#fenrir godspeed week
toloveawarlord · 2 years
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Pairing: Fenrir Godspeed x MC
Event: Ikerev gift exchange hosted by @sunnyikemen and @ikemenlibrary
Giftee: @kokorokai
wc: 1.4k
a.n: Hello! I hope you like this little slice of Fenrir! Fluff with a little bit of teasing from MC!
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Heavy, black boots thudded against the wooden planks of the dock as the Ace of Spades paced over the creaky boards awaiting sight of their incoming ship. The sun had begun its descent down toward the horizon, painfully showing how long he’d spent under its intense gaze. Amethyst eyes squinted under his hand pressed his eyebrows as a shield.
Had the mission been a success or a failure? Did they manage to sail safely for the entirety of the trip or did some ruffian pirates dare attack a Black Army ship?
“Fenrir, sir! There’s been an incident at headquarters that requires your immediate attention.” A panting soldier gave a salute as he struggled to stay upright. Sweat dripped from his hair and rolled down his pale features.
As much as he wanted to remain there for a firsthand report of what had transpired on MC's mission, Fenrir had to tend to this. Animosity between the armies had risen over the past month, bringing about quite a few altercations. He'd been the cause of more than one of those occasions, receiving long lectures from the irritated Sirius after each.
A month of guard duty down in the holding cells beneath the headquarters hadn't quelled his fighting spirit. None on either side had been injured beyond bruises, mostly of their own egos.
Fenrir sat back in the chair behind the large, oak desk after a grueling meeting with his other officers and his "unruly soldiers". He'd advocated for them, and in the end, took the brunt of the punishment from Ray.
Paperwork. The bane of his existence
The room swamped in darkness save for the lamp illuminating the tall stack of papers that required the army's attention. Truly, it was punishment fitting for him, as he loathed having to sit still and read boring documents.
But he’d set to work, attempting to work at inhuman speeds. Eventually, his strength waned. Fenrir couldn’t remember falling asleep, slumped over the desk and papers strewn about in a mess, but it was undoubtedly due to the boredom. His cheek rested against his arm; Fenrir cracked his eyes open as someone poked at his forehead to prod him awake.
“Hard at work, I see.”
That voice.
It struck through his haze of tiredness and brought an unbidden smile to his lips. Beautiful eyes gazing down at him with amusement and a hint of playfulness. Lips pulled up into a dazzling smile despite the late hour. She sure didn't look as though she'd spent weeks at sea, as radiant as ever.
“I heard you were waiting at the docks for quite some time. Were you that worried about me?” Her tone laced with teasing. MC had assured him that this trip to another country would be safe. Mousse had traveled this route many times and never had a single encounter with pirates or ruffians.
Fenrir sat upright in the chair, trying to wipe the tiredness off his face. "I wasn't. I just miss ya, that's all." This had been the longest she'd been away from him, without the ability to even send a letter. He wanted to leap across the desk and smother her in kisses, but his left leg was limp, fuzzy and asleep.
Though, it would be a lie to say he had not been worried. The longer she had been gone, the more his heart twisted within his chest.
“Well, I missed you even more," MC said, snickering at his trouble standing on his own two legs. He'd done something out of line to have this much paperwork in front of him.
Her gaze fell down onto the desk to the beautifully inscribed piece of parchment. A true work of art when it came to these kinds of proposals. “Another one? That’s the eight one in three months.”
MC snatched it off the desk before Fenrir had the chance to stop her. He stood abruptly from the chair, knocking it against the wall, and nearly tumbling over as he only had one good leg. “Give it here. It doesn't mean anything.” He should have thrown it away when he’d had the chance earlier, but the least he could do was read them before turning the poor girls down.
“Ooh, Edith Plume, sounds like a real winner, this one.” MC threw him a mischievous look. She kept her distance while scanning the page. It was almost too amusing to watch him hobble in her direction. “She loves to ride horses, what a surprise there. I bet she’d love to ride you, too.” Her eyebrows shot up as she snickered at him.
Fenrir gave a frustrated groan. “MC, come on, give me the dumb letter!”
“A beautiful songstress, and that’s exactly what she wrote, Fenrir. A songstress. Aren’t you just incredibly lucky to have a songstress in your pile of marriage proposals.”
She had to know.
“And she can dance too. A really talented woman right here. It’s not like she learned any special skills-- wait, she can sew too! She’s too talented for you, Fenrir. I mean, having basic skills that are taught to practically every girl in Cradle, that’s hard to come by these days.”
She had to know that she was the only one.
“This one, I think she is the one- Oof!”
Fenrir stomped his leg against the ground, having just enough control to launch himself at her. Colliding with MC, the two toppled over onto the couch as he'd planned. He couldn't grasp how she could be laughing right now. "Oh, this is funny, is it?"
"Incredibly." MC had entrusted her heart to him, and these letters were nothing more than a desperate attempt by some rich nobles to gain access to the Godspeed fortune. She'd learned to find the humor in them, and then toss them promptly in the trash. "It's not as though I'm going to let them take you from me."
The temperature had surely risen in the room. That would explain the stuffiness that fell over him. His heart pounded in his chest as if he’d run the length of Black Territory and back.
Fenrir crumpled the letter, tossing it away. The anxiety that had riddled his body ebbed away at her tender smile. He was one lucky man to have her. "It's good of ya to say so."
"Shall I write you one?"
MC could see that his mind had already forgotten the letter, gazing down at her with adoration and love. "A proposal letter. I can list all my best talents. For example, I'm an excellent cook, so you'd never have to experiment using your gun as a tool again."
His laughter made her heart swell. He'd returned to his usual self, plagued no more by dark clouds. "I'd be glad to receive it, but ya know, I've already planned how I want to ask ya to marry me."
"Please, go on."
But Fenrir tapped his finger against her nose. "Nah, I'm not fallin' for that. It's a surprise." A grand surprise. He'd made a whole day out of it, invited all their friends to participate. His hope would be that it would be the second-best day of her life, followed by the very best day of their wedding.
MC had little choice but to relent. It thrilled her to the core to imagine his proposal, their wedding; what it would be like after they were husband and wife. She could wait.
She would wait a lifetime to be married to her true love.
Slowly, her hands reached up, fingers entangling in the lapels of his army coat. MC pulled him down, pressing her lips to his. Their eyes met as the kiss deepened, as if neither wanted to miss a moment of the other. The two only broke apart when they’d become desperate for air.
Fenrir hovered, not wanting to give up that elated feeling washing over him. His breath mixed with hers. “I love ya, MC." He couldn’t say those words enough. The Ace of Spades wanted to shout it from the rooftops and only speak those tender words this close to his beloved at the same time.
“I love you, too, Fen.”
The two stayed there until the early morning, simply being. They exchanged many kisses while cuddling close together. Long and passionate; short and sweet; peppered across the other’s features. On the couch in the office of Black Territory, they whispered words of endearment and shared countless memories in between their inability to stop showering the other with affection.
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the-cashewpeia · 4 years
Under The Transparent Umbrella (Fenrir x Alice)
Title: Under The Transparent Umbrella
Pairing: Fenrir x Alice/MC
Genre: Fluff
Words count: 442
Warning: -
Note: I know it's already late but anyway happy birthday to our Ace of Spades!
Tagging @ikerev-appreciation
She did not know how many hours had passed, while she was waiting for the pouring rain to stop.
All she wanted to do that day was to enjoy her me-time in the Central Quarter, window-shopping some interesting products, treating herself to a plate of colorful and delicious cake, and savoring the warmth of the sunlight. But it seemed like the sky did not approve her plans and trapped her under the nearby shop's canopy.
The paper bag full of bread for the Black Army now no longer warm, as the rain stole it's temperature by some degrees. She clutched it closer to her figure, hoping to keep herself from the coldness even a little bit.
How she wanted to curse herself for being ignorant to Sirius' advice that morning, before she went for the trip, "don't forget to bring your umbrella, Little Lady."
Well, she thought that the sky would go along with her, at least only for that day.
While she was being accompanied by the pitter-patter sound on the canopy, the bucketing rain gradually lessened. The girl stretched her arm, feeling the sensation of raindrops tickling her delicate palm. A smile bloomed on her lips, as an idea of going home popped on her mind.
"Hey! Ya aren't planning to catch a cold, right?"
It had not been three steps away from the canopy she was sheltering before, as a cheerful voice interrupted her walk. She quickly turned on her heels, eyes gleaming like stars painted on the night sky when she recognized the owner of that familiar voice.
Her cheer replied by a beam of smile of his, as he took long steps to approach her. He shielded her form with an umbrella first, before joining her under the shade.
"How did you know that I was here?" They were walking side by side by now, shoulders touching to seek each other's warmth.
"It's a secret." The fuschia-haired man was grinning and a chuckle escaped his lips.
She faked a pout, before attacking his waist with tickles. As laughter was replaced by his grin, he tried to avenge and aiming at the same target, but she was already sprinting down the road.
"Catch me if you can!"
"Is that a challenge?"
A burst of laughter and splashing of water filled their trip back home. The drops of the drizzle and the need to shelter themselves were soon forgotten, as the sun was already shining bright in their hearts.
