#filly sunset shimmer
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cloaked-cloverr · 9 months ago
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silly filly
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shimmerclaws · 1 year ago
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FILLY SUNSET AND CELESTIA .. guys i hope they explode .
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asksunsetblog · 1 year ago
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at the pool with lil twi
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skyscrapergods · 1 year ago
I can’t imagine what it would be like for some of the older ponies in SSG’s present. Like imagine growing up with the unquestioned millennia-long status quo of 1 Alicorn (with perhaps a 2nd as a mythological boogeyman connected to some traditions like Nightmare Night) and suddenly there are 6 of them walking around, depending on when Sunset and Sunburst become culturally relevant.
At this rate, someone is going to ascend as the god of generational mental breakdowns.
It all sort of coalesced around nightmare moon's release. A thousand years after her banishment, she was due to escape. In preparation for this, celestia made way for the ascent of the goddess of love, thinking she could harness the elements of harmony. When that didn't work, celestia chose a new pupil, one who ached for friendship
But time passed faster than she realized, and when she looked back, suddenly her "filly of friendship" was a reclusive bookworm with no freiends, and no way to interact with the elements.
Quick uhh. send her to the friendship capital of the world and hope that Ponyville can make its mark before it's too late.
Later, celestia ascends twilight, raising the alicorn number to 4.
Sunburst is over there in the closest hiding his wings, flurry heart is born with them, and sunset shimmer has something bizarre going on.
it's a very strange time to experience, going from one goddess to so many.
But seldom is change easy. It is often slow and subtle, but sometimes extreme and sudden. Sometimes it's a revolution.
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shiba0nwheeeelz · 10 days ago
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The unity of a faded sun and shimmering moon . . .
I love to think that after celestia gave up on sunset, princess Luna decided to take her in and guide her. And maybe adopted her as her own filly lol
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masked-kitsune · 4 months ago
This idea won't leave my head so here we go
Welcome to
Mlp age swap au
What is the age swap au?
This au follows a what if idea if the main six were blank flank fillies while a different group of ponies take on the original roles of the main six
Are any other ponies swapped in this au
That is still to be determined, Celestia and Luna and Cadance are still the same
When does this au take place?
It takes place pre season 8 so the school of friendship doesn't exist yet (this might change)
Is Starlight in the au?
Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer's involvement in this au is yet to be determined
Is Twilight still an alicorn?
No, Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn in this au since she doesn't have her cutiemark meaning she never auditioned for the school of gifted unicorns, Twilight's family moved to Ponyville because Twilight struggles with magic
Were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy born in Ponyville?
No they moved to Ponyville due to the constant bullying they both endured in Cloudsdale
Does Pinkie Pie live in Ponyville?
Pinkie's family owns a small gem mine/rock farm at the quarry just outside Ponyville, it's a good five minute trot into the town proper meaning the pie siblings didn't grow up in complete isolation, Pinkie is the youngest pie sibling in this au
Did Starlight meddling in time cause this alternate timeline to exist?
Surprisingly enough no, this universe/timeline came about completely on its own
Will the little six get their cutiemarks in this au?
To be determined
On to the swap!
First up we have
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In this au Scootaloo takes Rainbow Dash's role. Scootaloo is a loyal and selfless pony who always sticks up for her friends. She suffers from some anxiety when it comes to big performances. Due to her earth pony genes Scootaloo's wings never developed properly causing her to need wing braces in order to create the proper lift and drag needed to fly. She wants to become a Wonderbolt to prove that disabled pegasi can do anything the average pegasus can do. She is very stubborn. Her family moved around a lot due to work but her birth certificate says she's from Cloudsdale since her dad had a cloud walking spell put on him while the family lived in Cloudsdale, they moved away after she got her cutiemark. Scootaloo lost contact with Cyan Skies shortly after. She currently lives with her aunts since her parents lost custody of her when she was ten.
