#filmy fantasy
ekino-tv · 8 months
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Czarujące krainy: podróż przez ponadczasowy urok filmów fantasy
W rozległym krajobrazie gatunków filmowych filmy fantasy stanowią portale do krain, w których wyobraźnia nie zna granic. Dzięki magicznym stworzeniom, epickim wyprawom i nieziemskim krajobrazom filmy fantasy od dziesięcioleci urzekają widzów, oferując ucieczkę od rzeczywistości do czarujących światów, w których wszystko jest możliwe. Gatunek ten ewoluował z biegiem czasu, kształtując i przekształcając nasze postrzeganie opowiadania historii, bohaterstwa i nieograniczonej mocy kreatywności.
Narodziny kina fantasy
Korzenie kina fantasy sięgają początków kina, kiedy wizjonerzy tacy jak George Méliès eksperymentowali z efektami specjalnymi i tworzyli fantastyczne światy w przełomowych filmach, takich jak „Podróż na księżyc” (1902). Ci pionierzy położyli podwaliny pod gatunek, który będzie się nadal rozwijać i ewoluować, czerpiąc inspirację z literatury, folkloru i mitologii.
Epickie misje i bohaterskie podróże
W sercu wielu filmów fantasy leży ponadczasowy temat epickich wypraw i bohaterskich podróży. Od J.R.R. Tolkiena Śródziemie do J.K. W magicznym świecie Rowling filmy fantasy często przedstawiają nam postacie, które wyruszają na niebezpieczne przygody, mierząc się z potężnymi wrogami i pokonując niewyobrażalne wyzwania. Podróż bohatera, archetyp narracyjny głęboko zakorzeniony w mitologii, staje się fascynującym narzędziem do badania kondycji ludzkiej i triumfu dobra nad złem.
Magiczne stworzenia i wyimaginowane krainy
Jednym z czarujących aspektów filmów fantasy jest wprowadzenie magicznych stworzeń i wyimaginowanych krain. Smoki, elfy, krasnoludy i mityczne bestie ożywają dzięki najnowocześniejszym efektom specjalnym, przenosząc widzów do światów, w których prawa fizyki i natury naginają się do fantastyki. Stworzenia te służą nie tylko jako spektakle wizualne, ale także symbolizują nieokiełznane cuda ludzkiej wyobraźni. Filmy dla dzieci potrafią pobudzić wyobraźnię.
Siła budowania świata
Kluczem do sukcesu filmów fantasy jest skrupulatne rzemiosło budowania świata. Niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o rozległe krajobrazy z „Władcy Pierścieni”, czy kapryśne uliczki Ulicy Pokątnej w „Harrym Potterze”, twórcy filmowi poświęcają dużo czasu i wysiłku na tworzenie wciągających scenerii, które stają się postaciami samymi w sobie. Dbałość o szczegóły w budowaniu świata pozwala widzom w pełni zaangażować się w alternatywne rzeczywistości, dzięki czemu wrażenia wizualne stają się jeszcze bardziej urzekające.
Ewolucja i różnorodność w kinie fantasy
Wraz z ewolucją przemysłu filmowego rozwija się także gatunek fantasy. Współczesne filmy fantasy eksplorują różnorodne tematy, postaci i wpływy kulturowe, odrywając się od tradycyjnych europocentrycznych narracji. Filmy takie jak „Coco” inspirowany meksykańskim folklorem i „Moana” czerpiący z mitologii polinezyjskiej pokazują możliwości adaptacji tego gatunku i jego zdolność do rezonowania z publicznością na całym świecie. Natomiast filmy takie jak Wonka pokazują zupełnie nowy wgląd na to wszystko.
Odkryj najlepsze fantasy
Filmy fantasy przenoszą nas do krain, gdzie niemożliwe staje się możliwe, gdzie przyziemność zostaje zastąpiona niezwykłością. Dzięki epickim wyprawom, magicznym stworzeniom i pomysłowemu budowaniu świata gatunek ten wplótł się w tkankę historii kina, pozostawiając niezatarty ślad w sztuce opowiadania historii. W dalszym ciągu oczarowani urzekającym urokiem kina fantasy, wyruszamy w nieustanną podróż do bezgranicznych krain ludzkiej wyobraźni.
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witekspicsbanknotes · 9 months
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USA notes with cartoon movies.
