linskywords · 2 months
do you have any recs for other hrpf authors! i love your stuff so much but i have now read literally everything you’ve ever posted on ao3 and i need other content to tide me over in between help me hold onto you updates
Why yes, I do!! Caveat that most of these are probably obvious if you sort the hrpf tag by kudos, but always a joy to endorse these people, and hopefully you'll find someone new.
Excellent authors who are currently posting:
makeit_takeit (@makeit-takeit)
dogjuice (they haven't posted a story since last year but I live in hope)
Helenish (@helenish)
notthequiettype (@notthequiettype)
bropunzeling (@bropunzeling)
donderwolk (@donderwolkenblog)
Excellent authors who are not currently posting hrpf:
disarm_d (@disarmd) (currently writing f1)
LoveLeah (@love-leah) (currently writing various motorsports)
demotu (@demotu)
altri_uccelli (@altri-uccelli)
Ferritin4 (currently writing various other things)
There's a lot farther I could go down the road of authors who haven't posted in almost a decade, but I'm going to cut myself off there. Hope this gives you a good place to start!
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beggingwolf · 1 year
Hi! What fic do you consider is a good option to send to someone as their first hockey rpf? Any recommendations?
I find it to be highly subjective depending on their tastes as a reader, you know?
are they willing to start with a fic that has hockey in it?
And Never Been Kissed by thehoyden & twentysomething
The Salt King by ladyblahblah
do they need an AU to ease them into a sense of the characters before they read about hockey?
More Things In Heaven And Earth by CloudCover
The Woman In Blue by Ferritin4
are there any common fic tropes/things they like?
Vampires: blood from a stone by saysthemagpie
Time Travel: The Real Thing by sevenfists, Welcome Home by oflights
A/B/O: swallow the fire by cascara-soda
or are they willing to experiment with unconventional, creative fic with beautiful prose?
White Fences by al-the-remix
Trespass by Maur
it's been a while since I began reading hockey fic... so I invite people to add on with the fic that sucked them in. for me, it's ANBK and The Salt King. those hooked me and dragged me in headfirst!
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ferritin4 · 3 months
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Ill-advised hookups with coworkers and friends were kind of Roy’s forté. Trick arrows and ill-advised hookups with incredibly attractive morally dubious people: that was him in a nutshell. Put that on his gravestone.
They probably would put that on his gravestone.
There's only one thing Roy Harper wants after he comes back to life: to find his daughter. And with Jason miraculously committed to the cause with him, it seems like there's a decent chance it might even happen.
Well, maybe there's more than one thing Roy wants, but there's only one he thinks he might get.
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tapedsleeves · 7 months
get rec'd better a day late than never
idk guys.... yesterday didn't exist to me. sorry
breaking even by @spangledleatherponcho (iceguy on ao3)
brady tkachuk / tim stutzle, M, 22460
Brady loses his memory. Tim tries to fix a mistake he made. the way this one plays with memory and POV!!! What Brady knows and when he knows it and what Tim assumes he knows.... good. it scratches the same itch as an identity porn fic for me. It's soooo good. Also, I love Tim's motivations in this!
what will survive of us by @ferritin4
nicklas backstrom / alexander ovechkin, E, 26093
Nicklas and Alex have a soulbond. this fic is SUCH a comfort read for me. I am not normal about it at all. the ways in which the outward behavior/perception of each of nicke and ovi is an inverse mirror of how their soulbond works is just. *chefs kiss*
The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine @leafsmealone
mitch marner / john tavares, M, 32716
Someone puts a lust spell on Mitch, John helps to try to break it. I love the characterizations in this fic!! Mitch's POV is just so fun to watch, even when he's reading things *so wrong*
The MoJoe Show (On The Road) Season 2 by pushingtothedge on ao3
joe veleno / moritz seider, E, 42822
It's the MoJoe show season 2, and Joe is trying not to be jealous, trying not to be anxious, trying to get over his crush on Mo. this fic was an UNMITIGATED delight. I loved Joe's POV this whole time, he was SO delightfully nervous, so wonderfully into Mo, so relatably jealous.... this fic was just. So so so good. The perfect balance between angst and fluff for my taste.
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cgsf · 2 years
Men's Hockey (RPF) fanfiction recs:
Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin
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"A Fool for Lesser Things" (E) by Linsky | 11,553 | Still, though—no way. People don’t just forget four years of their lives. “You’re gonna need to give me way more than that if you want me to believe you,” Jamie says. “Did he wake up yet?” someone asks, and Tyler fucking Seguin walks into the room.
"I Feel Like I’ve Been Locked Up Tight" (E) by Linsky | 33,976 | Jamie’s not sure where he missed the boat on the whole sex thing.
