#figured i'd make my own post
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borrowingcapybaras · 2 years ago
"They" has been in the English language as a singular pronoun (not just plural) since the 1300s, and singular "they" actually pre-dates singular "you". [Source]
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galaxywitch9-screams · 5 months ago
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Priest disguise Constantine appreciation post
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jaeellec · 9 months ago
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piningpercussionist · 9 months ago
Okay. Fellas. Real talk. I've seen some of you do it and I thank you profusely for doing so but can yall PLEASE credit the original artist of that piece yall kinda made into an a dtiys/art meme? That's not official art. I am point blank refusing to engage with any of these pieces that I see not doing such. (Even when it pains me to keep scrolling, because some of them are really good!! And I want them here!!! But I do have some rules for myself I try to stand firm by with this blog.)
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Like you can literally see them say right there that it's fine IF YOU CREDIT. I'm fucking begging you.
I'm not mad at anyone who didn't know but I've seen SO MANY versions at this point, and I think I've seen maybe 3 or 4 of them RECENTLY include the credit. (And one with improper credit, I think?) Please. Please just. Tack it on.
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I think people forgetting in the excitement of Help Wanted 2 content, is that Cassie is actually a Daycare kid, and Said that she had a lot of fun in the Daycare with Sun.
Meaning Sun can be Sassy and Soft.
He can have good days and bad days
That makes him more "human" ironically for me and I love that for me.
Listen… I work with kids. The kindergarden teachers, who are really GREAT at their jobs, and I know for a fact love children come to me after a kid pukes on the carpet and tells me they're going to quit or whisper a joke about punting them. I actually think Sun is being actually VERY... VERY NORMAL.
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whenthelightisrunninglow · 4 months ago
i've seen a couple of people point out that ingo and emmet's eye colours in the beta sprites are different but i wanted say that they're also different in the actual games. the eye colour is the same colour as the border of the emblem on the hat in bw so i assume when they redid the sprite for whoever's was done second (probably ingo's) both colours were shifted to be darker? like they used the same texture or something due to the overworld sprites having a limited pallet, idk. i'm sure someone more well versed in sprite art could give a better or more in-depth reason LOL
either way it's not exclusive to the beta sprites or anything, their eyes are different colours in both the og games and b2w2. still probably due to limitations on how they had to do the sprites rather than an intentional design choice though 😔
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sugar-bi-scuit · 1 year ago
Xie Lian: Guys it’s a shooting star, let’s make a wish!
Hua Cheng: I wish for all of Gege's wishes to come true.
Mu Qing: Simp.🙄
Hua Cheng: Never mind, I wish upon the shooting star to fall down at a 30° velocity aiming for Mu Qing. .)
Xie Lian: San Lang…🥲
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pinkkop · 2 months ago
I've now posted my second weekly QL recap post and I'm honestly just really proud of myself. Not just that I've stuck to doing it but also that I've managed to make it something I might actually be able to keep doing because I've made it as easy as possible for myself. That way it's less likely that it'll start feeling like a chore or that it'll take up a lot of my time when I'd rather be talking about the shows than formatting a post.
So because I'm a nerd and I kinda wanna show off a little bit because I'm proud of what I've managed to make, let me tell you exactly what I've set up to make my weekly recap post.
The basis for the post is simple enough: an excel spreadsheet and a python script.
My Spreadsheet of BLs
The spreadsheet is based on My Watchlist on MyDramaList which I literally just do ctrl+A and copypaste into a sheet. This is then automatically compiled into a different sheet where I've made a better overview of all the shows I'm watching and have watched in the past.
Based on this I've set up the weekly overview in a separate sheet shown below
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When I'm compiling my weekly recap I can then easily add any new information here.
For new shows I add the information below to the sheet
- MD Title (copied from MyDramaList overview sheet)
- Title (usually copy of MD title with minor edits)
- Site I'm watching the show on
- Tags I want to use for the show
- Episode nr. I'm starting the show on
I also make a banner for the show but I've found a good source for images so it doesn't take long most of the time.
I have to manually upload the banner for the first week but then for the second week a show is in the recap, I can add the HTML for the banner from the previous week's post to the sheet. That way the banner will just be automatically be added to the post every week after that.
Throughout the week I then write notes on each episode I watch into the sheet and before I make the actual post I add the order I want the shows to appear in on the post.
The Script is Where the Magic Happens
When I've finished filling out the spreadsheet for the week I go to my python script, change the week number in the script and run the script.
In the script I've taken the HTML code from my original recap post and set it up so the script fills the information from my spreadsheet for each show into the right places in the HTML code. Since I doubt you guys would find it riveting to look at my full script, here's a little snippet!