For the first time on that day, she was thankful that the rain was pouring down. Or else she would not be enjoying the day with him like this.
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thetwinkims · 4 years
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For the first time in forever, i shall contribute to @ikerev-appreciation's Fenrir appreciation week....
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bex-ish · 4 years
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Freshly bathed Fenrir for Fenrir Appreciation Week! @ikerev-appreciation
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ikerev-appreciation · 4 years
Fenrir Appreciation Week
What is “Appreciation Week”?
It is a week to celebrate a specific suitor through various creative outlets!
What can I contribute?
Anything your heart desires! Write, draw, meme, edits, cosplay,etc. Any way you wish to show your love for the suitor! You can even just gush about the suitor if you wish. There are a million ways to show your love!
From Fluff to angst to smut! Anything that features our suitor of the week is acceptable! Any ships are welcome as well!
When is Fenrir’s week?
April 12-18 (Fenrir’s Birthday is the 15th!)
We have also changed the tag so it is easier and shorter ^_^
Please tag your work exactly like this —–> fenrir godspeed week
and please @ this blog as well to make double sure that we reblog your awesome work!
Please feel free to message us if your work has not be reblogged within a day! Tumblr can be weird about tags sometimes!
We want everyone to enjoy and celebrate Fenrir for the week as much as they want to!
If you have any questions, please drop us an ask or message us!
-Ruka and Berry
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5-of-spades · 5 years
Secret epilogue to the special story we got for Black Army for Luka’s route release (?)
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i mean (?) we can only speculate what transpired after the gruesome murder of Sirius’s flowers (?)
Listen to you mother father boys,  he only wants what’s best for you and no fun allowed until you fix his petunias you ruined
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emeraldtawny · 5 years
Fenrir x MC: Reunion
This week’s Fluffy Friday fic featuring Fenrir...pouty Fenrir >:3
Time moves at a snail’s pace for Fenrir; at this point, he is almost convinced that it’s moving backwards. He stares listlessly up at the ceiling, his hands tucked under his head and his foot hanging off the side of his couch kicking the air back and forth. He knows that it’s only temporary and that he’s already gone this long so he can survive just a little bit longer. But damn, did his mind have other ideas.
“I’ll be back before you know it.”
He curses his mind for making him relive the last words you said to him before stepping through that hole back to London. It was only for the month; Fenrir knew that. You will come back to Cradle and back to him; Fenrir knew that. But his mind and his heart seem desperate to argue, pushing and pulling with “will she, won’t she” scenarios, enough to make even the Ace of Spade’s immovable confidence shrink back with a shadow of doubt.
With a groaned sigh and the furrowing of his eyebrows, Fenrir pulls a hand free to rub at his eyes whilst his other pushes his body up to a sitting position. His fingers move up from his face to rake his magenta fringe back and he blinks to regain his vision before peering out the open window, the curtains fluttering ever so softly with the calm nighttime breeze.
(Come on, moon. Hurry up, will ya? I miss my girl...ugh! Stop getting so worked up, Fenrir! It’ll be fine, she’ll be back! She’ll--)
The door clicks and the sound barrier almost breaks with how quickly Fenrir’s neck whips around to see who’s opening it, his eyes practically popping out of his skull.
...To say that he was disappointed at the cocked eyebrow of his King would be the greatest understatement. His shoulders visually droop and his face almost violently relaxes with a deep sigh. Ray’s highly amused chuckle prompts him to open one eye to meet his grin, the sight only making his own lips pucker.
“Man, you’ve got it bad. I wish I could get this recorded for prosperity.”
Fenrir narrows his eye at his buddy, not up for his teasing when his heart is too busy siphoning every remaining thread of patience within him.
“C’mon, man. Gimme a break...”
His grin only widens at his friend’s despondent state, “Yeah, yeah, I know. You need to look cool for ___ when she comes back, so she has no idea just how badly you were missing her the whole month she was gone.”
A laugh leaves him - both from Ray figuring him out easily and from how astute his words were - and Fenrir pulls himself upright and leans back against the couch, shooting a cocksure grin his best buddy’s way.
“Heh, you know me too well sometimes. It wasn’t that obvious, was it?”
“You had the exact same look on your face that Shu Shu gets when you tell him it’s time for a walk.”
Another laugh, this one stuttering his natural tenor voice with embarrassment, “Really? Well, it’s ‘cause I miss her. This month’s been taking too damn long and I just wanna see her gorgeous smile again.”
Ray lets a puff of air exhale through his nostrils as he attempts to stifle the laugh clearly trying to force its way out and Fenrir catches a glimmer in his emerald eyes, a telltale sign that he’s up to something.
“Well, maybe you should tell her that.”
With a parting cheeky grin, Ray steps back into the hallway and goes on his way. But as he leaves, the person standing behind him the entire time - you - is revealed. Fenrir meets your eyes and you meet his and for a moment, all is still. He blinks once, twice, and your smile grows ever wider as realisation finally dawns on him. You step further into the room with a cheeky grin mirroring Ray’s earlier expression and stand toe-to-toe with your dumbfounded boyfriend, his form unresponsive aside from the slow yet vibrant spread of pink dispersing across his cheeks and towards his ears.
“Sooo, you got something you want to say to me, Fenrir?”
The grumble that leaves him is so delightfully childlike that you can’t help but giggle, only for it to morph into a yelp as Fenrir stands and wraps his arms around your waist so fast that it almost winds you. He buries his face deep into the crook of your neck and you can feel your heart skipping at the heat of his cheeks warming your exposed skin.
“That was awfully sly of you, y’know…” 
He mumbles against your neck, his lips clinging to your skin as he speaks from his close proximity. You wriggle your arms free from his grip and bring them up to thread your fingers through his fuschia wildfire hair, revelling in its softness that you missed so much.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You press a kiss to the top of his head and his grip around you tightens in response. Fenrir finally lifts his head from your neck and you gasp at his heated gaze, his long lashes framing his beckoning gaze and his eyebrows pulled together the same way his lips are as he pouts at you. 
“If you’re going to kiss me, kiss me here.”
He leans forward, his lips parting as they hover just short of yours in as clear a message as one can make. You laugh but feel yourself being pulled into him, just as desperate to reunite with him as he is. You cover his lips with yours, a sigh breathed into him as you refresh your memory on the taste of him, the feel of his lips and how sweetly his kisses make you feel from the inside out. As you both part from each other with satisfied sighs yet still longing for more, Fenrir ghosts his lips over yours in a quick peck before his usual grin lights up his face.
“Welcome home, baby.”
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asras-alnazar · 5 years
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myotomespace · 6 years
Ikerev Uni AU! inspired snippets:
WELL HEWWO AGAIN!! I certainly did NOT think i’ll be posting these here anytime soon but...yeah :) someone pls kill me...
Anyway, these are some little shitty ideas inspired by @emeraldtawny‘s University AU (which i love so very much zfnqllksf)
Characters : Sirius, Jonah, Luka, Fenrir, Kyle and Edgar.
note?: Fenrir’s and Kyle’s are basically me roasting them (probably?? i don’t do writing so maybe not...still got Tawny’s seal of approval for Kyle tho :3 yay!). Also i tried making Edgar’s as spicy as i could (which is probably not...*shrug*)
You made your way towards the greenhouse hoping you find the one you’re looking for there. You needed a few plants for your research assignment and he was the only one who came to your mind when you thought about asking for help. Stepping inside, you were first greeted with the scent of nature. It never fails to make you stop for a moment and just breathe it in.
Hearing the faint sound of water, you return to your sense and glance around. There he is. Just like you thought. Sirius was watering the plants at the back. You walk slowly toward him, taking the time to observe him. He always looked calm and relaxed here, like he left all his problems behind and is simply a man enjoying the beauty of nature.
I love it when you’re like this. And you can’t stop staring…
But before your thoughts could get any more tainted, you call out to him.
“Hey there, little one.” Ugh, don’t call me that...You have no idea how it makes me feel...
“Could you perhaps help me getting samples of plants i need. You spend more time here than me so it’d be quicker.”
“Of course. What do you need?” While he puts the watering can down, you dig through your pocket “Here. I have a list.” You hand him the piece of paper, your hands brushing slightly and bringing a blush to your cheeks. You froze. Natural reaction. You love him after all.
“Hmm, most of those are over there. Come with me.” You don’t know if he noticed your reaction or not, but, you were grateful he didn���t ask.
You two spend a fair amount of time moving around and gathering plants. You were most certainly not focused on that though…Being close to him for extended periods made your mind drift to thoughts about him. His scent, his posture, his hands...GOD his hands...You love the feel of his hand in your hair. It’s soothing.
You shift slightly to take a closer look at the plant’s leafs, your shoulders brush together. At this almost non-existent distance, you become really aware of his presence, it starts driving you mad with all the things you’re thinking of.
I want you...so much...I wonder if i’ll manage to taste you later, after this. You’re a patient man, but i know how you look when you let go. It’s not the first time anyway...
You've been stressing over this part you have to perform for the last week. Your friends tell you that you're doing fine, that you practiced well, yet it didn't ease your mind. 
And here you are now, in the class, murmuring your lines in the script -when you should be paying attention to the lecture- completely unaware of the glare your haughty classmate has been giving you for the past 30 minutes.