Next up is
☁️Cyan Skies💙
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Cyan Skies is a fillyhood friend of Scootaloo and takes Fluttershy's roll in this au, Cyan is a bit shy and socially anxious but is willing to try something new. She's a part of Ponyville's weather squad, she would like to become captain one day and maybe become well known for cloud shaping. She moved to Ponyville fron Cloudsdale after graduating flight school. (Cyan skies might seem like an oc but she's actually a named background filly that appears in the background of Call of the Cutie at Diamond Tiara's party bringing a present with her)
Next is
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Applebloom takes Applejack's role in this au. She does her best to be as honest as possible. She values hard work and is very dedicated to her family and to her farm. She's the second of the Apple siblings and hopes to be able to keep helping with the farm as she keeps getting older. She's also a very stubborn pony when it comes to her work. Luckily her family and friends remind her to take breaks especially after she overworked herself a few times. She still lives on the farm for simplicity sake.
Next up is
🍬Peppermint Twist🍰
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Peppermint Twist, or just Twist for short, takes Pinkie Pie's role in this au. She's a fillyhood friend of Applebloom's, the two were constantly teased while growing up for being blank flanks. Twist is a bit more introverted in nature but is always willing to try and help ponies cheer up. She was a lot more withdrawn when she and Applebloom drifted apart briefly during fillyhood. They're better now but there's still some tension. Twist hopes to one day open her very own bakery someday and is currently working at Sugarcube Corner to gain experience. She currently has her own house and walks to and from work everyday.
Next we have
♥Sweetie Belle🔔
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A unicorn originally from Cantorlot Sweetie Belle is a generous pony that tends to spiral on occasion, thankfully she has her friends by her side to help her through. Sweetie Belle takes Rarity's role in this au. Sweetie's family moved to Ponyville when she was still a filly, after she got her cutiemark. Sweetie wasn't exactly thrilled about the move but adjusted to Ponyville very quickly. She owns a small craft store called Carousel Crafts. She has a small loft above the store where she stays, she often babysits her younger sister even if the two tend to but heads every now and again. Her Cantorlot accent comes out when she's angry or needs to sound fancy.
Finally we have
⭐Dinky Hooves🪄
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Dinky Hooves is Celestia's prized pupil. Dinky takes Twilight Sparkle's role in this au. Dinky was born and spent her formative years in an apartment in Cantorlot with her mom Ditzy Doo and her biological dad who is an unnamed Unicorn. The break up was messy, Ditzy moved to Ponyville with Dinky while her ex husband moved to Manehattan. Dinky is a kind and caring pony who is surprisingly social but struggles to make friends. Dinky has a disability when it comes to her magic, instead of it flowing from the tip to the base of her horn it goes the opposite. This unfortunately causes a lot of problems for her. She auditioned for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns because of her mom and step dad's encouragement. Dinky had a magic burst that caught Celestia's attention prompting the princess to take the young unicorn on as her pupil.
Alicorn Dinky Hooves
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After passing Celestia's big test Dinky became an Alicorn and was crowned a princess. It took Dinky a while to adjust to her new status and to having wings. She's happy that she gets to stay in Ponyville with her friends and mom.
Bonus part 2
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Group picture
Part 2
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starrystrawb · 9 months ago
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The last of the main cast for this AU! Sunset Shimmer!
Name: Sunset Glow Shimmer Nicknames: Sunny, Sun, Shimmer, Sunset
Gender: Female Species: Unicorn
Hometown: Canterlot Current Residence: Canterlot
Occupation: Queen Celetia's Apprentice
Allegiance: Court of the Sun
Special Talent: Sun Magic
Family: Stellar Flare (Mother), Sunspot (Father), Sunburst (Twin Brother)
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash
Personality:  Detail oriented, kinda mean, honest, self assured
Fun facts about Sunset!
Sunset is older than Sunburst by 4 minutes. Sunset is also the stronger of the two. Sunburst has a thin, short horn and isn't able to maintain high levels of magic like his sister.
Sunset has Glass Child Syndrome, something siblings of chronically ill children sometimes when they feel as though their parents favor their ill sibling and ignore them.
Sunset and Twilight met as fillies, and were bonded right away! They've been best friend's since magic preschool.
She loves potion making, it's her favorite thing to do. She adores magic, but she's often found making potions in her free time.
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detective-marshmallow · 5 months ago
So i don’t really talk about it often but I really like mlpfim….Equestria girls. My reasoning is bc Sunset Shimmer is the best character in my humble opinion. So below the cut I will be rambling about an au/headcanon focusing on sunset shimmer and her relationship with both her worlds.
