#ffxv fic waffling
ataraxetta · 6 years
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I started a Gadnoct fic based on this spectacular piece of fanart by @rex-clypeus (with her permission), and after like 4 weeks it is almost 500 words! Someday I might even be able to finish it! It's sort of terrible right now but editing is for later! (pic is of text that is a little on the nsfw side)
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awlwren-writes · 3 years
3, 13, 19, 25 for the end of year fanfic ask meme
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
Hitting hard to start, huh? Maybe it’s just the bias of having thought about it recently, but I really am very fond of the scene of the rookies crossing the river. It went through several significant changes as I wrote it and I’m glad I reworked it rather than delete it when I noticed it didn’t really fit.
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
My mind blanked on this for a while and I couldn’t remember a single thing I listened to for fic other than the songs we used as prompts. But then, of course, as I was scrolling through my youtube history trying desperately to remember it hit me: “The Mary Ellen Carter”.
19. any new fics to start next year
Umm…the fic that is your triad of asks, maybe some late entries for Cor Week or Cor!Dad Week. I don’t have the energy or, frankly, the time, to get them done before the new year, but I am working! (I’m paring down an ask from our dear Waffle, but that should get posted before the new year 🤞)
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
Since I answered the other time with FFXV fics, I figured I’d use this one to spotlight other fandoms.
Station Hopping (Among Us) by MissTeaVee - this whole series has really great worldbuilding for the Imposters, and this one (a prequel to the main fic) is from an Imposter POV (beware spoilers in the comments).
Son (FFVII) by She_sees_in_the_dark. Time Travel Vincent (and more) steals Sephiroth to try to raise him into a more stable person, constantly surprised by the number of people trying to help. Excellent Turks and Reeve.
Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns (Star Wars) by chancecraz - amazing Time Travel fic where General Organa gets thrown back to the beginning of A New Hope. This story made me believe in Sequel Leia. It’s fantastic. Not technically updated this year (although one of the spin-offs was), but the author gave us the two week warning to reread before the next chapter comes out, and I periodically reread all the parts of this series anyway.
Padded Cuffs (Batfam) by envysparkler (or really anything by her, also, read the links at the bottom) - fear toxin, enemy(ish) to caretaker, Jason Todd & Tim Drake. All the drama from dramatic people, all the whump.
I’ll stop there.
Sorry for the delay in answering this; life has been crazy and I’ve been using answering asks as rewards for finishing tasks. ♥️
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queenlua · 3 years
annoyed at all my WIPs today & annoyed that i’ve gone this long without posting any fic, so here’s just me bitching about each of them in turn
abruptly realized that the Sad Apollo Thing i'm working on has an alarmingly similar plot arc to an ffxv fic i've tried and failed to write, like, eight times.  maybe ninth time's a charm?  alternatively, someone come shoot me
Sad Simon & Edgeworth Thing has a tremendously fun opening act, but i need to figure out literally any plot points beyond "and then edgeworth was sad a lot," sadness is not a plot point wtf
Athenaquill Thing is in crysosleep until i figure out how to turn it into a story and not, like, two random scenes that are so totally cool, just trust me on this one guys.  i thought i'd actually gotten cooking on this when once i wrote a little side-scene confrontation thing between apollo and athena, but then apollo took over the entire story, and thus branched into the aforementioned Sad Apollo Thing.  apollo, what a motherfucker, am i right.  i have a whole fucking athenaquill-in-a-Waffle-House scene written and it's DELIGHTFUL and if i don't get a chance to actually USE it i will be SO mad
Edgeworth & Maya Thing is gonna be great but!!!  honestly i need to do a bit more prewriting on that one; i still don't have their voices nailed to my own self-satisfaction, and it's a long enough piece that i don't want to start until i'm really certain i've got the momentum built up and all that
Zine Thing is... fine, actually, there’s no good reason i have for not making more progress on that, except for “existential angst & hyperfixation on previously-mentioned fics.”  apparently i will bang my head repeatedly against a wall rather than take the perfectly nice well-lit alternate pathway.  i’m very good at this, clearly
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quillfulwriter · 5 years
The Distraction: FFXV Iggy’s Birthday Fic
Prompto's in on a surprise party for Ignis, and he's been tasked with being the distraction. It's harder than he thought, but he won't let the guys down! (Forgive the Promnis vibes, I'm trash for them.)
Words: 3073 words (10-25 minutes) | Chocobros
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This was it, the big day for their surprise party for Specs... Prompto was in charge of being a distraction, probably the hardest job of the whole thing. He tried telling the others that, but they swore up and down that he could do it, no problem. Riding in the passenger seat next to Iggy like usual, Prompto figured out that was probably because they didn’t wanna do it. Not ‘cause hanging with Iggy was bad or anything, but keeping him distracted when he was designed for laser-like focus was gonna be the hardest thing he’s ever done in his life.