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ahera764 · 5 months
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Polecane Seriale i Filmy 🌈🧙🏻‍♀️🌀🪄⛈️🧝🏻‍♀️🪻🌞🌿🧚🏻‍♀️🌊🫧🐾🐳🌅🌼☔🛀🏼🌳🌞🪽🩵🩷
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mirshaseraphim · 1 year
Seriale i filmy dla przebudzonych i poszukujących inspiracji (c.d):
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in-halingstardust · 1 year
Sweet Composure ❣
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A/N: Honkai Star rail has a death grip on me and WELT, my boi WELT is back! This blog might just be Welt Yang for the rest of my eternity. 2:44am thoughts, not proofread, omg there are so many mistakes that I will fix later. Also heads up cause I just got Jing Yuan and he smile makes me kick my feet and giggle. Tags: !mdni, blowjobs, daddy Mr. Welt, of age reader (not part of the trio), slight begging, nsfw
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Mr. Welt always had an air of composure around him. Whether that was caring for the misfits of the Astral Express to staying up late at night making sure the express functioned correctly. He seemed so serious at first, but as you got to know him he has a sincere, funny, sweet side.
Now if only he ravage you like your fantasy, but that composure was like a stonewall especially in the bedroom.
It was something so desperately you wanted to break.
Hence you and him, alone on the Astral Express. Well- Himeko and Pom Pom were making dinner but they wouldn't be done for a while.
That meant it was easy to get a quicky done.
Mr. Welt is such a gentleman. Instead of letting you kneel on the cold ground your head between his thighs as he sat by the bedside, he would place a pillow for your poor kneecaps. Said he didn't like to see you bruise at the expense of him.
Mr. Welt is trying to be so gentle with you and you can't stand that! You purposefully take him deeper into your throat letting out a moan that vibrates to him. You peer up to Mr. Welt lost in pure bliss, his glasses slipping slightly off his face, his breath coming out in small huffs as he shakes.
Popping off to give respite to your throat you gently stroke his cock, puffed and shiny pink with your spit. Mr.Welt trembles as you give a soft kiss to the head before licking a vein underneat to probe a reaction. It works. His hand grips your head and pulls back roughly as you stare up at him. He's so cute with his blush covering his face and how his cock twitches with his breath.
You want to devour him.
You give a gasp as he tugs your hair back, inches away from himself, a breath to give himself before he tips deeper into bliss. You look up at him, dewy eyes and you can tell he wants to ravish you, it's so desperate, you want him to fuck you harder than ever before.
But Mr. Welt is such a gentleman. All he needed is encouragement.
You breathe out, touching his thigh as it jerks like fire against ice, he stares down lost in his own pleasure before realizing where his hands. You can see his golden eyes widen as he gently untangles his fingertips from your hair to gently cradle you.
"Mr. Welt. Don't you want me?" And you swear you hear his breath hitch in his throat as you again lick one slow stripe against his veins. He shudders, knees buckling, "Please?" You plead as you leave a small kiss against the side of his head. Just enough to stimulate, enough to take you.
It must of worked, because he lets out a chocked sigh as he rubs a thumb against the protrude of your mouth. You give it a quick suck before he removes it, thumb cradling the side of your cheek as he thinks.
Mr.Welt lets out a groan that turn you on more than it should have, "Just for tonight." He whispers. That's enough for you as you open your mouth to take him all at once.
He's polite, only keeping his hands against your head as support, tugging slightly when he'd hit the back of your throat, because if you are this tight here, how tight would you be down there? A couple more bobs and you can feel his cock hit the back of your soft palate, warm, sticky, goodness leaks in rhythm to his jerks as you suck him dry.
Mr. Welt is the first to recover, you're still catching your breath as you give a small pop ass hitting the floor as you wipe some of his cum off your chest. It leaves a filmy texture between your fingers. You're about to lick up the excess leaving no drop of Mr. Welt undone until he interjects.
"Here." He says as he hands you a magical produced handkerchief, and you can't he is so sweet. He's still breathing hard, cock spent against his thigh. You thank him before wiping the left over saliva around your chin, dapping it away slowly.
Once you felt yourself become semi clean you look up to Mr. Welt, "We're not done yet...are we?" You ask because you can't stop now, Not when you know Mr. Welt makes those delectable faces. You stand up shakily before falling into the bed onto him, hand pressed against his chest, head tucked by his shoulder.
You can't see Mr. Welts face from his angle, but you do hear a small- embarrassed "not yet" come from him.
Mr. Welt really is the sweetest as you lean upwards for another kiss and another round.
