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This is a holiday snap I took when we were saving hard. You’ll all know I’ll have made it when you see some sunshine in the background #frugalholidays #savinghard #smallbudget #frugalbudget #wewillgetthere #itisworthit #happyholidays2018 #sansebastianfoodies #smartmoney #financialsuperhero #financialsuperheroes (at Castro-Urdiales) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqafn0dnLtL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16qgzog2kipfq
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I have been very guilty in the past if just renewing insurance etc and accepting the first price that was quoted. I do not like confrontation and I have this silly trusting nature that assumes that every one is fair. ⭐️ Turns out the world at times is not fair and I have handed over way more money than is necessary for day to day bills. ⭐️ That stops now... #mrssmartmoney #financialsuperhero #jinglebells #winwin #fairisfair #negotiation #haggle #barter #fairprice #lowerbills #savemoney #savecash (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brn_SE4Fgrw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=azsd4holkfmj
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I have done this to myself so many times. The should and the want. The eternal struggle #christmaswins #jinglebellhat #mrssmartmoney #financialsuperhero #expensive #expensivegift #impulse #guiltypleasure #notsmart #notsmartenough #worksmarternotharder #heartrules #brainrules #socks #christmasgifts #searching (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brn5BVglt0S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15bpq06pe1scc
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Sometimes I wonder why I am doing this to myself 😔 #mrssmartmoney #smartmoney #financialfreedom #financialsuperhero #relaxforchristmas #christmaswins #newyear #newyearnewme #newyearmadness #lifeisforliving #lovechristmas #lovenewyear #nonewclothes #carefulspending #usewhatyouhave (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrlVzl0Fk0P/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jsf8tfzkyec2
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I was searching through what I though might be a good motivational quote for the week that is in it. : Then I thought, who am I kidding. The Christmas Spending Fairy finally broke me today. I spent way more than I’d planned. : So, instead of beating myself up, I’m going to go with it. Enjoy the season and try not to set myself up for hardship in January 😬 #lostfairy #fairy #coolpresent #sillyfairy #easeintotheday #easeintotheweek #easeintotheseason #motivationquotes #smartmoney #mrssmartmoney #financialsuperhero #relaxforchristmas #christmaswins #lovechristmas #lifeisforliving #lovinglife (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrlNRvLFMBM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gi1mslcisxn1
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If you’ve lost one and you want it back. It’s here eating a hole in my pocket. 😔 www.mrssmartmoney.com #coolpresent #fairy #sillyfairy #lostfairy #smartmoney #mrssmartmoney #easeintotheday #spend #financialsuperhero #holeinpocket #bestintentions #igiveup #fairytrouble (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrkgJPKFyho/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1axtd4vgntn6o
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I had a health check recently and great news, I am absolutely and totally average, normal, mediocre, middle of the road and within the predicted range. It was the most uneventful doctor visit that I’ve ever had. Yeay, to normal and average. ( in this scenario, and only this scenario 😉) I am delighted, all I have to do now is not mess it up. I can work with that starting point. 😊 #mrssmartmoney #mrssmart #coolpresent #bestnews #greatnews #greatnewstoday #musictomyears #smartmoney #financialfreedom #financialindependence #financialsuperhero #doctors #doctorvisit #cleanbillofhealth #averageisgood #normalisgood #andbreathenormally #normalisgreat #benchmark (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brikhh2FfVq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7r4nv99bzg5e
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Story if my life 🤣 Happy Tuesday everyone! #beyourself #lessbutbetter #ihopeiamright #savingmoneytips #mrssmartmoney #financialsuperhero #cartoontuesday #relaxitsfun #laughteristhebestmedicine #easeintotheday #sweetlife #moneyandstuff #balancedlife #canwehavemore (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrhUabdFjPH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m9qmv826usgx
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A few of you have asked me what I plan to do in this year of less but better. : It is really important to me to get this right and actually make a difference in my life. : The ultimate goal of 2019 is reduce my costs as much as possible and still live a Life that is abundant and full. : The thing is, I think that I can do that but I think I can do better than that. I am going to embrace minimalism, not just selling stuff and having a capsule wardrobe way. I want to strip away all my crutches be my real self. : 1 of these things will be stopping dying my hair. I’ve been coloring it, highlighting and goodness know what else since I was about 14. I’m not even sure I know what color it is anymore. : Although I’ve a pretty good guess that it’s more ‘mature’ color than what it was when I last set eyes in it 😔 : On the upside, I’ll be saving myself about €120 every 8 weeks 😉 Wish me luck and hope that people won’t run away screaming 🙁 #lifequotes #lifechanges #embracechange #greyhair #embracingminimalism #changetherapy #mrssmartmoney #financialsuperhero #lessbutbetter #lessismore #ihopeiamright #savingmoney #savingmoneytips #haircolor #nohaircolour #beyourself #idonotneedtohide (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrgQICMFW2G/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=134g9thxzoyg9