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When I run the script it then prints out the HTML for the post which I can insert into a new post on tumblr and voila, a weekly recap!!!
I do then have to go through the text for each show and add breaks and spellcheck because that's easier to do here than in the excel cell where I write the notes to begin with. If I have any overall notes or any new banners I have to add, then this is also when I'd do it.
I'm sure there are things you could set up in a better way but this works for me and reduces the amount of time I have to set aside every week for creating the post by a lot. It just makes it easier for me to share my thoughts in a way that's nice to look at without having to spend a ton of time formatting a post each week.
Hope this didn't take away any of the magic behind my posts but just gave a cool insight into the things you can do to make recurring posts easier to make.
Any questions or comments are welcome!
Side note: if you use tumblr on the mobile app and notice that any of the lines with "Episode x of x || Watching on:[site]" are split into two lines, let me know!
That line was surprisingly the hardest to make look the way I wanted because the width of posts and look of text types change depending on whether you're on desktop or the mobile app.
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sheergeekypanic · 2 years ago
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diamantiferous · 14 days ago
A wizard sent you to the Flight Rising universe. Go here to determine your new appearance!
Due to the wizard's magic, your morphology is permanent (but if you're a hatchling you will grow up into an adult dragon unless you wish to be a permababy). You can still wear apparel if you're a modern breed, but you can't wear skins or accents or apply effects to yourself.
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driftwoodsix · 17 days ago
update on my monthly album purchases :)
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canongf · 1 year ago
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take this uquiz, then post your love type x your f/o 🖤
thank you for tagging me to do this, @me-myself-and-my-fos!!!
i tag: @futurewife, @mothlover69, @changeling-selfship, @circusgoth-dotcom, & @retrojem (only if they want to!!!)
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mickules · 2 years ago
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Not pictured here is the actual jerry-rigged lattice work of dinner mats and pillows with my laptop and tablet balanced on top Jenga-like, created in a codeine infused haze.
Just to keep yous in the loop since my surgery I'm actually doing much better, almost back to normal so I'm getting back into my art stride! and if tumble actually behaves itself for once, you should be seeing some things soon!
I'll admit I've not yet looked at any messages or asks for a long time I'm so sorry, I do very much appreciate them! I'm a lurker by nature, and usually by default logged into my reblog-blog so I can completely forget to check notifs, and then it becomes the existential dismay of 'How long ago was this sent??' (Bless all of my friends who let me get away without messaging them for literal months, I swear I don't mean to!!)
I do genuinely wanna get back into answering asks, I'm very aware I've had some floating in my askbox for way too long, and I've got answers in my drafts I've danced around posting so I can avoid the stress of fighting with tumblr bugs. But! Now's as good a time as any to tackle 'em! Why not!
I'm not 100% yet, but should be fighting fit soon! 🤞
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deathbysports · 2 months ago
some words of advice to newbies to hockeyblr (and hockey fandom overall) who are probably feeling anxious or left out: -don't worry if you only had one person like your stuff! that doesn't mean people are ignoring you or that they don't like your stuff! someone out there probably enjoys your takes or stuff! -follow people! dm people! send people asks! or if you're too anxious to do any of those, you can always simply reblog or like people's stuff! or post in lb tags if you're nervous about interacting with folks at all! -if people are bothering you or if someone posts stuff you don't like, you can always block people or filter tags! this is the internet after all! -and of course, if it's just not for you, that's 100% okay! don't feel bad! nobody is forcing you to stick around. but if it IS for you! then welcome! we love new friends! -and as always, don't be a dick. don't harass people.
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windcarvedlyre · 3 months ago
Previous reblog goes just as much for competing takes on a single character or ship as it does different ones competing with each other, imo. I think berating people for getting your blorbo wrong is less likely to get you 'correct' fanworks or analyses and more likely to make people too nervous about messing up to engage with them. I keep running into people with those anxieties and it really sucks.
If a misunderstanding is common it can be frustrating, but unless someone's being bigoted or an ass about it there's nothing morally wrong with that. If you overlook something major you can always just... go over the source material again and handle them better in future works, and the former still might end up as someone's favourite! My own favourite fic makes an assumption that I'll die on a hill against and it still changed my brain chemistry.
This especially goes for more complex characters; the harder one is to understand, the likelier it is that you'll never find clear, indisputable answers to every question you have about them because they may not exist. Even people who post about them like it's a full-time job can't be omniscient.
