#femme fatale lana nightmare
sweetlacedreams · 24 days
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no man can keep me together
been broken since I was born
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lanaswansblog · 9 months
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cowgrlcunt · 4 months
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caloricangel · 3 months
“You are what you eat” I don’t remember eating an emotionally unavailable cunt who doesn’t know what she wants but okay!
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circe88 · 2 months
I'm not just a bitch i'm a bitch with a backstory
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deadfebruary · 3 months
No because what if the tik tok girls invade tumblr js like they invaded the book world
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blackbeautybaby · 4 months
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Boy don’t get too comfortable cause what I have is untouchable 🖤
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111starlight111 · 1 year
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I have an obsession
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sweetlacedreams · 13 days
posting this here since people on TikTok will never get it
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envynymph · 2 years
i blame these albums for my personality
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rawkirti · 1 year
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I really wanna see ya
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evevonros3n · 8 months
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i’m a vessel for the universe’s frequencies
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lizzygrantarchives · 9 years
Billboard, October 22, 2015
After reinventing herself as a cryptic Hollywood femme fatale, the 30-year-old singer has fought off the haters to become a proper, if unusual, pop star. In a rare interview, she opens up about coping with anxiety, her new-age mentors and how she almost played Sharon Tate on the big screen: “I could have become an American nightmare.”
LANA DEL REY AND I WERE FIRST introduced at an Architectural Digest pimped manse off Pacific Coast Highway during a party thrown, weirdly enough, for Werner Herzog and his bud, the physicist Lawrence Krauss. (Del Rey, 30, has spoken before of her interest in science and philosophy.) On that night, she wore an unformfitting Polo shirt dress with a personal-old-fave vibe. In deglamorized “Stars Without Makeup” mode, she was unpretentious and softly gregarious, like a doe-eyed, underdressed newcomer to the Town. I was at the same table, and she caught me staring off at the horizon. Del Rey was sardonically attuned, nudging her boyfriend, the Italian photographer-director Francesco Carrozzinni, to have a look at the cliché: Old Brooding Man. Her warmth took me out of myself.
Lana Del Rey’s fourth album, Honeymoon, debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard 200 in September, but when I asked if she planned to go on the road to promote it, she shook her head. “I do everything backwards. It already happened — I’m actually done with the world tour I started four years ago, when I needed to be out there. I really needed to be out there singing.”
That exodus was partly born of the need to heal following a 2012 appearance on Saturday Night Live that elicited a slaughter-of-the-lamb storm of derision over the then up-and-coming star’s seemingly zoned-out amateurism. She was tarred as a poseur — part Edie Sedgwick, part Valley of the Dolls, a Never Will Be Ready for Primetime Player — but it turned out that Del Rey was only at the end of Act One in an all-American A Star Is Born passion play of celebrity crucifixion and resurrection.
Born Lizzy Grant in Lake Placid, N.Y., Del Rey moved to Manhattan at 18. “For seven years I wrote sexy songs about love,” she says. “That was the most joyous time of my life.” The screen that so many gossipy personas have been projected onto (rich preppy, suicidal anti-feminist, morbid dilettante) has instead transformed into a nearly religious dashboard icon of ghostly seduction. She’s a global phenomenon, part of the national conversation and cultural soundscape. Nielsen Music puts her total U.S. album sales at 2.5 million, and her videos have been viewed hundreds of millions of times. Del Rey is now a few years into her return from the desert, having arrived on a mystery train of Santa Ana winds, existential dread and “soft ice cream” (to quote her song “Salvatore”) that is uniquely her own.
I meet her for the interview at a John Lautner house she rents in Los Angeles. Lautner was a seminal Southern California architect, and Del Rey says her choice of lodging was deliberate. She production-designs her life. She greets me in the drive — inquisitive, friendly and aware. For a moment, she looks like Elvis and Priscilla, all in one. The hair is old-school Clairol dark, the eyes siren green, the auburn ’do the most done thing about her.
“You’d love my dad,” she says. She was just on the phone with him; her parents are visiting. He’s a realtor, and Mom’s an English teacher whose passion is reading history books. Del Rey lives here with her younger sister, Caroline Grant, a photographer who goes by Chuck. (Del Rey tells me that her sister was so shocked by the force of the fans’ emotions during concerts that she doesn’t take pictures of them anymore.)
