#fic recs for grace
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bonethief420 · 3 months ago
dumbassery, denial, doing (the three d's to the destination) by sobsicles
108,427 words, 4 chapters
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Coming Out, Didn't Know They Were Dating, Domestic Bliss, Fluff and Humor, Fed-up Sam Winchester, Oblivious Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy is THEE moment, God is a child and that child is Jack, except he looks grown, Temporary Character Injury, Flirting through religious metaphors, The SPN Ladies being present and lovely, Dean being pathetically head over heels in love, Cas lets go of his restraint, Sam dropping hints that Dean is in love with Cas to Dean, some smut sprinkled in later, the art of learning to want, the growing pains of moving out, finding peace and trusting in hope, oh and holding hands!, Hugging! Cuddling!, kissing!, So much kissing, dates that aren't called dates, Pining, so much pining Summary:
Freedom is just one adjustment after the next. ~~~ Cas hums again. "I think you already have. It's been months since everything settled. All that's left to do is...get used to it, and perhaps—" His voice stalls out, uncharacteristically, and his gaze roams Dean's face with intensity. When he speaks next, his tone is a little raw. "Perhaps what one does with peace is...whatever they want." "What if I don't even know what that is?" Dean grumbles, arching an eyebrow in challenge. "'Cause I know damn well you don't just mean good food and a good bed and time in Baby, not simple wants like that. You mean—ya know, the big things, the wants we didn't get to have before." "Yes," Cas agrees. "If you're not sure, figure it out." "Easier said than done."
❤️there is rest for the wicked by fleeceframe
14,578 words, oneshot
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Additional Tags: finale fix-it, post-confession, Getting Together, First Kiss, Love Confessions, dean takes a lot of naps and watches say yes to the dress, the whole family is together including jack !!!, theyre all enjoying retirement (this is my favorite trope i will die on this hill), dean is just soooo sleepy and all he wants to do is nap with cas, but hes also still dean and a little repressed, Angel Castiel (Supernatural), Domestic Fluff, POV Dean Winchester, cas covers dean with a blanket
“So what’s up with- Dude, again?” Sam’s voice rings through the room incredulously. Dean grunts in response. “You can’t possibly still be tired. Like, I feel like this should be physically impossible.” “Tell that to my melatonin levels.” “How do you know what melatonin is?” Dean does his best to roll his eyes under the cover of his eyelids. “Jesus, Sam, I’m not an idiot. Will you shut up so I can sleep?” He hears Sam huff. “Ya know, if you wanted to nap, you could always use that thing you have called a bed.” “Not the same,” Dean grumbles. His body doesn’t get all loose when he’s laying in his bed watching horror movies. The synapses that slow their firing contentedly seem to be wired to that same invisible bodily response of the outside world, and apparently being in the openness of his family’s space turns his brain into mush. “Now unless someone’s dying, I’m beggin’ you to shut up.” or the one where the whole family is together, dean finds enough peace to take some naps, and he's not sure he'll ever figure out how to say those three big words to cas
Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover by ImYourHoneyBee
26217 words, 5 chapters Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Additional Tags: 15.20 doesn't exist in Ba Sing Se, Dean being a simp, Dean takes Cas on a date without telling him that it's a date, it winds up being a date anyways, he's an idiot your honour, Gabriel created octopuses, and platypuses, Dean stirs his coffee with a knife, sorry it's the authors favourite headcannon, Cas makes Dean work for it, And we LOVE that for him, Cas is the hottest piece of ass at the farmers market, canon-typical eye fucking, Sam is haunted by the genital herpes commercial, Crack, Fluff, Cas's hands while doing pottery does things to Dean, Dean and Cas make couple friends because they deserve that, Dean should have gotten to flirt with Cas, Cas deserved to be pursued, The f/f relationship refers to OFC
Face all twisted up into an epic bitchface, Sam complains, “You call me a rabbit and then make bacon for dinner when I ask for a veggie-based meal, but Cas just gets a ‘You got it”?”   There are several things that Dean could have responded with. He could have said something about how it was Cas who most recently came back from the dead, or about how the new human gets priority to try whatever he wants, he even could have just flipped his brother off and left it at that. But Dean was already frustrated when he walked into the room, he’d gotten more frustrated at dealing with a sex question from a five-year-old (even if he had handled that well in the moment), and then Cas talking about oral sex with his perfect mouth had fried his brain entirely. So yeah, he could have said any of that, but he doesn’t. What he does say is “Yeah, well you’re not the one I’m in love with bitch.”   “I’m your brother!” Sam says indignantly like Dean hadn’t just dropped the absolute a-bomb of a secret he’s been carrying around for years right there on the floor in front of him. In front of Cas.   “No you don’t” whispers Cas
gorging myself on you, still can't get full (insatiable) by sobsicles
24182 words, oneshot Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Borderline crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Hulk Metaphors, Twilight Metaphors, Self-Imposed Sexual Tension, Cas being flustered, Dean being a flirt, Slip up and confess your love once, it's all downhill from there, A surprising lack of Sexual Crises, That feel when you're a timeless being, but you still need time, Mildly Inspired by Good Omens' 'You go too fast for me', Sam swinging wildly between delight and judgement, Drunk Shenanigans, Humor, very mild angst, implied sex scenes, nothing detailed, all fade to black, I think Dean should have gotten to flirt with Cas, Stabbing yourself into a relationship, twice
"Fine, whatever. Love you too, asshole. I hope you enjoy your walk home with your stupid, grainy bread. Taking Nature's Own a little too much to heart, but sure," Dean tells him, flashing him a sarcastic smile and swiveling around in the aisle to march away. He throws out something over his shoulder, careless and barbed. "I'm not paying for that shitty cardboard."  Dean's three aisles over when he realizes what, precisely, he said. Thankfully, when he comes to this conclusion, he's holding a box of poptarts, so when he fumbles and drops them to the floor, it's not a huge mess. He stares down at the slightly dented box of Brown Sugar Poptarts, and he has a very swift and very unshakeable crisis right there and then.  Love you too, asshole.  No, no, no. Why would he say that? Why would he do that? In the middle of the goddamn grocery store while arguing about bread? That's not—that can't be how it happens. That can't be. 
