#fighter x tor
Big Fan of the “2nd Couple is Getting Married Next Week” Energy.
I’m talking…
Prapai & Sky
Vegas & Pete
Sky & Jao
Yi & Khondiao (yes tech Kuea & Lian are engaged but these 2 💯 will be eloping tomorrow)
Sho Zhe Yu & Pei Shou Yi
Leon & Pob (whenever their series gets here you know they’ll be married before Leo & Fiat)
Edit: Tor & Fighter (bc if PrapaiSky are on this list, they can be too!)
It just really slaps for me we a couple gets together & is like “welp that’s me done for LIFE!”
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tremendouskoalachild · 6 months
in celebration of learning Lyn's name: _in, _inn, _yn and _ynn names in star wars! not including minor mmo characters, rpgs, and source books (there are so many tho)
bold for on-screen characters (not including niche background characters no one knows), small for legends-only characters
✔ Binn (Ibes), jedi apprentice; Bin (Essada), splinter of the mind's eye
✔ Cin (Drallig), prequels; Cyn (Jodu), 1977 comic; Cyn, darth vader black white and red; (Ardana) Cinn, 2013 comic
✔ Din (Djarin and Grogu), mandoverse; (Orgus) Din, swtor
✔ Finn, sequels; Fyn, tcw tie-in novel; Fynn (Torve), thrawn trilogy; Finn, star wars tales; Finn, legacy; Finn, 1977 comic; Finn (Galfridian), invasion; Finn (Vaal), lost tribe of the sith; Finn (Tegotash), tcw; Finn (Ertay), tcw
✔ Gin (Lesl), swtor webcomic; Gin (Scraf), planet of twilight
✔ Hin, splinter of the mind's eye
✔ Jyn (Erso), rogue one; Jyn (Obah), droids; Jinn (Reeso), tpm racer; (Qui-Gon) Jinn, prequels
✔ (Tulu and Drola) Kinn, fotj; Kinn (Zih), lego tfa; Kin (Kian), rotj; Kin (Robb), tcw
✔ Lyn, obi-wan kenobi and tales of the empire; Lyn (Me), rotj; Lin (Gaava), resistance; Lyn (Sekla), kotor; (Arden) Lyn, masters of teräs käsi; (Koley) Linn, thr
✔ Myn (Weaver), ahsoka; Minn (Ishkah), swtor; Minn, canto bight; Myn (Donos), x-wing novels; Myn (Kyneugh), rotj
✔ Nin, jedi apprentice
??? P
✔ Qin, the mandalorian; Qin (Yazal), tcw;
✔ Rin, swtor; Rinn, thr; Rinn, age of republic; (Chorto) Rinn, swtor
✔ (Zareb and Jariah) Syn, legacy; (Sorzus) Syn, ltots spiral; (Mirith and Jahren) Sinn, crimson empire; Sin(tas Vel), blood ties; (Cariaga) Sin, kotor; (Karr Nuq) Sin, force collector
??? T
✔ Vin, thr; Vin, republic commando; Vin (Nothos), rebellion comic; Vinn, tor novels; Vinn (Atrius), swtor; Vyn (Asara), swtor; Vyn (Holpur), fotj; Vyn (Narcassan), x-wing novels
✔ Wynn (Dorvan), fotj; Wyn(ssa Fel), njo; (Uthar) Wynn, kotor
✔ Xin (Baliss), swtor; (Torvin) Xyn, njo
??? Y
✔ Zinn (Paulness), tcw; Zinn (Toa), tcw; Zin (Graw), TIE fighter; (Axela) Zin, fotj; Zyn, swtor; Zyn (Javeb), prequels
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prismaticpichu · 10 months
25 for Seph and 6 for Zack <3
Heck yeah! You got it! ❤️ (I actually just answered #6 with Zack so i’ma skip that one if that’s all good! Though main takeaway is that I associate with his unwavering faith in others <3)
What was your first impression of this character? How about now? ~ ohhhhh YES YES YES i love this question xDD I always hoped for an opportunity to talk about my first discovery of Sephiroth shshdhhd. So! What was my first impression of Sephiroth..? Did I faint? Did I melt? Did I combust into flames at the sheer majesty?
Oh, no. My first impression of him was complete and utter HATRED…
For about 2 minutes.
Okie doke so this isn’t as much as a “first impression” as it is my emotions under the circumstance in which I was introduced to him, but I wanna tell the unasked for story anyway lol. So, basically, imagine this: it’s winter or 2020. Little Pichu is stuck inside alongside the rest of the world. There wasn’t much to do, not much to look forward to. But ofc, I always had video games to entertain me. Specifically, Smash Ultimate—a game I played obsessively during lockdown, day after day. Anywho, like I said, it’s winter of 2020. December. And what was coming up in just a few days…? The Game Awards.
Normally, I really wouldn’t care all too much. I never really gave a poo before lol. But this year??? This year, it was different. It was almost guaranteed that a new smash fighter was gonna revealed. And as someone who’s heart and soul was tethered to the game at the time, this was everything to me xD
So! There I am, sitting on the couch in front of the TV. It’s the 10th of December. The Game Awards would be on any moment. Already I’m sitting there and letting my brain trip over all the potential fighters that can be revealed. The anticipation is REAL, man. SO REAL.
The Game Awards start.
The first thing to appear on the screen is a Smash Bros trailer.
Little Pichu is PSYCHED. Heart tenses. Breath hitches. All the characters are there on the cliff. No indication as to who it can be. All options are valid. Every single hope has a chance. They’re about to fight Galeem. The thing prepares to unleash an attack. The music escalates and the god gets sliced in half and—
The F*ck.
Is that.
So, yeah, um, I was very uncultured and had no idea who one of the most iconic villains to exist was x,D It’s actually REALLY embarrassing lol. Anyways, as Sephiroth descended from the sky and that random choir began chanting in the background, all I could feel was RAGE. I’m tell you. It was cold, bitter FURY. How could they add another swordfighter??? We have ENOUGH. Who is this woman??? What??? WHY??? WHY HER?????? WHY NOT SOMEONE I KNOW AND WANTED—!
You know how I said the anger lasted for 2 minutes.
It was prolly more like 55 seconds.
As almost as quickly as I wanted to chuck my remote at the screen, I had turned into, like, a mesmerized sheep. The trailer was (as my vocab would say at the time) freaking EPIC, man! The dude was UNSTOPPABLE. He plowed through anything and everything and holy SHIT DID HE JUST KILL MARIO?—
Yeaaaaah so that’s how it started tor me xD It wasn’t long until I was binge watching memes of Sephiroth’s entrance to smash, scarfing down comics of him and Pichu, and coming to the realization that I actually wanted to know a lot more about this character. I still remember the moment I opened up Google and typed in “Who is Sephiroth?” That’s how engraved this man is into my essence xD Pichu get help. I was brought to a wiki page, and there was literally no turning back lol. I learned that he used to be a hero—a good guy—which absolutely plunged me into wanting to hunt down the Nibelheim Incident and see his downfall. I became so invested in what I didn’t see from his good side that I hunted down an 8 hour playthrough of Crisis Core, as that’s what I discovered was the prequel to it all. Next came devouring fanfic and headcanoning- and, well, here we are today xDD Needless to say I love this stupid psycho to death, and i don’t think that’s changing anytime soon!
…..This has no right to be this long dhdhdhhd.
