#feral galvatron
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gravityfallsfansunit · 2 months ago
My AU Bill Cipher tells Galvatron to get some therapy.
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transformers-spike · 1 month ago
I've been loving all the sparkling hc and such it's giving me brain rot
You're sleeping in bed until you wake up and see your creepy little cybertronian daughter with a frowny face emoticon on her face screen.
"I threw up." She has a similarly monotone as Soundwave.
Also I'm imagining the human partner lives on earth while soudwave works back on the nemesis till his shift ends.
She likes to wrap her tentacles around you for hugs.
KO with split spark sparklings
One is a little angel baby princess who hates getting dirty or scratches on her paint and would rather play indoors. Knockout had to physically carry her at times because she refuses to walk or drive on dirt.
The other is a menace to society, loves driving fast even if it means wrecking himself. Absolutely enjoys human culture and earth as a planet. Best friendsb with Breakdown's sparkling. Sweet kid but is a huge mess maker.
You try not to snort as your kids hands Knockout an entire rose bush, stem, roots, dirt and all.
"I love it" Knockout smiles through thinly veiled disgust and your sparkling beams.You end up planting it in the back garden.
Starscream's kid is 100% his pride and joy even though he tries to pretend like she's not. His sparkling would either be the most arrogant thing possible or super sweet no in-between. When she's too small to fly on her own she rides in his cockpit but as she gets bigger they fly together and he definitely shows her fancy flight maneuvers. Father-daughter dates because he wants her to have high standards.
You watch your daughter's wings droop and lower derma pout as she begs you for the toys from her favorite cartoon.
"Pleeeeeeaase, they're limited time edition."
Her puppy dog eyes might work on Starscream but not you....right, right? Stay strong soldier.
I like to imagine megs with a daughter aswell (you get a daughter and you get a daughter 🫵) while it would be karmic debt to get a kid whos really sensitive it's much funnier if the child is a gremlin.
"Your time is up Megatron."
Optimus points his blaster down at him but he catches something the corner of his optic. A sparkling jumps infront of Megatron before Optimus can shoot him.
"Using your own sparkling as a shield is low even fo-"
He's cut off as Megs daughter tranforms into a gun and shoots him.
"You were saying, Prime"
Gun alt mode is so fucking funny to me.
YESSSSSS I LOVE THE SPARKLING BRAINROT Soundwave's kid is the scariest most intelligent baby ever. Very affectionate with her mom, but also very likely to eliminate whatever she thinks is "threatening" her caretaker. Her creepy voice is perfection - makes me wonder if her dad ever speaks to her despite his vow of silence - or if he just sticks to EM field communication Lmao Knock Out's split-sparks are are his punishment for being the way he is. They each adopted some of his worst traits lmao. You'd think the twins don't get along but - no - it's even worse. One of them is great at manipulation, while the other is an adrenaline junkie who keeps crashing into his sire's pedes - together, they're unstoppable. If they unite forces with Breakdown's kid, they'll end the world together I personally loveeee the concept of Starscream starting off being like ew towards his own child before eventually bonding with her and being overwhelmed by his need to protect this part of himself. Still in denial abt it- even tho he shadows her constantly during flights and acts way nicer than he does to anyone else. Also the type of parent who refuses to think his kid has done anything wrong lol Megatron with a feral daughter is the best. I'm telling you, she's been gnawing on him since day one. Imagine she turns into something similar to G1 Galvatron's alt-mode - a turret-gun of sorts. She may not cause all that much damage, but her role model is carnage incarnate. Now watch her follow in his pede-steps
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transingthoseformers · 2 months ago
Well I heard you’ve wanted more Eldridge horror transfromers. Well, I have a feral Galvatron AU. Where he has more eldritch horror qualities thanks to Unicorn
What has Unicron done this time
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brandwhorestarscream · 1 year ago
Ended up writing a rather lighthearted barbarian au :3
So, imagine this. It's time for the grand meeting of all the notable clans and whatever smaller ones that are able to attend. It's a time of celebration, trading, forging alliances, and solving conflicts.
But there's something in the air, an odd sort of tension. An anticipation.
