#finally i finished this waa
leafbreez · 8 months
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Tired 1 - 2
The idea of Prismo trying to find different ways to comfort and befriend Scarab and be patient with him lives rent free in my mind.
Anyways, I'm really happy with how this turned up and maybe i could continue it with more cute ideas ^^
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fooltofancy · 8 days
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sure as the setting sun / can't trust just anyone
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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👀 coming soon-ish?
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fruitsofhell · 1 year
Definitely one of the most fun things about a prequel is when you get near the end and start watching all the pieces fall together. I'm kinda obsessed with that feeling in fiction. Like it's the same for a tragedy, or even like a really good story that spent a lot of time letting you enjoy the characters and world and then you realize the plot is starting to build to its finale. But that's a very special feeling in a prequel because of the fact it's not just that you know how it ends, you know how it CONTINUES.
FF7 Crisis Core is a favorite just because there are so many layers of tragedy that underlay the beginning of FF7 seeing where they all came from is bonkers. Not to mention Zack, just Zack. This incredibly minor but integral character and seeing him be this bright-eyed bushy-tailed (unknowing war criminal) and watching as he and his good normal, definiteky nit doomed by the narrative buddies Cloud and Sephiroth go on their fun reactor adventure!
Like I specifically remember playing og Crisis Core with my friends and when we got to Nibelhiem such a feeling of dread and disbelief washed over us all. Cause we knew our time in this - what felt like a fun fantasy of getting to see these characters before their lives all imploded in a sci-fi Greek tragedy - was coming to an end. IDK I love that feeling. I love that about tragedies in general but a story like Crisis Core just really scratched that itch. Watching the gears of fate turn in a story.
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spiralgender44 · 4 months
yuri on ice,,,,,,,,,,,
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iamfabiloz · 1 month
have a little idea of a drabble if that’s ok!
just. some squirreljessy fluff. maybe squirrelflight has had a fight with bramblestar, so jessy comforts her and then they decide to run away together?
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this is such an old ask WAA when i was doing writing rqs in 2022 (i am no longer but) this one is for u anon *looks up at the sky* i started this almost 2 years ago and its not rlly done but I am all out of steam and am in no way a real writer so i just gave up this is what i got cw bad (i do not feel this vehemently abt anything here sorry i just got rlly into character LOL
“Run away with me, Squirrelflight.” 
Jessy’s meow was level, calm, as if the words she had just uttered were completely ordinary and not life-changing in the slightest.
Squirrelflight sputtered, choking on the mouse she had just settled down to eat. 
The deputy was now acutely aware of the deafening silence all around her, occasionally broken by the occasional squawk of a bird or creak of a branch. 
Unnerved, Squirrelflight suddenly wished for the comforting babble of her clanmates to fill the air, draining the tension from the too-quiet woods. But she knew none would come, the area they were in was a little more than a 10-minute walk from camp after all.
 It was just the two of them. 
The dark ginger molly suddenly shifted uncomfortably as the air seemed to get heavier, the little patch of forest they were in seemingly more enclosed and less spacious by the minute. It was as if the whole territory was as shocked by Jessy’s words as Squirrelflight was. 
The deputy’s partner had wheedled Squirrelflight for a moment alone all day, much to Bramblestar's chagrin. Squirrelflight’s former mate kept making up excuses for her to ignore Jessy’s request, sending Squirrelflight on errand after errand as if she were nothing but a misbehaving apprentice!
It made Squirrelflight’s claws itch and pelt prickle with frustration and she so longed to fire back at the brown tabby tom’s nonsensical demands, but she held her tongue, just this once. She wanted to meet with Jessy without being interrupted or hounded about undone checklists, thank you very much. 
So she trudged along the obstacle course Bramblestar had purposefully set for her, completing task after task (which included elder den management, tick-removal, border re-marking, herb stockpiling, and fresh-kill charting) until she was finally finished with a good enough portion to be excused for personal time. 
 Squirrelflight had quietly slipped away with a mouse in maw to meet her mate at their favorite spot in the territory: an old crooked oak tree with gnarled roots and a gaping hole beneath it big enough to house two full-grown cats. Squirrelflight had squeezed in, waiting for Jessy to meet her there. 
She momentarily relived the burst of affection she’d felt when she’d seen the brown she-cat pad closer to her location.
Whatever Squirrelflight has been expecting Jessy to say, it had certainly not been this. 
“You heard me.” The brown kittypet snapped, leaning in closer to meet Squirrelflight’s bewildered green gaze. 
“We can’t be happy here, love. Not with him around. Run away with me, Squirrelflight.” 
Squirrelflight gulped down the rest of her mouse, the prey dropping into her belly like a cold stone. 
“I- he… I know Bramblestar can be a bit… difficult.” 
“A bit is an understatement.” Jessy unsheathed her claws with a growl. 
“The guy’s a total asshole, Squirrelflight. We both know it.” 
Squirrelflight flattened her ears. 
Damn. She’s right. 
“I know, Jessy.” Squirrelflight sighed. “I know that better than any cat. But…” 
Jessy frowned. 
“But what? You’ve dealt with enough of his bullshit for a lifetime! I’ve only been here for a season and he’s already driving me crazy! I don’t know how you put up with it for so long.”
Jessy lashed her tail, her claws kneading at the ground impatiently. Squirrelflight placed her white paw on the she-cat’s shoulder, gazing at her with a silent plea. The molly’s amber gaze softened for a heartbeat, melting into the warm honeyed kindness that Squirrelflight had fallen for, before hardening back into the stern amber the deputy also admired. 
“Please try to understand, Jessy. I can’t just pick up and leave my clan out of the blue. I have responsibilities here.” 
An image of a lithe brown and white tabby flashed in Squirrelflight’s head, along with an elderly pale ginger molly and two younger toms. 
Leafpool, Sandstorm, Lionblaze, Jayfeather. 
Another vision crowded Squirrelflight’s mind, one of ThunderClan cats, big and small, hunting, patrolling, sharing tongues, and laughing as a group. 
My family and my clanmates are both so precious to me. Oh how could I be so cruel as to leave them? 
Squirrelflight closed her eyes, trying to choke back her rising distress at the thought of abandoning them all for her own desires. 
They need me. It would be selfish to just walk out when I’ve dedicated my whole life to them. 
“Are you thinking about your kin?” Jessy’s voice softened, her usual fire dimming. 
Squirrelflight nodded, blinking. “And my clanmates. Oh, Jessy, I can’t. I couldn’t. How could I leave them all?” 
Jessy looked away, her gaze darkening. 
“Squirrel…” Jesse’s maw slowly closed. 
Squirrelflight felt a rush of panic.
“It’s not that I don’t love you, it’s just-“
“Your duty. I know, I know.“ Jessy leaned over and brushed her muzzle against the deputy’s cheek.
“I just wish it could be easy.” 
 “I know Jessy, me too.” Squirrelflight sucked in a breath. “No matter what I think of Bramblestar, my clan always comes first.”
“But what about you?” Jessy burst out, bristling. 
“Why should you continue dealing with that whiny bastard just for the sake of another cat’s wellbeing? Gah- what about your own?” 
Jessy’s teeth grinded and she let out an irritated hiss. Squirrelflight was pressed against her side in an instant, curling her bushy tail over her companion’s back as an attempt to soothe her nerves. 
Jessy took a deep breath through her nose and let it out through her maw, the tension in her frame slowly softening. The brown molly sagged against the deputy’s side, her face pressing against Squirrelflight’s thick-furred shoulder. 
“Feel better?” Squirrelflight offered, giving one of Jessy’s ears a quick lick. 
“Mmrgh… no.” Jessy grunted, lifting her head, her expression twisting into a deep frown. 
“I love you so much, Squirrelflight. You know that right? So it’s absolutely infuriating to watch that rotten pile of manure treat you like a kitten who’s wet behind the ears and not the capable pillar of ThunderClan I know you are.” 
Squirrelflight felt a deep purr rumble in her chest, words unable to express how thankful she was for her companions' support. 
