kinardsevan · 2 months
fic friday
(here, have more on the aneurysm fic)
“What’re you doing,” Evan asks, twitching from his spot in the bed. He’s restless and he’s supposed to be staying calm, but he’s so utterly terrified by everything at the moment that settling down is feeling a little out of hand. 
“Trying to figure out how FMLA works when it’s not for me,” Tommy replies. “I mean I can call my captain, but I’m more concerned about the here and now of things.” 
Evan sighs, reaches his hand out for Tommy. Tommy’s expression shifts, less focused on his phone and more concerned as he crosses the room and sits on the side of the bed, holding Evan’s hand. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” Tommy tells him, stroking his thumb over the back of his hand. “I know it’s a lot.” 
Evan nods, staring down at the blanket. 
“Can I ask,” Tommy queries a moment later. Evan glances back up at him. “Why didn’t you say anything, Evan?” 
Evan gulps then, inhales a deep breath. 
“I mean, the first time, I thought I just pulled something,” he states softly. “And then when it happened again, I thought maybe I was just overdoing it, that I just needed to dial back on stuff.” 
“But?” Tommy asks. 
Evan shakes his head, shame crossing his face. “I got scared.” 
Tommy sighs then, moving forward on the bed and cupping Evan's face in his hands. When Evan looks up at him, there are tears in Tommy’s eyes, his face hardened with something. It’s not anger, but looks like something more akin to heartbreak. 
“You tell me when something scares you,” Tommy reminds him. “We’ve had this talk. Especially if it’s you’re health. Okay?” 
Evan nods then, tears falling before he even knows they’re coming. Tommy pulls him forward gently, pressing his lips into the side of Evan’s head as he holds him. 
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hekateinhell · 1 year
It is technically still Thursday in my part of the world but I just read this fic and I loved it so much that I couldn't wait until tomorrow to share it for #vcfridayfic!
so today's UNOFFICAL #vcficfriday is a book canon-compliant Armand/Louis:
This is my Body, this is my Blood (9598 words) by Liaeling Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Vampire Chronicles Series - Anne Rice Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Armand/Louis de Pointe du Lac Characters: Armand (Vampire Chronicles), Louis de Pointe du Lac Additional Tags: Post-Merrick (Vampire Chronicles), Post-The Vampire Armand (Vampire Chronicles), Pre-Prince Lestat (Vampire Chronicles), Hurt/Comfort, mentions of past trauma, self-actualization, Role Reversal, Power Exchange, Edgeplay, Catholic Imagery, Erotic heresy because why not, Extreme Horniness after decades of denial, Repression turned into kink, It's never too late for first times, Breaking away from Catholic guilt to fuck like animals Summary: His green eyes shone brightly in the light of the bridge above us and yet their inner light was soft, subdued and candle-like. A gaze for a beloved, a softness reserved for the love-filled whispers in the shadowed garden. “Let me hold you like I never did,” his whisper in me, “Let me love you like I never allowed myself to.”