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multiplayingorg · 2 years
SWTOR: Every Day I'm Smugglin
| Repost: Originally posted by Steve "Slurms" Lichtsinn on December 29, 2011
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The title is half true. I was a day one purchaser of SWTOR, so while it wasn’t expected by yours truly that I’d get in on the first day of early access, it didn’t surprise me when I did. Every day since, I’ve logged some amount of time on my Smuggler, even on the two days last week when I was under the weather. I love him, but I'm not sure he lives up to the namesake.
My lack of posts on the blog have been largely due to the amount of time I’ve spent playing, which explains why this is the first post-launch write-up I’ve done regarding the game and I’m already level 26. I started writing numerous times over the past couple weeks, but either I didn’t feel like I was saying anything worth reading or I just couldn’t peel myself away from TOR long enough to post them. But today I’m making the time to share some spoiler free thoughts on the Smuggler and the game as a whole. Then I’ll work on getting back to more regular writing for your amusement.
Overall the game is blowing me away. Historically I feed off of the developer and player made hype a bit too much, so I kept myself from learning any of SWTOR’s inner workings during the development stage. Well, as much as possible. I hoped to go into the game on day 1 with as much of an open mind and low expectations as possible. This method has worked out well for me, or the game is just good enough that it didn’t matter. Either way, wow.
While I can’t put all of my thoughts on the game into a single post, I want to highlight some of my favorite and least favorite attributes thus far.
Like others, I hoped and dreamed of twitch space combat the likes of X-Wing vs Tie Fighter or X-Wing: Alliance, but it was not to be. Really, how could we expect BioWare to inject such a touchy system of online play into a much more massive game? I learned early on that what was going to be included was an on-rails-esque shooter, so I simply waited to see what they did with it. As someone who had great gobs of fun playing Rebel Assault and Rogue Squadron, the space combat in TOR clicked with me. It’s simple, yes, but it’s arcade-y fun that I can’t help but go back nearly every night. It doesn’t take much time and it gives me that taste of the off-planet Star Wars universe I desire.
I’ve not done enough PvP to speak on the subject in detail. That will come later in my memoirs. But from the handful of Warzones I have participated in, I’m sold on the idea. Well… mostly. Having not played any of them with a full compliment of friends (though our guild hosted PvP nights will remedy that) I don’t think I’ve had the fullest extent of fun possible. Yet, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the amount of teamwork present…
…except in Huttball.
Welcome to the broken record part of the blog post. This is where you’ll find that, just like almost everyone who’s been enjoying the game, I find missions to be fun, but mostly the same. Yes, you’re still doing the same old kinds of quests… but…. DIALOGUE! It changes my attitude from, “I may fall asleep at this keyboard,” to “I’m doing something important!” Truth be told; even missions will one day get old, but the nice thing is that between space combat and PvP I may not have to rely on them to level.
Not too complex, not too simple. While I wondered how the system would be seeing as my character wasn’t going to be performing the tasks himself, I love that it’s really no different. I’m still clicking on nodes to loot stuff, I’m still clicking icons to craft items from materials I got from the nodes (or from missions), but I can now run missions or whatever while stuff is being done. I think BioWare nailed the crafting system in SWTOR, but I wonder how the economy will end up being. With the ability to mod some items all the way until end game, I wonder if there will be any benefit to crafted gear in the end, or if the mods will be the only worthwhile commodity. Time will tell, but I’m really enjoying it at the current moment.
This might sound strange: I love my Smuggler… I like the Smuggler’s story, but I don’t feel like a Smuggler. Let me try to explain:
First and foremost; I’ve never played a class in any other MMO that I’ve felt fits me better than the Smuggler. The mechanics of playing a Scoundrel, mixing stealthy DPS with healing sounds nuts, but I’m having a blast with it. Being able to sneak my way into a fight, shoot someone in the back with a shotgun, then kick them in the groin, and then hit them with the butt of my blaster all while my Wookie companion tears into them with his Vibroblade (hot)… I have to admit it feels good. All this and healing! So fun!
I’m not sure I’m totally on board with my class’ missions though. I think they start off strong by telling a story of a guy who got screwed and then spends a lot of time trying to get what’s his with a side order of payback. I’m not to the point where payback has been resolved yet, but I will say I don’t feel like a “smuggler.” What I was hoping for was someone with a more compelling story along the lines of a Zeerid Korr from the Deceived novel. THAT was a guy who had some rough stuff going on in his life and had to do some nasty work in order to climb his way out of a bad situation. Something I felt that was underlying with Han Solo’s story, but is missing from my character in SWTOR.
I think it can be broken down in two parts (remember, these are what I find to be shortcomings with the class on a personal level, I’m sure others see no issues even though those people are probably assholes):
1 – The rate at which you do class missions is too slow to communicate who you are in the world. When I do my class missions, I can almost see what BioWare intended me to be, but when I’ve got hours of gameplay in-between, which has nothing to do with my core story, the impact of it feels lost. Perhaps the bigger issue is that I was really hoping to play the Smuggler as someone who does some “not so on the level” shit, but when it came down to it, fought for the good of the republic. It feels more like I’m picking up someone else’s dirty work that really wasn’t all that dirty while trying to get back at him for inconveniencing me.
2 – My dialogue choices are far too binary. I’ve held issue with BioWare games in the past for feeling as though there is no gray area. I had hoped this would feel different, especially since by nature the Smuggler (this also applies to Bounty Hunters) is a mercenary style of character in spirit. They are out to do work that will get them fortune, with maybe a side of fame, independent from the warring factions of the Republic or Empire. Given this, I hoped to have more dialogue options that felt more “reluctant to do the task, but hey, money!” Instead I have 1: “I’ll do it for the Republic!” 2: “You’re about to see a real live hero in action” (a.k.a. many repeated lines that have no impact) or 3: “I’M A TOTAL DICK”
The worst offender is the third option. While with dialogue choices 1 and 2, you pretty much get the general idea that you’re being a nice guy, the text for option 3 will many times read like you’re going to be a smartass but then the voice track plays and often makes my jaw drop from just how much of an asshole I sound like. This works for people who are going in with the mentality that they’ll just pound on “3” to make a dark side character, but as someone who wants to mold a character based on the text presented; it’s shit.
What I really would have loved to see is option 2 be more of an “I’m a wise-ass neutral, but if you’re paying, I’ll take care of it with gusto.” Option 1 will sometimes yield me this result, but it’s too infrequent for my tastes.
I know it probably sounds like I’m shitting on the character. The funny part is that even though I don’t feel like the dialogue options presented are what would be best or most fun for the character I still adore my Smuggler and SWTOR as a whole. I love a lot of the stuff that happens in the class story, but not necessarily what my character is doing (except the [flirt] option. Those responses are almost always dynamite). It just seems I love him more for the class than for his place in the story side of the universe.
I’m only level 26 though…maybe my tune will change.
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ash-greytree · 2 years
Ash’s ESO Adventures: Chapter 1
Over the last while, I’ve been playing my fair share of Elder Scrolls Online. I had dropped off of it for a while after making my way through a handful of the beginning quests. Now I’ve completed the main questline for the Alliance I’m a part of (Daggerfall Covenant), the main overall quest to stop Molag Bal, completed the Morrowind DLC campaign, but then decided I need to finish the Alliance questlines for the other two factions before I do any more of the DLC. I got a guide on hand to do everything in chronological order.
