#ferret keeps trying to steal my tea
littlestivy · 4 years
Every canon Dramione moment
I have compiled here a list of every single time Draco and Hermione interacted in canon, talked about one another, or could have conceivably interacted for all your Hogwarts-era fanfic needs! 
If I left anything out, please don’t hesitate to comment or DM me! There are some really obvious ones I left out e.g. the fanfic classics: prefects’ bathroom, Astronomy Tower, Black Lake, Potions lesson...
I haven’t included page numbers because every edition is different and it would be confusing. This list is intended as pinpoint references for you to check out the scene in your own books, which is why they’re not super detailed.
Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 6: The Journey  from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters
Harry and Draco’s altercation on the train—Hermione isn't there at the time but comes along soon after (could have bumped into him in the corridor)
Chapter 7: The Sorting Hat
Sorting Ceremony
Chapter 8: The Potions Master
Hermione trying to answer a question in potions, Draco and the Slytherins laughing at her
Chapter 9: The Midnight Duel
Draco tries to steal Neville's Remembrall at breakfast
flying lesson
Draco inviting Harry to a duel, Hermione overhears
Chapter 10: Hallowe'en
Harry receives his Nimbus Two Thousand and Draco confronts him, overheard by Hermione
Ron says something mean about Hermione after the Wingardium Leviosa lesson, she gets upset and isn't seen in the next class (could have potentially run into Draco while upset?)
Chapter 11: Quidditch
in courtyard during break
Hermione sets fire to Snape's robes during the Quidditch match against Slytherin (could have run into Draco on the way there)
Chapter 12: The Mirror of Erised
altercation with Draco after Potions
Chapter 13: Nicolas Flamel
Draco sitting behind Ron and Hermione during a Quidditch game and provoking Ron, Ron eventually tackles him and a fight breaks out between Ron, Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Neville
Chapter 14: Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback
Malfoy overhears the Trio talking about Norbert at breakfast
Malfoy took Ron's book, which had a letter to Charlie asking to get rid of Norbert (Hermione could have confronted him to get the book back)
Malfoy caught by Professor McGonagall while the Trio are under the Invisibility Cloak
Chapter 15: The Forbidden Forest
Hermione keeping her head down in class after contributing to Gryffindor losing 150 points (Draco could potentially notice this?)
detention, Hermione worried about Draco and Ron when red sparks are seen
Chapter 17: The Man with Two Faces
Gryffindor wins the House Cup over Slytherin
Hermione comes top of the year (Draco is presumably second)
Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 4: At Flourish and Blotts
brawl between Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley in Flourish and Blotts
Chapter 6: Gilderoy Lockhart
Draco making fun of Harry about signed photographs in the courtyard, Hermione has her nose buried in a book
Chapter 7: Mudbloods and Murmurs
Draco calls Hermione a Mudblood for the first time
Chapter 8: The Deathday Party
finding Mrs Norris and the "enemies of the heir beware" message
Chapter 9: The Writing on the Wall
Hermione sceptical about Malfoy being Slytherin's Heir
Chapter 10: The Rogue Bludger
Hermione researching Polyjuice Potion in the library
Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch match
Hermione wanting to know how Malfoy fixed the bludger
Malfoy being yelled at by Marcus Flint for not catching the Snitch
Chapter 11: The Duelling Club
distraction for Hermione to sneak into Snape's stores and steal ingredients (the distraction is fireworks into Goyle's Swelling Solution, Draco gets hit in the face and his nose swells up)
duelling club (Harry and Malfoy, Hermione and Millicent Bulstrode—which devolves into physical wrestling)
Chapter 12: The Polyjuice Potion
Malfoy talking about Hermione to disguised Harry and Ron
"I hope it's Granger."
Chapter 13: The Very Secret Diary
students trying to catch glimpses of Hermione in the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey puts up a screen
Valentine's Day, dwarves delivering cards
Chapter 14: Cornelius Fudge
Hermione was Petrified near the library
Chapter 15: Aragog
visitors barred from the hospital wing
"Pity it wasn't Granger."
Chapter 16: The Chamber of Secrets
Hermione had a ripped out page in her hand (popular fan theory that Draco ripped it out of a book and snuck it into Hermione’s things)
Chapter 18: Dobby's Reward
Hermione healed and returns to the Great Hall
Prisoner of Azkaban
Chapter 5: The Dementor
Draco and co coming to their train compartment but Lupin is there
Malfoy elbowing past Hermione to make fun of Harry for fainting
Chapter 6: Talons and Tea Leaves
Draco does a swooning impression of Harry in the Great Hall at breakfast, Hermione tells Harry to ignore him
Hermione storming away after an argument with Ron about Divination
Care of Magical Creatures lesson
Buckbeak attacks Malfoy
Hermione nervously asking if he'll be alright
Chapter 7: The Boggart in the Wardrobe
Malfoy returning to Potions, bandaged (LOTS of interaction, go read the scene)
Hermione catching up after using the Time-Turner, her bag splits
Chapter 8: Flight of the Fat Lady
Hermione and Ron going to Hogsmeade without Harry (Malfoy is also going)
Chapter 9: Grim Defeat
Sirius Black attacks the Fat Lady, all students sleep in the Great Hall
Chapter 11: The Firebolt
preparing a defence for Buckbeak with resources from the library
Chapter 12: The Patronus
Hermione avoiding Harry and Ron (spending her time in the library) because they're mad at her for telling McGonagall about the Firebolt
Chapter 13: Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw
Hermione, Ron and Harry fighting after Scabbers disappears
Draco and co pretend to be Dementors at the match to spook Harry, he shoots a Patronus at them (Hermione was at the match, alone)
Chapter 14: Snape's Grudge
Hermione going down to visit Hagrid often, feeling lonely (helping with Buckbeak's case)
Chapter 15: The Quidditch Final
Hermione slaps Draco
thinking about Malfoy and lost track of things, forgot to go to Charms
Hermione storms out of Divination
Gryffindor/Slytherin tensions high, scuffles breaking out in the corridors
Gryffindor wins the Quidditch Final
Chapter 16: Professor Trelawney's Prediction
Draco lost his swagger after the Quidditch Final but regained it to brag about Buckbeak's upcoming execution
Hermione's fear is failure (potential fanfic scene where we learn Draco’s fear?)
Goblet of Fire
Chapter 8: The Quidditch World Cup
Malfoys and Weasleys encounter each other in the top box
Chapter 9: The Dark Mark
Death Eaters at the World Cup, Draco warning Hermione to keep her bushy head down
Chapter 11: Aboard the Hogwarts Express
overhearing Draco tell his friends about his father wanting him to go to Durmstrang
Draco comes to their compartment, hints about the Triwizard Tournament, Hermione tells him to go away
Chapter 13: Mad-Eye Moody
Blast-Ended Skrewts lesson
Draco taunting Ron with a Daily Prophet article about his father
Draco turned into a ferret by Moody
Hermione saying Malfoy could have been hurt
Chapter 15: Beauxbatons and Durmstrang
Hagrid puts down Malfoy during a lesson (something about making a good ferret)
Chapter 16: The Goblet of Fire
Krum decides to sit at the Slytherin table, Malfoy is smug
Chapter 18: The Weighing of the Wands
Malfoy mocking Harry about being the Champion
Potter stinks badges outside Potions, Malfoy offers Hermione one but says "don't touch my hand"
Hermione hit with Densaugeo when Harry and Malfoy duel (her teeth grow)
Chapter 19: The Hungarian Horntail
Hermione enduring taunts from Slytherin girls about being called "stunningly pretty" in Rita Skeeter article
Hermione and Harry (invisible) in Hogsmeade, people keep looking at Hermione, thinking she's talking to herself
Chapter 20: The First Task
Hermione watching from the stands
Chapter 21: The House-Elf Liberation Front
Draco and co hiding in Hagrid's cabin from the Skrewts, Hermione and co outside helping to wrangle them
Hermione going down to the kitchens to see the house-elves
Chapter 22: The Unexpected Task
Neville asked Hermione to the ball during Potions but she said she was going with someone (could have been overheard by Draco)
Chapter 23: The Yule Ball
Draco ridiculing Hermione, disbelieving she's been invited to the ball, she calls him a twitchy little ferret 
That scene... Draco can't find an insult to throw at her 
Ron and Hermione argument at the Yule Ball, she storms off
Chapter 24: Rita Skeeter's Scoop
Draco showing Harry and co the article on Hagrid
Chapter 26: The Second Task 
Hermione and Ron taken for Black Lake task
Chapter 27: Padfoot Returns 
Hermione tetchy about being teased for the fact she was Krum's hostage in the second task
Witch Weekly article, Pansy mocking Hermione, Draco part of the group 
Hermione smiles and waves sarcastically across the room at them 
moved seats by Snape in Potions, Hermione has to sit by Pansy
Chapter 28: The Madness of Mr Crouch 
Hermione receives hate mail, including one filled with Bubotuber pus, Slytherin table saw this at breakfast 
more hate mail and Howlers
Chapter 31: The Third Task 
watching Malfoy talk into his hand through the window 
Daily Prophet article about Harry fainting drops, Draco ridicules him across the Great Hall
Hermione realises Skeeter is an Animagus and runs to library to investigate 
Hermione in the stands for the task 
Chapter 35: Veritaserum
Harry comes out of the maze with a dead Cedric, the whole school is there
Chapter 37: The Beginning 
Dumbledore's speech about Cedric's death and Voldemort’s return, Malfoy and co muttering to each other 
Hermione caught Skeeter on the hospital wing window sill 
Draco overheard and mockingly congratulates her, says some foul things and the Trio all hex him at once 
pushing the unconscious Malfoy and co into the train corridor 
Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 6: The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
Draco on the Black family tree tapestry in Grimmauld Place
Chapter 10: Luna Lovegood
Hermione and Ron going to Prefects carriage (Malfoy there)
Malfoy comes to carriage to gloat, Hermione tells him to shut up and get out
Draco being foul to a first-year, Hermione there to witness it
Chapter 12: Professor Umbridge
Potions lesson, Draught of Peace (Harry gets his Vanished and Draco laughs, Hermione's is perfect)
Chapter 13: Detention with Dolores
Bowtruckles lesson, Draco imitating Hermione with her hand up
Draco talking loudly during the lesson about Hagrid, Hermione counselling Harry and Ron to ignore him
Chapter 15: The Hogwarts High Inquisitor
receiving marks back for their moonstone essay in Potions
Umbridge inspecting Care of Magical Creatures, Malfoy telling Umbridge about the Hippogriff attack
Hermione giving Harry Murtlap solution (must have procured it from somewhere, could have potentially run into Draco)
Chapter 16: The Hog's Head
Hermione still writing to Viktor, would have to go up to the Owlery (presumably, Draco writes home to his mother often)
hypothesising that maybe it was Malfoy who tipped off Filch that Harry was ordering Dungbombs, Hermione goes deep into thought
Chapter 17: Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four
Malfoy bragging about the Slytherin Quidditch team being allowed to play and makes a comment about St. Mungo's, Neville attacks him
Chapter 19: The Lion and the Serpent
Slytherin players trying to hex Gryffindor players prior to Quidditch match (Alicia Spinnet attacked in the library)
Draco imitating Ron dropping the Quaffle
Hermione had been close enough to Slytherin to see the 'Weasley is our King' badges
Malfoy composed the 'Weasley is our King' lyrics
Harry and George attack Malfoy after the match
Chapter 21: The Eye of the Snake
Hermione visiting Hagrid's cabin
Thestrals lesson
Umbridge ridiculing Hagrid, Hermione is furious
Malfoy and co taking a jab at Ron, Hermione saying to ignore them
Chapter 22: St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Kreacher not answering Sirius' summons, probably already with Narcissa by now, probably telling her about “the Mudblood”
Chapter 23: Christmas on the Closed Ward
Hermione took the Knight Bus to Grimmauld Place (therefore was in the wizarding world, could have potentially run into Draco)
Chapter 24: Occlumency
Fifth-year students studying in the library for O.W.L.s
Chapter 26: Seen and Unforeseen
Malfoy and co in the library muttering after Harry named their fathers as Death Eaters in the Quibbler interview
Trelawney is sacked, the whole school is there
Chapter 27: The Centaur and the Sneak
Umbridge crashes the DA, Draco catches Harry and is sent off to catch others (could potentially catch Hermione)
Chapter 28: Snape's Worst Memory
Draco docks points from Hermione for speaking badly about Umbridge, revealing he's part of the Inquisitorial Squad
Calls her a Mudblood, Ron whips out his wand but Hermione stops him
Chapter 30: Grawp
Inquisitorial Squad stalking the corridors after the Weasley twins' exit
Chapter 31: O.W.L.S
Hermione worried after overhearing Draco bragging about how his father knows Griselda Marchbanks, the examiner
Chapter 32: Out of the Fire
Umbridge catches them in her office trying to contract Sirius
Malfoy leaning against the window sill, Hermione pinioned by Millicent Bulstrode
look of eagerness and greed on Malfoy's face at Hermione’s mention of a secret weapon
Chapter 38: The Second War Begins
Hermione in hospital wing having to drink lots of potions because of Dolohov's curse
Malfoy and co try to attack Harry on the train, DA members turn them into slugs and stuff them in the luggage racking
Half-Blood Prince
Chapter 6: Draco's Detour
altercation in Madam Malkin's, Draco calls Hermione a Mudblood to his mother
"Who blacked your eye, Granger? I want to send them flowers."
see Draco skulking on the street through the window of Fred and George's
spying on Draco in Borgin and Burke's
Hermione goes into the shop after Draco left in order to investigate
Chapter 7: The Slug Club
Hermione not super interested in talking about Draco compared to Harry
disbelieving that Draco is a Death Eater
Hermione and Ron have to go to the prefect carriage
Ron and Hermione saw Malfoy in the Slytherin carriage as they walked past (he gave them the finger) 
hypothesising about why Malfoy wasn't in the prefect carriage
Chapter 8: Snape Victorious
Hermione and Ron would have noticed Harry was missing when they got off the train
Dumbledore's speech about Voldemort, Malfoy playing with his fork
Chapter 9: The Half-Blood Prince
Hermione weighing in on Malfoy's overheard boasts about his standing with the Dark Lord
Malfoy sniggering at Snape ridiculing Hermione in DADA (implying Slytherins now share the class with Gryffindors)
Amortentia in Potions, Malfoy and Nott snigger when Hermione tells Slughorn she's Muggle-born
Draco really wants the Felix Felicis
Chapter 11: Hermione's Helping Hand
Prophet article about Malfoy Manor being searched for Dark objects
Chapter 12: Silver and Opals
Hermione rebutting Harry's instant assumption that Malfoy gave Katie Bell the cursed necklace
Chapter 14: Felix Felicis
Malfoy "ill" and can't play the Quidditch match
not going immediately to the Gryffindor celebration party because she got in a tiff with Ron
Lavender and Ron kissing, Hermione runs away to an empty classroom
attacking Ron with the birds, storming off and crying
Chapter 15: The Unbreakable Vow
Hermione refuses to be in the common room while Ron and Lavender are there, spends most of her evenings in the library
Hermione disproving Harry's theory that Draco snuck the necklace in to school
leaving Transfiguration quickly after the bell to go cry, forgetting her things
taking Cormac to the Slug Club Christmas party and then running away from him
Draco lurking in upstairs corridor and being pulled up by Filch for gatecrashing
Chapter 17: A Sluggish Memory
Hermione got back to Hogwarts a few hours before Harry and Ron after Christmas (visiting Hagrid, but could have potentially crossed paths with Draco)
Hermione sceptical about Harry's overheard conversation between Snape and Malfoy
Chapter 18: Birthday Surprises
Hermione moving as far away from Ron as possible in Potions
both Malfoy and Hermione furious about Harry's bezoar stunt
Hermione researching Horcruxes in the restricted section
Malfoy and Crabbe having a whispered argument during Apparition lessons
Harry watching Malfoy on the Map (could lead to some awkward scenarios with 6th Year Dramione lol), but Draco can’t be seen when in the Room of Requirement
Chapter 19: Elf Tails
Hermione rushing to the hospital wing to see Ron
Draco and co (disguised with Polyjuice Potion) skulking around castle
Chapter 20: Lord Voldemort's Request
Hermione repairing the "little girl's" (Goyle) dropped scales
Chapter 21: The Unknowable Room
Hermione achieved Apparition twice in lessons
Kreacher and Dobby giving their Malfoy update
the Trio discover Malfoy's been going to the Room of Requirement
realise that Draco stole Polyjuice Potion and is feeding it to Crabbe and Goyle
Hermione again sceptical about Malfoy having the Dark Mark
the Trio discover Draco visits Moaning Myrtle in the boys' bathroom and cries (although, Myrtle specifically didn’t mention Draco, as it’s a secret)
Chapter 22: After the Burial
Hermione telling Harry to forget about Malfoy
Chapter 24: Sectumsempra
Katie returns to school and says she got the necklace in the ladies loo of the Three Broomsticks (Rosmerta was under the Imperius Curse)
Sectumsempra, Snape appears and heals Draco
everyone in school had heard about the incident from Moaning Myrtle, including Hermione
telling Harry off for using the spell
Chapter 25: The Seer Overheard
Hermione researching the Half-Blood Prince
Trelawney being bowled over by Malfoy, who was celebrating the cabinet being repaired
Harry giving Hermione and co the map, Felix Felicis etc in order to see why Malfoy was celebrating (he's going off with Dumbledore)
Chapter 27: The Lightning-Struck Tower
Dark Mark over Hogwarts, meaning the Death Eaters are in
Draco and Dumbledore in the tower
Draco got the coin idea to communicate with Rosmerta from Hermione, and also overheard her talking in the library about poisons (implying he’s been eavesdropping on her conversations)
Dumbledore offering to protect Draco and his family, Draco’s wand lowers
Chapter 28: Flight of the Prince
Snape and Malfoy running away, through the fighters
Chapter 30: The White Tomb
Harry has a bit of pity for Malfoy, probably shared it with Hermione and Ron
Deathly Hallows
Chapter 9: A Place to Hide
Draco being made to torture other Death Eaters who displease Voldemort, Harry may have told the others
Chapter 15: The Goblin's Revenge
Ron abandons them
Chapter 23: Malfoy Manor
Draco positively identifies Ron and Hermione (somewhat reluctantly) but not Harry
Bellatrix tortures Hermione, Draco was presumably in the room or taking the unconscious men outside like Bellatrix asked
Bellatrix offers Hermione to Greyback
Bellatrix threatening to slit Hermione's throat
probably best to just read the entire chapter
Chapter 30: The Sacking of Severus Snape
Hermione and Ron rush off to the Chamber of Secrets (could have crossed paths with Draco)
Chapter 31: The Battle of Hogwarts
Room of Requirement
Malfoy stops Crabbe from destroying the Room so they can find the diadem before Harry and co
Malfoy pulls Crabbe out of the way of Hermione's stunning spell
Crabbe shoots a Killing Curse at Hermione
the Trio save Malfoy and Goyle with broomsticks (Malfoy with Harry, Goyle with Hermione and Ron)
revealed that Crabbe is dead
Chapter 32: The Elder Wand
Draco pleading with Death Eaters that he's on their side, Harry stuns the Death Eaters, Ron punches Draco in the face
Chapter 33: The Prince's Tale
reprieve from battle, tending to the wounded and the dead in the Great Hall (no mention of where the Malfoys were)
Chapter 34: The Forest Again
Harry goes to the Forbidden Forest (left behind, Hermione and Ron are likely beside themselves)
Chapter 36: The Flaw in the Plan
"dead" Harry brought into the courtyard
Hermione, Ginny, and Luna duelling Bellatrix
Malfoys huddled together in a corner of the Great Hall
Nineteen Years Later
the Trio see Draco on the platform
but... Epilogue? What Epilogue?