 Notes: really not crack at all idk why they tagged it that way. a really really good fic. Based on the same prompt as the last one, both very good in different ways
❤️🔒One Week Later by squirrelofcelestialintent
23208 words, 5 chapters Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Post-Canon Fix-It, Internalized Homophobia, The John Winchester Legacy, Dean Winchester is Bad at Feelings, Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism, BAMF Saileen, BAMF Castiel, Graceless Castiel, Switching, But Cas has Gentle Dom Vibes, dean is a bi disaster, Dean Winchester Has Panic Attacks, Non MC Sex Work, Excessive amounts of ennui, in between graphic sex, I swear there's a plot if you squint, pining in the bunker, eventually getting come on every surface of the bunker, Dean gets to go to bed wearing pyjamas like he deserves, instead of sleeping on top of the covers with a knife in his hand, identity crisis, handjobs, Face-Fucking, Castiel Topping From the Bottom (Supernatural), Dean wears short shorts, and a cowboy hat
“Touch-starved”. It’s one of those terms (along with “alcoholic” and “abused child”) that Dean has worked very hard to keep on the other side of the big fat concrete wall in his brain. The one that, until now, only weakens when he’s truly, deeply shit-faced. But Cas has made a career out of breaking through Dean’s walls, it only makes sense that he’d tear this one down too, if he just died enough times. Ripped Dean’s heart out just enough so that the foundations of family and duty and sacrifice can crumble and leave Dean even more of a desperate, black hole of need than he was before. Chuck is dead, and Cas… Cas is back. And Dean is supposed to be happy. It’s time to decide what he wants to do with the rest of his life. But how can he do that, when every time he’s not physically touching Cas he starts to have a panic attack that none of this is real, and it’s all just another one of Chuck’s games? Who knows. So, he lets himself touch Cas. Constantly. It’s that or face a complete, Chernobyl-scale meltdown. At least Cas doesn’t seem to mind.
Notes: THEE touch starved traumatised dean winchester fic. let that man being a sad sopping wet mess !!!!!!!
according to all known laws of life by sobsicles
29727 words, oneshot Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Sexual Frustration, emotional frustration, Cas actually has to face the consequences of his actions, or rather his love confession, Dean isn't doing too hot with Cas being gone, but then Cas is back, and then he is Struggling With Feelings, Dean is desperate to be loved and doesnt know it, Dean Being an Asshole, but like unintentionally, he really just wants Cas to pay attention to him, Accurate Portrayals of Sibling Interactions, Sam being a little brother teasing the shit outta his big brother, Sam being So Done with Destiel and their dumbassery, Unnecessary metaphors and parallels drawn between Destiel and the Bee Movie, it fits okay fight me, this is a hill I will die on, don't boo me i'm right, Dean is metaphorically pulling on Cas' pigtails, but like in a loving way, and because he unconsciously seeks validation, Dean experiences Bi Panic, Gay Chicken as a sport, Angry Boys just need to make out already, they do eventually and there is some light smut, human cas, Dean is both emotionally and sexually edged in this fic, someone please help these idiots, Love Confessions, (again), and of course Reciprocation!, because it's what we deserved Series: Part 1 of Cursed Metaphors Summary:
Cas comes back. It's not exactly the reunion that Dean is expecting. ~~~ Dean stares at him, flummoxed. Cas quite literally poured his heart out to Dean, gave a truly sappy and distressingly romantic speech and everything, then proceeded to give his life so that Dean could live his. And he wants to act like he doesn't want to see Dean, be around him, touch him? Actually, Dean's ninety-nine percent sure that Cas probably wants to fuck him, and while he has no clue how he feels about that, he's pretty goddamn sure that means Cas doesn't get to act like this and make it authentic. It feels strangely real, though, as if Cas wants nothing more than to get as far away from him as possible. This is a blatant contradiction. Even someone as weird as Cas doesn't want to get away from the person they have the desire to fuck five ways to Sunday, that they're in love with. That's not how these things work, so Dean isn't buying it.
Notes: Dean is SOOOOO annoying in this one <3 ur gonna wanna put him in a blender sooooo bad
Fenario by ftmsteverogers
47,100 words, 10 chapters
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Post-Canon Fix-It, Slow Burn, Jewish Winchesters (Supernatural), Jewish Dean Winchester, Jewish Castiel (Supernatural). Hunter Retirement (Supernatural), Jupernatural, Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, lake house fic
“We did good, Dean,” Sam says. “We got him back.” Dean huffs a hollow laugh, because yeah, that’s always what it’s about, isn’t it? Cas or Sam or Dean getting themselves lost or dead, and then taking turns dragging each other back from the brink. He shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets. “We got him back, yeah,” he says. Sam nods, watching him. “So now what?”
POV outsider:
❤️break the skin (to break the barriers) by sobsicles
29620 words, oneshot
Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: POV Outsider, Tattoos, Grief/Mourning, Angst with a Happy Ending, Tattoo Therapy, it's a thing, trust me on this, Dean is going through it, as always, Dean's brain overheating when thinking about Cas, sam being a good brother, indulging the insane, that feeling when you meet an old man who has lost his wife and hasn't been the same since, Dean actually talking about his life and feelings, Original Character saying what we wish we could, the way people can come to mean so much to us, even when they start out as strangers, hope and peace and life being what you make it, be kind to yourselves loves Summary:
The first time she meets him, he's nothing more than an almost-missed appointment.  ~~~ Dean is silent for a long, tense moment, then he gruffly says, "It's not for banishing the angels. It's to summon them. So, it doesn't—it's not to get rid of 'em, but to draw 'em in."  Mitzi can't help but glance up at him at that. His voice is so heavy with so much unexplained pain, and she doesn't understand why, or what angels have to do with it. She knows religion can impact people. She's very aware that it can get complicated, and that it can be a huge source of pain for someone, but Dean sounds grievously wronged, somehow, as if it's a truly personal thing.  She pushes through, focusing back on her job, clearing her throat before murmuring, "Well, I guess we all want angels to visit us sometimes."  "Just the one," Dean mumbles.  "Your guardian angel?" Mitzi asks.  Dean breathes out, "Something like that. As close to one as an angel will ever get." 