I can't properly express yet how much I adored this fic. It hit so many notes for me between the symbolism, the imagery, the characterization, and of course — the kinky parts! It's so rare to see any content with this ship in the first place, never mind anything set in the missing period between Merrick and PL, but us Armand/Louis girlies just got served a full course meal today. It's what they (and us) deserve. ♥️🖤
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Their Call for Home
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The city of Mer'Teval is not only the home of the Queen and her family, but also to thousands of inhabitants as the kingdom's biggest city. One of them are the orc couple Maud and Amon, once adventurers of their own, who settled down and started to gather by accident the misfits among the misfits around them as healer and artificer who don't care who you are or where you come from. Some of those misfits are closer to them than others, and then there are their dear ones, their little unusual horde that consist of their old dwarven friend Kaladin and his warden Saylah with strong magic, the young tiefling bard Iskra with the dream to become famous, and the former royal guard Meir who has a good heart but also a habit to get into trouble. When Feyre, the young necromancer beast woman, becomes part of this unusual horde, a chain of events gets put into motion. She, Saylah, Iskra, and Meir have to face the demons of the past to lift the fog of the political schemes going on that started after the death of the Queen and created a tyranny under the new King no one expected to ascend at all. Accidentally becoming the spearhead of the rebellion, those four have only one option: Going forward. What to expect: found family, champion of the gods, accidental heroes, slow burn romance side plot, LGBTQA+ characters, mentions of emotional neglect, mentions of trauma
Story Snippets:
Flash FicFriday Prompt Tree of Life  (A usual morning at Maud’s and Amon’s house) Meir's and Feyre's First Meeting Flash Fic Friday Prompt Against The Flow (Saylah's magic trainig with her foster father Kaladin) Flash Fic Friday Prompt Celestial Bodies  (Amon tells Feyre a story during a picknick)
OC Favorites Tag for Meir (Moodboard)
STS Ask about their perfect day
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ketchupcrisp · 3 years
Fic Friday!
Hey, team! Happy Fic Friday!
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a garden (you never get to see): here
corporate synergy and other buzzwords: here
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remedialpotions · 7 years
Hi! For the four word prompts: "you think you're funny?" Sorry if this one you already did, absolutely love your writing!!
Thank you so much, and I’m sorry for taking so long! Hopefully this puts everyone in the holiday spirit ❤️💚
Warning: Some mildly suggestive dialogue.
You Think You’re Funny?
Hermione’s options for holiday shopping at Hogwarts were, admittedly, limited - if she couldn’t purchase it by owl-order, she really couldn’t purchase it at all - but she felt confident in her gift for Ron all the same. Though the pressure was on, as it was their first holiday together as a couple, the past several months together had given her plenty of ideas, and a quick perusal of Ginny’s copy of Quidditch Quarterly had sealed the deal. Now, with Christmas Eve festivities at the Burrow successfully concluded, she found that she could not stand to lie on the camp bed in Ginny’s room another minute.
Catlike, Hermione crept out of the room and up the winding staircase to the attic bedroom, a trip she had perfected over the past summer. Carefully, she turned the doorknob and was met with the sound of both Ron and Harry snoring noisily in their beds. Hermione made a beeline for Harry’s camp bed, which only raised him about a foot off the floor.
“Harry,” she whispered, prodding him in the shoulder with her foot. “Get out.”
Harry stirred, blinking up at her in bleary confusion. “Huh?”
“Get out,” Hermione repeated impatiently. “Go to Ginny’s room or something, just go away.”
With an air of being severely inconvenienced, Harry hauled himself up from the bed and plodded toward the door. As he soundlessly exited the room, Hermione perched on the edge of Ron’s bed with a small wrapped box held behind her back. Her weight on the narrow mattress jostled him, causing his eyes to flicker open. Ron sat up, copper hair in disarray, the corner of his mouth tilting upward at the sight of her.
“What’re you doing in here?” he asked, leaning in to touch his lips to hers and casually igniting the lantern on his nightstand. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“I wanted to give you the first part of your gift now,” Hermione replied. “I’ve decided it can’t wait until morning.”
Ron made a small show of checking the time on his watch. “Okay,” he nodded, a small smirk crossing his features. “It’s after midnight, I’ll allow it.”
Hermione placed the box on his lap, her lower lip between her teeth in nervous anticipation as he peeled away the wrapping paper. It was their first real Christmas together, and it was meant to be special, and she thought she knew Ron well enough to know how he would react, but if she ruined the holiday before it had even properly begun-
“These are brilliant,” Ron chuckled, extracting from the box a pair of bright orange boxers emblazoned with black interlocking C’s. “You think you’re funny, don’t you?”
Unperturbed - she had anticipated this - Hermione met his perplexed yet happy grin with a smirk of her own. “You do love the Cannons,” she remarked, gesturing to the many Quidditch posters adorning his walls.
