#find apartments for rent
rdgmanagment · 2 months
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choccy-milky · 17 days
the place me and my roommate were supposed to move into today was so disgusting and uninhabitable we just took our stuff and left and now we're gonna be staying at airbnbs and hotels until further notice/until we can find a new place hopefully quickly...........im in my homeless drifter era y'all!!!😍😍so if im not as active then thats why LMFAO
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1 like = 1 prayer
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jrenaegaming · 9 months
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Newcrest | Ridgeline Drive Townhomes
(They finally here yall 😭)
For the release of the new “For Rent“ Expansion Pack I decided to start off with some Townhomes since I haven’t made any in a LONG time. I just went ahead and did a whole row, just so it looks like a proper neighborhood!
PUBLIC 01.04.2024
🖤Thank you to all of the cc creators for making these builds possible 🖤
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cfffrk · 5 months
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One September day, B. Wooster found out about Jeeves' disappearance from Aunt Dahlia's telegram.
Early summer of 1940. Bertram Wooster was completing his studies at an aviation school. At the same time his faithful valet, Jeeves, temporarily went to the service of the already mentioned relative at Brinkley Court and became the second jewel in the staff of servants besides the highly talented cook Anatole.
Due to the straitened financial situation of Uncle Tom, who complained more and more about the increasing taxes, the dearest aunt had to take forced measures and fire a few servants. She wanted to make a small sacrifice, and it might have been enough if one day her stingy husband had not cut the already small wages of the remaining servants. Many of them had applied for dismissal after that, and they were quite understandable.
This radical decision, although to a lesser extent, also affected Jeeves. Nevertheless, he continued to be a professional. He fulfilled his basic duties and often helped her, and her old friends get out of troubles.
Within a few months of Jeeves' work, they had become friends. Bertram almost felt like a third wheel in this idyll when he came to visit and boast of his achievements. Aunt Dahlia treasured her new valet and his unrivalled intelligence, and often jokingly promised in letters to her nephew that Jeeves would be returned safe and sound.
That was why she was seriously worried when Jeeves went missing. One clear day in early September, an elderly relative had let him go to London on his own business. In addition to this, it was Jeeves' duty to check on their good old Berkeley Mansions flat from time to time and keep it clean, so he planned to finish his business by evening and stay in the city overnight. He was supposed to return early the next morning. But that never happened. Not in two days. Not in three.
That night London was bombarded.
Something seemed to snap and collapse inside Bertie when he learnt that the search for Jeeves had been fruitless. Neither his relatives nor his club could shed any light on his mysterious disappearance.
The dark thoughts from which Bertram had fled during the day caught up with him at night. He would toss and turn on the hard bed, thinking of Jeeves's fate and replaying happy memories of their past, and in the daytime, tired and broken, he would give his duty to his country.
The whole situation seemed strange and unreal to him. The only thing that was found out for sure was that no one appeared in the apartment that miraculously survived the monstrous raids that day. It was dusty.
A couple of months had passed since the tragedy that divided Bertie's life into before and after. The war continued. He was learning to adjust to his new reality.
Sometimes he managed to carve out some free time and pop into London for a bit. The city where he had lived more than a third of his life was in ruins. The familiar places where he used to meet his friends and have a good time were empty.
Your humble servant avoided going into that very flat. There were too many vivid memories of that place, which painfully and mercilessly squeezed Bertram Wooster's poor skull. Indeed, the most precious person in his life had been living at his side all that time.
But still, as the sole and responsible owner of his property, he had to overpower himself. He had to go in and make sure that everything was all right. And one such day Bertie found himself there, in their former cozy home.
He walked in and looked around the living room: a layer of dust covering almost everything, furniture wrapped in covers, and only a few of his own things that he had left or forgotten here. The piano was covered with a cloth. Unbearably quiet and lifeless. There was nobody else to keep order here, nobody else's hand to create the home comfort. Sorrowful feelings pressed upon his chest.
He looked all over the flat. Almost all of it. There was only one room left to check.
After a moment's hesitation, Bertram pulled himself together and went into Jeeves's room. He had only glimpsed it from inside before. It was modest and not as spacious as his bedroom. Wooster sat down on the perfectly made bed, looking at what little was left of his dear friend, guide, and philosopher. His eyes rested on the various books dusting the shelves and cupboards.