🔒 Dean Winchester's Secret (Angel) Boyfriend by reluctantabandon, Winter_of_our_Discontent
11,191 words, oneshot
Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Still Hunters, Humor, Misunderstandings, Canon-Typical Violence, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Dramatic entrances, Cas is a BAMF, POV Outsider, Community: deancasbigbang, Ellen and Jo are BAMFs too
Dean Winchester isn't exactly a team player. So when he starts mentioning a new Hunting partner, Ellen and Jo Harvelle aren't sure whether they should be worried or relieved. But they're starting to get the feeling there's something important Dean's not telling them about Cas...
Phone a Friend by noviembre
6,931 words, oneshot
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: POV Outsider, Future Fic, finale denialist, Alternate Universe - Post-Canon
Whoever is answering the phone as "FBI Assistant Director Robert Harvelle," she really hopes they come through for her, because her handcuff-slipping skills are definitely not up to par yet. -- The hunting community, after the apocalypse-that-never-happened.
AmItheAssholeNatural (series) by birdsofthesoul, PlaidIsTheBestPattern
just a bit of silly goofy. in universe AITA posts. all pretty short
The Love Story of the Runner Up by Margo_Kim
4755 words, oneshot Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Temporary Character Death, Dating, Break Up, POV Original Character, POV Outsider Summary:
“So you saw a white man in a trench coat pop out in an alley,” Paul says, “and you thought, what, ‘I want to see where this is going’?”   “If you get hung up on details like that,” Miguel says, “it will take a very long time to get through this story. For a very weird era in his life, Miguel dates an angel who is in love with another man.
Le Nouveau by museaway
23246 words, 3 chapters Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Crossover, Canon Universe, Fake Marriage, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Haunting, Ghosts, Case Fic, Jealousy, Doppelganger, Sexual Tension, The glory of Castiel's season 4 hair, Really spectacular interior design, First Time, It was a robot head
A routine haunting lands Dean in a historic hotel with his brother, a flirtatious Cas look-a-like, and a grouchy Angel of the Lord masquerading as his husband.
Though The Course May Change by imogenbynight
51581 words, 10 chapters Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Canon Divergent, Fake Relationship, casefic, Pining, Fallen Castiel, First Kiss, First Time, Near Death Experiences, Dean playing guitar, Hurt/Comfort, "Platonic" Bed Sharing, Accidental Voyeurism, Fluff, Smut, Canon-Typical Violence, deancastropefest, Canon divergent - Alternate Canon, Post-Episode: s08e23 Sacrifice, author is card carrying member of, team everyone switches forever
After a couple who went missing several years ago from an Oregon couples retreat are mysteriously returned on the same night that another disappears, Dean and Charlie plan to go undercover to find the cause--until Dean's foot meets his mouth, and he finds himself fake-engaged to Castiel instead.
Alternate Universe:
the proof is in the pudding (49787 words) by caelum_writes Chapters: 7/7 Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Non-Hunter Winchesters (Supernatural), Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Stanford Era (Supernatural), Smoker Dean Winchester
After three years away, Sam's finally coming home for the holidays. Only, much to Dean's surprise, he isn't coming alone. -- “Who’s this?” Dad asks, confused. “Right,” Sam says. He huffs out a breath as he draws up his confidence. “Dad, Dean, this is Castiel. My boyfriend.”
Notes: NOT cheating. fake relationship is between sam and cas. not an outsider pov technically but still has that fun element of outside perceptions iykwim ?
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mallowsweetmiri · 11 months ago
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Cr: @/hburgyy on Instagram
Give me Percabeth pre-HoO. Give me Percy driving after school to go see Annabeth, and staying in her dorm way too late. Give me Annabeth being genuinely happy for one of the first times in her life, all because this seaweed brain stole her hat and made her kiss him three times to get in. Give me Percabeth having a weekend sleepover at Sally Jackson’s apartment watching movies and stealing kisses that last a little too long. Give me Percy taking Annabeth out on their first proper date where he’s super nervous and slightly awkward, but it’s perfect because they’re together. Give me promises under the night sky that they’ll be together forever, and kisses that make their hearts ache in a way they’ve never felt before. And then give me Annabeth crying with Sally because Percy’s been gone for two whole weeks without a single word.
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pedrosyouknowwhat · 15 days ago
Who owns you?
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Summary: You fall from grace as a group of raiders destroy your lavish community, taking in you as a macabre spoil of war
warnings: Dead dove do not eat, noncon, murder of unnamed characters (community), kidnapping, man handling, gang bang (not in this chapter but yeah), humiliation, virginity loss, reader being basically a sex slave, unprotected p in v, threats, darkness overall
Pairings: Dark! Joel Miller x reader, Dark! Javier Peña x reader, Dark! Marcus Acacius x reader, Dark! Oberyn Martell x reader, Dark! Agent Whiskey x reader, Dark! Dieter Bravo x reader, Dark! Frankie Morales x reader
series masterlist
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Your boots padded on the uneven ground as your heart hammered on your chest, what was left of your community rising in flames. Once the habitat of the most prosperous survivors of the Cordyceps outbreak, reduced to ashes and death; and you, it's only remain.
You didn't even know of what you were running from, just doing it the second the alarms went off; it meant chaos, worse, Raiders.
That was what spared you. Your short flowy dress snagged on branches, red cowboy boots that were mostly a fashion statement proving themselves not ideal as you stumbled face first into the cold, sharp ground.
"What do we got here?" You heard a thick accent drawl, and your shivering body jolts your head upwards. A man, wearing a thin striped shirt and a thick, beige vest; His eyes are shaded by dark sunglasses and all that is recognizable is a thick mustache and a curved nose. "Are you alright?"
The rifle on his hand looks at you threateningly, as you retreat on bruised knees; The man takes off his glasses, realizing how intimidating he looked. "Oh-I'm sorry sweetheart, didn't mean to scare you."
You slowed your movements, gazing up at him, studying him. His chuckle still pulled at his lips softly. "I-I, My home-My home is being invaded by raiders."
You spluttered, and his eyes soften in understatement, body crouching to lift you off the ground. His arms were strong and tanned, and the way his hands wrapped around your arms gave your mind the slight fuzziness of comfort.
"Anyone with you?" He asked, his accent so foreign, you shook your head. "Alright, let me take you somewhere safe, mhm? can you tell me slowly what happened? My name's Javi, by the way"
You nodded, mouth blabbering everything you could remember, from the siren to the gunshots ringing to the fire; his hands never leaving your skin as he softly nudged you to follow him. He cooed at you, face scrunch in worry.
