#fictkin memories
regretakin · 6 months
Okokok so starting off
- I wuz non-binary, pansexual, nd polyamorous!!
- I wuz in a relationship wif both Infected / Kasper and Pest :3
- Me n Pest were in a relationship b4 we started dating Kasper, Pest expressed hiz feelingz towards Infected 2 me n I wuz okay with Pest being poly ^_^ ..I later also figured out I had feelings for Kasper sooo we became a polycule :3
(also uhm pls let me know if I'm using any wrong termz!!! I'm not very educated on polyamory nd i don't wanna use wrong the wording or terms!!!! Ty!!!)
- I almost exclusively used they/them, but I also didn't mind he/him sometimes
- I carried around a sketchbook and I would draw stuff around me. I drew a doodle of everyone (meaning every npc I knew of) labelled "my frienz! :D"
- I LUVD PEST'Z PIEZ... I alwayz asked him 2 make them fur my partiez:3 my favorite one that he always made was lemon meringue pie...
- SPEAKING OF LEMON PIE!! I loved lemon flavored stuff anything!!!
- I had a nubbin tail. It sorta looked like a deer tail but also not rlly a deer? If that makes sense?
- I had curly-ish short hair. I was also fuzzy ^_^
- I tried to make Infected take medication for his infection several timez with no success :c
- NOT ABOUT ME BUUT Pest deffo has two sets of arms.. he waz soo cool 2 me ..!!!
- I wuz constantly energetic.. convinced I didn't sleep liek at all!! (I MEAn I diid but like only when Pest and Infected came over n we snuggled... GAHH HOMOSEXUALITY!!!!!)
- I had an oral fixation cos of the party horn...
- I had ADHD and possibly autism!!
- had a vocal stim where I'd meow.. blowing the party horn wuz also a stim of mine!!!
- I had paws / paw pads !!
- was terrible at determining if ppl were my friendz or nawt.. so I jus thought everyone wuz my friend :3
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ph1ghterz · 5 months
Okok mem dump hihi
I was a weird shark thing. Had a shark tail. My dad / Zuka also had a shark tail
I think I was aaa lemon shark n Dad was a tiger shark ^_^
My dad used to take me on "fun-days" to the park when I was younger. We'd have a picnic or we'd go get lunch somewhere :3
These were usually on Saturdays, but sometimes he'd surprise me and take me during the week.
I'm like 79% sure I had some kinda crush on Sword. I dunno if anything came of it but uhh.. yeahh
Sword also came up with the idea of carving my horns to look like my dad's. I was terrified to do it initially cos
1 - I was scared it would hurt (it didn't unless I got too close to the base of the horn, even then it was a very bearable pain)
And 2 - I didn't know how dad would react. I think he liked it
Sword also offered to help me carve them but I wanted to do it by myself (I did NOT do a good job the first time around. I'm pretty sure dad had to fix them up for me)
I think I was like.. 12-13 when I started doing this iirc
I think I was transmasc? And probably bisexual and or gay
That's all methinks :P
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saintpallis · 9 months
TL Memories Ask Game!
🏝 where did you live?
🎀 what kind of clothes did you wear?
🫂 who were you closest with?
❤️ what is one of your favorite memories of a person you loved?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 who did you consider your family?
🤑 did you have a job, and if so, what was it?
🐕 did you have any pets?
🍓 what was a food you liked?
🎮 what did you do in your spare time?
🚻 what was your gender and sexuality?
🧠 what is a memory that's on your mind right now?
⭐️ what is your favorite memory?
👑 what's something you remember that's close to or the same as canon?
🃏 whats something you remember that's different from canon?
🤓 what's something you remember being good at?
💅 how do you remember yourself looking?
😔 what's one thing you regret?
♾️ Summarize your memories in one sentence!
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what do you do when you want to talk about your kin experiences very much but you just don't have anything relateable or funny to say
like yes I want to write a paragraph about my memories. I just don't think anybody would read it
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bluu3berry · 2 months
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This is of my fictkin aka fictionkin horror sans! She is transfem, and goes by many names but prefers rabies or terror! But likes horror too!
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@anon-coke @borisboring @scramble-eg @thelunarsystemwrites @the-second-reason
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p4rty4nim4l · 2 months
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I love my true blue friendo ^.^~ <3
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fandomsoda · 7 months
Ok, so um… I figured something out about myself. I’ve known it for a few weeks now, but wasn’t sure exactly how to come out about it.
even though I doubted it a bit at first, I have discovered that I am fictionkin! Not just kinning characters, like genuine alterhuman type stuff.
sooo I decided to find a way to express this. I’ve made a bunch of userboxes that explain my situation and experiences, but they are perfectly free for others to use! I hope this is efficient in explaining the situation.
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So… yeah! I hope that everyone can understand… this is me.
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Now Also Taking Kin Calls And System Source Calls !! ^^
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❄️ Kin Calls - For Both Singlet and System Alterhumans 🌲 System Source Calls - For Systems
🧊 Gif By: x
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stardespairtime · 2 months
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What I remember looking like!
No, I don't know where the golden crack came from! It makes my face feel uncomfortable whenever I try to remember.
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sleepyboizclub · 2 months
no, No, Bcs what the FCK do you MEAN Nico would be a gay Disney Prince in season 3!?
As a nico fictionkin HUH. LIKE POG, SLAY, WERK IT IG, BUT WOAH?
(Saying this during a heavy Nico kin shift is wild, because spoiler alert...I kinda disliked Disney in source. I'M SORRY-)
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symbol-of-fear · 4 months
Part of me misses my League so, so much, but, the other part knows that this tye of life, a normal, free life, is what they all would want me to have, and I shouldn't waste it or want to give it up... Still, I just wish I could meet them, any of them, in this life, maybe even the next.
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schizoclock · 4 months
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Toby’s where y’all at
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being fictionkin is all fun and games until you Remember that one Thing or Person and then suddenly it's not as fun anymore
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your-local-edd-kin · 4 months
do you still love kaufmo as a abstracted monster?
I mean, yeah, I did. I couldn't really talk with him at all after he Abstracted, and it kinda just spiraled from there. I regret my actions quite a lot.
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moth-yea · 20 days
Sorry if this is poorly worded I'm sort of new to fictionkin terminology and I'm bad at writing in general lol
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fandomsoda · 6 months
Fictionkin memories are either the type of memories that “make sense” to recall (memories of upsetting or traumatic events, being reminded of meaningful moments and things about the people you once knew), and then there are the times when your brain just says something like “hey remember when we almost burnt the base down?” with the suddenness of being hit with a frying pan.
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