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rhinoyo · 4 months ago
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scribbles for you <3 (@lavender-tea-dragon @papayakito @twstedsword @bravadoting)
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bravadoting · 1 year ago
OG Nagi Sketches
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I challenged myself to draw the NEO TWEWY cast during the time of the original game starting with Nagi 💜
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bravadoting · 1 year ago
Thank you so much for the tag! 😄☺️
Currently listening: Collared - Vane Lily
Current favorite: Apple and Pomegranate - Van de Shop
Song recommendation: Zoetrope - youman
Tagging: @dj-of-the-coven, @purplelea, @socialjusticevampire, @cv01doodle, @halcyansky, and @gambol-calico
i feel like starting a tag chain so i hope this works out :)
reblog this with 3 songs:
the song your listening to right now (or last one you listened to)
your current favourite song
a song of your choice
its now or never - elvis presley/love in the dark - adele
trastevere - måneskin
nevermore - queen
tagggzzzz: (np ofc) @heartstopper-lover123 @s0lit4ir3 @ali-da-demon @vicwritesfic @skeelly @charliethinks @tori-my-love @chronic-skeptic @toulouseradiosilence @stewpid-soup @nine-frogs-in-a-trenchcoat @pessimistic-gh0st @theshyqueergirl @crowleybrekkers @a-bowl-of-soop @frogfairy444 @robinheaney12 @fairyghostgirlgaming @thatsawesomedontyouthink @venusplanetoflove2 @thelovelyvie @abookishshade @spir4nts-lun4r @i-have-no-idea-111 @kit-the-queer @a-wondering-thought @scatteredraysofhope @coco6420 @softlyunbreakable @givennnnnn @far-beyond-saving @darling-im-wonderstruck @heartstoppernerdsstuff @nonbinary-idiot-obviously @rebelrobinrules1984 @daydream-of-a-wallflower @leonine-elizer @angel-devil-star and anyone else who wants to join!!
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yukarishoodie · 3 months ago
Ten people i'd like to know better
tagged by: @quiteboared
last song: Yokomin - G&G (ft. Yuzuki Yukari, Yokomin) (yearly Yokomin listening experience)
fav color: 💜 (Yukari's dress)
last movie: Monster (2023). Went to a film festival and saw a bunch of movies but not sure if that's this year or last year so I'm just gonna put this in (it was great)
last book: ORV reread, Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu official ID translations if manga count
last show: Genuinely haven't seen one in a long while... Just gonna say Thunderbolt Fantasy s1 rewatch
sweet/spicy/savory: all three (saos kacang I love you)
relationship status: single but it's December so obligatory Yuzuki Yukari mention since I'm bonded for life
last thing I googled: idiom dictionary (they exist)
current obsession: BL I will not mention here because this is my sfw acc
looking forward to: working on tls for aforementioned BL over the holidays (gotta do everything by myself around here smh)
tagging: uh @mukuberry @whyispaflsoaddicting @steeiydan @astralfuchs @nebulous-astronaut @digitalstaticc @bravadoting @nblemons @licerice @unluckyxse7en @karimimi and anyone else who wants to. no pressure tho
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dj-of-the-coven · 10 months ago
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care to make a trainer card?
@vivi-mire @strawberrah @bravadoting
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mimiso-soup · 7 months ago
Finally back at home and at my laptop where I can listen to these! Thank you very much @bravadoting for introducing me to them! (Everything has a link to them for people who wanna check them out!)
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Started off with Takagi Masu, and immediately, there's something so fun about the mix of chiptune and traditional Japanese. It doesn't feel like two genres most would consider using together? And especially not having them as your main music genres! The way use them together is really fun and interesting! I think my favourites so far is もののけ & 蜘蛛の花, although I'll be sure to check out more of their stuff! Love the usage of Rin!
Next is Pomegranola, who I've actually heard before with their song Sun Drops when checking out the entries for the Miku 10th anniversary song contest! They seem to have this city pop kind of energy, which is just really refreshing because I don't know a lot of Vocal Synth songs with that! I like how they seem to enjoy SynthV cause it's fun seeing producers have a favourite engine! Would definitely recommend to people looking for English SynthV listeners! Phobophobia is pretty fun so far!
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bravadoting · 11 months ago
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bravadoting · 1 year ago
Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday to 777!
He and his partner are enjoying the moment with their celebratory jam session 🥳💜
Gift for @def-march in the @twewyss Halloween exchange! I’m so happy to have been involved this project, especially when drawing for one of my friends 😄
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bravadoting · 2 years ago
I’ve been thinking about Kanon’s relationship to the Variabeauties and I believe she does enjoy their company, but much more as friends than teammates.