I do genuinely love the writing in the game, and I’ve come to love the combat. My character is a dual-wielding Breton, named Trefor Grevyn. Trying to hem close to actual Elder Scrolls naming conventions.
My goal is to write about my adventures in ESO whenever I get the chance. I don’t play it daily, so this is just gonna be chapters, rather than Ash’s ESO Adventures: Day X”
So let’s begin. Today I helped out the Baandari in Malabal Tor, a region of Valenwood. The Baandari are a Khajiit merchant clan. They were having some trouble with a mercenary group that they had hired to guard their trading post. My job was to make them, the Gold Coast Mercenaries, no longer a problem.
I disguised myself as a courier and gave them a forged letter that would be a contract that pitted their lieutenants against the werewolves nearby. The werewolves would be taken care of quickly by the mercs. But the idea is that while they’re fighting the werewolves, I swoop in, take care of them, and then blame it on the werewolves. With a werewolf paw taken from one of them (kinda morbid tbh; did you know that as well, you can get leatherworking materials from werewolves as loot in ESO?), I put a bloody pawprint (I guess? The animation isn’t that clear) on the lietenants after I take them down.
So far, so good. The next quest involves sneaking around their camp and putting some sleeping powder in their booze kegs to knock more of them out so the Baandari can off-screen force them into a rout. At least I think that’s what it was; that part wasn’t very clear. But yeah, sneaking thru the camp to knock them out was fun.
I returned to the Baandari Trading Post to find out that its leader, Eraral-dro, was kidnapped by the merc leader. I couldn’t just bum-rush in, though. I had to thin their numbers, but in a non-lethal manner. The Baandari have chefs, bards, masseuses and other folks plying their trade there, and there were multiple mercs relaxing in the building, either not caught on to what was going on or just not caring, as their captain seemed to have it handled.
My job at this juncture of the quest was to pair up the mercs with the Baandari folks who could best help them. A Khajiit masseuse dude paired up with an Orc merc dude whose sword-arm was aching. A Nord merc who was hungry needed food from a Bosmer chef. And an Imperial merc lady wanted to arm-wrestle, so the Dunmer who’s the Hall Steward of the local Fighters Guild chapter was a good fit.
With the mercs distracted, I went over and threw down with the captain, saved Eraral-Dro, and earned the thanks of the Baandari, that all of the trading posts in Tamriel would know me. I do think that, back when I was adventuring in Daggerfall, I saw them there as well? Any which way, it was a fun couple of quests.
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I might need to change my list! Holy moly! Fighter and Tutor coming for my feels! Wow!
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liankuea · 4 years
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ep. 5 // ep. 10 // ep. 13 parallels for anon
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Saint is so ambiguous coz he looks all cute and cuddly and smol when he has that fringe hanging above his eyes with the poofy cheeks and plumpy face awakening all the *mustt protecc* in you ; BUT!! then he sweepes the hair back for a photoshoot or event and he's HOT and SEXY , tall with the cheekbones that could cut you in half and the jawline and the hair, prolly could steal your boyfriend and you'd be like - "yep , i don't blame him".😳
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life-loss-leaving · 4 years
Unpopular opinion (maybe?)
I need Tutor to prove his love for Fighter now.
I need to see it.
All these episodes, we’ve witnessed Fighter opening more and more to his feelings and to Tor (even tho we could tell he was whipped since episode 1).
We’ve seen how his smile grew wider and his touch softer and his eyes more and more in love.
I do believe Tor is in love with him, but I do believe Fight deserves to feel as loved as he made Tor feel.
I really hope when the whole dad issue is solved, Tor will shower Fight with all the love he deserves.
There. Judge me now.
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abstract-crossverse · 3 years
Could we perhaps get some Agent Torture with an S/O who may not be the best fighter, but is really good with something else like technology or medical stuff? S/O has scary dog privilege because of the literal Mag that guards them
"Guard Dog" [MAG Agent Torture x Reader, headcannons+scenario]
You're not the greatest fighter, everyone knows that, after all, you could only focus on one thing at a time and medical knowledge was one of them
You're one of the healers in AAHW, and the most caring one too, you're careful and caring about very painful injuries on the agents, and you don't tell them to suck up the pain?? Holy fuck you're the best!!
You're also very skilled in treating big wounds, which lead you to also treat the MAGs when they got hurt
You've treated Torture many times, he's a little confused on why you're trying to make small talk with him, or being ever so gentle with his wounds, or not telling him to stay still and suck it up when he whimpers/hisses/grunts from pain
Given you're so dear and skilled to the Agency, Auditor decided to give you a bodyguard, and you were very grateful for it
Though, after a raid from Hank n co. Your bodyguard kinda died, you were fine though, just with a few minor injuries from grazing bullets
After that, Auditor assigned Torture to stick with you, thus begins a friendship
At first, he always acted so stiffly, never trying to start a conversation or looking at you in the eyes, though as you showed he could treat you like a friend, he relaxed more as time went
You have to scold him every time there's a raid because he will just grab you and press you against his chest consequently using himself as a meat shield, but he doesn't even care, he's more focused on you patching him up, how your hands work in oh so gentle motions, trying to make pain minimum. A gentleness he's never used to, makes his heart flutter
There was a time where he'd get hurt on purpose so you could patch him up, it wasn't until he almost died he stopped doing it
Protects you with all his might and being, and just gets so worried when you have to part ways to go to your quarters, he just wants to make sure no one is gonna try to kill you in your sleep, you're never truly safe in Nevada
He likes to walk behind you because anyone who sees you pass by just get a glimpse and the mag behind you and his shotgun and almost immediately turn away
He ends up confessing while you were scolding him after a raid
You gently pulled the thread and needle away from the gash on his chest, closing the wound shut as you made a knot on the thread
"you seriously have to stop doing that, I know you're assigned to protect me, but you're not a fucking meat shield, and even if I'm not great at fighting I can still protect myself well enough.." you said as you put down the needle after cutting the line, taking some cotton with rubbing alcohol and gently dapping it on the recently sewn cut
The feeling of the alcohol touching Torture's skin stung, but he didn't mind, nor did he pay attention to your words, he just kept staring at your hands and how they gently flowed back and forth as they worked on his injuries
God it drives him crazy, he yearns for your touch, he needs it, he needs you, his breathing got a little heavy as he thought of confessing his feelings for you, a million ways of confessing ran through his head, many of them resulting in hard rejections, but even if you did reject him, at least he tried
As you finished patching him up with bandages, you pulled your hands away and crossed your arms
Everything was silent for a while before Torture gently grabbed your forearm and pulled it out from crossing, placing a finger under your chin and tilting it to look at him with his free hand
"Tor, what are you?-" his hand finally let go of your arm as he gently drew on your arm up to your hand with his claws, intertwining his fingers with yours, though his were so big you could barely move yours, he leaned in, bonking his head with your forehead, letting out a pleased hum as he closed his eyes and sighed
Your heart raced, face burning, what's going on???
