#feral jopson
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leadandblood · 2 months ago
regular mongoose
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In one piece under cut
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headcanonthings · 10 months ago
Jopson, about Lt. Little: We walk at night. He thinks he's protecting me but I would rip someone apart if they threatened his life.
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majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years ago
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slow-burn-sally · 10 months ago
Hello! I saw a gifset about Jopson being submissive like a guard dog is submissive, and well, it now lives in my head rent free and I wrote a fic! I hope the Jopziers who read it enjoy!
Rated: E
CW: Homophobic language, Blood, Violence (also blow jobs).
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samshinechester · 11 months ago
Cinnamon TM 🥺🤲🏻✨️
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Cinnamon! Look at him - so sweet, so pure, never did anything wrong in his life ever 😭
Would be a shame if he died in a horrible way 😭
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orangeplaneta · 26 days ago
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Some joplittle practice doodles but Edward is still awestruck by Jopson, who's actually just a feral attack dog on the inside
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jurassic-cunt · 1 year ago
i just know feral little thomas jopson loved putting that rope around hickey's neck
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coldgardengentlemen · 2 months ago
Wow... I wasn't expecting yall to go so feral for my Dom Irving post. Yall are a bunch of freaks and I love it, have some Dom Jopson headcannons... as a treat.
Dom jopson who makes you scrub the floor on your hands and knees because "you'll be eating off it later"
Dom jopson who drags you by your hair to a mess of cum on the floor and condescendingly says "look at the mess you made, clean it up" before pushing your fave into the mess
Dom jopson who puts his boot on the back of your head and pushes your fave into the floor
Dom jopson who makes you clean his shoes with your tongue, "and I better be able to see my reflection in them or you'll be cleaning all the men's boots"
Dom jopson who makes you ask permission for anything, including going to the bathroom.
Dom jopson who watches you squirm and whine, begging to be able to go to the washroom after being denied.
Dom jopson who laughs at how pathetic you are begging
Dom jopson who watches you piss your pants on accident after he finally give you permission to pee "aw, did my poor puppy make a mess again? Here let me help you clean up." While you stand their soaked in your piss and tears
Dom jopson who makes you serve the lieutenants, commander, and captain drinks while they all take turns fucking him in the map room.
Dom jopson who- *security tackles me to the floor*
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froggerland · 3 months ago
what is your take on.... jopzier.... jopson and crozier.......
Mmmh.... I gotta say I love Crozier as a (very much flawed) character but I don't really ship him with anyone to a degree that I'm like "yeah THATS the one". I can get behind Rossier (currently reading the Erebus book by Michael Palin THEY DANCED ON THE ICE??? "Captain Crozier and Miss Ross" I'm DEAD) and ofc Fitzier bc obviously their dynamic is so fun (actually? me when I lie I love Fitzier I'm feral for them I'm just too much into Little x everyone to show that rn agshheh)
But Jopzier... idk to me it's very clearly father/authority figure / subordinate with I know can be saucy and interesting but I think it's the age difference that turns me off. It's not really justified when you also ship Crozier (49) with Fitzjames (32) (Jopson was 27) but maybe it's bc Tobias Manzies doesn't look 32 in the show... I don't think my reasoning makes much sense tbh it's just based on a general feeling of "too big od an age gap and too much power imbalance within a ship just isn't for me"
(There is some banger Jopzier art out there tho)
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leadandblood · 4 days ago
"Thomas what have you got there-"
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theremustbeabear · 5 months ago
copy-and-pasting from discord but i'm working on an au idea and it's making me a little feral
i'm stewing on a like. double agent jopson au where he gets in hickey's good graces by dropping hints here and there that he's unhappy with how crozier treats him, his promotion is worthless and he'll never be valued like a real lieutenant, stuff like that, and hickey "recruits" him possibly instead of hodgson and then at some point jopson kills him
and jopson manages to play his hand so well that he's like. number two next to gibson, even. and then he runs hickey through with a knife and tells him captain crozier sends his regards
i just feel like there's a lot of bitterness that jopson isn't harbouring but could be, and it would be so easy for him to pretend that he resents the entire wardroom to hickey, it would make perfect sense
i had this idea of like. the moment that really cements jopson in hickey’s mind as his closest ally besides gibson. is that he offers hickey a drink. and it’s the bottle of crozier’s whiskey he was ordered to dump in the snow. and hickey takes this as irrefutable proof of the resentment jopson has for crozier (really, jopson’s just had his suspicions that it might come to this for a while—mutiny in general, not specifically with hickey—and saved it just in case he could use it, to bargain or elsewise)
i can just see, like-- "i was told to pour this out, on the snow. i thought i might have a better use for it." and hickey looks at the bottle and laughs, incredulously-- "you disobeyed a direct order? you did, mr jopson?" and jopson just smiles "i think you and i are going to get along very well, mr jopson." "as do i, mr hickey."