“Yeah, I do-“ and he tilted forward to kiss her again, but she dodged him.
“And it might interest you to know,” she continued on confidently, “that I happen to have a matching set. For myself.”
The grin fell from Ron’s face, replaced by an expression of great intrigue. “You have? Really?”
“It’s the other part of your gift.”
He mouthed wordlessly for a second, unable to find his voice. “So…” He cleared his throat and swallowed thickly. “So when do I get to, erm, y’know, unwrap that part?”
“I sent Harry away,” said Hermione as a blush crept into her cheeks, “so right now if you want.”
Ron pounced on her, tackling her to the bed, his laughter resonating in her ears.
“Still think it’s funny?” Hermione teased him, prompting a hurried shake of the head.
“Not at all.” He pulled away just long enough to kiss her square on the lips. “Best Christmas ever.”
you can find more four word prompts here!
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trademarkblue · 7 years
Summary: Mid-DH. Ron and Hermione begin to reconcile in the days following Ron’s return, as Harry preoccupies himself with his growing obsession over the Deathly Hallows.
Words: 4,507
Warnings: may make you hungry if you haven’t had dinner yet, like myself... otherwise, just your usual fluff with a splash of angsty past
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mortalerosa · 3 years
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ketchupcrisp · 3 years
It’s Fic Friday, all!
Here’s a garden (you never get to see)
And here’s the penultimate chapter of corporate synergy
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ketchupcrisp · 4 years
I’ve gotten terrible at remembering to cross-post about new chapters here, but I’m super excited about this one!
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Happy Fic Friday, all!
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ketchupcrisp · 4 years
In which I just barely make the Fic Friday deadline, again. I demand/humbly request (demaquest?) forgiveness on the basis of it being my birthday yesterday, and because writing this chapter made me cry.
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ketchupcrisp · 5 years
Fic Friday!
I neglected to post about Fic Friday yesterday, but it was a big one! Updates to both the main verse and Ask Strange. (No one better embarrass Tony in front of the wizards, now!)
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New chapter of unfinished symphony is here. You can find all the Ask Strange responses here on Tumblr, or if you want all the recent replies collected in one place, check out chapters 8 and 9 here on A03.
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ketchupcrisp · 6 years
The next chapter of you great unfinished symphony (you sent for me) is up! And so are the collected #AskStrange questions and replies from chapter one.
Happy Friday, all!
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nivalvixen · 3 years
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NaNoWriMo final count comes in at 51,833! 🥳 I'm glad I got to write this much. It's all random scenes, some of them do flow on from each other, others contradict earlier ones, but I wrote it and I'm done for the month! 😄 I might even look at it again, and decide it's worth continuing/finishing, and maybe one day in the far future, editing 😅 Also, you get a second post today because I have exciting news. Hint: I didn't just write an original story during NaNoWriMo! #nanowrimo #ficfriday #fanficfriday #fanfiction #writer #writerscommunity #writersofinstagram #nanowrimo2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CW_saR8Bs5O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nivalvixen · 3 years
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NaNoWriMo update: 27,611 words! I'm actually enjoying writing random scenes so far, and clearly getting more done than I anticipated! I didn't write last night as I wasn't feeling well - I slept from 7pm to 4am! - but I'm sure I'll make it up over this weekend 😊 How's your NaNoWriMo going? #nanowrimo #nanowrimo2021 #ficfriday #fanficfriday #writing #originalfiction https://www.instagram.com/p/CWMA-pCh8IZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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remedialpotions · 7 years
If you feel like writing it: "So, it was you." ❤
Good gracious did it take me a long time to come up with a premise for this one! This actually turned out to be a little follow upto Is That My Shirt? and, to give credit where it’s due, I got the inspiration for this from a comment that @trademarkblue left on that drabble. Anyway, sorry about the delay (have a feeling I’ll be saying that a lot 😬) and I hope you like it! 💕
So, It Was You
Ron had always supposed it was bad luck, or maybe the twins messing with him, or possibly even Lavender during those odd few months of sixth year, but his Muggle clothing had a history of vanishing throughout his six years at Hogwarts. He didn’t have a ton of stuff to begin with - the traditional Weasley Christmas jumper, some old hand-me-downs from Bill, a few Cannons items that he’d scrimped and saved to purchase for himself - so he’d always felt he needed everything he had. Even the garments that were too small, he could stretch those out with magic to a point and make them work, but not if they were gone. Things always turned up in the end, too, which usually had him wondering if he was going a bit mad.