She knows they can carry out her orders but doesn’t fully trust in their individual capabilities, unlike the W3 Wicked Twisters (top-down vs bottom-up leadership). It’s most likely a subconscious choice on her part, but it does shape the responsibilities and roles they have as leader and followers.
On W3D3, she perishes by insisting they act separately, shouldering everything herself and not believing in their collective strength.
(My best analogy for it is that she joins a group project with friends, but gives herself the brunt of the workload, not trusting that everyone will finish their parts. By doing this, she denies them the opportunity to prove themselves beyond the doing bare minimum.)
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bravadoting · 9 months ago
I’m watching a playthrough of Persona 4 (currently at 10/22) and it’s a deeply infuriating game writing-wise. They have interesting setups for these character arcs in the dungeons, but don’t commit to exploring these issues after that.
I was most disappointed by Yukiko and Rise’s resolutions because they go back to jobs they previously resented due to obligations to others. Yukiko admits she would lose her support system if she moved and Rise is guilt-tripped by her manager into rejoining the idol industry. How are we supposed to be satisfied with those conclusions? Nevermind that the social links don’t really touch upon the reasons they were dissatisfied in the first place, and the game has a habit of circling back to the status quo.
As for Naoto, while it is upsetting to see them use transphobic imagery and rhetoric for her, they also don’t commit to the sexism angle from what I’ve seen so far. By having the misogyny as something Naoto anticipates rather than something she’s personally experienced, the game doesn’t treat it as a legitimate issue. It goes from a systemic problem to a personal hangup.
Naoto: “If they [the police] had the slightest ‘concrete’ reason to look down on me, no one would need me anymore...”
Kanji: “You don't know that.”
(Lastly, even if they tried, I don’t think the writers were equipped to handle the subject given the frequent “comedic” misogyny, especially with Teddie and Yosuke. I know those are common anime tropes, but game generally ignore the implications in the topics it raises.)
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bravadoting · 2 years ago
Any Reaper interaction is bait to me specifically
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bravadoting · 1 year ago
An Es version of Deep Cover is not a want, it’s a need.
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bravadoting · 2 years ago
(This only concerns foods you can safely eat. For example, avoiding food allergens does not make someone a picky eater.)
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bravadoting · 1 year ago
I’ve been walking my dog every day while the weather’s nice, and in the first half he struts down the block at a reasonable pace, stopping to smell everything. But lately, he’s been making me chase after him on the way back home kfhdjdvdj
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bravadoting · 9 months ago
More musing about P4, but it’s interesting to compare Kanji and Naoto’s treatment by the narrative.
While ageism and misogyny are brought up in Naoto’s dungeon, they aren’t really followed up on her social link. Instead the arc focuses on reconnecting with her primary reason to become a detective (and child self), as opposed to focusing on other’s acceptance and approval.
I’ve mentioned previously how game goes on to frame her issues as a personal hangup, rather than explore systemic discrimination, but I also find that her male counterpart, Kanji, has his problems treated more seriously.
Similar to Naoto, Kanji grew up lonely and was demeaned for his unconventional interests, later causing him to present in a more masculine way. However, Kanji’s arc goes into more depth about the bullying he’s faced and how it informed his attitude towards others, pushing them away in fear of rejection. He even finds people who are support his passions and inspire him to live authentically.
His story is not perfect by any means, such as the frequent gay jokes at his expense and the insinuation that women are more judgmental of effeminate men than men (despite the game itself showing otherwise). However, the game still treats toxic masculinity as a legitimate problem, whereas Naoto’s internalized misogyny is not further explored and is used as an opportunity to further feminize her in the romance route, despite her indicating she’s most comfortable presenting as androgynous.
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bravadoting · 2 years ago
Thinking about Tsugumi and how she fits into the Shinjuku Reapers’ story.
With the other members, it’s clear how their passivity in communicating with Shiba further enabled Shiba’s power trip. It was a dysfunctional team where people were hesitant, and later afraid, to speak their minds.
However, Tsugumi actively tried to warn Shiba and was punished for it by Kubo. This inclusion created a contradiction to the previous theme, one that I’ve been unable to reconcile until now.
I think Tsugumi’s communication failure may have been her medium, Trailer. She probably used it to covertly relay warnings to Shiba.
As seen in A New Day and NEO, Trailer messages can be confusing and disorienting for the recipient trying to parse out the situation. And even when the receiver does understand, they may be resistant to the message as Shiba was (especially since this ability is exclusively used for bad news).
While Tsugumi has a useful latent power, it could only convey so much information and shouldn’t have been her sole method of reasoning with him.
Finally, it would show growth on her part that she’s now able to emotionally connect with Shiba and get her message through to him in the finale.
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