“My dad’s that guy with perfect Hawaiian shirts and matching shorts,” says Del Rey. “The other day he said, ‘We should see about getting you a vintage Rolls.’ I said, ‘Um, it’s a little attention-grabbing.’ And he said, ‘Uh, yeah.’ ”
What do you do with yourself now that you have nothing on your schedule?
I go for long walks, long drives. I’ll get in the car and drive the streets, feeling for places. I go to Big Sur. I love Big Sur, but it has gotten so touristy. I went to the General Store, and there were hordes. On a Monday! But I’m drawn there. Sometimes I go to write. I’ve been thinking it might be time to do a longer video, a 40-minute video. I was watching The Sandpiper, and I was working on something kind of based on that.
Have you thought of writing something for yourself? Shooting down the paparazzi helicopter in the video for “High by the Beach” was your idea, no?
Yeah, it was. I’d like to write a book one day. But you need a beginning, a middle and an end! I can deal with four minutes — but I’m not so sure about a book.
Your song “God Knows I Tried” fits somewhere between The Beach Boys’ “God Only Knows” and Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” I’m thinking of Cohen because of that line “Even though it all went wrong.”
I love Leonard — because he’s all about women. Women and God.
Does it all go wrong?
It’s hard for me sometimes to think about going on when I know we’re going to die. Something happened in the last three years, with my panic…
I had read that you were prone to that.
It got worse. But I’ve always been prone to it. I remember being — I was, I think, 4 years old — and I’d just seen a show on TV where the person was killed. And I turned to my parents and said, “Are we all going to die?” They said “Yes,” and I was totally distraught! I broke down in tears and said, “We have to move!”
How do you cope?
I saw a therapist — three times. But I’m really most comfortable sitting in that chair in the studio, writing or singing.
The panic won’t last forever.
I don’t think so, but … sometimes you just want to be able to enjoy the view. I think I’m really like my mother, in the sense that I make small lists. To calm myself down. I reward myself. You know, “If I finish this, then I’ll do that” — I’ll go for a walk on the beach or swim in the ocean. I go for swims and am actually shocked I do that. Because one thing I’m terrified of is sharks.
Do you think having a child would chill you out? Do you want to have kids?
I’ve thought about it. Really thought about it lately because I’ve just turned 30. I’d love having daughters. But I don’t think it’d be a good idea to have kids with someone who wasn’t … on the same page.
Someone who…
Who isn’t exactly — like me! (Laughs.) Though maybe it’s best to have kids with someone who’s … normal.
When was the last time you got trashed by a love affair?
The last one — before the boyfriend I’m with now — was pretty bad. It wasn’t good to be in it, but it wasn’t good to be out of it, either. He was like a twin. Not a facsimile twin, but a real twin.
So maybe finding the same person doesn’t work. Are relationships hard for you?
For someone like me — and it’s not a codependent thing — I just like having someone there. I’ve been alone, and that’s fine. But I like to come home and have someone there. You know, to say, “Oh, he’s here. And this other thing (Mimes a table.) is there. And this (Mimes setting down an object on the table.) is there. (Laughs.) I’m very methodical. I have to be. I’m like that in the studio too. Mixing and mastering can take four more months after we’re done — three to mix and one to master. I like having a plan. Though I do leave spaces for ad-libbing in the studio when I write.
Do you mind if I write all this? Because I don’t want to piss off Francesco.
Oh, he’s going to read this! But he’ll have things to say anyway. He’s very … aggressive. (Smiles.) And besides, I didn’t say he wasn’t just like me.
There’s something weirdly shamanistic about your work. You channel Los Angeles in ways I haven’t seen from anyone, at least not in a long while. Places now extinct, streets and feelings that you have no right to be able to evoke because of your age. And it’s so unlikely that you’re the one to be the oracle that way. But it’s for real.
