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phanfictioncatalogue · 3 days ago
Fics to Make You Smile (2) Masterlist
part one
An Evening in the Phouse (ao3) - p4stmybedtime
Summary: Phil turned around to dry his hands on a tea towel and saw Dan gently swaying to the music when he got an idea.
"Wanna dance?" He asked and reached a hand out to the other man.
Dan chuckled shyly but took Phil's hand in
his own, “Now who’s the soppy one?” He asked.
“Shuddup, I hate you” Phil mumbled into Dan's neck as he felt Dan's other hand splay out on his back, holding him close as they stepped in time to the slow beat (and occasionally on one another’s toes).
Phil wracked his brain for a place he felt safer than in Dan's arms but came up with nothing.
Everyone's a feminist until there is a spider around (ao3) - skygremlin
Summary: Dan and Phil are wrapping up their North American leg of the Terrible Influence tour on the east coast, getting ready for a show in a basement dressing room backstage. Dan notices that Phil's acting really suspicious, trying to keep Dan distracted from whatever he's doing. As it turns out, there's pretty good reason why.
I need you to save me (ao3) - itsalwaysaphantime
Summary: Dan calles Phil from the bathroom in the middle of the night.
i’m electric, a romantic cliché (me and you were meant to be in love) (ao3) - nardfx
Summary: “i really don’t know if i can do this.”
“you can do this.”
“okay, but what happens when everyone’s eyes are on me and they all know all of my secrets?”
dan and phil go to prom
iPads and Tour Bunks (ao3) - dnpangels
Summary: Phil tries to watch Netflix on his huge iPad in his tour bunk, but it falls on his face and causes him pain. Dan is there to make fun of him but also to comfort him.
Basically, it's just pure tour bus fluff.
Knick-Knacks (ao3) - blissedoutphil
Summary: Dan wants to get rid of most of their knick-knacks, their forever home has to be minimalistic. Phil isn't helping Dan pack, he's too busy buying more knick-knacks.
life is but a dream (ao3) - redactednp
Summary: Dan and Phil go on a rowing date.
lie with me (sew your heart to my sleeve) (ao3) - trademarkblue
Summary: You make me feel safe, Phil. I've never felt like that before. Safe like this. Not for a long time, at least.
A ficlet about comfort and new love.
Love Languages (ao3) - dipnpip
Summary: 5 ficlets about how they express their love through each language.
One single thread of gold (tied me to you) (ao3) - Lesbianphan
Summary: Just a cute little fluffy one to celebrate the 15 years of Dan and Phil the best way I know how: through RPFing, of course!
pigeons (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Dan is wondering if it’s too late to admit he really doesn't care for pigeons all that much.
Or, it's 2017, and the two just moved to the new flat which has a balcony and a new hyper fixation for Phil.
Raise the Woof (ao3) - yiffandquiff
Summary: Dan started his own dog bakery after a trip through Pinterest gave him the idea of baking a cake for his family dog Colin. The bakery is a success and Dan loves the fact that he gets regular customers coming in all the time to order cupcakes. One customer, in particular, comes in every day and goes by the name of Phil. But Phil never brings a dog with him...
Phil is a werewolf and likes eating the cupcakes himself.
Right Where I Want To Be (ao3) - Misha_with_wings
Summary: Dan’s heart would still race in his chest, even after all this time. All Phil had to do was nuzzle into the crook of his neck and Dan was instantly melting beneath him
Dan wonders how it was even possible to still be so in love after all this time, but with the scent of apple shampoo at the tip of his nose and the feeling of a warm body in his arms he didn’t have to wonder anymore.
His heart already knew.
the hoodie bow incident (ao3) - antiadvil
Summary: they were kissing.
The Phat (ao3) - gaydreaming
Summary: When Dan and Phil find an abandoned cat on a late-night walk to Dominos, Dan insists that they aren't going to keep him. After all, they know nothing about taking care of a pet. Dan will have the self control to put his foot down when faced with both Phil's big eyes and the cat's, right? ...Right?
three of us (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Phil is ready to make the next step. Dan isn't so sure.