Then, when it's time for the evening's feast, Galvatron of the Kaon clan stands, and the hall falls silent. Survival instincts, really. He doesn't react well to be ignored.
"It's time for my heir, Megatron, to find a bond mate. He's exceptionally strong and skilled in the art of combat, like any good carrier should be. So my clan will be holding a tournament, the winner of which will be given the honour to become Megatron's consort."
Galvatron sits, and the hall erupts into chaos. What an opportunity, the clan leaders think, a chance to ally with the Kaonites! Oh Primus Below, live amongst the Kaonites? A death sentence, everyone else thinks.
The gathering of the clans seem to end unusually quickly this time around, clans hurrying home to prepare their chosen suitor.
Could turn it into a Megop think too, by having Megatron fall in love with Orion Pax who isn't a member of the clans. Instead, he's a member of the Priesthood, supposed to be above things such as politics and love.
I'm sooo here for this. Megatron is probably very >:/ at his mom for deciding competition is the best way for him to find a partner. Shouldn't it be someone he gets along with and can respect and would be an asset to have ruling beside him?
Whatever 🙄 what does he know? I can definitely see him demanding something to make it fair, so he has some control: he gets to challenge the winner to a gladiatorial match. If they manage to impress him, then fine, he'll give them permission to go on with the courtship, but if not, send em back!
And you know me so well, I'm always here for some good megop, but! Consider: TFP Orion being from a neutral tribe that mostly specializes in knowledge keeping in a small, unremarkable village, but he's incredibly feral because Reasons. Megatron sees this tiny mech half his size tear out the throat of some wild beast with only his teeth and bare hands and is like 'that one. I want that one'
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unicronian · 1 year ago
galvatron is a feral housecat and here's my proof:
- meant to be owned and domesticated, but ultimately free and wild
- hunts for fun and not just food
- destroys the local ecosystem
- will bite you
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wyrm-with-a-why · 1 year ago
Megatron in the him and Galvatron fusion I made is so feral
He’s an eternal flame of rage against the mental chains of being permanently combined with Galvatron for the rest of his being but the worst thing he can do is cause some dents to form on Omnipotron from the struggle
Or like the equivalent of heartburn
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mekklord · 7 years ago
shockwave: you shall be named... megatronus.
shockwave: and you, my friend... shall be beast megatron
bludgeon: master, you can't just name everything after meg--
shockwave: hush now, samurai megatron.
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quetzalpapalotl · 3 years ago
It is a pity that to experience Eugenesis!Soundwave one must read Eugenesis, which is def not for everyone, but everyone should experience Eugenesis!Soundwave. This man is so fucking done, he's beyong fiving a fuck. He's the most efficient character stuck with a band of fools, bidding his time to kill Galvatron and then the Quints come and ruin everything and Soundwave is DONE. He goes feral, he doesn't care. He shoots Sixshot, he shoots whatever it is that he just birthed. A legend.
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half-a-stache · 2 years ago
Nemesis Prime origin fan ideas
So, I had like... 3 ideas for the origins for the ol' Evil Decepticon Clone because Canon so far just didn't work for me.
Don't get me wrong, I liked that he had an appearance in the shows and that he had some chances fighting his Autobot Original, but the feral puppet in Armada, the Soulless MECH copy in Prime and the Dark Future self in the Netflix Trilogy just wasn't enough. Those were like one-episode antagonists.
And what about the movie, The Last Knight? That version was a brainwashed Optimus Prime serving Quintessa, who didn't even have much screentime.
I wouldn't know about Scourge in Robots in Disguise since I never watched it, but I know that character inspired the idea of Nemesis Prime and that he was a reoccurring character in the show. And I'm okay with this.
Anyway, here's three fanmade origins for you:
Created by Unicron as a loyal soldier for Galvatron. Unicron would use the memories from Galvatron to make him. It's simple, it's sweet. The problem would be it would be too simple.
Optimus Prime of SG. His Autobots would be gone, the Decepticons are winning. He suddenly ends up in the normal universe with the power of Unicron or one of Shockwave's experiments. Considering how his Autobots were weak in his universe and how weak he sees them in the normal one, he joins the Decepticons who share similar ideas with him and renames himself Nemesis Prime. Not my favourite one, because this one hails from the SG Universe, but I thought of it, so it's here.