“Oh Jessy, I love you too. I’ll have to consider it for a bit though. I hope you understand.” 
“Of course.” Jessy meowed, padding forward to affectionately bump foreheads with her. 
“Hey, I know I said a lot of shit alright, but this is your decision. I won’t force you to do anything, and whatever you decide, I’ll be fine. Don’t pay any mind to my emotional blubbering, this is about you and what you're comfortable with. I can handle that fuzz-brained idiot myself, I was just concerned about how he affects you. I know it’s a huge thing to consider, with you having folks here and all and it’s reasonable to have doubts. Just know I’ll be with you through thick and thin, Squirrelflight.” 
Jessy pulled away, a twinkle in her amber eyes.
“No matter what.” 
“Thank you Jessy.” Squirrelflight grinned, suddenly feeling a rush of energy she hadn’t felt since she was a young cat. 
“Now… I think I’d like to have a little chat with Bramblestar. I didn’t appreciate how he made me his errand cat today.
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maiko-san · 10 months
TADC x Robotic Jester! Reader (Part 3)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Continuation of the previous parts :D, I literally forgot one character that is Kaufmo. Even though he's not in the pilot, the poor guy deserves love! I know this is a short chapter but Kaufmo kinda deserves one tbh. Too many Jax x readers around lol.
ft. Kaufmo
Warning : slight angst
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There's nothing much to do around the circus as of late, Caine had been busy with his work/project and the others are doing their own things or minding their own business.
You're in Gangle's room and watch her draw characters from anime, even though she couldn't remember much about the characters or how they used to look like. Every time she draws, she feels that she is getting the characters so right!
"Look, here (Y/o/n)!" Gangle smiles as she holds up her finished drawing of an animal with a large red hat.
"A raccoon?" you questioned tilting your head to the side. "No, silly! It's a reindeer! A doctor too!" Gangle said. "Hehehe~ I'm just messing with ya, Ribbons!" you said.
"Hey, look what I've drawn!" you said. Holding up a badly drawn of yourself with Gangle with the word 'Weeb Besties' on top with hearts all over. Gangle gasps and takes the paper from you, "I'm going to pin it on my wall!" she said, hugging the drawing. She walks over to her board and pins it on the large board filled with all kinds of arts she had done.
"(Y/o/n), let's play mario—" before Gangle could finish, both of you were teleported to the stage.
Turns out, there were new people on the stage.
A clown?! Gasps! A stage buddy! Yippe :D
Kaufmo, a name that was given to the newcomer by Caine. At first, the poor guy was in a panic mess, well who wouldn't when you enter a whole different dimension in an instant.
"What—wh—where am I?! Why can't I get this thing off?????!!!" Kaufmo shrieks as he begin pulling on his face, Jax snorts "Try pulling harder, maybe you could rip—" you instantly slaps your hand on the rabbits's mouth to shut him up.
LICK— "Waa! Eew! Gross!" you cringe when Jax licks your palm as the purple rabbit gives you a smug grin.
Caine had taken Kaufmo on an instant tour around the place.
The clown didn't take it too well.
The guy was in a nervous wreck and running around the tent to find an escape from the digital realm.
"Exit! Where's the exit!" he shrieked. Jax on the other hand kinda had enough with his screaming and left, leaving you and the others.
"Alright, let's calm down and take a deep breath" Ragatha said as she walked over to Kaufmo to calm him down.
Due to Ragatha's expertise at calming people, Kaufmo finally calms down.
Everyone introduced themselves to the clown and it was your turn, "Hello, there Kaufmo! My name is (Y/o/n) the robotic jester! Hey, wanna hear a joke?" you said with a grin.
Somehow both of you became partners in the circus!
You and Kaufmo would do tricks together and tell jokes to each other, even Kaufmo's jokes weren't the best ( most of his jokes were consists of dad jokes btw ). Being a good partner, you help him improve!
Like Kinger, Kaufmo sees you as a good friend. Like you do with Gangle, you protect him from Jax's pranks and mockeries.
But even when you try to get his mind off the exit, it won't stop him or change his mind. Kaufmo were glad that you wanted to help him but....
He really wants to go home.....
"(Y/o/n)....I'm thankful that you want to help me but...I miss home and...my family. I know they are waiting for me" Kaufmo said. with a deep frown on his face. You stare into his black beady eyes as you rub your arm and look away.
"Don't you miss yours, (Y/o/n)?" your eyes widen slightly at Kaufmo's question, "I wish I could be like you, ya know....Like don't worry about anything at all? All of your feelings are so genuine unlike the others, like you belong in this place....." Kaufmo said, fiddling with his gloves.
"Well, I— uh" you were cut off by a voice.
"Now, what's with all of these frowning I see?" a voice echoes, both of you look up to see the moon looking down at the two of you.
"Oh, w-we were just talking...." you said, rubbing the back of your neck "I-I I think I want to go back to my room, see you tomorrow I guess..." you said as you speed your way back to your room. On your way, you see Jax walking by and he sees you. He folds his arms behind him and extends his leg once you got close.
He trips you as you fall on the ground, but you were too deep in your thoughts to even bother about Jax tripping you.
A question mark appears on Jax's head as he watches you enter your designated room, slamming the door shut. Jax's grin left his lips, he never sees you acting like that before and it kinda bothers him to see you like that.
"Pft....they'll get over it" he snorts as he walks away but he still couldn't shake off the feelings.
Once you're in your room, you lock the door and lean on the wooden door before sliding down and sit on the floor. You cover your face with your hands and cry.....
Now that Kaufmo said it, "I u-understand how it felt...." you mumbled to yourself. Yes, you also miss your family.
Especially your beloved uncle, you couldn't remember what he look like anymore and every time you want to remember, it was all a blur in your mind.....
He was the only family you had left.....
You'd hope that he's doing alright....
You look up at a drawn picture of yourself (avatar form) and a man with a question mark on his face, both of you are holding hands.
There is a word written, "Greatest Uncle in the world".
"I...I miss you" you sobbed, rubbing away your tears.
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ywpd-translations · 7 months
Ride 763: The third year's start!!
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Pag 2
1: Ten seconds until the start
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Pag 3 /4
1: Let's run with everything we have!!
The last Inter High of the third year Sakamichi, start!!
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Pag 5
1: Yeah!!
2: Let's go!!
3: Let's pour our whole guts into it!!
4: Yes!!
5: Let's go!!
6: Teh!!
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Pag 6
1: The first day of the boy's Inter High competition in Fukuoka, starts now!!
It's here!!
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Pag 7
1: All the cyclists are beginning to run, with the big bridge connecting Kyushu and Honshu through the Kanmon Straits in the back!!
Waa, splendid!!
Do your best!!
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Pag 8
1: The entrance of Kyushu, here from Moji city in Kitakyushu, going south, they'll fight for three days
It's Sohoku!
2: Waaaaa
The wind is so strong!
The cyclists are so close!
So fast!
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Pag 9
1: Kumadai you can do it!
Their fight will unfold on the stage of Kyushu's nature!!
2: There are so many cyclists
Which team will win?
3: The one you need to pay attention to in the first place, is the one in the front with yellow jerseys
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Pag 10
1: Chiba's representative, the two times in a row champion, Sohoku
The third year they call “Mountain King” took the top goal two years in a row!!
Huh... then it's decided already!!
2: Another one is the one with the blue jersey, Kanagawa's Hakone Academy
They were the team that kept winning before, and they're so strong they say that in that team “everyone is an ace”
Huuh... that's amazing too
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Pag 11
1: Then there's Kyoto representative, with the purple jerseys, Kyoto Fushimi, who make the race unpredictable every time!!You can already feel their peculiar tenacity!!
They look scary
2: So those three!?
Well, yeah, but rumor has it that this year the mountain bike champion is participating, too
4: MTB!? The off-road one!?
That's right!!