He convinced Ignis to take him along to the Crown City mall half by saying he wanted to check out some places and half by saying he should learn what Ignis does for Noct, so he could be a backup if he needs it. And that only worked by stocking up Iggy points with little favors to make his job easier. Y’know, to prove he could be a good backup!
Which was kinda part of his day-to-day anyway. Iggy worked so hard doing stuff for them all the time, and Gladio and Noct didn’t really do that whole ‘helping with dinner’ thing. But hey, that’s what made it such a good cover story!
“We’ve arrived,” Ignis announced and the doors automatically locked once he put the car in park. The morning sun gave a little extra warmth to the winter air, but he couldn’t complain about the cold when it meant Ignis broke out his sharp, double-breasted wool peacoat. All his friends were supermodels, but he had to give it to Ig, he looked extra good dressed for cold weather. Like the Six knew it when they set his birthday in stone.
“Gotcha,” Prompto answered, springing out of the car with his camera around his neck. Just in case! Never know when you’ll see a shot you just got to take, and it was a great reason to draw out their trip if he had to. Ignis always stopped to wait when Prompto wanted to take pictures, and he was pretty patient about it too.
And really, Prompto was banking on that. They still had to decorate, put the gifts together, make a cake… And they hadn’t even started wrapping yet. Leaving all that to Noct and the big guy felt like a recipe for disaster, but all he could do now was his part. Going at a light jog to keep up with Iggy’s longer, purposeful stride, Prompto followed him into the Crown City mall.
“So! What’s our first stop?” There wasn’t much of a crowd, since it was mid-week. No luck there. Just made Prompto think about how he wished there was more color in their uniform.
“We’ll be visiting just the one shop: a specialty dining store,” Ignis answered and led the way. “There are certain cooking instruments designed for the road that will prove essential on our journey.”
“Hey, Iggy!” Prompto raced ahead of him, eager to get started ‘cause this was gonna eat up hours. …Okay, maybe one hour. For his first distraction, Prompto picked up a cup-like thing with a little curve for pouring, some weird plunger thing, and measuring lines on the side. Turning around with a bounce in his step, he showed the tool to Ignis. “What’s this gadget do?”
“Hm?” Ignis strode over to the table Prompto picked out. Even here, he did the driving and pushed the cart along too. There was a lotta stuff here he didn’t recognize, so Prompto had plenty of ammo to keep his attention. “Ah, that is a milk frother, primarily used for lattes and other such beverages where foam is a key part of the experience.”
“Right, right. Y’know, I’ve never had a latte.” He put the frother down by the others, twisting it so it’d match its family of frothers before he took off after Ignis. “Think you could use it in hot chocolate?”
“You certainly can. I’ll show you sometime.” Ignis had a hint of a smile as he wound artfully through the rows and rows of cooking stuff that was either high-end normal stuff or specialty stuff.
“That’d be real sweet of you,” Prompto shot back a pun, giggling while he followed after Ignis.
Maybe if he wasn’t so caught up looking at grills, Iggy might’ve given as good as he got. Probably better, he did a lot more reading than Prom and that gave him more material to work with. Comparing little portable grills to each other with wordless hums and silent notetaking on his phone, Prompto was pretty sure he could do a dance and get nothing from the royal advisor. Or just a quick glance, anyway.
“Hey, uh, Igster,” Prompto ventured an interruption when he looked just about done. “Isn’t this thing just a slab of salt?” He held up a swirled dark and light pink rectangle about two or three inches thick labelled with just ‘mineral salt block’ on the side.
“It is far more than that.” Ignis finished up a note on his phone, picking up a boxed version of the grill he settled on and put it in the cart. “That is for grilling or stovetop cooking for the right stove, and it imparts a lightly salty flavor with the various health benefits of its mineral composition to—” Ignis sighed, picking up on the overwhelmed look on Prompto’s face. Probably. “It’s good for the food and for those who eat it.”
“Ah, gotcha. So Noct’d hate it, huh? Too healthy.” He put the block down, smiling at Ignis’ laugh.
“It doesn’t feature the same textural concerns Noct has with beans, but… I suspect you may be correct.”
Of course Prom got a text right then, and he hoped it was Gladio or Noct saying everything was fine and ready to go. Pulling his phone out of his pocket with only a little extra flair, he brought up the message from Noctis.
Need more time.