Set after Dan comes home from WAD.
two wolves (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: They're in the middle of a meeting, and Phil seems to be trying to tell him something. But what?
(or, Dan accidentally wears a certain novelty wolf t-shirt to an online meeting with their tour team.)
Up On Puppy Hill (ao3) - endoftape
Summary: Dan and Phil visit a local Puppy Cafe.
where affection calls (ao3) - ivylakes
Summary: “Well? Do you see me?”
“I do not.”
“Are you using the binoculars?”
Phil laughs. “Not yet.”
“You’re laughing,” Dan says. “I’m dying in the heat, waiting for you to use the binoculars that spawned in our home so you can see me from across London, and you’re laughing.”
Or, my take on Phil's anecdote from his "A New Era" video.
You've got a squeak-ret admirer (ao3) - skygremlin
Summary: When Phil's going to make himself breakfast, he finds a cute little Valentine's card on the kitchen counter. And then another, and another, and another...
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dystopiandramaqueen · 2 years ago
S6 Wishlist
I want to see the backstory behind Nick's line "Everybody Breaks."
I want to understand why he said that. What he's seen.
I want Jezebel's (1x8) level focus on Nick's backstory, interwoven with his current experiences, in EVERY EPISODE.
The level of focus you gave when June was in Eye prison and Nick was on the outside trying to get her out.
What if she tried that hard to get to him?
(like @trademarkblue 's fic Savior)
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redandbrown · 2 years ago
hello sweet! when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool) 💖💞✨🌸💫💓💕
Ok I have to agree with trademarkblue. This is hard lol. But I’m going to try anyways.
1. I like how resilient I can be.
2. I like my resourcefulness. If there’s a will there’s a way.
3. I like that I can finally, FINALLY say no to people, places, or things that make me uncomfortable. This took me a while to learn, but I’m so proud of myself for doing it.
4. I like my ability to multitask at a master level because I’ve done it for so long it’s like second nature.
5. I like that I love to learn. I’ve always loved school and learning new skills. It genuinely brings me joy.
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anxiouspineapples · 6 years ago
Aww sorry you aren’t feeling so well today. Your art is FANTASTIC though and I’ve been quietly obsessed with you for years :) A Ron/Hermione kiss is my request if you haven’t filled your 3 spots. x
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azaleablueme · 6 years ago
V for the minific ❤️
V:  An abandoned or empty place. (more prompts here)
 Thank you, friend! I got some DH-era pinning for you!
The dilapidated house stood alone at the edge of Old St Mellons, on the eastern edge of Cardiff, Wales. It was a quaint little village comprising mainly of 19th-century buildings. When the trio arrived there at the end of February, the weather was still quite pleasant during the day if a little cold during the night, a welcome change from the chill, snow and frost they faced up north.
 After having lived inside a canvas tent for months, the prospect of having a solid roof over their heads had seemed quite enticing for Harry, Ron and Hermione. But all three of them knew that it could be their ‘home’ for a precious few days before they had to move again. 
The charms and protective spells had been put in place as a priority; it wouldn’t do for the villagers to find three ‘lost’ teenagers living in an abandoned house. Any and all trips to find food were planned for the night, and under the Cloak for added measure. Hermione thankfully had the better judgement to cast a Scorgify in one of the rooms for them to occupy. By the look of the building, Ron was sure there was quite possibly a tiny version of Aragog’s family living there. But once they had set up a temporary bedroom by placing their mattresses on the stone floor of what had presumably been a living room, and settled down, he couldn’t deny that it felt more homely than a tent that swayed and flapped its door and windows during the weakest of storms. 
“We still have to take guard duty,” Ron declared as he bolted shut the windows, partly with the loose hanging latches and partly with magic. A storm was beginning to brew in the horizon. “Do we have enough food to last the night?” he asked, dusting his sleeves as he returned to their makeshift beds.
“A tin of biscuits and some weak tea at the most,” provided Harry as he Accioed out their meagre food supplies from Hermione’s beaded bag.
“And two apples,” added Hermione. 
