#ferran adrià
openingadoor · 13 days
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A Day at elBulli — An insight into the ideas, methods and creativity of Ferran Adrià
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Was curious if you have any interesting information on L’Hospitalet de Llobregat?
I moved about a year ago, and I am about to sign up for my first Catalan class with the CNL soon. Since I do not speak Catalan yet and have limited Spanish, a lot of information I come across for my new home is not accessible to me.
Thank you in advance, and for you write on here in general. It is a great resource.
Thank you! And best wishes for the course with CNL, I hope you enjoy it!
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat is the 2nd most populated city in Catalonia and has the most densely-populated neighbourhood in all of Europe (Torrassa and Collblanc neighbourhoods). I'll shorten it to L'H from now on.
There's archaeological evidence of population in what nowadays in L'H since the Paleolithic (hunter-gatherer communities in the Prehistory), Ancient Iberian (the indigenous people who lived here before the Roman invasion), and the Roman era.
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Ancient Roman head of Medusa known as "Medusa de Provençana", found in an excavation next to the Santa Eulàlia de Provençana church in L'H. Nowadays it's exhibited in the Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya, Barcelona.
The origin of the city as we know it now dates back to the Middle Ages. It originated as two entities: the older Provençana (which we have written records of since around the year 900, and was found around Sta Eulàlia de Provençana) and the later Hospital de la Torre Blanca ("Hospital of the White Tower", from around the year 1100, what is now barri del Centre). The second one was a hospital not in our modern sense of a place to take care of the ill, it was a house for helping poor and homeless people, probably founded by the Knights Hospitaller. It grew in population and ended up becoming more important than Provençana, and eventually the name that designated the whole area was changed from Provençana to L'Hospitalet (meaning "The Little Hospital" in Catalan).
But throughout all of these centuries, L'H was a very rural town with a small population (as an example, it had about 900 inhabitants in the year 1815). The population grew when an irrigation canal was built that allowed the fields to be way more productive, reaching 5,000 inhabitants around the year 1900. But the population boom came in the 1960s and 1970s, during the Francoist dictatorship, when many immigrants from different rural parts of Spain moved to the big cities to work in the industry. That's when the areas around Barcelona were quickly built up in these massive apartment blocks to make the "bedroom cities" from where the newly-arrived workers commuted to work every day. The population boom was so huge that it explains why L'H is the 2nd biggest city in Catalonia and so densely populated.
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Carrer de la Florida in 1956 vs 2024. (L'H city archive / Google Maps).
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Carrer de la Renclusa, 84, in 1955 vs 2024. (L'H city archive / Google Maps).
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Carrer de la Mina, 19, in 1956 vs 2024. (L'H city archive / Google Maps).
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Avinguda del Torrent, 78, in 1956 vs 2024. (L'H city archive / Google Maps).
These "bedroom cities" had been built so quickly, that they didn't have any services. The inhabitants had to fight for all the services they have, which created a strong sense of pride that still continues nowadays.
As another note, one of the most famous maquis (anti-Francoism guerrilla fighters) was from L'H: Quico Sabaté. You can read about him on Wikipedia here. Another famous person from L'H is Ferran Adrià, one of the most famous chefs in the whole world.
I hope this was interesting, and I hope you can make the most of the Catalan classes, it will surely help you understand the country more and get better perspectives for a job.
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theroyalsandi · 1 year
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The Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofia of Spain (L) attend a meeting-Workshop on Innovation, teamwork and creativity, with Spanish chef Ferran Adrià at the elBulli1846 in Roses in Girona, Spain | July 04, 2023
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felipeandletizia · 1 year
July 5, 2023: Princess Leonor delivers a speech during the Princess of Girona Awards Ceremony
Majesties, authorities, patrons, girlfriends and friends. I especially salute our prize winners and the thousands of young people who have been involved in the activities that the Foundation has developed this year. Good night and welcome.
Being in Girona is a joy and makes this award ceremony a very special moment for me. Yesterday, my sister Sofia and I were lucky enough to meet the BulliFoundation's model of innovation and creativity - and its museum - from Ferran Adrià, in the impressive Cala Montjoi, in the middle of the Natural Park from Cap de Creus. And I'm also very happy to have been able to meet, with my sister, the headquarters of the Foundation in the city of Girona.