5: And I guess the local Kyushu team won't keep quiet, and Hiroshima is strong too
There's a strong element of uncertainty in road racing
There are a lot of people, and the distance to cover and the time are long too
6: It's not the stronger one who always win
It's always been said that....
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Pag 12
1: Until the finish line is crossed and the race is over, you never know what can happen during a road race!!
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Pag 13
1: Hyoo... there's so many people, teh
2: They're all waving their hands, teh!!
Ahhh.... so many people, the scale is so different from the prefectural qualification, teh
3: What's wrong, newbie!! Hahaha
4: It started
5: Finally, the Inter High!!
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Pag 14
1: I'll show everyone here what I can do!! Take a look, newbie!!
2: This is the genius Kaburagi Issa's!! Super Special Strong-
3: Start Dash!!
Listen up, Rokudai
Yessir, teh
The red on the referee car means we can't surpass it
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Pag 15
1: As long as that racket-like thing is red, this is a parade run
2: Until it gets turned round and becomes green, the race is in a neutral situation
It means we have to run slowly and safely
3: There's no point in jumping ahead here
And if someone did that, he's just an idiot
Are you watching me, Aoyagi-san!! Haha
Teh... Aoyagi... san..
I'll surpass the care ahead of us!!
4: Once it becomes green, the speed will increase
Don't fall behind
5: Ye... yessir, teh!!
6: Hahaha I guess I left them behind of quite a lot
Waaa!? They're still right behind me!? Imaizumi-san, you're so fast!!
Choose a senpai to refer to
Ah.. huh... yessir, teh...
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Pag 16
3: We've pretty much passed the residential area, teh
The parade will go on for a few more kilometers
4: Once we get on a wider road and can confirm it's safe, then there's the real start
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Pag 17
1: My first Inter High....
What on earth is it... the Inter High....
2: Ahh... my heart is pounding, teh...
Yeah, enjoy the scenery and the heart pounding while you still can
3: Teh!?
4: Once the race starts you won't have time to look at the scenery or take a breath
6: You- you have enough time to take a breath
Ro- Rokudai-kun
Don't bully the first year, Hotshot
7: Onoda-san!!
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Pag 18
1: Only a little
3: Almost... none... the Inter High!!
I see... teh
Onoda-kun... you were even worst than Hotshot now..
The Inter H...igh sounds harsh
4: No, uhm
Uhm, it is
5: It's incredibly hard
It's so hard you could collapse
6: Your whole body falls apart and you can't even take a breath!!
Fall apart...!!
He's really putting the boot in...
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Pag 19
1: But we run with all our strength
2: with everyone supporting each other
3: If we connect
4: and we run until the end with all our might
7: When everything is over and we look back at it
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Pag 20
1: We'll feel like it a really irreplaceable time
2: That difficult moment
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Pag 21
1: When we were angry, frustrated, or when we smiled
We'll remember everything
2: Then, we'll think that we're happy we didn't give up
3: “Think”....
4: That's....
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Pag 22
1: That's the Inter High!!
3: If there are people who have “power” in their words
4: For me, it's this person
I've been thinking it since I've met him
5: Are you... in trouble?
Follow me
6: He usually seems unreliable when he talks, and there are times when he's awkward, but
… yes
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Pag 23
1: His words always strike my core!!
Yessir!! Teh!!
That's right, Onoda-kun
You're right, Onoda
You can bet on it..!!
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Pag 24
1: Thank you so much, teh
For bringing me, who didn't know anything, in such a brilliant and heart shaking world!!
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Pag 25
1: Huh!? Everyone else too!! You were listening!?
Ah... uhm.. I was talking to Rokudai-kun...
2: Hahaha, we heard
3: And thanks to it, I'm all fired up!!
Don't get fired up more than this or you'll turn into ashes quickly
4: I-I'll run with everything I have, teh!!
5: So that you can fulfill
6: your dearest wish you told us about when we were coming here on the ship!!
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Pag 26
1: “Dearest wish”
5: Yokosuka-Kokura ferry, off the coast of Kochi Prefecture
7: Well, the schedule after we arrive is roughly like this
Remember it yourself
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Pag 27
1: Now if you get too excited you'll only get tired, and now it's okay to relax
Get a good night's sleep today, when you wake up tomorrow we'll go ashore
2: Onoda, you want to say anything?
5: Let's... let's do our best
6: Yessir!!
7: Good night
Good night!!
8: Can I ask one last thing?
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Pag 28
1: Earlier, Naruko-san said that our objective for this Inter High is to get our “third consecutive victory”
To be on par with Hakogaku, who is the only team to ever win three times in a row in the history of the Inter High
4: I agree, I also think we have to do it
But I there's one thing I'm curious about, and I don't think it's been asked yet
5: Onoda-san, what's your objective this year?
What are you running in the Inter High for?
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rascalentertainments · 3 months
Wish Granted 🌟👩🏾🎶 (Wish Reimagined)
Chapter 5: Welcome to Rosas
Chapter 4
We transition some time later as the trio run through the forest...
Asha had finally made it. Back to the place she never thought she would fight to return to: The Kingdom of Rosas.
"All right, there's no time to waste. Think you can speed up, Star?" she asked her now aquatic friend.
"I'm on it!" Star chirped. He quickly gained speed as they headed straight for Rosas, with a duo of fellow dolphins by each side. The sun slowly rised as shined on the magnificent kingdom.
We cut back to the cliffside where some of the guards that got knocked over by Turtle!Star earlier on finally caught up. One of them struggled to take his tightened helmet off, but finally managed to do so. "I'm sorry your Highness!" He replied. "The girl got away from us. We were ambushed by, um....."
Amaya raised an eyebrow. "By what?" Her tone was flat.
"....a flying turtle." The other guard finished, nearly embarrassed even saying that.
This was highly unexpected. The star Magnifico waa searching for wasn't just a simple ball of light. It could change its form, it could think for itself. And the girl it was with wasn't a fool either. They outsmarted her. Was that girl the one that brought the star down? Her husband probably wasn't going to be happy someone beat him at his own game.
"Clearly you've been outsmarted by a mere reptile." She replied as she approached the two guards on her horse. "You're a team of skilled soldiers and you couldn't even catch a mere teen and a small animal?" her voiced was raised.
The guards were too nervous to even defend themselves. The king held their wishes in his hands and he could take them away with a snap of his fingers.
Amaya sighed. "It doesn't matter this point. We just need to return to Rosas at once and I'll warn the king, who knows what that thing can do with a power like that? We must protect our kingdom!"
The guards agreed in unison. Amaya called for Sabor and he finally caught up with the rest of the group. He quickly tossed the ball of yarn in the ocean to avoid further embarrassment and joined his beloved owner on the horse.
The scene shows Amaya and her soldiers running back to Rosas' as the sun began to rise over trees.
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We then go to the main port of Rosas where Star stopped swimming. Asha grabbed Valentino and gingerly stepped onto the dock. She looked up at the towering city before her, mixed with feelings of both joy and fear. Her thoughts were interrupted by small splashes of water.
Star had turned into a dog and was rapidly shaking himself to dry off.
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Valentino belated in annoyance, but Asha found it pointless to complain. Star did help them get there after all.
Once Star was done, a yellow flash of light appeared and he was back to his human appearance. "Now that was fun! Aside from being chased by a crazy queen, I'd say that plan was flawless!" he said with a laugh.
Before Asha could speak, she heard some squeaks and clicks coming from the sea. "Oh, I almost forgot!" Star realized and ran towards the end of the dock. He saw the dolphins that guided them to the castle cheering for him.
He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, "Thanks for the cool water show and for guiding us here! Oh wait, I mean-" he stepped back and spoke dolphinese as he waved goodbye.
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The dolphins returned it in joy and at the same time, the whale reappeared to wave with its large fin to Star as it dove back into the water. "Oh yeah, ThAnK yoOouUuUu tOoOoO!" he said with his tone going up and down dramatically. "Almost forgot I could speak whale!" He smiled. It faded a bit when he finally noticed the sun rising.
Asha stepped up beside him. "You've never seen a sunrise before?" she asked.