Only one way to answer that. Tossing in an exasperated emoji, he sent back just what he thought of that.
y tho
And the picture he got from Noct was so depressing, it was truly a loss for mankind. What was once gold cake was a bit more brown-and-black-ish, and big chunks of it were still stuck on the pan while the rest was somewhere off-frame. Uh, he hoped.
Thank Gladio.
smh how much time u need
A few seconds turned to a minute and Prompto kept checking his screen every few minutes before Ignis finally spoke up.
“Prompto, do pay attention,” he advised.
“Right, gotcha.” Pockets his phone for the last time. Left on read by Noct! If it wasn’t for Iggy’s birthday, he’d be in for a parade of emojis until Prompto got an answer. Or maybe not, but it sounded kinda fun to do. Trotting to catch up to Ignis again, he started up conversation. “So, you do all this by yourself?”
“Typically, yes,” he answered, though he sounded pleased rather than put out. Even looked the part smirking like that when he pushed up his glasses. “Gladio has little patience for it and Noctis has other responsibilities. It’s only natural this should be entrusted to me.”
“Yeah, but on your birthday?” Oops. He was so not supposed to say that, and Prompto’s stilted laugh when he figured out his slip-up didn’t do anything to throw Ignis off his scent. He even stopped to look at Prompto, examining him for answers. Or maybe it just felt like that and Prompto was worrying too much! He just to chill like Noct said to. Yeah, just… chill.
“I didn’t realize you knew.”
“Yeah, well, y’know.” Crap, he was very un-chill right now. Prompto shrugged, eyeing the shelves next to him for a way out of this conversation. “Noct brought it up, and I guess it stuck.” Gotta find a distraction and quick. It’d just buy time, Iggy’d never forget a slip-up like that, but time was all he needed. Prompto snatched up a waffle iron at the end of a really long stick from a display by the camping stuff. “Oh em gee, check this out! Waffles at camp, can you imagine?”
“If you’re willing to make them one at a time,” he teased with that slight smile, turning back to push the cart ahead. That’s right, Iggy, focus on the to-do list and forget that little blunder from Prompto.
“Aw, I’d never keep up with the big guy,” he mourned, dejectedly returning the specialty cookware to its box and catching up to the birthday guy again.
“Indeed not.”
After gathering the rest of their supplies in preparation for the coming trip in the warmer weather, Ignis checked off the final item in his phone.
“And that concludes our shopping for the time being.” The cart was expertly packed just so everything fit in and was even sorted for putting on the belt in an orderly fashion at checkout. Seriously, Ignis’ brain should be melting from all the stuff he thought ahead on. But Prompto was keeping up with him for now, anyway—maybe he really could be halfway-decent at this back-up thing.
“Really? You do a ton, but you really make it look easy. And that’s not just flattery to distract you, I mean it!” Dammit, he was getting bad at this. Thankfully, Ignis pretended not to notice it. Probably. He doubted he really didn’t realize. Ignis, miss something? Next, it’d rain ice cream!
“I should thank you.” With the last item rung through checkout (Prompto didn’t even dare to look at the total), it was as good a time as any, but so weird. Yeah, Prompto got it, he’d do the same if he were Iggy, but… He laughed, shrugging it off. Like always, Ignis kept going undaunted. “As much as I don’t anticipate I’ll need a substitute for my duty to Noctis, it never hurts to be prepared.”
“Hey, uh. No problem! Least I can do, really.” Prompto was spared being even more awkward somehow when Ignis gave his attention to checkout. Plus, it got him a second to text Noct without spectacles maybe seeing what he was up to if he didn’t figure it out yet.
omw home
Not yet.
Prompto let out a groan, slumping in defeat. The shopping trip was over, Noct! What now?
“Stocking the cart might go more smoothly if your hands were free.” Uh oh, that was the informative warning tone. Ignis was audio-coded to hint at what he was thinking and Prompto was getting a code yellow.
“Uh, right.” Putting his phone away, he helped moved the grill and cooking stuff he didn’t exactly recognize into the cart. They were almost done and Prompto blurted out his only idea before he had a chance to think about it enough to stop. “Actually, wanna go someplace cool after this?”
“Y’know, ‘cause it’s your birthday! There’s guys who can take this stuff back to the castle, yeah?” He really hoped Ignis would buy this. He couldn’t be the one who screwed up and ruined the surprise, the guys were counting on him! “Isn’t there a place you’ve always wanted to check out, but never got to?”
“Not especially,” Ignis answered after a brief pause. That mildly wide-eyed look was way too caught off guard… Could it be Iggy never thought about stuff he wanted to do before? Seriously? Prompto wanted to not believe it, but with all the stuff he’s always doing for everyone else under the sun, it’s, y’know… Possible. If not super likely.