We are brought together tonight by the talent of our five winners and their commitment to society and the challenges it faces. The five are indisputable references who have taken advantage of the opportunities so that their trajectory has a clear purpose with social impact. I have spoken with them and with other young people about the concerns of our generation, about what it means to train, about how to find and develop one's own talent, about preparing for new skills through innovative educational models, about the awareness of living in a balanced way. on our planet, of vital projects when you are twenty or twenty-five years old.
In my case, I am almost eighteen. I have just finished high school and I am about to start a new stage with a period of military training. And, beyond my responsibility, I am happy because I know how much the Spanish value our Armed Forces. It is an important moment in my life and I feel very eager and convinced to continue learning and giving my best spirit to strengthen the values with which I have grown and that today our five awardees embody: respect for others, effort, excellence, search for knowledge, temperance, discipline, perseverance. Also, ability to perceive reality and live with the enthusiasm typical of my age.
That is what I can see in Sabrina: her determination to succesfully build Kenya´s largest network for early childcare is truly inspiring.
And those are values that Marc also projects, when he is proud of his beginnings in Girona to now be a professor at Yale University and a benchmark in the research of a major public health problem: obesity.
And I am still surprised and impressed by Rafel's courage to launch himself into manufacturing satellites that collect valuable information to face challenges such as climate change.
And Silvia, who has the ability to heal emotions and relieve pain when a chronic and advanced disease robs us of any joy.
And with Maria's story, and her extraordinary talent on the violin, I feel that effort is always behind excellence.
They will tell me if it is not exciting to share a night together in which we are verifying that several generations of young people have already taken action and offer us the best of themselves.
Thank you, Silvia, Rafel, María, Sabrina and Marc for leading the way. Thanks to the young people who trust the Princess of Girona Foundation to continue growing, thanks to so many companies and entities that support us. Thank you for allowing me to learn from all of you.
And thank you from Girona for inspiring so many young people of my generation who want to live in a society that is more committed to others.
Thank you so much.
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Princess Leonor, The Princess of Asturias and Girona and Infanta Sofía of Spain attend a meeting-Workshop on Innovation, teamwork and creativity, with Spanish chef Ferran Adrià at the elBulli1846 in Roses, in Girona, Spain -July 4th 2023.
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javier-carrasco · 7 months
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Toda la carne en el asador. Ya lo dijo nuestro Presidente: "Como un chuletón a la parrilla, vuelta y vuelta, no hay nada. Eso es insuperable". Yo también le oí decir a Ferran Adrià en una conferencia: "Asar un trozo de carne no es cocinar; eso se lo das a un perro después y se lo come". En fin, ¡parece que se ha quedado buena tarde!
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wwwelartedecoicnar · 10 days
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tastatast · 1 month
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Adéu, Monsieur Guérard. 
És un moment enormement trist per a la gastronomia, en Michel Guérard s'ha mort.
Amb la teva mort, Monsieur Guérard:
Sento tristesa perquè es tanca una època daurada, incomparable i irrepetible.
Sento preocupació per les noves generacions que no podran menjar la teva cuina i pels nous referents que aquests tindran.
Sento incertesa pel que ens depara el futur sense un públic que hagi pogut conèixer què és l’excel·lència, una paraula que darrerament utilitzem en va, com si a cada cantonada hi hagués un restaurant que l’oferís.
Sento que la teva mort simbolitza la fi d’una gran cuina, d’una alta restauració, d’una alta artesania, d’una educació i unes bones maneres que actualment no trobo. Avui, em sento una mica més desemparada. Avui, els aficionats a la gastronomia quedem una mica orfes d’aquest verdader savoir faire que només en cuiners com tu he trobat.
Sento molta pena.
Però em vull resignar a pensar que tot plegat s'ha acabat i que s'ha quedat en una cuina d'autrefois perquè amb la teva mort, monsieur Guérard:
També sento melancolia i enyorança dels grans àpats passats a Les Prés d’Eugénie.