"Something Like a Crush" (E) by purplecatsweater | 3,807 | It isn’t that Jamie isn’t incredibly aware of how close Tyler is – his fingers curled over Jamie’s arm, his leg thrown over Jamie’s, his breath coming in short bursts against Jamie’s collarbone once he shuts up and actually pays attention to the movie. Really, it’s just that Jamie is used to it. Tyler wouldn’t know what personal space was if it smacked him in the face, and Jamie’s never really complained.
"gonna have to ask about" (E) by ferrassie | 6,783 | This is not Tyler’s apartment. He has no idea how he got here or who he’s sleeping beside, face hidden in the pillow. He’s been sitting up long enough to wake him, though. “Tyler,” he says, voice muffled and rough with sleep. “You awake?” He looks up with half-lidded eyes, dark hair a mess.
"Door to Door" 🔒 (E) by Ferritin4 | 10,148 | "I work two jobs. I’m Tyler," Tyler says, extending his hand. "Do you want to come in?" Well, he’s not doing anything illegal, Jamie thinks, shaking it, because no criminal in the history of crime has ever willingly invited a cop into their house, and there is no one in the city of Dallas who hasn’t pegged Jamie as a cop within six seconds of meeting him.
"Whatever You Want" (E) by LouLa | 2,449 | Jamie's possessive streak is something Tyler’s seen more and more of over the past few weeks.
"you haven't moved an inch" (M) by blinkiesays | 7,301 | To be honest, Jamie's gotten drunk and woken up in relationships before. He's not proud, but, you know. It is what it is. He just didn't think it would ever happen with somebody like Tyler.
"God, You Two Are So Married" (E) by popfly | 3,900 | 75% of what people say when they're joking is true. When it comes to Jamie and Tyler's fake wedding it's more like 99.9%.
"definitely, maybe" 🔒 (T) by carissima | 7,935 | He’s never met anyone and thought that they could be The One. But he looks at Jamie and he thinks, maybe.
"Captivated by You, Baby" (E) by Linsky | 9,049 | Tyler said to watch, but—Jamie’s pretty sure this isn’t what he meant.
"it's not a slow dance (this modern romance)" 🔒 (M) by fadeastride | 3,989 | He knows he's a little stupid when it comes to Jamie, a little too easy, a little blind to the rules of platonic friendship. Still, there's no reason for the next thing out of his mouth to be, “Hell, I could do it.”
"Sex Bomb" (E) by my99centdreams | 7,175 | He's got to say something. He's got to. They've been together for almost a year now and his - his need for this god damn word has been here for the entire fucking time. He can't escape it. He wants it so bad.
"Look at the wonderful mess that we made" (E) by sherlockelly | 89,563 | A name-on-wrist soulmate AU where being outed by a same-sex name is still newsworthy if you're in professional sports and is a very real concern for some NHL players. Despite the shifting attitudes, no one in the sport has ever come out publicly. Tyler has always felt relieved that 'Jamie' could be a male or female name, it makes hiding his sexuality a lot easier. Jamie's not been so lucky.
"baby, i want to touch you" 🔒 (E) by teamfreeawesome | 1,376 | So, maybe Tyler has a thing about Jamie's thighs.
"Taste Me" 🔒 (E) by teamfreeawesome | 2,005 | So, maybe Tyler has thing for a post-fight Jamie.
"swear it won't take you long" 🔒 (E) by ladyalysv | 9,823 | Tyler's pretty good at not thinking about stuff. Like, professionally.
"Next Level Bromanship" (E) by disarm_d | 7,974 | The thing that Jamie didn't realize was that even if he wasn't a guy, he still wouldn't be Tyler's type.
"but here's my number" (G) by ifonlynotnever | 1,711 | Tyler is drunk, and Jamie's number is just there.
"rearrange the alphabet" (T) by Aurum | 2,834 | Apparently Jamie's soulmate likes awful pick-up lines. It both is and isn't as bad as it sounds.
"off-ice situation" 🔒 (M) & "carving space" 🔒 (M) by anonymous | 18,767 | He waggles his eyebrows, grins and looks over at Jamie like do you want to tell them or should I? Jamie elbows him and everyone laughs, and neither one of them can stop smiling. Crisis averted.
"Once More With Feeling" 🔒 (E) by SpiritsFlame | 55,431 | Tyler is a romantic. He thinks that anyone who gets to the NHL has to be, to pin everything on an almost impossible dream. He won't admit it, but he'd been looking forward to his Loop, to meeting the person he's going to spend his life with, over and over. Looking forward to the endless days of getting to know them, the two of them trapped in a moment together. He didn't think he was going to be in it alone, on the tail end of a bad trade, with no soulmate in sight. He didn't think it would be like this.
"too fragile just to guess" (M) by SpiritsFlame | 14,672 | Jamie has done stupider things than agree to go be Tyler's date to the wedding. So what if they'd been sleeping together for two years. So what if they stopped a few months ago. So what if Jamie isn't over it, and probably never will be. He's done stupider things. Just not by much.