“Then I’ll show you around. C’mon, it’s just one day, not even. Two hours.” Ignis pulled the cart to the side and out of the way, which wasn’t a yes but it wasn’t a no yet either. He could still get away with this! Prompto flashed the smile that usually worked on Noct, tossing in an eager bounce to cover his bases. “Birthday trip? Birthday trip!”
“There’s snow outside, Prompto.” This answer was just a little bit weaker, not reinforced with the typical Ignis brand crisp certainty that came with every sentence. And what kinda sharpshooter would he be if he didn’t take this opening?
“So? We’ve got boots.” Prompto bent his knee and held one foot up like he needed to demonstrate. Paired with the grin, he could tell—he was winning this round.
“I have to return to the castle for dinner preparation.” Ignis’ gaze darted to the shop windows and the city guard posted outside. The ones that could take all this back to the castle for them and buy the guys some time before Iggy came back.
“How’s this—you go on the birthday trip you so deserve, let me take a couple cool shoots to remember it by, and I’ll help make dinner.” He offered his hand to Ignis, leaning into his field of vision to get his attention. “Deal?”
With a sigh and a signal the guards outside, Ignis gave in. “Very well.”
“Woohoo! You’re not gonna regret it.”
After their side trip, they had to get someone to give them a ride and man, was it weird to have Ignis riding in the back seat of a car next to Prompto in calm quiet. Not a bad, awkward quiet—he was so used to those—but chill. He was usually in front too so Gladio could get the extra leg room, so at least being next to Iggy was just like always. Prompto dug out his phone again, sending one last warning text. They’d gotten another hour or hour and a half outta this, he hoped they figured it out.
omw 4 real
“When you said cool pictures, I hadn’t thought you meant literally on the ice.” Ignis only just glanced his way, his face still slightly red from spending time in the cold February air.
“Hey, that pond is a prime photo op!” He slipped his phone into his pocket, swapping it out for his camera. “Check it out,” he offered, bringing up a photo of Ignis in the light, warm glow of the late afternoon winter sun glittering off the ice, a faint plume of his breath in front of him and a delicate blush to his cheeks. Say what you want about the royal advisor, but it’d better be a compliment—he was gorgeous. “My best one yet.”
“Oh, so you collect them?”
“Ah, well, y’see, I—” Shoot. The car was slowing down and he caught a peek of the castle entrance. Thank the Six! “I take pictures of all you guys, yeah? Hey, look, we’re here!” Shuffling out his side, half-stumbling out, Prompto fled to safety. Almost over, this was the home stretch!
“They keep falling!”
“And whose fault is that?” Familiar voices reached Ignis and Prompto as they worked their way back to one of the smaller, casual family dining rooms in the castle.
“The tape.” Ah, classic Noct. Ignis turned to Prompto with a questioning brow and he just smiled back, nodding him to go first. Nothing left to hide now! Ignis pulled the door open and stepped into the room, which… kinda looked like elementary schoolers decorated it, but hey. Not everyone was a perfect party coordinator like Iggy.
“Gladio? Noctis.” Was that disbelief or patient warnings at the sight of lopsided streamers hanging all the way over to Noctis, who stood on a chair taping the last corner up. For the millionth time, from the sounds of it. Mostly decently wrapped presents sat on one end of the elegant dining table and at the other were three whole separate two-layer cakes and enough fancy takeout for a family of six. “What is…?”
“Happy birthday, Specs,” Noctis said, smiling as he stepped down from the chair and came over with Gladio.
“Didn’t think we forgot, did you?” Gladio clapped his hand on Ignis’ shoulder, his too-perfect smile coming as naturally as ever. Maybe a little more, even.
“I… Suppose this was what the escapades were all about,” he remarked, glancing back at Prompto.
“Whoa, three cakes?!” Gotta change that subject, Ignis, they didn’t know about any escapades! It was just supposed to be errands. But it was their fault he had to draw it out, wasn’t it? Chill, Prompto—chill. “All this food… I’m just gonna have to run more tomorrow.”
“After running around all day today too,” Gladio joked, thankfully getting the hint. Probably.
“What’s this about escapades?” Noct was not so merciful, and that is why Gladio got all the ladies, Prompto thought to himself. Okay, yeah, it was always great to see him smile, just—not at Prompto’s expense!
“Hey, you guys told me to keep him busy!”
“And you did very well. I haven’t been ice skating since Noctis was a boy and that pond was rather scenic.” Ignis to the rescue even on his birthday, what a saint. He did fall into a thoughtful silence, looking like he was trying to find life’s answers in the present pile. “Though I had figured you out by then, of course. I am curious why you kept me preoccupied for so much longer than necessary.”