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mugi-chan · 4 years
Hii! First off: I LOVED THE WAY YOU WROTE MY REQUEST!!! it was absolutely everything I wanted and more!!! And second, can I request scenario(s) with the dorm leaders with an so who loves animals and tries to sneakily keep a pet. Thanks!!! Looking forward to seeing it!!
ლ  Content: Dorm leaders: S/O sneaking in animals 
ლ  Warnings: None!
ლ Comments: I just realize most of the s/o has pet bunnies whoopsie              ヾ(。﹏。)ノ゙
(a/n)-Animal name
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Riddle was coming over to visit you but had shown up a little early. He knocked the door a few times but didn’t hear anything, he knocked a few more times waiting for a response. When not getting a response he goes and finds the spare key  and unlocked the door. 
“(y/n), are you home?” Riddle called out to the empty house
He heard a little giggles down the house. He got suspicious and walked into the home dropping off his little present he brought for you. He walked down the hallway near your room and he could hear more giggling from you. He knocked on your door startling you. 
“(y/n)?” Riddle called out, hearing you shuffle a bit. He opened the door to see you holding something behind your back. 
“(y/n), what are you hiding?” Riddle asked leaning over trying to see what’s behind your back. 
“O-oh nothing” You stuttered, you were lying to both you and Riddle knew that. Riddle gave a smirk and tried to see what’s behind your back. You keep moving away trying to hide what’s behind your back. 
“(y/n) what’s behind your back?” Riddle smiled, this little game of yours was fun. He saw a glimpse of a long ear behind your back which made Riddle stop. 
You stopped as well looking at him, Riddle’s smile faded away. 
“(y/n), what do you have behind your back” he sternly said, you sighed and defeated him and showed him what was behind your back. A white rabbit, with droopy ears greeted him. Riddle stood there in shock and you sitting there embarrassed. 
“(y/n) you know your not suppose to have a pet here, its-”
“Yeah yeah it’s against school rules to have a pet on campus, b-but please don’t tell the Principal” You stuttered. Riddle leaned back thinking about it, but gave a big sigh. 
“I understand what it’s like sneaking a pet, well not really, I take care of the hedgehogs and most of the time I have to hide to take care of them. As I don’t want my dorm to see me like that” Riddle explained, he leaned over to take a closer look at your bunny, giving your bunny a small pat on the head. 
“As much as I hate people who break the rules I can let this one slide as your dorm may have different rules then mine” Riddle sighed. 
“So you're not going to report me?” you held your bunny to your chest
“I won’t if you give me a kiss” Riddle smirked, your face going red but nodded giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
You brought your bunny to your living room and you let Riddle hold your bunny as you grabbed some tea and snacks
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Leona smelled another scent on you other than his, he knew you two haven’t seen each other in a while because of winter break but this scent is new. You notice how protective Leona was since you two came back from winter break, you tried to ask him but he completely ignored you. 
“Leona whats wrong, you’ve been so protective” You tried to catch up to him after class but he just kept walking. He walked all the way to your dorm and walked in your dorm. You caught up and found him looking around the house sniffing. 
“Leona whats wrong?” You huffed trying to catch your breath. 
“Someone else was here, other than your annoying friends” Leona growled and kept looking around. 
“What are you even talking about? I had no one come over during the break” you responded trying to catch up with him again as he walked towards your room. He slammed the door open smelling the scent strongest here. He continued to look around your room until he saw a sheet covering a box. What’s this? The scent is strongest here. You finally found him in your room looking at the sheet. 
“Wait don’t take the sheet off!” You huffed trying to push him away, sadly he was stronger than you and reached down and grabbed the sheet. Yanking the sheet away revealed a cage with a hamster in it. Leona arched his eyebrow and looked at you. You were horrified, scared of what's going to happen next. Leona leaned down to examine your hamster.
“What is this (y/n)” Leona pointed to your hamster
“U-uhhh it’s my hamster, his name is (a/n)” you shuffled your feet, “I-i know we’re not suppose to have animals here but I really miss (a/n) so i brought him here” 
“So this was the scent I smelled” Leona mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Did you think it was someone else?” You asked grabbing your hamster out of his cage, leona didn’t answer you as he continued to mumble to himself. You brought over your hamster you brought him up to his face 
“D-do you want to say hi?” You asked leaning over to see his reaction. 
“No I don’t want to say hi to your damn hamster” Leona's face scrunched up. 
“Are you jealous of (a/n)?” You asked, leaning close to his face. Leona took this moment to steal a quick kiss from you. 
“Why would I be jealous of a little hamster?” 
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Azul was in Sam’s shop looking at an item he was thinking of purchasing. 
“Oh hey Azul!” you said walking into Sam’s shop. 
Azul turned to face you with a small smile plastered on his face. 
“Hello my dear how are you?” Giving you a quick kiss on your hand, you smiled as you accepted the affectionate action. 
“I’m doing okay, what are you doing here?” You asked as you took his side and looked for a certain item. 
“Ah, I'm looking for a certain item that is needed for a school assignment” Azul said, placing one of the items down. 
You went over and picked up a bag of grass, grass? Why would you need grass? Azul interest peaked. 
“(y/n) my dear why do you need a bag full of grass?” Azul asked. You tried to explain yourself but it seems like you were dodging the answer the best you can. You quickly bought the grass, gave your lover a quick kiss and said your goodbyes. Now that made you look even more suspicious, azul tried to think why you need it. 
Later on you came to visit Azul in the mostro lounge, the idea of you buying grass still lingered in his head. So when you popped up and immediately trapped you in his office and made you sit down on the couch. 
“My dear (y/n) it’s been on my mind for quite some time, what are you hiding?” Azul leaned forward, your faces very close to each other. You tried to lean back to get some room but it pretty much failed as your back hit the chair.
“I-i don’t know what you're talking about” You stuttered. 
“You know you can tell me anything, I can keep many secrets” Azul kept pressuring on, you finally snapped and just silently muttered to yourself. 
“You’ll need to speak up darling” 
“I have a pet bunny…” you mumbled. Azul got up letting the information sink it. 
“A pet bunny?”
You just nodded.
“Can I see it?” 
So there you two where, your bunny on your lap and azul sitting on your bed 
“What’s your bunny’s name?” He asked. 
“(a/n), that’s a nice name, you do know it’s against the rules to have any pets here right?” 
You just meekly nodded. Azul just sighed and ruffled your hair.
“As long as Principal doesn’t find out I’m fine with it,” Azul said, giving you a quick kiss.
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Kalim hasn’t seen you in a while and wanted to talk to you. He asked Jamil if he knew where you were and he mentioned something about seeing you heading back to your dorm. So that’s where Kalim went! He burst into your room only to be greeted by a tiny ferret. 
A Ferret? What is a ferret doing in (y/n) dorm? The Ferret got scared and ran off.
“H-hey wait up!” Kalim chased the ferret around your dorm and your ferret made Kalim chase them for a whole 10 minutes. You quickly scooped up your ferret in your arms as Kalim came around the corner. 
“Aha! You were finally caught, little fella. You think you can get away from me?!” Kalim smiled petting the little ferret's head. He looked up meeting your eyes, his face lit up even more and glomped you with a hug.
“(y/n) there you are, I was looking for you!” Kalim smiled crushing you and your ferret. 
“Is this ferret yours?” Kalima asked letting go of you, You looked at your little ferret and gave them a little pat on the head and looked back at Kalim.
“Please don’t tell the Principal” You asked, Kalim sat there for a second confused on what you meant by ‘don’t tell the principal’.
“What do you mean (y/n)? I have like 53 peacocks!” Kalim laughed, making you feel a little bit uneasy. 
You three went to your lounge and chill there for a while. Kalim would pick up your ferret and play with it. 
“Hey (y/n)! What’s this little fella’s name?” Kalim asked, picking up the ferret and petting his little head. 
“(a/n)! What a great name! Does (y/n) spoil you?” Kalim smiled and placed them in his arms.
“AH don’t worry I’ll spoil you!”
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Vil knew what your dorm was like, he has visited it some many times, but how did he never notice the fish bowl sitting on the window sill in the kitchen? Maybe he thought it was a vase, no no he knows what a vase looks like. Pomefiore has hundreds of vases, he knows what various vases look like. 
You were out of the house to pick something up from Sam’s, so you left Vil by himself in your dorm. He became hungry and walked to your kitchen to see if you have something healthy he can eat. 
You feel like you forgot to do something, you got your item from sam right? Check, you got that but what did you forget? Then it hit you, you forgot to put away your betta fish. You quickly rushed home to see Vil staring down your betta fish. 
“Vil i know what it looks like, but-” 
“My darling potato, you know you're not supposed to have any pets” Vil said, turning to face you. You were trying to catch your breath as you ran most of the way. Vil frowned seeing all of the sweat on your face. He grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to you. 
“I know, but I really liked Betta fishes and thought maybe I could keep it a secret.” You said wiping your sweat off your face. Vil face frowned and as he watches you try to convince him that your betta fish is nice and doesn’t cause any problems. 
All Vil did was sigh, give you a quick kiss on the forehead 
“As long as you don’t give your fish more love than me, then I’m fine”
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Idia came over wanting to play a new video game that just came out, you already had everything set up with snacks! Now here you two were playing the new video game in your room eating all the delicious snacks you brought. 
During a cutscene you told him you had to take care of something, and that you’d be back real quickly. He just nodded, what peaked his interests was when he heard you shuffling around the room. Moving stuff out of the way and grabbing a box covered with a sheet. Idia paused the game and turned to see what you were doing. When you pulled away the sheet there revealed a cage. A cage? Why would (y/n) have a cage? 
“Hey (a/n) sorry for the loud noises, here have a little treat.” You said grabbing a bag beside you place, a bag of berries and placed it inside the cage. 
“(y/n) what are you doing?” Idia called out scaring you. You jumped and quickly turned around. 
“O-oh nothing, don't worry about it.” You stuttered scrambling to put the sheet over the cage. That just peaked Idia’s curiosity, but not wanting to pressure you into showing him what it was he just nodded and turned back to video game. 
The cage still lingered in the back of his head as both of you continued to play the video game. It was getting late and you were getting sleepy, and you fell asleep on your bed while Idia was still playing the game. 
Once he noticed that you fell asleep he paused the game and quietly got off the bed without waking you up. He walked over to the box with a sheet over it. He was a little scared of what it's going to be. 
He quickly pulled off the sheet and revealed the cage. It looked like there was nothing inside until he saw a tiny house. He bent over and looked inside seeing a little ball with spikes. He quickly pulled back scared on what he just saw. The ball unravels revealing a tiny hedgehog sleeping in the little house. Idia sighed in relief as it wasn’t something like an urchin. But an urchin can’t live above water so he doesn't know what he saw. Luckily it was just a cute hedgehog. 
So this is what (y/n) was hiding, ah okay I understand i’ll keep this secret as well is what idia thought as he put the sheet back on the cage and went back to playing the video games.
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Malleus was waiting for you at your normal waiting spot, pretty much outside your dorm. You were 30 minutes late and Malleus was getting worried. Did you get hurt? Did you forget about the meeting? He teleported to your door and knocked three times with no responses. He grabbed the handle and the door flung open revealing you with a dishevel look plastered on your face. 
“(y/n) what is the matter, you look like a mess” He asked, letting himself in as you just looked around the lounge again. Then both of you saw it, a little mouse running past the hallway.
“(a/n), get back here!” You screamed out and ran after the mouse. 
(a/n)? Who’s (a/n)? Malleus just followed you, chasing a little mouse. Is this what children of men do? Run after mice? 
You tried to swoop the mouse off the floor but missed and the mouse ran off again. You huffed and puffed from running around the dorm
“Are you trying to catch that mouse (y/n)?” Malleus asked, you just faced him and gave him a quick nod. Malleus thought about it for a while then grabbed his magic pen. Wave it around a bit and boom there’s your little mouse in Malleus hands. 
“Do you want me to get rid of it (y/n)?” Malleus asked, you quickly yelled out no surprising Malleus and scaring your mouse. You quickly grabbed your mouse and put him in his little ball that was laying on the living room. 
“Why did you put it in a ball?” Malleus asked walking into the living room behind you. 
“It’s so (a/n) can roam around the dorm and I’d be able to spot her” You smiled. Then you realize what you just said. You admitted to having a pet in your dorm, to a dorm leader or another dorm, and someone who has a lot of power. 
“P-please don’t tell anyone! I really love (a/n) I don’t want to get rid of her!” You pleaded, which caught Malleus off guard again. 
Malleus just gave a small smile and planted a tender kiss on your temple. 
“I won’t promise” 
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Would you like to order something? Look at our Tea shop rules first!
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Tag list: @kyuudomo @kissthe-gogoat @caloroso-cosmos @omrade-echorin < You said you like the last one so added you. Let me know if you’re okay with that, and sorry if not!
Let me know if you want to be added or taken off. Reblogs and feedback always appreciated!
Fifty miles from the Chapman house and twenty years ago, rain fell over an English boarding school. Children ran from building to building, clutching their bags under hunched chests in an attempt to protect them.
Visible through a window, one student sat huddled on a library bench, nose deep in a book. And of course they didn’t see through their concentration to the rambunctious upperclassman arguing with the librarian.
“I told you before, my father tore the book, not me. I can get the money to pay for it, it’ll just take a couple days!”
“That’s ridiculous. Just why in the world would a parent do that, hmm?”
“You obviously don’t know him like I do,” he snipped under his breath.
After a moment more of this, he sauntered over to where the bookworm- maybe a grade or two below him, sat. Flopping down, he groaned.
Finally the quiet one spoke. “Mrs. Kingsley’s going to wring your neck if you don’t replace the book soon, you know.”
“Yeah, I get it already. Geez.” The older boy looked at the younger with a raised eyebrow. “Hey I know you, you’re in my chemistry class. Mary, right?”
“Er, it’s Maxwell. And yes, what about it?”
“Isn’t that a bit too hard for you? You’re what, twelve?”
“Fourteen. You?”
“Aww, a little shrimp. I’m seventeen. Andrew, by the way,” although teasing, his tone lacked any genuine malice. He held out a hand to shake.
“Nice to meet you, prick.”
Andrew laughed. “Damn right. Whatcha reading?”
Maxwell tilted the book. A collection of Sherlock Holmes stories. “I want to be a detective when I get out of school, so I’m studying now.”
“That’s cool. We better get to class though, the bell’s gonna ring soon,” Andrew said, standing up and checking his watch.
Maxwell reluctantly closed his book and nodded. “Just try to pay for the book soon, okay? Mrs. Kingsley isn’t the only one who cares about this library.”
“Oh sure. I’ll just steal the money from my dad while he’s at church or something,” he said with a mischievous grin. “Nice meeting you, Maxwell!”
“Same here. Criminal!”
Andrew laughed and walked off. Maxwell allowed a chuckle as he went the opposite way.
Six pictures were laid out in front of Andrew. All of various bedrooms. Half he recognized- Maxwell’s, Isabella’s, and his own. The other three varied. There was a rather plain, maroon themed bedroom with several camera monitors in one corner. Another was coated wall-to-wall in weapons and a bright scarlet palette. The last of which was more pink and the most homely, with picture frames full of people everywhere. All belonging to Maxwell’s siblings, most likely.
And yet, Andrew was not confused. In fact, he was quite disturbed. He sat with his ferret, Brie, in his arms, petting her in an attempt to calm down.
He had finally worked up the courage to read the letter. Mr. Antigone had left a graphic plan of all the horrible things he would do if Andrew didn’t leave Maxwell as soon as possible. He detailed all the ways he could get away with it, and included the pictures as proof of his deadly seriousnessand capability.
Well if he hasn’t killed me yet, it probably means he wants me alive. He must be trying to beat me into submission.
What a mess. Within just a few weeks of going out with Max, Andrew’s world had turned upside down. Of all the people in the world, he had to fall in love with a detective.
A knock at the downstairs door stirred him. Quietly putting Brie in her pen, he cursed himself for not burning the letter as told. Walking down to the front on tiptoe, he slipped a kitchen knife into his pocket- just in case.
Another knock. Andrew took a deep breath, prepared for the worst, and opened the door.
“Maxwell! Oh, it’s just you, thank god,” he sighed in relief.
Maxwell raised an eyebrow. “Of course it’s me, who else would it be?” He cut Andrew off before he could respond. “Nevermind, it doesn’t matter. We need to talk.”
A twinge of fear settled in Andrew’s gut. “About what? Is everything okay?”
“Given that you feel the need to answer the door with a knife in your coat,” he gestured to how poorly it was hidden, “No, things are far from okay.”
Andrew studied Maxwell’s face. His handsome features were pulled into a grave expression, his demeanor uncomfortable.
“Why don’t you come in,” Andrew said, holding the door ajar for the other man.
“Thank you,” Maxwell responded, sitting down at an empty booth in the main shop. Andrew sat down across from him, and they sat in silence for a long few moments.
Maxwell slowly tapped his thumbs together. Andrew could see how his eyes faded in deep thought.
“Are you…” he took a shaky breath. “No. I know you’re the thief.”
Andrew’s stomach flipped, but he calmed himself. “You’re good. Guilty as charged. Is this my day of reckoning, then?” His tone was bitter, almost scared.
For the first time since arriving, Maxwell looked Andrew directly in the eye. “I have an idea.”
“You didn’t answer my question, but go on,” he said with a dry chuckle.
“Tell me, who is Nikos Antigone?”
Andrew stood up suddenly. “What do you mean, has he contacted you? Have you met him?”
“So you do know him. He sent me a letter- or, as it turns out, two letters. The first ‘anonymously’ telling me to run away from you, the second saying that you robbed him. Tell me, have you ever used violence in your hijinks?”
