#finallllly I got these done!
artbycats · 1 year
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Stardew bachelorettes!
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pawsitivevibe · 5 years
Okay so this may be awful, but 2 out of 3 of my pets aren't microchipped. I know I know, they really should be. Haley was done because it was required to register her for CKC. Bree and Cinder have never been done. My first dog was done when she was spayed, which is a pretty common offer at vet clinics. But when Bree was spayed she was also going in for eye surgery (which, as you can see by her very obvious cherry eye, was not successful), and I guess my parents just didn't want to add anything else. Cinder and Haley were spayed at the cheap shelter-run clinic, and I guess they didn't offer microchipping back then? My sister's cats have all been spayed at that clinic since then, and all got microchips ...
Anyway there's microchipping event today at the pet store, so I'm bringing Bree and Cinder. Finallllly. My goal was to have everyone done before we all move.
At least I won't have to worry about it for future dogs. They'll all be done by their breeders, or if I do end up adopting any more mutts they'll be done by the shelter.
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cathrinetate · 6 years
y’all i finally got hbo and finallllly got to watch sharp objects and ohmygod i fucking bawled during that finale. i’m still so shook. amy adams is honestly one of the best actresses of our time and i’m so done with her being overlooked. she deserves every award she is nominated for and she definitely deserved one for this show. 
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chrispykreme · 5 years
Yaaaas 10% pay rise!
I was so nervous raising it with my manager earlier this year but as soon as I did he was like nah i’ve already got you covered - pretty sure you’re down for the largest % of anyone in the company you’ve done great and now it’s finallllly all been confirmed.
I am extremely impatient for payday now to see what my monthly take home actually works out as.
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otabekskitten · 7 years
Dance Au for @sleepyams ^^ also thank you for adding even more to the au as well <33
Hip Hop Dance Teacher Beka.
Yuri the student forced to take this class to unwind from ballet. 
Yuri goes to this class after being forced to take it, he figures he’ll show up one time and be done with it. As hes stretching to prepare and looking around, this guy comes up to him and asks him some things. Yuri assumes this guy is just a fuck boy (giving off that kinda vibe to Yuri) and he’s standoffish and is just like uh yea sure kid, giving him the cold shoulder.
As the session is about to begin though who does he see at the front of the class? None other than the assumed fuck boy and Yuri is just like gdi shit. Beka introduces himself, “Hello class I’m Otabek Altin and I’ll be your instructor for this course I hope we can all have a fun time and learn some new things.”  Beka winks at Yuri and teases him throughout the first class session.
Yuri is so hardworking and giving it his all Beka is really amazed at how much Yuri has grown already by taking this class. He would have never thought twice about it till now. Yuri as well is actually pretty surprised with how this class went it was more fun, exciting, and more strenuous as he thought at first. He finds a new respect for this genre of dance. 
Yuri felt a new freedom with the moves and the music he never experienced before so he wasn’t gonna give it up that easily. He also had a nice view of some pretty damn good looking biceps if he didn’t say so himself ;) 
Yuri practices and dances on his own before or after class starts and ends depending on how much time he has that day. Beka forgot something inside and came back to get it when he saw Yuri dancing so beautifully that he was mesmerized by it and couldn’t look away. He realized that Yuri was much more than just some ballet dancer elegant but stiff. 
During class Beka needed a partner and choose Yuri to demonstrate this next dance. Yuri is like pfft whatever but as he gets up there and they start moving he’s actually really into it and by the end they’re both breathless and just wowow at each other. 
After class that day Beka asks Yuri if he’d like to go get some lunch with him today if he wasn’t busy or anything. Yuri who has grown to learn that this original assumed to be fuck boy was actually a pretty damn great guy and said yea sure I’d love to. 
They continue to dance and eventually Yuri teaches Beka ballet and they become dance partners for an upcoming competition. Beka has performed in other competitions before both solo and with a group. So Beka’s group has come around a lot helping around and teaching when needed. Yuri sneakily got to talk some of them and found all the videos on youtube of Beka’s performance and was blown away by the beauty. His heart went hnng but Yuri didn’t realize himself what those feelings were for just yet. 
They meet up outside of class to relax and get to know each other more >3< Everyone in the class already has a feeling they’re together but they wouldn’t admit it out loud to to two naive fools in love. They say they’re just hanging out and everyone’s just like sure sure. Meanwhile the two were already questioning like this isn’t a date right? Were they flirting with me? Just speak up and say it idiots x3
One night especially otayuri were hanging out at Beka’s place watching a movie when Yuri who was tired and worn out from the day started to fall asleep and landed on Beka’s shoulder. Beka being the gentleman that he is carried Yuri to his bed and tucked him in wishing him sweet dreams as he took the couch to sleep on. 