A clone made with the work of Galvatron and Shockwave. (Perhaps Arkeville if he's included) In one of the battles, Galvatron would pin Optimus down and grab his face. He would use his Unicron powers in extracting a copy of his complete personality. Shockwave would format the Protoform and Galvatron would edit and upload the personality and bring it to life. A living dark clone with an actual spark and probably a Dark Matrix, who knows how Optimus would strategise and fight, and be loyal to Galvatron and the Decepticon cause. Personally, I like this one the most.
So, that's the three fan ideas I got for him. Probably going to do something similar to other characters if I feel like it.
Feel free to comment on which one you like the most.
Or you could make up your own. #nemesis prime origins
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Transformers Siege (WFC) show review!!;
So a lot of people have different opinions on this show, let me tell you guys some of my pros and cons!
*spoilers/thirst/swearing might be included.
Wheeljack getting to say ass. Took me out when I heard it for the first time.
The fact that they addressed how decepticons were mistreated through various means.(Like the time they revealed the ‘core override implants’. That shit was clearly a touchy topic, and I REALLY enjoyed the fact that Prowl hated thinking about it and its history.
Blackarachnia was fucking GAY. And I loved how they chose HER to have such raw energy. It wasn’t at ALL forced, and I appreciated my girl looking and feeling free.
Megatron ACTUALLY said ‘Starscream was right’, can you fucking imagine-
Optimus’s character arc. He came off as SO unlikeable. Like he was impulsive, kind of full of himself in a way, only for him to do a full 180 into the Prime we grew to know and love.
Megatron saying ‘fuck you’ to Galvatron. I love a Megatron that just won’t take that ‘my way or the highway’ bullshit (though Prime Wars Megatron did it the best).
The way the show LOOKS. Seriously, everything is SO detailed. Scuffed paint, feather textures, scales-all of it looks SO good?
Everything with Elita one. Fucking Queen, she deserved to kiss OP (or her three little simps either or-) at the end god dammit.
They gave Airrazor a LITTLE more screen time, and I appreciated what they did with what little they had.
That one fucking moment where Optimus had Megatron at gun point and asked for forgiveness. That WILL hurt you.
This is the FIRST time I've ever liked a Quintisson? I mean bitch WAS crazy.
Season two episode four. Optimus was ANGRY gay that episode, I loved it
The way the different continuities merged was actually really cleverly done, especially by showing the death of a different Optimus Prime.
The voice acting. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen shittier voice acting in shittier series. I just feel like if you’re already a tf fan, you’ll be disappointed. From Beast wars Megatron, to Dinobot, it just won’t hit the same level compared to other series.
They hinted at Sunstreaker again, but didn’t give us SHIT-
Impactor’s death. Homophobic.
Galvatron. I just. Wasn’t impressed with him, aside from appearances. I was gonna include Nemesis as well, but that dude had major feral energy, and I appreciated that, so just fuck Galvatron. 
I appreciated the characterization in some of these guys, but the plots of some of the episodes seemed to just, zoom on by? I mean it was better than it being drawn out like some other series (RID2015), but it’s something that takes me out of it, in terms of pacing.
Megatron didn't get the happy ending he deserved. Optimus got insane amounts of closure, while Megatron and his decepticons were just kinda thrown to the wind. It's better than no punishments, but decepticon get the bad end of it in most shows. For more details on this kinda idea, I have @baebeyza post about it, definitely read it, it has great points;
Final thoughts!!; This show isn’t bad in the slightest, but it's personally not something I loved completely. I loved things ABOUT it, but it's not a series I'd recommend to my friends. Certain scenes sure, but not the series as a whole. 7/10. It could be improved by steady pacing and more gay moments, but on the whole, not too bad.
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thenamesblurrito · 4 years ago
ladies and gentlemen this is ask dump no. 5
aw scrap here we go again!
answered asks include body modification as the opposite of empurata, Mutacons making bandages out of kibble, kibble used as furniture, numbers of Sweeps, a DILF alligator, RID15 Tidal Wave, a BIG infodump on dealing with the circus that is Iacon’s media, Cybertronian muppets, a WIP of Elita Infin1te (or rather her sword), and the many secret sufferings of Alpha Trion.