Ron looked up and for one brief moment, was suddenly struck by how beautiful she looked fresh out of a bath. And then her much-too-large jumper slid off her shoulder and he looked away guiltily. “You both should have one each in that case. I’ll go out foraging later in the night if the storm dies down.”
“We share whatever we have,” she declared firmly as she tucked the damp curls behind her ears, and picking up the small bag Harry had left on Ron’s mattress, dug in to pull out her hairbrush. “Most of the pipes have rusted off and there’s no water. I sorted what I could. I think we are good to go for the next two days as long as we remember to put everything back as it was when we leave.”
“You mean, damage everything again,” prompted Ron.
“Yes,” she chuckled. “But I won’t deny that a soak did wonder for my aching muscles,” she replied, as she walked closer and sat down next to him, brushing the tangles off her hair. The faint aroma of soap and shampoo hung in the air around them. It was blissful. Feeling strangely comfortable, Ron dropped himself on the mattress, face down, Hermione sitting mere inches away from him.    
“Hey mate, d’ya think we can sort this thing and light a fire perhaps? What do you say, Hermione?” 
Ron turned his head to his left. Harry was currently on his knees, peeping inside an enormous fireplace. 
Hermione placed her hairbrush down and turned as well. “I don’t know, Harry! We won’t be able to hide the smoke, will we?” She turned at him, eyes barely holding back the anxiety that Ron knew lingered just beneath the surface anyway. 
He propped himself up on his arms. “Yeah, we could do with Hermione’s Bluebell flames, couldn’t we?” he replied looking between his two best friends, “Better not have the old folks turning on us with their sticks and stones, eh?”
Harry shrugged and picked himself up, dusting his knees and arms. “Fine, I’ll draw myself a bath in that case, and take a nap after that. My turn to take watch, innit?”
“The pipes don’t have any water, so you’ll just have to use a spell,” Hermione told him as Harry began rummaging her bag for his clothes. 
“Okay,” he mumbled, and having retrieved a tee and pyjama bottoms, went away.
With Harry gone, Ron flopped back, and somehow by a strange coincidence, landed with his head on her lap. For minutes, maybe hours even, they remained still, the silence of the surrounding broken just by the faint howling of the storm outside. Hermione had not taken her eyes off him. He could see her upside-down face, and feel her deep breathing in tune with his. He had apologised days before and he knew, they had come back to some sort of an understanding. But the details were still fuzzy, he still didn’t know where they stood, didn’t really have the guts to ask if she’d ever take him back- hoped she knew that he’d wait for an eternity for it if need be. 
“I-” he began, struggling to phrase an apology, craving to blurt out a confession he knew he wasn’t allowed.   
“It’s okay,” she said quietly, and then, as if straight out of his dreams, threaded her fingers in his hair. He closed his eyes in bliss. “This feels a bit like home, doesn’t it?” he mumbled lazily after a while. 
Her fingers paused and he heard the softest of sobs; he was up in a flash, even before the heartbeat passed. 
“Hermione?” he asked, and then, very cautiously placed his palm on her cheek, tilting her face up a smidge to meet her eyes. “What’s the matter?”
 She seemed to struggle with the words for a while before she spoke. “What if, y'know, they attacked my parents’ place too?” she whimpered, “This is how my home would look, wouldn’t it?" 
He exhaled heavily, his inner turmoil struggling to break free. "They are safe,” he promised,   his thumb stroking her cheek, “You took care of them like no one else could, Hermione.”
“They’ll be okay, won’t they, Ron?” she asked again, as if begging him to assuage her fears, biting her quivering lower lip. He had visualised many situations where Hermione bit her lips; this didn’t come anywhere close. He ached to pull her into his arms, not that he was allowed. 
“They’ll be fine, and we will be too, all of us,” he replied, with enough conviction to convince her as well as himself.
She sucked in a deep breath and nodded once. Slowly and reluctantly he pulled his hand away, fisting his fingers tightly, and placing it on his lap to avoid touching her. “Should I get you some tea?” he asked.
“Maybe later,” she replied with the faintest of smiles, her left hand playing with the hem of her jumper, the right resting next to her on the makeshift bed. 
