#fg penelope
thatpoorfraulein · 2 years
FG Incorrect Quotes Pt4
Peter: We have a problem.
Lois: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them.
Peter: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me!
Chris: We're the best thing that ever happened to you?!
Peter: Yes...?
Meg: Then I feel sorry for you.
Meg: While I'm gone, Chris is in charge.
Chris: Yay!!!
Meg, whispering: Stewie, you're secretly in charge.
Stewie: Obviously.
Penelope: My life isn't as glamorous as my wanted poster makes it look.
Stewie: Stop asking me if I'm gay, or bi, or whatever. I identify as a THREAT.
Chris: You love me, right Roberta?
Roberta: Normally, I'd say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don't like it.
*When someone asks to copy the homework*
Hudson: I can help you with it!
Olivia: Yeah, sure.
Doug: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.
Stewie: lol nope
Susie: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!
Penelope: *Read 5:55 pm*
Stewie: If you had to choose between Doug and all the money I had in my wallet, which would you choose?
Olivia: How much money are we talking about?
Doug: Olivia!
Stewie: 63 cents.
Olivia: I'll take it.
Doug: OLIVIA!!!
Stewie: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Doug: You and me!
Stewie, tearing up: Okay.
Peter: Wake me up...
Cleveland: Before you go go!
Quagmire: When September ends...
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months
The Day(s) We Met.
Chapter 2: Joyce 'Joy' Penelope Foxworth.
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Summary: Hannah Hook meets Joyce 'Joy' Penelope Foxworth. 
Trigger Warnings: smuggling. 
Co-written with @casinotrio1965 .
Hannah opened the door to the room FG had pointed her to. Keeping a tight grip on her bags and shooting Skia (who was in her crow form still) a stern look—silently telling her to stay in that form until they knew that they were alone. 
Joy, who was watching her pet bunny Taffy run around, looked up and saw a strange girl in pirate getup.
“Oh hi,” Joy started. “Are you my new roommate?”
“Aye.” Hannah looked around the room, trying not to grimace at the third bed that obviously had been half-hazardly shoved in there. Most likely recently.
“Nice to meet you ! I’m Joy—” She pauses to pick up her pet bunny . “And this is Taffy !’
“Nice… to meet you too?” Hannah hummed, not sure what else to say. “Uh. This is…Rogue—” she gestured to Skia, coming up with a name on the spot. “And this—” she gestured to her pet owl, who was on her other shoulder. “Is Icarus.”
Her pet raccoon hissed from his cage. “Oh, and that's Midas.”
“Cool pets but… Icarus isn't gonna eat my rabbit is he? Cuz…” Starts Whispering, so Taffy won’t Hear . “Owls in the wild eat rabbits for breakfast”
“No, he won't. He's well trained, I promise. But if it 
makes you feel better, I'll keep him in his cage when Taffy is out.” Hannah offered, figuring she should at least try to get along with her roommates. 
“Thank you. That means a lot!” Joy said very relieved. “So … tell me about yourself . If you want to—”
Hannah interrupted, trying her best to look apologetic and not on edge. Silently  hoping that River hadn't been caught hiding at the docs yet and that Luke still had plenty of air from where he was hiding in her suitcase. “Uh, sorry to interrupt but I thought there were supposed to be two of you?”
“Oh! You must mean Amira! Yeah she’s taking her pet tiger for a walk . Don’t worry she’ll be with us shortly…” 
“Nice, nice. I'm guessing this is my bed? Unless it's for Amira's Tiger or one of yours?” Hannah gestured to the bed closest to the door. 
“No, that’s your bed for sure !” 
“Right. Thank you. So…. Wanna tell me about yourself?”
“Sure! My  hobbies are History, reading, listening to music, animals, animal care, sailing, treasure hunting, fishing, playing games, pizza, climbing, singing, and yodeling.”
Hannah was thinking more like what her last name was and who her family were but she wasn't gonna complain. Any excuse to unpack was good enough for her. 
“My mom Is Jenny Foxworth and my dad is Nibs Darling who used to be a lost boy for Peter Pan himself!”
“Oh. Cool… I'm uh, Hannah Hook. But I'm guessing you already knew that.”