Just as you reach the part you are the least confident in, Jonah coughs loudly, unnecessarily so, and points his perfectly manicured finger at you, “Would you keep quiet, and pay attention. You're distracting us!“
Really? Look at him. The teacher's pet. And definitely the student you are least compatible with in situations like these. How is he your boyfriend, you'll never know.
I'm here stressing myself out and all the support you could think to give me is a lecture about attention during a lecture…“You think i give a damn about it? I have a performance tomorrow. If the teacher himself is not stopping me, than i don't care.“ you huff. He's frustrating, sometimes.
The rest of the day passes peacefully…probably not a good sign. With your courses over, you gather your stuff quickly, trying to flee the classroom before your intuition proves right, but…“Where do you think you're going?“ darn it, not fast enough.
“Home?“ you answer warily. Please, Jonah. I'm just anxious, don't make it worse.
“You're going nowhere…not till i apologize.“
“Huh?!“ Ok, this was not what you were expecting. Jonah puts his studies before anything else usually. Even if you ARE his girlfriend, this is your fault anyway and you know it. He was right.
So why is he apologizing.
“I'm your boyfriend, i should have known how you're feeling and helped you, but i didn't.“ Oh. It was bothering him.
The look in his eyes held so much worry and frustration. I'm sorry too, Jonah. You get closer to him, bringing your hands up to hold his cheeks, and just as he starts muttering your name, you kiss him, drinking the rest of the sound. Not enough… i want more. More of you.
Perhaps a deeper apology is needed.
“Is this good, Luka?“ you ask, placing it on your palm, you show him the small delicate sugar flower you were working on. He nods
The assignment you were given was about making a chocolate cake in pairs. Since you were about the only one Luka spent most of his time with in the class lately, you two got paired.
It was fun for the both of you. The most fun you ever had in the kitchen. Simply working, spending your time together, quietly, was enough to fill you with warmth and happiness. You can't fully explain why you feel so at ease with him yet, but you like it. And you hope he feels the same.
Shifting your concentration back to your task, you start working on the next flower, shaping it carefully, making sure it looks decent enough to be worthy as a decoration to one of Luka's delicious cakes.
He kept watching you…observing your expression. How it changes when you work on a detail, how you smile to yourself faintly when you do it right.
How your tongue sticks out slightly when you concentrate on the delicate shape…
His cheeks gain color, red and bright. What is this feeling? He feels like he's been acting strange lately...Ever since he started spending time with you.
He gets easily distracted with, simply, your presence, yet he can't focus on his work when your not there, next to him. It's like he can't bear staying without seeing you anymore, sitting there, beside him, sharing with him what was supposed to be his private, comfort bubble.
What is this feeling?
His burning cheeks heat even more, and he tears his gaze away from you, back to the cake in front of him, hoping his racing heart would calm soon.
“Luka? Is something wrong?“ your voice brings him back to reality. Apparently he's been staring at the cake for a good while.
You put the nearly finished sugary decoration on the tray, and step near him, worried.
His heart starts racing again, its beat so fast he can heart it, blush covering his cheeks and working its way up to his ears.
You're too close, and i feel this weird heat again. What is this?
He can't put a name on it yet. But it makes him happier than he's ever been.
“Fenrir...wake up!” you shake the sleeping idiot, but still no signs of him waking up.
“WAKE UP FENRIR,DAMMIT!” fed up, you smack his head with the book you were holding. He yelps, jumping from his seat. “Yo, What was that for?”
“The class is over. You slept the whole time.” him saying ‘Oh cool!’ Made you want to smack him again, but instead, you just sighed exasperatedly.
“Are we eating lunch or not? We don’t have much time left, come on.”
Walking together to your favorite place, you talk about all sorts of things. Fenrir mentions a party that he wants to take you to tomorrow. He was at a party YESTERDAY, and he's already going to another one?
The timing is not the best though when you think about it.
“Hey, Fenrir… have you finished the assignment due tomorrow?“
“Wait, we have one?! since when?!“ you felt about ready to slam your head on a table, and you thank the gods that there is none here.
“It was given last week!“
“Well, no sweatin’, ain't like i'll fail cause of it.“
“This one is important, and it'll definitely matter in that ‘fail or pass’ scenario.“
His studying habits constantly make you wonder how in the hells is he able to get decent grades. He sleeps in class, ALWAYS at a party somewhere, and plays around too much.
You remember the time you watched him train. how he looked so hot, it turned you on. How his playful teasing, made you want to let go and lose yourself in him more, want to--
You shake your head furiously hoping the blush coloring your cheeks would magically disappear.
“What are you going to do now? The tasks for those assignment do require a week to be done. And you only have a few hours.“ If you say you won't do them, i'll throw you down.
“Nah, i'll manage. I've always said that diamo--“
You cut him to finish his catch phrase for him, sighing all the while, “Diamonds are made under pressure. That's why you leave things to the last minute. I know…“ you give up… there is no way you can keep up with his method of sliding through trouble like nothing.
“Great! Now, are you going to the party with me?“ Fenrir gets closer to you, eyes shining with amusement and excitement, a look that suits him really well. But, when it's this close to your face, just a few inches apart, it does things to you. The only words you could find to describe him are ’Hot Damn!’.
And you can never resist your boyfriend being right here, next to you. You can't resist your need to feel him, kiss him,and…
You close that final distance between you two, your mouth moving to kiss his gorgeous lips, wanting to taste him, and drown in the feel of him. And it is your answer…All the answer he needs.
“Kyle? Are you still alive?” You call before slowly opening the door and letting yourself in. Whoa...Is this really the right place?
Kyle’s room was absolutely drowning in haphazardly placed books and paper. There was barely space to properly walk. Moving carefully, you make your way toward the source of this mess. Your helpless boyfriend. More like son…
He's sitting on his desk, focused on his books, unaware of your presence. You raise your hand and grip his ear, yanking it. He yelps, finally noticing you. “Hey!“
His smile irritates you even more. “Don't ‘Hey!’ me. What's with your room, i just arranged it last week!“
“I'm just studying, i guess it happened.“ he admits sheepishly.
What the hell?
You look around the room again. The bed was the only organized place. It's like a hurricane passed by. Really, Kyle…How are you still alive?
Shifting your gaze back to him for another lecture, you see the clear bags under his eyes. He seems pale too.
“When was the last time you got out of here?“ you ask, worried for his health.
“This morning, i think?“ Huh, it's night now!
“You THINK?“ you stare at him. Should you ask more? What if it's worse?...
“Last time you ate?“
“3 days ago, when you gave me that salad.“
“Last time you slept?“
“I don't have time for sleep.“
……dear lord
You just stand there, still trying to process this disaster of a man, mouth opening and closing, yet no words coming out. I have so much i want to say i don't even know from where to start!
“Hey, are you okay?“ he puts his hand on your forehead, as if checking your temperature.
Okay? Me? Are you kidding me? Are YOU okay? How come a Health science student is THIS bad at caring for his own health? ARE YOU REALLY ALIVE?
This…this is hopeless. He is hopeless.
“You're coming with me.“ you grab his hand, dragging him.
“Careful! Those are important documents you're stepping on.“
“You think i give a damn? Just follow me.“
You force him to go with you to the small kitchen and make him sit down on the chair “Stay there. Don't move.“ you warn him, turning around and disappearing to cook some food for him.
Not long after you started, you feel arms wrapping around your waist. You sigh exasperatedly, “Didn't i tell you to stay there?“
“Mhm, i'd rather stay here if i'm not gonna do anything.“ you blush, shivering slightly as you feel his breath against the skin of your neck.
This disaster of a man…What will he do without you…What am i ever gonna do without you.
Smiling sheepishly, you continue cooking, so he could eat and then sleep for a while.
You agreed to help him review his psychology course, and in turn you get to learn new things.
You should have known it would lead into this kind of situation…
Edgar had you sitting on his lap, facing him, with the excuse that he would be able to see your expressions better this up close.
His hands were all over you, curious and studious, teasing and unrelenting, turning you on to the point of madness, the pleasure they provided you too much and not enough at the same time.
You were addicted to his teasing… to him.
He broke the kiss, lips still touching yours. You whined. You want more of him. You want to get lost in him. You want...
“Hmm…That's an interesting expression. You look unsatisfied, like this is not enough. Are you that turned on already?“ he whispered, voice way too collected for your liking, when you’re breathless and head swimming with all sorts of indecent thoughts.
You turned your gaze away from him, his analytic eyes making you want to escape from them, before he catches on what you were thinking, “I'm n-not.“
“Now, now, don't lie to me. Your eyes went down to the right and you hesitated in your speech. Clear signs of lying. And I know you well enough to tell that even without resorting to psychology.“ you wish you were not this far gone already, because you would certainly like slapping that know-it-all smirk off his gorgeous, beautiful lips.
What were they doing not kissing you...not tasting you… not making you lose yourself in more of him…
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awesomeanimelover39 · 2 years
Hi againnn!!! Hope you're having a great day!
Can I request for Ikemen Revolution Headcanons Black and Red Army reaction if MC outsmarts them in strategy???
Thank you very much!
