#ffvii dyne
sleepsentry · 16 days
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I think cloud is aro+greyace
attraction ≠ romance ect...
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yinza · 3 months
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Romancing Barret Week - Day 2: first date
Taking the travelling fair concept and running with it.
[Image Description: Digital artwork of Barret, Myrna, Eleanor, and Dyne at a country fair. Barret and Dyne stand closer to the foreground with their backs to the viewer, holding hands between them, while Eleanor stands at Dyne's side. All three are looking at Myrna, who stands a little farther from Barret, grinning as she points towards a chocobo pen. Just visible behind them is a man playing a guitar, and farther in the distance are indistinct crowds and booth awnings, a ferris wheel rising up above them. In the far distance is a mountain range. /end ID]
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cerealbishh · 7 months
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quartercirclejab · 7 months
i have some thoughts about the Dyne sequence in FFVII Rebirth. spoilers for FFVIIR under the cut, and trigger warning for discussion and depictions of suicide
i feel like the way the scene is rewritten goes out of its way to undercut Dyne's agency, and to soften the blow of what he ultimately chooses to do
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in the original, he makes reference to Eleanor's voice- the memory of her forgiving nature having become an extension of his own, now at war with his desire to blame Barret for everything that he's lost
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in Rebirth, this is rewritten as Dyne being "mad with grief" in a more literal sense, with the scene reframed to imply he's seeing figures that aren't there, and is conversing with them
the decision to tweak his characterization from someone who's been driven to the brink by despair and regret to a more generic kind of cartoonish insanity feels like an attempt to explain away the self-destructive (and understandable) spiral that he's clearly been on since Barret left Corel
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the battle itself reflects this, too. in the original, it's a solemn, solitary duel between Barret and Dyne, reminiscent of an old west duel, or the final act of an operatic tragedy. the landscape is stark, and the sudden disappearance of the rest of the party forces a feeling of desperate isolation- the isolation Barret and Dyne themselves surely felt, and which now ironically forces them to fight one another
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the way Rebirth handles this starts out promisingly enough. it's still a duel, and that feeling of isolation is still there, but with a distinctly modern twist- with plenty of cover to duck behind and both combatants using their weapons on full auto, it feels less like a climactic western duel and more like the final shootout of a contemporary action-thriller... less "Unforgiven", more "John Wick." it's largely a function of how Rebirth handles the original's mechanics in a more general sense, and i have to say, it works for me. it's more hectic than the original, but the emotion is still there- a fight that runs hot, while the original runs cold
but of course, because it's a modern FF, it couldn't stay an understated duel- it has to be an overlong set piece with a whole second phase, during which Dyne reveals an unsettling new power that is implied to have further altered his already unstable mind
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this pushes the battle away from being a somber, clear-eyed fight for revenge and into "Old Yeller" territory- an attempt to make the player feel justified in putting Dyne down
finally, the conclusion of the sequence: Dyne's fateful choice
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in both versions, the revelation that Marlene is alive sends Dyne even further into despair, as he feels he's spilled too much innocent blood to be a father, and that Marlene was unlikely to remember him even if that weren't the case. in the original, he's unable to live with the weight of that, and he chooses to jump to his death. in Rebirth, the sudden convenient appearance of a horde of Shinra troopers shakes him out of his grief and sends him flying into a rage, giving him the opportunity to choose a more ambiguous "suicide by cop"
robbing Dyne of the decision to take his own life and instead having it come at the hands of nameless Shinra troopers undercuts the final tragedy of Corel, and the tragic contrast between Dyne and Barret. Dyne thinks that the violence he's committed in the name of vengeance makes him unfit to be a father, and unfit to live, but Barret says himself that he doesn't believe his own hands are any cleaner- the guilt over trying to raise Marlene while fighting Shinra as the leader of Avalanche is a contradiction Barret has been grappling with since the game began, and witnessing Dyne's suicide only deepens his personal crisis. Rebirth's change to the scene arguably reaffirms Barret's belief in the suicidal pursuit of vengeance, rather than causing him to question it, because Shinra has now stolen from him the chance to save his best friend. it's just another tally in the ledger that wants balancing, and another cup of gasoline on the conflagration that threatens to swallow Barret whole
the change also absolves Dyne himself, who had the chance to see Marlene again and try to rebuild his life, but decided he wasn't strong enough to face that challenge. in taking the decision to die out of Dyne's hands, the player's allowed to see him as just another victim of Shinra's cruelty, one who might have redeemed himself if he hadn't been tragically gunned down. a layer of the game's complexity and emotional depth is stripped away
i don't know. Rebirth's take is certainly more cinematic, in some ways, but i wish they'd handled it differently
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altocat · 5 months
So umm... discovered that Barret is like 35. So like how many of these ruff and grizzled ass men (Cid, Barret, Dyne, Reeve, Rude) in this series around the same age as the fckin' twinks (Rufus, Tseng) and twunks (Sephiroth because underneath that twinkish exterior is a hairless hunk of muscle)
They are all Daddy. Some double as Mommy as well. But they are all Daddy.
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izunias-meme-hole · 6 months
I’m curious if Zack will form his own Team in his portions and who he will join up ? Would interesting if Dyne from Timeline actually joins up. Despite his hatered for all things Shinra and such.
Now that I think upon if... it would be interesting if Zack had his own "party" during his sections. Like I feel like Biggs being by his side would be nice, but that's now... unlikely.
As for the concept of Dyne joining up with him somehow, that would be interesting, but I doubt it'll happen. I honestly don't mind all to much because Dyne's good as he is, no need to dabble further unless the Remake Trilogy's team can pull it off in a nice way.
However there are a FEW characters I would see in Zack's party (If he's getting one), Aerith helping from the other side, Cissnei, Kyrie Cannan, Evan Townsend, Reeve/Cait Sith, Cid, maybe Vincent, and maybe Yuffie if she's still up and about in that time (I forgor). That would be everyone I have currently in mind.
It's not like I'm forgetting anyone who can possibly appear in Zack's sections somehow...
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No one at all.
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naturesass · 6 months
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holding hands.
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romancingbarret · 1 year
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The majority of content ships Barret with Cloud, Tifa, and/or Reeve, and while those are all excellent ships, variety is the spice of life! We'd love to hear about the rarest of pairs you wish were more popular.
We hope to see some of these during Romancing Barret Week!
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mostfuckableffvillain · 7 months
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chippersweetbaby · 4 months
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strife-geographic · 5 months
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sleepsentry · 18 days
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moldyycheese · 4 months
Watching Rebirth and got to Dyne's part so you know what I had to do
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Ranting under cut:
I don't like how they did Dyne in Rebirth, I was really excited to get to his part because I was a big fan of his character in the OG.
It was mainly his death that I didn't like, and I know they had to really tone things down with his character but I just think that was unfair.
In the original, he talks about "Bringing Marlene to Eleanor", but the closest they get to this in Rebirth is him "Wanting to join Eleanor and Marlene".
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cerealbishh · 7 months
does it ever hurt you that zack's parting words to cloud were "you've gotta live for the both us", sonon's parting words to yuffie were "you gotta keep going for us" and dyne's last words to barret were "you carry that guilt, that weight " and yuffie, cloud, and barret let out the most pained scream after they pass?
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lifextime · 10 months
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FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH | Bande-annonce du thème musical
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bedknees · 11 months
everyone's talking about how emotional they're going to get over certain scenes in FF7R. It’s all Vincent this and Nibelheim that. And that's all valid! But personally...
I don't think I'll emotionally survive seeing this updated:
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