I see you stayed, epic >:)
I would like to start off with my biggest headcanon/ au, whatever you wanna call it: Sunset doesn’t have a dimensional alternate.
Obviously this could just straight up be because we only focus on a small part of the human world, but please let me explain.
I think Sunset did have an alternate….. in the pony dimension. What i mean is our current sunset was originally from the human relm. So heres what i have come up with:
Before Twilight, Celestia had sunset shimmer as a student. She was more lax back then, and became sunset’s teacher really early in the fillies life. However this was short lived as an accident occurred and Equestria sunset had ended up passing away due to this.
Celestia, in desperation to fix her mistake, used the dimensional mirror and ended up essentially kidnapping current sunset. She was too young to really remember it though. Celestia took her as her student once again but this time was extremely strict and over protective. Sunset ended up rebelling a lot because of this which eventually led to her going through the mirror.
Celestia learned from this and was much more careful with twilight.
So one thing I want to add is that the dimensions are different to some extent. So in equestria Sunset’s family was trusting of Celestia until the incident that took their child from them.
In the human dimension Sunset’s family consisted of a single mother. Sunset was taken when she was at a daycare most likely. Sunset with maybe 4 when this happened. The equestria sunset was celestias student for a year before she passed at 4.
Something that i like to add to equestria girls designs (in my head at least) are that unicorns of the group get markings of their cutie mark on their forehead when they transform. Maybe i’ll draw it at some point.
But i bring this up bc equestria twilight and sunset would have this permanently. Why they both have it is bc they both used unicorn magic. So even if sunset was from the human dimension she’d still have the forehead marking bc she used equestrian magic.
Anyways this was just a fun little idea i had. I really like Celestia and Sunset having a complex relationship, and I like celestia not being perfect. Its fun. Give me morally grey royalty!!!
Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy mu silly headcanons!
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sittiytaart · 10 months ago
There is Only 1 Sunset
In my MLP AU there is actually only one Sunset, Sunset as a young child was human and managed to accidentally phase through the portal and came to Equestria.
She was caught by the guards but was simply escorted out of the castle, where she struggled to live cuz she's a human child in a pony's body. However all humans have a hidden magic potential that they just can't use.
So after a few days of being homeless she manages to garner the attention of Princess Celestia after a magic incident (Which causes Equestria!Sunset's parents to never meet). And learning that Sunset is homeless Celestia decides to take her in as a student hoping she'd be the Element of Friendship.
Sunset forgets about her human life and lives well, Celestia makes a bunch of mistakes since this is honestly her first time being a 'Parent' to a filly and it sorta messes Sunset Shimmer a whole lot. Celestia sees that Sunset is a whole lot like her past self which freaks her out so she tries to steer her from her own path by showing her the mirror
And yadda yadda the plot happens but Sunset returns around the same age she should have been since entering the portal in alternate universe time so there it only has been a few years. Sunset has to be then Re-introduce to Human culture and is placed back within her family.
Sunset is a Human turned Pony who forgot that she was Human turned back into a Human again. She's Special
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sparkleburstdoodles · 11 months ago
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Stepping In The Sun: Looking Up?
Sunburst was starting to feel good.
Finally, something he was actually making progress with. Something he can actually DO. Something other ponies were proud of him for. And Sunburst was really good at it!
He couldn't help but smile with pride at the scoreboards for the final grades. His name was so high up, his neck kind of hurt looking at it.
“Wow. You're second place, Sunburst!” Bouillon Roux–an albino filly– remarked. “Think you can tutor me a bit? I got 20th place…”
“Well, shucks, I dunno about THAT.” Sunburst rubbed a leg in bashfulness. “Moondancer beat me by a LARGE margin. You probably should ask her.”
“Get real. She doesn't like anypony but her friends. I feel like she'd bite me if I approached her.”
“Come on, I don't think–”
“Look, it's Shimmer and Cadenza!”
The two turned with the crowd to see the two stellar students of the academy—under the tutelage of Princess Celestia herself! — trotting down the path.
Mi Amore Cadenza: the supposed niece of Celestia. She was a pegasus with incredibly mysterious aero-magic that seemed to enchant anypony that laid eyes on her.