“I don’t know how much you’ll believe me, but no, I haven’t.”
“I figured as much. So it was Antigone that broke your nose a couple weeks back?”
Andrew hesitated. Was this an interview? But Maxwell seemed so genuinely worried. “Yeah, basically.”
“I’m very sorry,” he said, brushing a finger over the bridge that was still sore. Andy winced slightly, causing Max to draw his hand away.
“I’m not going to turn you in. I want to help, but to do that, I need answers. Could you tell me more?” He was now surprisingly soft.
So with a heavy sigh, Andrew spilled his guts about everything, even ousting Isabella’s involvement in the process. He also provided some insight on Jennifer. She was the daughter of a nobleman, one that rudely broke off dealings with the Antigone family’s crime loop, when she was just a baby.
Despite this, all four of them had attended the same school without realizing. She and the young Nikos were the best of friends, before they all went their separate ways, and Nikos followed in his family’s footsteps. Andrew was doing jobs for him simply to make him money and to be a jewel in his crown.
“You won’t have to be for long. If we can find a way to get him in the wrong place at the wrong time, we can pin all of your wrongdoings on him.”
“Maxwell, no. You could lose your job if you did that!”
“I’m more than willing-“
“And besides, I’m the one at the wheel, I should take the blame-“
“You think I haven’t shuffled blame before? You know neither of us have ever cared about morals and virtue.”
“That may be true, but this is still a huge risk. One I’m not willing to let you take for me!”
“Well too bad, because I refuse to allow you to keep on like this. If you don’t let me help, I’ll find a way to do something on my own.”
“Max, what the hell has gotten into you? Why can’t you let me sort out my own problems- or just throw me in jail already?”
“Because I love you, you nitwit!”
There was a long, charged silence. The tension of argument melted away, leaving something else entirely in its place.
“I… I think I love you too. And I don’t want you to get hurt. You have no idea the things this guy will do to you.”
Max held Andy’s hand, up on the table. “You’re right, I don’t. But I know with our combined minds, we can outsmart him.”
Andrew took a deep, shuddering breath. “Do you really think so?”
Maxwell nodded. “The Antigone family has done enough damage. It’s about time someone put a stop to it. I only have one condition.”
“That being?”
“For both of our sakes, you need to drop your game. Once Nikos is in prison, well…”
Andrew nodded and pondered for a moment. “I’d need something else after the fact- to keep me entertained. But yes, for you, I will.”
“Then our plot can be your last heist. Any ideas as to a replacement?”
“You could marry me, and we could run away together. Be musicians in Vienna till’ we’re old,” Andy smirked.
Max giggled. “Ask me again in three years.”
And then he gave Andy the most lovestruck look. Andy returned it. They glanced at their pose- they were awfully close.
“I’d ask if I could kiss you, but there’s a table in the way,” Andy whispered with a quiet laugh.
“Just get over here, you,” Max then pulled a laughing Andy by his tie to the nearest wall, moving close, only to be stopped.
“Hang the hell on, you’re the short one, shouldn’t you be the one-“
Max swatted Andy’s arm. “Oh, shut up.” And with that, they finally closed the gap.
Andy smelled like fresh cakes, and Max like old books. Where the thief tasted like strawberries, the detective was like tea with milk; both felt like smooth butter.
Andy’s arms were strong as he lifted Max and held him so close. They stood like that for a long time, pausing only to dash upstairs. Andrew had only one thought before his mind went blank with bliss.
Antigone thinks he can use me as a puppet. Poor man has no idea what he’s messing with.
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BOOK ONE, PART ONE — Yubi Meets Bolin
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Yubi, the firebender for the Turtleduck Trio, tries to raise some entry money and meets a handsome stranger.
Downtown Republic City was as busy as ever — cars rolling down the street, the sound of horns honking and people laughing echoed against the tall buildings. Several smells floated in the breeze, from the sour smell of exhaust to the sweet smell of street food. From her booth at the end of the street, Yubi could smell the distinct scent of Water Tribe cuisine — a smell she’d grown to know as her dear friend Toanok’s cooking. As usual, it smelled incredible, causing Yubi’s stomach to rumble at the prospect of snagging some leftovers when her allotted time came to an end.
The afternoon sun had finally creeped behind the tall buildings of downtown, something Yubi felt grateful for as her warm skin began to cool in the shade. For a moment, she thought that maybe she should have splurged for an actual tent, something that would keep her shaded under the blazing sun, but she knew deep down she wouldn’t have been able to afford it. She was lucky to have even gotten a spot at the downtown market. The spot alone was seventy-five yuans up front, and only for half a day — though, in all honesty, the market owners could have been hustling her. A seventeen year old wanting to sell handmade clothes downtown on a busy day? She must have seemed like a joke.
Luckily enough, business had been good. The spot at the end of the street had been a good one, though she had doubted it at first. People would probably have spent all their money by the time they reached her, she had originally thought — she never accounted for the people coming in from the other side of town, and came to the conclusion that the market owners probably didn’t either, when they had charged her such a ridiculous price. The joke was on them, though. She had already made up the money she paid out of pocket and then some. At that rate, with a few more odd jobs here and there, she’d most likely be able to pay her share of the Pro-Bending Tournament entry fee.
30,000 yuans, Yubi thought, shaking her head slowly. So ridiculous.
When she had decided to join Amka and Genji in pro-bending, she thought she’d at least be winning more money than she was paying. If she didn’t love it so much, she would have given it up long ago to pursue something a little more lucrative. She was thankful for Amka, who spent most of her days waitressing at a tea shop uptown just so they all could make ends meet. They were all lucky that people uptown were able to tip so well.
Yubi and Genji made money for themselves, sure, but they were both practically unhirable when it came to steady jobs. However, Genji had found a place in an underground fighting ring — but the money wasn’t always what was promised — and Yubi was doing alright selling the clothes she made in her spare time, when she wasn’t doing various demolition jobs around the city. As it turns out, the only people who would even think about hiring a combustion bender off the streets were demolition squads. They didn’t pay well either.
But the three girls seemed to make it, sharing a small apartment near Republic City’s port. Amka had gotten very skilled at stealing ingredients from the tea shop when no one was looking, and Genji was a very good cook, so they never had to go hungry. Nothing else really mattered, as long as they had each other. It had been that way as long as Yubi could remember.
Yubi had always believed they were all fated to meet each other. Looking at the three of them, it seemed unlikely that they would all get along as well as they do — tall, refined Amka; short, excitable Yubi; and even shorter, chaotic Genji, who looked, for lack of a better term, absolutely feral. They loved — and fought with — each other like siblings. If their connection wasn’t evident from the way they interacted with each other, it was on the pro-bending field. They moved as a unit, agile and skilled, acting as though they could hear each other’s thoughts. Toanok had mentioned many times that it was truly something to behold.
Yubi reckoned it was the biggest reason she couldn’t give up pro-bending. She loved being out on the field with her friends, the rush of working with one another towards a win, the determination they provided each other. She felt most connected to them when she was on the field.
In retrospect, while ridiculous, thirty thousand yuans didn’t seem like a lot of money when she compared it to how valuable that time with her friends was.
Which is why at the end of her shift, she didn’t mind that she had spent half of the day on her feet. She had earned a killing, nearly a fourth of the money she would need. She could easily make up the rest.
As she packed up her things, Yubi picked up the faintest hint of the smell of street food. She turned around, following the scent, to find Toanok with four boxes of food in his hands.
“How did it go, Yubi?”
Yubi beamed at the older man, rocking back and forth on her heels. “Really well, actually. I made quite a bit this morning!”
“Don’t suppose you still have that blue shawl, do you? I saw it while I was setting up earlier and I think my wife would love it.”
Yubi’s eyes lit up and she let out an excited squeal, “Of course I do! I saw you eyeing it, so I hid it away, just in case.”
Toanok placed a hand over his heart, an appreciative smile on his face. “How much do you want for it?”
Yubi shook her head fervently as she turned around to pull it from the box she had been packing. “Don’t be silly. You and Sina have done more than enough for me. It’s on me.”
“You don’t be silly,” Toanok shook his head slowly, “I’ll give you twenty yuans for it.”
“I don’t think that’s how you haggle, young lady.”
“I would never dream of haggling you, old man.”
Toanok let out a hearty laugh, the wrinkles of his crow’s feet deepening. “Tell you what, I’ll give you twenty yuans and you can make a delivery for me, yes?”
Yubi pursed her lips. “I suppose you’ve got yourself a deal, my friend.”
“Glad to hear it.” Toanok smiled, as he leaned forward to place his boxes on the table. He then reached into his pocket to produce twenty yuans. “Those three boxes are for you and the girls, but that fourth one needs to go to Bolin. He’s midtown, doing some sort of street performance with his fire ferret. Can’t miss him.”
Yubi gave him a nod as she handed him the shawl. “Pleasure doing business with you, Toanok.”
“And you, Yubi. Don’t let my yuans go to waste — you enter that tournament and you win it, you hear?”
Yubi beamed. “You can plan on it!”
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Toanok had been right about Bolin’s performance — it was hard to miss.
A little fire ferret danced around the square, doing tricks and chittering excitedly. Yubi’s heart practically melted as she watched.
“How cute!” Yubi squealed as the fire ferret ran around her, brushing up against her legs to say hello. “Hello, little friend!”
“He likes you!”
Yubi looked up from the ferret to see who she deduced to be Bolin, a tall, broad, handsome young man, staring down at her with a goofy smile on his face.
“I like him too.” Yubi grinned, looking back down at the fire ferret. “What’s his name?”
Yubi crouched down carefully, gently stroking Pabu’s back as he stood up to sniff at the boxes in her hands. “Hi there, Pabu. I’m Yubi.”
“Yubi…” Bolin repeated, with a sigh, the goofy smile on his face growing wider.
Yubi moved her hand to scratch behind Pabu’s ears, scrunching her nose at the small animal as it chittered again. “He’s very cute.” She mused.
“So are y-“ Bolin’s voice trailed off as he caught himself, before clearing his throat. “Yes, he is. Very cute.”
Pabu shifted his attention from the boxes of food to Yubi’s face, sniffing up against her nose and cheeks. Yubi let out a quiet giggle, and it grew louder as Pabu scurried up onto Yubi’s shoulder.
“Oh!” Yubi cried out, excitedly. She stood up, slowly, and smiled up at Bolin. “He’s so friendly!”
“Pabu’s a sucker for a pretty face.” Bolin waved his hand dismissively, before flushing profusely at his statement.
“Must be why he hangs out with you.” Yubi retorted, causing Bolin’s blush to deepen. He was nearly as red as Yubi’s blouse.
Bolin clammed up, his eyes darting back and forth as if he was trying to figure out what to say, but Yubi beat him to the punch.
“Oh! I almost forgot,” Yubi held the stack of boxes out toward Bolin, “Toanok sent me with some food for you! That top one is yours.”
Bolin let out another dreamy sigh, “Thank you, Toanok!” He murmured, taking the box from the top of the stack. His stomach let out a loud rumble, and he dug into the food immediately, scooping a large portion into his mouth.
Yubi let out another giggle. “Hungry?”
“Starving,” Bolin groaned, his mouth still full. “I haven’t eaten all day. Been too busy trying to rack up some money to enter the pro-bending tournament.”
Yubi’s eyes lit up. “No way! Me too!”
Bolin’s expression shifted to match Yubi’s as he swallowed. “No way! You play?”
Yubi nodded enthusiastically. “I do! I play for the Turtleduck Trio!”
“I play for the Fire Ferrets!”
“That’s why your name sounded so familiar!” Yubi snapped her fingers, “I’ve heard some of your matches on the radio!”
“Now that you mention it, I think I caught the end of one of your matches the other day!”
“Wow!” They both exclaimed, laughing along with each other, before letting it die down, turning into nervous sighs as they realized how close they had drifted towards each other. Bolin cleared his throat as they both took a step backward. Pabu chittered sadly.
“Soooo…” Yubi forced herself to look away from Bolin, shifting her gaze up to Pabu instead. “Have you made any money today?”
Bolin shook his head. “Not really. I made a bit, but not nearly enough if we’re serious about entering.”
Yubi nodded slowly, pursing her lips. She looked down at the satchel around her waist, then back up at Bolin, then back down at the satchel. She could spare a few yuans, right? After all, it was for a good cause. Pro-bending brought her so much joy, it was only right of her to share that joy.
Yubi reached down into her satchel, producing ten yuans, holding them out to Bolin. “I know it’s not much, but-“
Bolin gently pushed her hand away. “I can’t take that, you just said you were trying to raise your own entry money!”
“It’s really fine, I can spare a few yuans!” Yubi thrust her hand out again.
Bolin shook his head fervently, pushing her hand away again. “I’m not taking it!”
“Come on, Bolin!” Bolin seemed to freeze as Yubi said his name. “I just wanna see what you can do in the ring! How am I supposed to do that if you won’t take the money?”
Bolin, still frozen, only shook his head again. Yubi let out a dramatic groan as she yanked on his hand, pulling him closer. He nearly dropped the box he was holding as he let out a yelp. Once his face was level with Yubi’s, she scowled at him. “Take the money.”
Bolin gulped, his face flushing again. “You’re stronger than you look.”
“You have no idea.” Yubi beamed, the scowl melting away. She looked down at Bolin’s empty hand and took it in both of hers, prying it open and placing the money in it. Bolin’s face was red once again as her hand slid over his.
“There!” Yubi closed his hand and gave it a pat. “No take-backs!”
As if to further her statement, Pabu crawled down Yubi’s arm and onto Bolin’s closed hand.
Bolin gulped again. “Fine. I will take the money. Thank you.”
Yubi gave a small shrug, a sly grin forming on her face. “It’s no big deal. You’re gonna wish I hadn’t given it to you when we beat you, anyway.”
“You are so scary.” Bolin sighed out, with a dreamy look on his face.
“Wait ‘til you see me on the field.” Yubi winked, reaching up to scratch behind Pabu’s ear. “Nice to meet you, Pabu! And you too, Bolin.”
“Yeah, good to meet you too.” Bolin called, as Yubi had already started walking away. “So good.”
lok taglist: @hughstheforcelou (let me know if you’d like to be added to my lok taglist!)
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Aven, all the numbers :)
1- Animated character that was your gay awakening? : I mean my gay awakening was an irl person so I don't know? I can't think of any rn 
2- Grilled cheese or PB&J? : Grilled cheese bc PB&J is gross just peanut butter and jelly are both good on their own but I don't like the way they taste combined 
3- What show/YouTube video(s) do you put on in the background when you when you don’t have anything to watch but you want something on? : Baking videos! Particularly the ones that have no voicover or any voice and you have to turn on the subtitles to know what ingredients they're using bc the words on the screen are in ankther language 
4- Your go-to bar order, if you drink? : chocolate milkshake no alcohol (the only time I've been to a bar that's what I ordered) 
5- What’s your favorite pair of shoes that you own? : My black tennis shoes, but they're really old and worn and I need new ones but I've been telling my parents for god knows how long and they don't give a shit 
6- Top three cuisines? : pfft cuisines I love that word its funny to me just I can't say it out loud without smiling or laughing anyway I guess shrimp fettuccine alfredo, medium rare steak, and fuggin uhhhhhh Danny Kids Cuisines
7- What was your first word as a child (that wasn’t a variation of “Mom” or “Dad”)?: I have no clue, I think my dad once said it was car or cat but they couldn't tell which 
8- What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had?: I've never had a job really, I mean I volunteered at the library one summer but I think that's it 
9- Look up. What’s directly across from you? : A large bowl of pancake batter (I'm making pancakes rn) 
10- Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general?: I've got an Air Force flag signed by the Air Force basketball team from that one time we went to a game. I've also got a really old shirt with the sifnirure of a country singer who I've never heard of (I don't think she made it big) 
11- Preferred way to spend a rainy day? : Drawing. Raining tends to make me want to draw more! Also watching the Great British Baking Show 
12- What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted?: normally I don't eat bagels. But Nutella and almonds and bananas on a plain bagel is really good! Also does it mean like anything I want on a bagel? Because I will order $1M on a bagel and only eat the bagel and bam I'm rich it said ANYTHING so heck yeah it never said it has to be food 
13- Brunch or midnight snacks?: Ooh brunch! I love brunch. I've never had a midnight snack tho so I can't really say for sure. 
14- Favorite mug you own: my Coffee Mug 
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Also say hi to Emrys he's helping me make dinner 
15- What coffee drink would you describe yourself as? : 3% coffee 96% sugar 1% baked beans 
16- Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!): "I've grown tired of this body" Body by Mother Mother 
17- Fruity or herbal teas? : Fruity I guess? I'm not a big fan of tea, but I've had this watermelon mint tea and added ice and a bunch of sugar and it was pretty good 
18- What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless?:.... Sonic X (it was part of my childhood and I just really like the theme and I like it in general don't judge pls) 
19- That book you were forced to read for class but actually ended up enjoying?: It wasn't a book we read as a glass but I think it was called the dragonfly something I dunno it was a while ago but it was really interesting 
20- Do you match your socks? Nope 
21- Have you ever been horseback riding?: I don't think so? 
22- What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc)- creepypasta everything. Every single thing. 
23- Have you ever been to jail?: nope
24- What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)?: I don't have an opinion on them? Is there Lazy Susan discourse I don't know about 
25- Puzzles?: no hate them they can burn 
26- You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it?: Apple juice I suppose? I don't drink much juice (I only really drink water, a little bit of coffee, and milk) 
27- What section do you immediately head for when you walk into a bookstore?: Fiction/Fantasy 
28- What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now?: I'm trying to start sewing again! 
29- Who’s your go-to musical artist when you’re feeling upbeat?: none, I only listen to music at night and I'm not really upbeat then. 
30- Where could someone find you in a museum?: the exit (sorry I've never really enjoyed myself at museums) 
31- What’s that one outfit in your closet you never get the chance to wear but want to?: None. I don't likem my clothes. All my dresses are too small minus like one. 
32- Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds?: Stars! I rarely get to see them. 
33- If you could own any non-traditional pet (dogs, cats, fish, rodents, etc), what would it be?: Are ferrets rodents? I'd like a ferret I'd name it Malfoy
34- Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs?: Art for sure. I have no photographs on my walls, only my own paintings. 
35- You have to get one meme tattooed on your body, what meme is it and where does it go?: "Yeet" in cursive on my shoulder is area place thing 
36- Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with: none sorry I don't like superheros 
36- Lakes, rivers, or oceans?: Oceans!!!!!!!!! They're so pretty and blue and filled with fish and pretty and fun to swim in and salty and cold and nice and amazing I love the ocean I miss it 
38- Favorite mid-2000s song: I'm not sure, I don't keep track of when songs were released ;-;
39- How do you dress when you’re home alone?: Just my normal clothes. T-shirt and leggings or shorts. 
40- Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)?: The Corner Spot. My my brother keeps stealing it. 
41- Knives or swords?: Knives bc you can cut bread with them 
42- A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving:  Body by Mother Mother. Also Burning Pile. 
43- Pick an old-school Disney Channel Original Movie: None we didn't have Djnsye when I was a kid 
44- Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online?: Quote that relates to the photos? 
44- Name a classic Vine: Why you got a twelve car garage when you only got FIFTEEN CATS CUZ WE ALL JUST WANNA BE BIG RJCJSTARS 
46- What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store?: I don't go to the store but probably ice cream 
47- How do you top your ice cream?: More Ice Cream 
48- Do you like Jello?: it's okay it's a bit odd tho 
49- What’s something that you don’t have a picture of that you wish you did?: the time I slapped a guy in the face multiple times 
50- How are you at climbing trees?: I'm pretty good at it, I climbed trees a lot as a kid and I climbed one a few weeks ago and was like "woah I'm still good at this?" 
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Candid Moments with Koji
So I have no artistic talent whatsoever. If I did, there would definitely be a picture series of candid moments with Koji and almost every MK character and then some original characters created by my friends. Since that isn't going to happen, I still went ahead and made a list of what those pictures would look like. Keep in mind that I don't have every single MK character because I don't know every single MK character. Those characters who are excluded, I don't know their personalities well enough to think of a moment.
With that said, here's the list! It's a long one, but I hope you enjoy!
MK Characters
• Raiden: Both meditating together.
• Fujin: Both drinking tea together.
• Lui Kang: Lui practicing his stances with Koji copying him.
• Kung Lao: Both holding/playing with bunnies.
• Kung Jin: Jin teaching Koji how to use a bow.
• Sonya Blade: Her holding Koji while she gives orders to her soldiers.
• Johnny Cage: Both wearing matching sunglasses.
• Cassie Cage: Cassie taking a selfie of them.
• Jaxson Briggs: Jax holding out his arm while Koji swings from it.
• Jacqui Briggs: Both making the Gun Show pose.
• Kenshi: Kenshi correcting Koji's grip on a sword.
• Takeda: Teaching Koji how to use a beginner rope spear.
• Hanzo: Koji snuggling into Hanzo as he carries him to bed.
• Kuai Liang: Kuai holding a sick Koji to cool him off.
• Frost: Frost giving a death glare to some bullies while Koji isn't looking.
• Noob: Noob and Saibot lifting and swinging Koji between them.
• Kano: Kano consulting Koji on which card he should play in the middle of a game.
• Kabal: Sitting on the couch and watching Ninja Mime.
• Erron: Teaching him to shoot while Koji wears Erron's hat (which is too big for him).
• Nightwolf: The pair of them relaxing with Kiba, Hana, and Komo around a campfire.
• Shang Tsung: Doing some magic tricks while Koji and some of Shang's pets watch in amazement.
• Quan Chi: Koji sitting in his lap reading a book while Chi is reading his own.
• Mileena: Koji telling her that she is pretty with her looking like she's about to cry.
• Skarlet: Koji in her lap while she's playing with his hair.
• Havik: Giving Koji a big basket of candy (sugar high chaos!).
• Shao Khan: No.
• Kollecter: Kollecter showing Koji some of the artifacts he has acquired.
• Kotal: Katal holding Koji as he points out locations and areas in Outworld.
• Jade: Koji blushing as he presents flowers to her.
• Kitana: Kitana showing him how to properly hold one of her fans.
• D'Vorah: Koji helping her care for the baby larva in the hive.
• Ermac: Koji giving him a surprise hug from behind.
• Reptile: Reptile using his invisibility to steal a treat from the cook for Koji.
• Baraka: Baraka ready to stab someone if they make another comment about the little ray of sunshine that is Koji riding on his shoulders.
• Sheeva: Koji sitting on her lap while she sits on her throne.
• Goro: Goro watching in amusement as Koji runs around in one of his oversized capes.
• Geras: Geras telling him stories as Koji listens.
• Cetrion: Both sitting in a flower field with butterflies landing on Koji.
• Kronika: Kronika kneeling next to him while she explains how the Hourglass works.
Original Characters
• Amarathe: Koji looking excited and telling Amarathe how cool they look.
• Megumi: Koji cuddling Megumi and nuzzling her with a smile on said baby's face.
• Lang: Koji trying and failing to lift Lang's weapon while he looks amused.
• Johnathan: Johnathan's wing is covering Koji from the rain.
• Shiran-hai: Both of them walking together with Koji excitedly going on about the book he has with him.
• Kotori: Koji scolding her for wanting to get hurt.
• Leah:
• Beast Form: Giving Koji a ride on her back.
• Human Form: Koji sitting in her lap while she hugs him tightly.
• Ajax:
• Beast Form: Riding on his back. (Koji gets rides X3)
• Human Form: Riding on Ajax's shoulders.
The Pets
• Ao Guang the Alligator: His big head on Koji's lap to receive pets.
• Mephisto the Reticulated Python: Koji nestled in his coils reading a book while said snake his looking over his shoulder.
• Bing the Ice Dragon: Said dragon with her head down so Koji can gives pets.
• Silver Apple the Ball Python: Wrapped around Koji's shoulders and giving a snake kiss.
• Pengsong the Ferret: Curled up and napping on top of Koji's head.
• Jason: Koji placing a flower crown on Jason's head.
• Lycan Kuai: Koji snuggled in Kuai's fur as they both take a nap.
• Young Hanzo/Scorpion: Koji hugging him with Scorpion unsure on how to react.
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stahlop · 5 years
Once Upon a Time 1x12 “Skin Deep” Review
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Reviews 1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06  1x07 1x08 1x09 1x10 1x11
This was one of my favorite episodes when this aired originally. It still is one of the better episodes of the first season. It is written by Jane Espensen who also wrote for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which was the first show I was ever obsessed with, and she is an amazing writer. I’ll admit right off the bat that I’m not a huge fan of Emilie de Ravin who plays Belle. I’m not really sure why I don’t like her. I liked her in Roswell but I didn’t like her in Lost. Here she just doesn’t come off plucky enough for me to be Belle. I don’t really see what Rumplestiltskin sees in her. But I think the rest of the plots are good. Even the Valentine part of it. This one is long y’all, so buckle up.
Summary: Rumplestiltskin makes a deal for Belle to be his servant girl to save her kingdom from Ogres. In Storybrooke, Mr. Gold’s house gets robbed and vows to make the burglar pay. Mary Margaret and David go through a tough time being that it’s Valentine’s Day.
Opening: Rumplestiltskin’s spinning wheel
New Characters:
Belle: She is a lady of some sort in this iteration, who bravely volunteers to be Rumplestiltskin’s servant girl to save her lands from Ogres. She already does not seem scared of Rumplestiltskin,  but she does immediately chip a cup when he jokes with her about skinning children. Belle is there for some time because when we first see Rumplestiltskin’s castle it is very snowy and obviously winter, but then Belle is trying to open the curtains because it is almost spring. This is the first time we see an attraction between them. He is okay with her asking questions (though not necessarily answering them) and joking with her, so they have developed a rapport during her stay there. The next scene shows her sitting on his dining room table talking with him, something you would only do if you are really comfortable with someone. Plus she’s asking questions, which turn out to be questions regarding Baelfire. Belle does bring up a good point though. She asks Rumplestiltskin “If I’m never going to know another person in my whole life, can’t I at least know you?” Girl resigned to her fate pretty quickly if you ask me. I guess she’s probably also scared that if she does try to leave that he’ll curse her family or something, but she genuinely seems to care for him in this particular conversation. Rumplestiltskin immediately goes on the defensive. Belle also makes reference to the mirrors being covered up because he doesn’t like his appearance, but the audience rightly knows it���s because he doesn’t want EQ spying on him. Belle explains that she came with Rumplestiltskin because she always wanted to be brave and figures bravery would follow her there, she also wanted to see the world and fall in love, since Gaston was an arranged marriage. It’s at this point that Rumplestiltskin realizes he’s a little in love with Belle, so he tells her he’ll tell her about his son when she comes back from town to fetch him some straw. Belle has every intention of not coming back, even though she has fallen a little in love with Rumplestiltskin as well, but EQ just happens upon her and gives her some advice about curses and love, so Belle goes back to the castle to test it out. Belle is amazed when true love’s kiss actually works and Rumplestiltskin starts to become human again, but he isn’t into losing his power, so he locks her in the dungeon. He eventually tells Belle to leave and she calls him a coward, infuriating him more since he hasn’t been a coward since becoming the Dark One. She calls him out about thinking he doesn’t deserve love or believe she can love him, even though true love’s kiss happened. Belle says “All you’ll have is an empty heart and a chipped cup.”
In Storybrooke, we don’t know anything about Belle except that she seems to be in a mental ward in the basement of the hospital. Does she have her memories of Belle? Does she have a cursed persona?
Sir Maurice/Moe French: I don’t think we ever got his name in the EF, but this is how he is listed on IMDB. There is really not much to say about Maurice. He wants to make a deal with Rumplestiltskin to get rid of the Ogres, but he also doesn’t want to lose his daughter.
Moe is were we get some characterization, although, still not a lot. Moe owns a flower shop and has defaulted on a loan to Gold. Being that the next day is Valentine’s Day, Moe is a little upset that Gold is taking his flower van away. When Gold’s house is broken into, he names Moe French as the possible perpetrator to Emma when she questions him. Moe then gets beaten up by Gold because he stole the chipped cup on Regina’s orders, and because Gold thinks he made Belle kill herself back in the EF, of course, Moe has no idea about the EF stuff, of course.
Character Observations:
Rumplestiltskin/Gold: The meat of the episode is the feelings of both these characters and Robert Carlyle is amazing!!! Rumplestiltskin helps out Belle’s family by getting rid of the Ogres and ending the war, but takes Belle as collateral. Belle eventually tells him that he did it because he’s lonely. I have to wonder if he had a premonition about Belle or if he just took a fancy to her. Either way, he starts opening up to Belle and joking with her. Some of the jokes are about having Belle ‘skin the children he hunts for their pelts’ and saying he forgot what he was spinning about when Belle asks him why he spins. You can see Rumplestiltskin’s conflicting emotions when he catches Belle when she falls. He notices that she is looking at him as well and practically throws her off of him. He also acquiesces to her suggestions of opening the curtains and sits and talks to her on the dining room table as if they are friends. Rumplestiltskin probably has not had someone to talk to as a friend for a long time. Does the Dark One have friends? It seems EQ is an ally of some sort as she just waltzes into his castle later on to ask for a favor. He also keeps the mirrors covered up so EQ can’t spy on him. He tells her he had a son and is despondent about it. Rumplestiltskin thinks Belle is trying to ferret out his weaknesses. Belle says he’s not a monster but he pretty much kills Gaston right off the bat when he turns him into a rose (I’m assuming he’s dead). When Belle tells him she and Gaston were an arranged marriage and her views on love, he lets her go. He tells her to go get straw from town for him. Belle thinks it’s because he trusts her, Rumplestiltskin says he doesn’t expect to ever see her again. If you love something set it free and see if it returns. And she does return, but when they kiss, the darkness starts to leave and if there is one thing Rumplestiltskin is known for, it’s his power, and he can’t let it go. And then, the best scene of all in this episode. Rumplestiltskin figures out it was EQ who told Belle how to break his ‘curse’. He’s yelling in the mirror about turning her against him, making him weak and defeating him, and while it's directed at EQ he’s yelling at his reflection and it is amazing. He turns on Belle now, figuring the whole thing had to either be a trick from EQ from the start or Belle wanting to be the hero by killing him. Belle is desperately trying to remind him that it was true love’s kiss since he was changing, but he states that no one could ever love him and throws her back into the dungeon. He throws a fit, breaking his glass cabinets and his tea set, but not the cup that Belle chipped. Awww. He later lets Belle go stating that he doesn’t want her there anymore and she calls him a coward for not believing in love. He says that’s a lie, he just chooses his power over her, and Belle leaves. And just when we think we’re done with this story, EQ saunters in a let’s Rumplestiltskin know that Belle is dead. The joy on his face that he tries to hide when at first he thinks Belle needs a place to live, that he then hides his grief and anger when EQ tells him she died is just heartbreaking. And Rumplestiltskin, in his grief, places the chipped tea cup on a pedestal because Belle’s love was worth more to him than any piece of gold.
On to Gold who has a few things to work out about Belle’s death. It starts with him repossessing Moe French’s flower truck. I’m sure Moe actually did default on his loan, but Gold is doing this out of pure spite. Regina witnesses the exchange and tries to talk to Gold, but he’s not in the mood for anything Regina has to say to him. Then Gold’s house gets robbed and he immediately knows it was Moe. He does let Emma know (after she threatens him with legal action), and subtlety lets her know that if he gets to Moe first he may not be responsible for what happens (‘bad things tend to happen to bad people.’). And while Emma does recover most of Gold’s stuff, the thing that is most precious to him has not been recovered, so all bets are off now. Gold runs into David at the drug store and comments about David’s inability to choose a Valentine’s Day card. He tells him ‘love is like a delicate flame and once it’s gone it’s gone forever.’ Man who knew I’d be feeling sorry for Gold in this scenario? Of course, he’s purchasing rope and duct tape, so I can’t feel too sorry for him. Moe is now tied up in the back of his flower truck and brings him to a cabin to torture him. Moe is trying to tell him that robbing him wasn’t his fault (as we later find out Regina put him up to it), and Gold is just beating the crap out of him for what happened to Belle in the EF. He tells Moe ‘She’s gone forever. she’s not coming back and it’s your fault, not mine.’ I think Gold is having a little bit of guilt over being the cause of Belle’s death. The juxtaposition of this scene over the scene where he’s breaking everything in his castle is just gorgeous! Emma eventually stops Gold from committing murder. She contemplates what Gold did is for something personal, and not just stealing and she arrests him. And this is the perfect time for Regina to finally get that conversation she wanted from Gold earlier. She gets him to admit he’s Rumplestiltskin and awake. He says once he’s out he’ll still be the one in charge. Regina says ‘We’ll see.’
Evil Queen/Regina: The manipulation is strong in the Evil Queen this episode. She acts like a concerned woman when she sees Belle walking down the road, asking if her carriage splashed her. Walking with her she deduces that she is running from either her master or lover, or both. Belle is way too forthcoming with a woman she just met, but EQ plants the idea that her master/lover is most likely cursed and that true loves kiss is the only thing that can break a curse. And EQ’s line about this is hilarious, ‘I would never suggest a young woman to kiss a man who held her captive. What kind of message is that?’ Oh, yes, let’s call out all the people who think Beauty and the Beast is about Stockholm Syndrome instead of not judging a book by it’s cover. She also warns Belle that if her master doesn’t love her, the kiss won’t work. After Belle leaves, EQ comes by Rumplestiltskin’s place supposedly to make a deal regarding a certain mermaid. Ariel perhaps? But seriously, how Rumplestiltskin doesn’t just flay EQ alive in this scene is beyond me.  Her baby voice alone drove me crazy. Rumplestiltskin has already established that her little ruse with Belle didn’t work and she will never be more powerful than him, but the way EQ toys with him, letting him know that Belle’s father shunned her, locked her in a tower and basically had clerics torture her before she jumped to her death is just cruel beyond compare. Especially, since we know she’s not dead (we can’t be sure about the rest of it). I’m surprised Rumplestiltskin didn’t make a fireball and roast EQ alive right then and there.
Regina also uses manipulation to get what she wants, which is a conversation with Gold. He won’t talk with her after he takes Moe’s van, and Regina sees a way to kill two birds with one stone. Get Moe to rob Gold in revenge, and have him take something Gold would only care about if he knew who he was from the EF. Regina knows Gold won’t take this lightly and he won’t let Emma do it either. Regina also manipulates Emma. Once Gold is behind bars she can talk to him, so she let’s Emma take Henry out for ice cream so she has time alone with the prisoner. I just love how both Regina and Gold try to twist their words so they can answer truthfully, but still not give the answer needed. Regina asks for his name, Gold responds with ‘Every moment spent on this earth he’s been Mr. Gold.’ Regina asks, ‘What about moments spent elsewhere?’ And then she finally resorts to the chipped tea cup, saying she won’t return it unless he says his name. So he finally admits he’s Rumplestiltskin, and Regina basically says she’s going for a power grab.
Ashley: She’s a big sad sack in this episode.  She’s still not doing much to make me like her. At least she looks good? She’s upset because even though she and Sean are together and have Alexandra, Sean has to work double shifts and she’s stuck at home with the baby and they never get to see each other. Which, yeah, that sucks, but isn’t there anyway for Ashley to get a job so Sean doesn’t have to work so much? There have to be daycare centers there or someone who can watch Alexandra during the day, right? Or is it just a matter of wanting to be a stay-at-home mom but upset because her boyfriend has to work double shifts so they can afford for her to be a stay-at-home mom? I wasn’t too clear about why Ashley wasn’t working when she was clearly working before the baby. Anyway, the best part of this scene is Granny watching Alexandra while Ashley vents to Emma and Mary Margaret, because Granny has nothing better to do than watching a baby while running her restaurant. Ruby invites them all out for a girl’s night on Valentine’s Day, Emma says no, but the other girls are in. At girl’s night, Ashley and Mary Margaret talk about how they thought love would be different. Ashley asks, ‘What’s the point in being together if we’re never together?’, but then, of course, Sean comes in on his break and proposes to her, so everything is good for Ashley, even though they’ll still never see each other, they’ll just be legal.
Mary Margaret and David: Still continuing their affair. Still pretending they’re just hanging out at the diner separately while reading the same book about extra-marital affairs (see questions section below about this). Still pretending they don’t have feelings for one another in public. Then David is really stupid and accidently gives Mary Margaret the Valentine’s Day he got for Kathryn, which was a bonehead move (get it, because the card said ‘I Woof You’). Mary Margaret finally breaks off the affair because of what Ashley said earlier and David says he’ll find a way to be with Mary Margaret. Leave your wife, David! That’s how you can be with Mary Margaret. 
Emma: She’s pretty much just in sheriff mode in this episode. We don’t get a lot of insight into her except that she keeps telling Mr. Gold to let her handle things. She really needs to get another deputy. Don’t small town sheriffs tend to have at least one other person to work with them so they aren’t on call all the time? Emma does get to spend a little time with Henry because Regina wants to talk to Gold privately. And like the law-abiding sheriff she is, she picks time with her son over protecting her prisoner.
Is this the same Ogre War from Baelfire’s time? From Rumplestiltskin’s youth? A new one all together? There seems to be a major problem with Ogres in the EF.