"I've seen the sun hundreds of times, but...never like this." He said, nearly speechless. "Is this how humans see the sun?"
"Yep, everyday in fact." Asha replied as she watched with him. "And it never gets old."
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Asha found her gaze leading to Star's face, who's expression was still in awe, but yet relaxed. He was always incredibly happy and cheerful, but this was the first time she'd seen him so at peace. It was....a nice thing to see. Asha was sure the bright sun was making her face warm and certainly nothing else. "All right, let's get back to the mission." She said abruptly.
"Right, right. So now that we're here, what's next?" Star said as he and Valentino followed her.
"Next we need to see Flazino. He's the apprentice to Magnifico and he knows his way around this place as much as the royals themselves. He should know where the wishes are kept. Then he can help us plan to how to stop Magnifico."
Star was silent for a moment. "This Flazino guy is a friend of yours right? Is...that all he is?"
"Well, more like an acquaintance. We only see each other once a month when he brings supplies to the people. Its helped us a lot these past couple years." she answered as she looked around for an easy way in.
Star felt a bit guilty for asking. "Well, I can't wait to meet him, he sounds like a nice-" his mouth got covered by her hand.
Asha pointed over to the entrance which had a young sleeping guard leaning against the wall. Clearly he hadn't gotten much shut eye last night. "Follow me, but don't make a sound. We have to get in before there's people everywhere."
Star nodded and followed her lead. The three of them walked swiftly passed the guard whom upon a closer look was actually a teen in training to be a guard. Asha looked around for a place to start, when the large bell tower started to ring loudly, starting the day.
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"SHOOT." Asha seethed. She frantically looked around and finally saw a path that led towards the inner parts of the city. "This way!" She told him as she ran forward. Star flew behind her, and they eventually made it to an archway that was hidden from the main square.
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The trio waited a long while and people started to gather in the city. "We can't be in the city like this, especially not you. We're going to need some disguises." Asha suggested. "Oh, you mean like this?" Star asked. He then turned into a small goat looking similar to Valentino, but with a goofier face. "Now we look like twins!" He nodded Valentino. The goat looked offended by the suggestion.
Asha shook her head. "I'm pretty sure they'll notice a glowing talking goat." she let out a small laugh. "No, I'm thinking...." her voiced trailed off when she saw a young man beginning to place some laundry out. "Bingo." She finally finished. She told Star to stay where he was and return to his human looking form then she proceeded on, acting like she was a fellow Rosas' citizen, putting on a fake smile.
Once she reached the other side, she quickly grabbed two cloaks from the table while the young man wasn't looking and quickly took off. When the guy turned around, he noticed that two clothes suddenly disappeared. He looked around seeing where they could've gone, then the dust around him made him sneeze loudly. He figured the wind probably blew them away and decided to just go back to working on the rest of the clothes. Its not like they were taken away.
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It then cuts back to Star and Valentino in the middle of talking.
"So that little outfit was made from your mom's wool?" Star asked curiously. The goat bleated and nodded. "I'm sorry, buddy. I promise I'll get you a new one, somehow." He patted Valentino's head from above. The goat looked at him surprised. This glowing weirdo stranger cared about his feelings?
A green cloak suddenly covered Star's view. "What's this?" He asked as he took the clothes in his hands.
"Its your disguise. This way you can walk around town without catching everyone's attention." Asha put her own cloak on, which covered enough of her head so she wouldn't be seen as easily.
"Hmmmm. All right, but green's not really my color." Star pointed out. He then used some of his stardust on the cloak and the color changed from green to black and gold. "That's more like it!"
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(I actually found a cloak that fit perfectly for Star's disguise here! Asha's is pretty much the same as the film. I didn't mind it.)
"Yeeaaah. That reminds me, if we're going to keep a low key, you need remember three rules." Asha stated.
"Okay, shoot!" He said as put the cloak on.
"Rule 1: No flying or shapeshifting. You need to act as human as possible." Asha explained.
Star gently came to the ground. "Check!"
"Rule 2: No glowing whatsoever. As fun as it is to see you like that, we can't draw any attention to us." She continued.
Star took in some air, and gulped it down along with his glow. His yellow glow slowly faded and he put his hood up. "Check!"
"And Rule 3: Can you….do something about being yellow?" She asked honestly.
Star looked down at his own hands. "I….don't think so. Can humans change their color?"
The question caught Asha off guard. She never thought about it that way before. "Fair enough. Just keep the hood on and stick by me."
"Check! Now let's get all sneaky!" Star said enthusiastically.
The trio then proceeded onwards into the heart of city, as the camera slowly pans up from them to the one of the towers.
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We go into the inside of the castle where the king had fallen asleep hunched over his study desk. The doors slammed opened and it woke the king with a start.
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The queen had entered the room, out of breath and disheveled. Meanwhile Sabor just coolly walked in past her.
"Amaya darling, you're back!" Mags said with a smile. It faded once he saw her appearance. "What happened to you? Did the star hurt you?" His anger began to rise as he called the staff to his hand.
"No, no. Nothing like that. It hurts my pride to say that we were outrun by some peasant girl who's smarter then she looks. And the star…" her voice trailed off when her foot hit one of the many books scattered across the floor. "How long have you been up here?" she asked, concerned.
Magnifico looked at the floor and realized he had made a mess without even realizing it. "Admittedly, I may have lost track of time during my research, sooooo….perhaps a few hours?" He guessed.
"But that's not important right now. Tell me about the star! What did it look like? Could you feel its power?" He grabbed her shoulders in desperation.
Amaya sighed. She might was well tell him, he was too fixated on this. "As were chasing it, it turned into an assortment of animals. The last thing we saw was it as a dolphin." She finally admitted. "It can think for itself."
There was a moment of silence as Magnifico blinked. He slowly let go of her. "The star can transform itself? Not even we have mastered that kind of magic!" He raised his voice.
The queen looked concerned at his current state. "Darling…?"
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The man began pacing the floor frantically. "That thing has a mind of its own! Who knows what ended its capable of? It can be anything or anyone. Absolute power is right under our noses and I won't let it get away!" The king began to sound paranoid.
His ranting stopped when his wife placed her hands on both sides of his face. "Pookie! You need to calm yourself. We will get the star, and we will have that power. You just need to relax." she said in a soothing tone.
She could see the anger and fear in his blue eyes be replaced with calmness as he breathed deeply. The king took his wife's hands in his and kissed them. "You're right, my queen. What would I do without you?" He whispered.
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Sabor ran out of the room as fast as he could. He didn't want to see this. 😂
The two them opened the balcony windows. They had a perfect view of their victims citizens going about their day. "Look at them. They're in their own little world once they arrive here. They don't have magic. Even if they did, they're too stupid to know how it works." Amaya pointed out.
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The view cuts an overhead shot of the town square where people were going about their day. A few of them looked lethargic, but carried on anyway. "So one peasant girl found the star before we did? Big deal. She's bringing the star right to us. Once she arrives, its all a matter of time before we rule everything." She finished with a chuckle.
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A smile crept on the King's face. "Indeed. Its time we finally take our prize." He said with a growl. (At this segment the music starts to swell a bit.)
Amaya had stepped away. "But first take a shower, dear. You can't rule the kingdom and the world smelling like a Llama." then she went to freshen up herself.
Magnifico looked down at his attire and took a whif underneath his arm. Oof. She was right.
"Very well, I'll just put on the morning event to distract everyone." the king replied and he shot some blue magic on the nearby mirrors on the buildings, and the blue glow spread to the other mirrors all across Rosas.
We go back to the city where it was now flooded with people of all shapes and sizes. Stalls were up selling various foods, trinkets, instruments and art.
Seeing the large crowd made Asha uneasy. While these people had no idea they were being controlled by power hungry rulers and held their lives in their hands, she felt sorry for them. Meanwhile Star was losing his mind at the sight of the crowd. "So...many...people!" He exclaimed. His eyes began to sparkle and his smile grew wide.