You didn't realize you were walking back into camp until the smoke hit your nose, making your head snap around wildly.
"Javi?" You ask, the name sounding bitterly in your tongue as you see him, lips pressed into a thin line to suppress laughter. Panic fuels into you as you see the group of men, thrashing the city. The boutiques, the stores, everything you knew.
Their gaze fall on you. Slowly, one by one, as they arise from the remains of your town; they are like walking dead, eyes hungry. You realized Javi's grip on you had become tighter, stopping you from moving.
His laughter rings in your ear as his arms envelop you, making it harder to breath. The man around you crowd closer, and you see flashes of your faces as the fear of the imminent swoons over you. You faint, knowing as soon as your eyes shut together that you are going to regret it.
The man, Javi, holds you tightly as you feel your knees buckle and your vision starts to swim. His strong arms keep you upright, even as the world around you begins to spin and darken at the edges.
Javi's voice reaches your ears, muffled and distant, as if he's speaking to you from the bottom of a deep well. "Easy there, sweetheart. I got you. You're safe now."
As your vision fades and your consciousness slips away, the last thing you see is the leering, hungry faces of the men surrounding you, their eyes glinting with a predatory light. The last thing you hear is Javi's low, rumbling chuckle, filled with a dark amusement that sends a shiver of dread down your spine.
The world goes black as you slip into unconsciousness, your mind reeling with the horrors you've witnessed and the unknown dangers that lie ahead. In the back of your fading consciousness, a small voice whispers a warning - that you may have escaped one nightmare only to stumble into an even darker one.
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When you wake up, the first thing you see is an unfamiliar wooden roof; your muscles ache as you attempt to move, the hard mahogany floor hard against your spine, as if the soft blanket sprawled beneath you was non-existent.
"Finally." An unknown, Texan-accented voice sang; your head whipped painfully to see him. Your heart picked up, as behind the man were more.
You had seen him before; he stopped by your camp for food once. You cringed as you recalled how the townspeople turned him away, asking him if perhaps yesterday scraps were good enough for him.
“Feral stray” they had called him.
You remember getting a peek out of him, by the gates, his broad shoulders and pepper and salt hair branded into your mind.
Close behind him another man stood, same greyed hair, though he looked taller and held a scar along his cheekbone; his face was scrunched up, but his eyes told a different tale.
And then was Javi; you wanted to scoff as your mind recognized the nickname he told you to call him. He had taken off his sun glasses, dark eyes sliding up your face as he held a pleased grin, proud of his little catch.
You couldn’t get a proper look to the rest of the men as the “feral stray” spoke once again.
“Fuck, she looks terrified.” He commented, though no pity took place in his tone; a deep growl that warmed his skin.
You accessed the situation; they were bigger, stronger and more than you, but they stilled in their place, eyes raking slowly and precisely over your shivering form. You weren’t tied up, just laying there, and if you ignored hard enough the way Javi-Javier- had grabbed you before you fainted, there could be a simmering chance they were truly trying to help you.
“I-I-“ You staggered, but your brain couldn’t think of one thing to say in this situation. You planted your hands on the floor as you pulled yourself to sit up.
A breeze ruffled your skirt, and you eyes widened, feeling an unfamiliar chill in your core. A hand shot to your thighs, fingers gracing your most intimate place that you found bare.
“Looking for this?” Another men spoke, far more rough looking than the rest as he held your panties in his ringed finger. He laughed, eyes narrowing under brown tinted sunglasses.
Your hope was out the window, and you wished you’d be out the window too.
“I-please,” you managed to croak out, your best fake smile pulling at your teeth, as if attempting to back away. “I-I don’t want trouble.”
You suddenly weren’t a girl trapped in a house with seven men, but a highly esteemed comedian as the room erupted in laughter.
“Trouble?” One of them repeated, the one who looked the youngest, with short dark hair and a trimmed beard that shaded around his jaw; he gripped his dark yellow shirt as he cackled.
“Little girly doesn’t want trouble!” a thick, cow-boyish accent hollered as he took off his hat and pressed it against his chest.
You didn’t know if to laugh along or to cry, so your gazed fixed itself on the only one who wasn’t laughing; “feral stray”.
His glare was set on you, and you prayed and prayed he wouldn’t remember you, stealing a glance of him through the watch tower as the Community leader sent him away.
“That’s a pity,” He sighed, words profound and careful. “cause we do want trouble.”
With two long strides of his strong kegs he was besides you, looking down at you. Your mouth clamped as you pleaded with your eyes, tears kissing the brim.
Seven men.
One you.
Trapped in a house.
They were going to kill you.
Raiders were ruthless, never to be messed with, at least that’s what your community taught you, and by the cold, dark eyes that were posed on you, you knew then that it was true.
Stories flood your mind, murders, vandalism, theft, but never rape, despite it being the only reasonable thing this bunch would want to do to you. You had never heard about it.
“Please,” you attempted once more, hands sliding you away as they become clammy against the hardwood floor. “I-I’m no good, I’m a virgin, please-”
Their laughter dulled at your words, not suddenly, but intriguingly. You could hear some groans, some “sweet jesus” under their breathes.
“Feral Stray” bent at his waist, knees popping with effort as he reached his hard, calloused hand to grace your cheek.
“You know what they called me?” He asked.
Feral stray.
And he waited for you to answer, but you couldn’t. It was like kicking a bear that was already mauling you.
His fingers laced between the threads of your hair, still fresh from your expensive shampoo. You see his muscles flexing before you feel the stinging pain across your scalp. He tugs harder.
"You know what they called me, your stuck up, bitchy community?" He growled, and you whimpered. "Come on, pretty girl, give me the answer."
You felt as if he was going to rip out your hair, and you feared he might do it. Your neck craned painfully, looking at his furious face as a small trace of mockery, amusement was hid in his dark eyes.
"F-feral stray." You mumbled, barely above a whisper.
"Louder!" He screamed, the sound ringing in your ears as his face etched closer. You felt hot tears cascading down your cheeks, blurring the vision of the men in front of you.
"Feral Stray!" You yelped, as loud as the knot in your throat allowed you to say it. The grip stayed tight, pain blooming to your temples along the dull thump thump thump of a headache.
Suddenly you were pushed face first, your hands rapidly supporting you against the hard floor. You sighed, no longer feeling the head-exploding tension in your scalp.