Why would Mary Margaret recommend David read Anna Karenina? The story is about an extra marital affair that basically destroys the two lovers and then the woman commits suicide. I hope this is not foreshadowing what’s to come between these two.
Where is the snow? They live in Maine, it is Valentine’s Day and we’ve yet to see snow on the ground.
How small are these clothes Belle saw? The last we saw Baelfire he was almost 14, practically a man. The way Belle says small they sound like they’re for a toddler.
Can EQ hear through mirrors she couldn't see through? How else would she know about Belle leaving on that particular road?
Is Gaston dead the minute Rumplestiltskin turns him into a rose, or does he essentially bleed out when Belle cuts the stem of the rose?
Is Belle the love that Gold seems to have lost and is bitter about?
Why does Rumplestiltskin take Regina at her word that Belle is dead? Why doesn’t he listen for rumors or check it out himself? Isn’t he pretty omniscient, being able to pop up wherever he wants?
How does Regina know about the chipped cup? How did she know Gold had it in his house? How did she know where it was for Moe to steal it?
Where did Belle end up if not dead? Is she still with her father or does EQ have her?
Rumplestiltskin has now been Cinderella’s fairy godmother and Belle’s beast. We’ve yet to see him in his actual fairy tale with the miller’s daughter. I wonder what other fairy tales he’ll show up in?
Considering Belle’s very fancy dress, the rest of the castle is in shambles. The throne has rips in the fabric, the walls are peeling, and there are pieces of the castle laying all around the room they are in.
Moe French’s flower shop is called Game of Thornes
We see the spinning wheel and the puppets in Rumplestiltskin’s castle, so we know that this takes place at some point after the Jiminy Cricket episode
Rumplestiltskin covers his mirrors so Regina can’t spy on him.
Nice call out to the original Disney Beauty and the Beast by giving Belle a rose and telling her it was a beggar woman selling them (the prince is cursed as a Beast in the movie because he turned a beggar woman, who wanted to pay for a night in his castle with a rose, away who was really an enchantress).
Rumplestiltskin says he lost his son and his son’s mother. I think the fact that he doesn’t say died literally means he lost them somehow.
The cabin Gold brings Moe to is the same cabin Mary Margaret and David got stranded in during the storm in 7:15 AM.
True Love’s Kiss works even on the Dark One, but he has to be willing to let go of his power.
The nurse and janitor down in the basement ward of the hospital look like Nurse Rachet and Chief from the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, which was about inmates in a mental hospital.
Once Firsts:
Rumplestiltskin choosing his power over love.
Belle means beauty, which is why she was named that for Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.
Moe is generally a nickname for Maurice, so that fits since his EF name is Maurice.
All in all this was an amazing episode. We got to see the Beauty and the Beast story in a completely different light. Rumplestiltskin as the beast was a great way to go about that and not make it seem icky. And we got great insight into how Rumplestiltskin views himself when he’s alone. It almost makes you feel sorry for him, almost.
Please leave comments and reblog!
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thesidesareamess · 5 years
This was a writing prompt about a person who sold their first born for magic but ends up falling for the witch/wizard.
Warnings: mischievous ferret, magic? I don't really know tell me if I need to add something.
Pairings: Logan x patton (logicality)
Logan knew he shouldn’t have taken Patton up on the offer. How was he supposed to know that Patton was completely helpless when it came to romance?
“She was a huge flirt. With everyone!” Patton paces Logan's living room describing just how terrible the latest date had been.
“Patton” Logan holds up his hand rubbing his hand over his face.
“You only needed to get laid. You don’t have to have an actual relationship.” Humans with their weird need for human connection.
“What do you even plan to do with a baby Logan?” Patton stops his pacing putting his hands on his hips reminding Logan of an upset mom.
“It’s not your concern but if you must know I plan to keep them and raise them.” Logan stands from his seat adjusting his glasses.
“Well, why don’t you get laid then Mr. So-Great-With-Romance.” Patton glares at Logan. It would have been comical if his eyes didn’t sign with a hint of his own magic.
“You’re the one who made this deal Patton. Don’t forget that.” Logan snaps as he storms out of the room.
“Logan wait.” Patton chases after Logan.
“What is it, Patton? You know what you signed up for. I told you up front.” Logan glares at the wall letting his anger crash into him.
“I’m sorry.” Patton places his hand on Logan's shoulder startling the wizard.
“If you want a kid so much why don’t you adopt a kid?” Patton tilts his head the hostility from earlier completely replaced with curiosity.
“I can’t get a significant other and adoption is a mess for everyone involved,” Logan says simply taking a step forward letting Patton's hand fall.
“Okay. I’ll try harder.” Patton sighs looking at the ground.
“Patton?” Logan turns to says something just as Patton teleports away.
“I knew I shouldn’t have given him so much magic.” Logan sighs his lips tugging into a smile.
“I guess I’ll see him tomorrow.
Tomorrow came a lot sooner than Logan had planned.
“Logan!” Logan groans rolling out of his bed.
“One moment.” He groans levitating a comb through his hair as he gets his night clothes to vanish in its place a simple dark button up and a tie with some pants.
“Hurry!” Logan can feel Patton's impatiens as he finishes his morning routine.
“Calm down!” Logan groans rubbing his eyes before having his glasses fly to his face.
“Logan!” he almost growls as he walks hurriedly to the door Patton's winning not helping his mood.
“What?” He opens the door pulling himself together to greet the unwelcome guest.
“Guess what I found!” Patton basically vibrates in his spot his hands behind his back.
“I have no clue Patton but I am positive that you will show me.” Logan rolls his eyes a small grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“You’re no fun.” Patton pouts. “I found this!” He happily pulls a bundle of fur from behind him.
“Patton, what is that?” Logan looks at the creature in question his eyes wide.
“It’s a ferret!” Patton happily lifts the creature up.
“Why?” Logan leans back away from the thing.
“Cause it’s adorable.” Patton hugs the creature to him.
“It looks like a snake rat.” Logan crinkles his nose at the ferret.
“Don’t be mean. He’s beautiful.” Patton glares at Logan holding the ferret closer.
“Where did you even get it?” Logan almost wants to reach his hand out to poke the fleshy noodle.
“Pet store. Isn’t he just the cutest?” Patton gushes.
“Yeah sure.” Logan shakes his head.
“You coming in or what? It’s cold out here. Logan steps aside leaving room for Patton to enter.
“Okie dokie.” Patton laughs as he slides through the door. “Logan almost blushes as Patton slides close enough for him to smell the strawberry shampoo. He doesn’t know why he was the one who suggested the shampoo to Patton after all.
“I see you’ve been using the shampoo.” Logan watches Patton's face explode with color.
“Yeah, I like it.” He shrugs looking away from Logan.
“It smells nice.” Logan walks to the kitchen to make a pot of tea.
“You can’t just say things like that and walk away!” Patton shouts from the other room.
“Looks like I just did.” Logan chuckles to himself as he grabs the pot.
“I’ll get you for this Logan Morgan Berry!” Logan winces.
“I regret giving you that information.” He fills the pot of water before placing it on his stove.
“Don’t care.” Patton strolls into the room the ferret still being held helplessly in his grasp. Logan almost feels bad for it.
“Do you have anything to eat?”
“you tell me. You’re the one with his head in my fridge.” Logan rolls his eyes as he grabs two mugs.
“Well, it doesn’t seem like you have much here.” Patton pulls his head from the fridge a small grapevine hanging from his lips.
“Yay tea.” Patton mutter around the grapes.
“Yeah now get over here.” Logan sits at the table levitating the pot over to the mugs.
“Two cubes of sugar for you and some honey.” Logan carefully places the ingredients into Patton's mug.
“One cube of sugar and cinnamon cause you’re weird.” Patton hands Logan his cup as Logan levitates Patton's to him. Logan almost chuckles at how in tune they have grown after a month of failed setups.
“So any more date lined up?” Patton leans against the table blowing on his cup.
“Not at the moment. I’m afraid your visit is in vain.” Logan adjusts his glasses setting his own cup down ready for Patton to just up and go.
“Alright cool. I’ll just chill with you then.” Patton takes a sip of his tea letting out a hum of satisfaction.
“Hmm?” Logan glances around.
“Where's the ferret?” Patton's eyes widened to that of plates.
“Uh oh.” Patton places his cup down.
“You lost it.” Logan shakes his head.
“I didn’t lose him I just’ Misplaced him?”
“very convincing.”
Logan stands from his seat letting his magic drift throughout the house.
“Come here you rodent,” Logan mutters as a levitating ferret comes floating into the room.
“What am I going to do with you, Patton?” Logan groans letting Patton pluck the creature from the air.
“You know you love me.” Patton teases his focus on the ferret.
“Falsehood!” Logan shouts pointing an accusing finger at Patton.
“I do not have the capability of loving someone.” Logan almost shouts his posture returning to a stiff contrast of the relaxed one earlier.
“I’m sorry.” Patton stares at Logan in a mix of shock and hurt.
“I should go.” Patton hurries towards the door the ferret swinging limply.
“Wait, Patton.” Logan tries to call out only to be met with the closing of the door.
Logan doesn’t know why he should care. He shouldn't. Patton was basically a business partner in a way. Logan shouldn’t care if he had hurt his feelings and yet here he was sitting on his couch his mind replaying the event that had scared Patton away. Logan looks at the steaming cup that Patton had left. Logan brought it with him to the living room in hopes that maybe Patton would come back.
“I don’t have emotions.” Logan tries to shake off the small voice that was saying falsehood in the back of his mind. It’s not like Logan actually cared for Patton. Definitely not. It’s not like Patton stumbling on the cottage was the first time Logan had contact with anyone in over a year. Nor did Patton's smile always seem to warm him in some way. Patton's laughter clearly did nothing to him. Neither did Patton use of the shampoo Logan had told him to get. Logan definitely didn’t feel a twisting in his stomach at seeing Patton coming in his door after another date. Who was he kidding Logan had somehow grown infatuated with the man with the strange hobbies.
“Illogical. Emotions are illogical.” Logan places his head in his hands groaning.
“I can’t just sit here he might not come back.” Logan stands from his seat and walks to the door.
“Logan?” Logan pulls the door open to be greeted by a bright red Patton. “Um hi.” Patton waves.
“Hi.” logan is a useless gay.
“May I come in?” Logan nods stepping to the side. Patton doesn’t brush against him nore get close enough for Logan to smell his hair. Logan tries not to let that hurt him.
“May I talk to you?” Patton twists his hands together his chewed nail almost gone.
“Yeah.” Logan walks to the couch robotically.
“I’m sorry for running off.” Patton sits in the armchair. Again Logan feels a slight pang in his chest.
“I should be the one apologizing. I was the one who yelled.” Logan sighs his body relaxing slightly.
“I didn’t run because you yelled,” Patton mutters almost to low for Logan to hear.
“Run that by me again.”
“I didn’t run because you yelled. I ran because I love you.”
Patton looks logan in the eyes before looking away again. Logan stares at him his face turning a dark shade of ready.
“I should go. I only came to explain why I ran.” Patton quickly stands almost running to the door again.
“Patton!” logan grabs his wrist.
“I’m sorry. I know you said that you don’t have feelings. I know.” Logan stares as tears cascade down Patton's cheeks.
“I was wrong,” Logan whispers tugging Patton towards him careful not to hurt the man.
“What?” Patton wipes at his eyes looking at Logan confused.
“I was wrong. I’m sorry. I was so so wrong.” Logan pulls Patton into a hug earning a shocked gasp from him.
“Can I kiss you?” Logan pulls back enough to look at Patton.
“You want to kiss me?” Patton looks dubious.
“Yes.” Logan wipes his thumb under Patton's eye stealing a few escaped tears.
“Yes.” Patton leans forwards locking his lips with Logan.
“So what are you going to name him?” Roman looks over at the baby in Patton's arms.
“Virgil.” Patton bends down letting the child look at Virgil.
“That’s a strange name.” Roman reaches his hand out poking the baby on the cheek.
“Roman.” Roman steps back looking over at his mother. “It’s okay Valerie.” Patton waves her off handing Virgil to Logan.
“Here honey.” Patton gives him a peck on the cheek earning a dramatic groan from Roman.
“Mom they’re spreading cooties.” Roman sticks his tongue out at them.
“Oh shush you goof.” Patton ruffles his hair.
“Hey!” Roman shouts trying to fix his hair.
“Patton.” Logan rolls his eyes at Patton as he continues to mess with Roman. If you had told Logan that after only a few years of dating Patton that he’d be starting a family, making friends, and having a good time all at the same time he would have laughed. Now he’s married to Patton and they have adopted a small bundle of joy.
The loud wailing of Virgil from the other room is a bleak reminder of the lack of sleep Logan seems to get.
“Patton it’s your turn.” logan mumbles shaking his husband.
“You bought him you deal with him.” Patton gives a sleepy chuckle as he curls under the blanket.
“I regret ever making that deal with you.” Logan can’t help smile slightly as he rolls out of bed.
“You love me.” Patton yawns looking at him with tired eyes.
“Yeah, I do.” Logan walks out of the room to deal with the balling baby.
“Hey what's wrong Virg.” Logan lifts the small creature into his arms rocking him softly.
“Don’t look at me like that you’re the one who woke me up.” Logan chuckles as Virgil glares at him with his tiny face.
“You and Roman will definitely get along. You’re both overly dramatic.”
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lunar-lair · 5 years
LAMP Headcanons
LAMP is just. So Good. I need more of this
Logan has a specific pet name for the other three. Patton is his sun, Virgil is his moon, and Roman is his star, though he modifies them a bit for better names, like sunshine or Leo for Pat (lions are affiliated with the sun in alchemy), starlight and stardust for Ro, and moonlight or Luna for Virge. He uses 'love' and 'darling' a lot for all of them, because they're basic and get his point across. Plus, they feel right for him.
Virge doesn't really use pet names very often, but he usually uses 'sweetheart' or 'satellite' for Lo, the first just because it makes him blush a lot and the second in reference to Lo calling him his moon all the time, 'honey' and 'my angel' for Pat because they feel right and Patton is just. He really is an angel. And he uses 'love' and 'my Prince' for Ro a lot because again, first makes him blush, and the second is just. Right. Yknow? He uses 'darling' for all of them though, because they are dear to him. And it feels right.
Roman and Patton just use all kinds of nicknames for all their boyfriends, including each other. And when it's just those two together, they'll make it a battle and see who blushes first. Roman loses a lot, because yes, he is romance, but he also loves being romanced. Like. Well it makes sense to me
Really in most situations Roman is the first to blush. He just gets so flustered so quickly, because he loves all of them so much oh my Go d. Virgil is next, because God I love them how did they choose me?? And then Pat because God I love them they're all so sweet and then Logan because God I love them but I'm bad at processing it. Logan is last purely because he's the best at holding it back.
Whenever one of them is sad, they get together on the couch and cuddle with some tea so they can talk it out. It usually ends up with a lot of tear-stained faces and many, many kisses. All the kisses. So many.
Roman really likes sneaking up behind the two with glasses and pulling them off by reaching around, whirling them around, and kissing them. Sometimes he picks them up bridal style. He does this with Pat a lot more often since it's easier to steal his glasses since he can just reach down a bit.
He also really likes sneaking up behind to give kisses on the back of their necks when they aren't paying attention. This usually ends up in Patton giggling, turning around, and kissing back, Logan chuckling and doing the same, and uh. Okay so they all just kinda laugh and kiss back but shh. But whenever he does it to Virge he really telegraphs it, and makes sure it's gentle. The first time he did it he scared the hell out of Virge, so he tries to be careful about it now. He sets his hand on Virgil's shoulder really slowly, and usually comes in for a backwards hug, different to the other two, as he usually just pecks their neck real quick. But he keeps it quiet with Virge, usually asking how he's doing.
In general, they keep things a little less energetic with Virgil. They don't treat him like glass-they learned their lesson after the first time they saw him have a panic attack-but they try their best to keep him calm. Of course, if he's happy and energetic, they'll be bouncy with him, but ya gotta know what level he's at. They all have this special voice, just for him, one that's nice and calm, especially when he's more anxious than usual.
They don't like keeping secrets from each other, but Virgil does it the most. He feels like he's bothering them with his 'stupid' problems and keeps it to himself, but then he feels guilty from keeping it from them...yeah. Eventually the others will notice and movie nights will become an immediate order.
Roman and Patton love to fluster the hell out of Virgil and Logan. They just team up and start spouting all kinds of pet names, and they make it a game to see who flusters whoever they've set their sights on first.
Logan, Virgil, and Roman have absolutely written poetry about their boys. Virgil's often has a theme of 'how did you get to loving me?' and about how he's the luckiest in the world, Logan's and Roman's also sharing that sentiment. Logan's also goes over how well they fit together and stuff, using his pet names for them and then puzzle metaphors a lot. Roman has a lot about their beauty over all, just the usual 'god so amazing' dashing prince stuff he's good with. Roman has just one or two about the prospect of losing them, but Virgil has...A Good Bit. He's terrified to lose them, to break everything for them, too, just cause of his stupid ass saying something wrong or taking something wrong.
Speaking of that, Virgil tread so, SO lightly when they first started dating, oh my god. I'm going with they started dating all at once because I Cannot handle just one or two of them left out. (Side-eyes Superfluous (yeah. Yeah, im talking to you random-slasher. Come catch these ha nds-)) But he apologized even more than he usually does, and said 'yes' to everything, that kind of thing, yknow? They had to have this whole conversation about it, how they weren't dating him for pity, and how he didn't need to be so careful.
It also took Virge an awful long time to understand that they wouldn't leave him. Even after those first few weeks of crazy bad fear over breaking things, he still tread lightly rather often. The others had to say outright, again, that they loved him so much and they would never leave him. Every now and then he gets doubtful again because of something he accidently did or did in the past, and everyone gives him extra love all around for weeks afterward.
Virgil is also depression, as we know, and when he gets depressed he locks himself in his room so he doesn't 'bring them down'. The others often pull him out of his room for food, cuddles, sleep, and other necessities he had been ignoring while depressed. Of course, it doesn't make it disappear-nothing can-but at least it makes him a bit happier.
If Patton expresses any amount of sadness, he is likely to immediately be tackle hugged. This goes for all of them.
When Roman's feeling bad about his work, they have one of their famous cuddle piles and praise all of the amazing things he's made and how amazing he is.
When Logan works for days on end, they pull him into a cuddle pile with tea and have Virgil sing. Virgil's voice is so amazingly calming, especially to Logan. That's not to say Roman's isn't, but it seems Virgil's is made to be used in lullabies.
Over all, they're all there to support each other and it's great. (Al so. Thomas summons them and they're just all in a cuddle pile and they appear on the couch. It's adorable.)