“Gladio wrecked the cake.”
“Okay, Princess,” he dismissed. “Told you to set the timer.”
“And I told you I was busy.”
“Never heard you.”
“Getting old already,” Noctis said like he was in mourning, giving as good as he got and ducking out of a headlock from Gladio by just a hair. He’d better be faster than Gladio after all that childhood of training with him.
“Regardless of the kitchen mishaps I’ll contend with later,” Ignis got their attention back. “Thank you. I admit, I am at a loss for what else I might say.”
“No big deal,” Noctis answered, obviously proud of himself. “You could start by having dinner. I’m dying to try these skewers,” he suggested, leading the way to the meal.
“Speaking of that, I do believe Prompto owes me a standing offer to help with dinner.” Ignis picked up his own plate and shot Prompto a smile. “An awfully easy suggestion when you know there’s takeout on the table, hm?”
“You don’t have to resort to birthday blackmail, dude. I got your back,” Prompto promised. And snagged a plate of his own, he had to get to this food before the big guy got it all. “Still, though. Uh, happy birthday, Ignis.”
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creative-frequency · 7 years
SFW Noctis x OC: Present Life
Word count: 1544 Pairing: Noctis x OC (Eve Leonis) Warnings: SFW, fluff, sexual themes Notes: For @ffxv-oc-week Day 1: Childhood Memory / Present Life. Sort of an AU oneshot, where Eve doesn’t end up with Nyx, of my multichapter fic Bad for Me.
Prince Noctis shifted in his sleep, further entangling his limbs with the bed covers. His disheveled dark hair and un-regally agape mouth were the picture perfect definition of bed head. He had hogged most of the large double-cover to himself, leaving the woman lying next to him exposed to the slowly impending sunlight.
Her dark blonde hair was in ruffled disarray too. The braid she had worn when they had gone to bed had undone during the night, and long locks were wending from the hairdo on the sheets. Eve Leonis slept peacefully next to Noctis; on her side, slightly curled for comfort. At least, when she had fallen asleep, she had been completely under the covers, but now only a slice of her body was wrapped under the warmth.
The previous night had been an exhausting one. Both because of what had happened during the day and in the bed later. Sleep had claimed the couple quickly after their usual fornication.
Noctis grunted and turned in his sleep, causing his forearm to land on Eve’s waist. The contact was enough to rouse her from the light slumber.
Eve groaned as she turned onto her back and opened her blue-grey eyes. Her brows furrowed because of the light. Noctis was on his stomach, cheek heavily against the pillow and mouth slightly open. The sight was very familiar to Eve.
The morning was chilly and it would continue to be until the sun climbed high enough to warm Insomnia with its rays. Eve weighted in her mind whether she should try to steal back her share of the covers or just get up to start the day. The chances that she would be able to fall back asleep again were slim.
Eve gazed at Noctis’s face. He had never had any troubles crashing right where he were, no matter the setting. His habit of always napping was as infuriating as it was endearing. A tender smile spread on her lips.
Eve stretched her limbs horizontally before sitting up. The morning was getting quite bright already and she wondered what time it was. Not that it actually mattered. She had the day off and her only plan was to spend as much time with Noctis as she could, before her next assignment in the Kingsglaive would whisk her away to Astrals know where. It was a rare treat for Eve to wake up in the prince’s bed without a hurry to leave.
Not many people knew about their… flings. That was what Eve referred to them as in her mind. They were not really dating, so she wouldn’t have called it an actual relationship. But whatever it was, it was somewhat of a secret. Neither of them had ever actually told anyone of their happenings, but there were a few people they had zero chance of fooling.
What had started as a one night after a long, professional friendship had turned into a craving after some time spent apart. Discovering, that the desire for each other was indeed mutual, had quickly made their endeavors more frequent and their relationship had quickly deepened into something forbidden. There were no clear rules voiced out, but both of them knew in their hearts that this was not something that could be indulged in endlessly.
Eve sat on the edge of the bed, looking around for some clothing to cover her naked body. Her panties lay forgotten on the floor, where Noctis had tossed them in their lustful haze. Her Kingsglaive garb was in a heap by the door and she felt a sting of shame from treating her uniform like that. The mental image of her captain’s lecturing brought a grimace to her face.
Eve stepped on the cool floor and went to pick up her panties. Then she skimmed through the pile of once or twice used clothing Noctis had on a chair in the bedroom. She grabbed a t-shirt and yanked it over her head. It smelled like its owner and Eve turned to take a look at the sleeping prince. She picked up her gear and neatly folded it on the chair before stepping out of the room.