"caused a scene" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 1,047 | There are two Halloween parties every year: the one where PR gets nice, family-friendly photos of cute kids and couples costumes and usually some dogs, and the one at Tyler's.
"my mouth is filled with honey" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | 2,345 | Tyler likes Jamie's body so much. Tyler likes Jamie, so much, too.
"I'm Awfully Fond Of You" (E) by SomebodyOwens | 3,993 | Step 1: Publish Nudes in ESPN. Step 2: ????? Step 3: PROFIT!
"Holding Patterns" (M) by suburbanmotel | 5,342 | “Being between one thing and another,” Tyler says again, the phone close against his ear and mouth now. “Well, that’s us, isn’t it. That’s us.”
This is an ongoing list.
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alakeeffectgirl · 2 years
tag game: answer these questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better
I got tagged by @norsevibes (ty!!)
3 ships: like, currently? well, Maverick/Rooster (clearly), and uhh Tom Cruise/Chris McQuarrie (sorry anti-Tom folks), and hmm Dan/Casey (Sports Night)
First ship: if we’re going back that far, Louis/Lestat
Last movie: Fallout was the last movie I finished watching
Last song: whatever the Amazon music channel played me last, some R&B thing (that channel was excellent writing music)
Currently reading: Tabs currently open are @rsadelle‘s The Implied Question, merely’s clear sunny skies (on the morning of the apocalypse) (a re-read), and @ferritin4‘s Kiss Me, Kill Me, Take Me Home    
Currently watching: Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet
Currently consuming: a whiskey sour
Currently craving: another sour of some sort, I think
Tagging - whoever wants to play!! Please do so!
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brinywxter · 4 months
📚🍰🧠 hi! For the ask game♡♡♡
Hi Meb!!
📚Do you read your own Fic?
Sometimes, lol. Especially when I’m writing a new chapter, I like to see that my wording and prose is all continuous. Helps me keep the narrative in flow. Other times I try not to, otherwise I get all up in my head about grammar or spelling or just paragraphs that could be better.
I love your works so much btw!!!! I’ve definitely read them more than my own, lol.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics.
Wow, this is hard. I’d say something I go back to a lot, because it’s so well-written and so sweet and one of the first works I read in the fandom years ago is “Same Same but Different” by Ferritin4. There’s something wonderful about a cross-fandom work that doesn’t need to try so hard. (And even if Neymar has officially been on my shit-list for a good while now, him in fanfic is so well-meaning and sweet.)
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
I’ve been wanting to do an AU for so long now. Like a Uni AU so badly, I’ve got stuff written, like random tidbits. I don’t even know who the pairing would be. Or the context. It’s just something I’ve been thinking about for so long and sometimes I want to just dive straight into my notes and give it some life somehow.
There’s oftentimes when I wanna just publish all my WIPs or ideas just as they are, lol. Cause I know they’ll never get finished and I don’t want them rotting and dying in my drafts ahahaha.
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werebearish · 5 years
[podfic] The Choir Invisible by Ferritin4
(15 words) by werebear
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Marc-Andre Fleury/Kris Letang
Additional Tags: Ghosts, Paranormal Investigators, Romance, Horror, Podfic, Podfic Length: 30-45 Minutes
“I think I’m a ghost savant,” Marc-André said under his breath, the day after they met. “I’m the Cesar Millan of ghosts. I’m a ghost whisperer.” “Wasn’t that a shitty television show?” Kris said. “And no you’re fucking not; anyone can talk to me. I’m dead, not deaf.”
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grittyreadsfic · 4 years
don't be shy show us the 18 Bennguin fics
you’re very lucky they were sent in whatsapp because i don’t have an apple laptop and it would have been so much more annoying to do if i had to get them from my phone to my computer
also: big himbo energy rn (fitting, since this was brought about by my tyler crisis and he is the himbo blueprint) but i counted wrong and it’s 19
-romantic motherfucking best by lightgetsin: i’ve read this one! it was ages ago so i don’t remember details but i know i loved it and it has my favorite tag (bros with benefits to lovers)
-door to door by ferritin4: i’ve also read this one!! it’s fun i love neighbors and non hockey aus (my first forays into rpf back in my mibba days were aus only because it was a nice way to dip my toes in). they’re both idiots in this and i love that
-look at the wonderful mess we made by sherlockelly: i don’t think i’ve read this one but it’s soulmates so i’m excited to get to it bc a bitch LOVES a good soulmate au
 -something worth bleeding out by dasterdlywords: haven’t read it but it has pining AND families of choice in the tags so i’m excited!!!
-burn our fingers and change our names by linksy: i personally tend to avoid patrick kane in fics (i think everyone needs to figure out their own comfort level with this and if you read fics with him where he’s the focus or background, cool! it’s not for me but we can all consume the media we consume) but i just. love the tyler/jamie fics in this series (and the jordan/taylor and dylan/alex ones) and the way this person writes omegaverse and also!!! the level of miscommunication!!!! a gift!!!