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yea, sorta! body modification in SNAP is more limited than in canon. you can’t simply switch out your body like the total frame reformats of IDW or TFP, and losing a limb can be permanent if not healed in time. for the most part, the frame you have is the frame you’re stuck with, and those frames fall within specific parameters.
some modification and upgrades do exist! the most prominent here would be a prosthetic helm like Lugnut. if the processor is left intact and attached after a helm injury, a new helm can be sculpted, with extra optics to make up for the lower quality of artificial optics, and as visibly different as possible to differentiate from empurata. other replacements and prosthetics are common after debilitating injury where the original body part cannot be saved. whether or not the prosthetic is as good as the original depends on the individual and the specific injury. there are also functional medical upgrades, like thicker armor attachments, alt mode additions, etc. almost every upgrade is for the express purpose of improving one’s frame for their function, and there’s definitely a limit to them. you can’t give yourself new limbs if you only had four to begin with. a grounder cannot become a flier. the spark can only power so much mass in the frame, and some people have adverse reactions that mean the upgrades don’t take and must be removed.
this sort of relates to the next point here-
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yes, with some caveats.
Cybertronians are a segmentary species, so they can detach some body parts for a bit without negative consequences, as long as that body part is reattached for revitalization and repair. many folks can do this without any medical assistance for the less integral kibble. for instance, Kup uses his tow arm as a walking stick, but he has to reattach it whenever he wants to go into alt mode, and if he doesn’t transform he still needs to reattach it for a couple hours every day at minimum. so if a Mutacon were to create a makeshift splint out of kibble and detach it, it would likely be fine, as long as they got that kibble back. otherwise, they’ve lost a whole chunk of their body that they can’t just regenerate.
for shifting armor to cover a wound without detaching it, that depends on the nature of the wound. if it’s ragged, large, or in areas with a lot of joints or movement, it might be difficult to shuffle around plating to cover it. a more superficial injury in a less delicate area would be easier
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sort of! it’ll depend on the individual’s kibble, of course! double checking SNAP Bulkhead, i don’t think he could, because his kibble isn’t large enough. but Scylla could probably use her alt mode arms as a chair, Wreck-Gar has a built in backpack and belly bag, and of course the Necrobot uses his wingcloak as hands. different kibble with different bonus uses
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the ideal number of Sweeps is seven, since less than that means they don’t have enough collective processing power to function optimally. more than seven, however, puts a strain on that collective processing power to smoothly operate so many at once. so there’s usually packs of as close to seven as they can get.
as to how many can just exist at the same time, it’s limited only by how many Scourge is willing to forge. he first invents them in s1e06 A Use for Army-building! An Upgrade to Sweeps. by the next episode they figure out that having dozens of them running around is... well it’s about as chaotic as having dozens of flying puppies with hands and weapons would be. in large numbers they’re very difficult to control. good thing Galvatron is excellent at commanding his new army!
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(the post this is referring to) @oldboyjensenhinglemeier​ thanks Dilf Waitress, i can always rely on you
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(the post this is referring to) i think that’s fantastic, i’d love to see a Cybertronian whale. imagine the size of the holding cell you’d have to have for him!
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oooohohoho what a sticky subject. here’s a quick rundown on faction ideology to give you some context for how they operate and thus deal with the media. the heroes aren’t referred to as heroes, but rather as vigilantes at best and violent gangs in a turf war at worst. Froid has remotely diagnosed them with pathological dissent. at the same time, some folks have jumped on the market to make hero merch, and it becomes a very lucrative business for some. public opinion is constantly torn between fear and anger at how they do whatever they’d like and gratitude and admiration for how they throw themselves in harms way to prevent disaster and save people. it’s really a giant mess all the time that changes by the day.