He recognized one of them. It was the volume of Spinoza's writings he had given Jeeves for his birthday. No doubt Jeeves had read it all. As the rest of the books in the room. Bertie remembered his politely grateful smile and how he had clearly decided that this fellow deserved a whole library of those Spinozas.
He got out of bed. The code of the Woosters did not allow him to touch other people's things (even if those things belonged to a man who might never come back into his life), but something outweighed the young master's unwavering principles that day.
He didn't even notice how he left the flat with the book in his hands.
Of course, this sort of talisman invariably occupied a place in his suitcase. Though he had endeavored to handle the book with care, it had become tattered with the passage of time. Bertram often held it in his hands, flicked through the pages, ran his eyes over the neat pencil notes of its former owner. It calmed him a little in the most difficult moments of his pilot practice. He didn't understand anything about philosophy, but he treasured this book too damn much.
When they reunited, they were about a year away from the end of the war. The house with their previous flat was in a state of emergency damaged by the recent bombing raids, so Jeeves looked for a new flat for them while his employer was still undergoing treatment.
It happened some time later after their move-in. Jeeves was doing his household chores while the young master followed him around and chattered about anything that came into his head. It would have annoyed anyone, but not Jeeves.
You see, he had been abroad for a long time. However, he was not on holiday. Against his will, he was assigned important tasks and missions which he had to fulfil if he did not want to lose his freedom, his successful career, his reputation, his family, and friends. The special promise of making one particular person's life unbearable also left him no choice.
Every day, Jeeves felt like he was sitting on a powder keg: at any moment, a surprise inspection could come through the doors of his headquarters. A highly undesirable event for a man who kept fake documents, weapons, and encrypted data transmission devices in his flat. But all possible escape routes had been carefully worked out and memorized: Jeeves was always prudent. Otherwise, he had to have time to take a special pill before he found himself tied to a chair in a small interrogation room.
Keeping his charm and politeness, he was effective in getting the right information from the right people. His knowledge of psychology and accumulated experience of working with people helped him in this.
Jeeves' missions were rarely close to failure. His life depended on it.
The slightest mistake could have been fatal to him. Of course, he had learned much about the country during his training to pass for a typical Frenchman. His French had been practically flawless even before, which only made his life easier. But still somewhere in the back of his mind was the fear that he would be exposed for the smallest inaccuracy.
Jeeves lived under a false identity with a fake life story. He changed outwardly and inwardly. His gait, the way he spoke, his body language, his facial expressions. He had complete control over his body. Especially his gaze, which could tell a lot about his thoughts. It was exhausting.
After a long time of living in this way, he began to have trouble sleeping: he slept very little and sensitively or could not fall asleep at all.
He rarely had any dreams during the restless hours when he was able to fall asleep. Sometimes he had nightmares. But they were not about him. They were about Mr Wooster. Same scenario: church, flowers, closed coffin. Then it would slowly open from the inside. And Jeeves would wake up in a cold sweat.
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On sleepless nights, he was also tormented by thoughts of his former employer. Where was he now? Was he all right? Was he even alive? How did he feel about his disappearance? Would he want to see him again...?
Jeeves felt his mind, which he relied on in the most critical situations, begin to fail.
Meeting his employer again and doing the household chores for him, he felt himself slowly getting his head in order. He was enjoying the much-anticipated company of Mr Wooster. It soothed him and made him feel at home.
Jeeves opened the closet to put the ironed clothes in it. The young master standing next to him had been lost in the chatter and missed the moment when he should have pulled him back. In the next moment Jeeves had pulled the ruined book out of the wardrobe the same way as he pulled out foreign clothes. By the title of the book, he thought at first that his master was interested in serious literature. But on closer look and leafing through the book, he realized that it was his own.
Bertie watched it silently with his eye wide open. He couldn't just get rid of it, but at the same time he was ashamed to return a book in such a terrible condition to its owner. He planned to buy the exact same one soon, but until then, this volume of essays would be safely hidden away. But here his innocent secret was revealed. Jeeves looked at him with a silent question in his eyes.
He tried to justify himself, but this particular Wooster was a bad liar. Especially when the pent-up feelings were starting to overwhelm him. Jeeves often let his employer fool him about little things, but they both knew very well that it was actually impossible to do this. A couple of precise laconic remarks and B. Wooster found himself disarmed. He took a breath of air and began to speak.
Jeeves listened patiently to his poor master with a mask of calmness pulled over his face and dared not interrupt.
