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EPOXY COFFEE TABLE BUILD - start to finish

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Tracksaw table: complete.
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Spannrahmen für das CMS OF-2200

Spannrahmen für das CMS OF-2200
Vorab: Diese Idee stammt nicht von mir. Heiko Rech, der im Internet sehr bekannt ist, hatte diesen Rahmen vorgestellt. Ich habe seinen Beitrag dazu nicht mehr gefunden. Ich habe aber noch Fotos vom Bau und kann mich noch an Details erinnern. Ein Besucher meiner Webseite hatte mich um Informationen gebeten, da ich kürzlich den Bau eines Fräsanschlages für die CMS von Festool beschrieben hatte.
Ahorn als Grundlage
Vom Wohnzimmertisch hatte ich noch Reste von Ahorn. 30mm dick. Der Querschnitt des Rahmens beträgt 30x30mm. Die Maße selbst sind durch den vorhandenen Rahmen des Festool CMS OF 2200 vorgegeben. Es ist gut, dass die Innenseite des Festool-Rahmens einen 90-Grad-Winkel hat. Allerdings muss der Holzrahmen asymmetrisch geschnitten werden, um die Kräfte beim Spannen gleichmäßig zu verteilen.
Befestigung des Rahmens
Diese "Schrägen" habe ich mit der Bosch-Tischsäge geschnitten. Eigentlich mehr nach Gefühl. Ahorn lässt sich sehr gut bearbeiten. Kaum Ausrisse und immer eine glatte Oberfläche. Der Alurahmen des Frästisches ist relativ dick, so dass man gut Blechschrauben zur Befestigung des Holzes verwenden kann. Die Löcher im Holz habe ich mit meinem Bosch-Bohrständer gebohrt. So sind sie mit einer Vorlage ausrissfrei und senkrecht.
Befestigung des Rahmens
Die Löcher im Aluminiumrahmen müssen entsprechend vorgebohrt werden. Nach dem Bohren der Löcher in den Holzrahmen. Durch die Löcher im Holz habe ich den Rahmen vorgebohrt. Eng anliegende Löcher. Der Holzrahmen wird mit Blechschrauben im Aluminiumrahmen befestigt. Den Überstand der Schrauben unter dem Rahmen habe ich mit der "Flex" geglättet. Jetzt passt der Rohrahmen und es fehlen nur noch die T-Nut-Schienen. Diese gibt es sehr günstig im Internet. Nicht in den bekannten Fachgeschäften, dort ist der Preis meist doppelt so hoch. Die T-Nut-Schiene wird ebenfalls mit Senkschrauben in ausreichender Anzahl befestigt. Die Bohrungen in den T-Nut-Schienen sind natürlich versenkt. Die Schrauben dürfen die Bewegung der Schraubenköpfe nicht behindern. Die Höhe des Holzrahmens mit T-Nut-Schiene sollte die Oberfläche des Frästisches nicht überschreiten. Es ist aber kein Problem, wenn der Holzrahmen 1 bis 2 mm tiefer liegt. Vielleicht noch ein Wort zum Festool CMS. Das war damals eines der besten Systeme auf dem Markt. Und ja, ich hatte mir auch die sogenannte CMS-Tischkreissäge zugelegt (CMS TS-55). In der Annahme, die eingesetzte Tauchsäge auch für andere Zwecke verwenden zu können. Doch die CMS hat sich stark verändert und moderne Festool-Tauchsägen passen nicht mehr unter die "alte" CMS. Außerdem gibt es die CMS nicht mehr neu zu kaufen. Ich habe den CMS-Frästisch behalten, weil er meine Anforderungen als kleiner Holzwerker voll erfüllt. Ich hatte bereits einen Nachbau aus der Zeitschrift Holzwerken fertiggestellt, als ich feststellen musste, dass der Frästisch (meiner Meinung nach) einfach nur Schrott ist. Ein Frästisch ist praktisch für kleinere Dinge, aber er kommt nicht an eine einfache Tischfräse heran. Wenn ich mehr Platz hätte, wäre das meine nächste Maschine. Read the full article
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PowerSpeed Armature for FESTOOL, PF-1200E Circular Saw
Manufactured by Vicky Power Tools Made In India🇮🇳
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❤️ Pippa Pig on a love date 🥂
#ytp#peppa pig#festool#tk78#france#vin#wine#nicktoons#love#lovers#thekairi#thekairi78#voyage tv#becon#valentines day#drinks#gta v#thai drama#fanfiction#pink#cartoon love#love anime#bar#Irish pub#ytpfr#youtube poop#youtubeur#goofy#nostalgia#coca cola
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the first rule of power tool safety is have fun and be yourself
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ti néztétek ezt az Expanse-t? Meg vagyok lepődve rajta kicsit, nagyon kevés ostobaság van benne, és amellett, hogy majdnem mindenki ilyen egyen-sorozatszínész benne, viszont vannak erős női karakterek meg sztori ami csak néha biceg itt-ott, de összességében egyben van. Nyilván ez sem mentes a pirx-pilóta jelenségtől (síléctartó boxban temetnek, az orvosi felszerelés festool körfűrész dobozában van, ilyesmi) de nem bántó és még a cgi sem ilyen húszfilléres bigyó, egész rendesen meg van csinálva. A kosztümök okék, a díszlet néha nem oké, de elmegy, végül is ki tudja mi lesz az űrkolóniákon párszáz év múlva :) Van benne néhány teljesen valid színész (Jarred Harris, David Strathairn, Shohreh Aghdashloo) meg pár amit már láttunk sorozatokban és csak kevés ilyen kezdő-túljátszós. Jópofa, van belőle hat évszak.