-kinda narrows it down by linksy: this is!!!!!!!!!!! such a rec its like 3k and absolutely perfect
-something good and real and right by  blamefincham, thistidalwave: mmmm i’ve read this and it’s tasty
-things in nature can shatter by mayhem10: i have not read this but it appears to feature my favorite hockey specific trope (sidney crosby mentoring gay hockey players who are dumb and useless) so v excited to read
-off-ice situation by orphan account (rip): idk what this fic is about but the first two paragraphs look fun so 10/10
-personal relations by bluejayys:this characterization of tyler wrecked me in the best way thank u for coming to my ted talk
-carving space by orphan account (rip): i haven’t read this one but i want to!!!!! the summary!!! damn!!
-texas heat by rest: i’m a sucker for fics where one isn’t a hockey player so i do think this one is lovely
-colder weather by inlovewithnight: this is actually one of my favorite career ending injury fics and i’m looking forward to rereading it this weekend so it can hurt my feelings
-faster (series) by lightsgetin: haven’t read it, but it seems horny 
-once more with feelings by spiritsflame: this was on my comfort fic rec list and tbh it’s one of the first hockey fics i read and it makes me feel so many things and usually i hate time loops but this one is perfect so
-all this learning here is by you by nighimpossible: this is what i’m currently reading bc it keeps getting rec’d to me and i still haven’t read it and so far it’s good!!
-the constellations we make by hananobira: very intrigued by this bc i am an astrology bitch 
-i made a tidal wave (just to get close to you) by orphan account (rip): havne’t read it but i am a sucker for college aus (don’t ask me why my college experience was just be getting stressed and coping by sending astrology memes to everyone i knew at 4 am when i should have been studying or asleep)
-kingmaker (series) by elisera: i was told to read this one second so like ask me my thoughts on sunday probably
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remmyme · 7 years
Fandom Fanfic Basics
Fandom: Supernatural (Dean/Castiel)
Favorite Canon fic:
Dream of Now by Sass_Master
Various moments in Cas and Dean's relationship.
Sooooooo this series is pretty great. I’m an absolute sucker for slice-of-life SPN, and there are NO WORDS for how much I love this author’s Dean. Dean Winchester’s issues are many, but he’s working on it, okay?
Favorite AU:
Rvr Ro11435 by Ferritin4
In which Castiel is an operations analyst, Dean is a grease monkey, and even though it's set at NASA no one goes to space.
OFFICE ROMANCE!! And, oh my Jesus, this fic is so, so immersive. I honestly…cannot believe how amazing this author is. This fic has humor, tension, oh-baby-please-give-Cas-some-cookies-and-cuddles angst. (Cas does, in fact, get both cookies and cuddles.) This story is so quintessentially Supernatural it’s insane, one-in-a-thousand, and it’s an AU!
Favorite Short fic:
And Then We Wait by anglophileprussian
Dean is a basket case of emotion and Charlie likes a challenge (and is kind of lonely).
This is adorable and real and heartbreaking. My favorite Charlie of any fic ever, and I think we can all agree that Dean needs more friends.
Favorite Long fic:
Remaining Grace by todisturbtheuniverse
Sam's missing his soul, Castiel has a pissy archangelic nemesis, and Dean wonders if he'll be spending the rest of his life making sure the Apocalypse doesn't go ahead as scheduled. Still, though. He's happy to see Cas. Indiana wasn't really working out.
Alternate season 6, in a universe where Castiel made a different choice, and things snowball from that point forward.
This fic is so good?? And apparently VASTLY underrated, because I’ve only just recently stumbled across it.  The characterizations are great, smart writing – it’s a really interesting read. Definitely a long fic that doesn’t drag like some do.
Favorite Angst:
unfinished duet by mishcollin
Sam watches Dean and Cas over the years and notices a few things. (Or, Dean and Cas unscripted.)
My poor abused heart. A series of canon Dean/Cas moments – starting with 4.01, ending with 9.03 – and everything hurts.
Favorite Fluff:
Apple Pie by Anythingtoasted
“So, uh. What now?” He asked them both, and whereas Sam’s face was blank, and the word ‘Amelia’ was clearly just behind his teeth, Castiel spoke up immediately.
“I think we should revisit your ‘Charming B&B’ idea.”
IT'S SO!!!!!!!! FLUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite PWP:
Casturbatus Interruptus by smallhorizons
post-9.01, in a slight AU wherein Cas comes to live with the Winchesters at the Bunker.
Dean walks in on Cas masturbating. He’s doing it all wrong, but when you’re a bazillion-year-old virgin, that’s to be expected. Dean decides to lend him a hand in a totally platonic, non-romantic way. Things get a little out of control.
Okay yes this is trope-y as fuck but I love it.
