#ferb x vanessa
milandas-law · 7 months
These three pairs of Disney Cuties that involve the guys catching the girls in their arms.
Milo and Amanda
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Ferb and Vanessa
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Willow and Hunter
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dcanipe02 · 6 months
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djcanipe99 · 1 year
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pufflenator · 1 year
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I can't draw perry for the life of me >~<
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newts-frogs-toads · 8 months
The new Phineas and ferb season will take place a summer after the original (NOT college) according to Dan Povenmire
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tinyartistuko · 3 months
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Excaliferb art ✨💕
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romancemedia · 10 months
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Cartoon Romances + Goodbye Kiss
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hellish-cruelty · 2 years
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Not me admitting to having a full-fledged crush on these Iconic characters as a kid.
No wonder my bisexual wings flew so high so early.
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bluefox-2341 · 10 days
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I'm normally still on season 2 but ı couldn't stand it so I went ahead and watched the last 2 episodes . I liked "act your age" more than "the last day of summer " though.
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dewying-my-best · 1 year
If we don't get more Monty (x Carl) content in the next season of Phineas and Ferb, I might riot.
I mean, I at least want to know how Monty and Vanessa break up and how healthy it is and how it affects each of them.
I like to think Vanessa went kinda into an existential phase for a little bit (likely bc the whole good-evil thing is prolly what split them up), and Monty hangs out with his new friend Carl.
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milandas-law · 2 years
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The three Dwampyverse pairings I adore that include at least one brunette.
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Going through and organizing my files since I've decided to order them by year and month now instead of fandom, which I wish I was doing before
And I realized I forgot I was going to post these but l i f e got in the way and I forgot
So older, messy sketches + messy writing but it's pnf crossover hehehe
List of reasons why pnf crossover is genius in no particular order
1 Phineas and Ferb have a lot in common with Glamrock freddy when you think about it. Not even just the ones that I wrote down a month ago. Phineas and Freddy (and ferb but he's not shown) would most definitely get along
Also, Gregory and Phineas and Ferb are around the same age so (if gregory is 12 then Phineas and Ferb aren't that far behind if aged up a little)
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3 If the glamrocks were based on the 80's and lived in the same universe as phineas and ferb... they would be fans of Lindana I don't make the rules.
Linda at the Pizza Plex would have a blast with the nostalgia
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5 I wish I got out a better drawing to demonstrate but I just have a gut feeling that out of everybody in the cast, Isabella would be the one Gregory grows closest with.
At first maybe liked her the most since she's a firescout girl and he has a trend with sticking to who is useful to him. But idk I like the idea that maybe later they get to bond a bit more
What about Phineas and Ferb being his friends? We'll get to why they aren't immediately the best candidates later lolllll
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The daycare attendant and the gang would be entertaining af together and you know it.
I got a WHOLE lot more reasons but these are the ones that have a drawing to go with them
Oh I also have this that I just remembered
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Dorito chip head phineas
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For the sake of this crossover we are going to pretend this isn't true for a little bit
okay? okay good
And the fact that security breach most likely takes place in march
We are scooching it over to the summer and pretend it's like a year or two after pnf ending for crossover purposes
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gmwsuperfan5467890 · 2 years
Controversial Disney Opinions
1) Austin and Ally should have stayed just friends. Sure, I ate that shit up when I was like 10 but now I’m older, I know better and they had zero chemistry. Any other ship between the ships on the show would be marginally better than a*slly. I am not saying this because of the Raini and Ross rumours, I’ve had this opinion for quite some time.
2) I disliked Mason and hated Alex and Mason together. Mason is jealous to an almost possessive degree; he eats Alex’s ex boyfriend (hilarious ep tho), he ruins Alex’s award ceremony because he was jealous of the beast tamer, when Alex and Mason are broken up, he is relentlessly pushy in getting them back together, even when she reject him. He also told Juliet that he loved her, which was apparently because of his werewolf hormones but even then, that would mean there were some feelings there. He also never truly accepted her for who she was, for example in the Alex vs Alex movie, he is pissed at her for using magic to make them lunch and he along with her family tell her how selfish she is and how she needs to grow up and change. Alex deserved so much better.
3) Andi was my favourite character from Andi Mack. She was selfish? She was overdramatic and complained a lot? Well she was 13 and going through a major life change, cut her some slack.
4) Riley was way too overhated. She was naive and detached from reality? Her parents raised her to be sheltered and her best friends continued sheltering her. She was way too coddled but that was not her fault. Personally, her and Farkle were my favourite characters on the show.
5) I never liked Gordo and Lizzie together. I just hate the trope where person A pines over person B while person B is not really/barely interested.
6) I don’t ship Phineas and Isabella together for the same reasons stated in 5).
7) I actually like Ferb and Isabella together. I just think their personalities would mesh better together and there were a bunch of small hints. For example, there was this one scene in the Summer Belongs to You movie where Isabella is crying over Phineas who is oblivious about Isabella being sad, while Ferb comforts her. Isabella says, “I wish he/someone would the sunset with me” and who was watching it with her? Ferb. To me, that scene just showed that Ferb understands emotionally her more than Phineas and I feel like Isabella is more calm with Ferb because she isn’t obsessing over ever interaction between them. And you may argue that she is obsessive because she has a crush, however you can have really strong romantic feelings for someone and not spend your time obsessing over them.
8) I was rooting for Candace. Not because I think the boys should be punished but because I was sick of their mom bad-mouthing Candace behind her back to her friends and treating her like she was crazy. It made me so mad. Also how was it possible that the whole town except for her knew about the contraption Phineas and Ferb were building.
9) Vanessa dating Ferb at the end ruined her character. Vanessa has known Ferb since she was 16 and he was 10(?). In the ep where they’re all going off to college, I’m pretty sure they say/imply that they’ve been dating for a year. So either Vanessa started dating him when he was 17 and she was 24 or they started dating when he turned 18. Even then, she wouldn’t magically catch feelings for him when he turned 18, she had to have feelings/some sort of connection to him before. So a 24 year old Vanessa had feelings for a minor, the same minor that she knew when he was 10 and she was 16. Absolutely vile and disgusting. This ship makes me furious and I can’t believe this was written, let alone approved.
10) ‘Act Your Age’ didn’t make sense. Baljeet said that they didn’t tell Phineas that Isabella had a crush on him because they don’t talk about feelings but that is really OOC. Baljeet literally told Phineas and Ferb about his feelings for Mishti and about his feelings of getting a bad grade, so the claim that they don’t talk about their feelings is completely false. They are all so close and Phineas’ best friend is literally his brother who he spends 24/7 with. You’re telling me that they would shy away from telling Phineas about Isabella’s feelings if they thought he liked her? The only plausible reason that makes sense is that no one in their friend group thought that Phineas liked Isabella back and they didn’t want Isabella to get rejected.
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djcanipe99 · 1 year
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camellia-salazar · 1 year
Happy Valentines day!! 😁💖💕
Guess who's part of a pallette M.A.P. ;)
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Background comparison:
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Alternative undercut:
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Hope you have a great day!!! ^w^
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pinkhairandpronouns · 2 years
me: idk, I'm not big on shipping in kid's shows
also me: two teenage girls in phineas and ferb had one interaction they must be lesbians
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