#ffxiv patch 7.0
ainyan · 3 months
As the game goes into maintenance and begins the slow, long crawl towards Dawntrail, I want to take this time to remind people that I always tag my spoilers for two expansions. These are the tags I will be using for Dawntrail spoilers:
#dawntrail spoilers
#ffxiv patch 7.0 spoilers
#patch 7.0 spoilers
And I will use the following catch-all tags for things that aren't necessarily spoilers, but are Dawntrail content (ie: patch notes, official announcements, non-spoilery pictures).
#ffxiv patch 7.0
#patch 7.0
I will probably not be on Tumblr very much for the next week or so as I make my way through the MSQ and the side-quests that are important for me. Thank all the gods that I'm finished teaching summer school on Friday and have three and a half weeks to dedicate to playing before I return to work at the end of July.
I can't wait to enjoy this journey with all of you!
Onward, to Newfound Adventure! :D
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fanbytesite · 1 year
Images of 7.0's graphical update have been released, and they're impressive.
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See More: Final Fantasy XIV's 7.0 Graphical Update Preview Brings Realistic Grass to the Game
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mnemosyne-xiv · 2 months
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the start of a new chapter
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waywardworldhopper · 3 months
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So it only took us about an hour and at least a dozen pulls, but through the sheer power of camaraderie, coordination, and pure sticktoitiveness (and no small amount of perverse stubbornness), 24 strangers managed to down The Minstrel's Ballad: Amon's Revenge!
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sezja · 3 months
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Shoves a Viper into a test chamber with a swarm of morbols,
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thefreelanceangel · 2 months
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Unhinged Ranting about Zone 6
Major spoilers below, don't click if you wanna be unspoiled, this is just my personal opinion.
Alright. So I've been briefly glancing at social media now that I've cleared MSQ, and I've seen bits here and there that DT is basically repeating Endwalker (and to a degree Shadowbringers') plotline. But if I may offer my humble opinion...
They are, and they're not. Instead what Dawntrail gives us is so much fucking worse in terms of horror. I am going on the record right now that for me personally, Living Memory beats the hell out the city of Amaurot. Why do I think that?
Amaurot, we only experience at a *remove*. Yes we live through the city's destruction, but the version that's there in the First? That's Emet-Selch's creation, made out of grief/depression/rose-colored glasses view of Ancient Society. With the exception of *one* person, we do not see (as far as I know because I didn't really sidequest there so if there's anything otherwise, please let me know) actual physical legitimate people (I'll get to that in a minute hold on). Please take a look at the fucking wreckage that was Emet-Selch's thought process at that point and tell me that man had the capacity to think up an entire city of millions, each one with their own individual personality. All those people are chilling in Zodiark.
(yes yes I know gameplay mechanics and the like BEAR WITH ME HERE WE'RE GETTING TO THE POINT)
And when we do encounter those souls of the city? Those precious lives the Worst Ever Coworker trio wanted to save? They are a mess. They are a wreck. All they can do is mourn the life they had before and beg for it back. They have been steeping for millennia in guilt/regret/longing for the old days to the point that it's all they are. You could argue they're not even themselves anymore.
Living Memory is worse because we're not dealing with a 'one size fits all idealized memory of how I thought this random person of society should be'. Living Memory is you fucking staring at your beloved Aunt Remy who used to wear pink ribbons in her hair and always chugged that shitty store-brand beer at every sports game for her favorite team and couldn't pronounce your name just right so she gave your a nickname and you just rolled with it. Only it's not your Aunt Remy, it's a goddamn computer copy of her.
Even worse, it may not be the Aunt Remy you remember. Living Memory changed its inhabitants to reflect the happiest times of their lives. Aunt Remy may not be the adult you remember her as, she's probably going to be a damn sixteen year old experiencing the first time she met their favorite pop idol!!!
Pick your poison, which one is worse?
A. A rose-colored glasses one-size-fits-all construct version of your loved one.
B. The soul of your loved one so tainted by and warped by longing for the 'good times' that they're no longer who they once were.