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cressida-jayoungr · 1 year
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One Dress a Day Challenge
August: Fantasy & Sci-Fi
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time / Gemma Arterton as Princess Tamina
What really makes this costume for me is the filmy cloak. It looks simple at first glance, but on closer inspection, you can see that it's covered with delicate embroidery in pale gold. There are floral-looking roundels all around the border, and the hood has small flower and vine designs as well, in addition to a scalloped edge. The dress underneath is fairly basic, but it reinforces the cream and gold color scheme.
I also think they way they've done her hair is very pretty, with the pearls and silver ribbon braided into it.
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vase-oddana-ruzenka · 9 months
Možná teď budu trošku sentimentální, ale Princ Mamánek mě donutil formulovat myšlenku, kterou jsem dostala nedávno a kterou jsem probírala s @obrozujici-premyslovec a @i-might-change-it-later
Jedná se mi o to, jestli není dost možný, že u nás vznikají většinou průměrný/lehce podprůměrný filmy z toho důvodu, že tvůrci vlastně nemají žádnou odezvu.
Řekněme si upřímně, co se stane, když se tu někdo odváží přijít s něčím jiným, než s romantickou komedií nebo detektivkou. Buď to prostě vyšumí, ocení to možná pár jedinců, nebo to ČSFD strhá. Je pravda, že v nějaké menší scéně určitě vzniká spoustu skvostů, ale kdo si jich všimne.
A říkám si, jestli by to prostě nechtělo, abychom těm tvůrcům dali nějak vědět, že chceme jiný filmy než další romantickou komedii nebo detektivku stokrát jinak.
Myslím, že jeden z důvodů, proč je tolik filmů tlačený jako pohádky je ten, že se tvůrci bojí, že kdyby šli do něčeho víc fantasy nebo jiného žánru, tak to průměrný český divák nestráví (viz Princezna zakletá v čase a Princ Mamánek)
Pojďme zkusit tvůrcům dát vědět, že fantasy a jiný věci chceme ❤️
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tinyreviews · 1 year
Finnish cinema
Finnish cinema, while less globally recognized than its Scandinavian counterparts from Sweden and Denmark, has a rich history and a distinctive style that reflects the culture, values, and history of Finland.
History: Finnish cinema dates back to 1907 with the creation of the first Finnish film production company, Suomi-Filmi. It produced many silent films and early talkies, establishing the beginnings of a national cinema.
Themes: Finnish films often explore themes of national identity, history, and the tension between traditional rural life and modern urban living. There's also a distinctive engagement with nature, fitting for a country known for its forests and lakes.
Social Realism: Like much of Nordic cinema, Finnish films are known for their social realism. They often tackle societal issues with a focus on the everyday experiences of ordinary people. This has led to a cinematic tradition that’s both grounded and poignant.
Humor: Finnish cinema has a unique sense of humor. "Finnish deadpan" is a style of comedy characterized by minimalist, matter-of-fact delivery and absurd situations, often combined with a melancholic tone. Notable directors in this vein include Aki Kaurismäki, whose films are internationally acclaimed.
Notable Films and Directors: In addition to Aki Kaurismäki, notable Finnish directors include his brother Mika Kaurismäki, Renny Harlin (known for Hollywood action films), and Jalmari Helander (known for his action and fantasy films). Some internationally acclaimed Finnish films are "The Man Without a Past", "Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale", and "Tom of Finland".
International Recognition: Finnish films have received international recognition and won awards at prestigious festivals, such as the Cannes Film Festival. However, they are not as widely exported or recognized as films from some other European countries.
Modern Finnish Cinema: Modern Finnish cinema is diverse, with films ranging from historical dramas to dark comedies, action films, and introspective character studies. The industry also produces high-quality documentaries.
In summary, Finnish cinema is characterized by its blend of social realism, distinctive humor, engagement with national themes, and a commitment to telling stories about ordinary people and their lives.
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vintagerpg · 2 years
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The second volume in the Advanced Fighting Fantasy game is Blacksand! (1990). As a rules expansion this is brief and arranged around urban activities — there are some new skills, a bunch of new spells, guidance for playing a priest type character and a mechanical framework for having socioeconomic class influence interactions. This is followed by some broad advice on creating cities and running adventures in them (which was already set up a bit in Dungeoneer).
The real centerpiece of the book is the detailed look at Port Blacksand, a city of some repute from the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks (two of my favorites, City of Thieves and Midnight Rogue, are set there). This is Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay levels of good and gritty city design here and augmented by Russ Nicholson’s frankly awesome illustration work. Truly astounding.