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"I know, there's way more people than I anticipated. we're going to have stick close to-" Asha looked to her side and saw the starboy was gone. He was instead running straight forward to the crowd in broad daylight.
"BAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" Valentino panicked and chased after Star.
Asha rubbed her forehead. "For crying out loud..." she had no choice but to run after them.
Star couldn't get enough of what he was seeing. The city was packed with people. Some of them looked tired, but it was still pretty early for humans to be awake so maybe they just needed time. He looked up and saw a man on stilts walking by him, towering over everyone as he proceeded to start cleaning a customer's windows. A little girl ran by flying a kite in the cool breeze. A young woman had placed carts of various flowers out to get some sun. Another woman was pushing a cart with a carriage sized pumpkin across the way. People chatting to each other about the day ahead, and other small talk.
The sounds, the laughter, the people, the smells, everything felt new to Star as he took it all in. He didn't feel alone on Earth, and he was going to enjoy every minute he was here.
The star then heard a loud noise and felt something pull on his cape/hood. He looked behind him and saw a baby goat pulling him back away from the crowd. "Hey, buddy! You want to see the cool Earth stuff too? Come on!" he happily picked up the goat in his arms and carried on.
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Asha navigated the best she could in the crowd, looking for Star, when she suddenly heard Valentino's bleating in the distance, objecting to Star taking him along. Even the goat knew this was insane.
By the time she caught up with him he already had a ton of souvenirs in his arms, with a tired looking Valentino. He seemed to be looking at a tray of desserts. "Hey, what are thooose?!" Star pointed to a plate of cookies with baked in the form of the royals faces.
(Doesn't make sense they both didn't have cookies, so I remedied that.)
An Asian girl with a crutch approached the table. "Ah, I see you have a good eye! These are freshly baked sugar cookies in form of our sweet royals!" She said with a smile. "I did my best to capture their likeness, but even I can't capture the rich smooth face of our king." She said with a blissful sigh. (I feel weird writing this. 😂)
Star took one of the cookies. "I don't know what means, but okay!" This would actually be first time time eating Earth food, or any food really.
As he took a bite, Asha finally caught up. "Would…you….stop running off like…that?" she replied, out of breath.
"ASHA, YOU NEED TO TRY THESE THINGS, THEY'RE INCREDIBLE!!" the star exclaimed. He didn't even realize he had run off and worried her.
The girl's name caught the baker's attention. "Asha…. wait, have we met before?" she asked.
Oh no.
"Uh, nope. nopenopenopewehaven't. Sorry, but we need to go, like right now!" Asha pulled Star away from the table and waved dismissively to her. "THESE ARE AMAZING, YOU'RE AMAZING!" He said as was dragged away. "You mind telling me what heck you're doing?!" Asha scolded him. "I told you to stay close to me!"
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(This isn't Stars design, but it fits for this scene. Everything is awesome to him, lol)
Star winced and put Valentino down. "Sorry, sorry. I just got so excited. Humans have the coolest things! Check this out, I found these flowers that made think of you," He gave her the flowers, surprising Asha.
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(Fun fact, these are called Blazing Stars!)
"Oh and I found this thing! It makes music when you blow into it!" He started playing a few notes to demonstrate.
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"And I got these things called cookies, and this cool hat, and this vase of some Greek guy-"
As endearing as he was, she knew had to stop him from drawing more attention. And bringing junk they couldn't carry.
"Star, I know you're really excited to see everything, but right now we have to keep a low profile and stick by me. Got it?"
After he put all his treasures on a nearby table (and the confusion of the jewelry there) Star noticed a couple walking past with linked arms behind Asha as they looked around the city. "Okay, got it!" Star suddenly linked his arm with hers, making them super close. "That way we don't lose each other. This planning stuff is really easy for me!" He chuckled.
Asha was caught off guard by the gesture, but oddly enough she didn't complain. The two of them (and Valentino of course) continued through the city. Luckily nobody was paying attention to them. "All right, now let's find Flazino. The sooner we find him-" Asha started, when a loud ringing interrupted her.
Another bell went off and this time a few blue fireworks appeared in the sky. Suddenly a bright blue flash appeared and all the mirrors in Rosas suddenly had the faces of the king and queen smiling. The giant mirror in between the statues of the royals had this image as well (and the instrumentals to "This Is The Thanks I Get" play in the background as music)
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"GOOD MORNING ROSAS!" The two of them cheerfully greeted the city in unison. "Today is going to be another beautiful day, thanks to our wonderful king!" Amaya gestured to her husband. "Oh come now, darling. I can't take all the credit! Its your brilliant brain that helps me keep our fair city going!" Magnifico praised his wife.
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Asha rolled her eyes. They can't even start the day without bragging about themselves...
"We're here to give you your daily reminder to always keep a smile on your face! All your wishes will come true, eventually!" Anaya continued.
"Trust in me, just in me! Just shut your eyes, give your wishes to us You can sleep safe and sound Knowing we are around!" Magnifico held out his hands and three wish bubbles appeared presumably safe in them.
"Don't forget to tell everyone about Rosas, for our goal is to bring as many people to safety and a loving home for anyone, anywhere!" Amaya then created a small example of little people around the castle, all in the form of blue sparkles.
Star noticed that detail. "Hey, they can make magic like me!" Asha sushed him before anyone could hear them.
"Hey, and if you mention my name to your friends, you'll get a room with a view!" Sabor then jumped on the table and blocked his view in front the camera. Mags pretend it didn't annoy him and gently patted him on the head. "Yes, yes and of course all animals and livestock are welcome!" He moved to the side so he could get back into view.
"And always remember," Amaya started as the camera pulled back a bit.
"Just keep wishing!" The two of them said in unison and all three of them gave a sharp wink. The blue swirl reappeared and it transitioned to some bright blue sparkling letters that read "JUST KEEP WISHING!" the music stops and little fireworks go off.
Asha groaned. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, and no one here even knew their lives were in danger. How could these two be so fake and cheerful in front of all these people? Meanwhile Star was applauding the show. "That was fun! Can they do that again?" He asked. Asha looked confused. "Does anything bother you?" A rock was suddenly thrown at the mirror between the statues and it created a large crack in the glass. The people gasped in shock and the two teens suddenly paid attention.
"No one wants to hear you squak every morning like roosters!" the voice came from a little person dressed in red who was holding a few more rocks in his left hand ready to throw another one. "One day these people are gonna wake up and see through your lies!"
"Wow, he seems grumpy..." Star whispered to Asha. (Like this:)
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"Gabo! How many times do I have to tell you to stop damaging property?!" A male voice shouted to the left. Asha recognized that stressed voice anywhere! Flazino was already running towards the vandalizer.
"Yeah, good luck teacher's pet! You'll never catch me!" He mocked the boy and made a rather rude gesture with his hand. Gabo instantly took off before Flazino could get a hold of him. He was too out of breath.
"Its too early for this crap. Guards! Guards! Isn't there a guard anywhere?!" He looked around hoping for assistance.
"Don't worry, (yawn) I'll get him, Flaz." A large teen slowly made his way towards Gabo, took a stretch and finally picked up his pace. By the time he started running, Gabo was already far away and his laugh echoed in the distance.
"Oh great, greaaaaat. If Simon does catch him, he can snore him to death..." Flazino sighed as he rubbed his forehead.
"Flazino! Thank goodness you're here. We need your help!" She called over to him. The boy was happy at first but then his joy turned to panic. He quickly pulled the two aside and away from the crowd. "What are you doing here, are you crazy? Wait, how did you even get to Rosas?" The apprentice was about to go into panic mode.
"I know there's a lot to explain here, but it'll have to wait. Right now we need you to take us to where Magnifico keeps the wishes. I have a friend here can help free them." She gestured to Star.
"Hiiii!" The star smiled and gave him a small wave. "You're shorter than I thought you'd be!"
The boy just stared at him. "....How is this random guy going to help us? And...is your hair glowing?" he asked.