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you're a MAKITA girlie?????? please defend Makitas to me because i just don't understand the appeal. I'm a Milwaukee bitch myself, but absolutely can't afford them
Firstly, brands have different qualities depending on the country. In New Zealand, Makitas are pretty good. Not top of the range, but certainly above average. They might be worse in other countries. I've heard that Black and Decker is a decent brand overseas, but from what I understand they're below average here.
Obviously Festool is Festool, but that's different I think. I don't have Festool money and I don't expect to get Festool money, but maybe I can slowly gather a decent collection of Makitas.
Also we used Makitas at the joinery course I did, so they're what I learned on.
I do like Milwaukee's heated jackets though. One day I might even get one.
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Built-in Wardrobes and Shelving Installation [video #344]

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so funny these exist. putting my powertool merch baby under the powertool merch decorated christmas tree drinking a cobra verde on drill-shaped festool merch ice

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Fräshilfe für Festool OF-1400 / OF-1010

Fräshilfe für Festool OF-1400 / OF-1010
Irgendwie musste ich mal versuchen die Festool Fräshilfe nachzubauen. Mit meinem ersten Ergebnis war und bin ich zufrieden, da die Fräshilfe genau das macht was sie soll. Für einen Kollegen habe ich dann einen Nachbau hergestellt. Mit Querschruben und Plexiglasführungen. Das Teil sah wirklich gut aus und so beschloss ich, weitere zu bauen. Die bei Festool angebotene Fräshilfe hat noch eine Absaugungsmöglichkeit auf der Platte. Macht die Sinn? Wieviel Schläuche kann ich denn anschließen? Nein, die lasse ich weg.
Acrylglas gegossen
Über den Unterschied zwischen gegossenem und gezogenem Acrylglas konnte ich mich ausreichend informieren. Gegossenes ist aber wesentlich teurer; trotzdem will ich das ausprobieren. Bestellt habe ich das Arylglas bei Kunststoffplattenonline.de. Die Lieferung ist gut angekommen, trotz Lieferproblemen mit DPD. Wie immer!!!