Favorite Fusion/Crossover:
Excerpts From Carver Edlund's Magnum Opus by twentysomething
on DW
"C'mon, Cas, it's like we're Mulder and Scully, this is totally X-Files," he says expansively, waving a hand around. It makes his tie flap and momentarily obscure the new and distracting belt buckle that just says "LUCKY" in huge, embarrassing reflective script in the early morning light. Castiel just stares blankly at him.
"I don't know what that means," Cas replies. Dean sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose under the bright yellow sunglasses.
Bones fusion fic that really stuck with me! If you’ve never seen Bones then you can definitely still read (though some of the characterizations may seem weird if you haven’t.) Something about the (amazing) Dean and Cas voices and the story pacing begs for a podfic, but I don’t think one exists. (Yet!)
Favorite Fandom Trope:
Every Man's Got A Right by MollyC
Cas never expected to live through Dean's last plan. Now, he's not only alive, he's in the past—before Dean went to Hell, before he made the deal at all. Can a fallen angel and a couple of hunters change the future by altering the past?
Trope: Time-Travel
*warnings: (2014!Cas) drug use, (canon-typical) violence, minor character death*
2014!Cas in S2 Supernatural. Ho boys. I will admit that I’m not typically the biggest fan of End!Verse, and I was a bit wary of a 2014!Cas, but this author changed my mind in the first 5k. And please don’t let the first-person POV scare you off. Seriously, this is…an amazing read.
Favorite Fandom Author:
xylodemon in Supernatural at AO3
One of those special, special few where every fic is a great fic. And a currently-active writer, at that! Many many thanks  to you, xylodemon.
(And because I’m unrepentant fandom trash)
Favorite RPF:
A Sort of Fairy Tale by misslucyjane
Misha loves Jensen. Jensen is … getting there.
There’s something so muted and raw about this one. A very unique characterization of both Misha and Jensen that still holds true.
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rosecreighton · 8 years
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Title: Dream the Right Dream Author: @ferritin4 Pairing: Nicklas Backstrom/Alexander Ovechkin Rating: Explicit Length: 1:35:49 Summary: It takes him two months, one more heat, and the NHL omega entry course before he realizes that he was meant to let one of them take him through it.
They don't do it like that in Sweden, which Nicklas mans up and valiantly explains to the room after he makes it back from camp. They don't use humans as tools. All people are people, and Nicklas would never — he couldn't imagine having a teammate inside him every time he fell into heat, however willing they might be. His body is his own, and they all touch him far more than enough already. He refrains from mentioning that last point to the team. Notes: Recorded for @frecklebombfic who generously bid on my podfics via the @fandomtrumpshate Auctions. <3
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tapedsleeves · 2 years
Do you have any good hrpf fic recs? I ran through one pairing already and would like more lmao
Hi Anon! Sorry this took so long, I hope you didn't forget about it, or think I forgot about you :) I have been mulling this over, because wow. what a question.
HRPF is a wide, wide expanse, and it's also kind of like an insular neighborhood.
That being said, what I'd recommend really really depends on what you're looking for. I’m assuming you’re over 18, however, if you’re not I’ve put ratings on these fics. I’m not responsible for the media content you consume, but please be aware that some of these fics will have adult content that may be inappropriate for you. In addition, please pay attention to tags and trigger warnings. Stay safe! 
I’m reccing just a couple of fics for each pairing, but feel free to do a deeper dive for each one, for most of these pairings… most of the fic is good, y’all. Hockey fic is just such a wealth of well written fic. 
These are in 3 general categories: older pairings with men who are over 30 now, though they might not be in the fic, the 2015 draft class (and associated pairings, lol) and what I've lovingly dubbed "the kids." Please understand that anyone under the age of 26 is basically a kid to me, so I'm sorry if they're older than what you'd consider a "kid."
So you want to read about some old men, huh? 
Sidney Crosby /Evgeni Malkin
And Never Been Kissed - https://archiveofourown.org/works/2676086 by thehoyden (rated E)
Very sweet 1st season fic but they were penpals first (and then roommates)
If you’re into kidfic: Some Other Beginning’s End -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/2018019 by turningterrific (rated E)
Some political stuff happened in 2014 that caused Geno to pretend that he had a canadian fiance (Sid) and also, surprise! He has a daughter. Very good kidfic, if that’s your thing. 
Danny Briere / Claude Giroux
Friday Night Arrives without a Suitcase - https://archiveofourown.org/works/534247 - marycontraire ((unrated, i’d put it at T) 
Set during the 2012 pause in which Danny and Claude (irl! They really did) move to Berlin together. 
A perpetual feeling - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8990164 - oops_ohdear (Rated T)
Soulbond fic! Claude pretends he and Danny are bonded so that Danny won’t get traded. 
Nicklas Backstrom / Alexander Ovechkin
What Will Survive of Us - https://archiveofourown.org/works/13152198 - by Ferritin4 (rated M)
Soulbond fic where Nicke & Ovi have.. Just wildly different bond communication styles.