Star quickly pulled the hood down over his exposed hair. "Oh that! Its not glowing, its just, uh, freshly washed and its all shiny! Hehehe...." He laughed nervously.
Flazino stared at the star again. "And he's supposed to able to save the wishes...Where did you find this guy anyway?"
"Look, just trust me. We don't have much time. Everyone's lives are at stake here, and we need your help. We have to know where Magnifico keeps the wishes hidden and only you can guide us." Asha pleaded.
The boy was going to protest, but he just sighed in defeat. "All right, all right. But we'll need to go right now. Magnifico could come down at any-" Flazino stopped cold when he finally turned around. A large shadow seemed to cover the teens, and Star suddenly felt a chill for the first time. Valentino bleated in fear and hid behind Asha's legs as the shadow covered them.
Standing over them was King Magnifico himself. "What's the hurry, my apprentice? Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" his teased with a smug smile.
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And that wraps up another chapter! You know, recently I re-watched Enchanted for the first time in 15 years, and I nearly cried. Not only because it was an absolute masterpiece and great homage to Disney films, but it made me realize that Wish was going to be the new Enchanted. And all in 2D animation. I want to cry.
Anyways, this one took a while to do, so sorry for the delay. 😅 This chapter was originally going to be shorter, but my brain kept thinking of new things to add. Star going into Rosas in disguise is my favorite scene to read in these Wish rewrites. Him going all Ariel and being fascinated by everything is exactly what I wanted to do here. Really wanted to show how much he loves being on Earth and surrounded by people. And I did tell you we would start seeing the Teens! Originally it was going to be Star leading Asha to each teen in the city, but it was going to take TONS of time and I felt like meeting them all in one chapter would overdo it. So right now we get Gabo (who's more of a conspiracy theorist about the royals and later finds out he's right), Simon, Safi and Dahlia. The others will come in the next chapter, just need to plan out their introductions and make sure it makes sense. 😂 Also, yes I'm hinting at a couple things with Dahlia in this, but rest assured, your questions will be answered!
And Flazino…. I think I just wrote him always on the verge of a complete mental breakdown and I'm so sorry. Give him some tea. 😂 He stressed like every 2 minutes and with Magnifico looking for Star, HOO BOY. Wait till Star gets revealed, he's gonna freak and that's when the real power struggle will begin. And as for the evil duo, for those who are wondering just what their vibe really is, its this: In public they're Team Rocket. In private, they're Hades and Maleficent. Best of both worlds! I think the part I'm most proud of is the Royal Rosas commercial. Its part propaganda, part advertisement, and they both spell doom. 😂 Really wanted to emphasize how vain they are and provide more comedy as well.
One thing I'm setting up in Chapter 6 is that there's both conflict and parallels for the heroes and villains. Star's conflict with Magnifico besides the view on wishes is that the king puts into his head Asha called on him by accident, that she didn't actually need him for help.
While Asha's is her inability to trust others and make friends. Star's really the only new person she's trusted besides Flazino since coming to the Hamlet. Which will change once the Teens assemble and they work together. That conflict will be challenged by Amaya, who attempts to deceive her into think Star has ulterior motives, as well as the Teens. *Cough cough*
There will be a break for a while before I start on Chapter 6. Really want to plan things out and on the side, I'll reveal the redesigns for Valentino and Flazino and a DTIYS challenge. And I'll continue reading y'alls new chapters for your rewrites!
Thanks for reading!
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@lazytitans-world @emillyverse @flicklikesstuff @kenihewa
@snackara @wings-of-sapphire
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chrispleasure · 18 days
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summary!: you and chris get into a heated argument which lasts a while, without a doubt ends with you having a breakdown and receiving comfort.
not proof read! first time publishing on here!
“seriously— you never fucking do anything but sit on your round ass all day!” he complains, slamming his fist against the table.
the two of you have been firing insults at eachother all day, trying to break eachother. “your a little slut wearing that top with no bra.” he raises his voice.
it hurt you seeing him pick away at your appearance, which was once his favourite part of you. “oh my god, please be quiet for once so i can finish working.” she snaps, standing up and going to his desk which is places across the room from hers.
he looks up at her with an expression on his face, a look expressing ‘get the fuck out of my face before i slap you’, but you didn’t understand.
you wanted to scream at him, tell him to keep those hurtful thoughts to himself but you knew he wouldnt listen. “look at those thunder thighs, ma. i thought you were workin’ out.” he points out, leaning back in his chair.
he crosses his arms, a sly smirk on his lips. every word he said made you want to cry, but that wouldnt help. it would make it laugh at you, again, not taking you seriously.
‘deep breaths’ you thought to yourself, stepping back. “how about you do something productive instead of watching porn?” you go and sit down at your desk, but he grips your wrist.
“wha’d you say, slut?” he mutters the last part of his sentence. “i said you should do something productive instead of watching porn!” you raised your voice, wanting to finish your work.
he didnt watch porn, he only wanted to watch her. it hurt him to hear that you thought that. he lets out a short breath. “go.”chris points to the door, licking his lips. “you obviously need a little break from me. when you get back ill be better, i promise.” he mutters, moving his chair back.
part of you wanted to protest, say no. but you couldnt deny you wanted him to treat you better, stop with this SHITTY attitude he was giving you.
back when the two of you first started dating he was sweet, offering hugs and sweet gestures every moment he got.
now they always argued over the smallest things, who could shower first, who does the most work.. mostly competive shit.
you step out of the door, closing it behind you like he asked. you forgot your card and keys so you had no money or car. so you decided to sit on the front porch until you thought he would be ready to apologise.
after a few hours, you gave up waiting. standing up and turning the door knob. “m’ back, you little goof ball.” you tease a little, expecting him to latch onto you, but no. he must still be in his room.
you want to try be a good girlfriend so he’s happy, so you decide to make some coffee. as you pour his steaming hot coffee into his favourite mug, arms snake around your waist from behind. “being helpful i see?” he smiles tiredly, has he finally given up?
a small nod and a chuckle escapes your body, making him go upstairs to wait for you. you carry his coffee upstairs, placing it on his desk beside his computer.
“smells shit.” he mumbles, playing whatever game he found entertaining in that moment. you sighed, watching as he took a sip. he immediately acted repulsed, placing the cup down.
he shakes his head. “never again.” he complains, you wanted to be upset, but thats too dramatic. this waa your last straw before breaking down. you decide to go change and try get ready and go out, your last hope. as you turn around, your arm accidentally hits his cup of coffee, pouring it all over his jeans.
“ow- fuck!” he screams, his impulsive response is to slap your arm, which he did way to hard. “hot, hot!” he hisses, standing up quickly, looking down at the mess.
“look at the fucking mess you made-” he complains, unbuttoning his jeans. you were disappointed, today was going so bad for you. why cant things go differently?
you walk to the dresser, grab some clothes and hurry to the bathroom to change. giving today ONE more chance.
as you shimmy out of your shorts, your met with the sight of some red marks chris made today. you stare down at yourself, tears filling your eyes.
you take your top off, your hot pink bra showing off your breasts. you put each leg into your low rise jeans, pulling them up over your thighs.
they didnt fit. they fit well last week. your mind goes back to when chris said you have thunder sighs. am i really that big for these jeans?
your mind fills with worry and terrible thoughts, desperately trying to pull the jeans over your thighs. nothing worked.
this was your very last straw, tears erupted. loud sobs bursting out of your throat. you immediately cover your face, your hands on your face as you sobbed into yourself.
your stomach puffed in and out, getting more and more involved as you cried. before anything else, you here loud footsteps near the door.
the door swings open, revealing chris in some comfy sweats and headphones around his neck. he wasnt wearing a shirt since he used it to clean coffee from in between his keyboard keys.
