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grimmla-arts · 2 months ago
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dance of leaves
finished commission
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apollohour · 2 months ago
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doubtspirit · 5 months ago
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Types of Dragon
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artsyraccoons · 1 year ago
Guess who's ready~!
The trans feydragon!!
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I feel like i shouldnt have made the eyes pink
The picture makes the colors look weaker and the antennae look too big but in general i loved the final result!
Lgbt dragons masterpost
Trans dragon wip
I'm making it a tradition to rant about whichever identity the dragon represents, so here's my rant for trans!
Just like i said in my wip, the feydragon was such a good choice for the trans dragon because, just like the butterflies they look like, trans people weren't born what they were supposed to be, so they went through a transformation to match that image, to gain wings, to gain freedom.
Be happy, trans friends! You're valid, great and loved!
(eep! I forgot to post the refs- here you go!)
The shape and pattern, and of course, the trans flag!
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mayapapaya33 · 3 months ago
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junestarr · 2 years ago
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Attack on FeyDragon featuring Wyrm Hole ..... hell yea
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keeps-ache · 2 years ago
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lost my sketchbook so that means it's ~digital doobles~ time :D
[Flame (the little blue dragon) belongs to @3-feydragons-in-a-trenchcoat !]
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artsyhamster · 2 years ago
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Aaaand Revenge & Attack batch for
@billionyenmen @fratboycipher @bloofbloofbloof and FeyDragon!
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nordlichtgeschichten · 1 year ago
NaNo 2023
Oh I did mention this year's NaNo project, but not like, in depth. Not like this is going to be more in depth.
listen i tried being professional on this blog for a bit and it didn't do me any favors so now I'm on to "fuck it we ball"
I'm doing a collection of short stories - The two I've finished so far are 4.5k and 2.6k, and the one I'm currently writing is 2.9k and I'm expecting another 1-3k in there.
Main character is a Theros guy named Lune (pronounced Loo-neh) who just, really, really likes critters! The first story has him when he's 15, which is the age of majority for Theroi - they age faster than humans do, 15 is when they're fully grown, and they usually live to be around 50 - with other stories being later. Not sure when exactly I'll put the last one, but probably when Lune's in his 40s, grey-streaked fur but damn there are still critters for him to see!!
Short stories are easier on me than full on novels, I can get by with less planning (it's mostly just "This is the critter!"), and it lets me worldbuild a bit. Mostly the fauna, of course, but a few tidbits of different countries in the fantasy world etc.
The two stories I've finished feature Flying Cats (not wings, think of flying squirrels, with a membrane between front and hind legs) and so-called "Feydragons", who have no relation to dragons but are in fact insects that are just one step up from mosquitoes. A critter's a critter...
Started one has an arctic fire dragon, and others I've planned feature pegasi, unicorns, probably a griffin type of two (there's lion griffins and wolf griffins and mouse griffins...), little critters that would've reminded me so much of tribbles had I known tribbles when my friend made the design and I came up with lore, venomous donkeys, werebeasts... Dunno if all will happen during NaNo, but hey, I can keep writing stories after it, too :D Need more dragons in there, anyway, I just want to space them out a bit because dragons will mostly have a recurring character, Luthail, who is supposed to be recurring and not "Is in like every other story". Though I'm looking forward to him, too, since he's got a minor role in Finding Magic, too :3c
I still need a better name than "Tales of Two Worlds Zoology Project" but that can come uhhhhhhh later xD
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mesillusionssousecstasy · 2 years ago
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Types of Dragon
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rangarivaraani · 5 years ago
Sprite Darters
Also called Faerie Dragons, Blink Dragons or fey dragons
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They are immune to magic and have powerful magical song they sing in the mushroom ring located in Tirisfal. It seems that the faerie dragons travel in packs and possible take shifts for the singing ritual. They look like lizards with butterfly wings, not really like dragons at all. None of them tried to speak to us, although they do seem to listen. I know there are at least two other locations with these beings: Feralas and Hyjal. 
When the fey dragons perform this singing ritual, corrupted and diseased deer and other animals gathered around, as if maybe they were being purified in some way. Bosco’s theory is that their song ritual is healing the forest and possibly these diseased animals that gather to watch. 
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After asking around, I have found some myths and lore about the Fey Dragons. They are said to have been summoned by Malfurion from the Emerald dream to help rid the forests of demonic magics. This myth definitely correlates to Bosco’s theory pretty closely. Another rumor I was able to find is that the Grimtotem Tribe may be capturing them and using them for experiments! This is definitely something we will be checking into.
Personal Notes:
 The trip with Bosco was a huge surprise! I thought we were going Mountain climbing, but it turned out he was inspiring me back to writing my animal field guides by bringing me to see the Fey Dragons! This was the best day, I had no idea these creatures did healing songs. I can’t believe how this one act has brought me back into my passion for writing about creatures. I am feeling more like myself again! 
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grimmla-arts · 2 years ago
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Fey dragon
on my pateron and ko-fi https://www.patreon.com/posts/fey-dragon-open-87150278 https://ko-fi.com/grimmla/gallery#galleryItemView
Join the tip jar tier (1usd a month) to participate in the auction
It's SMAUGUST so we're making dragons on creature club
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artsyraccoons · 1 year ago
Lesbian dragon here!!
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You have no idea how many times i made the symbol on her wings before i got it right...
Refs down here!
For the shape and the lesbian symbol!
Lgbt dragons masterpost
Lesbian dragon wip
Rant time~
Gotta tell you, the lesbian flag is one of my favorite.. The colors are just so pretty! And so are you, lesbian sisters! I love you, and just like the others you are valid and have rights!
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shannoneagleart · 7 years ago
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A little feydragon for my #smaugust work today! This tiny fellow will be featured in a spring themed painting. All four #dragon pieces will be debuting at the fall Auburn Art Walk in September 14th! . . . . #dragons #feydragon #fey #tinydragon #spring #flowers #water #rain #seasons #fantasyart #tinyworksofart #shannoneagleart #dragonart #fantasyartist (at Tacoma, Washington)
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kandidandi · 2 years ago
hello hallo cool artist! i know we have literally never talked before But
I need to know whether it’s okay for me to draw suncatcher sun in my sketchbook with the rest of my celestial pieces!!
im not sure whymst i was so worried to just DO IT. I felt the Need to ask.
so yeah! :>
oh oh of course go nuts with it! thank you for asking first <3!!!!
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keeps-ache · 2 years ago
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!!! happy pride !!!
[Mycal and Aster belong to @3-feydragons-in-a-trenchcoat !]
{silly comic below}
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