And Sunset Shimmer: a newer protégé with exceptional spellcasting skills and a seemingly endless well of magic at her disposal. She also happened to be Sunburst's sister.
Sunburst ducked a little behind Roux when he spotted Sunset. He didn't want her to see him.
Sunset held her chin high, seeming to ignore Cadenza's chatter in her ear. Sunburst wasn't sure if she was trying to act cool, but she had an annoyed expression that focused directly ahead. She always seemed so mad these days.
The two mares approached the boards, where Cadenza sighed so loud. “Phew! My all-nighters paid off. I hope this makes Auntie proud! What did you get, Sunshim?”
Sunset pointed as she looked for her name, then grunted in displeasure. “Not good enough. So not fair.”
Cadenza’s ears flattened a bit, searching the board. “Well…you placed lower last semester right? So it's still very good–!”
“Oh piss off already, Cadence.” Sunset pushed through a group of kids. “I didn't ask you.”
Sunburst watched her storm away, Cadenza hurrying behind Sunset.
“What was that about?” Roux whispered. “She bit her head off.”
He shook his head. “I don't know. She's quick to be mad.”
“Huh? You know Shimmer?” she tilted her head.
Crap. Sunburst rubbed the back of his head. “It's…not important. Let's just get to class.”
“Right. Isn't today we gotta get our report cards?” Roux remarked.
Report cards. He didn't think that part through. He grew nervous.
“Sunburst?” Roux touched his shoulder. “Are you worried? What for?”
“I…didn't tell my mom I switched classes,” he admitted.
“I'm worried she'll take it wrong. And she'll make this big fuss and make the principal put me back in Spellcasting.”
Bouillon blinked. “So she won't understand? Even if you're really good at it?”
“I don't think so. When my mom has her mind set, it's hard to talk to her.” Sunburst looked down.
“My dad’s kinda harsh too,” Roux admitted. “I love cooking, but he wanted me to be a scholar more. Because he couldn't make my brother do it. Hey!” She stepped closer to his face, making him nervous. “I got an idea!”
“Shh!” She warned, whispering. “I'll change your report card for you! Then she won't know!”
“Ch-change…?? Are you crazy?” Sunburst panicked. “But that's wrong. If she finds out, I won't hear the end of it!”
“She won't! Don't tell anypony, but I've gotten good at it!” Roux smirked. “I do it for my brother all the time. And Dad never catches on.”
“I don't know…” Sunburst looked away.
“It'll be just a name switch. Think about it. She'll be proud, and you don't have to go back to the other course! Avoid the conflict!”
“I would think lying would add MORE conflict…”
“Fine. How's this? I’ll change it for the night. If you don't send it to your mom by morning, I'll change it back. No sweat!” Bouillon held out a hoof. “Eh?”
Sunburst hesitated. Well…he'll be letting her down either way…but he COULD go scotch free. “....Alright. I’ll think about it. ”
Later that night, Sunburst couldn't sleep, even if his short life depended on it. He just sat on his dorm room bed, staring at the paper.
It wasn't like he was changing his grades or anything. He was changing the class names. Could it be so bad?
Yes! This was still lying! Mom would be so mad and Dad would be disappointed! What if the school kicks him out for this?
Sunburst groaned and rubbed his forehead. He didn't want to tell Mom what he's been holding back either…could he claim he lost the report card? No, Mom would probably call the school for it.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
The orange unicorn jolted. Somepony at the door?
“H-hello?” He stood near the door, reluctant to open it.
“It's Sunset.”
“I don't have all night.” She grunted.
Sunburst cracked the door open enough to poke his head through. “Something the matter?”
“I'm visiting Mother tomorrow.” Sunset explained, “Did you get your report card?”
“No!!” Sunburst panicked.
Sunset blinked, and scrunched her nose in annoyance. “You don't have to yell. Jeez. I thought your whole grade got them today? I was just saving time.”
“Right…we did. Sorry I'm just…stressed over…homework!” He nodded and smiled nervously.
“....whatever. Give it to me.”
He did so. Get it over with.
“And stop wasting ponies' valuable time.” Sunset turned to leave.
Sunburst sighed, and moved to shut the door, when he heard his sister mumble.