Yay!! (sorry this took so long, I have no excuse) When you say strategy, I'm going to assume you meant like a game? If you want something else, let me know and I'll do that as well. (Red Army under the cut)
Requested by @revolutionmc
Ikemen Rev Armies if MC Outsmarts them in Chess
Black Army
Ray Blackwell:
When you challenged him, he didn't miss the glint in your eyes
He sensed a t r a p
But he played along because he was interested to see your skillset
It took you about as long as you though to beat him
It wasn't easy, but it wasn't enough to make you sweat
He's very impressed with you
Ray shook your hand after the game and was about to stand up with a look of defeat when you pulled him back down
You wanted him to buy you ice cream as a reward??
Fine~ you deserved it
He wants to learn from you, perhaps this will help him in the future against Fenrir...
Sirius Oswald:
The fact you were able to find a time when he wasn't lecturing the children soldiers is incredible all on its own
He wasn't surprised when you won quickly
This was something you had told him before you were good at
He challenges you a second time a week later for fun
You gave him pointers on his game and he greatly appreciated it
It was calming to listen to you explain something he knew you were a genius at
He finds someone with a big brain attractive
He also finds someone who understands the battle side of his life a good partner
Luka Clemence:
He only played because you begged him
At some point he couldn't take your puppy eyes anymore and gave in
He isn't ashamed to lose to you
It's better than losing to someone who's bad with strategy games like chess
You honestly went easy on him, but didn't have the heart to tell him that
What you did notice though, was how his strategic thinking was strong yet emotional
When you told him that, he suddenly became very aware of how good at strategy and observation you really were
You're kinda scaring him now
Seth Hyde:
You wanna play chess? Sure ☆
He was actually really good at it
He finds your shocked face cute
But minutes after saying that, he was forced to eat his words when you won and he made the same face
He wonders where on earth you learned to get that good?!
He listens to you as you tell him where you learnt and how much you've played before
Although he's shocked, seeing your strengths and interests makes him feel closer to you
He's honoured to have lost to his MC
Fenrir Godspeed:
*Maniacal laugh*
Now this should be interesting
He's beat you many times before this
Why. is. he. so. GOOOOOOD.
This time however, was different
You had been practicing more and more and reminding yourself of your own tactics
Watching you two play each other looks like a true battle
You're both intense and serious for longer than both of you can remember
It had gotten down to almost calling a draw when you saw it: your chance
Upon winning you stood up and screamed in victory loud enough that Sirius came running in the room
Fenrir claps and laughs while you bow/curtsey and stick your tongue out at him
You both play each other many times after that
He is having way too much fun, and so are you
Both happy you've finally met your match
Red Army
Lancelot Kingsley:
He always enjoys spending time with you, even if you're twitching with fierce competition
You weren't the least bit surprised he was good at this
He was the leader of an army after all he had better be good at strategy
Winning almost shocked you the first time
You actually challenged him a few more times just to make sure you weren't lucky
He didn't like you flaunting how good you were at this game, but he is impressed by your abilities
Low-key though it was hot
Jonah Clemence:
You were a little afraid to challenge him
You knew him to be a mean winner when it came to childish things, but he was an even worse loser
You were sure you were gonna win from the start
His first move was not strong enough and you already had the game in the bag
After kicking his butt, he said nothing
He huffed and spun away from you
But you did hear a small whisper of praise from him
After fifteen seconds of silence he turned back and thrust his pointer finger at you screaming
Dramatic much
You won again
He doesn't mind losing to you, but could you PLEASE let him win in front of King Lancelot???
lol no ❤️
Edgar Bright:
Another one you were afraid to play
But this was because of a more... sinister reason
You were scared he was gonna kill you if you won
When you admitted that he chuckled and placed his hand on your head promising that wouldn't happen
What was unclear was whether he was saying he wouldn't kill you or that you wouldn't win
After winning you slowly pulled his king off the board before making eye-contact with him
He had the same unreadable smile on his face but his hand reached across the board and shook yours
In reality he was just messing with you, he liked how you were brave enough to show him your true strength, and also the fact you were making the face of a doe about to run from a predator
You should challenge him again, he's like a computer; slowly learning from every move you make
Play him too many times however, and you'll find you can't win anymore
Kyle Ash:
Why would you want to play chess?
This seems like something that could put him to sleep quickly
But since he can tell it means a lot, he agrees to play ONE game
He lost fast. Very fast.
Fast enough that you had to ask him if he was faking it so he could stop playing
He swore that wasn't it, he just wasn't very good
When you blushed and asked if he wanted some help, he wasn't so sure at first
But the fact that you would be near him sounded good
What he didn't expect was to actually learn a lot from you and like the game a lot more
Maybe he wouldn't mind playing again some time
He actually asked you to play
He had heard heard you brag of your skills before
He just wanted to see this for himself
He was good, but, not good enough ;)
Upon losing he smiled and looked at you with awe in his eyes
He asked you to challenge the other and prayed you would beat them too
He cheered you on quietly each time
You literally couldn't be any more attractive to him right now
You were focused and confident
He honestly could watch you play for hours
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acosmicblizzard · 2 years
Younger sibling hcs pt.1 (Ikemen Revolution)
Links to other parts: pt.2, pt.3
Slight spoilers for every Black Army route, more heavy spoilers for Seths route. Slight ooc as i have only done rays route. Don't repost my writings, reblog instead! (finally got something out after weeks of not writing-, hope you guys enjoy it!)
Black army
Ray Blackwell
No matter how busy Ray is due to his duties as king of spades he will always make time for you and will never let you feel guilty for it. Even if he is hard to read at times that deadpanish face and those hard to read emotions will completely disappear when hanging out with you. He can't help but smile when he's hanging out with his sibling. If you have magic like him he absolutely refuses to let you feel insecure or like you're a monster because of it like he did for so long. He'll also let you train with him and lance but only after you convince him. You also bond a lot with the king of hearts through this and somehow become his friend slightly to Rays displeasure.
Teasing, teasing, and TEASING. This man will never ever stop teasing you about stupid things you did as a kid or just things in general. But the best thing is you also get to tease him back about some stupid stuff he did as a kid! Like the time he accidentally kicked the soccer ball into a lake and it floated all the way over to red territory and was never to be seen again.
It was a old habit that Ray would read you to sleep when you were younger and it's a habit that Ray has clinged onto even as a adult. If he's available and not falling asleep himself he can and will read you to sleep, quickly grabbing a book that he thinks will interest you from his like piles upon piles of books he has.
Man is ready to throw fucking hands if the magic tower even dares to put their hands on you if you have magic. Man will completely yeet amon into the goddamn sky with 0 hesitation. Just imagine that, ray yeeting amon into the sky.
Fenrir Godspeed
Fenrir is the kind of older brother that would make you come out doing boring errands at like 5 in the morning with him and somehow make them into the most fun things ever. He'll always find ways to make things fun for you and your laughter and smiles make him the happiest brother alive.
Ever get into a sticky situation? Don't worry big bro fenrir's always got your back! You can come to him for anything and i mean anything. Even the absolutely weirdest of things and he'll be right there and by your side. He'll even be there to help you with the simplest things like homework and even if he doesn't really understand he'll still try his best to help you!
Piggy back rides, PIGGY BACK RIDES. Even if you're a full grown adult Fenrir will still want to give them too you and ask if he can. If you say yes this mans face will light up so fast and get into a position where you can easily get onto his back and then run around at light speed to get you to laugh while clinging onto him. And don't think just because you weight more now that you're an adult and not a tiny child you're not gonna get them because this man is strong af and no matter your weight will want to do it.
If you're interested and things like gun ranges exist in cradle he'll definitely take you to one, you're likely to have a pretty good aim with Fenrir guiding you. Fenrir also takes this opportunity to show off to you. If things such as fairs come around cradle he will win every single shooting game ever no matter if it's rigged or not, if you want something from one of those games he will win it for you without a doubt.
Sirius Oswald
Pov: Your brother acts more like a mother hen then an actual brother. Mom jokes aside Sirius would be a amazing brother and would let you have as much fun as you want as long as you're being responsible. He knows how stupid kids and people in general can be since he has the rest of his siblings and the black army to deal with so he'll make sure you know the things to do and the things not to do while still having fun.
If you're interested in it, he'll teach you all about flowers and teach you how to plant them. You two will even plant a flower together and it'll be a special flower to the both of you. It most likely wouldn't be a uncommon sight to see both of you working in the black armys garden, watering and planting flowers. It also helps take some stress off the queens shoulders since along with all his other duties he has to take care of the flowers so having someone else help take care of them is a huge help.
If you're interested Sirius will teach you self defense and how to fight, though you'll never be on his level (at least not for awhile) he'll be a extremely good teacher to you and patient with you. He will be holding a lot back when you two brawl and practice with eachother though since he really realllyyy doesn't want to hurt his own little sibling since he knows he can probably punch you once and knock you out.
Please help him take care of the chaotic ass raccoon he has-. And then you become said raccoons second favorite human and it starts legit running over to you as soon as it see's you. Sirius finds it really funny.
