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What a fantastic sunrise. I am so lucky to live where I do. This is what I get to wake up to. The best things in life are free. #thebestthingsinlifearefree #thebestthingsnevercomeeasy #thebestthingsinlife #smartmoney #whatisvaluable l#financialsuperhero #luckyforlife #luckyastheycome #luckymum #whatitsallabout #frugallifestyle (at Ireland (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq9XhWWlzSP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ebbjhnpsedu6
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In economic aspect, value is different from price, like use-value and exchange value. In fact, there's always more...What's in your mind? 經濟學上,價值有別於價格,例如使用價值、交換價值。你覺得還有更多嗎? #onespast #history #story #memory #heritage #agreatmanoncesaid #quotes #whatisvalue #whatisprice #pricevsvalue #howtosee #rediscoverlostvalues #fromnow
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How do you quantify value? Currently working on the pricing appraoch so how do you quantify is? Is value = (expertise) + (resources ÷ time) ÷ ROI or is it simply how much Return on investment you bring to the company? 😲 _____________ #whatisvalue #howdoyouquantifyit #roi #returnininvestment #value #customerfirst #deliveringneed #innovationdevelopment #innovativedevelopment #innovation #dontovercomplicateit #keepitsimplestupid #business #businessdev #development ______________
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i don’t...understand?
How does it feel to have all of your identities at the center of a target, waiting to be pierced through by the darts we call politics?
Disguised in power, in money.
Wait it’s not even a disguise anymore--because how can we find out that a majority of the people who voted for a woman to obtain a position of power she is undoubtedly unqualified for, were all paid off by this woman? And I am screaming inside because now we have an attorney general who hates immigrants, people of color, and the queer community.
I don’t get it.
Congress picked the worst possible nominee they could have. Forget the president (well don’t, he’s a shit causer too), but they told us to be worried about congress. They told us to be worried about all the other people who could come into power. And look what’s happening.
Maybe I live in a bubble because I am having a hard time believing it all, and believing that people actually endorse these people into power.
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