Back to the dashing prince stuff, with all the complimenting, Ro can be found at least 80% of the time complimenting his lovers, Patton easily complimenting back. Lo and Virge just blush a lot and stay silent and say thanks quietly respectively, though with rather similar happy, love-struck smiles on their faces.
Their standard sleeping position is Virgil and Patton on the inside and Logan and Roman on the outside. Patton rolls off the bed and Virgil sleeps better with someone on both sides of him. It makes him feel safe. This changes depending on problems and emotions, obviously.
Virge and Pat are a bit shorter and definitely tinier than their boyfriends, and so they steal their clothes so. Damn. O f t e n. They'll even trade stolen clothes. Lo and Ro don't mind a whole ton, tho, considering their bfs look fucking adorable. Speaking of The Tall Troupe as Virge calls them, they swap clothes, too, but just. The normal stuff. And so do The Smol Squad as Ro calls them, considering they're closer in size.
Speaking of the clothes trading, Virgil is officially permitted to sneak into the tall two's room whenever he needs to to get a big, comfy hoodie that smells like one of his boyfriends to calm him down. Of course, Patton welcomes him as well, but Virgil just rather enjoys the larger size.
Every now and then, they go stargazing in Roman's realm. Virgil finds the sky calming, Ro and Pat just think it's beautiful, and Lo just really likes astronomy. The other three's real favorite part of stargazing is watching Logan's eyes light up, and learning about the stars. They eventually know enough that they trickle in fun facts in convos, and Logan's so proud.
They also go into Ro's realm for adventures, though it's far more likely they're there to see fae and other creatures as they are imagined by Thomas. Virgil adores foxes (pretty and cool. Long and like wolf cats), Pat loves ferrets (they're so long and adorable! Look at it's little eyes, Ro!!!) and Logan thinks frogs are fascinating (they change shape. Isn't that amazing, Ro? And they're just...i dunno. They seem...cool, you could say) and Ro thinks wolves are awesome (they're like dogs but cooler! They howl!!!!). And Ro conjured up a little cottage a long time ago that he used to stay in, alone, when he needed to be, but now he conjures up said cool animals, they go for a walk with those animals and some others all around them and beautiful scenery, and they snuggle on the couch in the cottage and hang out. In winter, he conjures the ones that can live in the cold (white foxes, white wolves, ferrets are still normal!!) and they marvel at the beautiful snow and the pines and have hot chocolate and wear cute sweaters. When they decide they want a nice rainy day, they dance in the rain and take walks and swim. And at the end of the day, before they get out of the imagination to go to sleep or watch a movie marathon, they watch the sunset together and snuggle on the hill the cottage is on, and they return to their warm home with their sweet lovers and they look at each other with this love in their eyes, and they know they made the right choice to get together, and it's all always so soft and nice :'))
(Akslddl sorry abt that I got rlly sappy there,,,,,)
Virgil took a long time to admit he was also depression. He was so scared they would throw him away, (back to the dark sides and the mean and the dark and i love them they can't can they?? Yes they can and they will god they'll think you're terrible, don't tell them. They'll mock you for so long, and you can't go back. It's better you die now-) and he kept spiraling and he started to avoid them. They noticed, and they kept pursuing him, and they finally cornered him and...he broke down. He finally admitted it, admitted it all, how the others treated him and each other, and how he didn't want to go back there. None of them understood and tried to scare him more, and it hurt Thomas, but their goal was Thomas becoming a horrible person rather often, and if that meant making him depressed, won't that make him bitter? A perfect plan, and a perfect storm to follow. But they promised they would never, because they wouldn't. Of course he would always have doubts, he's anxiety, but that didn't mean they couldn't remind him as often as possible.
This leads to Logan researching as much as he could about depression (he had done so concerning anxiety long ago. He could do so again, for his moon.) and made sure to inform the others as well. Soon both Virgil and Thomas were feeling a lot better, much like when they learned and helped even before they knew they loved each other.
Speaking of that time, after Accepting Anxiety, they did all they could to learn, to help, to convince. They did all they could, and Virgil was certainly thankful. Them caring for him in that way is what really made him realize he was in love in the first place.
Virge was actually the one to confess to the others. He was already crying halfway through his sentence, but he wanted to get it out of the way so he could get over it faster if he got thrown back to the others, the darks. Patton tackle hugged him and the others surrounded them, all three confessing in turn as well. They all cried tears of joy, and ended up cuddling on the couch the whole night.
Roman holds most of the talent of the group, of course, but the others hold it at least a little, and Virgil's voice is absolutely amazing. As said before, he is the protector. Personally, something I do to calm down from anxiety is sing, and since, in a way, Virgil protects the other's from the brunt of the anxiety he holds, it would make sense he could sing. ...right? Idk my logics been faulty for years now. Of course, singing is also how Roman calms Virge down, but Virge is there for all the others. He sings low and deep, using the bottom of Thomas's range the most, and has a lullaby-like voice. It knocks them all out in seconds, and it does the same for Virge, eventually, since all the others are asleep.
Virge is known among the others to not tell them when he's uncomfortable or sad, etc. since the anxiety insists it's dumb and they'll think he's dumb for thinking it. Logan found this out in the process of looking things up concerning anxiety, and so from the beginning they always ask him when he seems slightly off. Again, they learned, so they keep it low-key, though Patton goes a bit over board sometimes. Virgil knows he's just trying to help, though. Over all, he's just so grateful for their concern.
Logan, at times, is still terrible at understanding emotions. It infuriates him, because if he can't understand this warm feeling in his gut how does he express it? How does he express how beautiful the others are to him? And so he does so by way of physical affection. It's the only way he can think of. Before, he wasn't very touchy-feely but now he hugged them and peppered their faces with kisses and kissed their cheek when he stopped by and he realized this was what he needed all along. He quickly understood just how much he loved these men, and it overcame him. He had never truly felt something so powerful-love, the thing that permeates all logic. But he certainly didn't mind. One day, he found words to explain it, and for a long while he would tear up while with the others. At first they were concerned, but it wasn't long before they understood he was merely overwhelmed.
Over all, they just run through all their insecurities together and it's wholesome and nice. Some Good Shit, if I do say so myself, which I do.
Virgil cannot properly sleep in his room, and for good reason. After Accepting Anxiety, they realized it was most likely near impossible. Virgil hadn't realized, but once he slept in one of the others' rooms, he was like 'huh.' so he started sleeping there instead, on the floor at first. Not long after Accepting Anxiety, however, he confessed, they started dating, and he started sleeping in the beds. Being with the others was even better. He often sleeps with Ro, since singing calms him down, but he sings when they all sleep together.
Soooo this has been in my drafts for a like...a month bc I kept editing it like...every night. But now I'm getting random bursts of inspiration, and this is already like...fanfic kinds of long so I am officially releasing it!! I wanma see feed back and stuff so. Yeah!! And I'll just rb it whenever I get some inspiration again. I'm also probably gonna make a general headcanons list so watch out for that, I guess. Maybe a meta list, too. I have a few pages for that stuff in my writing note book. Anyways, Sanders Sides has given me the most inspiration for headcanons literally ever, and the most inspiration for writing since the last time I was in the Phandom (Danny Phantom fandom, if you kids don't go there) and it's amazing!! Sorry for the splitting up of the ships and emotions and stuff, but that's how my brain works. It separates stuff, y'know?
Also, a fourth of this stuff is stuff I've heard with a spin on it. Sorry about that, I guess. And sorry this whole thing is such a mess; like I said, I wrote it over the span of like...a while. Anyways, hope you guys liked it!!
Edit: Oh hey it's shorter now. Cool.
Give me validation-
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bob-artist · 6 years
How do you keep your ferrets entertained? My girls are never interested in toys beyond tunnels and occasionally, a box of shredded paper or bubble wrap
My ferrets are still young (Tux will be 4 in a couple months, and Kit/Miss Rudy will be 3), so it’s a little easier to keep them entertained because they’re still in that stage where they get super excited about small dumb things.  That said, they’ve definitely settled down since their baby days, which makes me kind of sad, lol.  But like, today I stacked a bunch of cardboard boxes against the front door to keep out a draft, and I shoved some old skirts next to them to keep them in place, and of course the ferrets dismantled my setup and then had a blast playing in the skirts for like 20 minutes.
They’re also all close to each other in age, meaning they have similar energy levels and really enjoy playing with each other.  Any game they play usually becomes 1000x more exciting to them when all three are involved, though sometimes they aren’t all in the mood to play - or Kit goes too crazy and the other two nope out of the room - or Miss Rudy stalks and harasses Tux to try to get him to play when he just doesn’t feel like playing rough. XD
My ferrets currently have a lot of space to run and a lot of built-in things to play with.  Their actual favorite toy is the living room sofas, because they can build forts with the cushions and play hide-and-seek games under the upholstered flaps around the legs.  (The chaise in my new condo doesn’t have flaps ;_; so I’m going to try to drape a throw blanket and maybe construct something flappy for underneath when I finally finish moving.)
I don’t play with them as much as they play with each other, because I have a job and they don’t. ^_^  But when I do, they seem to have fun.
I’m just gonna try and list all the “toys” and games my ferrets have access to, so y’all can get ideas for whatever is feasible to add to your setup:
“Toys” my ferrets have:
Sofa with movable back cushions and upholstery flaps
Throw pillows (fun for wrestling and going for pillow rides)
Random clothes thrown on the ground
Clothes I’m currently wearing (Miss Rudy loves my hoodies)
Towels (magic carpet rides!)
Blankets (for burrowing or billowing up so they can play under - just make a habit of never stepping on blankets on the floor unless they are PERFECTLY flat, so you don’t step on anyone who might have gone to sleep inside)
A heavy rug with fringes and one corner folded over (their favorite makeshift tunnel)
Actual tunnels
Clean+safe packaging items from groceries (I throw them on the floor and leave them for a day or two so the ferrets can play with them before moving them to the recycling.  Stuff like tea boxes, cardboard bottle holders, clean empty bottles, etc.)
Shopping bags - paper/plastic/cloth (I like to fluff out plastic grocery bags and place them upside down (aka “crumbly home”), and the ferrets jump on them and crush them)
Old stuffed animals (for wrestling - I make the stuffed animal “fight” them, or for them to steal)
handmade knitted balls and jingly toys (from ferret shows/cons/shelter events)
ping pong balls
ball pit
dangly cat toys (they can only play with them if I’m playing with them; they don’t get to stash them)
cardboard boxes+packaging from mail order items (just don’t leave them unattended with packing peanuts, even the water-soluble kind, and avoid styrofoam inserts too)
bubble envelopes (just cut off the adhesive edge if it’s exposed - that glue can be SUPER strong even after it’s used)
a slinky (they use it as a tunnel and go :V V: at each other from either end, or I occasionally send it down the stairs for them)
hard rubber pet toys (for stealing/stashing, inspected regularly)
“goodie bags” (I take a cloth bag or container and stuff it full of old clothes and other random crap so the ferrets can dig it all out)
big bowl of water (for playing and splashing, a fun bathtub game, you can also include hard toys in the bowl - or gently running water in the tub - not all ferrets enjoy water games of course)
crumpled paper balls
my neglected half-packed suitcase from whatever my last trip was :/
school bags/tote bags (just make sure there’s nothing inside that’s unsafe for them or that you don’t want ruined, like erasers or phone accessories)
shoes (Miss Rudy loves my barely used indoor gym shoes and shower sandals -_- but don’t let them chew/lick the heels of outdoor shoes)
foraging toys (stick a healthy/not-too-messy treat inside something where they ferret has to work to get it out - like inside the aforementioned goodie bag.  Can also use kibble if your ferrets are kibble-fed)
3- or 4-gallon garbage cans (I insist they aren’t a toy, but the ferrets disagree)
a Pet Threads flounder bed (I have one in the ball pit, so it becomes part of their ball pit games.  Any covered/cave-style fabric pet bed would do.)
dig box (I don’t have one but my pet sitter does, and I plan to make one in my new place)
my arm (for wrestling, and chewing if you’re Miss Rudy XD)
guests in the house who are familiar and comfortable around ferrets but are only around occasionally (fun for ferrets to chase and stalk and interfere with at every turn XD)
me just being busy and trying to perform a task (again, fun for ferrets to chase and stalk and interfere with at every turn ;_; )
forbidden whole prey (they occasionally sneak food out of the cage without my permission, and if it’s a relatively non-gross piece, I let them play with it for a little while.  They like to take turns stashing it, and chasing whoever is carrying it - and it seems like an actual game rather than just food stealing, because they often wait for the others to chase them before running off and stashing it.  Just make sure to throw away anything that gets too decomposed, and clean/disinfect.  This is a pretty gross game that I don’t really recommend; it only happens in my house by accident, but they just enjoy it so much. -_- )
FORBIDDEN ROOM (aka a brief supervised field trip into a room that’s safe but normally off limits)
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88thparallel · 6 years
After the Storm
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(A quick fluffy ficlet. More and tags under the cut)
A quiet rumble of thunder sounded far off as John fished out his keys, switching his umbrella to his right hand and unlocking the door to 221 with his left. Just his luck that it would pour his whole walk home, showers only slowing now that he’d reached his destination.
He shook out his brolly and put it in the holder by the door, hung his coat on the hook at the base of the stairs, and shook himself off to dispel the few water droplets clinging to his legs.
Giggles and answering murmurs floated down from the first storey, and John couldn’t help but smile as he climbed the steps. He never knew what to expect when he got home from work — just yesterday he’d arrived to find an unlikely concert, with Sherlock playing “Redwing” on his violin fiddle-style, while Rosie shook tambourines in each hand while blowing full force into a neon pink plastic kazoo.
Some days it was near silence, Sherlock buried in a book while Rosie colored in her My First Science Activity Book. John had found them in the middle of tea parties and plush toy interrogations (attempting to ferret out the location of a lost princess Elsa crown), and even curled up, fast asleep on the couch once.
So what would it be today?
He paused on the landing, listening to the conversation in the kitchen. He never felt guilty about this kind of eavesdropping, treasuring the little moments between Sherlock and Rosie he happened to witness unnoticed.
Sherlock’s voice, soft and calm: “Alright, Petal, let’s get those safety goggles on.”
“Safety gobbles on,” Rosie affirmed cheerfully.
Ah. An experiment, then.
“Good. I’m going to do this part, because the water is very hot. Sit back a little. Alright, we’ll fill this up just a bit … okay. Quickly, let’s take a look — see how the water is so hot it’s turning to gas? Do you remember what that gas is called?”
“Steam!” she announced triumphantly.
“Very good!” Sherlock praised. “And what is the steam doing?”  
“Uh… going up in the air?”
“That’s right, the steam is rising. Now, I need you to be my helper. Can you put that plate on top here?”
“Like this?”
“Yes, that’s perfect.”
“Can I put the ice on now?”
“Not yet, we need to give it a few moments first. The steam still wants to rise, but we just blocked it with the plate. Now the hot steam is going to collect on the bottom of the plate. That’s called condensation.”
“Con-den-sation,” Sherlock enunciated patiently.
“Spot on. So we have hot steam — condensation — on the bottom of the plate. What do you think will happen when we put the cold ice cubes on the top of the plate? It’s alright if you aren’t sure, that’s why we’re doing the experiment. But with everything you already know, you can make an educated guess. That’s called a hypothesis.”
John could practically see Rosie thinking, her little eyebrows pulled together in concentration beneath her tiny safety glasses.
After a few moments she began hesitantly, “I hy-poth-esis that —”
“You hypothesize that… ” Sherlock gently corrected.
“Oh. I hy-pothe-size the ice will melt.”
“Ah, a very good hypothesis, indeed, Rosie. Very smart.” Although John couldn’t see Sherlock, he could hear the grin in his voice.  “Now this is my favorite part, we get to find out together.”
John shook his head in amazement, affection washing over him. The person Sherlock had once been, aloof and cold, defending himself with a façade of disinterest and hostility, seemed surreal now. Hre in the cozy confines of their home, the madman John had agreed to share a flat with a decade ago had practically turned into a teddy bear, especially when it came to his step-daughter.
There had been a time John thought he’d never have this, that they’d never have this: that he and Sherlock would never be more than just friends, that he’d never allow himself to love and be loved again, that Rosie would never have two wonderful, doting parents.
Now, he came home every day to a flat full of love and a family he’d once only dreamed of.
There was the sound of ice cubes being dropped gently onto ceramic and an almost-whispered, “look.”
“Papa!” Rosie gasped. “It’s raining! It’s raining in the jar!”
Sherlock laughed warmly at her genuine wonder, and John’s heart filled with overwhelming love. He couldn’t hold back any longer. “What have we here?” he said, stepping into the kitchen with a smile.
“Daddy!” Rosie exclaimed, and she pushed back from the table quickly.
“Careful, Petal,” Sherlock gently chided, his hand hovering over her back, ready to steady her as she jumped down off her chair. Riotous blonde curls in a tiny lab apron and goggles launched into John’s arms.
“Daddy, we’re making rain!”
“Rain?” John chuckled, kissing the top of her head before setting her down. “Don’t we have enough of that outside?”  He leaned down to steal a kiss from Sherlock as well, forehead bumping the top edge of his safety glasses as their lips met.
Sherlock smiled and helped Rosie back into her seat. The table was spread with wide-mouth glass jars, shaving cream, food coloring, ice cubes, and pitchers of water.
“We’ve been doing ‘speriments, Daddy!”
“Thought it was an appropriate day to learn a bit more about the weather,” Sherlock said, shuffling aside some child-friendly diagrams depicting cloud-types to retrieve some art Rosie had done.
“That’s wonderful, Darling,” John said, smiling at the crayon drawing of the three of them in stick-figure form beneath a big sun and blue sky. He turned and affixed it to the fridge with a magnet.
“Papa, can we do the cloud ‘speriment one more time? To show Daddy?”
“Absolutely,” Sherlock agreed, grabbing a clean jar. “But I think I forgot how it goes… can you tell me?”
John watched as Rosie helped Sherlock to collect the items they needed. They filled the jar with water first, then Sherlock guided Rosie to hold the can of shaving cream, his large, well-manicured fingers covering Rosie’s tiny purple sparkly ones as they squirted a big “cloud” on top of the water. Then, hand-over-hand in the same fashion, Sherlock helped her gently drop dots of blue food coloring on the foam.
“You won’t believe this, Daddy!” Rosie said with a grin, then looked to Sherlock knowingly, delighted they shared a secret that John was only just going to learn.
John pursed his lips to stop himself from smiling, trying to school his expression so she’d know he was taking it seriously. He raised his eyebrows and let his jaw drop in surprise as the color percolated down through the shaving cream, streaking through the water like rain.
“That’s amazing!” John exclaimed, and Rosie’s face lit up.
“Be right back!” she announced, then climbed back down off of her chair and ran upstairs to her room.