i don't think jopson would tell anybody else of his plan, to ensure that the truth isn't let slip, and to prevent crozier from ordering him not to do it and hickey would keep him out of any group meetings, trying to prevent the identity of "his" lieutenant being discovered i can see him gloating to his other allies that he has a lieutenant in his pocket without specifying which one
i think hickey would also be ecstatic about the idea of "his" lieutenant being the one who was just as low-born as he--he'd perhaps see, with jopson's encouragement, jopson's promotion being something that jopson coerced his way into acquiring, intelligently working his way to crozier's right hand despite his station which, of course, is actually what jopson's done to hickey, which makes it even easier as a lie i can even see jopson becoming almost an equal, in hickey's mind, like crozier. low-bred, cunning, charming… hickey would see himself, there
(i can also see gibson getting jealous) "you trust him more than me." "who?" "your lieutenant. the one whose name you won't even tell me. me, cornelius. you won't tell me the name of your closest ally?" "i know you're not a fool, billy. you know why i can't tell you. someone might overhear, or--" "or i might decide to betray him, is that right? don't lie to me, cornelius, just say that you don't trust me. or tell me who your man is, and we can put this aside." "…don't be ridiculous, billy. you wouldn't dare turn coat, not now." "you do trust him more than me." "trust is a funny thing, billy. trying to tally it will only bring you grief."
i'm going INSANE
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victorclays · 2 months ago
that half second shot of feral jopson grabbing someone and dragging them off the ladder means everything to me. Every. Fucking. Thing.
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eggbagelz · 2 months ago
I love your reincaration au, so I've come up with a headcanon: jopson believes he was abandoned by crozier, so he becomes angry and the opposite of his 1840s self. After all he did everything right:believed in his 'betters' and trusted his captain, and yet he was left to die. Crozier trying to reach a feral modern jopson ♥️
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also i LOVE this idea one of the main concepts of the au im playing around with is bitterness, specifically bitterness at the moment of death, like with goodsir, and how that affects him in his new life, so like. this hc is PERFECT for the au
i think that like. eventually crozier does get jopson to understand that he didnt abandon him and that he never would have, partially bc underneath all of that anger jopson still died wanting his captain's attention [real healthy buddy], and partially bc the OTHER theme of this au is that things can get better, they just take time and effort. jopson definitely doesnt make it easy tho i think this man has gone full anarchist and is NOT willing to listen to the man he thinks ditched him, especially since jopson gave so much and asked for so little.
also speaking of little, real funny thing ned's gotta explain now huh
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patrice-bergerons · 5 months ago
You know, I wasn't going to include Jopson — because not everyone should get reincarnated all at once in the same place imo — but I have been turning this ask over in my head for the past few days and you are so right actually. An exception needs to be made for him!
I also love the idea that, much like Neptune, he viscerally dislikes Fitzjames on Francis’s behalf and his priors never get updated even as James and Francis become friends so boy is he (and Francis!!) surprised one day when this comes to light hshshsh
Anyway please enjoy this snippet from a part of the au I wrote this morning, officially making Jopson part of the verse:
Thomas comes in, carrying a white porcelain cup and his customary, friendly smile.
“Your coffee, sir,” he says, setting it down on Francis’s desk. Why the man has stuck with him when so many of his staff quit will forever remain a mystery. It is just as well, though; last time Francis tallied who might miss him if he were to throw himself off a cliff, Thomas came in the second place of a very short list, just after Neptune.
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sunlaire · 5 months ago
Saw you maidposting and was suddenly overcome with a wave of indescribable love, so I wanted you to know that I love you and having you as a friend is a constant source of joy. You're an absolute gift to see both on my dash and in my notes💖💖💖💖
(also did you know you were the first person to follow my terror sideblog?)
Oh my GOD awwwww I did NOT know I was the first person to follow your side blog! 😖🩷🩷🩷🩷 I love you too Aww. It's funny, back when you joined the fandom I saw you in my notes, and I read that feral Jopson fic of course and then I was on AO3 reading your Flutter fic, I didn't know that all of these were you until I looked at the fic notes. I was like "YOU!! I KNOW YOU!" 🤣
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(this was back when you had the james pfp haha) You have made my time in this fandom so much fun. 🙏 You are there for me when i have Weird Art i cant show anyone else. and WOW no one else is doing it like you, i swear. I love clicking over to your blog and immediately seeing some of the most unhinged and fun fan content 🥰 you are such a blessing
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slow-burn-sally · 2 years ago
One of my favorite scenes in The Terror is when Jopson is watching Crozier shave himself, and just gets absolutely bent out of shape over it. But like, he's too reserved and loyal to express any emotion that's not abject, feral devotion, or 'Fades into the background', so he just uses gentle snark and says "That's my job you're shaving away sir," while silently imploding with separation anxiety.
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