There is a lengthy scenario that capitalizes on the city design and presents an pretty open adventure (it actually picks up the threads from the second scenario in Dungeoneer, and would conclude in Allansia, the next volume). As a thing to read in a book, it’s pretty good! As a thing to run for a table of players, I hate being bound to the gamebook construction. Sometimes it works, most of the time I just want bullet points.
Oh, I meant to mention yesterday, the GM here is the Director, and the game aggressively uses film terms and concepts, using camera directions in descriptions and encouraging the GM to yet “Cut!” to end scenes. This goes farther than the Star Wars RPG at the time (I don’t think a lot of the cut scene mechanics were in that RPG until second edition and even when they are, they never seem quite so filmy). It feels a little out of place to me here, but YMMV.
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tumblr nezná 100 filmů! aneb 18. statistika
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Nenasytná Tiffany (2015) : nezná 91,5 %, vidělo 4,2 %
Konec srpna v hotelu Ozon (1966) : nezná 88,3 %, vidělo 5 %
Záhrada (1995) : nezná 86,1 %, vidělo 1,4 %
O slavnosti a hostech (1966) : nezná 84,6 %, vidělo 6,2 %
V žáru královské lásky (1990) : nezná 84,4 %, vidělo 6,3 %
Hezké chvilky bez záruky (2006) : nezná 84,1 %, vidělo 1,4 %
Pirko (2016) : nezná 83,6 %, vidělo 1,5 %
Anděl Exit (2000) : nezná 83 %, vidělo 1,9 %
Dívka s mušlí (1980) : nezná 82,5 %, vidělo 4,8 %
Eva Nová (2015) : nezná 81,4 %, vidělo 1,7 % N
nenáhodné poznatky: speciální faktoidní edice
zastoupení filmů podle dekády vypadá takto:
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Tedy nejvíce filmů ze stovky neznámých pochází z počátku tisíciletí, následují roky 2010–19 a na třetím místě máme osmdesátky. Ale pokud se podíváme na všechny filmy z daného desetiletí, zjistíme, že nejméně známe filmy z čtyřicátých let (v absolutních číslech je to pět filmů neznámých a jeden známý, ale neviděný), dvacátá léta nepočítaje. Naopak nejvíce známe filmy z padesátek, což není překvapivé, protože většina filmů z tohoto období, o kterých se hlasovalo, byly pohádky nebo klasiky typu Švejk.
nejvíce neznámých filmů je z roku 1966, je jich... 6 (*devil eyes*)
o těchto filmech v průměru hlasuje 65,93 člověka (dovolím si říct... 66), u všech filmů je to 71,18 osoby a u viděných filmů 76,83
pro jednou se seriózně pobavme taky o žánru:
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Tento lame graf znázorňuje, že 57 filmů je na ČSFD označeno jako komedie, 39 jako drama, 9 jako pohádka, 8 jako krimi, psychologický, fantasy nebo horor, 7 jako romantický, 6 jako sci-fi a pak nějaké další drobné. Nutno podotknout, že kategorizace ČSFD jsou často hodně podivné a nedá se jim věřit.
a nakonec něco o režisérech (hvězdičkou jsou označeni ti, kteří figurují také v žebříčku viděných filmů):
4 filmy – Juraj Herz*, Tomáš Vorel, Karel Kachyňa, Zdeněk Podskalský*, Martin Frič*
3 filmy – Vladimír Michálek, Ladislav Rychman, Jan Švankmajer
2 filmy – Andy Fehu, Jan Schmidt, Jan Němec, Věra Chytilová, Jaroslav Soukup, Dan Svátek, Miroslav Cikán, Josef Pinkava, Jiří Strach*, Jiří Mádl, Martin Kotík
1 film – Martin Šulík, Lucia Klein Svoboda + Petr Svoboda, Jiří Svoboda, Marko Škop, Tereza Nvotová, Jasmina Bralić-Blažević, Aurel Klimt*, Otakar Fuka, Vladimír Slavínský, Martin Ťapák, Martin Hollý, Šimon Pešta, Ivan Passer, Bořivoj Zeman*, Jaroslav Papoušek, Vítězslav Hádl, Jaroslav Balík, František Vláčil, Marek Dobeš + Štěpán Kopřiva, Zdeněk Sirový*, Pavel Soukup, Ondřej Trojan*, Jiří Menzel*, Filip Renč*, Oldřich Lipský*, Miloš Forman, Irena Pavlásková, Jonáš Karásek, Libuše Koutná, Gustav Machatý, Ester Krumbachová, Zdeněk Troška*, Jindřich Polák*, Braňo Mišík, Jaromil Jireš, Miroslav Šmídmajer*, Zdeněk Jiráský, Tomáš Pavlíček, Ota Koval, Kryštof Hanzlík, Václav Marhoul, Milan Cieslar*, Bohdan Sláma, Petr Zelenka, Filip Remunda + Vít Klusák, Jiří Krejčík, Václav Vorlíček*, Helena Třeštíková, F. A. Brabec*
A to by myslím stačilo. Tentokrát to bylo mnoho dat a faktů, málo dojmů. Tak ty třeba zase příště, až něco uvidíte. Všechny filmy mimo top 10 pod perexem. Pá.
