wearing underwear tonight,” he observed as he unbuckled his belt. Desire pooled low in his stomach as he studied the black thong that left very little to the imagination. The strapless bra she had on looked identical to the one she wore to his father’s retirement party.
“It’s been up my ass all night.”
“Another reason to go commando.”
She sighed. “I miss boyshorts.”
Peeta paused as he imagined Katniss’s ass in a pair of tiny boyshorts. “We should go shopping tomorrow.”
She ignored his comment and sat up against the headboard on what she had deemed her side of the bed. She plucked a bobby pin out of her hair.
“Do you want help with that?” He was down to his boxer briefs now, his pants and undershirt discarded on the floor.
He sat on the bed and patted the space in front of him. She crawled over, giving him an excellent view of her breasts, and settled between his legs. He pulled one bobby pin after another out of her hair. She remained quiet as she leaned slightly forward, her fingers dancing over his thighs.
When he was sure there were none left, he unwove her braid, massaging her scalp as her hair fell around her shoulders. She hummed in pleasure.
“Did you make me dinner last night?” he asked.
“Oh.” She was quiet for a moment. “Sae needed the night off.”
“I know. She told me. You didn’t have to make me dinner. You could have just ordered takeout or left me to starve.”
“I shouldn’t have left your office the way I did.” She leaned back against his chest, her hair tickling his skin. “I know you didn’t mean anything by what you said. It was just...hard to hear.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t your fault. It’s just something I’d rather not talk about. Making you dinner felt like an apology, I guess.”
“I’m still sorry I said it.” He dropped kisses along her shoulder, and she tightened her grip on his leg. “Do you think we could pick up where we left off in my office?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “Selfish men make selfish lovers.”
“Now that’s untrue.” He dragged a finger over the outside of her underwear, and she shivered. “Let me prove it.”
“Wait.” She twisted around in his arms to face him. “This is either a business arrangement or a relationship. It can’t be both.”
He kissed her as he moved forward, gently laying her down on the mattress. “I choose a relationship.”
“That means no other women,” she said. “Actual commitment. Are you really ready for that?”
“I don’t cheat. It’s one of the reasons why I wanted to put off marriage for as long as I possibly could. I knew when I settled down, that would be it. There wouldn’t be anyone else.”
“So no more contract,” she said. “If it’s going to be you and me, it’s going to be real.”
He hovered over her, relieved to find the smile he remembered from California on her face.
“Real,” he repeated. “I like the sound of that.”
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