He quietly contemplated on his next course of action. What he truly desired was to stay close, wrap her in his arms. What he was allowed was pulling away before she initiated the distance. 
“Get some rest,” he suggested at last and pushed himself back. 
“Mind if I, y'know…" 
As he looked curiously she inched closer, and then, as if gathering all her strength, lowered her body on the mattress, her head resting on his thighs, the slightly damp curls sprawled over them. He sucked in a breath and met her eyes. There was a smile lingering on her lips. At that moment, she could have said those words, he knew instinctively, but she didn’t- she didn’t need to. Instead, she closed her eyes and snuggled deeper as she turned to her left. His fingers found their way into her hair, threading through the soft curls, and she sighed contently. So did he.
The house was broken down and abandoned for sure, but for Ron and Hermione that night, it felt like home. 
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phanfictioncatalogue · 6 months ago
Tooth Rotting Fluff (4) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three
a little bitter, mostly sweet (ao3) - antiadvil
Summary: Dan is a barista working the closing shift; Phil is the only customer who still drinks caffeine that late in the day.
for your eyes only (ao3) - blossomsphan
Summary: and they were roommates
(the fluffy tatinof bed sharing fic no one asked for in 2024… or did they?)
His World (ao3) - Sinninghowlter
Summary: Dan opens the door and before him stands his world.
He's finally home.
Home Is Wherever I’m With You (ao3) - howell_slide
Summary: “You being here is the best birthday present I could ever ask for,” Phil murmurs.
Or, Dan flies home from his tour to come celebrate Phil’s birthday.
Honeybee (ao3) - Scuddleduck
Summary: Dan sings a sweet silly song to Phil in the kitchen.
I missed you so much I dyed the towels green (ao3) - chuuyaswife
Summary: A few of Dan’s shows get cancelled while he’s on the WAD tour so he decides to surprise his boyfriend back home for a few days. Fluffy reunion ensues.
just stay here in this moment (ao3) - trademarkblue
Summary: After a few minutes of silence, Phil drawing patterns on Dan's arms with his finger, Dan pushed away from him. Phil looked up at him expectantly, his hair falling into his face. "We should film a house tour," Dan said.
lie with me (sew your heart to my sleeve) (ao3) - trademarkblue
Summary: You make me feel safe, Phil. I've never felt like that before. Safe like this. Not for a long time, at least.
A ficlet about comfort and new love.
Mistletoe (ao3) - undertalednp
Summary: Phil was a sap. And Dan basked in it.
Need (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan wants Phil's attention, but Phil is too busy editing. Dan decides that he is tired of waiting, and takes matters into his own hands.
New Addition to the Family (ao3) - mani_txt
Summary: Dan and Phil get a dog. Finally.
now i smile and face the girl who shares my name (ao3) - plinth_of_life
Summary: kath meets her newborn granddaughter.
one of those days (ao3) - nivi_chip
Summary: Phil has a dizzy spell and Dan takes care of him.
Or, Dan is the man with the plan (rip the stereo shows imy)
pigeons (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Dan is wondering if it’s too late to admit he really doesn't care for pigeons all that much.
Or, it's 2017, and the two just moved to the new flat which has a balcony and a new hyper fixation for Phil.
quiet morning (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Dan wakes up in the forever home, Phil breathing softly next to him
silent and sure, keeping watch in the night (ao3) - gaydreaming
Summary: Phil has always loved being on tour. The adventure, the sounds of the tour bus, the way his quality time with Dan takes on a different shape. On the road between Oslo and Helsinki, he sees some beautiful stars through the bus window and wakes Dan up in the middle of the night to enjoy them with him.
sweetie (ao3) - omgitshelena
Summary: a ficlet about pet names
The Guy Next Door (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Apartment nr. 7's new resident is a pretty, pretty guy about Phil’s age, height, and just his type... He also happens to be real charming and takes a liking to Phil - despite having (accidentally) just met, he's eager to join him in a Buffy marathon, as long as Phil doesn't eat all the popcorn beforehand. Maybe a date is in order?
the hoodie bow incident (ao3) - antiadvil
Summary: they were kissing.