He was sorry. He was deeply sorry for the pain he had caused Mr Wooster and his dear people by his forced departure. However, Jeeves spoke little and reluctantly about what he had been doing in recent years and did not tell anyone about the very reasons for his disappearance. This information could have caused a lot of trouble.
And Bertram realized it. His Jeeves could not just disappear for no reason, he was sure of it. But sometimes, in the deep sleepless night, a wild guess would cross his weary mind. What if Jeeves had run away, had simply abandoned him? Of course, Bertie had scolded himself for such thoughts in the mornings then. And today when Jeeves prepares breakfast for him, reminds him to take his medicine, and helps him to dress, that idea seems to him on the verge of sanity. But then he was quite capable of finding irrefutable evidence in all sorts of little things. At that time, he did not know what to think: the search for the injured had ended, Jeeves remained on the list of missing persons.
Bertram stood before him and could find no more words. But words were no longer needed. Jeeves looked at him with bright, penetrating eyes and the silence that settled in the room was filled with peace. Jeeves was truly touched. He felt a huge boulder fall from his soul.
It seemed now, as his employer lowered his head dejectedly and hid his wet eyes from him, they had the perfect moment to dot the «i».
It's been a long day.
Of course, this book stayed in their new flat and became a symbol of something important for them. Bertram, Jeeves' poor love, had indeed taken desperate measures then.
However, Jeeves pointed out that such measures would no longer be necessary.
For now, he would be there for him. He came back.
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defiledtomb · 2 days
you know when you're going through a high stress situation that is prolonged and agonizing but you've put on a brave face and you think you've got this! 💪 and then a week into it you accidentally burn your quinoa and there's smoke and all of a sudden your skin is sloughing off and you feel like alice about to be swept away in a tide of her own tears? mmnnmm yeag.
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freegamingideas · 8 months
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19+ Must-Have Sims 4 For Rent Mods You Need to Try Today (Sims 4 Apartment Mods)
With this Sims 4 rent mods and apartment mods guide, you'll discover all the latest and best ways to enhance your Sims 4 gameplay. Transform your Sims 4 gameplay with these must-try rent and apartment mods!
You can find the post here.
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communistfries · 1 month
I just sent an email to a real estate agent about a tinie little mobile/manufactured home god could u imagine...
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fvckw4d · 8 months
"other countries have poor people but worse, don't speak usamerican" fuck you actually. Shiver in my freezing ass cockroach infested poisoned water mold ladened lead paint flaking ass apartment with me. "At least you're not the REAL poor or getting bombed or whatever" repeat what you said back slowly and then jump into the poisioned river down my street. Starve with me. Bitch.
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Kaity B is on the hunt for…
With “For Rent” being out for a while, I’m looking to update my worlds with units that match the other worlds' aesthetic/style/builds. Do y’all have any recommendations for me? What’s been some lots y’all have found and enjoyed? I prefer CC-free lots, but I’m not opposed to CC lots. Please tag me in builds y’all see or ones you’ve built yourself! I’d love to include them in my gameplay! Specifically, I've been watching for a remake of the Sims 2 Main Street Mobile Houses! (See pictures for reference!)
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I’m not a builder, but this was one of my FAVORITE apartment lots in Sims 2. And I would LOVE to have a Sims 4 version of this lot. Thank y’all in advance for interacting/reading/responding to my search! I hope you’re having a pleasant day and happy simming! 🫶🏻
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rdgmanagment · 4 months
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murderballadeer · 7 months
recently something kind of switched in my brain and like until now i had been completely terrified of moving out of my parents' house but now it's honestly starting to seem really appealing. which is good for maturity and independence reasons but less good for practical reasons bc i cannot afford to move out until after i graduate
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iero · 4 months
Apartment hunting is literally the fucking worst. I would not wish this on my worst enemy.
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123pixieaod · 1 year
girl!daniel question! Even if she throws everything out does she maybe keep the earrings max complimented? Maybe wears them when her and max go out on a date or something??
Girl Daniel is always happy to answers questions😎🫡
So Daniel 10000% keeps the earrings because when she was doing her big Clean Out they were still scattered in her handbag from when she ripped them off and shoved them in while in tears, and when she finally finds them she's more calm and just places them carefully on her bedside table trying not to think about everything they make her feel.