A pair of hands pulled your hips up, forcing you to support them on your wobbly knees. Your head hung low, tears wetting the blanket beneath you.
"look who's the dog now," The man chuckled, a hand running over the expanse of your back. You sobbed at his words through ragged, half filling breathes. "that's it now, little puppy, come on now, bark."
Shame filled your cheeks as you slowly turned to look at him, pleading silent eyes, begging for it to be a joke. But he looked sternly at you, hand gripping your waist.
"Boss said to bark, puppy." The second eldest said, the one with the white t-shirt and the scar.
You couldn't bring yourself to do it.
"Seems like we got a disobedient one," Javi teased, boots etching closer to your line of sight. You dared to look up, look him in the eyes. "Bark baby, or you're gonna get in a lot of trouble."
His eyes looked slightly softer, still hungry and disturbed, but for a moment you had a deja vu of how he found you, even thought it was mere hours ago. The dusking sky outside told you so.
"P-please," You whispered to him, feeling the urge to cling to his leg. "please don't make me."
A grin tugged at his lips as he let out an amused breathe.
"There there," He cooed. "Not disobedient, just shy, am I right?"
Your head seemed to be locked in place as you attempt to nod at him.
"Well, she can't be shy when I'm asking her to suck my balls." The one who was holding your panties blurted; if you were looking at him you would have realized he had done a line of coke off of them.
"Patience, Dieter." The youngest one reprimanded him. "We can't expect a highborn girl to act so whorish on our whims."
"Like any good mare, just needs to be broken in." The cowboy one joked, making them laugh.
It felt so dystopian, how they joked about the situation. They could joke about it, while you stood shivering like a leaf.
"Don't get too excited," The scarred one spoke, with the regality of a Roman Emperor. "Boss is going to be the one to deflower her."
It irked you now, the casualness of all of it. The way they spoke of you like if you were merely a piece of meat, an animal even. Your knuckles turn white as you clutched the fabric beneath you, the warm blossoming from "Boss'" hand now unbearable.
"Do I even get a say?" You barked, immediately clamping your lips shut.
There were no slaps, no hair tugs, no pushes. All seven cold gazes directed to you. The hand on your back shifted towards your ass.
"Glad you asked," He grunted, kneeling behind your body as his immense back roamed over your flesh like a silent threat. "You don't."
You bit your lips as his touch became more demanding, kneading handfuls of flesh as he slowly pulled your thighs apart, your knees giving in. He hummed as he looked at you, and you never felt as bare.
If you looked forward, you could see the other men, hands wandering over their legs as they observed the scene, and if you looked backwards, you would see the look in his eyes. You opted to look down, the sound of zippers going down and Feral Stray's groans filling your ears.
"Haven't properly introduced myself," He spoke, pulling your ass cheeks apart and a breathless gasp from your lips. "Name's Joel; but you won't be calling me that."
You sensed an interchange of glances before Joel's fingers slipped once again into the hair at your nape, touch so gentle it almost cooled the sting of the previous grip, and pulled you up to face the men.
"Marcus." The one with the scar grunted, feeling your gaze on him.
Before you could continue to stare at him, the youngest one shifted “Oberyn.” he said, smirking.
“Whiskey.” The cowboy huffed, though you could tell it wasn’t his name. Not that it mattered as you felt Joel paw at your flesh.
“Dieter Bravo,” the coke-snorting one said, pulling up his sun glasses. “you may know me from the movies, did a shit ton of them back before the world went to shit-“
“Not now.” Joel bellowed, annoyed. His hands skimmed up and down your thighs, as if warming you from the biting cold.
Your eyes shifted to the one at the back of the room, the one wearing a baseball cap. He was deadly silent, had been all the time; you wouldn’t have noticed him if Javier wouldn’t have moved out of the way.
As they traced your stare, he lifted his eyes from the thing-looked like a toy helicopter- he had been fidgeting with. “Catfish.” He huffed, uneasy, returning his attention to the toy.
Silence wavered, only broken by your gasp as you felt one thick, calloused finger traced your slit. Fresh tears sprung as your neck gave out, once again facing the floor.
Two thumbs pulled your lips apart, exposing your most vulnerable oar to Joel; a deep seated growl roared through his chest as he observed.
"Gonna take your time?" Javier asked, leaning against the mossy green wall.
You felt his finger delve between your folds, touch warm as he pushed a little dipper; a soft whimper escaped you as he finally pressed a pointer finger at the top of your slit.
"Just this once." Joel muttered, deep in thought as he begun circling your nerve, weakening your elbows as your body urged you to lean forwards. Your nails dig into the wooden floor, urging you to stay up.
Their eyes, pairs of dark brown eyes posed on you, each glimpse of fresh skin they could get, your chest heaving and shining softly with a new layer of sweet, your jean jacket becoming unbearable under their hot gaze. Shame, shame warmed you up too.
They noticed, the dampness beading on your skin, cheeks red and heavy pants. How could they not? they were staring at your every move, how you shivered with Joel's swift touches on your clit, how you clamped your lips tightly, everything. If one wouldn't notice, at least the over five would.
"Getting warm there, honey?" Oberyn wondered, and you refused to meet his eyes.
"I think she is, why not shed a layer?" Whiskey teased, the low fap fa fap getting louder. It cringed in your ears.
"Acacius." Joel commanded, your brows furrowing, questioning if you had forgotten a name, or if there were more of them.
Your question was answered when Marcus thick thighs appeared in your vision, only recognizable by his worn down grey jeans. He pulled the jacket down your shoulders, the movement brief but forceful enough to let a small sound that you had withhold, all due to Joel's unwavering touch on your clit. He lifted one arm, gently, slipping the oversize denim off as you supported yourself in his scarred arm. The men almost moaned at the sigh of more exposed skin, and he finally pulled off the jacket.
He lifted himself on his knees, bulging crotch grazing against your forehead as you felt a tug on the soft cotton dress. Your head shot up, stuttering your words.
You didn't even know what you were begging for, an unfamiliar heat spreading through your core to your belly and to every bit of flesh you owned.
He looked down through almost black eyes, continuing to tug the fabric off your body until it came to your armpits. You wouldn't budge, hoping to sympathize with any trace of humanity in him.