The Dog Days are Over - https://archiveofourown.org/works/7876327 - by xihale (rated T)
Alex pretends that Nicke is his fiance so that the caps will be able to draft him. The problem is… they don’t actually know each other. 
Everyone was obsessed with the 2015 draft class, ok?
Leon Draisaitl / Connor McDavid (I know Leon was the 2014 draft class, don’t touch me)
Practice Makes Perfect - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12704733 by crispierchip - (Rated E)
Connor & Leon are together, but Leon keeps deflecting when Connor tries to kiss him. 
All In - https://archiveofourown.org/works/34990777 - by marmolita  (rated E)
Connor decides to see a professional Dom, but surprise - it’s Leon! 
Source Four - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36908593 - by hannah_baker (rated E)
Oh man. Connor is a horror author (leans into the horror novel in the BEST way) and he and Leon live in the same building. This fic was delightful up and down. I don’t normally read WIPs, but the premise was so good I couldn’t resist. I waited for each chapter and was *so excited* when they were released now. (it’s finished now lol)
Leon Draisaitl / Matthew Tkachuk (ok even worse, I KNOW Matthew wasn’t part of the 2015 draft class either, but 2016 & 2014 AVERAGE to 2015.. ey??) 
but please (don’t) bite - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24085693 - (rated M)
Seattle Draft fic! Leon & Matthew are both taken by Seattle in the draft
The Lockout ‘Verse - https://archiveofourown.org/series/1970524 - by blaahaj (rated E & T, respectively) 
2022-2023 didn’t happen because of a lockout, so Matthew takes a contract to play in Cologne. So does Leon. 
Jack Eichel / Connor McDavid
Out of the blue - https://archiveofourown.org/works/10540947 - by idday (rated E) 
Jack keeps hooking up with Connor McDavid. He may also be developing feelings for this guy on twitter.
To make a destination - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4955893 -  by ohtempora (rated E)
Jack keeps having visions of his future with Connor McDavid. He’s understandably grumpy about it. 
Mitch Marner / Auston Matthews
A Heartbeat Not Mine - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12355878 - by linsky - (rated M)
You know the story where the dude’s roommate comes out & the dude is fine with it until he starts hooking up with other people. This is that. Mitch is jealous. 
(the weight of) the ring on your finger - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20204284 - by venvephe - (rated M)
a/b/o where management makes Mitch get married. Auston offers. 
Marner_93 is offline series - https://archiveofourown.org/series/2189442  - by nationalhorribleleague (rated T - E) 
Mitch is a twitch streamer. Auston is one of his followers (still in the NHL). 
Dylan Strome / Connor McDavid
I think i wanna marry you - https://archiveofourown.org/works/7355578 - bluejayys (rated T)
Someone asks Connor if he’s married. He isn’t, but his first thought is about Dylan. 
I hope we stay thick as thieves https://archiveofourown.org/works/3782557 - electrumqueen (rated M)
Dylan and Connor get married so that they can get drafted together. 
Dylan Strome / Mitch Marner
It’s alright and it’s coming along - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16679959 - by leafsmealone - (rated T)
Dylan is the person inside the mascot for the leafs. Hugging Mitch after every home win is… hard. 
Travis Konecny / Nolan Patrick
How the Future knew - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25667404 - by canary (rated E)
Nolan starts an OnlyFans to start earning extra money. He starts talking to Travis. 
The kids are alright 
Trevor Zegras / Jamie Drysdale
Love, or a bird i heard in the night - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30333861 - by leavethebes (rated T)
Trevor’s ex invites him to her wedding. Jamie pretends to be his boyfriend. 
Nico Hischeir /Jack Hughes
I swear (is there a line that we could just go cross) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31178273 - fuzzyeldritchhorror - (rated E)
Jack & Nico play in switzerland in a fake lockout, and Jack complains on reddit about how he’s in love with his roommate. 
For better or worse - https://archiveofourown.org/works/42587817 - by greenteam (rated E)
Prince of Switzerland Nico marries First Son Jack for political reasons. Maybe they fall in love. 
If you’re  down, i’ll fly you to the moon - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40015902 - overturnedgoal (rated E)
Jack makes 3 resolutions for the new season. Only one of them is about getting over his feelings for Nico. 
Connor Dewar / Brandon Duhaime
November - https://archiveofourown.org/works/42935793 - the_Orange_one - (Rated T)
Connor wants his air fryer back. 
I’d Die For You https://archiveofourown.org/works/43189395 - strangecharlie (Rated T)
Brandon fights for Connor after a bad hit. Very sweet. 
Tim Stutzle / Brady Tkachuk
How lovely are thy branches - https://archiveofourown.org/works/43324765 - anonymous - Rated M
There’s just something about the Tkachuk siblings and German Boyfriends
Because i want it all - https://archiveofourown.org/works/41727045 - by bropunzeling - Rated E
Brady is always doing stuff for Tim. Tim always wants more, but isn’t sure if it’s for Tim, or because Brady is Brady. 