Before you could even register what was going on, he slowly tilted his head and gently pressed his lips on your head, given the size difference he couldn't actually kiss you, but oh was he tempted
He pulled away shortly after, carefully lifting you up with his hands and he leaned back on the wall and set you on top of his chest, keeping a hand behind you in case you fall
You stood speechless, processing what just happened as he purred
Soon you snapped back into reality, face red as you sputtered nonsense and laughing in surprise, making Tor smile lovingly
"hAha, didn't expect that! You're a real surpriser, Tor! haha..." you playfully squinted at him, trying to brush off the fact you were flustered beyond belief, soon you sighed, laying down on his chest, arms sprawled out in a makeshift hug
".. I'm so glad you feel the same..." you muttered, though Torture was able to hear, his purring got louder after that, pulling you closer up to his neck, you yourself sharing a purr, slowly falling asleep from a long, chaotic day in each other's arms
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Donating $10,000 it is possible to leave your signature on HARM AGM-88 missiles from Ukraine
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/16/2022 - 09:00 in Military, War Zones
The HARM AGM-88 anti-radar missiles used by the Ukrainian military can now be signed by civilians who donate $10,000 or more.
Any personalized message can be written on the missiles that will be used to target Russian targets. Donations can be made to the Come Back Alive Foundation bank account through RevengeFor.com.
One of the registrations requested by a customer says "You stink of radar". It was written on the missile by a Ukrainian pilot who has already used it to attack the Russian army, reported the Ukrainian website mil.in.ua.
The AGM-88 HARM (High Speed Anti-Radiation missile) is an air-surface tactical anti-radiation missile. It is able to be directed against high-frequency radars. The HARM missile calculates the location of the target and is able to hit it even if the radar is turned off. The latest modifications are designed to defeat the radars with a change in operating frequencies.
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The HARM was designed for American fighter jets, some Europeans and now Soviet-made fighters, which are in the service of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Ukrainian Air Force MiG-29 and Su-27 aircraft are using missiles in the war after some modifications.
The HARM has probably already been used to destroy a Russian Tor, the S-400 air defense systems, the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems and the Podlet radar.
Tags: AGM-88Military AviationUkrainian Air ForceWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Cavok Brazil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
Brazilian Air Force
Cavok Brazil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
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acourtofsnakes · 3 years
Jetii'kad - Rogue, Chapter 22| The Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader
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GIF by @di-kut​​
Summary: Your training with Ahsoka moves on to new, exciting levels and a comms call with Din threatens to shatter the peace of the last few weeks. 
Warnings: Not too many in this actually. Swearing - I don’t think there is, but I’ll pop it on just in case, injury, falling, me making things up about Jedi training
Word Count: 5k+
A/N: Oh, dear. 
Rogue Msterlist: 1: Solus | 2: Arir | 3: Tor | 4: Gaa'tayl ^ | 5: Kyr’am | 6: Cabur ^ | 7: Ret'urcye Mhi | 8: Haran | 9. E’tad | 10: Tome * | 11: Aliit Ori'shya Tal'din * | 12: Mar’eyce**^ | 13: Kov’nyn | 14: Ne’tra ^ | 15: Or’dinii | 16: Dar | 17: Haalur | 18: Mesh’la** | 19: Talyc ^^ | 20: Jorhaa'ir ^^ | 21: Hibirar | 
Rogue| The Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader (f) Taglist: @snipskixandbeskar @weirdowithnobeardo @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @jackgrzs @sarahjkl82-blog @boomtownboy @goldielocks2004 @seninjakitey @what-iwish-you-knew @queenofthefaceless @rosiefridayrogersunday @greeneyedblondie44 @itsnottilly @welcometothepedroverse @xgoldenjenny @mamacitapascal @heyitsjaybird @amyk-37 @greatcircle79
Permanent Taglist: @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal @mypedrom @undiscovered-misunderstood @kaylee-krystal
Mando’a Translation: Jetii’kad - Lightsaber; Literally: Sword of the Jedi
Another couple of weeks had passed, and things were still going incredibly well. 
You were flying through your training, and Ahsoka was continually impressed with you. There were still days where your past threatened to choke you, but Ahsoka was there to help you work it through. 
Din had taken to going on small hints that took him away for a few days at a time. He was comfortable and satisfied that the pair of you and the kids were safe here - and happy. 
Ahsoka had previously had some trouble with the town, but that had been resolved now and she still chose to reside here on Corvus peacefully whilst looking for things herself.
So, Din had gone off after getting a comms message from Greef about some small bounty missions. 
He’d been uncharacteristically like a mother hen the first time he left. You’d had to practically throw him in the Crest and send it into the sky yourself. He’d also checked in every night and morning, making sure everyone was okay and you weren’t pushing yourself too hard. 
It didn’t bother you, his worrying or checking in. If anything, it just filled you with a blissfully sweet warmth that wrapped around your heart and soul. 
You hadn’t had anyone do such things in… far longer than you could remember. 
And maybe because you were equally as worried about him. 
Oh, to be in love. 
You did miss him when he was gone, there was no denying that.
He had been by your side almost every single day since he picked you up on Sorgan, and to not have him there was a bit of a shock. You found yourself turning around to say something to him... only he wasn’t there. It wasn’t just the conversation either, it was the little things. 
Like the brush of his hand over your lower back or hand, his shoulder bumping against yours as you walked, him flanking you like a broad, metallic guard. 
Even just the sound of his laughter or the soft clink of beskar as he moved. 
It felt like he had taken a limb with him, leaving you unbalanced and off-centre. 
Although had you been truly on your own, it would have been a hell of a lot worse. But there were a few things in particular that made it easier. Training, the kids and Ahsoka of course, but mainly... the next thing you had moved onto. 
Lightsaber training. 
You hadn’t expected to even get near the training sabers - poles of the same size and near weight of lightsabers, used to get acquainted with the momentum and movements - for months. But Ahsoka had informed you a couple days ago that she truly believed you were ready so soon. Like you were born for this. 
You were ecstatic, beside yourself with glee when you told Din over your comms call that night that you’d be starting. The man had been so proud of you, complimenting you the whole call until the praise turned his voice to a lower pitch, that honey rasp that heated your blood and your call had turned into a very different kind of praise and reward until the early hours of the morning. 
All the stars above, this man would be the death of you one day. 
Ahsoka had pretended not to notice the lingering flush on your cheeks the next morning as she set you to work with the poles, explaining the basics of grip and balance.
At first, you were rather clumsy. Your weapons of choice were either a bow, daggers or long knives. At the most, you’d sometimes practised with Din’s beskar spear, but a saber would be a length between your longest knife and Din’s spear.
Hence why you spent the first day with the training pole slipping out of your hands, nearly taking off your foot at one point. 
However, you kept going, determined to prove that Ahsoka’s pride and instincts about you hadn’t been wrong. 
That your own steadily growing belief in yourself hadn’t been wrong either. 
After your nightly calls with Din, you took yourself off to the edge of the clearing, practicing your saber movements. 
You worked through the drills Ahsoka gave you in the day, spinning and whirling until you could move across the floor of the clearing silently, whipping the training pole through the air like an extension of your arm. 
You knew a real one would take more practice, more care and precision but this was a good start – you were proud of yourself, actually. 
There was only one thing bothering you and you hadn’t told Din or Ahsoka. 
See, there was this… feeling inside you. A small, swirling darkness that sat in your chest. 
It wasn’t the same as the heavy cloud that sometimes lowered over your mood and mind… No, this was a different kind of darkness. 
This darkness yearned for… destruction. Devastation. 
To bring down pain and fury on all of those that hurt you. To tear apart their lives the way yours had been torn. But not just your life, but the people that had hurt Din and Grogu. 
Those who had made Ahsoka choose to banish herself. 