For a few seconds he stopped, and you almost let out a sigh of relief as he dropped the dress; but then, his hands gripped around the hemline of the arm holes and a powerful screech of fabric ran through the air. After that, he continued ripping through the dress until it pooled beneath your quivering form.
The only thing you still had on was a flimsy bralette and your red cowboy boots.
Dieter commented something about it matching, but your mind race to the feeling of Joel pulling his hand away.
"This too?" Acacius-Marcus-you didn't even know now- asked, pulling at the clasp of your bra.
"Yes." One of them sighed, not Joel. He didn't break it, just let it slide off your arms.
The scene was almost ridiculous, clad in only fashionable boots, but it got them going. A palm smoothed down your shoulder blades, forcing your chest into the blanket and your discarded clothes. Before much warning, you felt two thick digits sink into your hole.
You cried, whining, trying to get away, but the hand was pressed to firm and in front of you Marcus still was there, working his belt buckle off. The sting opened your walls, and his pace was deliberately strong; in and out, against the sloppy holes that pushed tightly.
"Easy," He chastised, pace never faltering. "Gonna hurt more if you fight it."
You obeyed silently, fingers twisting against the floor, the sound of skin slapping skin growing louder as Acacius shifted beside you. You clenched your eyes, wishing to ignore everything as Joel sawed his fingers in and out of you.
The pain diminished, briefly, and your hand slapped against your mouth to stifle any pleasurable sound. He chose to scissor his fingers inside of you, preparing you for the inevitable.
It was normal it felt good, you knew that, that the way he was touching you was meant to feel good, but still shame crept over you as a coil begun tightening in your lower belly, cunt eager to take it in deeper.
Despite your efforts, whimpers and breathy moans escaped your palm, brows furrowed in submission as you felt him pull out his fingers, thighs shivering and rubbing to dissipate the pleasure that had struck you.
It lasted little, for the hot tip of his cock begun pressing against your entrance. You snapped out, grabbing Acacius thighs in order to get away as your hips were held prisoner in his hands.
"N-No, no please," You whimpered, but the other pair of hands tugged at your forearms, pulling you up to face him. With a steel grip, he forced you to plant your arms over his shoulder, back stretching and twisting as Joel pushed you onto his length.
"Hold-fuck-still," He grunted, pushing a girthy inch. Face inches apart from Acacius, you couldn't evade his glare as his hands clamped on your forearms. You stalled, getting lost in the enigma that held his face.
You pursed your lips as Joel brought you down further on his cock, pain irradiating from your core as he stretched you. As you attempted to move, Acacius held onto you with a force that told you he could dislodge your arms if he wanted to. From over his shoulder you saw blurry visions, the other men stroking their cocks, eyes like hyenas waiting for left overs.
The pain was unbearable, growing each time as you felt yourself being ripped apart by his cock, groans and moans were chanted in your ears, forcing you to take it.
"Fuck," He grunted, voice lost in pleasure. "So-fucking-tight."
He punctuated his words sheathing more of it into your core, though you felt as if you couldn't take more, as if he was fucking all the way to your guts. Your cunt clamped on his cock.
Acacius doesn't let up, his grip on your arms tightening as he forces you down further, impaling you on Joel's massive shaft. The pain is blinding, your walls screaming as they're stretched beyond their limits, forced to accommodate his incredible girth.
Joel grunted, his face contorted in pleasure, lost in the tight, wet heat of your core. His hands gripped your hips bruisingly, holding you in place as he continued to thrust, driving his cock deeper with each powerful surge.
As Acacius leaned closer, his breath hot and heavy against your face. His eyes, dark and intense, bore into yours, holding you captive in their gaze. "Take it, you fucking slut," he growls, his voice rough and demanding. "Take his fucking cock like the greedy little whore you are."
The other men watch, stroking their own hard shafts, their eyes gleaming with sadistic lust. They enjoy the show, reveling in your suffering and Joel's pleasure. The room is filled with the crude sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, guttural moans, and your own cries.
Joel's thrusts become more forceful, more punishing. He's chasing his pleasure, using your body for his own gratification. The pain is overwhelming, tears streaming down your face as you feel yourself being split open, ripped apart by his relentless assault. Acacius smirks at your tears, his grip on your arms not loosening even for one second. 
"Fuck, she's gripping me so tight," Joel groans, his words punctuated by a particularly hard thrust. "Gonna... fuck... fill this cunt up..."
Acacius' fingers dig into your soft flesh hard enough to leave bruises, holding you mercilessly in place as Joel uses you like a fuck toy. Your body jerks and bounces with each violent thrust, your tits swaying hypnotically to the hungry hyenas.
"Look at them, whore," Acacius hisses, nodding towards the circle of men fisting their cocks, their eyes wild with lust and greed. "Look at how much they want to ruin your holes too. They're going to love wrecking your sloppy cunt after Joel's done flooding it with cum."
Joel lets out a guttural roar, his fingers sinking into your hips, leaving finger-shaped bruises. Your vision blurs as he hilts inside you with a final, brutal thrust, his heavy balls slapping against your clit. At the same time, his cock throbs and pulses, erupting deep inside your core.
"Fuck, fuck, fuuuccckkk..." he bellows, his hot seed flooding against your unprotected womb, painting your insides white. Your stomach bulges slightly from the sheer volume of his release.
Acacius' grip becomes loose as your body shivers, loosing strength with each final thrust Joel gives you. Soon enough, you cascade down his body, head laying weakly against his thigh as his open zipper rubs against your cheek. Your aching muscles betray you,
"There, there," Joel cooed, almost mockingly as his hand raise shivers along your spine. Your eyes become blurry as all you can hear is the men chasing their release and pain slowly overtakes your body, leaving you numb, almost lifeless. You found a strange sense of comfort from the warmth emanating between Acacius' legs, almost as if you wanted to curl up closer, but suddenly, you were pealed off by a sharp grip on your hair.
"Fuck, gonna cum in this throat-"
It all happened so quickly, but the one in the back, the only one who wasn't jerking off to all of this, shot up, stopping Javier with a harsh "WAIT" that shook the room. Hands slowed down, and gazes shot to him.
Catfish, he had said, rubbed his face in distraught as he hesitated his next words.
"Let her sleep, it's her first night."
You weren't focused on the laughs and hollers, but in Javi's leaking shaft mere inches from your lips; you have never seen one so close, each vein and ridge and it's pink tip, it's musky scent filling your nose.