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allwaswell16 · 3 years
Tumblr media
This is a fic rec of One Direction fan fics where Louis is a virgin or has never been with another guy as requested in this ask. (You can thank @kingsofeverything for finding this photo for me to use lol) If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers. You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
In The Still Of The Night by @jacaranda-bloom​ / jacaranda_bloom
(E, 68k, Dirty Dancing au, a/b/o, alpha Harry, omega Louis, dancer Harry, student Louis, omega rights, prejudice, gender stereotyping, class divide, dancing, pining, teasing, sexual frustration, virgin Louis, smut)
Caught In Your Gravity by @lululawrence
(NR, 62k, footie au, football player Louis, coach Harry, friends to lovers, misunderstandings, secret relationship, pining, slow burn, bed sharing, first kiss, coming out, outing, homophobia, humor, banter, implied smut)
Running Blindfolded by @harryventura / embro
(NR, 54k, fandom au, fan fic writer Louis, tumblr, humor, fluff, sexuality crisis, boyfriends, first times, angst, smut)
Just for Tonight (I can be yours) by @sadaveniren
(E, 42k, a/b/o, alpha Louis, omega Harry, royal au, Prince Harry, arranged marriage, secrets, mpreg Harry, coming of age, pining, nesting, secret identity, secret relationship, smut)
If I Loved You Less by @allwaswell16
(E, 36k, Regency au, historical, a/b/o, alpha Harry, omega Louis, aristocracy, courting rituals, heat, smut, kidnapping, minor violence, light angst with a happy ending, secrets, pining, proposals, marriage, scenting, scent marking, side Shiall)
like it's a game by @soldouthaz​
(E, 32k, enemies to friends to lovers, truth or dare, pining, light angst, getting together, pet names, size kink, first kiss, insecure Louis, virgin Louis, jealous Harry, smut, bl)
Magical Soup by @gloriaandrews / gloria_andrews
(E, 28k, Harry Potter au, Hogwarts, Slytherin Louis, Hufflepuff Harry, potions partners, prefect Louis, hate to love, light angst, virgin Louis, experienced Harry, polyjuice potion, relationship discussions, smut, bl)
Middle Ground by @darlou / sweetums
(E, 25k, hate to love au, hurt/comfort, family issues, dirty talk, daddy kink, sub Louis, teasing, body worship, fluff, smut)
Tell Me Your Secrets by @comebackassholes​ / dimpled_halo
(E, 17k, For a Good Time Call au, enemies to friends to lovers, roommates, phone sex operator, masturbation, sex toys, falling in love, humor, Chicago, fluff, angst, smut)
No One Else Will Do by @a-writerwrites / Awriterwrites and @comebackassholes / dimpled_halo
(E, 13k, a/b/o, alpha Harry, omega Louis, heat, friends to lovers, jealous Harry, high school, accidental knotting, accidental bonding, fluff, first time, smut)
Sonnets by @canonlarry / iwillpaintasongforlou
(E, 8k, uni au, fanfic writer Louis, fanboy Louis, fanboy Harry, light bondage, kinks, virgin Louis, smut, bl)
Woke Up Feeling Knotty by @jaerie
(E, 7k, a/b/o, alpha Harry, beta Louis, knotting kink, tumblr, porn blog, knotting dildos, sexting, friends to lovers, knotting, smut)
Sugar Cube by @zanniscaramouche​ / zanni_scaramouche
(E, 5k, prostitute Louis, virgin Louis, dirty talk, pet names, first time, strangers, dom/sub, smut)
Skip the Charades by Ferritin4
(E, 7k, Louis/Liam, canon, xfactor, pwp, virgin Louis, experienced Liam)
Tell Me It’s The Strongest Shape by @louandhazaf / YesIsAWorld
(E. 73k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw/Elgar Johnson, polyamory, established relationship Nick/Elgar, model Louis, skater Louis, famous/not famous, famous Nick, canon Nick, fashion, fwb, threesome, age difference, coming out, first time, fashion, smut)
Little Lion Man by @writsgrimmyblog / @writcraft 
(E, 123k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, Harry Potter au, Hogwarts, age difference, ghosts, coming of age, supernatural elements, romance, homophobia, hurt/comfort, light bdsm, injury, injury recovery, first time, smut)
Kind of Tough to Tell a Scruff (Stand and Deliver) by @magicalrocketships / sunsetmog
(M, 4k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, neighbors au, Leeds, sexuality crisis, getting together, first time, smut)
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al-the-remix · 2 years
A fic someone else recommended to you:
Post-Industrial by makeit_takeit!! I love restaurant fic, it's just such an interesting niche in fanfiction. So now I also have to recommend One Time Too Many, One Step Too Far by Ferritin4 and acquired taste by goodnightpuckbunny
A fic that brought you aboard a new ship:
Orion by Plethoriall -- This is one of my favourite fics, I've read it so many times and it really brought me aboard the Sid/Shea train. I love the themes of grief and searching for belonging throughout
Also dadvans' maritime boys series!! It has me deep in tinhatting Sid/Nate/ Andy every summer 😂
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callabang · 3 years
Flash Rec: (Modern) Fantasy & Mythology
still the snakes unwind | manybumblebees
Patty didn’t mean to turn Kurtis to stone. That’s what TK’s trying to tell Wes when he drags him out of a pile of Devils by the scruff of the neck.