there is of course the whole snafu surrounding the media’s portrayal of the Elite Guard as a backup team for the Autobots, and Elita 1 as Optimus’ sidekick. and Elita 1 is Not Happy about that. Elita 2 is startlingly good at winding the reporters around her little finger and always seems to know just what to say, whereas Elita 3 just grumbles at the cameras, even sometimes demanding they respect boundaries or be locked in the nearest building with the use of her powers. Elita 4 barely notices them unless she’s in the mood to prank someone, and Elita 5 just avoids them, as they tend to dramatize her size and thus her danger. given their excellent teamwork and how they’re (mostly) in favor of reform instead of anarchy, the Elite Guard would actually have a good shot at getting along with the news, except they bow to precisely no one, including the people wanting to interview them, so instead they come across as a standoffish and self-serving clique with dangerous habits
the Decepticons are in the bad-boy limelight and they love it. well, at least Galvatron, Hellscream, and Thunderblast do. Galvatron takes advantage of every opportunity to pontificate on the evils of society and the right to rise up for freedom. broadcasters have learned to cut the cameras as soon as he starts speaking so his ideas don’t get the chance to spread too far. Hellscream cares less about principles and more about scaring the living daylights out of every reporter he sees, often leaving them with cracked equipment and ringing audials from the sheer destructive power of his voice. Thunderblast just wants to preen in all the attention and boy does she get it. Cyclonus actively avoids most gawkers, Scourge talks too long and complicated to make good news, Drift either ignores them or sends them away with some lofty spiritual advice, and Triptych is dangerously unpredictable so most reporters have learned to stay away from him.
the Predacons came into existence in a negative light, and they were grimly prepared for it. after all, Sixshot used to be a Decepticon, and their falling-out and defection caused quite a stir. when Abominus first appeared, the fearful reaction of the public to such an ‘abomination’ is actually how he chose his name in the first place. Airachnid loves tormenting reporters with nuclear-grade sarcasm and subtle threats, but if anyone makes her truly mad she’ll string them up in her web cabling and leave them hanging. she also flaunts that cabling by using her darts to knit nets, shawls, and other decorations, despite the fact that getting cabling tangled up in seams and joints can lead to something called entrapment protocols, mentioned in the seventh ask here. Enforcers use capture equipment designed to trigger entrapment protocols, so her mimicry of that as nothing more than a casual accessory is a big ‘frag you’.
Soundwave.... is a category of his own. he only comes into being in the fourth season, but the media soon learns to quake at the thought of encountering Soundwave, and his minicons are little better. there’s at least one instance where he Rosanna-rolls the entirety of Iacon.
the Autobots keep wavering between ‘the only true good ones of all these vigilantes’ and ‘the worst possible people in the world, hide the children, lock the doors’ in the eyes of the media. Optimus does his best to treat everyone fairly, and the Mistress usually has something encouraging to share. much like Galvatron but for completely opposite reasons, broadcasters have learned to cut cameras when Ultra Magnus starts talking, because his encyclopedic knowledge of law means he regularly lists every instance of malpractice, abuse, illegality, and disrespect that he sees in the average reporter, Enforcer, or politician, which is not the kind of upbraiding that would serve the propaganda machine. however, it does get him the attention of Tyrest, who leverages legality and public opinion to try and draw Ultra Magnus into an agreement during s3e03- A Councilmember’s Boon! An Upgrade to Legality. Rodimus is a chaos beast who has been known to snatch cameras for selfies. it’s kind of a tossup as to whether Cheetor will be going slow enough to show up in the footage or not.
now, i can’t talk about the media without mentioning the feral force of nature that is Rewind. the best of the best, he’s the only one willing to brave the battlefields for an up-close look, constantly endangering himself in order to get the freshest scoop. he might not always hold opinions in line with the mandated propaganda about these vigilantes, but the media lets him get away with it, since he’s the most successful at getting them more news. this has caused him to be targeted at least once, unfortunately.
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love this question. love it. you know those lil remote controlled robot dogs, or things to that effect? i’m imagining that’s what Cybertronian muppets are like, since they can create robotics and animatronics with a lot more finesse and ease than we can. in fact, making fabric is probably harder for them than robotics, since they don’t have the same materials as we do to work with. but anyway, these muppets wouldn’t be limited by what a hand can do to puppet them around, being instead remote controlled from off stage, so i don’t know if they’d have that kind of visual gag. maybe instead there would be fourth-wall breaking where one muppet snatches the remote of another?