So wanting to be meticulous is great, but don't let perfect be the enemy of good! I'm saying all of this as someone who struggles with perfectionism myself. If we can apply the 'two cakes' metaphor to everything else about art, why not characterisation too?
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victorluvsalice · 16 days ago
Valicer Not-Incorrect Quotes, Valentine's Day Edition
Alice: [seeing a Valentine's Day display in a store a couple of days after New Year's] Ugh, really?
Victor: [looking over] Oh -- uh, that is a bit soon, isn't it?
Smiler: [also looking over] Hey, it's not as bad as it could be -- Valentine's is only a month away! It's not like they're promoting St. Patrick's, or Easter.
Alice: True, but still -- you'd think they'd give us some sort of a break between holidays. [rolling her eyes] Of course, Valentine's Day is just an excuse to sell people terrible chocolate and useless tat anyway. Do we really need a whole holiday that says "oh, if you don't bury your partner in flowers or drag them out for an expensive dinner, you don't really love them and you should--"
Alice: [stops as she notes Smiler and Victor both looking very awkward]
Alice: ...you two like Valentine's Day, don't you?
Victor: [weak smile] I -- uh -- well -- i-it's nice to have an excuse to make a bit of a fuss over you two?
Smiler: I have an ugly sweater and everything.
Alice: ...you know, I really should have guessed.
Smiler: [dressed in a black sweater covered in bands of yellow and purple hearts, presenting a pink-wrapped box to Victor with a big grin] Happy Valentine's Day, Victor! I come bearing gift!
Victor: [dressed more soberly in a blue sweater, smiling and offering Smiler a yellow-wrapped box in return] Happy Valentine's Day, Smiler. Here's your present.
Smiler: Thanks! [takes their box and nods to the one they gave Victor] Go on, open it! It's a weird little novelty item, but I'm sure you'll like it!
Victor: [chuckling at their enthusiasm] All right, all right. [opens the box and blinks] What -- is this --
Smiler: A phone shaped like a piano? Yup! Found it online -- I know nobody uses landlines anymore, but I figured you could put it on your desk, maybe use it as a paperweight.
Victor: [grinning, pressing the keys] Oh, this is fun -- thank you so much! [a little shyly as he nods at Smiler's present] I-I hope you like yours -- I found it online as well, and t-thought it would be perfect for you!
Smiler: Hey, I'm sure it's great! [opens up the box -- and stops dead, staring]
Victor: [leaning over] So, ah, this is an antique alchemy set -- it's got all the original bottles, though I'm pretty sure none of the ingredients are any good anymore, and all the original measuring tools and such. And a really tiny grater, which I thought you'd think was funny. I just -- I know i-it's probably too expensive, but I really wanted you to have it, and --
Victor: [suddenly noticing Smiler's face] Are you crying?!
Smiler: [hastily wiping their eyes] No?
Victor: [with Alice now, handing over a smaller, thinner blue-wrapped box a touch awkwardly] Happy Valentine's Day, Alice. I, uh, I got you something.
Alice: [wearing a red sweater because she's not totally immune to dressing up a bit for the day, smiles and reaches into a bright red bag] Happy Valentine's Day! I got you something too. [pulls out a navy plush dragon with a turquoise underbelly and gold-colored head fringe, ear fins, and claws] Taa-daa.
Victor: [eyes light up as he sees the dragon, accepting it with a bright smile] Oh! Alice, this is lovely! Do they have a name?
Alice: Well, the Douglas Toys website called them Aragon, but you can call them whatever you want. I remembered you liked dragons from those stories you told us about imagining having "Blue Ben" from Klive as your friend as a child, and stuffed animals are the one traditional Valentine's Day gift that I myself like, so... [little shrug]
Victor: [hugs the dragon] It's wonderful. Thank you. [shoots a slightly-nervous look at his box] I-I hope you like mine just as much.
Alice: I'm sure I will. You know better than to get me something ridiculous. [opens up her box...and just stares for a moment]
Victor: [shyly, still hugging his dragon] So, um, I found out about this blacksmith who recreates all sorts of weapons, and I commissioned them to do your Vorpal Blade. T-that's why I was so intent on drawing it before -- I w-wanted to make sure I had it just right when I sent it on. I -- I know i-it's probably a bit m-much, but -- I know how much W-Wonderland, and that blade, m-means to you, and when I realized I could g-get you a real one, I just --
Alice: [leans over to silence him with a finger on his lips, a little teary-eyed but smiling] You have absolutely no sense of proportion and I love you.
Victor: [blushes]
Alice: Hey, Smiler?
Smiler: What's up?
Alice: I had a question -- is it usual for metamours to exchange gifts on Valentine's Day?