I know. I know that. I love that word, “shamanistic.” I read energy; I always have. One of the books I love — aside from [Kenneth Anger’s] Hollywood Babylon — is The Autobiography of a Yogi. And Wayne Dyer … I was so upset when he died! [Dyer, part Buddhist, part New Thought motivational speaker, was best-known for his book Your Erroneous Zones. He died in August.] He gave me so much over the last 15 years. I went to see a clairvoyant. She asked me to write down four things on a card before I came in, things I might be thinking about, and she nailed all four. I asked about the man I was seeing — that one, before the one now. She said, “I don’t really like to go there, but … I just don’t see him present.” I went, “Ugh.” She’s seeing the future and doesn’t see him present. Oh, no!
Are you aware of your effect on men?
I’ve only recently become aware of the heterosexual males who are into my music. I remember when I was 16, I had a boyfriend. I think he was… 25? I thought that was the best thing. He had an F-150 pickup and let me drive it one time. I was so high up! I panicked and was worried I might kill someone — run over a nun or something. I started to shake. I was screaming and crying. I saw him looking over, and he was smiling. He said, “I love that you’re out of control.” He saw how vulnerable I was, how afraid, and he loved that. The balance shifted from there. I had the upper hand — until then.
Do you want to be in the movies?
Well… I’m open to it all. James Franco asked me to be in three films that were going to be directed by a Spanish director, and I was hesitant. I think he heard my hesitance and got scared. Someone wanted me to be Sharon Tate. I thought, “That’s so right.” At that time, there were three Manson movies being talked about, but none were ever made. So maybe that was the answer.
Have you ever been the “voice of reason” for a friend in crisis?
I have — I can be. It’s easier to do that sometimes … for someone who’s half-checked out.
Meaning you.
Yes. (Pauses.) You know, I was living in Hancock Park once and thought about a movie idea. I was renting this house whose high walls had been grandfathered in, so of course I kept making them taller and taller. And I had an idea about writing something about a woman living there, a singer losing her mind. She has this Nest-like security system installed, cameras everywhere. The only people she saw were people who work on the grounds: construction people and gardeners. One day she hears the gardener humming this song she wrote. She panics and thinks, “Oh, my God. Was I humming that out loud or just to myself? And if it was aloud, wasn’t it at 4 in the morning? Did that mean he was outside my window?” Then a storm comes, one of those L.A. storms, and the power goes out except to the cameras, which are on a different source. And the pool has been empty for months because of the drought. And she goes outside in the middle of the night because she hears something — and trips over the gardener’s hoe and falls into the empty pool and dies facedown like William Holden at the end of Sunset Boulevard.
For me, one of the most interesting things about you and your story — and of course your work — is that you broke through. That it has turned out well.
I think about it, and I’m so grateful. I am aware that it could easily not have happened. That I could have become … an American nightmare. I see her — Lana — I listen to her and watch her, and I’m … protective.
Let’s end with Big Sur. Do you think your interest is by way of your kinship with the Beats? Your enthrallment with Kerouac?
Big Sur challenges me to surrender. What draws me is … the curves. I’m really drawn to the curves.