Špína (2017)
Babičky dobíjejte přesně! (1983) N
Řád saténových mašlí (2000)
O kouzelném zvonu (1998)
Pumpaři od Zlaté podkovy (1978)
Dva týdny štěstí (1940)
Pacho, hybský zbojník (1975)
Dotek motýla (1972)
Tichá bolest (1990)
Prach a broky (2015)
Pražská 5 (1988)
Kráva (1992)
Intimní osvětlení (1965)
Fantom Morrisvillu (1966)
Jídlo (1992)
Hodinu nevíš... (2009) N
Prázdniny v Provence (2016)
Provdám svou ženu (1941)
Ohnivé ženy mezi námi (1987) N
Kam čert nemůže (1959)
Všichni musí být v pyžamu (1984)
Křtiny (1981)
Milenci v roce jedna (1973)
Dým bramborové natě (1976) N
Byl jsem mladistvým intelektuálem (1999)
Smuteční slavnost (1969)
Hra o jablko (1976)
Městem chodí Mikuláš (1992)
Shoky & Morthy: Poslední velká akce (2021)
Lesapán (2015)
Výbuch bude v pět (1984)
Pějme píseň dohola (1990)
Zločin v šantánu (1968)
Klec (2019)
Na vlastní nebezpečí (2007) N
Srdečný pozdrav ze zeměkoule (1982) N
Kočár do Vídně (1966)
Jak ukrást Dagmaru (2001)
Ohnivé ženy (1984)
Smrt talentovaného ševce (1982)
Černý Petr (1963)
Pojedeme k moři (2014)
Valentin Dobrotivý (1942)
Když Burian Prášil (1940)
Skřítek (2005)
Čas sluhů (1989)
Invalid (2023)
Pánská jízda (2004)
Kdo probudí Pindruše...? (1989)
Na střeše (2019)
Erotikon (1929)
Vražda Ing. Čerta (1970)
Deváté srdce (1979)
Andělská tvář (2001)
Ikarie XB-1 (1963)
Roztomilý člověk (1941)
Nikdy neříkej nikdy (2023)
Učitel tance (1994)
Vy nám taky, šéfe (2008)
Případ mrtvého nebožtíka (2020)
Hrdinný kapitán Korkorán (1934)
Dáma na kolejích (1966)
Poupata (2011)
Chata na prodej (2018)
Svatba upírů (1992)
Úsměvy smutných mužů (2018) N
Kočičí princ (1978)
Královský slib (2001) N
Morgiana (1972)
Něco z Alenky (1988)
Anton Špelec, ostrostřelec (1932)
Je třeba zabít Sekala (1998)
Mazaný Filip (2003)
Colette (2013) N
Otesánek (2000)
Instalatér z Tuchlovic (2016)
Sestřičky (1983)
Venkovský učitel (2008)
Knoflíkáři (1997)
Český sen (2004)
Drahé tety a já (1974)
Upír z Feratu (1982)
Jen ho nechte, ať se bojí (1977)
Tři životy (2007)
Vyšší princip (1960)
Metráček (1971)
Kdo chce zabít Jesii? (1966)
Katka (2009)
Kouř (1990)
V peřině (2011)
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seasons-beatings · 9 months
Happy holidays, @mommymarichatfurever!
fantasy sci-fi whump, female whumpee and male whumper, whumpee is 17, magic whump, captivity, (magic) drugging, manhandling, restraints, whumpee gets slapped
Not for the first time, Cozbi cursed her mother.
It was Midnight’s fault she was here, Midnight’s fault Malachi even knew about the gateways, Midnight’s fault she’d been retrieved from earth—the sweetest thing to home she’d ever had—and tossed into the cutthroat, razor-sharp arena that was Nihil politics.
The throne had never been hers, not really. Not when her mother died, and certainly not now.
