#figuring out my designs 4 her….
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same character same act
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skunkes · 1 year
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bitternace · 8 months
if youre still taking the top 100 song rqs - how about 34 and something kairi related? ❤️ (dont worry about it if you're already swamped with rqs!)
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but i regret just one thing: i never got to change your mind
[ID: a digital drawing of kairi from kingdom hearts. the background is a sketchy rendition of the tunnel in Traverse Town's secret waterway. the shadows are a little chunky, and the circular waterway frames her from the shoulder up.
she is in her kingdom hearts outfit, shown from the thigh up. with her back to the audience, kairi holds her right arm behind her back, shoulders tense. her right hand is curled into a fist. /End ID.]
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riverin-stories · 9 months
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hmmm... colors ......
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bravadoting · 10 months
OG Nagi Sketches
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I challenged myself to draw the NEO TWEWY cast during the time of the original game starting with Nagi 💜
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trashcreatyre · 2 months
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Chat. How are we feeling
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cerealforkart · 1 year
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Animated Dungeons and Daddies Superhero movie that doesn’t actually exist but I watched Spiderverse on new episode day and had a really vivid dream about it part 1, it’s Scary!
[Taylor] [Normal] [Lincoln]
Backstory under the cut
Once upon a time, Theresa “Terry” Marlowe was just like all the other girls. She loved playing soccer and spending time with her best friend, her mom, more than anything else, but everything changed when her new stepdad-also named Terry (ugh!)-entered the picture. While the newly restructured Marlowe family were moving Terry Jr. into their house, Terry the teenager accidentally broke a fishing lure that her new stepdad really should have packed better if it was so fragile and important. Since this incident, Terry has had a whisper in her ear and a power at her fingertips she can use to shape her world however she wants to. Armed with a “friendly” new guide and an awesome new power, Terry Marlowe is dead, and two new persona rise from the ashes, by day, she’s Scary Marlowe, goth-punk seeker of darkness, and by night, she has some sort of superhero name that I haven’t chosen yet, goth-punk enactor of horrors... Or something like that.
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doodlboy · 1 year
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kaisollisto · 9 months
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prompt: personify this fucking flower v
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twilightarcade · 10 months
Opinions and THOUGHTS
like in general or...
Ummm! I don't like crunchy foods that are like. Soft. You know like onions and stuff?? Hate those om a texture basis. Also mushrooms.. don't have too much a problem with the taste but it isn't quite worth the texture. That's not really an opinion more of a preference but I don't really have any ground breaking opinions I think so let's pretend ok
OH um!! Opinion I think 125% zoom shouldn't be the default zoom because that's literally huge which like I know it's different bur I'm special pleadingface the world has to revolve around me. Alsoalso I hate hate hate that TouchPad thing where sometimes if you touch it it'll stay touched except it's so weird!!! Unpredictable n such..
^^^ guy who just got new laptop voice anyway hi future us here this was written like 5 years ago ummmmmmm let's see here
ok you knwo right noow we're laying in bed actually so not many thoughts. Tomorrow is friyay I suppose...... This weeekend though !! Going to be out like all weekend to help some stupid middle schoolers (I LOVE tjem so much) (theyre so tiny.) (some of them are taller than me but we don't talk about that) except like i've been putting off coding this thhimh (TECHNICALLY NOT MY FAULT !! IM NOT UNDER CONTRACT AND HAVENT BEEN ABLE 2 MAKE THE MEETINGS) so im going to need to finish it in like. A day. And sorta pray ....
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teacorgi · 2 years
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small lili scribl
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laplacesdevil · 2 years
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AND that's the end of aro week icons for me!!! Ending with my still-in-progress fnaf au :3 literally all the aro chars in there are my fave. and jack. (/lh)
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mini-minish · 2 years
I like your Abigail a lot! Since she's so little described I haven't really clicked with any fan depictions til now.
aww thank you so much!! i tried to give her a librarian vibe hehe
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poptartmochi · 7 months
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remxedmoon · 2 months
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“shadowy figures appeared before you. apparitions, memories of what once was. reminders of who you’re fighting for. are they your true family, or merely wearing their visage?”
[twohats spoilers below the cut!]
DEATHCARDS!!! WOOO!! that leshy quote isn’t entirely set in stone yet, btw. i made these for a king boss fight i’m working on so realistically he’d be the one narrating? but eh. it’s fun to write in leshy’s voice. anyways, hopefully this won’t be too long?? i’ve got way less design notes this time around, but there’s also 6 cards here and i’m not very succinct. sorry in advance!!
2 power - 2 health - 5 bones
loose tail - when a card bearing this sigil would be struck, a tail is created in its place and a card bearing this sigil moves to the right. a tail is defined as: 0 power, 2 health.
steel trap - when a card bearing this sigil perishes, the creature opposing it perishes as well. a pelt is created in your hand.
GOD it was hard to come up with sigils for this one. since these are boss exclusive cards, i had a pretty limited pool to work with… hopefully this is still fitting
loose tail is the closest i could get to a sigil that avoids death, since sigils like unkillable and many lives were off the table. plus, there’s kinda a connection with him not valuing his own life?? and sacrificing a part of himself? i think it works
steel trap!! this sigil is exclusive to the trapper boss fight! since summoned cards (like chimes and tails) inherit sigils, their tail card will also kill whatever’s in front of it when it’s destroyed! sort of a “taking you down with me” situation.
2 power - 5 health - 3 blood
swapper - after a card bearing this sigil is dealt damage, swap its power and health.