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Originally published on billboard.com, and in the October 31, 2015 issue of Billboard with the headline An Inconvenient Woman.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (April 03, 2023)
23:55 Blank & Jones - Darlings (Feat. Laid Back) 23:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:50 India Arie - Always In My Head 23:44 The New Mastersounds Feat. Corinne Bailey Rae - Your Love Is Mine 23:39 Paul Hardcastle - Slippin Away (Feat. Maxine Hardcastle) 23:35 Dreamhunter - Good Morning 23:35 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:30 Velvet Lounge Project - Why Should I Say No! (Flashbaxx Remix) 23:25 Marcus Koch - Leaving 23:19 Nightmares On Wax - Les Nuits 23:14 Rue Du Soleil - Angel Eyes 23:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:09 Ganga, Nikolaj Grandjean - Carry You Home 23:04 Caibedo Island - Catching The Thoughts (Original Mix) 22:59 Weber & Weber - Melody Of Love 22:54 Chicane - Locking Down (Drax & Goodings Room With A View Remix) 22:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:48 Husky Rescue - New Light Of Tomorrow (Bonobo Remix) 22:45 Lemongrass - Come With Me 22:40 Roberto Sol & Florito - Love Finds You (Feat Martine - Original Mix) 22:35 Soul Avenue - Yearn To Love (Original Mix) 22:30 Yppah - Pieces 22:26 Natasha Sas - So Far (Original Mix) 22:21 Lounge Vargos - Follow My Dreams (Sunshine Mix) 22:15 Tetris - Two Hours 22:12 Hot City Walk (Original Mix) - Lasteden 22:09 Anthony Island - Promets 22:04 Marc Hartman - I Can't Stop 21:58 Koala - Floating Pillow 21:53 Andreya Triana - Lost Where I Belong 21:50 Juzhin - Wonderful 21:46 Kyau & Albert - Meteorite 21:41 El Rubello - It's Not Unusual 21:37 Mr Vaud - Life In The Night 21:31 Citrus Jam Feat. Judith Erb - When The Sun Goes Down (Sea Session Mix) 21:27 Clinton Affair - Amber 21:23 Omnimotion Feat. Aleah - Days Of Silence 21:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:18 Vargo - Lovecore 21:09 Jasmon - Delight 21:04 Sven Van Hees - Barracuda Staredown 21:00 Lana Torres - Elite People 20:56 Johannes Huppertz - Freeee 20:49 Bobby Deep - Angel (Christos Fourkis Lounge Mix) 20:44 Naoki Kenji - Let It Flow (Jazz Jazz) 20:41 Garden City Movement - Slightly All The Time 20:36 From P60 - You Take Me 20:32 Gary B - The Moon 20:27 Triangle Sun - Beautiful 20:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:23 Light Of Aiden - Loveing You 20:19 Stephane Pompougnac Feat. Juliette Oz - Fast & Loud 20:16 Blank & Jones W. Coralie Clément - J'en Reste Là 20:10 Roger Sanchez - Another Chance (Afterlife Remix) 20:06 Grooveprofessor - Sunset In Red (Dubai Mix) 20:01 Five Seasons - It's All Good, Man 19:55 4 Wings - Penelope 19:49 Castlebed - Level Frequency 19:44 Aquarius - Clue To A Mystery 19:40 Breakfast Trim - Dubai Sun 19:36 351 Lake Shore Drive - Neopolitan Nights 19:32 Breakfast Trim - Dubai Sun (Original Mix) 19:32 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:27 Venus In Motion - This Love 19:23 The Frost - Volna (Original Mix) 19:19 Cafe Americaine - Beachcruiser (Del Mar Mix) 19:15 Collective Sound Members - Do It Like That 19:15 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:10 J Axel & Astrid Suryanto - Start Receiving 19:05 Gaba Milani - Open Your Eyes (Original Mix) 19:00 Jane Maximova Feat. Dmitry Raschepkin - Morning Bird 18:54 Jeff Bennet's Lounge Experience Feat. Alexandra - Sympathy 18:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:50 Cafe' Ibiza - Take It To (Original Mix) 18:46 Mirage Of Deep - More Than I Can Bear 18:40 Miro - Holding On 18:36 N.juravel - Four Minutes 18:32 Micatone - A Part Of Me 18:29 Ambience D'orama - Liniya Priboya 