“Take care of yourself.”
Did he hear that right?
Another piece for Sunburst’s story! Bouillon Roux is a very old OC I decided to ponify
Cutie mark vectors are all from DeviantArt I credited them on my DA lol
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Tartarus is the underworld from Classical mythology which My Little Pony uses a LOT of, heck Equestria is basically Latin for “Land of Horses”. In MLP it’s a high security prison for magical beings such a centaur who can eat magic and grows stronger with it and a Pegasus Filly who would be a perfect member of OZ.
//I hope you're excited for the episode because Leona and Hifumi have a FIELD DAY discussing the MLP lore and how deep it runs.
//This is why Bronies and adults who like MLP even exist in the first place. It's intriguing enough for grownups to delve into. It's not very profound. If you didn't know, it's simply much deeper than you would anticipate from My Little Pony. Even when compared to children's programs like Adventure Time, it is more complex than many shows for adult audiences.
//I never knew the full-scope of the series lore until I actually looked into it for this series. The only thing I knew before this point was the stuff that canon Death Battle discussed in their episodes, most notably with Discord Vs Bill Cipher last season.
//But when I actually started doing the research for this battle, I was blown away by just how insane the lore CAN get, and I vented about it to my friends. Between the main series, the movies, the Equastria Girls spinoffs, and ESPECIALLY the comics, it drove me mad trying to piece things together.
//Some people do not think of comics as canon, but if you do, trying to connect the dots will drive you crazy. At that point, there aren't even any obvious problems with the lore. I'm not aware of anything that is purposefully contradictory; it's just frustrating to put everything together and have it work.
//For example, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle are the same age, but Sunset Shimmer is ALSO 10 years older than Twilight Sparkle. But because of the math and connections, it's not technically a plothole.
//So yeah, MPL lore fucks. And I don't think I've had so much fun trying to look into the lore of a series before, except for obviously Danganronpa itself.
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ask-smolder34 · 1 year ago
I don't think I have ever asked if you guys have met my filly counterpart and her Diamond Tiara?
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and or Peppermint Twist?
I know you've already met the so called "Cutie Mark Crusaders". Watch out for that lot, btw. Fair warning. They have a criminal record.
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"Yeah, we've met your and your wife's filly counterparts, a bit haughty, but nothing I'm not used to" ~Smolder "From what I've found out, the CMC currently hold the record for Juvenile arrests for Ponyville. However, not for Equestria, that record is held by one Sunset Shimmer, for graffiti, under the pseudonym 'Flanksy'."~ Ocellus
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obvilesbi · 2 years ago
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So, I did a thing... It was sooo much fun designing these babies!
Parents, Names, age, and talents(left to right):
Flash Sentry and Prince Blueblood/Wren/16/Protecting, nothing in particular really. He got his cutie mark when he defended a couple of fillies from some bullies.
Fluttershy and Suri Polomare/Evening Glow/22/Evee, as she is called by most, is a pillow and plushie maker. She got her cutie mark when she made her first plushie, a butterfly for her momma Flutter's birthday
Rarity Belle and Sunset Shimmer/Delilah Dawn/18/Delilah may or may not have summoned the ghosts of her ancestors and got her cutie mark for communicating with them. She was picked on a lot by other royals, Mira, being her closest friend.
Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust/Golden Hour/17/A speed demon, just like his moms. Got his cutie mark when he went for a night fly, he was mistaken for a shooting star!
Twilight Sparkle and Cheerile/Miracle/17/Miracle was a tough pregnancy for Cheerilie, they didn't think she was gonna make it, but she did, so they named her Miracle. Mira, as she goes by, is a successful comic book artist, even at only 17.
Jackelyn "AppleJack" Apple and Starlight Gimmer/Honey Maria Anne Crisp/19/Got her cutie mark when doing some magic with momma Starlight and potions with Auntie Bloom. Having a powerful unicorn mom has some perks, even as an Earth pony, Honey's magic was far more powerful than most other Earth ponies.
Pinkamena Diane Pie and Trixie Lulamoon/Blueberry Cream Pie/20/Blue is an energetic mare, the result of a unicorn with decent magic and an Earth pony with chaos magic, she is a part-time magician and a full-time party pony. Got her cutie mark after a great card trick, Trixie still can't find that deck of cards.
