booksandtales · 1 year
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booksandtales · 4 years
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bookstore employee
A girl told you you remind her of her favourite character. You wrote your number on her receipt. After a month of really hitting it off, you finally go out for coffee.
You didn’t have the heart to tell her you prefer tea.
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booksandtales · 4 years
thesis update #2
today was a very productive day! thesis-wise, i started reading the first book i want to translate. i used color coded page flags to mark: - neologisms - idioms - puerto rican words - things that will be difficult to translate after the first read through, i plan to pass the writing unto a word document so i can get a word count and determine how many more comics i need
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booksandtales · 4 years
thesis update #1
so come august, i will be starting my third and final year in my masters degree. i’m currently studying translation and specializing in spanish to english. if all goes well, i should be starting my thesis and be one step closer to graduating!
for my thesis i have to translate a text that is at least 12,000 words and writing a preface to it (more on that later). if my proposal is approved, i will be translating various puerto rican graphic novels and comic strips (have to pick more than one text to reach the word minimum) that have never been translated before
my plan for the summer is to: - pick the final texts i want to translate - hopefully start translating them to get ahead (a girl could dream) - after picking the final texts and analyzing them, start looking for scholarly references that will help me translate the text or justify my translations
i’ll be sharing more about the process as the summer goes on :)
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booksandtales · 4 years
a few updates
It’s been such a long time since I’ve posted on this page, and what a better time than quarantine to get back into it.
I just finished my second year in my masters in translation. not gonna lie, this whole online classes thing? not a fan. and i shudder at the thought that next semester is going to be the same.
some academic updates: - i’m taking my comprehensive exam in early august - if i pass it, i’ll be able to start my thesis when the new semester starts
I’ll be making a separate post all about my thesis :)
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booksandtales · 4 years
quarantine productivity
i know everyone keeps sharing productivity tips and saying to wake up at the same time every day, preferably an earlier time...
but i’m here to tell you that what has really helped me during this quarantine is to let my body get all the sleep it needs and waking up naturally
i wake up feeling much more refreshed and end up getting more done
so this is a friendly reminder to find what works for you, and not do what everyone keeps sharing and then feeling guilty when it doesn’t work
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booksandtales · 5 years
man, has the semester kept me away! If you guys are interested, I’m much more active on Instagram!
my un is booksntales!
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booksandtales · 5 years
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Today I went to my favorite coffee shop with my boyfriend, and, after eating a delicious breakfast, sat down to work on my final for my Art of Translating the Graphic Novel class. We had to translate 5 pages from The Sandman: Endless Nights graphic novel. While at the cafe, I did my first draft. Afterwards, we went Christmas shopping, and I revised that first draft when I got back home. I’m happy to say I’m very proud of my work, and I sent it in a few hours ago. It’s been a very productive day! I even wrapped some Christmas presents.
Two finals down, one more to go! It’s due next Thursday, and I plan on working on it in the next few days. Hoping to turn it in early. Have a productive weekend, everybody! 🪐
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booksandtales · 5 years
I just wanted to say that omg I love the aesthetic of ur blog SM!!! And you're a Slytherin? 😌 taste.
Thank you so much! I try 😅
Are you a Slytherin as well??
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booksandtales · 5 years
🕣(study better at day or night?) 🌠(what's your dream job?) ☁️(weather you're most comfy in?) For the asks 😊
🕣 study better during the day! once that sun sets, my brain is dead
🌠 my dream job is to be an editor/translator! I love love love books with all my heart, and being able to help authors would be amazing
☁️ COLD! chilly weather where I can wear sweaters is my favorite thing. it’s my favorite thing in the world and makes everything better: coffee, studying, and cuddling my cat.
thanks for asking! 🥰
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booksandtales · 5 years
it’s thursday
the week is almost over for most people; the weekend is almost here. let’s try to be productive for the remainder of the week, my dudes! my to-do list for the day is: go to pay for uni get coffee class from 9am-12pm meet up with a friend for lunch (tentative, since she’s sick) buy a friend’s birthday gift laundry continue working on a take-home test plan christmas gifts sleep
this last one is pretty important. i have not been sleeping well these last few weeks, and it’s taking a major toll on me. hope you have a productive day!
share your to-do lists! let’s be productive together!
update 7:58am: currently working on that take-home test as i wait for class to start. already got coffee and paid for school, so the rest of the day should be a bit more relaxed. fingers crossed.
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booksandtales · 5 years
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Images from my trip back in October.
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booksandtales · 5 years
bored in class, send me things!
Studyblr Ask Game!!
☕ - What is your go to coffee order?
🍁 - What season is your favorite? When are you most productive?
🌴 - What would your dream vacation be like?
🌍 - If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?
🖼 - Do you like your blog theme? Is there anything you would change about it?
🎨 - What colors do you like your notes to be?
⏲ - Do you study better in the morning or at night?
🌠 - What is your dream job for the future?
☁ - What type of weather do you feel most comfortable in?
⚽ - Have you played any sports?
🏅- How competitive are you?
🎧 - What type of music do you study to?
💻 - Electronic or physical notes?
🎬 - What movie or tv show helps you wind down?
📚 - Do you prefer to use sprial notebooks or composition books?
📖 - Favorite school subject?
🖊- Favorite highlighter color?
🏫 - What grade are you in?
📅 - Do you use a calendar? Does it help you to stay organized?
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booksandtales · 5 years
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Just working on some writing a little bit aimlessly, thinking a lot about time, about edges, about art and form. Do you ever feel like a few things on your mind might be connected but can’t yet see how?
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booksandtales · 5 years
masters studyblr here! 🤘🏽
reblog this if you’re a university level studyblr
most of the ones i follow are high school level and i need more people my own age/education level!
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booksandtales · 5 years
it’s sunday!
Don’t forget to:
• plan your week
• prep your bag for tomorrow
• plan your outfit
• make tomorrow’s to-do list
• prep tomorrow’s food
• get some rest 🪐
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booksandtales · 5 years
good luck with your list!
I feel your pain. I feel like my professors don’t think I take other classes and also work full-time. Wayyyy too much to do, so little time.
i’ve taken a shower, eaten breakfast, made some tea, and i’ve started my work for the day
to-do list today: - read an article on translating onomatopoeias - finish translating a comic book about the federal reserve bank - practice for a test. this involves formatting PDFs into Word to then uploading them to Memsource so I can translate them - do an assignment on paronyms - do some good ol’ cleaning - continue packing because mOvInG sOoN
go write your own to-do lists and join me in this productive sunday
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