“Yeah FG Informed us ahead of time .. So what’s Hook like as a dad?”
“Uh, like any other dad I guess?... I'm not sure.”
“Oh right.. Sorry. So What do you like to do for fun?” Joy asked sheepishly, embarrassed.
Hannah sat down on her bed. “Sailing, writing, playing games…drawing. Sword fighting. Treasure hunting. Reading. Lots of things.”
“No way! I like sailing, playing games and treasure hunting too! Guess we have three things in common!”
“Sweet—also does this place have a bathroom? I really gotta go.” It was a lie but the redhead didn't need to know that. 
“Uh yeah right next to our shared closet .. “
“Alrighty then. I'll be right back.” Hannah smiled nervously, before heading to the bathroom with the suitcase that held Luke in it. 
Leaving Joy behind to think that her and Amira's new roommate was more than a little odd.
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fandxmslxt69 · 7 months
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is it accurate? probably not. do i care? no. all that matters is that i laughed when it came to me in a vision
if we WANTED accuracy you could always change Telemachus to Diomedes or even Polites. maybe Euryloches. Diomedes would be funny lmao
HGNFHNFNF bc now i cant see this with anyone other than odysseus and penelope
anyway ACTUALLY Odysseus would be the shorter one. i know in my soul that man is not even 5'5. i know. short man full of rage and lies and sarcasm. 5'0 man ready to fight god.
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carmy77 · 1 year
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Elenco vincitori
Concorso di Poesie, Filastrocche, Racconti e Fiabe
“Libera la fantasia” 5^ Edizione
A) Sezione Poesie e Filastrocche a tema fantasy
“Carmelo, il sedano fragola, Penelope la ragna e Riccardo, il riccio bugiardo” filastrocche inedite di Cecilia Turino – Frattaminore (NA)
“ Amore su petali di rosa” raccolta edita di poesie di Barbara Baka – Carapelle (FG)
“C’erano una volta sette nani” filastrocca inedita di Danila Pesce – Savona (SV)
Menzione Speciale a:
“Poesie, Filastrocche, Raccontini per grandi e piccini” libro edito di filastrocche e racconti brevi di Rita Giovanna Cavicchi – Castiglione dei Pepoli (BO)
Segnalazione di merito a:
“ Nonna e Paura” filastrocca inedita di Valerio Falgari – Curno (BG)
“Dimora fiabesca” raccolta edita di poesie di Maria Cristina Biasoli – Molinella (RO)
B) Poesie e Filastrocche a tema libero
“Ricomincio da t(r)e” raccolta di poesie in fase di pubblicazione di Mario Tommasini – Roma (RM)
“Alla periferia del vento” poesia inedita di Stefano Baldinu – S. Pietro in Casale (BO)
“Per voi” poesia inedita di Christian Testa – Villanterio (PV)
Menzione Speciale a:
“Filastroccando – Poesie e filastrocche di Nonnogino” raccolta inedita di poesie e filastrocche di Luigino De Francesco – Torino (TO)
Segnalazione di merito a:
“Unni a biddizza cunforta (Dove la bellezza consola)” poesia in dialetto siciliano tradotta in italiano di Lucia Zappalà -  Istrana  (TV)
  Premi Speciali
   Premio Assoluto della Critica a:
“Note dimenticate nella notte” raccolta poetica inedita di Francesco Ambrosio -  Frattamaggiore (NA)
  Premio Speciale Miglior Giovane Autore a:
“Unica salvezza” poesia inedita di Serena Cola – Meldola (FC)
     Premio Speciale per l’Operato Socio – Culturale a:
Angelo Canino, scrittore (Acri – CS) distintosi per quanto costruito artisticamente e culturalmente negli anni, vincendo tantissimi premi letterari e aderendo in varie manifestazioni di spessore. Poesia scelta come migliore dalla Giuria: “ Ppe cchilli terri (Per quei terreni)” opera inedita in dialetto calabrese tradotta in italiano.
    Premio Speciale della Giuria a:
Lucia Barabino, scrittrice (San Francesco al Campo – TO) per la sua
straordinaria capacità creativa e la sua estrema bravura mista a sensibilità nello scrivere testi per grandi e piccini. Testo scelto come migliore dalla Giuria: “L’albero nel bosco” filastrocca inedita.