John looked at Sherlock in awe. “You really are amazing. Absolutely amazing.”
“It’s just primary school science,” Sherlock said dismissively, removing his safety glasses and standing to move the jars to the sink.
“That’s not what I mean, and you know it.” John wrapped his arms around Sherlock, pressed his chest into Sherlock’s back, and tenderly placed a kiss below his ear.
“By the end she was practically running it all without me.” He murmured, turning his head to nuzzle into John. “Your daughter is brilliant, John.”
“Your daughter is brilliant,” John whispered in Sherlock’s ear, squeezing him tighter to emphasize the point. “Despite her genetics,” he laughed, “so it’s obviously nurture, not nature on this one.”
The sound of running feet above them made John pull away. “No running on the stairs!” he called authoritatively.
Rosie skidded to a halt in the middle of the sitting room, then spun to face them.
“But the sun is out, Daddy! I have one more ‘speriment to show you!”
John blinked and let go of Sherlock, and they both turned to see. Indeed, warm beams of light now shone in through the tall windows, and birds sang cheerfully outside.
“Papa says this is what happens after a storm.”
John looked at Sherlock inquisitively, but his only answer was a small half-smile Sherlock couldn’t keep from tugging at his lips.
Rosie placed a small prism down on the desk, directly in a bright beam of light, and the room was instantly washed in stripes of color.
If ever there was a better metaphor for his life, John could not fathom it. Here in this flat, with the two people he loved more than life itself… Dreams truly were found at the end of rainbows after all, and there could be no rainbow without a storm first.
Sherlock’s arm looped around John’s waist, drawing him close, as if he knew what John was thinking. Of course he did, he always did. The kiss they shared was chaste but full of emotion, mindful of the small person who giggled and covered her eyes with her hands.
“Well come on, then,” John said rolling his eyes in mock exasperation before a grin broke out over his face, and they bent together to lift her into a hug when she ran into their waiting arms.
Tagging a few of you who might care:
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boreothegoldfinch · 3 years
chapter 6 paragraph iv
I still saw him—just not as much. More and more he spent nights with Kotku and her mother at the Double R Apartments—a transient hotel really, a broken down motor court from the 1950s, on the highway between the airport and the Strip, where guys who looked like illegal immigrants stood around the courtyard by the empty swimming pool and argued over motorcycle parts. (“Double R?” said Hadley. “You know what that stands for, right? ‘Rats and Roaches.’ ”) Kotku, mercifully, didn’t accompany Boris to my house all that much, but even when she wasn’t around he talked about her constantly. Kotku had cool taste in music and had made him a mix CD with a bunch of smoking hot hip-hop that I really had to listen to. Kotku liked her pizza with green peppers and olives only. Kotku really really wanted an electronic keyboard— also a Siamese kitten, or maybe a ferret, but wasn’t allowed to have pets at the Double R. “Serious, you need to spend more time with her, Potter,” he said, bumping my shoulder with his. “You’ll like her.” “Oh come on,” I said, thinking of the smirky way she behaved around me —laughing at the wrong time, in a nasty way, always commanding me to go to the fridge to fetch her beers. “No! She likes you! She does! I mean, she thinks of you more as a little brother. That’s what she said.” “She never says a word to me.” “That’s because you don’t talk to her.” “Are you guys screwing?” Boris made an impatient noise, the sound he made when things didn’t go his way. “Dirty mind,” he said, tossing the hair out of his eyes, and then: “What? What do you think? Do you want me to make you a map?” “Draw you a map.” “Eh?” “That’s the phrase. ‘Do you want me to draw you a map.’ ” Boris rolled his eyes. Waving his hands around, he started in again about how intelligent Kotku was, how “crazy smart,” how wise she was and how much life she had lived and how unfair I was to judge her and look down on her without bothering to get to know her; but while I sat half listening to him talk, and half watching an old noir movie on television (Fallen Angel, Dana Andrews), I couldn’t help thinking about how he’d met Kotku in what was essentially Remedial Civics, the section for students who weren’t smart enough (even in our extremely non-demanding school) to pass without extra help. Boris—good at mathematics without trying and better in languages than anyone I’d ever met—had been forced into Civics for Dummies because he was a foreigner: a school requirement which he greatly resented. (“Because why? Am I likely to be someday voting for Congress?”) But Kotku— eighteen! born and raised in Clark County! American citizen, straight off of Cops!—had no such excuse. Over and over, I caught myself in mean-spirited thoughts like this, which I did my best to shake. What did I care? Yes, Kotku was a bitch; yes, she was too dumb to pass regular Civics and wore cheap hoop earrings from the drugstore that were always getting caught in things, and yes, even though she was only eighty-one pounds or whatever she still scared the hell out of me, like she might kick me to death with her pointy-toed boots if she got mad enough. (“She a little fighta nigga,” Boris himself had said boastfully at one point as he hopped around throwing out gang signs, or what he thought were gang signs, and regaling me with a story of how Kotku had pulled out a bloody chunk of some girl’s hair—this was another thing about Kotku, she was always getting in scary girl fights, mostly with other white trash girls like herself but occasionally with the real gangsta girls, who were Latina and black.) But who cared what crappy girl Boris liked? Weren’t we still friends? Best friends? Brothers practically?
Then again: there was not exactly a word for Boris and me. Until Kotku came along, I had never thought too much about it. It was just about drowsy air-conditioned afternoons, lazy and drunk, blinds closed against the glare, empty sugar packets and dried-up orange peels strewn on the carpet, “Dear Prudence” from the White Album (which Boris adored) or else the same mournful old Radiohead over and over: For a minute I lost myself, I lost myself… The glue we sniffed came on with a dark, mechanical roar, like the windy rush of propellers: engines on! We fell back on the bed into darkness, like sky divers tumbling backwards out of a plane, although—that high, that far gone —you had to be careful with the bag over your face or else you were picking dried blobs of glue out of your hair and off the end of your nose when you came to. Exhausted sleep, spine to spine, in dirty sheets that smelled of cigarette ash and dog, Popchik belly-up and snoring, subliminal whispers in the air blowing from the wall vents if you listened hard enough. Whole months passed where the wind never stopped, blown sand rattling against the windows, the surface of the swimming pool wrinkled and sinister-looking. Strong tea in the mornings, stolen chocolate. Boris yanking my hair by the handful and kicking me in the ribs. Wake up, Potter. Rise and shine. I told myself I didn’t miss him, but I did. I got stoned alone, watched Adult Access and the Playboy channel, read Grapes of Wrath and The House of the Seven Gables which seemed as if they had to be tied for the most boring book ever written, and for what felt like thousands of hours—time enough to learn Danish or play the guitar if I’d been trying—fooled around in the street with a fucked-up skateboard Boris and I had found in one of the foreclosed houses down the block. I went to swim-team parties with Hadley —no-drinking parties, with parents present—and, on the weekends, attended parents-away parties of kids I barely knew, Xanax bars and Jägermeister shots, riding home on the hissing CAT bus at two a.m. so fucked up that I had to hold the seat in front of me to keep from falling out in the aisle. After school, if I was bored, it was easy enough to go hang out with one of the big lackadaisical stoner crowds who floated around between Del Taco and the kiddie arcades on the Strip. But still I was lonely. It was Boris I missed, the whole impulsive mess of him: gloomy, reckless, hot-tempered, appallingly thoughtless. Boris pale and pasty, with his shoplifted apples and his Russian-language novels, gnaweddown fingernails and shoelaces dragging in the dust. Boris—budding alcoholic, fluent curser in four languages—who snatched food from my plate when he felt like it and nodded off drunk on the floor, face red like he’d been slapped. Even when he took things without asking, as he all too frequently did —little things were always disappearing, DVDs and school supplies from my locker, more than once I’d caught him going through my pockets for money —his own possessions meant so little to him that somehow it wasn’t stealing; whenever he came into cash himself, he split it with me down the middle and anything that belonged to him, he gave me gladly if I asked for it (and sometimes when I didn’t, as when Mr. Pavlikovsky’s gold lighter, which I’d admired in passing, turned up in the outside pocket of my backpack). The funny thing: I’d worried, if anything, that Boris was the one who was a little too affectionate, if affectionate is the right word. The first time he’d turned in bed and draped an arm over my waist, I lay there half-asleep for a moment, not knowing what to do: staring at my old socks on the floor, empty beer bottles, my paperbacked copy of The Red Badge of Courage. At last— embarrassed—I faked a yawn and tried to roll away, but instead he sighed and pulled me closer, with a sleepy, snuggling motion. Ssh, Potter, he whispered, into the back of my neck. Is only me.
It was weird. Was it weird? It was; and it wasn’t. I’d fallen back to sleep shortly after, lulled by his bitter, beery unwashed smell and his breath easy in my ear. I was aware I couldn’t explain it without making it sound like more than it was. On nights when I woke strangled with fear there he was, catching me when I started up terrified from the bed, pulling me back down in the covers beside him, muttering in nonsense Polish, his voice throaty and strange with sleep. We’d drowse off in each other’s arms, listening to music from my iPod (Thelonious Monk, the Velvet Underground, music my mother had liked) and sometimes wake clutching each other like castaways or much younger children. And yet (this was the murky part, this was what bothered me) there had also been other, way more confusing and fucked-up nights, grappling around half-dressed, weak light sliding in from the bathroom and everything haloed and unstable without my glasses: hands on each other, rough and fast, kickedover beers foaming on the carpet—fun and not that big of a deal when it was actually happening, more than worth it for the sharp gasp when my eyes rolled back and I forgot about everything; but when we woke the next morning stomach-down and groaning on opposite sides of the bed it receded into an incoherence of backlit flickers, choppy and poorly lit like some experimental film, the unfamiliar twist of Boris’s features fading from memory already and none of it with any more bearing on our actual lives than a dream. We never spoke of it; it wasn’t quite real; getting ready for school we threw shoes, splashed water at each other, chewed aspirin for our hangovers, laughed and joked around all the way to the bus stop. I knew people would think the wrong thing if they knew, I didn’t want anyone to find out and I knew Boris didn’t either, but all the same he seemed so completely untroubled by it that I was fairly sure it was just a laugh, nothing to take too seriously or get worked up about. And yet, more than once, I had wondered if I should step up my nerve and say something: draw some kind of line, make things clear, just to make absolutely sure he didn’t have the wrong idea. But the moment had never come. Now there was no point in speaking up and being awkward about the whole thing, though I scarcely took comfort in the fact. I hated how much I missed him. There was a lot of drinking going on at my house, on Xandra’s end anyway, a lot of slammed doors (“Well, if it wasn’t me, it had to be you,” I heard her yelling); and without Boris there (they were both more constrained with Boris in the house) it was harder. Part of the problem was that Xandra’s hours at the bar had changed—schedules at her work had been moved; she was under a lot of stress, people she’d worked with were gone, or on different shifts; on Wednesdays and Mondays when I got up for school, I often found her just in from work, sitting alone in front of her favorite morning show too wired to sleep and swigging Pepto-Bismol straight from the bottle.
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Never Book a Gift Horse...
@chantillyxlacey Happy Birthday to an awesome friend! I hope you like your little gift.
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You asked for a MSA fic love and I hope this provides...
There was a strained silence at the cafe where three men sat under the umbrella of one of the outdoor tables. Well, three men and a dog that wasn’t a dog. Even the waiter was trying to be inconspicuous, with the amount of tension hanging in the air around one small table and four beings who might or might not have been what they seemed to be.
Two sat so close together on one side of the small table that their thighs touched and the dog had stationed himself right in front of their feet, opposite the single figure who sat alone on the other side of the table, idly playing with the straw of his iced tea.
Water slapped softly against the pilings of the boardwalk that supported the cafe, an audible reminder of the danger here.
With a glance around to be sure the waiter was out of earshot, the dog spoke. “May I remind all of you we are under truce. Lewis, that means stop acting as if he’s going to grab Arthur in the middle of a public place. Arthur, that means you stop jittering like you drank an entire case of red bull, and—” The dog paused and even though he was hidden under the table, they could all feel the gimlet glare he’d fixed on the man across from him. “You keep your oath, sworn on your honor.”
Arthur jumped and Lewis reached out to rest a hand on his forearm where it lay on the blue patterned tablecloth.
Calder leaned sideways just enough to meet the red eyes glaring at him under the table. “You know well enough, mutt, that I’d no more offer t’ break truce than the blue terror would be askin’ me t’ join your little team. Where’s she got t’ anyways, lurkin’ in the shrubbery t’ throw horseshoe nails at me again?”
“Vivi is not here,” Mystery assured. “Nor does she know that we are meeting with you. So you need not fear her lurking to chuck things at you.”
“So then what’s got y’ conspirin’ without her?” Calder leaned back in his chair, eyes calculating. “You’re the one callin’ for this meetin’. What’re y’ after of me?”
Lewis shifted and pushed his sunglasses back up on his nose. “Um...”
Arthur grumbled under his breath. “We— we need a favor. And we thought you might be able to help with the problem.”
Lewis looked sideways, tapping his fingers nervously on the tablecloth. If anything, he seemed more reluctant than Arthur to be here.
Mystery chuffed under the table. “Arthur told us of your vast library. We were hoping you might be of some help in acquiring a book we have had no luck finding through other means.”
Calder lifted his head, nostrils flaring with a startled breath. “Not that I’d mind helpin’ you, but I reserve the right t’ refuse you access t’ some tomes. They are far too dangerous for any t’ have.”
“Wouldn’t that include yourself?” Lewis retorted, stung.
Calder’s look was withering. “I’ve had most for longer than any of you have been alive. Dinna take me for a fool. I’ve had them warded by every magic I could beg, steal or borrow, t’ keep them safe in me library an’ outta any hands, includin’ mine own. I’m nae a power-mad idiot, like some o’ me kin I could name.”
“Peace,” Mystery barked in irritation. “We are under truce. Stop baiting each other and get down to brass tacks!”
Arthur jittered a leg nervously. “It’s nothing like that. It’s just a book we’re having a really hard time finding a copy of. It went out of print, back in the eighties, I think. And well, I know it’s an outside chance, considering most of your books are... magical... or not in english at all, but we thought maybe you might know someone who might be able to get a copy.”
“Nothin’ dangerous, then?”
“No!” Both Lewis and Arthur answered at the same time.
“Nothing like that, I swear,” Arthur continued, lacing both metal and flesh fingers together on the table. “It’s just the first book in a series Vivi loved all to pieces when she was younger. We saw one come in the bookstore she works at and she grabbed it up.”
“We found her early next morning, it looked like she’d been reading all night,” A smile graced Lewis’s features. “It’s been the first time we’d seen her so happy and relaxed in a long time.”
Arthur plucked at the tablecloth, looking anywhere but at Calder. “Her birthday is coming up and we’ve been trying to collect the rest of the series for her. They’re like super rare or something. It took a heck of a lot of searching E-bay and used bookstores but we found all of them but the first one.”
Mystery took up the thread of narration. “That one, we have been unable to find, not for any price. It seems to have vanished entirely. I even went so far as magically searching libraries within this and then next four states to look for a copy.”
“Plannin’ on returnin’ t’ your ancestor’s roots, as a thief and trickster, then?” Calder asked with an amused smirk, one eyebrow quirked up.
Mystery flattened his ears, but answered candidly enough. “If it were the only possible solution, yes. I would have assuaged my guilt with a large donation to the library I had taken it from, but I was unable to locate it at all.”
“Seldom is a book that hard t’ locate, less’n it be magical, but I mayhaps know some that could ferret it out.” Calder leaned back in his seat and looked thoughtfully up at the blue and white umbrella that sheltered them from the harsh Texas sunlight. “Me, I find it odd that you’d be askin’ me of all folks, t’ aid in looking for a book for her.”
Lewis simmered, but Arthur was the one to rest a hand on his arm this time. Lewis heaved a put-upon sigh, but covered Arthur’s fingers with his own.
“Calder, I know none of us are on the best terms, least of all you and Vivi, but I’m asking you to please put things aside and help us find the book,” Arthur pled earnestly.
Calder brought his gaze back down to meet Arthur’s eyes. His mouth twisted in a rueful smile, and he folded his hands on the table. “Only you, lad, could ask me such a thing an’ get away with it.”
“Does that mean you’ll help?” Lewis grumbled, his hair flickering a little.
“For Arthur’s sake, aye.”
“What’s your price?” Mystery suddenly piped up from beneath the table, poking his head out to fix Calder with a cool gaze. “Something I know well is that fae of any kind are seldom ones to do anything gratis.”
This time it was Calder who showed a flash of temper, irritation carving lines at the corners of his mouth. His eyes narrowed, pupils contracting to points. “I already said I’d do it, cùilean, or d’you still think me likely t’ go back on me word?” His accent thickened, a measure of how annoyed he was. “Or d’ye ken that I’d be tryin’ go back on me sworn oath that I’d not try to take what isna mine?!”
“Mystery!” Arthur’s tone was sharp. “Did you forget everything you just said about baiting people?” His ire was definitely up, heterochromatic eyes snapping as he turned back to Calder, but he took a deep breath and made a visible effort to calm himself, though his hands still jittered nervously on the tabletop. “I— I don’t want to take advantage of you or your— fondness— for me. I’d— I’d rather it would be a— a fair trade and not one of us owing the other.”
Calder drew a deep breath, tightening his hands on the edge of the table. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten Arthur, and his flash of temper had already made the lad twitchy enough. “I said I’d help you find it. I were nae asking anythin’ from you.”
“Please,” Arthur pled softly. “I don’t want us owing each other.”
It was all too clear what he meant, that he didn’t want to owe Calder any favors. For all that it rankled, it was the way of things now.
Calder scrubbed a hand through his tumbled hair, blowing a few black strands out of his eyes. “I’ll think on it, lad, an’ come up with what you can do t’ repay me in turn. Not—” He shot a glare at the simmering ghost beside Arthur. “ —That it’d be any sort o’ favor. Belike it’ll be somethin’ material, an’ nae some rarity.” He offered a painfully wry smile. “As me honor’s at some question, I’ll swear by Daanu an’ Epona that it’ll be nothin’ like a favor.”
Mystery nodded. “In the names of the goddesses, then. No favors nor boons owed.”
Calder leaned back in his chair, again toying with the straw in his glass of iced tea. “So then, tell me ‘bout this series o’ books the blue lass favors so highly. Iffen I dinna know them, there are others I can ask after them from.”
With the tension eased somewhat, the waiter dared to timidly refill glasses and ask if they were ready to order. After they had ordered, Lewis pulled a somewhat tattered paperback from his vest pocket and laid it on the table, turning it so the cover faced Calder.
The each-uisge leaned forward to read the title and the author’s name.
Without warning, he tossed back his head and laughed aloud, a deep rumble of startled amusement. “It’s nae a wonder why your fiery lass likes these books, nor, I think, why it’s so hard t’ find ‘em.”