C. A fucking exact copy of the person they used to be, who may be changed so that they reflect the happiest time of their life?
Shadowbringers and Endwalker were honestly the theory aspect. Dawntrail is the actual physical horror manifested.
┻━┻ ︵ \( °□° )/ ︵ ┻━┻
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firelightmuse · 3 months
Character Profile 🔥🌸
Yume Aino
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Since it is VERY long, it is under a cut. If you do read all of this, thank you so much for taking the time out to do so!!! Enjoy! 🥰
Updated as of Dawntrail Patch 7.0, 08/19/2024
Name: Yume Aino
Name Pronounciation: Yoo-may Eye-know
Name Meaning: Yume = “Dream”, Aino = “Of Love”, both of Japanese origin. In her lore, "Aino" is the name of the now dormant volcanic mountain that Aino Castle is built upon, and the clan itself took its name from the volcano. Theoretically, Yume was named as such because she was to be the "Dream of the Aino Clan".
Nicknames: “Little Bird”, is a nickname from her childhood but is adopted by Zenos as a pet name for her; “My Fire”, “My Light”, and “Mea Amata”, are all other pet names Zenos has for Yume (“mea amata” is Latin for the feminine form of “my beloved”, and is a reference to the Garlean native language).
Unsundered Name: Currently Unknown
Titles: Warrior of Light, Warrior of Darkness, Hydaelyn’s Chosen, Scion of the Seventh Dawn, Champion of Eorzea, Eikon Slayer, Savior of Ishgard, Liberator of Doma and Ala Mhigo, Wandering Flame, Ronin of Eorzea, Former Heir of Lord Masanori Aino
Age: 24 in ARR, 31 as of Post-6.0
Nameday: 13th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (May 13th)
Gender: Female
Race: Au Ra
Tribe: Raen
Nationality: Hingan
Languages: Modern Hingan, Most Far Eastern Dialects, Old Auri Tongue, and Eorzean Common Tongue
Profession: Former samurai and heir apparent of the Aino Clan; Currently a ronin, adventurer, and Scion of the Seventh Dawn
Education Level: Home schooled by private tutors in Hingashi, and is particularly knowledgeable in history, cultures, and languages.
Father: Lord Masanori Aino (48 in ARR)
Mother: Lady Michiko Aino (45 in ARR)
Siblings: 2 younger brothers, Daichi and Kentaro (Ages 8 and 6 in ARR); Numerous half-siblings born of her father and his concubines
Extended Family: Large extended family, but her best friend is her first cousin Rei Tokugawa (25 in ARR)
In-Laws: All in-laws deceased
Children: None, and cannot have any biological children due to her injuries from attempted Seppuku
Pet: An amaro named Nightmare who also serves as Yume’s mount; the amaro was named after Yume’s black horse, also named Nightmare, that Yume was forced to leave behind after she was banished by her father.
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic
Significant Other: Zenos Galvus, in a long-term monogamous relationship as of Post-6.0; Will marry at some time in the future
Past Relationship: Briefly dated G’raha Tia during the events of the investigation of the Crystal Tower
Place of Birth: Born in Aino Castle, in Lord Masanori Aino's territory, located not too far outside of Kugane, Hingashi
Current Residence: Small house in Shirogane (Located in game at Rafflesia, Shirogane, Ward 17, Plot 33.)
Canon Battle Job: Samurai (canonically referred to as a Ronin; some of Yume’s abilities are unique and distinctive from the in game job) and Viper
Canon Land/Hand Jobs: None
Abilities: Kenjutsu, Martial Arts, Marksmanship, Writing Poetry, Dancing, and Polyglot
Bad At: Singing, All forms of magic, Household chores, Public Speaking, Confiding in others when stressed, and Controlling her anger.
Hair: Naturally jet black in color with straight bangs and pulled back into a high ponytail most of the time, and medium-long length.
Eyes: Large, wide set eyes; Royal Blue in color with lighter blue limbal rings surrounding the iris.