The Phat (ao3) - gaydreaming
Summary: When Dan and Phil find an abandoned cat on a late-night walk to Dominos, Dan insists that they aren't going to keep him. After all, they know nothing about taking care of a pet. Dan will have the self control to put his foot down when faced with both Phil's big eyes and the cat's, right? ...Right?
three of us (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Phil is ready to make the next step. Dan isn't so sure.
Set after Dan comes home from WAD.
waking up to a dream (ao3) - queercatwithhat
Summary: "I missed you..." Phil mumbled against Dan's jacket, reveling in the familiarity of his smell. "I missed you more," Dan whispered warmly. Phil vehemently shook his head, "Not possible." Dan chuckled. Phil found that sound so sweet and endearing that he pulled him even closer.
You're the only story that I've never told. (ao3) - DumbGayVampires
Summary: Watching him, Dan felt the familiar grudging affection that came with a lifetime in each other’s company…
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dystopiandramaqueen · 2 years ago
im a slut for casual groping. come up behind me while im washing dishes and put your hand under my shirt and grope my tits and pinch my nipples. rub my pussy over my pants until you can feel a wet patch. then walk away leaving me a flustered horny mess
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dystopiandramaqueen · 2 years ago
“A splash of yellow light across the pavement caught her attention, and she spotted the black motorcycle she’d seen in the customs warehouse parking lot earlier. The bike’s underglow cast a perfect illusion of hovering above the tarmac as Nick pulled up in front of the diner. He cut off the engine and removed his leather helmet, revealing longer curls on top of his head, formerly covered by his uniform cap. He spotted her instantly, tucking his helmet under his arm as his gaze met hers through the window to her left, only tearing away long enough to make the short walk past her to the front door.”
From Haunted by @trademarkblue 🖤
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wildegreenlight · 6 years ago
Ron & Hermione for the HP asks. It had to be done!
Ron: My biggest fear is not being a good Mom...I know that sounds corny, but it’s true. More tangibly, tiny tree frogs creep me the eff out!
Hermione: A subject I know a lot about: Obviously I know a lot about American Literature...I am also a complete Word Nerd (Rhetoric and Language)
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honouraryweasley12 · 6 years ago
2 and 3 for the Hufflepuff asks, please! :)
2. Smells that remind you of home?
See my answer here.
3. What movie can you watch over and over again?
Just one?? Ok, I'll go with The Fifth Element, due to its combination of action, humour, and romance. Not to mention amazing costumes, great visuals, and excellent music.
Thank you for the asks!
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trademarkblue2 · 5 years ago
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DOUBLE DENIM ALWAYS AT LONDON FASHION WEEK / SHOT BY @walnutsvalley @theimpression_ #kellouhar #kellyharrington #lfw #lfwstreetstyle #fashionweek #streetfashion #streetstyle #denimlook #fblogger #womenindenim #trademarkbluepeople #denimdays #denimusa #trademarkblue #denimday #indigogirl #denimaddicted #denimlover #marquesalmeida #trendforecaster #ootd #whatwewear #denimlife #denimhead #denimondenim #denimevolution #howdoyouwearyourma #denimstyle #denimsddicted @unumdesign #unumfam (at 180 the Strand) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2hc4r8FiQ9/?igshid=umjpbxiar1bu
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aloemilk · 6 years ago
3 & 4 for the Ravenclaw asks! :)
3. What was the last book you read? The last book I read was so meh that I don’t even remember what it’s called. I am currently reading “Hold Me Tight” by Sue Johnson, which is a self-help book for couples, bc I’m going to a training by Sue Johnson and apparently she references this book a lot. Gotta say I’m pretty excited about what I’m learning and I’m loving the book!
4. Where in the world would you most like to visit? This is a tough question. Right now? a 5 star resort for a week where I can do nothing but read, swim, eat, and drink; absolutely no responsibilities but my child. Within a year, year and a half? Back home. Sometime? Great Britain.
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hillnerd-art · 7 years ago
Obviously Ron Weasley for the character break down, so I’ll add my vote to what I assume is already a pile of requests for him ❤️
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lol and another anonymous person said “ It’s an obvious one, but…Ron Weasley?”