After her and Max get together, she goes back to wearing them, but teases Max about them and calls them her "definitely not pretty earrings" and each time he huffs and his cheeks darken and he tries to explain that what he meant -
And Daniel will just shake her head and remind him that he very clearly called them pretty but then later took it back and expressively told her that he did not mean it and and and -
And every time she wears them, she gently ribs him about them with a teasing smile until Max begins to call them her Definitely Not Pretty Earrings too.
Being with Max is freeing because he genuinely doesn't really care about how dressed up/baggy her clothes or appearances are, and so in this safety of security Daniel begins to experiment with her feminimity and gender expression, and as long as she stays happy then Max is happy and as long as Max is happy she is happy, but no matter how many crystal bracelets or overlapping necklaces or hippie dresses she invests in, the silver, dangling Definitely Not Pretty earrings remain a staple.
Fast forward. Daniel's having visa issues and airport security is always a pain and hassle and Max is just like 🤷let's just get married🤷 and Daniel is like🤷‍♀️okay why not🤷‍♀️ (while ofc both internally are freaking out because they get to marry each one!!!)
Both agree to do it in secret because neither are really ready to be Married™️ (not Daniel with her complex issues with traditional gender roles and the fact she promised she'd never get married and become "just" a housewife (((✨️the internalised misogyny is back!✨️))) and not Max with his unresolved childhood trauma with marriage and family). So they do it just because it's Rational and Makes Sense, and so Daniel is just beyond surprised when Max presents her with ring. And she is embarrassed because she didn't even think of getting him a ring or anything, but he shrugs and says it does not matter to him.
And the ring is silver and sort of... weird. Like it looks like silver strands of scales woven together, and some parts are thin and some are thick, and Daniel just adores it because it's weird and unusual, and Max chose it for her. She figures he just bought it at some flee market and likes imaging all the lives it lived before reaching hers. And she wears it on her ring finger but on her right hand after they technically get married secretly.
Nothing else changes, but her mother bluntly tells her that her new ring is ugly and her sister says it's looks unfinished or something, and Daniel just laughs, uncaring and happy. And finally, it's her dad, a few years later when she's spending a few weeks at home in Australia. Her dad gives her a look and asks if the ring came with her earrings, and it's only then, finally, that she realises that, of course. They're matching. They're the same. And Max must've had the ring designed specially to match her Definitely Not Pretty earrings.
When she finally gets back to Monaco, she blurts out the question if he did, and he laughs and gives her a funny look and says had she really not noticed, it's been years. That ofc the ring matches her earrings, he had it made specially for her.
Daniel just goes quiet and then tells Max she didn't know, and he laughs and asks what difference does it make? And Daniel kisses him, and then the next time she is at a race, the ring is still on her ring finger, but this time in her left hand, and Max has a matching one too :)))
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opiumvampire · 6 months
@ the couple who swooped in at the last second this morning to snatch up the apartment that joeff and i applied for last night i hope you get dragged under the red line
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
People will often say, 'If you could be with Lincoln for dinner, what would you want to ask him? What would be the unanswered question?' And I know I should be asking him, 'OK, suppose you had not been killed, how would you have dealt with the South? How would you have dealt with Reconstruction and all the controversies that arose?' But I know that if I really had him for dinner one night, I would simply ask him, 'Tell me a story, Mr. Lincoln.' Because then I would see him coming alive. He laughed so hard when he told one of his funny stories, his eyes would twinkle. And then I'd know that the Lincoln I knew -- who was somehow able in the worst days of the war to dispel the anxiety of his Cabinet members by his humor and his life-affirming sense of storytelling -- then I’d know I would have seen him alive.
-Doris Kearns Goodwin, Presidential Episode 16
This was where I had to stop the Lincoln episode at the end of my commute, and as I pulled into the parking lot I said to myself, "Wow, that's lovely." A little schmaltzy, perhaps, but I think it gets to the core of why people study history. Sure, there's the intellectual impulse to analyze and understand events with the benefit of hindsight, but deep down, the heart of historical study is a desire to connect with people. To bridge the gulf of time and space and get to know people despite the fact that they lived in a completely different century.
History's not just dry lists of dates and names and theories. It's people. It's personalities. It's quirks and memories and stories. It's knowing that a historical figure isn't just a face on a monument, or a source of information, but a guy who can tell really funny stories. And I wanted to share this quote because it really understands the humanity of history in a way I rarely see expressed.
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doomspiral · 5 months
Last rb is like. Sure i could get into gerpru more, but i think theyre worse platonically in most situations. Tfw a ship is more problematic when its not romantic.
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