18:23 Genf - Aachen-brussel 18:20 Bimbotronic - Wherever You Go 18:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:16 Lenny Mac Dowell - Ain't No Sunshine 18:11 Riccardo Eberspacher - Mi Amor Feat. Maria Teresa Pintus 18:07 Dreamhunter - Oude Centrum (Original Mix) 18:02 Weathertunes - Happy Birthday (Feat. Wawa) (Original Mix) 18:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:56 Deeper Sublime - Femme Fatale 17:51 Jean Mare - Here We Go Again (Buddha Chillout Mix) 17:47 Creflex - You You You 17:39 Jozef Kugler - Shaggy (Original Mix) 17:36 Sofa Surfers - Can I Get A Witness (Thievery Corporation Mix) 17:31 Left - Under The Water (Feat. Sethe) 17:26 Ealot - Melting Sun 17:22 Peter Pearson - Drifting Off (Original Mix) 17:16 Deeper Sublime - La Musica Sei Tu 17:11 Gary B - A Better Life 17:07 Have A Good Time - Photo In Lounge 17:03 Lemongrass - Forest Spirit 16:59 Living Room - Underwater Lovin (Instrumental) 16:54 Kaxamalka - Backdrops 16:50 Jane Maximova, Dmitry Raschepkin - Late In The Night 16:45 Artenovum & Frank Doberitz - Colours Of My Mind (Deep East Cut) 16:45 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:40 Max Melvin - Earth Inside (Sunset Mix) 16:34 Boerd - Blind 16:30 Marc Hartman - Never Let You Go 16:24 Silky Wave - Under My Skin 16:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:18 Sue Ballingall & Mickael Couturier - Somewhere Between The Roses 16:13 Miro - The Cure 16:10 Skyshape - Paper Dwarf 16:06 Tomazz - Lucid Dream 16:02 Velvet Lounge Project - You Broke My Heart 15:57 Seven24 - Frozen 15:53 Triangle Sun - Summer Of Our Love 15:49 Steen Thottrup - Sunset People 15:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:43 Giyo - Interplanetary 15:36 Dj Maretimo - Cafe Internacional (Jumairah Skyscrapers Mix) 15:30 Daniele Nacci - Travelling Drops 15:25 Wen - Call Me 15:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:20 Jens Buchert - Lichtwesen 15:15 Trinah - Every Day 15:11 Miss B.t - Right Now (Sweet Lovin-' Edit) 15:07 Luminous - Make It Happen 15:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:02 Climatic - Homeland 14:58 Puch - Still 14:55 Anthony Hicks - I Don't Know 14:51 Dubphonic - Trick Of Time 14:47 Beach Hoppers - One Love 14:42 Rhod - Crazy 14:37 Aquarius - Candles In Love 14:32 Simon Le Grec - I Need U (Smooth Mix) 14:27 Chill Cole - Urban Stories 14:21 Blue Motion, Amplitude & Dina Eve - Kiss The Stars (Intro Edit) 14:17 Kraak & Smaak - Guilty Discomforts (Feat. Wolfgang Valbrun) 14:13 Krono - First Kiss (Feat. Lijie) 14:09 Blank & Jones - My Island 14:03 Charlie North - Saltwater (Ambient Mix) 13:58 Bobsky - Traffic City - Original Mix 13:54 Dido - I'm No Angel 13:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:51 Beanfield - Chosen 13:47 Malia Feat. Erik Truffaz - Yellow Daffodils 13:43 Moca - Flotter Tag 13:36 Azymuth - Morning 13:33 Cherokee Feat. Yeseo - Long Distance 13:27 Jen Meets Kieser Velten - Together 13:22 Index - Noon Hour Blues 13:16 Aqua Mundi - Beautiful Awaking (Original Mix) 13:12 3 Balearos - Summer Breezin 13:07 Dolphin Boy - Shake It Loose 13:01 A La Lounge - On A Lounge Flow (Sunset Dub) 12:56 Stonebridge Ft. Therese - Put 'Em High (Claes Rosen Lounge Mix) 12:55 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:50 Mind Da Beat - Free In The Music 12:46 Deeper Sublime & Coffee Machine - I've Got You (Original Mix) 12:42 Mr Vaud - Digital Inspiration 12:37 Mathieu & Florzinho, Amroota Natu - Maha-amba (Living Room Remix) 12:36 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:32 Living Room - Underwater Love (Original Mix) 12:27 Velvet Dreamer, Tim Gelo, Diana Moon - Sky Is Falling 12:22 Oscar Salguero - With You 12:17 Placid