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Change is everywhere and one of the only constants in our lives. I like this one because sometimes change is out of our control but sometimes we choose it. I am choosing it now and I’m going to give it all that I can. #embracingminimalism #changetherapy #mrssmartmoney #financialsuperhero #affluence #embracechange #lifeimprovement #lifeimprovements #motivationalquotes #bittersweet #bittersweetmoment #itisforthebest #bananas #nomorehairdonts #nomorehaircolor #growingoldgracefully #loveyourself #loveyourlife (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrgMehql9SA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ylgn6j87yg
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Check out this weeks post here. I dig deep into the difference between affluence vs wealth. When I understood the difference between the two of these I viewed the world in such a different light. Check it out at www.mrssmartmoney.com Or subscribe for free at the site to get my posts directly to your inbox. #moneyblogpost #affluence #wealth #affluencevswealth #embracingminimalism #changetheworld #changetherapy #mrssmartmoney #financialsuperhero #smartmoney #knowthedifference #lovingitrightnow #changeyourmind #openyourmind #values #findyourvalues (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrfUZSElNoF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11jsxji2qibhk
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I’m super late with this today. My industrious son thought that it would be great to hide my phone and then forgot to return it 😞 Thank goodness he’s cute or I would have binned him ages ago. #lovingchristmas #myphone #lostphone #childproblems #whywelovethem #iamgladilovehim #mrssmartmoney #lovingitrightnow #lateposts #nospendmonday #smartmoney #financialfreedom #financialsuperhero (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrfTLeMFadc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1aaoarkn215j9
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I’m really liking the change quotes lately. I’m seeing it more as emersion therapy. If I surround myself with enough of it I’ll get used to it 😬😀 #lovingchristmas #embracingminimalism #happyhomes #kidsareexpensive #kidsaregreat #mrssmartmoney #financialsuperhero #smartmoney #change #justkeepgoing #changetherapy #changeisgood #newleaf #lovingitrightnow (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrYXYVSFKNs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7mqyfnowjaxt
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It’s that time of the week again. Confessing my guilty pleasures. I first started doing this after reading a book on John D Rockerfeller. He is supposed to have calculated his net worth every day. Now, I honestly think that I would depress myself if I did it every day but once a month seems to work nicely for me. It helps to keep me on track and acts as a little pick me up if it’s been a hard month. When you’ve had a tough week and the car has cr@pped out again. It’s nice to check in and see the savings build, the mortgage drop a tweeny bit and the pension doing its thing. It’s a lovely comfort. So although it’s definitely a guilty secret, it’s one that (generally) feel better after doing 😊 #calculatingnetworth #controlyourdestiny #networth #rockerfeller #guiltymoneysecret #guiltymoneysecretwednesday #smartmoney #controlyourdestiny #nicethingsarenice #enjoyyourmoney #moneytolive #smartmoney #financialsuperhero #watchyourmoneygrow #saveforthelongrun #moneysecrets #ilovemoneytalks (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrR2Yk1ltYM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12svurzgu2ana
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I think this is a good one for a Saturday night. What do you think? #thebestthingsinlifearefree #thebestthingsinlife #smartmoney #saturdaynightinireland #donotwastefood #financialsuperhero #financialsuperstar #friendshipquotes4you #letitmeansomething #nicethingsarenice #frugalvegetarian #itsalonggame (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrI9Q6nl2A3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vhdq12ear1en
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What a fantastic sunrise. I am so lucky to live where I do. This is what I get to wake up to. The best things in life are free. #thebestthingsinlifearefree #thebestthingsnevercomeeasy #thebestthingsinlife #smartmoney #whatisvaluable l#financialsuperhero #luckyforlife #luckyastheycome #luckymum #whatitsallabout #frugallifestyle (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq9XhWWlzSP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ebbjhnpsedu6
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