"Awww," Dieter teased, pumping his cock with your underwear. "so sweet little Frankie, let the slut sleep huh?"
The Cowboy, Whiskey, chuckled. "Look at your pants boy, you are no better than us-"
"Alright." Joel cut them short, standing behind you. "She can sleep tonight, not gonna get much sleep in the next days..."
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amandamariee · 10 months ago
☾ jason grace fic recs (the loml):
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distance makes the heart grow angrier by @reidsglasscs
↳ so obsessed with your ex by @/reidsglasscs
↳ but daddy i love him! by @/reidsglasscs
he's an all american boy by @aezuria
take a break, catch a nap, have a snack by @hopelesslyromanticshark
↳ rain rain go away don't come back another day by @/hopelesslyromanticshark
↳ i am my fathers son by @/hopelesslyromanticshark
↳ so american (grecian) by @/hopelesslyromanticshark
↳ the two times percy nearly caught them, and the one he did by @/hopelesslyromanticshark
↳ jason grace x daughter of athena! reader hcs by @/hopelesslyromantic-shark
↳ little miss grumpy and little mister sunshine by @/hopelesslyromanticshark
through a loving gaze by @pumpkinbxtch
↳ he wrote 'mine' on my upper thigh by @/pumpkinbxtch
clingy by @jgracie
↳ all of the chronicles of jj & smartiepants by @/jgracie
sweet on you by @supercutszns
going to school with bf jason by @juneberrie
the sun is engaged to the sky by @aryxchse
levitating by @ssparksflyy
bookends, bestfriends, deadends by @astronomoney
sun dresses are so in! by @crownofgildedlilies
dating jason grace would include by @girlkisser13
↳ my girl by @/girlkisser13
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year ago
Remember that Jercy fic wherein Percy holds Jason’s hand to show Nico that it’s okay to be affectionate with Will? Well it’s back. And it’s even more fun. 🤣🤣
The whole thing is just hilarious. Jason’s just having his sexuality crisis and Percy’s a little shit. 😭 And poor Will just got robbed into their stupid crush akdhajhdajjs.
Also? the joy that courses through me when Will started bickering with Percy is absurd. 😂
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aria-upside-down · 3 months ago
I am begging for an angsty valgrace fic rec
Please someone give me one
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mediumgayitalian · 8 months ago
fic rec friday 20
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
farm to table by @buoyantsaturn*
“There’s another group of kids here,” she said, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. “Said they’re looking for the Ghost King.”
I FUCKING LOVE THIS SERIES. NO WORD OF A LIE IM OBSESSED. i got an ask a couple weeks ago on what i see will & nico doing in their futures and i havent answered it yet BUT this series in particular is never what i would have thought for them and yet it fully and completely convinced me. i love the way their relationship is portrayed here, i love the nuances about will's gender, i love them figuring adult demigodhood out! i love the solace family! this series is another one of those stories that i think back to when im writing bc it's so spectacularly done
2. hopeless case by @restinreesespieces
“Nico,” Jason wheezes as he slams the door to the Hades cabin open. “Nico, I think I’m in love with my best friend.” “No, really?” Nico drawls, barely looking up from his book. Or: in which nico is jason’s wingman this time around.
i was sold on the 'jason is a disaster. nico is also a disaster but more subtle about it' like that SENT me 😭😭 such an apt description of their friendship. and leo wearing crop tops bc there's less clothes to burn and jason losing his mind over it is so real and true
3. seize the day by @restinreesespieces
“-Hey, Jason? Are you okay?” “No,” Jason snaps. “You’re distracting me.” Silence. Leo comes forward. Jason’s back digs into the wooden edge of the table. “I’m distracting you?” Leo’s hand twitches, like he’s not sure where to put it. It lingers in the air between them, making a choice. Instead of a friendly shoulder pat or slap on the back, Jason’s fingers are met with the familiar warmth and completion of Leo’s. Their hands interlock, sliding into place as they’ve done so many times before under the cover of darkness. But this time there’s light, and they can’t escape the bright truth that it brings. “How, exactly, am I distracting you?" or: valgrace dead poets society au (with a happy ending)
this fic was so FUN like jason in theatre....ur so absolutely right. loved loved this story it was such a delight to read like who cares about reality what if everyone is gay at whatever time period we wish forever
4. crush the size of jupiter by @restinreesespieces
“Aw,” he joked. “And here I thought we had a connection.” “Yeah, maybe that’s because we’re tied at the ankle, Solace.” Or: In which Nico thinks he can ignore his budding feelings for a certain son of Apollo, and fate decides otherwise.
the flower symbolism had me GAAAAGGGGEED and nico going oh. oh, no had me CLUTCHING MY CHEST SHDNSJDNS. WHY IS HE SUCH A MESS
5. stars on my skin by @restinreesespieces
“Will,” he says, “I think you’re being silly.” “What?” Will tries to hide his confusion, and Nico rolls his eyes. “You’re being silly,” he repeats. “I told you your bedside manner is okay. So why don’t you believe it? Do you think I’m a liar?” “No! I just-” “Hmph,” he huffs, pretending to be miffed. “I think you’re afraid of nothing. Nobody’s gonna be mad if you’re a little enthusiastic about healing them. That means you want to save them! That’s what heroes do.” “I’m - I’m a healer,” he says quietly. “Yeah,” Nico replies. “Isn’t that what I said?” or: after the quest group to rescue annabeth leaves camp, a ten-year-old nico winds up in the infirmary and meets will for the first time.
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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bluemaikaartstuff · 2 months ago
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Artwork of Cas being otherworldly in Grace Bound by @castiel--for--king . I tried to follow the imagery already beautifully illustrated in the fic (see Ella's art in there). I have so many images in my head, but some of them will be a real challenge to put on paper.
Seriously, this story is awesome! One of my all-time favorite <3
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germesthegenie · 7 months ago
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Did some doodles of the Chicago Wards spending their time out of costume! Because they are still my favs despite not only Wildbow but the fanfic writers forsaking me on more content of them! So guess I’m filling the void myself!