Seth Hyde
(Reader is a child here!) This man is literally the most supportive and protective person mixed into one being ever so he'll somehow bump the levels of support and protectiveness up even more for you. If you ever need anything or need to talk about anything he will be right there.
Also hey! You have a older sister to hang out with so that's a plus! You two always stick together and when seth isn't around to watch over you too you learned to take care of yourselves and work together to do so. But that doesn't stop seth from taking care of you two and doing things when he's around. (i don't know her canon name as i don't know much about seths characters backstory or the rest of his family.)
LET HIM BRUSH YOUR HAIR NOW. Okay toning it down a bit, seth absolutely loves taking care of and brushing your hair even if it were super short. He'll always ask you if he can wash it, brush it, or design it and put it into braids if your hair is long enough.
He will never, ever, let the magic tower lay their hands on either of you. He'll do whatever it takes to protect the both of you no matter what. Even if it means having to work for the magic tower, do all their dirty work, and hurt and kill the innocent, he knows he's not innocent in anyway but he'll pretend just for you and your sister. He'll do anything and everything just to see those happy smiles for another day.
Luka Clemence
Like Luka you were extremely neglected as a child being the youngest out of the other two Clemence siblings. Throughout your childhood it was really only you and Luka with Jonah sometimes being there. But eventually things got tense and fights happened and as time passed Luka ran away to the black army but never stopped contacting you. Always communicating through letters and whenever he could meeting up with you in centeral quarter.
Because of your close relation to Luka you've also gotten a chance to meet many of the black army officers and have become really close with the rest of the chosen 13 like Luka has. You were surprised to see they all accepted you and didn't hold grudges against you for just being apart of red territory like you'd expected them too. Ohh boy when Jonah found out about your friendships though he went absolutely ballistic. Questioning you on why you're even friends with them and if you planned to run away to black territory like Luka and how he wouldn't allow it.
If you want Luka too, he will 100 percent yoink you away from red territory no matter what complaints Jonah or anyone else will have. He would not give a damn and somehow sneak into the Clemence household and bring you too black territory in the middle of the night. Since you won't really have anywhere else to stay Luka has you stay in the black army headquarters sharing a room with you and also probably sharing a bed. You're also the only other person who he trusts taking of stone. He trusts you with his furry friend so you better not break that trust!
Being the youngest sibling of the clemence family will always be a inescapable burden you'll have to deal with that effects how you see the world and the people around you. But with Luka by your side, maybe it's not so bad. You'll always have your amazing brother by your side and you'll never ever lose that.
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toloveawarlord · 4 years
Turning 5- Finley
You can find my masterlist in my bio!
Characters: Finley and Fenrir ft. Luka
Series: Black Army Mischief Maker
A/N: The first story for Finley’s birthday! Her actual birthday was the 12th but I didn’t get this finished on time. Enjoy a little slice of the Godspeeds.
Tagging: @plumpblueberry​ and @christmaswarlock​
and @ikerev-appreciation​ It’s Fenrir’s Appreciation Week and I’m appreciating him and his daughter this week.
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“Slow down, Bug. The shop is open all day long.”
Fenrir’s words fell on deaf ears. His now five-year-old daughter barreled down ahead through the street. A chorus of Happy Birthdays came from all around, as everyone in Central Quarter knew what today was. The vendors and bystanders alike gave a warm greeting as if cheering on a parade featuring only her had rolled into town.
He couldn’t fault her for being so excited. As many times as Finley had asked and been told to wait, waking up in the morning to news that she’d get what she wanted for so long had catalyzed this ball of energy. 
The artist at the tattoo and piercing parlor, Dante, had been forewarned about this event, and had even gone as far as putting up a banner above the chair that had been prepared just for her. “We’re doing two on each lobe, right? That was the final verdict?”
Finley sat in the chair, kicking her feet and radiating with happiness. “Yeah, I wanted one like daddy’s, but he said no. So, I can get two here and here,” Finley said, pinching both her ears between her thumb and index finger.
“You can get it when you’re older.” Fenrir ruffled her still messy hair. He’d barely gotten her dressed properly before they’d left. Next year, he’d wait till after breakfast to tell her about any surprises.
“You really wanted a helix piercing at only 5 years old? That one is really painful,” Dante replied, trying to dissuade her from it. Grown men and women would cringe and cry out in pain with that one.
Her head tilted to the side as she gave him a confused look. “I’m not afraid of it hurting.” She meant every word and showed no hints of fear. Hardly a day passed where the girl didn’t hurt herself in one way or other, running into doors, walls, people, or just getting ahead of herself and falling. Finley simply popped back up and never let it bother her.
Dante and Fenrir both chuckled at her resolve.
Finley never flinched as the needle pinched into her ear. It stung for a moment but not enough to faze her. This might have been the stillest that Fenrir had seen her since she started crawling. Always on the go and never wanting to miss a single thing. His heart ached with bittersweet feelings. How had five years passed already?
Exiting the parlor with the elated girl, Fenrir dug out a few coins from his pocket. “Alright, bug. You can pick out your treat.” This part of the day was a tradition now, for the third year now. With the big party coming later and an ungodly amount of her favorite foods and a chocolate cake, he had to limit the intake of food that she ate during the day.
She rarely had a typical sugar crash, but she’d eat herself sick if he let her.
The young Godspeed took off into her favorite sweets shop. Slipping past the woman and her daughter to get a peek into the case of delectable treats, the conversation piqued her interest.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart but I can’t afford that. We can make something at home for your birthday.” The mother’s dejected voice kept to a hush as she crouched before her child that had an equally crestfallen expression. She brushed her thumb across her cheek to comfort her before taking her hand and leading her from the store.
“Hello Miss Finley. Here for your birthday treat?” The owner of the shop knew her well. A regular customer year-round but he’d marked his calendar of her birthday because he’d gotten to know her so well. She always made an impression and he adored her like a grandchild. 
Finley stood up on her tiptoes to peek over the counter. “Can I have whatever they were looking at? Was it a cake?” 
The older man slid the small cake back to the edge of the counter. “This is it. You want a whole cake?” An odd request. He’d never known her request something so big, especially on this day.
Her head bobbed in response and she dropped the few coins that she had on the counter as the door chimed signaling another customer. Without hesitation she took off with the entire cake. “Thank you!” She called over her shoulder.
“Wha- Finley, didn’t ya want Luka to bake you a cake?” Fenrir had waited outside, chatting to a friend of his that happened to be passing by. Both Godspeeds were popular among the citizens of Cradle. It was hard to go anywhere without finding someone they knew.
“Wait! Hey, wait!” Finley called to the pair up ahead. Her shout turned many heads but finally, the mother and daughter stopped as the girl caught up to them. The cake felt heavier with each second that she held it. “Here, this is for you!”
The mother was stunned for a moment but gave a warm smile. “Oh, sweetie, we can’t accept that. It’s too much for us to pay for.” She could hardly glance at her own daughter, unable to see that flash of hope disappear again.
“That’s okay. I already paid for it. It’s your birthday, right? It’s my birthday too.” Finley offered the box to the girl, grinning widely at her. She practically pushed it into her arms. “I turned five today! What about you?”
Her green eyes lifted from the box to Finley, voice bashful and raspy. “Six.” Her lips tugged up into a soft smile.
A light laugh passed her lips and Finley clapped her hands together. “That’s so cool! You’re a year older than me! Exactly one year! My name is Finley.” Her happy chatter seemed to brighten the mood surrounding the mother and daughter.
“Maria.” Her head turned up to look at her mother. “Can we keep the cake?”
“Mhmm! Mhmm! Everyone needs a cake on their birthday! Luka always makes me a biiiiig-” Her arms stretched out to exaggerate the size, nearly smacking a man walking by. “Big cake! But you don’t have a Luka, so I want you have this one.” Her tone dipped in reverence to the fact that this other girl couldn’t have Luka’s cooking and baking.
The mother glanced between the two girls, unsure of whether to accept or not. “Maria, I’m not sure-”
“Bye, Happy Birthday!” Finley shouted before she took off again. They couldn’t give back the cake if they couldn’t find her. Happiness flooded over her. Maria didn’t need to be sad on her birthday, that wasn’t what birthdays were about. “Daddy!”
Fenrir scooped her up, having paid the last bit of the bill as the coins Finley had left hardly covered the price of a full cake. “That was very nice of you, bug. You’re a good kid.” He couldn’t be prouder of her. Yet, he wasn’t surprised. Finley loved giving gifts to others, to make them smile and feel happy.
“That’s because I’m your kid!” Finley pressed both hands against his cheeks and kissed his nose. “Though I’m ready to go back home. I have something important to do!”
“Oh, and what’s that?”
Her finger hovered in front of her lip and she shushed him. “It’s a secret.”
Fenrir had to check on what exactly this secret mission entailed. He greeted the soldiers as he passed but kept a sharp eye on where his child was intent on going. He stopped in the doorway to the kitchen.
“Luka!” Finley threw her arms around his leg and squeezed him tight.
The Jack continued to chop up the potatoes on the counter but cast a curious glance at her. “You’re back early. I thought you’d be out all day.” His chopping filled the room for a moment as she was strangely quiet.
“I met this girl and bought her a cake cause it was her birthday.”