Larry - Dew Drops 12:13 Myth Syzer - Bonbon A La Menthe Feat. Bonnie Banane (Stwo Remix) 12:09 Urban Phunk Society - Into The Blue 12:06 Peter Silence - Boost 12:01 Lazy Hammock - Deep Sunday Bliss (Original Mix) 12:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:59 Luke B - Matucu (Original Mix) 11:55 Lemongrass - Loving You 11:49 Over Soul - Universal Unfolding (Original Mix) Feat. Gram'ma Funk 11:44 Dejamove - Warmin' 11:41 Juzhin - Wonderful 11:37 Amelie - Softwood 11:32 Citrus Jam - Hakan's Way (Jazzman Mix) 11:26 Big Al - Pray For The Living 11:23 Jack Izzard - Deep Relax (Chillin' Groove Mix) 11:20 Randy Crawford - Give Me The Night (Chill Night Mix) 11:15 Dj Maretimo - Sun Addicted (Pure Beach Cut) 11:10 Ambient Lounge All Stars - Club L'amour 11:10 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:06 Vargo - Talking One Language Anniversary Mix 11:01 Megablast - Love Is Always There 10:57 Above The Sky - India (Original Mix) 10:53 Consoul Trainin Feat Joan Kolova - Beautiful (Kosmopolitans Mix) 10:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:49 Triangle Sun - Back To Soul (Instrumental) 10:43 Diario - Indigo 10:40 Lenny Mac Dowell - Ain't No Sunshine (Original Mix) 10:34 Openzone Bar - Seven Seas 10:34 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:30 Thievery Corporation - Until The Morning 10:26 Dadamnphreaknoizphunk (Feat. Jen) - Waiting 10:22 Lenny Ibizarre - Pretty As You Feel (Original Mix) 10:19 Yan C - A Night In Paradise 10:15 Garden City Movement - My Only Love 10:10 Naomi - Anybody Here? 10:05 Marga Sol - Violet Colors 10:01 Chilleando - Sunshine (Californication Mix) 10:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:57 Marga Sol - Love Surprise 09:50 Dimilyan - For Her Only (Original Mix) 09:45 Everything But The Girl - Single 09:42 Lissa - Some Of Me (Feat. Philip Nolan) 09:36 Brainstorm - Maybe (The Equalizers Nuclear Bomb Remix) 09:33 Blank & Jones - High Fly 09:25 Vladi Strecker - Over The Sea (Island Sounds Deluxe Mix) 09:20 351 Lake Shore Drive - Ocean Blue 09:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:16 Papercut - Morning Blues 09:12 Mark Mars - Ship's Lounge (Downtown Slow Mix) 09:08 Planet Lounge - Bossapolari Bossapolari 09:02 Nux - Midnight Stroll 08:57 Paul Hardcastle - Stay In The Moment 08:55 Aurys - Dinner Delight 08:49 Dj Krush Feat. Zap Mama - Danger Of Love 08:44 Jessie Ware - You & I (Forever) (Sg Lewis Remix) 08:40 Soulchillaz - I Want You 08:36 Mellie 0 Neil - Rainy Days 08:30 Craig Armstrong - This Love 08:25 Amberland - Obelisk 08:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:20 Urban Phunk Society - Changing Spaces 08:14 Jane Maximova - Morning Bird (Feat. Dmirty Raschepkin) 08:07 Mo-' Horizons - Superworld 08:04 Thievery Corporation - Stargazer 08:00 Pat The Cat - Hotel California (Feat. Rachel Moreau) 07:55 Massive Attack - Teardrop 07:50 Zenyatta - Swimming Into Vibrations (Ibiza Downbeat Vocal Mix) 07:44 Merge Of Equals - Gravity 07:44 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:37 Sunyata Project - Pi Lo Chun (Extended Mix) 07:33 Linkin Park Feat. Kelli Ali - My December 07:28 Jane Maximova - Puppets 07:22 Gods Blue Chest - Close To The Sun 07:15 Lemongrass - What You Believe 07:09 Christian Hornbostel Feat. Sarah Chris - Looking Back On Tomorrow 07:03 Simon Le Grec - Touch Me 06:58 Jayson House - Time To Rest (Original Mix) 06:51 Project Blue Sun - Show Me What You Know 06:46 Magnus Wedberg - Red Stone 06:41 Hotel Riviera - Another Chance For Love 06:36 Deeper Sublime, Krapan - Je T'aime (Original Mix) 06:29 Ante Rem - Sacra Samba 06:23 Moodorama - Too Late 06:18 Cocogroove - Puerto Azul (Blue Waves Mix) 06:14 Paradise