And it scared you because, well… you had wanted those things for a long, long time. From back when your powers were once again dormant, and you often hesitated between knocking a hunter out – or killing them. And when that dark cloud had first emerged, it gave you the power to butcher those who dared come after you. 
That was the first time your bounty price has risen. Word got out that you were taking down elite members of the Guild, Stormtroopers, high ranking noble fighters from far off planets. 
The scared little girl with no family had given way to a deadly assassin who would strike with the speed of a serpent and had the venom of one too. 
That same version of yourself often walked in your dreams, and lately, you felt her lingering at the shadows around your peripheral. She had risen from her long slumber, triggered perhaps by the understanding of Haran’s words, back when he had kidnapped you. 
This assassin… she would recognise the horrors he had committed, the monster that prowled in his skin but… she would understand. Because the same monster prowled beneath her own skin. 
Two kindred spirits who’s lives had been torn apart by monsters who refused to understand. 
And last night… last night you’d awoken from a dream-like state, only to find yourself nearly a mile from the camp. 
As if you were going for that hunt right away. 
You’d been shaken, that lingering craving for destruction still sitting heavy in your chest as you hurried back to camp. 
You couldn’t tell the others at all. 
“So, are you ready to move onto the next stage of your training today?” Ahsoka faced you across the clearing you often practiced in, the strange, murky haze shifting today to something closely resembling sunlight. 
You nodded, trying not to look too eager as you watched her, limbs already loosened up and warmed, ready to go. “Ready.” 
Ahsoka smiled a little at your eagerness, her hands clasped behind her back, “Now, this is usually something that Jedi get trained to do near the end of their learning. After they’ve mastered the essentials of the Force, honed them to use in everyday life and in battle, they have to learn the theory and history of this next part. Then extensive training and only after they’ve proved with the practice weapons that they won’t take off someone’s leg or their own arm, then they are simply just considered for this next phase.”
You began to read where she was going with this, and you had to bite your lip to contain the squeal of excitement that threatened to burst forth from your chest. 
She knew this, of course. 
“But, you’ve risen up through the training quicker than even I thought. And with the life you lead…  I don’t see why you aren’t ready.” She moved her arms from behind her, holding out her hand. 
She was holding out a tube. 
A sleek, silver tube that was ever so slightly curved… it was one of her own. 
She was going to let you train with one of her own lightsabers. 
Your head snapped up to look at her as your breathing caught in your throat, “Ashoka… This is… I can’t use this. What if I break it?” You gripped your own elbows, forcing your hands not to be all grabby and reach for it like they so desperately yearned to. 
Ahsoka chucked softly despite herself, “What did I teach you?” She still held out the saber, the hazy sun glinting off of the metal. 
You thought back to all your lessons, but already knew where she was going with this, “Never doubt my Master.” 
She raised an eyebrow, wiggling the tube almost teasingly, “And?” 
You puffed out a breath through your cheeks, rolling your eyes, “Never doubt myself.” You shot her a look, all playful, friendly bantering… because she was right. 
She grinned beautifully, a rare sight, “See. I wouldn’t let you touch this if I didn’t think you were ready. Or trust you.” Her expression softened, “You have nothing to fear from yourself, Padawan.” She used the name affectionately, remembering it from her own times of being young and unsure, eager to prove herself. 
You studied her face, reading the confidence there, the understanding, and you thought of the belief in yourself that had been regrowing for a while now. Almost immediately, your shoulders relaxed, and you let go of your arms, instead reaching out for the saber. You hesitated for a brief moment, but then took it, holding it carefully and bringing it back toward your body. 
As soon as you touched it, you could have sworn it thrummed with energy, a gentle pulse that sung through your blood and veins and spoke to you. It made you feel immediately… whole. Settled. 
This had been what you were missing. 
Ahsoka watched you, studying the was your face softened, the light growing in your eyes. Your stance had changed too, more balanced and self-assured. “Activate it.” 
You looked up at her, holding your breath for a moment and you lifted the saber, taking a second to think. 
All your life… had been leading to this moment, really. 
As soon as you activated this saber, you were stepping into the role that had been in your blood, always. Not a Jedi, but something different. 
Entirely unique.
Every trauma you had gone through, every wave of pain as you tried to restrain your true self. The stigma and fear, the admiration from those that believed and chose to help you… even if it had ended up in their own demise, despite your best efforts. 
This all flashed through your mind quickly, before it cleared. Emptying of everything but the cool, flowing feeling of the Force and so, you shifted your thumb and activated it. 
Glowing, white energy burst upward as the crystal was activated, pushing away the murky haze and filling the small area around you with that pure light. 
Beautiful, radiant… true. 
Ahsoka Tano smiled more, activating her remaining lightsaber with that pulsing hum, “And now we begin.” 
The moon shone high in the murky sky, casting everything with a milky glow as you settled into your tree of choice. 
It was your nightly call to Din, and you often called him whilst perched in one of the more substantial trees, so as to not disturb Ahsoka with the noise. You knew she fell asleep late and rose early, but you still wanted to be polite. 
It was also more to make sure Grogu didn’t wake up – he was a little monster for not going back to sleep again. Din called in the day sometimes, to speak to Grogu but the nights… they were just for the two of you. 
You watched the hologram display, which told you the call was patching through. 
Your model of the comms watch didn’t allow for video calls, but its sound quality was crystal clear, almost as if you were standing right next to Din. 
You almost hadn’t been able to wait for your call tonight, to tell him all about your day learning. 
The training had gone… really, really well. 
Ahsoka had shown you the basics of handling the saber so you wouldn’t slice through your toes, how to move with the glowing beacon of energy and use it most effectively. 
It was different to the training spears, but it was a concept you grasped quickly. 
Your past training and skill in combat came in useful, for you were already light and nimble on your feet. 
The pair of you had trained over and over, until you were both dancing across the clearing, spinning and leaping around each other, aided by the Force and lighter than the air itself. 
It was a spectacular light show for the kids, who were cheering – or meowing – in delight throughout the whole thing. 
And, at the end, when you were both panting and a little flushed, Ahsoka had dropped to a knee in front of you, inclining her head in a soft bow, “It’s an honour to fight with you, and teach you.” 
Ahsoka Tano… praising you. Feeling honoured by you. 
By the Maker and all the stars above, you still couldn’t get over that. 
There was more to learn, much more, but Ahsoka had been so impressed, she promised a day off tomorrow where the four of you would explore some of the rare, beautiful spots on the planet. 
You had so much to tell Din. 
It took Din little longer than usual for him to answer, but you put that down simply to the distance between you, and the storm that Ahsoka said was going to roll in soon. 
A few minutes later, the ringing tone pinged, and Din’s voice filled the air, “Hey, sweetheart.” 
Those two simple words, the gentle rasp of them that was all honey and roughness just instantly soothed your very soul. It caressed over your body, much like Din’s hands, and you let out a soft sigh, your chest loosening, “Hey, Din… How are you?” 
There was a lot of wind his end, rushing through the mic but then it stopped, like he’d turned a different way, “I’m okay, tired. But better hearing your voice.” 
You grinned to yourself, tilting back your head, “Oh, yeah? Why’s that?” Your leg swung lazily from the branch, a picture of relaxation now that you were talking to your love. 
Din grunted, the wind suddenly roaring through the line again, blocking out whatever he was saying to you. 
You frowned, wincing as the gust made the line all staticky, “Din, what are you doing? It sounds like you’re on the back of one of those reptavian from Nevarro.” However, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, a sense telling you that you weren’t going to like whatever came next. 