“Okay?” Luka’s amber eyes flickered to Fenrir and then back down to Finley. He couldn’t figure out what that had to do with her death grip on his leg.
Finley gave a sigh and rested her chin against his thigh as she looked up at him. “I was sad for her because she gets to eat a yummy cake, but it won’t be as good as yours. I’m glad I have you!” How did others survive without Luka’s cooking? She shuddered at the thought of being without him. She grinned up at him. “So, I wanted to come back to tell you that I love you!”
Fenrir couldn’t contain the laughter at the surprised expression that crossed Luka’s features. She’d given up the rest of her day out to come tell Luka about how much she cared for him and all he does, even if she didn’t quite say it all out loud. Even on a day that is completely about her, she showed compassion and gratitude for others in her life. He couldn’t have asked for a better kid.
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carrotwrites · 3 years
Fenrir Godspeed - A Period Problem
Title: A Period Problem Pairing:  Alice x Fenrir Godspeed Rating: M Genre: Slight smut, drama, crack Word count: 1.6k
Warning: Fingering, period blood mentions
Summary: A period problem arises so Alice seizes the opportunity to tease her boyfriend.
(A/N: What did I just write? But anyways, enjoy)
"F- Fenrir..." Alice was writhing underneath the said male as his blunt nails dug into the tightness of her heat. It started off with a casual book reading session while snuggling in bed, but after a few whispers of sweet nothing here and there, the couple found themselves wanting to prove their love for each other. Physically, that is.
She had her legs spread open under Fenrir, his shirt along with her panties already discarded somewhere on the floor. He pushed her skirt right up to the hip and peppered kisses on her thighs, his fingers still thrusting deep into her core. She was fisting sheets and groaning with pleasure. Eyes never leaving that of her boyfriend’s, she watched him caress her body lovingly.
They locked heated gazes and he brought his lips back to meet hers. The room echoed with the erotic sounds of their kisses and the obscene squelches of his fingers in her wet cavern. She had felt exceptionally moist below that day but Fenrir did not seem to mind. In fact he looked happier that she was well lubricated. He probably assumed she was too clouded with desire for him and was aching with need. Not that she wasn't, but something felt a little off today. Alice was a little worried. There was a tinge of pain in her womb but it became barely noticeable when the pleasurable sensations of Fenrir's digits in her quickened their pace.
They broke apart from the kiss with a loud smack, a string of saliva connecting their tongues. His fingers were still pistoning inside her and she bit her lip. "Can you put it in now?"
Her innocent request caught Fenrir totally off guard as his hand halted in their movement, though still buried within her. For a moment, she was confused as her boyfriend stared expressionlessly at her. She was about to ask whether there was something wrong when he leaned down to peck her chastely on the lips.
"Why are you so cute Alice?" He cooed as he slid his digits out of her and reached out to unbutton the buttons of her blouse.
And that was when Alice noticed it.
Blood coated Fenrir's middle and ring finger, slowly trickling down to his wrist. A drop of crimson splattered onto her white blouse as her breath hitched in realisation. It seemed Fenrir had also noticed the blood as he sat up in horror, bringing his hand closer to view. It took a while for him to process what he was seeing and Alice watched his shocked face contour into one of horror.
"Babe, are you hurt?" His voice was laced with panic. He wrapped an arm (the clean one) around her body and hauled her up to a sitting position. "Did I do this? Did I hurt you?"
"Didn't it hurt? God, why didn't you say anything? I think I tore something inside!" Fenrir was high key panicking now as he got up from the bed and rushed to the cabinet.
Alice glanced down to her bare stomach. The growing menstruation cramps in her womb were a clear indicator that it really was what she suspected, just 2 week early. She wanted to scream from embarrassment. How could she ever break it to him?
But wait, Alice halted. Did Fenrir not realise what this was?
There wasn’t even a chance to reveal the truth to him as he was haphazardly ransacking through the drawers in search of something. Alice had to stifle a laugh because it was way to amusing to see him act that way. She bit her bottom lip so hard it almost bled just to prevent the fits of laughter from escaping. Despite knowing it was a mean thing to do, she decided to keep up the lie just for a little longer. She really wanted to know how her boyfriend would react in this situation. And so far, he had not disappointed her at all. 
"You stay here, okay?" He said as he tucked the blanket over her naked lower half, shielding it from view. "I don't want you walking around. It might make the wound worse.” Fenrir had returned carrying a neatly folded towel. He slung it over his shoulders and with one swift move, yanked off Alice's skirt. She let out a yelp of surprise as the cold air made contact with her warm bum. He then proceeded to lift up her legs as he arranged the towel onto the bed where it settled right under her woman parts comfortably. The action was not the least bit seductive, the look on his face said it all. 
The towel he placed under her hips was for her to rest on without staining the bed. The misunderstanding was going way too far it was hilarious, Alice muffled a snort by pretending to sniff. But she couldn’t deny that under this entire false alarm, Fenrir’s concern and protectiveness made her heart flutter. He had rendered her speechless with his thoughtfulness, it was like falling in love all over again. 
Fenrir hastily threw on his grey hoodie before slipping on his gun holsters. After ensuring he had everything he needed, he headed towards the door. "I'm going to call the army doctor to examine you- " His hand halted on the knob, eyes suddenly widening as if he just realised something. "No wait, I can't! He only knows how to deal with external injuries and common illnesses! Ugh! I'll ride over to the Red Army to fetch Kyle. He's the best doctor in Cradle I'm sure he can- " He cut himself off again, emotions starting to whirl inside his troubled magenta eyes.
Alice tilted her head in slight confusion at his behaviour. His face reddened slightly and he muttered petulantly. "But Kyle's a man, you probably won't want him examining you there, don't you? Or at least I don't. No one's allowed to see you like that."
Her heart was racing so fast, she didn’t knew if it was from amusement or adoration.
Fenrir then clapped his hands in resolve. "I'm heading over to the Central Quarter now. There's a female obstetrician I know who might be able to help. Give me 20 minutes, I'll be back before you know it." He walked back to the bed to rest his clean hand on her face.Stroking her cheek gently with his thumb, he gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. Alice hummed contentedly at the warm sensation of his lips.
"I'm sorry for the trouble, Fen."
"No, I'm sorry." He rebutted, retracting his hands from her and clenching it into a fist. "I'm so sorry I hurt you. I can't believe I was too caught up in the moment that I actually didn't notice anything. I'm such a horrible boyfriend." He bit his lips deprecatingly as he rubbed her abdomen soothingly in hope to ease the internal pain. Sure, she was cramping and all but it wasn't as pain as Fenrir made it out to be. Her heart ached when she noticed the poor guy was on the verge of tears.
"There's a handkerchief in my skirt pocket, go use it to wipe off the blood on your hand." She quickly changed the subject, gesturing to the lump of blue cloth in a forgotten corner of the room. Fenrir blinked, seemingly to have finally remembered.
"Thanks, I totally forgot about it." He pecked her real quick on the cheek and retrieved the handkerchief, cleaning away all remnants of red on his fingers. Any traces of moistness in his eyes were all gone as he flashed her a cheeky smile in attempt to hide his inner turmoil. "I'll get this washed on my way out so wait for me okay? I'll be back with the doctor before you know it."
And it was time to reveal the truth before the joke got too far. Fenrir had suffered too much and she wanted to give him a break. Just knowing how much he was worrying made her content. She sat up and called his name right before he left. Then, she briefly summarised the situation and concluded that there was no need for him to go seek professional assistance.
"What do you mean I don't need to get you a doctor?" He clarified, a hand reaching up to rub the nape of his neck. 
"It's nothing serious really, trust me. You can help by getting me a tampon though from the big drawer in my room, second one from the bottom."
And for the next moment, everything became awkward. Alice and Fenrir just stared at each other wordlessly. She was wondering why he wasn't going to help her retrieve the necessity whereas Fenrir looked lost and he blinked repeatedly at her. She blinked back.
"It's just my period, Fenrir. What's wrong?"
The confusion on his face only seemed to intensify. A furrow was etched into his brows and Alice felt fear beginning to seep in. Could it be that he was angry at her? For hiding the truth? Or having to go through that traumatizing incident?
"I'm really sorry for not revealing this sooner- "
"No, it's not that."
His reply cut her off midway, lapping over her words. Alice frowned uneasily. Then what was going on? She was puzzled with his lackluster response. Just what had gotten Fenrir looking so flustered and incredulous? She bit her lip nervously and the features on Fenrir's face softened as he nestled beside her on the bed, interlocking both their hands together. He still looked awfully worried as he played around with their hands, his thumb stroking the top of her wrists gently.
"Are you meaning to say... you bleed every so often down there?"
"But of course, once a month to be precise. It's my period after all."
They shared an uncomfortable silence as Fenrir gazed earnestly into her eyes, his uneasiness only seeming to accelerate. The next question he asked completely took Alice off guard. She wanted to faint from astonishment.
"What's a period?"