Face: Heart-shaped, with ivory colored scales on cheeks and bridge of her long, thin nose.
Lips: Full, plump lips
Complexion: Fair, can mildly tan with extended sun exposure
Blemishes: None
Scars: Though she has many small scars accumulated over the years, the most prominent one is a large, very deep scar from the right side of her abdomen to her belly button that she is quite ashamed of for many years; she only shows the scar when necessary unless she is alone with Zenos.
Tattoos: One large tattoo of a Phoenix spreading its wings that covers her entire back in all red ink.
Height: 5 fulms 2 ilms (Tallest Height for female Au Ra)
Weight: 120 ponze
Build: Petite and athletic but curvy with a large chest.
Features (Au Ra): Horns are slightly curled and sloping backwards away from her face; tail is long and smooth with a few small spikes near the base. Scales adorn her body and face with a small speckling of scales above the bridge of her nose.
Usual Hairstyles: Usually pulled up into a high ponytail with straight bangs for battle, but she tends to also pull up her hair into a side ponytail with braids while not fighting, and recently she has worn her hair down with a white headband.
Usual Face Look: Usually wears reddish-pink eyeshadow, black eyeshadow and eyeliner, and mauve colored lipstick.
Usual Clothing: Black leather, black colored robes, black or dark colored kimonos, black dresses, and some dark red and dark purple accessories. Basically, Yume asks, “Does this come in black?”
Face and Voice Claim: Chinese actress Fan Bing Bing for both face and voice claim.
Introverted / Extroverted / Ambiverted (bold what applies)
Positive Traits: Friendly, polite, respectful, reserved, courageous, brave, kind, compassionate, empathetic, open minded, pragmatic, intuitive, loyal, faithful.
Most Positive Trait: Honorable to a fault. Yume follows the Honor Code of the Samurai and will not fight an unarmed opponent, tries her best to not bring harm to the innocent, and she is extremely loyal to those she has sworn to serve. Will give her life in an heartbeat if she deems it to be an honorable death and a worthy sacrifice for a good cause.
Negative Traits: Temperamental, prideful, aggressive, cynical, jealous, possessive, distant, insecure, reckless.
Most Negative Trait: Besides falling in love with Zenos? Yume has a problem with anger management. When she doesn’t keep her anger in check, she gets violent, and will kill an enemy with no hesitation. She has killed many people this way in her past in Hingashi, including killing those that she felt had dishonored her in some way.
Fears: Living a life without making her own choices, having regrets, and the death of her loved ones, though not afraid of dying herself.
Aspirations: To live a life that she has chosen for herself and not forced upon her by someone else, to help others and use her powers for good, and to see the entire world for herself.
Traumas: For past traumas before ARR, you can read Yume’s history below. Most of the events of ShB and EW were really traumatic for her, especially almost dying after the battle with Zenos at the end of 6.0.
Hobbies: Writing poetry, travelling, learning about other cultures, learning history, reading, and shopping.
Vices: Eating too much junk food, bottling up emotions until she explodes, shutting out others when feeling depressed, feeling insecure about herself outside of being a Warrior of Light.
Faith: Believes in the concept of Karma and that everything happens for a reason, but does not believe in the Kami or any other kind of god, at least ones that aren't primals anyway.
Turn Ons: Loyalty, Confidence, Bravery, Integrity, Intelligence, unique eyes, beautiful smile, muscular physique, and a large chest.
Turn Offs: Cowardice, Dishonesty, Disloyalty, Deceitfulness, Superficiality, Greed
Temperament: Phlegmatic/Choleric
Soul Type: The Warrior
Tropes: The Chosen Many, Lady of War, Aloof Dark-haired Girl, Dark and Troubled Past, Samurai, Ronin, Warrior Poet, Honor Before Reason, Seppuku
Songs: “Paint It Black” by The Rolling Stones (This one is also her OC tag), “Weight of the World” from Nier Automata, “Sayuri’s Theme” from Memoirs of a Geisha, and “Wandering Flame” from FFX
Character Inspirations: Chiyo/Sayuri from Memoirs of a Geisha, Mariko from James Clavell’s Shogun, Auron from FFX, Tifa Lockhart from FFVII, Rei Hino/Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon, Trinity from The Matrix, Daenerys Targaryen from A Song of Ice and Fire, and Jasmine from Disney’s Aladdin
Book: Chūshingura, translated as The Treasury of Loyal Retainers, commonly known as The 47 Ronin.