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the painful thing about this answer is that i have a design i’m happy with EXCEPT FOR THE HELM i have sketched and resketched a dozen different ideas ugh. the body looks fine, all five of them combined in a way that makes sense to me, but i just CANNOT get the helm right i’m so angry. anyway here’s the Cyber Caliber, all of their swords combined into one massive weapon
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the more accurate question is, what hasn’t happened to him. he’s been through a lot, the poor mech. but i’ll list some things for you:
that one time he had a sibling be erased from reality
that one time he had to murder another sibling because they decided evil was fun
that one time a fragging beachball stole his work
the fact he doesn’t know if his twin is alive or not
that one time he was a junker running for his life
that one time he was too late to save the Terminus Blade, and it was stolen
that one time his pride and joy, the Athenaum Sanctorum, was destroyed, and everything archived there was lost
that other time the same fragging beachball stole his work
that other time he was a junker hiding for his life
the fact that the theft of his diary started a whole new branch of religion and he has to read his own words as if they’re sacred
the fact that the title of Trion was in fact derived from his diary, and the sheer painful irony of being given the title of Trion.
that one time he had to rip off some fingers to fit in
that one time Trypticon showed up, awhile before the JAAT was founded, and he had to take it on alone
that other time Trypticon showed up when the JAAT opened and he had to hand out some precious relics to children to protect the school
aaaaand his current reason for drinking! the fact that of all twenty-something heroes running around, he only knows who THREE of them are because he only gave out THREE RELICS! and relics just keep disappearing from the collection he’s guarding
someone help him he is not having a good time. and it’s only going to get worse...
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shadynightsweets · 2 months ago
I have a feral Galvatron AU. Where he has more eldritch horror qualities thanks to Unicorn.
We need more transformers with at least one eldritch horror mode
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brandwhorestarscream · 1 year ago
Hey whats your favorite timeline in Hindsight?
Oh #5, without a doubt. Holy virgin Saint Megatronus, feral bodyguard Orion Pax, Unicron rising again and the sparkeater apocalypse, The Acolytes of the Primes vs. The Avatars of Chaos, there's so much going on in this timeline and I love it to pieces!
Arcee and Galvatron have no idea what's coming to them >:3
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baebeyza · 4 years ago
Unpopular Opinion: Optimus Prime isn't a very good person and that he's too glorified. (expect TFA Optimus)
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
What can I say except that there are many, many Optimus'/Convoy's out there and making a general opinion on them just doesn't work.
But I couldn't think of any Optimus I experienced who wasn't deep down a good person - lets make a roll call shall we? (includes all shows except RB and RBA + Bayverse)
G1 Optimus Prime - Good person, good leader, good father figure. Is forgiving towards wrong-doers without being a pushover. Couldn't think of anything he does that is sketchy
Beast Wars Optimus Primal - He has a harsh personality, hits Rattrap on the back of his head when the Rat talks bullshit and can get feral against his own teammates when they are being assholes like Depth Charge - but all in all, he is still a good leader and a good person. He simply has a more down-to-earth personality and a no-bullshit attitude.
He only ever reacts angrily because his team do stupid and jerkass stuff, but he is never unreasonable.
When he gets angry, you know why and you get why.
Also, he gave Dinobot a chance as a Maximal two times, so he too has a forgiving nature. And his dynamic with Depth Charge shows that he isn't petty either. ("I don't like him much either, but he's still a Maximal.")
He also had a nice moment with Blackarachnia in which he assures her they won't do anything about her coding against her will and that she is safe with them.
Beast Wars II Lio Convoy - The only thing you could call him out for is for refusing the father role when he found out he has a son. It took him half the show to actually call Lio Junior his son, but it made for a nice story! Also, he was willing to make peace with Galvatron in the show, showing his forgiving nature.
Beast Wars Neo Big Convoy - The shy and awkward one! He's a treat who learns to become a good teacher and leader with the help of his students, and he had this moment in which he tried to save Magmatron's life from Unicron. He is a hero with a strong sense of justice who needed to learn about proper teamwork and friendship and it's a really simple and sweet story.