It was even worse after a year on the run; he was amazed he even had a pair of pajamas left (his pajama trousers, too, went missing with alarming frequency). But regardless, he’d crammed everything he owned into his rucksack and followed Hermione halfway around the world, because he’d do anything for her, even if he had to do it in a pair of slacks that he’d owned since he was twelve. And now that they were in Australia, in their very own hotel room, he was really just glad to be here with her at all.
Hermione emerged from the bathroom, face freshly scrubbed, just as Ron was finally figuring out how to work the remote control for the television. She sat on the bed next to him and pecked his cheek, linking her arm through his.
Her maroon wool-clad arm.
“Koalas?” she questioned, pointing to the little animals onscreen.
“Just be glad it’s not the Sydney tourism channel anymore,” replied Ron with a little chuckle. Linking their fingers together, he rubbed his free hand over the fabric on her forearm. “Not that I mind at all, but where’d you find this?” It was the one from sixth year, and as it still fit him relatively well, he’d actually been looking for it.
“Oh - well…” She bit her lower lip and stared down at the paisley pattern on the bedspread. “It was at the bottom of the beaded bag, so I just took it to sleep in, you’ve never noticed before-”
Hermione seemed to recognize her own slip of the tongue and snapped her mouth shut, now looking down at their interlaced hands.
“Wait,” said Ron, watching a blush creep up her cheeks. “What do you mean, before?”
“I - I just like sleeping in your clothes sometimes,” Hermione admitted, “but I always give them back-”
“So it was you,” Ron realized with a dawning clarity. “You’ve been my clothes thief all these years?”
“Yes,” she said meekly, meeting his eyes through thick, dark lashes. She looked so embarrassed at being found out, but this was actually blowing his mind; it amazed him that even years ago, she had been that compelled to feel close to him.
“So then that time at Shell Cottage, that wasn’t the first time you’ve done that?”
“No, it’s been since… third year, I think?”
Ron goggled at her. “You’ve been wearing my clothes since third year?”
“Oh, your clothes are just so much better than mine,” she insisted, “they’re all big and warm and soft and so they’re perfect for sleeping in.”
“Just out of curiosity, how much of my stuff do you have right now?” asked Ron, laughing and giving her hand a little squeeze.
“Er, just this jumper and that one Cannons shirt, but you did say I could have that,” she defended herself, looking defiantly up at Ron.
“You can have whatever you want,” he assured her, and he hoped he knew he wasn’t just talking about pilfering his wardrobe. “I don’t have a ton, but what’s mine is yours.”
He really didn’t need any of it. He had her, after all, and that was more than enough.
you can find more four word prompts here!
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remedialpotions · 7 years
"You always this quiet?"
This prompt took me aaaages for some reason, I had so many half-baked ideas that never went anywhere. And then I remembered that my life is nothing without Deathly Hallows missing moments. Enjoy! 💕
You Always This Quiet?
The plan was changing, as of course it would - nothing about the extraction of Harry Potter from the Dursleys’ could be simple, of course - but finally the rest of the Order had headed home, leaving Ron alone with Hermione in the cozy comfort of the Burrow’s kitchen. Ron couldn’t exactly say he was growing accustomed to these moments of solitude with her, as her mere presence seemed to heighten every one of his senses, but they’d been more and more frequent over the past few months and he was certainly not complaining. He was eager to see Harry, sure, but he rather liked having her all to himself.