Otayuri end up doing a choreo that incorporates both hip hop and ballet and before they knew it their dance had them so upclose to one another that they almost were about to kiss many times, especially during practice. As they were both heavily breathing about to touch lips they walked away saying good job lets do that one part again and think nothing of it or get interrupted when they think theyre brave enough to finally kiss. (They both know the tension that was in the air c;)
After weeks of preparing the competition day is finally here, they performed so amazingly that they even got a standing ovation from both the crowd and the judges. Otayuri are so happy that when it was time for the results they knew that whatever happened they were already winners. 
When the judges were about to name first place everything became a stand still when they heard their own names being called they were so estatic that Beka lifted Yuri up and twirled him around that they finallllly kissed. Beka’s teammates and everyone else who were in the crowd from the dance class and so on were cheering so loud.
They even had secret bets here and there saying I told you they’d finally kiss today pay up loser. xD Otayuri just laughed and kissed again enjoying this moment up there just the two of them. 
Soon after that for classes then on they’d show up being cute and blushing, while holding hands. And that was how they began to fall in love ; n ; 
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phind-serenity · 8 years
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I live in a world where time is of the essence. What you do every second matters. After 3 years in EMS, I finallllly got my first CPR save. We gave that man 8 more days to be with his family, and give them time and closure. We did everything in our power. The medics told us it was perfect BLS, and when they arrived and began pushing meds, we got a heart beat back. That man lived for 8 days because I decided to get in a rig. I was off, my shift was over, and I was getting in my car to go home. Instead of turning the pager off and going home to my family, I went to a stranger who was in need. "Asthma" was the chief complaint, it wasn't a serious thing, we could have waited it out for the duty crew to return, but instead I made a decision, a life saving decision, to instead of go home, shower and see my family, to get on an ambulance for what I thought was a BS call. Character is what you do when no one is watching. I get out of bed at 3 am, I leave family dinner during holidays, I skip movies and mall dates because I know that when I get on that ambulance that I make a difference in this world. A simple gesture, like this pin, remind me that what I do doesn't go unnoticed. My community, my friends, my family, may not realize what I do, but my squad will always have my back. This tiny pin tells me I did a job well done, and I am appreciated.
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progressandventing · 7 years
100 happy days - the not starving artist
29 - 10/5/17 Slowly kicking this cold - despite the cough everything else is sibsiding FINALLLLLY - got some design organised and got surpised by some emails 1. Invite to a new exhibition in September curated by the same lovely lass who held the portrait show - sounds good if I can get the work done (forwarded to my agent) 2. Invite to fill an exhibition space in July in brunswick as someone pulled out :S so soon! but a solo show??? ahhhh (forwarded to my agent in a panic) (Happy to have an agent for when I feel overwhelmed) Glad to get more design work done - now chilling with wine and uber uber trashy tv design: saxon and coolers for the debenhams done art: emailing
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4/18/17 6:36am - changes
God DAYUM it’s fucking gorgeous outside right now. I could get ussssed to this.
So obviously I didn’t find time to catch up while I was at Dar’s this weekend. Ended up grinding another like 15 hours of BOTW and got a fuckton of sleep and ate a quart of ice cream. it was spectacular.
General update - Dieting had a relapse this weekend for easter, but I hit another benchmark when I weighed in on Friday. 139.8! Finallllly cracked that mark. Gained back up to 144.8 this weekend but that’s just food weight. I’m fucking pumped! Only gotta get down to like 135 and then I can gain back up to where I am now and it’ll be fucking perfect. I look beautiful. My hair lightened up a little at the beach, too, pretty gorgeous lol. Smoking a lot these past two weeks though. Gotta take better care of my teeth to make up for all the candy too. 
So I guess I’ll start with work. Tony dropped a bomb on me two weeks ago that they were moving forward with the Burlington location and that I would be moving there, possibly permanently. Much to my chagrin if I want to drive to work from home I now have an hour long commute, and no pay raise, AND my work days are switching to Thursday, Friday, Saturday. It blows. Went into a little mini depression that my social life was ending, had to cancel a bunch of weekend plans coming up, and fretting about all the gas money I’m gonna be spending and shit. It sucks. I’m at least trying to get compensated for my gas, hopefully for my commute to work, too. That would be fucking sweet. And working alone will be p cool too, hopefully the office will be isolated enough from the patients that I can get a cube setup in there and grind out some solo practice.
But tbh I’ve been kinda taking it easy from melee the past three weeks. This thursday I didn’t even go to the tournament because I slept through it lmao. The week before was sweet though, played dubz with Slip and pocketed $25 for winning the tournament. Money in the bank, pimpin ain’t easy. Then Saturday I played a little mini tourney at Chi’s and me and Jimmy tied for first in a teams round robin. Got kinda bodied in singles though, Had a decently close set with Chi that I flubbed. But really I’ve been focusing on BOTW it’s no skin off my back. Kinda happy to have the break for my hands.