Beast Machines Optimus Primal - This dude is such a trainwreck and I cannot in good conscious say he was always on the right side of things, I admit that.
The way the show treated the Vehicons was a little sketchy, because the Maximals technically became hypocrits, especially when it was about Silverbolt.
Forcing the "techno-organic is the real way to be" unto the non-organic characters feels a little weird, because the show never properly showed us why being without an organic side is supposed to be so bad. (And this matters because the good vs evil conflict isn't properly connected to the techno vs organic plot).
So this Oppy you can make the point that he isn't all that good as he pretends to be in his preachy cult leader role.
RiD01 Optimus Prime/Fire Convoy - Listen, this is the most naive and cute Optimus out there. This dude was willing to let Decepticons into their base just because they were like "We are good now :)" without even checking first.
His dynamic with his jerkass twin Magnus supports that - he doesn't want to fight his brother! The dude fucking pushes him off a cliff and he still tries to reason with him and doesn't fight back at all!
Don't you ever dare call this Prime a bad person, he's precious! xD
Armada Optimus Prime/Convoy - This is the dude who goes fucking feral at the end and shows just how much hatred and anger a Prime can store - but really just towards the end! The rest of the show he's your typical leader who doesn't do anything bad.
And when he made mistakes, he corrected them.
The fact that he always had this hatred and rage that he pushed aside all the time is the most interesting thing about this Prime, but even that doesn't make him a secretely bad person, because he still doesn't do anything bad. He's just an angry boi.
Energon Optimus Prime/Grand Convoy - This is technically the same Prime as Armada, and for once that shows - that anger Prime showed at the end of Armada is still present here and shows up a few times, especially when it's about Unicron.
But just like in Armada, he doesn't do anything bad.
He even tries to save Shockblast, the jerkiest jerk of the entire show, from Unicron's influence! And did just that with Galvatron at the end as well with the full intend to sacrifise himself to save everyone, including the Cons.
Cybertron Optimus Prime/Galaxy Convoy - My favourite Prime of them all - this Prime is just a damn Papa Bear! He will be considerate and loving towards his men, but if you bully his kids, you'll catch his hands bro.
He's bit a stoic dude, but shows compassion and kindness when he needs to.
He doesn't do anything sketchy either, and lets the few remaining Cons be part of the Transformers society in the end, despite their misdeeds before.
TFA Optimus Prime - The one you say is the only good Prime? Guess so, he's a good person as well! He makes mistakes (like insulting his team) but learns and grows from them.
But mate - he isn't a better person than any of the other Prime's I just listed. The only difference between TFA Prime and the other Primes so far is that TFA Prime is a narrative underdog who you are supposed to feel pity for.
All the other Prime's are leaders in a leader role, so just from a narrative standpoint, you don't feel the same sympathy for them as you do for TFA Prime.
But being an underdog doesn't translate to being a better person. The Joker in the Joker movie is also an underdog, but no one says he's a good person and that everything he does in this movie is justified.
TFA Prime just goes through more harsh shit that isn't Megatron and that's it. He isn't being a better hero or person for that.
TFP Optimus Prime - Yeah, I saw the opinion that him being too forgiving towards Megatron in the past is a flaw and that he cares more about this one silver shark more than about the safety of the universe - to which I say: WHEN???
This is a thing Ratchet accuses him off! But I couldn't remember a single scene in this show in which Optimus does, in fact, let Megatron go when he had the chance to kill him!
They always fought to the death when they did and Megatron surviving wasn't because Optimus was too nice. He's not Son Goku peeps.
And I have my issues with TFP Prime and how his characters is written, but being a secretely bad person aint it. He isn't a bad person.
If this is also about Starscream - he has every right to not trust Starscream. No one should trust Starscream! Starscream doesn't exist to be trusted by anyone.
You cannot call Prime a bad person because he elects to not trust the notorious backstabber, who, as Prime himself as pointed out, only does things for his own gain.
Also, he did try to make peace with Starscream after Megatron's "Death", and Starscream refused.
Is it about him destroying the Omega Lock? Nothing wrong with that! He chose to save Earth and all its Humanity over restoring a dead planet! Dead planet stays dead, alive planet stays alive. No one died by his decision to destroy the Omega Lock - but a whole ass planet would have died if he hadn't.