There were a few moments hesitation, and you could almost hear Din wishing the ground – or maybe air – would swallow him whole, “Um…” 
You really weren’t going to like this. 
Dread coiled with apprehension in your belly, a tight feeling creeping along your skin, “Um? What do you mean, um? Tell me, Din.” There was a sharpness to your tone, one that he knew well. 
It was a ‘don’t you dare lie to me’ tone. 
A very soft noise over the wind and Din started to speak, but then was cut off by a burst of rapid, loud fire. 
Blaster fire. 
He was being shot at. 
Your heart nearly dropped through your stomach, and you had to grab hold of the tree branch so you didn’t fall out. A light trembling shook your hands, but your voice was still steady, “Din Djarin, was that blaster fire?!” 
It sounded like Din seemingly retaliated, because then his voice came back, “Okay… Okay, promise me you won’t get mad.” There was a pleading note to his words, but it seemed like he was cringing, waiting for the blow up.
“Too late.” You hissed those two words through gritted teeth, heart pounding with fear in your chest. “If you keep avoiding my questions, it’s going to get a whole lot worse.” 
Din sucked in a breath, and then let it out all in a rush, “I’m at an Imperial base.” 
Silence from you. 
So quiet, Din would have been able to hear the owls in the trees. Maybe even the fire crackling down below. 
The words echoed around in your mind slowly, unfolding and repeating. 
He had to be joking. Din wouldn’t be that reckless.
“Sweetheart…?” Din was hesitant, worried by your silence, when he’d been expected fire - and shouting. 
You closed your eyes, more to rein in your impending anger, to give you something to focus on, so that your voice remained quiet when you spoke, “And what, might I ask, are you doing at an Imperial base?”
He audibly swallowed, still grunting and seemingly dodging the shots being fired at him from Stormtroopers, “Well, I was on a hunt and I found talk of an Imp base nearby causing trouble in the town. I asked what it was and…” He hesitated for a second before realising that might simultaneously worry you and make you even more mad “And the townspeople told me they were looking for someone. Someone with a huge bounty… a girl.”
It was like someone poured ice water over your body. 
There was a whole Imp base… looking for you?
Sure, a few Stormtroopers had come after you before, and then those ones that had ambushed you before Haran showed up but... a whole base…
Don’t think about that though. That’s secondary.
“Okay… And what, they sold you out to the Imps? Told them you were hunting nearby?” Maybe you had jumped to conclusions a little quickly. 
Of course Din wouldn’t have gone to a base and ambushed it. If the townspeople wanted to stop the trouble, maybe they thought giving information to the Imps would be a good idea.  It would make sense. Plenty of people had sold you out the very same way to save themselves, and you hadn’t been able to blame them. 
More blaster fire, but it was a little further away this time. It still didn’t stop you flinching with each shot, waiting for the inevitable grunt of pain from Din.
“Uhm… not exactly. I… asked Cara and a few old friends to help me. We… infiltrated it and tried to find the information they had on you, but they realised who we were.” Din’s voice was halted, stumbling over the word ‘infiltrated’. It was choked somehow, as if was grappling with retelling you the story. 
Something had happened in there… And then it occurred to you. 
If they infiltrated the base… Din wouldn’t have bene able to waltz in there with his beskar armour on. 
He would have to have blended in. 
Which meant… he took off the armour. 
Before you could mention it, he was talking, his words quieter in that voice that meant trouble, “We managed to get out and…”
The trembling had taken over your entire body, a voice in your head chiming that Din was lying, that he was joking with you because he wouldn’t do this, he wouldn’t do what you knew he was going to say… “And?” A single word, weighted. 
You heard Din swallow, and then, “We kind of… blew it up…” 
Silence, again. 
Laughter then suddenly burst from your mouth, albeit slightly hysterical laughter, but still. One minute you were staring at the moon in utter horror, and the next you were doubled over in fits of giggles.
“Sweetheart…?” Now Din just sounded concerned. He had expected another blow up the moment you realised what was going on, and so far, none of it had happened the way he thought. And now here you were, laughing? 
You shook your head even though he couldn’t see you, “I’m sorry, it’s just – for a moment there, I really believed you!” You covered your mouth, trying to stifle the increasing hysteria, “I really believed you had infiltrated an Imperial base with a tiny crew, to find information out on me you could have got from capturing an Imp, and then you make it even better by trying to convince me you blew up a base!” You leant back against the tree, your heart rate picking up unsteadily, sweat pooling in your hands and you felt your power thrum through your blood. 
“Darling - ”
“Ooh, you really nearly had me there, Din. And I’m so glad you’re joking, because no way would you yell at me endlessly for getting kidnapped and then plunged into a frozen lake – none of which was my fault – telling me I’m reckless and stupid… and then go off on a little joyride to destroy Imperial strongholds.” The laughter was melting away, your voice getting more frantic and pleading, like you were begging him to tell you he was joking. 
The wind rushed through the comm’s call again, the sounds of Din twisting in the air, presumably with the Rising Phoenix to steer clear of the ground forces, “Sweetheart, listen to me.” His voice was steady, soothing, “I’m fine, okay? I’m completely fine. I’m not doing this to be reckless, or stupid, or hypocritical. They have information on you and there are hundreds of them. If they’re gone, they can’t hurt you. They won’t know where to find you.” 
His words were doing nothing to soothe you, “Don’t patronise me, Din. You can’t tell me you’re fine and then tell me there are hundreds of Troopers after you. There are only… what, four of you?” Your breathing was coming in sharp pants now, images of Din’s broken body, blood on white armour and dark dungeons flashing through your mind’s eye.
“Five.” Din spoke the word softly, and you nearly didn’t hear it over the rushing wind and sounds of fighting. 
Another laugh that sounded more like a sob, “Oh, five? Like that’s so much better!! I don’t doubt your abilities, Din. You know I believe in you more than anything in the world, but this is… I can’t believe you would do this.” The words were a trembled whisper at the end, fear clutching at your heart once more. It was starting to choke you, turn your blood to slush and your bones to ice. 
The thought of losing him was something that kept you awake frequently. Sometimes it would hit you out of nowhere in the day, the idea of living the rest of your life without them by your side. 
Gone, little more than a gravestone and memories. 
The thought made you physically sick, having you have to run to the nearest place to expel that terror in heaving gasps. 
You’d hidden that from Ahsoka and Din too. 
Distantly, it occurred to you that you should hang up, let him have his full concentration back but… you couldn’t help the horrid thought that if you hung up... you would never speak to him again.
Din knew this, heard it all in the tone of your voice, in the things you couldn’t and didn’t need to say. He knew you weren’t mad at him, not like that. It was the same anger he had felt when he thought he’d lost you. The gut-wrenching fear of not being able to do anything – the anger at the helplessness. “I promise you; everything is okay. I will be fine; my friends will be fine, and no one will get hurt. We’re nearly done already. Breathe, sweetheart. You’re not going to lose me. We promised each other, remember?”
That’s true… you had. You’d promised each other that you would never part this life alone. When one left, the other would follow. 
You swallowed, trying to take a deep breath in through your nose and out your mouth, “Okay…. Okay. Just… come home, okay?”
“Of course, darling. I’ll be home just as soon as-”
A piercing pulse shattered his voice, searing through the speaker on your watch with its resounding whistle. 