“Kerstonville, segreti di contea” romanzo inedito di Silvia Turello – Siderno (RC)
C) Sezione Racconti e Fiabe a tema fantasy
“Sara e i mille mila” fiaba edita di Gabriele Missaglia – Dizzasco (CO)
“Ascoltate la biblioteca” racconto inedito di Gabriele Andreani – Pesaro (PU)
“Agata delle farfalle” fiaba inedita di Clara Guareschi – Varallo (VC)
Menzione speciale a:
“Misha l’orsetto magico” fiaba inedita di Giovanni Saia – La Spezia (SP)
  Segnalazione di merito a:
“Diario di un tirannosauro vegetariano” racconto fantasy inedito di Gabriele Di Fazio – Marino (RM)
D) Sezione Racconti e Romanzi a tema libero
“La rosa sott’acqua – Storia di una vita negata” racconto inedito di Cristina Manzo – Lecce (LE)
“La rosa bianca di Izmir – Oltre il velo della paura ” romanzo edito di Anna D’Auria – Gragnano (NA)
“Raggio di luce” romanzo edito di Matteo Molino – Milano (MI)
Menzione speciale a:
“Augustus Darius” romanzo inedito di Angelo Dario Garziano – Mazzarino (CL)
Segnalazione di merito a:
“La ragazza e il cavaliere” romanzo inedito di Cristina Mora – Luserna San Giovanni (TO)
   Premio Finalisti
“Cassandra e Isabeau” racconto inedito di Alessandra Peretti – Amandola (FM)
“L’arte di Howth (Tratto da una storia vera)” racconto inedito di Anna Ferriero – Torre del Greco (NA)
“Le avventure di Rapetta” raccolta inedita di racconti di Paola Ercole – Roma (RM)
“Il marziano Baffi Blu” filastrocca inedita di Barbara Barducco – Rivarossa (TO)
“La mia follia” monologo teatrale inedito di Rodolfo Andrei – Roma (RM)
“Il peso della solitudine” raccolta poetica di Roberta Matassa – Bari (BA)
“Anche l’ospedale è bello...se si muta in un castello” filastrocca inedita di Sergio Giovannetti – Vinci (FI)
“Il brutto anatroccolo (Favola rap) favola inedita in versi di Veruska Vertuani – Aprilia (LT)
“Era notte a Roma” racconto edito di Laura Marcucci – Roma (RM)
“La strega presuntuosa” filastrocca inedita di Caterina Giannini – Roma (RM)
“Immensa” racconto inedito di Chiara Mari – Losanna Svizzera (VD)
“Il Natale delle fiabe” filastrocca inedita di Patrizia Birtolo – Giussano (MB)
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carmelagabriele · 1 year
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Elenco vincitori
Concorso di Poesie, Filastrocche, Racconti e Fiabe
“Libera la fantasia” 5^ Edizione
A) Sezione Poesie e Filastrocche a tema fantasy
“Carmelo, il sedano fragola, Penelope la ragna e Riccardo, il riccio bugiardo” filastrocche inedite di Cecilia Turino – Frattaminore (NA)
“ Amore su petali di rosa” raccolta edita di poesie di Barbara Baka – Carapelle (FG)
“C’erano una volta sette nani” filastrocca inedita di Danila Pesce – Savona (SV)
Menzione Speciale a:
“Poesie, Filastrocche, Raccontini per grandi e piccini” libro edito di filastrocche e racconti brevi di Rita Giovanna Cavicchi – Castiglione dei Pepoli (BO)
Segnalazione di merito a:
“ Nonna e Paura” filastrocca inedita di Valerio Falgari – Curno (BG)
“Dimora fiabesca” raccolta edita di poesie di Maria Cristina Biasoli – Molinella (RO)
B) Poesie e Filastrocche a tema libero
“Ricomincio da t(r)e” raccolta di poesie in fase di pubblicazione di Mario Tommasini – Roma (RM)
“Alla periferia del vento” poesia inedita di Stefano Baldinu – S. Pietro in Casale (BO)
“Per voi” poesia inedita di Christian Testa – Villanterio (PV)
Menzione Speciale a:
“Filastroccando – Poesie e filastrocche di Nonnogino” raccolta inedita di poesie e filastrocche di Luigino De Francesco – Torino (TO)
Segnalazione di merito a:
“Unni a biddizza cunforta (Dove la bellezza consola)” poesia in dialetto siciliano tradotta in italiano di Lucia Zappalà -  Istrana  (TV)
  Premi Speciali
   Premio Assoluto della Critica a:
“Note dimenticate nella notte” raccolta poetica inedita di Francesco Ambrosio -  Frattamaggiore (NA)
  Premio Speciale Miglior Giovane Autore a:
“Unica salvezza” poesia inedita di Serena Cola – Meldola (FC)
     Premio Speciale per l’Operato Socio – Culturale a:
Angelo Canino, scrittore (Acri – CS) distintosi per quanto costruito artisticamente e culturalmente negli anni, vincendo tantissimi premi letterari e aderendo in varie manifestazioni di spessore. Poesia scelta come migliore dalla Giuria: “ Ppe cchilli terri (Per quei terreni)” opera inedita in dialetto calabrese tradotta in italiano.