Anyway so I’m fretting about this job change when Ashleigh hits me up out of nowhere. She had been catching up on my blog (shouts out) and wanted to hang out. So friday we went on like a friend date kinda deal, I met her new guy, we got these delicious tacos, played some Magic, and hit up Boxcar. Wish the gun for House of the Dead 2 hadn’t been broken, would’ve loved to kick the shit out of that game again. And then like a deus ex machina, we’re chatting about work and shit, I mention this job change, and she says that I’m welcome to crash on her pullout couch any time I have work. Fucking amazing, at least the commute will only be 30 mins instead of 60. And I’ll get to hang out in gboro more, too. Excited for a change in scenery.
This date I had for that night (herpes girl) flaked, which was perfect because I forgot it was board game night, and I stayed up late hanging out w/ Broscious and Jonny and Irene and Joe. Pretty excellent. Wish broscious had gotten high with me but so it goes lmaooo. one day.
So I went on a date with the herpes girl saturday after the chi tournament instead. (probably played worse since I was trying to dip to see her too lmaoo) Probably shouldn’t keep calling her herpes girl but it really doesn’t matter. She was supppper nice, and we got along kinda well, but we had like Noooothing in common. Outdoorsy type vs me. I was getting this weird vibe from her fairy sleeve tattoo, like it was some kind of message. Looked just like something Darlin would have in her house, but reminded me of my mom lol. Idk so she was nice and all, and her body was rockin, but she had this butterface of an old lady I swear it was so weird lol. We smoked and watched some rick and morty and played some botw but she couldn’t do anything with a controller to save her life. Said she liked the show a ton and wanted ot keep binging it, but it kept bothering me that she was like laughing at the wrong times and shit. Like she didn’t get the jokes or something but knew it was humorous hahaha. So we like made out a little that night and I got to second base and nothing more like we had agreed, and it’s probably all for the best tbh.
Anyway it made me realize that I’m done dating for a bit. I’m sick of trying to meet people and catch them up with my nerdy shit. I don’t want to binge rick and morty again, I want to jump into shouting in jokes at each other lol. I don’t have the patience for it anymore. So I’m just taking a break. Especially while I have the chance to get my finances straight (they’re doing excellent) and I don’t have free time on the weekends anymore now anyway. Rip.
Then last sunday I got to chill out with Dan, was pretty great. 
Worked an extra shift Friday to help Jaime and then headed out to Dar and Pa’s. They made me a ton of food, they took me out to sushi, I got to lounge around til monday, it was wonderful. 
So now I’m almost done with BOTW finally. Almost all the armor is upgraded, I’ve got all the shrines, done enough of the side quests to be satisfied enough I think. Might try to do a few more horse things but yeah I’m like getting ready to finish this weekend. In perfect to train up for my last thursday maylay. On 4/20 no less, it’s gonna be sweet. Gonna team with either Ian or Jimmy, too, I’m pumped. 
Jimmy and I talk like all the time about BOTW and dating and shit. I’ve been feeling a little lonely lately, thinking bullshit like I’ve been kinda lacking a best friend, and moping that I really lost that hard when Christina and Manu had to start doing baby stuff, Oliver moved back to Charlotte, and Kailey exited stage left. I guess Jimmy is probably my best friend right now? Maybe just the gang as a collective, but I don’t really Talk to them about stuff with them I just spend the most time with them.  But what hanging out with Ashleigh did was alleviate all of that. I feel great, my friends care a fuckton about me and I care a fuckton about them. She said she wanted to do good on promising to buy me drinks and make me feel pretty and goddamn did she ever lol. Nice that things weren’t awkward at all now that we’re just friends, really excited to spend more time with her.
Ok whew I feel like I just shotgunned all my thoughts hopefully I got everything. Working in burlington should be weird, dunno when I’ll update next but you’ll hear from me when ya hear from me.
Oh and I talked to Tessa on Easter w/ dar on facetime. She’s doing this crazy ass coconut diet, hasn’t eaten real food in like a month. Made me feel like a fucking baby that whenever I smoked the past week and a half I started feeling horrified like I was starving to death. I’d start feeling my wrist and be like “OMG IS IT SUPPOSED to BE THIS BONY??” and just get in my head until I went out and ate something lmao.
But I feel really content rn. Super satisfied even though things are taking a not-too-sharp right turn. Super satisfied with myself even though I’m not chasing tail. Reeeally excited to finally finish my game and start training to kick some ass at melee again. Gotta get some more combo vid material before the season’s over, I’ve got some dubz shit that’s gonna go in that’s pretty fucking fire. 
Anyway, peace. Gonna enjoy this second weekend with a snap and some BOTW. 
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