Noctis’s apartment was tidier than usual. There were no random pieces of trash littering every surface and the pile of dirty dishes next to the sink was still within reason. Maybe it was because Noctis had expected Eve’s visit, or maybe because Ignis had just had a good timing in chivvying the prince to clean. Either way, Eve was quite content that she didn’t need to clear a path just to get to the kitchenette.
Eve opened the cupboard where the coffee was. Barefooted with just panties and Noctis’s shirt on, she loaded the coffee maker and began to look for a couple of clean cups. At least Noctis always had the good stuff lying around, though Eve was pretty sure that Ignis was the only one who actually used the machine in the apartment.
With no clean cups to be found, Eve had to resort to washing some of the dirty ones while waiting for the coffee. She hummed quietly to herself, internally cursing why her lover was too lazy to clean. On the other hand, she had no grounds to nag to Noctis, but she kind of wanted to witness the annoyed groan and distressed look he always had when scolded about housework. Just as a repayment for having her wash the cups.
The clatter of keys from the front door made Eve pause for a second, but hearing the sounds that followed eased her posture again.
Shuffling of clothes and light rattle carried from the vestibule. After a moment, Ignis walked into the living room and turned to see Eve washing the dishes in the kitchenette.
“Morning, Ignis,” Eve said nonchalantly, not even turning to look at his exasperated expression. It wasn’t the first time Ignis had walked into the prince’s apartment to find Eve in less clothing that a hobgoblin and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
“Good morning,” Ignis said after letting out a weary sigh. He proceeded to unload the grocery bag he had brought with him. It mostly contained real food to support healthy eating habits, but also a few selected snacks, because Ignis knew that Noctis would buy them anyway.
“Noct’s still asleep?” he asked while piling the food into the fridge.
“Mm, yeah.”
Another sigh from Ignis. Not that he had really expected another kind of an answer.
“Want me to wake him up for you?” Eve asked and drained the water from the sink. She dried the cups and spoons with the kitchen roll. The coffee was ready.
“Please do,” Ignis said as Eve turned to take a look at him. The delicious smell of Ebony waffled in the air and Ignis was tempted to ask for a cup, but he didn’t really fancy to stay to disturb the couple’s morning. Or rather, midday as it was already. Flashbacks of barging into the apartment at a more hazardous time passed his mind.
“Anything else?” Eve asked with a raised brow and an amused smile playing on her lips. Ignis wasn’t even flustered anymore to see her half-naked. Not that he even looked as he kept his eyes discreetly on other direction. Eve poured the coffee into the cups and threw in some sugar.
“Remind him that His Majesty waits his son for dinner tonight.” Ignis sounded a tad condescending. There really wasn’t anything better he could do than let Eve take over in chivying Noctis in his stead. She would probably have better means to persuade His Highness, so Ignis was weighing between propriety and efficiency.
“Will do,” Eve confirmed and flashed an assuring smile to the royal advisor. His job sure wasn’t easy. She took the cups and set on returning to the bedroom.
“Well then, have a nice day,” Ignis wished and turned to leave after Eve had walked past him.
“You too, Specs.”
Eve pushed the bedroom door open with her foot and walked to the bedside dodging the clothes on the floor. The air in the room was a bit stale after the heady night, but the familiar scent of Noctis was comforting.
Eve set the hot coffee cups down on the nightstand and sat next to Noctis. She gazed tenderly at the sleeping prince, wondering how he could look so peaceful.
“Time to wake up, Noct,” Eve said far too gently to actually get Noctis to move. “Wake up...”
No reaction.
“NOCT. Wake up.” Eve brushed some hair strands off his face and his brows creased.
Noctis mumbled incoherently in response and turned to curl his arm around Eve’s waist. He was so warm after lying under the covers.
Eve stroked his cheek. “I’ve got coffee–eee!”
Noctis pulled her down on the bed and nuzzled his face into her hair. Eve giggled and Noctis drew her back against his chest.
“I don’t think I’m ready to leave the bed yet,” he husked against her neck, causing pleasant shivers run down her spine.
“As long as you won’t go back to sleep.”
“…I need some motivation.”
Encounter with the needy prince in the morning was nothing new for Eve and she happily obliged.
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yodepalma · 7 years
Fanfic asks: 8, 9, 11, 23, 27, 36, and 44?