Malachi—sorry, Lord Malachi—had escorted her to this prison room himself. Best as Cozbi could guess, she was locked in a tower above the court of law, the room she’d reigned over herself just a few days before. Or however many days it was. Possibly bordering on a week. Malachi hadn’t come back at all, sending only his black-cloaked goons to give her lukewarm meals she refused to eat and no silverware. He wasn’t foolish enough to give her a knife. Not after what she’d done to her mother.
Cozbi didn’t cry. She wasn’t afraid. She knew what Malachi wanted and she knew nothing he could do would make her give it up, no matter what lies he used against her. She’d barely warmed the seat of her throne, but it was still her kingdom. Hers to protect, hers to love, hers to kindle back into stability. Hers to die for.
When heavy boots echoed on the stairs beyond her locked door, Cozbi didn’t move. She stayed crouched against the black stones, so cold they felt wet through her robes.
The door unlatched with a heavy, iron click, and she felt rather than saw Malachi enter the room.
He had that effect—he wasn’t born of magic the way Cozbi was, but it still clung to him in tendrils, trailing behind him like a bridal train. Sometimes Cozbi wondered if others saw it too. But with the way her own officials fawned over him, she doubted it. If anything, the traces of magic in his blood pulled people in, enchanted them with his stature and gold-and-black eyes like rotting gemstones. In one hand, he held a chiseled black cup.
The door shut behind him. No guards, no reporters, no gossiping officials. Just them.
“When?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
Her mouth felt dry but she pushed the words out. “My execution. I assume you have a date.”
His lips flickered upward like it was a joke. “No one’s going to kill you, Cozbi.”
She hoped he couldn’t see how much hearing her name jarred her. For years she had been your majesty or my lady or queen. Sometimes killer or that witch’s daughter. She was never just Cozbi.
“Then why are you here?”
He tilted the cup this way and that, watching the liquid swirl. “I’ve brought you a drink.”
“I’m not drinking anything you give me.”
He smiled indulgently, like she was a little child. “Stand up.”
She obeyed, partly because she hated feeling so small on the floor and partly because she wanted to see where this was going. She tugged on the hemline of her robes, adjusting the fabric so it fell correctly, but in front of Malachi and his tailored uniform and dark hair slicked back—she was underdressed and grimy.
He held the cup toward her. It was made of stone, carved into strange patterns that slotted between his fingers, like someone had fashioned it out of clay and then clasped it too tightly in their fist. “Drink.”
“What is it?”
“Alu nairo.”
Her eyes snapped to his. Alu wisps could only be harvested from the light escaping black holes—difficult to capture and near impossible to transport home. An experienced dark magic user could coax out the toxins and brew a filmy, purple potion that blurred the drinker’s senses and dampened their mind. Small doses could treat pain. Large doses could turn you into a vegetable. A cup the size of the one in Malachi’s hand would trap Cozbi somewhere in between, awake and aware but dumb and hazy, with muscles like softened butter.
“Absolutely not.”
Crack. Pain slashed her cheek like a whip. Dropped her to her knees. She tasted blood.
“You have two options. You drink it willingly or I knock you out and pour it down your throat. It doesn’t matter to me which you choose.”
“Why would I possibly drink that?”
“Because I told you so.”
Cozbi crawled away until her back hit the wall. She pressed her hands flat to the cool stones and hoped he didn’t see them shaking. He’d backhanded her, and the gemstones that flickered on his fingers had sliced her cheek. Blood—or maybe just tears—trailed down to her neck.
“Don’t be difficult,” he warned.
“You got what you wanted. You’ve won. You don’t—you don’t have to fight me any more.”
“I haven’t even started.”
She swallowed. “You won’t get what you want, Malachi. The secrets to the Cosmic Gateways will die with me.”
“Didn’t I tell you?” He moved closer and Cozbi couldn’t tear her eyes from the cup. “You aren’t going to die.” He raised the cup to her lips. “Drink.”
She drank. It tasted like nothing, except for perhaps the barest aftertaste of metal, but the liquid clung to her teeth and tongue like half-dissolved tissue paper. She coughed, gagged—Malachi stepped back delicately so she didn’t sputter and spit all over his shoes.
“Very good,” he said, and Cozbi hated him. She couldn't stop retching. Nothing she did could rid her mouth of the filmy potion. His hand closed around her upper arm, his rings pressing sharp indentations into her skin. She tried to shrink back but he jerked her forward. “Continue to behave and this night will pass easy for you.”