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kindheart525 · 1 year ago
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Celestia’s sun shone brightly in the sky on this summer afternoon, bathing the world in a warmth that was toasty but not sweltering. A soft breeze blew over the land, creating a ripple along the lake’s surface. Anypony who peered into the lake would find their reflection distorted by the waves—a humorous sight.
Much like the aunt and niece relaxing on its beaches now.
“There’s a version of my Dad in your world? And he had a crush on Queen Twilight!?”
“Yeah! I almost can’t believe it myself!”
The two sat there talking and laughing, catching up on a whole lifetime they’d missed out on. A lifetime that was filled with so many joys yet so many sorrows. But now they finally had time to talk about it.
“But he’s a really nice guy, he stood up for the people he cared about when it counted and he sure was fun to be around. He was in a band…maybe he still is. And he had quite the sense of humor. If the Flash Sentry here was anything like that, I can see why Sunburst would have liked him.”
Sunset Shimmer chuckled to herself, reminiscing back to her high school days and long before that, when she was young and carefree and close with her little brother.
“I think he did mention being in a band at one point!”
Luster Dawn laughed along. The pain of her loss wasn’t gone, it would never go away completely, but for once she could also feel joy while remembering the ones she missed so dearly. Like they were still alive, in memory.
“He was in the royal guard, he had to be all serious for his job but when he was with us he was nothing but fun. Papa could be stressed a lot of the time but Dad was always making him laugh, it was almost embarrassing.”
She felt a deep pang of guilt remembering the last time she saw them.
“And well…I wish I hadn’t been so embarrassed. I didn’t want to be around them, I said a lot of things I wish I could take back, and—“
“So did I.”
Her aunt suddenly broke her spiral, taking her hoof in hers with a compassionate but wistful smile.
“I was an awful pony when I was younger. An awful person. Nothing was ever enough for me, I was always looking for more power—“
She stopped, not wanting to delve into her whole backstory.
“Anyway, my relationship with Sunburst suffered for it. I said a lot of things I wish I could take back too. I regret it all the time…”
Sunset started to feel choked up, but she focused back on the niece who needed her so much.
“I know exactly how you feel.”
These words meant the world to Luster, knowing she finally found somepony who understood her situation perfectly. Somepony older and wiser, who could help her get through it.
“How do you live with it?”
She asked, desperate for a nugget of wisdom.
“It can be hard. Really hard.”
Sunset admitted.
“But the version of me that was so nasty back then isn’t here anymore, I try every day not to be like her. And I hope that the ones I’ve lost would be proud of me, and the ones I meet in the future will know who I’ve worked hard to become. Just look at you!”
She pointed to Luster’s reflection in the water, her eyes focused on the real filly before her.
“I’ve only just met you and I already know you’re an amazing filly.”
Luster was humbled by this, she had spent so long wallowing in her regret that she often forgot to think about all the good qualities she had.
“Yeah! Witty, smart, talented, where do we even begin?”
Both of them laughed together, a weight lifting off their shoulders as they finally allowed themselves to just be.
It was a few minutes of just wordlessly enjoying each other’s company before Sunset spoke up again.
“You know, I’ve always wondered how my brother’s life turned out. If he was happy, if he ever found ‘the one’ or accomplished everything he wanted to. But I don’t have to wonder anymore.”
“Because your dads raised you, and that’s all I need to know about them. They would be so proud.”
Previous: Peach Pit Next: Ginger and Lemon Tea With Honey
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ask-twiset-princesses · 2 years ago
Hello and welcome to my MLP AU!
Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer are sapphic princesses . . .
In this AU, Twilight and Sunset were studying alongside each other in Celestia’s school of magic. They used to be friends in filly school, with mutual crushes on each other, but grew distant as time passed. Sunset was a grade above Twi and moved on to high school. From then on, Sunset grew distant and became cold towards Twilight, treating her and everyone else like competitors. Few liked her, but many feared her. Celestia took her under her wing, hoping to strengthen her magic and help her make friends.