He traced the looping letters of the author’s name with a fingertip, a smile curving his lips. “There’s a fair reason for that. This lass, she knew things, saw things, most mortals canna. While her mysteries an’ tales were made up, whole-cloth, the characters she peopled them with, well— they were dead-on representations o’ some of the fae folk she’d spent her life watchin’ with the sight. She knew them, weaknesses an’ foibles, strengths and magics. It— well, it caught my kin’s attention, y’see, that a human writer knew us so well, spun us wholesale inta the worlds she created with words an’ paper.”
Lewis looked like he didn’t want to ask the question, but it escaped him anyway. “What— what happened to her?”
“Nothin’ ill,” Calder assured with a smile. “Far as I know, she spends her days weavin’ new tales for her new kin, the lords and ladies o’ the Summer Court, for it was one o’ them what wooed her away t’ share her gift o’ words with the fae. She is pampered an’ well-loved by the Court an’ the elven knight what wedded her. Like all the Summer Court, she’s oft t’ be found in places where the summer lasts most the year. She goes by another nom de plume these days, when she sells her works in the human realm. I’d fair be surprised iffen your lass didna have some o’ her newer works at home, considerin’.”
“Is that why the books so hard to find?” Arthur asked, reaching forward to pick up the book. “It took a lot of leg-work (figuratively speaking) to search out the ones we did find, and well, you can see, they’re not in the greatest of conditions sometimes.”
“Ah that’s b’cause some of the fae are prone t’ making a game o’ collectin’ her books, ‘specially them what directly inspired some o’ her characters. We’re a vain lot, an’ hungry for pretty words. An’ iffen those words are about us, well then...”
“Do you think you could help us track down a copy? We just need the one.” Lewis accepted the book back from Arthur and tucked it safely inside his vest. Now that he knew the fae considered it a sort of prize, he wanted to keep it safe and out of sight.
“No,” Calder chuckled.
Lewis felt his hold on his temper slip. “What do you mean, you swore to help!”
“Lewis,” Arthur tried to calm him.
“I mean,” Calder replied, still smiling. “That there’s nae a need. I dinna need t’ track one down for you, seein’ as I have the whole lot in my library.”
“You do?” Mystery put in, sticking his head out from under the table to side-eye Calder.
“I do.” Calder chuckled again. “As I said; fae are vain for lovely words, an’ when the words are about yourself, well, that makes them all the sweeter.”
“Wait, are you telling us you’re in one of the books?” Arthur blurted in astonishment.
“That’d be tellin’.”
“So, are you willing to let us have it?” Lewis asked.
Calder turned a softer smile on Arthur, “Well, now I already promised, did I not?”
Right about then the waiter returned with their food, and forced them to pause while he put the plates in front of them. By the time he had left them again, Arthur was visibly jittering, this time with impatience. “Well?”
Calder grinned wolfishly around a bite of his sandwich. “I’ll do y’ one better. I’ll let you replace any o’ your more ill-used copies with mine, an’ give y’ the first one. I know magics that can restore the ones y’ trade me.” He laughed. “After all, I had t’ learn ‘em t’ keep my library safe.”
“You’ll do that?”
Nodding, Calder grinned again. “It’ll be my pleasure t’ help y’ lads out.” He nodded his head toward the bulge in Lewis’s vest as Lewis bent to slip Mystery a piece of his chicken. “Just pick a day an’ bring along the ones you’re wishin’ t’ swap out.”
He looked surprised when Arthur seized his hand and shook it, “Thank you! When you figure out what it is you want in return, let us know, I promise we’ll find a way to get it.”
Mystery looked a little agast. “Arthur!”
Calder smiled and squeezed Arthur’s hand. “Told y’ I’ll think on it.” He glanced down at the dog. “Iffen I were anyone else I could do him a mischief with such a reckless promise, but I’ll nae.”
After they had agreed on a time to meet, Arthur and Lewis had gone to take care of their part of the bill. Mystery lingered while Calder finished the last few sips of his tea leisurely.
“Why?” The kitsune asked at last. “Why are you so willing to help with this project, to the point of giving away one of your own books?”
Tipping his head to one side, Calder regarded him with a sly grin. “Oh, c’mon now, you’re far from stupid. How better t’ know I got one over on her, than t’ know I had me hand in this grand gesture of love they’re schemin’?”
Mystery silently vowed that Lewis and Arthur must never tell Vivi just how they had managed to get the rest of the series for her.
Vivi’s birthday surprise was indeed a smashing success, and she unleashed a resounding shriek of absolute joy when she opened the rather heavy box Lewis and Arthur presented her and flung herself at both of them, peppering their faces with endless kisses over and over. She squealed happily as she unwrapped each copy from the tissue paper protecting it and gave each of them a fresh kiss for each book unearthed until all of them lay in a neat row on the table. She hugged the first book to her chest throughout the rest of the party, very careful not to get any of the cake and ice cream near it.
Both of her loves got very enthusiastic thanks from the small blue bundle of unbridled joy, both at the party and much later that night.
She did not see how both of them paled when a tiny origami figure of a black horse slipped out of one of the books as she was proudly shelving them a few days later. She absentmindedly tucked it back in the book and continued shelving, oblivious to the heavy silence hanging in the air.
Lewis swallowed and hoped he.could sneak it out later when she wasn’t paying attention.
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poutypanic · 7 years
Introducing The Noodles
Chapter technically 7 of my poly!hanzo and jesse fic. Stand alone chapters. You don't need to read the others to enjoy this one imo. It’s fluff, no warnings. 
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10464945/chapters/23091327
Fic Summary: You meet the noodle dragons for the first time! A little over 1K
Taking a shower is one of the favorite parts of your day. You’ve got your favorite shower music playing, with your eyes closed, while you sing along to the tune. Badly. Washing your body with a loofah. Completely zoned out, and unaware of the visitors who are making their way into the bathroom. The shower curtain rustles as they poke their heads underneath it. They hook onto the tubs edge and hone in on the brightly colored loofah you are using. They would very much like to have this brightly-colored thing and are going to take it.
One of them slips seamlessly into the tub. Sits in front of you and starts wildly smacking its tail against the floor. This is what finally gets your attention. Your body jolts as your eyes focus in on… a small cat? A ferret? A weasel? No; that’s a dragon. In the shower with you. A small fluffy headed dragon. Have you lost your mind?
Another one shimmies up your leg. You hadn't been expecting the first one to be sitting in front of you, and you certainly didn't expect a second one. So you yelp and crash into the shower wall. Their nails feel prickly but, to your relief, are not painful. The dragon snatches the loofah out of your hand and bolts. You stand in stunned silence, as the other one takes off after them. Leaving you alone once again in the shower. And now you're thinking, okay; uh, what the hell?
Grabbing a hold of the curtain, you throw it back and step out of the shower, wrap a towel around your body, and make your way out into the bedroom. Here you find the two little thieves fighting over the right to play with their contraband. Droplets of water and soap flying in all different directions with each tug and pull. One of them tugs so harshly that the momentum flings the other one into the bed.
The dragons not fazed. Gets right back up and continues its pursuit in becoming the sole possessor of their stolen toy. A little slack jawed, you've been watching quietly. And are now starting to wonder if someone might have slipped something into your tea. Silently, you make your way into the living room where Jesse and Hanzo are lounging, watching TV.
Jesse can already tell that something is up. He raises his eye brows, “Somethin' wrong, Sugar?”
It hadn’t occurred to you just how strange you must look. With suds still running down your legs, coating your shoulders, and conditioner in your hair. You narrow your eyes at Hanzo, having a sneaking suspicion about where these creatures have appeared from.
You point towards the bedroom, “Um, what the hell guys.”
“Your gonna hav’ta give us more information than that, Sweet Heart.”
“Could either of you possibly explain to me why two small dragons just jumped into my shower and stole my loofah?”
Hanzo starts cracking up, “I hadn't realized they had gotten loose.”
Jesse says, “How’d ya not realize the critters had left your body?”
Hanzo shrugs, “It happens.”
“Those’r his spirit dragons, Hun, remember? We told you 'bout those.”
“No, no, no. You guys told me tales about these big ol' powerful spirit dragons that were terrifying and ruined lots of bad guys' days! Not about the two little brats that are tearing apart my loofah right now.”
Hanzo hops up off of the couch, “I shall retrieve your loofah.”
Now that you are over your initial shock, you start to giggle. This is all just so silly. You don’t actually care about the loofah; the dragons can keep it. You’re still baffled that neither Jesse or Hanzo had thought to let you know the dragons could manifest in this way.
“Have they always been able to do this? Appear in this form?”
Hanzo nods as he leans into the bedroom door way. He snaps his fingers, and says a command in Japanese. “Come here. Hand that over.”
One of the dragons trots into view. The creature is holding the luffa in their mouth. Still sopping wet, and dripping water all over the floor. The dragon drops it at Hanzo’s feet.
You are so baffled, “What? Why have I never seen them like this before?”
Hanzo picks up the luffa and brings it to you.
“They don’t usually show up around people they are not comfortable with. You should be flattered. This means they like you.”
“Invading my shower and stealing my shit means they like me?”
Hanzo and Jesse both laugh. Hanzo answers, “Yes, that is exactly what that means.”
You look back at Jesse who’s still seated. One of the dragons scurries past your feet and hops up into his lap. Tries to get their teeth around the brim of his hat.
“Uh-uh! That ain’t for you, you little scoundrel.”
The dragon has a tiny fit. Jumps up and down against his chest. Then tugs at Jesse’s beard, before leaping back off of his lap. They run to Hanzo and climb up the length of his body. Settles around his neck. Hanzo grins and scratches the little creature underneath their chin.
“Taro, you shouldn't bite the man that feeds all of the scraps that you beg for.”
“Stingy little bastard.”
The other one must be Kimi. One thing Hanzo had let you know was their names. And now you’re looking at the two of them wondering how the hell he can tell them apart. Hanzo can sense your confusion and lets you in on the secret.
“Taro’s underbelly is far more gray than Kimi's.” He points to Kimi, “Can you see how theirs is whiter in color?”
Now that he points it out, yes, you can. You’re distracted and still in awe of the little creatures. So you don't notice the line of conditioner falling down your forehead. Hanzo places his index finger above your eyebrow, keeping the rogue line of conditioner from sliding into your eye. That’s when you notice that Hanzo has changed his shirt for the third time today. This one is the worst out of them all. And now you're officially distracted from the dragons.
You look from his chest to his face, “Your shirt is infuriating. I can feel my face getting heated. I need you to take that off and toss it out the window.”
Hanzo flicks the conditioner off of your forehead. Looks down at his shirt with a big grin. It’s one of the more simpler ones. But it’s still just so unsatisfying to look at. It says, “I Insist On Perfection” with the letter N slightly askew
“You don't have to pretend to hate my shirt in order to get me to take it off. All you have to do is ask.”
“You think you’re really charming, huh?”
He places his hands on his hips. Chuckles so hardily that his chest shakes, “Do you not think so?”
You look back at Jesse, who seems to be enjoying not being the one enveloped in a bickering session for once.
Jesse shrugs, “I don’t know what teh tell ya, Darlin. Your the one datin' em.”
“Last time I checked, so are you, Darlin.”    
Jesse gives you two finger guns, “You got me there.”
You're trying really hard to be grumpy, but damn, is it hard. You roll your eyes, but you still have a grin on your face. You walk away intending on getting yourself rinsed off. Taro stays wrapped around Hanzo’s neck. But Kimi starts to trot after you. The dragon stops the moment you stop. Wags their tail back and forth and waits for you to continue.
“What are they doing?”
“The critter just wants teh hang out wit’cha, Sweet Pea.”
Hanzo offers, “Kimi likes water.”
You stare the dragon down. It’s hard to say no to a creature that’s so little and so cute. Fine, Kimi can come with you. You don’t need to pat your thigh, indicating you’d like the dragon to follow. But it seems natural to do so, and Kimi trots with you back into the shower. This time the creature behaves, stays entertained by sitting on top of the faucet. Using their paws and tail to swipe at the water as it falls. Every once in a while, Kimi will lean forward snap at the droplets with their snout.
You don’t end up getting rinsed off as fast as you had intended to, because the dragon is keeping you entertained. When you finally do get done with the shower. You pull back the curtain once again, and find Taro sitting on the counter. Kimi leaps up and tackles them into the sink, and they start to wrestle wildly. Taking casualties in the form of several knocked over toiletries.
You should scold them. But you’d much rather plop down on the toilet seat and watch them tear a part the bathroom. This was definitely far from how you had imagined meeting the dragons would happen. But you’re far from disappointed.  
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btwnseaandsun · 7 years
50 Bookish Questions Tag!
Thank you @midnightinkspill for tagging me!! Super long post incoming!!!
1. What is your favourite book and/or book series of all time?
Favorite series would have to be Parasol Protectorate by Gail Carriger. It’s a steampunk Victorian-era book with supernatural characters.
2. What is the longest book you have ever read? How many pages?
A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin. It had 1,177 pages.
3. What is the oldest book you have ever read? (Based on its written date)
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin I think.
4. What is a book series that everyone else loves but you do not?
I’d have to say The Mortal Instruments. I started it but it didn’t hold my interest.
5. What book or book series would you like to see turned into a film/ TV series?
Defiantly Six of Crows and Throne of Glass but only if they’re cast right.
6. What is your favourite stand-alone book?
Bloodthirsty by Flynn Meaney. Super cute book that I remember always loving.
7. What is a book that you feel glad for not reading?
Those Grey books.
8. What is a book that you feel guilty for not reading?
My entire physical TBR pile honestly. Especially when I buy and read new books.
9. What is a book you have read that is set in your country of birth?
I’ll go one better and say one that is set in my state of birth: Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit by Jaye Brown.
10. What is a book that you own more than one copy of?
Twelfth Grade Kills by Heather Brewer. One came in a boxed set and the other is signed! 
11. What horror book made you really scared?
I believe Cryer’s Cross by Lisa McMann spooked me but I also remember Project 17 by Laurie Stolarz being spooky as well.
12. What book do you passionately hate?
I don’t think I hate any books.
13. What is the biggest book series you have read? How many books are in it?
I haven’t finished it but The Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine is the longest series I know of. I got to book 10 out of 15 so I may finish that series out...eventually.
14. What book gives you happy memories?
The Internet Girls series. I read these with a close friend in middle school so I always remember her when I see them.
15. What book made you cry?
Every book I have ever read. I will cry at least once, no matter the book.
16. What book made you laugh?
Bloodthirsty has to go here since I remember laughing a lot during it.
17. What is your favourite book that contains an LGBTQ+ character?
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour is the first book that comes to mind
18. Have you read a book with a male protagonist? What is it?
I guess Kaz from Six of Crows would be considered a male protagonist.
19. Have you read a book set on another planet? What is it?
Yes, The Martian by Andy Weir. It’s on Mars.
20. Have you ever been glad to not finish a series? Which?
I don’t remember if I have. Most of the series I haven’t finished were due to the book not being released.
21. Have you ever read a book series because you were pressured?
Oh, the Game of Thrones books and the Lord of the Rings books. Although I never actually finished either one.
22. What famous author have you not read any books by?
A lot. Mainly the ones that are famous in non-fiction.
23. Who is your favourite author of all time?
Nina LaCour is the best author of all time I don’t care who you are!!!!
24. How many bookshelves do you own?
Two? One is for books and was handmade, the other is store bought with knick-knacks on it.
25. How many books do you own?
Oh geez, counting books I also digitally own? Like 385? But more along the lines of 200 physical I think.
26. What is your favourite non-fiction book?
I don’t think I’ve read a non-fiction book...
27. What is your favourite children’s/middle-grade book?
Oh! The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt! It’s so adorable!
28. What is your next book on your TBR?
Next in line is The Sandcastle by Kayla Olson but it’s probably not the next one to be read.
29. What book are you currently reading?
I just finished Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers! I highly recommend it!!
30. What book are you planning on buying next?
There is a whole list of books but I’ll be on the look out for Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers, the sequel to what I just read.
31. What was the cheapest book you bought?
Geez I have clue I wanna say one of the used books I got from Amazon or ThriftBooks but I honestly don’t know.
32. What was the most expensive book you bought?
I probably spent $25 on a brand new book because I couldn’t wait. I honestly don’t keep track of how much books are :/
33. What is a book you read after seeing the movie/ TV series?
Maze Runner by James Dasher. I saw the movie then had to get the book to compare.
34. What is the newest book you have bought?
The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich. I try to buy my books used but I went on a buying spree at Books A Million.
35. What three books are you most looking forward to reading this year?
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee, One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake, and Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault by Candace Robinson. I think two of these are already out but I havn’t gotten them yet.
36. What is a book you love that has a terrible trope? (Love triangle, etc)
idk if this counts but the whole “brooding male” character. I’d die for Kaz Brekker.
Ok honestly I’m stealing this because same. Also I can’t think of a better one.
37. Have you read a book in a different language? What was it?
I have not which is something I would like to change.
38. What is a book you’ve read that is set in a time period before you were born?
I’ll give this to Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers. It’s set in 1485.
39. What book offended you?
I don’t think I’ve ever been offended by a book before.
40. What is the weirdest book you have read?
Gossip from the Girls’ Room by Rose Cooper. I don’t remember much of it, just that I was confused the whole time.
41. What is your favourite duology?
The App duology
42. What is your favourite trilogy?
I have to give this to the Rainbow Trilogy by Alex Sanchez. If I remember correctly it was my first series with LGBTQ+ characters and plot.
43. What book did you buy because of its cover?
Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes. I actually choose a lot of my books based on what the cover looks like tbh. Of course I have to read the summery to know if it’ll be worth buying.
44. What is a book that you love, but has a terrible cover?
None that I can think of, they’re all really beautiful.
45. Do you own a poetry anthology? What is your favourite poem from it?
I do not. I actually don’t read poetry although I probably should.
46. Do you own any colouring books based off other books?
I have Throne of Glass and A Court of Thorns and Roses. I actually have two of each so I can color in one and save the other.
47. Do you own any historical fiction?
The Book Thief  by Markus Zusak is the only one that I know of.
48. What book made you angry?
I don’t think a book has ever made me angry.
49. What book has inspired you?
Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia, Alex Approximately by Jean Bennett, and Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.
50. What book got you into reading?
The Junie B. Jones books are actually the first books I remember reading. I had like this box set of them and I would get excited whenever my mom gave me another one.
This is my first time answering a bunch of questions and being involved in a tag game, so I’m so excited! I’ll tag a few people since it’s my first time. @addictedtobookss, @the-book-ferret, @books-tea-and-magic and, @persephonelovesbooks. You totally don’t have to do this and I apologize if you’ve been already tagged! 
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