    Premio Speciale della Giuria a:
Lucia Barabino, scrittrice (San Francesco al Campo – TO) per la sua
straordinaria capacità creativa e la sua estrema bravura mista a sensibilità nello scrivere testi per grandi e piccini. Testo scelto come migliore dalla Giuria: “L’albero nel bosco” filastrocca inedita.
“Kerstonville, segreti di contea” romanzo inedito di Silvia Turello – Siderno (RC)
C) Sezione Racconti e Fiabe a tema fantasy
“Sara e i mille mila” fiaba edita di Gabriele Missaglia – Dizzasco (CO)
“Ascoltate la biblioteca” racconto inedito di Gabriele Andreani – Pesaro (PU)
“Agata delle farfalle” fiaba inedita di Clara Guareschi – Varallo (VC)
Menzione speciale a:
“Misha l’orsetto magico” fiaba inedita di Giovanni Saia – La Spezia (SP)
  Segnalazione di merito a:
“Diario di un tirannosauro vegetariano” racconto fantasy inedito di Gabriele Di Fazio – Marino (RM)
D) Sezione Racconti e Romanzi a tema libero
“La rosa sott’acqua – Storia di una vita negata” racconto inedito di Cristina Manzo – Lecce (LE)
“La rosa bianca di Izmir – Oltre il velo della paura ” romanzo edito di Anna D’Auria – Gragnano (NA)
“Raggio di luce” romanzo edito di Matteo Molino – Milano (MI)
Menzione speciale a:
“Augustus Darius” romanzo inedito di Angelo Dario Garziano – Mazzarino (CL)
Segnalazione di merito a:
“La ragazza e il cavaliere” romanzo inedito di Cristina Mora – Luserna San Giovanni (TO)
   Premio Finalisti
“Cassandra e Isabeau” racconto inedito di Alessandra Peretti – Amandola (FM)
“L’arte di Howth (Tratto da una storia vera)” racconto inedito di Anna Ferriero – Torre del Greco (NA)
“Le avventure di Rapetta” raccolta inedita di racconti di Paola Ercole – Roma (RM)
“Il marziano Baffi Blu” filastrocca inedita di Barbara Barducco – Rivarossa (TO)
“La mia follia” monologo teatrale inedito di Rodolfo Andrei – Roma (RM)
“Il peso della solitudine” raccolta poetica di Roberta Matassa – Bari (BA)
“Anche l’ospedale è bello...se si muta in un castello” filastrocca inedita di Sergio Giovannetti – Vinci (FI)
“Il brutto anatroccolo (Favola rap) favola inedita in versi di Veruska Vertuani – Aprilia (LT)
“Era notte a Roma” racconto edito di Laura Marcucci – Roma (RM)
“La strega presuntuosa” filastrocca inedita di Caterina Giannini – Roma (RM)
“Immensa” racconto inedito di Chiara Mari – Losanna Svizzera (VD)
“Il Natale delle fiabe” filastrocca inedita di Patrizia Birtolo – Giussano (MB)
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sugar-petals · 4 years
The only flamboyant gamines I’ve seen you talk about are guys, so if you don’t mind, what are some examples of women that have this kibbe type? I think this might be my type but I’m not sure, hopefully seeing examples will help me figure it out.