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chaosangel767 · 2 years
Baby Godspeed
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Day 4. “Wait a minute—this picnic basket is empty!” - @atelier-maroron's Spring Bouquet Content Creation Challenge
Fandom: IkeRev 
Characters: Fenrir Godspeed x Aria Clemence (ft. Anna Godspeed)  
Type: Fluff - CW: Pregnancy 
WC: 942
Tagging: @thewitchofbooks, @queen-dahlia, @sarahann-1984, @rhodolitesroseforclavis, @ikesimp100, @mojamika, @psychoangelinmydreams, @devildomwritersposts , @aquagirl1978​ @kissmetwicekissmedeadly, @canaria-blackwell , @citizensofcradle, @curious-skybunny​, @littlewitty​, @tele86 - If your name is crossed out I was unable to tag you. If you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know or fill out this form here.
“Hey Treasure, make sure you are back early this afternoon, we are going on a date” The words never cease the excitement in Aria’s stomach, even after all these months. Her hand floats down to her stomach as she packs the picnic basket for their date, knowing that they will be headed to Willow falls. 
“Ooooh, Fenrir and Aria” the singing voice starts but a glare in the general direction has the woman hushing up. 
“Anna Godspeed!”
“Aria Clemence” Anna sasses back the youngest Clemence and Aria sighs, throwing her hands up in the air. Anna slips her arm around Aria’s shoulders.
“You love me” She giggles and Aria grumbles near silently. She gently nudges Anna out of the way while she packs the basket.  Her hand frequently lands on her stomach, the recent news still fresh on her mind. Anna watches worriedly. 
“It will be okay, promise” She giggles. Aria sighs, wishing Rose and Irene were here with her. She gets on with her day, her mind looking forward to the picnic date that night. 
“Ready, treasure?” Aria jumps when Fenrir wraps his arms around her and she nods. Standing up  to walk with him. His eyes rake over her body before he kisses her cheek. They head to the kitchen and grab the basket, before heading to ride out. Night is just falling and the crisp night air has Aria snuggling up into Fenrir’s arms and holding on tight to him. He smiles down at her and once they are in the familiar meadow Fenrir laughs at her. 
“Don’t tease me Fen, this is the first time  I have been out here when the trees and flowers were blooming.” Aria tries to defend, a slight blush gracing her cheeks and Fenrir kisses her, his forehead pressed to hers. 
“You are so adorable” He murmurs and she pouts,her eyes looking down. Fenrir takes the basket and they go to their favorite tree, setting up for their date. 
“Wait a minute - this picnic basket is empty!” Fenrir's frustrated voice pulls Aria from her thoughts and she frowns. 
"What? It shouldn't be, I packed it this morning" Aria panics before she sees the blanket Fenrir had pulled from the basket.
"What did Anna do this time!" Fenrir curses his twin as he pouts up at his girlfriend. 
"Anna stole all our food and left us this baby blanket and these baby shoes" Fenrir grumbles in confusion. He holds up the blanket before his eyes widen. Holding her breath, Aria doesn't move as Fenrir catches the embroidery along the pastel pink and blue blanket. 
Baby Godspeed
Fenrir looks up to a blushing Aria. Her eyes hold uncertainty, but there is a hint of excitement. Suddenly all her nausea and fatigue makes sense. 
"Aria! Are we having a baby?" Aria nods, the tears brimming her eyes, and Fenrir bolts up to pick up his girlfriend. " I can't believe it," he whispers, spinning her in his arms. Aria breaks out in a smile, tears fall from her cheek as she clutches Fenrir.
"Did you plan this?" He asks and she shakes her head. 
"Not for today, I wanted to wait a couple more weeks, but I guess Anna wanted me to do it sooner" Aria kisses Fenrir's cheek and He catches her chin to give her a proper kiss. 
"I love you Aria Clemence, no matter what." He promises, his hand rests on her chest, pushing her down as he lowers his head to press a kiss on her stomach. "I will always protect both of you" laying his head on her chest, her hands going in his hair. 
"Who knows?" Fenrir asks and Aria smiles. 
"Rose, Irene and Anna. Rose knew before I did, her and Irene could sense the baby, that's why she has been so protective. Anna found out because she eavesdropped on me and Rose." Aria sighs, remembering how Rose's behavior puzzled her until the morning sickness struck. Fenrir's gentle touch along her stomach stirs her from her thoughts. 
"When should we tell everyone?" He asks and Aria frowns. 
"We should wait a few more weeks, 2 more weeks until I am out of the first trimester. Then we can tell Ray, Sirius and my brothers.” Aria proposes and Fenrir frowns briefly, imagining the reaction of Luka and Jonah. Mainly Jonah, Aria kisses his head in reassurance, reading his mind.
"It will be okay, Jonah wont do anything, he can't. He has Vivian" laughter laces Arias voice, calming Fenrir down and Fenrir sits up. 
"So never underestimate a brother's love." He sighs, pulling her close and running his hands along the baby blanket. 
"Did she really leave us no food? That is cruel" Fenrir pouts and Aria laughs, standing up and going to a tree. Finding another basket laden with snacks and tea, Aria makes a mental note to kill Anna later. The basket is lifted from her arms quickly and Aria looks up to see Fenrir holding the basket, he guides her back to the clearing and has her stand while he pulls out the proper blanket. Helping her sit down he smiles at her.
"Now I really have a reason to spoil you" he teases and Arias face flares in a blush. She hides her face in her hands and Fenrir laughs. Ignoring the basket of food, he situated Aria in his lap, peppering her face in kisses until she starts giggling. With one arm around her, he makes plates for both of them and their little date continues, a new sense of excitement courses through them in the meadow. Soon their lives will change and they can't wait.
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multitoyheadcanons · 3 years
Mother’s day | Ikemen Revolution Headcanons | Ray, Sirius, Fenrir, Jonah and Lancelot
Happy mother day’s everyone!
Ray Blackwell - Breakfast
Both Ray and his son woke up earlier than usual to make Alice breakfast.
Ray and Alice’s son took classes from Luka through the week to be able to prepare something to his mother for the special day
Ray found out by accident and decided to help out.
The breakfast consistend mostly on sweets and two gifts, Rays and the letter from their son.
It was a really sweet start of the day.
If you are curious about what they did.
It was pancakes.
Somehow they make them look like cats.
Ray also felt bad at the sight of Alice eating them.
Jonah Clemence - Gift
Both Jonah and his daughter spent all week searching for the perfect gift, wich prove to be harder than either of them expected.
Jonah’s daugther came just like her father, kind of bratty and a perfeccionist.
What was perfect for one of them the other would think it wasn’t enough.
By saturday the poor girl came running toward her mother about begin sorry for not having a gift for her.
Alice just smiled and her and her husband and said: “You two know I don’t need anything fancy, but I do have something in mind.”
At lunch time the three of them were at the red army’s kitchen cooking together.
Sirius Oswald - Flowers
The twins were natural at gardening and spent day and night taking care of the plants around the Black Army.
Sirius asked them if they needed help to buy something for their mother for her special day and all they answeared was: “No, we have everything under control!” Creepily in sync.
Wich mean they were up to something.
Oh god it seems that Sirius was going to have to keep an eye on them.
The morning of Mother’s day come and-
“Surprise!” Both Alice and Sirius woke to their room FULL of every flower you can think on. The twins were smiling happily at their parents explaining how they planted all of those in a secret garden.
Well they sure did put Sirius’s suprise bouquet to shame.
Fenrir Godspeed - Last minute
Fenrir almost got a heart attack when he saw his son and daughter running towards him in pure panic.
And got an actual heart attack when they explained themselves.
“Tomorrow is mother’s day! We don’t have a gift for Mamma!”
He totally forgot about that!
He took both of his children and runned toward the central quarter searching for a gift for Alice.
Some of them people around where cracking out a bit at the sight of Fenrir and the kids panic.
There was hardly anything left and they kind of became a Jonah.
It was his son who in the panic jumped screaming: “I know!” scaring the crap out of the people in the store they were in.
Alice and the rest of the Black Army had the biggest  (ಠ_ಠ) face at the amount of food there was in the table.
Lancelot Kingsley - service
Not only there was a ton of gifts for Alice.
Alice was about to be treated like royalty. An idea her son gave to his father.
Wich meant whatever Alice wanted it was going to be brought to her by a silver plate.
The important point to that tho was that both Lance and his son were the only ones to do that.
No maids or other officials. Just them.
Jonah almost lost his mind at that.
“KING LANCELOT!” Jonah everytime Lance tried to do something like take food toward Alice.
It was pretty cute, but their son was against to leave his mother’s side even for a second in case she needed something. He was following her like a puppy.
She wasn’t against it completly but it was kind of boring so...
“I’m going to the central quarter!” “I’m coming with you mother!”
Ofc Lance also came but didn’t take long to notice that this was Alice way to just spend some quality time with her two favorite boys.
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kaeyas-beloved · 3 years
Could I please ask for IkeRev HCs for Ray, Fenrir and Luka. What are they like as Older brothers to a younger sister who’s still a teenager, 16/17 ish?
Thank you!
Ray Blackwell, Fenrir Godspeed, Luka Clemence || Ikemen Revolution
Warning(s): Slight spoilers for Fenrir's & Luka’s route (nothing major tho), maybe some OOCness since I haven't picked up IkeRev in some time - but other than that none (do tell me if I’m wrong though ^^)
Note: Hello! I’m really sorry for taking such a long time to write this (honestly I wrote and re-wrote this a handful of times and I still don't even know if they're that great...)