Like bro - I am not a big sucker for TFP Prime, but all these points I see floating around to prove that he is actually a bad person are kinda weird and biased.
Why should he have given Starscream a chance? To get backstabbed and used??? Which we know would have happened because this is fucking Starscream we are talking about??? A dude who doesn't care about Earth in the slightest and was happy about it being destroyed? Who only cares about power and winning this war, which is why he goes back to Megatron???
Should have sacrifised Earth? Would that have made him a true hero???
RiD15 Optimus Prime - This TFP Prime, just sterner, weaker and ready to start beef. But ultimately still a good guy.
Bayverse Optimus Prime - Here you got a Prime who kills his enemies! For anyone saying that TFP Prime is bad for not killing Megatron when he could, do you at least like Bayverse Prime for doing just that? Three times???
Even though he kills all his enemies, I never saw that as him being evil. He just doesn't give second chances. And it was refreshing to see a hero who actually does get rid of his enemies before they can do more shit.
He aint the nicest bot in town, but in the end he still did the heroic thing.
Movie 4 even gave him an arc about losing his faith in humanity and not wanting to help them anymore, but in the end he still does because his Barn Husband Cade convinces him to.
Good man I say, good man!
Prime Wars Optimus Prime - He tried to stop Windblade from making a mistake that would end in war with an emphasis on Windblade herself - saying that war is horrible and he doesn't want her to go through the same thing.
He then decides to help her anyway when he learns what the stakes are, is giving Megatron a second chance, keeps being on friendly footing with the dude and dies in an attempt to destroy the bad guy.
All in all, a good boy!
Cyberverse Optimus Prime - He forbids his soldiers from taking Energon from a foreign planet because the local fauna need it to survive - he constantly tries to do peace talks and doesn't give up on them - He dances in front of his crew to cheer them up - he shows remorse about what happened to Wild Wheel and tries to make things right again - he holds the dead Megatron in his arms and calls him his old friend-
Nothing bad about this home boy!
War for Cybertron Optimus Prime - he fucks up the whole damn time, but he has good intentions! He's a flawed individual who realises what his mistakes are!
Making mistakes, even as grand as his, doesn't make him a bad person!
So, no - I don't agree that Optimus is bad person and I also don't agree that TFA Prime is a better person than any other Prime.
Almost all these Prime's do good things, protect life, try to choose peace over conflict at least once and have a forgiving nature (even Bayverse Optimus, as he forgives humanity) - that all good guy qualities for me!
What more do you want from him to be a good person? Be nice to Starscream off all people???
Also, what do you even consider to be "too glorified"??? The newest media like WFC doesn't even depict him as a good leader because he fucks up so bad.
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silenthilllz · 3 years ago
Galvatron is feral
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sparkmender · 4 years ago
Megatron X Galvatron + 💛
GENDER: DESTRUCTION (okay, actually he/him, but you know)
APPEARANCE: Overkill is massive. His alt. mode is a literal rocket launcher with enough force behind it to wrench a mech’s arms out of their sockets if they’re not Megatron or Galvatron. He’s mostly a dark, unpainted Damascus steel with some wine accents and a prominent Decepticon brand on each shoulder, very strong facial features with a crooked nose and a permanent feral glint to his coalfire optics.
FACECLAIM: god. fucking. Doomguy, probably? Let’s go with Doomguy. RIP AND TEAR
PERSONALITY: Boisterous and outwardly friendly, Overkill has a way of drawing mecha in. The dangerous part is once you’re close you realize there’s no way out— the mech has the personality of a black hole, and the volatility of both of his predecessors. He will kill you with a smile and not think twice about it. The only mecha he won’t chew up and spit out are Soundwave and his cassettes, Cyclonus, Scourge, and his creators.
POWERS / ABILITIES: uhhhhhhh. Mass destruction, mostly. If that counts? Really good at punching? Fastest shotgun reload time on the Nemesis?
MISC: The Sweeps like to pile up on top of him to recharge because Overkill is warm, rumbly, and literally no one willingly wakes him. Overkill mostly lets them.
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