FGs in k-pop
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audrey hepburn
shelley duvall
letitia wright
hayley williams
kristen stewart
penelope cruz
emma roberts
fka twigs
tessa thompson
alicia vikander
debbie allen
kate moss
zooey deschanel
donna mitchell
victoria beckham
gwen stefani
vanessa paradis
liza minelli
tina turner
common type characteristics: 
small height, large and rounded eyes, youthful appearance, straight frame, either narrowness or some muscularity, defined bone structure, slight broadness at the shoulder, mix of yin and yang characteristics, less pronounced waist, sharp facial features (nose, jaw) but small-scale, square frame that shows with weight gain, can become very skinny because of their yang undercurrent, dealbreaker: will never be extremely tall or curvy, most gamines look interesting and asymmetric rather than even and averaged like a classic, larger head by proportion (making them appear petite even at lower moderate height), most unpredictable mix of lines
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Loving Thyself (Sparky)
April called for a new interviewee: Ms. Crappy To Happy. I won’t go into too much detail about her, but her website is here. She is a self-proclaimed people-lover, which, like other people-lovers, greatly puzzle Gina, Flash, and me. During the interview it was abundantly clear that she was indeed a very happy person, the sort of spiritually and professionally fulfilled individual we all strive to be. She divulged several practices that have helped her become the joyous person she is today, and after the interview, us FGS got together and racked our brains out for an April assignment that will launch us closer to our goal of liking people (or at least not hating them). 
The prevailing theme from Ms. Crappy to Happy’s interview was self-love and self-compassion. There’s that age-old saying about how you can’t expect others to love you unless you love yourself, which I’d always thought was dumb and made no sense. Like, what the hell does loving myself have to do with whether others will love me or not? Those two were completely unrelated! And then I started working at Upstairs Nonprofit Place, surrounding myself with people who talked about how to “show up” and “give off that positive energy,” and all that New Agey stuff that usually made me raise my eyebrows in skepticism. 
Then one day it hit me: people can see if I hate myself. They can smell it the way mean teachers smell fear. They can tell you don’t think very highly of yourself because you’re always making these self-deprecating jokes that slowly become unfunny and just pathetic and sad, or because you look at the floor when you talk, or because of this: YOU DON’T ALLOW THE REAL YOU TO SHINE SINCE YOU DON’T THINK YOU’RE WORTHY. I realized there was no way I was going to find The One with that sort of attitude. 
Anyway, what Ms. Crappy to Happy said was of a similar vein. Liking people involves a whole lot of forgiving and being compassionate to those who do horrible things. It involves looking at the dude who clubs baby seals and going, “What you do is a fucking shitty thing, and maybe you’re a shitty person or you’ve got reasons for doing this shitty thing that doesn’t necessarily make you a shitty person.” It means not immediately hating the person who’s rude to you on the phone because maybe they’re also having a bad day and accidentally took it out on you. It means seeing and hearing about all these people doing awful things and still thinking, these are a truckload of shitheads or maybe people doing shithead things, but it doesn’t mean the entire human species are a bunch of turds. 
Really, it involves being compassionate, and there’s no way you can do that unless you can be self-compassionate. 
Personally, I have a hell of a time with self-compassion. I guess we could all use a little more of it since most of us are pretty hard on ourselves. My particular problem is that I walk around believing there’s something inherently wrong with me. I mean, I REALLY REALLY believe this. My therapist calls this my core belief, which is a pretty sad thing to believe. And because I think I’m defective, I subconsciously search for evidence supporting this conjecture. The evidence usually comes in the form of other people hurting or rejecting me. I never look for the good in others. It’s like I have a built-in detector for Shitty Things People Do To Me that goes off and screams, “SEE?! You MUST be unloveable if so-and-so rejected/lied to/cheated on/ignored/insulted you.”