Angeblich ist gegossenes Acrylglas besser zu bearbeiten. Tauchsäge auf 1, einmal rückwärts über das Acrylglas gezogen und dann mit einem Schnitt getrennt. Die Sägespuren machten keinen Unterschied.Problem bei den Senkungen der Bohrungen zuvor war, die Senkungen waren „eckig“ und unsauber. Trotz nachschärfen der Senker. Aus diesem Grund habe ich einen neuen Senker von FAMAG gekauft. Das Ergebnis ist selbstredend. Sehr gut. Tja, man kauft immer mindestens 3 mal. Dieser Senker ist sein Geld wert.Jetzt muss ich doch einen Unterschied der Qualitäten vom Acrylglas feststellen können. Gefühlsmäßig ließ sich des Gegossene „weicher“ fräsen. Das Ergebnis ist aber das gleiche.Die Bohrungen sind eingebracht und die Fräsungen sauber. Nun müssen noch die Ecken ab. Dies geht einfach mit der Kappsäge. Drehzahl auf 1 und los. Natürlich Vereinfacht mit einem Abstandshalter.Trotz großer Vorsicht sind die Schnittflächen „unschön“. Auf die Funktion der Fräshilfe hat dieser Umstand keinerlei Einfluß. Nur für den Kopf. Sieht halt nicht so gut aus. Flammpolieren ist keine große Kunst. Allerdings muss vorgearbeitet werden. Kanten brechen um sich beim Anziehen nicht die Finger aufzureißen. Grob abziehen und dann fein abziehen mit der Abziehklinge von Festool. Ein Riesenunterschied!! Meistens wird Schleifen angeraten. Das hatte ich anfangs auch immer gemacht. Heute weiß ich, dass nach Abziehen mit der Festool-Klinge kein Schleifen nötig ist. Nur sehr sauber muss die Kante sein.Mal sehen, wie das Ergebnis ist. Sterngriffe mit festem Gewinde 6mm, Unterlegscheibe und rein in die Quermutter. Passt! Es ist schon einige Arbeit und die Zeit vergeht im Fluge, doch das Ergebnis entschädigt für alles.Wer gern eine solche Fräshilfe von mir haben möchte: ich verkaufe diese gern. Für die komplette Fräshilfe für die OF1400 / OF1010 berechne ich Euro 110,00 inklusive Versand innerhalb Deutschland. Die Fräshilfe wird allerdings als „gebraucht“ verkauft. Für den Kontakt bitte ein kurzes E-Mail an [email protected] oder über das Kontaktformular. Read the full article
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Here is a van created to make you feel like you are still in the old cabin while parked at a wayside. This van has a gas-powered heater to keep you warm, a powerful fan to keep you cool and even a hideaway toilet! Complete with a sink and a fridge, this small kitchen also has an induction stove built into it. The bed space is a queen size, with a pull-out drawer directly underneath. This nomadic vehicle is equipped with solar panels and a DCDC Charger to keep all of its 4 12v batteries charged. As well as a shore power plug for when it's a bit cloudy and you don't feel like driving around. There is also a 28-gallon fresh water tank which can be put to use through the sink or the spigot installed near the fill point. With a grey water tank at 25 gallons. They both empty the bottom of the van, for convenience and stealth. With just about as many screws as you can see, this is mainly held together by Festool Dominos and Titebond Type 3 Wood glue. A beefy wooden domino-shaped dowel that takes the place of an otherwise squeaky bolt or screw. Ensuring this furniture will hold up to bumpy roads as long as you can hold onto the wheel.
Practically off the factory line with less than 500 mi to the engine. Grab this gem and take it out on an adventure before someone can claim your untold quests.
Contact us for more details, price is flexible and negotiable. Delivery will add miles to the vehicle, but distance isn't an issue by land.
Heater = Webasto 2500 gas-powered heater, temperature controlled. Automatic low gas sensor so it won't run you dry
Fan = Maxx fan deluxe dual-direction, temperature controlled
Electric (Victron)
- Multiplus 3000A ACDC inverter
4 GFCI outlets, 10 USB ports
- Tri smart DCDC Alternator charger
Charge your batteries while driving
- 150/50 Smart solar charger, Renology solar panels
Borrow some of the sun's energy to charge your batteries very quickly
- Cerbo Gx monitoring system
The brains behind the electrical labyrinth
- GX touch display
Bluetooth compatible, as well as remote control of van electronics
-4 Victron LiFePo4 Batteries
12v 100 amp hours each
Pre-assembled metal drawer glides = Moryde latching drawer slides
Blum under-mount tandem full extension drawer glides
Blum Soft-close concealed cabinet door hinges
Tensioned upper cabinets that stay closed and open with ease
Pressurized spigot in the rear along with gauge for water tanks
More pictures
Contact me for more details, or if you've got a van/camper/off-grid design in your head that I can help come to life.
Email me at
Also posted on this site, which offers financing through their website
Financing website for RVs and Boats
Ebay posting
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Woodworking Tool Auctions: What’s Worth Buying?
Woodworking tool auctions offer a fantastic opportunity to acquire high-quality tools at a fraction of retail prices. Whether you are a professional woodworker or a hobbyist, these auctions can provide excellent deals on durable and reliable equipment. Here’s why they are worth exploring:
1. Cost Savings
One of the biggest advantages of buying woodworking tools at an auction is the potential for huge savings. Compared to new equipment, auctioned tools often sell for significantly lower prices. This allows buyers to stretch their budgets further, acquiring more tools or investing in higher-end brands they might not have considered otherwise.