Or: Nolan has snakes for hair.
who gave you eyes like that (said you could keep them) | Japery
“What’s up, JT—” Gabe barely starts, gently pushing Zoey off from where she’s trying to nose at any remains of bacon grease on his hands.
“I think Mikko’s turned into a deer again.” Compher says, without preamble.
“Fortnite did it!” yells a voice, Josty, distant from the other end of the line. “Fortnite is evil and turned him into a deer, Landy!”
baby, kiss it better | coastalhighway
Meeting TK is like a punch to the gut. A shock to Nolan’s system, a burst of adrenaline during the proverbial third period.
Human Nature | Ferritin4
“What now?” Lu says. “Wait, let me guess.”
“No,” Eddie says. He jiggles the door in its frame.
“Is it stuck open?” Lu says. “Do you have any idea how to fix it?”
“Yes,” Eddie says, “call a, a hantlangare, like a, you know.”
“Uh, no,” Lu says. “I don’t speak mythological deer.”
The door is fucking immobile. Eddie is either seven hundred years old or twenty-eight years old and whichever way he has it he’s still losing a battle to a goddamned patio door.
“Do you want me to open it?” Lu asks, just a touch, oh, just a touch of magic in the timbre of his words.
Just What Was Rumpelstiltskin Expecting to Do with a Baby, Anyway? | withershins
Turning to a witch to save a loved one's life is one of the riskier gambles a person can take, but it's one that's arguably noble and brave. Falling in love with the witch, though—now that's just foolish.
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no-gorms · 4 years
I'm getting weirdly invested in Supernatural and Destiel. Do you have any must-see fanarts or must-read fanfics for someone who hasn't watched a single episode in their life and wants to get into it? :D and if you don't mind me asking, what are your favourite Destiel tropes?
Hello! And hah, the noise got to you, did it? Unfortunately “must-see/read” is really difficult for me to narrow down in a juggernaut fandom that is twelve years old (counting from Cas’ introduction), no matter that I’d stopped gorging on the fic quite a few years ago and I can’t offer anything very new-ish. The pairing itself has changed dynamic and Cas’ characterisation altered over the years, too, so depending on when the fic was written, there can a be wide range on the types of stories being told.
Personally, I was into them because of the deliciousness of a human who thinks himself simple and “just the muscle” somehow emotionally connecting to an angel, a literal cosmic being who has been alive for millions of years and seen so much. It’s a culture clash on multiple levels, with both of them changing each other profoundly. So I tended to gravitate to fics that highlight that difference between them, like by having Dean teaching Cas about humanity, and Cas being intensely devoted to Dean in ways that Dean cannot wrap his head around. Other tropes that are also great: pining, wingfic, spicy religious flavouring (more during the Apocalypse era), epic love gestures.
Anyway, recs!
For art, I reckon the easiest way is to share my fanart tag.
As for fic, a lot of my favourites rely on canon knowledge, but I’ve picked bunch that I think are readable if you haven’t watched a single episode. 
Castiel Decides to Write a Novel - thecouchcarrot (4000+ words) Exactly what the title says.
Equinox - luchia (12,000+ words) Cas time travels through Dean’s timeline.
Down Like Water - museaway (14,000+ words) Season 9, Cas is dying and Dean takes him on a road trip.
Don’t Ever Change - whelvenwings (4000+ words) Dean and Cas keep ending up on “dates”.
There are Many Things - imogenbynight (28,000+ words) Newly-human Cas and hurt/comfort.
Happily Alone - violue (14,000+ words) Rockstar!Dean and non-rockstar!Cas.
Domesticated - kototyph (15,000+ words) Cas is still an angel, but Dean is.... well.
What the Future Holds - Niitza (67,000+ words) Dean believes he’s going to die in a year, so what does he do with the time he has?
Rvr R011435 - Ferritin4 (67,000+ words) Rom-com in NASA. This one’s archive-locked, you need an account to read it.
The Last Moonlight Serenade - gankyourdarlings (59,000+ words) WWII AU, mind the tags.
Your Heart Makes - schmerzerling (51,000+ words) A difficult romance in a Disney theme park, PLEASE mind the tags
A Song of Wind and Wings - triedunture (10,000+ words) Game of Thrones fusion.
Convenient Husbands (39,000+ words) This one’s a self-rec, magical marriage of convenience.
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