Airlines - Nassau Beach (Paradise Chillout Mix) 06:09 Jens Buchert - Helios 3 (Mind Flux Mix) 06:04 Lemongrass - Frozen Boy 05:59 From P60 - You Take Me 05:54 The Diventa Project - Still Raining (Rnb Remix) 05:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:48 Lounge Traveller - Many Places 05:42 Solanos - After The Rain (Original Mix) 05:37 Rebekka De Rosa - On A Different Page 05:32 Ku You - 40 Degrees 05:26 Aandra - Baak Waa 05:23 Youth & Troy Gunner - Under My Heart 05:18 Paul Hardcastle - In The Key Of Time 05:14 Mazelo Nostra - Angels Are Coming 05:14 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:08 New Beginning - Another Day 05:04 Green Rabbit - Primal Self 05:00 Stephen Emmer - Under Your Spell Ft. Chaka Khan (Moods Remix) 04:56 Jazzamor - Sometimes 04:50 Shakedown - At Night (Afterlife Remix) 04:46 Baxx - For Time To Love You 04:40 Blank & Jones - Unknown Treasure (With Claudia Brucken) 04:33 Blue Lotus - Eshu Igelu 04:29 Lunatic Soul - Time To Remember (Original) 04:24 Lemongrass - Femme Fatale 04:19 Leonard Sign - Sea Of Shinas (Beauty Atmosphere Mix) 04:14 Dzihan, Kamien - Ocean Air 04:07 Bruno Be & Alvaro Brites - Seasons 04:01 Guru Sax - People Can't Stop Chillin (Costes Buddha Hotel Mix) 03:57 Soundset City - Come With Me (Deep Lounge Cut) 03:53 Deeper Sublime - Japanese Garden (Original Mix) 03:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:47 Beach Hoppers - Bit By Bit 03:41 Atrium - Praise For The Beach 03:37 Emancipator - Jet Stream 03:31 Atb - Some Things Just Are The Way They Are 03:26 Castlebed - Heaven 03:20 Velvet Dreamer - 1000 Miles Away 03:15 Afterlife - Dub In Ya Mind (Beachclub Mix) 03:10 Hotplay - Turn Around - Guitar Del Mar Mix 03:05 Velvet Dreamer - Crystal Water (Five Seasons Remix) 02:59 4 Wings - Penelope (Original Mix From Cafe' Del Mar) 02:55 Urban Phunk Society - Self-made Paradise 02:50 Mads Arp Feat. Julie Harrington - Alive 02:45 Mirage Of Deep - Stone Words 02:41 Furns - Fortress 02:35 Boot Cut Rockers Feat. Mica Wanner - Sunflowers 02:28 Sonic Adventure Project - Haze 02:24 Groove Thievery - Killer (Bargrooves Mix) 02:19 Gary B - Never Been Free 02:15 Jakatta - It Will Be 02:10 Vargo - The Flow (Aural Float Mix) 02:10 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:06 Thunderball - Dub Science Feat. Zeebo 01:59 Starshine Bros - Coffe Relax 01:56 Alien Cafe - Chloe Says (Original Mix) 01:50 Cafe Americaine - Marina Beach (Guitar Flow Mix) 01:42 Vladi Strecker - Meditation In The City (Smooth Evening Cut) 01:38 Five Seasons - Dreams Come True 01:33 Atb Feat. Melissa Loretta - White Letters 01:28 Jens Buchert - Luminous 01:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:23 Frost - Amygdala 01:16 March & Starseeds - Strange Planet (Zouk Mix) 01:10 Dj Mnx - Emotions May Fly 01:06 Kidnap Kid - First Light 01:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:02 Malkou - Chateau De Vincennes 00:58 Mark One & Kevin Shawn - Between The Lines 00:55 Mara J Boston - Precious Diamond 00:50 Eriq Johnson - Femme Fatale 00:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:45 Sven Van Paapen - Love Me Slow (Smooth Vocal Flair Mix) 00:40 Faro - Subtle Land 00:34 Christos Fourkis - If You Love Me 00:29 Pier-O Feat. Marga Sol - Air Of Love (Original Mix) 00:24 Dream Pawn Shop - We Are Looking For Love (Vocal Chill Mix) (Ft. Shima Premal) 00:19 Merge Of Equals - Don't You Know 00:14 Riccardo Eberspacher - Malay 00:09 Club Salinero - Shade In The Sun 00:09 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:06 Peter Pearson - A Walk In The Park
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brooklynbaby115 · 2 years
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