2. Access to High-Quality Brands
Auctions often feature well-known, high-quality brands that are built to last. Whether it’s Festool, Powermatic, or DeWalt, buyers can find premium tools that maintain excellent performance over time. Many of these brands are expensive when purchased new, making auctions a smart way to get top-tier tools for less.
3. Well-Maintained Equipment
Many woodworking tools at auctions come from businesses, schools, or retiring craftsmen who have taken great care of their equipment. Unlike heavily used tools from second-hand stores, these auctioned items are often well-maintained and in excellent working condition, ensuring longevity and reliability.
4. Variety of Tools Available
From table saws and planers to routers and lathes, woodworking auctions offer various tools to suit different needs. Whether you are setting up a new workshop or upgrading your existing tools, auctions provide access to an extensive range of equipment all in one place.
5. Opportunity to Acquire Rare or Vintage Tools
For collectors and traditional woodworkers, auctions can be a goldmine for finding vintage or hard-to-find tools. Many older hand tools and machines were built to last, featuring superior craftsmanship and durability. These classic tools often outperform modern counterparts in certain applications.
6. Immediate Availability
Unlike purchasing new tools that might be on backorder or require shipping, auctioned tools are available for immediate pickup. This is a significant advantage for those who need equipment right away and want to avoid delays in their projects.
7. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Choice
Buying second-hand tools reduces waste and promotes sustainability. Instead of contributing to landfill waste, woodworking enthusiasts can repurpose and extend the life of existing tools. This environmentally friendly approach benefits both the buyer and the planet.
8. Potential for Resale Profit
For those with a keen eye, auctions can also be a great business opportunity. Many buyers purchase tools at a low price, refurbish them if needed, and resell them at a profit. This can be a lucrative side business or a way to finance future tool upgrades.
Woodworking tool auctions provide unbeatable value, access to top brands, and a chance to find rare, high-quality tools. Whether you are looking to expand your workshop, save money, or invest in premium equipment, these auctions are a worthwhile option. With careful selection and research, you can walk away with tools that enhance your craftsmanship for years to come.
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Nail Guns, Sanders, and Welders: Power Tool Reviews from Best of Machinery
When it comes to power tools, the variety available can be overwhelming, especially for those new to DIY projects or professional construction work. Among the most essential tools are nail guns, sanders, and welders, each serving a unique purpose in different applications. Nail guns are indispensable for framing, roofing, and finishing tasks, offering efficiency and speed over traditional hammering reviews for power tools . Sanders, on the other hand, are crucial for smoothing surfaces, preparing them for painting or staining. Welders, though more specialized, are vital for joining metals in fabrication and repair work. In this article, we'll delve into some of the best power tools in these categories, highlighting their features and benefits.
Introduction to Nail Guns
Nail guns are a staple in any construction or woodworking environment. They significantly reduce the time and effort required for tasks like framing, roofing, and finishing. Among the top brands for nail guns, Hitachi and DeWalt are often favored for their reliability and performance. For instance, DeWalt's framing nailers are known for their durability and ability to handle heavy-duty projects. When choosing a nail gun, consider factors such as the type of nails it uses (e.g., framing, finishing, or roofing nails), its power source (pneumatic, cordless, or electric), and the ease of use, including features like adjustable depth settings and comfortable grip designs.
Sanders: A Key to Smooth Finishes
Sanders are another crucial tool in any workshop or construction site. They come in various types, including belt sanders, orbital sanders, and detail sanders, each designed for specific tasks. For example, belt sanders are ideal for heavy-duty sanding and removing old finishes, while orbital sanders are better suited for finer work, providing a smooth finish on wood surfaces. Brands like Festool and Bosch offer high-quality sanders known for their efficiency and ergonomic design. When selecting a sander, consider the type of material you'll be working with, the desired finish, and the tool's power and speed settings.
Welders for Metal Fabrication
Welders are specialized tools used for joining metals, making them essential for fabrication and repair work. There are several types of welders, including MIG, TIG, and ARC welders, each suited to different metals and techniques. MIG welders are versatile and easy to use, making them popular for both beginners and professionals. Brands like Lincoln Electric and Hobart are renowned for their quality welders. When choosing a welder, consider the type of metal you'll be working with, the thickness of the material, and the desired weld quality. Safety features, such as proper ventilation and protective gear, are also crucial when working with welders.