Your breathing exercises halted immediately, “Din? Din?!” 
No, no no no - 
It means nothing. Just a close call knocking out the signal, that’s all. That’s all it is. 
A burst of static shot into the night air, and then you heard broken up, jagged snippets of Din’s voice, undeterminable pieces of speech. 
“Din, Din I can’t hear you. You’re breaking up... Are you okay? Tell me you’re okay, please Din.” Your throat closed up again, the dark beast in your chest snarling as it tasted that terror, feeding on it and spreading through you with those horrific images. 
The part of you that craved destruction, that shadowy assassin woke up, bringing forth the vengeance, ready to tear them apart piece by piece if Din had been hurt.
More static and wind and then something that you would haunt your waking and sleeping dreams for a very, very long time.  
The signal unjammed, and clear as crystal, you heard Din’s broken cry of pain. Of agony. 
A harsh noise you had never heard before. 
It was stunned, dragged from within him by a wound that must have hit deep and sudden. 
The world seemed to go still on its axis, everything slowing down to a halt.
The entwined golden threads of your lives pulled taut, stretching apart from each other. 
Your heart tore to pieces. 
“DIN!!” His name broke on a sobbing cry, making the surrounding birds take flight from the bare branches, causing Grogu to wake up down below but you didn’t care. 
The line had just gone silent, just as one of those threads began to fray. 
He was falling. 
Down, down, down toward the ground, smoke billowing from his back. 
He was an exploding star, a falling planet, hurtling toward the floor with a speed he couldn’t reduce. 
Thirty metres. 
The speed of his fall and the force of it caused darkness to pull over his vision momentarily, casting everything into shadow and silence before it all came flooding back. 
Everything was a blur of colour, whipping past the visor of his helmet in a smudge of brown, grey and green. The wind roared past him, battering the armour that used to be his savour, soon to be his tomb. 
Twenty metres.
The impact of the ground on his armour would shatter his bones and spine, cracking his head open and ending him instantly. 
Maybe he’d be lucky, and it wouldn’t be painful. 
Or he’d pass out before he crashed. 
Ten metres. 
His family was safe, at least. That eased his mind somewhat. It would be hard getting off the planet, but they’d find a way.
Eight metres.
There’d be nothing left of him to find. An anonymous man in a beskar tomb, body broken beyond recognition. The people who would soon find him may very well be the first to see his face in… years. 
Six metres. 
And they weren’t the right ones. 
They weren’t her.
No, he’d finally reached a place where he felt safe to reveal himself. Only his hands first, but that was enough. He wanted to give more, so very badly but… he just couldn’t, not yet. But that was okay. He knew she’d understand, be more than happy with that reveal of the very pieces of his anatomy that had started all of this. 
His hands, running over her skin, tracing the delicate work of her tattoo. 
Three metres. 
Two meters. 
“I love you.” His gasped words were snatched by the air before they even left his lips, and he hoped the wind would carry them to the person they had always belonged to.  
One metre. 
“Goodbye, cyar'ika.”
“Thank you for showing me a world worth living.” 
The young woman’s voice was steady and strong, breaking him from his thoughts as she knocked on the door to the war room. She’d been working here for a year now and had swiftly risen up the ranks. 
She was essentially his right hand, and he knew she wore that token proudly. There were no official titles given, but she was his best officer. 
She had been the one to locate the Mandalorian the first time around – and had also been the one to find the girl. 
That was why he had felt confident when she suggested hiring the Shadow-Born hunter to track them both down. And she hadn’t been wrong yet. 
“What is it, officer?”
She saluted, then stood tall, shoulders back, chin raised enough to be respectful, but not so much it was defiant. She looked him in the eyes, “We’ve found him, sir. He was responsible for blowing up the Imperial base, along with a group of friends, including another Mandalorian, an ex-Shock Trooper, a wanted assassin and a prisoner from the Karthon Chop Fields. The Hunter shot him out of the sky and has already apprehended him. The accomplices are so far unaccounted for.”
A faint smile passed the man’s lips, hunger and victory setting a dark fire in his eyes. He nodded his head to the young officer, “Never-mind the rabble. Good work, officer. Tell them to bring him here. There will already be a cell prepared for him. You know which one.” 
The woman nodded, inclining her head and then she headed off, but not before he saw the small smile she allowed herself. 
Good work indeed. 
She had done more in the past twelve months than any of his senior officers had. Maybe he should see about naming her his official right hand. 
He turned back to the large open window of the cruiser, clasping his hands behind his back, breathing in a deep sigh. 
When the Hunter had let the girl slip through his fingers, he’d been worried that he was being played for a fool. The hunter was unreliable, working to his own twisted agenda. If the Hunter betrayed him, there was no chance for the success and power that he deserved. 
But he needn’t have worried at all. 
He now had the one thing that would guarantee the girls cooperation. He had hoped for the Child too, but he could wait for that. 
It may have been slow going, and people may have called him deluded for trying to bring back the old ways… but here was the proof that things were finally going the way Moff Gideon had planned it all along. 
If only he knew that his plan had been set in motion by another. The successes were not his to claim. 
The King of Shadows and Destruction was sitting at his board of death, moving each piece as the endgame approached, the final checkmate that would put to rest years and years of waiting and scheming. 
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weilongfu · 3 years
I recently saw Mermaids Jade and its kinda messy but now I wanna see MermaidPete getting rescued from slavery by Ae. Or maybe Fighter rescues Tutor. I just think Saint would make a good mermaid and the bath scenes fit both couples.
I promise I'm working on the first prompt you sent, but this one is TOO GOOD to pass up right now.
Tutor scowled as he swatted away a curious cuttlefish from his twin's neck. Pete had been in a daze ever since he had returned from sunning on some rocks on the surface. Some of what happened to him was obvious. The scratches on his arms, the scales pulled loose from his shimmering light pink and blue tail, the bruises on his cheeks, all of it reeked of being caught by humans.
But some how, his soft spoken and gentle twin had survived the ordeal, either broken free or let loose. The question was, how on earth had it happened such to cause such a dreamy expression. Tutor snapped his fingers in front of Pete's face to snap him out of his revere, but instead of an answer, all Tutor got was a swirling hug as Pete spun him around.
"Oh Tor..." Pete said with a sigh. "I think we should both go sunning on the surface today..."
"WHAT?!" Tutor pushed Pete away and his scowl deepened. "You must be mad! Look at you! After all that must have happened, after I told you to be careful, you must have been caught by humans! And you still want to go lay on the surface?!"
"But Tor! There's..." A scarlet blush tinted Pete's cheeks. "There's someone I met..."
"No." Tutor firmly squeezed Pete's shoulders. "You are not in love with a miserable human!"
"He's not miserable at all!" Pete sighed and Tutor wanted to puke. "He's so kind and strong... He saw them capture me and then told the captain and got me cut loose! He's a good human!" Pete looked up into the shimmering light of day that filtered through ocean water and kelp. "And he was so handsome..."
"No. No no no." Tutor even crossed his arms in an X to drive the point home. "You are never going to the surface again!"
"Then come with me!" Pete tugged on one of Tutor's arms. "If you, one of the greatest warriors of our kingdom comes with me to the surface, surely I'll be safe from the humans." Pete gently laid a hand on Tutor's shoulder, covering a small scar. "For you also escaped once."
Tutor turned his gaze away from Pete and laid a hand over his. "Pete... please don't."