She couldn’t speak. He pulled her alongside him through the door and down the curving staircase, but his legs were so much longer than hers and she stumbled. Already, lights and shapes were blurring together in the corners of her vision, turning into little more than streaks and smears.
And then they were in the court—her vision blurred—they were in the Grand Hall—and he was sitting her down on the golden throne, adjusting the part in her hair, cupping her by the chin so she sat up straight.
“What—what’s going on?” The words mashed up in her mouth. Her tongue felt bloated.
“Shadowveil is celebrating the fall of Nihil’s dictator,” he said. His teeth were much too white when he smiled. “As the said dictator, you’re invited, of course.” Rope looped around her wrists, pulled them up over her head until she was secured to her own throne, vulnerable. “You have so many enemies, Cozbi—so many. And they’d like to have a word.” He placed a hand on her neck—no pressure, just a warning, pressing his thumb beneath her jugular. “Enjoy it. And maybe after, you’ll change your mind about giving me what I want.”
And then he vanished—well, of course something in Cozbi’s mind knew he must have simply walked away, but in this new watercolor world where everything ran together, Cozbi couldn’t be sure of anything.
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enchantedliving · 2 years
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Model: Nala Botoma Diallo @nalabala4 Designer: Glimmerwood @glimmerwood MUA: @muanessa
Savannah Seeger, a.k.a. Simply Savannah Art, has long filled our social media feeds with dazzling, otherworldly visions of witches, goddesses, and fairies of every color, with giant shimmering wings and headdresses and swirling gowns, long tresses in shades of green and blue and lavender. We loved her frothy springtime enchantress in joyful hues of mint green and filmy pink—and thought she might be the perfect way to begin our “year of the witch,” along with her other visions shared on these pages. Below, we ask Seeger about her art.
Enchanted Living: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Savannah Seeger: I’m a twenty-six-year-old full-time travel fantasy photographer and metalhead. I live in Wisconsin with my dog Ludo but travel as often as I can to magical destinations. I started this photo journey in 2017, trying to make a living from seeing the world and photographing mystical beings at the same time. I’ve been to twelve countries so far and plan to keep the number growing. If I’m not on shoots or in nature, I am painting, at a concert, staring at my sword collection, or crafting wardrobe for my next shoot.
EL: Can you talk about our cover image and the inspiration for this springtime witch? SS: Glimmerwood, a designer, sent me images of this beautiful set she created, and I was so taken aback by its originality and beauty. I wanted to do this piece as much justice as I could, and Nala was the perfect fit to bring it to life! When I saw the colors of the gown I knew it had to have some pastel pumpkins to go along with it. So I painted those up, wagoned the pink pumpkins into the woods, got Nala into wardrobe … and the springtime witch was born.
EL: Do you have any thoughts about witches generally? SS: My mom would always tell me stories of my great-great-great grandmother Lena who came from the Black Forest of Germany. She’d make herbal mixtures in a tree stump under the full moon. Lena would then take these mixtures and give them to my great-grandpa (her grandson) to help him heal from whatever ailment he had at the time. This story I was told made a big impact on my young mind and has carried over to my adult life and into my own spirituality. I know a lot of people say it, but it truly does run in my blood.
READ MORE AT enchantedlivingmagazine.com
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witekspicsbanknotes · 11 months
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DISNEYLAND - WALT DISNEY cartoon movie stars issue million dollars banknotes for collectors. USA.
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Shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
Thank you @igotsnothing for tagging me 😇 I must admit I have a very strange music taste (some might even say I don’t have any 🤪😅). Moreover, normally I shuffle the albums of a chosen artist and listen to this for quite a while. That’s why I’d better share with you my Top-10 artists with a bunch of my most beloved songs 😇 All the songs except the “Little bird” by Jonas brothers have a YouTube link for your comfort. “Little bird” must be on Apple Music and/or Spotify. 
Ed Sheeran. This ginger guy doesn’t need any special introduction. I just wanna say that his music on shuffle-repeat was with me in the hardest periods of my life. Songs "on repeat”: End of Youth, Toughest, Tides, Photograph.
Rita Dakota/ Рита Дакота. Rita’s deep meaning songs bring me to tears quite often. Songs “on repeat”: Армагеддон, Мантра, Карандаш, Карма, bitch. 
Zveri/ Звери. A Russian rock-band that I’ve been a huge fan since early teenagehood. Their style have significantly changed over time, but I still find something in their latest not-so-rocky ballads. Songs “on repeat”: Мечтаем, Солнце за нас, Дальше, Просто такая сильная любовь.