Our task for April is: To cultivate self-compassion. And it all begins with language and the stories we tell ourselves. Inspired by several experiments Ms. Crappy To Happy conducted over the years, we are to find one or more accountability buddies who will charge us 50 cents every time we put ourselves down, or say anything coming from a place of self-hate. They will then ask, “What is the kindest thing you can do for yourself in this moment?” and if we answer and do the thing, we will only pay 25 cents. 
It’s Day 1.5 of the assignment and already I owe Needles 50 cents, Penelope 25 cents, and Kimmy 75 cents. 
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thatpoorfraulein · 3 years
FG Incorrect Quotes Pt3
Brian: I don't mean to be rude-
Stewie: Yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often.
Lois: I assume you realize this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in this house.
Peter: Is there any kind of idiocy you'd be more comfortable with?
Stewie: It's pretty cold outside...wanna hold hands? We should stay close.
Doug, blushing: Okay.
Olivia: IT'S SUMMER.
Meg: This date is boring!
Connie: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Meg: Then why'd you invite me?
Connie: I didn't, I specifically said "don't come with me" and then you said "I'll do whatever I want!"
Peter: I've done a lot of dumb stuff.
Cleveland: I've witnessed the dumb stuff.
Joe: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Quagmire: I joined you in the dumb stuff.
Brian: I tried to stop you from doing the dumb stuff!
Meg: I'm sad.
Chris: Don't be sad, cause sad backwards is das. And das not good.
Lois: I feel so burnt out.
Stewie: Don't worry, it'll be over soon.
Lois: Are you gonna...assassinate me?
Stewie: Well, not if you're expecting it.
Penelope: I don't dab. I stab.
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thatpoorfraulein · 3 years
FG Incorrect Quotes Pt2
Peter: I wouldn't put it in those words exactly.
Lois: Why not?
Peter: Because I don't know what they mean.
Connie: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Meg: I know. Whenever I'm around the person I like, I just start acting stupid.
Connie: But you're always acting stupid?
Meg: Yeah, don't think about that too hard.
Doug: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Stewie: Aww-
Doug: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Chris: I lost Stewie!
Brian: How could you lose Stewie?
Peter: To be fair, she is very short.
Stewie, trying to impress Doug: I reinitialized the entire command structure, retaining all programmed abilities but deleting the supplementary preference architecture.
Penelope: She turned it off and back on again.
Peter: I just had a long talk with Meg and Chris about hitting and now they're yelling "it's my turn to perpetuate the cycle of violence" before hitting each other.
Stewie: I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
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thatpoorfraulein · 3 years
FG Incorrect Quotes Pt1
Lois: Is there something burning?
Peter: Only my love for you!
Lois: ...Peter, the toaster's on fire.
Chris: I never cry.
Meg: You cried yesterday at the 6:00 news!
Chris: That old woman was being scammed by her mechanic!
Brian: There's nothing worse than people using big words they don't understand.
Stewie: I photosynthesize with this.
Lois: Chris got his first detention today.
Brian: Why'd he get detention?
Meg: Because he's an idiot.
Peter, horrified: They can do that?!
Olivia: Hey, did you hear that sound?
Stewie: I hear the sound of you shutting up.
Stewie: I want a bf.
Doug: Do you mean a best friend, boyfriend, or bread feast? Because you're being really vague here.
Penelope: I brought reinforcements.
Olivia: You brought Stewie?!
Penelope: Well, I couldn't find her, so I brought the next best thing...
Doug: Hey!
Hudson: You brought Doug?! The next best thing would be Susie!
Doug: Normally I'd be offended, but she is freakishly strong.
Stewie: That's ridiculous. Doug doesn't have a crush on me.
Olivia: Yes he does.
Penelope: Yes he does.
Doug: Yeah I do.
Peter: I have the best memory here - name one time I forgot something!
Meg: You left me, Chris, and Stewie in a Walmart parking lot at 2am yesterday.
Peter: I did that on purpose, try again.
Stewie: Bet you can't eat 15 crayons!
Chris: Bet you I can!
Brian: *sips coffee, checks to make sure 911 is still on speed dial, and goes back to reading the paper*
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thatpoorfraulein · 3 years
penelope doodle
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"Well, I don't have to worry about my mother anymore."
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thatpoorfraulein · 3 years
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Aesthetic board for Penelope if anyone remembers her (I think she's from S10E19)
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