“Tea?” he suggested, rising from the table to fetch the kettle. Hermione just shrugged, which Ron took as a yes. The great thing about finally being of age was the freedom to use magic whenever he pleased, and within seconds he had the water boiling. “You want milk or sugar or anything in it?”
“I don’t care,” she muttered back, her eyes fixed on a burn mark in the table.
Ron paused, his hand halfway to the cupboard. Since when did Hermione not share her opinion? “Lots of sugar it is, then,” he declared brightly, fully anticipating a speech on the irreparable damage he would do to their teeth with his sugar addiction.
Ron turned to look at her, watching her hair fall in curtains around her face. Hastily, he prepared two cups (and he did accidentally dump quite a bit of sugar into them in his rush) and then sat down in the chair beside her.
“You always this quiet?” he asked, knowing that the truthful answer was a resounding no. She never shut up usually, and he loved it. He could bicker and banter back and forth with her for hours and never get bored, so these monosyllabic responses were, frankly, a little scary.
“I’m just worried,” she said finally, idly stirring her tea. “About my mum and dad.”
“Oh.” Of course she’d be concerned for them. They were Muggles, they had little defense against Death Eaters. “Well, I’m sure Kingsley could put some wards up around your house, like he’s done here-”
“But they’re not there,” she said, her voice hoarse. “They’re in Australia.”
“Wait, what?”
“I modified their memories,” Hermione confessed, watching the milky liquid swirl around in her mug. “I changed their names and made it so they thought their life’s dream was to move to Australia and now they’ve gone, and - and they don’t know I exist. They don’t think they have any children.” She dropped her forehead into her palm as Ron stared, open-mouthed, and searched his brains for something, anything, to say.
“Oh, Hermione-”
“I didn’t know what else to do!” she cried, finally meeting his eyes. “It’s only a matter of time before the Death Eaters go looking for them, and - and they’re Muggles, they never asked for any of this! It’s my fault that they’re in danger, I have to protect them.”
“It’s okay,” Ron said gently. Feeling like he could - like he should, really - he placed a hand on her back. “You know they’re safe now, that’s what’s important.”
“But what if I’ve done the spell wrong? I’ve never done that kind of magic before, I studied the theory as much as I could but we all know theory isn’t the same as actual practice and-”
“Hey,” he interrupted her fretting. “I’m sure you did fine. And it’s not permanent, the spell, is it? You can get them back?”
“No, it can be undone. But that’s actually the worst of it, what if I go to find them and they never forgive me for it? If I was them, I’d be furious-”
“Look,” said Ron, “they had enough faith in you to send you to Hogwarts in the first place, didn’t they?” He’d begun rubbing a circle into her back without even realizing it. “And it was the right thing to do, because you’re brilliant. They know that… and I know that.” Hermione nodded, blinking rapidly to keep tears at bay. “So they’d have to trust you, right, that you did the right thing?”
“I suppose,” she said, not sounding convinced.
“And if we - when we win - and it’s safe for them to come back…” Ron took a moment to summon his courage. “I’ll go with you.”
“You would?” She seemed in awe.
“Yeah, of course. If you want me to, I’ll be there.”
She sniffled and mustered up a watery smile. “Thanks, Ron.”
“Yeah, anything,” he replied, giving her shoulder a squeeze. “Now drink your tea,” he changed tacks, needing to break the ice, “it’s getting cold.”
She brought the mug to her lips and took a small sip, only to nearly choke and gawk at him in astonishment. “That’s like liquid candy! How much sugar did you put in here?”
“Just a little bit,” he chuckled.
“You know, when you eat sugar,” Hermione began, “it wears away at the enamel on your teeth and that’s permanent damage, and it can also cause cavities…”
Ron leaned back in his chair and sipped his own sugary tea, thoroughly enjoying his lecture.
you can find more four word prompts here!
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