"I won't say I love him yet," Pete said softly as he drew closer to Tutor. "But... I want to see him again. Please, Tor? The minute you say it isn't safe, I'll dive back down with you. I promise."
"You won't just promise, you'll swear it."
Pete pressed Tutor's hand to his heart. "I swear it with all the love I have for you, my dearest brother."
The air above was cool and sharp in a way that the ocean waters were not as Tutor and Pete lay out on the rocks of a small island to sun themselves. Tutor made sure his best spear was never out of reach and on his waist was his best dagger. Instead of enjoying the sun, Pete spent most of the time gazing across the horizon until at last he saw a large ship coming closer. Tutor glared at the offending ship as he watched it lower a smaller boat into the water.
"You planned this," Tutor growled. "You told your human to meet you here!"
"Tor... You agreed..." Pete laid his hand on top of Tutor's shaking one. "It's only the human I met... His name is Ae... He's actually first mate on the ship!"
"I can't believe you would-"
"They're almost here!" Pete's expression immediately perked up as the rowboat made quick work of the remaining distance to the island. However his expression turned perplexed as instead of one man, two emerged from the boat.
One had a rough expression on his tanned face that turned softer as his eyes met Pete's. "This must be his Ae," Tutor muttered to himself. Ae was not classically handsome, at least not by mermen standards, but Tutor could see that he was exactly to his twin's taste. Firm, compact, strong, clear of mind and vision with a soft spot a mile wide for just a particular person. Pete was already waving him over. But the other...
Taller, broader, with a more defined chest that was barely contained within a flimsy linen shirt dyed a vivid blue. By the assortment of things about his waist and the large hat that did little to hide his strong brow and curious eyes, Tutor could tell this man was in charge, the captain perhaps then.
And then their eyes met properly as the wind blew back the man's hat. Tutor found himself lost in the sea of memory, the tight and scratchy feeling of a net binding him, piercing eyes and a voice telling him he'd cut him loose, a warning to not struggle, but how could Tutor not in his panic? A quick flash and then pain in his shoulder, the sound of apology, but Tutor had not bothered to listen, he had run to dive back into cool waters.
Tutor hefted up his spear but the taller man only stepped up to the point and let it lay poised against his chest. Ae and Pete broke from their little tryst of sighs and giggles to watch warily.
"So you do live," the other man said solemnly. "I am glad to see it."
"You... You can't..."
"If you choose to run me through for wrongs done to you, I would not take offense." The man rested his hand on the spear shaft and Tutor fought the urge to wrench it from his grasp or reach for his dagger. "But I spared your life because I wanted to. I hope you will do the same for mine."
"Tor..." Pete called out warningly, but Ae pulled him back and whispered in his ear.
"Tor..." The other man said as if he was testing the name on his tongue. "It suits you. I assume it's short for something?"
"That's not for you to know!"
"Then please let me introduce myself." The man removed his hat in lieu of a bow. "Captain Fighter, of the Merman's Mercy." Fighter's eyes twinkled with something that Tutor dared not name. "It is a pleasure to meet you again, merman Tor."
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Same anon. Yes naked pool nose nuzzle! And the look on Fight's face after he gets praise for agreeing to go to the beach 😊 I reckon that Tor relaxes into nakedness - he's often wearing tshirt in eps 9&10 (in bed, snorkeling, sunset swim) Is he initially insecure about body compared to FT? I am sure by ep 13 theyre only wearing shorts so they could film the rolling around! (btw have you read chap2 of Torfight's fic - they squeeze in a floor quickie before they get interpreted by SaiZon again!)
Gasp! I did not read that chapter 2. It’s unsurprising and not inaccurate at all. Ooh, these two these two. Ahhh. Also, interesting thought there. He could be but I honestly don’t think Tor is insecure about any part of his body because of this scene:
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He was merely apprehensive because he already knew what went through him when Fight took of his shirt first. Tor just knows if he goes there, he’s going there. Yes, Fight teases him into it but you bet it’s all about the follow through which coincidentally is only halfway done in that scene because they both end up backing off...
Awhile back an anon messaged about Tine x Sarawat. I had mentioned in a post how I think Tine could’ve kissed Sarawat in this scene (a bigger confession of mutual feelings):
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Okay, so my wording was “Sarawat deserved a kiss...” the anon mentioned how expecting or being rewarded a kiss after a confession of feelings shouldn’t have to be a mindset or a thing. Maybe it’s because of FTTT that I cannot compute. I’m all for rewarding kisses and even for no reason whatsoever:
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The very dynamic of these two is about rewarding one another, and maybe it doesn’t fit Tine x Sarawat...it doesn’t but my mind often thinks about the very concept of kissing. How it can be different and even the same...
Put it this way. Fight makes Tutor breakfast. Tutor will kiss him as a thank you. No words. A kiss. A smile and he sits to eat.
Maybe I’m suddenly being bitter about 2gether but also given any excuse to talk about Fighter and Tutor kissing watch me talk about them kissing. Though there’s little content, I headcanon a similar dynamic between MorkSun. Mork becoming more comfortable with his feelings to be like yeah I’m kissing my boyfriend every chance I get. Fighter does exactly that pretty consistently and is sometimes denied:
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Oh, poor baby koala. Watch the journey of the big baby’s face. Ah, yes please kiss me and then the words sink in, but that look...what’s it called again? Oh, yes, that sub space...it’s not gone.
Anon, I can’t stop.
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p-mew-kha · 4 years
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From teasing antagonism to care and devotion, fighter and tutor are my faves. Fighter became the sweetest, softest boyfriend once he got the courage to admit his feelings, and brave, self-sufficient stressed out Tutor finally gave in and allowed himself to be happy.
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P’Fight: Pure of heart//dumb of ass
Tor: exasperated and in love
🐰 🐨
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shirasade · 5 years
Drabble: Won’t Be Fooled Again (Tutor x Fighter, WRU?)
300 words, post-ep 6. Rated M for memories and masturbation.
"I'm only teasing you, Tor," Fighter says, you know, like a liar. A lying liar who lies, because who the fuck does he think he's fooling. Not himself, not anymore, and certainly not Tutor either. And yet, every time Tutor asks, Fighter can't help himself. Can't make himself say the words that have been stuck at the back of his throat for months now. I like you, Tutor.
Because he does, so much that it makes it hard to breathe sometimes. He's never liked anyone this much. Has certainly never wanted anyone this much. Looking back, he's pretty sure he's wanted Tutor since the first time he saw him, back at freshman orientation. He's certainly always been aware of him, unable to stay away, pushing and pulling until he got a reaction. Any reaction.
The fact that he now knows what Tutor's lips tastes like, how his body feels pressed against his, his hands on him... Groaning, Fighter gives up and slides a hand down his chest, following the path Tutor took earlier until he reaches his groin. Pushing down his boxers, he grips his cock. A few tugs and he's completely hard, his mind replaying those moments on the couch in exquisite, mind-blowing detail.
When he comes, it's with Tutor's name on his lips.
It's not the first time, and it certainly won't be the last. Rolling over to grab some tissues from the nightstand, Fighter cursorily cleans himself up before falling back onto his pillow, his mind calmer in the aftermath of his orgasm, at least for the time being. Maybe next time he won't lie when Tutor asks. Maybe next time he'll take Tutor's hand in his and never let go again. Maybe next time Tutor will let him.
Sleep beckoning, Fighter is almost certain he will.
(On AO3.)
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