Deity: Nald’thal the Traders
Holidays: Heavensturn and Moonfire Faire
Month: 3rd Astral Moon (May)
Weather: A warm, sunny day with a light breeze and fair to clear skies.
Time of Day: Dawn
Places: Kugane, Eastern Thanalan, Costa del Sol, The Royal Menagerie in the palace in Ala Mhigo, Rak’tika Greatwood, Thavnair, and Ultima Thule
Sounds: The wind, chimes, Taiko drumming, birds chirping, and crackling wood of a campfire
Scents: Cherry blossoms, tea brewing, incense, and candles burning
Tastes: Anything spicy, strawberries and cream, sushi, curry, ramen, matcha green tea, coffee, chocolate.
Feels: Leather, flower petals, Hingan silk, and a warm fireplace or campfire.
Number: 2
Colors: Jet Black, Dalamud Red, Wine Red, and Gloom Purple
Elements: Fire and Light
Gemstones: Amber and Sunstone
Animal: Birds of all kind
Mythological Creature: Phoenixes
Flowers: Cherry blossoms and sunflowers
Season: Late Spring to Early Summer
Land, Sea, or Sky: Sky
Astronomical Object: The Sun
History (Pre-ARR): ((Content/Trigger Warnings Ahead!! Ritualistic Suicide/Seppuku, Attempted Suicide, Mental and Emotional Abuse, Slight Depictions of Self-Harm, and Discussion of Potential Incestual Marriage; Feel free to skip over this section to avoid!))
Yume was born the eldest daughter of a Daimyo (a feudal lord who ruled over a territory in Hingashi), Lord Masanori Aino, and she was his heir apparent. Yume was raised from birth to become the ideal samurai, who would be able to beat any opponent in battle, and to one day succeed her father as daimyo. She excelled in all her studies and was driven to be the best on the battlefield, yet she always felt like something was missing from her life.
As she got older, she travelled often to Kugane, the famed port city where merchants from all walks of life congregated. Yume was exposed to people with vastly different cultures and traditions from the ones she knew. She was fascinated with the travelers from distant lands that she had never seen before, especially the Eorzeans. Yet she would always do her duty and aspired to live up to her father’s expectations.
When she came of age, Lord Aino began the search for his beloved daughter’s suitor, and he had narrowed down his criteria to a very short but nigh impossible list: 1) Must be a son of a prominent noble family, 2) Must be able to sire children, and 3) He must be Yume’s equal in battle, as determined by a 1v1 duel with Yume herself. The first two criteria were the easy part. Many clans were interested in marrying their son to the daughter of Lord Aino, but Lord Aino looked for perfection, and no man around her age was good enough for his daughter. This is because every would be suitor who dueled Yume for a chance to win her hand in marriage was defeated. There were none that proved worthy of her.
Yume pleaded with her father to allow her to decide for herself who she wants to marry in her own time, but her father forbade her from ever speaking of it again, for she would shame him and bring dishonor to the family name. Soon after Yume’s 18th nameday, her father announced her betrothal to Lord Nobu Aino, her own uncle. Nobu had lost his wife due to illness, and he never fathered children with her. To ensure that Nobu will have children of his own, he wished to wed a young woman with many years ahead of her so that she can give him many children. Yume was appalled; it was commonplace centuries ago for uncles and nieces to marry in Hingashi, but it is a dying tradition that only a few remaining noble families participate in, as most of Hingashi frowns upon it in modern times.