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swapper!! this is an act 3 sigil exclusive to swapbot! ahhhhhhhh i had such a hard time trying to figure out another card design for her. i REALLY liked the bellist sigil for her and didn’t really have any other ideas. swapper felt like it fit with the change belief to me! and it also makes her a pretty terrifying card to go up against. since this is a boss card, that cost is basically entirely for show lol
ALT CARD ART!!! YIPEE!! literally all i did was flip her eyes to look angry lol. swapbot’s sprite changes when it swaps so i think hers would too!
2 power - 4 health - 2 blood
dam builder - when a card bearing this sigil is played, a dam is created on each empty adjacent space. a dam is defined as: 0 power, 2 health.
fledgling - a card bearing this sigil will grow into a more powerful form after 1 turn on the board.
dam builder feels like a very defensive sigil to me, and it synergizes well with fledgling!! after a turn, isabeau will be doing 5 damage across 3 lanes! good god.
1 power - 2 health - 2 blood
trifurcated strike - a card bearing this sigil will strike each opposing space to the left and right of the spaces across from it as well as the space in front of it.
sharp quills - once a card bearing this sigil is struck, the striker is then dealt a single damage point.
this was the HARDEST card to think up, and probably the weakest out of the bunch imo. i think i really nailed her regular card and i just. couldn’t come up with anything. agonies
i picked trifurcated strike as a reference to her being able to use all three craft types, and sharp quills… i think because of her aversion to touch? i think. it’s been a while since i made these aaaaa
1 power - 1 health - 1 blood
waterborne - a card bearing this sigil submerges itself during its opponent's turn. while submerged, opposing creatures attack its owner directly.
leader - creatures adjacent to a card bearing this sigil gain 1 power.
if yall remember the notes on my kid card, this is based on the beta version of that card!! which means that for once i’m not putting bonnie through the torments. hooray!
waterborne is there because they always stay out of danger during battles! plus they’re from a coastal town so it fits on that front as well. i didn’t really think about the actual sigil names for cards this time around but hey! it’s a nice bonus!
the beta card had trinket bearer, but that’s a sigil that would only benefit the player in battle, so i swapped it out with leader! since they can’t be directly attacked, this basically makes them a permanent alpha on the king’s side of the field. also, leader, snack leader, it fits namewise as well!
2 power - 1 health - 4 bones
haunter - when a creature bearing this sigil dies, it haunts the space it died in. creatures played in this space gain its old sigils.
bifurcated strike - A card bearing this sigil will strike each opposing space to the left and right of the space across from it.
“i’m normal about inscryption” i say as i give one of my cards a sigil that only appears in the completely missable rulebook of grimmora’s segment of the finale.
so. haunter! the aforementioned grimmora sigil! this appears on no cards ingame, but cmon. it fits. this sigil reminded me of how loop reacts when you guess that they’re a ghost! in battle, i imagine that siffrin will always get played right behind loop. because twohats
bifurcated strike was added here for the same reason it’s on their normal card! it feels like scissors craft!! i needed them to actually have A Sigil to transfer to siffrin and this felt the most fitting to me.
also, just like the normal cards, siffrin and loop are both the only ones to have a bone cost instead of blood cost! teehee :333
and i think that’s it! i’m not making inhabited versions of these cards because they aren’t meant to be accessible outside of the king fight! also! hi! i drafted this post and wrote siffrin’s segment: almost a month ago! oops!! i kept putting this off… at least it’s actually written out now lol. hope you guys enjoy!!!
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captainmera · 2 months
Hi! Would you consider sharing your adjusted Willow design (that you posted on X yesterday) here? You don’t have to of course, I was just going to reblog it to show my tumblr mutuals because I loved it so much 😊 If not though, no worries. Thank you!
Sure, this one?
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Willow felt off-model somehow , I wanted to see if minor adjustments could help out. It was fun to analyse it!
And I redesigned the outfit (I couldn't help myself, clothes are fun).
I'm apprehensive to say I dislike the final look, since someone designed that. But I was dissatisfied and confused about why it felt off-model, and wanted to explore what could be done to make her feel more like Willow but still stick to the show's templates.
My mission was to figure out how to make a taller Willow look like herself more, by adding a few elements to her outline, using the show templete.
Her new height changed the visual volume of her body. So, I added more curves and plush to the limbs, and volume to the hair. That helped make her recognisable.
Because if you compare the designs, it's not that much difference in limb size. But when you make her taller, and give her flat hair, her shiluett changes, and the volume is distributed/stretched out.
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The things I identified as problems was that:
1) due to her new height, her limbs appear slimmer. So I added curves to them.
2) The hair was too imbalanced with her round cheeks, which disturbed the face and made her look flat, adding puffy hair to balance it back fixed that.
3) her butt and chest has previously been more rounded in shape due to skirts or other clothes. Her final clothes design are tighter, and her torso has an additional line between chest and hip for height now. Which makes her appear slimmer. So I Rounded the hips and butt, and added a small line to indicate belly chub.
4) Her new shorts, too, have a design (the limegreen stripe against dark) that sportswear usually put there to give a visually slimmer hip. So I changed the stripe to show off the new curve-line instead. Thus assisting the visual that there's roundness there.
5) this is more of a personal thing, but I wasn't very fond of the colours. Sportswear are usually eye-straining colours, sure, but these were kinda.. eh. I decided to go with a bog/swamp colour theme instead. My only hangup is that the green on her leaf-bow don't go well with her hair. Yellow would've been better, but that made her entire outfit feel like autumn instead of that intimidating bog/swamp vibe. So I left that be. There's already too many colours going on.
The ripped fabric is a homage to Dana's rollerskate drawing + striped sock is a nod to Willows halloween outfit.
Final thought of note: if they wanted to make her more muscular, they could've gone for a hunk/bara body type. Y'know, to make her more like the Willow we know.
`\_(;•~•)_/` *shrugs*
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