8. How did you getinvolved in your latest fandom?Uhh so last…November? I was in a chat with some friends during NaNoWriMo andsomebody’s husband was playing the game, so the rest of us were basicallymaking fun of it while she gave us a play-by-play or something. I don’tremember it too well. Somehow (mymemories are very vague here), the idea for the blogs was born even though atthis point none of us had so much as watched videos of any gameplay. And then @rhymeswithpistarted playing and making elaborateheadcanons and I wrote DroveThrough Ghosts to Get Here to make them happy, then eventually decided Ishould maybe play the game I waswriting fic for and, uh, I haven’t escaped since. (It took me until like Marchto play the game, btw. Drove ThroughGhosts was written in December.)
9. What are the bestthings about your current fandom?Oh man I don’t spend nearly as much time wallowing in the fandom as I shouldso I don’t really know tbh. This is like the only fandom I’ve ever been inwhere I spend more time creating than consuming? Not because there isn’tanything worth consuming—everything I take in is fantastic—but I’m super low on spoons these days and it takes a lotfor me to engage in both. I will say that the people who write meta have been killing me, though, because ya’ll aretoo smart ok. Just. cut it out gawd.…Oh but also I’m getting a kick out of how much people are…not hating my forays into crackship rarepair hell? Like. Thank you,everyone, for not trying to murder me for writing Cor/Dino, because even I’mstill going ????? over that shit.
11. Who is yourcurrent OTP?COR/DINO FOREVER *DIES*ok no but seriously I’m not entirely sure I havean OTP? The closest I probably come is Lunyx, because I don’t really shipeither of them with anyone else, but it’s a pretty lowkey OTP. An argumentcould be made for Promptio, I guess, because if I’m not shipping either of themwith anyone else, I just add it in because I like the two of them together. Butalso that OT4 guys. And Dino/Prompto. and tbh Dino/anyone. Fight me I just wantDino to be happy. (How did this happen. Why am I obsessed with an NPC. How do Iget out of Dino hell?? No, no, don’t help me. I like it down here.)
23. Name a fic you’vewritten that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.……………..*flops* I HATE THEM ALL DON’T READ ANYTHING I WRITEOkay, as a general rule I don’t really likemy stuff. Certainly not enough to be able to explain why I like it. ._. Soexcuse me while I waffle over this question FOREVER. Also, to make mattersworse, most of the stuff I’m fond-ish of is kind of, um. Ancient. XDOKAY I GOT THIS. So just to keep with the current fandom theme, the thing I’mfondest of from FFXV is honestly Adventures of the DaemonSlayer, because BAMF!Iris and troll!Cor give me life. And also it’s like90% crack. …And I wanted to choose something that wasn’t a neverending WiP.But in a sort of. fondest of ALL TIME thing, I’m going to go with The Forest, an old KingdomHearts fic (Axel/Roxas, with hints of Roxas/Namine). I did a lot of experimental sort of stuff? back inmy KH days, and this one was a fairy tale AU without any dialogue, and I thinkit turned out really well? idk it’s just a lot different than what I normallywrite, and it was an interesting experiment, and I think I’d like to playaround with something like it again at some point. Honestly, I wish I was asadventurous with writing now as I was in my KH days. ONE DAY. Maybe. When I havemore spoons.
27. What do you hatemore: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?Writing summaries. Oh my godsummaries can just go fucking die I just UUUUGGGHHHH. Listen I can just flub atitle by going “hey this song kind of sort of fits the story I’ll just stealthe title/some lyrics/a single word if I have to”. The summary I agonize over forever because if it sucksNOBODY WILL EVER READ MY STORY. And then I’ll die from lack of attention.Please remember I’m basically a cat, guys. My summaries are screams forattention. Pet me! Love me! Pay attention to me! But not too much attention orI’ll get overwhelmed and bite you. (just kidding, I don’t bite.)
36. What’s yourfavourite genre to write?SCHMOOP. And high fantasy AUs. And. AUs in general. Schmoopyhigh fantasy AUs. Sometimes scifi, also schmoopy. Basically I just like tosmear happiness and joy all over fandom and destroy everyone’s littleangstfests, so it makes me like 1000000x more amused every time I remember thatmy two closest friends in my current fandom are the angstiest angstpiles inangstdom. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯OH and crossovers. Love me a good crossover. But only between two fandoms so Ican smoosh them together hilariously. :DDD
44. What ship do youfeel needs more attention?Promptio :DDD “But it’s the fourth most popular ship in the fandom” you mayargue. Yeah, well. The heart wants what the heart wants. And it also wants more Dino/Prompto and forsomeone besides me to write Cor/Dino, but I feel like I’m more likely to get morePromptio SO~
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rainsdollies · 7 years
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Day 11 Accomplishment Challenge
Oh my goodness, how good does a day off feel?  Like enough to just about explode over.  So happy.