So this is Ron after the cafe duel? probably shouldn’t be using lumos at night? I didn’t look up the chapter, so I might be making stuff up…
Anyways, he’s wearing them tight jeans Hermione packed for him. :P
I already had this drawing for my PATRONS done- as this was their ask of the week (you too can participate in said asks each week on patreon.) so here we go! HIGH RES VERSION ON PATREON. Posted a bit earlier than usual! Character: Ron WeasleyHow I feel about this character: I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS. I wrote an essay about how much I love Ron [here] that covers it pretty well. Main point, I love Ron to death, and will debate you if you have beef with him.All the people I ship with them: Romione is my OTP. Like, they are soulmates. I don’t actively ship him with anyone else. But fic-wise there’s some great rarry, and trio. I can’t take H/Hr even a little bit (like, it squicks me out unless there are VERY special circumstances in place), but in fics where that isn’t a thing, Ron/Luna fics can be cute.My non-romantic OTP for them: Him and Harry, best mates forever. Like, they are Turk and JD to me, they are Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. They are the the tops. He’s his Weezy.My unpopular opinion about them: I love him so much, so that’s rare in and of itself. I guess an ‘unpopular opinion’ amongst those who love him is, I think he’s the nicest and most emotionally intelligent of the trio and they owe him and should treat him so much better than they do. He’s so sensitive to their needs, always the one to apologize first after fights (even though he’s not the one who actually makes the fights go bed like 95% of the time etc.) and is just treated like poo for it. Like, I’m not over how they treat him like crap and never take ownership of their parts in their fights. I definitely think HE’S the catch for Hermione, and not the other way around. I love Harry and Hermione- but to me, he’s the best of them, and they need to be nicer to him.One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon: I wish people were nicer to him and actually took responsibility for how crap they treated him. Like most of his family, the school, his friends all take him for granted and treat him like the butt of a giant unfunny joke a lot of the time. Also, some more 'aha! he saved the day!’ moments so people would give him more credit. Reading between the lines, you can see so much of what he’s done- but it isn’t as 'in your face’ heroic as others come across.
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trademark-blue · 6 years ago
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CAPTION THIS! SHOT @bluezonemunich BY DUDE @calgeary JEANS BY @boyishjeans [ AD / GIFTED ] JACKET VINTAGE SCORE FROM @rugged_style #kellyharrington #kellouhar #trademarkblue #Boyishjeans #sustainablefashion #denimdenimdenim #denimfashion #fashiondenim #japanesestyle #denimlovers #jeanslovers #instadenim #japanesedesign #denimstyle #denimwear #denimlife #instadenim #Boro #jeanstories #styleblogger #styleblog #Vintagedenim #Liveinlevis #denimtrend (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtZMjLnnyyJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r5ztmz4ewjpi
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callieskye · 7 years ago
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~ a rough R/Hr sketch for the amazing @trademarkblue inspired by her brilliant fic Today
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azaleablueme · 6 years ago
So @trademarkblue send me an ask for the writer's game, and accepting a call while I was answering it vanished it from my inbox??? Grrr..tumblr...
Anyways, thankfully I remember it and here it is. Also, since she didn't mention any specific fic, I'm going to assume it's for an unpublished, multichap Romione fic that I'm very excited about. The fic is Stranger Stranger.
⚡- What inspired your wip?
I've always loved the idea of complex plots. This particular fic is waiting to be done for around 2 yrs now. I was tinkering with the idea of what if Ron died during the Battle? Perhaps it came to me while I was writing some specific chapters for ISoH. I began wondering how it would impact Hermione and that's how the whole fic took shape. There will be a lot of angst and mystery- my fav genres, and a lot of pinning and doubts.
🌞-Give five word summary of your wip.
(Honestly though, five? Why five? Let me tell you, this will make zero sense.)
Her heart knew the truth.
👁what seven words best describe your wip's aesthetic?
old newspapers, trees, photoframe, teacups, hands and a potion cauldron
Thanks for playing, TM! Loved it and love you! 💕
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