Jokes aside, wanted to do some practice on character designs and a bit of background/foreground and decided to take the opportunity to do some more drawings of these guys. Designs and stuff are I think like 75% canon compliant and 25% headcanon / personal intepretation of the characters
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vaguekiwi · 4 months ago
Hiii! I’m a huge fan of yours!! Do you have any fics or anything where Tony is in love with Peter and he kidnaps him? Just lots of noncon with dark Tony?
Hi anon, I don't have any fics like that myself, but I love fics like that so let me see if I can recommend a few:
-My Doll by my friend @babybatscreationsv2 (this is a goddamn masterpiece I swear to god)
-Good Boys by my (same) friend @babybatscreationsv2
-The Deprivation series by my friend @tomandpeterthings (This series fundamentally changed me. I think her Cruel(ty) series has a similar theme, too? Though I haven't read it.)
-@lanyakea-universe has several incredible (and I mean stupendous) non-con verses (there's a SIM one that comes to mind, but I'm gonna link this mafia ficlet here.)
-If I may stray from the request and recommend some noncon Spiderio: see here, and here by @graceful-starker. (Also if someone can find me that one where Beck kidnaps Peter and keeps him in the back of a van and, like, pimps him out that would be lit.)
-Also tagging my friends @khalixascorner @the-mad-starker @starker1975 @authoressofdarkness and @starkerkitty who have probably either written something like what you're looking for OR will have recommendations for you 😘
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mallowsweetmiri · 11 months ago
I think it’s cute how at first, Annabeth initiated everything in their relationship. But as time goes by, Percy gets more and more confident, even to the point where he’s kissing Annabeth shamelessly in front of Piper, the kiss lasting so long it leaves both girls breathless and red in the face.
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pedrosyouknowwhat · 20 days ago
Falling from grace
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You fall from grace as a group of raiders destroy your lavish community, taking in you as a macabre spoil of war
Warnings: Dark dark topics, noncon, abduction, mentions of killing a whole community, raider! characters, psychological, physical and sexual abuse, sexual slavery
Pairings: Dark! Joel Miller x reader, Dark! Javier Peña x reader, Dark! Marcus Acacius x reader, Dark! Oberyn Martell x reader, Dark! Agent Whiskey x reader, Dark! Dieter Bravo x reader, Dark! Frankie Morales x reader
Who owns you?
Feather light touches
Feel comfortable to request any idea you’d like to see play out in the story; I’ll try either to integrate it or create a hc or drabble about it!
Love, Red
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amandamariee · 10 months ago
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ MY FIC RECS ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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♡ riordanverse
jason grace
percy jackson
clarisse la rue
leo valdez
luke castellan
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this is my offical love letter to all fanfiction writers!! y'all are so talented and do gods work in making me happy and giggly over my fictional crushes! i have no idea who i would be if i didn't (or couldn't) read these fics. love y'all - amanda <3
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years ago
Me *staring at Nico and Leo creating Greek fire together*: Holy sh---
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The fic about Nico and Leo going to the Underworld for Jason. I just wished for it and it just appeared. I'm a god. The universe loves me.
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katiefromcabin7 · 7 months ago
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the fic if your curious
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mediumgayitalian · 11 months ago
fic rec friday 9
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
Yeehaw by @buoyantsaturn
Or: 5 times Will had a secret power and 1 time he didn't
yall DO NOT UNDERSTAND how much i love this fucking fic. i read it one time when i was like 16, before i started bookmarking fics, and then a couple years ago i spent TWELVE GODDAMN DAYS sifting through every fic in my history to find this. i LOVE this fic. i love will having a strange scattering of powers he doesnt really advertise. its so fun and exciting. i also love 5+1 fics w my whole soul
2. give me one good honest kiss by @ethannku
One second Jason is across from him, lounging against the wall; the next, he’s leaning in, closing the distance between them. And then the warmth is back, blooming across Leo’s face, and he’s worried he’s going to start a fire. His eyes subconsciously slide shut. He registers a soft pressure on his cheek, Jason’s hand, and Leo is certain that his face must be burning. Jason sits back before he’s set aflame, though, and a smile flickers on his face. Leo’s lips tingle. Jason’s hand is still on his cheek. Without thinking, Leo darts his tongue out to lick his lips. Cherry. “Does that answer your question?” - Or; four times Jason kisses Leo, and one time Leo kisses him back
i mentioned my love for 5+1s. this one has SO MUCH. theres a sprinkling of implied autistic leo, explicit nonbinary nico, lesbian piper, some LOVELY leo & piper moments (i love them so bad), and jason just like. deciding he is going to be obvious and start dating leo. while leo is sitting there like ?????? sir????? and setting himself on fire is so so funny to me
3. over lame jokes and laundry detergent by @rosyredlipstick
met doing laundry at 2am college au - Nico likes his alone time and is more then a little pissed off when annoying med student Will Solace throws his routine off balance.
ONE OF MY TOP TEN FAVE ROSYREDLIPSTICK FICS.....LIKE I GIGGLE EVERY TIME!!! nothing is funnier to me than nico trying to be the wickedest grouch and he just. cant. because will makes him smile without meaning to. and theyre STRANGERS?? AND THIS IS STILL HAPPENING?? like i go feral every time. also the WAY nico was eyeing him...boy i get you 😭😭
4. water splashin' and sun shinin' by @rosyredlipstick
Nico is absolutely aghast with the conditions he's forced to work under. Sure, the surf shack has air conditioning and a fully stocked snack area, and the wifi isn't bad, and it doesn't hurt that's he's in the shade all day, but how in the gods names is he expected to work when lifeguard Will Solace won't put on a damn shirt?
no trope and i mean NO trope will ever be better than both will and nico being catastrophically humiliatingly ninth circle of hell chipping away to find the tenth down bad for each other. and not doing anything about it for weeks. just constant thirsting and pining it is so so SO funny to me. that is their dynamic. and a fic where will just has an excuse to never wear a shirt and nico has an excuse (no he doesn't) to stare...they are so constantly real
5. petal to the metal by @rosyredlipstick
“How do I passive aggressively say fuck you in a bouquet?”
i think i have been doing these fic rec fridays long enough to tell yall my truth: fics written in 2016 were elite. i dont know what it is about the year, but consistently, fics, especially by prolific authors, written in 2016 have something special that just make you read them eight billion times. this was one of those fics where i read it to the end, kudosed, and then scrolled right back up to the top and read again. so so so fun. rizzed up nico RIGHTS
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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