Still, I hope they’re good enough and that you enjoy them - thank you for requesting!
She/Her pronouns are used to address the reader/younger sister
Older Brother to Younger, Teen Sister HCs 
Ray Blackwell
Ray’s such a calm older brother in the sense that he’s both never intruding in on your personal space & gives you your freedom while still being able to know when he has to step up and protect you (even though he wants to protect you all the time)
Growing up the both of you were close (Fenrir was thrown in that mix too with how often the two boys hung out) But after Ray joined the army, steadily climbing the ranks and you stuck focusing on your studies you guys kind of drifted apart for sometime
You aren’t sure who started it but soon you found yourselves sending each other letters as a way to stay in touch (your letter more often than not having a picture of Belle tucked inside)
The little kitty loves you by the way - you’re his second favourite hooman (it’s cause you spoil him with cuddles), Ray’ll sometimes get jealous when the feline snuggles up to you because he thinks that his own cat loves you more than him
One day though you were walking home from school and passed an alleyway, faintly hearing someone baby talk to something. Curiosity got the better of you and that’s how you found your older brother, cross legged on the dirty street coddling one too many street cats
Though you do travel to that particular spot a lot now (usually as a way to procrastinate destress from school (or simply because you love cats like Ray does)) You’ll also keep them company when Ray can’t
Ray hates it when you go out late at night since anything could happen to you. It nags at the back of his mind a lot, that one day something might happen to his precious little sister and that he might not be there to save you. Old wounds and feelings resurface at the list of possibilities that come to mind.
He doesn’t want history to repeat itself, he doesn’t want to be unable to protect you from danger. So anytime that you visit headquarters and you stay late you either simply stay the night or have an escort take you home. You can choose which option you’d like but Ray’s not taking a ‘no’ as any form of an answer
Calls you dufus just because he can (but affectionately). Might also ruffle your hair and/or pat you on the shoulder
You call him an old man because he can’t stay up past 10PM (Ray’ll then make some kind of comment regarding Sirius and how he’s more of an old man, to which you both laugh until the man himself makes his presence behind you known)
Absolutely the kind of brother to move things you need off a shelf out of your reach before proceeding to walk away with a satisfied smile on his face
Also the kind of brother to tease you about any cute boys/girls/people that he catches you staring at or gushing about (but he’ll stop if you tell him seriously to stop)
Do you like books? Ray likes books. He has a lot of books. Take a book, please he has too many--
If you enjoy reading, Ray is constantly recommending you novels, letting you read them before casually asking you your opinion on certain characters or events when you’re returning it. But even if you're not an avid reader he may still hand you a book or two that he knows you'll enjoy
Like mentioned earlier, Ray is very busy with Army work and such but honestly, out of everyone in the Black Army, he’s the second best person to come to with homework (second only to Sirius). Especially with history. Like, you need the entire history of the Black Army or Cradle? He’s got you, he had to read up on it when he was on the road to becoming the King of Spades.
Really, you could just pop right into his office at anytime, ask your question and Ray will be able to answer without missing a beat before going back to whatever he was doing
You can always come to Ray for anything. Questions, complaints you name it he’ll listen to your woes/answer however he can.
You guys bond over your teacher(s) giving too much homework; Ray reminiscing when he was your age and in high school - he completely understands the struggle (it was excruciating. All the work prolonged the sweet embrace of a good night’s sleep T~T)
There’s someone who’s picking on you? Don’t worry he’ll deal with them >:)
He might not always know how he can help or comfort you since he’s not the best with words when it comes to certain things, but that won’t stop him from at least helping where he can
Will never let anything happen to you -- Ray protects you with his life and he'll use any power he has if it means that you can walk out unharmed, that’s how much he cares for you
Fenrir Godspeed
Fenrir doubles as both your older brother and your best friend
110% flaunts how you’re the coolest little sister a brother could have to anyone that will listen (most of the time it’s the Black Army tho)
Flips between calling you by name, ‘sis’ and any other ridiculous nickname he can come up with (but don’t worry - you have an equally stupid name for him)
Considers you his best buddy (aside from Ray that is)
Fenrir’s also the kind of brother to pat his sister’s head, ruffle her hair, give gentle noogies and shake her around by the shoulders/poke her playfully then go ‘wasn’t me’. Just like these wholesome little things that mean no harm or anything
I also like the idea of Fenrir giving his sister piggyback rides - it's just a nice thought, please don't take this away from me I beg of you T-T
Best bro Fenrir picks you up from school every day, no ifs, ands or buts! Usually, he’ll buy you your favourite sweet/snack and give it to you when he gets there.
Brings Shu Shu along as well and the three of you will talk about what happened at school or anything exciting that may have happened as he walks you either home or to the barracks
You’re both very chaotic + Ray joins in too most of the time. Quite a few pranks happen when you’re at Black HQ (RIP the Black Army when you come over and you three triple team them).
Harmless pranks I promise!
Fenrir may take one of your belongings (a brush, your favourite book or an accessory) and run around the place with the only way of you getting it back is to catch him
There was this one time you snuck tomatoes into his food to see if he’d notice.
Spoiler alert: he most certainly did
After that he kinda ignored you for the rest of the day as payback, pouting and pretending like you weren’t there, saying stuff like ‘huh? Did you hear that?” At the end of the day though he wasn't mad and was able to laugh it off (it doesn’t erase the betrayal he felt tho)
Once in a while you’ll also poke fun at his fear of ghosts, saying off hand that there’s one at the end of the hall, down in the cellar or behind him. You never go too far though - not after the time that a prank of yours left him really shaken. You’ve never seen him so scared in your life and don’t plan to again.
Oliver’s soul nearly left his body when he first met you and learned that you took after your troublesome brother
Fenrir loves helping you with any school work you have cause he likes being a dependable brother for you! …The only problem is that sometimes he doesn’t know how to. Like, he grasps the basic concepts of what you’re talking about, but if you ask him how to calculate acceleration or a parabola he draws a blank - you’ve lost him.
Pls cut him some slack tho he’s trying his best and just the thought alone is sweet 🥺
Compared to his best buddy Ray, the Ace of Spades has quite a bit of free time, which he spends by dropping by the family home where you still live for surprise visits.
Most greetings start with “There’s my favourite sister!” with you adding on “I’m your only sister Fenrir…”
You still welcome him with a smile, open arms and a hug :)
Swears up, down and on his life to keep you and army affairs separate, he’s NOT going to expose his little sister to the violence that comes with his occupation. He stands firm on this decision. This topic is one of the only times you’ll see him actually serious
You’re not stupid though, you know what goes on, and, because of this, every time you hear in passing that the gun crazed Ace of Spades was at it again - launching himself straight into battle - there’s this pang of anxiety that rattles you to your core. You’re sure that there always will be no matter how much times passes
As a sum up - very loving and goofy brother/best friend with the addition of lots of pranks and battle scares 😎✌️
Luka Clemence
You know how in game Luka starts off as kinda cold to MC/Alice? Yeah there's none of that with his little sister
Usually when hanging around her he's most of the time adorning a small smile cause he finds joy in being around her
The relationship you have is a VERY close one considering that, while growing up in the prestigious Clemence household, it was basically you and Luka against the world
Sometimes Luka fears that you’re really lonely back at home because he’s not around as much as he used to be ever since joining the Black Army. Therefore, every week he’s set aside at the bare minimum a whole day (or at least an afternoon/evening) to go visit you - or for you to visit him!
Y’all cooking buddies and I’ll die on this hill
Luka teaches you any and everything he knows about cooking all the way to baking. He’ll even write down recipes for your favourite dishes so you can make them when he’s not there.
Whenever you’re visiting the Black Army and it’s Luka’s turn to make dinner you pitch in and help. He’ll make some of the dishes while you make the others.
The Black Army adores your cooking since you have such a great teacher/brother
Luka lets you hold/pet/feed/take care of Stone. You’re the only exception he makes when it comes to his furry companion
Don’t swear around him he’ll die (that is, after getting told by the other Black Army officers why it's such a bad thing and a big deal)
Lets you hold his sword once but you ended up nearly toppling over because it was heavier than you first anticipated.
Would play the violin for you while you study if you asked him, especially if you bring up that it helps you concentrate better
Sibling fights are non-existent. The only time that there’s a chance of you butting heads is when Luka starts pushing himself too much with training or the conversion involves Jonah
Speaking of the Queen of Hearts--
It’s a constant tug of war between the two brothers on who gets to spend the day with you. Luka’s scowling, Jonah’s pouting and you’re wondering what you have to do to get your brothers to get along (or at least have it where you’re not in the middle of it all)
Very supportive of whatever you want to do with your life. Luka also tells you every once in a while that you can always come live in Black territory or even the barracks when you’re a little older if you want to
All the more should Jonah/your parents ever try to enforce something on you (like some kind of lesson/social norms for Red Territory that you don’t like etc.). Luka will 100% whisk you away into Black Territory to get away from it all, just say the word.
All in all each of the boys are wrapped around their little sister's finger and would do anything to keep her safe and happy :)
Thank you again for requesting!
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