“hey, hey.. ma.” he immediately goes to your side, grabbing your shoulders softly. “m-m..” you whimper, moving away.
you were obviously scared of him, of what he might do. his expression softened. “you think i would?” he spoke softly, removing his hand.
now he’s upset, but he pushes his feelings away for you. “you want a hug? please say yes, i need my girl in my arms.” he pleads, holding out your arms.
scared, you shuffle your way between his arms which instantly wrap around you. his chin rests on your shoulders. “now what happened, beautiful? what set off the tearworks?” he asks calmly, rubbing your bare shoulders, fiddling with your bra strap.
you think about what to say, this is pathetic. crying over pants not fitting. crying because he hurt you, made fun of you.
“we have been fighting a-all day.. you called- called me fat n’ said i have thunder thighs. now i cant fit in my favourite jeans..” you started, sobbing as you explained your situation.
“and the coffee- i accidentally spilled it on you. im so- so fucking sorry. i didnt mean to and you slapped my arm- and it hurt.” you work yourself up, your cries getting louder.
he cut you off, stroking your shoulder softly with one hand and pressing soft, sloppy kisses against the other. “ma, i didnt mean to call ya’ fat. you understand how grumpy i get..” he starts, pressing kisses around your shoulder and neck.
chris couldn’t bare with the thought of you crying, and you were, BECAUSE of him.
“you are a beautiful girl, my beautiful girl. m’ so happy and lucky to have you as my love. my one and only sweetheart.” he rubs the corner of your shoulder.
he pulled away to look at your puffy face, wiping your tears with a soft smile. “show me that smile, ma.” he wipes his thumb over her bottom lip, causing her to smile.
her cries stopped, replaced by listening to his soothing words.
authours note ྀིྀི
hii guys, this is my first little thing posted on hereee! i need some more friends but all my followers i do see and read your content. some i saw on c.ai and others on tumblr.. please interact with this post by reblogging❤️
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mocacci · 1 year
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"Afraid of dissapointing" - Part 2 & 3!
Waa! I finally finished it, i'm proud.
Honestly, is kinda heartbreaking how desperate Rocky is to feel valuable for Lackadaisy and Mitzi. But you kinda get it as he wasn't always accepted. Kinda wish he didn't feel like that :(
Below is a link to part 1! Enjoy!
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philistiniphagottini · 4 months
waa,, if it's possible could i request goro akechi with 🥞 for the domestic bliss event?,, it's a pancake i had to /j
tysm in advance 🤧🥰💕💕!!
Thanks for sending in a request for the event. I hope you enjoy it.
cw. fluff, gender neutral reader
Domestic Bliss
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You rose in the early hours of the morning to a sweet scent wafting through your open bedroom door. The cloying scent coaxed you awake, the warm rays of sunlight kissing your skin as you peeled your eyes open. Your nose twitched as a hum bubbled up your throat, the sweet aroma already making your mouth bud with saliva. Your stomach suddenly growled and with a weary sigh you hauled yourself from the warm cocoon of blankets to follow the alluring smell. 
You snagged an extra shirt on your way out of your room and slipped into a fluffy pair of slippers to stave off the cold morning chill. You idly rubbed your arms to spark a fraction of warmth back into your body as you lightly shivered, the cold nipping at your face quick to waken your sluggish senses as you trudged your way to the kitchen. When you rounded the corner and entered the kitchen, you weren’t quite expecting the sight you were greeted with. 
Akechi stood in front of the stove, spatula in hand and a frilly, pink apron tied around his waist as he finished flipping the pancakes over. They sizzled softly in the pan as more of the sweet fragrance filled the air and you had to swallow back the drool that dripped from the corner of your lips. You rubbed your hands under your tired eyes, your palms digging in just under the sockets as you wiped away the sleep clinging to the edges of your vision. You observed him for a long moment, simply watching Akechi cook like he was in his natural element in the kitchen. It technically wasn’t far from the truth. Pancakes were his specialty. 
A soft sigh breezed past Akechi’s lips as he suddenly turned his gaze towards you, eyes locking onto your form lingering at the edge of the hallway as you silently watched. 
"You’re not supposed to be up" Akechi said, a hint of amusement lacing his tone. 
You blinked owlishly at him, your defrosting brain trying to process his words as you followed the movement of the spatula hovering over the simmering pan. 
"I’m not?"
A soft chuckle warmed Akechi’s chest as he shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips at the confused look tugging at your features.
"No. Because how am I supposed to serve you breakfast in bed if you aren’t in bed?" he mused.
A soft ‘oh’ fell from your parted lips as your head finally caught up. A faint heat dusted your cheeks as you shyly rubbed the nape of your neck, ruffling the baby hairs as the small wisps curled around the tips of your fingers. You suddenly felt a little bashful at Akechi’s heartfelt gesture, your blood singing with elation as your heart swelled with affection. 
"Aww, Akechi, that’s so sweet of you" you whispered softly.
Akechi hummed in response; his warm brown eyes soft when he gazed in your direction. 
"Now, hop back into bed. I’ll be there shortly."
You played with your fingers as you nodded along to his words. "May I have a kiss first?" you inquired. 
"You may."
You eagerly trotted over to him, the sound of your slippers scuffing against the wooden floorboards loud in your otherwise silent apartment as you approached Akechi. He tilted his head to the side, eyes focused on his task as you leaned up on the tips of your toes to place a fleeting kiss on the corner of his mouth. You stepped back, intent on turning away but you were stopped when Akechi looped an arm around your waist and caught you, dragging you right back into his personal space. He turned around to face you now, fingers brushing a stray strand of hair out of your eyes and tucking it behind your ear. 
"You missed" he said with a playful lilt to his voice. 
You half-heartedly rolled your eyes in response before you repeated earlier actions, raising up onto the tips of your toes as you planted a kiss on his lips. Akechi hummed softly in content as you pulled away, tongue poking through the seam of his lips as your taste still lingered on his mouth.
"Much better. Now, run along back to bed."
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aannonn · 7 months
⭑.ᐟ˚⭐彡 // bright colors , pastel colors , blur art , messy text (?) , messy doddle
finally i finished it- ohgosh
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i'll never grow tired of drawing them fr /vpos (u can clearly see how much effort i put into the pillows+blankets fort fr fr... /j)
this was(is) supposed to be an art for a fanfic(oneshot) of mine... a fanfic that I still haven't finished... and idk when will I finish it, but hopefully soon waa
i love them;3
(+ without the pillows+blankets version!!)
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acrux-jr · 10 months
Part 1 of 2
Word Count: 1.2k
Mike × fem! Reader Chubby! (Abby's after-school club teacher)
Summary: You're Abby's afterschool teacher, whom she adores. Mike finally meets you.
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Set after FNAF
Mike was relieved. Abby's fit into the age range for an after-school program that was outside and had art time for the kids.
It has been a week and Abby won't stop talking about it. Mike was received again, at Abby keeping up her social skills and having friends and talking to him. And she wouldn't stop talking about her after school “teacher” who was to quote “her favorite teacher ever.”
Mike had yet to see her, she hadn't been on the pick up team or drop off, or maybe she had and Mike wasn't paying attention. He would wake up, still learning to sleep through the night and actually get rest and then be dead tired picking Abby up after stocking up the super stores in town.
It was back breaking work but it for the schedule and sure as hell beat the last job and the almost dying aspect. Plus pay was better for sure.
Friday, he had it off and would seek her teacher out. He was still nervous about Abby and her previous timid and withdrawn personality. He needed to make sure she was breaking out and staying that way.
He walked into the cafeteria and Abby jumped up. “Mike!” He gave a soft smile. She grabbed her paper and two crayons our and dashed towards him.
She jumped in front of him. “Ms. L/N is here!” She bounced on her feet. “Come on, come meet her.”
She dragged him towards a young woman, who was hanging the kids' drawings on a bulletin board. “Ms. L/N! Meet my big brother Mike!” She pinned the last pin for the drawing and turned.
You turned around, a smile on her face. “Oh hi Abby! How was drawing with Mr. Ramirez?”
Abby let go of Mike's hand, completely forgetting his presence. She rambled on and on about the different animals they draw and how they were gonna attempt 3-D drawing. You smiled at her, with a quick look at Mike and a smile at him, you turned back to her. You nodded your head as she finished.