Power Tool Brands: A Comparison
Several power tool brands stand out in the market for their quality and performance. Milwaukee is often praised for its heavy-duty tools, particularly in the metalworking trades. DeWalt is another favorite among professionals, known for its durable and reliable drills and cutting tools. Makita is also highly regarded for its robust and dependable tools, often preferred by seasoned professionals. Each brand has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice often depends on specific needs and preferences.
Safety and Maintenance of Power Tools
Safety and maintenance are critical when using power tools. Always ensure that you're wearing appropriate protective gear, such as safety glasses and gloves, to prevent injuries. Regular maintenance can extend the life of your tools and prevent accidents. This includes cleaning the tools after use, checking for worn parts, and storing them properly. Additionally, following the manufacturer's guidelines for usage and maintenance is essential to ensure optimal performance and safety.
Conclusion: Choosing the Right Power Tools
Choosing the right power tools can significantly impact the efficiency and quality of your work. Whether you're a professional contractor or a DIY enthusiast, understanding the features and benefits of different tools can help you make informed decisions. Nail guns, sanders, and welders each play a vital role in various projects, and selecting tools from reputable brands can ensure reliability and performance. By considering factors such as tool type, power source, and safety features, you can build a versatile toolkit that meets your needs and enhances your productivity.
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the first rule of power tool safety is have fun and be yourself
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The Ultimate Guide to Customized Furniture Tools: Creating Your Dream Pieces
Customized furniture has become increasingly popular in recent years, as homeowners and businesses seek unique and personalized pieces that reflect their individual style. However, creating customized furniture requires specialized tools and expertise. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of customized furniture tools, discussing the different types of tools available, their uses, and benefits. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast, a professional furniture maker, or simply looking to create your dream pieces, this article will provide you with valuable insights and inspiration.
Types of Customized Furniture Tools
Customized furniture tools can be broadly categorized into several groups, including:
Hand Tools: These are manual tools used for various tasks such as cutting, shaping, and assembling. Examples include hand saws, chisels, and clamps.
Power Tools: These are electric or gas-powered tools used for tasks such as cutting, drilling, and sanding. Examples include table saws, drill presses, and sanders.
Specialized Tools: These are tools specifically designed for customized furniture making, such as jigs, templates, and molding machines.
CNC Machines: These are computer-controlled machines used for precision cutting, drilling, and shaping. Examples include CNC routers, CNC mills, and CNC lathes.
Benefits of Customized Furniture Tools
Using customized furniture tools can have numerous benefits, including:
Increased Precision: Customized tools enable you to create pieces with precise measurements and angles, ensuring a professional finish.
Improved Efficiency: Specialized tools can save you time and effort, allowing you to complete projects faster and more efficiently.
Enhanced Creativity: Customized tools provide the flexibility to experiment with new designs and techniques, unlocking your creative potential.
Better Quality: Using high-quality, customized tools ensures that your pieces are built to last, with a focus on durability and craftsmanship.
Top Customized Furniture Tools for DIY Enthusiasts and Professionals
Here are some of the top customized furniture tools that every DIY enthusiast and professional should consider:
Festool Domino Joiner: A versatile and precise tool for creating strong and accurate joints.
Incra IBox: A comprehensive tool for creating precise boxes and cabinets.
Woodpeckers Coping Sled: A specialized tool for creating intricate and precise coping cuts.
CNC Shark HD: A high-performance CNC machine for precision cutting, drilling, and shaping.
Kreg Jig: A popular and versatile tool for creating strong and accurate joints.
Best Practices for Choosing the Right Customized Furniture Tools
When choosing customized furniture tools, consider the following best practices:
Assess Your Needs: Identify the specific tasks and projects you'll be working on, and choose tools that cater to those needs.
Research and Compare: Research different tools and brands, comparing features, prices, and customer reviews.
Consider Quality and Durability: Invest in high-quality tools that are built to last, ensuring a professional finish and minimizing maintenance.
Seek Expert Advice: Consult with experienced furniture makers or industry experts to gain valuable insights and recommendations.
Budget Wisely: Set a budget and stick to it, prioritizing essential tools and upgrading as needed.
Customized furniture tools are essential for creating unique and personalized pieces that reflect your individual style. By understanding the different types of tools available, their uses, and benefits, you can unlock your creative potential and take your furniture making to the next level. Remember to choose the right tools for your needs, prioritize quality and durability, and seek expert advice to ensure a professional finish.
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