#mag torure
abstract-crossverse · 3 years
Could we perhaps get some Agent Torture with an S/O who may not be the best fighter, but is really good with something else like technology or medical stuff? S/O has scary dog privilege because of the literal Mag that guards them
"Guard Dog" [MAG Agent Torture x Reader, headcannons+scenario]
You're not the greatest fighter, everyone knows that, after all, you could only focus on one thing at a time and medical knowledge was one of them
You're one of the healers in AAHW, and the most caring one too, you're careful and caring about very painful injuries on the agents, and you don't tell them to suck up the pain?? Holy fuck you're the best!!
You're also very skilled in treating big wounds, which lead you to also treat the MAGs when they got hurt
You've treated Torture many times, he's a little confused on why you're trying to make small talk with him, or being ever so gentle with his wounds, or not telling him to stay still and suck it up when he whimpers/hisses/grunts from pain
Given you're so dear and skilled to the Agency, Auditor decided to give you a bodyguard, and you were very grateful for it
Though, after a raid from Hank n co. Your bodyguard kinda died, you were fine though, just with a few minor injuries from grazing bullets
After that, Auditor assigned Torture to stick with you, thus begins a friendship
At first, he always acted so stiffly, never trying to start a conversation or looking at you in the eyes, though as you showed he could treat you like a friend, he relaxed more as time went
You have to scold him every time there's a raid because he will just grab you and press you against his chest consequently using himself as a meat shield, but he doesn't even care, he's more focused on you patching him up, how your hands work in oh so gentle motions, trying to make pain minimum. A gentleness he's never used to, makes his heart flutter
There was a time where he'd get hurt on purpose so you could patch him up, it wasn't until he almost died he stopped doing it
Protects you with all his might and being, and just gets so worried when you have to part ways to go to your quarters, he just wants to make sure no one is gonna try to kill you in your sleep, you're never truly safe in Nevada
He likes to walk behind you because anyone who sees you pass by just get a glimpse and the mag behind you and his shotgun and almost immediately turn away
He ends up confessing while you were scolding him after a raid
You gently pulled the thread and needle away from the gash on his chest, closing the wound shut as you made a knot on the thread
"you seriously have to stop doing that, I know you're assigned to protect me, but you're not a fucking meat shield, and even if I'm not great at fighting I can still protect myself well enough.." you said as you put down the needle after cutting the line, taking some cotton with rubbing alcohol and gently dapping it on the recently sewn cut
The feeling of the alcohol touching Torture's skin stung, but he didn't mind, nor did he pay attention to your words, he just kept staring at your hands and how they gently flowed back and forth as they worked on his injuries
God it drives him crazy, he yearns for your touch, he needs it, he needs you, his breathing got a little heavy as he thought of confessing his feelings for you, a million ways of confessing ran through his head, many of them resulting in hard rejections, but even if you did reject him, at least he tried
As you finished patching him up with bandages, you pulled your hands away and crossed your arms
Everything was silent for a while before Torture gently grabbed your forearm and pulled it out from crossing, placing a finger under your chin and tilting it to look at him with his free hand
"Tor, what are you?-" his hand finally let go of your arm as he gently drew on your arm up to your hand with his claws, intertwining his fingers with yours, though his were so big you could barely move yours, he leaned in, bonking his head with your forehead, letting out a pleased hum as he closed his eyes and sighed
Your heart raced, face burning, what's going on???
Before you could even register what was going on, he slowly tilted his head and gently pressed his lips on your head, given the size difference he couldn't actually kiss you, but oh was he tempted
He pulled away shortly after, carefully lifting you up with his hands and he leaned back on the wall and set you on top of his chest, keeping a hand behind you in case you fall
You stood speechless, processing what just happened as he purred
Soon you snapped back into reality, face red as you sputtered nonsense and laughing in surprise, making Tor smile lovingly
"hAha, didn't expect that! You're a real surpriser, Tor! haha..." you playfully squinted at him, trying to brush off the fact you were flustered beyond belief, soon you sighed, laying down on his chest, arms sprawled out in a makeshift hug
".. I'm so glad you feel the same..." you muttered, though Torture was able to hear, his purring got louder after that, pulling you closer up to his neck, you yourself sharing a purr, slowly falling asleep from a long, chaotic day in each other's arms
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