“So this is your brother Mike?”
Abby tilted her head before remembering Mike waa next to her. “Oh yeah. My brother Mike! He works with boxes.”
“Hmm boxes? I'm sure he's super strong. Some of those boxes are heavy.” You gave another smile which Mike gave a small one in return.
“Of course he is. He can pick me up and throw me over his shoulder. He does all the time when I take his things, he-,”
“Okay Abby, go sit over there and finish your drawing. I have to ask Ms. L/N some questions.” She shot Mike a curious gaze but followed his request. Mike blushed in embarrassment, and gave a cough.
You chuckled at their interactions. Abby trudges off, a little miffed at Mike shoo-ing her off.
“What did you need to ask Mr. Schmidt?” You asked, grabbing another child's drawing.
“Oh god. Do I really look that old?” Mike muttered.
You gave a chuckle, “Of course not but a lot of the guardians of the children are um older so they prefer the Mr. Mrs. Ms.” You gave a shrug and turned around to pin the drawing.
“Yeah Mike is fine. Um anyway, how is Abby doing?”
Mike stares at the back of your head. Then down to your shoulders and then down to your hips and then to your ass.
‘Plump,’ Mike thought of the idea to reach out and grab, how it must feel and how soft and good it felt to have his-
You gave a hum breaking Mike out if the not so innocent thought. “She's doing great. Very active and friendly. She loves her drawing time, she does get a little quiet but most of the kids do, concentration and all.” You turned back around missing Mike's eyes darting to your face.
“Oh okay that's good.”
You saw the concern be washed away by relief. You furrowed your brows, “Is there anything I should be aware of right now? Or anything I should watch out for?”
Mike looked away at Abby who was showing her drawing to another little girl.
“It's just before she was really… closed off. And I'm just worried she'll somehow revert back to that.”
You gave a nod. Abby was lucky to have an older brother to care this much. “Okay well I'll keep a lookout in case her behavior changes drastically but for now she's doing good. To be honest, when she comes to talk to me she always brings you up. It's very cute.”
Mike blushed, he could only imagine the type of embarrassing stuff Abby could say to her good-looking teacher. He internally groaned.
You gave a sincere smile. “It's good Abby has a concerned brother. Believe me I've seen some well let's just say uninvolved family members before and it's sad to see.”
Mike nodded. He tries to be involved whenever he can.
“Yeah…” he trailed off not knowing what to say. He was embarrassed, nervous, and so fucking captivated by you and your pretty eyes, lush hair, and full figure. He had to restrain from glancing down.
You glanced at Abby, who was in a new drawing and a concentrated state. You giggled. Mike looked up at your giggle and saw you smiling at Abby.
You turned your attention to him. “Since Abby is still drawing you're more than welcome to stay here so she can finish. Pick up has 20 minutes left and we still have some kids here.”
Mike was going to decline but suddenly an idea popped in his head. “If it's not trouble.”
“Oh not at all.”
“Here let me help.” Mike offered as he grabbed a few thumb tacks and a child's drawing.
“Oh you do-” “It's fine. Nothing much to do while I wait for Abby to finish.”
“Thank you.” He gave a smile in response.
As parents came and the room started to slowly empty, Mike glanced at you. He glanced around the room and found it empty. Only the three of you now.
He glanced at at clock at found it was 5 minutes passed the picking time ending.
“Oh shit sorry.” You looked at the clock, ‘oh wow.’ You pulled out your ohine and saw the the text from your co-workers.
‘hey everythings locked up, we saw u with the dilf and didnt want to interrupt lol. just sweep and lock the main door, give the key to james tomorrow since its his turn.’
You flushed, “Well I guess they finished everything for me, I just need to sweep and lock up.”
Mike nodded. “Hold on.” Mike stole a paper and crayon from Abby, who met him with an indignant ‘hey.’
Mike wrote his name and number. “Here in case anything happens with Abby.”
“Oh okay, just an fyi we do have a roster of the children's parents info.”
“Yeah that makes sense. Well in case you want to go out then.”
“Oh okay, um thank you.” You blushed and looked away as you grabbed the paper.
Mike gave a grin and hurried Abby. The pair left. You dropped your hands in your face and squealed.
‘Holy fuck, that man was hot hell. And he gave me his number fuck yeah!’ You hurriedly swept and cleaned the lunch tables. Excited to go home, you hurriedly left to text your bestie about this and maybe a certain hot guy.
Im semi back yall for Thanksgiving lol request are open pls feel free to message me!
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minas-linkverse · 11 months
Finally was able to finish re reading your comic on webtoon! I didn't realize there were over 70 comic entries!! Congrats on all you've put out for this! I love all the characters and your art!
Yea its wild! So many! 🙌 I wonder when we'll hit a 100!
Thank you sm for taking the time to read it and send this waa 💛
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zushikiss · 2 years
This is very self indulgent but like very busy yanfei who is always visiting this cafe (says bcus the coffee there is great) but is actually there to catch a glimpse of reader who is a florist on the other side of the road. Both litteraly fawning over each other with their friends and coworkers.
Write it however u want but this was also kind of a drabble <3
summary ; you find the person behind the counter extremely attractive which is why you frequent their shop, but what happens when you finally shoot your shot/when they shoot their shot with you?
warnings ; cursing, fluff just like fluff and a bit of awkwardness but still fluffy and i think thats it yes
pairings ; yanfei, scaramouche x gn!reader [ seperately ]
notes ; ahhh anon i'm so sorry 😭 i misread this and i already finished with making yanfei's when i reread it :,) yanfei's is a bit different than what you requested so i apologize but i hope it's still okay, scara's part is so rushed since i accidentally posted this too early when i haven't even started on his part yet, might make a part two with diluc if someone requests :<
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You kept smiling to yourself like a fool as you poured the milk into a heart shape, though a smile tugged on your lips your mind was running wild, how can it not when that gorgeous lady is sitting right there?? you don't know her name but guessing from the various books about law always scattered on her table you guessed she was a law student, or a lawyer.
You finally mustered up the courage to give her your number, you hesitated as you picked up the tissue with your number on it, aether's eyes were on you as his hands were glued to his phone, you guessed that he was updating the gc about your law student shenanigans, you sighed as you picked up a brand new tissue deciding to not go through with your plan.
"Stop being a pussy and just give it to her oh my archons, do it for me at least I am tired of your bullshit."
Feigning an offended face you decided to listen to your friend, you picked up the tissue with your number on it as you walked over to the law student's table, though unknown to you the said law student had been ranting to her private account about how amazing you look, she was stunned with how someone could look perfect while literally pouring liquid into more liquid, but in yanfei's eyes you always appeared perfect so she paid no mind to it.
Her heart did plenty cartwheels as she reached for the tissue, she was supposed to wipe her mouth with it, parallel to her you'd been on edge for the past 15 minutes, the gorgeous law student had been paying no mind to your tissue but instead focused on her laptop, but now that she saw it you couldn't help but hide below the counter, your co-worker trying his best to stop his laughter.
Well let's just say you received a text from a very beautiful pink haired individual later that day :)
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You enjoyed the peace and quiet, which is why you easily found solace in the small cat cafe near your house, not only was the cats' company amazing, you secretly adored the barista that worked there, from what you've heared from his co-workers his name waa scaramouche, oddly you thought it suited the indigo haired man.
You've went on numerous rants about how gorgeous and breathtaking this man was to your friends and you're sure that they're tired of you however you slowly worked up the courage to finally talk to him, and today's the day!!
"i uh, my name's _____"
"..good to know?"
goddamn it he's cute but can't he just get the hint??
"look i think you're really cute, do you wanna watch a movie with me or something??"
The normally quiet and snarky man was nowhere to be found, the man who stood before you was completely flustered, a blush dusting over his cheeks as he directly avoided your eyes.
"With me? Are you sure??"
"Yes. 100%, Is that a yes or a no?"
"It's a yes.."
You certainly left the cat cafe with a little more than cat hair that day.
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