When Sunset moved onto college, she was top student, and one of Celestia’s closest pupils. She excelled in all things magic, but couldn’t seem to accomplish the one thing stopping her from leveling up in her studies: making some friends. Then Twilight finishes her senior year of high school as the star pupil that hatched a dragon egg, and everyone’s talking about her. While sunset struggles, Twilight quickly takes her place as top student and grows closer to Celestia. She wasn’t as friendly with everyone, but ponies liked her a lot more than Sunset. It seemed as though Twilight could do everything better.
This starts a rather one sided rivalry as she attempts to sabotage Twilight’s place in the school, hoping to get her expelled and humiliate her. However, Celestia discovers what Sunset had been doing. When she confronts her, Sunset explodes. This is where the things happen with the mirror, and Sunset escapes to the other world. Celestia blames herself, thinking that if she had spent more time with Sunset and not been so hard on her, maybe this would not have happened. She becomes desperate to help Twilight make friends, and sends her to Ponyville.
Years pass. Twilight is now an Alicorn, and Sunset returns through the portal to steal the element of magic, which she learned can be used to harness incredible power in the other world. The element is on Twilight’s crown. This is where the events of the Equestria Girls movie takes place. However, when all is said and done, Sunset stops running, and she comes home.
Celestia gives her grace, and apologizes for how small she made her feel. Sunset makes up with Twilight, and is allowed to continue her studies. She makes friends, and even starts becoming close with the main group, though they are apprehensive at first.While Twilight focuses on princess duties and training, Sunset is top student again, and she’s working hard to join her. In fact, she’s realized how much her and twilight relate, and they grow closer when time allows.
Celestia and Luna eventually decide that Sunset is the perfect compliment for Twilight, and someday they can take their places as rulers. Sunset is sent to Ponyville, and eventually is transformed into an Alicorn. Now she is with Twilight almost all the time, and joins her in the castle of friendship. They grow stronger together, and their bond strengthens as well.
Eventually Luna teaches Twilight how to have power in dreams, and twiset raise the sun and moon together. However the current focus is on their princess training and how they fall in love! These are the references I made for them:
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Questions and Answers
Can I copy this AU?
You can absolutely take inspiration from my AU! I do not own these characters, so go wild! However, please do not copy every last detail and claim it as your own creation; please credit me if you do. Additionally, please do not use my own art and writing for your own content. That’s mine!
Can I use your art with credit?
No! I am the only one allowed to post and use my art.
Can I make fan art for this AU?
Absolutely!! I would adore this! I only ask two things. One, please tag/credit this account. Two, if you’re drawing them with a pride flag, please use the sunset lesbian flag for Sunset and the bi flag for Twilight. The standard rainbow pride flag or sapphic flag can fit them both. Don’t erase their identities in my AU please! You can do whatever you want if it’s your own AU.
What questions should I ask?
Anything you would like to know! Obviously, keep it SFW and relevant to the blog. For example, it could be about their relationship, what they were like beforehand, their backgrounds, personalities, interests, daily lives, friends, the lore, their future… anything really!
Who are you?
I am Fawn, aka Fawns Furry Creations! I am a 19 y/o furry artist. I am autistic with adhd, and I have a lot of interests. This one is currently an escape from life for me, since it’s been difficult. You can see more of my stuff on instagram!
I hope people enjoy this AU as much as I do!
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coraline-mel-jones · 10 months ago
Candy Jumper
Tumblr media
Name : Candy Jumper
Age : 20
Gender : Female
Pronouns : She/Her
Sexuality : Pan
Height : 7'8''
Cutie Mark : Disco ball
Special Talent : Dancing
Story : Candy Jumper is an Alicorn Princess who lives in in Equsteria. Her favorite food is Ice cream, Pizza and Apple and her favorite drinks are Slush Puppies, Milk and Coca Cola...Candy Jumper didn't have an easy school life when she was a filly...Her height was the main target for bullying and ever since then she was self concious until she met Twilight Sparkle and the other Ponies. They formed a friendship that would last forever and ever...After the events of Equestria girls Twilight told Candy all about it causing her curiosity to spike...she went through the mirror and experienced what is was like being human...she even met Sunset shimmer...There were concerns since in that world there was a Human version of Candy that went to the same school as SciTwi which Candy understood...she went back to Equestria and fought villains and she continues to do so for the rest of her immortal life.
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