Yume soon felt trapped in the station in life that she was born into. Her family never sought her approval of her uncle as her suitor, nor was there any room for her to decline the betrothal. Though she wished for nothing more than to become a samurai, she did not want to be forced into a marriage with her own uncle, nor to be bound to a fate that she never decided for herself. This led to the biggest decision she ever made: she confronted her father and outright refused to marry Nobu no matter what.
Her father answered her by saying that she has dishonored him and the family, but Yume responded that he has shamed her and she cannot live like this anymore. Lord Aino ended the confrontation by telling her that if she cannot live with the shame, then she must commit Seppuku, or ritualistic suicide.
The next day, the ceremony has commenced, and Yume is fully prepared to take her own life. But just as she began to slit her belly open, her father stops her and tells her that she does not have to die but must live in shame. Lord Aino’s change of heart allows Yume to survive the attempted seppuku, but the damage to her organs was so extensive that her reproductive organs had to be removed, so Yume can never have biological children. Soon after she recovers from her wounds, the family disowns her, she is stripped of all her power and titles, and she must leave her father’s lands, never to return. Yume agrees to this, and she never sees her family again.
After she has fully recovered and left her father’s lands behind, Yume is now known as a disgraced ronin, a samurai without a master. To survive, she makes a name for herself as a mercenary and assassin in Kugane for five years, and was known as the “Wandering Flame”, which derives from her clan living on a dormant volcano, the “flame” part, and “wandering” for her being a ronin.
One fateful day, after hearing the voice of Hydaelyn calling to her day after day to go to Eorzea, Yume decides that since there really is nothing left for her in Hingashi, she leaves her homeland behind for Eorzea, a land that she has always dreamed of seeing, and soon becomes a Scion of the Seventh Dawn and is known as a “Warrior of Light”.
Smokes: Never
Drugs: Never
Drinks: Only drinks wine and certain kinds of cocktails, and she is overall very responsible with her alcohol consumption. She will never drink on the eve of battle, nor ever indulge at times when she needs her mind to be clear and focused.
Mount Issuance: Yume was never given a chocobo, as she flat out refuses one. She does not like the chocobos because of their smell, and still usually calls them “horse birds” out of habit from growing up in Hingashi. She rode a motorcycle built by Cid for a few years (from ARR until ShB) until she is gifted an amaro named Nightmare by the Crystal Exarch.
Been Arrested: Was technically going to be arrested for Regicide during the events of the Bloody Banquet, but Yume escapes Ul’dah along with her fellow Warriors of Light.
Unsundered: ??? (Not Azem)
Source: Yume Aino, Warrior of Light, 8 times rejoined
First: Renda-Rae, rejoined during ShB 5.0
Second: ???, rejoined in 3rd Calamity (Fire)
Third: ???, rejoined in 4th Calamity (Earth)
Fourth: ???, status unknown
Fifth: ???, rejoined in 1st Calamity (Wind)
Sixth: ???, rejoined in 5th Calamity (Ice)
Seventh: Tifa Lockhart, rejoined in 7th Calamity (Bahamut)
Eighth: ???, status unknown
Ninth: ???, status unknown
Tenth: Auron, rejoined in 6th Calamity (Water)
Eleventh: ???, status unknown
Twelfth: ???, rejoined in 2nd Calamity (Lightning)
Thirteenth: Rubicante, deceased as of patch 6.3
As of patch 7.0, Yume will begin by wandering Tural with Zenos as they hunt down Tural Vidraal, since Yume is now a newly trained Viper. Yume and Zenos did not assist in the Rite of Succession for any candidate. However, they helped in the defense of Tuliyollal both times that the city is attacked, and they fought in the final battle alongside Hali and the other WoLs. Following the final battle, Yume and Zenos remain in Tural for a while before they head back to their home in Shirogane.
NOTE: Yume's story follows all of the major events of the MSQ as she is a Warrior of Light. The only major canon diversion is that in her canonverse, there are multiple Warriors of Light (notably my main OC Hali Aloke @starrysnowdrop and my friends’ OCs) and Yume’s ancient self is NOT Azem. Yume won’t always be the main focus of certain MSQ events either, as my main WoL is Hali. Feel free to ask me for any specifics in this regard.