Okay, so I started the day by not leaving my bed for 3 hours.  I’m a bum, what can I say?  Afterwards, I prepped a bunch of food for lunches to last me into next week.  I love cooking one pot dishes and I’m kinda on a pasta salad kick.  So I’ll switch between a creamy tomato and spinach pasta and a southwest pasta salad with chicken nuggets for at least another week.  Feels good to have food prepped again.  I won’t be so tempted to just buy lunch.
Then I sat down and got a bit of sewing done.  It’s not super perfect, I didn’t really do a whole lot.  I started the rest of the History Maker Yuri body, sewed the last Practice skate arm and started stuffing.  Stuffing is really not my favorite part so I may have trailed off and read fanfic instead of finishing that for a while.  
I did open up my BBOI fic and I wrote a bit of a conversation.  I’m happy with a couple hundred words.  I also feel a bit better about the last bit I wrote, where I was waffling between is this too much, should I take this out?  Is it a good idea for this to start off so weird?  The follow up conversation made everything seem more natural, so I’m ready to keep going.  
Last thing I did was a bit of relaxing knitting.  I’m about to go back to the last bit of stuffing (arms for days...7 more arms...they’re so tiny and require extra work). I just had to share my favorite pair of knitting needles though.  These were a birthday gift a couple years back.  My housemate had carved these awesome Cthulhu heads.  He couldn’t decide how he wanted to make them or mass-produce them (he had short lived aspirations of selling these) so he just gave everything he made to me.  I love buying bulky yarn just so I have an excuse to use these needles.  Also because bulky means short projects. LOL
And to top it all off, I did sneak in almost 2 hours of FFXV (two more chapters down) and Emo King is...still fucking Emo.  God, what have you done to my Ignis though!  He’s like Daredevil blind though so I’m not complaining.  Now I require like all of the Ignis merch. 
All in all, today was a resounding success.  I did stuff without feeling awful because I relaxed like crazy.  Tomorrow I’m supposed to go out and have tea with my mother-in-law.  That’s always weird (she won’t speak English around me enough), but I love going so I’m going to enjoy myself.  I looooooooove tea and I need to restock on some new ones.  Any recommendations for herbal and fruity?
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ataraxetta · 6 years
I read settling in before xv came out and I still fondly go back to it every now and then. I know u mentioned that u wanted to continue it, and if not, that’s totally okay too! I figured it’s nice to let the author know how much I enjoy/ed it to this day. Thank u for writing such awesome stuff!
This is the most flattering thing for a fic writer to hear, anon, thank you!!! I love that you reread it, that means the world to me that people do that. And it is my resolution that Settling In will be finished this year. I will do it, I swear! I am determined.
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ataraxetta · 6 years
hiya just wanted to say i reread settling in after a looong time and wow it’s my nth time reading it but it’s still so good?? looking forward to the glorious day it is complete! happy writing!
You’re so nice, anon, thank you! I’m so glad you like it. And thank you for the encouragement, I swear it will be done one day!
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ataraxetta · 7 years
mikkalia15 replied to your photo “Tonight, I got to make older Noctis’s head smaller. Who says dreams...”
I. Love. This. The fic potential is astounding and I can't wait to read it
Oh gosh, thanks! I actually ended up starting it proper last night and got about 1500 words written! My writer’s block has been merciless, so we’ll see how it goes, but hopefully it will see the light of day at some point.
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ataraxetta · 7 years
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remember when i could write and i posted ignoct fic 😭😭😭
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ataraxetta · 7 years
I can't even BEGIN to describe how much i love your writing. OMG your characterization is so spot on and gorgeous!! Definitely one of my favorite final fantasy writers, hands down!!
Oh my god this is the nicest message I have ever gotten, anon, thank you so much! You’re so sweet! I’m so glad you like my fic! :)
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ataraxetta · 7 years
Hey hey hey new velociraptors (one of my very fave FFXV writers) fic and it’s Ignoct and NINETY THOUSAND WORDS 😍😭 I’m about 10k in and it’s already fantastic, go and read it.
Link: Refracting by velociraptors
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ataraxetta · 7 years
I saw a prompt on the kink meme for fic where Noctis gets whipped and I am taking it. There needs to be no viable story around that, right? Just angst and hurt!Noctis and rescue and TLC? *writes*
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ataraxetta · 7 years
I have read this companion!Ignis fic like 15 times in the last week and I just love it so much. I’m gonna read it again. *chinhands* Professional Interests by seki
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ataraxetta · 7 years
Okay this Nyxnoct fic is SO CLOSE TO DONE I’m going to FINISH IT and POST IT TONIGHT. I’m at the porn part I just need like 800 words I can do it I CAN DO IT. @captwaddledoo are we on for sprints? Check in at top of the hour?
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