Sento agraïment per l’educació gustativa i estètica que ens vas oferir.
Sento l’olor de la Rissole feuilletée de tendre pigeonneau au foie gras grillé et farce fine, com si es tractés d'una interpretació dels cèl·lebres pâtés chauds del passat, amb aquell exquisit acompanyament en servei de plata, l'embeurrée de chou à la truffe.
Sovint penso en aquella bola tan delicada, bella i apetitosa, el Zéphyr de truffe "Surprise Exquise" comme un nuage sur une délicate vichyssoise. Va ser talment així, una sorpresa exquisida, com un núvol màgic, com estar al cel.
Em vénen al cap les textures de l’Oeuf poule à la coque, au caviar Grand Cru Cristal Kaviari affiné 180 jous servit amb el chaud-froid de pomme de terre sous la cendre.
Vull intentar no oblidar la sedosa cremositat de l’Oreiller moelleux de mousserons et de morilles aux asperges de pays
Vull intentar recordar eternament el teu Demi-hommard rôti, légèrement fumé à la cheminée oignon confit au four.
Sempre més somiaré amb la Bécasse au fumet de Pomerol.
I pel que fa a les postres… El 1958 ja vas ser MOF de pastisseria! M’esforçaré a no oblidar mai el Soufflé céleste à la poire, sorbet passion, per saber com ha de ser un suflé. I el Gâteau mollet du Marquis de Béchemel et la glace fondue à la rhubarbe, oh, mon dieu! Un compromís sensual entre un soufflé i una crème renversée, una mena de beixamel dolça.
Un maître de l’estètica del gust i del bon gust estètic.
Tot plegat m’ha fet pensar en les hispàniques, que venien a “fer dieta” o, més aviat, a beure whisky i Champagne al teu hotelàs d’Eugénie-les-Bains.
M’ha fet pensar amb en Ferran Adrià i en Fermí Puig practicant les teves receptes quan estaven a la mili i en com se les enginyaven per reproduir receptes com l’Hure de saumon.
Avui també he pensat en les tan exteses campanes de fum (que ara associem a El Celler de Can Roca, qui les va portar de la brasa a la taula) i en el teu l’Hommard fumée a la cloche.
Penso en tots els amics (de qui no revelaré els noms per intimitat seva) amb qui he pogut recordar els grans plats que menjàvem a casa teva, sentint-nos afortunats i sentint complicitat per coincidir en gustos i opinió vers la teva extraordinària singularitat.
L’última vegada que et vaig veure era el maig del 2017, quan celebraves 40 anys de les 3 estrelles i, tot i tenir 84 anys, se’t veia viu, àgil, despert, amb una mirada plena d’il·lusió (fins i tot un punt naïf), plena d’energia i vitalitat. Ja no cuinaves, però trobo que avui no és el moment de treure els draps bruts. El teu acolliment seguia sent excepcional, elegant i exquisit com la teva cuina. Ens feies sentir a gust, feliços i, tot i l’ull de la cara que valia el teu restaurant, ens feies sentir satisfets. Eres proper i divertit, alegre i positiu, brillaves.
Per poc coneixedors que siguem molts dels teus clients, és impossible no ser conscient de la teva fabulosament sublim cuina i sentir una profunda admiració per tot el que vas aportar.
Un dels pares de la Nouvelle Cuisine, una cuina que 50 anys després encara està a l’ordre del dia.
Un pioner, un precursor visionari que ja imaginaves les nostres aspiracions de benestar amb la teva cuisine minceur que ja oferies el 1975.
Aquesta tarda he anat a la meva humil biblioteca gastronòmica i he obert els teus llibres de Robert Laffont que tant em van costar aconseguir!
Aquesta tarda he mirat fotografies del que vaig menjar a la teva meravellosa Ferme aux Grives. 
Aquesta tarda t’he recordat presentant el teu programa de televisió La Grande Cocotte, concretament d’un capítol que he mirat diverses vegades, amb en Roger Verger cuinant la Soupe au pistou.
Sent alumne de llegendes culinàries com en Fernand Point i en Jean Delaveyne, el teu llegat és incalculable.