The Script. These Irish guys make me smile, dance and believe in the best. Songs “on repeat”: Freedom Child, Paint the Town Green, Hall of Fame.
Nick Jonas and Jonas Brothers. Jonas Brothers were my inspiration for writing the Harry Potter fan-fiction “Hold on”. I still listen to their old songs if I need a cheer-up. Nick’s songs are deeper but no less beloved by me. Songs “on repeat”: Who I am, This is heaven and Chains by Nick, Little bird and Take a breath by Jonas Brothers. 
Elka/ Ёлка. An absolute masterpiece mix of dreamy music and unforgettable voice. Songs “on repeat”: Моревнутри, Домой, Пара.
Imagine Dragons. I call their music “dimensional”, meaning that the depth of the sound is mind-blowing. Songs “on repeat”: Real life, Amsterdam, Whatever it takes, Believer.
Nathan Goshen. I discovered Nathan while being a Middle East faculty student learning Hebrew. Nathan’s music is a perfect combination of modern tunes and oriental charm. Songs “on repeat”:  
באתי לחלום, הכל פה יגמר, מה אם נתנשק
Ermal Meta. Appeared on my playlist when I was actively studying Italian and was following the San Remo festival. Songs “on repeat”: Vietato morire, Molto bene, molto male, Non mi avete fatto niente (feat Fabrizio Moro).
DiO Filmy/ ДиО Фильмы. The Ukrainian music band that unfortunately split up in around 2015 (if I remember it correctly). Vladimir Dantes and Vadym Oleynik continued their music careers solo, but I enjoy their band songs more. Actually both of the guys were prototypes for main characters in my fantasy novel about another planet (never finished the novel though). Songs “on repeat”: Стая, Можна випити, Мне уже 20 (for its drive and ‘cause we were having fun singing it in karaoke on my bachelorette party 😃).
I would love to learn about the playlists of @evendash, @sims4littlebird, @brokenagesims , @mlady-mimsy, @cubzikbuilds, @satureja13, @trofysisters, @maestro-simguru , @edyavtostopom  and everyone in the mood. If you don’t feel like it or have already shared the list - no stress 😎
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xylophonetangerine · 1 year
Based on this fan-made Piirpauke music video you might think that the source of the film footage, the 1959 Mosfilm–Suomi-Filmi coproduction Sampo looks interesting or even good. And there's a beautiful widescreen restoration from 2014 as well! It was the first Finnish film to have quadrophonic sound and to be filmed in CinemaScope format (or whatever it was called in the USSR) and its budget was literally one billion (10⁹) pre-centimation Finnish marks.
The movie is full of beautiful landscapes from Finnish and Soviet Karelia and massive soundstage sets that look taken straight out of an elaborate production of Wagner's Ring all of them filmed in long, wide static shots (probably partially a stylistic choice and partially a restriction of using big scope cameras). Even though it doesn't look like real life it looks beautiful, especially in the restored version.
However the acting is so wooden it's crazy. I don't mind melodramatic acting in most Finnish movies from the 1950s because in those the actors convince me that they're feeling the intended emotions even though they're acting in an unnatural theatrical way. But here the performances are just wooden and shouty and completely lacking in emotion like it's an amateur summer theatre production. It doesn't help that the Finnish text is in archaic language and Kalevalan metre and is delivered in a very unnatural way. Also most of (maybe all of) the dialogue was dubbed because they made both a Finnish and a Russian version of the film (but unlike Italian films they actually filmed every take in both languages instead of just dubbing one version).
The movie was not a commercial success. The Finnish Ministry of Culture had promised to cover Suomi-Filmi's losses if the movie didn't succeed because it was seen as culturally and geopolitically important to make this landmark film based on Finland's national epic in coöoperation with the USSR but they didn't end up doing that because it did so poorly. The humiliation was completed when the rights were sold to America where the film was reëdited and dubbed into English with a totally different script and sold as a corny midnight fantasy flick under the title The Day the Earth Froze.
The restored original Finnish version is available for free on the website of the Finnish National Audiovisual Institute with Finnish, Swedish, English or Russian subtitles.
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"Uljhan bhi hoon teri uljhan ka hal bhi hoon main"
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"In my darkest teary-eyed moments there he is. This hazy image, there is Shahrukh. Arms wide open, promising the ultimate refuge in love and conjugality, yet mocking the sham of my filmy fantasies and expectations. Because only the deepest dissatisfaction with reality drives us to dwell in fantasy."
-Sharayana bhattacharya
My heart went chahiyya chahiyya after reading this book!😭❤❤
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