Smiler: Depends on the relationship, I'd say! I don't think there's any hard and fast rules -- some people might consider it too much, some people wouldn't. It's all about the vibes!
Alice: I see.
Alice & Smiler: [look at each other in silence for a moment]
Alice: [produces a yellow gift bag]
Smiler: [produces a heart-paper-wrapped box]
Alice: [snorts] Right, I don't know why I was worried... Anyway, happy Valentine's Day! [offers the bag]
Smiler: Happy Valentine's Day! [trades the box for the bag and looks inside] What -- oh! [pulls out a little plush yellow-banded poison dart frog] Where'd you get this little guy?
Alice: Found it online -- I very much wanted to get you a plush frog, but as you might imagine, most of them are green. So I started looking for someone who did them in more unusual colors, and happened to stumble across that. Very lucky accident, that.
Smiler: [petting it with a couple of fingers] Very lucky indeed -- thanks! Now open yours!
Alice: [does just that, pulling the paper off the box to reveal] A checkerboard cake kit?
Smiler: Yup! I know you like cake, so I was going to get you a basket of cake mix and frosting mix and sprinkles -- but then I happened to see this while in the store and thought it was definitely your thing! After all, you've got a chess-themed land up there to go with all the card stuff!
Alice: [smiles] I do -- and I've seen checkerboard cakes before, and always thought they looked amazing. Could never figure out how they did them, though -- now I guess I've got the chance to find out!
Smiler: Exactly! [winks] See, it's not all useless tat.
Alice: [sticks her tongue out at them] Yes, yes...
Alice: [walking to Victor's bedroom with Smiler] So -- an entire antique alchemy set?
Smiler: Yes, it's fucking amazing, I really gotta show you later. And he seriously got you the Vorpal Blade?
Alice: Commissioned it from an actual blacksmith -- I'll have to show you later. [shakes her head] Just -- it's incredible, and I love him so much, but -- it does make me feel a little bit bad for spending under forty dollars US on his present.
Smiler: Hey, no, don't be like that. I didn't spend that much on his either, but I'm sure he liked it. This isn't a contest we have to win. [small smile] Which is good, because he's the one with money and would win easily.
Alice: [laughs] I know, I know. But -- well, it would be nice to have a little extra reassurance that he liked mine too, you know?
Smiler: Yeah, I suppose I wouldn't mind that my --
Smiler: [stops as they come to the open door of Victor's bedroom]
Alice: [raises an eyebrow] What?
Smiler: [beckons her to stand next to them]
Alice: [does so, looking inside]
Victor: [is sitting at his desk, setting up his new dragon so their front claws are resting on the keys of their new piano phone, beaming]
Victor: [feels eyes upon him and turns around] Oh! [blushes a little, rubbing the back of his neck] I -- B-Benny wants to play the piano too.
Alice: [smiling warmly] So I see.
Smiler: [also smiling warmly] Good for Benny. [smile turns a little -- predatory] Though it's a good thing he's looking away, because I don't think we're quite done giving you presents yet...
#valicer#not incorrect quotes#victor van dort#alice liddell#smiler alton#valentine's day#yes I know I can't believe it took me this long to do a Valentine's set either#for some reason it just never occurred to me!#maybe because before I was more intent on making sure I got my Valicertines done...#but yes here is a set that's basically about the trio's first Valentine's together#I do see Alice as someone who doesn't really care about the day herself#but who will happily indulge her more romantic/silly partners#and yes I had to have Victor get Smiler that alchemy kit I saw in the Dead Boys Detectives gifset#and Alice a real Vorpal Blade#they're just such 'him' gifts for the people he loves#the Valicer In The Dark version is going to get Alice and Smiler similar gifts early in their career as the Three Pillars#to help them build up their playbook kits you know?#as for what Alice and Smiler got him#well I reblogged that pianophone post because I thought it would be perfect for Victor and it felt like a Smiler present#and I've established before that Victor likes dragons and Alice would be the kind to get stuffed animals for people#I NEARLY had her get him my own silver plush dragon Dougie#but then I remembered the whole 'friends with Blue Ben the Klive dragon' thing I established in Forgotten Vows#and was like 'no wait it has to be the blue Aragon variant'#(not sponsored link is just so you can see what the plush looks like)#and after Alice got a plushy for Victor I figured she'd get one for Smiler and since I'd established frogs are their fave animal...#and checkerboard cakes are just something I think is cool and we know Alice loves her cakes XD#and yes Smiler is talking about what you think they're talking about at the end there XD#because of course they are :p#queued
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