Només mencionant alguns dels teus deixebles o cuiners que van passar per casa teva, es pot intuir la magnitud de la teva influència: Michel Troisgros, Alain Ducasse, Jacques Chibois, Arnaud Donckele, Alexandre Couillon, Max Alajmo, Daniel Boulud i, fins i tot, en Martín Berasategui i en Paco Pérez, entre tants i tants altres.
Caram, que tot un Pierre Gagnaire es considera el teu fill espiritual!
Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Guérard.
Descansi en pau.
Traducción automática del artículo en castellano
Automatic translation of the article into English
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amateurchefstuff · 2 months
Esponja de xocolata
Esponja de xocolata.
Avui us presento una dels plats ideats per Ferran Adrià, es tracta d’una versió súper ràpida de fer d’un pa de pessic, una mena de pastis molt esponjós que es fa amb el sifó de gas i al microones en molt poc temps. Queda una textura molt suau i esponjosa, d’aquí el seu nom d’esponja. Ingredients per un sifó d’1 litre: 150 g de llet sencera Trossos de xocolata  115g Mantega sense sal en cubs 75…
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latribune · 4 months
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1120x898 -- Spotlight on a piece titled "Alphabet Soup," c. 2004. © el Bulli Archive (Spain), from the Ferran Adrià exhibit at Somerset House, London, UK. 📸: Francesc Guillamet/courtesy of Somerset House.
Source: www.anothermag.com/art-photography/2887/ferran-adria-on-el-bulli.
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openingadoor · 13 days
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A Day at elBulli — An insight into the ideas, methods and creativity of Ferran Adrià
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timriva-blog · 5 months
El libro más deseado de la gastronomía española: se editó en 1993 y se cotiza a más de 3.700 euros
Es la primera obra del elBulli, ‘Sabor Mediterráneo’, convertida ahora en un referente descatalogado para cocineros y aficionados a la gastronomía española Ferran Adrià supervisa una sesión fotográfica, junto a Juli Soler, del libro ‘elBulli. Sabor Mediterráneo’. Imagen proporcionada por elBulli Foundation. 1996-98 ACCUSOFT INC., ALL RIGHT Escrito por PAZ ÁLVAREZ Es un libro de coleccionista.…
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theroyalsandi · 1 year
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The Princess of Asturias attend a meeting-Workshop on Innovation, teamwork and creativity, with Spanish chef Ferran Adrià at the elBulli1846 in Roses in Girona, Spain | July 04, 2023
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miltacos · 6 months
Salsas: posibilidades infinitas.
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Recuerdo hace más de una década, en los últimos años de El Bulli, Ferran Adrià mencionaba que estaban trabajando sobre el "empoderamiento" del comensal como forma de innovación. Palabras más o menos, lo que buscaban era que si un plato salía de las altamente innovadoras cocinas de El Bulli, los comensales tuvieran un papel activo en la modificación final de dicho plato con elementos dispuestos en la mesa, y por lo tanto personalizaran al máximo la experiencia.
De esa forma cada persona tendría sensaciones organolépticas distintas y por lo tanto el circuito de innovación dejaría de ser una especie de dictadura por parte de los cocineros y se convertiría en un diálogo continuo entre comensales y chefs.
De primera instancia me gustó la propuesta, y de inmediato la relacioné, por obvias razones, a una taquería. Claro, el concepto de empoderamiento del comensal lleva décadas, sino siglos, ocurriendo en México. Basta con enfrentarse a la decisión de poner un toque más de limón, sal, campechanear la salsa o solo escoger una, pedir con jardín completo o con poca cebolla y sin cilantro, dar el primer bocado sin salsa para que el segundo sea con verde, el tercero con roja y el último con una combinación de ambas.
Son segundos de experiencias personales, individuales, de decisiones propias que confirman un sistema de creencias común pero también confirman identidad personal e irrepetible. Es innovación efímera, sucediendo y extinguiéndose en segundos, en lo que dura un bocado.
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Princess Leonor, The Princess of Asturias and Girona attends a meeting-Workshop on Innovation, teamwork and creativity, with Spanish chef Ferran Adrià at the elBulli1846 in Roses, in Girona, Spain -July 4th 2023.
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