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gnbrkrs · 2 months
Out of context, but I love how Estinien just keeps popping up in random places with everyone confused why is he even there. Man's just trying to live his best life but still ends up where everyone expects him the least, getting himself into something again and again.
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ofthewhitewind · 4 months
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how many times are you going to make me re-memorize the AST cards, yoshi-p?
how many times……..
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theevilesti · 3 months
Reading the FINAL FANTASY XIV patch notes for 7.0 is getting me truly excited for Dawntrail - even moreso than I was before. It's clear that a lot of effort has gone into this expansion, with a heap of changes that should make for even greater enjoyment of the game.
Only three more days until early access!
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ainyan · 3 months
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You can move the cactaur from the Turali barding with a little bit of chicanery >:)
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Guess who had 5 minutes in a row unobserved by normcore folks to watch something!!
Anyway despite it being my bestie's wedding today, I will Only be thinking about this:
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thancrxdwatxrs · 8 months
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kulvefaggoth · 8 months
Dawntrail msq predictions based on the fanfest information and the 6.55 msq
gonna use the keyart as a guide for predicting the "teams" of the contest
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Ok so canonically this is team Wuk Lamat missing only the twins. Not much to say here.
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These 3 are Team Kohga (idk if i'm spelling it right) aka the miqo'te brother Wuk Lamat mentioned studied in Sharlayan. I'd be willing to bet that if Y'shtola takes part in the contest she's also gonna be part of this team. Friendly rivals if i ever saw them
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This guy is probably one of the contestants for the crown. I've seen a lot of people predicting he's gonna be the "evil" one Wuk Lamat doesn't want to ascend the throne but i'm against that. Having the only "non human" be the evil guy is kinda gauche and SE, for all their faults, has been stepping away from making "non human" character the big bads or the main threats. Also i'm willing to bet Estinien ends up on this guy's team since he's hunting with Mamool Ja in the cinematic trailer. This guy gives me kinda goofy vibes i think we're gonna like him
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Now for girliepop right here i have two predictions. If she's in the contest for the throne then she's the bad guy. She just has that vibe for me. But also... something tells me she might be connected to the high tech stuff that is very out of context so far. I wouldn't be shocked if she's some kind of avatar/projection from the main computer at Solution 9 or something this not me totally projecting bc i want a main female antagonist oh no
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An ask for an ask! I did not see the 22 Dawntrail ask list on your blog, but I'd still love to hear about what Muireann thinks about Tural! Does she have a favorite place in Tural?
Thank you @iron-sparrow !! I'm getting back in the swing of tumblr so leaving reblogging ask lists for a minute till I can work through the ones already in my inbox - that said, I am always happy to talk about Muireann XD
Muireann really admires how everyone works together in different ways and with different levels of involvement. How no group is forced to denounce their heritage or forget their history. While there are definitely still problems where not all societies have felt as welcomed or supported, she strongly believes that Wuk Lamat and Koana can build upon the foundations their father laid to seek out problems and find solutions to help their people rather than waiting for complaints to be brought directly to the Dawnservant(s).
In terms of favourite places, Worlar's Echo is certainly high up there. She finds their approach to memorialising history comforting and the effort they take to neither forget their history nor to shy away from their history of conquest is something she deeply respects and admires. It's also just Stunning even in the still-smoldering destruction and also Quiet. I feel she spent a lot of time there during the msq's downtime to get away from the hustle and bustle of Tuliyollal to give her ears a rest.
Another place would be the museum that focuses on the Milalla in Living Memory (and honestly, Living Memory as a whole). It's not a favourite place in that she necessarily enjoys going there, but it is a place that she keeps revisiting and has a morbid fascination with.
As a student of lost magical arts - particularly those based in arcanima - she is eager to uncover how the art diverged following the Milalla finding themselves in a new world. Whatever information she can wrench from the (information, not Endless) memory banks is one step closer to having a fuller grasp on what arcanima is capable of. And one step closer to helping Y'shtola and Runar reunite.
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